-Front the Philadelphia Gaxtttt. fcnVK DAT! LATEH FROM KHALARD. Tht picket ebip Shenandoah arrived at thli port laat evening bringing Liverpool date k the 9h jH. Tbe newt by hit I of little Importance ex cept from China, whaie disposition it evinced oa the patt t,f th empeior to purtu the war Keah d tli late Commicaloner at Canton waa to be tplit In two oo hit arrive! tt Pekln by order of the Emperor, and t Countellor for lecominendiiig prac bad bit flesh torn from li't bone a pleasant govern ment to trrre. Tea had fallen la London. Money wan scarce. The subject of the Cera Lawa la atill the cauae of agitation throughout the kingdom. The overland Mail from China had arrived, bringing ilalra fiora Canton to the 19th, and Macao tolheSOth of May. Captain Elliot waa tempor iting wi h tho Chinese authorities, and had auccee ded in obtaining a ehipment of 1 1,000,000 pounda f Tea, and expected to get out at much ot more by the cloee of iho month. A ahip from England loaded with provieionafor her expedition had anllcd north direct to Chuan, knowing nothing of teccnt alterations, whan her commander, Captain Stead, R. N., waa aeized and killed by the Mandarine. Trado had been partially returned, but greatly to the disadvantage of the Engliah. On the 18th of May, Captain Elliot, at Canton, moved up the river in a atcatner followed by other voteele. The city began to be thronged with Chinrae troopa of a superior claea at eoldicre. All aale of British and other gooJe bad caiaed, aDd porrhaaea of tea were to be made in bard cash. Great preparations were making by the Chinese, and great numbera of troopa were flocking Into Canton. During the week five failure had occurred at Manchester, to the amount of 300,000. From the It. Y. Herald of Sept. 29. Hlarhl- Important tVovn TweaUfijt aital Mi. teo-.Vtioi.tier UevoluUo-a las tlaa latter Country-. Late laat evening, we received aome highly im portant intelligence from Yucatan and Mexico. That from Mexico la down to the 27th ult., and from Tucatan to the lit inat. Another revolution baa broken out in Mexico, and Santa Ana ia again in The ascendant. On the lSlh ult. Guadaloxara, in Mexico, under the command of General Paredea, proclaimed fur the abolition of the 16 per cent, duty, which had been recently levied by government, and in favor of Congrest to be elected by the people This crea ted a great deal of excitement. Mexico ia destined to become a republic, tike Yucatan. The newa of thia outbreak reached Vera Crux on the 24th ult., and Santa Ana immediately proclaim, ed to favor of the aame meataree. He despatched troopa on the 25th to oocnpy the principal caatlra and fjrta between Vera Cms and the city of Mexico. On the 26th Vera Crua alao declared for the rev olution, and then the train waa almost complete for the overthrow of the Central Government. On the aame afternoon Santa Asa, who bad about X.OOO troopa under, bia command, aent off a sufficient number to take posaeatlon of Perote, caatle which commands the communication between the city of Mexico aud Vera Crux. They reached there on the I7th, just aa the English mail waa letting, and it it by thii means that we have received the neat. At enou aa tho General of. Puebla heard of what bad happened be despatched three hundred horae t the assistance of Perote, but fianta Ana had po tteation thereof before theta troopa arrived wiihia fix league ol the place. Thus much fur tht new revolution In Mexico. It appeara that that country hat now lit hands full of war. On the 1st intt. the Congress of Yucatan met, end no doubt, declared that province entirety free, independent, arid a distinct country from Mexico; as all the ini nilera of the Congrest elected, belong to the party of aspiration. Colonel Paraza was tent hy the Yucatan govern ment on the 26th ult. aa commissioner to Texaa, tt lathe to the mutual celt rice of the two republic against the fleet which Mexico it now preparing far the blockade of their coast. Of thia fleet, two iron atvamcih are building in England, to be ready