Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 09, 1841, Image 3

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    From the New York Evening Post, i
A tetter from Ueiiertvl Jackson.
We tre pleased to publish (he fallowing charac
teristic letter from General Jackson, Nothing Ire
frsnk, loss manly or Iom magninimoui coulJ have
been expected from the venerable occupant of the
Hermilage. Mr. Tyler haa reason to be proud of
the generous but discriminating Approbation of the
honeat aud foarlcss patriot, whose opinion in ell
questions in which true dignity and honor are con
ceived, ia more than that of all Clay's and Web
let's, Tallmage and Dells that the world haa pro
General Jackaon ahows that he ia alill faithful lo
the cauae of the people; and describing the nature of
government, inaiats upon giving that simplicity and
directness to its action, which alone can secure its
highest advantage,
Hebkitaox, 8ept. 11 ih, 1811.
Sir, Your letter of the S8ih ult., with iia enclo
inre, the resolutions of the Democratic Republican
Mas Convention, held in the Oth Ward of the city
jf New York, on tho 28th of the same month,
lave been duly received, and are acknowledged
vith sentiments of profound gratitude for the honor
bey confer upon me.
The atate of my health, which is now much dis
ordered by an attack of A ver, does not allow me to
xpress at length the reflection excitod in my mind
y the patriotic views embodied in the resolutions.
I cannot refrain, however from saying, that they
neet generally with my concurrence and particle
arly that which givna praise to Mr. Tyler for bis
eto on the Dank Bill. If he but maintains the
oaitiona lie has assuumed against this great lover
f Federalism, this deadly foo to the principles of
ur governmont, the designs of that party, in ether
aspects, will be less difficult to counteract; lor the
lip of State, relieved of the corrupt influence of a
'ank of the United Stntca at its helm, will naturally
ght itself.
It is true, a great error was committed in the re
sal of the Sub-treasury, but this may be remedied
bile there is no 'Bank substituted in its stead,
he people are not so much for forms they go foi
(balances for practical measurea measures that
ill ensure economy and accountability in the d
inistration of government; that will secure the
'plication of the public moneys at all times and at
I placea to constitutional objects. These are the
ings which it would be the office ef a Bank to
wart; and they are the thinga which it would
the tendency of the Sub-treasury to promote ;
id hence, I believe, tint that system, or sonieihing
e it, csnnot bo long dispensed with.
Doubtless the President behoves that the 8ub
asury haa been condemned by the people, and so
lieving, he ought not to be censured for giving
i sanction to its repeal. But the independence
has manifested in his veto, authorizes us to hope
it he will deal fairly and candidly with the whole
ijcct hereafter, and that he will conform his poli.
to the principles of the Virginia school ef Re
blicans. You are pleased ta refer in terms of much com
ndation to the course pursued by me on the sub
t of the former Bank Charter. I acted at the
ie undor a high sense of dirty, and deTiveJ much
isfaction from the many evidences I have receiv
even from many who then censured me, of the
probation of my country. But, sir, I considered
labors as but the commencement of the work of
rm in regard to the Banking system. Much
her praise ia due to Mr. Van Buren, og tinst
ora the whole force of the spirit of m inoply waa
lught to bear. It has driven that distinguished
'.caman an J unpretending pitriot into retirement,
it has rendered him dearer thin ever to his
ntry, because of the noble sacrifice he has mide
he cause of equal rights.
tf y strength failing me, I cannot follow out these
actions. Every effort to wiit admonishes me
t my life la nearly apent. Let me conclude
refore, this baity and imperfect response to your
er, with au assurance to my Republican and
.nocratic Iriends, every where, that I am proud
heir respect and have an abiding faith in the
ccaa of their efforts to aecure the bleaainga of
idora and equal rights to themselves and their
Very respectfully,
Your fellow-citizen,
but GitaaaT, Esq.
)ur Whig friends who are laying to the charge
Jovernor Pobteb a great incieaae cf the state
t and the heavy taxation lo which our citizens
subjected, in order to austisn the credit of tho
monweahh, seem to forget, that the Tax Bill
ie last seton wss contained in wh it is com
ily known aa the Relief Bill, waa vetoed by
einor Poster, and passed by the constitution
najority in the two houses. The same bill au
ized the debt to be increased upwards of tasks
Lions or voLLsas. This bill wss voted for
ill the whig members of the legislature, and a
of the Democratic members, snd was sustained
he entire whig press of the commonwealth. It
einor Pobteb answerable for this 1 We think
We shall tnke occasion, in the course of a
daya, to ahow from the journals, the various
oltiona for additional taxation which were ur
by the whig membera, and voted down by the
ocrats, in order to ahow the people bow utter
roundleas sre the assaults made on Governor
Tea and lbs democratic parly. Amer Ssiu
Porter's Election Certrira,
'error bss liken possesion of the entire federal
y. The leaders are frightened, and the parly
ilUgustfd. They see ThaJdeus Btevena in the
1 for John Uauka, and remem'.ier the disgrace
brought upon them before. They read Tyler's
ra and remember bow they have been deceived,
re Is not an honest man among thrm who does
admit that Porter will l triumphantly elected,
only difference is about the amount of msjoiity
vill reraiw. A It concede that it w ill be large.
