A Scissorlm Editor. Tha editor of the Miltoninn says that some grace Ins aramp entered his office and atole hia scissors. Thia ia a sad dilemma for an editor to lie placed in. An editor unscUsortd ia something like a dragoon unhorsed. He can make but little headway against the ranks ol his opponent. Without thin foiuiida ble little weapon, what would become of the cutting atire and biting earcaam of hia columns. Let the editor of the Miltonian, however, console himself with this reflection, that no one can hereafter justly accuse him of having introduced into his columna shear nonsense. CXJ" The friends of the defunct Dank Bill are not without hope. The President's objection, are chief ly confined to the unconstitutionality of a Dank of discount and deposit e with branches. He atatca unequivocally, that as long aa the 13ank of the U. .States conGned itself to discounts and depositee, the country was not benefitted by its operations, but that when it engaged extensively in exchange, the currency of the country became sound, and "the no'.es of the Bank were regarded as equal to specie all over the country." The President is evidently inclined to favor an Exchange Bank, and we have no doubt from the appearance of things, that auch i Bank will be established, and receive the executive sanction. Such a Bank would be much less objec tionable, and in our opinion decidedly preferable. An efTort will be made immediately to establish such Bank, as will I seen by the following paragraph from the TJ. S. Gazette: "A friend, Who is intimate with the most dis tinguished mrml-ris of Congress df 'both parties, writes to us as follows: 'I am perfectly satisfied that Congress will not rise without passing a law crenting an Exchange Bunk, and that the President will sign it. I would ad vine you, as a friend and a whig editor, to treat the veto leniently, it being merely a difference of opinion amongst brethren of the same principles." An Kxcellent Suggestion. Mr. Liroao, of the Baltimore Commercial Jour nal, suggests in his paper of Saturday last, the e stnblishment of a national depot for coal at Baltr more, and urges the extension of the Tide Water Canal from Havre de-Grace to that city, in order to afford the utmost possible facilitica for the transpor tation of the Pennsylvania cnal to the aforesaid dc pot. There ia much of practical wisdom and fore sight in the project. Baltimore, aa Mr. I,, remarks, is situated at the head of one of the best estuaries in the United States; is accessible at all seasons; is but a short distance from the ocean t has a moder ate tide ! haa a safe and open bay without shoals 01 rocks 5 and is near the national seal of government, with which it ia connected by an excellent rail road. It is therefore, saya Mr. I.., "the very place" for a national establishment of the kind proposed, as it is a point well protected from the enemy, and will he easily reached by the war steamers of the Home Squadron, as well aa all other vessels propelled by steam, and consequently using coal aa fuel. To Pennsylvania the proposition ia very important, as the coal must come from the mines of our State, which find their outlet to market through the Tide Water Canal. Pa, Intel. From the Itultimore American, Twenty-Seventh Congress. COKFEK. The New York Journal of Commerce has been furnished by a genl'em.in familiar w ith the aubjeel, with the following estimate of the Production and Consumption of Coffee for 1811.' PRODUCTION. Tons. Prohibition of Shin-Plaster t Onu F. Jormsow, Esq., the fearless and faith ful Attorney General of the Commonwealth, in compliance with previous instruction from the Governor, haa re-issued strict and positive instruc tion, under date of the lOlb inst , to all his Depu ties throughout the State, to proceed according to law against '.bore indiviuuals and corporations, who continue, in violation of an express law, to issue small notes aa a currency. This is perfectly right, and aflords a gratifying evidence, that under the present State Administration, these violators of the law can expect no shadow of support or counten ance, however largely they may have been indulged under the administration of Joseph Kitr.er, John Banks and Co. The following ia an extract fiom Mr. Johnson's admirable circular: "Not even the ahadow of reason can be alleged to exist now, (whatever might once have been pretended) to ex ruse the violation of these aalutary laws. Ample provision haa been made by the General assembly of thia Commonwealth, for any supposed necessity, that may have arisen requiring the issue of notes of a less denomination than five dollars, and the re is therefore no ground to apprehend the slightest inconvenience, from a speedy and thorough aup prssion of these small notes which have been put into circulation contrary to law. If we expect to retain, for the purpose of business the specie now in tho hands of the peop'e, even for transac tions of a less amount than one dollar, wo must rig idly and rigorously persevere in the enforcen.ent of the penalties against those who manufacture and circulate a depreciated worthless substitute. Small notes of the several denominations of twelve and a ball', twenty five and fifty cents, are rapidly insinu ating themselves into the place of specie in those counties where they have been unfortunately intio duced, and unless checked, will soon expel it en tirely, frcm general circulation. However contra ry to law, and depreciated in nominal value they may be, it is exceedingly difficult to rid the public of them, when once they have acquired a foothold. It ia the part therefore of wisdom and of duty, to atrike at those who issue and circulate them, at once and in earnest." Yeoman. Small Note. Gov. rotter has instructed the Attornney Gene ral, Mr. Johnson, to commence prosecutions again-t all corporations not authorised to issue small notes, after the 10th of September. All persona or cor porations known aa engaged in the issue or intro duction of the small nites of other States, will also recti) sjiecial attention from the Attorney Geneial or his Deputies. Dicknell's Reporter. U. 8. Loin. The New York American etatea that the balance of f 500,000, of the million and a half offered by the Secretary of the Treasury, haa been taken by Messrs. Ketclium, Rogers &. Bement, of that city, at 5. The Wheat Crop In Ohltt. A letter from Cleveland, in the Albany Evening Journal, says, that the Wheal crop in Ohio is not only short, but, South of Massillon.poor in quality and expresses the opinion that it is, in quantity and quality, one forth or oue third ahoit of an average. Imprisonment ofan American Consul. Captain Merriman, of the barque Iria, at this port, from Matanxae, gives information that Mr. Crofa. the American Consul at this port, had been incarcerated in prison by order of the Governor of Cuba. The cause ia nol stated, but whatever it may he, it is a bold move, and one which cannot be passed by our Government without notice. We are informed by a gentleman, long a resident at Matanxas, that Mr.O. was remarkable for his mild and amiable disposition, and moat unlikely to give clTences to the authorities of the island. A former consul at thst port (the late Mr. Shoemaker,) also met with some indignity in the early part of Gen eral Jackson's administration, which waa promptly taken in band by him. and brought belote the no tie of the Spanish Government through ita Minia te! at Washington, and resulted in a proper sails faction rendered in the case. Wa lake it for gran led that what is nr ceasary to be dona in the present inbtanca will be dona well and quickly. V. X. Gazette. Brazil, . lava, .... Cuba and Porto Rico, . . . St. Domingo, , . British West Indies, Sumatra, Mocha, Ac. . . Ceylon and British India, . . French and Dutch West Indies, La Guira and Porto Cabello, cosavvirTtox. Holland and Netherlands, Germany and N. Europe, . France and South do, Great Britain, United Slates, British and North American Piovinces, 195,000 The Cuba and Porto Rico Crop of 1810 and 1841, is probably less than 25,000 lona as put down above, if short a quarter to a third ofan aver ageCiop, as represent! d in some of the accounts. The consumption of Holland and the Netherlands, Germany and the North of Europe, Fiance and the South of Europe, taken together, is the same in the amount, as estimated in London by statements published in 1837 and '38. It is probable that some increase ha taken place since that time i.i these countries, aa the increase in G'eat Britain and the United States has been considerable