4 Tr.mis of tiii: ".oieiiicax.' HENRY B. MASSEU, JOSEPH EISELY. Pi' BUSH Kit ISO PROPRIITOIIK. II. It. TT.fSiVf, Editor, ornc ia MAHKxr rrnr.KT, araii iir.m. TUB AMERICAN" in put.li.ihcJ every Hatur day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to l.e paid hnlf yearly in advance. No paper discontin tied till all arrearage, am paid. No subscription received for a lean period than at, months. All communications or letter on business relating to tho ollae, lo insure attention, must he POST PAID. From the N. Y. New Ern. The Mechanic' Saturday Night. Oh ! sweet is the home of the toil worn Mechanic, When labor ia hush'd in the atillncst of night ; When the hum of commotion, disaster and panic, la atill aa the stars in their orbit of liaht ; Qui sweeter by far ia the neat little mansion. When o'er flowing hoard of Ilia industry speak ; Vhcn the sweat covered wage hy wildest expan sion, Replenish his storea at the clo.e of the week. With plenty all smiling in natural splendor With products of Nuture, delicious and sweet, nd the choicest of viands his earning cun render, All clustering high in the lowly retreat, low rich is the banquet how ereat the profusion J How happy the man when his laboring cease ; Vhcn hia efforts arc yielding the grcatct dillu-ion, Of harmony, happiness, pleasure and peace. )h ! bright is the hearth of the workman at even, And kindly the let lings his bosom must know, When hisgcncious heart in it fulness halh given, The bread he has earned by the sweat of his brow ; nd how sweet is the scene of the family pleasures ; The holy atTcctions they foi.diy retain; t hen he clasps to his bteust hia own loving trea sures. And fondles his little ones over again. t'c apirits of mercy look down on his dwelling, And guard hia abode in the mills! of ularm; A'licii the suiges of poverty frightful are swelling, Or frowns o'er hi cottage adversity's storm. )h ! come like a pilot uf truth on the ocean, And guide hi- bine bulk to the huveu he'd seek ; V ml lender his life in his country's devotion. As sweet us hi home at the close of the week. From the tcliclt r Daily AJirrliter. A rt'inalv Humbug. The public arc cautioned in relation o a certain woman, nut unknown to iime, though it be ill, who has made vochester and its vicinity the scene of ter designing operations for some three r four weeks past. Who she is, or here she came from, no one in reality hows : at least those do not who have 'oen imposed upon by her, and who 'tight to have known her best. Jn person she is full and of middle tature, dresses richly, though evincing ome lack of taste, completion light, eaturcs regular, eyes blue, hair brown uid somewhat inclined to grey, age ibout thirty-five. And having a face, vhich, though exhibiting some marks if care, was not altogether unprepos essing, genteel in her address, remar ;ably intelligent, conversing well, and n her conversation always apt and eady, it is not surprising that she suc ;eeded so well in her wicked designs, md the only wonder is, that develop nents were made as early as they were that her character was unmasked, md it became necessary for her to take t hasty leave of acquaintances hastily nade, and sunder as abruptly certain lomestic relations she had formed, as abruptly as they were entered into. She represented herself from Eng land, and last from Toronto a widow who had recently buried her husband her maiden name was Ann Eliza Hunt. She had wealth, which was increased liy the recent deaths ot an uncle and i aunt, who had provided well for her in j their wills; under these flattering aus- J pices she formed the acquaintance of! an estimable young man in this city, j and thus far succeeded imposing upon j him and his relatives. After a week's! intimacy, lie made proposals of mar- j nage, which were accepted. Thursday evening, the 5th of August was the time appointed which should make him a joyful husband and her a blushing bride. Preliminaries were arranged, but my lady appeared rather cov, and w as not disposed to be bound by" the silken tie, until some marriage settlements were made. This only in creased the eagerness of my lord and his friends, and by mutual consent all went straight in search of lawyers. None but the ablest in the profession, would she dare confer with about her business ; and her intended, conscious of the importance of the trusts confided in him, to the ablest went, an inter view was had, a statement made, a plain, unvarnished talc told. Deeds were to be drawn, a jointure made, and trusts created. Some little time of course was necessary for this, and she was advised not to get married until next morning. liut the urgency of the case, the fear on the part of my lady, that every mo ment lost was irretrievable, the w armth of her affection to her lover, his devo tion to her, his eagerness to have two willing hearts made