From the correspondence of the New York Jour
nnl of Commerce, in relation to the proceedings in.
tituted against this Individual, wa learn t hot his
trial will, most probably, not lake place until the
nauing week. His counsel anticipate his full ac
quittal. Great exertions ate making lo have him
found guilty. No excitement or improper feelings
exist in or near Utica. The majority of the peo
ple there think he ought to bo acquitted, and expect
it, aa a matter of course. There are no IJ. States
troops at Utica, although there is a detachment
within a few hours journey from that place, at
Rome, whither they were serine protect the U. 8.
arsenal, without reference to the trial of McLeod.
From the correspondence of the Albany Argua,
we learn that the dopoaitiona of aeveral witnesses
on tho pait of McLeod, have been taken.
The wilnosses examined were Thomaa Hecter,
of Toronto, a person of whom nothing very favora
ble ia known; Sir Allen McXab, who is, perhaps,
loo well known ; John Harris, a diasipited old sol
dier, whose home is any where be is permitted to
stop; and Angus McLeod, a brother of Alexander
McLeod, who boasts "that he helped at the dee.
traction of the pirate Caroline."
Joaeph Center, Esq., appeared as counael for the
State of New York, and Hiram Gardner, Esq., as
counael for McLeod. The comrmVion was taken
on 'the part of McLeod, and it ia mider.tood here
that the government of this province pays the ex
penses ef its execution.
It is not generally known what ia the precise a.
mount of the depnailiona taken ; but it ia represented
that the drpoaition of McNab goea to prove that he
ordered the expedition which destroyed the Caro
line, and that be acted aa the agent of the govern
ment, of which he had the approval.
The depositions of Hector and Harris, it is sta
led, goto prove that McLeod was at another place,
al the time tho steamer waa destroyed at Schlos
ser and thus it is intended to establish an alibi.
But these witnesses are liable to be impeached.
Angua McLeed deposes, I understand, that he
was with the party that committed the act of which
his brother waa not. Bet it remains to be seen how
far or with what allowance, his testimony will be
TIm Liberty Ticket.
In naming the several counties in which the
whigs were divided, we accidentally omitted Mercer,
Beaver, and Huntington. In the two former, tiek
eta have been framed by the friends of the immedi
ate abolition of slavery, which they denominate
' Liberty Ticket." Dr. F. Jclcs Lawotui, of
Washington county, ia the candidate for Governor
of the "Liberty party." Four fifths of the voles
for Dr. Lemotbb throughout the commonwealth,
we presume, will be tuken from Judge Basks.
In Huntington county, a working men'a ticket baa
len got up in opposition to the regular whig ticket.
The democrats have no ticket, but will generally
support the working men's ticket. Amer. Sentinel.
One of the whig papers at Lancaster claims a
majority for Judge Basks of 13 or 50,000; one
of the Harrisburg papers estimates it at 6,000.
The Harrisburg Intelligencer has an earnest ap
peal to the whig votera to turn out, that "one vote
may turn the scale," that "Juno 13 a ma might lose
his election by one vote." The "Bible pedlars,"
to uae the language of aome of the whig pipers, and
'the drovers," who i averse every section of the
state, tell a different tale. They s..y, that Judge
Banks does not stand the slightest chance of being
elected and that Governor Porter will have a
large majority. The distracted atate of the whig
paity, and the despute, among the friends of Clat
and Scott, about the succession, add atrrngth to
the opinion of the " Bible pedlars" and the drovers."
American Sentinel.
About twenty old federalists have come out a
gainat Gov. Porter in the county of Beika, and
issued thousands uf cnculara to thit effect. We
sre much pleased to find them on their own side
for all converted federalist have uuiveisally proved
themselves the most tioublcsome kind of devils lo
the democratic party. This circular secures 4,500
raij irity for Porter in oU Berks. Coal Regionist.
