MINK NOT 12 LIST. rraxsiXYAxiA. The f dWing list shows the current value of nil Pennsylvania Dunk Note. The most implicit re liance may placed upon it, at it i wry 1vffh care fully compared with ai d corrected fiom Biik licll'i Reporter. Banks In Philadelphia. Nam. Locaio. Disc, iw t in la it. NOTES AT PAR. Hank of North America . , Dank of the Northern Libcrtiea , Bank of rennavlvauin . , Bank of Perm Township . , Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . Oirard Bank Kensington B.mk , . M uriUlnrturcrs A Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' Bank . . Moyamctisiug Bunk , . Philadelphia Bank . . t5t hu Htill Bank , - . Snuthwark Bank Western Bunk . . Country Banks. Bonk of Pittsburg Pittsburg H:mk of ('heater County Westchester Bank of Delaware Coimiy Chester par par par par par par par pnr par par pr par par par par .par mr pur par pai .par B.vrifc of Oermantown Bank of Lcwistown Bank of Middlctown Bank of Montgomery Co. Dunk of Northumberland Beiks County Bnnk Columbia Bank 6l Bridge co, Carlisle Bank Doylcelown Bank Euston Bark Exchange Bank Do Jo brunch of Ueimantown Lcwistown Middlctown Norrislown par Northumberland pa ricading Columbia Carlisle Doylesluwn Eu8ton Pitt!ur par par pur par par par pir pal pnr par pur par par par par pnr par Hnllidnysburg Farmeas' Bank of Buck CO. Bristol Farmers' Bank of 1-ancsslei Lancaster Fiitmcia' Bank of Heading Hurrisburg Bank Lancaaicr Bank Lebanon Bunk Merchants' vV Manuf. Bank Miners' Bunk of I'ottsville Northampton Bank Heading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Potiaville Allfiitown '1'owandii Williamsport Wilkesbarre Tnwsnda Bank Wist Branch B.ink Wyoming Bank Office of Bank of Pri.n'a. OtTico do do lIlTice do do ClUco do do NOTES AT Bank of the United States' par llairisbutg These Lancaster I oflicrs Heading ( do not Elision J issue n. D I S C O U N J'. Pbilade Iphia Pittsburg Erie New Brighton do do Chamhersburg Gettysburg Montrose .Erie 18 i a m OHice of Bank of U. S. Da do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Int. A iVnn Township Sav. Ini. Bank of Chamhersburg Bank of Geityslrurg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bark Farmers' Ac Drovers' Bank Fiatikliti Bank Honctdale Bank Monoiiguhela Bank of B. M i i Waynesburg 2J Washington 2 j Honesdule Y Brownsville 2 , York 1 i Vork Bank A. B. 'J'ho notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) arc not urihastd by the Philadelphia brokers, with the i ueption of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. In. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed rchuylkill Sav. Ina. do failed Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyolt, prop.) failed Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford no sale Uank ot Beaver Hunk of Swatara Bunk of Wusldngton Centre Bank t.'ily Bunk Farmers' & MexhW Bunk Farmers' Sc Mech'cs' Bank Fuimcrs'eSt Mcch'ca' Bank liainiony Inrtituto Huntingdon Bank Jnniula Bank Lumbermen's Bank .Northern Bank of Pn. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlhomb'd Union Col. Bk, Ninth Western Bank or Pa. I Wire ol Sehii)lkill Bank I'u. Agr. Sc Manuf. Batik Silver Lake Dank b'ninn Bank of Pcnn'a. Westmorland Bank Beaver cloud Harrisburg elided Washington failed Bellefunto closrd Pittsbuig no sale Pittsburg failed Payette co. failed Giecncaslle failed Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sole Lewi.town no sale Warren lulled Dunduff no sale New Hope closed Milton no sale Meadrille closid Port Carbon failid Carlisle lulled Mouliuce closed Uniontown failed Grcenshurg closed Wilkesbarre no sale Wilkesbarre Biidge Co. ijj5- AH notes fuipoiling to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set down as frauds. SEW JfcKSKY. Bank of N ew Biutiswitk Ui-lvidcie Bunk Uuilington Co. Bank Cominticial Bunk Cumberland Bank Paimeik' Bank , Brunswiek Belvidcre Medford Pirth Amhoy Dridgctnn failid 2pm par lpm par par Mount Holly f'unncrs' end Mechanics' Bk Railway 2pm Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Brunswick failed Farmers' und Mechanics' Bk Middlctown I' I. lnm Prmikliti Bank of N. J. Jersey City Jlulmkc n Bkg & dating Co Hohoken Ji rsey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' B.mk 1'attcrson Manufacturers' Bunk Belleville Morris Company Bank Morristown Monmouth Bk ot N. J. Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Trenton .Morris Canal end BVg Co Jersey City Post Notes failed failed fulled faded failed par failed 2pm par lpm 1)0 sale Newark Bkg & Ina Co Newark New Hope Del Bridge Co Lamheruville N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hohoken 2pm par failed faired I (dii failed 2pm par par N J Protection cV Lotubaid bk Jersey City trance Bank Orange faicnon Bank Peoples' Bank Princeton Bank Salem Banking Co sUtc Bank lale Bank Male Bank Slate Bank ol Mortis Slate Bank Nslc m snd Philad Manuf Co Sussex Hank 1'rentun Banking Cu Union Bank W tihington Banking Co. Patcisoti do Princeton Salem Newurk 2 pm Elizatx lb town 2pm Camden par 2 pm failed failed pm ttpm lm tailed Monistown 'I'ri nton Salem Newton Trenton Dever Hackensack m:i.4VAiti:. bk of Wilm A Draudywint VVi'mington I'unk of Delawari Wilmii.glon l:urik of Smyrna Smyrna Do blanch Miltord : sin rr.' Pk of Stale of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do blanch Newcastle Vnion Bank Wilmington. tTJ- Under 6's par par par par par par par pur I' 3 (XT On all hai ks msrkrd thus () there are ei- r.ti countrrfait or altsisd nottsof th various d ... mirations, in circulation. it sNsis)WMiasm.'sJa. AN unparelleli d rowdy fur common Colds, Coughs, Asthma. Iuflncr ra. Whooping Cough, Brom hitia, urn) all diseases id ihn Breast arid Lungs, leading to consumption; composed of the concen trated virtuea of lion hound, Bonnet, Blood Root, Liverwort and seveial other vegi table substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wi slow, Rochester, New Voik. The innocence and universalis admitted pectoral viitucsof the Herbs from whirh the, Balsam of llorehuuttd is made, ate bio generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is theiefore only necessa ry to observe that this Medicine contain the whole of their Mi die nnl propeities, highly concentrated, a d so happily combined with si veiul other vege table substances, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in u c, f r the com plaints above mentioned. The Dnlanm removes nil imflammntion and sore nesi of the Lungs, loosens touh visid phlegm, en nbling the patient to expectorate with ease and free dom, assuages cough, relieves athmatic and dilfi cult rcspirnlion, hcula the injured parts, opens the poies, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives strength to the tender lungs, and thus produces a aneedy and lasting cure. IxunATiTt'nr. istiis b isi.st cntMf. is Maw. We are not among that class uf Editors who for a few dollars will, (it the rxper-sc of truth and ho nesty) "craek up" an article and bring it into rapid sale; neither aie we willing to icmiiin ailcnt. ufter having tested the utility of an ini roveuient or dh coveiy in science or sit Our renders will recollect we told them we were usiwi II wi'h a sore throat and violent Cold some few weiks ngo. Well, we pur cboscJ two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOIIKHOUND, mid so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we evr had a co'd. Thoc who are alllicted, moy try it upon our rr commendation. l.tuitton ''l'eleizrnjih. For sale by HKMtV YOXTIIEIMEIt, Sunburi, JACOB BRIGHT, yorlhumbcrlund. Also, by Druggists gener.,lly throughout the country. fjjr- Price, CiO cents per bottle. August Htli, 1841. ly. THIS MAC1IIM: AGAhNST THIi WOULD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. .WENPtlKT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Hoc Powei, which thrcthes unit eleatiH at the miii;c time an triventiou for which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which lenders iho above machine perfect and puM further improvement. Those w ho have been waiting for MMiu'thing better than hcielnlore offered for sale, will find thi to be the article. Come see it and judge lor yourselves. The subscribers have purchased the right of the above Machine and Horse Power, for the conn-t-es of NoRTiiiN ari. n, Licomino, Clijitos, and 1'mo and also, the privileges of vending 1 1 1 in in any other places lor w hich the right has not been pieviously sold. The advantages which this Machine has over all others invented are many and obvious. One boy and three men can do all the threshing and cleaning ot 150 bushels of w heat in one day and this usually takes seven hands one day and three the next. For field threching it takes the lead of any thing in this world no grain la scattered or lost. Huch is the superiority of the Horse Poner, that three horses can throh as much with it as four can with any other. The Machines and Horse Power will be sold together or seprrate, to suit purchasers. Made and sold in Milton, bv the sul senbers. M. WELCH, WM. H. POMP, HENRY FKK'K. Milton, Apiil 17, 1811. THRESHING oV WINNOWING MACHINE. Having had in use, one of Davi npon's Pu ti nt Threi-hing und Winnowii g Mait ii.cs, sndleii g repeatedly culled upon for our opinion in regaid to their vulue, durability and advantages, we make, true to stute, that they exceed in our opinion, any Threshing Machine we evir before witnessed iu use. They will thresh and cleun, fit for market 200 huslii is of Wheat per day, and this with the aid of three hunds besides the driver. The Straw is passed off from the grain on an incline plane, ex tending almut 12 feel from the Machine. Hearce ly a grain is lost. W hat is of tome importance and greatly ao, is the fact ihut no dust passis from the Machine