- IfilWIIIJN " "'""J L . --111 J AiOTE LINT. JLt A H PGXXSTLVAX1A. The fnllowind lint shows the rurnnt value of all Pennsylvania Bnnk Notes. The tno't implicit re. li iiirp miy le placed Upon it. ss it i evry week ranfully computed with ai d corrected fiom Biik mil's Reporter. ilauks In riilladclphln. ... , Pise. i .MM. I.UCATIU.1, PuiLAt. par . par par . pr par . par par . par par . par pur . par par . par par NOTES AT PAR. Punk of North America Bank of the Noill.crn Liberties . Bmk of I'rt Ivnnia . Rank nf Peon Township . Oornrcn-ial Dunk of Benn'. . Fwn us' and Mechanics' Bank . Oi-r.l Bank . . Kpnt'rgton B-irk . . Manufacturers' ct Mcchanici Bunk M ccli nn ii-a Rank . . Mo smrnsing Dink . I'l ilad.lphi Bank lm llttlJ Bark Snuibnaik Hank . Wiatein Bunk Country Danlis. Ptltkbutg Westchester Bank of rutsliutg Dunk (f t'licfivr County Bul k of Delaware County Bank of Gcrmantown Bank of Lcwistown Bonk f MidJIctown Bank of Montgomery Co. B.ink of Northumberland Eciks County Bank Columbia Bnnk &. Bridge co. Carlisle Bank Doy lesion n Bnnk Ea.non Dank Exchange Bank IKi dii branch of Fairness' Bank of Bucks co Faimera' Bunk nf Lancottei Farmere' Bank of lieadirg llnrrixbuiR Bank Iioncna'cr Bunk Lebanon Bunk Merchants' cSc Manuf Bnnk Minora' Bank of Pottsvilie Northampton Bank 'I'owanda Bank Wrgt Biarch Bank W yoming Bnnk Olice o! B ink of Penn'a. Office do do Otlico do do Oilieo do do par par par par pir par Cheater Germantown I.ewistown Middlctown Norristown par Northumberland par ncaumg Columbia Carlisle Doylestown Canton Pittsburg Hnll.daysburg Bristol Lancaster Reading Harrifburg Lancaster Lcbam b Pittsburg par par par par par par par pai par par par par par par par per Pottsvilie Alleutown Towar.dn Williomsporl Wi;kebutre par Hmsbuig These Lancaster I offices Readily f do not EheIoii J issue n. DISCO UN T. NOTES AT Bank of the United Mntca Philadelphia 19 Office of Bunk of U. S. Pittsburg 1 9 Do dii do Erie 19 Di do do New Brighton 19 Kensington Sav. Ina. A ' do Pcnn Township Sav. I n a. do Bul k of Chambcrsburg Chamber. butg 1 jWk of Gettysburg Gettysburg l B:ink nf Suiquehanna Co. Montrose j Erie B.ir.k Erie Fntii.rrs' & Dtovcra' Eci.k Waynrsburg S$ Franklin Bank Weshingtou 1$ Uiiiufdnlc B.nk Honesdula j Mniu iigalirla Bank of B. Brownsville 2 Votk Bank Yoik Ij N. B. The notea of those banks on which we omit quotations, ond substitute a dash ( ) arc not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which hate a letter of reference. BROKEN' BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ina. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loon Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ina. do filled Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyolt, prop.) futled Aiit-gnany iiank ot I'o, Bedford no sale closed ch'fed l.il.d Bji k cil Beaver Beaver Ilanisburg Washington Belli fonto Pitttbuig Pitlslurg Fayette co. Ciriencast'e Hcinioi.y Hunting. Inn I.eivUiown Wurien Duildair New Hop Millon Meudvillo Port Cuibun Carliulo Monlii so Uniuntcwn Bai.k of Svvalara Bai.k of Washington Cei'lie Bank City U,i,k Farmer' & Mcdi'cs' Bul.k Fcrrntrs'cfc MechVa' Bank Far ini ib &. Meiii'ca' Bai.k Ilannony Inriituto Huntingdon Bank J 'l.i:ila Bank l.iui.l t riiifij's Bank Noi .hi rn Bank i f 1'a. Niw Hope D.I. Bii.'gc Co. Norihurnn'd Union Col. Uk. Nilh WcHi rn Bask of Pa. Oif.ce ol Sel.nylkill Bank Pa. Ar. & M-.,i,tr. Bank Silvei L.ikrBar k Union Bai k if I'ecn'u. W enn oitland Bank Vi:k'lanc Biid-e Co. cl at J no a'e fai'ed failed fmlid no ale no sale no s .le faded IiO ule doted no sale cloud fulled lailtd closed failed closed Cirrei.tl.urg Wilktahane no sale (Q All mtis purpoitii g to I on any Punnfyl vf.nia Eai.k imt given in the uhova h.t, may be act down as lruudn. SEW JERSEY. Bark rf New Biuntwitk Brutmick fails d Belvideie Bai.k L'clvidtie Spin But hnjston Co. Bank Mt dfurd par Cfinn ucial Pink Pmh Arabny lm Cunilul.u.d B .ii. k Brideoton par Famuii.' B..r k Mount Holly par Fat nn t' uid Mechanics' Bk Bahwny tjm Faniicr. ond Micb.unica' l;k N. Biunsniik failed Fnnm r' nnil MtilinniiV Bk Middlrtown Pt. 1pm Jertrv t.'itv fd.lfil Frank:in li-n k of N. J, llobokeu Brg& Giuzmg Co Hubuken failed Jt rsiy City Bn.k Jiltcy City tailed Mtcl anils' It.i.k Putins. m Mai.ul irtur r.' B .i k Belleville Morns Con. pany Uai.k Murristuvin Monmouth Bk ol N.J. Fieih.ild Mi char.ii ' Bji. k Ncw.ik Mechanic.' and Unuf. Bk Trenton Morriii Canal and Bkg Co Jusry City l'ot Nod a Kiwa'k Bl.g oc Ina Co Ncwaik '.failed tfili'd tar failed pin par lpm HO sale 2pm Nn Hoi f I'll Uiidgr Co Lamheitaville par failed failed Iim N.J. Manure, ai il Lkg Co HoUktn N J 1'ioiecnon &. LuiuLaid Ik Jerfey City Orange B .1 k Orange l a ir...n Bank Purun fulled Spm par TeipUs' Bai k do Princeton Bji k Prii:ceton Soli in Banking Co S.dem Bt .te