Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 31, 1841, Image 1

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t squar 1 Insertion, a r) Kr)
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Evry subsequent insertien, a a OM
Yearlv Advertisement, fwith th nriviloa nt
J PtrBt.laHf.lia AHD
S PaoraiiToas.
. B. .V.IS.SElt. Editor.
THE" AMERICAN" is published every Satur
day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to bo
paiJ half yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till all arrearages are paid.
No subscription received for a le period th(in
1 mouths. All communications or letters on
business relating to the office, to insure attention,
must be POST PAID. ., .
alteration) one column 1 23 half eoiumn, J1S,
three sqnnre, $15; two square, f 9 one rquste,
$S. Without the privilege of .Iteration a lilrl
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which there is
no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism. Jirrmso,
lly Masser &, Elcly.
Suntuiry, Northumberland Co. Pa. Saturday, July 01, 1811.
Vol. I So. XL.T.
The Laborer.
Stand tip, erect! thou hast the form
' And likeness of thy God who moie t
A soul as dauntless 'mid the storm
Of daily life, a heart as warm
And pure, as breast e'er wore
What then! Thou art as true a maic
As motes the human mass along 5
As much a part of the grent Plan,
'I'll it with Oreation dawn began,
As any of the throng.
Who is thine enemy tho if(h
In station, or in wealth the chief?
Tho great, who coldly pans thee by,
With proud step and averted eyel
N ay! nurse not such belief.
If true unto thyself thou wat,
What were "the proud one's scorn to theo 1
A feather which thou mightesl cast
Aside, as idly as the blast
The light leaf from the trco.
pfo! uncurbed passions low desires
Absence of noble Keif respect
Death, in the hi east's consuming fires,
To that high nature, which aspires
Foiever, till thus check'd.
These are thine enemies thy worst;
They chain thee to thy lowly lot
Thy l.iboi and thy life accurst,
Oh, stand erect ! and from them buist I
And longer sutler not!
Thou art thyself thine enemy !
The great ! what lieller they than thou !
As theirs, is not thy will as frr e 1
Has Hod with equal favors thco
Neglected to endow 1
True, wealth thou hast not : 'tis but dust t
Nor place, uncertain as the wind!
But that thou hast, which, with thy crust
And water, may despise the lust
Of both a noble mind.
With this, and passions under ban.
True faith, and holy trust in Ciod,
Thou art the peer of any man;
Look up, then that the li tie span
Of life, may be well trod !
AW futcr In flic Azores). Ibundanecof seeds; but as the vigor of
From a work recently published in tno P'ant declines, the peel becomes
. .ngland, under this title, we have the "iiniier, ana inc sceus graauany iimi
followins extracts concerning these is. nish in number, until they disappear ol
lands situated nearly midway between together. Thus the oranges that we
Europe and America : esteem the most, arc the produce of bar-
Azorian Politeness. The politeness rcn trees, and those which we consider
f !.-. 1 1 I . ! . flif. Inact nnlilnnbln f..m nlnln I-.
ui iiiu icujiu num is very siriKing to an 1 'ih.uuiv, i-vm', .1 vm jJiuma ...
I'ingltshman. A country man will hard- ,u" gor.
