b l g I), At Nstrhri, on the 4th of May last, GEORGE SNYDER, formerly of this place. Coal Trade Amount of Cnnl carried on t! Danville an J 'ottsville Rail Road to Sunbury for ahipping, du ing the week ending on June 3, 014 Tons. Per last report, 2,181 Total, 2.795 JOHN BUDD, w. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer. Wheat, 60 Rt, ...... 60 Con, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 25 Pork, ...... 6 FLAXSttD, 100 UuTTgR, ..... 12$ Beeswax, 25 Tnow, 12$ Dhiru Apple!), ..... 75 Do. Pxicass, .... 200 Ftit, .8 Hkcklrd Flax, .... 10 Eoas, - 7 CLEANSE AKD STRENGTHEN. The only aure and best course to pursue in cu rl g diseases, of whatever nature they muy be, in: rat, to cleanse and purify the Stomach and Bow 'a by gentle aperients; secondly, to give strength nd tone to those tender organs by the ise of proper tnics. Thia mode ia alwnye pursued by regular hysicians, which they well know to be the only jurse to resort to, to ( fleet a speedy and permanent ire. Dr. Hablich's Compound Strengthening 'onic and Aperient pills, are a sure medicine to Tect this grand object. The German Aperient ills are to cleanse the stomach and intestines, of Mr which the Compound Strentgening Tonic pills re used, to give strength and tone to those or ans which requite tender treatment. Nearly two lirds of the diseases which we daily behold, te diseases of the nervous ystcm, and by continu ,!y using drastic mineral purgatives the sutT. rer ill soon find himself a being too much refined remain long in existence. Full and explicit di ctions both in English and German, accompany us notice. The above mtdicine for sole at the Drug Store of II E.N RR YOXTHEIMER, CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE, That wo have applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Nor- umherland County, for the benefit of ton laws ade for the relief of the insolvent deblois; and at the .ludgea of the said Court have appointed e first Monday of August next lo bear us and our editors at the Court House in Sunbury, when id wbcro you may attend if vnu think proper. BENJAMIN WTTMER. June 5, 1811. iraTf?r3'-t;7-prr yy "MIE Subscriber would respectfully offer his pro- fessional services to the ladies and gentlemen Sunbury and its vicinity. He is p'epared to at nd to every thing in the line of hia business, ac- rdine to the latest improvements. Teetll for shle hy the dozen, or hundred doe rs worth, on accommodating terms, to suit the de. A complete set of Dental Inst rumcnt $ for aale, eluding case. rTj' Residence, for short time, a Price's TTotel. A. VALLERCHAMP, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist. Sunbury May 29,' 194 1. tf. CHITS &, C"Jlim7GS. WHOLESALE SHOE, B027XXZ2T, Cap and Palm Leaf Hat Store, x 10 South 4 ru Street, PHILADELPHIA, VII ERE an extensive assortment of the above articles are constantly kept on hand, fur sule the most reasonable terms. Miy 23, 1841. ly. HATS, ELLIOT, LYON & GOSIL W holesale Dealers, n Foreign, liritish and American Dry Goods, ). 12 North Third Stiiest, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants can be aupplied at all ' limes with an extensive assortment of the above indson the most reasonable and satisfactory terms. May 29, 1841. ly. iddicks, Vaiidiifccii fc Smith. WHOLESALE SHOE, CAP, Bonnet and J'alm Leaf Hat Warehouse, j. 167 Mabkit Street, above 4th Street, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants are respecifully requested J to call arid examine thrir extensive assortment, bich they will sell on the roost reasonable terms. May 2t, 1811. ly. CE1TTPJS TTO1TFXKE. IJOTICE is hereby given, that the election for officers of the "Centre I tiriipike Road Com ny," leading from RenJinj to Sunbury, will be Id in the borough of Sunbury, at the house of ixalietn eOzel, on Monday the 7lh day of June it, n- tween the hours of 2 ami 5 o clock I . M le honks and accounts of the Company for the st year, will be oiien for the inspection of the ickhoidtrs ou aaid day, at the place above men- ,:eJ. JOICN U. UUiU, Northumberland, May 20th, 1811. Sec'y V FEW ouncra of Pea-llllt Milt Woi III I'KCN, warranted good, can I had by apply. C SOOM. to il. U. JtlAoabll. May 29. 