Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 02, 1841, Image 2

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I'tvm the American ficntinel.
Dint Debt.
Sims of the Whig presae are urging their po
iiivnl frirnJ to oppose the re-election of Governor
Porter, on account of heavy taxe an ! ihe increase
of f h public- debt. ItwoulJ seem hul f.ilr, Ihit they
should say at the ratne time that the Whig Rcpre.
scntalivea from the city have always with scarcely
an exception, voted for every extension of the puh.
ho works, an J tor the local appropriation from the
State Treasury from which the atate dull bai
lisen and for all the taxe which have been impo
sed on the people; whilst Governor Porter has on
various occasions interposed hie veto to prevent
I wlher extension and uselcaa appropriation, which
Whig hou-ei had paused. We refer foi example
I I the Gettysburg Kail KoaJ, and the Wisconisco
But is theie not qnite as much cms, for com
I1 lint at the conduct of the whig City Councils 1
I s not the City debt ai oppressive aa lh State debt?
Ha not the eople' money been squandered, at
tvi-l as unwisely by the City as by the State au
tnuri ics ; and have not the whig, both in the City
a. id Stole legislature, ahvaya been tho principal
, of the wasteful expenditures ; and extrava
C.nt appropriations? But what surprises us most,
i s thai ttie wbjgs, of the city, who but a few months
Ago, made a most urgent and eloquent appeal to the.
I 'girlature, which was copied and approved by al
moHt all ttie whig papers in the Bute, to impose
i -xes for the purpose of sustaining the credit of the j
commonwealth, should now turn round and ask Ihe
people to reject Governor Porter for doing what
ihey prayed him and the legislature to do. In that
sldress, which refer to a period embracing the I
u' Wo 6f Governor Rit.ner's as well as Governor
Pouter' amininistratioo, these gentlemen say em
phatically "Wi slime so ahtt, ok hatulii j
siit ottt Mom Trux another" and yet the.
whig of Philadelphia, a! whoso solicitation these
Svrlhon wero imposed, end for whose benefit thsse
improvements have been carried on lo completion,
me now attempting unjustly to excite hostility to
Governor Porter, We cannot helieva, for one
moment, that the whigs of the city approve of such
a mode of electioneering. Read the following ex.
t acts from the appeal to which we have referred
Extract from an address of the citizens of Phil i
,'ilphla issued Murch 4, 1841 to the Freemen of
"From tho epoch at which the distribution
i.f rtiK scbplvs retekce, and the enormous sums
exacted as the price of charters seduced tho Legis
I iture into the fatal Ennonf or iieealiko tub
i :iTLNks. No people ever yet with impunity,
i. iied on any source but taxation to supply a de(i-
X in their ordinary revenue, or pursued the sys-
. in of borrowing money for extraordinary service j
-t hwut laying taxes to meet Ihe interest, and gra
I a illy axtinguish the principal of the loan. These
ou fundamental principles, and our exprriancc
within the last few years has bitterly taught us their
..importance ami their truth.
We have no desire to dwell on the error of past
Legislation. We blame no party, or rather not
n party more than the other, Leaders of all
, xrtut bavo acted aa if yon wero unwilling to con
i.l uto your fair proportion towards the expenses ot
tax own government, and the fulfilment of her
gr.lions ; and have proclaimed that -ll was we. I,
..hen all was not well. Even at the last session,
I ough a tax was laid, it ia believed to be greatly
adequate, arid the system offurceJ loans was still j
I argued. The day has now come when no further
'..fts can be successfully practised. We are at the
isis of our fate. We must (it down in mute des-
,"'.iir, or rise like men, and face Ihe evils which we
ive brought upon ourselves, or supinely sullered
others lo biiug upon us. We cannot doubt which
. .tentative you will choose,
It in for you to say, whether these shall hereaf
ter be wilhcld from them. Rehvihi ioch lis-
. i xn, and the career of unrivalled prosperity is still
'.ii fore us."