from year to year, particularly in the U. States. The consumption of the U. S. is estimated above from the secretary's returns of Imports and Ex ports, taking a series of years. WASNiiioToit, August 16, 1841. tlJflTKD STATES SENATE. BANK BILL VETO. During the discussion at 12 o'clock) the Private Secretary of the President appeared st the Bar of the House with the Fiscal Bank Bill in one hand, and the Message of the President in the other. The appearance of the Secretary excited some in terest, and a breathless silence follpwed. The message was placed in the hands of the Pre sident of the Senate, and the Land bill laid upon the table, when a new order of thing unexpectedly au reeded. There was a disposition on the part of some one or more of the audience to give demonstrations of approbation or diaappiobalion at the course of the President, when Mr. BENTON rose with feelings of immense excitement, and cried aloud that he had come to the Senate thia morning expecting that tho President ol the United Statea would be insulted by Bank Ruffians. I knew he would, said Mr. Benton. I felt it. I told my friends so. It has come just aa I expected juat aa I predicted. Mr B. concluded with a motion to arrest the offender. Mr. PRESTON joined with Mr. Benton in a call for a rediess of the insult. He did not hear the hisses, but supposed they had been heard by others. Mr. RIVES asked the Senator from Mo. to with draw his motion. Ho waa sure that he had heard no hisses, and many Senators around him had heard none. He begged therefore that if they had been heard, the Senate would be content with the 70.000 CXpressjon 0f opinion on the part of the Senate i","0U I which had been given. If there had been hisses, So. 000 ; ti)cr1 nnj Def demonstrations of approval also. 15,000 Mr- ,aid he had heard both the applause 6,000 i Bnj (l0 tokens of disapprobation. He believed it 6,000 ..,.. i, I I. ,vo l.i.pn much more extensive if it had not been interrupted. Other Senators snid they did not hear the hisses, Mr. BENTON said in reply, "I heard it. I heard it." I came here to-day expecting to see an Ame rican President insulted by the Bank ruffians in the gallery. These Bank ruffians had been sent here, Mr. B. aaid, for thia purpose, and no Bank ques 50,000 jon haj ,een introduced without some such insult 40,000 continued Mr. B., and here, or el-ewhere, I will 40,001) throttle the monster fgieat laughter) until he is 15,000 I uncled. 45.000 Mr. BUCHANAN rose with great apparent so- 5,000 ! leinnity "This is a very solemn and momentous occasion," he said, "I did distinctly hear a hiss, but at the same time I am bound to say it was neither long nor loud. I hope the Senator will withdraw his motion, and that the Senate will proceeJ to the business of the day." Mr. BENTON I never will, ao help me God. (Immense laughtei.) Mr. BUCHANAN I had rather the Senator would withdraw, and then the important business oft he day could be considered. Mr. MERRICK said it is true, a said by the Senator fioui Pennsylvania, that this is a solemn occasion a very solemn occasion and therefore it was that he was averse to spending the time ef tho Senate in a matter so trifling. Mr. KING hoped the Senator would withdraw his motion, notwithstanding his pltdge to the con- 5,000 j 3,000 1 3,000 10.000 193,000 Tons. A loiter from New York to the New Orleans Bulletin thus notices the progress of a church now constructing in the former city which promises to have no equal in this country. lu probable cost will be f SOO.fOO the windows alone costing over $1000 each. Those engaged in building our new Trinity Church, are determined to make a very splendid affair of. t. They progress slowly but sure ly, and without any regard to cost, so that it is grand and magnificent. H will La a long lime be fore it is completed, but when done, will be one of the fineit sjieciinens of architecture in the Union. The stones are all laid by machineiy and steam, and as you pass the spot yon hear an everlasting ding-dong of small bells rung in different styles and of different tones, giving notice to the engineer when to raise and when to lower he various granite blocks. It is not only amusing, but iustrucling, to spend a little time here and witness the complete o peration and perfect order with which every block ia put down, while the dHlVrrnt toned belle and the stillness of the wholo work gives it a kind of musi cal and fairy appearance. . f I 1 K , On the 10th inst by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Mr. C, Pki.toh.