next January, and two achoonera at Drown and Boll's yard in this city, to le ready in aixty daya. And thai government recently purchased a fine Spanish bilg at Vera Crux, which ia now ready for aervice. How long will thia C.wt remain in the hands of the Mexicans T Aotheullc From Florid. Extract from a repoit from CiL Worth, command. Log, dated beptimW-r 13, at Ponta Roast, which ia opposite Tanybel Island on the bay into which the Coolaauweatcbic river empties, Gulf side. "I have the honor to report, fur the information f the Major General commanding, that on the 1 1th Blunt, the aj pointed day, three of the five mesaeu. geie ecnt out tioni Pcaae Creek, aayou were advised to my repoit No. 43, appeared at thia point, with fort) -six Indiauaof Hoapituki'a band ; twoiemained out to gather olhcra, to whom I have added tbiee. On the 2 2d instant I expect to add to the atove number about one hundred and fifty, perhapa more. A post will be re-ektaUiihed here, at convenient fur the approach of Indians, and aa an important point ou the Gulf tida, in the event of operations south. I 1 1 all return to Tampa in a few days, where it ia hoped the Indiana expected from Ar kansas wi.l have arrived, aa tbeii pretence will greatly facilitate the collection of the Ciceke and TaJJabaaaea ffOB jhir poa(tlon, objects of lh grea test interest. The whole- number ofloepitak't people ow in iet.xly.lwo, including iha chief, ituec ob-chifa, fid twenty-three warriors." T. . - . a .MiaKlai mrrhanl aaa si vi A wiss " r" - r-vr -wr - asmed Lewie Cornelius died tear dayt tinea at Milford. Pa. At tho time of hia aWaae, bo waa . tfty-frv-a yvert ol age, aix feet three locbca to bttgbt wU -eiB! six bundle) aej ihty-6a pound. Arrest of the Great Forger. We are happy to elate tht the Individual who there ia little re-eon to doubt committed the largs forgerlae on Meere. Drawn, Brothera 4. Co. and Mr. Edgar Oorrie Jr. of this city, has been arrested. Wa learn thit aa f.f aa the comae of the forger ia hlth.no known, he commenced aa an Abolitionist, and ia that capacity bvrodocad hl naelf to Mr. Law. It Tappan.repreaen lng that he himself hid libera ted number of slavea and had diieovered a schema tor importing negror Into Tenia, which ha waa anxloua to expute and prevent, and for that par poet waa on hi wty to EnqlanJ to communicate on the subject with the British Government. A short time prevtoua to bis departure however, ha applied to Mr. Tappnrt for a loan of $1000 which ha needed to further hit benevolent purpoaaa. The fervor of Mr. Tappan'a viewt on the airaa subject, waa not however to grrtt at to land him to fall In. to the tup tct for him and hit refuttl to furnish the loin indoced the applicant for it to write him an a busive latter, calling into question the sincerity of Mi. T.'s abolition opinions, and this letter being compared with aome of the lettera written to Mr. Drown and Mr, Currie, previous to tht coniummi tlon of the forgery, proved to bo in the tame hand writing Mr. Oliver M. Lownds, the lata police justice, hjd proceed) d to Doston in pursuit of an individual whom ha suspected the guilty man. and though be waa disappointed on that point, he obtained from him such information aa iuducoJMr. Lonnda to Cx the forgery upon a certain Colonel Monroe Edwards, then in Philadelphia, whoae hand writing proved to be the same as that in the lettera above referred to. Ou Saturday Mr. Lownds caused thia Co'onol Monroe Edwards to be arrested in Philadelphia and brought before a maijisttate, ly whom he waa cx arained and committed to prison. On searching bin lodgings the sum of forty four thousand dollars waifjund In tank notea and gold, and yeaterdiy a messenger watdrepatchod to the Governor at Alba ny, fora requisition on the Governor of Pennsylva nia to deliver up the eoi diaant Colonel to the ofl. ccts ofjuatica i f this State. We ate informed that he ia a most accomplished villain, remakab!e for his gentlemanly appearance and manners, he had associated wi h soma of our leading men here, in