Bank Newi rk Bta;e Bank Elmbeihtown rMate Bank Ci.n.di n Slain Bai k of Morria Morrittown Stale Bank 'J unto!! S..I1111 1.111I )'Iii!bJ Mi.tiuf Co Salt in tusi X L'ni.k Niw k m Trent. I. l.ing Co Tiri.tnn I'i 1. n Llbi.k llnur a.lai.giili Bat king Co, llaekn sjik UIXA'WAllE. Lk nf Wilm & Brand-, whit Wiminglon 1 link i f Dilaau W'lUnu glou L.nk ol So jrna Bu yin Do 1'iorrh Mihoid Fainir.' Ek ofSiarofEei Doer Do brat.i h N ilmirgton 10 bronch Georgilowo lo liunih NiWiai-tla UnimBr.nk Wiluiii.gton CO" I'ndir V par Spin 2pm par Spin failed full. ljim Vj in I, in fa.kd Cj" On a. I Ui ks ronktd tl.uf ( 1 there ire ei- tLn t ounteili t or alteiiid nolisof the various de MBiualions, ui vmuK'tnn. mmm a s a linnnri'llc!) d remidy fur common Colda, ronuhn, A-llimn, Infiuei ra. Whoonins Cough, Brom hitia, and all disease of die Bresl and Lung, leading to conpnmpti'in j compoFed of the concen trated virtues of Hori hound, Bonaet, Blood Root, I-iverwort and cveml other vegetable aubatancea. Prepaicd only by J. M. Wimuw, Rochester, New Voik. The Innocence and universalis admilteil pectoral viilueaof the Heiba from which the Balsam vf llorthovnd ia made, aie too generally known to re quire rrciimnien.'a'i.iii it ia iheiefoie only necesaa ty to ob-erve that thia Me.lielne containa the whole nf their Medicinal propntiea, highly concentrnted, and ao happily cotnbtnrd with aeveial other vego table aubatancea, aa to render it the moat speedy, mild and certain rnnidv, now in ute, f. r the com plaint aliove mentioned. The Balaam reniovea all imflammation and anre nei ol the Liiiirp, lunsena tough visid phlegm, eu obling the patient to expectorate with ease and fiee dom, aasusgea cough, relieves athmatie and diifi c nit inspiration, Inula the injured parts, opens the porfii, and com oscs the dinturbcd nerves, and gives aircngih to the Undei Jungs, and thus producea a ajifedy and lasting cuie. Ijor.titcpi jstus BAStsT cniMi is Maw. We are not among that clss of Editora who for a fen- dollaia will, (it the expense of truth and ho nesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid lala ; neither aie we wilhrg to lemain ailent, afier having tested the utility of an im rovement or di' coveiy in science or ait. Our readers will recnlloct we told them we weie uuw II wi h a (ore tliroat and violent cold Borne few wei ka ngo. Well, we pur chased twobottlea of WIXSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND, and ao sudden w the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Thote who are aOlioed, may try it upon our recommendation. LtwUton Telegraph. For aale by IlENKY VOXTHEIMEB, Suniury, JACOB BRIOIIT, yorlhumberlund. Also, by Drugcista generally throughout the country. q Pi ice, 60 cents per bottle. Auguft 14th, 1641. ly. La CD CO 121 CZOBm.nO 3 THIS MACHINE AGAINST THE WORLD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. AVENPORT'S Improved Patenl Threshing Machine and Horj-e Powei, which threshea mill cleans at the same time an invention for which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which tenders the abovo machine perfect and pant further improvement. J hose who have I een waiting for something hitter than heretofore ofli red for sale, will Cud this to be the article. Come see it and judge for youiai lve. The subscribers have purchased the tight of the above Machine and Horse Power, for the coun ties of NonTHi.MDr.ni.Asn, Ltcomiko, Clistor, and Union and also, the privileges of vending them in uny oilier places for which (ho right has not been pievjoui-ly sold. The advantages which thia Machine has over all others invented are many and obvioua. One boy and three men can do all the threshing and cleaning ol 160 bushels of wheat in one day and thia usually takes tcven handa one day and three the next. For field threshing it takea the lead of any thing in thia world no grain is scattered or U'Kt. Such ia (he superiority of the Horse Ponrer, that time horses can ibreh aa mucb with it aa four can with any other. The Machines and Horse Power will be sold together or aepi rate, to suit purchasers. Made and sold in Milton, ly the sulscribers. M. WELCH, WM.H. POM P, IlENKY FLICK. Milton, April 17, 164 1. THRESHING & WINNOWING MACHINE Having had in use, one nf Dnvi nt on'a Patmt Thrcrhing and Winnowing Machines, sndleii g rri eutcdlv called upon for our opinion in regard to their value, diii;.bilny and advantage, we make, Iree to state, that tbry excird in oor i pinion, any J l.ioli rg Machine we ever Ufoie wilnrsatd in ure. j tii' v will thresh aiul clean, LI Lr ntaiket 2(10 boshilKof I ent er day, and this with the Bid of three hands brgnlcs the driver. 