1R41. BEN J. L. THORZAS F BUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, I NN OUNCES his intention of onenine Room for the reception of pupils in the Borough of mbury. Aware that self praise is no recominen ition, he invites the attention of all interested, to e specimena of improvement made by hia pupils Schuylkill county knowing that "ihe tree must judged by ita fruits. Tirms Two Dollars per scholar, and no age unless the pupil ia saiUfted with tho improve- rnt made. Sunbury, May 15th, 1841. 3t. A IT e vr 23 ZL CO 'CP 322 ZL C23- 9 1 hoot cV siioi: sTOBii:. i LL kinds of Clothing, Boo;s and Shoe, and a V variety of other articlea ran be hid at the ino.l dueed prices, at the atore formerly kept by John 01(ar. JOHN CHAMbEHLAlN, bnr. Suii'bury, May 8, 184l.-3m. LEnicn TRAX SPORT A TI 0 S COMrASIi. . rPHR subscribers respect . 1 -f? i. fully Inform the Public 5Mf-V3'ind Merchants generally, tnai iney are now reaiiy 10 receive (roods at their old atand, (Brock's Whatf,) at Philadelphia, on the Delaware, for Northumber land, Berwick, Wilkesbarre, and all the intermcdi ate places, and forward them in firat rate decked Boats, via the Delaware and Chesapeake, and Tide Water Canala, and from thance up the North Branch Canal to Wilkeabarre, Dry Good entrus ted in their caie will be forwarded without delay. ABEL WILSON & CO. May 8, 1841. Ct Hester llorknfcllow's Estate. "WTOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of JLI N nrthumbcrland County haa thia day granted letters of administration upon the ealatc of Hester Kockafellow, Iain of Rush township, dee'd., lo the subscriber, residing in Augusta township. All per sona having demand against aaid estate, are reques ted to preaerit the same, properly attested, and those who are indebted to make immediate pavmrnt. JAMES FORRESTER, April 24, 1811. Ct Adm'r. In the Common Pleas ol'Northuin berland County Flemming and Thomas Pollock,") vs. C Rule of Court. James Tliarp. J T? ULE on ihe the Judgment Creditors of defend- ant, and all others intereste.1, lo show cause by the first day of August term, 1841, why the pro ceeds of the sale of defendand's real estate should not he applied lo they payment of the judgments of t lemming and 1 nomas 1'oiiocR. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Prothonotary's Office, 1'roth'y. Sunl'ury, April lb, 1841.) Ut SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 11 K P A T II I C K & SO N, No. 21, North Third street, (ritwxkvj market Ann CHESHUT STREETS,) PHILADELPHIA. TTAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment of Spanish Hides, Patna Kips, Tanners' Oil, VC, at the lowest market prices, cither lor cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for aale, or purchased at the highest market prices. QQ- Leather stoicd free of charge. April 17, 1841. ly. .10II. Si:iLlVAi V SO A, !l GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 26, Lkjht Street WaAnr, BALTIMORE. TTAVING a spacioua warehouse, near the Rail i-I road, and ample whurl and pavement room fur hnding and receiving produce, resiiccttuily solicit con-ii'nments of (lour, grtin, whickey, tobacco, -c. With much experience in the COMMISSION BLLNESS, to which they arc promptly and ex clubively devoted, they arc induced to believe they can cive satisfaction lo all who nuy employ them. J, liberal advances made on Consignments, and information as to markets freely communicated when required. Heter to W. LORMANT eV SON,? n ... . HUGH M'EDERRY, 5 uall"nore KEARNEY WHARTON, Reading, Pa. JOHN DOUGHERTY, Hnllidavahuts. Pa walling ford &taylor, Puuburg.pa April 10 IH4I THIS MACHINE AGAINST THE WOULD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. TTX A YEN PORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horse Power, which threshes jiid cle.tns at the fame time an invention for w hich Formers have long looked in vain, and w hich renders the above machine perfect and past further improvement. 