Je TO THE COMMUNITY. THE success which hs attended llio we of Dr. L'.ir.'iW (lerman Aperient and Cim.pound 'irtnrfhtT.itig Tunic Pith, Is truly eatoni- hinft. It tn no tain binst to say thia medicine ha proved by i'n happy ill'tct hi the cure of a variety if diseases o which tho human frame i liable, lo be vastly su t 'jrior lo the many preparations bifoso the publ c. ."inny if iIimc piep-itntion are compennded by in- iviilti.ilit who are positively ignorant of llin myrtt ' i of il;a bu:an system, nnil mere prctcndri to -redicial knowledge, Dr. llarlich, however, is cclc 1 atcJ among the German faculty as a mm of ihe 1 ''iiCKt scientific attainments, nnd rqtialiy 0 is I in a fished throughout Eumpc, as a successful medical t mctitioncr, spent must of the years of a useful life in die aiiiisiu.m cf such knowledge as might prove I in 'filial to his fellow creatures. In the pills which iv iiivt'iitril, nnj which bear his name, the public i assured of an article that poesea.-ea more tl.ati iliiiary virtues. From tho acknowledged luteals . I .llin inventor, nothing le than a gooJ article .odd bo expected; and tbo cxpcrie.nco of many . irs lies nllordcd demonstration ef tho virtues of i'if .Ik i. e. In fli i many and other pail of Eu- , o, its r illation is established. In this,, country i i j which it has but been recently introduced, it is i, idly gaining the most substantial reputation. The iiincrous-ct rt ficatcs of cures of the most obstinate i.-c -sea effected by tho use of llnilich's Tills, which : ;-t- proprietor is constantly receiving, is proof of tho t-..t. Day after day he receives new testimonials f their rliicncy, and week after week increases tho 'i-mand for them. This is not mere assertion; in- vimerable certificates are open for tho inspection of l..e public, and the doubts of any who are skeptical, hi o removed by examining them at the office of i.iH proprietor. We take the lilerty, then, of auggesting to every 4 imi'.y, that they make use of Dr. Hatliih's Tills. 1 -t them keep a supply constantly on hand, to be d when occasion demands, and they will receive '; most unequivocal proofs of utility. Medical Trineipnl office for tho United Slates, No. 19 Nmti Lightli s:ierl, Philadelphia. Wi-tern Depot. No. 41, St. Clair street, Pitts t . vli. HENRY YOXTIIELUEB. Mr.y 1,1 41. ,jenf. HEPATITIS, OH LIVER COMPLAJKT. Liver con plaint is described to be of two forms, 'r. ; Acute and CI: rouic, which orediff-rent in ihclr ' and chutacicr, and ore produced from ulccrson e Liver, which is defeased on the surface or in the r '.'re. In tl.e forimr, tho path lit h ttuiekrd with . r'ori pain, in tho region of tho sevcro ! : 't even the led clothes are insnj portaMo ; the pa- -i t tnntiot bear to turn or lay on his loft s:do fiom i e resure exerted in that position of the inflamt d : .-li s. The latter may go on in 6iich a manner -t liie fust tymtonis of Liver Comploirt sic t'lose v'.--.rh maik the occurrence of suppuration. TLo -ile and Sub-acute varieties, almost always com i i.lo with tne cli!!y ftclmg9 tucccedid by brat v! tin) fkin, fevered tongue, havini; n ycilovrish ap ; v.'Iicp. Iiregulur stale cf ihc bowels, coetiveni sh, " ..'ci.caiicc thanjjes to a palo or citron color, or - 'v.- ii!;e :'kv-o fclilicted with jaundice, difficulty of r . lusturlxj rtst, cttcmlcd Willi counli, fc- 'ii.(i t-yuiicii.ij, a dry and (arched skin, diificutty oi" I; c;i the right side, urine scanty end h'gh vo'..ii.J, lao pilieiit passes many bad nights and is t:'y tumbled wi;h Uiarrliia, Ttna'-iniu ar.d I k -, i,u irea and vomiting, and ha o contidcraMe i nt. hen the ii.lUiuiuaiion afiecta the prr,t i . .! roit of the Liver t'ie pain is much more intense u. .! .!,c fever l,iVr than v hen confuird to tho Liv- '. I 'i ulVt'ctions it is ur.ccri.iin in it? trr j i:. lion j tb n it is iinr nsp, attended occnsittial tj v i'h f-.verirh tymtouis, a elry and parched fckin, ( ti'(,tilar bowels, tallow counUnance. fieijcunt Bt t i V.i f juui dice, tho tongue U scarcely cvir free lo hi yi!!aw fur, tbo appetite bwl, and a cotrupiion :''.c!. t'.io lace and b-i k, l;c!:irul tho thoubicis. &c Du. lliui.iru's Ccnipjund c'tieti(theiiiiig Ton ic ai.d Aperient Clrrmau Tills, will, in a nujtrity .; eases, produce a perfect cure, and if used at the . y onel i.f all'.iciioa will in every ca.-e niret the i; i- ie, Thid i; not n.eiely the. ry but fat I, vs liicli i i Lc 6ultaiitiatid l y the of various P'TronsnLo have wiliiesi-ej the atniiUhiii; efl'ects : tins iiivulualdii luedicino. The diet u.Ut.1 I f at- ! riled to, and the warm Lath tnu. t nut bo i.r,!cct e i vhrn the patient can have access to it. l'ull . i .l tM pIicit d rcetions are dtiiued in the medical j ..i:i let which accompanies the nii'diane, oi.d can ; ' ollainetl gratij of sny vt the legulo-'ly e pointed ,, ..tiwho t il this medicine. Principal 0:!..e and Ceneral Prpct for t'.ie I'ni Mutt, is at .'o. It .oitli Ui,;hih fc'trfet, Tl.ila i t l.i i, wl.. ro all ci mri.unif ations for Aej.cxs, .-.vtrtialng and McJIclnci u.iit l e edJrcss.-d ( ejl i .A.) whith will meet v.ilh immediate fctt.ntiou. UUMiV VO'lliillMLli, .'fay 1, 1911. Az'.nt. 1'KIXCU'A L JiLA&UMS V.'hy rr IlAr.I.ICII'S (.'