( formerly of Massachusetts,) to Miss Ansa Woon, both now of Philadelphia. Coal Trade. Amount of Coal carried on the Danville and Potlsville Rail Road to Sunbury for shipping, du ring the week ending on Aug. 19, 543 Tone. Per last report, 10.UUI Total, 10.5S3 Amount of Iron Ore transported, 1,926 JOHN BUUD, w. m. ScsavKUAKRA Coat. Tradk. Total amount shipped from Wyoming Valley, to June 2 1st, 1 on s, 7,1 lb SructLRiLL Cual Tratic. To Aug. 5, Tuna, 213,654 LlTTLfc St'Hl'tLKILL COAL TrAHE. To July 15, Tons, 10,470 Dklawarx At Ililison Coal Trade. ToJnty24, Tons, 79,000 Piss Ghotk Coal Tradi. To Aug. 6, Tons, 13,000 Mo CRT Carhoh Rah Road. Amount transported to Aug. 5, Tons, 37,612 Mini Hill Ac. Schotlkill Hatk.i Rail Roan. Amount transported to July 15, Tons 72,752 Mill Ckkkk Rail Road. Amount transported to Aug 5, Tons 23,504 S( iit'ii.KiLi Yallkt Rail Road. Amount transported to July 15, Tons 21,871 PRICE CURRENT. Correcttd weekly by llrnry Yoxtheimer. E PTEHS of administration on the estate of i William Clyde, of Northumberland, have been granted to the subscriber, who is prepared to discharge nr.y just claims against the estate. Per sons indebted to said estate will please call and mnko payment. JOHN PORTER, Northumlierland, July 24, 184J. Ad'm. r.NlUfC of vVllliillll l'VHl t; NOTICE ia hereby given, that the subscriber has Item appointed agent for the collection and settlement of the books, accounts, Ac. of Win. Dewart, dee'd., and that he will attend at t!a store of said deceased, fur one month, for that purpose, after which time nil tinrtltlcd accounts will be put into llie hands of a magistrate for collection. July 24, 1841. H. S. GOB1N. CWNTirCdiaTaiSsiONER. PHILIP WEISEK, of Augusta, at the silictta tions of his friends, has agreed to become a candidate for the office of County Commissioner. He is a firmer and mechanic, of unexceptionable character, and eveiy way qualified to till the office. It is generally admitted that according to the esta blished democratic usage, Augusta township is en titled to the nomination. We therefore recom mend Mi. Wriser aa a staunch democrat, and a fit man for the office. Mast is Sa amok iff Ann Aiovsta. July H. 1841. EL . C Sl X T H SEC? AND TOOLS. THE subscriber, residing in the town of Shamo km, otters for rent his Blacksmith Ship and Tools. Any peison winding to rent the same, can have possession at any time "between this and the fust of S ptember next. The shi p is a good one, and located in the centre of the town. July 17. tf JOSEPH ZERN. rafale of William linaltlr, doc'ik TJ O I ICE is hereby given, that the Register of Northumberland county has granted letters testamentary upon the estate of William Knuble, late of Miamokin township, deed., to tlie sutiscil- ber, residing in said township. All persons having any demands against said estate, are requested to present them, and those indebted to muko payment to the suhsenhcr. Julv 3. fiw. JACOB KNABI.E. Wmkat, HO Ria, 60 Cor!, - 40 Oats, 30 PoHR, - 5 Fl.AXSF.KI, 100 Bvttkr, - - - 12 RurswAt, 25 Tallow, 12 Dhiku Arl-LKft, 75 Do. PtAiiiM, - 200 Flax, 8 HrcKLtu Flax, .... 10 Eons, 7 7 0 THE .1FFLICTED. THOSE who aro suffering from various diseases incident In the human family, would do well to procure Jr. Har licit s Compound Strengthening and German Axrient Villr. which uTe so pre- miuently rcccommcnilcd lor uysepsia, i.iver Complaints. aina in the siile, lurk and breast, Nervioua AKcclions, Head-Acne, and all mo dis eases ol the Stomach and Bowls. Pamphlets may be obtained gratia, which contain full and explicite directions for using. The reader is referred to sev eral very interesting certificates of cures in this paper, which may be relied upon, as tney are taken from lha original. For atlc at No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH atreet, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHKIMKK. Irary. Mr. BENTON shook his head. Mr. KING said he hud seen the effect of bringing men to the bar of the Senate. It proved a veiy troublesome business. Mr. WALKER