II A K K NOT 13 LIST. reXXSlLVAKIA. The following list shows the current value of all Pennsylvania Hank Notre. The must implicit re H mre may be placed upon It, at it Utvtry wtek ran fully compared with at d corrected liom Bick lieU'e Kvporter. Hanks In Philadelphia. . Disc, m NlMI. LoCATIOl.. ,,Hil4i) NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America . , Bank of the Northern Libertiee , Bank of Pcnnsvlvania . Bank of Penn Township . . Commercial Dank of Penn'e. . , Farmer' and Mechanic' Bank . Gi'ard Bank . Remington Bank . . Manufacturer' A Mechanic' Bunk . Meclianica' Bank . . par par par par par par par par par par p.r par par par par Mnvamensing Bank Philadelphia Bank Schu Ikill Bank South ark Bank Wcatein Bank Country Hanks. Fittabuig Westchesler Hunk of Pittsburg Bank of Chester County Bank of Delaware County Bank of Oermantowu Dank of Lew if town li.mk i f Middletown Bank of Montgomery Co. Bank of Nirlhumbrrlund licikt County Burik I 'olumhia Bunk A llridgo co. Carlis-lo Bank Doylestown Bank 1'ss'oii Bai.k Exchange Bank Do do branch of Farmraa' Bunk of Dinks co. I Hrmcrs' Bunk of I.nncustei Fainicr' Bank of Heading Harrisburg Bank l.-mcastcr Bank Le.hanun Bank Merchants' A Manuf Bank Minrra' Bank of Puitsvtllo Northampton B ink Tnwanda B:ink West Branch Bank Wyoming Bank )Hco of Bank of Prrm'a. i lfice do do t 'Hire do do Office do do par par par par par par Cheater Gcrmantown Lcwistown M iddlelown Norristown par Northumberland par jtcoding Columbia Carlisle Doylcstown Hussion Pittsburg Hnll.daysburg Bristol Lancaster leading Harrisl.U'g Lancaster Lebanon Pilthbll'g par pur pur pur par par par pal par par par par par par par par par pur Thete Poltsvilie Allcnlown Towanda Williamsport Wi.ke.buiie llairistiuigl Lancaster I oflicea Reading f do not Eastoli J Issue n. DISCOUNT. NOTES AT Hank of the United States Philadelphia 18 l.'Uice of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg 1 9 Do do c'o Erio 19 Dj do do New Brighton 19 Kensington Sav, Ina. A do - Penn Township Sav. In. do Dank of Chamhcrtburg Chambcrtburg t Bni.k of Gettysburg Gctlyslsurg I J Bank of Surquchanna Co. Montrose i Erie B.ir.k Erie Farmers' A Drovers' Bank Woynesburg 2J Fianklin Bank Washington Si Honesdsle Bank Honesdale Mounngnhela Bank of B. Brownsville 2J Voik Bank York li N. B. The notes of those bank on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the txceptiun of I bote which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyotl, prop.) failed failed f.iiled failed no sale closed closed failed cluscd no sale failed failed failed no sale no sale Do sale failed no sale closed no salt) closed fuil.d fail.d closed Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford Bank of Beaver Beaver Bank of Swatara Harrisburg Bank of Washington Washington Centre Dank Belhfonto City B;mk Pittsburg Farmera' St Merh'cs Bank Pittsburg Farmers' & Mech'cV Bank Fayette co. Farmera' & Mech'ca' Bai.k Greencaslle Harmony Institute Harmony Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon Juniata Bank J.ewi.town Lumbermen' Bank Warren Nurtbern Bank of Pa. DundufT New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope Northumb'd Union Col. Bk. Miltun North Western Bank of Pa. Meadville ( lhce of Schuy Ikill Bank Port Caibou Pa. Agr. 6i Manuf. Bank Carlislo Silver Lake Bank Montrose Union Bai.k of Penn'a. Uniontown Westmoreland Bank Greentburg failed closed Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Wilkisuarie nosale (Xj" All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given m Ihe above list, may be set down as frauds. KEW JERSEY. Bank of New Brunswick Belvideie Bank Burliugtun Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bai.k Farmer.' Bslik Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Meehariiet' Bk Fruiiklin Bank of N. J. Biu n wick fuil.d 8pm Belvideie Medford Ptrth Amboy Bridgelon Mount Holly lisl.way N. Hionswirk Mlddletown I'l Ji rsey City par lpm par par Spin tailed , lpm faded failed failed filled laded Hobokrii Bk2& Grui:ng Co Hohokrn Jemy City Bai.k J isey City Miebaiius' B 'nk Manufactur r' Uji.U Morris Con .pm.y Bai k Patterson Bcllewlle Mornttown Freehold Newaik Trenton Jeisey City par failed Spin par lpm no mli Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechai.ics' und .N'uliuf. Bk Morris Canal and Lkg Cu Pott Note Newaik Blitj Sc Ins Co New Hope Del Budge Co N. J. Manure, and Bkg Cu Newaik l.Jll.l'Cll prn par failed wile Hoi cken Jen-ey Cily N J Piotcction &. Loujbaid Ik failed 1 pm failed Spin par par Sim Orange Bunk IVcrsoii Bal k 1'roples' Bai.k I'lintelon Bai.k Sulem Banking Cu St.ite Bank St.iie Bank ljle Bank sui'.e Bank of Munis Slate Uui.k Sulem and 1'hilad Manuf Co