Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 25, 1841, Image 1

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it. b. jnjissKii, aauor,
i f i -ii i - -i i i sr
THE" AMERICAN" is published every Satur
day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be
pdiJ half yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till ALU arrearages are paid.
No subscription! received for a less period than
six months. All communications or Idlers on
business rclnting to the ollice, to insure attention,
must be POST PAID.
Well, Dill, we'll put our machine in motion once
more. Recollect the last time we used it some of
the gearing got out of order and knocked down a
whole stanza into the middle of chaos. Look sharp
after it this time, and be particularly careful that it
commits no plagiarism. Give ui an assortment of
There is not a valley in this wide world so sweet
As that where they've lobsters and oysters to cat )
And down to that beach a poor exile of Erin
One morning I spied with a hungry maw ateeiin'
The dew on his thin robe hunt? heavy and chill,
And he walked into the oysters and muscles to kill.
Hail Columbia happy land !
For w Omsk. a times are nigh at hand ;
If I could read my title clear,
1 would right oil' to Texas steer :
And those who met me on the way
I have no doubt to mo would say,
O tell me bluo eyed stranger,
Hay whither dost thou roam 1
Through these cane-brakes a stranger,
Hast thou no settled home!
T sv. can vou see bv the dawn's early light
The musquito that we heard at the twilight's
last gleaming I
The musouito that bit us so fiercely all night,
That kept us the while from e'er sleeping or
dreaming I
Loud roared the dreadful thunder,
The rain a deluge poured,
The clouds seemed rent asunder.
Yet wif jy still and snored t
And then I sung
With trembling tongue,
Hush my dear lie still and slumber,
Yulient armiei guard thy bed :
Kleas and bed-bugs without number
Gently wander round thy head.
Well done, bill ! you and I, and the machine
ave done wonders. We have produced something
ot only entirely original, but excellent beyond
riticisrn. It takes the shino off the original poetry
') which ornaments our city and country uewspa
ers. Sunday Mercury.
From the New York Evening I'ott.
The following extracts are from Miss Sedgwick's
rticle in tho Democratic Review :
"We have some forty steerage passengers.
'heir quarters are divided from ours by a sail cloth
hich invidious barrier they may not pass. They
re, for the most part, malcontent English who
ving been lured to the United Stales by dreams
f an El Dorado, are diappoiuted to find that the
niversul law is in force there I'rovidence.s stern
cree that piosperity must be paid for in the old
.shioned coin ot industry and its kindred virtues.
V'e have tried to stir up a spirit of mutual kind
ess with these people, making the first advance by
iving apples and lasins to their children, but they
j uot meet us half-way. They are both shy and
irely ; and I observe in them what I have often
iiserved in English people of their condition, an
iicertainty as to their relative position, and an
iicpiiottios that is ready to break forth into pre-
jinption and insolence.
The artificial distinctions in which they were
red have ceased the forms and words by which
ley expressed deference, are disused the harness
taken off tho blinders aro removed, and they are
i possession of a liberty to which tliey are unac
istomed, and are in the midst of objects vvhii-
icy have never measured and do not understand.
ur people, not fenced out w ith briar hedges, not
ained to an unmeaning and prescriptive civilly
am to measure themselves with others and to re
u-ri natural elevations and real distinctions. We
1 agree to dispose with certain forms of European
vilization, but I doubt if in your whole life you
ivc been half a-dozen times treated with premc-
lated disrespect by your iuferiuts in condition
here is one old pair among the steerage passer)
rs who arc quite an exception to the prcvailin
You are old," said I to the good woman, who
id been telling ine a dismal tory of the discoin
rU of the doople in tha steerage, "you are old to
crossing the Atlantic."
-Ah indeed, ma'am, if it were for any thing but
go home."