Signed hy about five hundred of the principal j
Whigs if riiikdil.hia
In the year 1S30, under the administration of
('or. RlTKKR, when upwurds two millions of dot-r.-.rf
were received from the General Government.
t In Ihe same year the UNITED STATES
HANK waa chaitcird and hurried through whig
rgitlalure by Tiu linns Steven, William B.
Reap and others, and approved by RiTtn,
n which appropriations wero made for the following
V.w Woiik. viz: the North Branch and West
liisnch Canals, the Eiie Extension and Gettysburg
.tail Road. The Wiscouiseo feeder nus authoii
- d by act of April 14, 1630 und approved by Ju
. iru HiT-VEa.
Judge Mc Lett ii.
Our private cui respondent at Washington writes
t us that the President has received a letter from
Judge McLean, declining to accept the appointment
"1 Secretary of Wpr.
We do not know in which direction Mr. Tyler
1 1. is turned his eye fur a successor to Mr. Bell. The
I iucs iud.cale that a man of ability ia required in
ilia! depattinenl. V, S. Gat,
Toe McLi ou Caa. The New Yoik Couii r
nates lhat this important trial will take place next
.link, and ill consequence of the illness of the Chief
iu.lice, Nelson, Judge Gridley will pre.-ide. V
i'o harn, that there exists uo doubt among those
vl,0 have examined ad Ihe testimony, thai he wi I
u acquitted. Thus wiil end uli diutcuhies iu tela
tun to McLeod'a apprehension and inJiciuent.
Rial Estate. 'The New Yoik Sun thinks
at theie has been a thorough purg.ition of the
oral atmophcis that as the Bank of the United
isles is dead, speculation will not agaiu liuve an
ppuitunity of running riot and, a consequence, (state will rise in fxie:Bitkntiri Btpwtir.
Atroclons FrOneliooil, id Ita Refutation.'
Our attention wns directed, in our List paier but
bully circulated by the cnlumniatnrs of DTtn R.
Porter, charging Lim wi h HABITS of IN
TEMPERANCE. We then slated, so utterly
FAl.SE wi the charge, that not single editor of
a federal paper DARED to tranter the WICKED
LIS to his column, not even the Tthgrnph and
Chronicle, published in this place, two of the most
reckless papers printed ii Pennsylvania or else
where. We, however, warned our Democratic
friends we had got authority for sta ing that, j
juit on the evt of the election, they might look out j
for simultaneous publication of that, and other
falte'ioods, and the result pioves wo were well ad-
visrd, nnd not niis'aken. I he paragraph below
we copy from an Autimasonic paper published in
Washington county, one of the most distant coun
ties in the Stale, nnd we do not regret that tho edi
tor got ahead of his co-laborers in FALSEHOOD,
inasmuch as w are enabled to present to the com
The Resiling Correspondent, said to he arespon
tillc gentleman by the editor of the, "Washington
Reporter" ho'ds the following language :
Porte has been travelling through Berks and
Schuylkill electioneering. He come to this place j
Reading on Friday night last ao DRUNK that
he had to be led into the tavern. What think his
temperance friends of such a man 1 What a con
trast to John Banks."
We ask n truth loving community to judge of t!,e
responsibility and respectability of the wretch wh i j
could thus wantonly, and in cold blood, assail the t
reputation of his fellow man, by the eviJence we i
proJucc and publish. Tho base nnd contempt iblo 1
wretch who penned tho slanderous lie, DARE
NOT uttempt to impeach the reputation of those
his neighbor who have voluntarily rescued the
Governor from the reproach attempted to be nlfixed
to his skirts. Nay, more., ho DARE NOT AS
over his own name, the tiuth of what ho oiiony
inouvly palmed upon toe public through the con
temptible INEI3UIATE who edi the "Washing
Reporter." If, howevi r, wo are mUtuken in this
opinion, he will certainly turn out to be some Bank
officer, who hat not yet absconded with the funds
of the institution of which he has charge. Read the
evidence, fellow citizens, and judge, for yourselves.
