TTTTM FTP 1TTTTD W A imrTTDTrr a it iMtiti or aikutisiv; I square 1 insertion, . . ft) f.4 I do S do . .o 7,r, 1 do 3 ih . . o() Every subsequent insprlii n, 0 2.1 Yearly Advertisements, (witli the privilege ol alteration) utin column $ S3 half column, three (quart , f 1 2 1 two square, f B ; one squsie, f.. Without the privilege of alteration a libeiol di.-coont will bo made. Advertisements left without direction aa to thd length of lititrj they are to he published, will be continued until ordered out, and chatted accord inglv. CjflxtPen liriPJ matte t aqtiare. It. .n.1SSKIly Editor. orrici i m ah k st ithiit, mm Etn. THE AMERICAN" in published every Patur day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to he paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till all arrearages are paid. No subscription received for a 1pm period linn aix months All communications or letter on business relating to the olfice, to insure attention, must be POST PAID. , AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Absolute acquiescence in tho decisions of the majoii'y, the vital principlo of Republics, from which there 1 no appeal hut to force, the vital piimipla and immediate parent of desp itism. Jmnw, Ily Massvr & i:iscly. Siiiibury, XoilIiunihoilaiHl Co. la. .Suturdar, October 2, IS 1 1. Vol. II . I. ti:iuis op Tiin AJii:iucAt. HENRY n. MASSEUR PtJinTisHiin.1 and JOSEPH EISELY. $ Phomhetob.. The editors of the Sentinel and Whig at Easton, have lecn at loggerheads for some lime. They are now cracking away at each other in rhyme. We shall therefore look out fur a second edition of the buttle of the poets. En. Amkii. POHTICAL. Vc will not own him of the craft, The reason why, he id too tuft. L union Stiilinil. REPLY. You're safe from that, you lousy bard, A blockhead's skull in alwa) a hard. Liatton Whig. ntjonnsrt. Indeed ! Why Aleck, that' not slow : For then wo have the trutti confess'd, That man may be ax soft bh dough, And ytt of murble HEAD potscss'd. Sentinel. UErtUTTKIl. You're ofT the mark in thai, as fur, will, august, cirsar porter. As when you to the l.ocos said, "Diiuk Urandy, (.tin, und Porter." Your nrgiimeuts, unlike your, Kit loosely to the body, And iiove most inconte.tihly, Your HEAD is one of run nr. Uhig. (1'B-nr.iirTTKii. In relation to the TODDY, Atrrhf (not to '-coal" and "body,") We'rj fully ready to admit How greil your knowledge, is of it ; As hard slulli loo, muy not compose Your ugly head, as we suppose, Knoii uli of "(Jin," you've doubtless rpjafT'd, To bloat it up, und nuke il tuft. Sntintl. li 11 x k 11 A L CASS. The following is an extract of a letter from Gen. ass, dated at Paris, in teply to a committee sp linted by a democratic meeting at Philadelphia, questing him to become a candidate for the next residency. In our opinion there is no man in the n it'll who would confer greater honor on that .lion than Lewis Cass, as there certainly is none ho stands higher in the estimation of his fellow tizetjs for his virtues and abilities. Ed. Amkii. PARIS, 19th Arcirr, 1841. I do not belong to that school of politicians lich sees in every departure from their own inions, the immediate downfall of our institutions, d a f.itul issue to the fairest experiment of self vcrnment, which Providence has permuted man make. I believe the foundations of our liberty too broadly and deeply laid, to be shaken by Il causes. I have great confidence in public ninii, and while this is enlightened by free nlitl mi discussion, and un unshackled press, and ccr ed by a religious and intelligent community, I re little apprehension, but that our questions of ernal policy will bo adjusted by the good acnat? the nation, without leaving behind (hem any manent injury to our social or political ins'itu is. I am free to confess, that my fears for the ire point to a far di He rent source of danger. I - that ne do not sufficiently estimate tho value ! he blessings wp enjoy, but that we arc loo prone niagn fy into serious evils subjects of eo in para 'ly minor importance, arid too little disposed to .now ledge the kindness of Providence by a due rcciution ot the precious UuH confided to us. . us humbly bo e that this kind of judicial hlind s may not be visited by one of those signal