'You are Engtith 1
"Ah !" interposed the husband, good-naturedly
vho would be anything else that could help it T
You should not say thai," replied his wife meek
, 'iuce our childreu have chosen America for
em and theirs,"
"Well, and to say the truth, he resumed, - it is
fine couutry for the young, but it is not old Eng
ird." It is not our home, you should say, replied bis
fe in an apologetic tone, and looking at me.
We all allow," I said , "there is no place like
" 'True, ma'am, we all say it, but lo feel it, one
us! crose the seas. Everybody wondered at us,
t we could not get contented feeling the trees
I Bot look utural-the ram on those new hou-
aj it did on the uid inaicueu iui
don't souu-
t never
Absolute acquiescence In the decisions of the majority, tho vital principle of Republics, from which
lly Masse r &, i:iscly.
"But you have left all your children there.'
" 'Ye, nd all married and doing well on nice
farms in Ohio ; they are busy with tho world, we
have done with it and we want t go home and
io down in the church-yard where all our dead lie
where we are used to eveiy thing, and everything
will look natnrab'
"And your children were willing!"
"Yes there are good children and kind yes
all but the youngest, she was not willing no,
not willing ; but when she saw us pine she was
silent poor Anne ! I wonder if the pear tree is
living you planted the day she was born, John 1
The shade of it killed the ioso that you set out for
the eldest girl's birth day.
'Yes God forgive me I remember," replied
John, "but indeed, ma'am, the little place was so
stifled with shrubs and flowers, and the like, that
one could not set down a tree without killing them
with the shade of it. There wero more flowers
clustered under our windows than you can find un
all (he big farms in Ohio. It will be a long day,
ma'am, before your country will look like old Eng
land." I too had my preferences, and my aching longing
for home, and therefor I the more respected the old
man's, and the less wondered that he was going
home in despite of s.11 tho excellent reasons the
political economist might have given him for re
maining hi our flourished land. I should be very
apt, like them, to go home, if but to die amid old
familiar things.- i
While we were talking with the old pair, there
was a tall, haggard man, with uncomlied hair and a
death-like paleness, stalking up and down in the
nanow and encumbered space on the forward deck,
as if all the world were indeed stage, and he the
only player. I could find out nothing from his fel
low passengers, but that this had been the way of
his going on ever since we embarked, that he is
muttering to himself sleeping and walking and
that he drinks more than he eats."
Our gossip stewardess has given me some fur
ther particulars of the man who excited my curiosity
last evening, lie is an Englishman, and has been
a thriving carpenter in New York. He came on
hoard in fit of madness, compounded of jealonsy
and alcohol. This has, in a degree, aulwided, but
he is still incessantly murmuring something of his
wrongs, at one moment sweating to return and
murder his wife and her lover, and then remember
ing he has all his money with him, resolving he
will leave them, as the stewardess elegantly ex
presses it, "to starve it out together."
"Their love or their life, stewardess !"
"Their love their love, ma'am, such love is
short-lived, any way ; but I think the poor man
wrongs her and himself; it's tho delirium tremens
the poor fellow has, and that mnkes him conceit
everything. Un wifd followed him to the ship beg
ging him to go home with her an innocent pretty
woman, and she sat on an old box on the cud of
the whaif, with her baby in her arms, and the tears
streaming down her cheeks, looking most desolate
like, he swearing and stamping till the mate stop
ped him, and shut him down below."
"Well, our Othello has finished hs dream not
thrown himself into the sea, but the means whereby
he lived, one hundred and twenty five sovereigns.
This our stewardess considers a far more unques
tionable proof of madness than a leto de-sc. The
poor fellow threw the money overboard last evening,
and it has had the effect to sotwr him. He awoke
this morning to a consciousness of his penny less
condition, and he begins to susxvt he has been in
a delusion about his wife. The passengers are all
astir with tha incident. One might imagine a mor
ning paper had come in. Wh it outside creatures
most men and most women arc! they live upon
what is enacted : the world within, with its ever
evolving and inscrutable mysteries, has nothing
novel or curious for them."
Sai lohs, "The sailors are my adiniiation their
obedience, promptness, calmness, and intrepidity.
