Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 02, 1841, Image 3

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    I VII II '' I.I I,. , '
These calculation are no! merely theoretical or
speculative, lut are tested by actual results in daily
operation, and are baaed upon the actual cost of the
material, allowing profit to the producer. Ano
ther decided advantage that we posse, ia that no
accumulation of atock on hand ia required. The
coal can le brought from the mine daily, on the
tail road, to the mouth of the furnace, without once
unloading. We are surrounded wilh limestone, ac
cessible at all times j and the iron ore, when the
basin ia frozen over, can be brought in sled, if ne
cessary, at trilling expense, The amount of stork
lo be kept on hand, which is such a heavy item of
expense in other furnaces, will be, comparatively
rpcokinp, almost nothing, and during the navigation
of the canal, returns can 1 made every ten days, or
two weeks at the furthest.
The loading and unloading of cars, which costs
about twenty rents each, forms a heavy item of ex
pense in a large establishment. Matters can be so
Arranged, that with a rail road of nut more than 3b0
yards in extent, the coal, iron ore, and limestone
could be brought fiom the mines to the furnace at
Sunbury without once unloading. The above furls
are taken from our own observations, and from in
formation obtained from one of the most experien
ced iron masters in the country.
Cannot our Philadelphia friends and capitalists
tvho have lost millions by storks, percieve these ad
vantages J Will they not embrace the opportunity
of making, not oidy permanent investments, but the
most profitablo that ran be entered into, which,
w hile it enrichra the enterprising capitalist, will de
vrlope the great resources of the stale, establish her
credit upon a firm basis, and give employment to
her people !
lie has Declined !
Wc lcain upon good authority, that John Mc
Kinney, the volunteer candidate of the disappointed
lique ill the forks, haa thought better of the matter
nd withdrawn from the course. There is nothing
ike "a sober second thought'" It is always wiser
o ground your arms and surrender at discretion,
han fight in a bad cause. '1 he majority of David
J. Montgomery, the rrgulurly nominated democra
ic candidate, will of course bo increased by this
mely "caving-in."
Funny Ellslcr,
The great danseust, has taken leave of the good
atured dunces of Philadelphia, who have lavished
leir money upon her. The following is a p.irt of
er farewell address:
"What do I not owe to this country 1 You have
ven uie every thing and I have returned almost
tilling but I lay at your feet the eternal gratitude
.' a truo heart,"
If "the divine Fanny was anything of a philoso
icr, she would lay ut her own feel and heels the
ue cause of her success. Without her feet, she
ould be nothing. Not that there was anymore
rtue in Fanny's heels, than in an honest woman's,
it that the bad the faculty of raising them to a
ore elevated position thun modest women would
link becoming.
John Tyler's Consrirnce.
'It is a very pleasant thing, no doubt, to have a
nscience, when it is a good one. The President's
iistaiil leference to his conscience, strikes us as
pererogalory. Wilkesbarre Advocate.
Friend Sisty should advise the President to con
It that eminent casuist, Thaddeus Steven, who
vised honest John Montelius to "throw consignee
the devil." The shortest way possible in dispo
ig of a troublesome conscience.
Zj' The Berwick Conservator' hard "Glaucus,"
itcs marvellously mueh like N. P. Willis. It is
her awkward, however, that Mr. Willis should
ve anticipated him in his ideas, as the following
es seem to indirate. The first lines ure by Glau-
; those following by N. P. Willis. They op
ir as much alike bs two peas.
They may talk of "love in a cottage,"
And bowers of trellis' J vine,
Of uatuie bewildiiiigly simple,
And milk-maids half ilivuie ;
They may talk of the pleasure of sleeping,
In the shade of a spreading tree,
And dream lor an hour of tripping
With a nymph of footstep tree.
Oh, give me a seat on the sofa,
V ith a form where the graces combine, I
With soul-stirring music around me,
And u small white hand in mine;
BI s. t. WILLI. I
They may talk of love in a cottage j
And bowers of the trelliscd vine,
Of nature hrwitchingly simple, j
And milk-maids half divine; j
They may talk of the pleasure of sleeping, j
'Nralh the shade of a spreading tire, j
Of a walk with a nymph in the morning ;
Who trips wilh a lioUtcp free. j
Or give ine a seat on the sofa, ;
With a glass of especial wine,
And mamma too blind to discover
The small while hand in mine, ;
Mate Dibt.
el the taxpayer remember that he is compelled
onlribute of the fruits of bis toil by the profliga
ind corruption of a whig adniiiiistra'ion. When
ph Iiitner came into power, the lines of canul
rail roads of the state then under contract, were
rly completed. Our finance wire prosperous,
the credit of the state rusperrcd abro-id and at
te. But three year of whig domination was
icient to ruin these bright prospects. The state.