Here it is :
Rkadino, Sept. 23d, 1841.
Chairman of the Dim. Central Committee.
Sin A letter, purporting to be wiillen from this
place, npearcd in a paper called the ' Washington
Reporter," of the ISih September, which said let
ter asserted positively, that upon tho oocosi on of
Gov. PORTERS recent vi-it to Reading. He
ERN." Now, we the undersigned, witnessed Got.
Pom. tkk's arrival, and wore with him the greater
part of the few hours he remained here. WE,
therefore, feel ourselves called upon, not to uUer
so BASE A SLANDER to go uncontradicted.
We assert boldly, and without the least hesitation,
or fear of Contradiction, that tho above charge is
that there is not crtrt the thaJnw of a foundation '
upon which it can rest. Nor is this opinion based
eressy, but we know our usserli m to 1c due,
.." , ,, ... ...
6ai" rel,oal lha ,,ie dia,8 is TOTALLY AND
Wc remain yours, -c.
Sr,if Capitul Gazttte.
CiTT Nomination. J.tsrph lngeetull Esq..
has been nominate.) as the Whig candid ite to re
present the city in Congrer in the place of Mr. Ser
geant, resigned.
Jacob Grali E.nj., was nominated to fill the va
canry in the State Senate, in the of Win,
B. Reed Esq., resigned.
William F. Boone Esq., was nominated to fill
the vacancy in the Assembly ticket. V. S. Gas.
The editor of the N.ilioual Gar.etle have been
favored with the follow ing extract fro, ,i the advices
, uf Canton house of the first respectability to its
correspondent in this city. The intelligence is of
moment, and demands Iho particular attention of
merchants interested in the China Irado.
Caiton, May I3ih, 1941.
"Within the last ten dsys I here has been a great
d. ;i of alarm among tho Chinese, and some un
easiness Among Iho English Merchants, in conse
quence of the continued univuls of Chinese tro ps,
Ihe number of which now in ai d about Canton is eslimatej at from thiily thousand to fifty
thousand. It has been luaied lhatthe Mandarins
m ght commit some agr.ssinns this force
which would compel the British to retaliate, and
thereby endanger if not destroy Ihe city fiom
which a great many of the Cliimao are moving
tin ir families. Two or ihree of tl.e U.i i.h veM's
hve again been brought up nearer to this place,
and other percautions have been tAen lo meet any
emergency that may occur,
The Moon. M, Arago, the Celebrated astrono
mer, has leeii giving h-clUfea lo crowded audien
ces, on the naluro of the moon. He contends, that
this planet is not an inhabited ii.Jy, and that it is
wuhoul ony kind of vitality, e ther uuirnal or veg
tabV Ho denies, also, Ibal it has tuber teas, ri
vers, or lakes, but Inui that it has mountains and
valleys, which, however, be toys, are of punitive
lot mat ion
The Mnrty-ninc Thoiiwiid Dollar lanitCr.
Tho "Athena Scribe." Whig paper published
in Susquehanna county, contains the following
paragraph :
"The Ttltgrnph and other ppcrs at Hnrriahurg,
weekly assert the following in substance :"
"David R. Porter received for signing the suspen
sion resolutions, $99,000 from the United States
The ' Register," another Whig paper, pilnted in
Susquehanna county, shj s in relation to the above,
a fullows :
"There are more friends of John B inks than one,
;n this section, who wish the truth of tho above
charges proved beyond the power of c"avil, or the
,iory dropped."