When I aee these men mounting in all there hurly
burly to the round-top, fearless ss birds, and trund
ling the ropes on tha right use of which our live
depend, as calmly as we, in our quiet homes, pull
the threads of our sewing, I cannot but laugh at
certain bold thuoiies about the sexes. What miy
be in the future development of society we know
uot the possible is in the impenetrable ouscuiiiy
of the future; but what young lady emlroiJ ring
a bellrope, and what a sailor reefing a sail in a
storm, actually arc, we know. There are, it is true,
some striking exceptions to the general destiny and
character, that magnanimous cieature, Grace Dar
ing,' for example."
The following is the next !ct thing to the evi
dence concerning a stone, "as big us a piece of
"Were you traveling on the nihl this affair took
place 1"
"I should say I was, sir."
"What sort of weather was it T Was it raining
at tha time 1"
"It was to dark that I could nut see it raiuiag ;
but I felt it dropping though."
"How dark was it !"
"I had no wsy of telling ; but it was not liht
by a jug full."
"Can't you compare it to something 1"
"Why, if I was going to rompaia it to any thing,
I should say it was about as Jack ss a stack of hist
taU-" .
Sunbury, Northumberland Co.
Trades vs. Professions.
In no republic in the world, perhaps, is there
more latent aristocracy than in ours. The revolu
tion, while it rendered us an indepentnnt nation,
did not, like the French Revoluton of '89, work a
ny damage in our social system. We only ruled
ourselves, instead of being ruled by othcis. The
reform was purely political, and thouh the sense of
tho people would not endure swords ; hoops and
couit dresses at tho President' levees, it did not
inteifero with the privato pomp, or aristocracy pre
tentions of any one. And the social system, to
this day, remains unaltered, for although lime per
haps has somewhat modified it, in every iuipoitaut
particular it remains as it was before tho Revolu
tion. Especially is Ibis perceptible in our cities.
The same deference for rank, the ssme notions of
cxclusivcncss, tho same idoa of gentility and aristo
cracy, disgrace too often the present generation as
much as they were to be pitied in our ancestors of
the colonial times. Education and talents are no
iiung ; weaun or lastiion is every tiling. A man
may be as learned a Newton, as philanthropise as
Hownrd, as courteous and refined as Uayard, and
yet he is vulgar, but il he is as great a fool as Tit
mouse and rides in a gilded coach ho is tho very
pink of gentility.
This ridiculous affection of a superiority un
known to our laws and in violation of common
sense itself, is strikingly perceptible in the do ire of
parents to make their sons lawyer or physicians,
The veriest dunco can thus, it is supposed, le
white-washed into a gentleman. Because the En
glish arisfacrary for a matter of some seven cento
ries has reserved the law for its younger sons, and
because no man could be admit led a student at Lin
col'a Inn unless he quartered the arms of a gentle
man, it has come to be the fashion forsooth in our
republican conntry to give young men a years
probation in lawyer's office. Honest traders
are deserted because they are to use the cant
phrase vulgar; and every youngttej who wishes
to be exclusive, and do the genteel studies the law,
no matter how unfitted his talents may be for that
peculiarly difficult profession. He is perhaps the
son of some vain fashianable mother, and of a fa
titer who has accumulated a little wealth by honora
ble industry. The wife loves display, apes her ri
cher neighbors, and is forever struggling to ge
within the charmed circle of the exclusivea ; but
las ! her husband has been a jobber, or perhaps a
mechsnic, and the wives of lawyers, and gentlemen
of leisure sneer at her and her pretensions. No
thing will therefore do but that Johnny shall be a
Uwer, and learn to despise his father as a vulgsr
common tradi sman. And so the darling is brought
up ; and at twenty-one takes his o iths at the bar,
and linn walks Chesnut street with perfumed cuil
and whiskers, and turns up his nose if an honest
mechanic jostles him, or a laborer comes betwixt
the wind and his nobility
This miy be called an exaggerated picture, and
generally spiukiug it is, although such instances are
by no menu rare. Ii illustrates however our posi
tion that the bar is resorted to because it is con
aidercd more genteel than a trade, or even com
incrce. Hundreds study this profession yearly who
ought rather to be driving tho pUnu, guiding ill
plough, or selling cambrics. Unfitted by their Is
lents, character, or education for the law, they live
drones if woihliy, audatrave if poor.
