Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 29, 1841, Image 4

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    to nn: a o mm i a iiy.
. THE success, which hr.n nm ruled the n-e of f.
i'urhcVs Herman Aperient and Cotnpmind
lirtagihen'r.g Tonic 7 Is truly iisddiMiiiiR. Jl
' no vniii Im0! t hi soy this medicine lias proved Iiy
I'f.pj y id'rls in lint euro of a variety uf discuses
' "Inch 'ho human frame is lial le, lo he vastly su
Valor to (tin iti:iiv Tvepmotioiis bi foro tho puhl c.
Many of there preparations ate compounded ly m
oviduuls who arc positively ignorant of tho my s-tc-
c of the Iiu'miii system, and mere piclemdus :o
medical 1, ihih lidfrr. Dr. Hurlirh, however, is celc
j'Cil uni mix tho German family ns n of the
flip urn nientiiio iilluinniciits, ur.d fiiia'dy disiiii-,'.ii-!nd
throughout Europe, ns a successful medical
! MUiwu-r, spent uiot-i of the yvnrt of a uwltil lift-
u ,i.i.i:"m of such knowledge us tntpht provo
4 a lit iii i.U Ut his fellow cicuttucs. In die ills which
c iiiventii', nt.d which bear his name, the public
re assured of nit article that posecs-ic mure than
-uul'mary viilui-s. From tho acknowledged tnlcriis
f lliis invci.hir, nothing less thun a pood article
ol'UI bo opccied ; and tl.e experience of ninny
.vi urs has ri'Vorocd tliiiioiistrati.m of the vine of
i! Hiid.cioo. J ii Gcit.u"iy and oilier parts of Eu
rope, its r putation is established. In this country
i. :to v. ii.ih it hat but be. ii reccnily introduced, it ii
k-.ipidty cciiiing the nio.-t tuVMautiul reputation. Tlie
numerous celt fieutts of cures of the most obslii a c
'iC'fsi fleeted hy tho use of Ilmlich's Fills, which
t: ,e joopri. tor nt constantly receiving, is proof of the
fact. D v lifter duy he ijteive new testimonials
ai their i.T..,cy, and week r.l'li r week increase Ilic
..'i-mn'iJ for tin in, This is not mce assertion; 'in
: umei:.'ihi tiIiIi.-hIps ere ojimi for the Inspection of
" ' ,iu.die. pad the d..til.;s ofuny who are skeptical,
j:i i- rem J hy exduiiiinij; ihcai ut llie office of
ilic ir. pre-hir.
Vv ' lirrrty, ;Lcn, tif sujgcstinp to every
''"ii i ' . . . j ilia!..: m o of Dr. ila'lii'h'a l'lly,
" l ..i.. ! i ej u eii;.'!y ton .tuiulv on hand, to lie
"-i J v li. ii oicio'! i'i nianda. a;:J they receive
'-.h unci jitoc ut proi.Is cf utility. AUdieul
J'lineifal uV'icr. for the I'nilid Stalcn, TCo. 10
.'i:t'i i.iinh 3'ieet. I'liibJilphin.
Western Depot. 1 o. 4 I, CI 'ir street, P.ttv
--.uiii. i:;M:r van:i.MLir,
hhty I, .":;(r.f.
I'.Li' -T1T1S, OH LUKli CV Ml' LAI XT.
Jivir ci'inpLii.i is devenhed tn e of two f nns.
; !c.;'c ....' Ciiiuni.; whieh 'ired l!', it in tin ir
or,t an chnnn 'er, m.d are i .-n-.tund Irom ulcers !
the Liver, v Sidi is lin.iM'ii .;. i,c suifuec oi in tho
v"n:ri, lu t!ic r, it pa'iuit in uiiacked v i li
ii '.len p,iin, in the rei;inn of il n J.iver. o u-m re
fi..i oven tiie ., ; eht'.os arc iiitupp;ii.ii). ; the a-
.:! c-'t-a b.:r to turn or lay on ,..t I. It t.ii.!t- fu ni
i'.epri' i in that rtostjun o; 'lie inli.noed
rr; mi . I n- hit'.t r ni-iy g.i i.ii in sneli a'i er
Si:il t.ii i.ti t, ut miu : L; r v inplaiiit are tiiose
v' '. I'iihU Hit- i.cetniet.ce of tup) uiuiijii. 'J'l.r
Acute ur,.l'e varictic--, ul'. :ys cm-f.ieiit-o
wi;h s.' ii.i rl il'y li-j!ii');' aueccided hv lnat
1 ii i -W:.:, li'wred t.nigue, h.iviii(r n yellow i-di ap
! ai.tnce. '"irihri-laleol'thi: 1-iwcU, coitiveu.c-i..
i. ;m.1-irue chaof. .i to a pile or c ilruii color, in
.'' lii.- 1I1--C hii'.leleil .viih jiMidi: e, diir.oi.hy of
- :i:'n.i, lii.'nih.d icst, attended wi:h roueli, fe-
".l. iiis, a thy and lurched t-kin, chilii-Lli v
i i c". hc t:j:t eide, urino sciil'.' v imd ii pii
lorid, h' ,. ..:'.ti.t ju.-Hf many nights ji.J i.
i mi'. tiouM.d .;'h I': ir'Nia, TciiumiiUs uinl
" i.' , i.:.!' l and vumkii,, and hus a coiiderulde
t. '. hen the ii.tluMlfiJlion -I'Vets the per;io
v .,i i ,ii' rf tb.' Live, i'.c p'rin is much moic inti n.-t-i
i.d the ' r binei than wlu n c tifiried to the l.i.
t'. Ii. . I.ri-mc ulicclioi. it is uncertain in its tr r
: . -'ion ; the pnin is inlenue, altecdi j
. u : i. -".-iih y mtoiuH, a dry and pan hed kin,
h r U. . An, sadow cooiili'iiatice, frcqeunl nl-
h t i v. ''ce, ihn tor.guu is scarcely ever live
' ! in , :u,, fUi, liia aj petiie hud, and u coiruptiou
:i '.- r.!-' U.Uhin.l the thouhlei:..
Dit. II.u.ucl's; C'oii.. "ion iipiluni.i,; 'iVn
ic and Ape.niit (juiiuii Vi'i.; will, in a ii...jorit
of id- v, pru.hi.e a period curi1, atid if us-cd kt the
.'iy oi:m- ifuiiia io t! will in ivtry c.i.-e urrest the
ii. : f. Tills ij inn aien ly thu. ry hut laet, w l.ich
cull he (.'.'tiMantiiittd l y the lertiuioi:!is of jrious
icrst'iui'.vho bve wi.iiis-ed the Dstoiiii!.in: tlhels
of this iiiv.diiahhi ti,i,;ipine. 'J'he die; must I t ut-
ii lull i io, -ana ,.,e warm nam mu-t imi im i.e(.Iect
A Wle ii the p'.aic t can he access tu ii. Full
and cxpliiit u te.cli...iJ : rt) d. lined ill
puiiil Ul which ot Companies the. mtdic:iu', uud tan
hu olituiocd pia'' cfany of the it yulariy Bpoiiuid
agents v ho sell tins meduinc.