.impound Strenthen nnd (lerman Aperient Tills i re ns, .1 by all elas : ot piople, in j r. ferenee to ether fde'dicims, lc -u,-o t'ley u.e prepared from pur; tzlracl if .:r'., a wiioUsomc .medicine, mild in its operation i n.l ' i.nt in i;s effect the moft certuin pietciver f l.callh, a sufe and iKtctual ci:re t.f Uspepkia or Luliestiou, c u l all ttouiacii compUiuls, u iiciervci un:l puiilici of the whole tystciu. Because tl.ey snothc the ncivcs cf se-nihi1ity and fortify the nerves of motion, unportinji to their in. st subtle fluid its pristine tone, thus giviii strength und elearuesa of m.nd. liecaute they never destroy the coals of the sto mach and bowels, as all strong purgatives d". LYcaue science and experience teach us that no mere purgative alone will cure the disease of the tonach end ncivcs, Weakness is the primary caute of a host of diseases, and, by continually ic sortirg to Uraxtie purgatives, juu tuaku the diocato much worve, instead ot 1 itter. U.'csue Dr. llurlich's Medicines are put up up on the common sense principle, to "c lea rite end c'rerigthen," which is the only course to pureue to tiliet a cure. Lastly, llecsuco tVe Medicines really da cure tho die etie for which tl.ry are rt commended. Principal fiice for the l'i.i,rd 'latu, is at IMo. l'J IS'oilh Lighlh street, Tl.ilsl'i bia. UL.MtV VOXTHEIMEK. May 1, IS II. Aircnt. CLi:A.i: A.D iTtL.CTJlLX ri . - i ... j up only sure tnj Let course to pursue in cu- " "u uiecnbes, ni wnatcvrr nuture ll.iy uuy le, is liist, tol-:ui. e and pLiify the Mi mu Ii anJ Uow. Is ly gentle utiienu; secondly, to t'':e strength ana lunero incte icnuir o'ans fcy tho rtc i f iiri.r-u tciiics. This mode is alwuys pursued ly tt-uLir piiysicisn!, wu.cj nicy will knuw to lie ihu course to res. -it to, to rtlVct a epeedy and ernjaninl cure. VI JltBLiciis UompLUriU Mr. i'i;tiui;ii, Tonic and Ancriut Pills, are a sine nieuit iue to effrct this .-rand object. The Ueriuan Apericut Pilis are to e'eanre the stomach and int. nine, tr ier which the I'uUipouiid fcitii ugtl.e ning 'J'l.nic Tills are use I, to (,le urcnih end lono lo those or s whiiU under trtatrtunt. Nearly two. i! ir Is nf tie e!i-i)t.cs which we daily behold, ait' iu !'.:.( i f the nervous syntem, ted by contmu. 'ty caife Ctvu-t mineral urgktive tbe sulfcrer v i. I boon tinu biinwlf UiiiL' too inueh n lined ti.i.aiu b iiu in i violence. ull and rxi licitdi iccuons teiU ia Ln.luh and Ueiuiuii, ucuUiuiy this notice. The above medicine for sale at the Drug Ftore of UfcMtH VUA111L1MER, TrattKiiorliition Isinc TO BALTIMORE. (Vt l HUB WATKTl ritiit.) Warehouse foot if Cluyuil Street on the Venn eyft'tiiiia Vunah A BOAT leaves the wharf of the ubsrriler eve ry mottling at o'clock, ruiHiing through to Uiilti moro in tbteo daes. Cnusinmi nls ot produce, iron, Ac, will re, live a ilcfi:i!ih by this line, which ha not hitherto been equalled by any other. Kate of freight as luvr a by nny other regular line. References .' JOHN W. UROWN, "i YA'VA V III! UK, I,. ,,. KKHNArt A- STILLMGER, fL"l!'':I,Jfe J. Ct A. If. If KiiU. J Goods inii ruled for l'it'sbtirp, or any point on the IVniisvlvnnin ("anals, will wi'hout delay on their arrival ill Ilarrisbun;, as tliM con-,1 necis with the nioith Ameriian lino of Tollable Duals lo Pittsburg daily, mid with tho fiisfiui-hnn. na Packet Line t.i Northumberland, Wiliiaiusport, Wilkcsbune, and ell intertnei'in'.c place. CIlUHCiE W. LAY.NO. Ilarrisburg, Hept. 9, 1810. ITorLs of lYatnrc. IN a stite of lualth the intestinal caml may be compared to a river whose waters flow over the ad joining land, through the channels nature or art has mnde, and improves their qualities; and to keep up the comparison cf the river, so long as it runs on smoothly the channels sre kept pure und healthy; but if by some cauH) the course of the river is stop ped, then the water in the canals is lie lunger pure, but soon becomes stagnant. There is but one law of circulation in natuic. When thire is a super abundance of htimoriul fluid (serocity) in tho intes tinal tubes, end cc-tiveness takes place, il flows back into the blooj ves.-cts, and infiltrates it: elf in to the circulation. To c.itablifh the free courso of the river, we must remove the obstructions w hich stop its free course, and tho c of its tributary stream. Willi tho body, follow tho tamo natural principal ; n move, by that valua!.!o purgative medicine liran tint:, l'niicr.fil Yrgtlubfc ', which are nn ef f. ctual asaistnio of nature, the rupt of humors in tho intestine ritual. Py pcr.-cerrii;g in this practice, tho ways f tho cireulat.on will then be ic. torrd to tho full exercise ef their natural func tions, nnd a state ol health will be firmly rlnl:Iihh ed Kcmcmhrr, never Mifur a drop oT blood to bo t:d;cn from you- Evacuate the humors as often and a.) long as they are degenerated, or es long as jou are sick. llr. Pn.nd-i tVsOlTlee in rhiladi Iphin, is nt No. f, NORTH Eltiirni ftrect, where his pilt.i can le had lit -." corns per boy, with full din eli it s. d'j t'nly nccntin t";mbury, U 11. E. Matter EL-ijr. t-uiiLuiy, ie j t, tl, IS 10. THE following are the duly sp ointt d nrrrnt.-i in their respective counties, for tiio fcale of UrauJrah's Vtfselnile I'i.'. w l'i.'i'.i. Norlhuiiibeilm d county : Milton Mnrkey t Ch.tmbeilin. buiii ury If. B. M'Encrs ville Uetldes, Green cc Walls. Georgetown F. JIidlir3,-r A. Co. I'nioii county : Lew ishurg Walls A; Grddcs. MilHiril.ur 1' A- lieekly. New Berlin John M. r. relimsrove Eyre & Co. Mid dleburg I.-uac Smith. LyccriiiDp; cuiinty : Williamnpr.rt John Pmilh. Newberry M. A. j. C. Funstori. Munry V. A. Pelrican. Jcrr.y thorc James H. II,'burn. Columbia county : Danville T. et E. B. Rey nolds. Ca'tawia C. A. Brobts. Berwick Mils mun & Kittenhouse. Blootabburg-John R. Meyer. fcii;nVmry, .Sept. 0, 1S10. LI V Lit COMVLAIXT, Cured ly the use cf Dr. Ifiattru's ('nnrocsD 1NU Al'EUIIiT TllLS. Mr. Witt.iAM Eiciiiims, Pittsburgh, Pa., en tirely cured of liie above ViicH.itig disease : His synitoms were, pain and weight in the left side, !,!. of appetite, voti.ilitic, arid rruits'ioii, disten tion of the et;mah, tit k headache, fu:re,l tongue, countriianco charged lo a citron color, dilfieulty t. brra bin , t'.i tuil.tJ rekl. site titled with s r.n.r,', ;reat debility, wiih other syiutums iudienting fr.-eat brunarrneni of tho fimclions of tbo liver. Mr. Rtriuttus had the odvi.e of several r bvn i:in. bul receive I n.i reliif, until ii-intf Dr. lUuiuu's Med icine, wlikli l, rii.inalet! lit tlbctinj! a pcifect cure. Principal Odicc. 1!) .Norlli Ei.-hth !tr et. l'i.ila. deljbia. AUofUr f V at tho diu s'ore cf llia-NiX 1UA1UL.IMKK. M.'V 1, If? 11. Till: CAlK OF VJiLA Nearly all chides i.f tMieaje. nte r.viw.l l.v obstruct. mi in tho svf.t. in, which rcent tho ie-u- larona wno.tit me ejirat.on ifibe nnir'iul func tions. This state of the svurnt. U t'isrn.e. ul i. I, is manifL.-led in a v-ir'.riv of fr!t.. fill if nr h Diu! gnuut in their cloiraeter. To re.-tore the i-ystem to a slate cf lu ahh. then, ii is nt lu m...r t . .... move the cacte of dii-ea-e, and tho end is aceorr.- ptluluil. i lie cause is ols'ructien omewhcre. I bis canberemaved by purgslion, which is the only means that shcu'd be rt soiird to.beeausc.supststid by reason, i.nd l y nature. Dr. II nbch's IMiength- ruing unu vteinuii . Aperient l'ii:s, aie allowed by Ih3 thousands who Lave used the in, to be the best Iiurgiltive mcdicina in niKi.tua V.,i-n,,n !,,. , ' ) ,W, J not only n move ull obstructions, end puree Ibe ys- icm pi usiinpurniis,.ui, lecautc, and whieli is ex tiemi ly important, strengthen and pive proper tone to the stomach, and produce healthy action of all the parts. Besides, they are so mild and gentlo in their operation, as to render them at all limes a per fectly tafe and desirable remedy. Tho afflicted would do well. then, lo iiurcba.a km .,f i .r this invaluable medicine, and give it a fair trial, in- sieau oi elcstrouug their tyttcms with oft-repeated ooses oi caijimi, ana ether Urugs, so liijunous lo human life and Lwir,ra 1 Lo al.ovo medeeine for rsle at the Prucr store of HENRI' YOXTI1 ELMER, May 1,1311. ,1ct MCK ltLAUAVhi:. Is a very common affection. Its a taks are very seveie, and iharaclciiej by spasmodic pins, shilt ing l;om cno pa:t ol the bead to tho other, fie. (puntly eommruting in tho morning, sttended with sickness of the stomach, nnui-ea, fainting, an I soiiietinies. vomiting. e-i,!Jii.e. ..... r.,.; . t -V , Kit liiM.cVc&c. Tins dt t are is piotlucrd fi,.m va- itotia ratisr.-., prinnj ins uiOA Comrm.n, is a dc ranEf merit of tho Hou.ach and digestive organs. FEMALES' are most suljtvl to ibis sllixtion, par li. u'arly thoso who bsj a s.dt ntar? Lfe. Dr. !. r ..'' Compi und S!.-t."JIau.f Tvnie ami ( Mini Aff.tnt I'lih, ere wairsmed lo arie.t this Iroublc omo t!ideso : first by tlfaming the stomach and bowels, purify insr Ihc Ho. J, and itmovini; sll diiaajttd und tucieineiilucus huiuurs from thclivir ai id I uitet:i,Hs. By ibe VH; fust, of a f.w doses 01 tl.e A.en,.,t (jernitai Tlll.s, aftOiWirds two n three do.. ur tia tUeilLuii,!; Tonic l itis, whieh aie used to sUcnyihtn uud invigoiuta the utrrous Wtcm, giv t.,,,0 to t)e .lomach and organs o digestion, thus impsriipg lu hrjr tubli luiJ -piutine vigor ,hu afilu,i,lg Jwfaw Ilmv Ueillif(. removed. 1 his is th only mode ol iteming this annoying complaint, ,j ha. Ucn tu,idej with uccei in lhouallds ot j P-niplets giving pa..e,tt direcUons, miy le cb. J lamed eiaiis. ai No. I'J N' .;i.,i. : ... .. LallCN' nml c;rn1l?mfn' World off Lltci ului c und l'asblou. .(The Cadet and the UcntlemanU United.) ANEW Volume, tinder the above title, of the well et-tibli-li'il and farhionablo Manuxine, Tho Thil.idclphia Casket in conjuncion with the Ci'cn leniaii's Magazine, which lias been every where pronounced the most icadablo and popular of the thy, will be opened on tho First cf January, 1811, wiih rtn array of Coiitiibutors seemed by tho union of talent nnd fame, which no periodical in the conn try ran boast or pretend to rival. The December number will, however, be a spicimen of tho new v.. lump. Tho Velume will to opened with a new nnd beautiful type, tbo finest white paper, ami with the firjt of a series of embellishments unsurpassed by nny which Lavo yet spis-aicd in any Magazine. The stylo of cb pance, the beauty and linitth of thexe illu -it rations, and ihe extensive improvements which will be made in Its typographical appearance, and above all, the tono of its literary department, by the bril iant army cf contributors, whose articles have enriched the pages of each numlier, will givo it char acter, second to no Magazino in the Union. The character of the articles which shall appear in its pages, will be rqually removed from a sickly senti mentality, and from an affectation of morality, but while a true delineation of human nature in every variety of passion is aimed at, nothing shall be found iu its pages to causo blush upou the check of Ihe most pure. The Literary character will be sufficiestly guar anteed by tho reputation of both Maiatincs thus united, for years pnst. Writeis of the first rank have been regular Contributors to their pages, and the tales and (ketches published in thrm have been widi ly copied and read, nnd the firm and indepen dent tone ef tho criticisms, upon the current litera ture of the day, has bren every wbc.e epprovrd arid commended. The li.-t rf contributors unbraces the names of mort of the principal writer in America, w iih a respectable number of Englixh authors. The terns of well known nautical papers, enti- t.cj l. itning in the la.-t VI ar, have hail a tun, unequalled bv any f criis rubhrhrd lo any Magazine for year?. The author premises to open the first of a new tern s of J alts of the f-ea, and fioin I.h known abilities at a depicter of tea scenes and life, much nny be relied upon from him in maintaining the popularity of tho Magaz'.no Tsits may be expect ed during the volume, alio fiorn tho author of ihe wi II known artichs, entitled "The Log of Oid Iron-tide-" The author of Syrian Liltcrt," will also lend Lis powerful and prateful pen, to sustain end incrcsi-9 the reputation ef the work.- -Tho valuable eiJ if tie cuhor cf ''Leaves fiom a Lawyer's Tort Folio," has s.Io lTti Mxuicd, and we may expect something sli.l more thrilling lrom tho capacious ct..rrs whiih a lor g lifo in tl.c prrfe-.-ion has ena bled biiu to amats. An Chit-Chat with "Jimn.y M,oit," and "Oliver Oldlellow," i oUj promi.-cd ; wi:h a variety cf choice articles in proi-o ar.d vine, from various writers of cckbnty,u.i contributor.-; to ihe prominent Magazines of the cour tly. The editors of Loth Magiincs continue their hi vie. 3 under the new arrangement. With such an amy cf talent a Magazine of unrivalled attrac tions, may safely be promised the coming voluaic. FASHIONS AND ENGRAVINGS. In compliance w ith tho almost unanimous wi h of our lauy subscribers, wo thall tbo ensuing vol ume furnish them with a beautiful ami correct plate of Fashions Monthly, a feature, it is believed, that will neither be unwelcome nor unpotular. The Tn .-hi, hi plates shall be drawn from original designs from Taris end London, and may always tc de pended upon as the prevailing stylo in Philadelphia und New Voi k, fur the month in wLit'h ikey ate is. sued. Time ( f publication. The wotk will 1 publish ed on tho tird of llio month in e v. ry (juarn r of the I. moil. J he most distant subscriU r will courc- (iiiiitlv re-rive it on that day, as well as those who reside in Pliibub lpr.l t. In all the principal cities, Bern's have lei n established, to whom tbu Maga nine is forwarded, prior lo tho time ot is.-uing it, so that t'iry may bo dihvered to resident tubscubefi by liie lit. I of the tuoiub. Ti iims :Thne JhUtirt ler annum. Or two copies ; early f,T five tin, Lira, invariably in, pvtt paid. No new auhticribt-i teceivnl without Ihe money, i r ll.f name of a responsible agrut. For ihc flecoiiiniodatiou of those who may w ili Insult st ribc lor ol tho follow ing TlulaJt Ipl.ia pt rio dicals, this hi oral pr.pos.l is nude: I'ne doll ,rs curri nt money, (n o ul" po.-tage, wo will f.,iwa:d l.'iali, mi's Mai;.' zine, and Gothy'a Lady's Bouk, 11 ouo jcur. AJuieti, pebt poi.1, GEO. R. GRAHAM, &mA V.'ca eonur if Chisitut Third it.. I'h:li. The Ilrcthcr .lonathnn. THE largest and most l.-cauliful newspaper in the Wt.rid larjer by filly t.pjar inches than any othtriiewspaj tr in tho United Stales, Published Ki:urdae, at 1('2 Nassau street, New York. Puce three dollars a yeai two copies fur live d gl ials. (Jj Tlie proprietors of this mammoth shret the "Great Western" among the newspapers Lave ihe pleasure of s; reading befoie thu reading public a wctkly peiiitdieul containing a greater n mount and variety of useful and intensting mis cellany, than is to Le fouu J ia any similar publica tion in the woild. Each number of the paper contain as large an amount of leading mailt r as is found in v. leuitcs of ordinary ciino, which cost f'i and mote than is contained in a volume of Irving' Colum bus or Bancroft's History of America, which cost ('S a volume aid sll fur Three Dollars a year. For $5 two copies will bo I'orw aided one year, or one copy two years. Since the publication of our orininul prorprrtus, the Brother Jonathan bss been ENLARGED and its size, amply I t fore, Las been so much im reused, ih'tl much more than the former ipiantity nf the most interesting lileiaturc of the day is cml, raced iu its immense capasity. rVlcctioufr,,m ull the m st prominent and c b brated writers of ll.e day a- st in swelling iu eoii'eni ; and whatever is t;t iv, rich, or nrr, is imidiaUly irarisft rrtd to itsct lunu.a. Atl the contributions to p, rioiliial. f American w riters i f n pulo appear in its page-; and the issuts of l!i foreign j r. t nin laid umler eoi.lnbu'ioris ns soon aj rert ive I in tliis country. To tbo miscell.inei.u8 aid Literary Dt p:;rttn n', tho closest is phi.l; and in all the n !, ctii r a ni .1 criminal cmtiil u liuhf, strict caio ia devoted to avoul ail lint may touch upon the opinions of any party in lelioitor p .litirs. Exj crianre having taught us tht we had mark ed out a 'i'h for our.-i ive,, in v huh all sorts of p"..nle d lights to I dt'.w, the Urothcr Jonathan hall continue, as it begun, t lc a bold, gcnl'e, weighty, light, grave, mi iry, in'rious, witty.smooJt, dashing, iiit. rt n", ii spued, and incoiiiparablt) newspaper. It shall be a stupendous minor where in all tho world will ttaiiii r. llitttd. It bhall eon tain thu most beautiful of Novel, Romances end Morirs for both sexes -Fairy 'Tales for lovers of Ihe marvellous Legends for antiquaries Pe'iiui usde for wit mongers Nun auj raUius for shoit wiudtj res,leis-St rcnadt for inu-loal lovers Son i.ets far Ladies Stntimt'iit f.r old bacl.clors Sta tistics fir politicians and Leetures, Kt woons, Cfili eisins, Eiar;.ms, A;c Ac, Ae .for all ihe woild. Ltllcis should Letddiesscd to WILSON A COMPANY. J'uUUhen lJ thi - JJrvthcr Jonathan," A. V. THE CULTIVATOR, A CunaoHdation ef Hurd Cultivator and the C'e lictee I'urni'.r. WILLIS OATLORn ASD tUintlt TfCRF.n, UllTOBS. l'lOfprcluM off Vol. S, ffor 1HI. rl",lIE Cultivator was established to linptove and -- elevate the Agriculture of the country to eive a proprr tono to tho morals and mind of tho Far mer; to show him the dignity and importance of his profession ; to store Lis mind with u.eful know ledge, and convlnco him that while all clurses are and must be more or less dependant on each other, he alono of the whole can niako any near approach to independence. If there is ono thing nioro than another, which in this country gives a man superi ority ovti his fellow men, it is knowledge; and this knowledge, knowledge which is as essential lo tho suecees of the farmer as to olhir men, it is the design of the Cultivator to aid in impurtine-. C5'The volume for 1840, is filled entirely with Original Communications, cmbiacinB articles from about 3(10 Cuirespuudcnt, from aluicst every sulo in the Union. If an increase of subscription beyond any prrcr dentin tho history of Agricultural Journal, if the almost unanimous voice of the public press in our favor, if the multitude cf private yet tlattertng tes timonials we have received, added to a circulation amounting tho first year to Twisti-two Tuoc ixd, may be admitnd as cvidrnre, then we Lave certainly nnvt abundant reason to be gratified w ith the success which ha ettendrj the Union of tho Cultivator and the Genesee Farmer, No expense has been or will le spared to render the Cultivator worthy of the patronago it has received. In the number, variety and excellence of it Munlrufiun, it is without a rival at home or abroad, tho la,t vol ume being embellished with nearly One Hundred r.ngraruig, illustrating the improved breed i of Hor ses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Buildings, Implements, Ac, making the Cultivator, ail things considered, it is Iehrved, the Cheapest Agricultural Paper ever published, in this or any other country. Terms One Dollar per annum Six copies for . o tho money to be lemi'ted in advance, frre of postage. A commission cf SO i-tr cent, will be al lowed to Asents who obtain 25 or more subcri l ers, and li") per cent, to those who obtain 100 or more. All subscriptions to commence with a vol ume. Tostmartrrs and gentlemen dipo?cd tn lend thiir influence, to aid the caute of Agriculture, are ro- sit'cifidly r, queried to act s acents. Address JESSE BULL rV. CO. Tublisfirra cf the Cullirulor, Albany, A'. 1". EOSTOH NOTZOrJ, T1W LAli(;i:S7hI CHL'Al'i:ST AL'IVS. r is Tin: w ould. rjpilE spirit of the age is utilitarian. Improve jL mtnt is stamped upon the face cf every thing. All the useful arts are progrcring with unparrailel ed rapidity, and the Art of Trintirg is coming iu for its full share cf ibo common improvement. Determlcd not to be outdone in any thing that per tains to Lis profession, where there is a fair chance fur exertion end cntcrpric, the undersigned has de termined upon issuing a sheet twice the size ef the Boston Weekly Times, (and is lo take the place of that paper,) and will contain ciiilit columns more matter than the Brother Jonathan. This sheet will be called tho BOSTON NOTION, and it is determined that il shall sustain a cognomen so full nf meaning, and so interwoven with the estab lished character of our Yankee city. Jl wiil bo the Laroist NtwsrirB i the Wohld with no exception and will be printed on a sheet thirty seven by fifty-two inches. Il will Iw filled entirely with reading matter, and will contain Three Thou sand Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight square inches, or Twcn'y-Scven square fee l of print in line type! aitd a single number w ill contain more read ing than an ordinary book of Three Hundred pages. These dimensions will tnalk- the publi -hcr to diavv largely upon tho most popular jriodicais of Ihe day, both American and Foreign ; and as the selections will be made wiih gieat rare, it is bciiev cj this J.npcr will be a welct me Notion to every family. Besldt a a full synopsis of the curreut news of ihe day,; as published in the Boston D..i!y Times,) it will c. litain Poetry, Popular Talcs, Theatrical Criticisms, Police and other Court Report--. Humorous Articles, Ac. CxC. Tbo wh.-le woild of Li'crature will lo ransacked lo fit iu From the study of the philosopher down to ti e police courts, through all it uions of rruson, poetry, lomance, wit, and the ample iccord tf folly, we shall glean from ihc pat and the present uud fiom all tuitions to present us plt-uaing and u-iiul a combination of recorded thought and current his buy, as the woild can tupp'y or iudustiy produce. This ia our "Boston Nuiius." 'I bis greitt amount of w isdom and fun of wil and philosophy of novelties and entitp:iitic we oro able to cllir, weekly for six cunts per copy, oiilv ix cents! and we can doit because of Hie facilities of our pros end eflice, and tiie connection of duily and weekly publications. For tiuii.k mn urs wo can tell a ear's volume, equal in quantity of mr.tter, with every vuritty also, to Fifty-two Vol uino of Novels, such as are issued from the pits of this day. Fifty-two large Volumes for 'Three Dollar: ! Effected all by improved m chiiu ry, BnJ by a determination that we will not le outdone iu cnteiprizu slid usefulness. 'TERMS: Times Doi.laks a year, always in advance no ordeis, no matter from what sotire-e, will bcatlmdid to unhs accompanied with the CASH, tingle copies tlx cents each. Tost Matters or other remitting Twenty Dol lars shall have Eight copies tent lo such persons and places as they may designate. GEORGE ROBERTS', Publisher. Ca'corc I-.ayi.f7, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Chumt Prnutr Wiutir, JlAniusnrnn, IS prepaid! to receive Cool's and Piodure at the ntw wit thou e, which his arru cemerits will enn lie him io f.irvvard with dispatch to Philadelphia, Titi-buiir, Williampnrt, Wiikr.-bartr, Columbia, Li in a-tt r, or any other print on the Prniisv Iv.inu nnd L'nion Canal-', and the Tt nnsy tvjuiu aiid liar-ri-hmi; and Lancaster tail road. Goods from Philadelphia lor Harrisl ntg, Carlisle, CLiiuihcrsburg, A.c. tic, forwaidcd wiih care and expedition. Coal, Tlasti.ii, Ha lx end Fjsn, constantly for sale. , Sept. It. fSi'iuoval. BOOK-BINDERY. THE undersigned have Ihe gratification of in forming the public, that notwithstanding li.ey wt re so unfortunate as to have their bindeiy burnt dow n, in March last, they have opened a very extensive one, in Loeui-t street, in the new building diteclly opposite Gleim s Hotel, nnd ate piepaird to execute all woik in their line with dospatcli, and in a su perior stylo. Their RULING APPAHATl'M and other Machinery are new, and of ihc firt order and latest improvements; and they feel a eon C pence iu their facilities for giving petleet satisfac tion to ail who rosy favor thera with their older. Banks, County ollices, Meichanls, Mechanics and others, can be supplied with BLANK BOOKS of every description, whiih for neatness and dura, bitily, will lie etjuul to sny made by the 1'uiicd S'-'itn. HICKoK ic CANIINE. ntiiPKiireti . f iiauuiucnct, rt'lil, if. COMDTHINQ KOVlll ' 11 CMtArtST AND KT 1.0IILY M1WSP Al'ER HOW FlIBLISHCII. j Only 9t SO per Annum I -pilFi OCEAN AND WEEKLY CLIPPER, one of the best and cheapest newspaper in this country, containing all tho choice Reading mailer ol the six daily papers, including the "LLIT PEK'S LOG," is published eveiy Saturday, at $1 BO per annum. (Jj' The "OCEAN Is under the editorial charge of Jon H. IIkwity ami Joh Wills, Esqrs., the former wtli known as editor, proprietor, or princi pal contributor to every literary publication issued in this city for the last fifieen years; and the latter, long a contributor lo various periodicals, but mora publicly known since hi connection w ith tho "Lie L tiiork Cl.irrr.n." The extraordinary success which has attended the establishment of the Balti more Clipper, now numbering a larger list of sub scribers than any other iitwpaer ever published in Maryland -the daily application for a weekly paper, to tend, by mail, to country subscribers arid the many facilities, posesed by the under signed, for this undertaking, have induced them to spare no expense in getting up a paper which can not fail to bo a welcome visitor uito every man's family. Il is printed on entire new type and fine white paper, anJ will compare, for beauty of workman ship and excellence of reading matter, with any periodical now published in the United Slates: Tsaxs: For Mail Subscribers, f 1 CO per an num, in current moucy, forwarded (free of expense) to tho publisher. 03 Postmaster disposed in act as Agents for the Ocean, will receive five conn- weekly, per an num, for five dollars. Payment always to be made iu advauce. AddrcsJ iiLLL a I Ul I hi.. Printers, Baltimore, Md, ASTON JS I J J Gr 1 C 11 SltS U. FOUR THOUSAND NEW SUBSCRIBERS IN TWO MONTHS!!! Wnr we first purchased the old and well known r.'tahl shment ot t o &uturel;.y Cltcnlii? Post, we sta'cd that the pai er ciiculated so widely a mong tho steady, rending portion of iho United Suites, that we ci.lercd upon our labors with full conlidcnc) of the fuluic. Our success has since been beyond our most sanguine expectation, as our wctkly receipts overbalance those of any cotcmpo tary papir. Our list Las continued to swell up, with unexampled rapidity, and wo Lave the confi dence, thai at the present rate of increase, we shall be enabled ill a few months to boast of more than li.'t.OttO subfcrilcrs! W hen we commenced our labors, we announced distinctly, that ihe tone of the paper should be decidedly moral, and that nothing thoti'd be admitted into our columns, which the most fusiiJious father could disapprove of, and dc le mi ned that as an approved Family Taper, it should not contain a paragraph, with the spirit cf which a parent woulJ not wish to Lave a daughter familiar, end we therefore, with this view, announ ced that no theatrical notices should appear in our Columns, and that we should be opposed to theatres as things calculated to injure the healthy action of an honest mind, as creative of cxhimuons demo ralizing in tendency, and fearfully pernicious in fact. There were not wanting blusterers, who made a great paraJe of opposition, and Croakers, who predicted our speedy dowulall, but we threw ourselves upon the sober, rational and experienced poition of the people of the United States for sup port, and we have been nobly sustained. We thought and expressed tho opinion, that however cureless many might bo upon this sulject, thai few, even if they did not entirely disapprove of ruch entertainments, eared about having the gross details forever paraded befoie the eyes of their children, and the sickening and nauseating eulogy ef all kinds of characters ma Jo familiar to their nil ml .1. Wo determined also, that while the paper con linucd under our control, it should be str.elly lieu Iral in politic, and that as news and literary jour nalists we had nothing to do with the matter ; this deli rmii ation has been strictly and rigidly adhered to, end while we shall continue to give our readers such public document as may be deemed of inte rest to all, and such a history of the progress of political events, as arc strictly in keeping w ith our duty, and llio character ot the paper, we shall stu tliously and thoroughly avoid any contamination of pan ir. .n publics. The paper 'n now printed in a new end bcatiti ful type, lias received the praise of many editors ot taste, as 'ihe handsomest family sheet in the Union.' Our effort have I ecu eJiiet tetl to the combining of beauty and simplicity with Utility and tu-tr. 'The Tost is printed en a stout while paper, ren dering it neat and durable for bhng. In utblition to these tll'orts toward perfection in the mechanical diparlment, and exterior ol our pa per, no labor, and no cust been spared in tho elo velopcment of intellectual strength. The present voiiely of inleicsting lalis, original, fiom loie gu and domestic magazines, together with the valua ble contributions of cur own circlo of literary friends will continue to give interest to tho paper, while everything important and worthy of note that happens in the Old World or the New, shall be eolbelcd and cullalcj for the lado of out rea ders. 'The Ladies' Department shall always be choice and select, and shall receive strict attention, while such thing a may iuteiest our juvenile readers, and that iinpoilant end largo class of our readers, the Faimir will not bo overlooked. In order to gratify, as much ss possible, the laudiblo dcsiie of our country readers, a portion of our attention will be deve-ied lo ll.e colli cib-n and diffusion of such News, Memoranda, Tables, Facts, Hints, eVc. a may seem important to agriculturist, and the pop. ulation resident without the confines of our gieat cities. 1 he date ef the mukcls and the flueiua- lious in tho price, will be regulaily and what is of mure moment, correctly given. Wchaveevtr been opposed to tho constant bluster and pnr.ulo made by some editors, about Ibe excellence of thur apers, and have resolved that the Saturday Evening Tost, shall bo Conduct ed, as lo speak f r it elf. Our reatleis will always find in its columns the enliest and mctt authentic information, es well as Ihe most choice and entertaining literary matter, We Live totally discarded the system ol filling Ihe p iper wiih quack advertisement, but prefer giving our re.ideis trout week to week, eulcrlaitiing read ing matter. And we ft el assured that we shall be no losers thereby, as bul few readers care about having apaj e r filled with descriptions ef llieso naucatiii i com pound. Tho Saturday Evening Post, will be furnished for i'i per annum in advance, or one copy three years fur f'. To those who wish to subatribo for a Ipbia Magazine, we will furnish a copy of the Plnlade'phiii Ca ket, and two copies of the Fust for cue year for $3 free of postage and dis count. No New tfubtcribcr received without tho Money. 'To those who with lo suhcri!ie, we would say, that tho salost jdan is to enclose ti e money in a L'ltcr and direct to us. Most postmasters will frank their litter if relating to nothing but the business of the ollice, and all postmasters who will be kind enough so to do, we shall be jdcastd to ac knowledge a agents. Attjrts - GF.OKGE R. GRAHAM & CO. Tk. a j i ... A ii ... lit :i . i i. i r 'W WW VftltCl.s? .tTUt'J.i UUttUVlUlait J TME NEW WOISIsD. THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST, It A XlJSOM EST, .JA7 MOST COMPHEIIEXSIVE NEWSPAPER IN THE V KITED STATES. EDITED BI fABK BXHJAJtlJI ASD XFES f AHQS9T WITH multiplied resources for rendering the New Would more valuable than ever an a compendious newspaper and repository of elegant literature, we enter upon tho second volume (folio) on tho ti lth of October, dicsscd iu a beautiful garb of new ti'pc, cast expressly fur iho purpnse. It will there lore be a titling tune to commence new subscription, a i well oa for tho renewul of thoso which may then expire. During the first year of the cxistanco of the New World, it has acquired a reputation and circulation superior to any weekly paper in tho country ; and has furnished tolls subscribe r, timing that period, (besides a l the current news of the day, domestic and foreign) new and valuable works by Talfourd, D'Israeli, Thomas Moore, Mies Mitl'uid, Mr. Jameson, C. Dickens, A ins worth, Know lis, Bulwer, Marry at, and others works, which in Lon don could nut bo purchased for fifty limes tho amount of the subscription price of tbo Nevr Woild. In addition lo works of interest by theso eminent authors, it has contained the cream of tho periodical literature of the day, as well as original aiticles from the pens of some of the most popular writers of America, among whom we may mention MUs Sedgwick, Orvillu Dewey, Trofessor Longfel low, tho author of "Vankce Notions," biniuis, Street, etc. &.C. In politicks wo shall, as hitherto, maintain an armed neutrality. Our columns as heretolore will be unobjectionable in a moral point of view. In criticism we shall, injustice to the public, mantaiiv a perfect indopen lence, even though we incur tho vcogence of all the dunces We shall, in conclu sion, eiri)Ctly strive to render our sheet not only worthy of the unparalleled lavour it has experianced, bul of a continually extending circulation. While we continue lo fumi-h with all possible pnimtitudo the uiost attractive liter- lure of iho day, wo shall, as our means enlarge, urb.rd that compensation to native authors, which may induce them to in .ko the New World the medium fur presenting to tho public their liest production. Our excellent Lou don correspondent wdl be continued, and duo at tention Will be paid lo the, agricultural and news departments ofoui paper. A QUARTO ED1T10S Of sixteenlatk'c pages was commenced on tho sixth of June last, in oitler to meet the wishes of larijo number of subscribers, by giving them its rich nn,l varied contents in a suitable form for binding. 'This we have done without bavin-; enhanced the price, so that new siib-cribrrs, and others on the renewal of previous subcription, can take their choice be tween the Quiito ami folio form. (Jjf But u few sets of the Quarto, fiom No 1, now it-main on hand in the ollice, and we shall therefore, nut bo able long to supp'y tlu m. TERMS: Thrkr Dollaiis a year in advance, for either edition ; or Fit e Dollars for two copies. In all cases letters mut lie tree, or post paid, oi they will remain dead in the posl-ollice. (Xj All Tostmasteis who will act fur us ore om authorized Agents, mid may retain 25 per cent on the subscription price, (S-l ) for commissions, if re mitted in New-Vurk or Eastern u oney ; or oO cent: on each, if in notes of other solvent banks, whitl may be at a discount here. Cj Editors ond Pul lishers who desire the con tinuance of an exchange, will please copy the abovt three or more times, nr otherwise notice the contents and send us a murkrd paper. Letters rela ive to the editorial department mti be aildtcssed to Tin k lie jam i A Krr-i Saiic i.mi Editors: those relative to the bui-nrss depait mciit, lo J. WINCHESTER, Publisher, No. 30 Ann street. II A SARD'S UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AN! STATISTICAL REGISTER. Containing do, ument, facts and other usi ful ii.f.rmution,; tive of the history and resources of the America Union, and of each Slate ; embracing coiiiinere manufacture, aitriculluie, internal improvement banks, currency, finances, education, ceo &c. Ed led by Samuel Hazattl, Tubli-hed every Wednesday, ot 70 Dock s'ree The price to subscribers is f'y per annum, pay ah' on the first of Jauuaiy of each year. No suhscri, lion recrived f,r less than a year. Subscribers o ef thu principal cities lo pay in advance. fV 1T.B JOURNAL OT THE AMERICAN HLK Si ClETk', AND RURAL ECONOMIST. EMTED JIT tilUtOS a. SMITH. THIS Journal was established bv tbo Amerie Silk Society, for the purposo of diffusing praeti, information on the ci i re nt or sii.k in tho Unit Slates. Il has now !ein published one year, a may be considered a work of standard chaiaeiir. Tho first year' publication, comprising the fi volume, eontaines a masa of valuable inloimii and it will be the object of Ihe editor to ma the second equal in ull resprt, ir not supenoi, the first. The important fact is now csta1 lislit-d I vend any quest! an, thai the people ol tho Uni' State can mako silk e Kit and ni rTin th any other nation upon earth. Il has been prov by unimpeachable testimony, that Ihe entiie e of producing silk ready fur mm ket, dues not exci two hollar ad Twtvri-riVE Levis r roi-SD, and its lowest value is torn pollar a nrri clwts; also, that ache of ground pla ed in morus inullicaulis, will produce Iho first y. the trees aie plunted, mi r roe inh silk, leaving a clear profit lo the producer ofo iiisnni.DAvn limit bollabs! It has also bt proved that the childn n and f, males ef any farmt f.mily can, with the grrate.-t possible ease, prodi from lilty to a hundred pounds of silk every y. without any cost whatever to the exenses of I farm after the tries are planted; and IhtnLrc, ll the whole emount of silk w ill be so much clear gt s .y fiom r:. lo UO. Wiih these facts wo s mil loan intelligent people wether it is not a gr and important object lor tin in lo introduce the e lure of siik in every farmer's family in the Uin. To enable all our fanners to make bi k, the 'Joi KALc the Auirii-a Silk SecitTx' wastst lisheJ; it contains plain p actical directions for ct TIVATISO THE, ll.LDI.Vli olid Btiai.VU Si w orms, BLLLlvo thl silk, and preparing il market, Ac. besides all other information lhatt -be n inured to enable ony person to enter upuu business, eiihcr on a large or small scale. Ev liiend of his country, into whose hands this pa may fall, w ill be doing a patriot and philaiiihro;,! w ork by inducing his friends and in ighbuuts to ler their names upon the li,t of subscriber.. 'J be Journal of ihe Amencan Sucietv is nubli.! monthly, in pamphlet toim; each number coil's thin j -two octavo pages, printed on ucvv typo i namiaoiuo pajw r, wi t a printed culorej cover. T :bm : Two dollars a year, or six conies ten dotlais, always to be paid before the work sent. All subscriptions to beiu with the first nu tier of the vrur, and in no ca-e will the woikbes 10 any subsciiber longer than it shall Lava Iu paid for. trTNEW sfBsraiaeas, who take tho fltsl t second volume, will be charged wily Tusel D lass iu iue two years. ,i