Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 21, 1841, Image 2

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    i 1: s s a ; i,
I'rom I be President of flic L'nltoU
Slates. Iliturnlii Willi his Oil
jeetioui, flic 11111 lo lncurporatv
the n-ical Hank of tJuc I. Stuto,
August 16, 1841.
To the Senate of the U -Statics :
' The bill entitled "An act to incorpor
ate the subscribers to tha Fiscal Bank
of the United States," which originated
n tie Senate, has been considered by
me, with a sincere desire to coform my
action in regard to if, to that of the two
Houses of Congress. By the Constitu
tion it is made my duty, either to ap
prove the bill, by signing it, or to re
turn it with my objections to the House
in uliich it originated. I cannot con
dentiously give it my approval, and I
proceed to discharge the duty required
t' me by the constitution to give my
reasons for dissapproving.
The power of Congress to create a
National Bank to operate ter se over
i.'ie Union, has been a question of (lis-,
pnte from tha origin of our Government.
Men most justly awl deservedly estee
med for their high intellectual endow
ments, their virtue, and their patriot
ism, have in regard to it, entertained
different and conflicting opinions.
Congresses have differed. The appro
val of one President has been followed
tiy the disapproval of another. The
pt:rple, at different times, have acqui
traced in the decisions both for and n
uainst. The country has been, and still
is agitated by this unsettled question.
It will suffice for me to say, that my
i.wn opinion has been uniformly pro
claimed to be against the exercise of a
ay such power by this Government.
On all suitable occasions, during a
i criod of twenty-five years, the opm
;.ms thus entertained have been unre
.-ervedly expressed. 1 declared it in
ilie Legislature of my native State. In
the House of Representatives of the U
i.ited States, it has been openly vindi
rated by me. In the Senate Chamber,
in the presence and hearing of many
u ho are at this ime members of that
I ody, it has been affirmed and reaffirm
vd, in speeches and reports there made,
:.;ul by votes there recorded. In popu
lar assemblies I have unhesitatingly an
nounced it; and the Jast public decla
ration which I made, und that but a
.-hurt time before the late Presidential
election. I referred to my previously
i Npressed opinions as being "those then
'nlertdined by me.
With a full knowledge of the opin
ions thus entertained, and never con-
ealed, I was elected by the people
Vice President of the United States.
f)y the occurrence of a contingency
provided for by the Constitution, and
.rising under an impressive dispensaton
if Providence, I succeeded to the Pres
idential office. Before entering upon
fie duties of that office, I took an oath
: hat I would "preserve, and defend the
Constitution of the United States." En
'.vrtitining the opinions alluded to, and
having taken this oath, the Senate and
country will see that I could not give
ny sanction to a measure of the char
acter described, without surrendering
all claim to the respect of honorable
iieu all confidence on the part of the
I topic ell self-rest ect all regard for
moral and religious obligations, w ithout
in observance of which no Govern
nent enn be prosperous, and no people
an be happyi It would be to commit
a crime which I would not willfuly com
uit to gain any earthly reward, and
hich would justly subject me to the
jtdieule, and scorn o." all virtuous
I deem it entirely unnecessary at
this time to . enter upon the reasons
which have broucht my mind to the
convictions I feel and entertain on this
i-ubiect. They have been over and a
cr again repeated. If some of those
who bave preceded me in this high of
fice have entertained and avowed dif
ferent opinions, I yield all confidence
that their convictions were sincere. 1
laim only to have the same measure
meted out to myself. V ithout going tur-
ther into the argument, I will say that,
;n looking to the powers of this Gov
ernment to collect, safely keep, and
disburse the public revenue, and inct
dentally to regulate the commerce and
exchanges, 1 have not been abluto satis
fy myself that the establishment by this
tiovernmer.t of a bank ot discount, jn
;he ordinary acceptation of that term
was a necessary means, or onedenaan
'led by propriety, to execute those pow
ers. What can the local discounts of the
bank have to do with the collecting
sate-Keeping and disbursing ot the rev
muc? So Jams the mere discounting
of paper it is concerned, is quite imma
terial to this nLfMion whether ll.c dis
. ' oiint is obtained at a State Bank or a
United States Bank. Thev arc both
tquollv localboth beginning and boi
i.dinz in a local accommodation
What influence have local discounts,
granted by any form of bank, in the
regulating of the currency end the ex-
banges? Let the history of the late
' '-nitcd States Bank aid o in answer
2 ttiis inquiry. w .
h or vers I yea1 after the establishment of thai
initiiuiion, it d. lt almost exclusively in di
counn, ilurii.g thnt period ilia country wa, Tor the
mot part diaippoiuleJ in the onReu,ue)icc antici
pated frmn il Incorporation. A uniform currency
wa not piovidcd, exchange were not regulated,
end little or nothing ai added to the general cir
culHtimi : and in I8SU it rmharraimcnt had be
come ao g eat, tliat lite director peKiioieJ to Con
grraa to repei 1 tint article of ihe charter which
made ita notea itceivable evrryhere fur public due.
It had, up to that period dealt to but very amall
extent in excharge, either foreign or domcatic,
and aa late a 1823 its epcrulion in that line a
mounted to -a little more than seven milliona of
dollnra per annum.
A ve y rnj.iJ augmentation soon after occurred
and in 1933 ita dealings in exchange amounted to
upward of one hundred million of dollar, inclu
ding the aalca of it own draft ; and all thcae Im
mense 4 ausaclions were effected without the em
ployment of extraordinary mean. The currency
of the country became aound, ami the negotiation
in tha exchange were carried on at the lowest po
eible rate. The circu'ation wa increased to more
than $22,000,000, and the notea f the bank were
rcgirdcd a equal to epecic all over the country j
thua allowing almoat conclunivly that it was the
capacity to deal in exchange, and not in local die
counta, which furnished Iheae facilitica and advan
tage. It may be remarked, loo, that notw itl.itnnding the
immenae tramaitiona of the bank in the purchaee
of exchange, the loose sustained were mer -ly nomi
nal ; while in the line of discount the suspended
debt was enormous, and proved most disastrous to
the bunk and the country. It power of local dis
count hap, in fact, proved lo be a fruitful aource, of
favoritism and corrup'ion, alike destructive lo the
put lie moral and to the general wen).
The capital invested in bank of discount in the
United State, created by the Slate, at thi time
xceed f 350,000.000, and if the discounting of lo
cal paper could have produced any beneficial effect,
the United Slate ought to posses the
urrrney in the world; but the reverse i s lun.eiit-
ab'y ihe fuot.
I tho measure now undt r conid ration cf the ob
ertiotitiblo ihaiacicr to whir h 1 h.ive apudrd 1 It ia
learly ao, unlet by the JOtti 'fundamental artiele
f the 1 Ith aection it is mmlo olheiwiae. Tiut ar
ticle ia in the fallowing words :
The directors of the aaid corporation shall ealnb-
ish one competent oifice of discount and deposit in
ny Siatc in which two thousand share ahull buve
hcii sulscrilied, or may lie ht-lJ, whenever, upon
ppliration of the legislature of such Slato, Congress
ui:iy by law require tho lame. And the aaid direc
tor may aUo eslatdiih one or more competent offi
ces of dircount ond depoiile in any territory or dia-
lict of the United States, and in any State, with
the assent cf uch State ; and when established, the
said office or office shall be only withdrawn or
removed by the aaid directora prior to the rzpiras
tion of thi charter, with the previou aesent of
Congna : Provided, in recpect to any Slate which
hall not, at the first eonion of the legislature thcre-
f, held after Ihe paasage of thi act, by reiolution,
or other uauul legislative proceeding, uncondilion-
lly assent or disfent to the establishment of auch
office or office, within it, such assent of the aaiJ
State ahull be tho. eafter presumed : And provided,
mrerlhtlesn, That whomever it ahall become ncces-
jry and proper for carrying into execution any of
be powers gianlod by Ihe Constitution, to establish
an office or offices in any of the Statu whatever,
and the establishment thereof ahall be directed 'by shall be the duty of the aaid director to es
tablish such office or offices accordingly.
It will be seen that by this ctau e the directors
are invested with the fullest power to establish
br.inch in any State which has yielded ita assent;
and having once established auch branch, it shall
not afterwaid be withdrawn, except by ordei of
Congress. Such assent is to be implied, and tJ
have the force and sanction of an actually express
ed assent, "provided in reject to any Bute which
shall not at the firit union of thu legislature theie-
of, held after the paasago of thie act, by rttolution
or other usual legislative proceeding, uncondition
ally assent or dissent to the establishment of such
office or offices w ithin it, such assent of said Sute
ahall be thereafter presumed." The arnt or dis
sent ia to be e i pressed unconditionally at the Jim
tttsion of the hginluture, by tome formal Icgitlative
act ; and if not ao expressed, ii assent ia to beim-
filied , and the directora are thereupon invested with
powei, at such time thereafter as they may phase,
to establish branches which cannot afterwards be
withdraw n, except by reo!v of Congrc.
No matter what may be thu cause which may
operate with the legislature, which either prevent
it from speaking or addrosM' itself to its wisdom,
to induce delay, it assent is to be implied. Thi
iron rule i to gio way to no circumstance it ia
unbending and inflcxahli'. Il ia the lunguage of
the master to the vasal en unconditional aruwri
ia rluiinid foithwilh : and delay, postponement, or
incapacity to answer, produce ) implied assent
which is ever after irrevocable. MiiHjr t)f the State
election have already taken place, without any
knowledge, on Ihe part cf the People, that auch a
question vrsa lo come up. The Representative
may d( re a etbmiesion cf the question to their
Constituents preparatory to final action upon it, but
thia high piivihg ia denied; whatever may be the
motives and view entertained by the repreaenta
live of ihe People, to induce delay, aeiit ia to bo
presumed, and 'is ever afterward binding, unless
their assent ahall be unconditionally expressed at
their first setiion after the petsaga of this bill into
a law. They may, by formal resolution, declare
the que Hon of asaent or disaent te be undecidej
and postponed, and, yet, in imposition to their ex-
priss decUra'inn le the contiary, their assent ia to
le implied. Cas s innumerable mithi be cited to
manifest the irrationality of such an inference. Let
one ne two in addition suffice. The populsi branch
ol ikf Legislature may erects it dint by an u-
nunimom vote, and it resolution may be defeated
by a lie vote of the Sonsto i to be implied. -
Doth branches of the legislature msy concur in
a resolution of decided dient. and yet the Gover
nor may exert the veto power conferred on him by
the State Constitution, and their legislative action
be defeated j and ye I the assent oflhe legislative au
thority i implied, and the director of thi contem
plated institution are authoriied to citablish a
branch or bianche in audi State whenever they
may find it conducive to the intereat of the alock
holder to do so; and having once eiubliched it,
they can under no circumstance withdraw it, ex
cept by act of Congre. The State may after
ward protest against such unjuit inference, but
it authority ia gone. It aascnt ia implied by it
failure of inability lo act at il first session, and its
voice can never be heard. To inferences so violent,
and, es they seem to me, irrational, I cannot yield
consent. No court of justice would or could sanc
tion them, without reserving all that i established
injudicial proceeding, by introducing presumption
at vjrijnce with fact, and inference at the expence
of reason. A Sta'e in a condition of dure would
1 presumed to speak, as an individual, manacled
and in prison, might be presumed to tie in the en
joyment of freedom. Far belter to say to the Hute
boldly and frankly Congre will and aubmia.-ion
ia demanded.
It may be aaid (lint the director may not estab
liah branches under auch circumstance. Hut thi is
a question of power, and thin bill invest them with
full authority to do so. If the Legislature of New
York, or Pennsylvania, -or any other State, should
be found to lie in such condition a I have up
posed, could there be any security furnished against
such a step on the part of tho director ! Nay, is
it not faiily to be presumed that this proviso was
introduced for the sole purpose of meeting the con
tingency referred to 1 Why else should it have been
introduced) And I submit to the Senate, wheth
er it can be believed that any State would be like
ly to ait quietly down undor auch a state of things !
In a great measure of public inteiot their patiiot
ism may be successfully appealed to: but to infer
thrir assent from circumstances at war with such
inference, I cannot but leg ird aa calculated to ex
cite a feeling at ftlal enmity with the peace and
harmony of the country. I must, therefore regard
thi clause aa asserting the power lo be in Congress
to establish offices of discount in a State, not only
Without it assent, but agninxt it dissent; and so
regarding it, I cannot aanction il.
On general principle, ihe right in Congreas to
prescribe term to any State, auppliea a superiority
of power and control, deprive the trunaction of all
pretence to compact between them, and terminates
a we have seen, in the local abrogation of freedom
of action on tho part of tho Stale. But further,
the State may express, after most solemn form of
legislation, ita dissent, which may from time to
lime thereafter be repeated, in full view of ita own
inti rest, which csn never be separates from the wise
and beneficent operation of thia Government : and
yet Congress may, by virtue of the last priviso. o
verule ita law, and upon giounds which, to auch
Slate will appear to rest on constructive necessity
and piopriety, and not anything more. I regard
the bill as ass rting for Congre- the right to incorpo
rate a U. S. Dunk with power and lo establish olficcs
of discount and deposile in the several Slates of this
Union with or without their consent, a principle to
which I have always heretofore been opposed, and
which can never obtain my aanction. And wai
ving all other considerations growing out of its o
ther provisions, I return it to the House in which it
originated, with these my objections to ita approval.
The Drowned Lovers Identified.
The Philadelphia Daily Chronicle of Saturday
A gentleman residing in the vicinity ofEaston, in
thi Slate, called at our office yesterday and tel.ited
to ua the following ftcU. About six mile thi tide
of Esston, reside a highly respectable family of the
name of Wood. Their daughter, an amiable and
intelligent girl, named Eliis, unfortunately became
acquainted with a young man in the neighborhood,
whose character was any thing but reputable,. He
wbb given to every kind of vice a spendthrift a
drunkard, and a gambler. For two years, the pa
rents of the unhappy girl opposed the match, know
ing that if it did take place, misery, tribulation, ai d
aorrow would be the lot of their daughter. Thia
was only adding fuel to ihe flame already kindled
in the bourn of Eliza. Suffering and disappoint
ment strengthened, instead of weakening her love
She waa fondly and devotedly attached to the object
of her choice.
A few duya before the discovery of the bodies in
the Schu)lkill, Eliza and bet lover left East on. The
mother of the unfortunate girl, reading the account
of the transaction in the papers, came to the ci'y f r
the purpose of seeing the bodies, and if possible, i
dentifv them. She repaired to the Urcen House,
at Dush Hill, immediately on her arrival, but to her
great grief, the bidie had been interred three day
U'fore, She however obtained from Mr. Hill, the
keeper of the (ireen House, a correct and exact de
scription of the female, her appearance, dress, and
the ear ringa Which a'.e wore. The dresa answered
exactly in color and muke lo the one her daughter
had on the day ahe eloped from her home, and she
felt perfectly ssti-fied that the unfortunate deceased
was her own daughter. These are the facta related
to ua by the gentleman from Easlon, and he asya
that so certain are the family aa to the identity of
their cbild, that they hat been in deep mourning
ever since the return of the mother to bar home.
Narrow JCacana of Mr. Webster.
The Washington correspondent of the Allaa say
"Mr. Webster had a narrow cat-ape yesterday.
He waa rilling with his servant in a buggy, when
the horse took fight, bee i ma unmanageable, and
run at fall speed round Capitol Hill, till he arrived
at the N'oith Eastern gate, when Mr Wi directed
hi man to turn him into ike grounds. In execu
ting this delicate aoanetuvir, tha wheel struck the
poet, end w is turn off, and the ndera were violent
ly thrown out, but carspod with a few light bruise.
Burning of (he Krle on Lake Krlt-Ovtr
Two Hundred Llvca Lost.
Corrctpondence of the A'ew York Tribune, ?
livrraLO, August 10, 1841. j
I)run Si Enclosed I send you a Duffalo pa
per of thi morning, containing a brief notice of the
loss by fire, last night of the Steamboat Erie, toge
ther with nearly two hundred person. I also send
few incident which I gathered in a brief conver
sation with one of the aurvivor, Mr. Parmelee, the
bar-keeper of the boat. The Erie k-ft her lith al
Buffalo, for Chicago, between 6 and 9 o'clock, P.
M ., on Monday, with a large number of passengers,
nearly a hundred of whom were Swing emigrants.
The lint of passenger, a taken by the Captain,
numbered 205; but in addition ! those, there were
cveral young children whoae name were nut la
ken, and aome also, it is auppewed, who bad not
pnit! Iheir fire, when the disaater occurred. So that
il i probable that the passengers, together with
Ihone attached lo the !ont, numbered lint lesa than
230 or 240. The fire was discovered about ten
minutes beforo 8 o'clock, off S.lver Creek, a dis
tance of 25 or 30 mile from Buffalo. The flame
first appeared running rapidly acros the boiler
deck, a permanent platform of a foot or two in
height, lo protect the boiler where it project above
the main deck. From it vicinity to the boiler, it
had become highly inflammable, and it ignition
wa facilitated by a recent coat of paint which it
hid received. The boat' head waa immediately di
rected toward the land, which waa five or aix mile
The flames spread with great rapidity. Peifecl
confusion succeeded, in the midst of which the amall
boat, hanging astern, was lowered by lha hand and
brought to the side. After a few ladiea had been
hinded down, (he frenzy of those behind became
uncontrollable, and numbers leaped in beyond the
capacity of ihe boat lo sustain them, and it swam
ped. Several of those who fell from the boat were
drawn under the wheel, and there were drowned,
while a few clung to the boat' aides, and were final
ly aaved. A second and third boat weie rendered
useless by the same infatuation. S.mie five min
utea after the appearance of the fire, Ihe machinery
became deranged and stopped. So rapidly did the
flami s sptcad, that although there were a quantity
of lifo preserver in the ladies' cabin, they could not
be reacheJ, aa the cabin was almost instantly in a
light flame. Twenty minutes only had elapaed
from the beginning of the fire, but af cr the intense
neos of the heat had forced overboard every other
person, when Capt, Titus threw himself into the
water, and abandoned the boat to ita fate. The
fuw who then remained alive were tossing in the
midst of a heavy swell, dependant upon the preca
rious support, one ol an oar, another of a plank or
box, and liable every moment to loose their hold
through exhaustion and the benumbing effects of
fright. The steamers Do Witt Clinton and the La
dy perceived the light about quarter past 8 o'clock
from Dunkirk, where they lay, and put out imme
diately to her relief. But a distance of ten or fif
teen miles intervening, they arrived in time to save
only 29 out of the large numlier who a few hours
before had left Buffalo, with perfect confidence of a
pleasant trip.
The Clinton, will) 27 of the raved on board, took
the hull of the Erie in tow for Buffalo ; after having
U-en drawn, however, fifteen or twenty miles, the
remnants of the wmk suddenly rank. The pas
tengi rs were taken to the Ameiicsn House, where
they now are The Lady teturntd, with the two
the had picked up, to Dunkirk ; one of rtiem was
my informant. He had thrown himself overboard
jn a plank, when be asw further efforts to be useless,
but he relinquished it to a friend who could not
swim, and took for hi own support the "fender,"
which just then fell by its side. He state that
those who aurvived the swamping of Ihe bouts clung
with desperation to the burning wreck, except a a
few found other aupport. One mm he saw stand
ing for some minutes on the gallows beam, the
flames encircling him, with his coat-skirt thrown
over hi brad, till be dropped dead into the body
of the flame. One of the wheelmen is said to have
been burnt up doing hi duty at the helm. Young
Beehe, (a lad of 14, one of those saved,) ia reported
to have behaved with great courage. Aa he de
scended the guya to the water, Ihe chain waa ao hot
that he left masses of flesh upon the rod at every
clasp of hi hand. Reaching Ihe rudder he stood
uion that, and soaking hi jacket in the water, he
applied it to assuage, the pain of hi hand-, and
then used it to extinguish the fire from hia dies and
part nf the wreck near him. Though badly burnt
be ia likely to recover. The only lady who waa
saved, (Mr. Lynde, wife of C. J. Lynde, Esq., of
Milwaukie.) wa atanding at th alern of the boat ! comrnuica,et ,inoe ,he a,, intelligence of the In
wilh her husband, arranging her life-preserver about '. ian. Vcfv ...MU.
her person, when the boat gava a lurch and preci
pitated her into the water. She saw nothing more
of her husband, but was herself buoyed up till the
Clinton arrived.
The first notice which the bod I ws upon (the
Fulton) bad of, thia d event, wa at Dunkirk, a
bout 6 in the morning, where Mr. Parmelee came
on board. The boat Waa placed upon the track of i
the Erie, and in about an hour we perceived many
indicationa of the disaster. A basket, a chest of
tea, and a box of lemon were picked up, 1 resent'
ly th. numeroue .mail piece, of burnt wood, em-
braced in quite a small area, indicsted the immedi
ate scene of the catastrophe. Aa they were seen
al some distance off, the boat checked her speed, am)
her slow and solemn motion over the unmade graves
of hundreds, the measured surge of the waves ander
her prow, and the aound of the occasionally puf
fling steam, were felt to be more solemn than any
common tribute to th memory of the dead. Soon
after we left thia spot, we picked up one of ber boats,
parta of wlrich were covered wilh lha burnt flesh
frem the hand and feet of those who jumped into
it. Mutt of these facia were derived from lha her
ke per, and aome are Ihe rumora current in Buffa
lo. There it a common agreement in the belief
thai three demijohns of varnish cVc , exploded, and
the liquid came in contact with fire.
In great hsstc. E. A. M. J.
Nam or Psmoxs kmowr to at Lost. Mr.
Willism, of Chicago, Mr. (J. J. Lynde, of Md
waukie, (graduated at New Haven in 1836 for
merly of Homer, N. Y.,) Mr. V. S. Lynde (a bro
ther) of Homer.
Most of the Swiss were destined lor Akron and
From the Baffatt Pep., Tuesday, Auir. 10, 7 it. M.
The steamboat Erie, Capt. Titua, left nur port
taat evening, crowdej with passengers. By some
mean she took fire during the night, and wa com
pletely conumcd, (inking about dnylght We
have bnrcly time to give the norne of the saved,
nor could we learn many particular. The De
Witt Clinton saved 27, some badly and aome clight
ly burned. The whole of the passengers saved, ap
peared loo much overcome by ihe horror of the
night to give any account, and we would not add to
their misery by asking question.
The Eiie we burnt very nearly where the W.
hington waa burnt some years ago. She wx a
fine bust, almoat new, and belonged to Mr. Reed of
Name of the person laved from the Erie, by
the De Witt Clinton, Capt. Squire:
Capt. Titus, master of ihe Erie,
Dennis McBiide, First Mate,
Wm. Hughe, Second Mate,
Edgar Clemen, Firt Engineer,
Je-oine McBride, Wheelman, badly burned,
Win. Wad worth, one of the Band,
Alfred O. Wilkinson, East Euclid, Ohio,
Harrison Forrester, Harbor Creek, Pa.,
Thomas Quiiilin, Middlefiuld, Ma.,
Robert Robinson, colored, Bar bar,
Hiram De Graff,
J. II. St. John,
C. Hogg, badly burned,
Jno. Wincbell, Buffalo,
Mr. Williams, Chicago,
W. Johnson, colored, Cook,
James Loverly, Wheelstiinn,
Theodore Sear, Painter,
Luther B. -Searle, Fireman,
Mr. Lynde, Milwaukie,
Thoa. J. Tain, Pillslield, N. Y.
Son of George Beebe, Cleavefaud,
Tive German, three of whom were badly burned.
We learn further that a quantity of spirits of tur
pentine and other combustible matter, used by pain
ters, was on deck near the boiler, and it i suppo
sed ihe heat ignited it, and wrapped the boat in
stantly in flame.
There were, we learn, a little over two hundred
passenger, beside the crew. We heard the thricks
of a woman who came on board the De Witt Clin
ton, and found her husband dreadfully burned, lying
helpless, and almost hopeh .
Two other persons were saved by another boat.
Glorious News from Florida.
RercBMCA OrricK,
Savannah, August 7, 1641
Co-a-coo-ciiek's whole BASH is closk or
tbi Ftoum Win. By the U. S. steamer Gen.
Taylor, Capt. Peck, arrived here yesterday, we
have tho gratifying intelligence from Florida that
the war, for the ninety-ninth time, may now be
considered at an end. Wild Cat' whole band,
men, women, children and negroes, 1C0 in all, have
come in at Tampa, and 40 more Indians of another
band were on their way, and were expected at Tam
pa in two daya. A gentleman who came on in
the Gen. Taylor aay that he doe not ihiuk anoth
er rifle will be fired by the enemy.
When Co-a-coo-cbce' family came in, Col,
Worth told him that he might go on ahore from the
schooner where he was confined and are them.
He refused lo go, laying that though he waa anx
ious to see his family, he would not permit them
to see him in irons. The Colonel finally consented
to let him go on shore without Ih shackles, and af
ter warm gtecting with hia family, he dined
with the Colornl, and then returned on board the
schooner. A soon a hi iion were replaced, he
told Col. Worth that he hid but one request more
to make, and that win, to allow him and hit peo
pte to go )Yest at toon at possible !
St. Auotsthk, August 3. The account from
Key West are of the most deplorable nature. The
yellow fever ia aaid to be raging at that place, and
very fatal a large numlier have already fallen vie
lima lo it. One of the unfortunate victim i Mr.
London C. Kenry.
The fever ha been Hill wore at Havana, and we
learn that there are nine American ships now lying
in that port without a soul on board, all having died
of the prevailing fever.
I We havo no further new from Tampa TtaV to
From Mntamora.
The Matamora Anchor of the 5th July, ay,
"information haa been received from Vera Cruz, of
the arrival there of a Minister from Texas, repre
senting the object of hi mission to be, to negotiate
foi Ihe recognition of the independendence of Texas
by Mexico. This announcement excited indignant
feelings on the part of Ihe government, and was
opposed, notwithstanding the British Minister con
tinually urged the Texian request, and appeared lo
I ,l,e mai" uwi ot ,be Pl'Iic-tio... Notwilh.
standing the rejection of the proposals of Texas for
peace, we have see that ihe 8enute have rejected
the bill for a loan of Iwo millions passed by the de
puties to carry on the Texas campaign, t'n for in
nate Mexico ! If the campaign is not made, th in
dependence of Texas ia the aame as consummated."
There appear lo be a general prostration of bu
sines thrcDghout Mexico. In the capital il wa
aaid Don Lucas Alaman had failed for more than
one million of dollar.
Taa STXiataoAV Ban. The Albany Adver
tiser say that there was on deed of heroism on
bond thi beat wbirh should not be Irfl unrecorded.
A letter from Buffalo informs ua thai Ih. Pilot
stood to hia post at th. wheel, keeping the head of
the aleamboal to the ahore, until h burned to death.
; Hia nam., wc, wss Luthei Fuller.
Saturday, Jtugtitt 21, ! 84 1 .
Vem0crattc Candidates.
ton oovmrroK,
rna akiblt,
Iavll II. Montgomery.
I'hlllp Wclscr.
run TRCAaunice,
CU'orge Wclscr.
lliigli IavlMon.
Wuio CAanniATis.
For Governor,
For Assembly,
For Commissioner,
For Treasurer,
For Auditor,
(Xj The Bankrupt Bill ha passed both Housei
fj" We present our readers tbia week wilh new
of exciting and painful interest. The destructio
of the steamboat Erie, which was burned on th
lake with ihe loss of nearly two hundred souls, wi
cairy pnin and grief into the booms of many a
ogoni.ed pan nt and relative. The veto of ih
Bank Bill, it will be seen by cur published pioeee.
ing of Congress, created, a might be expected, a
unusual degree of excitement. Il seem now to t
a matter nf acme doubt whether the Distribution
Lund Bill, and the Bankrupt Bill will be passe
this session. The fate of both these bill are said t
be in a measure insepcral ly connected. The bi
repealing the Subtreasury received the rignature i
the Pieaident on the 1:1th inst. This had give
some of the friends of the Bank Bill some fcit
hope that the President would sign the bill, an
indeed, that impression had become very general.
(Jj- The veto of the President, it wiK be seen,
unqualified and unconditional. He will never ig
a bill, incorporating a Bank with branches, utub
any circumstance. Thus, during the administr
lion of John Tvler, there is no hope of such an ii
titution being established. From indications app
rent for aome time past, it is evident that the whit
proper will abandon the President. The cup
hope, lung deferred, has been dashed from their li
when they it. A dissolution of tl
cabinet must necessarily follow. Ewing, it is sai
will be left out. Webster and Badger will be r
A correspondent of the last Miltonian aj
that himself, w'rth a number of democrats intend I
vote for Gen. Frick instead of David B. Montgi
mery, and begs if the General should be electe.
that the whig wi I not claim it as a whig triump
Whereupon the editor of that paper gravely asser:
that if Gen. Frick should he elected, they will an
that he ahull owe bis election to the Poiter me
who shall vote for him.
Now ihi is certainly conceding too much, cm
sideling that Gov. Porter will not have more than
thouaand majority in the county. The conespot
dent of the Miltonian, however, need not fear an
inch contingency. Good democrat never mat
terms with their political opponents, because ce
lain selfish views of their own may bave been di
We trust at the nexl session of Congres snmi
thing will be done in relation lo Postage. It is
subject in which the country i deeply interest,
and well wortky of investigation. In England,
great revolution has been effected in relation to po;
lage, within the last Iwo years. Le'ter, not e
ceeding half an ounce, are carried lo any part of th
kingdom for about two cent. The postage then
formeily, rated even higher than our own. Th
teduced rate have, however, ao increased the cor
respondence, that in the courae of anoihei year ih
revenue of the department will be fully equal t
what it had been under the old rates, while the sc
vantage to the people possessing such cheap ieril
tic, are ahnO.-t incalculable.
We would not recoinmehd reduction to th
aame extent) but we firmly believe, if lb. fate i
letter po-tige was fixed at five cents, for all li tter
not exceeding half an ounce in weight, without r
gard lo distance, the revenue in tha course of a fev
years would be fully equal le the expenditures.
It would be, however, necessary to abolish, in
measure, the present wholesale franking privileg
now enjoyed by members of Congress, breakin
down our mail without any real or apparent bent
fit lo the community. Tone of document are ai
most daily despatched, nine-tenth of which ar
deemed worthless, and probably not looked int.
All important document of interest are general)
published and read in the newspapers, twfore the
ran be distributed under the franks of lb. mernben
The memliers of the British PajhsrsKnt volunlaril
surrendered the franking privilege. Have our merr
Istra of t ent r let msgnaniniitv and patriotuia
W trust not.