Pimcipul (Jltiib ai.d Cencral I?epot for the Uni
t. J States, is at r'o. 1 li -orih Lihth b:itel, Phih
dilpl.n, whcio all ci i) -I it!'iis for ACLcio,
Ai -'"lis.n ; vnd Methciiics u.utt he uddu sscd (post
J)i.i.!,) e'.ich will nu i t With oiini. diatu
liL.NKV VOlllEl.Ml:i;,
I.luy 1, i,U. Atitiit.
1 L A Cll'A L li LA &t. S
W'Uy Tr HAI.I.KH'S t'onijioui.d f'tn nc'.her
1 n ! and Geriniiu Apt lient I'iils ule used l all das
es t f people, in prileruice to other M' thcinc, le
cauto thry inc prepared from a pure rztfacl tj
Ji'rlt, a woiiliF. ii'f mtii.iiiie, nniil in its epilation
ed di"j"-.-"i in ilscf.'ict the leot-t certain picfeivt r
f hcuiih, a' tin.! tllec'ual cure of Lysptj sia or
Jiidicstii'ii, bin! all Hi iiii'th coiripiaiii'.s, a ( rei.treci
mi:' i'Uiif.t.1 ol the whole vytteni.
tt ; ause tl.t y soothe the nerves of sensihility ai d
fortify tile r.crws of lootion, iliipartini; tu their nu SI
suhile fluid its proline tone, thus giving gticogth
jnui clririific of uni.d.
Ltcau.c tl.ey neiei iVstroy the cna'a of the fcto-W-ch
and hunt Is, us all strong purgatives do.
iii'ti use H' aiiJ t iptilt'LCi' ttm-li us that no
met aioi.e ol cure the diM-ase of the
Lli ich i fiv.i, W tal nets is ihe rimary
1 ' i '"--t ol d'siui f s, i.d, by couth. u..!ly it
i " .- i.ii' jUiiiaWvea, y ou uiLo iho uucatu
J'- 1 fi .w ! I tiler,
' .. J . i'uil.ih't Midlines tie put up up
.t i uni, on sviu prii.i iplo, to and
t'r. iigtl e n," whiili is the un!y courtv to puui.e to
Cii t a cuie-. Lastly,
ileeaute ll.csu Medicines leally do cure ihe dis
a lir w h "b loi v crt n coii ti.t J. Piiiiiii ul
!'.' " for Ihe Lniud ctalts, is ut lo,
i.iulnu blittl, 1 hiiudcl) liia.
ULAi.V YOXTL'Ll.Nir.n,
T.Iay I, l-il. Ai'fnt.
'Iho of.'; .uc tr.J Ltl course t.i puis-jo in cu
tirg itetf .f, ,!' v-Utt-vtr iutiir they nmy le, i-:
fnul, tjlcim:o and uuiily ibe Vt.-i.uch ai d L'o
cls by Uitie opeiuiitt; m Ct.ii.ii) , in .vt. siuupih
and loue If. Ihote teinler oiaiu i y tl.o t t- ol po ( ei a. 'i' nimle is s'v.sys pumitd by rt-j,ulur
Ybvii-iuiii', which ihry well know lu l ,iiit-unlyt
c 'iii io let-oil t-, to c fleet a sj tidy and jciinsi.unt
tMC Vt 1-ii.HLii t,'. L'unij.uMl;!.el);iiK
Tcnic ami Apii.ii.t Pills, ine a tura intiiit ine iu
flltct this piai.J olj. et. The (i'lrn.bii Apt-lint'
fills are to ih iiibt llie stomach and ii.Ii stun s, af
l r w jot It ihe (.'t inpound 'Uiciiytht iiiiiij 'J r.i J'ilU
aie.iiktd, to pie ttrii.lh ai.d lone to tin so oi
xu' s which n juirr teiidtr in aline nt. Neoily two
ihirVs oi ibe tlisei which wo daily behold,
vM f' uJ iho i.civous syatt in, and by coiuu.u-V-'VfUii.j
dus.ic tniiiti:l urpulivcs the tuilinr
t io ,t.A'T'J;.....r - i ..; ..... . ..i. i
j ."-..fc.u Ii ifjtl- xisleiice. l ull and xpliiii di.
if iiiiiii ii lvii'k .nu ii.utit iriuieo
.vi.. uuiu 4u f.nUeii S1.U liiixuan, ttccuuipsny
!; uuticc.
Th above nitdicine for side at the Drup 8ioro ol
ilUJMUl iUA JliLLMi.H.
' v: m y ia'(;:(i o 11 1, i ei c
TO II A 1, T I M I) 11 12 .
(VIA IttlK VP A3 till CAXJI1,,)
Wurthmrc J'ud i j Chfinit bind vii the Venn
tyhitniti I', nil!.
A 110 AT Ii ne the whaif of the fiihm riher eve
ry moriiit -rr ut H o'eloik. riMitiipj; throtinh ,, UX
nioro in tlitee day, ('oimiuriiin iiln ol prodinc,
iron, cce., will let eive n despatch hy this line, which
ha not l.ithitln l-ren iijiuilleil hy any oilier, liato
ol ficif.hl us low as Iiy any oilier ligular I. lie.
Kelt rem c n :
JOIIX V. lir.OWN, -l
;ucK i;i:i;k. I .
J. ,. 11. II ;KK, J
fiooihi inti r.ued lor rilifhnrrj, or any point on
I'll- I'i nnylv,iiii.i Caiials will I n shippt d wi hunt
delay on their nrriviil ot I !m rishurj;, na this con
iK'it.i mi!i the jN'orih Anieriian line of I'oilnhle
L'u.its to rittshur- d.iilv, with the tn-iiii fun.
mi Packet Line to iSorthuti.lieiland, illiunisjiur;,
V iikislianc, an J nil interippdiate place.
(ilJtiliUi: W. 1,AYMC5.
Harris'.Hti g, !Si pi. p, 18 10.
V4 ei lis !' AaUiif.
IN a stite ol htsiltli the iiite.-tinal c.nnl mnv he
i compared to n riu-r whose w nteia How over the ad
joining land, tliroiiph thu channels ri.itinc or art
has made, and iiiipuives their ijuililie-; mid to ke p
up the comparison of the river, to lout; ns it ions
on smoothly the channels are keJ pure ulid healthy ;
hut if hy nunc caii.-e the -conn e of the river is ttop
ped, then the w iler in the cimi ls is n, longer puie,
hut mon heeonii'H Monni.iit. Then' is fill -lie law
of ciiculoiiuii in i:nti!'e. Win 11 thiro is a nupei
al'und.mee i f hunii.rial fluid (serocitv) in iho into?
filial luhiK, i.ti.l co- tivcros taken 'lne, it II ws
back into the hlno l t?c'm, ami iulihralea itself in
to the circulation. To c,t ddi-h the lieu Ciiirse of
the river, we mui.t remove tbn o tliu t ons which
stop its lice cril.rc. und tim e of its trbulaty etieain.
