On Sunday last, by the Re. J. P. Shindcl, Mr. William Cork ad to Miss Sisahna Hon, both of August. On the same Jay, by the Re. R. A. Fisher, Mr. Hun at SmssLta to Miss Mam Ass Gall, both of Augusta. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthcimer. Wbsat, SO Rib 60 Cor, 40 Oats, . 25 Pork,- 6 Flaxseed, 100 Hotter, ..... 12$ I)EF.SWAt, - ... .25 Tallow, 12$ Dhisii Applis, . 75 Do. Peacrm, ... 200 Flax, ...... 8 Heckled Flax, .... 10 Eeos, ...... 8 MORE POSITIVE PROOF Of the efficacy of Dr. Harlichi Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Fills. Alleoheut, Jan. 8, 1840. To Dr. Harlich's Agent Sir: I wish to state for the benefit of those who may be afflicted, that Dr. Harlich's Pills have entirely cured me of Dys pepsia, of which I have been afflicted for many years, t used both kinds, the Aperient and Strength ening, and I am constrained to etiy, that they are a valuable discovery, and act upon the system mildly, but very effectually. I found the Tonic pills to quicken the circulation and cause a determination to the surface, aed to strengthen (he weak stomach and increase its powers. The Aperierri pills are the best cathartic I evei used. I am confident all Dys peptics would do well 'to make immediate trial and bo relieved. Any one can call at my house and be satisfied of the above at pleasure. DAVID R. POPE. N. B. The original certificate may be seen ar the r filce of the " Spirit of the Times." For sale at No. 19, North Eighth street. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, REGIMENTAL THE First Battallion of the For. ty -fifth Regiment df Pennsyl vania Militia, is requested to meet at Sunbury on Monday the 10th day of May next, at ten o'clock of said Jay, for the .purpose of train ing. The Second "Battallion of the Forty-fifth Regiment, to meet at the house of licorge Smith, in Jackson township, on Tuesday the llthduy of May next, at 10 o clock or said day. t flf Hucksters not to intrude, un- der the penalty of the law in such cases made and provided. GEOKGE MEIS1SK, Vol. of the 4 5 A Regiment. April 17, 1811. 3t ATTENTION, StSBURY DUES. YOU are requested to meet for parade in Mar. ket-square, Sunbuiy, at 10 o.clotk, A. M. of Saturday, the 1st day of May, inat., in bummer inifnrm. Punctual attendivnee is requested. By order of Captain Donnel. CHARLES WEISER, "Miy 1. Orderly Serg't. Hester Rockarellow't LWlale. VOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of Northumberland County has this day granted tters of administration upon the estatt of Hester lockafellow, late of Rnsh township, dee'd., (o the ubseriher, residing in A ogusra township. All per 3ns having demands against said ttate, are reques ?d to present tlte same, properly attested, and those 'ho are indebted to make immediate payment. JAMES FORRESTER. April 21, 1841. Ct Adm'r. FOR SALE. A FRESH MILCH OOW AND CALF. Inquire of the Printer, 'feunbury, April 24, 1841. tf. An Apprentice W A IV TED. A N apprentice will be taken to the Ikdb Printing Business, a lad of from 1 to 1G years of ape, with a good Eng ih Education, will hear of an excellent tuation by applying at this oificc soon. April 17. 1S4I, like Common lMeua ororllium iK-rluud County. 'emming and Thomas Follock,) vs. Rule of Court, James Tharp. j i ULE cm the the Judgment Creditors of defend-k- ant, and all other interested, to show cause the first day of August term, 1841, why the pro :ds of the sale of defendand's real estate should t be applied lo they payment of the judgments of :mming and Thomas Pollock. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Proihonotary's Office,? Froth'y. nbury, April 18,1811.$ Dt SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. K 1 R K V A T 11 1 C K 5c S O N, No. 21, North Third street, ITWIC MARKET ASD CSSSSCT ITtttTS,) PHILADELPHIA. AYE tor sale a large and excellent assortment - of Spanish Hides, Fatna Kips, Tanners' Oil, , at the lowest maiket prices, either for cash, in hange for Leather, or upon credit. 3on.irnmeiits of leather teceived for sale, or chased at the highest maiket prices. rj" Leather atoied free of tbargo, April 17, 1841. ly. Oseo IlulT'it Instate. TOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of the county of Northumberland, has this day nted letters testamentary to the aulrribei, upon estate of Usee Huff, of Rush township, in the county. A II persons having demands or claims inst the said decedtmt, are requested lo make wn the lame fe nira without delay. HENRY HUFF. pir1 T-Kt Adm'r, EliSONS knowing themselves to be indebted to the aubacribers, for coal or otheiwUe, will pitas 1 and settle the same without delay, if they wish I 9 X4 lull tave cost. J. II. PLKDX VU. 4uuUrjr, April 10th, 1811. tt i i ill i I mi inn joiinr sinxivAw soiv, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 20, Liort Street Wharf, BALTIMORE. HAVING spacioua warehouse, near the Rail road, and ample wharf and pavement room for landing and receiving produce, respectfully solicit consignments of Hour, gruin, whiskey, tobacco, Ac With much experience in the COMMISSION BUSINESS, to which they are promptly and ex clusively devoted, they are induced to believe they can give satisfaction to all who may employ them. Liberal advances made on Consignments, and information as to markets freely communicated when required. Refer to W. LORMANT & SON,? n .... M HUGH MEDERRY, 5 URl,im0T' KEARNEY WHARTON, Reading, Pa. JOHN DOUGHERTY, Hollidayshurg, Pa. WAI.LINGFORD & TAYLOR, Pittsburg, Pa. April 10 1641. Look Here. THIS MACHINE AGAINST THE WORLD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. DAVENPORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horse Power, which threshes and cleans at the same time an invention for which Farmers have long looked in vain, and w hich renders the above machine perfect and past further improvement. Those who have been waiting for romefhing better than heretofore offered for sale, will find this to be tho article. Coiuo sec it and judge for yourselves. The subscribers have purchased rite right of the above Machine and Horse Power, for the coun ties of NoRTtifMRERLAtin, LrcoMtsn, Cmjtok, and Union and also, the privileges of vending them in any other places for which the right has not been previously sold. The advantages which this Machine has over all others invented are many and obvious. One by and three men can do all the threshing and cleaning of 150 bushels of wheat in one day and this usually takes seven hands one day and three the next. For field threshing it tukes the lend of any thing in this world no grain is scattered or lost. Such is the superiority of the Horse Poiver, that three horses can thresh as much with it as four can with any othor. The Machines and Horse Power will be sold together or seperate, to suit purchasers. Made and sold in Miltoii, by tho subscribers. WM. WELCH, WM.ll. POMP, HENRY FRICK. Milton, April 17,1811. R(o.n.v.v;M no.v. THRESHING At WINNOWING MACHINE. Having had in use, one of Davenport's Patent Throttling and Winnowing Machines, and being repeatedly called upon for our opinion in regard to their value, durability and advantages, we make, free to stale, that they exceed in our opinion, any i hrcsbmg Machine we ever before witnessed in use. They will thresh and clean, fit for market 200 bushels of V heat per day, and this with the aid of three hands besides the driver. 1 be Straw is passed off from the grain on an incline plane, ex tending about 12 feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lost. What is of some importance and greatly so, is the fact that no dust passes from the Machine to the man who feeds it. The Horse power seems to bo perfection itself three horses may work it with ease and their fastest gait need only be the ordinary plough gi.it. We must cheerfully recommend the Machine to Farmers they are manufactured in Milton by Messrs. Welcli Pomp and Fuck, PHILIP HILGERT. JOHN B HELLER Chilisquarrue tshp., NortVdco, March 20, 1841 To Tailors. OLXTEP.'S SHOULDER MEASURE SYSTEM THE Subscriber has been appointed Agent for the above System, for Northumberland County, which he oners for sale to Tailors, who may de sire to possess the best and latest improvement in the art of rutting garments. The following two certificates are from a committee of Merchant Tai lors in Paris, whe have examined the System, and highly ajf ove cf the same. Paris, Feb. 23th, 1S40 We, the undersigned, members of the committee appointed by the members composing the"Ihilan' throphic Society" of Merchant Tailors of Paiia, cer tify that the System of cutting, taugtit by Thomas Oliver of ISew 1 ork, United states, has been sub mitted to our examination, which system we recom mend as the best that has been submitted to us, in fuilb of which we have given him this cerliirate, M. FROGE, President, M. LAF1TTE, V President, I Fui'join reruucaie irorn iir. v utter 01 I aria. formerly of Boston, w hose reputation is well tta Mhed both in Europe and in America : Mr. Oliver, Dear 8ir, tho recommnndjtion vou Lave obtained from the Society of Master Tailors, is from the highest in this city, and I fully agree in the opinion, that your system is the best that has ever been published. Yours truly, V. CUTTER. The subscriber continues the business of TAI LOKING at his old i-tand, adjoining Rhawn's store, in Sunbury, where he will accommodate all who may call upon him m his hne of business. lie will regularly receive the fashions from Mr, Oliver of New York, as soon as issued The Spring Fashtous have been rereived, and are now for sale, WILLIAM DURST. Sunbury, April 10, 184 K ly LIST OF LETTERS, TfB EMAINING m the Post Office at Sba , mukin, on the 1st day of April. 1841. fcamucl 1 hornton, Dudly Andreng, John Boyd Jacob Smith, Nicholas Kraner. Samuel M. Card ner, tieorge Slappig, Jeremiah Wetiel, Thomas Morrow, Daniel l.ali.r, Peter Persinne, Karmiel it Wood, 5. WILLIAM FAOULY, P. M. Jlivap TiHi-ware. MANUFACTURED and sold by the subscri ber in Sunbury, of the best Tin, and the work wairanted, which he offers for sale at reduced cash prices, now as tow at letail aa formerly auld by wholesale. tood Watering l'ots formerly sold at 87, now at 75 centa; Large Buetets, fornitily sold at 75 and 2, now at C2 and 50 ; Gallon CoiU Pot, formerly sold at 56. and tbiee quart at 50, now at 45 and 58 cents, and other articles of Tin-Ware in proportion. Stove pije and stoves made ai-.'i sold cheap for cah, Ac. N, U. All persona indttted to thfe auW'lher, and who wish to save costs, are requosied to call and make satisfaction, without delay, either with cash of by giving their uqU, tuubury.ApiiUO, Jlfc.NKV MAiO. BRADY'S HOTEL. n.iMYiLL.11, con siiiia :oi;.ty, I'eunayivaniaa T, Catta HE SUBSCRIBER jespectfully Informs the public, that he has removed from the town ot 'ultawitsa to Danville, ami that he has purchased in that place, the Large and Commodious DllICK HOUSE, AT THE ConiVER Of MILL AKD MARKET STREETS, C Opposite the Court-ilouse,J Which he has fitted up i-y the erection of ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS, and extensive S TABLING, for the Enter tainment of Travellers and Visitors. He is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with call, and lie woulj state that no thing in his powor shall be left undone, to render his customers comfortable and happy while under hia care. His accommodations ore ample, and his rooms furnished in modern style, and the proprietor is de termined that his establishment shall sustain and keep up with the growing reputation and impoitance of the town in which it is located. Hit Table will I supplied with every luxury of the season, and tho best and choicest variety the market can afford. His Bar will be stored wilh alt the bent articles that can be furnished by our cities, and the whole will be such as to give satis faction to every one. Well knowing that an enlightened public will always judge for them-elvea, he feela confident that they will fuvor him with their patronage. SAMUEL A. UKAUY, Danville, Jan. 30. SELF-ADJUSTING LOG BRACE FOR SAW-MILLS. Br Bknjavin N. Ci-shwa. THE Subscriber having purchased the right for vending and using the above valuable inven tion, for Northumberland County, offer to dispose of the same to persons who may desire to purchase. The above invention is now in operation at the saw null of Mr. M Carty, near Sunbury, where it can be inspected by owners of saw mills and all others interested. E. GOI3IN, March 27. tf. SAMUEL COBIN. Tho Last Chance. IF persons who are indebted to the subscriber on Book account, will call and settle the same be fore the 10th of April next, they can save some in- eresl as well as costs, as the books after that t ime will be placed in the bands of a magistrate for col lection. H. 13. MASSER. Mrch 20, 1841. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, For 1U Dollars "71 QUA L fur time to any sulci by Clock red' tars for $25, lor Bale by March 13. H. B. MASSER. litorgt Jturnbcrgcr's Estate. "WTOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of 1 the county of Northumberland, haa tins day granted letters testamentary to the subscribers, upon the estate ofueorge noinbergcr, of Coal township, in the a lid county. All persons having demands or claims against the said deoedt nt. are requested lo make known the same lo them without delay. UKOKUE LO.MJ, THOMAS HENNLNGER, Feb. 22 Ct. Adin' lanlcl Kasc'M IMalc ATOTICE is hereby given, that lettera of admin v istration on I lie estate of Daniel Kase. lute of Rush township, Northumberland county, dee'd., have been granted by the Kcgtster of said county to the subscriber. All those indebted to the above ee tate will make payment, and those having claims will present their accounts on the 30th and 3 1st March, 1 all, at the late residence ol deceased. I'ETEU KASn. Jan. 23, Cw 23. Adm'r. SUXBUll Y jaj'CLD'ctJaj": GEORGE ROHRUACH 6c BROTHERS ATTISH lo inform their Customers and the pub. lie generally, that they have erected an En gine, and are enabled to do more extensive lust iicss than heretofore, and are ready to make all kinds of castings commonly cast at Foundry s, viz: STOVES, HOLLOW-WARE, PLOUGHS and PLOUGH CASTINGS of all descriptions, which they will dispose of as cheap aa luey can be bought elsewhere. Uld Iron and Country produce will be taken m exchange for castings. Ut-OKUU KOHKUACH, JACUU KOHKUACH, Feb. 27. 3nw WILLIAM KOHKUACH. T li o m a h 11 it h h e 1 1 , No. 208, Baltimork Strict, A few doors west of llou-ard st. BALTIMORE. WHOLESALE DEALER in Combs, But tons, German and Fancy Goods, and Im porter of i'atent and Shoe Threads, Spool Cotton Suspenders, Tapes, and almost every description of Small Articles. Country Merchants and Dealers in general, are Tcspxxlfutly invited to call and exa mine for themselves. Jan. 30. ly NOTICE TS hertby given, that interest wiil tie charged by the suliscriber, on all accounts for linre, that have been standing longer than six months, and that hereafter tins rule will be strictly adhered to. All ersons indebted, aro requested to Call and settle their account. SKASHOLTZ& BERGSTRESSER Sunbury, Jan. 23, 1841. tf. .llercliaiii's IVoticc. AT a meeting of the Merchants tf the through of Sunbury on the Cth inst, the following was unanimously adopted : Whereas no uniform rule vxfcts among the mer chants of tide )lice, in regard to the charge of lute rest on book accounts, rnereforo Resoireil, 1 hM inroret will be charged on all accounla that have been standing longer than six months, and that hereafter all accounts in our book will be balanced every year, and that interest wilt be charged on all balances that average more thar, six months standing. Jtesolred, That the eubeerilieTS will slrictly ail. heie to the above lule, and that not:.c of the. same be given iu the uewajxjiers of '.lis place. UEvY YOXTHEIMER, JOHN YOUNG, JOl'N BOG A It, II. B. MASSER, BEN J. HENDMCKS, I ft k a . . n .... . ..... Ijjjjg j.n. io,-cm, JAUUU UllAWN. A FEW Copies of r Vtiiem Choral ifar. eoiiRistiiig of Saer.tl Muso, with Gei man and English liuea la each tune. By H. C. Eyer. For sale by Juuua.y 30. H, B. MASSER, SIIAIVIOKIN COAL. OF a very superior quality, can be had at any lime, by application to the subscriber, in lots to suit purchases. Thejr keep largo, egg, broken, and fine coal, fit for bunting lime. J. H. rUHDY & Co. Sunbury, Sept. 2fl. tf. aiHHElllhS.K fresh aupply of Groceries just rectived and for aile by HENRY YOXTHiMER. Sept. 12. 1840. If. .Of 'O II S.A fresh runply of Brnndy, Oin, Port, Libon, Tei eriff', Madeira and Sherry Wines, just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12. 1910. if. Wf"AX.VA'. A new aFsorlinetit of 7.4, 7-8 and 3-4 yard wide Muslin, just received and for aale bv 11 ENRY YOXTHIM I'.R. Sept. 12, 1810- tf. CJI l,ll'OES.-A new assoitmeM of Calicoes just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. S.pt. 12, 1810 if. I HO. V. A good assortment of liar Iron, just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1810. tf. S.1T. 250 barrels and sacks of Salt, just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840. tf. CLOIHS.S general assortment of Cloths and Cassiincrcs, constant y on hand ot the store of HENRY lO.VlT'ILMEH. Sept. 12, 1840. tf. II f sV.fr. IIVE. fVII.V and all other kinds of Giuin and Socds will bo taken at the ugli est pricis in exchange for goo!s at the store of ni;r.K lU.Yllli.MUK. Sept. 12. 1810 tf. MACKEREL- A few barrels of Mackerel for aa'e at a low prce by Sept. 12, 1840. H. H, MASSEK, IRISH SALMON. Ol the bct ouabty. con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. .1 2,1S40. 11 U. M ASSK It. MADEIRA WINE.- -First quality Ms.'iera H. B. MASSER, Wine, for sale low by Sept. 12, 1840. FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A genuine article always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN. Of the beet quality always on hand and for sale by Sept. 13, 1840. II. U. HAWtlt. LOAF AN U LUMP SUGAR Alwaye on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1M0. H. B. MASSER. BOSTON SYRUP MOLASSES, Of a supe rior quality, for sale ly S.pf 12, 184PL H. B. MASSER, " NEWORI.EANS SUGAR HOUSE MO LASSES. Of the best quality always ou hand ai.d for aale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER, BROWN SUGAR. Of a go.xl quality, lor sale low by Sept. 12, 1 840. H.B. MASSE K. nLTyt:ORSO'fill kinds and of the best quali' ties, always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality always on band and for sale by Sept. 12. 1840. H. B. MASSER. COFFl.E. Java, Kio and Laguira Colfee, con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. 12. 1840. II. B. MASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Sperm Oil, of tho best quality, alwaya unhand and for sale ly Sept 12840. "'Ji!8!!!1!- "sTEELTCast and Blister Steel, for sale by Sept. 12, 1810. H. B. MASSER. Sl'RING S'l'ELL. Of various sues for Eliptic Si rings, for sale by Sert. 12, 1810. H. B. MASSER. LARGE UUARTO BIBLES. For aale at very reduced prices by Septl2, 184t). H. BMASSER. BLANK-BOOKS. Of alfkinds, for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. 11. B. MASSEK BLANK DEEDS. Bonds, Mortgages, Jkc. for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER, JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. CLOTHS, Blur, Btack. Ir.vn.iUu Green, vVc, for sule by Sept. 12, 1840. V. B. M ASSER, CASS1ME RES AND S ATI tN ETTS. For sale very low by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. C A RPETING. For sale rlwup by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER. aJLANKETs For sale cheap by Sept. 12. 1840. II. B.JN1ASSER. UlS BLEACHELTUSLl'N'S. For sale by Sept. 12, 18411. II. B. MASSER. ""cotton Y a KNANl cottoN XAPs For sato by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B MASSER. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE For sale by Sept. 12, I81t II. B. MASSER. TOWING LINES, COSDS AND ROPES. For sale by Hepi. t2, 1840. H. B. MASSER. Mi LM ELASTIC Shoes, a large assoil Jf ment. Sperm Oil, lest quality Books, of all descripiion. Silka, black and coloured. Stair Carpeting. Cotton Carpet. Carpet Chain, of alt colors. Soddtery, geneial assortment Eliptic Springs. Coach Lamps. Carri ige Bands, Brass Joints, Brass Dashers. Patent Leather. Just received and Tor sule at tlie store of H. H MASSER, November 14, 1840. tf "pOR ChusUnas and New Veai's Gifts. Bulaloe Robe. Z;,iC in she. is. For gule by II. B, M ASsER. December 24, 1840. IREsH Ciwubrrriea, jut rweived and for sale ty li. B. MASSER. Nownrbrr 14, 1840. if 1TEV' GCOES. JUST Received Meiino, Btoche, arid Chen.Ile Shawls. Sea Otter, Seal and Sealetie Caps. A large assortment of Dark Chinixes. Flt-lieh and Elighbh Miriiio, Ar. For sale at the stole r.f . U. MASTER, Noviwl-w tfctO, ATTENTION MERCHANTS, &c. E. F.& J. H. FRICK, WHOLESALE GROCERS. FORWADING Ac pnont-rx roMMtssion mkrchajits, A'o. 207, Market street, flee tloors above Seventh, 1'IIILA DELVlllA, OFFER for sale, at the lowest market prices, a genet at assortment of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Mnes, JL'QUors, Unices, lubaeeo, e. CncsTtiT Pnom-cR received and aold on commis- ion. Merchants, Hotel keepers, and others, will find it to their advantage lo call and examine our itnrk, btfcie purchasing ilsewhere. Menhnntu wishing their goods collected in this city, by h aving n order, will have them promptly forwarded, by the most expeditious lines. rii win r. rntcK, joits H. frick. Feb. G, 1841. ly. r; 1 1.1,1. ; ii tat &. ji:ssoi Importers and Dealers in Foreign Hardware, Corner of Pratt and Ught sts., BALTIMORE. plOUNTRY MERCHANTS, mid others, eie flV respectfully invited to call and examine their Stork of Good. Jnn 30. ly TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. nHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon 5c Harris, Hat -- Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, wrose Hals are highly commended for gmnl color and durability, has on hand a lir.-l rale assoitment of HATS and CATS, r uitalile for Spring s lo , which will be SulJ very low, fur each or approved credit, at the noted ehevp store, No, 40, Noith Third struct, opposite the City ilotel, riiilailelphia. OI.1VEI5 N. THACJIEK, Agent. N. B. Orders for Hats in the rough, promptly attended to. The highest price in cuth ot trade given for For fkins. Philadelphia, April 10, 1641. ly OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL. COMPANY. No. 2'J North Water Slrcct, Phila. MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured einewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as lepresented, may be returned without any exix nse to the rur- thaaer, and the money will be refunded. J'heir stock now in store consii;U of the following oils, viz: 30,01)0 gallons Winter Bleached Spciru' s D" n UD XT Oil, 6000 do do do do do do do Coloilesa Oil, 15,000 10,000 20.000 C000 Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pressed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 3 15,000 200 BarrclssuperiorStraits Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 60 do Nca's Fool Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanners fills. 3 a- 0TThi Company has a numler of Vessels en gaged in tho Cod r ibhery, and J anner-i may rely upon getting at all t ines Oil as pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1840. ly. ATTEITTIOIT. THE special attention of buyers fiom the south and west, and for the state trade, is respectful ly invited lo the following1 assortment of CUUJiS, which the sulcril-er will dispose ol at sui h prices as will amply repay his friends for calling and ex aimning bis alock. 1 o VASII purchasers, ot the present time, extraordinary induc-enieuts will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish matting. 500 pieces Canton mattinj:, assoited 1-1, 5-4 and 0-1 white, chetked and flowcreil. 1000 hearth rugo, a leautilul assortment of Wil toiviiisHels, Tutted, Tuikey.and Hemp ruts. WJ ii'ce woolen, Worsted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Competing. An elegant variety of W ilton, Brussels, SiOltb. at:d English, Venetian, Damaxk, &C &e. 1000 dozen men and boys caps, comprising a great variety of Fur, Seal, Nutria,-Muskrat, and Coney, Hair, Seattle and Cloth Caps. 100 dozen Allicant Mats, assorted sizes. 100 do Manilla do do do 60 do Sheep-k'm do do do SO bales French Babkcia, comprising every de scription. 500 pair Venetian Blinds, asa'd Gguies and colors. 3000 patent do do do 10O0 nests Cabas or Satcheli, ass'd, embossed leather, straw and oil cloth. 5000 dozen Combs, assorted tortoise shell, Bra liltian do horn, ivory, brass and wood, comprising a large assorimcnt of every variety. 3000 dozen Whips assorted wagon, gig, car riage, sulky, planters, drovers or riding, ol gut, lea ther and thread, with Gcruiau silver, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. 1000 dozen fainted nails, Wilson's brand. 1000 nests ccdur Pubs and Buckets; also, Churns, Pigcins, Water Cans, &c. The above together with an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Brillania and German silver ware. leather and t rislle urusnes, Looking uiasaes, jua hogany and Gilt Fumes, of every site anddererip- lion, are manulaitured, iiiqiorted, and seii-c:ed ex pressly foi tho southern, western and state trade. J. SIDNEY JONES, No IS North 2d street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. G. V. & L. 3. TA7LO?.. FFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Ftilvdtl- pJtiu Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do peirged do do do do water proof, double sole and double Uppers, do Calf-skiu do io do nailed and uppers, do Hay Water Lesther Boola. do do Ncats do da. do High quarter Shoe, Colf-.kin. do do do dockers do do Fine MonToc warranted do Kip do do do Calf do do do Coarse do do do do Shoe do do Fine do do do Kip tlo do do Calf and Seal Skin Pump. do List Socks with and without soles. 'do Carpet do do do So Patent WarYanred Water-proof Moccasins, Ladies' do do do lo 1, adits' lanned India Rublier alloc, ii'enllitiieus' do Over shoes. With every eher description of boats and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Traveling Trunks of every description. Venetian 'IVavtllmg Hsjjs. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe lflsAinv. llonnela of all kinds, VJm Leaf Hals. ILi!id;b4hiaNovt.oitKr 7, 15 W. ly. CITY AUCTION and coranzxssioN stgee. Number 29 Kurth Thld Hired, Pl.iludilph;. $UBLIC SALES of Dry Goods, H-rd-ar and Cutlery, Bonk, Si itionorv, ( 'I.ii'i'm.,. BohIk, Siiora mid Hatr, and in short i.limnt ever deneription of goo.'s, are held ot this rstnliii-linui. every evening. Goods are aUo sold nt piiva'e sal during the day at the average aue.t'on prii Ls. S on keepers and traders will find it lo their sJ.jn'a, by attending the sales. CO. MACKEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, Nnvemln i 7, 1840. 1' . & A . R OVUUUT'S China, Glass nnd Liverpool Wnrcliouse Ab 1 64 North Third street . third door It low Vin street, Philadelphia. T Jl ERE they constuntly kiep on band a Inrjj ' assortment of China, Glass and Livcrpm Ware, which they will dispose of on the most re son a Me terms. Philadelphia, November 7, tS IO. T1IEOPILUS CUL1 Manufacturer and Importer of fiad dlcrv, Hardware, &ic. No. 5 South Tfiird street, four doors below Marin Philadt Inlaw T" EEP constantly on hand a large and genera assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bandf AxleArms, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather. &c Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied 3 all lime on the most rca.-oi able terms. '11, ry wi' find it to their advantage to call and Xamii.n Li assortment before purclia-inj elsewhere. l'hilad. lpbia, Novnnl'rr7. I MO. I y. RCrE MAKERS & SHIP CIIANDrxr.S' No. 13 North Water Street. Flu la Ji! phi a. S If AVE consianlly on hand, a gi'iiK .l awi merit of Cordage, Seine Twim a, &c., viz Tar'd Rope.", Fishing Ropes, While Ropcf, AIar.il la Ropes, To iv Lines for Caii.il Boats. Also, r complete assortment of Siinc Twines, &c. such fi Hemp Shad and liming Twine, Bet Patent Gil Net Twine, Cotton Shad nnd Herring Twine, Shoi Threads, &c. &c. Also, Bed Coid., Plough t.ir.en II alters, Traces, Cotton nnd Linen Carpel Chains &c. all of which they will dispose of on reasouul!t lei ins. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. 1 1 H VNOLI JE A 1 1 1 ."A N I )W ( :t Wholesalu Dcnhcs in Foreign Uritij-' nnd American Dry Goods. No. 103 Market street, I'hilau't.'phia. COUNTRY Merchant", and others can be sun plied at all times with an extrnsio atsnr. ment of the best and most fashionable Goods up i the most reasonable term11. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. J. S. ICED.?.., Wholesale Variety and Trimmiijg Store No. 44, North Fourth near Arch si., Pliiiaii lj.'J.iu V HERE Country Mcrchmts and others can bi supplied, at all limes, with a large assort :v nt of Hosit ry. Gloves, Merino, Cotton, and Wooh i: Shiits and Drawer-, Spool Cotton, Patrut Thread, Cotton Cords, Buttons, Tapes, Bindings, Hook and Eyes, Pins, &c. And a general variity of uc fut articles, which he oITlTs for sale at t'.j lowt-i prices. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liOOivEL- LEKS AND STATION KU-, No. 122 Chesntit Street, below 111!. Philadelphia. EEP constantly on hand a genera! a,9- il ment of Books and Siatic-na:y : ei iiiniisM;" 1 biological, Law, Medical, OI,iv.ii !i ellaiie. ous and School Hool s. Dbv Burks, nil mz. -. Led- grrs, do., Faniilv Bibles, Pocket Jt,l;V, Wiii.i j Papers, Wraj p.ng Papers, iScc. &c, wiiuh they t.l fir at the lowest p icc- to Country Merih-M.t's Pro fessional (!entleiiien, Teacher!1, and u!l others that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia. November 7. I S i'J. I y. ESI1EK1CK, IIANSELL ( (VS. VVIIOLESAI.2 nr.Y GOOES STCFIS. No. 1U0 1-2 Market Street, l'Lila. (lhl.,w Fifth South side ) ALWAYS keep on hand a full and general as sortment of Horicry, Lace, and Fancy Geods, Country Merchants aro respectfully requested lo give thnn a call and examine for themselves. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. SPEU1NG, GOOD & CO. . No. 10S Market Street, Philadelphia. SNVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of Britith French and American Dry Goods, which they o'Snt forsalo on the mot nasonublo terms. Philadelphia, Novem!er 7, IS 10. ly. PETE 11 DEWEES, LAST KAKEn, No. l,Callovliill Street, Philadelphia, ("Three doors above Second. J 4 HOE Findings always kept on hand, which ho olfers for sale on the lowe-t lenus. Country Merchants are purlicul.it ly to call atiJjude for themselves. Philadelphia, November 7, IS 10. lv. UOWEirATliA'UUON, Importers and Poolers in Foreign r.r.d Damcstic Hardware, No. 174 Noutu Thiuh Sthtit, PuiLiDr.irniA. "1TTHERE their friends and tustomere will alwajs ' find a larpc and geurral a.-son ment ot Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they will sill at the hwct prices. Philedclphia. November 7, K IO. t y. j. w. swaTn , Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. No. 37 Nooth Thhd street, ftco (Ws below tie City Hotel, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants and others are solicited to examiuo his assortment before purcbusw j elsewhere. Philadelphia, Novrmbrr 7. IS 10. ly J :tol l i ixiiiutli i son. RESPECTFULLY informa th.ir friends and acquaintances generally that they sti l e -11-liuue to keep at the old stand, No. 210 North -1 street. Philadi lphia, all kinds ef TOllACCO SSL'FF AND SEGARS. Which they will sell ou the 111.. si accommodating and reasonable lemis. N. 11. All goods sold will le guaranteed, and a! orders pronitly attended in. i'htl-xhlphia, Novcmlier 7, 1610. ly. ""pets?. coifcvEa, Wholesale and Ketail Shoe, lioiii'ci, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. 60 North id street, a few Aw ubo. e .Irch, Philutle lphia. A I.SO Trunk, Cai(el Bags and V alters, of . ery desriiptbiii, all of which he oA2u Lti sdl- on the moat icasonable tern.s. J'hiliJelhu, Novembci 7, lStO.-tj-