Philadelphia and in Washington. That ho first airivcd here with a letter of introduction from the President of the Uni ted Stales Branch Dank ut Mobile, and that let era of iutroduciion to persons of respectability, real or forged accompanied him wherever ho went. A mulatto girl ia the companion of his travels, who, when oecee.ary to the accomplishment of hia pur poses aeaumtd the male attire. We abstain for tbo present from giving the numberless atoriea incircu latioi:, concerning the career of thia remarkable im postor, who it ia believed alao peipetratd a forgery aome time since, on Messrs. Jacob Little it Oe. of thia city. N. Y. Courier and Enquirer. Division of Office. The Cincinnati Chronicle hat examined the liat of bgh officers ol the General Government appoin ted from the adoption of the constitution, and finds the result to be aa follows : Of the offices of Preai dent, Vice President, Secretaries of State, Treasury, War, and Navy, Judges of the Supreme Court, Poal Matera Geuerol, and Attorneys General, thoir distribution among the State has been aa follows. viz; including the recent edtnini.lrallon of General Harrison, From Massachusetts, 23 Virginia, S3 New York, It Pennsylvania, 6 Maryland, 13 8outh Carolina, 6 Georgia, 0 Delaware, S Connecticut, 4 New Jersey, 8 North Carolina, 4 New Hampshire, The above are the results in the "Old Thirteen. Of the new it Is thus : From Kentucky, 8 Tennessee, 0 Ohio, 6 LouiiHna, 1 Alabama, 1 Michigan, 1 It appeara then that of the old thii teen Slates, R. Island baa not been h mored with a aingla impor. tant appointment; and that froji the Stile of Ma ne, Vermont, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, ArkinsH, and Miaaissippi none hia been made. On the oiher hand, the four old 8tatea of Massachusetts, Virg nl i, Mryl.iud, nod New York have received mora than half the whole. Rait Road Ibok. The Baltimore American of Saluiday says: The ahip European, which arrived here on Thursday from Wales, brought a cargo of eight bundled tmia of .ail road iron, for the Daltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. Thia iron will be laid down foithveith ou the line of the road from Harpei'a Ferry v.e stwarJ, the auperstruc lure being already completed for ita reception. Other cargoes, we learn, are on their way hither. Deiriae Nans ihto Habp Wood. We have lately aeen another experiment of driving naila In to hard aeasoned timber, fairly tried. The fust two naila, after paaaing through a pine board, ent. red about one inch, and then doubled down under the hammer j but on dipping the pointa of the other aix or eight rails into lard, every one waa driven home without the leaat difficulty. CarpenUra, who are engaged in repairing old buildings, aometimet carry a email lump of lard or tallow for thia purpose on on of their boote or short. New Ctnetti Parmer, John Church ud Aaron Manning ware tried and WMM ', 1.1 convicted at the late term of tba criminal court of Su Lula,on an indktminl for iradinz aa exchanra and money brotere, wttbottl license, Tba fioe ia M ,T9 doilsre teca THE AIVIERICAN. Satmrdap, October 9, 1641, Democratic Candidate ton eovtaaoa, Gen. DAVID U. PORTER. ro aataxBLT, David B. Nontffomery. roa coMMtaatoain, PUHJp Welser. ton Tfttteuaxa, Oeorge Tclser. FOB AOBITOB, Hugh 91. Davlsou. Waio CaBDtuaTaa. For Governor, JOHN BANKS. For Auembfy, Gl. HENRY FR1CK. For Committioner, DAVID McWILUAMS For Trtayui-er, PETER LAZARUS. For Auditor, JACOB PAINTER. We hava received a new paper published by John 8. Ingram, at Mincravil e, entitled the "Coal Rrgioniatand Schuylkill county Public Advertiser. Mr. Ingram's editorial abilitiot ere well known, and hit new pjper gives additional evidence of hia capa city to cau r fur tbo public, as well aa to superin tend the typographical department. rjj" The trial of McLcod waa commenced at U tica on Monday last We luve not yet reoeivud any account of the proceedings of the trial, but will gi fulldetaila ncit wetk. Northumberland County. The population of tble county, according