V ill' the body, follow the caino niituril principal ;
r. move, l y that vahiahle puipaiive medii iiii i'. oi
dieth.s L'.iir, rt-nl Yidiihk fill', winch are an if- ns.-ist .nee of natuie, li.c fu er afiim aiic c of
hoi.iors in the inte.-iine i ai nl. Ly perrtverii.p in
tins limi t ce, the w:iy ol the cin ul iiion will then
he ic-tored to the full ixeieire of their natural fnnc
lini.s, uul j tt.i'.e o: hm'ili wiil le liitrly cslahlish
id licniciiilii r, lieu-r : i:l!i r a ilmp ol hhiod to l e
t.iken In. in jo.r Kvaiui.le the l.uinoi. as often
and i.s long as they an: dt ein iain!, ot is lorg as
j on ate hick.
Dr. I'i aiuhi'lh's Olnce in l'iiilaili Iphii. is :.t .o.
P, NlK I'll'j II Mri-ci, where hio j ili-can l e
lin l ut ".") ten:s per I ox, w iiii fli I i.iieeii.ii.s.
Gj t Inly nciii in fM.ul'Uiy , is 11. Ii. Munser Us;r.
fu-ikuty, fcirl. f, le ('.
I ii.'' i'C
Til:! l. lloiv i;;! nre the duly appointed iieei.ts in
their ri J;.i .'l:.c ccuuiies. for the iule of lliun.'rt .,';.
VtiZtli.Uc I il if! no I i'.7;V.
Morlliniiihe lai d co'J'ilv : Milton M:k key ;
l.h iiiiheihii. i-'ii'it ui , jl P.. Ma-ser. M'Lweos
ville Uidd. s, (iiceii A. WlIIs. (Jco.gaovtn 1'.
.M ii' i'v t 'o.
- I'nioii cuiiiilv : Lew ikhuri; Walls Cied.les.
''ill'ii.hit l eliiiian &. Ueikly. Mew iieilin
.l.'hn M. lii nt. -. Neliusgrovt Ilyie .V Co. Mid
ilh hurp I.-aac tvnilh,
I.yrotiiii.p county : 'i!!ianif-pnrl John Smith
ewheriy M. & .1. C Futi.-ton. Muncy W, A.
I'etrieiin. Jtr.-ay S-' Janus 11. IL-phurn.
Columbia county : Danville 'f. 4' H. Key
nobis, (htllavvissa C A. Urol. Is. Utriviik Shu
man iV liitienhousp. Llooinsburg-John K. Moyer.
b'unliury, S.-pt. '.I, 110,
Cured hi the ire uf Dr. Haiilicii's (imi'oimi
t:i': j i iihMxu ami Ai'fciui NT Pills.
Mr. William Piciiaiiiis, I'ltisliii-ph, Pa., en
tirely cuitd ol the ubovo tlwttt'ssiiij: iliseast! : Hi.
) ii. loins v.tie, pain olid Weight In Hie Ml M.le,
s ol apj lite,'.ii'q, avid cn;i I mi.ns. disten
tion of llie stomach, titk hiailai li", fuired tnnplie.
counteniince ihuiipf J to a tiiioii cul o, ihiiiculty ol
ht a hin, di.-luif..d rtL-t, attended with a couyh,
pical iii liility, oilier ss mtoii s unit.', tnij; ureal
ih'iapfif mcin of ihe fniuiions of Iho liver. Mr.
KieiiAluis huii ibe udvite ol neveral 1 1. rt i ins, tin
received no relit I, uiilil us.iij! Dr. Uaiilu h's Med
icine, which t' riiiiiiattd in tliec'.ii p J jm'i ft ct tun:.
Piiiuip.d Ollice, ltf rWilli Lililh lit el, Phila
delphia. A ho for sale ut ll;f dill;; sure if
liL.Ma iu.vnii:iMi:r.,
May 1, Ifill. Aiul.
TUT. CM f OT I'l.tLAiJC.
Nearly all el itses i f disease, are caused by some
obstruction in ihe sitUm, which prt vent the uvu
lar and whohs. uit- c eMlum of tlio ainuial func
tions. This slalo of ihe system, is discio-e, which
is niaiiisi stt d in a vm.eiy of l.i.ii.s, moio or le t
mal pniint in their c km icier. 'i'u rt time the t istem
to a ttato oi lualih, lln, it is only iieceisury to re
move il;e cnu-e of ilift-a.-e, uuJ the cud is iceom
plitbtd, '1 he cau,e is o! s ruclii.n tcnitwhtio. 'i'
can be reunited by puipiilion, which is the onlv
int-aus that tln u d be rt sorieil to, bet ause, sttitscstt d
ly u-ason, and l y i.uluro. Dr. H tilich'. Stienpili.
ti.ii g and (ierinau Apeiiei.t Pills, aio allowed by
llu theusniitls who bate u.ed lliem, to ! tho best
putative mrdiciui: in exi.teine. llccsuse, tliev
not only reiiiovc nil ohs'.ruclioiiii, arid purpe the its
Uni i f ll impuiitits, but, l ec.iuse, M.d which is t x
tiemt ly importuut, slit iittlhcii ai d uive rt t r tone
to ll.e Htoii.iK h, and produce a lin.ltliy action of all
the pans. Lesides, lin y are to luihl uud penile in
their opt ration, us to tei.di i liciii t ull limes a per
feitly tuft; si.d thtirable rtniedy. The tChiitd
would do wt II, then, lo un-tuM' a box or tun oi
llos luvalu .hie nu-tlicine, par i- a fair trial, in.
btcati if tltttroui g ll.eir ty.ttms wall oil re-eatvd
dose of laloiiiel, uud nihil druiji, eo injurious Io
Luir.un life and ll.. pn i.-s
Tbe ubotc uitdteii e lor tntr al Itr Drop store of
iiL.N li Y,
May 1, 1 Si 1. .It ut.
Is a tery counnon iifli-i lion, lis a laiks are trry
tt'tf.e, and iluiac!c,i,.td by t annodie pwiiis, slni;.
Hip one jal ol Ibe lead In tin -other, f.e
i;i:elitly t . n.ii.e..eli:a in li e, utiei.ih d tt.lh
buki.tLS t f ti,e s.i.uiii! h, l.autta, laiiuin-s, si.d
soil.. i:ii. is, tomitii p, pidtlinc, and t uuli.ti..ii ol
t.;;ht, A.c A.c, Tins tit suae is pioilut-ed lioui t i
nous ciiubi.-, pcihupa the inor, is a tle
raiifiuitiit ol the stouaih and th. stive ortuus.
i'L.M.M.HS are iiiott sul-jtct In tins tlhitii ii, sr.
litulaily ll.oto who lead a siihnt.ov life. Dr. liur-
lith't Cviiii-uuud itj;tln)iii. Tunic uud
tmi't Ajnr.tiil i'i'!?, mo waiianicd to aru-fl tins
Uoublci-ofiic disease : fnst by the atoinaeh
uud b in Is, ing lite blood, a,i.d ifiiiuvnig all
vi.-taftd arid vAcieiiitiiluous humors Irom the liver
ai.d iiiu iti:,, j, p,v tl.o u-e, fust, of a few doses
l Iho Apeiiei.t (ie.i.iuu 1 dis, alterwsn's two tr
three d,. wshe; Tunic Tills, which
ore used to tni.s,.t. U1,J juvoiultl the nniuui
.14,., give touatu ,luu)at.lA uud orpaiis t.f
ni;;rMiou, Ibus ui psning to their subtile tluid its
p.i.line vioi il,u i.jr.iu;8 flattsu Jliuy j,r el)ijay
umoti,!. i hi. is U,0 t11y llcao ll, ,ltfuli.B Ulu
annoy nig coU.j.Ui.t, sud b.s Ueu aUeuded with ;,i thousands ol es.--ts.