S'usaei Bai.k Trenton Blinking Co Union Bunk WatUiiigtoii Banking Co. Orango I'aleisun do Princeton Sjleiu Newmk Elizabelhtown Cjinilen Morristuwn Th niuii Salt in New lull Trenton Deer Ilaeki'likbek Spin par Spin failed failed 1 Jpm Spin 1 pm faded DLLAMiHU lik i f Wilm &41 randy wine. I'.unk of Dtlawaic Bunk ol S.i jrna Do I ranch Futn.eri' L'k of Bia.e of Dei Do brunch Do brunch Do bur.ch Union Bank Ojf UnJ.r 5' Wi mii gton pu Wjluiiiiglou' par Smyrna par Milloid par Dover par V ilin ngton jur Georgilown par Newcastle pai Wilmington jar o rvjp' On all bai k marked thui ( there ere ri iter counteilMt or sjitiad noUrcfti9 various de IuiiUHtiiu., w ciaulaticu. ATTENTION MERCHANTS, &c. E. r. &. J. H. FIUCK, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWADING A, raonvca commhsios m (sen arts, No. 297, Market street, five thors above Seventh, Vlll LA HELP MA, OFFER for sale, at the lowest market prices, a (tenet al assortment of 'leas, differs, Sugars, Molasses, Winct, Liquors, Spice; Tobacco, ic. Cocsmt Producr received and aold on commis ainn. Merchant, Hotel keeper, and other, will find it to their advantage to rail and examine our ilock, before purchasing elsewhere. Merchant wishirg their good collected in thia city, by leaving an order, will have them promptly forwarded, by the moat expeditious line. tnwn r. rain, jobs h. raicK, Feb. 6, 1841. ly. GILL1XGIIAM & JE&SOI. Importers and Dealers in Foreign Hardware, Corner of Pratt and IJgl.l tts., BALTIMORE. COUNTRY' MERCHANTS, and other, are respectfully invited to coll and examine llieir Stock or Goods. Jan 30. ly TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon A Harris, Hat Manufacturer!), for New York, Philadelphia, Baltirnoio and other large cities, w! use Huts arc highly commended or good Cokr and durability, has on band a lirt-t rale assortment of HATS and CATS, suitable for Spring a do?, wlrch will lie aold very low, for rash or approved credit, at the not id cheap store, No. 40, North Third street, opposite the City Hotel, Philadelphia. OI.IVER"N. THACHER, Agent. N. B. Orders for Hats in the rough, promptly attended to. The highest price in cath or trado given for Fur skins, Philadelphia, April 10, lei 1. ly CDUD, ns OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 North Water Street, Phila. MANUFACTURERS and denier in Oil of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will bo sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and Warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by Ihe company not proving as leprcscnled, may be relumed without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Their stock now iu store consists of Uic following oils, viz: JU,UU0 gallons Winter LI leached fpeuu s Oil, 6000 do do do do do do do Colorless Oil, 15,000 10,000 20,000 6000 Fall uud Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pressed YYhuleOil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 15,000 SOI) Barrels superior Slruits Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 60 do Ncai Fool Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oil. a fX5Thia Company has a number of Vessels en gaged m the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon getting at all times Uil as pure as imported. J'hllailelphia, IMov. 7, le4W. ly. ATTEITTXOIT. TTIE special attention of buyeis fiom the aoulh and west, and for the atate trade, ia respectful ly invited to the following assoi (merit of GOODS, which tW subscriber will dispose of at aui'h price as wrll amply repay hi friend for calling and ex amining his stock. To CASH purchasers, at the present time, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish matting. 600 pieces "Canton matting, assorted 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 white, cheeked and flowered. 1000 hearth rugs, a beautiful assortment nf Wil ton, Brussels, Tufted, Turkey, and Hemp rugs. SOO pieces woolen, worsted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpeiiugs. An elegant variety of W illon, Brussels, Scotch and English, Venetian, Damask, &c. cVc. 1000 dozen men and boys caps, comprising a great variety of Fur, Seal, Nutria, Muskrat, and Coney, Hair, Se alette and Cloth Caps. 100 dozen Allicant Mats, assorted aizes. 100 do Manilla do do do 50 do Sheep-skin do do do 0 balea French Basketa, compmiug every de scription. COO pair Venetian Blinds, asa'd figuie and colore. 8000 patent do do do 1000 nesta Cabas or Satchels, asa'd, embossed leather, straw and oil cloth. 6000 dozen Comb, assorted tortoise shell, Bra- zillian do horn, ivory, brass and wood, comprising a large assortment of every variety. 