ly ever pass vou without taking ofT his r Workings or the Slave Trade
hat, even when his load mav make it a On expressing surprise that this misera
real inconvenience to him: a'nd as there hie craft (a vessel called by its owner
is a serious composure about their cour- the Flower of Fayal, but popularly
tesy, and an apparent absence of scrvi
ity, these recognitions seem like tokens
of sincere good will. I do not know
that there is more downright civility of
purpose among them than there is in
known as 'the skull of a jackass') should
be employed in a tralhc in which there
is so much risk of being captured by
English cruisers that the fastest vesscis
are usually engaged in it. I was told
John Hull very possibly there may be tnat tho wretched appearance of the
much less. There is certainly more vessel was all in her favor; the British
varnish; and a cood watch looks bet- officers would be less likely to suspect
ter in a gold case, though it may go her to be a slaver, and would therefore
as well in one of Brittania ware. lcl her pass unexamined. The slavo
A stranger is likely to be set down as dealers evade us in another way. The
. 1 . 1 1 , 1 c . i a ,1 .1 s in
most unmanncrca unui 11c Knows that p-". - waves is so great, 1r1ar.11 win
every man is expected to take off his amply repay the expenses of a small
hat to every lady whose vessel to carry fifteen or twenty ne-
whclher in her balcony or in her car- grocs across the Atlantic : and it is not
riagc, or in the street. This outward unusual for the captain of small slave
mark of politeness is almost universal. ships to procure passports for a few nc
Thc country people do this with a groes from the authorities of the Cane
deliberate gravity, very different to the de Verd Islands, and to carry them as
graceless but equally civil mode in passengers to Brazil, where lie sells
which countrv neon e in Lnr? ish vi b mem lor slaves.
ges, remote from the defilement of large
towns, pinch the brims of their hats to
those better dressed man themselves.
The custom is agreeable enough to
strangers, as it deprives a strange place
ot its sotarincss.
The mutual recogni
A Description of tlie Person of our
baviour as lound in an ancient manu
script sent by l'ublius Lentullus, a resi
dent ol Judea, to the senate of Home
"There lives at this time in Judea, a
tion aw akens slight sympathies on each ma" of singular character, whose name
side, and on this account should not be Js.Jesus (-h.r,st- 1,0 barbarians esteem
despised, though it is worth no more. ,,,m " their prophet ; but his followers
It ,ir 11 .1 1 iiuuiu nun us iiiu iiiiiuuuiuiu uiisntillir
'ackixq Oranges. Walked tlnsl f . 3
morning, (Dec. 27) to an Orange gar- with such Icilctl virtu0 as to ca
u61,lp1lu,., T.naSe u, - backtie dedd rrom lhcir graveSf ond
hcpea. At its ntpnnrA vna n nnlh-l . ....... o .
e , ' i to heal every kind ot disease with a
..J o j . i nri nr n to p . li s nr?rnii iq mil.
. n v:,,i i - - - i
The Teha or Tea tree flourishes best
n a light soil. It is raised from seed
own in spring and transplanted in rows
I or 4 feet asunder. After 3 years the
caves are plucked, and the tree yields
hree years successively, and are then
enewed. In some provinces they
irow 0 or 7, in others 10 or 12 feet
ligh. When gathered they are first
itcamcd and then placed on copper
jarthen or iron plates over a lire, which
shrivels or curls them up ; the black
cas are then exposed to the sun the
eaves of other shrubs, resembling tea,
are sometimes fraudulently mixed with
it. I he common sorts are sold in Chi
na at 4 pence a pound, and the best at
two shillings sterling. The profit of the
Chinese merchant is from Ho to 00 per
cent. The duties in England arc cent
per cent on tho prices at the Company's
sales. The English East India Com
pany import above 30 million of lbs.
Black teas are grown chiefly in the
province of l- okcin. 1 he Chinese pre
ier it to green as being a better stoma'
chic. The commonest sort of tea is
called buoy or bo-hca. Congoo or
Congfoo is a finer kinA sold at double
the price. Soot.aong, or Souchong is
the best kid, and sold at treble. Ve
kafl :is another superior kind, but milder.
The tender leaves of young plants are
called Mostcha, or tea for the Empe
ror. The difference between green and
black tea is believed to arise from their
being dried the black on iron, and the
green on copper plates. The Chinese
keep tea a year, generally in those jars
which in liurope are used as cnimney
ornaments. They infuse it in boiling
water and drink it without milk or su
gar. They frcqnently reduce it to fine
powder, put a tea-sponfull into a cup,
fill it with boiling water, stir it and
drink it.