Peioplets giving peuttal directions, mty l.e ob
t uutd kiuiis, ( o. 1U .,iiti i;iK,tU .t j.llIl4.
deljihia. liLAliY lU-YiliLlMtK.
May 1, 1811.
B.titlh s tciil tic nllcnicii'M tVoi iauf
I JU i al.n t1 iiixl raisCiiun.
(The Cuthl and (he Gentleman's TiiiUd.)
V1VLW Vohimi. tiuiler llio above title, of tl.e
Vet rtahli.-hi d and nVhh nublo Mnpa.m-,
Tho Philadelphia (.Vict in conjiitie ion ttith tl.e
('en lenniii's Magazine, which has been every where
proiiounecd the most readable and popular of the
diy, will be opened on the First of January, IM ll,
with nn array of tJoiiiiihulors seuicd by ihe union
of talent and fame, w hich no peiiodicnl in llu-country
can boast or pie'.ciul to rival. Thu Decrndier
number will, however, bo a spicimcn of the new
volume. Tlie Volume will be opened with o m w
and biauliful type, the finest while paper, and with
thu first of a ee'rusof eiiibellisomi uts unsurpusscd
by any which hate yet appeared in any Mapaine,
The style of clepnnce, the beauty and finish oi tht.-c
illustrations, and Ihe extensive nnpiovcineuls winch
will he made in lis ty po(traphii''il appearance, and
r.l ove nil, the tone ol its bteraiy department, by tl.e
bril hint arr iy of cuntribntois, whose nrticles have
cmiched the pages of each number, wi l pie il char
aeier, second Io no Magazine in the l im ii. '1 he r ul the nit whlih shall up ear in its
pupes, will tStqually removed fiom a suk y Siiiti
iiienlalily, uud Irom an all', t latioii of morality, but
wh:lo a true delineation ol human nature in c-veiy
variety of passion is aimed nt, riulhili shall be
found in i s pages to cause a blush upon tl.e check
of ihe most pure
Tin; Liiciijry character will be sufficiently ptiar
nntctd by the n pulation t.f ho'h MuKanuit-H tlius
united, lor years nst. Wrileis of thu first rank
have bt en repiilur Contributors to their papes, uud
the liih s ami tkelihes published in tin HI have ieen
iviib ly il and reml, uud the firm m i! iiidept-n-tit
nt lone i f Iho ciilii-isiiis, upon the iiinent liteia
ture of Iho day, bus bet u t vt ty w be e Bpprovtd mid
toiiiniciidid. The ib-l of contributors en, braces the
names of most of the principal wii'trs in America,
with a rtrpcctuhk' number of Iinplish uuiliois.
The teries of well known liaiiticnl npeis, enti
tle,) -Ci nizin? in ihe last War," hate had a inn,
uue.poi'le.l by any n rii s pul l. sin d in any Maa.ine
fut jeaiii. The auih..r pr. ini-es to open ihe litsl of
'.w.t tv st iii s ol Tab s ol the Sea, arid Irom hi- known
ubihtiis ns a tie icier of ten senses and life, much
may be rei.e.i u, on Innii l.u.i in niaiulaiijiug the
pi.piilan'y of ihe Magazine Papers may be expect
ed thump, the volume, uho from the author of the
will known uiticles, entitled "The Lo ol O.d Iron-tide-"
Tl" uulhor of -Sj rian Litters," Will lIso
lend his poucilul and yialelul pen, to sustain and
ini'ii-.iKfl llu r. j ntatinn of tlie Work. The valuable
i.i.l t f I'-.c i.U hot cf "Ltavcs finin a L-.-.wyci's Port
lulio," has .dsn hteu siciiied, mid wu limy ctput
t.imtihi'.ip t'i.l n.oie ll'.rilhut; lioni the cipacious
storis wluih a long lile in tl.e preh'i.Miiii b .s rua
bled Inn: i- amass. An occas oui.l Chit-Cliat wi:h
'-Jemmy Shoil." mi l Oliver Oldlclhuv," is ids
promised ; with a variety t f choice arltelis in prose
uul vine, from various writers of eelil, a.-, con
tiihutors to llie' prominent Map. zim s of llm coui.
Iiy. 'i he ctbt.iis of loth Mag-vines continue their
i-iivicis under the l:ew urranpt ineiit. W ilh ucli
uu anay of la cut a Mapaine of uniiv.dlcd aitiac
tions, may sately lie pri.inisid the coining voiuine.
In compliance w iih the almost unanimous wish
of our laiiy sidiscrii'cts, we thull tho cutumg to.-uii-.e
luinish thcui wuh a beauli'.ul and count pin e
of Fashions", a feature, il is beheved, thai
will neither le unwelcome nor unpopular. The
P.icIhoii plates shall be drawn irom oripmul desipns
from Palis ai.d London, uud lii'.y al tents be tic
eii'!td upon as the ptctaiiiup style in Thih.dc Iphii
u; il Mcvv Yoik, for Ihe in which llo y aiu is.
Time of publication. The wnik will be publish
ed o.i the l.rsi. of the n.oiilli in ev. ry i,i.arii r of Ihe
L'uiuiiV'l ho liio:-t di'tant subscriber w.ll conn'
ipjen'jf' receive it en that day. as well us th. se wiio
res. .felii Pi In u'l ll.e,
stents hive been cstabhihed, io whom Ihe M.ti.
2:ue is fortvniihd, prior to thu lime ot is.-ninp it, so
that I ev limy be ilelittiid to rtsideut tub.c.ibi r.i
by the fust ol the month.
Ti.iims : Thee Ti.Hu.'s per anrtim. Or two
copies ttarlv f . r live do lai.i, invaiially ni nt!va ce,
p.. si paid. Io i.etv Bi.bscnbci ititivtd wnhoul llie
money, or tl.e name ol a r. sj onsiole upei.t. I'm
the sccom.'iiiidation t i those who mav losi.o-
m r.l'e' lor r ill .t r oi the f liloo mp lii.ladilpl.ia t lio
dic.ils. H is hlieial t posal is mailt-: Fite dollars
curitlil uioui-y, lieu of jostspe, we will foiwatl
(iidiuiii's Map. '.(iiie, and liodty's Lady's Hock, hu
one Mar. Atldrtss, post paid,
t;i:o. It. GRAHAM,
Zju.'i Wett comer tf Clueuut V d il.. liula.
'I'll 11 l.upcst and most beautiful iiewspni t r in the
world l.irper by filly .ii:e iiuhcs than any
other ucnspaj er in the Lulled States. Published
Saturdays, at Ib'J .Nassau Hreel, is'etv ork.
li ice lliice dollars a year iwo copies for tic dul
ls. s.
qJ" The proprieties of ibis matnmoih khect
ihe " (iit at Wtsttrit" union- tho newspaper.
have rT.o pleasure ol s; n ailing before the leadinp
public a weekly pi no. 'leal t outuiniiip a pn-atcr us
mount and vaiit-ly of Uselnl and siuip mis.
t ellaiiy, than is to be louud in any similar publica
tion in the W'Olld.