1 1 (Slraw ia afstd off fiom the grain on an incline plane, rx tending about 12feitfroni ti e Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lot.t. hat ia J come lirioitnue and greatly ao, is the fact that nodut tasi-ca from the Machine to the man who feeds it. The Hore power seems to lie perfection itulf three horrcs may woik it witheiue and then fastest gait need only be the ordinaiy longh gi.it. Ut must chceifully licoinnirnd li e Machine to Farmers II. ey aie inanufactuiid tu .Vinon ly Mesnn.Wekh I'omp ai.dFmk. 1 111LIP HII GEKT. JOHN B 11KI.LLR Chilifquaque tfl p., Nort'i'd co, Match SO, 14 I 13RADY'S HOTEL. DAM ILI.r, COl lIItll COIM Y, I'tani) n suia. rfflHE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs the B public, that he has remowd from the town of CuitawitHX to VurtiL't, and that he has purchased in that place, the Lvrgt una t'ctnmidiiui DRICK II O V R K , AT TIE Conn III OF MILL A X 1 M t UK XT STBIATS, C Oppttttt tht Ctiurt-lltute, J W hich he has fifed op by the erection firr.-iVo of ADDITION A I. Bl MLDINGS, and Uextenkive STABLING, for the rcr-LitlSa-lainmenl rf TruvtL'ets end Viiiturs. He ia now prepared to acrommi daie all who may favor him with a call, and l.e woulJ aiate that tie. thing in his power shall be lift t ndoni', to render his customers comfortable and ha py while undei his laie. )lis accommodations are ample, and his n.oin , - 1 - 1 ? 1 . 1 . . . luriiikiieu in mocern a'yie, i-nu the proprutor la de- termini d that his e.inl lishinrnt thall utlain and keep up with the grrwing reputation and ilipoi tance of the town in which it ia loct d. Ilia Tabi ill be supplied wilh every luxury of tnc . aron, anil the but ana cluiicett varxtty tht murht can vfTurd. Ilia Bar mill le atred with all the best ui tides thut tan le furr.ithed by our emu, ami ttie wnolu will lie sucli aa to give sails- laclion to every oi;e. ill knouing that an rn'igh'encd pubic will a! aja jui'ge f. r them-i Ivra, he feels confident that tl.ey will favor him with iheir p.tronsge. SAM I EL A. BRADY. Danville, Jan. 30. par par SLF.APJU STING LOG lilt ACE FOR SAW-MILLS. Br BxKJANial N. Cl'tHWA. par par par rPHE Fubi-cribcrs having purchaai'd the light for - vending and baing the above valuable inven. tinn, for NoiihuiilKiUnd County, ofler 10 difpo.e pat par pai I me au. r 10 .erkona wun may ilitnc lo purch par i ne atiuv invention is now in opiiaii. n at the an w null ol .Mr. l Laity, near bcnhuiv. w le inspicted by ewutr of saw uulia ai d all tliuu tntereseo. tidblN. Mxrcb Htik SAMUEL tOltl.N. mum A N XI. IMPORTANT TO ri'HE Undersigned lake pleasure In submitting I lo the pub ic the following Recommendations of Pratt'a Cast lion Smut Mill and Grain Duller lo all dealers in Gtain and manufnetora of Flour, be lieving it to be auperior lo any thing of the kind ever off ted lo the public. All ordera addieanrd to Jul. J. M'r aJUen, Ajcwiahiirg, union county renn aylvauie. EBENEfcZER SQlvIKE, JACkaurt si'iAuwiti. CF.tlTiHCJITF.8t Moatx't Mill, Centre Co., March 80, 1841. J. M'Faiiihh 8m I cheerfully testify 10 the gondne t and durability of Pratt'a Cant Iron Smut Mill aid Grain Huller, as being a far auperior arti cle for the cleaning of amuland all other impuritiea that I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in tho manufacture of Flour for greM many years, and have always tried to have the heal apparatus for manufacturing that could be got, and do say ihul the above muchine is the beat apparatus I believe now in use. Joni Moati. Bloomtburg. Dec. 20, 1840. Cot. J. M'FAnnin Sin t In reply lo your favor, received a few days since, I have only to say, that the fact of my having introduced into each of the tour mills that I em concerned in, one of Pratt'a Cast Iron Smut Mills, is the beat evidence I ran give you of their utility, Youra truly, Wx, M'Kstvr. Milton, March 17, 1841. J. M'Famdix Sin 1 I do heicby certify without any hesitation, that Pratt'a Smut Mill and Grain Huller is the most perfect machine to cleanse grain of smut and all other imperfections, that I have ever seen, and I believe I have seen all the kinds that aio now uaedin Pennsylvania, and I must say that there is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will ci me in competition with it. C10. Ecu ut. Cot. J. M'FAtinin Sin : Pur ng the past 24 yens I have been con-lanlly engaged in manufac turing flour, and during the laat 12 years have been the owner of a grin! and flouring mill, and among all the contrivances in remove impuritiea frum grain I am decidedly of the opinion that Pratt'a iron ma chine ia superior to any with which I am acquiinl ed, having used one in my mill about eighteen months. FHcnxnicx Haai. YorkiMrt M1II1, Dec, 1840. I want in my flouring mill as good an apparatus to prep .re grain for flouring, as brbcst. and I want no l etter than Pratt'a Cast Don Smut Mill. It will remove smut entirely no mistake, M. Cleavox. Sunbury. December 2", IS 10. Cot. J. M'Finin Sim 1 have in my