Tea was first introduced into Eng
land about the year 1000, and was sold
at f0 shillings a pound ; 30 millions are
now used in the United Kingdom.
About 4 millions of pounds of sloe,
liquorice and ash leaves are alleged to
be annually mixed with tea before it is
6old to retailers. The freight on tea
from China to England is four pence a
pound. Amer. r armer.
LiT"fooi,EnetAD. The census of Liter-
pool has just be. n taken. Th population of one of
i i i c . . j
1 1 0 f and elegantly shaped ; his aspect amia
uc y vc uuiiirj miuu 11 1 1 1 y ill uups u t 1 1 1 1 1 .1
J . . 1 J ? I. . hlfi nnd revo rrnil ; hw hmr flows m
men and boys, a busily engaged in .1 , . , , ., ,
,. J ' . J , those beauteous shades which no united
packing oranges in a square and open i , r r
1 1 , e 1 n 1 u .1 1 colors can match, fa ing in graceful
uiji vi LMUimu. i iii.v vvuiu LiaiiR-iun 111 1 11 1
J . - o . rre Imlmv hie enrt n rrmn'i lilir pniirli.
round a good y pile of the fresh fruit, t , , , ' . . . ' ,
b. Cat j 1 1 ' ing on his shoulders, and parting on the
sitting on heaps of the dry calyx- caves r ... . , ' . . . .
of the Indian corn, in which each ol fV -. - r - i a
J 1 C t ' I J I yj iit- j ilia iu 1 inuu in si i iiv in uuu
"f ,s"lurF ucuiur"H-u 111 Marge, his cheeks without either spot
theboxes. I '.. ... ..r ....... . . ... J ,
. ... P .. 1 1 . , fitvu mai ui loveiy icu , ins iiow urui
...j... ...v, n,un..i uKiiii, iivuw- ,., . r.,....,i ...;,i. ....;t.
1 , ,1 I 1 1 I UlVlHll ui u iui iin u hiiii cauuimii; ts III
to the hair of his bend, reaching a little
ing in the mid-
snatched from the child, wrapped round . . , . sprpn . , . .
the orange by an inlermed ate work- , ,,.
0 , .1 1 . . niiluness, and invokes with the most
man, passed by the ieoder to the next, , , .
, y uj 1. v. ivwuu . .' tender and persuasive language; his
wr.o,s ociwcen . is - vholc - or, ... -Y",,"l-Ul" " l" deed, being elegantly grave and strictly
r,.,"8 -l'V.;' "VV ,rr characteristic of so exalted a being.
ration began.
1 1 1 ., . i ui lut Mill. v. .119 iivuu, 1 y
workman, who squatted by the heap of L ,ow ,he ch; and
frui , a prepared husk : this was rapidly dIc iike a fork . hils CJ
third, and a fourth, as fast as his hands
could move and the feeders could sup
ply him, until at length the chest was
(illcd to overflowing, and was veady to
be nailed up. Two men then banded !
it to the carpenter, who bent over the
orange chest several thin boards, sccu-
F rom the New Orknnt Pi'cnyurte.
a nnfjfKAnn-s fatk.