3000 docen W his astorled wagon, gig, car riage, sulky, planters, drovers or Tiding, of gxit, lea ther and thread, with German silver, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. 1000 dozen painted pails, Wilson's brand. 1000 lie.tn cedar Tubs aid Buckets; also, Churns, Piggins, Water Cans, Ace. The above together with an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Briltania and Geimaii silver ware, feather mid l iitl Brushes, Looking Glass, Ma hogany and Gill Fumes, of every size andderirip Hun, are inauulaitured, imported, and si he led cx prctaly foi the southern, western and Mato trade'. 3. MDNEV JUNES, No 18 North ttd sued. Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840, ly. G. W. & L. 3. T.7LCE. FFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth und Murkct Struts, J'hiadtl- puu Men uall-skin tionts, stiteliril warranted, do do do pegged do do do do tt uler pi oof, duuble soli's and dout.le uppers, do Cull-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neals do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Cioekeis do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Culf do do do do do do do do do Coarse do do Shoe do Fine do do Kip do an Calf and Seal Skin Piimoa. du List Socks with and without soles. do I 'an! do do do do Patent WarranteJ Water-proof Moccasin. i.ui uu uij uo ao Ladiea' l.nned India Rubber shoe. Gentlemen. do Over shoes. Wiih every other desciiplion of boot and shoes. I or I up ol evtry description. Travelling Trunk, of every description. Yeneti.m Travelling Bags. Patent (iom F.lasik Shoe Blacking. Bt nnels of .11 kinds, Palm Leaf Hat. I hiUJelrhis, Nou'wl.ci. 7, 10. ly. CITY AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORB. Number 29 A'orM Third Street, Philadelphia EUB1 ami f, SI: UBLIC SALES of Dry Goods, Hardware d Cutlery, Books, Stationary, Clothing, Shoe and Hat, ond in abort almost every deceriplion of goo.!, are held at thia establishment every evening. Goode are elfO aold lit private aalo during the day at the average auction prices. Store keeper end tradera will find it to their advantage by attending the sale. C. V. MACKM, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, Novembri 7, 1840. ESIIERICK, HANSELL & CO'S. WHOLESALE CRT GOODS STORB. No. 166 1-2 Market Street, Phila. (Btbiw Fifth South side ) ALWAYS keep on hand a full and general -scrtmentof Horiery, Lace, and Fancy Good, Country Merchanta are respectfully requested to give them a rail and examine for lliem-elvc. Philadelphia. November 7, 1840. I y. SPERING, GOOD & CO. No. 1.J8 Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention nf Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of Briliih French and American Dry Goods, which they oiler for sale on the most reasonable term. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. PETER DEWEES, LAST MAKER, No. 71 Cnllowhill Street, Philadelphia, C Three doors above Second. J THOE Findings always kept on hand, which he oilers for sale on the lowei-t terms. Country Merchant are particularly to call ondjudgofur themi-elve. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. LowiirrEAiuuVN; Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 174 NoitTii 'J'hirii 'Sthi:.t, PniLntLrniA. VtTHERE their friends and eubtomer will always ' ' find a large ond general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Haul ware, which they will sell at the lowest prices, Philcdelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. J '. WTls WA I N , Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. So. 37 Nooth Tiitd street. Urn di,ors below the Vit;, 1 loli I, Philadtlphia. iOUNTRY Merchants and nthrra are solicited examine his ossortmeul before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7. 140. ly Jacob Fi-lKiiiiilli & Son. RESPECTFULLY informs their lriends and acquaintances generally that they still con tinue to keep at ihe old stand, No. 246 North 3d atreet, Philadelphia, all kinds of TOBACCO SNUFF AND SEGARS. Which they will sell on the most accommodating and icasonable terms. N. B. All eoods sold will tie guaranteed, and all orders promptly attended to. I'htladelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. PETES. CClTCVEPs, Wholesale and Retail fhoc, Bonnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. 66 North id street, a few doors above .irch, Philadelphia. ALSO Trunks, Carpet Bags snd Valices, of ev ery desciiption, all of which be offer for sale on the most reasonable term. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly P. & A. ROVOUDT'S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse, No 1C4 AorA Third street, third dour bttuw Vine street, Phihulilphia. WHERE they constantly kicp on hand a large assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, w hich they will dispose nf on the most rei- ouablo terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. T11EOPILUS CULP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery. Hardware, c. A'o. 5 South Third street, futir doors below Market Phtadetiiiiw M"7 EEP constantly on hand a large and general assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arm, Eliptie Spring. Patent Leather. Ace. Country Merchant snd saddlers w ill be supplied ai nil time on the most reasonable terms. 1 hey will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. Michael Weaver V Son, BOrE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. No. 13 North W ater Street, Philadclhia. A E constantly on band, a general assort meiit of Cordage. Seine I wine, Arc., viz : lar d Roper, Fishing Ropes, While Hopes, Manil la Jtopes, low Lines for Canal Iloals. Also, complete assortment of Seine Tw ines, A c. such as Hcmti Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net J wine, Cotton Shad and Herring 1 wine, Shoe Threads, Vc. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, fiC. all of whiLh they w ill dispose of uti reasonable tei ms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. KEYiNOLDS, McFAHLANl) A: CO. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Uritisli and American Dry Goods. No. 105 Market street, Pliiadtlpiia. COUNTRY Merchants and others can be sup plied at all time wilh an extensive assoil-tut-nt of the best and most fashionable Good upon Hie most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Noveml-er 7, 1810. ly. Wholesale Variety andTrimniin'r Store iYii. 44, North Fourth neur Arch st., Fhiludtlphia lTHEIiE Country Merr hauls and other can be ' ' supplied, at ill limes, with a large assortment of Hosiery, Glows, Merino, Cotton, und Woolen Mints and Drawers, renvoi Cotton, Talent 1 In end, Colion Cords, Button, Tapes, Bindings, Hook snd Eyes, Pins, Ac. And a general vaibty of use ful a nicks, which he oll'irs for sale at the lowest price. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. & EROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UOOKSEI l.ERS AND STATIONERS, No. Iii2 Chesnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia. r EEP constantly oa hand a general assort J k. menl f Books and Stationary (comprising Tiieologic.l, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane ous and School Books. Day Rooks, all site. Led. gcri, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writinf Piere, Wrapping Papers, &e. Ac, which ihey of fer at the lowest p. ices to Country Merchant's Pre feMiooal Gentlemen, Teachers, and all other that msv favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. Cheap Tin-ware. MANUFACTURED and aold by the subscri ber in 8unbiiry, of Ihe best Tin, and the work warranted, which he otTers for sale at reduced cash price, now aa low at retail aa formerly aold by wholesale. Good Watering Pol, formerly (old at 87, now at 75 cent; Large Buckets, formerly sold at 75 and 62, now at 62 and CO ; Gallon Coffee Pots, formerly aold at f)6, and thiee quart at CO, now at 45 and 38 cents, and other article of Tin-Ware in proportion. Stove pipe and atove made and old cheap for cash, &e. N. B. All persona indebted to the eubscrilier, and who wish to save coats, ate requested to call nd make aatiafaction, without delay, either with cash or by giving their notes. Sunbury, April 10. HENRY MASSER. Thomas 11 11 8 c 1 1 , No. 268, BALTiMoaa STaxrT, A few doors toest of Howard st. BALTIMORE. WHOLESALE DEALER in Comb, But ton, German and Fancy Goods, and Im porter of Patent and Shoe Thread. Spool Cotton, Suspenders, Taj, and almost every description of email Articles. Country Merchant and Dealer in general, are respectfully invited to call and ri mine for themselves. Jsn. 30. ly "IKIsTPsaITMON. Ol the best quahty.con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. MADEIRA WINE. First quality Madiera Wine, for ssle low by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER, rUUKTU i'KUUr U HA IN II Y , A genuine article nlwnv on hand and for sale by Sept. 12,1840. H. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Of the best quality always on hanil and for sale by Sept. 12, 18401 If. B. MASSER. LOAF AND LUMP SUGAR. Always 0n hand sml for sale by Sept. 12, mo. IT. B. MASSER. NEW ORLEANS fc-LGAR HOUSE MO LASSES. Of the best quality always on hand or d for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. ILB. MASSER, BROWN Sl.GA R. Of a good quality, for sale low by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER. LlCJi;OKS. Or all kin.lifond ol the Lest quali ties, always on hand ond for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. GREENLAND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality always on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. 