made an appeal to the Senator from Mo. to withdraw also. He had heard the his ses, and seen the man nuking them, (a great mis take aa the. man aeen was a friend of the veto, be ing Tioisy and very drunk. He was filially arres ted by the Sergcant-at-Arma.) My heart, aaid Mr. WALKER, is too full of joy at the salvation of the country by an over-rui ng Providence, to wish to 1 engaged in the punish ment of a miserable maniac. Mr. BENTON withdrew tie motidn, and the drunken fellow in custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms waa discharged. This subject having been disposed of, Mr. CLAY said The Fiscal Bill bi fore the Senate, originated in this body, passed bore, was sent to the other bo dy, concurred in there, and sent to the Executive for his signature. It is returned to ua disapproved by the Executive. It is not my intention at this time to discuss the message. It would not coin' port with the dignity of the co-ordinate branch of the Government, nor the gravity of the subject. rie for another purpose. We are sufficiently familiiT with the exercise of Executive Power even if we did have the Count ita lion- to guide Ua to the coute tu to pursued. The Ciitibliiulien provides thai not approving a Bill, the President shall return it wi h his objections to the House in which it originated, who shall enrer the A 8-n A cm respondent of the Boston Post describes tho following amusing scene, which he witnessed on the Ohio, on board a steamboat. After giving a laughable description of a very fat old Ia dy, who was also very easily alarmed by any unu sual noise on board, he aaya: "Night came, and all were snugly enscenced in l.ai. Im.f1 lift hfl I hr" mtf t'l B r TV of fi 1 6 ! The H the boat's bow had caucht Hre. and wa. ! objection, at large upon their journal and proceed Li iV nlj.. to recont-ider it. 1 have therefore riben at this lioje Dialing i.wici iy uy, liiuiuH ,.,..jb.. ..." doors of the aocial hall and the cabin windows until I'ROl'USED AMND.11LNT TO TH a COITSTIT'JTICIT. "arscLCTio relative to the amerpmlrt or THE state coxstitvthiw. "itrtoli'ed by the Senate and llvute o f Ilcprc sentatv-ts in General Anemlly met. That the Constitution of this Coiniiionweullh be amended in the third section of the second article, so that it shall reaJ as follows : "That the Governor shall hold his ofhVe during three years, from the third Tuesday of January, next ensuing bis election, and shall not be capable of holding it longer than a single term of thrte years, in any teiiu of nine vears." WM. A. CRABB, Spealcir of the llmire of Krjire.vntaiives. J NO. H.KWINO. Speaker tif the Senate, fennsyhania, rs.'r SiciiETARi' OmrE. 5 I do hereby cer tify that the forego ing is a trim copy of a Resolution proposing an amendment of the Constitution, which was agreed to at the IbfI session of (he Legislature, by a ma jority of the members elected to each house, the original of which remains filed in this office; and in compliance vvhh the tenth article of the Consti tution of the Commonwealth, do hereby cause the same to be published, as directed by the said article. E.B.lCiL3aEPa. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' SUWBTJHV, PA. II usinesa attended to in the Counties of Nor thuinl erland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. Hir to i Thomas Hart cV Co., LowKH cV Barrow, Hart, Ccwmiros A. Hart, I'lti'aJ, lift holds, McFarlad &. Co. Srr.Kisd, Good cV Co., JOE1TS &CTJll:ilTGS. WHOLESALE SHOE, BONNET, Cap and Pom Levf Hat Snrr. No. 10 SntTit 4th Street, l'lIILADELrillA, TX7HEKE an extensive assortment of the above ' articles are constantly kept on hand, for alo at the most reasonable terms. May 20, IW41. y. HAYS, ELLIOT, LYON aTaOSEt. liolrsalc loaloi , In Foreign, Hritiih and American Dry Gimlt, No. 12 North Trirb Street. PiiiLAPTLPni. COlJN TRY Merchants can bo sirpplicd at all times with an extensive assortment of the ahovs Good, on the most reasonable and ratitrfuctory terms. May 29, 1S41. ly. AUriickYaiiliicii X. Smitli. WHOLESALE GHOE, CAP, Bonnet and I'ahn Ixof Hat Warehouse, No. 1C7 Market Street, shove 4th Street, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants are respectfully requested to -call and examine their extensive assortment, which (hey will fell on the most reasonable terms. May 5C'. 