From the Blotter f P. Plcklr, Jr., Aceonna
The average crop of an acre of o-
range trees is from 0 to 8,000. Yv hen
the Florida war is terminated by the w. p"nB iho front entrance of one of
expulsion of Indians, if ever, there will T principsl howls few days since, at an hour
Come into the market Vast tracts of when the summer sun was not far from its me-
land well adapted to sugar and to the ridinn height, a little noie inside ntiracte;! our at
orange and Other tropical fruits. There lenlion, and we immediately stopped few men
Will oe a great demand lor these lands pass iy any ming wnicn givn inmcauon oi on Bi-
from the urain and cotton nrowinc fry. In a moment wo distinguished the cause, fur
states bordering on Florida; and slave ona of the servanis, strong muscular fellow, bovo
abor, in cultivating the orange, Will bo out m his graup, as though 'twere but a mas ol in
more profitable than in tho culture of animate matlcr; something which still retained the
COltotl or pmviSlonsCVCn more SO appearance of a living though tcarclv humun being
than in the colture of tobaCCO, w hich i'lsnting this object upon its fret, at the entrnnco,
at this time is the best agricultural bu with its face to the stroet, tho eciYant applied his
sinCSS in this Country. A sensible Wri- foot to tho roar and brutally sent his burden into
ter whose name we lorgct, in an inter- tho ditch. The act wa cowardly ana unjustifia
estillg letter to the lion. II. T. Brcck- hie, but it was so quickly consummated that no one
enndgc, M. B. from Pennsylvania, savs had time to interfere,
that oranges Will yield When Cultivated, The man thus unceremoniously introduced to
500 to the acre, on Some of the now I the receptical of all things filthy, wm miserably,
unoccupied lands in Florida. Amer. hut not helplessly drunk. The ilo liquid in which
t armer. I ho had been partially bathed, seemed to bring him
a little nearer his senses, for he scrambled forth
On liCltroylllg IlatS. quickly, siaggorcd to ono of the chaira upon the
Sir : Tho following is a reply to banquette and took possession of it. Nauseous
your Correspondent's inquiry as to the and disgusting as was the scream from which, wet
best mode of destroying rats' Should and dr ppin?, he h.l just rescued himelf, still
he lind either ol these methods succeed, mnr. nauseous en I disgusting was th olume of
he Will oblige US by a reply through language which issued from his lips; the eiy dog
your paper. before him a mean, theiving cur at that dropped
1st. LorkS CUt as thin as Sixpences, his tail between his legs, and trotted briskly away
roasted or StCWCd in grease, and placed from so pestilential an atmosphere. Our blood
in their tracks. frL.Te as we listened to the foul profanity of the fr-
Or dried sponge in Small pieces, L .Vcn wretch, his horrible inoculions of the ven
fried or dipped in honey, with a little I gPapce of God upo.i the person who had thrust him
Oil of rhodium. I f.,tih into the ouen air. We passed on our wa
Ur bird-lime laid in their haunts, ,;entind sad.
will stick to thoir fur, and cause their
If a live rat be caught, and well rub
bed or brushed over with tar and train-
oil, and afterwards put to escape in tho ful1 8T0Wn 'eul m!in' in Lcarl ,nd i"te,!ect- Th
piear. capacities of a soul, lasnioncu in tne tresior s ow
It was even so. In that bloated brute, we recog
nized all that remjined of an eatly and accompUhcd
friend. He camo to New Orleans a few years ago.
holes of others. lllCV will disappear. capacities of a soul, fashioned in the Creator s own
" . ' - .1 . . . ...... . L!
ro son nff is a verv dantrcrous and image, were ms, m tneinun propomons. mm.
objectionable mode. If any Of your fresh and open countenance, in the quiet depths of
chemical readers could sucreest nnv ve msciear anuiransparauioiacKejr, mum . ......