chas mcnts, by which, in the progicr-a of human its, the moral government of God is vindicated, the ingratitude of nations is punished, have been the more inipiessed with the force of e views, since I have seen the state of society in ope, and have discovered the liatuic of the iuU by which il is agitated. These ate not j nes ts of colistiuclion telating to the existence or lie cut of a power to nmke a road or to order a sur , but questions i f life and death, fciliupgles of igulust principles; f modern reform against cnluhusis. They are even now shaking so y to its centre, snd they tire destined to mark r progress in blood, and probably to terminate contests in revolutions. Their origin may be ;d to immense military establishments : to a terous und searching police, entering into all relations of life; to opprsie taxation; to a em of hgisLtive and administrative r.gulalions, .ruling individual enterprise, anil letiving us little lay be lo individual will ; to the hereditary er and influence of particular classes ; to the ualily of political rights and social condition ; above all, and beyond all to the phy ical misery moral degiadution fa large portion of the muliity. Happy are we, that these evils are town in our country, and well would it be lor fa portion of the energy we display in our po ll dispute were employed in thanks to God for control. have long been inclined, lny fellow-ciliiens, titeitain those sentiments, but lerently they sealed into firm convictions. In thU frame of I, you will nol be surprised to learn, that I am riend lo political violence or intolerance. The t of my oIm rvatiuu upon the creed and cou of the two great parties which divide us, is, VV heir dnfejence is to be traced more lo a differ, of opinion, respecting the greater or Itm ca pacity of man for self-government, than to any other cause. This is the great point of departure, and since the adoption of the Constitution il will be found, that the peculiar views of each party upon this subject, have led to the peculiar opinions they have rcHtiectively formed of the powers and duties of the government. The democratic party having more confidence than their opponents in tho virtue and intelligence of the great mass of our society; have in doubtful questions of construction, believed that power was safer with the people limn wiih their agents, and have therefore inclined rather to limit than extend delegated authority. Their oppo nents, on the contrary, placing less reliance upon these safe-guards, have thought a stronger, or to speak perhaps more correctly, more government was necessary, to defend socbty from tho evils in herent in it, and have ihereforo adopted a prcnter latitude of construction. But both, 1 speak of in im est, not of individuals, both have been opially sin cere, nnd have equilly sought the happiness of the country. I do not believe that cither seeks any changes in cur fundamental institutions, and least of all, a change which would fcubslituto for them monarchical establishment. I beg you would not believe that I indulge the Utopian expectation, that parties can cease to exist in our free government. He has observed life to little purpose, who entertains such a hope. It is a result probably not to bo desired, certainly not to be anticipated. But tho asperity of political dis putes may be softened by a just rpiiit of concilia tion, and c may thereby become stronger and more respected abroad without any sacrifice of true principles ot home. Whoever recollects the e vents which preceded and accompanied our last war with Great Britain, or whoever seeks them in the history of the times, must be satisfied that with fewer internal divisions, the sufferings of the Coun try would have been far less, and its efforts to obtain justice, fur more efficient. I truRt therefore that the great Democratic party, while it adheres with un shaken firmness to its principles, will pursue its course with a wise moderation. W hatever others may do, I hope we shall never mistake violence for firmness, and for political principle the denuncia tion of our opponents. We can have no safer guide upon these subjects than the example of Mr. Jefferson, who with an admirable mixture of firm ness and moderation, ohho' coming into the ad ministration in the most excited slate of feeling, that our country has pel haps ever experienced, left it with the Republican party greatly augmented, and the principles it had contended for, firmly es tablished. His doctrine of appointments and re movals, that source of so much division, selecting his fiiends for the foimcr but exercising his power of the latter, upon lheju-l and moderate principles he laid down, while it proved his fidelity to his par ty, proved also his justice und wi.