Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 03, 1841, Image 4
'-Jt !.imL..i..L,s HANK NOTE LIST The following list shows the current va!8 of ll Pennsylvania Dnnk Notes. The roost JFIic-tt rf sY nee may be placed upon It, i tvery inrrk oirifuliy compared with ai A corrected lioin Uuk nill't Kepnrter. Hunks in Ilillalvlphln. Nam.. Locat.os. 1 NOTES AT PAH. funk of America . . par Vank of (he Northern Liberties . . pa Kink of Pcnnsvlvanu . . pur l.'itlik of Pcnn Township . . . pur i 'ommorcial of Feiin'a. . , pjr t'TU'cra' and Mechanics' Batik . pur lii-ard 13 an l . . . mr Kensington Dank . . . par Manufacturers' Sl Mechanics' Bunk pa' An chanirs' Dink par .Vovamcnsing Bank . pt hitadclphia Bnnk . . '. par "vhuylkill Bank . . . par " .uthwark Hank . .pur H cstein Bank . par tommy Kanks. Vault uf Tiltfliurg !' .iik i)f Chester (Niiinty l; .nk if Delaware, County Hank uf Uermnnlow n I'.ni.U of Lcwistown, k of MidJlctown V . i.k of Montgomery Co. li. nk of Nurihiiml.ciiniid I'oiks County Bank Fittshuig Westchester ' par par par par pat par par par par par par pr par pur pai pur p.i par l' pur pi.r par jar pur p.r jar Chisltr licrnmutown Le wistjwu Middletrwti N'oinstowri NdiiliijiiiU ilatid ulttmhia Bank it Bridge co. Columbia I iirl tle Bank Carlisle i.v.y IcBUusn Bank'on Bui.k' i'xi hatige Bank' Do tlii brunch of Fairness' Bnnk of Bucks co. L miners' Bnnk i.f Lanctisloi' I .iiinrifi' Lhoik of Reading IJiirritbu'g Bunk Lancaster Bank Lebanon Ilnnk Wcrehan'ti' it Mnniif Bunk Miners' But k of 1'nitaville "N orthafT(iii Bui.k i iwartia li-'t.k V.'isl Biamh Bank yoniing Bunk ('Mice of Bnnk of renri'a. Ort:ce t'o do t tle do do v'dico do do Dnyhstown Ll.fctOtl IUt-Lutg Unll daysbuig Bristol Lanctsler li. ading Ilariisburg 1. minister LcLsm n Pltlsbl.'g Pot Miile Allrnlonn 'J i m ui da Willinu sport i kesbunc par ll.itrisbuig"" These Lancaster tolT.cts Reading f di not L.tMoii J niiui' it. Disco i:n r. . () TES A T Tank of the I'liiled Stairs' Philudt Iplua I Mice of Bank of II. S. Pittsburg P.) do do Lriu Do do do New Brighton Ket.siitg'rn Sav. Ilia. A do i Vnn Township Sav. Ins. do ll.-i.k cl Cl'.aiiibirtliurg Chriniljcreburjf Bank ui Oeitysburu,' d liysluig Hunk of Su:e,uehaiina Co. M ontiose I ric Bat k Jlno 1'aiir.rrb' cV Diovcra' Bunk W'Hynesburs F-ai k'in Bank 'Wellington II. .in. .'.ile Uji k Hoi:cd,i!u .Mui.i niii.t'la Bonk of B. Brouiuiilc W-ik liai.k Yoik j- On all bai Vr marked thus () tJiero nre ti ll, i r counterfeit or ultoied notua tf the vpiiouk dt i i.inii utioiiK, in rirculntion. X. li. '1'lic notos of tlioc 1-ankn on which wo .'mil quiitatioiii., and ubtitute a iiuA ( ) tire not unl.aM'd by th I'bil: di brckirs, wiih ll.e ixci'tioii ol tin ea which have a letter ol ntennce. lillOKIwN U A N K S. rliiliilr'i hia Sav. Ins. J'luladi Ij.hia rinladc'ihii l.osii Co. do N himkill .av Ina. do Manual l.uhnr Buim (T. W. Dyott, prop.) fail..) f.iil.d f.ili-d I. ilid HO hull- cl.. d tinted failed I I, t d no u'e failed fa i It tJ failed r.o Hilt v Bai k of l'a luUI'uid Bai k ol Be;.cr iini.k ot uainra Boi.k ol Wuhhiiton ( iiiuc Bank City B. r k I'arir.cia' & Mfrh'cii' Bank Karn.rrtiW Mcih'ck' Bunk rurimia'iV Mith'ta Bul.k Uaiiiionv Insiituto Huniii i"dui. Bai.k . r:rti Ji-r k l.uml ciniciiV It,i.k .'irih. rn Bai.k i t .tw Hope 1i I. Biii'pe Co. Noithi:nili'd l i.j. n Co'. Ilk, .N. uii Vi !H. m lia- kof Vt. OlfiCK of SYhtn !.:: Jtunk I'.i. Ar. it Mjiu.l. Baiik M.voi Bai.k I ninii Bai.k cf IVnn'a. 'i (6lii.u:c' liai.k Tcairr llanitiliurg Bi !l. I'ltlnl lilg I'lllkburg Fayitle ci. (rie ncuKt.c llaiiiiui.y uo tali' l.rnisto.Mi im gjli- Warn n lii n.l. II' Nr II. .pe Mihoii Miudvillo Toil Cuibun failed no iu!e cliwedt no Eiih- tll'M d closed failed clo-ed Curlih!i3 Monti, sa I'nii nli.wri (i'roi-i:il tirj N ilkisbarre Bildu Co, likifcharie liosule CC All nitis put; oitirs to bo on any Tu ii-vl- aiiia Bai.k lint t.tu in ll.e uboe linl, u.uj be m-( ' n an frauds. to" J? j. ZJLi CO L1JL Ci3 MlOULnjllt .MliAUJiL .SYSTKIM '1 111! tStUc tiler li.. Vriu appointed Amt fur tl.efcbiiM jpif n,, for riortbun Leilund County, w.xh he nliir for n.lo lu 'J'ailur, who inuy i!r e to poim-ra the lent and lu'e-t iirpioM n.i nt in 't ail o cmiiiij? Laiiiienls. 'J'hr lu lowii g two (i ! fiealia ae lioin a toinmitu o if Minliunt 'J-l- '-in IW, lo have the tt-in, ai.d 1 lfcl. y epproxo cf the tame. l'aia, Fib. rsih, IS!0. 'hf lii.demui rd, mrn.Uis of tl c cdnmiltee i . ii.trd by the i.,. t,,,,,, .. J-l;i;u. ! 1 Lie Soiicly" ol Ah iihaitl Tailoi ol Baiiv., c. r I l Ihe i-yMim i eul ij t.,i,eiil by J bouit. I r .if Ni w Yoik, ( nittd Niat.H, liaa been sob- lonur exaliiiiiBlion, wl.iih f;rii we ritom in aslIieU-st thul l.a hitn tnbmilttd lo us, in tanii ,1 whiih we li: -vo given Inm this cerlifn ate. Fi:o r.i'ie.idci t, M. I. A Fill K, V Prist,", nt. .Ill a Ci rtlfrule t'rnni M. Inn.. ... l . . 1 i.f- fi in it y i. Lusi.,1,, W,0c rci uUlion is wtU !..-be-1 il l otU ui Luiopc und i An.iiica : H i. Uiivir, Uiur hir, ihe it conunci d..t:on veu v.- . I l.UHd Itom ihr tSoeicty tf Master T.iln,;, is I- n, -I e lughesi in t,lv, B,,J I My , ne pniori.tnat yiur syst,,,, u , U1 Um evet tun pubh. hid. xourstiUv I'. ( i-T'I Ii 7 he suWrihci roi.tiiatia the bu.itm. It A I- I Cl.l.U at his old itni.d, m'ji iriit-K Hhatvi,', t." lu onl ury, wr.cio le will accomnimlait ull w! ii sv call upon h m in Lis line of 1 .. I i will liguh-rly rtietveihe Fashions from Mr. Oit.ruf Ntw Yoik, as oun as i.