mill one of Prnti's cast and wiought iron spiral Smut Mills and Gram Huller, ami am confident that in regaid to simplicity ot construction, and durability nf mate rial, it ia superior lo any I oin acniir.tnted with. llr.nnT MAMin. Bear Gap Mil's, Dec. 22, 1840. Cot. J. M'Fahius Si n : 1 have in my flouring mill one of Prait's Cast lion Spiral Smut Mill, and I am decidedly ol the opinion that il ia the best machine to prepare grain lor flouring that I am ac quainted with, and as such cheerfully recommend it lo all who aie engaged 111 the manufacture of dour. Jacoii LrtKunntno. Aaronsburc, March 23, 1MI. Cot. J. M-FAmum Sirs I lake pleasure in sav ing that Piatt's Cft Iron Smut Mill U one of the best improvements for tho cleaning of grain of all kinds, that has vet come undir my observation, and that I believe it far superior to any thing of the kind ever invented. You may use mv name in any way you think proper. O. P. Dt'ncAn. Crtron Mvt, Jan. 14, IS4I. This is to certify that I have had Pratt's Cast and wrought iron Smut Machine and Giain Huller in use lor better than 12 months, and find it lo answer every purpose lhal it wa intruded for. Smut can be taken out of wheat I Lehee eveiy particle or it can bo taken out w ithout busking the grain of the wheat. Jon !'lack. .(4frintu. Match CD, 1841. Cot. M'FsriniK ."in : 1 have been engaged in manufacturing Sureifme l'li.ur for many ar, and have st thia time one ol Prnti's Smut Mills in each of my mills, and I do belt by reicmmi rd them as the most valuable impiovt men! for cleaning w heat of smut and all other inij unl.e ., that I am acquainted j wiih. Jams Di'xcak. Cot. M'FaMiik Sin : I have been engaged in the manufacturing ol flour for 28 years, and moat cheerfully recon.n.i nd the nbove mat lime, as being bv fit the bi at y aratua for cleansing grain that I have evi r uid or seen. I considir 11 an inilisirn- sible article for any mill that pietendk lo do any bu ainisA. Joiih FlMtt.H. .Iqutdutt Mills. Dec. 24, ltf40. Cot. J. M'FAiibin Siu : Biatt'a Cat Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill olout three years since, and I believe it ia the I t st article of tlu.t kind now in ua. It will not only rvmov smut er.'eiely, but is a mot-t valuable epparatua to clean wheat and rye of any character, and prepare 11 lor flouring. Benjamin Uo"Si. Lewilburg, Dec. 22, 1840. Cot. J. M'Tadius 1111: After a caieful and candid examination and trial of the machine, in re gard toconsjruclion, ncamet and despatch in exe cution, economy in price, and potter In set in ope ration. I am fully convinced and salirfitd, that the machine above alluded to, ia ticond to no one in use. J. Mohkow, Milbr and Flour Manufacturer. Cuttcuiua, Dieimbtr 5, 1940. Cot. J. M'Fadpik fc-m: Fran's Cast and Wn.ught Iron Spir'.l rmut Mill and Grain Huller, I compiler to be the list machine to 11 move smut and other impurities to n hich grain is subject, lhal I l ave used, or wnu which 1 am acquainted, In re gard lo dura'iility of material, sin.plici y of conuui lion, licit ni and deipauh in execution. Jostm I axto. N. B. The above marhinea aro manufactured at lite Lewisburg Fl uidity, Ui ion county and at the Bloomtburg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. J.ewial urg, June 19, 1F41. IMiciint'l Weaver V Son, ROPE MAUEBS & SHIP CliANSLEES. No. 13 North Water Street. Philadelphia. A v t. constantly on band, a geuerul assort ment of Cordage, Seine 1 wines. Ac. viz; lai'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Rones. Manil la Ropes, Tow Lints for Canal Boats. AUn. a 1 complete assoitment of Seine Twines, Ac. such st Hemp H,,ad and liming Twine, Ben Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad snd Herring Twine, Shoe I breads, cVc. &e. Also, Bed Cords, rh ugh Lines. Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chain. 4c nil of which they will dieptse of on icasonable leims. Philadelphia, Novemlier 7, 140. TlERlChTTlANSETTL it CO'S. WHOLESALE CRY GOODS STORE. No. 100 1-2 Market Street, Phila. (Below Fifth Stuthtide 1 LWAYti ktepou hand a full and eeneral as- fi.rtiniut of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancv Goods. t-ountry Miichanla are respectfully reiji.eted tu give tin m a call and examine for tin m elvis. i hiladclphia. Noveniler 7, lt40. ly. Eirnrcooi)c:a No. 138 Market Street, Philadtlj hia. INVITE the attention nf Country Meuhants to their extensive assortment ol British French and American Dry Gooc'a, which they offn forasle on the most iraaonabls firms. PbiMslphin, November 7, 1640. ly. CITY AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. Number 29 Korth Third Ulrctt, rhiladtlphia PUBLIC SALES of Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Books, Stationary, Clothing, Boots, Shore and Hats, and in short almost every description of gooda, are held at thia eatnblishinent every evening. Gooda are aho sold nt private aale during the day at the average auction prices. Hi ore keepers and traders will find it lo their advantage by attending the Fairs. C.C. MACKEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. .Inroli ri iMiiiutli Si. Son "Bn ESBECTFLLLY informs their fnenda and JE. ncquaintancea generally lhat they still con linua to keep nt the old stand, Io. 240 IN or in 3d street, Philadelphia, all kinda nf TOBACCO SKVFF AND SEGARS. Which they will acll on the moat accommodating and reasonable terms. N. B. All eoods told will be guaranteed, and all ordera promptly attended lo. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. iTETEirDEW EES, LAST MAKER, N. 74 Callovhill Street, Philadelphia, ("Three doort above Second. J CHOF. Findings always kept on hand, which he AA offers for sale on the lotve.t terms. Country Merchants ere particularly to call and judge for themselves. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. lv. LOWER 6i BARRON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Haidwarc, No. 174 North 'i n inn Strut, PuiLiDrtriiiA. w -w . , . a-..-..... , . .... 1 i m.ir. mcir nicnoaanu customers win aiwaya ' find a largo ami general asortmi lit of Foreign and Domestic Haidwaie, w hich they will sell at the lowest prirea, Philedclphia, November 7, 1840. ly, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY No. 29 North Water Street, Phila. ANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oila of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than Ihey can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving aa lepresented, may he returned without any expense to the pur- cb liner, and the mnnev will be refunded. Their stock now in store conaisl of the following oils, viz: 3(1 (MM itiallnna Winlpr Hlmrhpit Snf!m O ET 3 n j cr Oil, 6000 do do Colorless Oil, 15,01)0 do Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, 10,000 do Winter Sen Elephant, 20,000 do do Pressed Whale Oil, G00O do Summer do do do 15,000 do Common Whale Oil, 2(10 Barrels superior Straita Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 50 do Nca's Foot Oil, 75 Canka Olive Oil, Tanner'a Oils. fTVThis Company has a number of Vessels en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon petting at all timea Oil aa pure as imported. 1'hiladelphia, Nov. 7, 1S40. ly. ATTE1TTIC1T. fTMlE special attention of huyeis fiom the south A. and west, nnd for the state traile, ia respectful ly invited lo the following asotlmcnt of GOODS, which the aubacril er will dispose ofalauih prices aa will amply lepay his friends for calling and ex amining hit atock. To CASH purchasers, at the present lime, extiaordiuaiy inducements will be of fered. 200 pieeca heavy variegated Spanish man'rig, 500 pieces Canton m.itling, asroitud 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 white, cheeked and flotvred 1000 hearth rugs, a l eautilu! nssmtment rf Wit Ion, Brussels, l'ufted, J uikey, and Hemp ruga, 200 pieces woolen, womle.l, cotton, Hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpeting. An elegant variety of illon, BmifmI, Scotch and English, enetian, Damask, ckc. &c, lOl'O dozen men and boys caps, comprising a gieat variety of Fur, Seal, Nutria, Muakrat, and Coney, Hair, oealelte nnd Cloth Caps. 100 dozen Alterant Mats, atsoiled sizes. 100 do Manilla do do do tO do Shcep-akin do do do 30 baits French Baskets, comprising every de. acnption TOO pair Venetian Blinds, ata'd figtuca and colors, 3000 patmt do do do 1000 nesis Cabas or Satchels, ass'd, err.bosaed leatbrr. straw and oil cloth fiOOO dozen Coml a, assorted tortoise shell, Bra. zillian do horn, ivory, brans and wood, Comprising a large anon mint ofeveiy variety 3000 dozen Whips assorted wagon, gig, car nage, sulky, planters, drovers or lliUng, ot gut, lea. ther sn.l thread, wilh German silver, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. !(' 0 dozen painted pails, Wilson's brand. 1000 nest cedar Tubs m d Buikil; also, Churns, Picgins, Water t ans, &c. The above together with an extensive assortment of faury goods, Brittauia and Cetmon ailver ware, feather and Insile 11 rushes, Looking Oiasses, Ma hogany nnd Gill Planus, ofeveiy size sud descrip tion, are manufaiturrd, imported, and atUcteil ex prtisty foi the southern, wi stern and slste trade. J. MDNEY JONES, No 16 NoithSJ ttreel, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1H0. ly. e TTr ff- T. "D PP! A TTr,B ca m s.r., jwsiti OFFER FOR SALE, at the booth East Coi ner of Fifth und Market Sheets, Philadel phia' Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double aole and double uppers. do Calfskin dj do and up era. do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Ncats do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do dockers do do nailed do Fine Monroes warranted do Kip do do Clf do do Coarse do do do Shoes do Finn do do Kip do do do do do do do do t'aif and Seal Skin Pumps. do List Socka with and without aoles. do Carpet do do do do I'atent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladns' tanned India Rut her shots. Gentlemen' do Over shoes. Wiih every other description of boots nnd shoes. Fur Cap i f every description. Travelbng Trunks of eviry description. Venetian 1 rsvelling Bsgs. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnet of all kinds, Palm Leaf Hals. Philadelphia, Noveinbei 7, I M0, ly. PETER C01TCTE2U Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet. and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. 66 North 2d street, a few doort ubox .Irch, l'ltitiuieiilita. ALSO Trunks, Carpel Bags and Varices, of ev. cry description, all of which he offers for sale nn the moat reasonable terma. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly J. w. SWATNT Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. No. 37 A001A Thitd street, two doort below the Ctty Hotel, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants and other are solicited to examine his assortment before nurchaains elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 7. IS40. ly P. & A. ROVOUDT'S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse, No 1 C4 North Third street, third door below Vine street, Philattetvhia. WHERE ihey constantly keep on hand a large ASSOrlmnnt nf Chir.B tlmm tn,1 rivitrnnnl Ware, which they will dispose nf on the most tei- aonahle terms. Philadelphia, Novemlier 7, 1840. THEOPILUS GULP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlcrv, Hardware, Arc. No. 6 South Third street, four doors btlvw Market J'hiludtphia' KEEP constantly on hand t large ami general assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, Eliplic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and suddlera will be supplied at all times on the most seasonable terms, They will find it to their advantage to call anil examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 7, 1840. ly REYNOLDS, McFARLAND it CO Wholesale Dcolers in Foreign British and American Dry Goods. Ao. 105 Market street, Philadelphia. COUNTRY' Merchant, and othera can be sup. plied at all timea with nn extensive asaort nient of the beat and most fashionable Goods upon the moat reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. J. S. 1E.?.., Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store No. 44, North Fourth near Arch ., Philadelphia "ITHERE Country Merchants snd others can he supplied, at all limes, with a large assortment nfHoaiiry, Gloves, Mcriiin. Cotton, and Woolen Shitta and Drawers, Spool Cotton, Patent Thread. Cotton Cords, Buttons, Tapes, Bindings, Hooka and Eyes, Pins, Ac. And a general vaibty nf use ful articles, which he offers for sale at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840ly. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, For IB Hollar, HjI QVAL fiir time to any sold by Clock Ped- BlA wrs Jor lor aale ly March 13. H. B. MASSER. SHAIVIOKIN COAL. OF a very superior quality, can lie had at any time, by appbeation to the subscribers, in lots to suit purchasers. They keep large, egg, broken, and Cue coal, fit for burning lime. J. H. PURDY & Co. Sunbury, Sept. 26. tf. VERTWtFlMlST, Cured by the use of Dr. Harlich's CoMPorsn fcTisuTniJiko Ann Arr.HitST ruts. Mr. William RicRAnns, Piitkburch, Pa., en tirely cured of the abovo distressing disease i Jlis symlnma were, pain and weight in the left ride, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid erucrmons, disten tion of the stomach, sick headache, fui red tongue, countenance changed lo a citron color, difficulty ol breahtiig. di-luilsd rest, atteuiled with a cough, gieat debility, wilh other avnitmnn indicating great deiangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. RiciiAiins hail the advue of several phy sciims, but received no relief, until using Dr. HARLirn's Med icine, which terminated in iffeetii g t peifect cure. Piincipal Office, 19 Noilli Eighth Street, Phila delphia. Alto for s.ile at the diug s'ore of HEN K Y 1 OA I JltlMr. I, May 1. 1 641. Agent. TJIF CA isi: OF iJWEJsir. Nearly all clnrses of disease, are caused by some ot'strtietion 111 the svstim, which prevent the tegu lar snd wholes, me operation of the snimal func tions. This state of the sysiem, is disease, which ia manifi sled in a variety of forma, mote or less malignant in their character. To restore the system to a state ol health, then, 11 la only neccsssry to re move the cause of disease, ami the end is accom plished. 