to the man who feeds it. The Horse power seems to lie iierfeclion itself three horses may work it willieH-c and their fastest gait nied only be the ordinaiy lough git. We must cheerfully recommend tl,e Machine lo Farmers they aie manufactured in Milton ly Messrs. Welch Pomp aid Fiiek. I 1111-11' II 1 1 CENT. JOHN B HELLER- Chilisquaijue Ishp., NoilVd cv, Maich 20, 1841. BRADY'S HOTEL. UAIIVII-I.E, C OI.I .111111 Ol TV, l'eitiis) Iv it iilu. THE SUBSCRIBEIt .'especially informs the public, that he has removed from the town uf -i4( tnu ista to l)um-illr, and that he has urclused in that place, I he Large and Coiiiinvdiuu$ II HICK HOI H H , AT Tilt CO H Mil 0' MILL A Ml MAHHtT STRKLTS, C Opposite the Cvurt-IUiuse,J a Which he has lined up It lle erection .V.'S of ADDITIONAL B I I LDINCS. and extensive! STABLING, for the Enter. . I rsBtainnient of Travelen and Yitittr. lie rs now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call, and Ire would slute that no- thing in his pow er shsll be le ft i ndone, to rende r hi. customers comfortable and ha py while under his care, llisaccoininoclalion are ample, and hfs rooms lirriilshed in modern style, and the proprietor is de termined that his establishment .hall sustain and keep up with the growing reputation and iinpoitiince of the town in which it is Icx-ati d. His Ta MLR will be supnhcel wiih everv luxury of the season, and the V. tind choicest variety the market can afford. His Hoi will be stored with all the lies! urtichu that cttn be furnished bif ofir citiet, and the whole will be such as to give satis faction lo every one. W til knowing that an enlightened public will always judge for ihetn-clvcs, he leels confident that they will fuvor him with their pMronage. SAM I EL A. BRADY. Danville-, Jan. 30. i:li-ai)jis'iin(7l(dhack FOR SAW-MILLS. Bt Blxjimim N. CrsiiwA. "HE Subseril-rs having purchased the right for vending and using ih ,ove valushle inveu tlevn, f. Noilhumbetland County, oiler to dispose lefthe same to posona who m.y Jr,j lo )l,ri.lM.i 1 he above invention is now in opeiaiiun at the saw mill of .Mr. M'Caily, near Bunbury, where it can be inspected by owmrs of saw mills and all other interested. K. C.OBIN, March 27 if. SAMI FL GOOIN. IMPORTANT TO D D BLi Dl El War r1IIE Undersigned take pleasure In submitting I to the ptih'ic the fop owing Recommendations of Pratt's Cast Iron ISrmit Mill and Grain Holler lo all dealers in (Srain and inanufnctors of Flour, (re lieving (I to be superior to any thing of the kind ever oil led lo ihe public All ordera sddressed to Cot.. I. M'Fadden, Lewisburg, Union enmity Penn sylvania. EBEM'KZEU KjlXKE, JACKSON M'FAUUK. VEHTirlC.ITESt Moult' Mill, Centre Co., March HO, 1811. I J. M'Faiiiha Hm: I cheerfully testify to the i goodne-a and durability of Pratt s Cost Iron !?mut Mill aid Grain Duller, as being a far superior arti cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in the manufacture of Flour for a great many years, and have alwava tried to have Ihe best apparatus for manufacturing that could be got, and do say that the above machine is the hist apparatus I lelicvp. now in use. Join Mosrz. IiluonifburK, Dec. 26, 1840. Cor.. J. M'Funiiis Sm : In reply to your favor, received a few days since, I have only to say, that the fuel of my having iniroilnced into each of the four mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mills, is the best evidence I can give you of their utility, Y'onrs trulv, W, M-Kki.vi. Milh'u, March 17, 1811. J. M'FAnnm Sin : I do hereby certify without any hes tation, that Pratt' Smut Mill and Grain Huller is the most icifect machine to cleanse grain of smut and all other imperfections, that I have ever seen, and I believe I have seen all the kinds that are now uscil in remise, Ivania, and I must say that there is l.olhing of tin; kind ever been invented that will . . T :.. ... .. .... - ue irie- in erompeniiciii won u. vun, mki-kt. Col. J. M'Fauihn Sin: Dur ng the past 24 years I have been constantly uigaged in maniifac luring flour, and during the Inst 'i y ears have been the owner of a grist and Homing n ill, and among nil the contrivances lo remove impurities from grain I am decide dly of the opinion that Pratt's iron ma chine is supe rior to au with which I am ocipj'iint cd, having used one in my mill about tigblcen months. PiiK.nr.mcK II has. Yorkshire Millt, Dec, 1810. I want in my flouring mid us good an apparatus lo prep .re grain for flouring, us l he or, and I want no belter thnn Prill's Cuat Iron mul Mill. It will remove smut entirely no mistake. M. Ci.Kjisov, Sunburu. December 22, 1840. Col. J. M'Faihiin Si in I have in my mill one of Prnti's ciisl and wrought iron spiral Smut Mills and Grain Duller, and nm conlidc nl that in regard li simplicity of construction, and durability of mate rial, ll is superior to any I am acquuintcd with. llf.MUT Massi.ii. Bear