This evil is wide-spread as our country. In the
west, at the south, i:i New England, and among
ourst Ives, the law is so ciowded with members as to
render a competence in it almost impossible,
New York city has seven hundred lawyers,
and Philadelphia almost as many. We might
name a dozen of country towns with populations
little over two thousand a piece, thai contain from
twenty to thirty lawyers; and of the, nine out of
leu barely scrape together a pitiful Subsistence, leav
ing only a titho nf their number to accumulate, for
tunes. How dillereul the lifo of a mechanic
When do our young merchants find themselves in
want of daily bread t Nine-tenths of those wh
embark in coiumerc, or work at a trade, can, with
prudence, not only e iru a livelihood, bul lay up
competence for old age.
We deem it tho duty of every honest press to
combat this eil. For our p irt, we detpise the
whole cant about the gentility of profession. Tha
inm who makes the citizens, whose labor yields tho
most lo the community, or whose principles come
nearest to those of the good man of the Bible, is
the most honorable. The farmer who sows his
seed, and tho builder who erects his house, the
tradesman who supplies our wants, and tha laborer
who works for our hire, are ju.t as honest and
honorable, as the professional man who lives by hi
intellect alone, or the wealthy capitalist who sub
sists ou the in crest of his funds. We are all God'i
ceatures. He may give one man talent, and ano
tber strength, and another foitune, but artificial dis
tinctions are as ''stench in bis nostrils." It is not
money, nor a profession that makes the holiest
"The rank is but tho guinea stimp,
The mans' the gold fofa'Uiat."
We have long made up our minds on this point
We have satisfied ourselves that all really good an
great men despiso these pitiful distinctions of profes
sion ; and for the opinion of others we care not
Our sons shall uot bow do-n lo this Dacon. Wi
will rndeaver to make them good members of soci
jty, and to give them an occupation thl will afford
. t w
j 'him a ihauce for Jccetii competence, but we will
there Is no appeal hut to force, the vital principle and
Pa. Saturday, Sept. 25, 1811.
1 SLJ '!!...
never sacrifice them to tho Moloch of gentility, or
suffer them to think that a profesion is bettor than
trade. Saturday Evening l'ust.
Serious Accident.
An ascident occurred vestcrday
morning at the Ilail Road Depot in
1 ratt street, the consequences oi which
there is reason to apprehend, will re
sult latally to one ol the persons invol
ved in it. It appears that Mr. Jons
Dol'ohb:rtv, a contractor on the Balti
more and Ohio Hail road, and a most
worthy man, was engaged in conver
sation with General Simo.v Cameron,
Cashier of the Bank of Middletown Pa.
both gentlemen being in that part of
the depot which is near the eastern
outer gate. Ueforc the car came out,
Gen. C remarked to Mr. D. that he
thought it was not safe to remain
where they were standing, but the lat
ter expressed his opinion so confidently
that there was room for the cars to pass
out without injury to them, that they
continued their conversation without
changing their position. In a few min
utes alter one ot the cars was drawn
out of the depot at a slow rate, and the
two gentlemen were jammed between
the car and the wall ol the ticket ollice
As the car advanced the space left for
their bodies was perhaps but little it a
ny exceeding six inches. Mr. Dough
city, whose bodily frame is large and
stout, was shockingly crushed, tits co!
lar bone and several of his ribs being
broken the blood forced from his
chest into his head in a manner fearfu
to behold, and his eyes literally started
trorn their sockets. Ucneral Came
ron's thin and spare frame enabled him
to escape with, we hope, no serious in
jury, although the. pressure in the re
gion ol the lower part Ot the body was
very severe. Both gentlemen were
conveyed to William's Eagle Hotel,
where physicians were procured, and
every possible attention that the hu
manity, sympathy and kindness of the
various attendants could suggest was
freely afforded. General C.'s hurts do
not indicate any serious injury, and we
hope that a day or so ot quiet will re
store turn to his wonted activity and
she bosm of his family. Mr. Dougher
ty's case, we are pained to add, is one
of a very serious character, so much
so that scarcely a hope is entertained of
his recovery. 1 1 is deportment since
the unhappy occurrence has been calm
and pertectly sclf-posscsscd, allhougl
evidently sullermg intense bodily pain
I lis first expressed w ish, after being
conveyed to the hotel, was that a cler
gym an miht be sent for and the con
solations of religion administered to him
and later in the day he closed, by wi
the arrangement of his worldly affairs.
A messenger was also despatched to
rcnnsylvama, to apprise his laimly o
the accident. Jialt. American.
Accidents on Ilailroads.
It is ascertained from a late British
publication that the "danger of loss o
life, on average railroad trips, about 1
to 4,000,000."
"In a report of the Utica and Schc
ncctadv railroad company to the Legis
l.tture, il is stated that for the four years
and five months the company have been
in existence, they have carried ove
their road y$'J,517 through passengers
and 33 1,52 way passengers (7U l.Os!
passengers ending Ulst December, 18,
40,) It is not known that a single h
has been lost during this period by the
railroad, on this important through!;! re
1 lie Great estern railroad in Juti
gland, during the last iJ or Ji months
has ran JO.'OO.OOi) pas.-engers, with
out any accident, fatal or otherwise, to
a passenger from its opening. The
Franklin Institute, after mentionin
four other roads states, "Thus added to
our former hints from these five rail
ways, only one of which is a large pas
senger line, (3,303,000 miles,) without
one latal accident, and only two slight
bruises fairly attributable to the rai
ways ; for wo repudiate all accidents
which the drunken or head-strong ways
of men violating order and rules, bring
upon themselves. The account there
fore, will stand thus : about VSfl.OOO,-.
000 of miles were run, and 14,000,000
of persons carried, with only two fatal
accidents upon the railway system."
One of the large blocks of granite, into. led for
the corner of the Merchant's Etchaugo, arrived in
Sta'o street this morning about one o'clock, and Ins
eiciled much curiosity. The Advertiser says, "It
was drawn in by aiity yoke of oien and ail horses,
weighs about fiftv-neven Jons, measurement, and is
p . : i . i t kness."
j net long, ami lour oi nw
I Bvktun Muxunlde jum nal. ,
immediate parent of desp itutn.
Vol. t--.o. US.
Steam Carriages.
The application of steam twnvcr to
carriages for common roads, has for
some time been the subject of scientific.
examination and of practical experi
ment in Lngland. Several attempts
lave been pronounced more or less suc-
. n t-il 1
cesslul, notices oi wincn nave uccn
transferred to our columns. In the late
Jritish periodicals before us, we find
various accounts of a new "steam
coach," which is admitted to be very
ricrfect in design and workmanship.
It has made trips from a point within
the Ucgent s Park, Lodon, to lottcn
lam. Ono dav last month the coach
proceeded from the Park with a full
oad of scientific gentlemen to the lat
ter place; there it was turned round
with perfect facility by the conductor,
and it returned to the l'ark.
The distance traversed was between
eight and nine miles; it was traversed
in rather, loss than half an hour. Ihe
road undulates considerably, and there
are some ascents; nevertheless the
speed up hill was good, certainly twelve
miles an hour; on level ground it was
fourteen; and on the descents sixteen
or eighteen miles. The carriage was
turned round with coing at the rate of
ten miles an hour. 1 he conductor had
a perfect command of the carriage,
and caused it to pass between carriages
drawn by horses, cars, &c., with which
some portions of the road were crowd
ed, without coming in contact with any
of them, and with a facility of manage
ment that was surprising.
The part or division of ths vehicle
designed for passengers has four trans
verse seats, each of which accommo
dates four persons; the boiler and ap
paratus are behind the seats; the con
ductor sits on the front scat and guides
it and governs its speed by a sort of han
dle, which rises from the foot-board.
The appearance of the carriage and the
rapidity of its motion caused several
horses to shy, but no accident ensued.
There is no visible escape of steam, nor
is there any annoyance from smoke.
In England, where the roads are always
in perfect order, this species of steam
coach might be introduced to advan
tage. As yet, there are few roads in
the country sufficiently smooth for the
purpose. The invention must be no
ted, whether extensively useful or not,
among the scientific and mechanical
triumphs of the day. I'hil. Nat. Gaz.
Steam File Driver.
Messrs. Bond, Iligham &. Co., the
c.iterprising proprietors of the "Vulcan
Iron Works" in this city, have just com
pleted a machine for driving piles
w hich is to be sent to livcrpool, En
gland, from w hence it was ordered by
a company who have taken large con
tracts on the great Russian Railroad.
This machine, which we saw in opera
tion on Tuesday last, is worked by
steam, and with half a dozen hands to
manage it, is capable of performing the
work of two hundred mm and twenty
of the old fashioned pile drivers. We
have not room to enter into a minute
description of the manner in w hich it is
constructed, and must therefore be
content with saying, that it carries its
own locomotive, sots up the piles,
drives them, and cuts
;t a
" I -
grade with a circular saw, th is pre,...-
ring the road to receive tin; i;nls as it
progresses onward. Il is a "yankee
notion" which reflects great I'rolit, on
fl,. t........ i. '( !. ill , .f lli !m,,i,ti ,rc
UlVi IH HUM 1 uuvj flout 'i ."v i. . w.. .'... .
.i ? i,, ,....., i .(., ;, i,., J
been id.'risle.unl "lVrother .iui.t.ul!. ...."
ll is most perfect in its a-;ion, and with
out doubt, will entirely st;;.u : i 'lite
pile drivers heretofore ti-i .l in con
structing railroads and l.rki'i
as it has already, to u c-oiiL'.-
.o ex-
tent in this
country, OnciJ.i N. V.
Canal lloat Untitling.
This business is extensively carried
on at Rochester, N. V. Tlu i).iuerat
says: There are in this city in all eight
yards in which boat building is carried
on. In these there have been built
within a year, about ono hundred and
fifteen boats most of which aro of the
first class, The average value may be
estimated at 8l,fi00 each, making an
aggregate of ono hundred and eighty
four thousand dollars. Add to this the
sum paid for repairs upon old boats,
which, in some yards go as high as from
sJG.OUO to f 8,000, and the stun total w ill
be more than $-00,000 1 In these dif
ferent yard thoro are employed more
than bi. hundred hand,
1'iufcim or AuviiKTisiNx;.
t square I insertion, . . fotO
1 do 2 do - . o 75
t do 3 do ' . . i oo
Evc-ry subsequent inserlien,- 0 95
Yearly Advertisements, (with tha privilege; ot
alteration) one column f 35 t half column, fls,
three squares, $12 ( two squares, f 9 t one square.
If 5. Without the privilege of alteration a liberal
di count will he made.
Advertisements left without directions as to tha
length of lime the? are to bs iiublishrd, will be
continued unlil ordered out, and charged accord
ingly. Cjfixteen lines make a square.
C ast Iron Rail Roads.
St Ai'LDifro !c Ushkrwood's cast iron
rail and superstructure, recently in
vented at Owego, New York, is de
scribed in the llailroad Journal as fol
lows a cut being promised for the next
number :
"This railroad is intended to be used
for the rail and superstructure of rail
roads, without the auxilary of wood."