The Philadelphia Enquirer remarks that the
great iron steamer not being built at Bristol, Eng.,
will no doubt, when completed, be regarded aa one
the moat extraordinary mechanical wonders in the
world. She will carry five mast, and her tonage
wilt reach the enorormoua extent of 3600. Her
length on deck is 324 feet. She will have four en
gines of 300 horses power each, and she ia expected
to ba completed by the 1st of May next She is
designed in the first place, for the Archimedes
screw ; but should thst fail, she is so constructed
that paddleia may readily be resorted to. Her bull
is divided into compartments, so that if one should
become injured, the accident woulJ not affect the
safety of the vessel. Her workmanslrp throughout
is descriled as of the very higbrst style of art.
She will bo filled with watei before aba ia launched,
and thus her tightness tested. The iron (all
wrought) is more than half an inch thick. She
will coat aomethlng Hke $,500,000, and, as is sup
posed, will be comrnaniej by Captain Hotken.
Baltimore American.
Th. reiuains of Com. Perrt have been re
moved asys the Newport Herald from Ibe grave
where they have renruinej since they were brought
from Trinidad, to their new final reeling place, at
the aide of tha monument, which
completed, under tha d rectlon of a cotPUiittee of
the state.
Tha outside coffin was almost entirely decayed,
leaving the leaden case exposed to view.
The Remains or the I'atbiot. The Com.
mon Council of Biooklyn have appointed a com
mittee of fifteen citizem to take the necessary mea
sures for removing the bones of tha Revolutionary
Martyrs, and erect over them a suitable monument.
Tha Mayor is, ex officio, Chairman of lbs Com-mittao.
Office of iht Baltimore America, Oct. 5.
FLOUR. There his been but little dona in
Howard atroct Flour to-day. The only aala that
we hear of was lot of 100 bsrrelt good standard
brands at f 6,06. Wa quote the receipt price at
Holders of City Mills Flour ask f6,25, but wa
hear of no ailes.
Bales of very limited parcels of Susquehanna
Flour at $6,25.
GRAIN. The anppHes en 8 at in day and to-day
were quite am all. The few parcels at market sold
at $1,20 a $ 1,30 for fair to atrictly prime rede. A
lot of good Pennsylvania sold on Saturday for ahip
ment at $1,37,
Sales of MJ. white Corn to-day at 66 a C8 cts.
and of on Saturday at 65 eta.
A sale of M J. Rye at 72 a 73 cts. and of Penn
sylvsnis al 75 cents.
WHISKEY Moderate sales of hhda. at 24 cts.
and of bbls. at 25 cts. The wagon price of bus. is
22 cts. exclusive of the barrel.
Dickhell's Reporter, Oct. 5. 1841.
FLOUR AND MEAL. Early in the week
sales were made of Flour to aome extent at $6 25
per barrel, but to-day wa cannot quote over $6 12 j
for fair brands, at which rale sales have been made
of several thousand bbls. for export which leaves
the market barely supplied, and has Induced most
of the factors to be firm in demanding $6 25 per
bbl. The sales of the week Teach about 10,000
bbls. Rye Flour is steady at $3 C2j, but Corn
Meal has declined, snd sales have been made of
Penn'a. at $3 per lbl. Receipts generally mode
rate. Cleared this week 2522 bbls. Flour; 800
bbU Corn Meal.
FISH. Tho receipts of Mackerel are increasing ,
sales moderate at last quotations for Nos. 1 and 3 ;
No. 2 is in moie demand, and has advanced to $1 1
per bbls.
GRAIN AND SEED. The maiket for Wheat
and Corn has been heavy this week, and the re
ceipts hsve been mostly stored. Early in the
week sales of Penna. Wheat were made at 135
and 13Cc, but yesterday and to-day it waa offered
at 133 a t.13jc for prime ; inferior sold at 130 a
132c per bushel. No sales of Rye. Corn hss de
clined, and we cannot quote over 65 a 67c for
white anJ yellow flat. Southern Oataare qnick at
45 a 46c per buahel. Flaxseed is in demand at
$1 90 a $2 per bushel, and Clover $6 a $6 60 per
.11 w sal
Coal Trade.
Amount of Cos! carried on the Danville and
Poltavillo Rail Road to Sunbury for shipping, du
ring the week ending on Oct. 7, 484 Tuns.
Per last report, 16,084
Total, 15.563
Amount of Iron Ore transpnued, 1,522
JOHN BUDD, vr. m.
6cso.cebariia Coal Trade.
Total amount shipped from Wyoming Valley, to
June 21st, I ona, 7,1 16
ScuciLBitL Coal Tratir.
To t?ept. 30, Tons, 808,949
Little beau rut ill Coal Trade.
To Sept. 3 ), Tons, 27,393
Delaware & lliuton Coil Traps.