1.0FFI1 E. Java, lilo and I.aguira Cofl'ee, con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. 12. 1840. H. B. MASSER. Bl'hli.M OIL. Winter and Summer strained Speim Oil, of the lest quality, always unhand and fur salo by Sept 12, 1840. H. H, MASSLK. "STEEL". Cast and BUslei Steel, for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER. "SPRING STEKL. Of varioua size fur Eliplic Springs, for sale by SePt. 12.J840; II. U. MAeot.lt. LARGE-QUA R'J'O BIBLES.-For sale at very reduced price by Sept. 12. 1810. H. II. MAWShK. "BLANK BOOKS. Of alfkind. for""alc" by Sept. 12, 1840. HLB.JrV1ASSER. "BLANK i DEEDS. Bonds, Mortgages, Arc. for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER, JUS'J ICES' BLANKS. for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. "TLbtilS, "Blue, Black. TnvisiblTGreen, & cT, for aele by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSEK, CASSIMEKES sale very low by Sept. 12, 1840. AND 8ATTIN ETTS. For IT. B. MASSER. CARPETING. For sale cheap by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. BLANKETS For sale cheap by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER. LN BLE A C I fED M USLINS. For" sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. COTTON YARN AND COTTON LAPS For sale by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B- MASSER. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For sale by Sept. 12, 1840- H.JL MASSER. fTTWiNG LIN ES, CORDS AN D ROPES.. For sale by Sept. 12. 1840. II. B. MASSER. Transportation Line TO BALTIMORE. (via tick with cash ) Warehouse foot of Chesnut Street on Ihe Penn sylvania CanaL A BOAT leaves the wharf of the subscriber eve- ry morning at 8 o'clock, running through to Balti more in three days. Consignment of produce iron, &c-, will receive a despatch by thia line, w hich ha nut hitherto been equalled by any other. Kate of freight as row as by any other regular line. ltotemicea; JOHN W.BROWN, BUCK cV HER R. ER.jD KERNAN A STILLNIGE altimore. J. & A. H. HERR. Goods intended for Pittsburg, or any nnint on the Pennsylvania Canals, will beshipptd wi limit delay on their arrival at Harrisburg, aa this con neel with the North American line of Portable Boats to Pittsburg daily, and with the Susuuihan na Packet Line to Northumberland, W illiamsport, Wilkesbane, and all inlermediato places. GEORGE W. LAYNG. Harrisburg, Sept. 0, 1840. iVeoTjTe Yi7aUiyiiK, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Ch ksr ct Street Whabf, Hihrishi ro, IS prepared to receive GooJ and Piodure at the new w aiehouse, which hi arrangements will ena ble him to forward with despatch to Philadelphia, Pillhburg, illiamsport, Wilkcsharie, Columbia, Lancaster, or any other point on the Pennsylvania and Union Canals, and the Pennsylvania and liar risbuig and Lancaster lail roads. Goods from Philadelphia for Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chumbersburg, Ac. Ac, forwarded with care and expedition. Coai, Plaitkh, Sait and Fisu, constantly for sale. Sept. U. JCciiioval. BOOK-BINDERY. THE undersigned have Ihe gratification of in forming the public, that notwithstanding they were so unfortunate aa to have their bindeiy burnt dow n, in March last, Ihey have opened a very ex tensive one, in Locust street, in the new building directly opposite Gleim'a Hotel, and are prepared to execute ail work in their line with despatch, and in a so- neiior style. Their RULING APPARATUS and other Machinery are new, and of the first order and latest improvements ; and they feel a confi pence in their facilities for giving perfect tatisfac. lion to all who may lavor them wun their orders, Bank, County oilier, Merchants, Mechanic and olbera, can be supplied with BLANK BOOKS of every description, which for nralnes and dura hihty, will be cijual to any made by the United State. IlIL KUK A. L AN 1 1NE. HARRISBURG, Sepi. 3. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, For in Dnllnrx. Tf7 QVAL fur time to any sold by Clock Ped 2 btrsfor (25, for aalo by March 13. H. B. MASSER. SHAXYfOKXN COAL. OF a very superior quality, can be had at any time, by application to the subscriber, in lots to suit purchaser. They keep large, egg, broken, and nne coal, fit lor burning lime. J. II. PURDY & Co. Sunbury, Sept. 55. tf. Works of Nature. IN a state of health the intestinal canal may be compared to a river whose waters flow over the ad joining lend, through the channel nature or art ha made, and improves their qualities; and to keep up the comparison of the river, so long a it run on smoothly the channel are kept pure and healthy; but if