PRICE CUUIiENT. Corrected weekly hy Henry Yoxlhthner. NVllKAT, Ivir, f0 fi() 40 25 6 mo 12 25 12J 7ft 200 8 10 7 Oats, Four, FtAxsrr.n, HfTTr.R, Hkf.swax, Tallow, . Piiikd Aecrum, Dll. I'ilACHKH, Flax, Flax, E(IS, THE success which linn attended llic ne of Dr. HurlieJt't (,'erman Aperient and Compound ttrrngtheulnsr Tunic Pih, is truly astonishing. It is no vain (must to say thin medicine has proved by its happy ilTicls in tlic rurc of a vaiirty of disease lo which the hum. in frame is liable, to bo easily su perior to the many preparations before tho publ c. Many of these prep .rations are compounded hy in dividuals who ore positively ignorant of the myste ries of the human system, nnd morn prclcnih r to medical knowledge. l)r. llarlieh, however, is cele brated among the tSernian fieuhy as man of the highest scientific attainments, am) equally distin guished throughout Europe, as a successful medical practitioner, spent most of the year of a useful life in the uquisition of such knowledge, hs might prove beneficial to his fellow creator, s. In the piils which lie invented, and whieh hear Iim name, tho public rn assured of an artiele that possesses m.ire than oidiuury virtues. From the acknowledged talents rif this inventor, nothing loss than a good article rould be expected ; and the experience of many years has afforded demonstration of the virtues of his medicine. In Oeimany and other parts of Eu rope, its r putation is established. In this country into which it has but been recently introduced, it is rapidly gaining the mol substantial reputation. The tiumcious e.crtl'icntcs of cures of the mo't ob-Moatc diseases effected by tho use of Harlich's Fills, which the proprietor is constantly receiving, ii proof of the fact. Day after day he receive new tcsliinnni ds of their eflicary, and week after week increases the demand for them. Thin is not mere assertion j ii: mitnciuhlo certificates are open for the Inspection of tho public, und the doubts of any who are skeptical, ran l-o removed by examining them at the cilice of the proprietor. We take the liberty, then, of suggesting to every family, that they make use ol Dr. Harlich's I'iIIs. Lcl (In in keep a supply constantly on hand, to be ii Hid when oita-ion deinanJs. and tiny will receive the most unequivocal proofs of uliliiy. Mtdieat Jkjiner. 1'iiiicipal office for the United Slates, No. HI North Lighth Kliei t, Fliiladelphia. Western Depot. Mo. 41, St. Clair street, P.tls Lurgh. HENRY YOXl'HEiMER, ZJL) Z2l$ J li 23 LJ a f PUR Subscriber would respee'fully omr his pro- fcssional services to the ladies and genii, men of Sunbury and its vicinity. He is prepared to at tend to every thing in the line nf his business, ac carding to the latest improvements. TVclll for sale by the dozen, or hundred dol- lars worth, on accommodating terms, to suit the trade. A complete set of Dental Inntrttmenls for sale, including case, (Tj- Residence, for a short lime, at Price's Hotel A. VALLERCH MP. Surgeon find Mieluiiiictil lhntitt frninbury May 29, 1311. tf. Atltlirks VaiuliiM'ii A: Siiiilli. WHOLESALE SHOE, CAP, lionm! and l'ulm Leaf Hat Ywehour, So. 1G7 Marrkt Strket, a hove 4 m Stukkt, riHLADELPJHA. COT'NTRY Aierchants ore res ec'fully requested J to call and examine thiir extensive as-mlment, vhich they will sell on the most reasonable tcims. May 21, 1811. ly. rO'I'ICE is hereby given, that the election for otliceis of the "Centre I uropike Road t oni- iihiiv," leading from Resdiuu to Sunbury, will be tield in the borough of Simbury, ut the house of Elizabeth Weiizel, on Monday the 7ih day of June lext, h'tween the hours of 2 und 5 o'clock P. M. I'hc bo.iks and ni coiints of the Company for the oast year, will be ocn for the inseetioii of the lockholders on said ilav, ut the place above nw n ioned. JOHN I) DO YD, Northumberland, May 2'Jth, 1SII. A FEW ouneis of I'Cil-llIlt SW VortSI f- IZtTS, warranted good, can be had by "pply ng soon, to II. 11. MASSEK. May 29, 1811. BENJ. Ii. THOMAS )F DUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, NN'OUNCKS bi intent on of opening a Room ' for tho icception of pupils in the Ilorough of -unliLry. Awaro that self piaise is nn rcconunen-. lation, he invites the attention nf nil interested, lo be sieciinen of improvement made by his pupils u Schuylkill county knowing that "the tree iiiubt ie judged by its fruits." ffj- Ti.rms Two Dollars prr scholar, and no haige. uidesi the pupil is satisfied With Ihe hi.prove iient made, Huii'mry, May Ciih, 1811. 