To Sept. 18, Tons, 132,400
Pi. ie Giiote Coal Thau.
To Aog. 6, Tons, 13,000
Mocrt Carror Rah. Road.
Amount transported lo Sept. 30, Tons, 66,476
Mire Hill& Scbvtlkill Hater Rail Road
Aniouul transported lo Sept 30, Totis 184,511
Mill Creek Rail Road.
Amount transported to Sept. 30, Tons 39,486
Scnrvittii. Vallex Rail Road.
Amount transported to Sept, 23, Tons 64,991
L-uiea Coal Tbadi.
To Sept. 30, Tons, 68,558
11 it. j. n aye it.
WILL attend to all nperitinns i.n Dental Sur
gery, such as Cleansing, plunging. Ex
trading and Inserting Incurrt-.piible Tu th, from
one to a full sett. He operat.-s aftei the manner of
the M chillies of Paiia, bing furnished with Pla
tena Compoaition Blocking, (a new article,) a aofi
article, but brcomea hard in two hours after insert
ing. Any pereon not being satisfied, will nut be
compelled to pay,
(CJ OrtiCE at Hiram Pilcc'e Hotel, Sunbury,
and al Mrs. 'vVithingtoiis, Northumbcil md,
N.B. The Tooth Ache cured in five minutes,
without cb aug e. Sunbury, Oct. 9, 1841.
AS retuned again lo ounnury, snu is pre
pared to perform all oih rations in Distal
beau tar In his good style.
'J hose who desiro their Natural Tieth repaired,
or new ones InserteJ, will please leavs v. out soon,
aa his stay will not piobably be more than two
try Residence at the Hotel of C. D, Wharton.
Octobei Sill. 1841.
RESPECTFULLY informs hjr friends and tha
public gcnera'ly, that she continue to keep
that well known Tavetki Stand in Maiket street,
Sunbury, aign of tha
H:L3-a2JtD IHLsltCCDIr,
formerly kept by John Bolton, ber husband ; and
by rndeavoring tu conduct the establishment in a
manner to give salislactiou to all, hopea to merit a
liberal .hais of public patronage.
Sunbury, OemU r 9th. 1841.
applied lo the Court of Common Pleas of N.n
lhamlierlaiid Counly, for the benefit vf the laws
made for the relief of the insolvent uYbtois; and
that the Judges of the said Court have appointed
the first Mondjy of Nov'r, next lo hear us ulid our
creditors at the Court House in Sunbury, wheu
snd where you way attend if you tluuk proper.
October 9ih, lei I.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxlheimer.
Wat, . . . . .110
Rti, ...... 60
Conn, 40
Oats, . . . . .30
Pork, 6
Flaxseed, ... .125
Hotter, ..... 14
Beeswax, ...... 35
Tallow, 12)
Diiieu Arrtks, . . . . 75
Do. Peacres, .... 200
Flax, 8
Heckled Flax, 10
Eoas, ...... 7
THERE are many persons that we daily behold,
whose countenances and fr ill limbs i'eiio'0 afTlic
tiin which we find has principally originated from
neglect of proper lemadies at the commencement of
sickness. At first the patient coinnlmns vf bile on
the stomach attendeJ with sickness, cotlivcnrss, te.,
he ncRiecls to procure proper medicine ; al tenth he
complains of pain in the side snd stomach with
sour eructations; his nppclito becomes impaired,
his rest troublesome, his mind harassed, unJ all
things around him appear not in their proper station.
He atill neglects hirnxclf, when in all probability
the diaease may nt lonth be ao fast seated, lhat no
medical aid will replace him again. At the fust
attack of sicknees there should be no time Ion"
in procuring Dr Hsrlichs compound sthknotii
isirq AFERitT pills, which immediately re
moves bile Irom tha stomach, olivmto costivenrss,
remove disorders in tho head' invigorate the mihd,
atrenglhen the body, improve, the memory, and en-
liven the imagina ion ; thus restoring the body
gain to its proper functions.
Principle Diliec, No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH
street, Philadelphia.
Creditors Take IVoticc.
Uj mis A. Billinglnn, haa filed in the office ol the
Prothonotary of the Couit of Common I'leua of
Northumberland county, an account nf the reeeipta
and expenditures by him, of the said Thomas A.
Billingtou, for the 1 xamintlion uf those inletccted,
on or 1 1 fore the third day nf November next, when
the rarne will be allowed by the court, unless cause
be shown to the contrary.
Prothonotsry 'a Office,? 1'roth'y,
Sunbury. Sept. 29, 1841.$ St.