For ourselves, we concur in the opinion that this
heinous ch age should, in common jus' ice, he pro
ved, or in common decency he stopped. The Bank
of the United Stale was chartered by the Federal
ists it ha hern managed by the Federalists, and
ruined by the Federalists. It is in their hands ;
(hey have the records of all its secret and its public
transaitions, in their possession, and they axe bound
by every principle of honor anJ honesty, to
PROVE tho CHARGE they have made, or a
bandonxt. DAVID R. PORTER is tho randi
date of the democratic party for Governor. Rel-
ng upon his integrity and faithfulness to the peo-
j pie, os O ivernor of the Commonwealth, HE DE
j THE PROOFS. Upright, and the rig'dofhis
friends, to inquire his political opponents cither to
establish tho charge by proofs, which, if they exist,
are in if,e;r own hands or else nublically or uno-
quivocally to recall the tile slander, cann t be uues-
tioncj by any honorublc in in of any party.
j refLmiC0 to tTiiss charce. we have soueht anJ
obtained on interview with Gov. Purter, in coinpa-
ny with the other democratic editors of this place,
and those members of the Democratic Ccntial
Committee who rcsido here, and WE HAVE
HIS EXPRESS AUTHORITY for saying, that
the ivhtile charge idove rtferredXo, is ENTIRELY
DATIOX, that there is not a FACT or SHA
that in any ihupe or form in which it can be in de,
DIRECT or IX Dili EC T, actual or contingent, it
is. in the whole, and in eriry part of it, 'TO TAL
ing aware that a NEGATIVE cannot bo proved,
be expicsseJ his disavowal and denial of the slan
derous fasehootl, in the D HO. i I) EST and most
vors from his accusers, and only demanding what
is right.
In addition to this broad and xtnijuni ' Jird dcnU
al, we are authorized by him, to stale, that, ho nev
er in his whole life time, either as a private Citizen,
or since he has been Governor, received a solitary
cent from the Bank of the United States, or from
any person having any connexion with it, as
president, cashier, director or other ollicer, or agent,
either directly or indtreitly, for his private benefit,
or advantage, or for that of uny other person or per
sons, ih at he never owned a dollai's worth in said
Bank, and docs not own a single share of stock in
any bank in the world, bis nuno has never
been before Hie Bunk of the United States as draw,
er, iudorser, acceptor, borrower, or in any o;her
manner or sliape whitcver, that he never had in
: i;- ......n.; ... . ..-,;. ....... ,i, , i ... :.
' .,. .
if'-ot uuthin its xoahs at ai.v 11 i.c in his whole
Upon the strength of this deni ,, WE PRO
AND SLANDEROUS State Cup'tol Gaz.
Ttie Mc-I.rotl ('sir.
We learn from I'lica, through ihe New York
Express, that the testimony taken by comn,ision
in Canada, to prove an uiibi for Mcl.eod, has been
received in I'lica, and is of Mich a character as to
leave no doubt, that he wdl le acquitted.
Another company of U. S, Sol liers, wc under
stand, is about to le.ive the city lo keep the peace in
Utica dm mg ihe dial.
The Oneida Whig u Tuesday says; "Lest sui
tors should be led to oteit an eaily piepirution of
their causes, from a notice in some of the pipers
that the trial of McLcod would take place on the
"7th inst., we are requested 1 1 say that be will lie
tried ill ihe early pari of Iho circuit, and that Ihe
parlies who dime lo try lh. ir causes, should not
fail (o le prep ne I for I'ial." 77i. Gaz.
l nlul Duel.
We mentioned a few days since that a duel was
to have lukrn place, on Ihe Dili inst., opposite Prince
ton, M a-ioippi, between JuJe Tex ni x and Mr.
Row lit, both of Louisiana; weapons rifles, dis
inter thiily nt. ps. We now learn Iroui the Louts
vi le Journal lhat it took lace accord 114 lo arrange
in 'i,l, and Ju Igu i nney was killed al the first fire.
'The parties, it is stated, stood back to buck, and the
i JuJ'" """"Sh mistake wheeled loo quick. Disco-
veiing his eiror, he was in the act uf resuming his when Ihe w hJ.wji given, and he received
his adversary's death-shot in the back.
The diliiculiy Ulween them o iguiated by Judge
Ti iiuey's granting a divorce lo the wild of Rowley,
and a proposed marriage of the widow by the Judge.
She was a iich widow uf Concordu parUh. I'hil.