Cap Milh. Dec. 22, 1810. Cor.. .1. M-pAnni n -si n : I have in my flouring mill one of Pratt's Cast lion Sp;rul Smut Mills, and I am decide illy til the opinion that it is the !esl mncbine to prepare gram tor flouring that I am nc ijuainn d with, and us such cheerfully recommend it to all who arc engaged in the manufacture of flour. Jecon Liiskmii.no. Aarnmburx, March 23, IR4I. Cot.. J. M Faimh j Sin : I take pleasure in sav- 1 ing that Pintl's Cast Iron Smut Mill is one of the j best improvements fur the cleaning of grain of all j kinds, that has yet come uncle r my observation, and that I believe it far superior to any Ihn g of the kind i ever invented. You inuy use my name in any way , you think proper. O. P. Dckca. , IwniM Mi'l. Jan. 14, 1811. i This is to certity that I have had Pratt's Cast and j wrought iron Smut Machine and Grain Duller in use lor better than 12 months, and find it lo answer j every purpose that it was intended for. Smut can ' lie taken out of wheal I believe eveiy particle of j it can le taken out without breaking ihe grain of the wheat. Jon Plam r. Amomluif;. March 23, 1M1. , Col. M'F.mhn Sim : 1 have been rngaged in manufacturing Supeifn.e Fb ur for many years, ai d have at this time one ol Prati's Smut Mills in ecch , of my mills, and I c'o ben by reeommi lid them as ihe most valuable impiovi ment Isr cleaning wheat ol ' smut and all other impurities, that I am acijuaiuled with. Jam i.s Dcm an. Col. M-Famhs Sin: I have been engaged iu the manufacturing ol flour lor (S yens, und must cheerfully recommend the uhnvc mac bine, as being bv far the best apparatus for c leansing grain that 1 have ever Used or seen. I consider it an indispen sible article lor any mill thai pieieuels lo do any bu siness. Jem Fisimt. .Iiueduet Mill. Die. 24, 1840. Cot. J. M'FAnniN Sin : Pratt's Ca-t Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about three years since, and llehcve il is the l i st article of thut kind now in use. It will not only remove su nt ei.'erely, but is a most valuable apparatus to clean wheat and rye of any character, and prepare it lor flouring. Dkuamix Boonk. l.rwiburg, Dec. 22, 1840. Cm. J. M-Faiiiu Sin: After k c.iielul and candid examination and trial vt the machine, in re gard to construction, neatness and despatch in exe cution, economy iu price, and power to set in ope ration. I am fully convinced and satisfied, that the machine above ulluded to, is tccond to no one in use. J. Mom now. Mill r and Flour Manufacturer. Cutttiwiita, Dec. mbir Si, H 10. Col. J. M'Fauiii.1 Sim: Pratt' Cast and W icught Iron Spir il Smut Mill and Grain Huller, I consider to be the best machine to remove smut and oilie r impurities lo w hieh grain is subject, that I have used, or with which I nm aeqtiuinied, in re gird lo diir.i'iihty of m.iti rial, simplicity uf construc tion, neatness and dc-palch in execution. JosKI'H PaXTON. N. I). Ti c rdiove machineaure manufae lured at ihe Lewisburg Foui dry, Ui ion county and at the llluomshiirg Foundry, Columbia county , Pu. Lewisburg, June 10, It-II. .llicliael Weaver X ii, ROrE MAKERS & Sllir CHANDLERS. Ao. 13 AorA Water Street. Philadelphia. AYE cnnsiautly on hand, a gener d assort ment of Cordage, Se ine Twines, Ac., vi. : lui'il liopes, Fishing Hopes, While Hopes, Manil la Hopes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete ussoitment of Seine Twines, Ac. such a Hemp Shad and He rring 'i'wiui-, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shied and Herring Twine, Shoe Threads, cVc. cVc. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lilies, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, cVc. all ol which they will dispose of on reasonable lei ins. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ESI i E l 1 ( K , 1 1 A NSELL C'O'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. lf.G 1-y JSIarket Street, Phila. lit low tijth South tide ) A I, WAYS keep on hand a full and general as J1. sortment of Hosiery, Lare, and Fancy Goods, Country Mete hauls are lespeclfully requested to give them a call snd examine for the m-elvi s. Philadelphia. November 7, 1M0. ly. sTehi nc;, gooi ) & CO. No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country .Men hauls lo their extensive assortment of Britwh Frer.ch and American Dry Goods, which they oiler loi sale on the mm i reasonable te rms. Philudi IplitSj Novrmhr 7, I MO. ly. CITY AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. Snmbrr 29 Forth Third Street, Philadelphia JUBLIO SALES of Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Books, Stationery, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Halt, and in short almost every description of goods, ore held at this establishment every evening. Goods are also sold t private sale during the day at Ihe average auction prices. Store keepers and traders will find it lo their advantage by