by mine cause the course of the river is stop ped, then the water in tbecanalaia n longer pure, but soon become stagnant. There i but one law of circulation in nature. When there is a super abundance of humorial fluid (serocity) in the intes tinal tubes, and coMiveness take place, it flow back into the blood vesfcls, and infiltrates itself in to the circulation. To establish the free course of the river, we must remove the obstruction w hich stop it fiee courre. snd tho-e of it tributary stream. With the body, follow the same natural principal ; n move, by that valuable purgative medicine lirtm- dielu Universal Vegetable Pith, which are an cf- ficlual assistance of nature, the superabundance of humors in the intestine canal. By persevering in this practice, the way of the circulation will then be lestored to the full exrrciso of their natural func tions, end a state of health will he firmly establish. ed Remember, never suffer a drop of blood to be taken fiom you' Evacuate the humor as often and as long as they are degenerated, or as long as you are sick. Dr. Brandrcth's Office in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, NORTH EIGHTH atreet, where hi pills can be had at 25 cents per box, with full direction. fj Unly Bgent in Sunliury, is li. li. Masse r L.sqr, Sunbury, Sept, 9, 1810. C ertificates of Agency. THE following arc the duly appointed agents in their retipective counties, for the sale of Brandreih's teirrlalile Universal Pills. Norlhumbeilai.d countv : Milton Maekcy tV I'hambeilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewen- ville Geddes, Green A Walls. Georgetown F. Mulhngcr A. Co. I nion county : Lewisburg Walls &. Geddes. Mifflinburg 1'ellmun &. Beekly. New Berlin- John M. Benfer. Seliusgrove Eyic dt Co. Mid- dlebufg Isaac Smith. Lycoming county : W illiamsport John Smith Newberry M. 6c J. C r unston. Munry W . A. l elncan. Jersey Shore Jamea H. Hepburn. Columbia county 5 Danville T. ft E. B. Rey nolds. Cattawissa C. A. Brohts. Berwick Shu- man A Kittenhouse. IJIoomsburg-John K. Mover. Sunbury, Sept. , 1840. 11 A Z A 11 1 ' S UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AND STATISTICAL REGISTER. Containing doc- uments, fact and other useful information, illustra tive of the history and resources of ihe American Union, and of each State ; embracing commerce, manufactures, agriculture, internal improvementa, banks, currency, finances, education, ivc. &c. Edi ted by Samuel Hazard. Publi lied every Wednesday, at 79 Dock street. 1 he price to lubscriber is $o per annum, payable on the first of January of each year. No subscrip tion received for lens than a year. Subscribers out r . I . ... . . oi me principal cuics to pay in auvance. LIVER COMPLAINT, Cured by the use of Dr. Harmcm' Coxrovnn STKHOTHKXIkU AND ArEMKST 1'lLLS. Mr. William Richabds, Pittsburgh, Pa., en tirely cured of the above distressing disease : His symtoms were, pain and weight in the left aide, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructation, disten tion of the stomach, sick headache, furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color, difficulty ol breathing, disturbed real, attended with a cough, great debility, with other symtoms indicating greet derangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richaiui had the advice of several physcians, but received no relief, until using Dr, Harlich a Med icine, which terminated in effecting a perfect cure. Principal Office, l'J North Eighth Street, Phila delphia. Also for sale al the drug store or HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Mbt 1. 141. Agent. THE CAUSI-: OF DISEASE. Nearly all clause of disease, are caused by some obstruction in the system, which prevent the tegu lar and wholesome operation of the animal func tions. I nis atate of the system, ia disease, which is manifested in a variety of forma, more or less malignant in their character. To restore the system to a state of health, then, it is only necessary to re move ibe cause of disease, and the end ia accom pli.hed. The cause is obstruction somewhere. Thia can be removed ly purgation, which is the only means that should be resorted to, because, suggested by reason, end by nature. Dr. Harlich Strength ening and German Aperient Pills, are allowed by tlu thousand who have used them, to be the best purgative medicine in existence. Because, they not unly remove all obstructions, and purge Ihe sys tem ol its impurities, hut, because, and which ia ex trtiiM-ly important, strengthen and give proper tone to llio stomach, and produce a healthy action of all the parts, lscsides, they are ao mild and gentle in their operation, as to render them at all times a per fectly safe snJ desirable remedy. The slllictcd would do well, then, to purchase a box or two ol this invaluable medicine, and give il a lair trial, in stead of destroying their systems with oft-reieated doses ol calomel, and other drugs, so injurious to human tile and happiness The above nudeeine for sale at the Drug store of HENRY YO.YTHrJI.MEK, May 1. 