A Sisteii Shot bt her, Bitoriir.H. A few
days since a most fut il and lamentable accident oc
curred in Brady township, Clearfield counly, Pa.,
in ihe family of a Mr. Trc s-ler, 'The a 111 fi red at a
bird which sat on the corner i.f the house, high off
tl.e ground, 'The lull struck ihe end of one of the
house logs, glaucii fr on llit iice lo lh ) fence, and
then stiuck ihe girl was in the garden. The ball
entiled at the right si e, passing iinrmdiatt-ly
through the heart, and loJgrd against the akin ou
tho left side.
By th Freslitrnt of I lis trolled Slates of
Whereas it has come to the knowledge of tho
Government of the United Slatca that sundry secret
Lodges, Clubs, or Associations exist on tho Noith
ern Frontier ; that the members of these Lodges
are bound together by secret oath j tint they have
collected fire arms and other military materials, and
secreted them in sundry places; and Ibht it is iheir
purpose to violate Ihe laws of their country by ma
king military and lawles incursions, when oppor
tunity shall offer, into the Territorios of a Power
with which the United State are at peace ; and
whereas it is known that travelling agitators' from
both sides of tho line, visit these Lodges, and har
angue the members in secret meeting, stimulating
them 1 1 illegal acts; and whereas the samo person-,
are known to levy contribution on tho ignorant
and credulous for their own benefit, thus suppor
ting and enriching themselves by the basest means ;
and whereas the unlawful intentions of the mem
bers of these Lodges have already been manifested
in an attempt to destroy the lives and property of
the inhabitants of Chippewa, in Canada, and the
public properly of the British Government there
being : Now, therefore, I, John 'Tyler, President of
the United Stales, do isnuc this my proclamation, ad
monishing all such evil-.nindcd persons of the con
dign punishment which is certain lo overtake them,
assuring them that the laws of United Slates will be
rigorootty executed against their illegal acts ; and
that if in any lawless incursion into Canada ihey
fall into the hands of the British authorities they
will not be reclaimed as American citizens, nor any
interference made by this Government in their be
half. And I exhort all well meaning but deluded per
sons w ho may have joined Ihese Lodges immediate
ly to abandon them, and to have nothing more to do
with their secret meetings, or unlawful oaths, as
the would avoid serious consequences to themselves.
And I expect the intelligent and wcll-diKposed mem
ber of iho community lo frown on all these unlaw
ful combinations and illegal proceedings, an.l to as
sist the Government in maintaining Ihe peace of
the country Against the mischii vou.s consequences
of the acts of these violators of the law.
Givin under my hand, at the city of Washington,
the twenty-fifth day of Seqtcmbcr, A. D.
l. one thousand eight hundred and for'y-ono
and of ihe In dependence of the Untied
Slates the sixty sixth.
By the President.
Dmu Wi:uTr.ii, Secretary of Slate.
C'mindlAii Frontier.
If the fict stated in the following letter are cor
rectly given, we have no doubt lhat Croghan will
immediately be given up by the Canadian Govern
ment and the prcpctralors of tho outrage punished.
Correspondence Courier and Enquirer.
WiiiTriliit, Sept. S3, 1311.
On Sunday or Monday night, but I could not
well ascertain which, Mr. Croghan, a native Ameri
can citizen, who resides lour miba south of Al
burgh, Vt. was forcibly taken from his lied by a
gang of loyalists and carried prisoner across the
lines. This man made himself very obnoxious lo
the Queen's subjects by his prominent conduct in
tho iliir.Tent einruteson the lines, an 1 it is repor
ted that tho loyalists ,jve seized and mem lo keep
b in as a pledge for the kccuiily of Mcl.eod. Of
his apprehension there is no doubt. Yours in baste.
A Heeling I'asc.
