Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 25, 1841, Image 3

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    deed to Gdverher Porter, to tend the Buckshot he
to and quindom friend of Thad Stevens, the anil
bt paving Henry Fiick, to the legislature from a
county that usually gives a little lea than a thou
aand democratic majority. But we are unwilling
to believe that any true democrat will persist in fur
ther opposition Id the democratic ticket, merely be
cause that ticket ia not composed of the men of his
own entire choosing. We all know that where
there are several candidates seeking a nomination
fur the! earns office, aome must be disappointed,
and to yield to the will of the majority Is democratic,
Resolved, That David B. Montgomery being
rcgula'ly, and to all appearances fairly nominated
for the legislature at a regularly called county con
'ontion, we feci bound aa democrats to support as
veil Montgomery, aa the rest of the democratic
icket from the Governor.
Resolved, That Mr. Montgomery's frankness in
ipenly avowing his willingness to withdraw fro m
he contest if fraud, treachery, imposition or bar
raining can be proved against him, in obtaining his
lomination, is strong evidence that he does not
:ar an investigation of hia conduct.
Resolved, That the event of (he coming election
i not only of vast importance to the general inter
st of Pennsylvania, but the welfare and ascenden
f of the democratic party for years to come may,
nd no doubt will in a great measuie depend upon
e political biai of the next legislature, it therefore
ecomea every true democrat at this time to aurren
er all minor personal objections to the all impor
mt consideration of principle.
Resolved, That while we sincerely regret the pres
nt course of the only democratic paper in this end
f the county, we ara willing to award to the editor,
I. I. Dieffcnbachcr, honesty and integrity of prin
phs, but at the same time we are forced by hon
it conviction to declare that we fully believe that
ic course he ia blindly pursuing is far better calcu
ted to defeat the party to which he belongs, than
accomplish any other end he may have in view.
Resolved, That the proceedings be signed by the
crting ind published in the Milton Ledger, and all
e Democratic papers in the county.
Joseph Riwads,
E. L. Evans, S
V. rrcs'ts.
James Covert, ? , .
r. it. ;wJm,5&ecre,ar,M-
Democratic Meeting.
At a large and respectable meeting of the Demo
atic citizens of Chilisquaque township, according
public notice, convened at the house of William
hannnn, on Saturday the 11th insl., on motion
r'M. SHANNON waa called to the chair, Jacob
hoatis and Lcnwio Prices, Vice Presidents,
thn R. Heller and Frederick Fox Secretaries.
The meeting being organized and the object be
g elated by the chair, on motion of John B. Hel
r, a committee waa appointed, consisting of twelve
irsons, to prepare a preamble and resolutions ex
rcssive of the sense of the meeting.
J. B. Heller, Job Kremer.E. Buoy, John Pilegcr,
Kline, Tunia Gearhart, Reuben Mabes, Wm.
remer, John Snyder, Charles Fox, John Kramer,
id John Pfleger, jr. were appointed that committee,
ho retired for a short time, and returned with the
'Hawing preamble and resolutions, which were re
nted and unanimously adopted :
Whereas, The Democrats of Chilisquaque town
lip doom it expedient to meet in public meeting,
act in conjunction with the Democratic party of
Id Northumberland county, in giving our hearty
jpport to the regularly nominated ticket, made at
unbury on the 9th of August, according to a call
f the Standing Committee; though many of us
eing farmers, do regret being called from home at
lis time to attend to the duties of the Democratic
.arty, but seeing the course pursued by be Milton
.edgcr, aided by a few canal oineere and their sa
?llites, in trying to distract the Democratic party,
ve feci it our duly to inform those officers that they
ire the servants of the public, instead of being the
nastera and diroctors of the people. And therefore
e it
Resolved, That the editor of the Milton Ledger,
ho few canal otliccta and disappointed applicants
'or office in the forks, should be permitted to foot
he path hereafter, that they aie taking so much
pains to prepare for others.
Resolved, That we recognize no other head to our
lemocralic ticket, save that which ia headed with
he two Daide, the choice of the people.
Resolved, That we will use all honorable and fair
meana to secure the re-election of D. R. Porter, for
in him we believe the temocraey ha a JefTeraonian
I Resolved, That we will auppoit D. B. Montgo
mery, and we will elect him, if honorable means
will effect it, and that we will not resort to the low,
mean, contemplialo trick of procuring letters from
oltcure persons, who are little known in the coun
try, for the purpose of injuring their volunteer can
didate, aa they have done to injure the regularly
nominated candidate, and afterwards claim to be
members of the old and well tried party.