-Joui as a Chief Macis'rate. These views will probably not bo acceptable lo many zcaluiis paitians, and it is for this reason as I entertain them, that I am bound lo disclose them ; such a procciding will at all events furnish proof of my sincerity. The selection of a candidate for the Chief Magistrate ley the Republican party is a question not less interesting than difficult. Many considerations must be taken into view, and I have looked at the subject as I think with great imparti ality. My conviction is, that there is nothing in my present position, nothing in my past career, which should leud to my selection, for such a mark of confidence. My repugnance to the measure is great, almost invincible. And there is but one state of things, a state of things as little' to he ex acted as desired, which could induce mo to yieid to the stcrifice, I should le culled upon to m ike, und that is, the generally acknowledged opinion of the Republican party, that the use of my name might be necessary upon t his occasion and my nomination, agreeably to the established usae of the party ; by a general Convention. 1 it such an ewiil tho' I should yield with reluctance, still I should yield and al lo ugh my further residence ubioad wi.l probably under any ciicumstanees l e but short, yet were il otherwise, upon tho occuirence of such an event, I should consider il my duty to return without delay. Not to lake the slightest p rl in the election, far be such a couise from me, I ut because propriety would foibid me to hold an office under these circ uni-tinces, and beciuse every American, whom th confidence or any c inside r.tbli" portion i'f his fcllow-citizcna might designate f r that high station, ought to meet the trial be must uudeigo in his own Country. Uut when I look I the m my able and tried men, whom our parly in clude in ita ranks, 1 consider such a lesull scarce ly within the limits of po sihiiity. JVol doubting, Guillen. en, but jour choice had better till upon one of tin so lliuu upon me, and that it will ho fall, and with the renewed expression of my gulilude loyuuitelve and lo your constituents, I am, with great regard, your obedient servant LEW. CASS. To Messrs. A. McCaraber, Jno. Laws, Win. Curtis, John Wollieit, R. II. Dodson, John Apple, Win. P. I Unison, Charles R. Cainlcr, Com mil Ue. Living ip to l'tuxt u i.k. The cap tain of a biig from the State of Maine, was a short time ago at St. Croix, and w as there offered 10110 to bring home u cargo of runf, but refused, preferring to return in ballast. Awful Murder of n Young YVomnii. Yesterday forenoon a most fiendlike murder was committed in tho Cambridge Alms House, (Cam bridgeporl,) on the person of a young woman named Sarah Stevenson, by a man named William II. llritton. He plunged a huge carving knife in between her rhrht foreshoulder and breast, clear , through her heart lungs, and out under her left j shoulder-blade. llritton, as a pauper, became an inmate of the ' Alms House in September, 1810, being aged and ! somewhat infiim. lie possessed some literary ac quirements, and was employed a a teacher to the childien in the establishment. In June last, Miss Stephenson, then laboring undei a painful disease . . ....... . . . . . ! became an intimute of the house, and after she had improved in health in some degtre, she undeitoolt to learn to write under the instructions ofDnttoii In couseipience ol the fiimhar iircreourse natural ly arising thus, Brbloii conceived a violent passion for her, and proposed to marry her. She declined on account of his age and inability to suppoit a family. He pressed his suit, and she laid the subject bef ire Mr. Valentine, the excellent superintendent, who at once advised her to avoid Britton as much as she could, nnd told her, when, ever he enteied her room, to leave it, and come in. to his piivale apartment. She acted upon this ad. vice for some week'. On Sflnday morning he en . .I, .