-tn,l. it,. 1 m-g Fashions hitVe l-cin Ttecivcd, ai il nre n. w e. W II LlA.M ll i.-Jl . f ..nt-tiry, April 10, lSll-ly wj il clj nls rv f is sr osd iiccs v sikis; sin;.!.. ALL kii.Oa ci Lkilh ng, Loois and bhotr, and a variety ol other anu ria rail he had at Ihe most reduced pices, at the More ioimrily kept l.y John Bt gar. Also, rSuntiihnns Hhad, Ao. 1, tor eah f UAiS CHAMLLLLAIN, tut. Suiibury, May b, lb I. Vu. 7 0 TliV. COM.MVMTW TllR aiicrepa which Iihk Bt endt d the np of Dr. Ihtrlich't titt-iiim AjitTitiit crd Ctwijhiuiid tlrtnlunitisf Tunic I'nU, ih luily naloiiUliiim. It m no vain boast to my thin inrdiiine hita pruved by ila hnpj y rlTirta in Ihe run' nl a vaiiily of diet use to which the frnme 's lii' !f. to he nilv n porinr to the tunny pri-paiaiioiia hi foie thu pubic. Many of thrae pirpaiiiliuini uie ci'inpouuiled by in dividuala who an put-iuvr y iciioraiil or the toyn rinftnl'lho liiimmi ayt-trm, ami mero prrtriuh r !" medical knowhdtti'. br. Ilailie.h, huwivrr. ia cell hntied unions llm (eriiian faeuhy n a man of ihe hiiiht'Kl acit nliliC otlaiinnn.t J, und i (pi illy dmlin liuitihtd throughout Europe, a a ancix-sfiful niedienl .iartitii)iirr, epeii! inil ot llic mii of n uselnl life in the itijuinUiin ol audi knoi li diH- an nilyht prove uriif ficial li lua li How ciculuna. In the piha which he invenlc-d, ami which huir hi name, tho public nre nsurtd ol en ailiclc that pn-4-e ueoi! oidinaiy iilot. 1'iuiii ihc ael.nowli-ded lulo.ita of i In inventor, noll.inu !es than a Rood article could bo cx peeled ; and the ixpericnee of ninny years In iiliunled ileiiiont-tra'iim of the virlun of Ins medicine. In ('itiisny nml other parln nl llu rope, iti r utntion in MM h. d. In thin cnmitrv into which it hus hut I ctn reeenily ii.troduti d, it i rapidly caiiiiiig the nm-l xulK-tantiul irpulniiou. Tl e noun ious o il licatin nl i nn nl ll e ino.- t ohti. a:e ill. Ohm i tl.TU il by I im il-o nl llall.i li' Tills, w Im li ll.c propriitor is conlnt y mi eivmg, n Mil" ol tin fuel. lJjy alter day l.o ru cue lieiv lr0iu,,,.iii nl' thetr, anil wteli nfu r week ii.i ri a.-c ll.e dornaiid forlhilii. Tiii-i i not n.cio tiFserlinii ; ii. liuineinlilo ccrlilicntca aru open lor the li.sput mi oT ll.c ( ulilio, iiii.I the i! .til Is nf any who uio ik. ( I r .l, can Ic renii ved by ij.uiiiii.inj; lutui al ll.c iliicuul ttie proprielor. We lake the lit-rrty, tin n, of MiUL-es iui; In every family, (hut ll.ry v uke i.m nl Ur. ll.nliih'a 1'iU. I. ct Ihtlii keep a supply cmutaiiily oil hand, In Ic usid when (Hcni-iiin ill . a I . 1 tiny ui,l nceiv,. the mot.1 uniquivotul prnoli of utiliiy. JIlJIchI i)tjh:cr. I'lincipul ill' llm l.'nllnl Stales, iSn, la Noitli titflith aiieet, l'hilai Ipliiu. V rslein L'l pot, ii. J I, M. Clir atreet, B tis lurch. 1IE.NKY iUXTHKIMEB. My 1, '941. -.Ismf. ii eva Tins, vili vMTa7iihyM.T l.ivrr coirpliii.t is di verihed 'n he of two (..rms. 17 ; Arule and Cl.rmiii; w hich nro d IT. rent in Ihi ir f('Rl niid chaiiieier, r.ud im- piodiieiii Ir.iin tiiceram: the Lier, which h ili-w im d on the Ki.liucoi in the centre. In the formi r, the pmieril in atiacked wiih mii'drn pain, in the n kioii i f the l.m r, :o scion that even the I id cl (hex are ini-uppnrtat'le ; ll.e pa. t:ent cannot beurto turn or lay mi his lefi udo fium II. c pressure ejtettf-d in llint posnioii ol t! e inflamed urenns. Th hilter may ftn on in aurh a m.iunei li nt the fiial tyiiitnma of l.tver ('niupluint aio llioae which n.aik the occorrei ce of aep u'atinn. 'J'I.e Acute and Sub-scute vnrienes iilm.ft ulwnv coin nurce w ith B.i-iif ehil'y li il.ngs siii i reili d by hi at of tho tkili, fetered lonaui', hating a ciluwi-h ap p aiuicc IirecuUr dale ot the bmw l.-i, ro tivent n.-, lOiintei.canfe chanues to a pile or ci'.r.m color, or yelli.w like tlnve ; tlluted with jaundice, difficulty ol Ir.alhiiiu, dihiurhed rent, altci.ded w nil coueh, fe veiiali (.yinii nia, n dry and nrrl id tkili, dillii i.lty ol lying on ihc ribl Hide, uiiue reality and huh clnr. d, the paliinl p.riei many hud nights and m Ir.tju.ntly tioul.lidwih Diairl a a, Ti naMiin and, nausea hi d vmriiing, and I an a lornnJcral lo thiri-t. When the ii.lhiinniHiioii all', cl the perito neal coat ol tho I.ier the pain is luiieh moic intense and the fever higher lhaii vi hi n t ol.l'.iied to the Liv er. In chroi.ic alVecliona it is uiitertaiu in ila lei niination ; the pain is iiiiciihc, alli i il d with levetifh ymtom, a dry and pan bed akin, irregular howi Is, r.t'tow, frtip-unt ui taika of juui.dii c, ihe lot gue is fcuii ely i vcr free from yellow fur, ihu nppililo h: d, mid a roirtrpi jon attacks the face and bail;, behind the cfiouldei. c. Dii. IIaklk ii'i. Cou p.. in d Strengthi niri Ton ic and Aperient Cum n I'lll-, w.ll, in a of cases, produce a peih.i t cure, i.n.l if ofed at ll.e veiy niifctt i f ulllictioii will in i very can- airivt the diniise. Thin is net n.eiely rv but I.kI, wliirh can he eubftaiilii.1. d by the tesiiu.onii s ,1 various pi rmns w ho hue e i ms i.l i!ie ii-..i.i.-!iing edicts , of this invaluable niti'icii.e. 'i he die! must 1 1 at- : teinhdto, an 1 the w.u in haih inu t n t be neglect- j ed win n l!ie pitii nl can have mciss to it. 1'iiil i and opli. it d let tii us an- d. in the l,n dit al j piun lei which ate. Inpanles the in. dicine, and can ! Ic gratis of any of the rcgukirly nipoiutcil agents who m II this n i ili. iue, I'lincipul Cilice ai.d Cu.uid I", put f,.r the I'.ii ted Slutih, is itl .No, I'J .Nnitli Kij.hth ncot, I hila dtlphia, where ull ci n.n.unii aiu.i s !nr Auilcic.-, 1 Advi ri sing hud Mi dir. lies n.ust le nchltisM il (jo.-l paid,) vvl.ii U will ni it with in. ii. i ili. ite :.H,,.:. UB.NKV Vo.MLLI.Ml.i:, May I, IP II. Atnl. J'liLM'U'M. 1EAS. . j Why I)r HAIM.K.H'.S Compound irmgthi n. ing and lirrman Apt lit nl 1'iiU t.n u.-. d 1 y all ila.--aes i-t pinplr, in j.i, lo mher Mi tlii im s, I e cauro they uin prepared fmiii a j,ui e (Zti l.ct f In i Lt, a w holin n.e mi dii ii.e, unh: in its i j t lulion and pleamnt in its t lit it the mo: t ci Ham n.-eivi r of health, a t-ulo and cihciuul cure of llyspepsia or Indigestion, and nil t. nmch loiupluiu'.s, a j iistrvi i anJ puiiliei ol the w l.i lo sv stein, Bicause ll'fy ti-olhi-the i.iiw. of siiisibiliiy m J fniti'y Ihc liiliil of iiiolliin, iui uilu. In iln u m- si subtle l!i. id its piutii.e I. in, Ihu n.l.g tlunylh and rleniness I'f mind. Because ibey never destroy the coals of the sto mach and bcMtls, ns -li sttong puigativcs ill . l!ei uui-t-n il in c in.d ixiini io t, ht h us that no Incio purgative ubn.e wi.i i nn- ihe iI.h um- ol tin InMiacIl and l.civm. '. ikins. ,s ihe ritnii'v cito-c uf a hosl ol d'.sca'es. ai tl, 1 y o iitii.u .lly :c soiliig lUatttc pti gjiin t, y uu uiul.e ihe ui.-cusc lliueh worn-, n.rti-i il i I leiitr. Bccat-M- I J r. ilui.ul.'s Ali.i aie lit ip on Iheienionli il:se prn t : ie, to "cir n m-and airci gt) tn," tot.iih i the u nisi- to i nr.-ue to tlU eta i uie. l.usdv, BeuiiRe .t-,i. Mninin.'!' retllv do rule ll.e d is - r"'e ''-r wh.t htl.ty are I i intnt i i '. il, l. Id Kl No. i ' r 1 1 ii i nl IJ Noilh lor ll.t- I i n, , Mil LigUlu utiiit, I.ib.di Ij I. la. iiL.M.Y Yo.-n:i::Mi.i:. !sy 1, IM1. Awn,' T.i. a a.1-.' Ap yj i.i.t.'ii:! . The only uute ,.nd 1 est com,,- to purine it, cu ling eisi-.tes, ol whulevii i.ulLre l ,v i,,v I c, I-: Inst, j ti,-.,.e u;.J u,ity the ft, ,hm, ai d Bow, la ly (.ci li ppiii,M,; Liii.i.d y, in jmc mii i.ijih aiM tone lo those ttt ih r tomans f.y lh, , ,,. ,, , tolas. 'I his u mle is uvv.ys j tl I v n e.ul.i. .l y-ieians, whit h tiny will know tn Ikj 'it.,-ulv couise to rts., (u, ., t lh, a ipi u'v binl it no at t nt cure. Dr. H. unit's Cou.pnird tjn, rllu ntng Iiiie in,. I Aptiui.l iilU, me a suia incitii me to 'I'll this puinl oljett, 'J'he CelniUII .A ) f, ii nt I -Us ire l,. ctai rtt ihe kteii.uih ail, nilifiiu.s, uf wl.,,1, the-C,,,,,,,,.,;,,,! Sin'tn,ing TmicpilL U"J. lo 6,v. Hni tth and lout lo ,.r- X,!'? . ' '."'"',8 ' 1 J" l" '"'"' Iyi''l ,1. ""a which weduily Ulu.Jd. a v narj". VU will St tTt ""V" l' Hi- -uti.r.r lo r n a n I , """ Ui," " '' J to nmaiu I. ns h, ,u.u,.,r. Knll iu,d tvnlim d,. .,:y 'I ht above uiidir'ne for sal at Ihe D,K Si. f IIUMSK YOAiiajMKu, h AU- T r a ii h o i' I a t i o 11 I. i n T t) BAI. T I M O It li . (VI TIHK WAI htl CMt, ) Warimtue fool uf Ctrsnut Stint on the I'aw $ilvuiiia Cuiml. A BOAT Irnves the vhuil ul the Milim nlier eve ry morning at 8 o'clock, running lliiiiiMh in llult in linen days. Coiisigiiuii lit ol pimliiie, Iron, iStc., will ret eivi- a despatch by this line, which Iiam nut hitherto been iiiuiile.l bv nuy other. Bate ol frt-iftht as low as by any o.ln r n gular bi.. KelereiirT t Jill IN W. BROWN', -i Hbtilv tV UKIill, KLUNAN V rvriM.NU.iliH. -U.iliiinoir. J.&. A. II. lU'.lif!. J (hinds intt uded for I'it'ahurc, i r any noli. t on the I'ennsylvniiiii CaualK, w ll leahipad wihnnt delay on iheir nrrivul at lliirrishnrn, im ihls em--neels witli iIir Nuith Aniiriinn hue of Biiiliihle Hnais lo ruisburg dailv. ami with the riititi bun. im l'acket Line to Northumberland, W illiumspor', l.ktsbitrie, and all inlerini-ili itt! h.cei. lil.('l!(ii: W. LAV.Nfi. I rani, hum, Kept. !, t R 1(1. Wtn lis ttl' Aadit i1, IN n ?t ili? othrn'th the iiKesiin il caml may ho compared to n river vvi.Ip h h,w over ll.e ad-joining- I. .11. 1, thiiuigli the iImim cIh n.iliuo or nrl has inade, mid iiiipiovi s their ijuahlii'.-; t.tul to kei p up tl e ( oii pnriMiii of the river, so long ns it tuns on siounthlv the rhnnnrln nre kept pure iinil heahhv; hut if by fniiie cntiso tho entire nf the river iM M. j -ped, Ihen the wnter in the ctun-li is ui hnigi r pure, but sonii hcci'Uiea sl.ign:.nt. There is I til eire law of ciicu!nii,.n in nattne. Winn tin ro is a aupu-iil-uiiii.itice of huinoriid fluid (sir. city) in ihc lu'es lulu f, nml Cn-tivei cs- takes pi ice, it (1 ws back into the hi, o I m sm-:, and inftl rates itn-lf in to the circuhitioii. To esiubli h the free cursn ol" the river, we mui-t remove tho ol etiui lions which si- i;s fiei coursr. mid iho e o! its Ir l.uiarv slicain. W nil t! e body, fnlh w the same natuial principal ; r move, hy that valuable nrcaiivt: imdicir.e Bran ilittlui Liiivtrxal VictaLIc Villa, w hich are an f f dual as.-ist, lice of i.almr, llie. supcMl uinianci- of h'imors in the intc-tiiiu raniil. ISy per. evering in this ptocticc, ihe ways ol ihe circuit. on will then bo lc.-mrcil to ihe full exercise oi their nalural func tiona, and a tlato ol heiillh will It- Ihinly,h ed lieiuember, never Mill, r a diop ol iih.od lo be taken fiorn ynu'livaiu .te tho hninois as often and n long as ihey are deyeiicrulcd, or as loi.-g as you nte auk. lr. llrandrelhVOflice ill Philadelphia, is at No. K, NOK'J'll lilUH I'M si. eet, whue his pill, can ec hini nt C5 reins per box, wiih fuil tlmciinns. 0.J "lily iiiicnt in II. B. MasM-r I'.tr. tuiiluuy, ept, ;, 18 10." C 1 1 (iiUnlt l"At;rnc. 'I'll li following are the duly ap) ointeil Hsenln in their respective coinilics, fir tho sale of Uranthcth's YtcrhtU Vnirfmnl '.. .Northtiinheilai d cmintv : Milton Mickey A. Ch.iiiihcilili. hunl-ury 11. II. Manser. M litvei s villc Ccddi s, firrcn it Wulls. (irorgelown 1". Miilhiiffer A. Co. I nitio county : I.ewishttrg Wi.l'a it (ied.'c. Mifl'iuburi Pcllman &. Bcckly. New Deiliu Jnliii M. Bcnft-r. Seiinsgiovc liyiCitCo. Mid dlchnrg l-aac Smith. Lycnining n-unty : Williamsp.irt John Smith. New hi riy M. vt j. C. Fun-ton. Mtincy W. A. I'cirican. Jersey Slime .Ismts II. IB burn. Columbia county : lhuivillo 'P. A li. B. Key Holds. Catlawiss.-i C. A. Broi ls. Berwick Mil! man Hiltenhuuse. Bionliisburg-John It. Mover. Sunlitiry, Sept. 0, li-H). LIVE It COMri.AlT, Citrid I if tht ur rf Lr. IUrlii h's Co.Mrotrjrn Sn,urnikMiii ami Aitiiii;r l'iti.. Mr. Wim in h'n.iAiiiM, riitshuiji, IV.. in iiii !v cmt tl ol the above ditifr-i-inii iIim t.-i : lie, .n,t..nn wire, pain and w. itl.t in the ,i tliil., Inss ol a petite, ton, ilii c, at ul cruet in ic.s, disti i -linn ol the st. niiioh. h k tieadachr, fuired tongue, i ounti nance th.mi!od lo a citiou color, thliii tiltv ot bii a hni).'. distutl td rest, attended With a cough, meat debility, with oi her s iiitini.s indict i-l; yreitt deuiiijidi cnl of Ihe Itini li.ins of ll.e iivn. .Mi. linn li list had ihe advne of seveial hy ni.ins, but ri ci tv e. I no relit f, until usini. Ur, II aiii.h n'a Mid n ine, vthn h ti il inillir'114; u t ine. Flint ipal Oilier, ID Nottli liitl.lli Wtiei I, I'hila de!j lua. Also for s .le at ihc ihut; oie of iiK.NUV 1 OATilLlMi'.K. M-y I. 18.11. Atnt. Till: CAlSE VE iJltEASE. ' N'mily all class, s i.f disease, an caused by some ol struct on in the systi m, which prevent the levu lar m. d wholisitne eprr..tioii ofll-.e aionnd fonc li..ns. This s ale of ihesysom, is use, , ti. h is inanifi sled in n variety of forma, moie or les m:. I in their charicter. To restore the sysltm to a state of health, then, ii is only nice-sury to u-. nunc ihe cause of dt-c.i. e, nml the end is'qcrnn pll.-hid. '1 hcuiu-cis ols ructi.n sunn win re. 'I his t an Ic n inoM-il ly puigatioii, which is the only means that sin uld be rt sor t d lo, hi, suy.esti J by tcasiiii, mid ly nature. )r. II ulii h'a Slrt ngt. nil grind li'cuiian Aperienl Pills, aie allowed ly lh.- tin u.-nt ds who have um-iI Iheni, to he the I-cst pmgaliie inid.eii.e in cxi.-ti lice. Hrcauve, ihey lint only ri move ull ol siriuiiuu , und purue il e rs ti in t fits itn unlit s, but, I ccutw, aid w Inch is , x inii'i lv important, eiii-ngil.i-ii ai.ditiie pr..u jom. to the stoin. t h, ami r, din e a In ul'.hy ai-limi i f ..11 the art j. Besides, they are so mild und gi ntle in iht ir t pi ra ion, u to let d. i ll.eiu i.t all linn s u pi lecily suh- and thsiialh- remedy . The nlrl'et.d w nnl.l do wi I', thill, to puich.iM- a box or two ol th's inv.iiin blti medicine, and t;ivo it u .,ir iriul. in. i '.i 'hI of ihsiroying their .-y.t.t-s with oli-u-j tali , tleses cf i.ili.inel, timl othir tin gs, so injurious to hum. in hi, ai d huppiufM I'I.e uhove iiuiheii e lor snisal the Brng sture of JIliNKY OAillLl.Mi.i:. May 1. li' II. .lire-il. nvK heahache. Is a veiy e. ininnn nlfi etiun. lis n'tirke rre i rv st i tie, and i h.ii. i u iji I by sj risinudte p .in.--, si. in nig u.e (ml ol Iho 1. 1 ml I i Ihotlher, lie. i,t i ntiy c.'iniiii i t ili)( III ll.e n.oiini upended w .t'i su'i.ii it ll.c stilii-iih, inuisca. tr.qi, mil si u.eliiin k, vomilii y, rjiddil.c.-, and c nf, sjon ol s,j;hl, &c Ac, '1'h.s d( .seustf is piniltli t it limn v t rioos t uOkfts, j eth'ips ihe ino-l ci inii.oii, ia a ili-. rsi,',. n, il ul i he ,tiiuuih and di-isiive trains. 1 LMALi:ur. iiHist suijtt-l to ibis i.tleiti. n, ui. Iii'inuily I, vse who h ud u s d. Iil.ov Inc. Dr. Jl..,. lir.Y, fun tlri,.g!f,t;t o- 'ln.:c ui,d, in un Aj'ti iut Vila, ..r; wuiau"icd to uinst Ih.a iroiiblc.-ome ui.. we : fust by , I, unsinj iht si, niai h and h. wtls, piiriUing the bhu d. ai.d lemovipg nil dl.taitd and excremerilunus huiuora Iroui i he over and inn slim s. By the use, lirsl, of a oW dose, nf ihe Apciienl l.eiinan P.p, atu-rwarda two or three doses of Iho Wreiigthm.i, 'Jmue i'iA, which aie used to strengthen and liivigtiiaut Ihe ut'XU'ls tytnn, give t rielo theslouiuib and orsaua nl dit'ction, thus iinpartuig to iu,r ui,,,i, UuiJ u pnstinc vigni, this aflliriini: disrase may heeuiinly ifriiivrd. 'I bis is the unly imle t l irvauug tin's auioytlig t-r ti pLinl, Mhd hus been allmdej wiih siircis. in iliou.-ands of tases. P-.mpli ls givir ; r.,1 thrrrliofia, mry he oh-i:ii- ed fttalis, st No. ClNotih Kil ih timl. J'liila oeipliu. IILNKY Yo. i 1JLLMFB. Alay I. 1-ill. Aittt. lUJADY'SJIOTEL. iVIM.Ii, (OM MIII4 tOl.MY. Iri,) It niilti. II Ii Kl IISCI.'IBI'.lt lesperirully informs the El. plltillC, Unit he his II II. ml'l linlii the InWtl of 1'nl Illinium u Ifutirillr, mid that he h is puftluacd in that place, iir l.mgi nml Cviiimi itiiiun 11 11 1 f K i o r k , r 1 in. eon t i n 01- Mit.i. t'n tiiimlT stri its, ( Uiii;nitr thr Criiuf-lfmin; J a Winch he has fifed up by ihe predion "..i.'.'.l of AhUITIttN Al. Ill n'.MNCK. and 4'""diMve pi'l'A II 1. 1. Ml, for the l.nlr utnitiiiirnt if Tiurillnn timl li'7or. Ho is now oi -p ut .1 in aeeoinini.ihiie nil w ho may fivnr him with a call, and he Wind. I statu lhal ini tio il in his owt-r shall be left i ndoiie, to rcndi r his tu toineis ci-inforihle and ha py while mulct his 1 nie. Ili act otiimot'nlinn are tirr.ple, nmf his nums lurn shed in inmleiu s'yle, and the propriitor is do ti rminetl ti nt his t tlul.liiliiin-nt thall sualnin ami keep up with the growing leptilntjou and impoi lance of ihe town in which il is lotl' il. His Tnt K wiil be supplied with ever luxury nl the mviaon, ai d the brut niirl clmirnt rur!thf l.r iiinrk'l run vforil. ll.s lUa w t; l , stored with nil tht hot iii tir.'e thill run Im f iirni.ilitil In mir litim, nml Ihe whole will he such as to give satis-I'ai-t inn to every one. W'ell knowing t lint an eniigh'enetl pnMip will alwiivs jin'co for Ihein t Ives, ho leels cotiliileut that Ihcv will favor him with their n..l roll. U'o. BAM I'LL A. BBADY. DmiviMe, Jan. .10. No. Slid, B WTIXOHK S l Itl.l.T. A fi w nViwvr wtft if Hn.-urdtl. BALTIMO'tli. 1IOIKS.MK llFALF.U in Coml a. But- '' f 1,,., ilom I 1. I! I- 1 I... y n-i.c, vu ......ii nun , limy .ini'in-, mill ,ni- poller ol I'liti-nt i. tril ."-hoe 1 breads, Spotil ( otli n, i s, t run is, i ,-, e, ami utmost every tleHciiplt.m ot . , : ."inn I Atttc't s lit -;oi t-iul, mo I otinliy .v.ercl'.. mis anil liiiihrsl n si 1 1 tadly itiniid to call and i s,,- tuii't for themselves. Jan. 30.- lv warranted" Mratw Clocks, ltv B.5 I?o!f:tis, pTi QEAI. f.r time to ni.r Wi y (Vcr A' iW iXA ('.t fir -.", for sale I y M rjh ljj. II. Ti. MAsiilt. ifi: i . tVAi iirsr i TT; 1 Ik ; i j k a l k Ft IK SAW-MIIIS. Bv Bi'.JAii N. Crsiiw.i. j rPI!Ii Suh-crilers having purthrsid the richt for j - vt ikIk n anil usinj thn iihove valuable inven tion, tor t ni lliuiol i i liinil Cooinv, oiler to ih-pn-e i t the same to j i rsons who nmy desiie to pun h.ise. The a! inver-.tioii is now in ration at tliesaw mill of Mr. M'Caity, ncir St-.tibuiy, n here it can bo insptcti'J by owners of saw mil's and all others in;enscit. F. (il)HIN, tf. SAMI FI. COLIN. SH ARlOKIJvT COAliT" f"KF a very superior ipi.dity, can he had at nny VjV lime, hy appl. cation to the subst ribt r-, in hits lo suit purchasers, "i hey kot p la ye, Vfi, br. ktn, and tine- coal, lit fur hurning lime. J- il. Pt'RDY it Co. Siinhury, Sept. Ctl. if. ll.'IMI .-SALMON. Ol ll.o"ht-ti , slanlly on hand and for mi'.c bv ahly. Sept. I 1M0. II B. MASSKIt. " MAOKIKA WlNli. Inst tjuainy Madu-u W me, for sie low l y Sept. 12, ltill). II. IJ. M asm: It, I Ol i;''H I'l.'trtiF LHANIlY. A ij, i.tnn arliele nlwnvs on hund and lor sale bv Sept. 12, 18-10. II. B. MASSKK, HOLLAND t.IN. Ol the bisl iiualry mjyP on h..iul und for sulc I v s, pt. 12, is in. ' if. n. m.i:i;. 1 OAF AND LIMP SlCAK. Always",!, hand mid lor suit- by S. t. 12, Ivlti. . T MAsrn. j NliW Olil .LANS M i;".U llOLs-LMo-LASSLS. Of ihc best oiualily ulwuys on hand ui u no sulc hy .n-1-- l-io. ii. b. ?,!..m:k, liliOWN S CAIi.Ot a pu d ,;..1,hiv.l..r sale low by Sept. 12, Is ti. M. H. MAS.-Lit. Li(l oi,n,.o, H k;n U allil , ,ho t,uulj, ties, always on hund and for sale by Sept. I", 1M0. II. B. MASsrit. oiil-.l.. AM) BLACK TLAS. Of the uultt- n'wi.vson hand and lor side l v Stt. 12, y.J0. II. H, MASSKIf. lest l t'l 1' I I.. Java, l.n. l.lul l a-iina Coll stanllv on hand and fur aide 1 v i e, cnl.- l't. 12, Hl('. 11. B. MASSniL M'LKM OIL. Winter aid Solium r str.nnd Spenn Oil, ul ihe lel ipjahly, always ouhund and lor sale l v Sept 12, It: JO. II. B, MASSI',1!. r'l FFL. C,tt un.l Bli-lei Siet I, l,,r sale by Sept. 12, 1 e-10. il. II. M XJs.tLlt. M'KLMi S I Ll.L. Of vaitiius sizes l,.r Lhpuc Sj rit gs, for side by StyllS, IMIO. If. 11. MAS-sLlf. l.AIU.ii iiiv.ii TVT BlBLLS IVr tali; m viry ruiliicid pi iota by Sc t. 12. 1" III. If. B. M.S!S;:i;. FLANK lit IOK. Of idl LiiiJs.' I i'r's tle ly" s. pi. 12. 1M0. II. It. M A.-s-Li;. BLANK DliliLS. H.u-,., Mi'lttjajli r-, f.r. sn'o bv Sept. 12. In 10. il. B. MA." snle bv IK. Jl 'I It lis' BLANKS. 1 S. 1 1. 12. lsin. H. h. M Asi:il. t-l.tlTU, Uiuc, Blatk. luvisilK- viricu.'A.'c.', j lor .s. le i-y II. 1.'. 1" 10. il b. m ."si:ir. .N D A1 J IN LT i s. 1 o'r I t Aw lAil.l.h I sub- vt ry low ny I S. i.':2. I rIO. il. B. MAsMiH. CA I! I'I'.TI Nti. For sale e heap n Sept. 15, lKlti. H. B. MAsM'.U. li L A N K !iT-'Vr'..i7'rhi a p'bv " s. pi. i2, i sio. ii. it. M.rssprt. " l ".Nirr.LVl'lli.D M LsLLNs. FnrVile by Sipt. 12, if -io. v. B. M .v-m:i:. tUT'iON YAli-N'-VltlJ CuJ'l'jN LAFS" For ale l-y Sept. 12, IS it). II. B- MASSLR. ' lii:.MP AND OO l'ToN 'J'W I. Mi. F.r uie bv Kepi. 12, IS40- II. B. MAS-MiK. "TiT INti l.l.XLs, COUDs AN D KOPLS.-l Tor sale l v I'J'i' '"" n. MASSliK. ili A li A ii 1 ' S I'MTiiD hPAFFs commercial and STATISTICAL FKlilSTFK. C. inain.i doc r mt-nts, facts mid othi r us, ful nit .rriiMtimi, iliu.tia live of the. hirtoty and resource of Ihe Arneiirau 1 nion, and of enctj State ; cmluaeii g cornniert r, mnnufat lutes, agi it ultine, inlt rual improvements, banks, currency, linanres, edoe-almn, Ac. , e. Ldi tcd by Samuel llszatd. Publi hed every Wednesday, at 79 Dtnk street. The price to sulwriU-is is S ,-r ,uin, pnysble on the lust of January uf each year. So sul.crii linn received for less tl, n a yejr. BubacriUis out uf the i i.ntipaluliMlo j ay in advance. THE CUIiTIVATOIl, A Comolitlation if tiiirti (.'ulliratur and the (' tiese t-'tnmtt. WILLIS tl A l loll II AND II lilt. R Tl CKIltl, tOITOSS. I'l owfirt 1 111 of i ol. 8, lor l!S 1 1. rpiMi Cultivitiiir whs established to linptovo and i li vale ihe Agriculiure of the country ; lo give a pii per lone lo the luiimls mid tnilid ol tho Far mer; to show him Ihe I'liinily and impoitance of his rod B-ion ; tn si ore his mind with oselol know hdec, and convince him tln.t while ull eliissis am nml uni-l be mole or less di pt nihinl on each other, be alone ol the whole can nn.kt' any near appioach lo iiuli j i lull m i-. If then- is one iIiiiik mole thall niinlhtr, which in this country ives a man suH-ri-only ovei his fellow rnt is know lede ; and this kl owlcdpe, knt-wtetlce which is n essential lo the I M1 , ( ine fnmier as to mher men, il ia the df-igu of the Cuhivitlor lo aid in imparling. Q'j 'ihe volume for I S i 0, is filled entirely w ith (hiifiiHil Ciiiuiiiuiiaiitius, enihtat ing articles from nhoul itt'lt Col respondents, from almost every stale in the I.'nioi). ll" an ii.cioBs-p of suhscriplion heyond any prece dent in Ihe history of Agncultuiol Journals, ifthc almost unanimous voice uf the public piess in our 1'uvm i ll.c multitude of piivaie M t Haltering lei- liiunniols we have received, nddtd to a limitation ' auiotinlii'.u the lir-t yiar to Twrsi t-rwo Titotr j SAMi, may be .tdinitltd as cvidein e, then vvc have j ctilainlv most uhundant ii-iifoh to be gratified with the MiciCss winch h..s attendid tho Fninil of the Cultivator n (i il ti c (louche Famnr. No expense j h s I eon i r w.ll be spared In render the Cultivator , worthy if tie patrnnano it l.aa ii rt ived. In the number, variety im.l i xcelli ncc of its lihistrutitnii, .1 is without a rival at home or abroad, the last I lime lnp. cmt ellisticil W illi nearly Hue HuiHlitd Enpuris, illu-rtingtheiui rowi) hwrdaol 1I..- -i s, Cult . , Mn cp. Swine,, Iinplcim uts, ci--., iin.kii A the C ullivator, all things Consideted, it Is I tin veil, l!ie I ht-.ipt l Agiieu.tiiral 1 ani r ever ; ....i:.. .i . I ).ii!"i.-:.en ill mis or any oitii r (onntry. I t i.m. !.'re Dollar pr milium ix copies l..r ' ;" liie inniii-v to bo ttUti Ud in advance, free ol p. stii:i-, A cuuiiiitssioii ol 20 per cent, will be al low tU to Am nls who obtain '-j or lnoio subscri l ers. and 2o per cent, to those who obtain 100 or more. All subscript. oils lo coinineiico with a vol ume, Postinruters and gentlemen disj-oscd hi lend their iniluiiite lo aid the tun c i t Agrieuhuie, are re si ce, fully r. iue:ic J lo act as acorns. Address U'KI. A CO. Vullixhtri of the I'liiiiriilur, Ailviii, .V. V. ECSTGN 3MOTXON, the L A Ii a ES T ..IM) CHE A I'E.ST Aii X- V AVE It IS THE WORLD. raillC spirit of the ago i' utilitaii in. Tm rove- ' stmes whe h a lung life iii Ihe pr.ifessioii Ins en.t E. nit nt is sl impcd upon the luce cl every thinij. j hied lino lo aiuu-s. An wiili Ail ihc uselul ails are proer. ssirg ui'iarrnilel-j ''Jiinn y f-hoit," and "Oliver Oiilh-dow," is uUj ed rapidity, and the A rt of Printit g is coming in i promised ; with a variety t f choice arltt It s in prose I t its lull share i f tho Common improvement. and verse, from various, writers ol cole , a con Dcleim'ed nut lo be onldotie in any thing that per- 1 tnbulors to tho prominent Muipziuts ol the foun tains to hi- profession, when' there is a lair chance for t xeition nml eiitt rpr'uc, the undersigned hus de termined upon issuing a shte-t twice the si.e of the- Boslnn Weikly 'Finn s, (and is lo take the place oi timl j a er.) aim w .ll coiitain c ght cimum us more malter lh in thn Brother Jonathan. Tins "heit wi.I be cdhd the BOSTON N'O'l'ION, and t :s d. teiinii id that il shall sust lin a cotitiotnt ii s.i full uf mciiiiiug, and so inlcrwoven with the esiuh hslitd charai'ti r of our Yiinket' city. It will be the N ii.w si'Ai-i.H in tug Won i. ii with on exct ption and will I e piinted on a sheet thirty seven hy lif.y-uvo inih. s. It will Ic filhj cntiuty with r-adint; maticr, und will contain Three Thou sand Light lluutlrtd ami F.ihiy liiuht square ii iiii s, hi Tw cniy-Si von square led ol rmt in fine tyjc' and a sii gle number will contain more read ing than an ordinary hook of Thiee Hundred f.f.i.- 'I'i:e.1l mei .11,1.4 ll- .11 .n:it-li, I tw. (u. in diuw hlfL-ili- lll.oll t!l.' llio.t nerinilieiik i . i i I - . of the u. iv, both Arnorieun and I'orciuu ; und as Ihc seltet'nis will bo made vvi:h pna: care, it is bcliev- j c l this r w.ll be a wchi'iin Notion to ev,ry ; I. unity. Besidt a a lull sy no sis ot ihe current n.-w.