Resolved, That we feel ourselves more animated
in the cause of Democracy at this time, in conse
quence of the efforts made by aome pielended de
mocrats, to secure the election of they dont caie who.
Resolved, That -we approve of the course pursued
by our worthy representative in Congress, CapU
John Snyder. Hia unceasing opposition to the
Bank Bill, and squandering of the people's money
by the extravagant administration of the all princi
pled party, baa met our entire approbation.
Resolved, That we hail President Tyler'a aecond
veto aa being another evidence of hi intention to
- preserve the constitution.
Resolvsd, That the proceedings be aigncd by the
officers, and published in all the democratic pipers
in this county, and in the Danville Intelligencer.
Jaco. Rhoaii, y ,Wt
John B. Heller,
Frederick "ox.
From DickentlTi Reporter,
The Monty Market,
We are unable to notice any revival of confi
dence in the condition of our local stocks, although
a heretofore, money Continue easy. During the
past week, the panic maker were in the ascend
ent, and by insinuations, inuendos and ominous
shrugging of the shoulders, succeeded no little in
alarming the timid. Thus, in several instance, the
very low ratea at which stocks hava been selling for
some time past, were still further depreciated. Our
Bute Fives were sold at 79 and 80, or at a deprecia
tion of 20 per cent Thia too, in tho face of the
declaration that there is now enough money in tho
Treasury to pay the next semi-annual interest.
What, we ask, of those who continue to assert that
there ia not the slightest doubt of Ihe payment for
the future of the interest due by the state on her
enormous debt, what can be the cause of this depre
ciation t Money is, and has for months been abun
dant. And yet here are State Bonds paying an
annual interest of 6 per cent, per annum, and for
which the commonwealth of Pennsylvania ia re
sponsible, selling for f 79 for $100 paid. Surely
there must lie something wrong somewhere; and
while we merely state the fact, we sincerely desire
to contribute by every meana in our power, justifia
ble by truth and duty to the public, to bring about
a more favorable condition of affairs.
The loana of the Wilmington Rail Road, paying
an interest of 6 per rent, and redeemable in 1842,
were sold for $90 or $100 paid. The Lehigh loans
payable in 1844, and bearing an interest of fi per
cent., were sold at 62 j, or at a depreciation of more
than one third of the original cost. Our bank
slocks are also down to what we trust will prove the
very lowest point. Girard has been selling at 20
and 22. The par price is AO, but about two years
ago, it readily sold for 60. The Western is at 31
and 32, the par price being GO. The Bank of Penn
sylvania haa been selling at 200 ; a year or two a
go, it sold at 420. This depreciation ia terrible.
The decline in this Stock, and indeed, in aeveral
other of our Bank stock ia attributed to the fact of
the indebtedness of the United States Bank to those
Institutions. Thus, the Philadelphia Bank has a
capital of $1,542,200; while she holds United
States Bank Post Notes to the amount of more than
$1,000,000 in addition to the State slock and real
estate, to the amount of $4.r0,000. Her officers
aie, however, prudent and able, and are no doubt
exerting themselves to the utmost, to improve her
condition. The capital of the Bank of Pennsylva
nia ia $2,500,000 and ahe haa a contingent fund of
$300,000. She hold United State Bank Post
Notes to the amount of $1,368,000 State Stock
The Veto Potvrr.
Judge Story, in hia Commentary on the Consti
tution, held the following language on the veto
power of the President i
"Tho truth is, as has been already hinted, that the
real danger is, that the Executive will use the pow
er too rarely. He will do it only on extraordinary
occasions, when a just regard to the public safety,
or public interest, or a constitutional obligation, or
a necessity of maintaining the appropriate rights and
prerogatives of hia office, compel him to the step,
and then it will lie a solemn appeal to the people
themselves, from their own representatives. Even
within these narrow limits, the power is highly val.
liable; and it will silently operate as a preventive
check, by discouracing attempts to overawe, or to
control the Executive. Indeed, one of the greatest
benefits of such a power is, that it influence is felt,
not so ninch in it actual exercise, as in it silent
and aecrct energy as a preventive."
Tax Revenue Bill becomes a law after the
30th of thia month. For the last few daya we have
received here very heavy importations cf good es
pecially from France, which were ordered in an
ticipation of the increased duty, and between thia
and the 30th a large amount is expected to arrive.
We hear that steam boat are chartered to cruize a
bout the Hook for tho two or three last days 6f the
month, in order to bring up before the time expires
any vessel that may be fortunate enough to arrive.