OK trial in the Court of Common Picas of
JS'ortbamberland County, commencing 011 the
iir.t Monday of IVovember next, (being the lsi.)
County of Northuin'd. vs John Bloom, late Treas.
Joseph 'J'reRO
s Martin M. Stock
vs John Filbert
vs Weaver, Lloyd, el al
va Hugh Ue Isa
vs John Youngrnail
va George Oyner
va John D. Condon
va Auguaius Kossttal
va IvieharJs & Kitchen
va Patrick llamp-ry
Peter Filbi-n's adins.
Comm'th. of Pa.
B idyer f.'i Itaitger
Wm. A. l.lovd
Solomon Meiigss
Chashs W. Kicharda
William Shipmau
John D. Cowdn
Jacob Deets
Satab Eckert
Daniel DiefTenbacbcr
Jmea Wctxel
Elijah Crawford
vs M. 13. Eckert &. C. G
Don net
vs Christian Robinson
vs Solomon Duiikelberger
vs Jesse Parker
John A. Lloyd
vs Willism McCoy
Coml'ihof Pa. for Say re va John Kr ck
Henry Frick
vs Stephen Wilson
John Hunter
Jacob Philips
Gilbert Robins' s ex'r
Richsrd Ysmell
va John Hun er
vs James D elleiibaclier
va Msrtin Weaver
va E. (. Bradford's Jm,
Lyon, endorsee of Smith vs Hugh Bellas
Andrew Fntk
va John A. Lloyd
Thomaa Vanvalrsh
Bartletl for Piper
Heinen & Follinsr
John M. Russel
Joseph Manx
vs A. Sioughiou'a adinr
va Henry r rick
vs Samuel Ul.iir
va David Mailman
vs P. Pur I & J Purael
Prolhonotary's Office,
Sunbury. Oct 2, 1S41.
18 offered for information that w ill lead ta th'i con
viction of any petsun tr persona who htte laid
or sh.ll hcrcalttr lay or other obstructions on
the rails of the Danville and Putisville Railioud. An
art of the l gislature hns made lbi offence punish
able by imprisonment in tho PLMTENTIAKY,
and the Company ae lo prosecute ul
lend, rs In Ibe utmost vxti r.l of tho law.
Sept. 18. 3t. S. R. WOiD,.Vanrr.
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizeua of Sun
bury and vicinity, that they huie Ink 11 tho
Shop lately occupied by Win. Dural, whtio they
will carrv on the
in all ita various branehes. By suiet attmiion and
reasonable chaigea, they expect to nitiit a shaie of
public palronai-e.
Sunbury. Sept. 4th. 1841,
lYolicc lo Creditors.
rPHE Creditora of Ilnarn Price, of the Borough
of Sunbury, are hereby notified thut he lias
made an aai-igmuciil of bis property and effects to
the undersigned, in trust for tho benefit of such of
Ilia creditors as ahull riecute a rcleiae of their rc
siHXlive claims, within sixty days from the date uf
the said assignment, vix! the 13th of Augu-t 1841.
A release ia now ready al the office of C. W. He
gina, for the signature ul creditors doiiing to avail
ihemathes of Ut beiiefu of the alignment.
fcnnh'jry.Sept. 4, 1841 Ct Assignees.
IMutc of John Cherry.
TAJO I'lt'E is hereby given, lhat the Register of
Jf Noilhumherluud county has granted letters
lesluinentary upon the estate uf John Cherry,
lata ul Auguata township, dee'd., to the subscii
ber, residing in aaid lowiiMnp. All pciaons having
any demand against said estate, aro lequeatod to
pnsenl them, and Iho.e iudibted lo make payment
to the subserilier.
Sept. 4. 6w. PETER SNYDER. Adm.
LAUD for sale. Enquire at this office.
A 0111 21. 1841.
tJERSO.NS, indebted to H. B. Masacr &. Co.
ate oiiee more iioliliuil that their arcounts, if
i.ol settled in a lew weeks, will positively be placed
iu ibe hands of s magistrate for collecnou.
Aunu.t 14, 1841.
nIIE lul'atiiber will be a candidate for lbs office
-X- of Treasurer uf Northumberland county. He
ptonii'rs, if eltvted, faithfully to ducharge the du
ties appertaining to said effice.
Julv 3, 1841. CEO. WEISER.
22. 233. ssassmrr? .