-. ii .i i i. . , ... leieu ner room, aiu sue uieii leu ii. anu we u ii o . . ' , i one occupied by two other women. 1 ,, ' . ,. , , i lie diil not immediate y fol low her, and she be- . ' . ' ganto rcao lo eomp.n.ous Iron, a .V lest,- ; men. which Mr. Valentine had presented to her. ( While thus eng.aed Button entered J said to ; the other two women, "is tins your room : be fore they relumed nnv definite answer he diew the carving unite iroin under Uisslnrl tiosom, advanced ; ... iiii. ii, ... DLii.1.11 in. iiiuiiu iiiv nuu thing her on a bed. Une of the women caught hold of him, but he turned upon her with tho up lifted knife, like a tiger, and she quailed before him. The other woman then grasped him round the bo dy, but was driven off in the same manner as the first one. The deceased in the meantime exclaimed Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" He fust made a violent pass at her throat, but she partly IllA . I. I k A I ..!. I I..,. I ll.A I. ..It. n...l stopped the knife with her nghl hand, in which it , cut uhoirible gash, four inches long, but only hire- ! ly scratched her throat, He then struck at her as above stated, and drove the knife clear ihrougu the j Uudj.-florfui Morning lost. j a Jaj prac,jcc for a p!, v siria 11 to tie- . strov om; or moro of a family to prevent It is stated in th New York Commercial Advcr ! disease from spreading, and after C lit -tiser, that "Stephen Incidents of Trivel in Ceil- ting down those that were dead, I COIU tral America," have len translated into the tier- menced On the balance with Ctjllill (llitn man lai guage as well as the French. The Com- tit ios of salt and saltpetre combined, ap mercial states, as a curious fact, illustrating the de- plying about a halt a pound Upon the feetie hierarv iudamri.t John surface and in contaet w ith the trunk Murray, tho Loudon publisher, uciu illy re- j of the t ree ; then sowed it brnadrnsl fused to advance the duties and other eludes u ! over part of the orchard, at the rale of the consignment ni thi wmk, sent out to him by j about two bushels per acre. The re the Messrs. Harper, and that he would u i and di I j suit of this application to the surprise of not take the- copies from the Custom House until i my friends, was the appearance of per- Mr. Spinwall, the U S Consul General, had agreed i fect health, with IICVV and vigorous to become responsible for the outlay. When ho j shoots, the trees full of fruit, which ma fouud. however, that his copies were bought up j tined w iHi increased size and improved faster than he could supply them, he wrote a very ! flavor. Towards the last of March, handsome letter lo Mr. Stephen, complimenting ' "'d n-jam in May and September, ls:J7, him on the great merit of the work, and its deser- vcJ smcess. Shoe IVtrs. A paper recently established at Mere dith, .. II., called iho Uelknap County (Gazette, describes a manufactory of Shoe l'egs in that place, as lollows : ! cd to ascertain the smallest quantity Yc found it in full operation, and that should be used, and I would not ad were gratified to see its wonderful sim-j ise less than one-eighth, though I plieity, and astonishing rapidity with I should prefer one-fourth, or more. My which wood is converted into pegs. trees this fall (1S.T7.) were free from The logs of birch wood, from six to worms, all doing well, and 1 have found twelve or fifteen inches in diameter, are no further use for the axe in the or taken into the mill and cut oil" by a cir- chard. In the year 1S3S, I applied the cular saw, for the length of the "peg for mixture to a part of my orchard in which they are intended. The biocks March, the other part received the ap thi'ti go through a planing process by plication in June and September ; upon which they are made perfectly smooth that part done in March. I had an a- they are then creased or marked oil" , buudance of fruit, w hile done in for the si.e of tiie peg to orrespond j the (ith and Jlth months were compara wirh its length the blocks then go I lively destitute of fruit, it having