ry pungent smell, procurable flOm sub- ly form could be recognized the attributes of be
stances resembling garlic or asafectida, ing formed for the enjoyment of all that U bright
this might be of great use, as this ani- 1 ond true in exUtence. In his present condition, hi
mal has an extraordinary fineness or whole course and history is told with distinctness
susceptibility Oi SCent: Witness Its ex- and eloquence which we shall not presumptuou-iy
treme wredl CCtlOn lor Oil ol rhodium, attcmot to emuhte. Ho himself had atlruitteJ the
J - I 1
No man has seen him laugh, but the
whole world beholds him weep fre
quently, and so persuasive are his tears
that tho whole multitude cannot with
hold their tears from joining in sympa
thy with him. He is moderate, tem-
and wise ; in short, whatever
.,; . , ... , , i . I IIUIUIU UIHl 13V. , 111 9IIUI l
au o C,Uv;!ui a w owuanu1, ci cu.i ihc tihenomenon may turn out in the
end, he seems at present to be a man
with his naked foot as he sawed off the
ragged ends of the boards, and finally
despatched it to the ass, which stood
ready for lading,
The pressure of these flexible boards
is immediately upon the oranaes; a
plan admirably adapted to spoil them
for they are thus flattened and squeezed
Of course, there are cogent reasons for
this. One is, that the duty paid in
England is calculated according to the
size of the box, and consequently the
.i . i - ,;,i
, luiu oi..uBc t.-., uU ..uiu. .... lhe wuH Q
uie less tiuty is yiata. Anomur ruasuu
is, that the wholesale dealers in London,
Liverpool, &c. trefer the present mode
of packing, which enables them to take
out a couple ol hundred oranges anu
then to send the boxes to their country
customers as full ones, which they per
haps may be, since the squeezed oran
ges. when their pressure is removed,
swell out to their original size. Of this
I was informed by a proprietor of o
rangc gardens, who hail tried the plan
of sending his oranges in square boxes
less tightly packed, but did not lind that
his customers were pleased by it.
Peci'luritv in Orange Trees.
March 26th accompanied benhor IV
of excellent beau.ty, and divino perfec
tion every way surpassing man.
The following story, by IIoco, is ir
resistible :
"It's a good sign of a dog when his
face grows like his master's. It's a
proof he's aye glowerin' up in his mas
ter s een, to discover what he a think
ing on, and then, without the word or
wave o command, to be a(V to execute
lis silent thocht, whether U
be to wear sheep or run down deer.
Hector got sac like me, alore lie deed,
when I wasowre lazy to gang to the
kirk, 1 used to send him to take my
place in the pew, and the minister kent
nae difference. Indeed, ho once asked
me, next day, "what I thocht o the ser
mon, for he saw me wonderful atten
tive amang a rather sleepy col)tTrega
tion." Hector and me gie ane anithcr
sich a look I and I was 'jcarcd Mr. Pa
ton would have observed it ; but hxj
was a simple, primitive, iinsuspectin'
auld mana very Nathaniel without
guile xind. "l0 jcalosed licathing, tho
both Hfw.ctor and I was liked to split;
&.c. Farmer's Magazine.
Moat Horrible.
Two men named Liman Crouch and Smith
May the, confined in the jiil at Willianmiown, Ky.,
for an attempt to murJc; a man named Uiterbaik,
whero Uken out of the prison on tho 10t!i inst. and
taken to the spot where they committed tho crime.
and at 4 o'clock, were hung on the tree under which
Uilerbuck lay when found. A writer Jucibiug the
mob, says ;
"The jail was opened by force I suppose thrre
were fiom fuur to .even bumlrcJ people engaged in
it ; msistnnce was all in vmn. There were three
speeches made to the mob, but a'.I in vain. They
allowed the prisonera the privilege of e'ergy for a
bout five hours, anj tl.ey oUervr d that thry h .d
made their peace with Ood, and they deserved to
die. The mob waa conducted with coolness and
order, more so than I over heard of on such occa
The Cincinati Gazette, in noticing the horrible
occurrence, says:
"What are tho circumstances 1 That Mayth
and Crouch intended to murder Utteibaek lhat
in the intent waa the guilt that for this ihey
0151 to be put to death ; and lhat, aa the wound
is now thought not to be mortal, ind aa Ut'.eiback
enemv which had atole 1 away his braina and left
him lower, far than the loweat of the animal king
dom. He aurrendered his aoul to the doctrine that
truth is confined to the bowl. His reply to n cion
strotire ss well as penua.ion, was in the pt.ry o-
phUin of the poo;
' Let u drink, who w.-.uld not since torougn
life's varlod round
In the goblet alone no deception i kund.'