1 hose who have been wailins for Komething better than heretofore olh red for tali will find this to be tho article. Come see it and judge for yourselves. I he subwnbers hove purchased the richt of the above Mnchine and Horse l ower, for the coun ties of NoHTIIl'MRERLAKI), I.TCOMI JG, ClIXTOX, and Usios and also, the privileges of vending tl rnt in any other places for which the right has not been previously sold. 1 lie advantages wuicn this Machine has over all others invented are many and obvious. One boy and three men can do all the threshing and cleaning ot 1 50 buthels of wheat in one day snd thia usually takea seven banda one day and three the next, r or field threshing it takes the lead of any thing in this world no grain is scattered or lost Such is Ihe superiority of the Horse Poner, that three horses can thresh as much with it as four can with any other. I he Machines and Horse Power will t sold together or seperate, to tuit purchasers. Made and sulJ in Milton, by tho aubscrilers. W M. WELCH, WM.II. POMP, HENRY FR1CK MiltoD, April 17,1841. THRESHING & WINNOWING MACHINE. Having had in use, one of Davenport's Patent Tbrei-hing and Winnowing Machines, tnd being rcpeatcdlv called upon for our opinion in regard to their value, durability and advantages, we make. Tick to state, that they exceed in our opinion, any i ntestnng Machine we ever beloie wiliicssca lit use. I bey will thresh and clean, fit for market 200 bushels of Wheat cr day, and thia with ihe aid of three hands besides the driver. The Siruw is passed off from the grain on an incline plane, ex tending about 12 feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a giain is lost. What is of some inn oitanie and greatly so, it the fact that no dust passes from the Machine to the man who feeds it. The Hor power seems to lie perfection itself three horses may woik it with ease and their l.steit unit need only be the ordinary plough gut. must cheerfully n commend the Machine lo Farmers Hoy are manufactured iu Milton by Messrs. ekb 1'ouip and Fuck. PHILIP Hll.CEKT. JOIl. U IIE1.LLK- Chilisqusque tthp., Noilh'd co, March 20, 1841, An Apprentice IV A IV T I I . A N apprentice will be taken to the skirts 1 nnting luisiness, a lad ol irom 11 to Iti years of nge, with a good Eng lish Education, will hear of an excellent situation by applying at this office 6oon, April 17. 1641. , BRADY'S HOTEL. OAIVVILLE, COM Mill A COl'XTY, I'emi) lvaiua. HE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs tho public, that he has removed Irom ine town oi Cuttawissa to Danville, and that he has purchased in that place, the Large and Commodious nmcK uouiKi AT TBI CORKER OK MILti ARB MARKET STREETS, (" Opposite the CourtHouse,J . men ne nns imca up ey uir errcnon of ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS, and mss&I extensive STABLING, for the Enter. i&Stainmenl nf Travellers and Visitors. He is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with call, and he would atate that no thing in hie power shall be left undone, to render his customers comfortable and happy while under his care. His accommodations are ample, and his rooms furnished in modern style, and the proprietor is de termined that his establishment shall sustain and keep up with the arrowing reputation and impoitance of the town in which it ia located. Hia Tarlr will be supplied with every luxury of the season, tnd the best and choicest variety the market can afford. His Bar will be stored with alt the best articles that can be furnished by mir cities, and tho whole will be such as to give satis faction to every one. ell knowing that an enlightened nuhlie will always judge for themselves, he feels confident that they will favor him with their patronage. SAMUEL A. UK AD. Danville, Jan. 30. TO OLITEE.'S SHOULDER MEASURE SYSTEM THE Subsctibcr has been appointed Agent for Ihe above System, for Northumberland County, which he olTers for sale to Tailors, who may de sire to possess the best and latest improvement in the art of cutting garments. The following two certificates a'e from a committee of Merchant Tai lors in Paris, who have examined the System, and highly opprove cf the same. Paris, Feb. 2Sth, IS40. We, the undersigned, members of the committee appointed by the members composing the Philan thropic Society" of Merchant Tuilors of Paris, cer tify that the System of cutiinir, taught by Thomas Oliver of New i ork, United Slates, has been sub- milled toour examination, which svstcm we recom mend as the best that has been submitted lo us, in faith of which we have Riven him th's certificate. M. FROGE, Pre.ident, M. LA FIT! E, V President. I subjoin a certificate from Mr. Cutter of I'aris, formerly of Boston, whose reputation is well ebta bin-bed both in Europe and in America : Mr. Oliver, Dear Sir, Ihe recommendation you have obtained from ihe Society of Master Tailors, is from the highest in thia city, and I fully agree in the opinion, that your system is ihe beat that has ever been published. Yours truly. V. CUTTER. The subscriber continuca the business of TAI LORING at his old ttand, adjoining Rhawn's store, in Sunbury, where be will accommodate all who nay call uon him in bis line of business. He will regularly receive the r dKhiona from Mr. Oliver of New Yoik, as soon as issued. The Spring Fashions have been received, and ore now for sale. WILLIAM DURST. Sunbury, April 10, 1541. ly T3EKSONS knowing themselves to be indebted to the subscriliers, for coal or otherwise, w, please call and settle the same without delay, if they wish to save cost. J. 11. PLKDi 6t CO. Sunburv, April 10th, 1841. if. Cheap Tin-ware. aj iMTU'irrni .n.i nt.t i, ik..,k..:. IMF cj nt ft v iim a-r mill crU I js uic eil c. a I . f H ber in Wunburr, of the best Tin, and the work wairanted, which he olTers for sale at reduced cash prices, now ss low at retnil as formerly sold by uholrsale. Good Watering rots, formerly sold at 87, now at 75 cents ; Laic Bucket?, formerlv sold at 75 and 03, now at (i'2 and 50 ; Gallon Cofl'ee Pots, formerly sold at 50, and ihtee quart at 50, now nt 45 uud 38 cents, and other articles of Tin-Ware in proportion. Move pipe and stoves made and sold ihcup (or cash, &.C. - IN. 11. Al. ptrsoiu indebted lo the rubsculier, and who wish to have costs, are roiuestrd to call and ini'ke satisfaction, without dihiy, cither with cush or by giving their notes. Sunbury, April 10. HENRY MASSER. SELF-ADJUSTING LOG BRACE FOR SAW-MII.I.S. By Baxjamis N. Ccshwa. rT,HE PuWribcrs having purchased the right for vending and using the above valuable inven tion, lor .urlhuniuciiund county, oiler to dispose oi the same to persons who may desue to purchase. The above invention is now in operation at the saw mill of Mr. M t arty, near Sunbury, where it can be inspected by owners of saw mill and all others interested. E. GORIN. March 27. tf. SAMUEL CORIN. The Last CIiaiKt?. TF persona who are indebied to the subscriber on -A- lIo.ik account, tt itl II n,l u.ftl.. i r . .iiu in in' panic i . j ti.L r k . lore me mm ui April next, tm t can sve some in- erest as well M costs, as the books after that t imo will be placed iu the hands of a magistrate for col lection. 11. U. MASSER. Meh 50, 1841. WARRANTED Brass Clock For 18 Dollar, JT7 QVAl. fir time to any sold by Clock Ped. ",r J' fur 25, for sale by Mrch El. H. B. MASSER. s u n r u n y jd.' va i a. , sill ifras Cusu GEORGE ROHRUACH At BROTHERS lTnsH lo '.iifirm their Customers snd the pub- lie genernlly, that they have erected an En gine, and arc enabled to do a more extensive I usb l. ess than heretotore, arid are ready to make all kind of castings commonly cast at Foundrys, vii.: STOVES, HOLLO W.WARE, PLOUGHS and PLOUGH CASTINGS of all descriptions, which they will dispose of as cheap aa tbev can he bought elsewhere. Old Iron snd Country produce will he taken in exchange for castings. UEOKUE KOHKIIAl 11, JACOB ROHRUACH. Feb. 27. 3m. WILLIAM ROHRUACH. T li o in n h IhiNHcIl, No. 2C8, BAiTiMoat Stmset, A fw doors uet tf Howard si. BALTIMORE. 15f7HOLESAl E DEALER in Comls. But y J Ions, German and Fancy Goods, and I in poller of Patent and Shoe Threads, huool Cotton. Suspenders, 'Tapes, and almost every description of email Articles, country Merchants aud Dial' I in uncial. -are rrepecifully invited to call and exa mine lot themselves, Jtn. 30. ly SHA1MOICIN COAL. OF very superior quality, can be had at any time, by application to the aubscrihers, in lots to suit purchsseis. They keep large, egg, broken, nd fine coal, (it fur burning lime. J. II. PUKDY Co. Sunbnry, Sept. 26. tf. unoCERIKSrk fresh supply of Groceiies just received and for aale by HENRY Y OA. In 1 M t It. Sept. 12. 1840. If. ilflUOKS.A. fresh surply of Brandy, Gin, Poit, Lisbon, Tei eriflTo, Mtdcira and Sherry Wines, just received and for sale by 11E.MIV YOAJlll.MElt. Sept. 13. 1840. if. TI I. At, A new assortment of 7-4, 7-8 and 3-4 yard Wide Muslin, just received and for aale bv HENRY YOXTII1MER. Sept. 12, 1840 tf. (.1 LMCOES.A new assoitment of Calicoes just received and fur pnle by HENRY YOXTIIIMER. S.pt. 12, 1810 tf. i ItO.V A good assortment of Bar Iron, jubt received and for aale by HENRY YOXTIIIMER. Sept. 12, 1840. tf. MImT. S.r0 barrels and sacks of Salt, just received and for aulo by HENRY YOXTIIIMER. Sept. 12, 1810. If. Ci,tnlS.A generol assortment of Cloths and Cassimcrcs, constant y on hand ot the store of HENRY XOAIHIMEK. Sept. 12, 1810. tf. WIIE.1T, ItVE, tVOtt.V and all other kinds of Giuin and Seed will be taken at the high est prices in sxchunr;e for gooda n the store of HENRY YOXTIIIMER. PeptMS, 1840 if. MACKEREL A few barrels of Mackerel for aa'c at a low prcc by Sept. 12. 1S40. II. B, MASSER, IRISH SALMON. OI the best qual.ty. con stanlly on hand and for sale by Scpl. 1 2, 1840. II B. MASSER. MADEIRA WINE. First quality Madicta Wine, for sile low by Sept. 12, 1810. IIB. MASSER, r OUKlli I'KOUr Ul.. Hi .A genuine article always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. M ASSER. HOLLAND GIN, OI Ihe best quality always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER " LOAF AND LUMP SUGAR. Alwuya on hand snd for sale by Sept. 12, 1M0. If. B. MASSER. BOSTON fsYKUl' MOLASSES. Of a supe rior quality, for sale by Sept- 12, 1840. II. H. 1HASSEK, "M:"Wolvi7EANS M TrAlT'HOUcE MO LASSES. Ol tho best duality always ou hand ar.d for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSEu, BROWN SUGAR. Of r good quality. for nale low by Sept. 12. 1840. H. B.MAM:R LiOl.'OKS. Ol all kin Is and ol the lest quali ties, always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER, GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality always on hand and for sale by Sept. 13, 1840. II. U. MAPiSMl. COFFI E. Jar i, Kio and Laguira ColIVe, con atantly on hind and for aale by Sept. 1 2, 1 840. II . U. MA SSL It. Sl'KKM OIL. Winter and Summer atrairied Sperm Oil, of the lest quality, always on baud and for sule by Sept 1 2. 1 840 II. H, MA SSEK. "wTEEL. Cast aud Blister Steel, tor sale hy Sept. 12. 1840. If. B. MASSER. sl'RING S I DLL. Of vaiiuus siies fur Eliplic Springs fr sa'e by Sef t. 12, II. U. M.ti.-i.K. LARGE UUARTO BIBLES For sale at very rod need prices by Sejt. 12. 1K40. II. B. MASSUR. "BLAN K LOOKS. lit till kinds" for" sale by s.-pt. 12. is-lti. 11. B. MAssbR. BLANK DLEDs. UonOs, Mortal."'. Ac. for sale l-v S.pt. 12, 1K10. H. B. MASER. JUST1CLS BLANKS. lor sale I v Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. M ASSER. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Gucn, &c, for aide by ept. 12, 1940. H. H. MASSER, CAsslMKUES AND SATTI.NLTTS. or II. B. MASSER. sale very low by Sepl. 12, 1810. "CARPEtlNu7 Sept. 12. 1840. -Foi sale t heup lu ll. B. MASSER. BLANKETS For talc chiap bv Sept. 12, 1810. I!. B. M ASSER. TN IH. EACH ED MUSLINS For sale by .Sept. 12. 1840. H. II. MASSEK. COTTON VAKN AND COT'TtN LAI'S For sale by Sept. 12. 