1'he cause is ol s ruciion somewheie. Thia can be removed by puigation, which is the onlv means Ihul should be resoried to, hi cause, sugtesli d by lenaon, and by nature. Dr. H-iilich Strength t iling and Oeimnn Aperient 1'ilis, are allowed by thj thousand who have used them, to be the best purgative medicine in existence. Because, ihey not only remove all obstructions, and purge the sys tem of its impuritiea, but, because, and which ia ex tremely important, alieugthen and give proper tone to ihe stomach, and produce a healthy action of all the pans. Besides, they are so mild and gentle in their operation, aa to lendi r them at all limes a per- It'i-Uy tile and desirable remedy. I he afflict would do well, thi n, In purchase a box or two of itv invaiu.dilc medicine, and give 11 a fainria I. in stead of ilrstroving their systems with oft-ieneoied doses of calomel, snd other drugs, so injurious to numan me and hnnniness I'Le above no dee. r e for ssleat the Drug atore of llr.NKY YO. I HtlMLR, May 1. 1841. ,1stnt, SICK HEADACHE. Is n very common sffeclion. lis attacks are very seveie, and charactenzrd by spasmodic paina, shift ing fiom one 1s t of the head lo the other, fre quently commencing in the morning, attended wiih sickness of the stomach, nausea, fainiinga, and sometimes, vomiting, giddiness, and confusion of sight, Ac cVc. 1 hi desease is niodui-ed fiom va nous couses, perhaps the most common, is a de rsnprmeiit of the atmnach and digi stive organs. FEMALES are most subject to this affection, psr. ticularly those who lead a sedentary life. Dr. Har lich's Compound Strengthening Tonic and Ger man Apcr.ent nils, are wauanied to riet thia troublesome disease : first by clesnsing the stomsch and bowels, purifying the blood, and lemovmg all dinasid and exciementuous humors from the liver and inteslims. By the use, fust, of a few doses of ihe Aperient German Pills, afterwards two or three doses of the Strengthening Tonic Pills, which aie used lo stiengthin and invigoiate Ihe nervous sysiem, give tune to the stomach and organs of digestion, ibu impartii g to iheir subtile fluid il pilktiue vigoi, litis sfflictmg disesse may he entirely icmoved. 'J his is the only mode of Hearing this annoying complaint, and has been attended with sueeissin thousand of cases, Pkniplet giving gsneral directions, mey be ob tained g 1 an, si No. 19 North Eighth si reel, Phila delphia. HENRY YO.X I HEIMEK. May I. IM1. A&ent. TO THE COMMUNITY. THE success which tins attended ihc ue nf Lh Harlich's German Aperient and Compoum strengthening Tonic Pills, la truly astonishing. I is no vain tmi to say thia medicine has proved b its happy (fleets in the cure ol a variity of disease to which the human fiame ia liable, lobe vaatly at perior lo the many preimrauons before Ihe publ Many of these prepmationa nra compounded by ir. dividual who sr. positively ignorant of the mytti . ries of the human a) stein, and mere pretendus t medical knnwlrdge. Or. Marlich, however, is cele brated among the German faculty aa a man of th highest scientific attainments, and equally disltr guiahed throughout Europe, as n successful medio practitioner, spent most of Ihe yrnrs of a useful li1 in the aquisilton of auch knowledge ns might prov beneficial to hia fellow creatures. In the pills whic he invented, and which hear his namethe publi are assured of an article that possesses more tha ordinary virtues. From the acknowledged talcn of this inventor, nothing less than a good arlic could he expected ; and the experience of man years has afforded demonstration nf the virtues his medicine. In Geimany and other parla of Ei ro, its r potation ia established. In this counti into which it has but been recently introduced, it rapidly gaining the most substantial teputjlion. Tl nunieious cert ficates of cuies of the most obslinn diseases effected by the use of Harlich's Pills, whi the proprietor is constantly receiving, is proof of tl fact. Day after day he receives new testimonir of their efficacy, nnd week after week increases t demand for tlx in. This is not mere assertion; i numeinble certificates are open for the inspection the public, and tha doubts of any who are skeptic can le removed by examining them at the office the proprietor. We take the liberty, then, of suggesting lo eve family, that they make use of Dr. Harlich's Pit Let them keep n supply constantly on hand, to used when occasion demands, and they will recei the most unequivocal proofs of utility. Afctfir Drjiner. 