In the meantime a numlier of cargoes have been
sold on speculation the purchasera taking the risk
of the vessel arriving before the expiration of the
lime allowed by law. A. Y. American.
Respecting the recent warlike rumor pnhlishcd in
the N. V. Journal of Commerce, the N. V. Ameri
can says
A to the atory of the peremptory demand of Mc
Leod, told by the Journal of Commerce, we have
reason to know that nothing whatever has boon
heard of it nt Washington, and that nothing new
has occurred in tho state of our relations with
Seeosn Cnop of Silver. We had tho pica-
sure yesterday of examining another large mass of
silver from the mine in Davidson county, North
Carolina. It weighed about forty-two pounds, and
waa at enticing a "hunk" of mineral as we have
seen for a long time. It ha gone to the mint,
where true to the character of the newly rich, it
will soon be taking "lilerties.n
Mr. Blackburn, Senior, of this city, is the Presi-
Corrected weekly by Henry YoXtheimer.
Wheat 110
Rte, . . . . . oo
Con, 40
Oats, . . . . 3d
Pork, ...... 5
Flaxseed, ... . 125
Butter, ..... 14
Beeswax, . 25
Tallow, 12 J
Dhieii Apples, - - - - 7"
Do. Pt aches, .... SIM)
Flax, h
Heckled Flax, - ... 10
Eons, ...... 7
balance of trade. V. S. Gazette.
TniAi or McLeod. The Toronto Colonist aaya
lhat a commission is now sitting in that city, taking
tcatimony in proof of an alibi, to be read at the tri
al of Alexander McLeod.
dent of the company which is thus taking from the
$422,000 and real estate $343,000. in all, $2.. "ela of the harmlesa ear what may reatore tho
123,000. It should be remembered, however, that
asset to the amount of more than $7,000,000. were
placed in the hands of Trustees, with the eject of
liquidating the debt due. by the United States Bank
in Tort Notes, &c, to the other Banka of Phila
delphia, It ia not probable lhat even from these
$7,000,000 they will be able to recover their whole
debt, amounting in the aggregate to something like
$5,000,000 ; but they expect to get back a consid
erable portion of it, Still, the fact that ao much of
their capital ia locked up in thia way and cannot
be made available for some time has had the ef
fect of depressing the stock. In addition, we every
now and then have an infamous rumour, got up
for mercenary purposes perhaps, that auch and
such a bank is about to make an assignment J that
a defalcation haa been discovered ; or aome such
THE sueeoMs which has attended the use of lit
llarlich's Herman Aperient and Compound
strengthening Tonic Fills, is truly astonishing. It
is no vain boast to say this medicine bus proved by
its happy r fl'ecls in the cure of a vaiioly of diseases
to which (lie human frame is liable, lobe vastly su
perior In the many preparations before the puhhe.
Many of these piepurations are compounded liy in
dividuals who are positively ' ooraiit of the myste
ries of the human system and mere pretenders to
medical knowledge. Dr. Harlich, however, is cele
brated among tho German faculty as a man of the
highest scientific alta'tments, and equally distin
guished throughout Euiop-. as a successful meilienl
practitioner, spent most o ' tho years of a useful life
in the aquisitton of such knowledge as might prove
beneficial to his f How creatures. In ihe pills which
he invented, and which hear his name, the public
arc atburcd of an article that possesses more than
ordinary virtues. From ihe acknow'e. ged talent
of this inventor, nothing 'ess un a good article
could be expected ; and tbo ex,erieiiie of many
years has afforded demonstration of the virtues of
his medicine. In deimany and other parts of l.u
rope, its reputation established. In this country
into which it has bu. been lcecnlly introduced, it is
rapidly gaining the most st sianl'al leputntion. The
numerous eertilicp .es of cures of (be most obstinate
diseases effected by tho use of llarlich's Pills, which
the proprietor is constiint'y r reiving is proof of the
fact. Dav alter dr 1 he. iccivves new testimonials
of their efficacy, and wcok after week increases Iho
demand for them. This is not mere asse, ion; in
numerable certificates arc oM'n for the insp ciion of
the public, and tho doubts of any who are skeptical,
can l removed by examining ibcin at the office of
the proprietor.
Wc take the liliertv, then, of succesling to every
family, that they make uso of Dr. Ilnilich's Pills.
Let them keep a supply constantly on hand, to be
used wlien occasion demands, and thev will receive
the most unequivocal proofs of utility. Midicul
l)e finer.