. was increased in this short time from twenty
millions to upward of Tiiihtt-onk Millions
ollars, while at the same time $0,003 09141,
ivrd from the United Stale on account of the
ilus revenue, and from various banks for char
sold to them, were tcatteied to the wind on
Gettysburg rail road and other like projects ! !
I seem almost incredible, but the public records
m it to be nevertheless true! And this vast a
nt of money squandered too, without comple
.a single mile of canaj or rail road
jt this profligate waste of the people's money
was not the only outrageous art of that administra
tion. The state wa plunged into a prospective
debt of amounting to upward of StviRTKKX Mil
lion! or Dollar, by commencing the following
works i
Erie Extension, estimated to cost f 1,444,83.1 S3
North Branch Extension, 3,653,600 86
West Branch Extension, 7,200,000 00
Gettysburg Railroad, 2,555,000 00
WiscnnisCo Canal, 416.316 51
Allegheny Feeder, 662.C03 00
$17,887,355 59
Happily for the state, the administration of Gov.
Poller ha relieved her from part of the burthen at
tempted to be imposed upon her, by discountenan
cing the woik upon the West Branch Extension,
the Gettysburg Railroad and the Allegheny Feeder,
thus saving to the state about TEN MILLIONS
The progress of the work upon the remainder of
these line of canal, together with the sum required
for the payment of interrst on the public debt, have
been a constant drain upon the resource of
the slate, from the commencement of the pre
sent administration. When Governor Porter
took the oath of office, the immediate and pres
sing liabilities for debta due to contractors, cVc, a
mounted to more than Focit Million of dollars.
Hence the necessity for now loans and a state tax.
Let the jieople remember that not a dollar of the
state debt haa been incurred by any canal or rail
road begun by Gov. Barter's administration, but the
people are burthened with taxes to pay for the folly
and profligacy of his predecessors. Would it not
then be folly and madness for the haul working men
of the state to elevate another w hig administration
into power, that they may pursue the same outra
geous policy in throwing away the people's money
in the completion of the Gettysburg rail road, and
on incorporated companies 1
Tapeworm to be Revived.
Stevens has lately been on an electioneering
tower to the northern part of the stute. The anti
mason leaders, with Stevens at their head, the bach
window heiocs of the Buckshot war, are engaged
at their old vile business of circulating seciet circu
lars, filled with a newly hatched brood of unfounded
and nelarious slanders on Governor Potter. As a
reward for his villainous services, it is said that
John Banks has promised Stevens, if elected, to
finish his darling pet, the Gettysburg rail road.
Hints of this is contained in the following extract
fiom a Whio Arn axtimasom Si:cntT Cmci i.aii.
"As another evidence of the recklessness and ex
travagance of the Porter party, they in 183S aban
doned a rail load (tii k ok ttisiil mi iiail-iioaii)
which is the best and nearest route to the west,
after a very large amount of money had been ex
pended on it, and much of the woik had been near
ly completed, and spent fifty thousand dollars in
exploring the mountains to find another route ; and
for no other object that we can devine than that
of party malice."
We add a couple of appropriate Sai.zis
the I'cnnxylvania Statesman.
"The Tapeworm that has slept in death
Wince Iiitner went to firming
Will draw again ita pois'uous breath
And crawl along quite charming.
Ye folks who want the Treasury veins
Relieved of their last stiver,
Hand up to Honest John the reins
Mako Honest Thud tho driver."
Editorial Miscellany.
Wm. B. Reed has declined being a candidate for
Congress. He also resigned his scat in the Senile
of Pa.
The Miners' Journal ays the Valley Authr icito
Furnace was in, the 17th iust. She yields
35 tons good mutul per week.
The Journal also adds they have more oie in
Schuylkill county than in any otht" county in the
state. We have in our coal region the same kind
of ore, our deposits of coal, we know, are much lar
ger than in Schuylkill. Whether the iron ore is in
the sa me proportion, we cannot say. Independent
of this, we have the ore of Motiteur's Ridge in quan
tities sufficient for any purpose.
The N. Yoik dog killers have slain S0CI of these
animals since the 5th of June last.
Franklin l.iisk is a. volunteer candidate for the
senate in Bradfo.d and Susquehanna counties.
'Harry of the Wesl" is tho tide of a new paper
established in Jackson, Miss., to advocate thee
lection ofHrnry Clay.
flO.flfll) Reward is offered by Blown, Brothers
& Co., for the apprehension of J. P. Caldwell, who
defrauded thrm out of $25,000.