one, and the solici ttidc of the friends, all, all, hastened the auspicious hour. SUNBUMY Absolute acquiesce n te decision of the Hy Master &, wisely. At her order, according! v. at the ho- tel, a splendid wedding festival was provided. The tables groaned bc.eath the luxuries of every clime; there was ices from the north and fruit from the sunny south. In fact, all that nature could provide, or art supply, were fur nished by mine "gracious host." The sparkling Champagne and old Madeira flowed like water. A Clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church was called, the marriage ceremony gone through with ; that night they were married, and Uelshazzar's feast on a small scale went on. Late the next day, they rose; a fine carriage and dashing horse had been provided ; and my lady of unbounded wealth, and her now made happy swain rolled about town in most luxurious style. Every where they stopped to obtain whatever struck the eye or plea scd the fancy. Nothing was wished for, that she did not obtain by the ta lismanic influence she exercised over her doating husband; nay, more, she made orders every where! The inge nuity of the most fashionable milliners was severely taxed to suit her taste, but they did their best, and supplied her w ith all she asked for. The tailors, too, came in for their share; they had no thing good enough to supply the ward robe of her lord. Vet of such as they had she would have suits ; and the sharp clink of shears was heard, and they went promptly about their work, with vague ideas of the power of wealth, and an unbounded confidence of the riches of the customer they had thus fortunately fallen in with. A carriage worth 500 was next or dered, and search long and arduous made for a span of matchless horses. Mirrors of the largest size and most costly description were sought for and engaged. Most superb mohogany bead steads, with all the appurtenances were purchased and ordered home, but all, all was paid for. In this manner, at numerous other places about the city she stopped, and where her wants were not very extra vagant, she obtained what she" wished for. To what extent the law made her husband liable, to this moment he docs not know ; but something new of her rascalities is coming out constantly, as he finds by the bills pouring in thick and fast. Hut about 1 o'clock in the afternoon of the 0th, she gave notice to her hus band, that she wished to go away on some affair of importance, and if he would not take it unkind in her, she would go alone, inasmuch as the pecu liar nature of the business would hardly admit of her privacy being intruded up on even by her husband. Of course he consented, and she left, engaging to be back by sundown. A short time after this, she was seen in another carriage going down State street alone. Sunset came, but not she; hour on hour passed away until deep unto night; no tidings came to the disconsolate hus band of the lost fair one ; and his mind was filled w ith dreadful anxiety, lest she had met with some accident. There were doubts and dark suspi cions in the minds of his friends, that all was not right; yet the husband dis claimed the possibility of such a thing ; so strong was the attachment between them, so dearly did he love her, the thing was inconceivable. No, never, never would she, could she forsake him! Nevertheless investigations com menced, and towards morning follow ing, discoveries, were made sullicient to satisfy the most incredulous, that the whole affair was a deep and dam ning scheme of fraud, villainy, and im posture. The woman has gone no one knows where. Her ucts have shown what she is, and that such unparalleled rascality should have been going on in this city, and not be discovered, until wounds are inflicted that can never be healed, is indeed astonishing. Mr. John Jones, of Hunter street, has a wife that he cannot get rid of ; he is saddled with most extravagant debts of her contracting ; he and his Iriends find themselves stript of all the ready cash they had. And last of all, and not least, and perhaps not undeserving, "mine host," where she stopped, unknown to any one, lent her about fifty dollars, which remains unpaid, together with n round tavern bill. 1 he woman turns out to be utterly worthless and aban doned. The representation she has made, that she had money deposited in thr hank ot Hnchntstfr was rntimlv lalse, and the climax o her husliann disappointment w as mpped, when he AND SHAMOKIN JOU11NAL. majority, the vital principle of Republic, from which Mii.Imhj, Xordiumberlnnd Co. presented a check for 81 800, drawn by her, and found she never had any funds there whatever. Take the whole by and largc.we look upon it as a humbug of the first water, and one the like of w hich our staid city has not seen in many a long year. Hut where, w here, we ask, are our ever vig ilant