1841. ly. SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' GIL AND LEATHER. 1). K 1 R K P A T R I C K & S O X, So. 21, Abi th Third street, (retvf KK.i Mark ft ami thesmt siiiekts,) PHILADELPHIA. HAYE for .'do a large and excellent assortment of&pnniih Hides. I'atna Kips, Tannert Oil, dc, at the lowest market prices, either for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for sale, o purchased at the hignesl market prices. (Jj Leather stored tree of charge. April 17, 1841. ly. Mr. SWeetliiail wift deliver a Lecture thia evening, in the Court House, on "Mo ral Philosophy." rinbracing Men their principles and pursuits. To commence at early caudle light. try The Ladies arc respecltully inviteu lo attend. August 21. 18JI. f.4ltl fors.le. Lmpjire at this olbce. J August 21, 1811. ATTENTION SUMJU11Y GREYS. j Ol, are required to meet Tor parade in Maikct-square, Sun bury, at 9 o'clock A. M. of Satur day, the 4th day of Sept. next., 'in Summer uniform, each Member j to be provided with 10 rounds of j blank cailridge. By older of Captain Dewarl, J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Orderly Serg't. N. B. A Court of Appeal will be hold on that day. Aug. 81, 1641. July .1. Am. IN TESTIMONY whereof, I have hereunto Mil Iny hand and seal of said office at Ilarriaburg, this l llhday of June. IS41. FKS. R. SIH'NK. Secretary of the Commonwealth TO COUNTRY ME ECU ANTS. fPHE Subscriber, Agent ol Lyon & Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimoio and other large cities, wN'Sti Hats ate highly commended for good ctilar and durability, has on band a fi rs-t rale assottment of HATS ai.d 1'A I'S, hUittMe for Spring s ,le-, wlreh will be .ld very low, for cash or approved ciedit, at the noted cheap store. No. 40, North Third atreet, opposite the City Hotel, I liilailelphia. OLIVER N. THAvlIER, Agent. N. B. Order, fot Hats in the rough, promptly attended to. The highest pricu in cath or traija given for Fur skins. Philadelphia, April 10, 1SII. ly ATTENTION MERCHANTS, &c. B. P. & J. H. PRICK, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOR WADING fc FROM'CK COMMISS103 SI EF.CH AST, o. 297, Market street, five J.r- above Stvctith, PHILADELPHIA, OFFER for s.ila, at the lowrst market prices, a geneial assortment of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Mo!asri, WiiIm, Liquors, Spices, Tobacco, 4c. Coi'NTur PitouccK received and sold on commis sion. Merchants, Hotel keepers, and others, will find it to their advantage to call and examine our stixk, before purchasing elsewhere. Mer hnnta wishlrg their goods collected in this city, by h aviii an order, will have them promptly forwarded, by the most expeditious lines. tnwis r. rr.icK, jobs a. s bice. Feb. 6, 1841. ly. A GOOD OaVPOHTtrNZTY fur A 1 1 lHlNti lo retire from business, the rruhscri- ' ber ia willing to dispute of Iho Rood i!l and Furniture of the long established, well known Ta vern Stand iow in his occupan-y, in Sunbury. This stand is located in the centre of fhe town, op posite the court house, and is well calculated for business. Persons desirous of going into the above business, would do well to make application to tbo subscrilsrr, soon, who will dispose of hia Furui'.ore, on reasrfnablo term. Possession will be gien on the firt day of tk-tobrr next. July Hi. . ft JL,B ?RICE. COUNTY TlUlASTjfiEK. rpHE Subscriber vr dl be a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Northumberland county. He promises, if cl'cifd, faithfully to discharge the du ties apperta' ,,ng to said office. July 184 1. GEO. WEISER. "COUNTY TREASURER. l'HE Subscriber resectfully ofi'era himself to the citizen voters of this county, as a candidate for the olfire of County Treasurer. Should he be e leetcd, he promisee faithfully In discharge the duties of said office. GEORGE C. WELKER. Sunbury, June 26, 1841. ilslalo rJuni-$ C'auiplM-ll, dee'd. AT OTICE is herehy given, that letters of admin-1-' istraiiofl have been granted to the subscribers, residing in hamokin township, Northumberland .nnnlu mi ihfl tit:lt nf.ldtn.-a Pinili lu.lt IfifM nf this p'aco, suited to the exiceneies. and adap. i ,,, ..i,i ,i,.-m a II nr.,...- t. ted tii the interests of the cwn.nuiiiiyi eml racing the i Jnjafivia against the il estate, are requested to vanoua lupici i mat, gencially elicit public regard, j ,,te nl them properly au henticated, and thoso who would meet then approbation and support; It la i , jnja,itd, lo pay to the kuhsciiUr. without de therefore proposed, (confiding in their litroliiy as I .. WILLIAM PERKING . lll'ZCIia.J ft, 1UUI1S tJIIOllILl III HID 1EltO.NS, indented to 11. U. Masser & Co. are once morn notified that their accounts, if not settled in a few weeks, Will positively bo placed in the bands of a magistrate for collection. August 14, 1841. ""FRC'SFSCT'O'S""- For puhhshing a weekly it in the tnum of Ltwhhurg, Union Counlu, l'a. etltitUJ the " LrAMSm KG INDEPEMiEXT FKESS." tl.Ntj convinced that a iat.er i.uhlishcd in 15 the whole boat seemed enveloped in a aheet of flame. In an instant all was confusion and alarm. Passengers tumbled out of their bertha, and turn bled over one another aomegraspej their preser vers Mime for their wives the wise ones kept quiet. In the middle of the hubbub, the doora of the Udivs' ciliin flew wide open, and out burst one fat lady, dressed all in white, her face "a map whereon terror waa in all ita ahaiM-a," and around her waist a huge life preserver, not inflated, Sui ting this by the nipple with both hands, she rushed I fiom ona to another exclaiming in a vice agony, blotti me up .' blow me up .' ! for God'a sako bluw uie up I .' will nobody bluui me up I ! Had the old luly actually exploded, 1 must have done as I did, roll on the floor in a fit of inextinguishable laughter, with half the witnesses of the scene for my companions. J hi boat was stopped, the fire got under, and, not lha least difficult operation, the fat Ikdy'a alarm Subdued. I'ba navigation of Chesapeake and Ohio (.'anal haa been resumed, after a suspension of three or I foui wttka fur the purpose of making repairs. to move that the Senate w ll to monoivat IS o' clock, proceed to re-consider ihe bill from the Pre aident. In the meantime I move lb -.a the Bill be laid upon the table, and that the Mvsage accompa nying it be printed. Mr. KING moved the printiug of 6.000 extra copies of the Message, which was ordered. The Senate, on motion, of Mr. RIVES then went into executive session. IIAI.TIMOKK MAllltET. Office cf tli BatTiMoaK Amkhm a, Aug. 16. Susquehanna Flour is held at 9, without sales. Holders of City Mills generally ask $6,25, al though a lot or two waa .old on Saturday at a less rate. GRAIN. There was a tolerably fair supply of Wheat at market to day, and sales of good to prime Md. reds were made at 120a 1 28 eta. Salca also of good white Wheal at 130a 1 35 rta and of superior parcels for family Flour at 13flal43cte. Sales of white Corn to day at 72.73 cU. and of yellow at 74 cla. WHISKEY. Is extremely doll. Yery limited sales were made to-day at 23 ets. for hods, and 24 cents lor I bis. lttirouiU of I-lslurs, I nluut'u., M'entuiylvaHta, It will be the object, as well a. d. sign of the pub- libbers, to make the '-Press" not only the vehicle for the dewemiiistinn of uteful Knowledge, but also the instrument l protect end defend the rights of all classes from the grasp ol the usurper. The Iron arid Coal regions of which Pennsylva nia can ai freely boast, and on which ber future prosperity primarily depends, shall receive strict at tention. The earliest Foreign ar.d Domestic News, Agri cultural information, Ac. Ac, wiih all other matter that ahall be deemed of impoitance tu its readers, shall be inserted. In politics, we shall le the unflinching advneatea and auppurlera of Democratic Whig Principles. Having procured the aid of several talented Gen llemen, we feel assured that the "Press'' will com mend it tell to the notice and palionage of the public. T a a m The "Lkwiaauuo UturtMitsT PaLsa" will lie issued every Thuraday morning, on an iuiiijl sheet, new type, Ac, at fi per annum, payable half j early in advance. H. K. SWEETMAN & Co. Lcwiabuig, Aug. 14, 1811.. ATTENTION. .i . sin i:v joi:s, r EljL'EoTS the atteulion of his country friends who are in want, to his verv large stuck of Carprtings, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair RoJs, Ac, Ac, that be has juat oprmJ, at hia warehouses, No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 2 Chuich Allev, m il door lo Christ Church. Phil del, hia. ' July 