A NTHON'S f'UaicNl Dictionary; 1 e mprier's
do.; AmawoiiVs do; Cnbb'a do Engliah and
German dn ; Anili.m'a Csf-arj Anlhori's Grammnr;
Aiitnon a liceioj .Man'. I. a m Header; Ogiil.y'sd 1.;
Andiew's Latin Less 'ii: U. mm run's l.exieon:
Fisk's Grek Eaercises: LUvies's Leeemleit Grsera
Majors; Adnins'a Roman Auliqnittpi-'t Pinnnck's
Goldsmith's; Jo. Greece; L) ell's Elements
of Geology; Mrs. Linculn's Botany; Elements of
Botany; Bridge's Algebr.ii Porter's Rhetorics I Rea
ders; Lm-rson's Geography and Union; Olney's
do ; Pnr ley's do ; SmnliV Grammci; Kirkham's do ;
Ksy s Headers; Cold a do.; Cobb Arilbmeiick;
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Col Vs tiellinn Uooks;
Town's do.; ('obbs Table Books; Evnnpelieiil Fn-
mtly Librsrv; Coilnge Bible-; Family do ; C. II id r
nl do.; Smuil Biblca and TcMumoni,; Paikei's Ell
en ii on Composition; Fiuil of the Spirit; liax ei's
S .ini's Rest; Americnti Revolution; Manv ill's No-
Vets; Mrs. l'lielps on Cueinistiv; Iliad; Cite, Iiimti
of American Laws; l.e tirori Natural .Manic: Che-
nnatry lor Ueginnnr-; LiikI kIi Exercises adapted 10
Mutrav's Grarnmer; Sen, ml to Comhy's Spelling
Book; Arm liran Claia ll ok; Diiholl's Schoolmaa-
tei a Astistsnl; A eieal variety uf Blank Books, &c
AnC'it S. l"4l.
MADEIRA WINE. Iusi quality Madiera
VV me, lor aile low ly
Sei.t. 1, 1841. II. B
A ctiiuine
article always on hand and for snle by
tept. 1, 1841. It. B. MASSER.
HOLLAM) GIN, Ol the best quality always
on hand and lor saio by
Sept. I, 1841. IT. B. MASSER.
hand and Tor sale by
Sepl. 1, 1841. II. B. MASSER.
LASSES. Of tho best quality alwavs 011 hsnd
ar.d for aalH by
Sept. 1. 1841. H. B. MASSER.
BROWN SUGAR. Of a nood quality, lor kale
lowhv Sept. 1,1841. II. 15. M AS.-ER.
(b'Et.N AND BLACK '1 EAs. Of U10 best
quality always on hand and for nile by
Sept. 1, 1841. H. U. MASSER.
COFFl E. Java, Rio ami Lacuna Cutlet-, coie
stantly on hand and fur side by
Sept. 1,1841. 11. B. MASSER.
SPERM OIL. Winter and Suinincr strained
Sperm Oil, of the best quality, always on hand and
for aalo by
Sept I, 1841. II. B, MASSER.
STEEL. Cast and Blister Meel, lor salo by
Sept. 1, 1641.
IRISH SALMON. Ol the bctl quality, con
atantly un hand and for sale by
Sept. 1, 1841. II. B. MASSER.
LitUOKS. Of all kinds and ot the Let quale
tics, alwava on hand and fur aalo by
Sept. 1, 1641. H. B. MASSER
tl'KlNG STEEL. Uf vaiiuua sizes lor Eliptic
springs, fur sale by
SePt. 1,1841. If. B. MASSER.
LARGE QUARTO BlllLES. Fur sate at
very reduced prices by
Sept. I. 1S41. II. B. MASSER.
BLANK BOOKS. Of all, for sale by
Sept. 1, 1K41. II. B. MASSER.
ULAN K DEEDS. Ujnds, Mortgage. Ace. for
aaleby Sept. 1.1841. II. B. MASSER,
JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by
Sept. 1. IK4I. H. U. MASSER.
CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, cVtn
for avle by
Sept. 1. 1841. IJ. B.,
sain very low by
Se,,!. 1, 1S41. IT. B. MASSER.
CARPETING. For sale cheap t'V
Sept. 1, 1841. II. u. MASSER.
BLANKETS P.--, ,alo cheap ,y
Sept. 1. 1541. H . B. M ASSER.
UN Bi.EACK.tjj MUSLIN'S. For halo by
Sept. 1. lw4 J. II. I! MASsER.
cTiTTTN-YAK.N AND 1 .ul 'i .-.'v
For SU0 .y
spi. 1, 1S41. 11. n- Asf;r;
HEMP AND COTTON '1 V .ir ; n e
ley Sept. 1. 164 K H. b. V A - - I:.
For sale by
Sepi. 1, 1811. H. H. MASSER.