1840. II. B- M ASSER. liEMPXNiJ Y'iJTTON TW INE l or fule by Sept. 12, 1810' II. V. MASS F.IJ. TOWING LINES, CORDS AN D ROPES. For sale by Sept. 12, 1840. II. V. MASSER. IS hi riby given, that interest wi l I charged by the subscriber, on all accounts for lime, that have been standing longer than six months, and that iieieafler this rule will be strictly adhered to. All persons indebted, are requested to Cjll and elite their accounts. SEASHOLTZ t BERGSTKESSER. Sunbury, Jan. 2:1, 1841. tf. iriercliniil'M It'oticc. AT a meeting of the Merchants of the borptiL'h of Sunbury, on the Cih iiist., the following was unanimously adopted: hen as no uniform rule exists among the mer chants of this pi ice, in repaid to the charge of inte rest on nook accounts, therefore iietolvid, 'That interest will be charged on all accounts that have been stvnding longer than six months, and thut hereafter all accounts in our hooks will be balanced every year, arid that interest will be charged on all haLnces that average more than six months st.niding. Hetolrtd, That the subscribers will strictly ad- heie to Ihe above lule, and lht notice ol ihe same be given in the ocwsWict of this 1 1 -re HEN It V YOA I11LLMEH, JOHN YOUNG, JOHN Lot! A 15, H. B. MASTER. PEN J. HENDRICKS, JACOB RHAWN. Jan. 53, Cm. FEW Conits of Tht luio VUorvl Mlar Fx. vumy," consistinu cf Ssrr d Muse, with tier- man and English In its to each. lune. Uy 11. C. Eyer. For sale by January 30. IL D. MASSEE, ATTENTION MERCHANTS, &c. E.P.& J.H.FIUCII, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWADING & PRODUCE COMMISStOlT MERCUARTS, No. 597, Market street, Jive doors ubove Seventh, PHIL ADE LPIIlA , OFFER for aide, at the lowest rkrt prices, a gmeial assortment of Teas, Cijfrrs. Sugars, Mofartes, Wines, Liquors, Spices, Tobacco, d(c. Cocrtrt Prompck received and sold on commis sion. Merchants, Hotel keepers, and others, will fi nil it to their advantage to call and examine our 'tork, b-f-' lurchai-ine flsewbere. Merchants wixhirg their goods c Heeled in this city, 1 y b aving an order, will have them ptumptly forwr.idod, by the most expeditious lines. miwiw r. fric k, Jon b. rctcK. Feb. B, 1841. ly. GII.ij(;ii.im & JtV5ll. Importers and Dealers in Foreign Hnrdwnrc, Corner of rratt and T.iuht tts., BALTIMORE. C COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and othrrs, Rre rr ectfully invited to call ai.d examine their Stock ol Goods. Jan SO. lv TO CCCWTltY KEHCKAKTS. yHE Subscriber, Aneiit of Lyoti & Harris, ITt Manufacturers, for New York, Ph'l ulelphin, Usltitnoro and other lare cities, wloso JL.h ore highly commended for gnod color and durability, has on hand a fir.-t rate as-oit merit of HATS ai.il C A PS, suitable for Spr.na s If, wh th will be s ' J veiy low, for cash or n proved ciedit, at the nolrd tain store, ,o, 40, jSorlh J h;rd street, ot posite the City Hotel, I'hii.idr l bin. OLIVER N. THACIIER, Agent. N. B. Orders for lints in the rwch. promptly attended lo. The hihctt piice in cW or traue given for t'vr thins. Philadelphia, April 10, 1941. ly OF EVERY DEfcCRl ITION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 North Water Street, Phila. p TAvrnrTr'tit'iii .n,i .unt,.r ;., mi.. ..r IVJ every description both fr burning ami iiisnularturinR furposes, winch will be sold much lower than they can be procured e'aewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the coinpai y not proving as lepre.irnted, may be returned without any etpense to the pur- ch.iser, and thcmoniy will le refunded. Their stock now iu stoie consists of the following oils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Speim Oil. : cooo do do do do do do do Coloiless Oil, Fall snd Sprinn Sperm Oil, W inter Stu Elephant, do Pressed W hide Oil, Summer do do do D 15.000 lo.noo 20.1!(:tJ COIK) lS.rno Common Whale Oil, 2110 Barrels superior Straits Oil, 3t 0 do Cod Bank Oil, 50 do Nea s Foot O.I, 75 Ca-ks Olive Oil, Tsnner's Oils, (Tj This Company has a numlier of Vessels en gaged in the Cod Fislurv, ond Tanners may rely upon getting al all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Aov. 7, 1S40. ly. r.TTE!TTI01T. fTIIE speciul attention of buyers from the son'h 1. and west, and for the state lM.;e, ia re-pettt;il ly invited lothe folluwina a-isortmeiit of GOODS, which the subscriber will dispose of nt smb. prices as will amply repay his fiiends for calling and ex amining-hit, stock. Jo LA< purchasers, at the present lime, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 nieces heavy variegated Spanish matting, n00 pieces Canton mailing, assorted 4-4, 5-1 and 6-4 white, checked and flowered. 