3t. LEMhll TUMl'llIiTATIllN (W.W. 'IMIE subscriber respect' I Tr fully infoim the Public , t. " "i """"'. -4 and Merchant generally, , I I .IT T " - lU( (m,y B(g r(i,y , ereivo goods at their old stand, (Hrork'n W half A .1 Philndelphia on the Delaware, for NorthuinUr- ulid, Ucrwick, W ilkekba-re, anil all Ihe iniermeili In places, nnd forward them in firsl rate decked loals, via the Delaware and Che sapeake, and Tide A'atcr ('ansls, ami from (hwice up the North tianch ('anal In 'J ilkesbarrc, Dry (iooiUcrilrus td in their raic will be forwaided without delay. A 13 EL WILSON & CO. May , IS 11. fit i3 CO J.J OL 1 vf CL koot x siioi: stolsi:. A I.L kind of Clothiinr, IKhi's and Shoes, and a L- variety of other articles rail he had at Ibe most educed juices, al the store formerly kept by John ioaar. JOU. C It A M LiEKLAl.S, Snr. ullbuTy, May S, 1841. flm. IPjTOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of 1.3 N'oilluimlierlaiid County ha tin day granted eilvrs of administration upon the estati of Hester vocksfcllow, late of Ruh tow nship, ilec'd., lo ihe ubscrilier, residing ill Augusta township. All pri ons having demaisds against said estate, are reiue ed lo present Ihe same, propeily attested, and ihose vho are indebted lo inuku immedmie psvniciil. JAMLS FORRESTER. April 21, 1811 . 61 Adm'r. xc,lLBJ8.mill:7i .!OIfl. KVLaMYAIY & SO.Y, GENERAL COMMISSION M EECHANTS, No. 20, Lmu-r Hthkkt Whaiu-, DALTIMORE, nAVINO a spacious warehouse, near tho Rail load, and ample wharf and pavement room for lauding and receiving produce, respectfully solicit consignments of llour, grain, whiskey, tobacco, oVc. With much experience in Ihe COMMISSION BUSINESS, to which they arc promptly and ex clusively devoted, they are induced to bihcvo they can Give satisfaction to all who may employ thcni. Liberal advances made on Consignments, and information us to markets freely communicated when reijuired. Erfer lo W. LORMANT tSc RON,? ., ,,. Ill-Oil MEDERRY. ' KEARNEY WHARTON. Reading, Pa. JOHN DOCOHERTY. Hollidavshuig. I'm. WAI.LINOFOED &. TAYLOR, Pitisburg, Fa. Apiil 10 1st I. FOR SALE. AFRESH MILCH COW AND CALF. Inquire of the Printer. Sunbury, Apiil 24, 1811. II. Apprentice W A A 'I' 12 . N npirctitifc will be taken tr llio l'rinti ncr Business, a lad ol' from 11 to lfi vcars'of nee, with a irood l lnvf- !isli Ktlncntion, will lie!rof an excelli nt I situation by applying at this ollieo soon. April 17. 1811. In tlic l'4)iiiitii I'lrnoi ol'Xorllmiit iK iIaitcl County Flemming and 'J'ttomun l'ulloek,) vs. V- Kulc of Couit. Juinrs Tlmrp. J Ili I'LE on the the Judgment Creditors of defend- ant, and all others inteiested. lo show eaue l.u t.A C.r.. .1.... ..f A nulla! Inrm 1 W .1 I l.liV 1 1 1 l.r.l cecds of the Kile of def. inland's real estate should not be applied lo they pavment nf the judgments of riemining and Thomas PolWk. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Pro:honoinrv's Olhe, ,1 Vruth'y. Sunbury, April 1C, I S 1 1. !'t IDERSONS knowing themselves to be indebted to the subscribers, foi coal or otheixvise, will please call and settle the same without delav. if they wish lo save cost. J. II. PURDY &. CO. Sunbury, April lOlh, 1S11. if. SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 11 K 1 A Till O K S O N, ,V. 21, .orth Third ut net, (ntTwiii.N MAiiktr ami cHEsscr srnr.KTs,) PHILADELPHIA. HAYE for sale a largp nnd excellent assortment of SiihiA Hides, I'ana Hips, Tanuert Oil, Sec, at the lowest mniket prices, either for, in exchange tor Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of l eather received for sale, or purchased ut the highest maikel price. fjj Leather stoieil lire of charge. April I 7, IS41. ly. Ostr Hill!' i:s(;itc. TQyOTICE is hereby given, that the Rcuister of the county of NorthuniU'rlund, has this dny granted Idlers lesiainentaiy to the subscribe!, upon the elutc of ttsce HulT, of Rush tonnship, in the said rounly. All persons having dematuU or claims against the said decedent, arc requested to make know u tho tamu to him w iihout d lav. HENRY HUFF. Apiil 17 fit Adm'r. v f- TT11S MACHINE AC A IN ST Till: WOH El). IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. A YEN PORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Hori-e Power, whieh threshes and cleans al the same time an invention fori which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which -1- vending and using the above valuable invcu icnders the above machine perfect and past further , tion, for Norlhuiiibc iland County, oiler to dispose improvement. 1 hoso who have been wailing for ' something better than I eietofore nth red for rale,' will fmd this to be the article. Come see it and ! jm'ce for yourst Ivc. j 1 he subscribers have purchased Ihe nsht of Ihe : above Machine and Horse Power, lor ibe conn, j tie llf NollTHI'MBKRLIVII, l.II'IIMIM., Cl.lNTOX, ! and ('mow and also, Iho privilege of vending i them in any other places for which the light hu j Hot been picvioiisly sold. The adxaut.iges which this Machine has over i ull others invenlcJ are n any and obvious. One j boy and three men can do ull Ihe threshing and , cleaning ol 150 bushels of wheat in one day und j this usually take seven hands one day and three ihe licit. For In' Id thrtshing it takes the lead of! any thing in this woild no grain is tcainrcd or lost. j Such is the superiority of the Horse Po-rr, ' that three horses can thresh S9 much with it us j four can with any other. j The Machine and Horse Power will le sold '. tocether or senerale, to suit purchasers. Made and avid in Milton, by the aulacribers. M. WELCH, WM. II. POMP. HENRY FKICK. Milion, April 17, 1811. HI 4SLV IWlhl 77.V. THRF.SHINti V WINNOWINO MACHINE. Having hud in use, one ,.f Davcnt (irl's Patent Threshing and Winnowing Machines, and leing I repeatedly culled upon for our opinion in n g ird to j iheir value, durability and ailxuutages, we make, tree to state, thut they exceed in our opinion, any j Thicshing Machine we ever before witnessed in use. They will thresh and clean, fa for maikel 2(10 hoshils of Wheat er day, and this with ibe aid of three hands besides the driver. 'Flits Straw i passed oil' from the grain on an incline plane, ex tending about 1 2 h 1 1 fiom Ihe Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lost. What la ol some iin oilmiie and iireally so, i Ihe fact that no dust passe from the Midline to Ihe uian who feed il. The Horse power seems to be perfection itself l luce horse may woik il with ease and ibrii Lslcst g iil need only I the urdtuaiy lough gait. We must cheerfully recommend the Machine to Farmers lin y are manufactured in Milton by Messrs. W elcli Pomp and Fuck. PHILIP HILCEHT. JOHN II HEI LER Chilisquaque Ul p., N'oilh'd to, Man h 0, 1811. BRADY'S HOTEL. imwima:. km Mini ror.TV, li mi p 3 Ivunlu , I rsnili: .SCUSCTHDEIl irspee.tfully informs the il public, that he has removed from the town of VattnwiuM to Danville, and that he has purchased in that place, tlic irjc and Vumnwdiuun It II 1 C It H O t' S K i at this rnnsrn ok mill An ihaiikkt strckts, COppositC the. Court-1 hum; ) Which ho has tilled tip by the erection to ft.ltfiSr of ADDITIONAL lUilLDINOS. and 'J If'jextensive STA1U.I(5, for the Knter- ift- V !iTV I in n mrnt j Irarrltet ana I ifitim. lie is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with n call, and he would state tbat no thing in his power shall be left i:ndonc, to render his customers comforlnble and happy while undet his care. His accommodation arc an. pie, and his rooms furnished in modern style, and the proprietor is de termined that his establishment shall sustain and keep up with the growing if potation and iinpoitniiec of the tow n in which it is located. His will lie supplied with every luxury of the season, and the brxt and rlmirrwt variety Ihr market tan ofiiird. II is Har will bo stored with nit the brut nrfiren that rim lie furni.ilird hy our c7rV., and the whole will be such as to give satis faction to every one. Well knowing that nn enlightened public will always indue for teni-elves, ho feels confident that they will favor him w ith their pitronaize. SAMUEL A. UKADY. Danville, Jan. 30. "to UL ! sJZ i53 -SHOULD! :ii MUAiSURH SYSTEM ! "pilE Subsciiber hns been appointed Aeent for the above Sysleni, for Northumberland Countv, which lie oilers for ale to Tailors, who may ilr siie to possess the best and latest improvement in the nit of cutting snrn.ents. The following two certificates a'e from a committee of Merchant 'I ai. lors in Paris, who have examined the System, and hig'.iiv tipprove cf the same. Paths, Feb. 2Sth, 1S40. We, the inidersigiied, mrinbers of the committee appointed by the uinnbeis composing the"Philan ihropblc. Society" of Merchant Tailors ol Paris, cer- tily that the stein of cutting, taught by Thomas Olivtr ol New i ork. Lnited States, has been sul ,m,,r." loour cxamiiinnon, wnicn sysiein we reco.n lucliil as Ihe best lliut has been subtnitted lo lis, in faith of which we have uiven him this ceriiticute. M. FltOUE, President, M. LA I I I I E. V President. I sul join a certificate from Mr. Culler of Paris foimerly of Ibvt.'ii, whose reputation is well esta hhshed both in Europe and in America : Mr. Oliver, Diur Sir, ihe recommendation you have obtained from Ihe Sucicly of Master Tailors, is (rem the highest in this city, and I fully agree in the opinion, thai your system is the licst that has cxei been publishi d. Yours trnlv, D. CUTTER. The subscriber continues the business of TAl LOKINU at his old rtaud, adjoining Rhawn's store, in Sunbury, wbeie l,e will accommodate all who may call upon bio in his line of business. He will Kgul.irly receive the Fashions from Mr. Olivir of New Yotk, as soon as issued. The Spring Fashions have been rcrcived, and are noxv forsile. WILLIAM DURST. Sunbury, April 10, 111. ly EMAINIMi in the Post Office at Sha iiikin, on the 1st day of April, Hit. aniuel Thornton, Dudly Andreng, John Hoyd, Jacob Smith, Nn holas, Samuel M. Card ner, Oeoriie Slnppig, Jeremiah Wet7.el, Thomas Morrow, Daniel Lalor, Peter Persinne. Samuel R. W ood. 5. A ll.I.IAM FAtiELY, P. M V li v a p T i ii - a r v . ANUFACTURF.D and sold by the subscri ber in Simbiiiv, of the bi st Tin, and the work wairanted, which he oilers for sale at reduced j cash prices, now as low at retail as formerly sld by , hoii sale. fiood Watering Pots, formerly sold st 87, now al "5 cents; Laige Dockets, formerly sold al 75 and ti2, noxv at f2 and iiO ; tiallon (.'ollec Pols, formerly sold at fli, and tlnee quart al 50, now at 'lo and 3S cents, and other article ol 1 in-W are in proportion. Stove pic und ktoves made and sold cheap fur c ish, CvC N". U. All persons indebted lo the suhscrilier, and who wish to save costs, aie requested to call and in. ke satisfaction, w ithout delay , tilhi r w ill cash or by giving theii notes. Sunbury, April 10. HENRY MAssER. EEE-A I ). t STEM : EO( i HE ACE FOR SAW-MILI.S. l'r Ulnjamih N. CrsiiWA. HE Subscribers huxinir lairchased the richt for I the same to pir.ons who may desire to purchase. The above invention is now in operation al the saw mill of Mr. M'Curtv, near Sunbury, w here it can be inspected by ortiier of saw mill and all other interested. E. tiltlHN, 27. tf. SAMUEL OORIX. Tlu- I.asl i. IiUim t-. IF persons who are indebted lo Ihe subsrrilier on Dook account, will call nnd settle, the mine be fore the Huh of A id next, tin y call save some in crest a well us cot, as Ihe hook alter that t ime will he placed in the hand of a magistrate for col lection. II. U. MASSE R. March 20. 1811. WAliR ANTED Krass Clocks, l or i:t Dollars Q 'A 1. fur lime to tiny sulil Ly Cluek Ved- Ijg lurs fur f l., lor ale by March 1:1 H. II. MASSE It. s u A 15 U U V CEORtJE ROHUUACII iV DROTHERs ri.II to inform their Customer and the pub- lie pi 'ill-rally, that they have eieeu-d an En gine, and are i unhh d lo do a more extensive I Usi than licrctoloic, and are ready lo m..ku ull kinds of casting commonly cast at Foundry, STOVES, HOLLOW-WARE, PLOUOHS and PLtU(iII CASI'INCS of all description, which they will dispose ofu cheap na they can he bought elsewhere. Old Iron and Country produce will betaken in exchnnee ft,r eualiuga. CEORtiE ROHRIIAtH, JACOIt ItllllRIIACH, Feb. 27. Hm. WILLIAM ROIlhliACIL T Ii o in ax tl ii v 1 1 , No. 2i8, Dai rmoaa Srat sT, A tint vf Howard ht. DALTIMORE. TflmiOLF.SAl F. DEALER in Comls, Put V Y Ions, tierman and Eancy (ioods, and Im porter of Patent und Shoe Threads, Spool Cotton. Suspenders, Tiqas, snd nlmosl every description of Small Ann ies, Country Merchant and Dealt ra in geneial. aie rcspeulully invited to tall ami exa mine foi themselves. Jn. 30. ly SIIA3XIOXCIN COAI.. F a very superior quality, can be had nl any time, by npnlicHliou to the subscribers, in lots uit purchasers. Thev keen hirer, i'ul'. broken. and fine coal, lit for burning lime. J. II. FLRDY Co. Sunbury, Sept. 20.. If. UltiH ' : HII'.S. A fresh supply of Oroceiies just rectived and for s ite by III.NKY YU.YTIIIMER. s. pt. is. is to. tr. i.iqi1HtS. fieh supply of llrandv, ton. Port, Lisbon, Tei crinc, Madeira and Sheny Wines, jUbt tceeived and for sale bv HENRY YO.vrlllMER. Sept. 12. IS 10. IT. tfll'Sljt.y'S, A new assortment of 7-1, 7-S and rt-1 yard wide Muslin, in--t reeeived nod for sale bv HENRY YO.YTH1MER. Sept. 12, is 1 0- if. iCft'.S'. A new assoitiuei.l ol Calicoes just leceived and for sale by J1ENKY YOATHIMEK. S. pt. 12, 1 si in- tf. I IStf' A good assortment of Dar Loii.jiist received and for sale bv HENRY YO.VI HIMER. Sept. 12, 1H I0. if. S.1 It'V. 2f0 barrels and sacks ol Sail, just reeeived ami for sale bv HENRY YOXT11IMER. Sept. 12. 1 SJ0. tf. i l,H IIS. A general assortment of Cloth and Cassiiuetes, constant v on hand ol Ibe store ol HENRY YOXTHIMEU. Sept. 12, 1810. if. ItWf.VT, itVE. COlt.V nnd nil other kinds of tiiaiu and S,cd will be t iken at the high est pneia ill exchange for uoo ls nl the store ol HENRY YOXTHIMEU. Sept. 12. 1 810 tf. M ACKEREL A few b.irrels of M .ikerel for sa'e at n low pr:ce by Seel. 12, 140. II. D,, IRISH SALMON'. Ol the best qtial.ty. stantly on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12, IS SO. II II MASSEK. MADEIRA WIMi. Fust Wine, for s-de low by quality Madicia Sept. 12, 1840. H. IL MAssER, I'OU'RTII PROOF IJR AN DY. A geiiu.ii. article always on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12,' 18 in. H. II. M ASSER. HOLLAND (!IN. Of the best quality always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, IS 10. II. II. M ASSER. "l.OAF AND LUMP tL(i.R. Ahxaxs en hand nnd for sale by Sept .12. 11(1. H. D. MASPFR. UOS'l ON SY l;i P M O L A S S-1 i sT O t a supe rior quality, for sale by Sept- 12, 1810. H. IL MASSP.R, "NEW "l)RLEANSil li Ml" Hoi .-E Mo LAssES. Ol the best quality always on hand ai d for sale by Sept. 12, 18 10. II. 1!. MASSER. " DROWN Si (i7R. Of a pood for sale loxx bv Sent. 12. 1810. H. M. MASSER. LIQUORS. Of nil kin Istmd of tho I et quali ties, alwnvs on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1810. 11. 11. MASSER. ORE EN AND lil.ACK TEAS. Of Ihe best quulity always on bund and for sale by Sept. 12, 1810. II. II. M ASM . Ix. COFFEE. Java, Km and l.auira Coll. e, con stantly on h ind and for tale bv Sept.Ji2, 1810. H". W. MASSER. SPERM OIL. Wiutir and Summer strain. d Speim Oil, of ihe lesl quality, nlwava on hand und for sale bv Sent 12.1810. H. II. MASSER. "s'l'EEL. ('asl and Eliitel Steel, lor sale by Sept. 12, 1810. M. I!. MASSLK. " sI'KINti STELE. Ut xaiious lor Ehpti Springs, for sale by Sert. 12.JSI0. H. II. MASsEi:. LA ROE OCA It'll) blULEs. For sale at very rod need pricis by Sept. 12, 1840. H. D. MASSER. II LAN K LOOKS. in all kinds, for sale bv Sept. 12, 1840. 11. 11. MAssER. ' liLANK DEEDS. llanos, Mortgages, Ate. for sate by Sept. 12. 1810. II. D. M ASSER, JUSTICES' DLANKS. lor'sale bv Sept. 12. 1840. 11. II. M ASSER. CLOTHS lilue, Uiack. Invioible CrVen, CvcM for sele by Sept. 12, 1840. H. 15. M SSER, C Af S I M E R ES AND S ATI IN LT 1 S. For sole very low by Sept. 12, 1840. H. D. MASSER. UARPETlNi. Foi sale cheap bv Sept. 12, 1810. H. II. MASSER. BLANKETS Ft7r"iiie "ehi-ap I v Sept. 12. 18 lit. H. U. MASSER. UN HUE AC II Eli Ml Sl. INs. For s-ile by Sent. 12, 18411. 11. II. MASSE It. COTTON YARN AND COTTON LAPS Foi sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. P.- MASSER. HEMP AND COTTON T INF.. For silt bv Sent. 12. Is III- H. U. MASSF.R. TOWINCJ LINES, CORDS AND ROPES. For sale by Sept. 12, 1810. II. n. MASSEIL cic.n ssi ta IS hen by given, Unit interest will be charged by the suiiscrilier. on nil account for lime, that have been standing longer than six mouths, and that hcreaftel Ibis rule wdl besliielly adhered to. All person indebted, are request ej lo cull and settle Iheir accounts. c-EASllllLTZ A P,ElU;sTl;EssER. Sunhuiy, Jan. 2:), 1841. if. itli'i'cliatit'M ,tlicc. T a meeting of the Merchants of the borough of Sunbury, on the fxh inst., the following was unanimously adopted : Whereas noun.b rm ri.le exists among (he mer chants of ibis pi ice, in icaid lo ihe thai ge of liilt lesl on bis.k a-counis, iherelore IU fulfill, 'I'hal iotere t will be charged on all accounts (bat have been standing longer than six months, and thai herealler all accounts in our books will lie balanced every year, and that interest will lie charged on ull bal.iiices thai uverate moia than six months standing. Utfulved, That the subscribcra will strictly ad heie to the above lule, and that notice ol the same be given ill the ncwin ers of ibis place. HENRY o I'HEIMEIt, JOHN YOUNO, JOHN lit Hi A It, H. D. MASs-F.R. I. ENJ. HENDRICKS, Jan. 2:1. fm. JACDU liil.VUN. VFL W Ctpit of "'l'r I'uiou Choral I'ur ntoutt," consisting ul Sacr.d Mu.c, xilh tin. irnoi and F.omIi.Ii line o taih tune. Ly IL C, 1st 1, 1 or .iie by J.nuaiv 30. 11. I). MANNER, ATTENTION MHUCllANT.S, vS:c. k. r.& j. ii. rsiicii:, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOR WADINO cV MIOIU.CK toIMISslo7 MLRCIKMS, Ay. 297, MurM ttriet,J!e thiiirx almee Seventh, 1' 111 LA DELI' 111 A, OFFER for sale, nt the lowest ma-kct prices, a U neial tiHsottieenl of 'Irni, CnJJ'm, Sugars, Mitaw. Wines, 1,'iUnrs, Spina, Tubarcn, Ve. (.'oi ntiit Pnnin cK neeiveil ninl sold on coinmis sioii. Merchaiilsr Hotel keeifrs, and others, will litid it to their advnlitaeo to call nnd examine our loik, In fore piiri haing i hew here. Merc hants wi'-hil c their goods collected in this city, by h aving an order, w ill have them piomptly forwarded, by the most ex pi dit inns lines. r.nwii r. i nteK, joiim u. riorK, Feb. fi, 1M1. ly. ;ii.i,i;bs tji i, jisoi. In. porters ami Desilers in rorein Ilai ilw art. Corner f Vratt find l.i;;ht f.v., DALTIMORE. c lOl NTRY MERCHANTS, and otbei, are J respectfully inviled to (ad and esiiiine their Slock ol tiouds. Jan SO. Iv TO COUNTRY 17EKCITNTS. rPI!E Snbsi ribei. Agent id i.xotioV Harris Hat Jtlanulacturei. fur New Yoik, Phif ih lphia, llalt.morc and other laige eities, xxl ose Huh are highly commendi d for guid eulur tti.d durability, has on band a lirst rate u.-soitimul of HATS ai d CAPS, suitable for Spring g .le-, xvh i ll will be sc Id xeiy low, fur cash or approved cnd.t, at Iho not id J elaiip .(, ivo. Ill, Aoilh J Innl sired, opposite the City Hotel, Philadelphia. OLIVER N. T11ACJ1ER, Agent. N. D. Ordeisf.r Hats in the rnugli, piuniptly attended to. The highest piicu ill ri;A or trude given tor i'ur .s, ,'.;. Philad.lphi.i, April 10, 1 S J I . ty CLE) E3 "H jls OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENCEANl) OlE COMPANY. No. J! North Water Street, 1'hila. ANUFAOTURERS nnd dealer:, in Oils or i. H exry description both for buru-ng and inanul.icturiug purpose's, which will be Sold much lower than thev can be procured c'sewhere, and wariant- d in quality to equal uuv ill the city. Any oil si. Id by the company not proxinn as ii .rcra r.Jed, may be returned without nnv expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Their slock now in sluic consists ol the follow ing oils, x W. : :;ii,(l00 gallon Winter Kloachrd Spetm't Oil. i;.,otM 10.111)0 20.(100 bono lo.ta.i0 200 aim do lb) do do lb do Colorless Oil, Fail and Sprint Sperm Ull, Winter Sea Eb- bant, do Pressed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common WhnteOil, D.iirels superio! Straits Oil, do Cod Rank Oil, do Nea's Fool O.I, 11 Cu.-ks Olive Oil, Tanner's Mis. Jj This Company ha n number of YesseU .n niged in the t'ml Fisherv, and Tanner mny rely upon getiing at all t ines Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1810. ly. flHE special attention of buycis fiom Ibe sou'h E. and west, nnd for the state trade, is re-pei li'id Iv invited to the lolloxvinu assoitmciit of ('0(!.S, which the su'iscriler w ill dispose of at sui h prices us will amply repay his friends for calling und ex nmining his'stnek. To CASH putchasers, at the pre. enl time, extiaordimry iiiduccments will bo of lered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish mattip'. 500 pieces Canton m ilting. a s..ited 4-1, D-l and fi-4 xx bite, checked and fl.iwered. 1000 Innrth roc. a beautiful assortment of Wil ton, Dins-els, Tuftid, Turkey, and Hemp rus. 200 pieces woolen, worsted, cotton, hemp, in ernin. Yenerian nnd block Carpeting'. An clcirant variery of W ilton, llrussels, Scotch and English, Venetian, Damask, tVe. ovc. I (lilt) do.eii men nnd I ovs raps, comprising a gieat var'elv i'f Fur, Seal. Nu'iia, Mu.krat, and j Coney, Hair. Sealette and Cloth Caps. I 100 dozen Allicant Mats, assoiied sizes. lt'l) do Manilla do do Oo fill do Shiep-skin do do do SO bales French baskets, comprising every de scription. 00 pair Yene'.ian Blinds, nss'd figuie and colors. fltltll) patent do do do 1C0O nests (iabns or SatcheL, as.'d, embossed leather, siraxv and oil cloth. fOK'O dozen Combs, assorted tortoise shell, lira zil'iuii do In rn, ivory, bras nno wooJ, comprising a large assortment of exery variety. 3000 doen Whips assoiied wagon, gij, car riage, sulky, planteis. drovers or li.liug, of ul, lea ther Mini thread, Willi Ociiuaii silver, gilt, ixoiy and bone moiiutitis. llU.O doen painted pails, Wilson's brand. 1 000 nesH Tiibs ai tl Ducket j also, Churns, I'iL'gius, U ater Cans, iVc. The aliove toneiher with an extensive assortment i of fancy goods, Itritt.u.i.i and Ceiman silver ware, j feather nnd I ri-lle lirushes, Looking Classes, Ma- 1 hogany and (Jill Flames, of every sie and def crip linn, are manufactured, imported, and seheled cx prcs ly lb i the suulhcin. western and slate nade. J. SIDNEY JONES, No 18 Ninth 2d slieel, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7. 1810. ly. G. . & L. 2. TAITLC. FOR SALE, ul the South Last Cor ner of J-'iflh und Market Slieets, I h pitta Mens' Call'-skiu Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do w ater pi oof, double sole and double upper, do Call-skill do da nnd upcr. do Heavy Water Leather Boots. do nailed do do iSeals do 00. il l Hi'h quarter Shoes, Calf-sLiu do do do Cnaker do do do do do do do Fine Monroes warranleti Kip do Calf do Coarse do do Shoe Fine do do do dn di .li .to do Kip ib do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps. do Lisl Socks with and without ole; do Carpet do do do do Patent W arranled Water-prool Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do I.adiis' tunned India Rubber shoes. t iei.llemeiis' do I'vir shots. With every ether disc iplion uf boots and sho-. Fur Cii of every description. TruVelhlig Trunk of every description. cm li ni Travelling Patent lium Elastic Shoe Blarkin-r. It. ninn of all kiuds. Palm Lil D'- Phdidelphia, No.cniUi 1, l-to.-ly. CZTV AUCTION AND C0IV1B1ISSION STOriB. Number 2!) A'or-M Third Street, Vhihidfiplilt flUCLIC SALES f)f I),y Coods, H irdifaro 0. nnd Cullcrv, Looks, Sd itionury, Clothiii;r, Uoots, S.'iors and Hals, end in short almost cvny description of goods, n.e he! ! at this establi: hment every evening. (torn! me nbo sold at priva'e sab iluring the day nt the avemje auct cn price". f?:urc keepers and traders w ill liod It to their ndv;.i!'.jaa by attending ih fab s. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer. Philadr Iphin, Noverub r 7, 18 10. i .owi;i Ac EAuiiVrvT Imjiortcrs nnd Dc.-ilcrs in l'nn in v.:.l Dntuoslio 1 indwnio, No. 171 Noll l U 'J'llll II Sl-IU .T 1'lllt.AI'KtriUA. HI ERE thi ir friends nnd iistomcs w ill atv. axa " " foul n larpe nnd jrem-ml aiortni'iit of Fnrein anil D.imtstic llaidwarr, which they will sell at tho lowe.t plices. Phib del hi 1. Noveiiivii r 7. 18 !0. ! x .1 . W . ts V A I N , Uiuhrclla and . l'iira.-ol iI:o;iiractun:r. Am. 37 Nimli Tlihil irrrt, tiro b'ttW ibe. ! III! Hull I, I Itl.'uilt Ijm.i-I. lOUNTRV. Men hauls and oiheis are nbcitel to examine his assortment lufore ptlichusiug Isexx lieie. Pbila.i. tpbi.i. NovrinWr 7. Ii0. Iv .I;i ol I'l i.M.i'Ii tV Son. F.sPL'.C'I'FUl.LY ii,:'oims tlnir liicni's nnd aequaiiiliinees eimeroily thjt C i v still eon- linue to keep at llio old stand, iSo. 2 l'j .ir .1 id slrei I. riiiiailt-lpliia, rdl kinds of TOh.icco sM't r aj s;;ca::s. Which they w ill sell on the most uCi'oiuiuVutir.g and ieas,.n able lotiu;. N. H. All coods foM xx ill be guarantied, and .11 orders promplty atlinded to. Philadelphia. November 7, If 10. ly. Wholonlo ami Eclail Shoo, Eoimct, am 1 l'alm l.vr.f Hat Vi arcnoiiFC. No. td) A'ori 2(i tfrirt, a ulovc .lreli, TtultitU It hia. A LSO 'I l.S'O Triad,.-, Cuipet li.ies ?t'd Valiccs, i f ex- disciiptiou, nil of xuncj l e olicij lot sun- on the most reasonable terms. Plnladi inhi i, November 7, isttl. iv j 1' . xS: A 11 V) V O V J ) T ' iS ' (.'Iiiim, C J hi ss and Liverpool Warc-lionsf, I .Yi 1C1 North Th.rd strut, third duur In hut Vine Hl'fl i, l hi.Ul .y:...'.7. "TTnriRE they coii'-tai.tly k cp on band n la"rn ' ' assoitmer.t of t.'iiina, ( nnd Liverpool Wure, which they will dispose ol on the meat iei soral le trrtMS. PhilaJi dpi. in, November 7, 1 !0. Ti 1 EOl'l El S ( r IA Manufacturer and Importer of au dlerv, IJartlwn re, xVe. 5 Sutilh Third i',.rs liiow Marlet F'.EP constantly on hand a l.irsrt nud srncrel assortment Conch Lamps Cairiage Dam!-;, Axle Arms, F.liptic Sj tint-. Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers will be si::p!i d ;.i. all tnues on the most reasonable terms. They will find it to tlit ir advantage to call awd examine Lis assortment before purcha-iuc elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. had IV cr .jis. ROrC IVIAKEnS ix SKIi CIIANDLinr. A'. CI North Wall r Strict. Vhiluth Iphin. A L cons'ntiliy on hnml, a general n.-snrt-ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, c, viz : 1 ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Itopc, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines f r Dears. A!o, a eomplelo assorttneiil pf Siine Twines, .i. so-' Hemp Shad and He.ring Twir.e, Best Puiont Ciil Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring 'I wine, Shno Thread, iVr. A c. Alio, Bed dmD, Plough Lines, Haliers, Traces, Cotton nnd Linen ('arpel Ch.-ii.s, cVc. nil of which they v. iii dispose of on leason.ille lei Ills. Philadelphia, November 7, IS 10. i i EY. OE1)S,'iMc V A 1 j I . A N 1 )7Tl i. Wliolosalc Dealrcs in Foreign Eritibli and American l; v (!oods. No. 105 Mit-A-t street, I'UUtdrlphiet. C10UNTLY Merchant-!, and others cri l sup J p'ied ut all limes xvith rn exlcnsixe assort nn nt of the best and iiu;-t lashioc.a'.iii Coxds upon I lie most lea-otiable term--. Phil id.-'phia, Nrivenil er V, 1 10. ly. e" ! " "i Wholesale N'arieiy and Trin-.n.ii:': tor An. 4 I, North Tuurth near AiU st., ThiU'ih '. . I A THERE Coun'y Menh ir's and c;hcrs can bo j supplied, at ill times, with n large us.., rttvent j of Hosii rv, tilox-es. Merino. Cotton, rnd Woolen ! Stmts and Drawers, Spool Ootlor.. Patent 'I luejd. j Ction Cords, lluttoiis, '1'apis, liind.ngs, Henk jinl i.yci, rins, owe. aim a general vamiy 1,1 iuo lul articles, xvbith ho elllrslur tale at the lowest prici'f Philadelphia, November V, Is '0. ly. iWHOUKsM.E AND RETAIL DOUUsEL j LERs AND STATIONERS, 1 No. I'JvJ C'hesnnt Street, below -lth. Philadelphia. T" EEP constantly on hand a ssjoit- ment of Looks and Stationary ; comprising 1 'I In illogical. Law, Medical, Cl.i-ical. '. i.ccllune- ous m l Seb.oi-I D 10! s, Day Bo. ks, all sizes. Led-, j cers, do.. Family Ti1 lev, Pocket 1! b'es AS'ii::; s j Pai'Crs, Wrat ping Papers. eVo, A.C, whie'.i they of. iv "7 1 cr "l ,'10 '',WCti I"'1'1'" ld Uountry Metchant' Prr-uluutl- ' ,.sSi)lal tJentlenun, Teachers, and all otbertj that may favor thein xvith their custom. Philadelphia, November 7, liili). ly. ESllElilCK, 1IANSEEE Sc CO'S. VIIOLESALE ERY GOCDS STCnE. , No. ltii; JlarKet Street, l'liila. (iii.'uw Fifth Smith fide ) A IAVAVS keipon hand a full uu.I general :w .ask. -rtni! iil of Hosiery, Lace, cud Fancy Goods, t'niiiitry Merchant are respectfully requested lo gixe ihem a call and namine for ibemselvi s, Philadelphia, November 7, 1840.- ly. Sl'EU INC, (JOCH) tc O. No. las Market Street, l'liiladilpliia. NYITE the attention of Country Merchant, to their extensive a -sort ment of Drilith French tti.d American Diy lioods, which they oiler foi ulil on ihe itntst reasounble terms. Pl ilub Iphia, November 7,1-2- Jf 1-jyrEK IHAVlES, L A G I1 rtZAXMSi,' 1 No. 71 I'nllcwl.ill Street, 1 hiladc'm,;a C Thrrt doort above Second.) C'HOR Findings always kept on hand, whieh ha I p i.rfers fir sale on Ihe lowest term. Coui.tiy I feiih mis are particularly to ctdl anjjudfc. for I th.-iint lve. j Pl.iU.telj-hia, NVemLef 7, 1610. Iv,