Ex Gov. Cannon ofTcnn. died at Nashville, aged
Judge McLean, it is said, has refused to accept
the ollice of Secretary of War under President Ty
ler. Dr. Crossmun cure strabismus or npiii.ting, by a
surgical operation, in less than five seconds.
John Binn ha issued an addiess, in which he
declines being a candidate for Congress.
Corporal Streeter says that farmers should put
corsets on their cows, to make them give down their
He say they can't bold llumsclvs up no ;
A considerable break orcUrtd in the Canal near
Duncan's Island, which will take Iwo week to ie
puir. FOR Tilt AMKHICA.
It wa etated in a ciiriununi-alion in the 'Milt. in
Leger," signed "Republican," that the delegate,
who formed the democratic ticket at Suubuiy, "suf
fered themselves to be cajoled and hoodwinked by a
clique of political knaves about Sunbury ;"'the un
dersigned, two of the delegate fiom Turbut town
ship, ray that it is untrue that they were iiiflueucid
by any clique about Sunbury ; they were influenced
only by Mr. McKinney himself, who told them he.
fore the balloting coiiiiuencvJ, that if he (McKin
ney) could not be carried in the convention, then
to go for Montgomery, as he would a on see
Montgomery put upon tho ticket a himself; or
any man to keep off Horlon, or worda to thut ef.
Miltos, Sept. 27th, 1811.
Mrssn. Mssr,n & Eirclt. A I noticed a
piece in the Milton Ledger, denying that he, II. L.
Dieflunbach, said any thing reflecting upon the ca
pacity of John McKinney, I will state what he did
say to me on the day of our delegate meeting. In
the first place he said McKinney conld not get the
support of the county, and that he was not fit to re.
pirscnt it, and it was a disgrace to have McKinney
to represent the county, and he, McKinney, would
be a fool after he got to Harrisburg. H. L. Dief
fenbnch afterwards came to me, and requested me
not to say anything of what he said concerning
The Presbyterian Church in Natchn consisting
of two hundred members, is said to have contribu
ted for benevolent object annually, for tho 1ml ten
years between 12,00 and 15,000 dollar. One year
the amount exceeded 20,000.
Office nf the BiLTiMonit America, Sept. 27.
We note sales of about 1500 bid. City Mills Flour
to-day, at $6,26 per bbl. for cash, and on GO days
without interest.
We hear of no transaction in Susquehanna
Flour by which to establish a quotation.
GRAIN. Sales of Md. red Wheats havo been
making to day at $1,20 to $1.27 for fail to prime.
One parcel of strictly prime waa taken at (1,30.
Sales of good white wheats to-day at $1,30 a $1,
36; strictly prime family fl iur white is worth $1,
40 a bushel. There is no Pennsylvania wheat in
Wc quote Md. white Corn at 68 a 70 cents, and
Md. yellow at CS a 69 cents. Sale of Penn. yel
low to-day at 69 a 69 cents.
V e quote Md. Rye at 73 a 75 cents. A sale of
good Penn. to-day at 77 cents.
Sales of Md. Oats to-day at 43 a 44 cents.
WHISKEY. No change in priros weconlin
ue to quote hhd. at 2 1 J cents, and bbN. at 25 J cts,
J'he wagon piice of bids, is 20 cents, exclusive of
the bairel.
Sfpt. 28. 1841.
FLOUR AND MEAL. Within the last day
or two the market hns settled down to f (1 25 for
good Penn'a. Flour, which we quote as the current
rales of Saturday, although some factors are limited
above this price. Coin and Rye Meal have under
gone no chango since our last. The low stage of
the waters keep back supplies from tho mills,
which is another cause for prices being sustained.
Stock are light. Cleared lhi week, 2031 bbls.
Flour, 450 hhds. and 1627 bbls. Corn Meal, and
480 bbls. Rye Flour.
GRAIN AND SEEDS. Wheat whirh is ar
riving freely, is generally being stoicd. Sales have
been made, since our last report, of Southern at
133 cis. per bushel; aud Penn'a., of which we hear
of no sales, wu u Id not probably bring nioie, Corn
is in belter request, and silcs made of flat Yellow
at 70 its., and White at 69 cts. Oats 45 J cents.
Flaxseed has advanced, and tales made lor crushing
at $1 85 per bushel. Cleared 211,000 bushels
Wheat, and 1497 bushels Corn.
.W .1 H It M E ft ,
On the 16 h ult., by the Rev. Joseph McCool,
Mr. K ii wan n A. KiTi'i ri, lo Miss Si'han Law
him k, both of Minersville, Schuylkill Co.
1 U I),
On Sunday last, in this place, BEBAR
HILEM AN, of Mr. lineman, aged
about 40 years.
On Thursday morning last, CATHARINE C.
daughter of Mr. Daniel Gibson, of this place, ued
1 year ami 8 months.