police, that they should not follow the matter up, after knowing of it I From the Pennsylvania Intelligencer. lU'MMirccs und C roillt of Pcimsy I vauia. The attacks that have been made lately on the floor of Congress, by the representatives of poverty striken Stales, and in the public press of the At lantic cities, in the interest of foreign and domes tic brokers, upon the honor and credit of Pennsyl vania, hive induced us to submit the following state of facta, as the basis of trie integrity of the Commonwealth, and of our ability not only to dis charge her trilling debt or thirty-five millions of dollar, but to finish her splendid system of intrrnnl improvement, and take her rank where nature has dcsignod her, a the fust Slate in the Union. The State of Pennsylvania ia inhabited by 1, 'i'i t,0H3 fiee people, industrious and enterprising. In I VJO, the numlier was only 434,373. We have more than 20,000,(100 acies of land, and under better cultivation than any in the Union, and const .ritly improving. It is woith at leat $752, 1)00,000, and barn, woikshops, stores, lumaccs, factories and mills, worth $248, 000,000 more. Nur has our public debt been contracted for noth ing. Our ruil mails and canals extend, nut only to our co d and iron mines, but are designed to connect the waters of the great Lakes and the great Ohio and Mi-.-isMjpi valUc, with the w aters of the Delaware and the C'hi-.ijcuke. They intersect the Slate in every diicctiou from West lo E ist and from North to South. Including State and Com pany works, we have more than one thousand miles of canals and seven hundred miles of rail roads, couip eted and in operation, and coating with bridge, public building, gas and wutcr works, mere than $100,000,000. Some portion of there woiks are not yet profitable, in consequence ol the unfinished links, and yet the toll will this year, on (he State work of about 700 miles, exceed a million of dollars. The value of the anthracite coal mines upon the Sclio) Ikill, the Lehigh, the Swatara, the Wieco uixco, the Hhmnnkiu, Sufjurhauna und the Lack awurna, which are but jut beginning to pour down tltt ir miuerul wealth to the inaikits upon (he ocean, is incalculable. In 1820 the I rule commenced, and ;iG." tons weie sent to market, from the Le high. In 18".") the trade commenced upon the oliit) Ikiil. The Schuylkill canal was then fin ished. There are now about .5 milea uf rail roads, hiamhing Ir m the c.ual lo the several mines, and IT) mile of rail roads under ground. About eigh teen hundred ca a are employed in conveying the coal from the miuea to the canal, and between eight and nine hundred bo.its are used in conveying the conl to I'hil idelph a. The arrivals of vessels annu ally in the Schuylkill for the conveyance of Schuyl kill coal to other States, will numlx'r about 3100. One bundled and seventy sloop, schooners and barges, ur.ived in two day last week. The S.-huyl kill mines will this year produce morn than 500,- 000 too, and the other anthracite mining districts about the same quantity, making 1,000,000 tons, of which about MIO.OOO will be expoiti d to other State. The coal trade is but yet in its infancy and in- cn a-ing rapidly. The use of anthracite coal in steamboat is taking the place of wood in Eastern w litem, and will be Used in the slamcrs of the O- ceau, as the osfest and cheapest fuel. It ia al.-o coming into Use in driving miehiuery and making iron. The mine upon the Swaiara are capable ol producing as much as the Schuylkill, and so are those of the Lehigh, the Wisconisco, the Shauiukin and the Susquehanna ; and the Schuylkill is capa ble of pioducing f ur limes the amount that is now mined. Improvements will soon be completed to all these mining disliict. What then will be the anuiul woithof the anthracite coal of Pennsylva nia that will he carried upon her public works? Uul we have not only anthracite, but according lo our State geologist, more bitiiinin.iusco.il than all L'ui pe. Our St ile canal intersect this bitumin ous coul field in all direction. All Europe con tain shout 2000 Kquare mile of bituminous coal laud. I'i iiin-yhania has leu thousand squuie miles or 0,400,000 acre. It is estimated by our S;ate geol gist, that the gieal Western bituminous coal field of Pennsylvania contains THIiEK M UN DUE!) THOUSAND MILLIONS OF TONS; Ten thousand limes more thun England, Scotland, Wales and Iielind. This vast mineral we ilth, without the public im provements, would have been dead capital forever, Accoiding to the returns of the County Commis sioners, to the Secretaiy of the Commonwealth, there was mined in 1837, in Pcnnay Ivauia, weal of (ha Al'eghany mountains, more than 2,000,000 tons, of bituminous coal f ! ol one ton of this reached the Atlantic mirket. About nine-tenths of it was consumed in domestic purposes at home, in furnaces and rolling mills, and