Lat h number of the par er contains as lare an
iiinourit of leading matter as is found in Volumes
of orilinsiy duodecimo, which cost and moie
i han is Contained in a volume ul Iivmp's Colum
bus i.r li nn i. I.'s liisiory i f Aiiit iica, winch m l
a volume ai.d all lot Three Dollars a year, I'm
o two copies will be loiwaided one year, or one
c.ij.y two le us.
tunee ihe publication of out oiip!nal ron. i lij,
the Lirolhcr Jonalhun bus been and
Its Uf, amply 1 1 lore, has bt en so mui li no r .u d,
l It'tl loin h more than Ihe loin er ijuii.iiiy of the
Inort iuteiisiiuu hu ib'ihc ol Ihe d..y is iiuoractd lu
its immense- capas ly. St lect ous IV. in u'l ll.e nioi-l
prominent and iibbialid wr.'.vis of the day ns si
lu StM liiii its cm enl ; and wlmttvei is new, ueli,
or ne, is in nil i .ttt i y uul lo it.-, ih.n.ii.-, A I
Ihe coliliiholii'iis tu ptriodlcals t lAiiiciituu wnieis
of repute appear in Us pape.-; and the Issues t.l t:i"
I'.neipii prtss aie L.d ui.iler c. ions, as soon
as lect ivcil ill tills coiiiitiy. To l .e unsCilLutous
and 1 11. ru i y lh p .u... in, iho c . .st ui.tiiituii is
I'aiii; and tu u'1 tin- selt clions ai d tu ipinu. cuiitnt u
lions, sirhl iu:e la thnotid to ao d all thai may
loiuli upon the opinions ol any party in ttliouor
L.q eiiauce having ti.u-ht u ihut we had niuik
rd out a p't h fur oui..eues, in which all sorts of
people delights io lollow, the lirolhcr Jonathan
shall continue, as it hctjuii, to he a bold, pent c,
weighty, liphl, piave, n.eriy, serious, w ilty , smoo.h,
diishiiip, int., i. spirid, si.d iucoinj. arable'
liewspat r. Il shall be a stupindoua minor wheie
In all the tvoild w ill ttai.u r. ll. e-ted. Il shall con.
lain the most oeauliful of .Not els, Ktiiiiauces and
Stories lur bolh scai-s -Fairy Tub s lor lotus ol
the murvillous LcptuJs fur Patijui
natles for wit inonp. rs Nuis and rai.-u.s f..r shoil
wiiidtd readeis-Serenades foi musical lover Son
net for l adies Siiiliment for old bachelors Su
tilicfor politicians i.nd Lectures, S, iiuoiih, Criti
cisms, L'piprains, A.e., Ac, A:.,for all ihe world.
Letters should beaddiessed ID
W I LSi . A CO M PA N V,
J:.lluhu oj Hit lirolkir J. nutlutn," A. V.
1 Cinit,olidution of liner Culla alur and the Ut
nner. Farmer,
ri oMiH'if us of Tul. N, for IS 1 1.
T1!!!. Cullivulnr was established to impiove and
-- elevate the Aprieullure of Ihe eounlry ; to pivc
a propel lone to the morals and mind of the Fur
tner; (o show him the dignity and impmtaneu of
his rofession ; to store his mind with u ful know
ledpe, and bun that whilo all classes nie
uud must bo mi rr or less dependant nu each other,
he alone of the wl.olo can make any near approach
Io iuih pcndi tice. If tin ic is one thing more than
another, which in thin country gives a man superi
ority ovci his fellow men, it isknowledpc ; and this
knowledge, knowledge which is as essential to the
sticcees ol the fanner ns to other men, il is the
design of Ihe Cuhivntur to aid in impuriiiip.
Q'j'The volume for lalt), is filled euiiiely with
Onginul Ciiinniuimolionn. riiihiacing artit Its from
about UHO Cot respondents, frciu alinotl eveiy stale
in the I'uiou.
If an iucrraEO of subser') lion beyond nny prece
dent in the history of Agricultuinl .lout mil:-, -if ll.e
almost unanimous voice of the public press in our
favor, il the tnuit'tude of piitme yet finltcilng tes
timonials we have received, mhbd to a circuhuion
aiiiouiiliiia the first year lu TwisTt-rwo Thou-
Kttn. n.iiv no nilimtltil as eiiucn. e. men we nave most abundant reason to be pralified with
the success which h.ih altendedllhe Ciiion of the
Cultivator and the Geticsse I'snner. IS'o expeii.-e
has I cen or will be tparvd to render the Cultivator ;
wtirlhy of the patrouapo it has teceived, lu the I
number, vaiielv and excellence of its Mtix'rrilitvis,
il is without a rival al home or ehroud, the last vol
ume being embellished Willi neorlv One .'utitfitd
Lmrriiriiifr.i, illustintiug the improvt d I reids ol H.u
st s, Cuttle, Slnep, Swine, Liiiildings, Irupleriii nt?,
Ac, m -kn.p the Cultivator, nil things considered,
il is hclti'ttd. Iho Cheapest Agriculluial Pupi t ever
published in ibis rfr s ny ollur country.
Tmijis OiiT DulUir per annum Six copies for
fo Hit iney to le limited in advance, lr.e ul
postage. J commission of SO per cent, will be ol
loiwil Io A penis who obtain '-j or inoie subscri
ber, and Via per cent, to those who obtain H0 or
uioie. All subuTipttotis lo luiitiiicncu with a vul
ume. Postmmlcrs and pcnt'enien tlis-f tii-ed to lend llu ir
influence to aid the came of Apiculture, aie re
spcctfullv r. tjuestid to act s apenis. Atldress
JIL lil'LL A. CO.
Put lidurn of the CuLivutur, Albany, A". Y.
TUL LA I: (' LS T . 1 XI) CUT A Pii ST A7.' WS-
'MUR tpiiit of ihe age is ulililjiiaii. Improve,
o mint is stamped upon the face t.f every thing.
All ll.e list tul urls are pregr. Fsing wiui ui.parra.lni-
ed r.'.p.ihty, and the Art el 1 rinlii g is comti g nf
I. r us iuii tiime 1 1 ine common improvement.
Deteimicd net lo be outdone in any thing that pei
t.ii.s to his profession, win re there is a lair chance
for exertion mid enterprise, the undersigned has ile
tirmiutd upon issuing a sheet twice the size of ihu
Llostoii W eekly Tnuis, (and is to lake the place
of that paper,) and w.ll contain eight loiumtis
nunc mailer than the L'loiher Jonathan. Th.s
shctl will be called the HUSTON NOTION, and
it is thlcrmined that il shall sustain a cop noun u so
full ol meaning, and so inleiwovtu with the estab
lished character of our Yankee city. It w ill be tl.e
I, A II 1. 1ST NCWSPAFKU 1 .X Tilt WoltLll Willi IIO
exception uud will be piinted on a sheet thirty,
sett u hy fifty-two inches. It will Ic filled t-iitiiely
with r-ndii'g matter, and w ill contain '1 hreo Thou
sand Fipbt Hundred and l'Upluy Light sipaare
im lies, or Twcti'y-Scvi 11 sipiare feel of j ruit in line
lyte! mid a single number wiil cont tin inoie ie.ul
nig than an onlitmry book of Three 1 Hindu d
pnpes. Thee duneusioiis v. ill elial le Ihe puhh.-her
to thaw larptlv upon the most pe periodicals
of the day, both American and i im.igii ; uud as the
si-Ice linns will he made with great care, it is In liev
e.l this paper w.ll be a welcome Notion to cvt ry
lamily. Lhskhsa full synopsis ol the enritiil nt ws
of the d. y,) as published in Ihe Lostou Daily
Tunes.) it will c main Poctiy, Pojulu 'i'ahs.