At Northumberland, on the 8th ult.,uftrr a short
ill. ess, MA Kill A CHAPMAN, lelicl of the late
J u. Ine Chapman.
.at. m as as w T
M..m .m ja.'-".
C o a 1 T r a 1 1 .
Amount of Coal cariied on the Danville and
Pultavillo Rail Road to Suuhury for shipping, du
ting the wcik ending on Sept. 3 , SHI Tons.
Per lubl report, 14,203
Total, I5.0S1
Amount of Iron Ore tiansiiMtcd, 1,422
JOHN BUDD, w. m.
Sism-tilASSA CoalTraiik.
Total amount shipped from Wyumiim Valley, to
June 21st, Tons, 7,1 16
Sciictlkill Coal Trad:.
.3, Tons, 376,109
To Sept.
LlTTLK Srill'VLKILL Coal TaAnr.
To sept. 23, Tons, 25,712
Drl.AWAHK & ik'HSOM (-OAL Tllillf.
To Sept. 4, Tons. 119,715
Pi jit Giiovc Coal Tiiahe.
To Aug. 5, Tons, 13,000
fc!oi XT Csniiox i;rL Hon.
Amount transported lo Sept. 23, Tons, C2.90S
Mink HilloV Nciii'vlkill Havlx Rail Road.
Amount transporrd to Sept 23, Tons 181,305
Mill Cklik Rail Kuaii
Amount transported to Sept. 16, Tons 37,539
Sem ti.kili. Yalllt Rail Roaii
Amount transported to Sept. 23, Tons 51,991
Lliiii.ii Coal Tkaus.
To Sept. 23, Tons, 49,995
C.ood Intent Tiro Company "
H I'ATED MEETING of the Company w
-bc held on Thurs.liy evening next, at 7 o'clock,
p. in., at the Court House. Punctual attendance is
requested. N. L. PRICE,
Oct. 2, 1841. Secretary.
At a late meeting of the Good Intent Fire Com
pany, 011 motion, the following resolution were or-
ui red 10 Iw published vi? :
Resolved. That four Director be appointed by
ibe chair, whose duly it shall t lo form line ut
fires, lo convey walei from any convenient plac to
ths engine; and each director to carry a suitable
isjie, a a sign ol his authority.
Resolved, That the thanks nf the company be
leniierc-n to tuo l.silies ut Suubuiy, lor thru assist'
aticc 41 1 U late Urcs..
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxlheimer.
WHAT 110
Rtk, .fit)
('our?, ...... 40
Oath, 30
Pork, ...... ft
FLAnaritn, ... . 125
BCTTKR, ..... 4
Bkfswai, .25
Tallow, 12j
Ditmi ArpLr.s, ..... 75'
Do. Piaches, .... 200
Flax, H
Heckled Flax, .... 10
Eon, ...... 7
Of the efficacy nf Dr. Harticlti celebrated Medi
cine. Dear Sin: I was afflicted with a bilious and
nervious disease to a very alarming degree, wilh
all tho symptome whirh so frequently 1 fleets a re
laxed condition, via: giddiness in the bead, violent
tremors, chilliness, with a fixed pain in the right
side, complexion bad, and eostiveiuss; indeed I
was in a most miserable condition. I had tried
many remedies, but found no permanent relief un
til I had purchased Dr. Jlarlich's compound
strengthening and German aperient Pills, which
from their sopeiior virtues, I war Completely cured,
and am able lo punne my employment, free from
pain and disease, (signed) JOHN BOLES.
Dated Xenia, Ohio June 7, 1840.
Principle Ollice for lhr United Slates, No. 19,
North EIGHTH STREET, PhiUd. Iphi 1.
Creditor!; Take Aoliec.
' m is A. Dillinctoii, has filed in Iheollico ot the
Piothonotary of t tie Couit of Common Plena of
Northumberland county, an account i f the receipts
and expenditures by him, of the said Thomas A.
BilliiiKlou, for the examination nf those interested,
011 or More the third day of NovemU r next, when
the same wiil be allowed by the court, unless cause
bu shown to the contrary.
Prothonotary's Office, J'ruth'y.
Sunbiiry.Sept.'2'.t, 1811. 5 St.
OK trial in the Court of i:. unmon Picas of
Northumberland Cotinlv, coinnieuciiig on the
first Monday of Novenilier next, (being :he 1st.)
Coutity nf Noithum'd. vs John Bloom, lale Tieas,
Joseph Treg')
vs Martin M. Mock
vs John Filheit
vs Weavi r. Lloyd, ct al
vs 1 1 11 1, U Re his
vs J tin Y in
vs George ( lyster
vs Ji'hn D. Cowden
vs Auuus'ux Rss i t at
vs Richards ov Kitchen
vs Patrick II mip-ey
v M. B. Eekerl & C G.
vs Christian Rihincn
vs Solomon Duiikelberger
vs Jesse Parker
vs W illism McCoy
Peler Filhcn ' sdms.
