Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 08, 1841, Image 4

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"iv( t con-phot t n described to lc or lo forms,
-'ft.te avd Chvnf, which arod fl'i mil in tin Ir
'' ." .1 ('uumcer, snd iro produced from nlrrmon
e l.ner, which i dcscnsrd on the surfaci oi in the
tore. In the forni-r, iho pstient is attacked wiih
lorn pftti-i, iii ttio legion of the Liver, tn severe
ui evm Hi led cl. the are inui imrlnhle s tlir ra
ill cannot !n i r In turf or Isy on hi l ft side from
i ivr"p ejec ted in that position of tho inflamed
n. 'i ) iii.T tuny g.i on in nth h a mtinner
-. t'.r fi..,i vmtinn of l iver Complaint are those
;i tiMik the occurrence of suppuration. 'J'lio
ic .ml t-uWuto v.irici!c., Intent nlwnya com-
v;t!i sh iio chilly feeling succeeded by heat
. -, o ' e.i-n ion;r!ir, Having a yellowish i
I ' Ma;c ol" llio lo-.vrl. co-tivi-tn
miu : i...!'i-c met. to a inl or citron cuter, or
V tiv.-e iif;uil wiiii janndinc, difficulty i.f
u mil r;-.i, iHtemieii wuu coupli, le-
' n -. :i , p.uj j nrcl cj r-kin, dilliculty
ii"i::i Mui; urine scanty nnd h gli
' i 'ii pi-scs many had nig!. Is nnd in
'! " I i.iu,ii tea, J ma -nine niid
ci i nii:iii7, nnd In? a considerable
- .. . "i ll iinmviin nlT. ct the nrrito-
'' -f '' Liver tlio pain ij. much moro i'ltcnfo
.'; :: - ... .'.i rliini, wln-n confined tu the I.iv.
c ...... c'.i;n 3 it i uncertain in in tct-
o pii- i tnjpnoo, attended o; caxi.-.n d-
. vW -i-b, a tby ami parched skin,
i --!!i'r !, .-, -i .a, ,,o'.v countenance, fn qunl at
!' vi '..'ire, ,- lonijati is scarcely ever free
, .io-v ior, i:, appotitA bad, aid a coiru;it:on
' x tin- faro ami h .ci;, I e'erd the shimMers. A-.-.
Da. llAPLirn's Compound cj.rppqthciiing Ton-
11111 ',rin U.' Ji.L, will, in a majority
' ' ;" b-'f-n-.-e perfirt cure, and if mcj et the
v r...;.'t rl nllhc'i 'M wiil in every ce arreot the
-C.i.1 'I'!. i : ik , i t merely thefiry hut fuel, which
.1 he i.v'ifiji.t.tit d l-y ti c tei.iaiimi, a of'mu
. i .) ii .ve v.i.i.rg.-ed the as.iiiis!,ing cflecla
liu i.iv d,i.i ..' met'icitie. Tho dirt inuxt bf. at
i iii, :inl ti.,'nana bath nm-t nut he neglect-
V -n '! i:i!uitcin bave accoaa to it. Full
1 '("r i il d.icaii.m nro d fined in tho medical
- i t "a.'.Ij in c.impMtiieg the nirdieine, and can
ui'M i cil g'.iti'; ni aiiy cf tho regularly appointed
"" ' ! oc'l ti.i ii.i-Jii'iuc.
i'iiuciial I'S c C. Depot for tho Uni
1 !? i- at A... 10 ;..nli Eishih Street, 1'hila
l hn, where nil euminunicalinna for Agencies,
' ami Med cir.rv nut he addreawd (post
;J,) whikh will i-.crt v illi immrdiale ntirnlinn.
'I.iy 1, 131 1.
f HE sueees which Ima atlcmled the use rf Dr.
'lurlich's Cerman Aperient and Compound
'tntlkni,ig Tonic VJls, is truly unloni-hing. It
no vain bnnhi tu ,-ay th: nituii ine has proved ly
is linji; y UV.cts in tiie cure ol a vari.ty of diseiscs
" chilli the human frame is lUt.le, lolio vasily su-
rior In llio min.y reiuraumis In furo llio pul l c.
:'!i y i.l'tl.ese prejmatiiips aro cumponnilcd hy in-
- ..;.,..!? who urt piviiivi-iy ignorant of the myslc
e. of ihn l.u i un system, nnd mere prelendirs !o
tnowl.dKe, Dr. liarlich, however, is celc
a:cJ rtnftig the Hi rmnn f.ieuhy as a in:-n of the
.:;!.st fciinl fc a.uii mi bt ', and equally dintin
'. wli-d li r.inlioiit l;. rope, as a surre.-sful mclical
r u"i' ;, i-p. n: m tt ot liie ytars ol a uwfnl life
i!;e iiijii'MiK.n if uch knowledge us mipht prove
it'ilK'4:lt'ili:a&:iow cieatuna. In the pit s which
)- i v i::ed, ii, .1 which h. ar Ida n.ime, the public
-suiid of im arii-Je Umt poian-e rnnrc than
.:nr,.y i.iuia. lVim the ucknowli dgid laledls
1 ihi mi lit r, n. thing lei's than a gooj article
I'id Im ex;u-cied ; uini the experiern o if inany
i ' irn hr.s ulliifiled demuntitriiti jii of the virtues ol
l. ni' fiitii e. In CSeimiiny and other parts of Eu
v e , u r-1 ot ition is In this c imtry
Mo 'aieh ii Iks but hem recently introduced, it is
i.r-Hi'lv .,i;i,i t!,e most su'uMaiitiai reput iliou. 'I'he
M, jiiu CTi fcjtea ot cuiei of the llul olili; a:e
- ' " '" d hy th U.-e f Karllch's I'slis. which
!' lr is cnnt .i.ily rceiiviug, i proof of Ihe
cl. h v nfd r day he n reive i.r w ir-.!tniiiii,.j
I luc r cCicx-y, cud vvicli after week iuriea-es 11. e
Jiinai.d for Ihein. Tr.i is not u.ere asacrtton; ii.
i.uiiii lablo certitieate Hre o en fir the li.fpntion of
r e paL.ho,iiini the d uh'.s cfeny who are tki -ticsl,
ici! 1 e reiiu.vj by exuina.ii.g them st iho oliitc ol
!.." r. Vt::.s.:
V. u l i'.e !!'i? I'l'crty, t'nen, of FU?aedlii! tu every
..lo.y, ifiat tluy lo oi llatliel.'a I'ihV.