Tin a'.rical Crit'n-isic., Police uud t llui Couit Ki
portr. liuu.orous Articles, Ac. Ac.
The wh -le wo Id of Literature will be ransacked
to till it. From llie study of ihe philosopher ih.wn
to tl.e police court, through all it pious of n usi u.
poeliy, romance, wit, and llie uiuple record of folly,
we shall yleau fioin iho past and the present und
from ull na ions, to present as plea -nig und useful a
combination uf thought luidciiirinl hh
loiy, us llie woild on mpn y w iudustiy jiroducc.
This is our litiM'ON Notion. "
This pitht amount of wisdom and fun of wit
and philosophy of novt Hit s and iii.'iijuiiica we
aie able to tiler, wet kly for six iimh j tr copv,
. nly .ix cents! und we Can dj it .1 1 1 ils? 1 1 the
lilt-1 1 1 ii sol' our ptess uud uU'ce, ui.i! the lont.t ctiuli
ot daily sndwetkly pubiica(blis. For i uui t uul
lass we can sell ayeui's volume, ttjiml in ijuantity
of mailer, Willi eveiy vaiitly a'so, t.i L'lliy-two Vol
ume of Novels, such as aie issued fiom the prtss
cf this day. l'llly-two lur-e Volutin for Thiec
Do lai, ! LP.ccied all by iioj roved in. chuiiiy, and
by a ilelsriiunulion that we mil i.ot Le uulihnci:,
tuletpii.e und ust fu'ntss,
TtliMS: Tiini.K fli. li aiis a year, always in
udvj. ce no oideis, no Malt, r Iroiil what s. l.rce.
Will he L'.h i d. d lo Unless uec n jai ied Willi tin
CASH, Single coj ies i cents e.ich.
Post M.i.tiis or others rcu.ittii a Tw.nty Dol
lars thiil have Fijjht e. pie n ut lo sUeh persons
and places as tl.ev in:. V ic-iunutc.
GLliltlit: KOliLM'S, Publisher.
fit'orgc V. u,
Ciiisit Smirr MAac, IlABiiisni-nc,
IS pupated tu leccite Goo.! and Pi educe si the
law wauhouso, wlilcli Ins arraiipeiut Ids w ill ena
ble huii lu f.nwatd with dtspau h lo Pl.ituttt Ipliiu,
I'ttlshuig, iltiunisj e.rl,. W i kt thane, Coluishia,
Liucaster, t-r any oilier point uu ihe Pi unsy Ivania
uud I'nioii the P. niisy Ivsnu slid liar
iistniig and Lancsster lull muds.
(Joods Iti'in Philadelphia for Hariisl uig, Carlisle,
Chambersburg, Ac. Ac, loiwaided Willi care and
ex edition.
Coal, Plastsb, Salt uud Fish, Ciiiist.uitly for
alfi- r-t pt.
TIIE uud, rsipiied huve ll.e giatil'.cath.ii of h -forming
the public, thai iiolwiihslaiidu g tl.ey wire
so unfortunate us lo hate their bindery l uiiu down,
in Maieti last, they huve etned a tery extensive
one, in Locust strut, in the new buildi'iie dui-cilv
opHi.ile Gleim's Hotel, i.nd aie piepaltd lo t xecuie
all woik in their lino with dtspulcn, uud in a su
peiior dyle. Their ill LING APPAKA'i I S
and oilier Machinery hie new, and of llie first order
and latest improvt mi nts; and they letl a confi
peiict) in lluir lucililies for giving per del salifac.
lion to all who may favor llietii with their order.
Hunks, Coiinly ollicts, Meichunls, Mechanics
and otheis, can be supplud with ULAN'lv HiiOJxS
of eteiy dttciipuon, wlmh for i.culnt.s and doia
bihly, will Lo ttjuul In uy mJdo by iho United
HlCKuti A CAN i INE.
lIAltfil.'sCURG, i-.i. 0.
I'AJII I. Y K 12 S ! A I 12 K
Ooly Dl 5(1 'ir Aitttiiiti!
one of tho best and chra-st newspapers in
Ibis country, emit. lining nil the choice llcailinp
Mailer of the six daily papers, including the "CLIP
IM'IU'S LOU," is published eveiy Salurday, ot
ft 60 per annum.
Cy l h.!"Ol 'F,AN" is under the editorial charge
of Jiiiim II. IUwitt and John Wills, Lsqrs., Ihe
former will known as idilor, proprietor, or princi
pal contributor to every liieiuiy publication issued
in this city for thebisl fifteen ycais; and Ihe lutter,
long a ruiitiihulor to various periutlicnls, but more
publicly known since his connection with the "Hal
timoiik C'LiPi'tu." The rxlraordinaiy mrcrss
whith has attended the cstabhsliment of the Haiti,
mine Cliper, n ,w t.uiuberiii!! a latper list of ml),
scribcts limn any oilier newspaper t ier published
in Marylandilia daily applications for a weekly
paper, in tend, by mail, to country subscribers
and iho tioitiy facilities', possessed ly the iiiidir
signed, for this undertaking, have imlueul liirin Io
spare no expense in pettiin; up a paper which can
not f iii to he a Welcome visitor into every man's
Ii is piinted on entire new type and fine white
paper, and will compare, lor beauty of wo.kman
Ri'.p uud en cllcnce of leading matter, with any
! I" '" now pul.l.shed in the l ulled States.
Tiiims: Fi r Mail Suhsciil ers, fl SO per an
mini, in cuircut nmiiey, forwarded (free oft Xpclise)
to II e pnbhshei.
Qj' Postmasters disposed to act n Agents for
ihe Ocean, will nctive five cii its wtcMv, per an
num, for live dollars. Put incut abvavs to be made
in advance. Address Li I'LL A TL'T'J'LIO,
Printers, Hall more, Md.
IN TWO MON I'llS ! !!