1'iincipul office for the United Slates, No. North tiiglith sued, Philadelphia. Western Depot. No. 41, St. Clair atreet, Pit burgh. HENRY' YOXTHEI.MER. May 1, 1841. HEPATFHS, OB LIVER COMPLAIN', Liver complaint is described to be of two fori vix ; Aetite nnd Chronic, which are different in th sent and character, and are produced from ulcers the Liver, which i descased on the surface 01 in t centre. In the former, the patient ia attacked w sudden piiin, in the region of the Liver, so sev thut even the led ch thes are insupportable; the tient cannot bear to turn or lay on his left aide fr Ihe prcsaure exerted ill that poaiiion of the influn organs. The lulter may go on in such a man that the first syrntoma of Liver Complaint aie tl) which maik the occurrence of auppuration. '1 Acute and Sub-acute varieties, almost always cc ineiice with some chilly feelings succeeded by h of the skin, fevered tongue, having a yellowish . peaiance. Ii regular state of the liowels, costivem coiintencance changes to n pale or citron color, yellow like those afflicted with jaundice, difficult breathing, dim 111 bed rest, attended with coupli, veriali symtoins, a dry and parched skin, difficu of lying on the right side, urine scanty and h colored, the path lit passes many bad nights am frequilitly doubled wiih Dianhcra, Tenasmus 1 Piles, nausea and vomiting, and has a considers thirst. W hen the inflammation affects the per nenl coat of the Liver the pain is much more inte and ihe fever higher than when confined tu tho I er. In chronic affections it is uncertain in ita mination ; the pain is intense, attended occnsioi ly with feverish symtoms, a dry and parched si irregular bowels, sallow countenance, freqeunt tacks of j u;i 1 .J ire, ihe tongue is scarcely ever I from yellow fur, the appetite bud, Slid a cotrupt attacks the face and hack, behind the shoulders, i Dr. Haiilicu's Compound Strengthening It ic and Aperient German Pills will, in a mitjm of cases, i.roilure a iierfict curs, and if used at very onset i f affliction will in every case arrest lisease. 1 his is not meiely theory but luct, wh cun be siibst.iiiti.it. d bv the tesiimouiis ut vari persons who have vvi nn.til the astonishing efli of thi iuv.iluul.il' medicine. The diet inunt t i tendiil lo, anJ tbewaim bn'h mu-t not bu lies1!1 ed wlii 11 the p .lii nt cm have access to it. I and explicit d reel ions are d. fined iu the med pamplei which accompanies the medic. ne, and le obtuined gratis of any of the leguluriy appuiu agent who sell this medicine. rnncinal Cilice and t.eneial L'epot Tor the l ted Stales, i at No. 19 North Eighth Stieet, IT. dtlphia, where all communications lor A gene Advertising and Medicine must be addtesscd ( paid,) which will meet wilh immediate am niton 41 LN lv V iUAl tlblMi.K, May 1, 1841. Agen, PRINCIPAL REASONS Whv Dr HARLICH'S Compound Strengtl ing anJ German Aperient Pills i.reimed by all e sea of people, in preference lo other Medicines, rause they are prepared from a pure czlract herbs, a wholesome medicine, mild in Us opera and pleasant 111 its eflect the most certain piese of health, a sale and eftectual cure of Dvsprpsi Indigestion, and all stomach complaints, s prese and purifiet of the whole system. Because tl ey soothe the nerves of sensibility fortify the nerves of motion, imparling to their 1 subtle fluid its pristine tune, thus giving stiei and clearness of mind. Because they never destroy the coata of the mach and bowtls, aa all strong purgatives do, Because science and experience leach us ilia mere purgulive alone will cure the disease of stomach and nerves, Weakness is the prin cause of n host of diseases, nnd, by continually soiling lo Prustic puigatives, you make ihe dtsi much worse, iiutead ol letter. Because Dr. Hailieh's Medicines nre put up on the common sense principle, lo "cleanse strengthen," which is the only course to puisu edict a cine. Lastly, Because these Medicines really do cure the eae lor which tin y sre 11 commended. Princ Office for Ihe United lilies, is at No. 19 N. Eighth slicet, Philadelphis. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. May 1, 1S4I. Ag CLEANSE AND STRENGTHEN. 1'he onlv sure and best course to pursue in ring diseases, of whslever nsture they may be, fust, to cleanse and purify the Stomsch and B els by gentle SHiients( secondly, to give sre"i snd lone 10 those tender organs by the nse of pre Ionics. This mode is alwsy pursued by reg physicians, which they well know to be the 0 course 10 resent to, to effect a speedy and permai cure. Dr. Haslicb's Compound Strengthen Tonic and Aiiericiit pills, are n sure medicin eflect this grand object. The German Apei pills are to cleans the stomach and intestims, ler which the Compound Suentgening Tonic nre used, lo give strength nnd lone to those gsn which requite tinder treatment. N'esily 11 thirds of Ihe diseases which we daily beh. aie diseases ef the nervous system, snd by conti al'y uaii g drastic mineral purgativea the suit, will soon find himself a being too much reli to remain long in existence. Full nnd explicii lections both in Ent In h and Gentian, nccomp thia notice. v 'I'hs above medicine for sale at tha Drug Star HEN RU YOXTHEIMEU May 1, 1MI. jg i