Comm'th. of Pa.
Badger for Badger
Win. A. Lloyd
iS'lomon Mrnca
Chaste W. liichards
W illiam Shi) man
John D. I .owdvii
Jacob Ueels
Saiah Eckert
Daniel Die flenbacher
James Wetzel
Elijah Crawford
John A. Llod
Coml'lh of Pa. for Sayre vs John Fritk
Henry r rick vg Stephen Wilson
John Hunter vs John Hun r
Jacob I'lnlips vs James D efTeiiluchcr
Gilhert IJoluns ex r vs Martin ravel
Richard Ysruell vs E. G. Bradford' adin-.
Lyon, endorsee of Smith vs Hugh Bi lias
Andiew Frick
vs I oil 1 A. Lloyd
vs A. Stounbtoir admr
vs Henry I litk
vs Samuel Itlair
vs David Haitman
va P. Pursel cV J rurscl
riiornas Yauvalzah
Barllett for Piper
lleinen oV Follmer
John M. Russel
Joseph Mam
Prothonot try's Office,
Sunbury. Oct 8, 11 1.
C.ood Vi lli Tire Company."
rPHE mcmlier of the "Good Will Fire Com---
pui" are requested to meet at the t'ouil
House, un M011d.1v Evening, Oct. -1 ill. ut 7 o'
clock precisely. Punctual attendance ia leqnircd.
-ept. 25. J. ft. 7.1 M M Bli M A A . .Vc.
II E W A n D
IS offered for information that will lead loth" con
viction of any person or per-ous w ho bae l.n I
or shall lierealtir lay or ullu r oiisiruetions 011
the rails of the Danville and lYliswitc Railroad. All
ai t ol 1 lie iigMslalure na niaile Il ls oil. nee ptiiitsii
uble by imprisonment in the PENITENTIARY,
and the Company oie urteiinuii if to prosecute at
tend rs to the utmost extent of the law.
S'pt. 19. 3t. S. It. WOOD. Manager.
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Sun
bu'V and viciMlv. llott they t.ik n the
Shop lati ly occupied by Win. Durst, where they
will carry 011 Die
in all its, vaiious branches. By siii.'t atliii'ion arid
leasonable chatges, they expect lo meiit a share ol
public patronage.
Sunbury, Sept. 4lh. IS 11.
Aotitf lo Ci editor..
rpiIE ('redilora of Hiram Piice, of the Borough
of Sunbury, are beieby noiiflid that he has
made ail asrignuirnl of bis properly and fleets lo
ibe uudrigncd, in dust for the I em fit nf such of
bis creditors as shall execute a release of then ic
speclive claims, within suty das fiom the date of
the said assipmnent, viz : the 13th of Auqu-t 1841.
A releasi- is now nady at the ollice of C, . He
gins, for the signature of creditors i!r.-iiing 10 stall
llieiiist he ut the trne'lt of the argument.
Sunbury , Sept. 4, 1 K-l I tit Assignees.
IStalc ol Jolin l licrry.
TOI'lt'E i hereby given, that the Register of
Northumberland county ha. granted letter
testamentary upon tho estate nf John Cherry,
lute of AugusU township, dee'd., to the subsrii
her, resoliiig 111 said lowiislnp. All pei sons having
any demand against said state, ur lequcstcj lo
prisrul Ibrio, and lliu.c imlibkd lo limlo payuieiit
lu the siibscrilu r.
Sept. 1. C. PETER SNYDER. Adm.
TS Altl for de. Enquire al ibis ollice.
1 A A ugul 21, 1811.
tJERONS, indebted to H. U. Ma.str & Co.
aie once more nolilied liint lUi'ir accounts, if
nol sealed ill a few weeks, wdl posiu.ely be placed
in the IsinJs of a nmg.snate for collection.
Auusl U, 1841. .
''PHE Sul'scriber will le a candidate for the office
-L of Treasurer of Northumberland county. He
promises, if elected, faithfully to discharge the du
lie apiei I lining to said oince,
July 3, Ibll. GEO. WEll-R.
E33. SJSUUlXi.