Win we first purchased the old and well
known e- labl.nhincnt of Uc
N;jJui t!::y il i-ninx INtfef,
we slu'ed lite pii cr cmnlatid su wiihly a
liiong tl.e tt udy, reding purlion of ihe Ciiilcd
States, that we clered upon our b hors with lull
cm till nc of the future. Our success has since
been beyond our most salicuine expectation, as our
weekly nctipts overbalance these of any coteii'po
i:iry apt r. Our 1st has coi, tinned lo swell up,
with unexampled rapidity, mid we have Ihe conl:
ih nee, that nt the present rate of increase, we shall
be enabled in n few inon'ln tu boast of more than
ofi.OHO tcl'M ribeis ! When we commenced our
hih.. rs, we announced distinctly, that the tone of the
paper should le I'ccidedly moral, and that nothing
shoii d be uilm.hed into our columns, w hich the
most fs. idious f.ilher could disapprove of. and dc-
('iin us an hi . roved r umny 1 apcr, it
Id iiidS-ontain a patacrnph. with the spirit of
which a patent would not wish to have a dan
familiar, uud we il.ciefore, with this view, announ
ced that no theatrical notices should appear iii our
Columns, and that we should be t pposcd lo the. dies
us thpig calculated lu injuie the healthy action of
an li'iuesi mind, as creative of exhibitions denio
raii.uig in le mlmcy, and fearfully pernicious in
fact. There were Hot wanting blusterers, who
nude a great patade of opposh ion. and Croakers,
w ho predicted our speedy dow nfall, but ive llucw
ourselves upon the sober, rational and c pi r.cM'id
poitioti of the people of the I 'niied Slate, for sup
jioit, and we have been nobly sustained.
c thoupht and expressed llie opinion, that
howtver careless tunny might be upon this subject,
that few, even if they did not cnluely disapprove
of such ciileitaiiiuieiils, cared shout hating the
pros detail forever puraded before the eyes of
their children, and llu sickening and nauseating
i t-i lopv i f all kinds of character mude familiar to
their minds.
We ih-teimiiicil also, that while the paper con
tinued under our cmtr. 1, it should be sir clly neu
tral in politics, und lh..t as news uud literary jour
nalists wo had nolh.njj to do with the matter ; this
lieu riiii .aii. hi has In en strictly and rigidly aiiheu d
lo, i.nd while we shall Continue to give our reulirs
such pul hc document as may be deemed of n.te
rist lo ul!, and such a I istory of the ptopiess of
I olilit al events, as are ttiielly tu keeping with our
duly, and the charm ti r of Ihe paper, we shall stu
ci usiy uud ihoruughly uvoid any contamination of
panu ui public.
The piper is now printed in a new and beauti-
lul ty e, hasicicivul the piai.-e of nun a i onors ol
latle, us 'the hand-ouie.-t tiiuulv theet in the Lniou.'
Our elU.ils h ive I ei nasffd lo the Combining
of beauty and siinplicdtwoa utility and tale.
The Post is piinted on a stout white paper, nu
deling it neal and durable for f.hi.p.
In i.d.litioii lo 1 1 ii so t thirls toward peificiioti in
the uitctiaiiical department, und txltrmr ol our pa
per, no labor, and no n t been sjiaied in the de
tclopcmclit ut inlilltt'.ual slitiigtu. The present
va.ieiy of iuleitstiug talcs,, fioui loic'gii
and doiuislic magazines, togi tht r w i:h the valua
ble coiiti. billions of our own circle of liieruiy
liieiids wilt loiititiiie to give inieit st to the pajicr,
while tterylhiiip iluportaiit und Wurihy ol note that
l.uppinsiii ihe Did olid or the New, shall be
co.lcclcd uud Collated for-the tasie of oui ren
ders. 'J'he I.aJ.iV Dep utiiient shall always be choice
and sibrt, an. I si. ull leeeite siiict aiientiou, while
such things us may h.teiest our juvenile leudt is,
,uul thai liiip.uiiuit mid iuipe class of our riadtrs,
tlie Funinr wiil not bo oterlooki'd. In Older lo
gr..t,lv, as much us possible, the laudible desiie of
our countty rcadeis, a portion of our utienlioii will
le devoted I I II e clleelc ll uud dillusiotl ol suih
News, Memoranda, Tables, Fuels, Hints, Ac. as
may seem im mlai.t t- upiicultuiisis, und the pop
ulation resident without the confine of our gnat
eilies The slate t.f the ui iikel uud the llucua
lines in Ihe prices, will be regularly and w hulls of
more moment, conecilv given.
ehnettir l et n t.:n.scd to tho constant
''luster uud parade made by some editors, uhout
Iho t'XCfllt i cc ol I lit ir all is, ami n silt e.l
that the e-aiurd. v L't'cning Post, shall Le conduct
id, as to sjnak lor itself.
Our rra.ieia will always find in its column the
ca i best ai.d me.. I autb.eii ic well as
the most choice and tnlt'ilaiiiiuu lu. iaiy iii.tlir.
i Vio hue totally tbscaiiled llie systeui ul tilling Ihe
, p per qiuu-k utltt itiseiiiei ts, but prtfer giving
; oui if. .ibis from week to wctk, cntcrlaiiung nad-
lug liiutter.
j And we feel assun-d that wc shall be no losers
. iht trby,H but lew n ailers c ne shout having a pa er
, til It-tl with description uf iLimj nauseating touts
j poiiiids.
l l.e Saliiid ay reining Post, will be furuishfd
for i'i per annum ui adV-ine, or one copy linen
ycais t.,r 5. To those wlio wish lo substnbe for
a Philadelphia Muaxiiie, we will furnish a copy
of tl.cJ'hdaJe pi. la I'a kit, and two copies ol tlie
I est lot c no year foi f'j fiuti of postage and dis
count. No New Sulm-ulier receivcj without the
"i'o those who wish to subscribe, wu would say,
that the salest plan is lo inclose the money in a
letter slid diitct lo us. Most postmaster will
frank their htm if itlatiug lo iiolliiug but the
busiutss ol the t'llice, and ah posliusster who wilt
ho kind cuouiih so lodo, ws shall be pleased tu uc
knowledge as si tl.
No oil Cat lei's Alley, I'hllaJt'lphta.
WITH niultiplieJ rcsourcis for rcndeiing the
JNkvv Wmi Lit more valuable than ever a
a coinpendious newspaper and repository ol eli pant
literature, we enler upon Ihe second volume (folio)
on the 21th of October, dressed ill a beautiful garu
of i ti, cnsl cxprc.-sly lor llie purpose. It
will thcrtfoie be a filling tune to commence new
subscriptions, as well as for the renewal of those
which may l hen expire.
Hilling Ihe first year of tho existence of the
Nkw Wohlm, it has acquired I reputation an J
circulation superior to any weekly paper in iho
couiitiv ; and has furnished 1 1 its subset itu r. durin;
that period, (besides a I Ihe current news of the day,
domestic ami foreign) new and vu!ub!o works by
Tulloiird, D'Isracll, Thomas Moore, M.cs Mltford,
Mr. Jameson, C. Ilitkens, AiiisWuith, Knowlcs,
llulwcr, Mauyal, ouJ olheie woiks, which in Lon
don could not he purchased for fifty linns the
amount of the subset iption price of the New
Woil. I. In addition lo woiks of interest by thtso
eminent authors, it has contained thu crcuiil uf tho
peii.itlical liteialuicof tho day, us well a original
anicles from the pen of sonir- ol the must popular
writers of America, a-riong whom we may mentioit
Mi. a Sedgwick, Orville Dewey, Professor Lonb. .
low, the author of "Yankco Notions," Sunuis,
Street, Ac. Ac.