attending the sales. C. C. MACKEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, Novembe r 7, 1840. .Jacob 1'rlKiiiulli & Son. "trp ESPECTFULLY inform their friend and acquaintances generally that they still con imue to keco at the old stand, No. 241 North 3d street, Philadelphia, all kinds of TORACVO SNVt'F AM) SICCA US. Which they will sell on Ihe moat uccoitiiiiodttling und icasoiiuhlo terms. N. B. All coods sold will he guaranteed, and all orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. l y. i'ETEirmowEEs; LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callow-hill Street, Philadelphia, C Three doors abort Second.) I C4 HOE Findings always kept on hand, which he oilers for sale on the lowest terms. Country I Me reh eats are purticulaily to call and judge for 1 themselves. 'hiladeb hia, November 7. 1840. lv. - iVnT LOW Lit tV LALKON, Importers and Dealers in Foreiirn and i Tlimretif 1 1 -i nl i rr Domcslie Hardware, i ; No 174 Nonrii Tiunn Stuklt, rnrLAnr.i.rHiA. "Vim ERE their friends and customers will always find u large nnd general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they will sill at the lowe.-t prices. Philcdclphia, November 7, 1810. ly. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. yj) North Water Street, Tliila. MANL'FACTI'RER?) and dealers in Oils of ev ery description both for bur rung ami miiuulucturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sedd by the company not proving as leprcae nted, may !e returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be re funded. ! Their stuck now in store consists ot the follow ing i oils, viz : 30,1)00 gallons Winter Bleached Sj.etm" Oil, 6(1(10 15,000 10.000 20,000 0000 do do do do do do c!o Ooloilrss Oil, Fail and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pre.sed Whale Oil, Summer do do do 15,(00 Common Whale Oil, ZOO Barrels superiol Straits Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 60 do Neat Foot Od, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's I Ills. Xj This Company has n number of Vessels en gaged in the Cod Fishe ry, nnd Tanners may rely upon gelling at all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1840. ly. .ATTE1TTIC1T. flHE special attention of buyeis fiom the south M. and west, and for the stnte trade, is respectful ly invited lolhe following a-sortmeiit of HWDS, which the subscriber will dispose of at such prices as will uniply repay his friends for calling and ex amining his stock. To CASH puichascrs, at the present time, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish matting. COO piece-s Canton matting, assented 4-4, .Vl and fi-4 white, checked and flowered. 1000 hearth rugs, a I eautilul assortmi nt i f Wil ton, Brussels, Tufted, Turkey, and Hemp rugs. 200 pieces woolen, worsted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpcliugs. An elegant vur.etv of iltoii, Brussels, Scolth and English, Venetian, Damask, Ac. &c. 1000 eleven men nnd boys cap.-, comprising a gtcat variety of Fur, Seal, Nutria, Muskrat, and Coney, Hair. Sealelto und Cloth Cups. 100 dozen Allicant Mats, assorted sizes. 1(0 do Manilla do do do fit) do Sheep-skin do do do 30 bales French Baskets, comprising every de scription. M)0 pair Venetian Blinds, ass'd figuies and colors. 3000 patent do do do 1000 nests Cabas or Satchels, ass'd, embossed leather, atruw and oil cloth. MM'O dozen Combs, assorted tortoise shell, Bra zilian do horn, ivory, brass and wood, comprising a large assortment of every variety. 3000 dozen Whips assorted wagon, gig, car riage, sulky, planters, drovers or tiding, of gut, lea ther sue! thread, with German silver, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. 1000 dozen painted puils, Wilson's brji d. 1000 nests cedar Tubs aid Bui kits; also, Chums, Piggins, Water Cans, cVr. The ubove together with an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Britiuuia and Ccimau silve r ware, leather mid I ri-tle Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ma hogany und Gdt Flumes, of every size and descrip tion, are manufactured, imported, and selected ex pressly lot the southern, western und stute Hade. J. SIDNEY JONES, No IS North 2d street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. G. V. & L.'S. T.YLOH. OFF EH FOH SALE, at ihe South East Cor ner of Fifth und Market Sfieets, Philudtl phtu Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do prgged do i do do do water prcuf, double soles ! anil ilotihle uppers. do Calf-skin do do and up ers. do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neuts do do. do High cpMuitcr Slu es, Cull-skin, do do do dockers do do Fine Monroes warrunted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoes do Fine do do Kip do do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Skin I'timns. do List Sicks with and without