Let tiii iii hei p a si,p ly fi llunily cm hrid, to l e
. d wi.en oicaion, ui:d lin y will neeAe
Im- i.:j.: unrqUoci! jiroi Is cf utility. Medical
ii i;ci;nl ..fl-cc P.r the Uiotid S'.a!ca, No. 19
. i! l.'- Hi; s ic..!, Plul.iilelphie.
'.. ..-.uiw icp i, Jvo. 41, t-t. Clhir mrcet, ritts-
Jli..MiV VtiXrHEI.MCK,
Why n.-vHI-ICH'S Compound ftremjthen
n. i Cf . .;: riii i.l , re used hy nil clus-''-
' 1 - ! ;.rfcui!i-e to other Medieiiuii, te
' ' " ' ' ."pared from a pure ttlract of
" nKi'iiLr.c, nultl in iu rratiun
' ' '' i l'.-f.f! the ti;0!-t Crituin preserver
'. " r:i r.'.tL-.ual cure ..I l.'vtpipwa or
; '' " : 'I f'i comj luils, a rrrvcr
' 1 ' vlolc evHleii.',
' e ' ; fc'K .hi tl.u nt rves of senell.ility d
'- " v : 1 4v.s i t inuiiuii, iinpurtiii; to their m. st
0 '' "' i;a I rlrtlpc li r.e, thus jivinjj atrcitsth '
ev.l 1 Ynrnc.-is ni m r.J,
, icsii.-o 'ms r.ccr di'tflt.'y the con's of tlio to
DiC -i. .-.! d I o( U, as oil slroi'R ptirKutivrs df.
lU i ! uv te'n.iv and t. ncli us that no
rt ere , i.r.tive ulm e will rure iho dlpea.e of the
it.iiini 'u end i.eivi", Ve!iiir is liie primary
CiiuiJ cil' a l,ol of d'ncat'ra, ti.d, l y ceii.iuuully ie
pitii r ' j Drr.-tic puig i'.ives, you uuke the Uuease
Licch no, r, iiiiUiid ol letter.
recnu-e 1i. lluih.h'a Ved'cmc are pirt up up
on w.j cniu'tiu jK-ii.ciple, to cleanse and
re; i;li i n," v. h.cli l the couine to pursue to
l.,t CHIP. 1. isliv,
l'i c.iiKo i: I -? M.i!,iiiirs really iio cure the dis
r.xtD Wi vmi rS i!.iy me Kcon.n.ei.ileil. I'riueipal
f 'rV.o tor l!w I'mted M iUs, i at 2o. Itf NoitU
1 ) i:. t.itf 1 h i .del Ui.
1 : L. liV Y OXTH E IM EK,
May 1, lo4!. Agent.
The tine ai.l lust course to pursue in cu
ring ihbf-.bc, f vhniever nature they mny he, is:
f.ibl, to b'riir.i-a and puiify the bu.inarh and llow
it ly gei.tle aj-ciiciit; beeoiidly, to give strength
a 'i''. toi. e to Ihurc ti nder organs by the kite c.fpiopei
toi.ic. 'J'iis ir.ode is uImuvs pursued hy regular
ph)iiiliH, which Ihiy well know tube the only
course to resort '.o, to t ti'ecl a tpecdy and permaiient
cute, lr I Urt Lie it's Uompouad fctn i L-theiiuie
Tonic and Aperient Tills, ara a sure medicine to
edict this grat.d oljict. 1 he Uerinsii iieiunt
Tills ara to i It-am the stomach and intestines, af
ter wLhh the Ci mpouiid rSirengtl, t hing 'J'ouic Tills
t 9 tyd, to giva sircngili and Uiue to thobo or
Can which require tender Ircatuient. Nraily two
thirds of iho diaCiites which w e daily hi hold,
are cli-nsia ot the neivuus t-Vilem. and bv coutinu-
'ly u.ii g diiisl'o ttiineral purgatives the sullirer
v oi sono fn-.a hiinsc.f a U uii too n.uch rt lined
ioin.ain loiik n, txUleiice. l ull end exrliciidi.
uc ions i oth in Enthth and lieiuiau, actouipaiiy
Uii iicitice.
; '1 U abgvc medicine for sale at lha Drug Ptore of
r , .... ut lOXIUEIMEH,
Transportation Isinc
(Vl. Tin W'ATKM C4Xit.)
Warehouse foot cf Cltesuut Street on the Tenn
sihnnia Canal.
A 15 OAT leave the wharf of tho oubm-riber eve
ry moriiir.ff at 8 o'clock, running ihrotiRh to Ualti
moro in Ihrce tiny Uonsignmenta ot prmluee,
iron, &c., will receive a despatch hy Ibis line, which
hu not hithtrto been equalled by any other. Kate
of freight aa low as by any oilier regular line,
licferenres :
UVVK & HERK, I n ...
KEKNAN A. MTII-LMGER, f'Ball,inorc'
J. ct A.H. IIEUIJ. J
Ooods intended fur Tiltsburfr, or any point on
ihe Tcnnaylvaniii Cniml, will ho shipped whhout
delay on their arrival at llarriaburq, as thi con
nects with the North Ameriran lino of Tollable
boats to Tittuburi daily, and with the 8uqiuhun.
ni Packet Line to Northumberland, Williamsport,
ilkcblmric, and nil inlermediale pbees.
llarrishutE, frVpt. 9, 1810.
Worlis olTVaturc.
IN a at ite of hea'th the inte.ilinnl c.inil may bo
compared tu a river whouc waters flow over tho ad
jninitifr hind, tluonsli Ihe channels nature or art
has made, and improves their qualities; and to keep
iip the companion of tho river, so lon as it runs
im smoothly the channels are kept piiro and healthy;
but iS by romn cau-e Ihe course of the river is stop
ped, then the wnter in Ihe canals is n longrrpure,
hut toon become slnirnniit. There is hut one law
of circulation in rj;:lu e. Whin them is a super
abundance ef humorial fluid (atrocity) in Ihe intes
tinal tubes, nnd cotivenesj lakes pi ice, il fl. ws
back inlo the blood vesfc!, and infiltrates itself in
to the circulation. To cst.i'oiih tho free course of
the river, we must remove the o! slruetions which
stop its free cour-e. and tho e of its tributary stream.
With the body, follow tho same natural principal ;
remove, hy (lint valuable purgative medicine llran
dveUi Vnirenal Vegetable Tills, which ore an ef
fectual assistance of nature, the stiper'ibund.iuco of
humors in the intestine canal, lly pcr-cveriiiR in
this practice, the wiya of the rircjjhition w iil then
be iclured to the full oftiieir natural func
tions, nnd a Mate ol health will t u firmly establish
cd Ucmrmber, never suffer a drop of blood to be
ta!;en fioui you Evacutite the humors as often
and as Iiwr ss they aro degenerated, or aa long as
you are sick.
Dr. Ernndrelh's Office in Philadelphia, is at No.
8, NORTH EIGHTH street, where his pill can be
had at 25 cents per box, w ilh full directions.
Hj - hily acnt in fciunhury, is II. 15. Matscr Esqr.
Kunbuty, bepl, 0, 1840."
Certificates ori;eiey.
XT T f.illnu inor art llin ilnlv nriitint...! nitt,tm In
. - i -n- !, ... ...
tlieir respective counties, for tho bale of Brandrah't
f - .It m . ......
fcirriaiile L nirrrml 1 lift.
Norlhiiirilipiliii-.l rnntitv ? Mitten .M i.V-w f
Chnmbeilin. IStinbury If. B. M.user. MEwcns
vi'le Ged.k s. Gioen fc Wulls. Gc-oipetown 1-
.Midhng.-r . Co.
I'nioti eoiinly : Lewislmrrj Walls fc Grdde.
Mifflinburc Pellmiin it IJeeklv.
John M. lJenfer. felinsgrovo Eyie & Co, Mid-
uietnirg aac Ptw'.ti.
Lycoming county : Williamspnrl John Smith.
Newberry M. cV J. (5. Funston. Muncy W. A.
Peiriean. Jersey rh(ire James H. Hepburn.
v.-oium-Jia county uanviue . i;, jj. v-
nolil. Cnttawitoa C. A. Brobts. Berwick Shu
man 5c Iilteiihoue. Blootnsburg-John It. Moyer.
nunniiry, nept. a, teiM,
Cured hy the me, of Dr. If aimi-ir oMror-D
Mr. William Ku rihus. Tiltshureli. Ta.. rn
tiiely cured ol the above dislreiug diht-ane : Hi
symlome wire, pain ai-.d wtiht in tho l-.fl side,
lot-a of uppilite, voiiiitii q, acid eructations, diiltn
lion of Iho stomach, skk headache, fuired tongue,
countenance rharced to a citron, difficully t.f
Urea hitip, dUluihad real, attended with a cough,
Steal debility, with oilier symtoms indicating great
tlri.iugrmeiit of the functions of the liver. Mr.
'in Hiii ii had the advice of scvernl phytian, hut
receive I n. reliif, until usini; Dr. Haulicii' Med
icine, w hit It termiiiultd in elli eting a peil'ect cure. Oll'ice, 19 North Einhlh 5lieci, Thila
t!c!i hia. Also for le at ihe iliu j s ore of
May 1, 1811. Agent.
Tin: CAV&t: of viukasl:.
Neatly all classes cf disease, aro caused by seme
ol'r-tni.-t.on in tho svtiin, which prevent the regit,
hir and vyholcscino operut on of the animul func
tlors. This sinte of the system, is ih.i ap, which
is manifested in a variety of forms, moio or leu
uial gnanl in their character. To rci-tore the rystem
to a biule of lualth, then, it is only ncce-sary to re
mpvo the cause of tli.-eae, and the end is accom
plished. Thcrauscisolia'rnctii-.n soinenhcre. This
can be removed by purgation, which is tho only
means that iln.u'd be resorted to, because, suggeatt d
by reason, and l y nature. Dr. H irhch's Miength
tiling and Genu. in Aperient Tills, arc allowed by
mi i n UfaiHis who nave used llit-m, to be the best
purg.nim medicine in cxikteuee. llecnuxe, they
not only rr more all obstruction, and nurue Ho ,u
teni 1 1 it impurities, but, because, and which i t-x-tu'im-Iy
important, sticiiatheii and five proper tone
to the blotnuth, and produce a hcnllhy action of all
inu pari. Licisltle, ttiey are so mild and gcntlo in
their operation, as 1 1 lendi r t'lem at all linn- iu r.
fectly fu and denirahhi remedy. The allliettd
would do well, then, to purchase a box or two of
this invaluable medicine, und t;ive it a fair trial, in
btcad of destroying their sy.teuis with oft-repealed
oom-s oi taioiiK i, ami oiner drugs, bo injurious to
human hfu and happinens
I lie aliciv inftWcine for sale at the Drug store of
May 1, 1811. .j,,fn.
Is a very common alleetiou. It attacks are very
severe, and charm tcuzcil by sjiasmodic pins, shill
ing from one pn. ol" the head to the other, fre
quently commencing in the morning, attended w iih
biekness of the stomach, nausea, fainting, and
sometimes, vomiting, giddinc, and confusion ol
sijjht, &c Sic. 'J'his desease is pioduced fioiu va
rious causes, peihaps the mo.l common, is a de
rannement of the utomach and digtslivo organs.
FEMALES are most ul ject to this all'oclinn, par
licuhirly those who leaj a sedentary life. Dr. 7Arr
lich' Compound IstriHgtlunhi'j; Tunic and CVr
mun Aptnent I'iU.i, are wairanted to anesl this
troublesome disease : first by cleansing the stomach
and bowels, purifying the blood, and icmoviug all
diw asid and rxcreiuenluous humors from Ihe liver
and intestines. By the ue, liibl, of a few dose
of Ihe Apciient tifiman Tills, allerwsrds two or
three doses of the Strengthening Tunic Tills, which
are used to strengthen and invigoruie tho Dertoui
;,tem, give to the stomach and org-n.a of
uigestion, ihus imparting tu (heir sublile tiuiJ its
pristine vigor, ibis otllieiiug disease n.ay be entirely
lamoved. This is the only mode oi Iteming tins
annoying complaint, and ha Ueu attended With
success in ihousunds of Cases.
Tbinplets giving general directiona, may be ob
tained gratis, at No. 19 Noilh Eighth strwt, Thila
Way 1, MIL Agent,
A0 Ta
L.ndlrh' csnl CJcnJIemcn'n YFoi Id of
Utcruturc uud t'asJilon.
The Cufict and the Cmtknutn't United.)
ANEW Volume, under the above title, of the
well established and fa?hionahlo Msgaiinr,
The Thilndelphia Casket in conjunction nth the
Gentleman's Magazine, which has been every where
pronounced the moot readable and popular of the
day, will be opened on tho First of January, 1841,
with nn array of Contiibutor secured by the union
of tnlcnt and fame, which no periodical in the coun
try can boast or pretend to rival. The December
number will, however, be a rpictmen of the new
volume. The Volume will bo ojiened with a new
nnd beautiful type, the finest white paper, and with
the first of a series of embellishments unsurpassed
by any which have yet appeared in any Marrnzin.
'I'he style of 1 nance, the beauty tnd finish of thee
illustrations, and the extensive improvements which
will be made in lis typographical appearance, and
shove all, the tone of its lileiaty department, by the
bril iant array cf contributors, vvh.ife articles have
enriched the ptiges of each number, will givo it char
acter, second to no Magazine in the Union. The
character of tho articles which shall appear in its
ptiges, will be equally removed from a mtky arnli
mcntalily, and from an otT rtation of morality, but
wh le a true delineation of human nature in every
variety of passion is aimed at, nothing shall bo
found in i s pages to cause a blush upon tho check
of the most pure.
The Litenry character will bo sufficiently guar
anteed by tho reputation of both Magazines thus
united, for years past. Writeis of tho first rank
have been regular Conliibutors to their pages, and
the tales and sketches published in them have been
widi ly copied snd read, and the firm and indepen
dent tone of tho criticisms, upon the current litera
ture of the day, has been every whe e approved and
commended. The list of contributors embraces the
names of moM of the principal writers in America,
with a respectable number of English authors.
. 'i'he series of well known nautical papers, enti
tled '-Cruizing in the last Wur," have had run,
unequalled by any urits publishrd in any Macazine
for years. The author promises to open the first of
a new series uf Tnh-s of thefcrea, and from his known
abilities a a depiclcr of tea scenes and life, much
may be relied upon from him in maintaining tho
popularity of the Magazine Tuiers may c expect
ed during the volume, al-o from the author of the
well known articles, entitled "The Log of Old Ironside-"
The author of 4-S)rinn letters," will alsj
lend his powerful and grateful pen, tii sustain and
increase the reputation of the work. Tho valuable
aid i-f Iho author ef "Leaves f. otn a Lawyci's Tort
Folio," has tdso bt en sreuted, and we may e-prct
something sti 1 mote thrilling irom the cspacious
stores which a long life in the prnfe-siou has ena
bled him to amass. An occasional L hit-Chat with
'Jimmy Mioit," ond "Oliver Oidfellow," is also
promised; nidi a variety if choice articles in prose
and verse, from various wril'rs of celebrity, as con
tributor to the prominent Magazines of the couu
tiy. 'I'he editors of loth Miigi.ines continue their
services under the new arr ingemeut. itti such
an array of talent a Magazine of uniivalled attrac
tions, may safely be promised ihe coming voiuuie.
In compliance with the almost unanimous wish
of our lady subscribers, wo shall the ensuing vol
ume furnish them with a beautiful and correct plate
of Fashions Monthly, a feature, it is believed, that
will neither be unwelcome nor unpopular. The
IVrhion plates shall be drawn from original designs
from Puris and London, and roty always lio de
pended upon as the prevailing style in Philadelphia
and New Yoik, for tho month iu which they aio is.
Time of nubUctttlm. -The woik will I publish
ed on the lirrit of the month in evi ry quitrWr of the
Lnioii, J he mnt distant subscnU-r will conse
quently receive it on that day, as well as th. se who
reside iti rl.iladi Ipr.ii. In all the principal cities,
njents hive been rstablishi d, to whom the Maga
zine is forwarded, prior to the lime of issuing it, so
that tl.ry may be delivered to risiJcnt subciibt-r
by the first of tho month.
Tr.nMs : Three lMlurs per annum. Or two
copies ; early for five do Lira, iu advance,
pi tt paid. No new subscriber received without the
money, or the name of a responsible ai-cut. For
the accommodation cf those who may wish to sub
scribe for either of tho following Thd.idt l l.ia perio
dical, this liberal proposal i made: Five dolbirs
current money, free of postige, wo will foiwatd
Graham's Magazine, and Godt-y'a Lady's Book, foi
one year. Address, post paid,
South West corner of Chesuut Third it., l'na.
'jri:e Ilrotiicr .louailsan.
TII C largest and most beautiful newspaper in tht
world larger by fifty square inches than any
other newspaper in the lTnitoJ States. Tublished
Saturday, at 162 Nassau street, New York,
i'lico three dollars a year two copies for five dol
lars. Qj Tho propiietors of this mammoth sheet
the "Great We-tern" Among the lien spa ers
have tho pleasure of sj reading before the reading
public a weikly periodical rontoining a greater a
mount and variety of useful and inter, sunn mis
cellany, than is to be found in any similar publica
tion in Ihe vvoi Id.
Each number of tho paper contains n large an
amount of leading matter as is found in vuluines
of tirdinery duodecimo, which cost f'i and more
than is contained iu a volume of living's Colum
bus or Bancroft's History of Ameiiea, which co.-t
t - volume and nil for Three Dollars a year. For
5 two copies will le forwaided one year, or one
copy two year.
fcince the publication of out original rosnrx-tuf,
the Brother Jonathan has Ix-en ENLAIKiLli and
its iiii, amply before, ha been so mtirh increased,
thut much more than tho former quantity of the
most interesting lileiature of the d. y i embiaeed in
its immense rapasily. Selections fr m all li e most
prominent and celebrated writers of the day n l
in swelling its contents; and whatever i new, lieh,
or rate, is imediali ly rred to its column. A.I
iho cuiitiibuli"!S to periodicals of American writers
of repute appear in ils page; and I lie issues ef the
foreign prtss are laid uiHlir conti. bulimia, as soon
as reciivel in this country. Tot'.e miscellaneous
ai d Literary 1). p'.rtmint, the closest kllc-mimi is
p iid; und in all the selections mil original conlritu
lions, strict cato is devoted to ao d all that may
touch upon the opinions of any party iu region or
Expeiiance having taught us that we had mark
eJ out a path for ourselves, in which ail sorts of
people delight to follow, the Brother Jonathan
shall continue, a it begun, t.i be a bold, gentle,
weighty, light, giave, merry, serious, willy, smooth,
dushiug,, inspired, at:d incomparable
newspaper. Il shall be a tlupt ndous minor where
in nil the world will staun ntlecled. Il shall con
tain tho most beautiful of Novel, Romances and
Htoriea for both sexes Fairy Tales for lover of
ihe marvellous Legend for antiquaries Tusqui
nade for w it mongers Nun and run-ins for short
winded readers-Serenades for inusicul lovers Sun-
nets for Ladies Sentiment for old bacU lor Sts-
tistics for politicians and Lectures, St ruions, Criti
cisms, Epigrsms, Ac, Ac, &c, for all the world.
Letter should tie addressed to
rublithtrt of tht " brother JunathuH," .V. Y.
A Consolidation of Duel' Cultivator and the Ge
nctce Farmer.
l'roflpcctii of Tol. 8, for
THE Cultivator was established to improve And
- elevate tho Agriculture of the country to give
a proper tone to the moral and mind of the Far
pier; to show him the dignity and importance of
his profession ; to store his mind with useful know
ledge, and convince him thut whilo all classes are
ond must be moro or less dependant on each other,
he alone of the whole can make any near approach
to independence. If there is one thing more than
another, which in this country gives a man superi
ority ovei hi fellow men, it is knowledge; and thii
knowledge, knowledge which is as essential to the
succrea of the farmer as to other men, it is the
design of the Cultivator to aid in imparling.
fJjThe volume for 1840, is filled entirely with
Original Commnnieativns, embracing articles from
abuut 300 Cotrcs-pondcntd, from at must evciy state
iu the Union.
If an increase of subscription beyond any prece
dent in the history of Agricultural Journal, if tho
almost unanimous voire of the public press in our
favor, if Iho multitude of private yet flattering tes
timonials we have received, added to circulation
amounting the first year to Twhti-two Thou
sand, may be admitted as evidence, then we have
certsinly most abundant reason to he gratifiej with
the success which has attended tho I'nion of the
Cultivator and the Gencwc Farmor. No expee
has been or will be spared to render the Cultivator
worthy of the patronngo it has received. Tu the
number, variety and excellence of its Illustrations,
it is without a rival at homo or abroad, the last vol
ume being embellished with nearly One Hundred
Engravings, illustrating the improved breeds ol Hor
ses, Cuttle, Sheep, Swine, Buildings, Implements,
Ac,, making the Cultivator, all thing c.wsidered,
it ia lielieved, the Cheapest Agricultural Fsptr ever
published in this or any other country.
Tes One Dollar per annum Six copies for
$3 the money to be lemi ted in advance, free of
postage. A commission of 20 per cent, will be ol
jowed to Agents who obtain 25 or more subscri
bers, and 25 per cent, to those who obtain 100 or
more. All subscriptions to commence with a vol
ume. Postmasters and gentlemen disposed to lend their
influence to aid the came of Agriculture, are re
spectfully requested to act as azrnts. Address
Publishers of the CuLtiatvr, Albany, A. Y.
rjlHE spirit of the age is utilitarian. IinpToe
JL mtnl u stampel upon the face of every thing.
All the useful arts are progrepsiug with unparrallel
ed rapidity, and tho Art of Printirg is coming iu
for iti lull share of Ihe common improvement.
Determied not In be outdone in any thing that per
tains to hi profession, where there is a fair chance
for exertion and enterprize, the undersigned ha de
termined upon issuing a sheet twice the sizu uf the
Boston Weekly Times, (and i to take the place
of that paper.) and will contain eight columns
more matter than the Brother Jonathan. This
bheet will be called the BOM'ON NOTION, and
it is determined that il shall sustain a cognomen so
full of meaning, and so interwoven with the estab
lished character of our Yankee city. It w ill be the
Larcikst Nr.wsr-Artu i ths Woulii with no
exception nnd will lie printed on a sheet thirty
seven by fifty-two inches. It will bo filled entirely
with reading matter, and w ill contain Three Thou
sand Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight square
inches, ot Twenty-Seven square feet of print in line
type! and a single nuudicr will contain more read
ing than an ordinary book of Three Hundred
pages. These dimensions will enable the publisher
to diavv largely upon the mot popular periodicals
of the day, both American and Foreign ; and as tho
selections will bo made with great care, it is believ
ed this pi'per will be a welcome Notion to every
family. Besides a full synopsis of the current news
of the dy,J aa published in the Boston D.iily
Times.) it will c. nlnin Poetry, Populir 'Tales,
Theatrical Criticisms, Police and other Court Report--.
Humorous Articles, Ac. He.
The whole world of Li'ernture will lie ransacked
to fill it. From the study of the philosopher down
to the police court, through all regions uf rrsson,
poetry, romance, wit, and the ample record of folly,
we shall glean fiom ihe pa.-t and the present eiid
ft mil all nations, to present us pleasing and useful a
combination of recorded thought and current his
toiy, aa ihe world can mpp'y or iudustiy produce.
This i our "Bostux Notmiji."
This great amount of wisdom and fun of wit
and philosophy of novelties end antiquities we
are able to oiler, weekly for six ck.its jt copy,
only six cents 1 end we can doit because of the
laciliiii a of our press and ollic-e, and the connection
of daily and weekly publications. For tuki.i hol
lars we can sell a) car's volume, rqurd in quantity
of matter, with every tariity also, to Fifiy-iwo Vol
ume of Novels, such as aro issued from ihe prtss
of this day. Fifty-two large Volumes for Three
Dollars! Effected all by improved m .chin. ry, and
by a determination that we will uot bo outdone iu
entei prize nnd usefulness.
TLRMS: Thhis DoiLtns a year, always iu
advance no orders, no matt, r from what source,
will bcaltendtd to utile? accompanied with the
CAM I. Single rot it s six cents each.
To.-t Master or ulhrrs remitting Twenty Dol
lars shall have Eight copies sent to such persons
anu places a tl.ry may clc-signate.
ia'cerc XV
IS prepared to receive Goods and Tioduce at the
new nuichoiie, which his arrai gemeuis will ena
ble him to forward with despa'eh to Tl.iladt Inhia.
i;.. i ..... win;..-....... iv. .i. i . . '.:
.-..'u., . iiiiauiri'iiii, , i.Htsiiarit, voiuiboia,
Lancaster, or any other point on the Pennsylvania
an J Union Canal, and the Pennsylvania and liar
lishuig uud Lancastir tail road.
Good from Philadelphia for Harris! urg, Carlisle,
t'hamU rsburg, tStc. ic, forwarded willi care and
Coal, Tlaitcr, ait and I'uit, constantly for
ile. Sept. l.
THE undcrsigaed bave the gratification of in
forming tho public, that notwithstanding tl.ry were
so unfortunate a to have their bindery burnt down,
in March last, they have opened a very extrusive
one, in Locust street, in the new building directly
epposile Glt-iin's Hotel, and are piepared to execute
all woik in their line with despatch, and in a su
pciior style. Tlieir RULING APTARATL'S
ud other Machinery are new, and of the first order
and latest improvtmcnts ; and they fit-l a confi.
pence in their facilities for giving perfect satisfac
tion to all w ho may favor item with their order.
Bank, County office. Merchant, Mechanics
and oilier, can be supplied w ith BLANK BOOKS
of every description, which for neatnm n.l .La
bility, will be equal to any made by tho United
b? . . 1lll-..,r - , . . .
oiaius. lUfiim tX VAN I IN E
JlAKiUSUbjiU, gepi, 8.
tub cntAFxsr Ann kkst
Only- 91 60 per Annnmt '
ono of the best and cheapest newspaper in
this country, containing all the choice Reading
Matter of the six daily papers, including the "CLIP
PER'S LOO," is published every Saturday, at
$1 60 per annum.
03- Tha"OCEAN" is under theedilorial charge
of Jons H. Hawirr ami Jon Wiils, Esqrs., the
former well known as editor, proprietor, or princi
pal contributor to every literary publication issued
in this city for the last fifteen years; and the latter,
long a contributor to various periodical, but more
publicly known sines his connection with the "Bal
TiMoaa CLirrsa." The extraordinary success
which has attended the establishment of the Haiti
more Clipper, now numbering a larger list of sub
scribers than any other newspaper ever published
in Maryland Ihe daily applications for a weekly
paper, to rend, by mail, to country subscribers
and the many facilities, possesed by the under
signed, for this undertaking, have induced them to
spare no expense in getting up a paper which can
not f iii to bo a welcomes visitor into every man's
Il is printed on entire new type and fine white
paper, and will compare, for beauty of workman
ship and cxcelirnee of reading matter, with any
periodical now published in the United States;
Tans: For Mail Subscribers, $1 60 per an
num, in current money, forwarded (free of expense)
to tlio publishers.
Postmasters disposed to act as Agents for
ihe Ocean, will receive five copies weekly, per an
num, for five dollars. Tavmrnt always to be made
in advance. Addrcsa BULL A. TlJTTLE,
Printers, Baltimore, Md.
Wur. we first purchased the old and well
known c-tabl'shment of t' e
Saturday Earning Post,
we ata'ed that the pai er circulated so widely a-
mong the steady, reading portion of ihe United
States, that we entered upon our li.bors with lull
confidence of the future. Our success has since
been beyond our most sanguine expectation, asour
weekly recripta overbalance those of any cotempo
rtuyinprr. Ovtr list has continued to swell up,
with unexampled rapidity, and wo have iho confi
dence, that at the present rate of increase, we shall
be enabled in a few months t. boast of more th in
o.'.OltO subscriber! When we corr.rnerced our
labors, we anncuncej distinctly, that the tone of the
paprr should be decidedly moral, and that nothing
shou d be admitted into our columns, which the
most fastidious father could disapprove of, and de
term'ned that as an approved Family Taper, it
should not contain a paiagraph, with the spirit of
which a parent would not wish to have a daughter
familiar, and wo therefore, with this view, announ
ced that no theatrical notices should appear in our
Columns, and that we should be opposed to theatres
as things calculated to injure the healthy action of
an honest mind, as creative of exhibitions derm
raiizing in tendency, ond fearfully pernicious in
fact. There were not wanting blusterers, who
made a great parade of opposition, and Croakers,
who predicted our speedy downfall, but we threw
ourselves upon the sober, rational and experienced
portion of the people of the United State for sup
port, and we bave been nobly sustained.
We thought and expressed the opinion, that
however careless many might be upon this subject,
that few, even if they did not entirely disapprove
of such rnteitainments, cared about having the
gross details forever paraded before the eyes of
their children, nnd the sickening and nauseating
eulogy of all kinds of character made familiar to
their mind.
We determined also, that while the paper con
tinued under our control, it should be strictly neu
tral in politics end that as news and literary jour
nalists we had netti ng to do with the matter ; this
determination has been strictly and rigidly adhered
lo, and while we shall continuo to give our reidcrs
such public document as may be deemed of inte
rcut to all, and such a history of the progress of
political event, a are strictly in keeping with our
duty, and the character of the paper, we shall stu
diously and thoroughly avoid any contamination of
partizui politics.
The paper U now printed in a new and beauti
ful type, has received the praise of many editors ot
taste, as 'the handsomest family sheet in the Union.'
Our effort have been directed to the combining
of beauty and simplicity with utility and la.-te.
Tho Tost is printed on a stout white paper, ren
dering it neat and durable for tiling.
In addition to these (fforts towurJ perfection in
the mechanical di parttr.cnt, and exit rior ol our pa
per, no labor, and no cost been spared in the dc
vtlopement of intellectual strength. The present
variety of interesting tales, original, from foreign
and domestic magazines, together with the valua
ble contributions of our own circle of literary
friend will continue to give inteiest lo the paper,
while everything important and worthy of note that
happen in the Old World or the New, shall be
collected and collated for the taste of out rea
der. 'The Ladies' Department shall always be choice
and select, an.l shall receive strict attention, while
such things as may inteiest our juvenile readers,
und that impoitant and largo class of our readers,
the Fanner will not be overlooked. In order to
gratify, as much as possible, the (audible dc-siie of
our country readers, a portion of our attention will
be devoted to the collection and diffusion of such
New, Memoranda, Table, Fact, Hints, &c. a
may seem inq ortai.t to agricultmist, and iho pop
ulation resident without the confine of our great
cities. The state of the mirkets and the lluctua
tiou in ihe price, will be regularly and what is cf
more moment, correctly given.
We have ever been opposed to the constant
bluster snd parado made by some editors, about
the excellence of their papers, and have resolved
that the Saturday Evening Tost, shall be conduct
ed, as to speak lor itself.
Our rradei will always find in its columns the
eaibest and nut authentic information, e well as
the most choice and cnleitaining literary matter.
We hrvo totally discarded the system ol filling the
pspcr with quack advettisc mci.t, but prefer giving
our readeis from week to week, cnleitaining read
ing matter.
And we feel assured that we shall be no losers
thereby, as but few readers care about having a pa er
filled with descriptions of these nauseating com.
The Saturday Evening Post, will be furnished
for f2 per annum in advance, or one copy three
years for ?5. To those who wish to subscribe for
a i iniaucipiua .Magazine, we will furnish a copy
of the Thiladctphid Cat ki t, and two copies of the
Tost for one year for f 5 free of postage aud dis
count. No New Subscriber received without Ihe
'To those who wish to subscribe, we would say,
that the ale-t plan is to encloso the money in a
letter and direct to us. Most postmaster will
frank their letter if relating lo nothing but the
busints of the oll'ice, and all postmaster who will
be kind enough so to do, we shall be pleased to ac
knowledge a agent.
No 36 Caitci'a Alley, Thiladelpuid.
ITI I multiplied resource for rendering the
Nxw Would more valuablo than ever aa
compendious newspaper and repository of elegant
literature, wo enter upon the second volume (folio)
on the 2 llh cf October, dressed in a beautiful garb
of new type, cast expressly for tho purpose. It
will therein! e bo fitting time to commence new
subscriptions as well as for tho renewal of thoso
which may then expire.
During tho first year of the cxistanco of tho
New Wohlk, it has acquired a reputation and
circulation superior ta any weekly paper in the
country; and has furnished to its subscribe rr, during
that period, (besides ail the current news of the day,
domestic and foreign) new and valuable work by
Talfourd, D'Israell, Thomaa Moore, Mies Mitford,
Mrs, Jameson, C. Dickens, Ainrwoith, Knowles,
Bulwer, Marryat, and others works, which in Lou
don could not be purchased for fifty times the
amount of tho subscription price of the New
Woild. In addition lo works of interest by theso
eminent authors, it has contained the cream of tho
pciiodical literature of the day, as well aa original
article from the pens of some of the most popular
writer of America, among whom we may mention
Mi-a Sedgwick, Orvillu Dewey, Professor Longfel
low, tho author of "Yankee Notions," Snuins,
Street, etc kc.
Iu politicks w-0 shall, as hitherto, maintain an
armed neutrality. Our columns as heretofore will
be unobjectionable in a moral point of view. In
criticism we shall, in justice to the public, mautain
a perfect independence, even though wo incur tho
vrngrnce of all the dunces' We shall, in conclu
sion, earnestly strive to render our sheet not only
worthy of the unparalleled lavour il hasexperianccd,
hut of a continually extending circulation. Whilo
we continue to furni-h with all possible promtitudo
the most attractivo liter turn of tho day, we shall,
as our means enlarge, afford that compensation to
native author, which may induco them to uiiko
the New World the medium for presenting to the
public tlieir best produrtions. Our excellent Lon
don correspondent will be continued, aud due at
tention will be paid lo the come real, agricultural
and new s departments of out paper.
Of sixteen large pages was commenced on the sixlli
of June last, in older to meet the wishes of larjjo
number of subscribers, by giving them its lich and
varied contents in a suitable form for I ii.ding. 'This
we have done without having enhanced lha price,
so that new suh-cribtra, and other on tho renewal
of previou subscriptions, can lake their rhoice be
tween the (junto und Folio form. fjj" But a few
set of the ljuarto, fiom No 1, now remain on
hand in the otfice, and we shall therefore, not ba
able lung to supp'y llieui,
TERMS; Thrkr Dollaiis a year in advance,'
fur either edition; or Fivk Doi.i.aks for two copies.
In all cases letters must bo free, or post paid, or
they will remain dead in the post-office.
fXj" All Postmasters who will act fir u aro our
authorized Agents, and miy retain 25 per cent on
tho subset iption price, (Jd.) for commissions, if re
mitted in New-York or Eastern h oney ; or 50 cents
on each, if in notes of other solvent banks, which
may be at a discount here.
fj Editors and Pul lishers who desiro tho con
tinuance of an exchange, will please ropy the abovo
three or more times, or utherw iso notice tiie contents,
and tend us a marked paper.
Letters rela'ive to the editorial department must
le addicsscd to Takk Bssjami & Err. Sauoest,
Editors: thoto relative to the buisness dep.nt
meut, to J. WINCHESTER, Publisher,
No. 30 Ann street.
umcnts, facts and othrr ustful information, illustra
tive of the history and resources of the American
Union, and of each State ; embracing commerce,
manufacture, agriculture, iuti rnal improvement,
bank, currency, finances, education, &.C. &.c. Edi
ted by Samuel Hazard.
Tubli-hed every Wednesday, at 79 Dock street.
The price to su'.iscrilicr is 5 per uunum, payable
on tho first of Jainmy of each year. No subscrip
tion received for less than a year. Subscriber out
of the principal cities to pay in advance.
1 R O S I K T iFS
)F TilK
THIS Journal was established by the America!
Silk Society, for tho purpose of ddl'u-ing practitu
information on the enrtm or silk in the Unite
States. It has now ben published ono ytar, an
may be considered a work of standuid character.
Tho first year's publication, conipiisiug the fin
volume, coutaiue a massof valuable inloinislioi
and it w ill be the object of the editor to mak
the sreond equal in all resptts, if not supenoi, t
the first. The important fact is now esta1 lisln d b
yond any question, that the people ol the Unite
State rail make silk cimrtu and hi.ttlk lha
any other nation upon earth. It ha been provt
by unimpeachable testimony, that Ihe entire t-o
of producing silk ready for maiket, doe not excet
pui-Mi, and it lowest valu i roun hollaiis a
nrrr revrs; also, that ot aciik of ground plan
cd in morus multtcauli, will produce ihe liistyc..
the tret a aie planted, roiuTT-ituur ruvnd t
silk, leaving a clear profit to the producer ol'o
iii xiiRi.n asn ik.iit hollars! It has also bet
proved that the cbilJien and fi male of any firmer
fimily can, with the greate-t possible ease, produi
fiom fifty lo a hundred pound of silk every ye.i
without any cost whatever to Ihe expense ol 11
farm after the tree are planted; snd therefore, th
the whole amount of silk w ill be so much clear g ii
y from lo $150. With these facts we su
ni t loan intt-ll'gfnt people wether il is not a gre
and important object for them to introduce the rc
tore ol silk in every farmer' family in the Uuio
To enable all our farmer to make si.k, the 'Joi
hsbed; il contain plain piaclical directions fortr
TIVATIJ.O tiik TKii.s, rtkiiiKo and RtAUisu an
woum, the suk, and preparing it 1
maiket, Ac. beside all olhtr information ihul c.
bo riquucd to enable any person to enter upon I;
business, either on a large or small scale. Eve
fiicnd of hi country, into whose hands this paj
may fall, will he d.inj a patriot and nhil
work by indurii g hi friends and mighbuui toe
ter their names upon the h'st of subsc riber.
The Journal uf the Ameiiean Society i publish
monthly, in pamphlet form; tacli number contai
thiity-two octavo pages, pi in ted on new typo ui
baiolsoin paper, wbh a printed colored cover.
Tlhms i Two dollars a yiar, or n copies I
trn dollars, always to be paid before the work
sent. All subscriptions lo begin with the first nui
ber of the year, and in no rase will the woik base
to any subscriber longer than it shall have be.
paid for.
Cj Ni w avasraiatas, who take the first s
second volume, will be charged only Tttata Do
las for the two year.