The Brooklyn News reports a enso which came
hi fore Judc, Kent's Court on Monday, while ex
cited considerable feeling and interest. It seems
that about two years since a gentleman niovid from
Utica to Brooklyn, bringing with him a little giil
eleven years ot age, the daughter of an intemperate
woman who lecently strove to reclaim the child,
alleging that, being herself a Catholic, she had con
Kcieutious objections la her remaining with a Pro
testant family. The gentleman having become
greatly attached to the child, refuted to give hei up
and the caac came before the Couit 011 a writ of ha-
beaa corpus, sued out by Ihe mother. The little
girl was greatly effected, calling upon the Court
loudly and with tears, to save her from her mother,
and exciting the warmest rympithy of all present
'The excrement al length became very intense, the
mother and her friends uttering violent threats and
even offering violence. In this unpleasant utate of
afl'.iiis, Judge Kent ordered the little girl to be set
ul liberty. Tho mothei then attempted to force
hi r away, but this, by some iuterfeience, was pre
vented. We do not know the result of the whole,
nor are the legal steps in the case very clearly re-
Stolen Oiainniids llrsloi'rd.
AfterScele, the burgular, was sent to the State
prison for his share of the robbery of Davis, Pa'm
er Si Co's. lore, ho made a full confession that on
the 1 1th of OctoU-r list, himself and Williamson
broke open Ihe stoie of E. P. Lcecure & Co., Phi
ladelphia aub stole several thousand iloll.ns worth
uf jewelry. Among this booty wero five very valu
able diamonds, which full to Sa le's share, and he
orried them to Montreal, where he roiled Ihem up
in wax, und hid the bait thus formed in a hole in
the wall of the Inu-e in which he resided. Mr.
Leseure, upon receiving this information, wrote to
Captain Alexander Comeau, superiuteudant of po
lice iu Montreal, who, upon fearching in the place
described by Scele, found the diamonds. Upon his
arrival iu this city last week, C'spt lin Comeau re
turned the diamond to Messrs. Claik cV Curry,
jewellers, w ho are (he Boston agents of Mr. Letcuro.
Hot tun Post.
Robbing the Clehot an o the Pre. Aa the
car were returning from Goshen to Piertuont, with
the party making the exclusion up m the opening of
the New York ond Erie Rail road, the pockets of
the Rev. Dr. Yermilyea, and of one of Ihe edilora
of the Express were cut across from one end to the
other by some pickpocket, who passej himself off a
one of ihe parly, but who had not sense enough to
know he should gel nothing by robbing a parson
or Ihe press. Xew Ycrk Ex)rtss.
Correspondence of ihe A'. V. American.
The patriot have, since the removal of the U. S.
Army from Buffalo, again made this neighborhood
the scene of their operations, in order, if they can, to
embroil both countrica in war.
Last week they made an attempt lo blow up two
of her majesty.a steamboats, lying at anchor in the
Niagara river, at Chippewa Lett had Lid this
nefarious plot, and since his arrest, i said to have
boasted to Gov. Seward, at Auburn, "that he had
been recently in Canada, and would have been
successful if he had not been captured !" He also
acknowledged being the actor at the destruction of
Brock's monument, nnd of a recent blow ing up one
of the locks on tho Wclland Canal '.