soles. do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins, Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India liuUr shoe s. Gentlemen.' do liver shoe's. W ith every other desriptioii of boots and shoes. Fur Cups nf ev ry description. Travelling Trucks of eviry description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elusiie Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm l.cl H.i. Philadelphia, Nov inihei 7, IctU. l y. PETEPw COlTCVEPs, Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Honnet, nnd Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. Ao. C6 AW A 2d rre, a few doort above ,1reh, Philadelphia. ALSO Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valices, of ev cry description, all of which he oflers for sale on the most reasonable term. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly J. W. sWAlN, Uinhrclla and Parasol Manufacturer. No. 37 Koofh Thiul it reel, tun doors below the i City Hotel, Philad, Iphia. COUNTHY Merchants and others are solicited to examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7. I40. ly v71TATi6 v ol I) t "s China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse. A' 1C1 North Third street, third duur bilutc Vine street, Philadilphia. "Tf HERE they constantly keep on hand n large ' assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most tei sonable terms. Philadelphia, November 1, 1R40. TIIEOPILUS CULP. Manufacturer nnd Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, iSce. A'o. 5 South Third street, four doors below Market Philadelphia' KEEP constantly on hand a large nnd prneral assortment Couch Lamps, Carriage Bunds, Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied at all times on the most leasonahle terms. 'J l ey will find it to their advantage to cull and examine bis assortment before purchasing e lsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7, 1H40. ly. REYNOLDS, McFAHLANl) & CO. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Dritifch and American Dry Ootids. At. 105 Market street, Philadelphia. "iOI'NTlIY Merchants, and others can be sup- vy plied at all times with an extensive assort ment of the best und mosl fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable terms, Philadelphia, November 7, 1B10. ly. Wholesale Variety and Trimiiiinr .Store A'o. 44, North Fourth near Arch ft., Philadelphia "VI f HERE Country Merchants and others can he ' supplied, nt nil times, with a large nssortrne nt of Hosii rv. Gloves, Merino. Cotton, and Woole n Shuts nnd Drawers, Spued Cotton. Patent Thiead. Cotton Cords, Buttons, Tapes, Bindings, Hook" and Eyes, Pin, A c. And a general vnriity of use ful articles, which he ullers fur salu ul the lowest prices. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810 ly. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, For 1 Hollar. QFAL for lime to any sola by Clock Pid fl2i m or $25, for sale by March 13. II. B. MASTER. SHAIKOKXN COAL. OF a very superior quality, cun be hud at any time, by oppliculiou to the subscribers, iu lots to suit purchasers. They keep large, egg, broken, and flue coal, fit for burning lime. J. II. PUR DY & Co. Simbnry, Sept. 2C tf. - j j I'V-Vi COM P LA I ST, Cured by the ue tf Dr. II in Lien's Co vein mi Sri-NOTIIKM SO AMI Al'KIIIKMT PlLLS. Mr. Wn.riAM K i rii a ii iim, Pittsburgh, Pu., en liielv cured of the above distressing disease : His symtoms were, pain and we ight in the h fi side, loss ol appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, disten tion of the stomach, sick headache, funed tongue, counte nance changed to a citron color, difficulty ol brrii liiiig. di.-lurbvd rest, uttended with a cough, gieat debility, with other syuitoiiis indicating great deiuugrmeiit of the functions of the liver. Mr. Rich tu ns had the advice of several physcian. but received no relief, until using Dr. Harlic u's Med icine, which te rminated inellecting perfect cure. Principal Cilice, l'J North Eighth Street, Phila delphia. Also for s.dr at the diug s'ore of HENRY YOXTHEIMFR, May 1, 1841. Ajj;ei,t. Tiii: cai si-: of nisi: a si:. Neaily all classes of disease, are caused by some obstruction in the system, which prevent the iegu lar uud wholesome operation of the animal func tions. This state of the system, is disease, w hieh is manifested in a variety of form, mote or less inuhgminl in their character. To restore the system to a state of health, then, it is only uice-sary to re move the caue of disease, and the end is accom plished. The cause is obstruction somewhere. This can be removed by puigatinn, which is the only means that should be resor'cd to, because, suggested by leuson, and by nature. Dr. ll erlich's Strength ening and German Aperient Pills, are allowed by llu thi usonds who have used them, to be the tx-at purgative medicine in existence. Because, they not only remove all obstructions, and purge the sys tem of its impurities, but, because, and