been through the stilitlingoperation hv w hich tiicy are convertoil into pegs ol any tie- sira'blo size the pegs then undergo tho drying process, in summer by sun, in winter or wet weather by th use of a furnace they nro then put into a re- volving evlonder. where they are turn- ed over and over for tho purpose of po-li-Jiing, and linally come out into a box like a miller's meal trough, from which they are packed into sacks containing from half a bushel to two or three bu bhels each, and being marked and num bered, are ready for market. These pegs are a source of revenue to our ommuiiitv. diawin ' a nrolit from our forests, of which we had no conception until we witnessed the operation. It is not uncommon to see Messer's big team loaded with pegj from the Mere d ith Bridge manufactory. The price of these pegs varies according to their size iin.l iimililv- nverneirvr. nerhans. a little more than tvo dollars to the bu- vic. From the AUntny Cultivator. Tho Peach Important tvpoii- lllt'llf. Mkssrs. Gavlohd tSc Ti'ckkh. In the spring of 18117, 1 wrote to Judge Unci, asking liim to join tnc in experiments On the Pcildl tree with saltpetre, and proposed to give the result through the meiliuin of the Cultivator to the public. 1 R:lv'0 n my reason for that retjucsl, as f;,r iis '".V observation extended, I had nhvavs observed that on soils containing nitre and muriate of soda, the peach tree lives luxuriantly to an advanced age, while Upon soils fli:itnlv mlininiinr. licUom attn imme diately adjoining, seldom attains the age ol seven years. As instances in vindication of this oc cur so frequently, I have been astonish ed to see them passed over without no tice, and now advert to some of them to establish the truth of this position. Peach trees growing in tho site where once stood a dwelling, generally live to an old age, the soil of which, by analy- sis, will give a proportion of nitre. The ; same tiling occurs in many uisincis oi i the west and south west; upon one " ! farm the occupant has no dilliculty in ! having good peaches, while lus neigh I r ' .. i. . i I .... bor finds it a dillicult task to prolonu .... , r. ., ..,,..,. i the hie of tho tiees to a lew ycai s, ami i, i.- , i r. .1, .,,., on well cultivated larms nrai Hie se.i- , l;m, ,w.un i,irrme( t.v have ujt y j Rowing llhS YCV. II;Vj , tics0 a',J ol,c.r instances for j my guidance, I commenced cxpori j ments with salt and saltpetre, in the vp;, r j S3(5 ,, n (ir(.lar,l sjx years t.. . old; clover was sowed upon it that spring, and it remained in grass till last fall, when it was ploughed and sown in wheat, and clover this spring. The trees in '.'It! were full of worms; some ; of the trees were dead, others apparent ly dying, and but very lew put on 1 he appearance of health ; such was Ms dis tempered condition that some of my f..:,,.,, ndvised me to cut down about one.u,f (,f t,ose that yet showed life, s .. ..:.. ,.. slir, ,vi,s'il0 nrnctitfCof peacircrowcrs. I thought it would be ajplieU UlO same ingretlifliis in (lliier- Cllt proiortions, w itnoiii ouerving mmMi diliercnce mtheellect; though 1 have since thought that where 1 applied the saltpetre alone, and where the largest portion of the mixture was nitre, the e fleet was best; but in consequence of i price of saltpetre, I have endeavor killed by a late irost. Jt occurred to me wi;u i as imieuteu to me .ui, ivi ., j for the abundance of fruit on the trees i done in March, by its retarding vege j tation, and from tin experiment made in j '7, it appeared to bo the ease, though i 1 have never considered it of sufficient importance to repeat it for the purpose of testing it further In regard to the best time to make this application, 1 would say about the first of April, and to tho.e trees having woms in them again in Juno or Septem ber, as tho appearance of the worm may indicate its necessity, using anout two ' thirds of the usual (tuantity lor the June ! o September dressing, an. 1 i. boused i only in contact with the trunk of the I tree. I have not discovered any great benefit from sowing it broadcast over the orchard every year. If the tree is injured very much by the worm, to I wash the bark of the trunk with n solu I lin f mixture and water, might be j of service, Icing