- j .i- .n . .i . ... . . t t: i. i ... i. i . . , ' in too ni,) us i.iii:uiii in uie i;ijsiott U-t.y '1'iints,) it w.ll c iiiuiti l'uciry, Pojulir 'F;.ie. Tln uiitul Crilioisn.s, P., lice and ut'uir Couil Kt- I- tts. Hun oious A i liiles, etc &c. The wh. le wo. Id of Liteia'.urc will le ransacked lo fill it. Fioiii ll.e study of iho philosopher down to tl f police courts, through all nylons of ic-oii, pot liy, , wtl, und the uinplo iteolj ol folly, wesh.i t uie. in liutii the past and ll.e present uii.t I I - ui nil na ions, to ii.M i.t us j,!i j-.nii: und Usilid a e. .u. lunation . f m olded liieogot mid i inn nl his-t-'iy, us tho win Id ran supi y ur indusliy juoduce. Ibis is our '-Bosi'iit Notion." This tiist uiinuint or w.s.l in and fun of wit nnd phi:oMi h of lioullies and uutnjuilies we die able In t in r, weekly for SIX l l. is er copy, i u'y ix mils! and we cm dn it of the l.u ili i sol our iis und i llice, and the cornice tiuii ol daily - ud wci I. ly public. itions. For riihKK n ul ii lis vie en sill a vim's Voiunie, i iind in itiantilv ol mutter, withe-Miy vai. ty a so, to Filiy-iwo Vol uniii of Novels, such us arc issued fiom the pnss of tins dav. Fili-two huge Yoluiins f..r Three Do hiis ! Ffiet ted ail by improved ui chint ry, and by a di liniiiiution that we will not he outdone lu ei.lei pnze iicfu nesw. Tl.RMS: T'n hack Dollars a year, always in cdva- cc no oideis, no si.nrce, wi; loultii did lo unless aecoinpanicd Willi the CA1I. t it. gle co ii s six cents each. Post Muilcis or others remitting Twenty Dol lusshal have Light d pics si nl lo suih persons ut.d I'lueik u- I'm v ii, -V I'c-innule. tiLliRt.L LOBI'.KTS, Publisher. 't;fj;o XV. Iayiip:, FORWARDiM. AND CoM.MliMu.N MLIi CJIA.N'F, CursM T Stufet Wu iiir, II t n in s hciig, I a prepared to receive (iooda am Piu.Iui h ut the new wtith.rti.e, which his arraiigciticiits wilt ena ble him t.i loivviird with despatch to Philadi Inlna, Putsbuig, W ilh iin-i ,nt, W ukesUtr.e, Ctduinbiu, or any u-.h.-i point on ihe Pennklv.ini i and Viiioii Canals, mid ihe Pennsylvania mid lUi. lisbuig and Lancaster mil r.mtK (i.iods fr.,m I' i... n.ij ..i: n. Chanihi iL-hurg, eVc. Ac, forwarded wnh care and ext.liti..n. Coal, Plasii u, Salt und Fisii, constantly for S.-pl. ICrinoinl. j U O O K-ll 1 .Nl) li K V, "I'lIL until istrjned have the uiaUficntlon of in-i forming the public, that notwithstanding ll ey re sit unlortuniite as lo bav their hindeiy buiul dtiwn, shall continue, as it begun, 1 1 be bn!,, eeni e. in Mtuch list, thty have opened a veiy txteusive J weighty, iiht, giave, u.t-rry, bilious, witty, emiHuli. one, in Liicu-t sin cl, in t!. lit w building eluertly dashing,, i,.sir. ,1, and liieuinpsrul ia oppi.kile tilemi's Hoiel, snj aie urnpaitd lo extcuie ' newspaper, ll khall l a klupi ndoin minor tvheic atl wnik in their line wiih despatch, and in su- ! In ah the world will stann r. UiCtid. ll sl.all r. u- .. ........ .e.. . t C.1..1V . i, . . l iumr stvle. I l.eir ai l.t.tu ni r.ttiAiis and other Mai hiniry nre new, and of ll.e liisl order and lalist impri v, ot nts ; sud they fcrl eonfl ponce' iu Ihur fccihlit s lot giving rls l suli.-fuo-tmn lo all who my lavor iheni wiih lin ir orders. Hanks, Cuuo-y orlces, Merchunts, Mechanics and others, can be supplied with BLiNK BOUKd of every dtsdi) lion, wliicb for i.ealinsa and tiura hdily, will he equal to any 1 y ll e I'nited Btatea. HICKOK At CAN'JINL. IIARRISBl'RO, tvpi. U. AMI Till! I.atllr-si' nml CrnllfiiM-n'4 World of" l.ltf ralm aiiu 1 tislilun. (7'Ae CaJicl and tht Ocntlrman't X'liiUd.) V NBW Volume, under tho above tide, of tho Weil esiahlirhed ami fashinii.dilo Alngav.iiii, Thn I'hihitlelphiit l.'u..kel in coi junc inn nith tl.o lien Ionian's Magazine, which has been every wlu io pronounced ihe most icnd.ibtc. and p ipuhir of iho diy, will lie oaemil on the First of January, 18 ll, Willi un array of Cutiliihulois set und by the utn .ii of talent and fatue,whiih no peiioihcal in the coun try cu ii hoa.-l or piettnd to rival. 'J'he December number will, however, I a rpieimrii of Ihe new volume. The Vulouic will be opened with A new and beautiful type, ihe lineal white paper, and with the lost of a series of embellistiiut nts uii-uipssi-d l y tiny which have yet npsaiid in any Magazine, The style of ilegance, tho Wanly and lini.-h ol these illustrations, olid the extensive iinpiovcmcuts wh.tli Will he made in Us typograph appearance, and above all, ihe tone, of ils hteiary department, by the bril iant airay of contributors, whose nriicles have enriched the paqcs nf each number, will give it char acter, second in no Mii.i.ino in ihe I'oion, Tho ol aructtr of the articles which shall appear in i's panes, w ill be ctp-ially removed from a ttick'y si nti mentiihty, and Iroui an alii t tat ion of morality, hut wh lu a line delineation ol human niiluie in every vin iety of passion is aimed at. nothing shall he found in i's pages to cause a blitsh upon tho cheek, ul ihe nio-t pure. Tho L lei try. chiirarter will he suflicieully guar nnteid ly the reputation of bo'h M:ig,..iiu s muled, for years pns-t, Wnteis of the litst rank hate been regular Cnlituiiulois lo ill. ir pies, uul tin- iiih s and lies pub isln-d in ihein h tvo Ici-n wid ly copiid mid road, and Ihe linn and huh pen- nit tone nl the ciilleisins, upon Hit: cuiient litt ia- . . 