The machine consisted of two caks, containing
150 lbs. of powder. They were each placed on a
frame one hundred yanls apart, (but connected by
rope.) with a leaden pipe and fuse therein insert
ed, and thus towed Irom Gr ind Lland, and sent
drilting towards the vessels. One only of the casks
exploited, but most fortunately, prematurely, being
300 yards short of the mark, otherwise every
soul on board, with the vessel, must have been de
stroyed. It was about 3 P. M. Those on board al first
supposid iho report was that of a cannon. The
men were speedily mustered, and live machine was I
seen floating. A bout with ix men was lowered, 1
and whilst proceeding to secure il, fired at from j
Grand hland, but happily without injury. And j
these things have disturbed the public mind, and '
ihe canal and frontier is patrolled night and day by j
the Biiiish troops. It is my firm conviction, that,
unless there is a strong detachment of United States
troops forthwith sent to Buffalo, and strong enough 1
and sufficient to hhow these gentry the Govern
ment of the United States, is determined lo pre
serve peace, acts of this character will be done,
which must have the effect of breaking up the peace
existing between both countries. Buffalo was ihe
head quarters from whence ihe Navy Island gangs
originated, and at the cloe of cannl and lake navi
gation, there are enough of floating characters 10 be
found, ready and ripe for any undertaking, however
desperate or wicked. The Canadian refugees seek
all they can to imtlime the public mind as to Mc
l.eod: evidence sufficient lo convict an angel, will
not be lacking nt iheir hands; and if not success
ful in obtaining his conviction, ond speedy execu
tion too, they make it their boast, they w ill do them
selves justice. Stkam Packet. The Halifax Re
corder of the 18th says
It is positively stated that the Hon. Mr. Cunard
has contracted with the Government to establish a
weekly communication by steam packets between
Liverpool and Boston, and he is prepaiing to carry
ihe project into effect by building two steamers, at
least, of larger dimensions than those now in opera
linn on the line. These circumstances corcborate
the announcement we made several weeks ago; our
information was questioned by some contemporaries
at that time, but now the reality of it is iucontesti
bly confirmed.
A SimcKivo MrmiFH. A brutal murder, says
tba Bedford (Penn ) Gazette, was committed on
the persson of a stranger travelling on foot, on
Wednesday of last or near the top nf Ray's
Hill, in that county. Ho was first knocked down
with a club, then thrown over a sleep precipice,
and afterward struck on tho heal 1 l.rge sharp
stone, winch literally ma-dicd it into a jelly. There
arc three persons now in jail oil suspicion of being
the murderers.
A Mkihtt Chain or Riiliioaii. We learn
from Batavialhit the riilronl thence to Buffilo will
bo very soon completed. On the Rochester and
Auburn line but seven or eight miles renin in lobe
finished; tho cars already cross the Cayuga Lake
on the new bridge erected for the purpose, and will
in a few weeks run over the whole line. The Bos-
Ion road to Albany is nearly completed ; in a very
abort time therefore Ihe "last link" will be comple
ted in tl.e great chain from Buff ilo to lioston, a dis
tance of near six hundrtd miles.' 'The whole
world cannot exhibit a specimen of railroad enti r
prise to iqual this. The longest one in England
is not more than one-third the length of this.
Ml., Mddoua.
As an instance of the great power which this
unequalled actress held over the minds of her au
ditory, we need only mention the following circum
stance: When she performed the part of Agnes
in Fatal Curiosity, and giving, during the scene
where Agnes goes up to Wilmot and produces the
jewels of their unknown son, when in a remote
hint of murdering him, she threw such an expres
sion in her countenance as made the flesh of every
spectator creep. A Mr. CraMie Robinson, a gen
tleman of the bar and a scholar well know n in the
world of literature, who was sitting in the pit, de
clared afterwards, that from this moment his res
piration grew ditticult, and in a few seconds he lost
all command of himself. When the murder scene
approached, he laughed aloud, and there was a
general cry iu the pit uf "turn him out." 'The
process of ejectment was even begun and he had
receivid some ha-ih Ireatimnl when a humane wo
man interposed, who saw and explained his real
eondiiion. He was in strong hyklerica, Camp
beWs Life of Mrs. H.ddons.
bitiug ta 1 tiiiit it.
It is a matter of of record, that about one hundred
yeais ago, an Indian was conducted by a discreet
burgess, to witness ihe aervice of the sanctuary on
Ihe Lord's day. When these services were ended,
the citizen, on iheir way homewards, in Order to
impress upon his tawny friend the aujieriority of
Christianity over heathenism, enteied in detail of
Ihe money appropriated by the congregation, of
which he w aa a wember, for the support of public
worship, Ihe election of the house, the salary of the
minister, A e. To all this ihe son of the forest, who
baJ observed the drowsy disposition which per v a.
ded the assembly, replied, "Umph ! Indian aleep
just a aound under a tree, and not pay anything."
Boston Juur.