to the late census, is 20,427, bilng an Increase of 10 4 ID percent, alnce 1830. Tho Increase from 1820 to SO waa 18 per cent. & Correction. From our paragraph laat week, atating that there were now no volunteer cand.dites before the people of thia coounty.it might be inferred that George (J. Welkcr, Esq. had been a cainliJa'.e against the re gular ticket. This is not the fact, anJ we d.d not intend any aucb inference. Secretary of War. The Hon. John C. Spencer Ins been appointed Secret jy of War, by the President, Judga McLean having declined to accr jit the office. Mr. 8pencer la now Secretary of Statu of New Yoik. To the lulls! To the rolls!! This is the battle cry that baa often led the De mocracy of Paniiaj Kama to gloiloua victory. The democrat! of thia county have always iopondcd promptly and freely to the summona. Three yeara ago they marsh illt d in their strength, and gave our tried and faithful Democritic Governor, David R. Porter, a triumphant m joiity. They can, and we t u.t w ill do ao again. The triumph of Democracy ia certain, if democr.ita do their duty. The ranka of our opponenta era broken by factions and thin ned by disaffection. Hard Cider" haa ahattercd their nerves, an J the chorus, "Tip and Tyler too" aounds In their eara like the funeral mnreh of Feder alism. To the Pull, then, democrats. He that etaya at home doea not value hia glorious privilege aa ha ahould. Let the Democracy of Old North um1laud ahow that they atill remain true to their piiuciplta. Loook to your Tickets. For we believe that it ia Intended to perpetrate a fraud upon the votera of thia county by the circula tion of apurioua ticket. Harry Flick ia an old sta ger an J up t trieit. Let every democ at then ex a cine hia ticketa, and compare them wi h the names of onr candidates published at the head of thia paper. Let the whole ticket he put up at aome conspicuous places near the poll, ao that none may be deceived. Duvld B. Montgomery. The election of thia gentlemen, the regular dr. morratic candidate, as well aa the whole democratic ticket. It certain. Gen. Friik, however, dota not intend to give up the conteal without an eiT. it. lie baa been riding thiough this part of the county for several data. The great obattcle to the Genrral'e election unfoitunauly ia, that ha ia too well known already to the votcra of thia county. Hia desertion of the Democratic party after having been twice elected to office by it bia determined and perseve ring opposition lo democratic principles, ar.J hie foul-mouth slander of Gov. Porter, having frequent ly in the public streets end bar rooma proclaimed him a d d perjured villain, render bim pecu liarly ohnoxioua to the Democratic party. We can scarcely believe that any democrat in the county will be ao lecrrant to hia principles and hia party aa to vote for him. He ia a Bank Director too, and now, when the Banka have obtained five yeara suspension, and may want five yeara more, ia not the time to tend eueh men to the legialtturr, Things to k Eemcnibcrcd. i That during the Federal administration of Joseph Rltner, (he atato debt waa increased upwaida of E LEV E.N MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. That in addition to thia he squandered SIX MILLIONS of dollars, received aa the price of Bank bonunes, anJ from the Uuited States out of ha aurplut revenue. Let the farmer, the mechanic arid the hardwork ing man bear in mind that be ia taxed to pay the Interest on money thrown away by thia Fedeial administration. Let the people remember that the aame adminis tration wasted upwards of a MILLION of dollere on Stevens's Gettysburg milroad, and that John Banks hat promised Stovena to (Ini-h the Tart wobm, and thus wastn I'll REE MILLIONS more. Let them recollect that 331,000 dollara were ex prnded on the Huntington bieach, when good and responsible men offered to do the repairs for 1 0,000 dollara. OHE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOU SAND DOLLARS were drawn out of the pcople'a pockets to pay the troops brought