"The rail is composed of cast iron,
cast whole, with an upper and lower
arch, and appropriate llangcs. The ar
ches to be united by posts with brace3
disposed lozengerwisc between.
"The arches are terminating in an a-
butting piece at the ends, and the feet
tied together by wrought iron rods.
The bars are also connected transvers
ly by wrought iron ties. The top of
the rail is a horizontal bar with a flang
cast under the centre of the bar, and
supported by posts above the upper
arch, and by braces disposed lozengcr
wise between them, to support the bar
and load, and secure the brunches of the
upper arch. The rails are cast with a
tongue and groove joint at the cxtremi
ties, and fitted at the end into a cast iron
chair, which is placed upon the founda
tions. The foundation may consist of
wood or iron piles, stone, brick or wood
blocks, or such other materials as may
be most convenient.
"The length of the bars is ten feet,
but the length and sizes may both be
altered to suit the locality. A piece of
this cast iron road is now in operation
on the Ithica and Owego railroad, near
the village of Owego. It is daily run
over by an eleven ton locomotive with
heavy loads of lumber, plaster, mcr
chandize, etc., and in every respect
gives entire satisfaction. The weight
of each bar is 250 lbs., and with white
oak piles placed ten feet apart' longitu
dinally, can be built for SI 1,000 per milo
inclusive of grading 1"
If this railroad proves successful, and
there is no reason whv it should not, it
will open a new era in railroad making,
and w ill, more effectually than 20 per
cent, duty, check the importation of
foreign iron. To make such a road, no
iron would answer better than that
made with anthracite coal; and if the
castings be as simple as would .appear
from the above description, they can bo
furnished at the low rate of 835 or $40
per ton. This aefded to the saving in
foundations, crossties Sec, would at
once give the cast iron railroad the su
periority in point of cheapness, w hile it
would be more than equal in durability.
S a 1 f.
We congratulate our fellow citizens
of the Grand River Valley, and of Wea
tern Michigan, upon the fortunate re
suit of the undertaking of Mr. Lvo! to
obtain Salt water at this place. His
efforts are crowned with success coe
qual vith his wishes, and in one parti
cular far exceeding his imaginings
for about eighteen months the work has
been progressing while many doubt
ed, and all hoped, but few were san-
guine of success.
At a depth of about 300 feet indica
tions of salt first became apparent, but
for a long distance after nothing further
seemed to be gained, and many began
. . . . i. .i i i i i i v.
i in intuit nicy iiuu uuen ciiut,icu lur
I riiimrlit Thr vi'iirt o ucrfl rnnf innerl
. ..:i .1 I I. i j- i
I "JU bUUY. , . ,
operation of boring was suspended, and
tubes sunk to ascertain the quantity and
quality of the brine. On Saturday last
- . , . , , . , -
(thu 2S:h) the tubes were put down to
I l'10 'M' f 3(50 L"1 ""'covCP half
the depth of the w ell, w hen, to the joyful
surprise of all, pure brine, of the quality
of one bushel of salt to from 50 to 5S
gallons, ascended and injured out of the
.tube with inunense force.
Grand Rapids (Mich.) Adv.
Narrow EscAfE. The ferry-boat
which plies between the east and west
banks of the river at Hudson, took firo
on Friday last whilo crossing, and
burnt to the water's ege; The passen
gers and teams were landed upon the
Hats, in the middle of the river,
the fire had made much progress. Just
after the ferry boat had kit the wharf
at Hudson, two wagons loaded with
powder were driven down lo the ferry
tairs, fortunately a moment loo late to
cross in tho boat. Albany Daily Adv.
Tho foIWuij U fioui tlis LuudKii Sua. It i,
!;. tiic i
Too Ui n, A shoemaker at Lynn, Maasschu1.
sella, the place were ihj shovel so uisnt shoes to
gether snj so (t, lately whipped ousofbis ap.
prentice, to d- sill because h could not l.snf up
ihe shoes s fast a Lis msitcr uiadr ,l- I