in driving ma chinery. One-tenth, or 200,000 lout, were ship, ped down the Ohio and .Mississippi. What this tule will It when lilt great valley it filled with AMERICAN. there i no appeal hut to force, the vital prim iple lu. Satin, lay, August 28, is 11. population, wealth and refinement when western Pennsylvania becomes the manufacturing depnn- dence of the Western Stalea can hardly be con jectured. Nor ia this great bituminous conl field entirely eparated from the Atlantic. We have abuud ince of bituminous conl, the nearest in the IJ. St iles, of any quantity, to Tido Water. The Virginia and Maryland mines on the Potomac, are from 188 to 200 miles from sloop navigation at Georgetown. The completion last year of the Tide Water canal from Havre de Grace, in Maryland, to the Penn sylvania eanal at Columbia, has this year, for the first lime, opened a navigation for the bituminous coal of the Juniata, and the West Branch of the Susquehanna to the Chesapeake. It ia estimated that the trade will this year reach 100,000 Ions The amount is unlimited which can be aent fiuin these placoa on our omuls to market. A rail ro .d has been construct) d 40 miles long, from tho nor thern end of our coal basin to Corning, on the Che mung cinal of New York, leading into Sen.ci lake. Thete are now six locomotives and between 3 and 100 cirs on this road, convening coul fiorn our Dlosburg mines into the State of New Yoik. Tho quantity of iron produced in Pennsylvania, is equal lo shout on. -third ol the product of the whole Union. Her iron it superior in quality to any other. According lo the rem.uk of the Hon. James Irwin in a late speech in Congress, we had in 1839, 210 charcoal furnaces producing 93. 350 tons of pig metal, and 70,000 tons uf this wa converted into bar it oil by forges and rolling mills. Moie than 15,000 w oik men, together making Ol), 000 people with their families, consume annually $ 7,000,(100 woith of agricultural produce and mer chandise. The number has increa-cd greatly since, by the establishment of anthiacile furnncea. The amount of bar and pig iron is now worth a bout 7,000,000. According to the returns to the Secretary ot the Commonwealth, there was manu- faclured in 1838, 50,5r)8 tons of castings in 36 counties, valued at f 5,805,599. Add estimated value of cast iron in 16 counties, at least 1.1'J4, 401, and the amount of bar, pig, and cast iron in Pennsylvania is worth $14,000,000. A considera ble amount of Jersey iron is made into casting and rolled into birs in Philadelphia, and a quan ity of the pigs of Western Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky are made into casting and rolled into baraul Pitta burg. Having now glanced at aomo of the sources of the great wealth of our Slate, we will enumerate the following item's taken from the returns of the marsfialls, in taking the late census, from the re turns of tho Commissioner to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and other sou ces. The returns of the in irshalU are much too lo, owing lo a ne glect of duly on their part, and the great reluctance on the part uf the people to answer the questions j put to thrin.it being ciiculated for party purposes, ' that it was a forerunner of direct taxation by the General Government. We have, however taken ; these returns for our calculations, in most instance. The amount of the pr ducts of the Diiry, and also 1 the value of lumber, annually produced in Penn sylvania is so manifestly untrue that we have taken ' the returns of the county Commissioners to the ' Secrotaiy of the Commonwealth as our aulhoiity : IttAL Estate. j Value of 30,080,000 acres of Land in j Pennsylvania, including water Hwcr, quarries, mine uf iron, salt, coal, and all other material, $752,000,000 i Value of 300,000 dwelling houses, 300,000,000 ! Value of barn, work shops, stores, j furnaces, rolling mill, forges, and ' factories, ill ,000,000 Value of 1700 miles of canals A rail roads, and of bridges, public build- ii'K". R and water-woik, 100.000,000 $1,400,000,000 Total value of real estate, Here is real estate to the amount of ONE BIL LION, FOUR HUNDRED MILLIONS of .lol Drs! A tax of three per cent, upon it will pay 35,000,000 of the public debt of lYiin-ylvuni.i, an i leave 7,000,000 in the Tieasuiy besides! PfcHSONAL 1'KOrr.HTT. Value of 361,558 horse and mules, at $60 $21 693,480 Value of 2,llil,:7t neat cattle, 15 Value of 1 ,755,597 sheep, 2 V'ue of 9,207,366 swine, 3 Value of poultry, Furniture of 300,000 house inclu ding wearing ipparel, plate and jewelry, Caniiiges, stages, wagons, farmers' implements, mechanic tools, book of all kind, ships, brig, barges, schooners, tail load cars, stationa ry and liK oino ive steam engines and steam boats, Goods, wares, merchandise, stocks, inuney and all other personal pro perty, at least 17,423,640 4,388.992 32,575,781 679,989 120,090,000 .80,000,000 223,237.118 Value of personal property, Value of real estate, aa above, Tela! value of the Stale, $700,000,000 1,400,000,000 $2,100,000,000 Tliu it will l-e seen that the prnpeity of this Commonwealth, t a low estimate, is worth TWO LULLIONS, ONE Hl'NDHFD MILLION'S of and immediate parent of despotism. Jxrrxmov. Vol. 1 o. XLT1II. t dollar ! ! The awine alone will nearly pay the whole state debt! Aani-AL Triom CTiojr. Let us now look at the yearly products of the State, Wo raise one sixth of nil the wheat of the Union, and our land iacapublvof producing as much as England now doe, 100,000,000 of bushels. HomIii'Im. Value, Wheat, 12.9:).220 Jt299r).220 Rye, 6,f44,65t 3,026,793 Barley, 20C.85S 155,141 Oats, 20,480,648 6,121.712 Buckwheat, 2,082,012 1,041,006 Indian Corn, 14,022,413 7,011.206 Potatoes, 9,463.403 2,365,864 65,801.468 $32,616,945 Pounds. Butter sold in C99 town ship, 8,291,835 Estimated sold in 361 do. 3,808,166 Consumed by producers, 36,000.000 50,060,000 12,500,000 Cheese told in 699 town ships, Estimated sold in 361 do. Consulted by product), 3,857.080 1,142,920 15 OOO.COO 30,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 Milk, more than Orchard and gardens, ; Beef sold in 699 town. 1 ships, Estimated sold in 361 do. 35,536,106 14,464.804 Consumed hy producers, 150,000,000 200,000,000 14,000,000 Pork aolJ in 699 town ships, 19.892.312 Eiimnted sold in 361 do. 10,107 688 Consumed by producois, 120,000,000 ! 150,000,000 10,600,000 , Mutton and veal estimated, 9,500,000 i Poultiy and fish estimated, 2,000,000 Total value of food, $86,616,946 Value of 1,284,677 torn of hay, 12,646,770 Value of 3,028,647 pounda of wool, t,5U,4C Lumlr, Pine sawed, in 599 townships sold 238.51 1,400 feet Estimated in 361 tps. 161,488,600 Estimated unsold, 400,000,000 800,000,000 6,000,000 t.'nsawed timler, shingles and slaves sent to mar ket in 699 tps. Estimated sold in 361 d.' Estimated consumed at home, Other agiicullural products, $312, 06S 157,982 1,500,000 2,000,000 2.000.000 15,000,000 Annual value of aguculiuriil product in the State, $125,684,173 Value of pig, bar and cast iron, 14,000 000 Value of anthracite coal mined, 6.000.000 Value of biiuminoua coal ' 4,000,000 Value of cotton, woolen, iron, leather, hats, engines and other manufac ture at lean 13,000.000 Total value of annual products, $161,685,173 Thus it will be seen that the annual products of the Staieexce.d ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE MILLIONS of dollars, one per cent, on which will pay the inteicst ou our Sulo debt. The Sta'j has laid a lax, which i estimated by Win. It. Rkip, an intelligent Slate Senator from Philadelphia, to prod me annually $1,800,000) more than enough to pay the interest on our debt. The lolls on our public work will this year exceed a million of dollars, which aum will from year lo year increase, and the dividends from Bank Stock, Auction, Ac. will far more than dehay the expen se of the government. Where, then, is the cause for larm or despondency ! Besides all this, the bill for the distribution of the proceeds of the public lands among the Slates, mutt pass Congress, and Pennsylvania will be entitled to a tenth of the whole. The quantity of public lands lo which the Indian title is extinguished, after deducting the re serves to the new State, and which remains unsold, exceeds 220,000,000 of acres, and the quantity lo which the Indian title has nut yet been extinguish ed, exceeds 730,000,000. To conclude, who dues nol feel proud of this picture uf Pennsylvania t She has all the resour ces of a great nation within herself, for happiness in peace, lor power in war. Site is capable of maintaining 30,(i00,000 uf people within her bor deis, of feeding and clothing them herself, and ma king the surrounding Htstes her tilbutariea. Her water power upon the Susquehanna and her bun died branches, upon the Delaware and Schuylkill and their tributaries, and Dpon the streams that make np the Allcyhany and Moiiungahela, is capa ble of pei touting the labor of 400,000 000 men. What her steam power ran do in her anthracite coul fields, and upon her 10,000 square mile of bi tuminous coal lands, h t the cofTers of her credit calculate! Notwithstanding the tukidal stabs of onr credit by portion of the Philadelphia Press, he paid her semi annual interest in specie on Ihe first dav of August, and thi in Ihe very cni of .he financial dirhcultie of the eoimtry, before our iitic:i:s or aim i:.iTisif. I square 1 insertion, ft) 60 I do 2 do - . 