1000 harlh rugs, a l-eantilul assortment of Wil ton. Brussels. Tufted. Turkey, and Hemp rugs. 200 piece woolen. wjrted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian arid block Carpeting. An decant variety of Wilton, Brussels, Scotch and Eligli.l Veneris.!', Damask, &C. &c. 1000 dozn men and boys caps, comprising a cn-it v.ir'etv of Fur. Seal. Nu'rh, Muokr.it, and Coney, Hair. Sealcite ami Cloth Caps. 1''0 dt.7"n A'li.-nit Mats, asoitcd sixes'. 100 do M.iuill.i do do do 6(1 d Sheep-skin do do do Pt) bahs French Bjskcis, coinprisirs every dc- sr-rrti,,n. f 00 pair Venetian Blinds, a.-s d ntncs and colors. yiH.O patent do do dj IPtiO lusts Cabas or Satchel., ass'd, cn.bo.scd leather, straw and oil cb lh. MH O di7.t n Combs, llsortcd tortoise shed, lira- ziliian dohiru, ivoiy.bris and wood, comjriaing a luriju nssiir.nient of every variety. 30.)ti doirii Whips nssortid wng'TO, cue, cir- riago. bulky, planters, drovers or riding, of nut, lea ther snd thread, with Gcmiuii silver, gilt, ivory tuj l-.ine inounlitis. It;ti0 doxen p-iintcd pail, V. ilson a brsxd. lct0 nei-ta ccd.ir 'i'ui's at.d Buckets; also, Churns, I'igeins, Water Cans, .Vc. The above together wiiii an extensive assorimrnt nf fancy goods, Brit'unta ai:tl In'iman stlvir rare. f. atbtr (.rnl lnftle lit'isius, i.m.uing vi;-i, nia bof Miiv and Gilt l't.iiins, of every s'.t.j aiii"uis-.rip-li-.ii. are niaiiuf.utured, imported, and si b-cled cx- prciy loi ihu SbUlht'iU. western snd sta'e Iradc. J. KIDNEY JONES, No IS North 2d ftre.i, Philadelphia. PhilaJclphu, Novniibcr 7, ly. G. V OlFFER FOR SALE, at Uie out!i Ea-t I or J.i? r.cr of Fifth and Murkd Streets, thiludd lilnd . . . ... . . ... a . . 1 Mens CaO skin Uools, stilci.ro: warranicu. do do do pegged d. do do do VTuter proof, double soles and dou Me uj per, do Calt-skm do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Bool, do do N'eats do d,. do H12I1 quarter Shoes. Calf-ckin. d,) do do Cnxki-rs do do Fine Monroe warranted do nailed do Kip do do C .lf tlo do Coarse 1I0 do do Shoes do Fine do do Kip do do dj do do do .!,) d Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Sock with and without sole do Carpel do d,i do do I'aii nt Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do d- do do Ladies' tanned India RuHier slims, ('ciil'einciis' do liver sLims. 1 b every fiber desc iptitn of boola sod shoe. Fur Cups tl every description. 'Tr ivell ng Trui ks ol e.ry description. Yei.eiisn I' ravelling Bas. Talent Cum Elastic frhoe Blacking:, Bonnet nf all kinds. Palm Leal Hats. I'hilsdelpbia, November 7, U40. ly. CITV AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORM. Number 29 North Third Street, Philadelphia EUBLIO SALES of Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Dorks, btati-nary, Clolbiri?, , Short and Hats, and i-i short alimist every description cf goods, are held at this esta'.iPi-hroet,t every evening, Goods ai-'i 'M nt priv'e tsls durinf the dny at I'jc nvvi.iff auction J ir.i. rtu.r keepers and tiaders wili Cud it lo their advantage; by attending the mi''-. C. C. MACK FY, Auctioned. PLiladvlphia, Kovemb- r 7, 1840. Ei AST KABWa, No. 74 Cnllovl.ill Street, riiilndelr lu'a, ("1'Lrce dvi,rs olore t'rcn-.d.J QJHOE Fitidins always kept or hand, which 10 (iHers far sale nn the lokvc-t terrr.s. (. ' Vf Merchants are piriicuinrly to cll otidjudo fur ihrmn-lvis. Pbiindcl) hia, November 7, 1810. l r. i Jw i nri: a it Hon:; ' Importers and l)c;lcrs in Toreign and Da must ic Ilaidware, ?."d. 174 NoHTir ' iiini tuiit, 1 iirr.rrt.pi:rA. TTU-'-flE thitr fiier'dnHt)dtiirtoTnernv i"aVeys ' Tprl a lai?c end general a-'orini'nt of Ten ici and D itP'st'c iariv.a.-e, whb liihey widsill&t the lor'-t prices, I'lvlt'delf hia. NovemVer 7, 1!n. ly. .1 Umbrella and IY.ruso -MauuiVcturcr. " ir-t.r; iccw tie No. 37 Noofh Th-xt ttrtef, f;.-. at i Hot , ri .'. . ',.. sPiOUNTI;Y Merebtmu er-'. s-r 3oVi- itrl to examine l.is ussortmcnl bn'ore J VircLT-'r.; Isev pi-re. Pbilsiiclfb.ii. Nnvmbrr 7. 