A N I IION'8 Classical Dictionary; Lemprier's
do.; Ainsworth'a do ; Cobh"a do.; English and
German do.; Ambon's Ciesar; Ambon's Grammer;
Anlhen's Cirero; Mair'a Latin Reader; Ogilby'adu.;
Andrew' Latin Lessons; Donnegan's Lexicon;
r isk ijreik ixerrises; Davies a Lrcendet; Giaera
Mnjora; Adams' Roman Antiquities; Pinimck's
Goldsmith' England; do. Greece; Lyell's Elements
nf Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's llolnnv; Elements of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhitorieal (len
ders; Lin rson's Geography nod lli-toiv; Ohiry'a
do.; Pura y's do.; Smith's Grammer; Kirkham's do.;
Kay's Kenlers; Cobb's do.; Cobh's A rillimeliek;
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Eiaugcliral Fa
mily Library; ('ullage Bible; Family do; Collater
al 1I0.; tSmalt Bihles and Testaments Parker's Ex
ert isc on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's
S. .inl's Itesl; American Involution; Manvatl's No
vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism
uf American Laws; Letters on Natural Mncir; Che
mistry for Beginners English Exercises adapted 10
Murray' Grammer; Sequel lo Comley's Spelling
Book; American Class Biaik; DaUill's Schoolmas
ter s Assistant; A ureal variety of Blank Books, &c.
Angm-t 28, lull.
MADEIRA WINE. First quality Madiera
ine, Tor sdc low ly
Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER,
FO U RT 1 1" P ROOF BRA N 1 Y Ag7ii fuiTT
article nhvnys on banJ and for sale by
Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASS Ell.
HOLLAND (il.N, Of the best quality always
on hand and tor sate by
Sept. I, 1S41. II. B. MASSER.
hand snd for sale by
Sept. 1, 1S41. II. D. MASSER.
LASSES. Of the best quality ulwavs on hand
111 d for sale by
Sept. 1, IK-Jl. H. B. MASSER.
BROWN SUGAR. Of a pood qualty. for sale
lowby Sept. 1, 1811. 1 1 . U. M ASM, .
quality nhvavsou hand and l"r sale by
Sept. 1, lsll. H. IS. MASSER.
COFFI E. Javi, bio and Lngulra Collie, con
stantly on bind and for sale I v
Sept. I, 1S4I. H. B.MASf-r.R.
SPERM OIL. 11, t r and Summer strained
Spi 1 m Oil, of the best quality, rdwuya en hat.o ai.d
for sale bv
Sept 1, 1841. H. U. MASSER.
S'I L t jr.l.'uT-Tand LilTsl. I'steriTT r "i" b7
s, pi. 1. is 1 1. H. B. MAssER.
IRISH' SALMON." Of "the i'if quahiy 7 con
stautlv on Lo 1 nl and lor salt bv
Sept. 1, isu. M 15. MASSER.
I7TQ I' O U S.l-1 iV a 1 1 k 1 1 1 Isa 1 1 1T1 1 1 Ibe best qualT
ties, nla 8 011 hand and lor sale bv
Sept. i, 18 U. II. B. MASSER.
SPRING S I ELL. Ul aiiuus sizes lor Eliplic
Springs, for sale by
Seft. 1, 131!. H. B. MASsEIL
very reduced pricisby
Seiii. 1. IS 1 1.
BIliLES. For salo at
BLANK BOOKS. Of aifkmds. for sale by
Sept. 1, 1811. H. B. MASSER.
"BLANKbLEDS. Ujmts, Moilgages, inc. for
sale by Sept. 1.1 HI 1. II. B. MASSER,
" Justices' blanks." tor srTuTTy
Sept. 1, 1811. H. B. MAssER.
CLO'PHS, Blue, Black. inMbible Green, &c,
for si le bv
Sept. f. 1811. II. B. M ASSER.
sale very low by
Sept. I, 1 SI I. H. B. MASsER.
Sepl. I, 1811.
-For sale cheap by
BLANKETS For sule cheap bv
Sept. 1, 1811. H. B. MASSER.
UN Lli.EAt'll ED M I S 1. 1 N S For sn to" by "
Sei.t. 1. lsll. II. B. MAssER.
"CO T I t )N " Y A USXS D C O l P V.N L A Ps
For sale by
Sept. l.'istl. H. B- MASSER.
Tl EVP A N TnTTpl ' O N T I N If'..?' s ift
ly Si pi. 1. 1811. H. 1). MAssER.
For sale by
Sep.. 1.1S11. H. B. M ASSER.
.1 . s 1 n 1: v .1 ( 1: s .
11 Eli I ES I'S the attention of Ills counliy friends
who are in want, to his very luge stock nf
Carprimgs, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings,
Stair Rods, Ac , cVc, that be has just iipilud, al
his wan bouses, No. 18 North 2d street, anil No. 2
Churoh Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila
dc'phia. Julv 31, 1811. ly.
JlllLll' UEISEii.ot Augusta, at Itie solicita
tions ul Ins Ineiiils, haa agreed to become t
candidate for the i.ll'.i-e of County CommisMnner.