31, 141. ly. OliALtlAH CAMPBELL, June 20, 1811 6w. THE aulserilr has leceived uu assortment of New GoimJs, whiih he will sell on Ihe lowest ienna. June 19. H. B. MASTER. "Tacomartin, t'omiiitsftiifii iiml Tor warding: 4r,T77A- ii 1 F.SPECTFI LLY informs his friend and the Meicbants generally, that be colitiuur. the Commission and Forwarding Business, at his ware house, foot of Willow at. Railroad, Delawaio and Schuylkill. Merchants having goods lo be sli pped, will find it much to their advantage, aa lo time and prices nf fieighl, to send their merchandise, to the Depot, corner of Front and Willow street Railroad, as they can thru be sent either route by the Tide V ater Canal, or Schuylkill ami Cnion Canals, aa boat will arrive and depart daily tor the Juniata and nuquehaniia Canals by Tide-water in low i f steam, or via Hchuy ikill and Union Canals fiom Fairinount dam- Merchant will pleas be particular lo send all good ih aimed for either route, tu lb large Dipol, corn.r of Front and Willow atrarl Kailroad, with direct. on accompanying thru, v. huh route thry wish turn to I shipped. Cuars ai.d rim- ijli and Flatrr at wholesale prices, ou ihe IMaware or vhuvlLill. rililaUelphia, June b, 141. ly. YT & SPaCTHEPa, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BtJOKEL LERS AND STATIONERS. No. lis Chesnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia. TEEP constiintly on hand a generol assort ment of uook and Stationary ; comprising '1 heologicul. Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellane ous and School Books, Day Books, all sixes. Led gers, ilo-, Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, W'lilinij Paper. Wrapping Paper. Ac. Ac, which they of fer at the lowest piiees to Country Merchant's Pre fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and all others that may favor them with ibeir custom. Philadelphia, November 7. IbIO. ly. TO tP n. rr SSp I2i 523 a SHOUI.DEli MEAsClli: SYSTEM rPHE Subsciilicr has been appointed Agent fiT Ihe above SSystem, for Northumberland County, which ho oilers for rale to Tailors, who may de sire to possesa the best and latest improvement in ihe art of cutting garments. The following two certificates a e from a committee of Merchant 1 ai lors in Pari,' who have examined lbs System, an 4 highly approve cf the tame, Pabis. Feb. 2S:h, 1 SiO. We, the undersigned, innnU rs of the commiittte appointed by the members composing thePhilan tbrophle Society" of Merchant Tailor of Paria, cer. tify that the Svstem of curing, taught by Thomas Oliver of New Yelk, I'nited States, has been sub mitted to our examination, which system we recom mend as the best that his been submitted to us, in faith of which we have tiven htm (his certificate. M. FROGE, Pre.idenl. M. LAKITI E, V President. I subjoin a certificate from Mr. Cutter of Paiis, formerly of Boston, whose reputation is well eta blished both ill Europe and in America : Mr. Oliver, Dear Sir, the recommend itinn you havo obtained fiom the Society of Master Tailors, ia from the highest in this city, and I fully agree in the opinion, that your system i the best that ha ever been published. Your truly, D. CUTTER. The subscriber continues the business of TAI LORING at his old stand, adjoining Rhnwn's store, in Sunbury, whcie he will ucconnnckluie all wtn may call upon him in hi line ol huincts. He will regularly receive the Fashions from Mr. Oliver of New Yolk, as soon as issued. Th. Spring Fashions have ben received, and -ore no fors.le. WILLIAM Ul'liST. Sunbury. April 10. 1 fi 1 1. ly I) he a i T i n - w ai r t . MAM FAl J I'REU and sold by ihesuhsri! ber in Sunbury, of the bst Tin, and lha work wairauled, which he oilers for aale at reducej eash prices, now as low at letail as formerly old by wholesale. Good Watering Pms, formerly sold ai 87, now .1 75 cents; l.are Buckets, formerly so!J at 75 and 2, now ai t2 and 50 ; Gallon Cull, Pots, formerly sold at 56, and thiee quart at 50, uow at 45 and 3m cents, and other article of Tia-Waia in proportion. Stove pip and eluvca made and old cheap for rash, Ac. N. I). All persons indebted to the subscriber, and who wish to save custa. aie requested lo es I and make saiail'ariion, without delay, either w i't eash or hv giving their note. Sunhu'y, April 10. HENRY MASt-FK.