to Hnrrisbuag by Stevens and hia band of traitore, to defeat the elec tions and thrust men into the leg aluture who had never been elected. And when the tax payer recalla to mind all these things, and the thousand other waya In which the pul lie moneya were tquandered, let him acrloualy a k himself whether he can assist in placing the destinies of the Keystone slate again in the handa of the Federal party. The Buckshot War. When immediately after tho election of 1839, Thomaa II. Burrows, Ritner's Secretary of State, issued his proclamation calling upon hia party to "tint Tut titCTinx aa though it ntvxa took rLtcx," it waa looked upon as a mero idle bravado. And when the Federal prose infamously groclaimcd that If Gen. Porter waa inaugurated on the 4lb of March, 1639, "ox would uava to walk thbocoii tbb am kits i-r blood," orderly and peace-loving cittern, though atartlcd, could not believe that any act of men could be found in Pennsylvania, so ut terly reckless and depraved, aa to carry out such treasonable designs, But the event proved, that men who will resort to slander, fraud and perjury to carry an election, will trample upon the conatitu lion of their country, and act the lawa of the land at defiance to accomplish their aordid purpoaea. Testimony taken under o.Uh before a committee of the House of Representatives, exhibited the astoun ding fact, that at a meeting composed of Thaddeua Stevcne, Thomas II. Burrows, John Dickey, and other Fedeial IcaJera, which look place at tho U nitcd Statea Hotel in Philadelphia in the fall of 1839, a plan waa deliberately fixed upon to prevent the adoption of tho new constitution, to defeat the election of David R. Porter and lo continue Jo, soph Ritnei ia office. Thia waa to be accomplish ed by thrusting into the legislature men who had not been elected, and thus obtain a majority in both Houses. Defeated in thia first treasonable step by the discreet, firm and undaunted conduct of the Democratic members, Joseph Rituer called a Thou si an troops fiom the Federal city of Philadelphia, armed with Buckshot and Bail, who surrounded the cnpitol for tho purpose of ovetawing thia little band of f alriots, and compelling them lo submit to their infamous measures. It was then the sp'uit of liberty which warmed tho heart and nerved the arm of our immortal ancestors was kindled afreah in the hearts of their descendants. The aona of freedom rullied around their representative!, prompt and ready to deferd the institutions of thoir country from the threatened danger. One universal burst of abhorrence of the treason and detestation of the tiaitora waa heard throughout our wide eilendcd commonwealth, and echoed back again from hor aiater atatea. The conspiralora shrunk abashed at the storm of virtuous indignation, and like the guil'y, "fled when no man pursued." The country was saved fiora imminent danger of civil war, the constitution preserved inviolate and the uceful aupii mary of the lawa secured. Ia this a fiction of a fanciful imagination 1 Would to heaven it were ao ! But no, it ia a foul, damning blot upon the history of thia Republic. And now we ask every man who loves the insti tutions of hia country, and desirca to see the reign of peace and order continued, be ho demociat or whig, whether he can coiucientiously assist by bia vole lo place the men who are guilty of tbit trea son able conspiracy against the libeitiea and coneli. lotion of their country, again in power ! are they willing to give the administration of the atate with all its great and momentoua interests into the handa of these ment John Banka ia Iheir candidate. Btrvena, Burrowa, and their conspirators are at te npling to move Heaven and eaitb to aeture hia election. Think you they have no intereat in that ev.iitl Will they receive no place, no power, no spoilt, aa a reward for theii infamous labora ? The Sow has returned to her Wallowing in the Mire During the political canvaas of 1 638, the Federal isle published every vile and infamoue sl mder that the moat depraved and wicked imagination coold conceive, against David R. Porter, but be came out of the fiery furnace of malice and defamation like gold doubly refined. They commenced the present contest with a ahow of decency, which gave pro mise that they bad abandoned Iheir old mode of warfare. But can the Etbiopean change hit skin, or the leopa'd hia spots 1 Neither cn the Federal parly forego ihe use of their old political weapons of slander and detraction, familiar to them since Ihe days of Jeflerton and Snyder. They now brandish their poiaoned bladea fiercely and unsparingly, aa if to make amende in deeper infamy for their late decency and propriety of conduct. They accuse David R. Poller of being bribed by the U. 8. Bsnki of bring a drunkard, and in abort, of every crime in the criminal calender, with the cool vl lainy of the aaaaaain plunging hie dagger into the heart of in nrcence. Msny of these alandera are pub'ished in a'cret (irculara, being too infamoue for publication in the most filthy of their degraded pieir. I'retcn- ded coplea of rrcorda that never existed, attested by the eeal of Ihe omce, prostituted by some infamoue Federal officeholder to the bate purpose of circular ling a libel under the sanctity of hia official seal, are aent to trusty fi lends In every county, to be uaod on the dsy of the election to deceive the people into the belief of falsehood. Hitherto the Democratic party have met and refuted lhoa libola, but the floodgates of slander have been opened anew, and pour out auch a torrent of defamation that time faila even to recount the false accusations, much leat lo refute them. Let the Democracy then treat them at they have heretofore, aa infamoue libels, and neither be deceived into the aupport of the Fe deralist John Banka, by raxex atcoana or other baae forgeries. A Forgery. The whig pspera have been publishing a clicular putporting to be aigned by 400 democrats of Bcrka county, who had voted for Porter but declared Iheir intention now to support Banks, All these men but SS I have published a lettor declaring ihetfAet'r names were purloined, and their lignuturu forged with most daunllc-e and unblushing impudence, by the minions of Banka, Stevens &. Co. Of the re maining 25, eighteen have been uniform Federal iats. Look out for more pipelaying forgeiica. We extract the following from the "Yeoman," because it contains aound doctrine and good coun ael. Although Mr. McKinney has withdrawn from the contest, the disorganizing clique in the forks my ace in what estimation their conduct ia held abroad, and profit in future by the lesson. Northumberland County. "Wr tegrel to perceive that our Democratic brethern In this hitheito staunch and unwavering county aro frittering away their atrcngth by local dia-enaions. Instead of c irdially uniting upon one Representative candidate, and electing him too by a majority of moro than a thousand, we find thorn dividing their forces upon two candidates, thereby opening the door for the probable success of a bit ter Federalist, and endangering the domination of the Democratic party in the next I fiialature. If, in conarquence of thia local "tpLt," the Pipe Lay ert thoul I succeed in carrying a m jorityinthe House of Representatives, and then give us another auch an infamous Apportionment biil as they did in 1S3C and resuacit ite the corrupt Biddle Ion ster what a sad reflection would it not be to any portion of the Democracy of Northumberland, to think that they had been foolishly instrumental in producing auch disastrous consequences. "The two democratic can JiJstea in the field are DAVID B. MONTGOMERY, Esq. nominated by the Delegate convention, in tho usual nuuner, and John Mo Kinney, nominated subsequently by a mere local meeting. Wo have scanned the argu mcnta advanced by both parties thoroughly, with a view of airiving at the truth, and cannot resist the conviction, that the nomination of Montgomery waa affected at'ry, in conformity with Democratic usages, and consequently should receive the aup port of every well-meaning Republican in the county. Whenever the leitimato tribunal of the party has fail ly decided, it behooves every true Democrat to succumb lo ita arbitrament, else why the expense and trouble ol' electing and convening delegates, if their decision ia to have no l inJing ifli ciry upon the party 1 All subsequent attempts to force different Calldldutea upon the party, proceed invariably fiom aclfi.h and disappointed men, and their uniform tendency is to aid the opposition in the consummation of their particular schemes. We do hope, therefore, our republican friends in old Northumberland will perceive the necessity of uniting, one aud all, upon D. B. MO.NTGOM ERY, the regularly nominated candidato of the Democratic party, aa every vote given to M'Kin ney, aubacive no ether purpose than lo aid in thee lection of Gen. Flick, whoso temper and habits render him peculiarly obnoxious to the Democratic party. Even officers upon the C-nal, we are cre dibly informed, have been actively engaged foment ing discord. These men should be instantly re. moved. It ia their business lo mend breeches, not create them. "It ia but seldom that we interfere in the local differences of our friends but aa the present is a plain ease and jeopardizes the preponderance of Democratic principles in the popular branch of the Legislature, thereby affecting not Northumberland county alone, BUT THE WHOLE STATE, we could not reaiat that tense of duty, which in every ctmpaign induces ua to the aupprt of REGULAR DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS." Editorial Miscellany. Thoae who avail themselves of our labors under thia head, ahould remember that atrict honeaty re quires credit aa well for a penny, as a pound. One of our compositors, last week, made na ray, that Thad Jeus Stevens waa on an electioneering tower to the northern part of the statr. We hope we have csused no unnecessary alarm in the minds ofoui Wilkesbsne friends in regard lo their mon ument. Thaddeua is certainly ambitious of high places, Tbe fine wheat allud-d lo in our lat, weighed 58 pounda Instead of 68, aa erroneously ststed. The brig Silabee waa natigited into port by the raptain'a wife, ha having died when fifteen daya out. The Prince de Joinville left Pallimo e on Wed nesday for Waabington. From thence be intends to make a lour throughout the West. The skeleton of a great Leviathan, about 32 feet in length, ia exhibited at the Maaonie Hall, Phila delphia. Upw aida of two millions of dollars In spec's htve been shipped from New Yo k to Europe within the last aix weeks. While foreign exchaugea continue at preaent rates, the ehipment of specie will atill go on. Jamea W- Locke, late principal of the Boa ton Farm School baa been sentenced lo four moutbe imprisonment, for th cruel treatment of bore under hia charge. ton Tin AXKnicair. The anti-Let paying candidate, Gen. Frick, on hie late electioneering tour lost his ticketa near Sun bury. Can aome whig member of the Temperance Society explain how the accident happened 1 QUEREt TILL MORB ULOHlnua RGW J Democracy Still Trinmphaiut I Wa have already announced to our readers the glorioua and unprecedented triumphs achieved at the recent clectiona by Ihe Democrata of Indiana, Tenne-see, Alabama, Vermont and Maine ! The aggregate result in thane atatea exhibits a net gain in the popular vote for the Democracy of upwards of FIFTY THOUSAND VOTES I Tbe political hiatory of the Union doea not contain the recoid of so overwhelming a political REVOLUTION aa has been achieved in the moat of these atatea by the Democratic party ! The ball ia however "ttill rolling " The re-ec-tloti in favor of ancient and well-tried Democracy is no, is msny of the federalists had flattered them selves, a mere evanescent feeling, to subside it tuddenly as it has been created. Tho "sober second thought" list worked a pormanent cure in puhlic sentiment, and Federalism ia literally demolithed. Every where Ea-t and West, North and South one republican VICTORY treads cloaely upon the