He is a farmer and mechanic, of unexceptionable
character, mid eveiy way qualified to fill ibe ollice.
It is generally admitted that according lo ibe Ci-la-blisbed
demociatic utngc, Augusta township is en
titled lo the nomtua'ion, vie inert I 'ie recom
un nd Mi. W'eisir as a staunch democrat, and a fa
nun for the ollice.
MlM 131 Shamokiv ami ArnisrA.
July 19. 1811.
111k ST AT K I ONSTI1 I'TlnN.
"Hi talced t'U t'te Senate and flutt. of ,'etre
sentutires in Hem rut Anin'dtf in', ' the
Coiistiiulinii nl rills I'oniiiionvM'alth I .mi. oiled 111
the ihuii sci tion of tho sicond article, so that it
shall lead as follows ;
"That the Governor shall hold hi- of'ice during
three vears, from iIip ll.hd Tinsday of J ioiirv,
next ensU'lig bis election, and shad nol be capable
of holding it longer ihuu u sing't te- at if thne
years, in any leim of nine ve.irs."
Speaker of the llue if lWmnftii:t'aes.
JNO. If. I.UlMi,
SpmUir of the Senate.
Pcanstflrania, i Ait.' Oinci. $ I d.i birrby cer.
t.fv lhal ibe forego
ing is a true ropy of a Rerolulloii roposmg an
ttineiulmeiil ol liie l.'ouslitiitiou, whicli m agrcid
to ut the la.t seiion i f il.e Legislature, by a in 1
joiily uf the meiiibers 1 beted to each house, the
original of which remains tiled in this ollice; and
in compliant e willi ibe teulli srltcle of the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth, I do beieby causa'
the s.iuio lu be (uKl-hed, a dliicUd l lUe said
v-n ,-.
r IN TESTIMONY v. hi reof, I
Lm S. lliave hereunto set inv banJ uud
)- si i f said ollice at Harrisburg. ibis
wviav 14lh day of June, 18 1 1.
FRS. It. slIUN'K,
Sixritary tf the I'vinMV'HiTill.h.
July 3. Jm.
BvciJiuxiir. pa.
Business attended to in the Counties of Nor
ihuml crland, Union. Lvrnniing and Columbia,
liefer tot
Thomas Haiit A. Co.;
Lowi.r Sc BAnor.
Haiit, Ci-mviihos cV Hawt, yVhilad.
Sr-Kimn, looii 6c t'o.,
Ann 1 o f t. .
'THE suhscrilier, residing in the town of Shamo
kin, nircrs for rent his Blacksmith Shop anJ
Tools. Any pet son wishing lo rent iho same, ran
have possession nt any time between this and tho
flint of September next. Tbe shop is a good one,
end located in the centre of the town.
Ju'v 1 7.-if JOSEPH ZERN.
1TSV gccus. .
rPHE subscriber hat iceeived an ussortment of
New Goods, whirh he will sell on the lowest
terms. June 19. H. B. MANSER.
Comnilsslon and Corvii aiding
informs his friends and tho
Merthanta generally, that he continues tho
Commission and Forwarding Business, at bis ware
house, foot of Willow st. Railroad, Dtlawaio and
Merchants having goods to be shipped, will find
it much to their advantage, as to tiin nud prices
of freight, it send their merchandise njaghe Depot,
corner of Frorft and Willow street Railroad, as liny
esn then be sent either route by the Tide oler
Canal, or Schuylkill and Union Canals, as boats
will arrive uml depart daily for the Juniata and
Suscuehanrin Canals by Tide-water in tow of steam,
or via Schuylkill and Uiiicn (.'annU fiom Fairmouiit
Merchants will please be r'ir to serd oil
goods deslinid for rtt'.rr 1 u!i, to ti e i-ifuO Dipot,
corner of Front and Wil'ow nie'l l!.u!r .i.d, with
iltrect'niis areompnnvitig them, wi.ich leute tl.ry
wish ti.em fo bo shipped.
Ce-atse and fine Sail iu,d Flatter ut wholctulj
prices, on the Deluw aie 11 Sehisv Iki'l.
l'l.'l id. Iphia. .lor e fl. ls-i 1 1 y.
" rriffv C' "TTI " r"1'. S-J
i EftES.? r -t-.c... r,r.nifi,7,
Cup ami i V7rr.
No. 10 So, ,n 4 in sn i.;;t.' I IHI.ADELl HIA,
A 'I1LKH an eMcnsiik a-so'ii.en of liie alanO
' ariii les oie eoi.stnritlv kept on hai.d, fur said
at Ibe un st rei-"i h1 le Icino-.