Piincinal office for the United States, No. 19
North Eighth sheet, Philadelphia.
Western Depot, No. 41, St. Clair street. Tilts,
" ii of Will Tl re C o 111 pa ny7' '
TMIB members of the "Good Will Fire Com
pany" are requested to meet at the Court
House, on Monday Evening, Oct. 4th, at 7 o
clock precisely. Punctual attendance la required.
Sept.25. J. II . .IMMbliMAA, fiee.
Lrsca Natirae. On Ssiurday morning, in
Kensington, a German woman was safely delivered
of a child, having on one body two distinct beads.
The child lived but for about an hour. V. S. Gaz.
A Ilt Slander.
IT IS FALSE, that Gov. Porter ever in his
whole life-time, either while Governor, or as a pri
vate citizen, received a solitary farthing from Ihe
U. S. Bank, for anv purport of hia own whatever.
His name ha never been before that Bunk or its
officers for any thingeither aa drawer, endorser,
acceptor, borrower, or any other manner or shape
whatever. He lias never had a fuot within its
walls in his whole life-time, but has, on (lie con
trary, bein it constant, uniform, unwavering,
uncompromising ENEMY. He OPPOSED
the institution as a private citizen, and he OP'
POSED and VETOED all laws passed by tho
Federul Legislature last winter, that were designed
cither for its direct or remote benefit I This latter
fact, of itself, stamp the seal of eternal INFAMY
upon the cowardly LIES, which are now concocted
and circulated by Ihe Pipe Layers,
Poller ia indebted to the United State Bank, or
own clock therein. He does not note, and never
did, owt Hit Bank a single dollar, and never own
ed a solitary share of its stock in all his life-lime !
IT IS FALSE, that Ovid F. Johnson, Governor
Potter's Attorney Goneral, owea the U. S. Bank
$25,000 aa ia falsely alleged by the Journal. We
have hia own solemn declaration for the fact, that
he does not owt the Bank one penny, and if these
Federal Liar will take the troublo of calling on the
President of the Bank, that officer must have tho
honesty to tell them o. Yeomnn.
OJfict of the BiLTiMonE America, Sept. 20.
On Saturday a sale of City Mills Flour waa
made at $6,50. To-day there ia nothing doing by
which (0 establish a quotation.
In Susquehanna Flour we hear of no transac
tion to-day.
Git IN. The Wheot market ha declined, un-
dcr the influence of the late English advices. Pri
ces aie not well settled lo-duy, but we think that a
quotation of f 1,20 to $1,3(1 for fair to prima Md.
red will very nearly indicate the present market
value. A sale of Md. white wheat was made to
day at $1,37, which before ihe now would have
brought $1,50.
We quote Md. white Corn to-day 67 a 60 cts.,
and yellow at 6 a 70 cts. A sule of Peiinsylvnnia
yellow to-djy at 70 cents.
Sales of Md. Rye at 72 7 3 cents. Salce of
Md. Outs at 41 cents.
WHISKEY. Sales ofhhds. at 211 a 25 cts.
and of bids, at 2 5 J cents. Wagon price of bbl
ia 20 cts., exclusive of the barrel.
1 1 i: I i
On Wednesday night lust, al the icsidence of Mrt
J. H. Purdy, ISAAC OAKI.Y, formerly of V est
Chester N.l, aged about 60 years.
From the Philadelphia Gazette.
Office or Bickkell's Retorter, Sept.
New Counterfeit.
Below you have a description of new counter
feit detected thia morning :
WxT BuAHCli HANK, WllLtAMRPOnT 10's,
letter D. pay J. Kellum, dated Aug. 1, 183U, T
Coryell, Cash., J. H. Cowdcn, Prea'dt. Signature
of President too light and still'. Filling up in blue
the genuine notes are filled up with black ink.
The color of the paper, 4 feint yellow, is unlike
lhat of the genuine. The engraving fainter than
in the good bill. Any one at all acquainted with
the notea of this Bank will readily dtte. t this spu
rious issue.
Coul Trnde.
Amount of Coal carried on the Danville and
Pollsvdlu Rail Road to Sunbury for shipping, du
ring the week ending on Sent. 23, 960 'Cons.
Per last report, 13,243
Total, 14,203
Amount of Iron Ore transmuted, 1,423
JOHN BL'UD, w. .1
Srsqi'KUAK.IA CuAL TaAtlE.
Total amount khipped from Wyoming Valley, to
Juub 2 1 kt, Tons, 7,116
S offered for information that will lead to the con
viction of any person or icrsons who have laid
or shall hereafter lay atones or other obstruction on
the rails of the Danville and rottsville liailrnad. An
act of the legislature has made this offence punish
able by imprisonment in tho PENITENTIARY,
nd the Company are determined to prosecute of
fenders to the utmost extent of the law.
Sept. 18. 31. 8. R. WOOD, Manager.
c; 11 K A TS A V. i:
1ITE, the Assignees of Hiram Price, will rx
WW pose to public sale, on Tuesday the 28th
of September inslant, at the hotel now occupied by
him, in the borough of Sunbury, his large and ex
tensive stock of Household and Kitchen furniture,
amoim which are :
Rush-holiom and v indsor ( hairs; ( herry and
Pine Dining, Tea and 1 oilet I ablea ; Settees; In
grain and Rag Parlor and Stair Carpeting ; Veni
tiau Window Blinds; China, Britlaniu and Liver
pool Dinner and Tea Ware; a variety of Glass
Ware, Waiters, Decanters, llotlles, lumbers urn
Wine Glassc, Lamps, Bureaus, Double and Sin
gle Ueadstcads and liedding. Wash Stands, Pitchers
and W ash Hot Is, Cooking and t ailor loul stoves
and Pipe, Andirons, Shovels and longs, Uur fur
niture and fixture, Sign ami Sinn lost. I oye
llier with a vatiety of househoU goods necessary
fur a lurjie Hotel.
The sale will commence al 10 o clock, A. M
when Iho lerina will be made ki.own by the Assig
Sunbury. Sept 11, 18M. 2t.
row sals ar
322. EXJ. 2i.S3S3I32i02.
A NTHON'M Classical Dictionary; Lemprier'a
do.; Ainsworth's do. Cnbh'a 1o4 English and
German do.; Antbon'a Cs-ar; Ant lion's Grammer;
Ambon's Cicero; Mail's Latin Reader; nBilbydo.;
And icw'a Latin Lesson; Doiinrgan's lievieont
Fisk's Greek Exercises; Davies's Leurriilei; Graces
Majora; Adams's Roman Antiquities; I'innock's
Golilriiiiith'a EntiVnd; do. Greece; L) ell's Elements
of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of
llotanv; llridge's Algebra; Porter's l.'lu loiioul le
ders; Emerson's Geography and lli-lorv; Oli.ev's
do.; Parley's do.; Smith's Grummet; Kiikhaui's do.;
Kay's Readers; Colli 'h do.; Colili's Arithtneiiek;
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling ltis'l;;
Town's do.; t'olib'a Table Books; livniipclieid Fa
mily l.ilitnrv; t-otluge llille; family do; t'.lliter
ul do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Paik'-i's Ex-
ereises nn Composition; Fruit of tin Spirit; Baxter's
lots Uest; American Revolution; Mariyatt's No
vels; Mrs. I'bplps on Chemistry; Iliad; Cittvhisin
it American Laws; Letters tin iNattiral Magic: Che
mistry lor Beginners; English Exercises adapted to
iVlurray (.trammer; Sequel to (;omtev 8 Spelling
Book; American Class Bi.ok; Dalioll'a Sohontmns-
tcrs Assistant; A great variety of Blank Dunks, vVc.
August 28, 111.
MADEIRA WINE. Flint quality Madiers
Wine, for silo low by
Sept. 1, 111. H. 11. MASSE R,
article always on bund and for sale bv
Sept. 1,1841. II. B. MASSEIl.
HOLLAND GIN, Ol ihe "best miahlyalv.:iv
on hand and for sale by
Sept. I, 1841. If. B. MASSER.
hand and for sale by
Sept. I, 141. If. B. MASSER.
LASSES. Of the beet quality alwava on hand
ar.d for sale by
Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER,
BROWN SUGAR. Of a good quality, lorTafe
low by Sept. 1, 1841. II. H.MAS.-ER.
G b'EEN A N D BLACK TEAS. Of the best
(iiality always on hand uud for sale by
Se,t. 1, 14I. H. B. MASSER.
COFFl.E. javn, Itio ond l.ttgiiira Collie, con
stantly on hind and fur sale by
Sept. 1. 1841. 11. 1), MASSER.
SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained
Sperm Oil, of the best quality, always oil hand and
for sale by
Sept I, 1841. H. B, MASSER.
STEEL. Cast and Blistei Steel, tor sale by
Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER.
'IRISH SALMON. Of the best quality, con-
stan'ly on hand and for sale by
Sept. 1,1841. It. B. MASSER.
1.1 ii I JO US. ( ) I 'uli k i mlsand ol the LosTtpTalT-
ties, alwaya on hand and for sale by
Sept. 1, 1841. II. B. MASSER.
SPRING STEEL. Of various sizes lor E Untie
Springs, fur sale by
Sept. 1,1841. H.B.MASSEK!
very reduced prices by
Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER.
"BLANK BOOKS. Of all kinds, for sale by
vyu 1, 184 1 . HB.JI ASSER.
BLANK DEEDS. Bonds, Mortgages, Ac. for
sale by Sep). 1,1841. II. B. MASSER,
JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by
Sept. 1, 184 1. H. B. MASSER.
E. B. IvTiiSSEE.
it. V,i'W.
AVi 1
auriJiusT, fa;
Business attended to in. the Counties of Nor.
thuiiil erlahd, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
iwnr tot
Thomas Hart oV Con
l.nwrn cV BAitao.
Hart, Ci-mmisos A Han
Rr.Toi.s, MiFaRIakii & Co. J
Srrnuin, Ijoon fc Co., J
, a Srb tools. , ,
"PHI. subscriber, residing in the town of Shiimo.
km, oilers for reht his Blacksmith Shop end
Tools. Any poison wishing to rent thn same, cai)
have possession at any time between this and tho
fust of Si ptrmber next. The simp is a good cue,
nml located in the centre of the town.
July 17. tf JOSEPH BERN.
;t;iTEv GccEsr" .
' UK snl'serilier lifts received an assortment of
I- New Good, whith he will sell on the lowest
terms. June 10. II. B. MASSER.
Commission siikI l'oi;ii(liim
1 1 F.sPEGTF! Ll.Y informs In- and the
Meieh:iiits generally, llinl In ri'mu. s l!io
Commission ai.J Fun r !'!,-: l!.:.-.ii. ,i .1-warehouse,
lo.t of Willow ar. Kdihoad, Drlaivuic and
M1.rch.1nts having goods lobe shipped, will lui.l
it much to their advantage, as to 1 1 tn. nml piiitit
nf freight, to send their merchandise to the Depot,
corner ol Front and lilon street Ruilioad. as ibry
can then be sent cither route by thn Tide W i r
t'anril, or Schuylkill aid Union Canal.--, a. bout
will arrive uuil depart tbiily t..r tl.e Juniata mid
Susquehanna Canals by Tidc-vwilcr in tow of steam,
or via Schuylkill and Union (.'.main Iru.o Fairrno'Unt
Merchants will please be p,r to send all
goods destined for either 'route, to Ihe huge Dpol,
corner of Front and W illow strt-l Railroad, with
directions accompanying them, whith mute they
wish them to be shipped.
Course and fine Salt and Plaster at Vtholcsalo
prices, on the Delaware or Schuylkill.
Philadelphia, June 5, 1811. ly.
JCH1TS C"Jll:iTG3a
Cup and I'ulm Leo f lint So-c,
No. 10 Soi tH 4 1 if Stmkkt! PHILADELPHIA;
AAHIERE an extensive assortment of the above
' articles are constantly kept on hand, for sale
at Ihe most reasonable terms.
May 1X11. ly.
WliolCKalo lH-:il-i,
hi Foreign, llritish and Amerirttn Dry Gnnds,
No. 12 North Third Strkkt, PiiitAiir.LPin .
COUNTRY Merchants can be supplied Bt all
limes with an extensive assortment of the ahovn
Goods, on the most reasonable and satisfactory terms.
May 2!l, 1841. ly.
Athiick, Vniuliicii A: iiiitli.
Bonnet and Palm Luf Hot Wan house.
No. 167 Markkt Strfkt, above 4th Street,
COUNTRY !Vierchaiil8 are respectfully requested
to call and examine their extensive assortment,
which they will sell on the most reasonable terms.
May ', 184U ly.
CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, &c
for aele by
Sept. 1, 1841. H. II. MASSEU,
sbIc very low by
Sept. 1, 1841. H. Ii. MASSKK.
CARPETING. For sale cheap by
Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER.
At a recent artillery drill at PlatUhurg, one of
the Lieutenanta repeatedly hit bariel anchored
in the lake at the distance of mile j
Powdeb Stolix The New York Eipresa
ssyssiity-five kegs of powder were aiolen (rum a
Magazine at Lot k port, on Friday hut.
SfHi'iLMLi. Coat Taunt.
To Sept. 10, Tons, 355,377
Little Sc nun. ill Coal Trahk.
To Sept. 16, Tons, 24,271
Delaware fc llt nsoa Coal Tradc.
To Sept. 4, Tons, 119,715
Pixt Guova Coal Thahr.
To Aug. 5, Ton, 13,000
Mui'nt Cadhor IUil Roaii.
Amount transported to Sept, 16, Tons, 50,240
Mire Hill V Schoilkill Haver Rail Road.
Amount transported to Aug 26, Ton 139,223
Mill Creec Rail Roaii.
Amount transported to Sept. 16, Tons 37,939
St uuiikili Valley Rail Rqab.
Amount transported to Sept, 16, Tons 4,454
Lahuh Coal Trade.
To Sept. 16, Tons, 42,000
H ESl'ECTFUI.LY inform the citi.en ol Sun
Ik liury anj vicinity, iliat thev have tak n the
Shop lately occupied by Wm. Durst, where they
will carry on the
in all its various branches. Bv stiiet aittiilion and
reasonable chaiges, they expect to meiil a share of
public patronage.
Sunbury, Sept. 4th, 1841.
Aoliti' in C'rwlilor.
THE Creditors of Hiram Price, of the BorouRh
of Sunbury, are hereby notified that he has
made an assignment of his property and eflect to
the undersigned, in trust for the benefit of such of
his creditors as shall execute a release of their re
spective claims, within sixty days from the date of
the said assignment, via : the IJtliol Auuu-t 1811.
A release i now ready at tho office of C. W, He
dins, for the signature of creditors desiring to avail
themselves of the benefit of the assignment.
C. V. HEGl.NS,
Sunbury, Sept. 4, 1841 (it Assignees.
INIatr ol Joint t lu-irj.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of
Norlhumlicrland county ha granted letter
leslameutury upon lue est.ite ol Jolin t nerry,
late of Augusta township, dec d., to Hie sut'teii
her, residing iu said township. All persons having
any demands against said estate, are lequcklod to
present them, and lhoe iudibtcd to uiuko payment
lo the sulist rilier.
Sept. 4. tiw. PETER SN V Wit, AJm.
LA HI) tor le. Eiiqune at ibi ollice.
Auuusl SI, 181.
HUKIIsil.NS. indebted to H. U. Masser ct Co.
1 are once wore notified lhat their accounts, if
not settled in a tew weeks, will positively be placid
iu the hands of a magistrate lor cullecliou.
August 14. 141
THE Subacriber will be a candidate for the office
Northumberland county. He
promises, if elected, faithfully to discharge the du-
lies apperuiiuna 10 aaid untie.
July 3,1811. CEO.WEISER.
BLANKETS. For aulo cheap by
Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER.
"UN BLEAC II E I) M L SI ,1 N S. For sale by
Sept. 1. 1811. H. B. MASSER.
For sale by
Sept. 1, is 1 1. H. B- MASSER.
by Sept. 1,1841. 1L B. MANSER.
For sale by
Sept. I, 1811. H. P. MASSER.
J . s 1 1 1: V J O IIS ,
7 Ell'ES'i'N the utteiilion of hi country friends
I who are in vtant, In bis very l.irie stock of
Curprunus, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rut;, Bindings,
Simr Rods, tVc, eVe., that he has just opened, at
his warehouses, No. 18 North 2d -street, and No. 2
Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, I'hilu
de'phia. July .11, 1811. ly.
county" commissioner."
1)1111.11' WElsEli,,.! ugusta, at llie solicita
tions of his fi lends, has agreed lo become a
candidate for the ollice of County Commissioner.
He is a firmer and ineehniic, of iinetcoplion.ilile
character, and eveiy w.iy qualilied to till tho nl'ire.
It is generally admitted that Hceoriling to the esta
blished democialic usage, August 1 lons)np is in
filled to llie iioiuina'ion. W e th n I re r. e -i.-mc
nd Mi. Wei-i r as a st lUiich d in ' -r ,t, ,nu! !'::
m ill for the ollice.
M f I ShAM.ik 1 as 11 A 11. 1 - 1 .
July 19. 1st 1.
"Hi solved In the Si note unit Uuuc nf l,'tiire
srnlativits in Hemrul Atinldi nut. Thai ihe
Constitution ol Ibis CommonweMlili Le ami mini in
Iho third section of the second ui tit lo, so thai it
shall read as follows :
"That the Governor shall hold his olliee during
three yeais, from the third Tuesday of J 11. ti ny,
next ensuing bis election, antl shu! iml be capable
of holding it longer than n single In in 1 J three
years, in any term of nine years."
Spcafitrtif the 1 Inure i.f Rrpreu-ntiitieia.
Sjieuhtr uf the Si mile.
Pennsylvania, ss.v i
Su KLTiui's Oirii E. S I do hereby cer
tify that the forego
ing U true copy of a Resolution proposing an
amendment of Uia Constitution, ninth was agreed
to at the last session of ihe Legislatuie, by a mn
joiity of llie member elected to each house, the
original of which remains tiled inthwodice; and
in with the leuth article of the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth, I do hereby cause
the same to be published, as diiectetl by the said
rs -v-
1 IN TESTIMONY whereof, I
Im ! have hereunto set my hand and
seal of aaid office at Harrisburg, this
iavav 14lU day of June, 184 I.
FRS. K. Nil UN K,
Stcrttary nf the Comnuniwiulih
July 3. 3m.
Ab. 21, fiorth Third street,
HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment
of Spanish Hides, Patna Kips, Tanners' Oil,
ie., at the lowest rnaiket prices, either for cash, iu
exchange for Leather, or upon credit.
Consignment of Leather received for sale, 01
purchased at the highest matkcl prices.
fX"J Leather stoied lice ot cliarge.
April 17. 1811. ly.
rpiIE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon Ac Harris, Hal
- Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other large cities, whose Hats me
highly commended for good eulur and ilurtil.itity,
has 011 hand a first rate assortment of HATS and
CAl'S, suitable for, which will be sold
veiy low, for cash or approved credit, at the nntid
chiop stttrr. No. 40, North Third stret I, oppuMto
the City Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. B. Orders for Hats iu the rough, piomptly
attended to. Tho highest prico iu cash or liado
given for Fur skins.
Philadelphia. April 10. 1 SI 1. ly
ATT I -:. T 1 OX '"ME RCIIA XTi"&7.
E. F. & J . H. THICll,
I'lioni'i K coMnssio?r M i.Hcii a t,
Xi. 2'.I7, Mirtcit t'net, fire ilmn-s uicir UtrcnUt,
"FFER for sale, at the lowest in 1 1 p-'eps.
" f 1 1 tiscnn u:eiit cf Teas, Ci IT", -Vl
I.V.-.--. Wiw. L.-'Uo's, Unices.
'1. , 1 I'l.i-i'i i r r.i-, icil anil 1 ...
( 1 . '. ebuiu-. II. - t 1 keej-ers, ' it io ' iir mlvaniage lo cull ai- ;-
ii'tk, Im f.-re pureliusiiifj -! win ;. 1 .
wishu g tin ir gisnls c lU-cted in this e i , 1 y l.u..
an or,!er, will have llu-ui piomptly tor Abided, 1 v
Ihe most expeditious lines.
Fib. 0. If 41. ly.
mmUm CJJ a, 1.bJ,I
Xo. l'-'-i L'licsiiut Street, l -ii-v. lilt,
T" EEP constantly on hand a geiioml assort-
mcnl of uooks and Stationaty ; comprising
1 lieological. Law, Medical, Classicd. Misccllane
ous and School Books, Day Books, all sizes, LriN
gers, ilo.. Family Bibles, Poeket Bibles, Wilting
Papers, Wrapping Papers, Vc. Ac, which they oi
ler ut tho piices to Couutiy Merchant's Pro
fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and all otiit-rs thut
may favor d.cin with iheir custom.
Philadelphia, Noiomher 7. I8t0. ly.
11 v a i 1 1 11 - w a r t .
AM FAl' TURED and sold ly lh!uhcrr
ler 111 Sunbury, ol ihe best J ta n.l th
work wairauled, which he oilers for sale at reduce'
cash prices, now us low at letail as formerly sold b
whole. ale. G.hiI Watering Pots, formerly sold a
87, ihw al 7.) cents; Large Outlets, formeilv sl.
at i5 and fi'i, now at US and 50 ; 4 Jalkin CoQ'
Po's, formerly aoM al ftti, and thiee qo nt nt 50, not
at 45 and 38 cent, and other article of Tiii W ai
in proportion. SIovm pip and stovea niad au
a ld cheap lor cash, dec.
N. 1). All 1 teutons indebted to the sub-nl'e
and who wish 10 save costs, are requested to ct
and make satisfaction, without delay, eitUti wit
cash or by giving iheii notes.
Sunbury, ApilUO. HENRY MASsER.