"IDEyi ESTS the attention ,f bis eountry ftirnd.
who sre in want, tit Ida vervl.rae stoiknl
Cnrpetincs, Oil Cloths, Mattnipn, Rugs, Bindings,
Stair Riida, etc., etc., that he has just opund, t
his warehouses, No. IS North Sd Hie. I, and No. 'i
Church Alley, next door to Cluis-t Cbtub. I'biia
de'phin. Julv HI, 1 H4 1 . 1 v.
IllLlr VLIEi, ot Augusta, at the solicita
tions cf liis frieuda, bus agreed lo become a
candidate for the nflictt of County Commi.s uuer.
He ia a firmer and meehiiiic, uf uneteeplion.ihle
rhaiac er, and weiy way quulified to till the olfiee.
It is pei.eially admitted that according in the c.ta
bl siiej diniucsiic usage, Aupnstu lonhip is en
litli d lo the iiominaiion. We theiet re reCorn.
in. nd Mi. as a stiuncli democrat, and a fit
man for the nlli.e.
Julv 19. 1841.
"Resulted bit the Senate und House of Repre
sentatives in Central Asitmbty met. Thai the
Constitution of this Commonwealth l a uniended in
the third section of the second atlicle, so ll.ul it
shall icad as follows :
"Thut the Governor shall hold his office duiing
three yeaia, from the thiid Tuceday if J.u.uaiy,
next ensuing bis election, and shall not be capable
uf holding it longer than a single term Arte
years, iu any lean uf nine years."
Speaker of the Iliute if Representatives.
Speaktr of the Senate.
Pennsylvania, m
Sacketabi's OrriCE. J I do hereby cer
tify lhat the forego
ing is a true ropy of a Resolution proposing an
smeudmenl of the Constitution, which was agreed
to al lh last seskion uf the Legislature, by a ma
jority of the membcis elected to each boun-, the
original of which remains tiled in this office; anJ
in compliance with the tenth article of the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth, I do hereby cauae
the same lo bu published, as directed by the said
C 1 IN TESTIMONY whereof. I
s I. S. i- have hereunto set my band and
C J seal uf said ollice al Harrisburg, Ibis
wvwv 14th duy uf June. 184 I.
fkcutary of the CvM'avnuial.h.
July 3. 3m.J
H. 3. lAGSEPa,
Btiatnrsi attended to in the ( 'ountlea of Nor.
thunil irland, Union, Lvroming and Columbia.
Itrfrr to I
Tito mas Hart &. Co.,
Lower & Bam row,
Hart, CvMninns & Hart, PhiIatl.
Rr.tRoLos, McFarlarii 6i Co,
Srtnino, Goon cV. Co.,
. AN TOOLS. ....
I nr. tnnseriiier, reaidiug in tho town ol "nanio
km, nfTera for rent his Blacksmith Shi p ami
Tool. Any peison wit-bine to rent the m can
hiive Ma'sion at any lime lietneen 1'iis and ilia
Inst 1 T S. p'einl'er next. I ho slv p la a good cue,
and 1 'inteil in thd centre uf the t.ran.
Ju'y 17.-if .Ht'EPH ZERN.
THE sut rcnoer hn receive. I un ubKirtrnrnt of
Now Good", whiih ho will sell on the I west
terms. Junn 19. H. it '' ? 1V.
Coniuilsslon mid rortvurtiinar
1? ESPECTFILLY informs his friends and the
- Meicbuiits ponerally, that he continue tha
Cmnmiiton and Forwarding Busines., nt biswarr
house, fool of Wiilow at. Railioud, Delawaio arid
Merchanta having gnoda to be sh;pped, will find
it much to their advantage, as lo time and piitca
nf freight. 10 send their merchnndive to the Depot,
corner of Front and Willow str. cl Railroad, aa iluy
can then be ent either nuiie by Ibe Tide atet
dual, or Schuylkill and Union Canal--, as bo its
will arrive and depart d lily lor the Juninta and
Susquehanna Canals by Tide-water in tow of steum,
or via Schuylkill and Union Canals from Fairtm unt
Merchants will pleae be pnrtietib.r to spi.i1 p!
goods deslinrd for ruber route, lo ti e tarce De it,
corn.r of Front and Willow tire, t Railroud, v. .th.
duect oiis accoinpikn)ins (hem, which loulv i.-ty
wish ti.em lo be shipped.
Coarse and fine Salt and Plotter at wholisalo
prices, on the Detawaie 01 Sel.uvlkiil.
Pbilatletpbia. June 6, 1 S41 I v.
Cap and I'um Leuf Hat SA;re,
No. 10 South 4th Sthukt. PHILADELPHIA
"T7HEUE an extensive asaoitinenl uf the above
' articlea are Constantly kept on Land, for aula
at the most renrnnahlc terms.