0 7ft I d 3 d, . I 00 Every subsequent Insertion, 0 Yearly Advertisements, (with the privilege ot alteration) one column $25 half column,' fls, three squares, $12) two squares, f9; one square, $5. Without the privilege of alteration a liberal discount will be made. Advertisements left without direction at to th lenqth of time the aro tu be published, will I continued until ordered out, and charged accord ingly. (Sixteen lines make a square. tat could be mado available. A safer and belter investment cannot be made than in the public stocks of Penns)lv,.nia. They are based upon resource that will be permanent forever. Those who depre cate them, ate either ignorant of their valu or di. honest enough to speculate upon the timid. There are no people in the world who have so many ad vantages and so few burden. The public debt i a trifle in this rich and powciful Commonwealth. Wo can pay it and never f. el the burden. Our po pulation are industrious, thriving and honest, and out of the company of llio Philadelphia brokers, and the subsidized presses in their interest, there i not a man among the seventeen hundred thousand free people who boost of the title of "PcnnsyUanU ana," who docs not scorn the dishonest and locrc ant sentiment of a violated public faith. The Tiuk.Hli I.mlles. The firmans have been issued, in which Turkish ladies are earnestly be sought to abstain from all such indecen cies as the exposure of their noses and lips to the wanton gaze of passengers. They are required to leave only a suffi' cient aperture in their veils, to see that they do not defile themselves by com ing in contact with any male infidels. Uut worse the last issued firman has this passage : "It being a matter of public notoriety, that the infidel traders of Fera have in creased in number, and have stored their shops with divers tempting arti cles, the offspring of Satan's inventions, whereby the wives and handmaids of the faithful are excited lo acts of most objectionable extravagance, thereby injuring their domestic felicity, and en tailing great pecuniary inflictions upon their husbands and lords; it also being observed, that not content with filling their shops with these lurine creations ofEblis.thc aforesaid breeders of mis chief place behind their counters youths of comely appearance, hoping strongly to further captivate and intoxicate the senses of true believing women, and thence endangering their souls as well as their purses, it is, consequently, or dained, in the name of the Avenger of all Incongruities, that caution and dis-. cretion be inculcated by husbands and male relatives, and that the pernicious practice of frequenting these infidel traps of destruction be put an end to. Let this serve as a warning, or all par ties will eat considerable dirt ill this world and in the next." Some years ago a noted warrior of the Pottownttomie tribe presented him self to the Indian agent at Chicago, as one of the chief men of his village, ob serving, with the customary simplicity of the Indians, that he w as a very good man and a good American, and conclu ding with a request for a dram of w his key. The agent replied that it was not his practice to give whiskey to good men that good men never asked for whiskey, and never drank it when vol untarily offered that i&vas bad Indi ans only who demanded whiskey "Then," replied the Indian quickly, in broken English, "me d- d rascal." A Vohaciocs lnsr.cT. We witnessed yeserd 'jr the nioal cxtraordinaiy case of gluttony 1n an in sect which hn ever come under our observation, A dtagnn fly, or aa it is commonly called, '"mos quito Hawk," three and a quarter inches b ug, was csught, and being held by the wings, flies weto presented to it, which it swallowed with the great est greedines. In order to ascertain what amount uf food would be required to satisfy its appetite, aj large number of the common house flies were'c iught and placed near it mouth one by one, and in the) course of ten minutes it devoured thirty-sis, with, out apparently impairing its appetite in the least. It is impo-siMe to say what number it would havej swallowed, if tbey had been oflered to it. iornfo. nian. The following is from the New Oilcans Dul'oiln, but we do not know who the generous would l-e donor is. If I possessed tho most valuible thing in the world, and were about to will them away, the fol low ing would be my plan of distiibution t ! would will to the whole world truth and fiienj ship, which ars very scarce. I would give an additional pinion of truth to editor and lawyer, trader and merchants. I would give to physician-, skill and learning. To cl rgymen, zeal and disinterested piety. To lawyers, roeichanta, brokers, public officer, Ac .honesty. To old women, short tongues and leg. To young women, comtoon seme, lare wai;e, and natural feet. To servants, obedience and honeaty. To master, humanity. To farmer, punctuality and sobriety. To old men, prejMtraoou lor death. To young sprout or dandies, good sense, lf cash and uaid work. To otd inutile, ) temper, tittle talk and auit abUi tiuslaimls. I'o old Imthelois, oe for virtu', rkildru )
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers