Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 31, 1841, Image 3

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    y some buisness man a paper having a good and
icculiar ctedit, but the reatrictioni proposed oper
ted alike on the holder, and he wa at much gov
rned by it aa the drawer, endorser or acceptor.
1r. Clay appealed to the candor of Senator if auch
prohibition waa not unjust and improper.
Mr. WALKER proposed a compromise, prohil
ing membera of Congress aimply from having (heir
otea discounted.
Mr. CLAY thought the compromise conceded a
uod deal. He would vote fur it, aa an amend
icnt to the amendment, but then he would feel
ound to vole againet the whole amrndment for
to reason he had given. There was no reason for
taking auch a discrimination.
Mr. BUCHANAN pursued the argument in fa
or of the amendment. One by one the proposi
tus of the committee were in the course of being
ruck from the Bill. He had hoped that in rein
on to members of Congress would be retained,
(embers of Congress from delicacy should wish to
3 under the prohibition.
Mr. CLAY objected to out-lawing membera
' Congress or erecting a Procrustean bed particu
rly for them. It waa said by the member of Penn
Ivania that Congress might be called upon to take
i initiatory step to wind up the Bank, and there
re they should not participate in i's benefits. If
at was a valid objection the limitation would op
ate on the Marshal of the District, on tho Judges
the Court, and on the Jurors, if you could find
U who were to act upon the case.
Mr. BUCHANAN briefly re stated hia former ob-
etions. Ho conceived there was a great dillerence
;tween members of Congress and Judges ; that no
dgc should sit in judgment upon a Bank in which
c was a debtor.
Mr. KING of Ala. thought it was useless for the
inority to waste their breath, aince the dominant
irly had the power to carry out thetr own mcsures.
he Senate had abandoned a most important amend
cnt this morning, and were now, he feared, about
abandon another. Mr. Clay had aaid that as the
tper of the Bank to be discounted waa to be busL
'rs paper, none but business paper running 180
iys could be discounted. This Mr. King thought,
as not a good objection.
Mr. CUTIIBERT of fieo. asked the majority if
ey dil not desire that tho Institution should have
e confidence of the country. If they did, they
tould court the majority, court the restrictions,
stead of rejecting them. Debate upon the amend
cnt, aa it seemed, was about to be brought to a
use when it opened afresh.
Mr. WALKER of Miss, commenced a long
icech in regard to the mal-praciices of the late
ar.k. He said that two editor had received a
an of $ 151,000; that membera of Congress had
cieved $100,000. The temptations to loan to
leml-er of Congress were a thousand to one on
,e part of the Bank to loan to other citizens. The
eport of '34 was alluded to, and after readiug ex
acts from this report, Mr. Walker took up Mr.
'lay's speech of 18 1G for the purpose of showing
tat the Bank had a political influence.
Mr. CLAY very briefly replied. What he said
i 1 8 1 6 he believed. He thought the first bank h ad
political influence, but it was impossible to make
ly human inatitution perfect in its character.
'he Senator from Miss, had ahown that the EJitors
ere more in f.ivor with the Bank than members
f Congress. Let him then prohibit editors and
ext to them the People themselves (laughter.)
Sy including all, the Bank would no doubt be freed
'oiii all political influence. The discrimination
'aa a miserable one, but if it should be enforced,
io doubt Senators upon the other side of the cham
er would feel as much inconvenience as Senators
ipon this side.
Mr. CUTIIBERT considered Mr. Clay'a reply
s out of place, and Mr. LINN as an argumentum
id absurdem. Mr. Linn spoke generally of the
nonetary power of the land, and rcmaiked that by
'aw the power of the Government was centered
Mr. TIERCE of N. H. said it waa apparent
hat the amendment would be voted down and
.hat the only remedy waa repeul. His legislature
had declared that to be the remedy. Members of
Congress would go upon their knees to obtain loans
if they could not obtain them otherwise.
In 1831, 69 membera of Congiesa recei
ved from the Bank, f 369,000
In 1832, 44 had 440,000
In 1833,50 had 374,000
In 1834, 42 bad 258,000
f 1,4 13,500
waa distributed in the way of loan to, 23 mem
ber of Congress, Mr. Pierce stiiJ he roe to state
the facts contained in the report.
Mr. CLAY said he would venture to say, that of
this million and a half, more than one half went to
the enemica of the Bank, and he knew, of his own
knowledge, that the heaviest debtor was an oppo
nent to the Bank. So that if there was a political
influence, it was likely to be pretty equally divided.
The yeas and nays were then ordered upon the
amendment in regard to membera of Congress, pro
limiting to the Bank the power to discount the note
cf anv member of Congress. The amendment was
carried 25 to 24 ; and a proviso by 27 to 24, limit
ing the liabilities of the Directors to $10,000.
The remaining amendments of the Bill were then
concurred in without a count, and several veibal
amendments, unimportant to the principle of the
Bill, concurred in.
A Pusale.
There are now living in the neighborhood of
, two men with their two wives, and two
sons, who stand thus related i
The two men are each others father and aons
their wives' father and husbands ; and their chil
dren futber and grandfather. I be women are
the children' mother and sisters and the boy are
uncle to each other i and all without the least im
kroner connexion.
a . The two men are widowers, each having
a son und daughter, I will call them John and
Jm-now they each mairied the daughter cf the
other John marrying James' daughter, James be
comes the father-in-law and Jame marrying John'
daughter, John become James's father-in-law, and
consequently each daughter become mothei-in-law
to her father, and their brother became their grand
children and nephews. Selected.
Office of the Baitimohb Amkbicab-, July 26.
A sale of 350 bbl. fresh ground Susquehanna
flour to-day, at $5 75. Mixed brands, f 5 62.
GRAIN. The sale of new Md. red Wheata are
making to-day at 118 to 122 cents, for good to very
prime parcel. Sale of new Md. white Wheat, of
prime quality, suitable family flour, at 123 and 130
ccnta. Sile of very good old Pennsylvania wheats
on Saturday at 124 cents none here to-day.
We quote Md. white Corn to-day at 70 a 72
cents, and yellow at 66 a 67 cents.
We quote old Pennsylvania Rye at 60 a 61 cts.;
Md. Rye, new and old, at 55 a 50 cents.
Sales of new Md. Oat at 44 cents.
WHISKEY. Hhds. are held at 24 cents, snd
bbls. at 25 cents. The wsgon price of bbls. is 20
cents, exclusive of the barrel.
A. Jordan tenders his thanks to the citizens
of Sunbury, the members of the fire companies and
others, for their activity in endeavoring to save his
property from destruction, on the evening of the
2 Ut inat.
- -1
Coal Trade.
Amount of Coal carried on the Danville and
Pottsville Rail Road to Sunbury for shipping du
ring the wotk ending on July 29, C02 Tons.
Per last report, 8,274
Total, 8,876
Amount of Iron Ore transported, 1.090
Total amount shipped from Wyoming Valley, to
June 21st, Tons, 7,1 lb
Still ilk ill Coal Tnnx.
To July 15, Tons, 153,474
Little Sciii'ilkill Coal Trapf.
To July 15, Tons, 10,470
Dklawabe & Hiusob Coal Tbahb.
To July 6, Tons, 43,690
Pise Giiovk Coal Tradk.
To June 1, Tons, 6,177
Mount Cabbos Rati Road.
Amount transported to July 15, Tons, 25,958
Mire Hill & Schutlkill Haver Rail Road.
Amount transported to July 15, Ton 72,752
Mill Ckekk Rail Road.
Amount transported to July 1, Tons 11,644
Schctlkill Yallkv Rail Road.
Amount transported to July 15, Tona 21,871
y.waiSiiwi i.'
Corrected weekly ly Henry Yuxtheimer.
Wheat, 100
Rte, 50
Cou.v, ...... 40
Oats, 30
Pork, ...... 5
Flaxseed, 100
Butter, ..... 12
Beeswax, ...... 25
Tallow, 12i
Ditiku ArrLT.s, - - - - 75
Do. Peaches, .... 200
Flax, 8
Heckled Flax, .... 10
Eons, ...... 8
Dr. Harlich's medicines are daily increasing in
public favor, an 1 want from any but a fuir tnul to
establish their worth. We have a communication
in our columns to-day from a person long awicted,
which is but one of many vouchers for this medi
cine. Spirit of the Timet.
" Good Intent Fire Company"
i STATED MEETING of the Company w
held on Thursday evening next, at 8 o'clock,
p. m., at the Court House.
July 31, 1811.
Punctual attendance is
J. fS 1 1 JOXES,
T EW'.I'ESTS the attention of his country friends
who are in want, lo hia very l irge stock of
Carpelinga, Oil Cloths, Malunga, Rugs, Bindings,
Stair Rods, &c, eve, thsl he lias just optnid, at
ia warehouses, No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 2
Church Alloy, next dour lo Chribt Church, Phila
delphia. July ai, 1841. ly.
ON the Centro Turnpike, near iho boroi:gh of
Sunbury, an UmhrelU and Parol lied lo-
gethei both of silk. The eisou finding the same,
upon leaving llieia at this otlicu, will be u tuhly re
warded. July 24.
I.state or IVIIIIain Dcusut.
OT1CE ia hereby given, that the subscriler
has been appointed agent for the collection
and settemenl of the hooka, accounts, Ac. of Wm.
Dewarl, dee'd., and that he will attend at the store
of said deceased, for one month, for that purpose,
after which time all unsettled sccounts will be put
into the hands of a magistrate for collection.
July 24, 1841. U.S. GOBIN.
ETTERS of administration on the estate of
William Clyde, of Nortliuuibeiland, have
been granted to the subscriber, who is prepared to
dischurce any just claims agninst the estate Per.
on indebted to said estate will please call end
make payment JOHN PORTER,
Northumlierland, July 3. iu Aa m
'sTmillLIP WE1SER. of Augusta, at theailicita
lion of hia friends, has agreed to become a
candidate for the cilice ol uouniy commissioner.
He is a farmer and mechanic, of unexceptionable
character, and eveiy way qualified to Ail the oTice.
It is generally admitted that according to, in esta
blished democratic usage, August I jwnship is en
titled to the nomina'ioti, We therefore recom
mend Mi. Weiser aa a taucn democrat, aud a fit
man for the office.
, , . M" i feAM0H abb AceisTA.
"fSood Will lire tompany.'
THE member of the -Gjod Will Fire Com
pany" are requested to meet at the Court
House, on Monday Evening, August 2d, at 7 o'
clock precisely, Punctual attendance is required.
July 24. J. H.ZIMMlSKMAW.We.
REMAINING In the post office in Shamokin,
-- on the 1st day of July, 1841.
Joseph Philips, Benjamin Hummel Chsrlea R.
Waters, Thomas Curran, Harriet Jones, We P.
Irland, J. 8. Genrheart, Philip Miller, Henry Got
sli.ill, David Nice, John Shipo, John Fidlar.
FTMIE subscriber, residing in the town of Shnmo
kin, oilers lor rent his uiacksmitn chop and
Tool. Any person wishing to rent the same, can
have possession at any time between this and the
fust of September next. The shop ia a good one,
and located in tho centre of-tho town.
July 17.-tf JOSEPH ZERN.
jflfcN tho river bank at Sunbury, on Saturday the
W 10th of July 1841, by my son Washington
Haip, a large SILVER WATCH, which was left
at the office of George Weii-cr, Esq., where the
sume can be had by proving; property, paying char
Julv 17. 3t
fTIHE Subscriber respectfully informs hia fellow
JL citizens, that he will be a candidate for the of
fire of County Commissioner, at the ensuing elec
Augusta, July 17th 1841.
IMntc of William Kimble, dee'd.
"TRTOTICE ia hereby given, that the Register of
J( Northumberland county has granted letters
testamentary upon the estate of William Knuble,
late of Shamokin township, dec d., to tho subscri
ber, residing in said township. All persons having
any demands against said estate, are requested to
present them, and thoo indebted io make payment
to the subscriber.
Julv 3. fiw. JACOB KNARLE.
r vr'-vf,-rrnrn
VinslIING to retire from business, the suhscri-
ber is willing to dispose of the rood will and
Furniture of tho long established, well known Ta
vern Stand now in his occupancy, in Sunbury.
This stand is located in the centre of the town, i-
posile the court house, anil ia well calculated lor
business. Persons desirous of going into the alnive
business, would do well to rnske application to the
subscriber, soon, who will dispute of his Furniture,
on reaseiiable terms. Po-scssion will bo given on
the fir.t day of October next.
July 10, 1841. tf. HIRAM PRICE.
list or c a i si;s,
fJ.OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas, of
Jjl Northumberland County, at August Term,
1841, commencing the first Monday, being tho 2d.
Commissioners of Nor
thumberland co.
Joseph Trego
Peter Filbert's ad'm.
Commonwealih of Pa.
Badger for Badger
Hugh Bellas
Andrew Tinhraok
John Hagenturn et al.
William A. Lloyd
Henry H. Burr
Anthony M-Donough
Walter C. Livingston
Solomon Mengas
Charles W. Richards
William Shipman
Alex. W. Johnson
Conrad Raver
Jonathan Pursel
Michael Fullmer
John U. Cowden
Jacob Deetz
Jacob Koch
vs J. Bloom, late Treaa'r.
v Martin A. Stock,
vs John Filbert,
vs Martin Weaver et al.
v Hugh Bellas,
vs l.ewis Dewarl,
vs Daniel Frimire et al.
vs Alexander en et al.
fa John Youngman,
vs John B. Boyd,
vs John Fitzpiilriik ct al.
vs John Meckley,
vs George Oyster,
vs John D. Cowden,
vs Gustavus Ross et al.
v Richard Rent-haw el al.
vs David Nice,
vs Guss V liileman
vs Willism Hsas,
vs Richards & Kitchen,
vs Patrick Hampt-cy,
v Hugh M'Fall,
Overseers uf Jackson tp. vs Chiistian Kauhle,
Sarah Eckeit
vs Eckeit 6l Doniirl,
Daniel DUffeiibachcr
Janus Weicel
Abraham tlollopeter
Elijah Crawford
vs Christian Robinson,
vs Solomon Dunklrbe rger,
vs Anthony Wilhelui,
vs Jetse Paikrr,
vs Robert M'Kee,
Jacob Lilley's cx'rs,
George Troxrll's sdm'rs. vs Jucob Ilotl'ninn,
Duncan N. Hennen vs William A. Lloyd,
John A.Lloyd vs William M-Cov,
Com'th of Pa for B Say re vs John Flick,
Henry Fricfc vs Stephen Wilson,
John Hunter vs Jalin Hunter,
Jucob 1 hi'ipa vs James Dieflrnbacher.
Prolhonnlsry' Office, Vrvth'y.
Sunhuiy, July 10, 1841. $
to the
"RESCLI'TIOW relative to the amerpmert
the state constitution.
"HesiJved by the Striate and JIvure of Iiepre
icntatives in Central Asitmbty met, TliHt the
UuiiM Million ol this t oniinoiiwe.Uli I amended III
the thud section of the second article, so that It
shall read as follow :
'That the Governor shall hold his office during
three veins, I rum the thiid Tuesday of Jnnusry,
next enduing his election, and ahall not be rspsl le
't holding it longer than a tingle term of tlurte
yeurs, in ai y lei in ol nine years.
M. A. UKAliU,
Speaker of the llnuse of llcprexenlutives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Secultaui a Oitice. S I do liereny cer
tify that the forego-
inn is a true cony of a Resolution iToposing an
amendment uf the Constitution, which was agreed
to at the lai-t session ol the I j hlaiure, t y a iim
joiity of the members elected lo each Loum-, the
original of which remaina tiled in this ollice; anl
in vtith Ihe teiiih article of tha toiuli
tution of the Commonwealth, 1 do hen by cauae
the same to be publuhud, as directed by the said.
I S.
have hereunto el tpy hand and
sial of aaid ollice Harrisbuig, thia
Mill day of Jw,o, 1841.
SeereJary tf the Voiumunwtukh.
July 3. 3m.
'THE Democratic elector of Norihumbeiland
county, are requested lo bold their Borough
aud Township meetings, on Saturday, the 7th day
of August nexl, lo elect the utual number ol JJele.
galea, lo meet iu county convention, iu the Borough
of Sunbury, on Monday the Olh day of the am
month, for the purpose of forming a Dmioera'ic
County ticket, ll is exptcled thai viy lowm-hip
and boroueli will be fully leLie.c nied. Uv order
July 3, 1441.
Business attended to in the Counties of Nor
thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
Refer to I
Thomas IliRT & Co.,
Iiowrh V Heann.
Hart, Cumwisos & Hart, Phitad.
RcrnoLns, McFarlard Al Co.
SrRRtno, Goon Sc Co.,
THE Subscriber will he a candidate fur the office
of Treasurer of Northumberland county. He
promises, if elected, faithfully to discharge tho du
ties appertaining to said office.
July 3,1841. liL.iJ.wt.lWMt.
'"PHE 8nbscriber respectfully oilers himself to the
-- ciiiaen voters of this county, as a candidate for
tho office of County Treasurer. Should he be c-
lecled, he promise faithfully in discharge the duties
of said office. GEORGE C. WLLKER.
Sunbury, June 26, 1841.
i:tn(o of Jame t'liiiipbfll, riee'd.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin
istration have lioen granted to the sulrrrilirrs.
residing in Shamokin township, Northumberland
county, upon the estate of James Campbell, late of
the said township, deed. All person having any
demands against the said estate, are requested lo
presrnt them properly authenticated, and those who
are indebted, to pay to the suhsciiiicr without dc
Juno 20, 1811 6 w. .
rpHE sulwcribcr lias leccivrd an assortment of
- New Goods, which he will sell on the lowest
term. June 19. H. B. MASTER.
Commission ami Foruardlnar
t".T-- I V! . I -
''"V 7 ' T PVJfwwWrA
ESPKCTFl'LLY informs his friends and the
Merchaiila cenerallv, that be ci n'imii s the
(nmniiM.ton rorwnMii'g Iiusmrs'. at l;i ware
house, foot i f Willow at. Kaihood, Dilawaic and
Merchants having goods to be shipped, will find
it much lo their advantage, as to time and piices
of freight, to send their nicrchandUn to the Depot,
corner of Front and Willow street Rnilrond, as tin v
can then be sent ei'her route by ibe Tide aler
Canal, er Schuylkill 'and Union Canals, as bouts
nil arrive and depart dmlv lor the Juniata and
Susnitehsnna Conn Is by Tide-wsler in tow i.fslearii,
or via Schuylkill and I'uicn Canals from Fnirinounl
Merchants will ple.ise be particular to send all
goods destined for either route, to tho lnrp,o Drpot,
corner of Fionl and Willow street Railroad, Willi
dirrclioiis accompanying them, which route they
wish them lo lu ihippcd.
Coaise and hue Suit and Planter at wholesale
prices, on the Delawaie or Schuv li.ill.
Philadelphia, June 5, 1841. ly.
applied to the Court of Common Pleas uf Nor
thumberland County, for the len lit of the bivvs
made for the relie f of the insolvent debtois; and
that tho Judges of the said Court have appoint! d
the first Monday of August next lo hear us and our
creditors at the Court House in Sunbury, v. ben
and where you may at'end if you think proper.
JJ J I. It ,111,11,
June 5, 1841. ABRAHAM LONG.
C33 ZL rp "Ljt LI STC3-8
iiuot v siioi: vroiti:.
K I I. kind, of (' luth in Uools slid Shoes, and a
variety of other article can be had at the most
reduced prices, at the store formerly kept by John
Honor. Also, r-ueuuehnnna r-hait, INo. I, tor sale
Sunhury, May 8, lMl,-3m.
this malulm: agaimst thk
AVENPORT'S Improved Patent Thn.bir.g
Machine and l!oro Power, which tlne.-lu-
md cleans at the same time an invention foi
which Farmers have long looked in vain, nnd v. I ii U
rendera the above machine peif.ct and i I t,,i!l.r
impiovenieut. i hoio who bnve I ci-n vo 'h-l' f- r
(om thing iH ttrr than I -ereinfoie tl ml f-r a- ,
willlind this to be the article. tuin h(i! auJ
indue lor yourselves.
- . a ... . . . I
J lie FunscrilK-ra tiove purchased I lie nciit or uie
above Machine and Hore Power, for the comi
ties of NoBTiirvnirHLAn, Ltccmiso, I.'lijitow,
and Umos and also, the privilege of vending
them in any other places lor which the light has
riot been pieviously sold.
The advantage which this Machine has over
all other indented aro many and obvious. One
boy and three men can do all the threshing and
cleaning ot 150 bushels of wheat in one day and
this usually tnkes seven hands one day and three
the next, l ot field U ieMin g it like tue icati ol
any thing in this world no grain is scattered or
Such is the superiority of the Dorse Power,
that three horses can thresh as milch with it as
four csn with any other.
'J he Machines and Horse Power will l-e sold
tncelher or si p tale, to n.'u purchasers. Made and
sold iu the, tubtcrdx r.
Viltun, April 17, 1841,
it r.vo.yr.n i.wm no w.
Having had in use, one f Davcnpmi' Patent
Tiirerhiua and Winnow ing N'ibiI., sndlfina
repeatedly celled upon lor citir opinion in regard to
their value, Uurnlnliiy and aavsiitages, we mate,
free to state, that they exceed in our opinion, any
Threshing Machine we ever before witnessed in
use. Thi-y w ill tbreh and clean, lit fr market
200 bushels cf Wheal per day, slid ibis with ll.e
aid of three hand besides the diiver. The Suave
is I'as&rd oir from the grain on in incline plane, t x
tendiiis a!)out 13 feel from the Machine. Scarce
ly a grain is Insl. N hal is if aome im Oitanee
and greatly so, is Ihe fact thai uodul ra.- fnmi
the Machine lo Ihe man who feed. it. The llore
power seems lo be perfection iuelf three Imr-ea
may wink it wilhesfe and then f.rtest g it med
.iIm Ib the ord.liaiv I lotiuU sxit. We lim-l
cheVifuliy iicoiiiir.inil the ! 1'arnn r
Ihiy aie munuWlurtd iu .Vil cu by Mrf,ri-. V i :.U
Pouiu and Fuck. 1 lULll Lll l.Ll.T.
CbilUqusque Uhp., NoiiVd co, Match K0, 1811.
JOEITS fe, CtTlttXlTG3.
Cnp and Palm Jeaf Hat Store,
No. 10 SnoTn 4rn Street. PHILADELPHIA.
TrHERE an extensive assortment of the above
articles are constantly kept on hand, for sale
at the most reasnnablo terms.
May 29, 1811. ly.
Wliolrsulc Dcttlcrs,
In I'ureign, llritith and American Dry Cuodt,
No. 12 North TnirtD 8r1itET, Philadelphia.
COUNTRY Merchants can be supplied at all
limes with an extensive assortment of the above
Good, on the most reasonable and satisfactory terms.
May 2D, 1841. ly.
Ailriitkw, Vanillism & Mmilli.
lUmntt and J'ulm l.tuf Hat Wavehoute.
No. 167 Market Street, arove 4ru Street,
"COUNTRY ierchnnts are topcc' fully requested
to call and examine their extensive assortment,
which they will fell on the most reasonable terms.
May 2f'. 1841. ly.
a tin. T3L-Tai-ni:ncp-
"111 E t'tidersigncd take pleasure in submitting
M to the public the following ReeoTmendationa
of Pratt'a Cast Iron Smut Mill and Grain Huller to
all dealers in Grain and manufactora of Flour, be
lieving it to be superior to any thing of the kind
ever off. red to the public. AH ordera addressed to
Col. .1. M'Faddcn, Li wisbnrg, Union county Penn
sylvania. EUE.NKEZER SI IRE,
Mnnts's Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1811.
J. M'FAimis Smt I clnei fully testify lo the
pondiiCfB and durability of Prali's ('ant Iron Smut
Mill aid (train Huller, as beinn a far superior arti
cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities
ihnt I have ve.r seen, and 1 have been engaged in
the manufacture of Flour for a grant many years,
and have always tried to have the best apparatus for
manufacturing that could be got, and do say that the
al ove machine ia the best apparatus I believo now
in use. Jon Moatz.
Blnnmfhurg, Dec. 26, 1810.
Cor. J. M-Fadm Sin: In reply to your favor,
reci ived a few days since, I have only to say, that the
fart r:f my having in'rodiired into each of the four
mills that I am concerned in, one of l'ra'.t's Cast
Iron Smut Mills, is tho best evidence I csn cive you
of their utility, Yours truly, Wm. M'Kklvt.
Ji;.7'i, March 17. 1841.
J. M'Famiiii Sin : I do heieliy certify without
any hes tution, that I'latl a emut Mill and l-tntn
Huller is the most j.eifect maehii.e In dense gram
of smut and all ether imperfections, that have ever
seen, arid I believe I have seen all the limits that are
now n si d in Penns) Ivuuia, and I rnusl say that there
is r.othiiiu of the kind ever bttn invented that will
ccme iu competition with it. Gto. Ucki ht.
Cot. J. M'Fahuis Sin: Dur'ng the past 24
ye.-rs I have been com-laully engaged in maimlac
turirg flour, and during the last 12 j ears have been
the owrarnf a grist and flouring n. ill, and among
nil the contrivances lo remove impurities from grain
I sm decidedly cf the opinion thai' iron ma
chine is Mipeiior lo any wiih which I am acquaint
ed, having ued oi.e in luy mill lout lighicen
moult., Fhedkkicr Haas.
Yorkhire Mil,': Dec, 1840.
I want in my flouring mid as pood an apparatus
to piepure crain for flouring, as theirs, and I want
no heller than Prntl'a Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will
remove smut entirely no mistake.
M. Cliasox.
Sunbury. December 22, 1810.
Col. J. M-pAvm Sm 1 have in my mill one
of Prati'a cast and wrought iron spiral Smut Mills
arid (tram Huller, and am conhdeiit that in regard
lo simplicby of construction, and durability of mate
rial, it i superior to any I urn acquainted with.
Hkkbi Masse.
Dear Cnp Millt, Dec. 22, 18 10.
Col. J. M'Fadih Sin: I hae in rry flouring
mill one of Print's Cast lion Spiral Smut Mills,
and I am decidedly of the that it ia the best
machine tj prepare grain for flouring lhat I am ac
quainted with, und as such cheerfully recommend it
to ail who aic engaged in the manufacture of flour.
Jacob LtibtinniNn.
AarmuhurK, March 23, 1811.
Cot. J. M Fabvim Sib : I lake pleasure in sav
in.; lhat Piati'a Cast Iron Smut Mill B one of the
hot improvements for tho cleaning of grain of all
k lnl-!, hss yet come under my observation, and
lhat I Ix lii ve it f r superior lo any thing of the kind
t ver invented. You may nee my name in any way
ji u tt.ii. k .io-ci. O. P. Di-hcas.
I'ninn Mi'l, Jan. 14, li?41.
Tl :v is to crrifv t!,:it 1 1 vr .( P'.r.t'V Csst ard
wn-ul t i'o:. Siniit Maibii-e and 'luin ITu!r in
iise li r heitt r tlmn IS tiiontLs, inid f nd it to suswer
eei pin p -so it at it Vim iiiui d d for. Smut can
! t.iktn out (f wbt si I holme evi-iv imrtiili: of
it can he taken out without lue-Ainn the gram (-1
ihe wl.eut. John I'limi,
Aatonilu, Manh 2:1, 1811.
Col. M'Faiiihn Siu : 1 have been engaged in
mauuf.ic'urmg su-eifine Flour for many years, aud
have at this tune one ol Prati'a Smut Mills in each
of my milts, and 1 do hereby recommend them as the
most vajiiuMe impiovenieul lor cleaning wheat of
smut and all other iiupuiiliea, that I am acquainted
Witt). jAXr Ut'.tCAB.
Col. M'FAnnm Sib: I have been engaged in
the nianufartuiing ol flour for 23 yenra, and most
cheerfully recommend the above machine, as being
by far the bist apparatus fir cleartKug grain thai 1
have ever used or seen. I consider it an indispen
sible article lor any mill lhat pretends to do any bu
siness. Johb Fish i a.
1qutdMt Mill. Dec. 24, 1840.
Col. J. M-Faiihib Sim: Piatt's Cast Iron
Smut Mill waa introduced into my mill about three
vciir since, and 1 believe it is the heal article of that
kind now in use. It will not only remove smut
cn'eiely, but ia a inot valuable apparatus to clean
wheat and rye of any character, and prepare it for
flouting. Beb'amib Boost.
Levnburg, Dec. 28, 1840.
Cot. J. M'FAtnsi Siu: After a caieful. anil
candid examination and tiiul of ihe machine, iu re
gaid to const! tic lion, ncaliiea and despatch in exe
cution, economy in puce, and power lo aet in ope
ration, 1 am In My convinced and aiitbtird, lh l the
maibii, e abuVe alluded lo, is second to no one in
UM., J. Mom now,
Mill r ard Flour Manufacturer.
Caftauhia, Dive mlii r 5, H10.
Cut. J. M-I'aiui! Sib i Plan's t'akt and
li IilI.I (ri ll Spiral MnUt Mill and GlJlll,
I eon. i
ikI i I
er to bi-ti e l ist ntkchiue to n m. e so ui
r iiupuiiliea to w hieli (-uin is si. bin t, that
1 have uei!
or w I li w ,k h 1 tiin ai i
.-aimed, in re-
ymd in I'lii.r'ility ol in .ti md, Miiipliet-y i-l tuu-liui-lioii,
lifatl it. ai.d drtpuuh 111 ititiii un,
J -stru l ticv.
N. P. T'.ie tImh e n.a. bines str it i'. t-ir. tl i.t
l!,e I.ewis'i.uiri 1 Kiiiidn, Ui ion c- boiy si.u al IU.
UUKim.hurg Foundry, ColumUa county, Pa.
Lcwiabuig, June 19, 1M1.
Penn.) lTaula.
fBlIIE SUBSCRIBER ;espectful!y Inform tha
B. public, that he has removed fioin the town of
Cuitawitia lo Danville, and that he bus purchased
in that place, the iMrge and Cunimuliuut
at Tax coaaiR or mill aho makkkt TarirTs,
("Oppotite Ihe Court-Huute.J
a.a Which he his Titled tip by lb erection
MjaAextensive STABLING, for the Enter
I I ritlainment of Traveller! and Vititars,
lit is now prepared lo accommodate all who may
fuvor him with a cull, and he w ould state that no
thing in his power shall be left t miotic, to render hi
customer comfortable and happy while under hie
care. His accommodations are ample, and his-roolns
furnished in modern atyle, and the rnprieiir is de
termined that bis eital.lit-hmrtit t-hall sustsiii and
keep up with the Browing reputation and inipoitance
of the town in which it is local- d.
His Tablk will be supplied with every luxury of
the season, and the best and tlmicett taricfy the
market ran afford. Hia Bn will be stored with
all the article that can be fumishtd by our
eilits, and the whole will he such as to give satis
faction to every one.
Well knowins that an enlightened public will
always jude for thcm-elves, he feels confident that
they will favor him with their patronage.
Danville, Jan. 30.
Ab. 21, Karth Third street,
(bxtwees mabkkt An riltSNCT STBXITS,)
HAVE for snle a largo and excellent assortment
of Spanish Hides, ratna Kipx, Tutmcrt' Gil,
eye, at the lowest maiket prices, either for cash, ia
exchange for Leather, or upon credit.
ConsiKnments of leather received for sale, or
purchased at the highest maike t prices.
(J3 leather aimed free of chatge,
April 17. 1841. ly.
1 2 LL CD IXi a.
H'HE Subsciiber has ben appointed Agent fur
-- the above System, for Northumberland County,
which he offers fur tale to Tailors, who may c!e
siro to possess the best ond latest improvement in
tlio art of cutting garments. The following two
certificate are from a committee of Merchant Tai
lors in Paris, who have examined ihe System, and
highly approve cf ihe same.
Pabis, Feb. 2Sih, 1810.
We, the undercigned, menihers of tii committee
appointed by the mem'irrs coii'i'nsin tb" l'hilar
ihrupbic Suticty" ol Merchant Tailors uf fails, cer
t.fy that li e vstim of cut'iniz, l,nt:.-l:t l y
Ohvr of New Yoik, l.'i'itetl S at i,. I i-etn 'U
miited ti-our eiamii a'i. n. v !..' I. m v.i i i v. j ; cu ii-
meiid as the- I est ilmt l. w --i . c Et i ! u, iu
faith of which we havo e.'v.-n -i s rer-.ift.-ute.
M. l"t.i ;:L, i'.ei'K-iit,
M. LAI 1 1 I E, V Piis,.W.
I subj"in a certifiraie fi- ni Mr. Cutter of Patis,
formerly of Boston, uO reputation is well eatas
hhsbrd boili ill Europe and in America :
Mr. Oliver, DtarS.r, the recommend it'on you
have util lined front the Society of Master Tailors, i
trcui the highest iu this city, and I fully agree in
tl c (.pinion, tiiul your tystcin n tho best that ha
ever U'cu published. Yours tiulv,
The euliecnlicr continues Ihe l-u'uies of TAI
LORING l Ins old tt4nd, Beij lining Rhavvu's store,
iu Sunbury, wheie be wid accommodate all who
may call upon him in his line of bueincss.
He will legulf.rly receiee the Fa-bions from Mr.
Olivrr of New Yi-ik, aa seon as issued. The
Spring Fashions have been received, and are now
Sunbury, April 10. 1S41. 1
fc5ELF-ADJ U ST1 (1 LOG bliALE
FOii SAW-M1I.1.S.
Bi Binjamis N. t iiiWA.
THE Subscribers buv.n urchust .i t'..e rr.'hl fi r
vending and ting tl'.e al'ove valu.i' :e i-iVit-tion,
for Noilhur.-t-iiluiul Cminiy, o;V- to di poo
of the same to persoi.s who usy uture to ' r, ii
1 he above inventi -u I. tit w m on, laumi ai 1!iojw
mill of Mr. M'lVty, i.e., t-tii'juiy, where it ca,
lie inspected by 0"n.ra .:" tm u.ilis t'J all othr
Uiterescd. V.. fii'i5!..
March 87. tf. SAMUEL GOEI.V.
T licT- iioi i? oJTia i"k an.
THE largest and ijil,.-,i beuu'.ilul iievv.p.ier .n the
world larger by filty s.ju ue ihnn any
other newspaper in the Untied States. Published
Saturdays, at Iti.
Nassau meet, Ntw
Price three doHara i
i year two Copies far like
(jjf The proprietor i.f ibis mair.meilh sl.eet
tho "Gleet Western" milling the newspaper
have the pleasure of a, ri a. non Ix f.jie the reading;
public a weekly pcriodiial tcn'i.iiiii:g a ereatvr a
mount and variety of useful ai.d inter sung mia
cellnny , than ia to be found iu any similar publica
tion in the woild.
Each number of the paper contains a Urge an
mount of leading matter as is found in volume
of ordinaiy duodecimo, which cost $2 and more
than ia contained in a volume of Irving' Colum.
but or Banc rod's History of America, which cort
t 3 a volume ond all for Three Dollars a year.Fr
f 5 two copies will be forwaided one year, or one
copy two years.
Since Ihe publication of oui oiiginal prospectus,
the Brother Jonathan baa been ENLAROED and
it site, amply hefore, ha been o much increased,
that much more than the former ejuanlity of tha
moet nucleating liteislure of the day is embraced ia
it immense wpasity. Selections fre.ra all ihe most
prominent and celebrated writer of the day ass. si
in swelling its couienti; aud whatever is new, nch,
eiriaie, ia imediatcly tmnsf. rred to its filuiuns. Ail
the contiibulions lo pi riodicala ol American writer)
of repute appear in il pager; aad the issue of lh
foreign pries are laid under contiibulions, a soon
as received in this country. To the miscellaneous
aud Literary Department, the closest attention is
paid; and iu all the selections and original conliil u
lions, strict care ia devoted lo avoid all that may
touch upon Ihe opinion of any party iu rcl:oiior
Experience having taught ualhat we had mark
ed out a path for ourele, in whiih all sorts i f
people delights lo lollow, the Brother Jonathan
shall continue, aa it begun, to be a bold, geul e,
weighty, light, grave, merry, serious, wiliy.amoo'li,
d.ifhiii, inlin lit', it.rpirid, ai d iiic.nnptrul lil
newspaper. It Iij.I l a .tup. inlous minor
In I.U (.linn Lll. i 'id. Il s'lall con
Iaiii liie- iii.l Uautiful uf .Novel , Romance and
Mori, a h i botU . xe f 'ai-y Tub s lot lover of
he innrvi llous J.e-;. ml for ant tjnar t Pi.qu;
nade for wil niou;!- i-Nt' uioi isirin-. i'i a-..r-Wli-.diel
r-aeler Mi ri im. ii. I r in--i-u! -it -i'.'
I. eu f.,i l.j.iiw. i iii.i t r i-i 1 ' k. . . I -lt
i 1 ' i'i:k i.n .: '1 ' M:n J, i.doi .-, t '. ;
I isr. t" i-r rum. 1$ i ., V r., A ' , lor ail the wu!n.
LiMit. !.. ulil U- tl.l.l.t -l u tJ
PMtert xftke - brother Janatbof S. Y,