M-.y 29, 1841. ly.
IVliolOHiile I alti s,
III Foreign, British und Amtrican Dry Goods,
No. 12 North Tuiiiu Stueet, PmiArnpuiA
COUNTRY Merchants con bo supplied at nil
times with an exten-dve aFSortruent of the ubovo
Goods, on the most reasonable and satisfactory limn.
May 29, 1S41. ly.
Aiiriit ks. A aiithtrcii !Eititli
Bonnet and l'alin Leuf Hut IV,- chouse,
No. 167 Market Street, above 4:4 Strect,
rOUNTKY Merchants ara respectfully requested
I call and examine their extensive assortment.
hie a they will sell on the most reasonable IciUiS.
May 21". 1811. ly.
D. K 1 11 K P A T R 1 K & SO N,
No, 21, North Third street,
HAVE for a.ile a In'ce ami rxn I'e-1 nsoitrner,t
vt Spanish Hides, I'ntnu i'.tjx. 7i.-r.rur-' OtV.
dc, at the lowest inaikt t priie , hi: ei fur'.i, iir
exchange fir Leather, ir ii on eu-t it
1'nnrigi. nn ins of Ie i ' r "d ft t tide, ot
pi.rcbflsei) at the liiche-.' ..l- , ,
Q,' I.Caiber sloietl lit .' t . i ; -- .
Air. I 17. l?ll. 1.
rro ccrr.'Tf :
'. . t
1 ll 1 .
: i t tu
f..r S.
i i.
I.'AI S.
II ! il b
v i I. tv I r rash n i p.ovi o , i. d;'. .u
cheep sti re. No. 40, N"tiii 'J bid tin. t
I.. hUid
l' pilO
Hie L ny it. .tri. I Iiiim 'ei iva.
Ol lVr li N. THA( HER, Aftnt.
N. D. Orders f..r HaU ill the lOUfch. j itunl lly
atlei.ded in. Tie fihiMpiicu in cath or trad
given for Ft:r ihins.
Mtilad.l phis. April 10, t S4 1 . ly
mom ci cummiksiiim Mi ueiiAN rn,
iVo, 297, Market street, fire ihors oUie Siienth,
OITER for sale, at the lowrat ninkel prices, a
Kt neial asbortmeul i f lens, Vnffits, Sugars,
Mtii'ustus, 1V.7IM, Liquors, Spieis, TUuccu, 4c.
CoiSTur Phoiicce rtceived and sold on cumuiis
sion. Merchants, Hotel ktepers, and otheis, wil
find it to their advantage lo call and examine our
stork, Ixfore pureha-mg i 1m where. Mtr har t
wishii g iht ir gn..ds c Heeled in this city, by I avn g
an order, vt ill have them prompt y lorwnrdcd, iy
the most eipulitioua lines.
eh win r. raicK, joiis u. frick.
Feb. 6. 1841. ly.
So. 12i Clicsmit sSi rt'ft, .'flow th,
KEEP constaiuly on band a gi nert.l nn. -1-ment
of Books und ISiutiuniirv ; eom i.ur g
Tbeologicnl. Law. Medieul, ( '.,sical. Mueel ai.a
ous and Net; ool Dooks, Day l)..t Is. all s t s, l t d-.
Eers, do.. Family Hndts, Poikel U b 'en. Writing
Piers, Wrapping PaH rs, &c. Ac. which thev ol.
ler at the If.aesl piices to Country -M. uha. t's Pro
fesaiunal Gentlemen, Teacher, und ail itiara thai
may favor ihein w ith their custom,
Philadelphia, November 7. lb 10. ly.
J li v a l "j' fijTw a !.
AN UFAC 1'UliED snd sold l y ihesubseri.
ber in Sunbury, ufthebisl Tin. and tha
work unnamed, which he utters for ss.'e at itducedf
cash prices, now as low at retail asfoimerly a.dd ly
wholesale. Good Watering Pols, formerly sold st
87, now al 73 cenie; Large Uueket, lormeily sob
at 75 auJ 62, now at ti'i and 50; Uallou C. ll, a
Pots, formeily s. Id at t6, and thiee ipiarl at SO, now
al 4S slid 3t cents, and oilier articles uf Tin-W ai
in proporiion. Movk pije and siuvt's mads audi
Sold cheap for rash, &.C.
N. li. All icrsons indebud lo the
and who wish lo save cuats. aia requo'td to c'l
and make satUlacliou, wnhout di-Uy, tith.r w jtft
cash or bv giving their note'.
uiibuM, Apul 10. HENRY MASTER.