heela of another and tbe enemy ia scattered aa chaff before the rude blasts of the whirl-wind. In addition to all the previous grand and glorioua in telligence, we hasten to spread before our reader three more fIlrii(lld Democratic Triumphs I Triumph No 1. (From Ihe Indiana State Sentinel.) The late gloriua achievement by tho noble De mocracy of Indiana left the Democrata a majority o one on joint ballot ; but there waa a vacancy to fi! in tbe Senate occasioned by the resignation of I Sanator in Mtrion county, the county at theaeat o' government. And aa Marion county gave a Harri son majority last year of 257, tho Federalists fol flushed with confidence. The retult waa will them, to tie the Legislature, between the parties but with the Democrata to aecure their recent tn umph by giving them A CLEAR MAJORITY ON JOINT BALLOT ! The conflict w.ia very animating indeed, and th checriug, soulsiirrlug reault ia the election of Mi WsaT, a aound Democrat and a worthy man, b TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE M JQRITY ! ! This ia a Democratic gain in thr county ainco last year of 588 voice! A thousan eheera f .r .REVOLUTIOIZED INDIANA! Triumph No I. ANOTHER VOICE FROM MAINE ! A apecial election fur four members of the Legial. lure, where there had been no choice, waa held la week in the city of Portland. After an aaimatr atruggle, in which tbe Pipe Layere atrained ever nerve, the Democracy came off victorious by elec ins THREE of their candidates, by an a-erai majority of 100. The fuui'.b one wanted on' four votea of an election, and aa there ia to be i no her election, the Democrats feel coufiJent i carrying him too on tba next trial. Remembi Democrata, that at the Presidential election llaaai son's moj rity in Portland was 600 ! ! THE REVOLUTION IS GOING FORWARD Triumph No J. A special cle'c'ion for a member of the Legitlttu of Louisiana wai held recently in New Orleans, supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of M Dsn now, (Whig.) Parties being nearly balanci in tbe legislature the contest waa warm and an mated. It reaultcd, however, in the choice ofM IIahboch (Democrat.) Hairison's majority la year waa NINE HUNDRED AND, THIRT THREE ! The Picayune (a neutral paper) Bay 'thia result has nearly, if not quite, destroyed ti Whig ascendancy in the Icgiilature. Their m: jority on joint ballot is at best but one, and mo probably nothing." DEMOCRATIC GAINS Sikcx tbx PiiKaiDivTiai. Elkctio-i LIST Fill In the slate of Alabama 6,000 ! Tennersce 9,000 ! ! Maine 12.000!!! Vermont 13,000!!!! Indiana 15,000 !!!! Shewing a sum total of Democratic Gaina in fi atatea, since laat year of .-.-, ooo Dxmocbatb or Pas.var ltsii ! it belongs you to KEEP THE BALL IN MOTION Turn out en masse on the aecond Tutdjy October, and re-elect your patriotic and eulighteni Governor, DAVID R. PORTER, aud our nob State will once more re-ume her wanted atation i the KEYSTONE of tbe Democratic Arch ! Yeoman. Keep It before the People. That John Usaaa, the federal nominee for Go ernor, was one of the satellitea of the Rilner a mitiiatrition, appointed by Rltner to a Judge-b and of course must have APPROVED all t INFAMOUS acts of that most infamous ad mi ialration. That John Bibbs is Ihe protege of Tasns' Snrras and Tbomss H. Uuaaowts, the ,iv who plotted the -BUCKSHOT WAR," at-.' tr: sonahly endeavored lo treat the election a new had been keld." That ThadJeus Stevens, Thomaa H. Burrow and Beta Badger, the her.es of the -BUCKS1IO WAR," were all delrgatea in the federal eonve tiou for nominating a governor, and voted for Job Bibes on first ballot. Tli at if B.bkb should be elected, he will, toget er wdb Slovene, uae hia influence for the reaus talionofthe famoua Gettysburg TAPE WOR.' which baa already eaten np MILLIONS of tl euhelanre of the people of Pennaylvania, You, who desire lo re-inaiate the miserable eo apiretore of 1838, aupport John Banka. He their friend. You who deair to keep that v,lt and wicked fa lion out of power, aupport Davip R. Poena H IS THEIR ENEMY.-Yeoman