1 . l. I l L .1 . . . J .. . -. a no ii, i i i iiui.iiiitiiors i ii.nruiet 1 1 u ni.liits of ino t of the principal wii'ers in America, with a rt speclahh- numl er of Iintrlndi authors. The series nl well known nautical papers, enti tled ' Ci ui.iug in the laslW ar," h jve had a mil, uucipjalliiil by any striis pubhshul tn any Magiuin fin yeais. '1 hi: niuhor proini cs to o i n ihc tiist of a new seii. s of 'l'ah s of the Sea, and from bis known abilu'ns in a depicter of n-a sciuts und life, tuiicli may be rthed upon fiom him in m..i,. honing tho popularity of ihe M a;'; Papers may be expic'. ttl during Ihe volume, ul-o fiuin the uuihor of the Weil aitU-li?, i nt, tied 'J'he Log of O.d Irnll-side-" 'J'he imthor of " Lt-tteis," will als.s lend his poweilul and grult ful pen, t.i bustun ami intic.iso the n putatioli of Ihc work. The valuable aid if tl o i.ti h.r uf "Leave f, oin u Luwyei's Port Folio," I us i Iso hteii stciiied, and we may expect Homi'thiiiR sti.l n.tue thrilling I mm iho capacious tiy. 1 lie cdilois ol Luih M g t, ines coiituiue their seivicts under the new arnu.neint i.t. With such an airay i t ta ent a ; ot uiiuv.,i;, a u.tiuc- j lions, may salely he promt- d ihc coming voiuun' FASHIONS AND LNliltAV INtiS. In with the almost unanimous wish of our laity subsoil em, w o shall iho ensuing vol ume furnish ll.eiu wnh a beaultiul and coin it plate of Fashions. Monthly, a feature, it is hthcvul, that will neither le unwelcome nor unpopular. The Fashion plates shall be drawn Iroui original designs ( 1 1 .in I'. .ris und Lonih u, un.l in iy tuways he de- end- d upon us the pu vailin-; stvle in Phil ith-lphii and Ntw Yoik, lor the men h in which tin s aie is. .-Old. Timt ufmbHrutifn. 'I he wetk Will he publish ed on the lirsi ..I ihe month m t v. ry ipi.trtt r of the l.iiioii, 'Ihe most distant subscriber will comc- i l111"1'' fcrtiv il cu that dav. ns well as tin se who reside in Pi il.uh lphi i, Ll .ill the principal t-.tica. ageing Intve been cstul hshetl, tu wlnuu the M.t.i lus is fur.vuided, prtoi to tho tune ol is ii'iij i', s i t Lt.t tt.e.v toiv be tlii. vend lo itudci.l suh.-citbtt; I y the hist ol the umiilh, Tnoii : Thiti 1'ui'aux per milium. Or tw - copies i early l .r live tin hn i, invarial lv in advai t e, p. sl .ud. -o new si.h-ci.l ei n ceivi d w nhoul the moiiov, or the name ol a n spousii-le agent. For the- in-comiiiodiiliiiti i t llioso w ho may lo suL i serihe lor c.liit r ol the Pillow ing I'hiladi Ij hi t perns. 1 duals, this hit ml pn jns.d is nude: I'm-doll ir.t : i Hi ri nl niou. y, free uf pn-l-ife, we will lir.ihain's M J'4 tnr, and tiotley's Lady's lio..k, l. r i one year. Addnss, post paid, I (iLO. R. (;i: H.M. I Hun lh Hi-.- eoriur if r'.t.wi, Tiun! FA U The lirolltcr .Sonathaii. t I'lIL largest and most oeuuiilul newspa er in tit" world larger by filiy s,usie inthes than any i other newspaper in the I'nited Stales, Published I Saturdays, 4t ltj Nassau stitel, New ork. Puce ihrec dollats a yeai two copies lor live dol hus. The propih tois of this m.nnmoih sheet the "(ileal Western" um.ini! the new sinners 1 have the pleasure nf s; reinling heline the n udin ; ubiie a weekly peiiiniu ul eouluiuiiii; a tn iler a mount and variel v of u-t lul and inter, st u: h i ei II my , than ia to It- lu.iud in any similar pul. In a lion in the w .u Id. ! liach number of the paper contain aa I. true an I amount ol leading matter us is found in volumes ! of ordinary iluo.h ciino, which cost j2 und unite ihau is conl.niml in a volume ul living's C, loin bus or Bancroft' History of America, which cot SII a voluini anil all K.r Three I'nilars a y car. For jo Inn co, ics will be lorwuided one y eur, yr nuc copy two y e.irs. Since Ihe nl-liiatioii of out orijiii posprrt'ls I ihe Brother Jonathan hus hten 1 L.liliLD and its sue, amply I . fore, has u,".n bJ lnUl h ,m'TttM ; that much mote than tbu fllm.r HiutUy , ,. must inleitsiinn lilfl'.,re of ihe d v is t-n.hiue. d in us immeuae tv ; asily. St-lrcl oiif tr, ai nil ihtr m -si firoiuiui-iit and ci Itbruttd wr.tersof ihe dav uss st i ",""'r! Ustoiiti-nl,; anJ whatevei i. new, in n, t ""oalely IransMied to iue. luiuna. Al I 1 . fW''l'Culion to t uodiculs ol Americau writer ' i repute eppeai mi ll pages; aud the U.ucs of tho loie-iuii j n sa aie luul uu.ier ctinuauu'ious, as s..,.iv a iccmod lu this oniony, 'loth tniscellati. no . ui J Literary D. p..ri ou-nt, the ch sesi ain riiioii n paid; and ui all th, sell ctious uud orntinut conln. n Iku.s, kiri.t caie is devoted to avoid all thil mi-, tuu. h upou the opinions uf any Jaily i.i rt-lgiou. r p.. Lx t!iiuncc having taught ns ihut we had maik cd out a nil loi ourselves, in which all so'! ol i eople di lihu lo lultow, the Br. ther Jonslhtui t mr mi'" i,iiuiiiuii.i .sui, nominees an i Stones for teilli sexes -I'aiiy Ta!e loe li ters of l.e nir. in . u i.e(jeiiUs lor antmuanek rajui iiade fut wit luoiig, rs Cun and raisins for shoit wu.Jed reaJcik-Si lena Ics for inusit nt lovers Son nets for Ladie Sentmunt for old rmciH-lor Sis UsliCFf ir polniitias gfid Leetun s. Sermons, Ci iti eibii.s, L igiaiua, Ac, Ac, A.c ,loi all the woild. Li Id is should heiddiesacd to WILSON rt COMPANY. VuLWun if the lirvlher Juiithn," A". V.