1841. .Igrnt, SICK HEADACHE. Is a very common .lleetion. I la attacks are very severe, aud charativnred by spasmodic pains, shitt ing fiom one ait of the head to tho other, fre quently commencing in the nioining, attended with sickness of the stomach, nausea, fain'.mgs, and sometimes, vomiting, giddiness, ,nd confusion of sight, Ac Ac, This deaease ir, produced fiom va rious causes, peihsps the r.,ut common, ia a de rangement of the sloiuvh and digestive organs. FEMALES are most subject to ihi afleclion, psr ticularly those whi lead a sedentary life. Dr. Hot UcKs Compound Strengthening Tonic and Oer. man Arient Pills, are waiiauied to ariol thia troublesoiu'o disease : first by cleansing the stomach and bowels, purifying the blood, and letiioving all diseased and excrementuoua humor from the liver aud intestines. By the use, first, of a few doses of the Aperient German Pills, afterward two or three doses of the strengthening Tonic Pills, which are used to strengthen and invigorate the nervous system, give tone to the stomach and organa of digestion, thus imparling to their subiile fluid its pristine vigor, this afflicting disease rnsy be entirely lemovrd. 'Phis i the only mode of treating tbia annoying complaint, and has been attended with success in thousands of case. Pamplet giving general direction, may be ob tained gratia, at No. 19 North Eighth atreet, Philadelphia- HENRY YOXTHEIMER. May I, 1811. jg(nt. TO THE COMMUNITY. THE aureena which has attended the lb of Dr. llarlich's Herman Aperient and Compound itrengthening Ibni'c PiYr, Is truly astonishing. It is no vain boast to say this medicine has proved by it happy fleet in the rure of a vaiiety of diseaaea to which the human frame ia liable, to be vaally su perior to the many preparations before the pub! c. Many of these preparations are compounded by in dividunls who an posiiively ignorant of the myale rie nf ihe human system, and mere pretender to medical knowledge. Lfr. riarlicri, however, is cele brated among the German faculty a a man of the highest acientinc attainments, and equally distin guished throughout Europe, aa a succcsaful medical practitioner, spent most of the years of a useful life in the aquisilion of such knowledge aa might prove beneficial to hia fellow creature. In the pill which he invented, and which bear hi name, the public are assured of an article that possesses more than ordinary virtue. From the acknowledged talent of thia inventor, nothing lesa than a good article could be expected ; and the experience of many yeara haa afforded demonstration of the virtues of his mediciue. In Geimany and other parte of Eu rope, it reputation ia established. In this Country into which it ha but been recently introduced, it ia rapidly gaining the most substantial reputation. The numerous cert ficates of cures of the most obstinate difease effected by the use of Hsrlich's Pills, which the proprietor is constantly receiving, is proof of the fact. Dsy after day he receives new testimonials of their efficacy, and week after week increases the demand for them. This i not mere assertion ; in. numeiable certificates are open for the Inspection of the public, and the doubt of any who are skeptical, can I e removed by examining them at the office of the proprietor. W e take the liberty, then, of auggesting to every family, that they make use of Dr. Harlich' Pills. Let them keep a supply constantly on hand, to be used when occasion demands, and they will receive the most unequivocal proofs of utility. Medical Dijiner. 1'iincipal cilice lor tlic united stales, io. ij North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Western Depot, No. 41, St. Clair atreet, Pitle- burgh. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, May 1, 1841. -i'e. HEPATITIS, OR LIVER COMPLAINT. Liver complaint is described to be of two forms, viz : Acute una L firomc, wnicn are d.lierent in uicir sent and character, and are produced from ulcers on the Liver, which is descased on the surface oi in the centre. In the former, the patient is attacked with sudden pain, in the region of the Liver, so severe that even the I ed clothes are insupportable ; the pa tient cannot bear to turn or lay on bis lilt side I rum the pressure exerted in that position of the inflamed organ, i tie latter may go on in aucn a manner that the first symtoms of Liver Complaint are thnso which mark the occurrence of suppuration. The Acute and Sub-acute varieties, almost always com mence with some chilly feelings succeeded by heat of the skin, fevered tongue, having a yellowish ap pearance. Ii regular state of the bowels, costivencss, countcncance changes to a pale or citron color, or yellow like those sfflicted wnh jaundice, difficulty of breathing, disturbed rest, attended with coueh, fe verish symtoms, a dry and parched skin, difficulty of lying on the right side, urine scanty and high colored, the patient passes many bad nights and la frequmtly troubled with Diarrhoea, Tenaamua and Piles, nausea and vomiting, snd haa a considerable thirst. W hen the inflammation affects the perito neal coat of the Liver the pain is much more intense and the feer higher than when confined to the Liv er. In chronic atlection it is uncertain in us ter mination ; the pain is intense, attended occasional ly with feverish symtoms, a dry and parched skin. irregular bowels, sallow countenance, freqeunt at tacks of juandice, the tongue is scarcely ever free from yellow fur, the appetite bad, and a coiruption altacka the face and back, behind the shoulders, Ac. Da. Hablicu s Compound Strengthening Ion ic and Aperient German Pills, will, in a majority of cases, produce a perfect cure, and if used at the very onset of allliclion will in every case arrest tne disease. This is not meiely theory but fact, which can be substantial d by the testimonies of vsrious persons who have witnessed the astonishing etlecta of this invaluable medicine. The diet must bt at tended to, and the warm bath must not be neglect- ed when the patient can have acceaa to it- Full and explicit d.rectiona are di fined in the medical pamplet which accompanies the medicine, and can be obtained gratis of any of the regularly appointed agent who sell this medicine. Principal Office and Central Depot for the Uni ted States, is at No. 19 North Eighth Sueel, Phila delphia, where all communications for Agencies, Advertising and Medicine must be addressed (.post paid,) which will meet with immediate slienUon. HENRY YOXTUEIMEK, May 1, 1841. Agent. PRINCIPAL REASONS Why Dr HARLICH'S Compound Strengthen ing and German Aperient Pills are used by all clas ses of people, in preference to other Medicines, be cause ihey are prepared from a pure extract of herbs, a wholesome medicine, mild in its operation and pleasant in il effect the most certain pieserver of health, a aafo and etleclual cure of Dyspsia or Indigestion, and all stomach complaints, a preserver, and puiittei vf the whole system. Because they aoolhe the nerves of sensibility anil fortify the nerves of motion, imparting to iheir most subtle fluid iu pristine tone, thus g'.ving slieugtli and clearness of mind. Because they never destroy Vne coats of the sto mach and bowels, as all r'uoiig purgatives do. Because science and experience teach us that no mere purgative alor.e will cure tLo disease of the ftomach and neives. Weakness is the Tfrimary cause of a host ol diseases, rnd. by temtiiraaliy le aoitii.g to Drristie purgalites, you nuke the disemae much wors instead of Utler. Because Dr. Harli .n' Medicine are put up up on the common K.nse pnucsple, to "cleanse and alrvngtheu," whvcb. is the unly course to pursue ti etlect a cure.-.l,,My, Because ',hese Medicine really do 'cure the dis ease lor which thry are n rninmended. Principal Ollice fo, jfce United Slates, ia at No. 19 Noith Eir,oth itnet, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. May 1, 1811. Agent. CLEANSE AND STRENGTHEN. The only sure and best course to pursue in cu ring diseases, of whatever nature they may be, is: first, to cleanse and puiify the Stomach and Bow ela by gentle aperiputai secondly, to give strength and lone to those tender organs by the use nf pntyer Ionics. Thia mode is altvaya pursued by regular physicians, hich ihey well know to be Ihe only course to resoit to, to eflerl a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Harlich' Compound Strengthening Tunic and Aperient pills, are a sure medicine to effect this grand object. The German Apeiient pill are to cleanse the stomach and inleatines, af ter which the Compound Stientgening Tonic pill are Used, to give strength and lone to those or gan which require tender treatment. Nearly two thirda of the disease which w daily behold, ate diseases ef the nervous system, and by continu ally using drastic mineral purgalivea the sulferrr wrll soon find- himself a being too much refined Id frmain long In existence. Full and rxplicit di rections both in English and German, accompany this notice. I he above medicine for sal at tha Drug Store of HENRK YOXTHEIMER, May I, 1811. AgtHl.