1S-10. ly ..i. I I l r-;: tt . Sen. "gTJ ESI'l- t; FILLY ii.tt.rms il'i Irncdi and BtV ncqi!si:it,inci-s c- i.rrtlly thut tl "V f'.i I c-" linue to ktop at tlic old stan-. No. 26 NoithSJ strett. I'hitf't lpbi.i, : " 'itnds of TOP. AC CO SiiVPF AVD SF.CAP.r. Which tln v will r.c',1 on ihe mst uccun;n.odMii. ami rcis.itnble tenns. N. B. All coods fold will '.-9 g-iarantced, on J .'.i orders promptly attended l- rbthtdeli.his. 'vc!ll!er 7, 1 S-SO. 7 y. Wholf.::li nr:d Kctiiil Mine, Lur.iiCt, arl Prim I Hot Warriors". No. Oli Nurlit 'id sln't.a fit; ihurs cLuvc ..Vci, Philui'n 'Al. I.PO Tn-.nke, Caipei Burs snd Valioc, ef ev ry di-f sciii tiott, dll t f no, i n be vCeis for sale on the n:OM tcaS 'liabic terirs. Philadelphia. NovemVwr 7, IPSO. ly- T7 & a . 11 oTtJuTTT ' s Cliina, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse-, So 1C4 North Third strrrt. thir-i door Lc'ulo Vine sired, l':i'ii,!iht JWT.PS. they constantly l-'i-p on hir.d p b'i ' assoitmelit of t bii.a. ils nnl Liverpool Ware, w hich ti:;y will dispose of on ihe moal tn- aonnblu ter.ua. Phil.idelphiB, November 7. tfll". TlILOiMLUS CUI.I'. Manufacturer and Importer u Sad- tilery, Hardware, &.c. So. 5 South Third r!rcc!. fnr(luors Ukw Market Fltiludi iahiw "P"7"EEP constent'y on ;ind a li' ar.d prn.'ral JSUL assortment Coach Lamp-, Carriac" Bands, I'.ountry Merchants and saddlers will be supplied t all times on the most reasonable term. '1 Ley w;'t find it to their advantage to r,,il end eTinmie his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7, 140. ly. .lit!:a4l Weavt'i" V Jon, Rorz iyiai:::s u suit c::ir;-Lno. No. 13 North WJirStrea. T'...V .ij. MAVE eoiikts'itly on hand, a gner d ossoit ment of Cortlasr.e, S:ine Twii.. s, &c, viz : Inr'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes While Iii-pc;, M it.:! la Ropes, Tow Lne.- tor Cnti.i ti.,at. Also, a complete a-s.irtiPt-i-t 11 Peine 'i'vv rcs. c. ,..! ni Hemp S!iad and i -erring 'iVirte. 5 ;e t . i-.t C !! Net Twine, O.ttou Shalam' lleruiii. Twi; e, Pl'o" Th'ads, ike. ,.vr, A'so, Bed Coid- i'l.'UKil Lines, H niters Trie v. Cott.'it and L-r.cn C: rp-t '!i!ns, cVc. nil of which '.hey w.U u:rpose of ta tcasi-iuLlo tctms. rbilide'pbia, November 7, t'.0. U'kyX)i:'!')s7 :cA.L."LT co- Wholesale Healics in l'ori l.n Lrititli and Amn ienn Dry ('our. Nt. K)." y.,rl-t street, Phiad- .'p.'. in. CtOI'NTRY V.rti hunts ni-d crs cjn t e siip ) p ied it nil it!. i wirh an c-.vi. t sie t -r. rt- uit-ut of the best in.d ir.ot fjsLioiiuL!e Cucds i pi ii the mot r; l;i"0e! uioioili'i; l.-im- ibi-, Ncv-r 15 50. !v. r . W 1 1 ok n 1 -j V a r i c 1 a 1 : Nf. 44, Nirlh Four'.'t )' .'." rLr.::E LVuntrv Mini i '1 rurniii,;' ! ( r? l.-cA ; 7. ru ..' ;.. j. nn's "d :hi . . u,i ! sui-i'li d, 1.1 :! ii.t.-i, wi lt a rr.i ,nt of Hositry. (Jioves, Mcrin.v. .-tii, .T.d v , . ) u Shuts and lir.iv.er-, Sjss.i Ci'.'; ,. ivi i ' 'I Cotton Cords, L'uttons, Tn, l i .' 1 I and Eyes Pins, &c. And u :i-m! m i , 1 1 ' -e-ft.l ariicU's whi: h he c;V, iIr mli; al the hvi.-t pii.es. l'l.ih Vplra. Nn-end-rr 7, ISt.l. ' '. r Tm "7" ir W cS mm - 4 WHOLESALE AND liET.ML P.OOU.-.!.. 1 Ei;s AND STATiOi:P ;. Xo. C'Ji-v-iiiit fcf:r'.'t, I e!uv 4'i!j I'liilailoli !ii;i. tT"EEP cops'nrtlv on l.nt.il a (r'nerj '-:t- rrn nt id Fool silt ;!i '.nv j ccin' t - 1 hi olocicil, Law. ndu-al, t,i.f!tl !;: ous an I Kchr.i-I Book. Day 11. I s. i.ll t'-z I '. rrs, do.. Family I'iidev, I'oek-1 B t''e, Wiiio P.ijors, Wraipinc I'apt rs. ftc. &e., !: ' il.e (rr at !(: lo.'C-t p ICi-s to Cocr-ry Min tia'.l'a I'r It.stoital ti'i nlh-Mien, 'l't 'tellers, snd .ill ft1"- li.Sl m -y ft.,r them with tb r cusvm. Phi -.i.:i.lp!i!a, Novt oi'.. r 7. 1I;'. 1 ljTi-iiiT(:k7 1 iAN'iTi.is (os. No. lt:t Marlift itrc-c-l, 1 hila. Iff lull- Fifth KvUtl.fUc) A LWAYS keep 011 hand a full n-' Teoeril as. si'rtii'enlof Hosiery, l.ace, s J Fs' c Cov., Country Mtrchsn; aie recll'uMy relucted la give thi m a c!l .md examine for lliem-lves. Philadilphia. Novcnl er 7. ISHly. SPEIiiNr., GOOD Ac to. No. 1'oS .Market Street, rhiladclpltia. BNVTI'E attcnlion r.f Coiintij- M. v'. :.t lo the.r exieit-i l .v m;!:,liii 1 1 li rt-ui'rii'i and AnHtrican Dry Cok1s, whka they cllt La i ou lbs in s-l Irasoithbte I- rma. Philsdi Iplua, Novruiber 7, 1640.- ly.