w hich is ex tremely important, strengthen and give proper tone to the stomach, and produce a he althy action of all the parts. Besides, they are so mild ai d gentle in their operation, as to rende i them at all times a pei fectly safe and desirable- remedy. The alllicted would do well, then, lo purchase a box or two ol this invaluable medicine, and give il a fair trial, in stead of di sinning iheir systems with oft-repealed ; doses of culomel, and other drugs, ao injurious to ', human life and happiners i'he ubove tin di cine for sale at the Drug store ol I HENRY VOXTH ELMER, I May I. 184 1. .1;eut. j slciTjWJiTu-HT:. Is a very common slice lion. Its at luc ks are very i scvcie, and chaiacteiized by spasmodic p. ins, shili 1 ing fiom one tut of Ihe head lo the other, fie , quently commencing in the morning, uttei ded with sickness of the stomach, nausea, fain'ings, and sometimes, vomitirg, giddiness, and Contusion ol sight, eVc Ac. This ellipse is pioduced fiom va rious causes, peihups the most common, is a de ' ranee mi nt of the stomach and digestive organs. FEMALES are most subject to this sllet lion, par ticularly those who lead a sedentary life. Dr. Itar lich't Compound Slitnthtninif Tonic und tier, man Aperient Piln, arc wairunled lo arust this troublesome disease : first by cleansing the stomach : and bowels, purifying the blood, and lemoving all diseased snd excic mcntuous humors from the liver j and intestines. By the Use, fust, of a few doses ' of the Apeiient German Pills, afterwards two or three doses of the ftreiiglhtning Jimie I ii7, winch are used to stieugthen und invigorute Ihe nervous tyttem, give tone lo the stomach and organs of digestion, thus imparting to their subtile fluid its pristine vigoi, this sliliciing disesse may be entirely removed. This is the only nude ol treuting this annoying complaint, snd has been atttndt-d with succe ss in thousands of esses. Psinplets giving general directions, may be ob tained gratis, at No. 19 Ninth Eighth siree-t, Phila- Iclphia. HENRY YOMHLIMFR. May I, IM1. Aini. TO THE COMMUNITY. THE success which has attended the ne of lh: llarlich's C'erman Aperient and Compound itrengthtnitiff Tonic Pills, is truly astonishing. 1 1 is no vain boast to say this medicine has proved by its happy fleets in the cure of a vniiety of disease to which ihe human Irame ia liable, to he vastly su perior to Ihe many preparations before ihe publ c. Many of these preparations are compounded by in dividual who an posiltvc'y ignorant of the myste ries of ihe human system, and mere pretenders to medical knowledge. Dr. Harlich, however, ia cele brated among the German faculty as a man of the highest scientific attainme nts, ami fqnully distin guish! d throughout Europe, as a successful medical practitiom r, spent most of Ihe yrars of a useful life in the aquisition of such knowledge a might prove beneficial to hi fellow creature . In the pill which he inve nted, nnd which hiar hi name, the public are assund of nn article that posses-e more than oielinary virtues. From the acknowledged talent of this inventor, nothing les than a good arliclo could be expected ; and the experience of many yenr has afforded demonstration of the virtue id Ins mc ebcir.e. In Oeimnny and other part of Eu rope, its r putation is established. In this country into which it has hut been recently introduced, it is rapidly gaining the most substantial reputation. The numeioiis cert ficatea of cures of li e most obstinate diseases! fleeted by the use of Harlich' Pills, which the proprietor is constantly receiving, U proof of the fact. Duv after dav he receives new testimonial. of their cflicacy, and week after week increases the demand fm tin in. This is not mere assertion; iu itumcinhle certificates nrc open for the Inspection o the public, uud the doubt of uny who are skeptical can I e removed by examining the in at the ofike u the roprietor. We take the liberty, then, of suggesting lo every family, that they inuko use of Dr. llarlich's Pills Let the m keep a supply constantly on hand, to hi usid when occasion demands, and (hey will rcceivi the most iincijuivocil proofs of utility. Medico Drjinrr. Principal office for the United States, No. 11 North highlh stieet, Philadelphia. Westerp Depot, No. 41, St. Clair atrcet, Pitts burgh. HENRY YOXTHELMER, M'uy 1, 1841. i'rn HEP ATPI1S, OJi LlVF.lt C0MPI.AhT. Liver complaint is described be of two forms viz j Acute und Chronic, w hich ared fli rent in thei scat and character, nnd are produce d from ulcers oi the Liver, which is desensed on the snrfuceoi in tin centre. In the former, the patient is attacked will sudden pain, in the region of ihe Liver, so seven thut even the I ed eb thi s arc insupportable ; the pa lient cunnut beur to turn or lay on his left side frun the prc.