careful n"t to apply too much ; this should not prceut it application in a powdered stale. To my trees planted in the fall and spring, I apply as soon as done planting in the spring, about an ounce upon the surface, in contact with the trunk of the tree, and repeat this quantity again early in June or .September, the pench worm at these two last periods, being in their in fancy, are destroyed. In August, after one application of this mixture to my young trees in the spring, I have taken several worms from oil" the outer bark of the tree, bedded in gum, they have punctured it in a num ber of places, but did not penetrate to do any injury to the inner bark, while the next tree left without the above mixture was nearly destroyed, the in ner bark being eaten for more than two thirds around the tree. It might be supposed that tho salt and saltpetre w ould produce instantaneous death, but this is not the case ; 1 have kept them half covered in a solution of salt and water, and saltpetre and water, and in these two articles combined for several hours without causing death ; they will avoid its approach, and w ill not remain in it unless compelled by necessity. 1 have endeavored lo cive in a brief manner my practice on the peach tree lor five years, from which 1 have no reason to make a change, but many inducements for a continuance of the practice. If you consider it stitlirient ly important for publication, it is at your disposal, and if any benefit should arise therefrom, be fissured it would be the highest rew ard for any service of mine that could be tendered to, dear sirs, your obedient servant. LYTTLKTON PHYSIC. Ararat Farm, Cecil co., Maryland, July 5, 1841. It is probable that the wash here re commended, destroys the eggs or the young worms before they enter the trees. Strong ley w ill produce the same e fleet when npplied at the right time; that is in August after the egc;s are laid. Hd. A C'nriosli). One day this week, says the Roches ter Democrat, in working a burr block at the liurr Mill Stone Factory in this city, two honey bees were found in a cavity opened by breaking oil' a piece of the stone. Thcv were torpid, but . - . i . . ,i ... soon siioweu sius oi lite ami new away. As they were enclosed in a rerleclly air tight pait ol the stone, they must have come from France ; but how or when they were thus enclosed, we leave for the solution of naturalists. As to the fact, there can be no doubt. The Pnrur, (lie .low Ue ClirlstUn. A Jew entered a I'uitce temple, and beheld the sucr d lire. ' nij he t.j the priet, 'da you worship the (ire V Nut the lire, answerej die priest; 'il is an em Mem of the sun, and of the genial' Diiyuu then worship the mil as your (iod !' the Jew. -Know je not this luiuiuuiy uUj is the work of ihe Almighty Creator 'We know it.'repl ed the priest, 'but the unculti vated man requires a sensible igu in order to form a c xcepiin of the Most High. Audi not the sun, the inompiehensible source oft sht, an image of that invisible Doing who blesM's and precivcs ull tilings I The Israilite thereupon rejoined! lJ.i your p. ople, then, distiiit;uili the type fivn tho onciual 1 They call I ha sun their li d ; un I dc-ci'i.dinj from this t.i baser o jn ts, th y kiee before an earthly tl tine. Ye amuse the nu'w vd, but blind the inwaid eye ; and whd ye h 1 1 lo lh m the eaithly, ye witluhuw from the henenly liht. Tliou ihall not make unto tt.oe any or any likeness.' ilow then do ye designate the. Supumc lining V asked the 1'arsee. 'We call hi il Jehovah Ad ini.t ; th it i', the I.ord, who U, whu was, and who w ill he,' uusweii-d the Jew. 'Your sppell ition in grand and sublimit,' said the P.irsee, 'but is aiiful, ton. A Christian thru drew niIl and raid, 'We call him rather.' The l'aan and the Jew looked at e rh other and tid, 'here is at once an image and iv.hty ; it is a word of the heart,' said they. liny raised tin ir ryes lo hi aven and said with reverence and love, 'Our Father !' And tbey took each other by the bund, utij all three called one another brothers. lh. F. A. Krjtmiidcher. TiiMri aNCK U s ms. At a Temperance har vest h une, at (Ire. nwic't, War en county, N. J., a mong the banners in the pr.iccss on wus one, a slicf of wheat v. ith the following motto: "If you cat me l"iu fuvji you drink Die I'm iooi." And another, a aheaf ,.f oats; motto ! fumUli hore y,Mnt, not iuat. MottN .liiaruliiH for Ixx omoUvcm The design of this invention is to pro duce adhesion between the wheels uf locomotive steam ciminer,, and the rails of railway tracks, by which sueh en gincs will Le enabled to overcome tho resistance arising from ascending grades, ice, or oil upon the track; it will also enable the engineer to stop thtf train nioro suddenly, when meeting o ther trains, or obstructions on the road. These objects nrc accomplished by the combined application of moisture and sand to the wheel tires, by meant! of a very simple but effective addition to the ordinary machinery of a locomo tive. We understand that the improve ment has been submitted to the test of experiment and found to bo entirely suc cessful. Mr. M. says, in the descrip tion of the invention illustrated by draw ings, now before us, that, "with so sim ple an apparatus, cinder the momentary control of the engineer, and which may be affixed to any engines in use, for a sum not exceeding S"0, such a serious disaster as occurred on the Springfield road might have been in a great meat sure prevented ; the frequent accident? cf people being run over may be avoid ed, and very great expense saved in Grading, rendering in many cases sta tionary engines unnecessary. Aew York Times. Honey, n Cure Tor the Gravel. The following, which appeared ori ginally in the Liverpool (Fug.) Courier, may prove serviceable to some of our readers : "About twenty seven years, says a correspondent, i was p itch afdicted jith the gravel, and twice in serious danger from a small stone lodging in the passage. I met with a gentleman who had been in my situation, and had Got rid of this sad disorder by sweeten ing his tea with half honey and half sugar. 1 adopted this remedy, and found it effectual. After being fully clear of my disease abgut ten years, I declined taking honey, and in about three months I had a violent fit of my old complaint; I then renewed, the practice of taking honey in my tea, and am now more than three score and ten, and have not for the last seventeen years, had the smallest symptoms of the gravel. I have recommended mv prescription to many of my acquaint- j atice, and have never known it to fail ItCCjjH", For making a delightful Tomato tart a delicacy very seasonable kbuut these days : "Uoll out your dough very thin, and place it on the plate in which you intend, baking your tart, and slice your toma toes very thin, spread them over tho dough very thinly, then take about two tablespoonfulls of brown sugar, and ono of ground cinnamon bark, spread tho two over the tomatos, bake it well, and you will have a delightful tart." llecd llirtls. This is the height of the season for "Iieetl P.irds," that true delicacy of tho table, and the marshes along the I)ela ware and Schuylkill, near their junc tion, are covered with gunners. Tho reed seed are ripe, the little birds are fat, and pop, pop, pop go tho gunners, and at every pop, half a dozen reed birds fall. We are told that the road side in the vicinity of the iced marshes, are ful ly occupied with horses, carts, gigs, buggies, wagons, and almost every thing in which a man may ride, except ing a wheelbarrow. One or two per sons have been seen scooping up the) live birds with nets. So ridiculotw a mode of interfering with sport, of course calls down the laughter of the gunners, and these net men have "been mada GAMBOf." The hunches of these birds, tied tip by doens, look like pounds of butter suspended by a string, and they bring in the market from twenty-five to thirty-one cents a bunch. The Kail, we are sorry to learn, are not likely to be so plentiful. U; S. Caz. Fob. Lirkkia. The Cincinnati daz. hays that a number of the oldest and most respectable colored people of that city those that have property, and aro of good and peaceable character- aro making arrangements to dispose of their effects, and move to Liberia. The Ga zette remarks, 'this is the best thing they can do. We have long been lalisfie't that the free blacks should seek a resi dence in Africa. That it is a misdirav. j ted philanthropy which woulj induce their iay in this country.'