Saturday, Ottvbrr 2, 5841.
Democratic Canittdatrt.
ton oovr.HNon,
tic 11. DAVID It. 1 OUT Ell.
llavid II. Montgomery.
IMillIp Welarr.
Hugh M. Da v loii.
W1110 Canihiiate.
For Governor,
For Assembly,
For Commissiuncr,
For Treasurer,
For Auditor,
Mr. Mclvinnry having declined, and Mr.
Wclkcr also having dec'iued some time since, thero
are now no volunteer candidates before the people
of this county.
fXj" The United States Gazette, some days since,
stated lhat the xehigs of Philadelphia had nomina
ted Wm. B. Reed for Congress, in pi ice of John
Sergeant. The Miners' Journal slates that he was
nominated by the democrats.
'This variety of names te which our whig friends
seem somewhat partial, ofien leads to strange con
fusion. Gentlemen, we hope you will adopt some
one common name, by which you may be known.
We c ire not much what. Wc feel almost incline'
to leave you have our own good name, if we thought
you wi.ulJ stick to it.
Fine Wheat.
We have eximined several bushels of most beau
t ful white wheat, laiecd by Mr. Cauffinan of Au
gusta township. 'The grams are all plump and well
filled. Tlree years since Mr. CaufTinon obser
ved a head of wheat iu his field, so much superior
to the others, that he w as induced to sow it by itself
From this single stulk he h is r ii eJ in throe sue
cessive crops, Iwcn'y bushels ot wheat, sujierior lo
11 ny we ever saw. It weighs GS piundspr bu-hel.
The Antliracitt' Iron Business.
It is now generally conce ltd that Pennsylvania
is.lesiiued ere long lo become as noted for her iron
manufactures, as she Ins beei for her agricultural
productions. 'That the great valley oflhoSu-que-hanna
will bo dm principal seat of these operation,
nature has plainly pointed out in her vast depiwi c
of mineral coal, iron ore and limestone, which in
some places lie almost contiguous. The advantage!
lo be sought in the location of iron works are aim
ply these, viz: where the raw material, coal, irot
ore and limestone can be brought together with lh
least expense. Wc have stated before lhat Sunbu
ry possessed a union of advantages on this pnin
unequalled by any other place in he slate. In oc
last pnper we referred to a body of iron ore disci
vered nearly opposite this place, not more than
hundred yards fiom the bank of the basin and cr
nal. In addition to this, about three miles furthe
up the West Branch, the extensive mine of M
Hughs of Franklin counly hse been open'
which prove to be much more extensive than th is
in the neigboihood of Danville, and the ore of a r
cher quality, very much resemhling ihe best quail
ty of Bloonisburg ore. These veins are opened s
bout one hundred yard from ttie river bank, an
are d to extend Southward to the Juniata.
Tlie Shvmokin Iron and Coal Company have a
ready entered into a contract for a large quantit
of this ore, to I delivered immediately for the 11
of their extensive anthracite foruace, now near!
ready for blast, at Shamokin. This ore will be di
livered from the mouth of the mines, in ihe car
al this place, at forty five cents per ton.. By ll
conslructi 111 of a short rail road to the river, tl
cars can be run from the mines upon Ihe boat o
the river, at a still further reduced expeu.e. TI
expense of milling w ill be the same as at other pi
ces, which is about from sixty cents to one doll,
per ton. Abundance of limestone is found upn
the same tract, contiguous to lh ore, and will 1
delivered at a cot of sixly-five cents per ton. Sh,
niokin coal, soft or hard, which, excellent as it i
i ripidly improving aa ihe miners progress, can I
delivered at one dollar and seventy-live cents pi
ton. 'The Coat oi the materials for making ton i
iron, delivered at ibis place, wdl be aa follows;
2) 10, is of iron me, including mining, mine
rent, and iranspoitaiiou, al f 1 60 per
ton. 3 7f
I Ion of limestone, al 65 cents 6?
34 tons ol cjI, at t ' ? 6 1'
fin if.