The forfeit of Lis folly his been early aod punc
tually paid, llelter would it have t een I .r mm
htn-r for all who knew hiai, lhat the grave worm
should Ionian have rioted upon his l!oh and
b inrs. Tor the coinciuiiiig Cra of l.w and depra
ved pa si ns bring mote of agony than would b
endured were hi former iuttiiict with life and con
u, ....... kn.a.ih the sod even until decay had
annihila ed all outline nn.l trut-e f humanity.
The roor iinther m a distant land, who mcmina
over her lot son, th alm.-Hi hr..lien.heartej aist. r,
who can never forget the c orranion ond playmate
of her childhood, while she rvmaine this side the
tomb, m aht warch in in for a familiar lincamont
in the face i.f this wr. ck t.f humanity. Tlie.
is but little In lhe nppearnce of lhat li'iltew.
Ie dirty v.ahond tha: give an iiidksrion of b. t-
tcr days. Would thoau who have loved end cher
ished him in his past alas I forever pant vests .i
I 1 -- I MKASnisa lVM lltft.t kMli. n' .aro.l
ma, therefore recover, tho probabililies wrrc, that "u l""" ' 7
BllU euwrttii ' v mt a " -
unearibly brilliincy of terinorry intuiiy 1 I
a mob of from foui (a seven hui.dicrj people wouM
i.a. ai.aai.1 ahI nf Ljnfri'nfr rrn- niulfr tha law.
1 r u,rB"'uwul ' f ., .ur tlv r,AA ' ... l.w.V, f
Theme are tha 'circumtiliincc lhat mako up lae 1 KU" m v ... J . .
. t n i i,inuiv s r v '
1 t. nAiburi -f fiinil 1 ftU nn i nvi'T Aurh
i me int. iv .mh..t - w. -
I . - U : ..a f in..a ik m .... nr iv fitr nnW
I l... .1,.. .....l.l Kil.t l
A genileman on a iMit to tho re.idcrw of the ....- -
t... x n..l..i - .v,- v.,;.,l lnt!li. it birtti, spreauinv tlie pail oi ouimo.. o e, ...
into, ...a m ' ...v... ........ -
1 ' I ii .t r . 1 ... I... n (viii.l.nrA.
f .1 i collections u. us u.iuei a
"'" i, , , .. , . fi r,,
u tiom inuiiry 10 me iuii uciruviuiu. "
' . . L .
The body of ihie extiaor
neath the t."il branches of veteran pine, about for-
'? pac'-a from this summer dwelling. No marble
m jtks the place Of hi. repwe. He wa buiiej, ac
conling to hia own request, wiih hia head to the east
and hia fret to the west; with while urip .dished
stone at Ms hed, and a black ono at hi fe t. lie
Slei't where he lived, Ui tlie peaceful boaoiu of hi.
own nati forel."
or I nnl '.i. . j , i : t.:D
to several of Ins orange gardens m the f(,. V . p . . , ,
i car-i . , i ... ...y .. I- .
. . .. .1 l OS 437
the sixteen ward, vauxnaii, aiuou..i
pf thi. population only 600 wer parliamenUry vo-
An.. nnnolatioil of th borOUfih would
.r.r 1 HQ " MV.- J "... .
' b.biy t between 350,000 nd 400,000 Krai. ' Uuit with a thick pulpy rind and an a-
town. Many ol the trees m one g
den were a hundred yeots old; etiH
.Mia I a .
bearing plentifully, a r'.ghly prized thin
skinned orange, fu1,', of i'Jicc, and free
of pips. The I'.Vmnes- 0f the rind of a St.
Michael', 'jraro, nnd its freedom from
pips f'.ennd on the ace of the tree. The
V'Ur.g trees, when in full vigor, bear
stand it no longer, but was obliged to
loup awa owre a hedge into a potatoe
field, pretending to have scented partri-ges."
fioon With. The Factory Girl at Lowell,
have often deposited in the Savings Bank of that
citv. over one hundred tkoutand dolliurt I What
prudent caving wive they would make.
Tha Boston Post (tales (hat the Dmsei of
Mount Ibanon.a acct of heretical Mohommelan.,
numbering 70,000 or more, who have heretofore
been sul ject to th Maronilc re now resolutely
determined to ca.l oft" that subjection, and to hive
ptiuc of their own, aubordius'e to the I'oite, and
under the piotecion of England Urge part of
them ate inclined to abandon their old religion,
and to receive tho American inisaionoric at Bey
tout as their spliitual guides.
It is said lhat the Americana who went to India
to introduce our mod of rearing and preparing cot
ton, have ielurud, and declare th project eanuot
lie ,n raiihood. God grant that she may go down
lo th grave aa she aurrly will, for her Father in
Heaven i merciful in utter ignorance of the final
scenes in tho life of the monster the one called hei
llis race i nearly run. Between the labor of
lhe bol', the climate, end the season, the cold earth
has already been hollowed out for his final resting
place. Keon even now toiler. The last act in
th. diama of hia exigence will he that of thousand
in whose f,KM.tepa he had trod. By and by. upon his
bed he will be a'rctched.that most fearful of all be
incs more and more loaihsom aa he approach
his end drur.kdn maniac. In hi visions of hor-
tor there w ill be a lesson terril le to contemplai
most awful and revoliing m re.lity. Long after
sense and perception have (led, when the laugh and
jeer of the demon alone give evidence that life re
mains, it will bo found that the ruling passion i
stilt triumphant. Vva, estn with Hi lt Unix
throb uf las heart, and upon the last sight that
paste over bi lip will be beaid a supplication for
mora of lhe liquid fire in which be has burnt all
lhat dielinsuiahed bun from the brut. II g
discount will be made.
Advertisement left without direction to the
Icnuth of time tho f are to be published, Willi
continued until ordered out, end charged accord
(Sixteen line make a squsre.
noihcr world, toeling into th presence of angel,
with half uttered prayer still hovering upon hi
lip, for deeper and darker and mor final perdition t
X Man ltwlned by Sad4n Wentttu
The Bait-more Sun give an account of a young
man named Benton Starks, fron- Athens, Ga.,
who had bien remaikably industriou and had ac
quired a respectahl property, but whose intellect
a completely disordered by his suddenly com
ing in pososion of 7,000. Having collected hia
funds, lie took the stage for Baltimore, through
which he panted en to Philadelphia, New York
nd Bo-tcn, and ultimnti ly rulurned to Baltimore,
aving spent nearly all he had. A young gentle- '
man fiom Virginia came on to induce him, if pos.U
bio, to lotorn home, but failing in thn, roq'inst!
the police at Daltimoro to Isko him into custody.
He had, when taken, two pistols vuhed at eventy
five dollar, forty-seven piece of gold coin, aiaeunV
ng to abiut ?230; $91 in paper, and $1 in silver
mak'ng in all $402. Five fine gold watch were
found upon hia person the chain running round
hi neck and body. Three vduabl breast-piaa
of tho largest site glittering in his bosom.
The Fall of Ma gar ft.
The steamboat and rail cars that ply between
this city and the Falls, and the Hotel keepor there
had quite a benefit yesterday. It waa reported that
two men in a boat from Chippewa had been drawn
into the resistless current, that one went over the
Falls, and the other had succeeded in getting a foot
ing on ore of the Sisters, three little islet on the
west bide of Goat Island. Feelings of torror and
sympathy were strongly aroused and hundred
went down to see the unhappy man doomed to the
alternative of taking the awful plunge or eternal
mpriranmenu One account says he wis first di.
covered by the ttnoke of his Jirt. It is horrible to
think of a fellow being thus exposed, with the "live
thunder" of the catarart roaring in his cars, in plain
sight of those most dear lo him, and yet as far re
moved from human help as he would be in another
orld. There may be rca.on for tho ibdulence
of onr sympathies, but from the faet atat-d I'y U;e
penny press, that a ropo bad b.en thrown to him
vt hereby a boat had bren sesit. in which be !ccl nod
returning, we have a shrewd (uspicio.i thai lis who
could get on kn ;ws ho to got ci.T.
P. 3 8inre the all ve was in ly e, we hava lear
ned that the man baa got off by tnesn rf a boat
mJ fast to a rope connecting hia rocky islet slid
Goat Island. The boat awept down within a Ui
fceejbf Hie precipice. Buffalo Com. Adv.
The Oltirat Itepoblle on Earth.
Tho American Quarterly Review contains a let
ter from G. W. Irving, Esq., giving a sketch of bi
visit to San Marino, a mall Republic in Italy, be.
tnevn the Appemi.r. the To, end the Adriatic
The territory of this State is ttnly 40 mile in cir
conference, and it population about 7000. The
Ili puMic was founded more than 1400 yar g.
on moral princinl, industry, nd equality, and has
preteivrd it I'berty and independence amidst a'l
the wars and dissotdi. which hate rsgrd ernuid if.
Bonnparie ie-p cied it, and sent en embassy t t
press hi i-er.ti rent, of ftii-ndhip and fra'e'nity.
It is governed by a Csptaiu Kegeni. chi'i ovrv
six months by the Rojfnesentmives of the Topic, 63
in number, who are choen oi-ry s z men:?: j
the People.
Tho taxea r light. ih fvm-r. :." ' re.t,
the fi. lds teell cu'tiva t.l, .l oil si.U -w a'eu
comfort and peice, the h j.y i fT-cu , mo's'ity,
simp'.iciiy, hbeity, and justice. Mr. Irving wa re
ceived by some ii.trllit;ent cit'xens in the most hos
pitublit and alToetionnte matinei ; they mm dclighv
cd with him because he waa an American. They
professed a profound attachment to our country,
and lo k to it as ti e pr. server of their own pure
p iuciple; they were intimately acquainted with
our iiihti'uliona and afT-tirs, and had a library well
furni.hed w.ih books and pamphlet relating to
Dn.srnocs xrrcr or Tascrtn.irca Ra
fobk in Ireland luo loliowing unusual inior
mation is taken fiom a letter written by a geulle
man of Dublin, to the Loed Murcury i
Our public hospital bear abundant evi.
dence also of the improved health of the people.
I wa informed lately by a young surgeon, thai
the want of broken limbs, Ac. is severely ful t, a
subject for young practitioners ; also, that there i
a greatly increased difficulty in getting bodie for
dissection. In our largest hospitala there ha bean
but on case of delirium trt.ntnt (whiakey fever)
for aavcral montha pat, and even that a doubtful
one, although formerly it wa not uncommon lo tuxnty or thirty at ont tinu. Death fron.
fever have much decreased."
'Siasiat to iu. List.' An old man about
to bid a last adieu to earth, had hi friend called
around him, when he waa deaired by bi wife to
t -11 what debl were owing to him, There'
ow.e in five shilling for mutton.' 'Oh !' intcrjee
led the delighted helpmate, Ho see a nan at thi
t me o'day, and just gaun to clot bi lst ccounr,
h ie the use o hi faculties-just iy way Jn.
A, an ten shilling for beef.' 'What pie..
cut thing to ee a m.n deeiu' aensible to the la-1 1
ony m-ir but not to dinress yourselft' A
a crowu for cow hiJet 'Ay,' qno:h tha
wife, ...aible yet aeel, J.mes, what was't w,ie
gaun to say V Nae msir,' quotii Jemee, 'but lu
awn Jork Tamson two pound in baUuceo' a co-vl
'Hoot, toot,' qu.Jlh tho wife, 'he's r.via'noo, bejii
raviu' Jinn miud ony uuir lhat It wy'