M iy 29, 1811. ly.
eays, riaTaicT, lyo:t u oosir."
VIio!'saIt l)-a!rs.
In Fore-inn, lirilUli uml ,1mtricuii Dry Goods,
No. 12 NoHTH Tit I 11 II SlUKIT, PlIII.A I.PHI A.
COUNTRY Merchants ca;i be supplied at all with an extensive assortmrnl of the abovo
Gnod-.on the ino-t riMsonalde and tatisfactory terms.
May 29, 1811. 1 v.
At! (lit is, 1 ;iiuUi8 n &z SmUli.
Bonnet and J'tilni Leaf Hut V,'ut house.
No. 107 Maiikkt Stri i:t, aium e 4 ru STntiT,
COUNTRY Aiercbaiils are respectfully reques'.eJ
to fall a'ld examine their extensive ossoilmont,'
which they will stli on the most reasonable lenns.
Miv 21. 1811. Iv.
D. K 1 U lv P A T 11 1 C K Ac SO
Ko. 21. Korth Third tt net,
HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment;
offpanir.h Hi Jit, I'lina hi:. Tanner Oil;
Ar., al the lowest niaiket prices, i for cash, iif
exchange for Leather, or upon nedit.
Consignment of Leather rereivrJ fol sa!?,. of
pnrclinseil nl the higr.ost niaiket puces,
rjj Lintl er sloied free of charge.
April 17. 1811. 1 v.
Till: Subscriber, Agent of Lion cV Harris, Hat
- Maniifacturr-rs, for New York, Phil ulelpliiu
Balliinoie uud other large ritie, w ! ose Hats arc
highly commended f r gt-nd nnur ar.d dur:it,ility;
lias on band ) firt rale nso tineiit nf HATS and
CA I S, suitable for Spr ngs le-, wh eh will be sold,
very low, b r cash or approved credit, nt the nateul
cheap store. No. 40, North Third street, opposis
the City Hotel. Philadelphia.
N. B. Ordeis for Hats in the rtmgh, piomptly
altei.ded to. The highest price, in riA or tra..o
given for For skint.
Philadelibia, April 10, 1S1I. Iy
AtTKNtlONM iTllCl I ANT5S, &ci
H. P. & 0 . H. FRICK,
.Yo. 297, Market street, fire doors ulove Stirnth,
OFFER for sale, at the lowest market prices, a'
gi until assortment of Tens, Crffrts, Sxigursi
Mntasics, Wines, Liquors, Sjiiets, T.bueeo, Jc.
CoCNTRY Piioiii'ck n reived and sold on commits
si. m. Mcichaiils, Hotel keepers, and oilieis, w ilf
find it to tin ir advantage to call and rxniuii e out
loik, l fore purchasing elsewhere. Mirch.ii.U
wisbii g their poods c. llected in this city, by 1. avii.g
an order, will have lliem promptly forwarded, by
the most expeditious lines.
t.llWIS 1. I HICK, JClt.V II. FUICK.
Feb. ti, 1811. ly.
Xo. liivl Cliostiut Street, Lelow -Hi.
EEP constaiiily on hand a general ss. l
j Sj rnerii ol Books and Siationaiy ; coiiipiis ng
' Law. Medical, Misrellane
mis and Si I,. i B 'ok Day It. oka, all s z s, l.rd-
ko rs, do., Fuiiotv Li le., I'm ki I U li es, Writinif
P.ipeis, W ra ping I'ap. rs. Ac. Ar., which ibry ol.
Icr ul Il.e l tl p ices lo I'ouri'rv Merchant' Prc
fss..iiul Gi ii. Iimeii, Teachers, and ail other, ilia'
may favor ibrtii with their rust m.
Pbihidelpiiia, No Mlilier 7. 1810. ly.
AM I All I liKU snJ sold ty lhosufcn
ber in Sonbuiy, of ibe best Tin, and il"
woik wutraiiled, whirh he oilers for sale st ndiiecil
cash prices, now as low at relinl as foininrly 1d by
whoirsale. li iud Wulern.g Pols, formerly sold st
87, now at 7o cents; Large Bi ekels, lornmlv soldi
al 75 and U'J, now at C'i and 50; Gallon Coll'. e
Pols, formeily dd at 50, and lluec quart at 60, nos
al 16 and 38 cents, and other ariicU of Tin-Warn
in proportion. Movh pipe uud stute made audi
sold i heap for cash, cVe.
N. B. All persons indebted to the aulwctila tr.
snd who wish lo save cua'a, ate requested to c.VI
and iuke satisfaction, without delay, either wiU
cash or by giving (lu ll note.'.
Suubu.y, Apui XU. HE.NRY MASSEJt.