In po il'i ks wo shall, as hitherto, maintain an
arme 1 neutrality. Our columns us heretofore will
be lino! jectiouahh' in a moral poiul of Vie.v. In
criticism we shall, in justice tu the public, maulain
a pei feet indepen, iten ihoiirjti wo incur the
vengence ol ell the dunces' Wc shall, in conclu
sion, e.iMic.-tly shite to midcr our sheet not ouly
worthy of ihe utipuralh hd luvour ll ha experianced,
but ot a coi.tiiiually extiudiug circiiia'.ion. Inlo
we con nine lo liiiiu-h with all possible prouiiiiudo
the most Httractite liter ture of tho day, we shall,
as our means enlarge, ui'.'ord that Compensation to
native asthors, which may induce them to in ko
the New World Ihe medium for priscntmg to thu
public their best produ. lions. Our cxcellt lit Lou
don cones,. oiuleut w.ll he continued, and due ul
tention w ill bo paid to llie coiiicrcial, o;;iiculluial
uud news denuiiuicnts ufoui paper.
Ofs'xtccti large ngi s was commenced on the sixth
of June last, in older to meet the wishes of larpo
number of suhsei ibcrs, by giving tin m its lich un i
vorie.l contents in a suitable foryi for I i; ding. Thisi
we have dune without haviin; enhanced ihe prve,
so that new subscribers, and otheis on the n newal
of pievious subscriptions, can take their choice be
tween Ihe (ju nto and Folio form. Qj- Rut fnv
sets of the i juarto, f om No 1, now n niahi u:i
hand in th oliice, and we shall therclore, not bo
able I. nip to su p'y llicin.
'I'EUMS: 1 u ii i i. DuLLxns a year in jdv.itice.
for either eilniou ; oi Lit K Dollaiih for two cupu s.
In nil cases letters must be lice, or post paid, or
they will remain dead in the pusl-olliie.
fXj' Ail Po-tiujtte s who wiil act lur u are our
authorized, und may retain '!.') per cent on
ihe siib-ci i tiou price, (j-tl.) for commissions, if re
milted in New-York or t'astcrn u oney ; or oO cent;i
on each, il in notes ol other solvent banks, which
may be ul a discount here.
fjj Editors and Pill lishers who desire Ihe Con
tinuance ol an exchange, will please t opy the ahote
three or more times, or otherwise notite the contents,
and send us a meirhul paper.
Let'eis rela ite to llie editorial department nmt
be addiessed to Paiik Rk.vjami.v A Kelts Sasuo i
Editors: those retain c tu the buisins dep.ut
mcnt, to J. WINCHESTER, Publisher,
No. 30 Ann street.
IS A Z A tC 15 ? S
ST .HSI'K'AI, REGIS I Ehl. Containing doc
uments, f :c!s ui d otln r um I'uI inf iinatton, illustr i
: I . . . : . i .... .
iivt- ui in,; nisi uy nn. i resource ot ine .mcricai
I nion, and of each State; cmbr.icii g commerce
niaiiulactuie-', ugiieu'tiue, intt rii'il iinprotements
banks,, liuaiuci, cducaliou, Ac. Ac Ed I
led by Samuel ILzaul.
Publi bed every W'cdncsibiy, at 7 U Dock street
The price lo sub-cribeis i f .J per annum, piviil k
on Ihe lust ol January of each year. No subscrip
tion received l,,r less th .n a year. Subscriher ou
ol (he principal citit s to pay in advance.
I ll li .S V 12 (! x i;
CDlTltK UI I. Ill 1.0. V B. SMITH.
THIS Journal was established by the America
Silk Society, for the purpose uf tbiht-iug prac ici'
iiit.n in .li.ui on the li i.ri lit i f silk in tlie Uuile
States. It has tiotv bei n published one year, an
may be consideted a woik of standard chaiuciir.
The firstycar's publ cition, cumpiiriuc the fir
tola. no, ("Si.l.iii'ie, u Inassof v..u-l le ii.hjiuis.lltii
and il willlt ethe o'j.&l'' of tho edit. to uiak
the st col Xeinial in wjT.-espt t'-, if nut (UAiertoi, t
Ihe fust. -J'ht: uiii.oit.BH l.u'l i)iiow '-I'iishtd u.
yond any 4t1estl.u1, tlnu the' people itfQt Unih
St ites can make tiik.t I r.A r r 11 und ui.tti h thu
any other nation upon earth. It ha been provi
by uiitu'lo test mony, that ihe tAiiiie co
of pfodtuiutp si.k ready for ma ket, does-not excet
TWO linllirs AMI TWLMII ll t "litis l-f
poi'Mi, and its lowest value is 101 11 iioli.aii a
11111 1 1. n t.-.; uk-o, that of s At lit ol giouud plan
id 1:1 10. mis nniliii'a.jl.s, will piodiice u'.if first ye
the Iret aie l .ntcd, iui ui i-i.i,ui' I'niu.h .
silk, leaving a clear profit lo the producer ol ot
III . Mi II 1 11 ami 1 11.11 1' l.oyii:s ! ll h is also bet
proved that the cl'ildn ii and U males. . l aiiy fuii.t r
tunitv can, with Ihe urculc t possihl.1 case, pi oil 11.
Iioin ti t ty to a huudr. d p und of tilk every ye.,
witlioul any cost w halt tor tu the it ol tl
lanu alter ll.u tries are planted; nd ilitr. line, III
the w hole amount of tilk w ill lie su much clear g in
say from jv'J'J5 to j U'l). H ilh these fat t we su
tint lo un iutell gent people wether it is not a pre
und iinpiiit ml ohjeet for tin 111 lo introduce the eu
luro ol si I U in eu iy fanner's lamily in tho lino
To inutile all our homers to make st k, the 'Joi i
..t L or the An uicax Silk Sociltx' wastst
hshrd; ii contains lain directioiis f..r 11
I It AT IX O lUt TUSAS, tkl II1NC -Li! It I. A It 1 Mi S 1 L
wuittis, si.tii.Nu thk siLk, uud preparing il I
maikrt, Ac. besi.fs i.U t.lhir n.f 'ruiiiuou tliatc.
be r. mined In enable any pi rs ui lo enter upon il
business, ii.tnr on a laige or small settle. Eve
lili'iul of his country, into ull m' hand this pip
may full, will be tb.iug a puli'iol and plulati Itr.ipisi
woik by iiiihleli g his frit ud und lieighhouis lot
let their names upon the b -I of sub.-t ribeis.
'1 he Journal of the A meiicun Society is publish
monthly, in pamphlet hum ; eaeli liuiids'r coutui
llrtiiy two octavo p .pes, piinted on tn w ly peai
luiiiilsoiiie Jiiipet, wi h a printed colored cover,
T UUJ : 'I'wo dollars a year, or six copies t
tell tlollais, a ways to be paid before Ihe work
sent. All subscription to beiu with the first nui
ber of the y ear, and in no case will Ihe woik lie e
lo any longer than it thull have be.
paid foi,
(Xj-N'sw si scaiat.Ms, who take the first
second volumes, will be charged only 'lu a a a, l)u
uni lor Ihe two yiaie,