-sure exerted ill that position of the iiifl.imec organs. The better may g on in such a manne that the firs! symtoms of Liver Complaint are thus, which mark the occurrence of suppuintion. Tit, Acute und ub-aeute varieties, almost always com inence wiih so'ue chil'y teelings succeeded by Ilea of the skin, fevered tongue", having a yellowish ap peaiunce. lire gul ir state of the bowels, co.-tivcnc s c oiintenc.ini e c hanges lo u pale or citron color, o yelb.vv like those t Hinted wiih jaundice, didiculty o breathing, distuiln'd rest, attended with couch, fe verisb symtmns, u dry and parched skin, difficult of lying on the right side, urine scanty und htgi colored, the patient passes many hud nights and i fn cpu litly troubled with Diurrbcea, Teuasinus nm Piles, nausea and vomiting, and ha a considerabl thirst. W hen the inflammation n diets the perito neul coat of the Liver the pain is much more intens and the fever higher than when confined to the Liv er. In cbroi ic ntlection it is uncertain in its In minntion ; the pain i intense, attended occasional ly with feverish symtoms, a dry and parched skin irregular bowels, sallow countenance, freijeuul at tacks of juundice, ihe tongue is scarcely ever fre from yellow fur, the appetite bad, and a coiruplioi attacks the face and back, behind the shoulders. & Du. H Aiit.li u's Compound Strengthening Ton ic and Aperient Germ m Pill-', will, in a mnjorit) of cases, produce a perfect cure, and if used at tin very onset i f affliction will in very case arrest the disease. 1 bis is not mciely thei ry but fact, w hiel can be substantia d by the tesliinonii s ol vuiiou pc r.-ons who have wi'nis-ed the astonishing effect of tin- invaluable mec'iiciiie. The die! must It at lendidlo, and thewarni bath must m l bo neglect ed win n the p. .lie lit can have access to it. Fid uud explicit d reel ion me di lined in the liiedic.i puinplet w Inch accompanies the medicine, and cm be obtained gratis of any of the regularly appoiulei agents who se ll this medicine. Piiucipal Cilice and Central Depot for the I "ui ted Elates, is at No. I'J North Eighth Street, Phila delphia, where nil communications for Agencies Adve rtising and Medicines must be addressed ( os paid,) which will meet with immediate attention. HENRY YOXTHELMER, May 1, 1811. Agent. PU INC IP A 1. HEASOMS Why Dr HARI.ICH'S Compound Strengthen ing and German Aperient Pills are used by all clus sea of people, in pre fere nee to other Medicines, be cause they are prepared from a pure eztract oj herbs, a wholesome medic ine, mihl in its operatioi and pleasant in ils effect the most certain pieservei of health, a sate and eflectuul cure of Dyspepsia en Indigestion, und all stomach complaints, a preserve! and puiifici of the whole system. Because tl ey soothe the ne rves of sensibility and fortify the nerves of motion, imparting to their most subtle fluid its pristine lone, thus giving slieugth and clearness of ininil. Because they never destroy the coats of the sto mach and bowels, as all strong purgatives do. Because science and expeiii nee teach us that no mere purgutivc alone will cure the disease of the stomach und ncives. Weakness is the primary cause of a host of diseases, anil, by continually re sulting to Drastic purgatives, you make the disease much worse, instead ot letter. Because Dr. I ku lob's Med cines are put up up on the common sense principle, lo "clejnse and strengthen," which is the only course to pursue to elicit a cine. Lastly, Because these Medicines really do cure the dis ea lor which t In y arc n commended. Principal Dflice for the United Malts, is ut No. l'J Ninth Eighth street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHELMER. May 1, 1841. Agent. CLF.ASSE AND STliENCTHES. The only sure nnd best course to pursue in cu ring disc.. ses, ol whatever nature they may I e, i : fust, to tleaiise and purify the Stomach and Bow. els by gei tie ape rieuls; secondly, to give attengtli snd tone in those tender organs by ihe rse of proper limits. J hi. mode, is always pursued bv regular physicians, which they well know to le ihe only course to resort to, to I fleet a speedy Slid permanent cine. Dr. il.ni.iiH' Compound Strengthening Tonic and Aperient pills, are a sure medicine to clleil this giuod object. The German Apeii. lit pills are to cleanse the stomach snd intestines, af ler whiih the Compouiid Stientgening Tonic pill are used, lo give strength and lone lo those or gans which requite tender I real mint. Neaily two ihirds of Ihe diseases which we daily behold, are diseases ef the nervous system, and by conlinu al'y using drastic mineral purgatives the sufferer w ill soon find himself a bring too much refined to remain long in xistence. Full and explicit di rections both in English and German, accompany this notice. The shove medicine for sale at the Drug Store ol HLMiR YO.YT1IEIMKR. May I, IK1I. J..,,,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers