DYSPEPSIA I DYSPEPSIA f ' hit troublesome and peace-dostroying ditruw). J l.oiin.iiidi and tent of thousands inlTor from ' common distressing complaint. DUpeptiii I fii-mly caused by mx-1oading or distending the t 'mrv b by exfiesthe tiding of drinking indijest- - acrid substance taken into Ilia etowach. " fi'Mii lung continued constipation of Ihe bowl, d.'in cy life, fear, griC anxiety, copioua draft i' e. M wuter, drastic purgatitc mrdkines, dysen 'v, mbicarriyges, intermittent and spasmodic at I ni..nR d ihe stomach and bowls, irregular meal, I ia hour, and loo frequcut usa of pirituoua t- ;u is. - The irptom of dirptpsia my be described k w 1:11 i if appetite, or an unnatural or voracious . o, n.iiHvn and sometime biliout vomiting, aud it n ..in! ir.inaient distension of ihe stomach after i iriug a .id and putreaent eructation, water brh, j in in Hip region of the atoraach, rostivene, pal. I 'mi of ihe heart, dizxineea and dimnese of the ' utit, disturbed Teat, tremor, mental despondency, f .:u!ci cy, spasm, nervou irrilibility, chilline, .''u.vnrn of complexion, great oppression after t'i' J, languor and general debility,ick bend ache, CUM? At the head of all remedies cumls Da. I I mi k h' Coneocsn SrainaTBaaiR Tosie ami (iVimaw ArrtaiiST Puts, which act great Ik up it 'he peristaltic motion of the intestine, t ,-u'.y producing regularity of the bowl, at the .mo tijiH! improving the function of the debililat v i o f'Mit, thus invigorating and restoring tb di- o.-tivo mollis to a healthy action. This medicine d m t il in producing relief, Ki ll tin.l ezplicite direction! accompany the - vp medicine Likewise a pamphlet which de- r b die ises, the manner of treating, Are. I'ii. r : nITice for the United Stutea, No. 19, Norl. EIGHTH STREET, Philadelphia. HENRR YO.ITJiEl.MER. Oc:nlrr 21, 1840. Agent. IMPORTANT PROOFS. Of the (jpcttcy of Dr. Hitrliel'e CeltbraleJ Medi cines. The following certificate wa rnt by Mr. E. B. flitimr-n. gent at Cincinnatti, Obio. There can be m;f'. iko in it, aa the parties are well known. Mr. I'l'kiul Rigdon, of Anderson township, II mvliiTri county, Ohio, waa several days troubled . ith I '.::ui affections, acidity of the stomach, at- VJ u ill the usual symptoms of dyspepsia, and 1. .urir. mude trial of various medicine without finding i clicf, wa cured by the above medicines. Attest, J2.1UGDUX. OinciiMnii, June 30th, 1840. VET LATER. Mr. Vanco. of Washington com.ty, wri'es ss follow Dear Sir Dr. Harlich' j is.ir- pet forming some of tb most wonderful nr. in th s vicinity ever beard of. They were i .'uii'urril here about six month ago, by on of v neighbors, who bought a halfdoien packages i . .wi ilif f ittshnng office. I om aware of four case i thi Lice where complete cure have been per i rii-.i .1, nr of severe rheumatism, two ef dyspepsia, i.-hI imi of a most shacking and aggravated ner- ux cuni hunt, of ten or twelve years standing. I ' i'Jy enclosed five dollars; plcare to forward ..lis for that amount by the bearer, William Ward, Attest JOHN VANCE. .Tulv 27, 1840. .(. 13. The above certificate, compared with the iy many already received, certainly must con inre ihnne similarly afllicted, that they can yet be n lievitl by the use of those invaluablo medicine. Piinripal oflico, No. 19, North Eighth street i'hil-Jtij hi, for sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Oc:o!er 24, 1840 Agent. FEMALES. WHO are troubled with aick headache, pain in Cm Kide, breaBt, and back, loss of appetite, flatulen- v. Imvnivs of spirits, palpitation of the heart, faint- nr giddiness, sickness at the stomach, bilious ; tlirtmiif, tightness at the cheat, nausea, vomiting, iKiim in the stomach, flushings of heat, sol chilli ; .-s, i!it.'..srs of the nerves, snd organs of digastion, r. 4t., those who may be thus tTccted, ahonld ji.-t in g'ret to procure Dr. Harlich' t Compound ..stnu'JIicning Tunie and Gcrm&n Aperient 1'iUt, vlm ii ,i,ra warranted to give immediate relief. Tlum-niiJii do we almost daily behold, whose coun riin.oM mid pule emaciated cheek bear occular witm .i t. Ricknef and aflliction. Could those )H'ron. Ir persuaded to use this invaluable medi cine. ih y would soon find their weak and debilita d ti.ni c! strenghlened, their mind composed, '.ii.l all pain, and distress driven from the system, hi n 1 1 u I ody will again renew it lost vigor, aud ) ui ..a a new life," and death for a while be de- iik.I i f its prey. What heart but feelj glad to (nl ii. t cir near rt-lative sand dear friends, snatched a il by OMgic from that fatul destroyer lhalh r wlin nic laboring under disease let not another iii'y i r niiht pa&a without procuring this medicine, - it will in a majority of ea.ci effect a pormanant un Le member delay art dangerum and if !Urae is neglected, it luvagca will doubly in- 'loriC. CT5 Piinciple OfTice for the United State, No. t O, MtKTH EIGHTH street, where reccommen ui i'i of hundreds of person may be seen, all of -u hit It Lav been cured tr beuefitud by the (utduiiio. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Oct. bei 24, 1840. Agent. SICKNESS. THERE ere many person tbst w daily behold, w hose c.iuntrnances and frail linih denote afflic t mil' which we find has principally originated from i. f tin t of proper lemadi at tb commencement of i ki. At first the patient complain of bile on the M.-mach attended with lieknets.eottivenru, S,e., lie 1 1 e. tct to procure proper medicine t at tenth be -oii.j ;,iin of pain in the aide and stomach with M.ur i nictations; his appetite become impaired, his. troublesome, his mind burassed, aud all thing around him appear not in their proper station. He iiil neglects himself, when in all probability lie . i. mo may at lenth be so fast seated. That no ii. k.!, ml aid will replace him again. At the first etiark of sicknefs there should be u no lime lost" in procuring Dr Harlich' coaroorj iTaiasxa- ahiiui rut, which immediately te Mine tiiVe fiom the stomach, gbviute costivenesa. . ii.il vv disorder iu the head' invigorat the raihd, mi i gtlu u the body, improve the memory, and en jncii iho imagination ; thus restoring the body kguiii tu iis proper functions. 'rumple Ollice, No. 10, NORTH EIGHTH 'r.vt, PuiladulpUia. ii k a ,.HE:RY 'O-THEIMER. October 24, 1840. Agnt TO TUK .IFFUCTBD. THOSE who are suffering from various disease in -ii!ei,t o the human family, would do well to r.,rure Dr. HarUtk't Compound Slnnglhening unit tin-man Aperient PiIs. whiih so pre- niiiintly reccommeuJed for Dynpepsia, lavr ('implauila, jaina iu Ihe side, back and breast, Nirviou Aiftelions, Head-Ache, and all the dis tu&i s of the IStomaeh and Bowl. Pamphlets may e nl.uined gratis, which contain full and ciplicit , uiiection for using. The reader i reftned to ev rnl very interesting certificate ef cure in tlii I er, wliith may be relied upon, as they are Uken 11011 1H alrtct, Philadelphia. Octebet X, U40 - JgtnU Trnnsportntion J.inc TO IIALT1MORE. (vt4 Tina watbiv catut..) Wareho:tt fvvt rf Vfietnvt Snct c; 4 ren 'ylvnnin Canal. A BOAT lro the wharf ft the MilmcTHier ave. ry Biorning at 8 o'clock, running through to Balti more in three day. Consignment of produce, iron, ixc , w.ii receive a deepau'li hj thisbue, whicb has not hitherto been equalled by any other. Rate of freight low a by aay other regular line. Reference : JOHN W. BROWN, BUCK dr. HER K, -Baltimore. J. k A. II. HERR. J Good intended for Pittsburg, er any point on the Pennsylvania Canals, will be ahipped without delay on their arrival at Harrisburg, a this eon necta with the North American line of Portable Boat to Pittsburg daily, and with the Sutqueban. na Packet Lice to Nnrthumberland, Williamsport, v imesbane, and all mrermedtate places. UEORUE W. LAYNO. Harrinburg, Sept t, 1840. Workti or IVature. IN a ette of health the intestinal eanal may be eotnpared to a river whoee water flow over the ad joining land, through the channele nature or art ha made, and improve lhir qualities; and to kep up the comparison of the river, o long a it run on emootbly the channel are kept pure and healthy; but if by some caue the course of tb river is stop ped, then Ihe water in the canal is a longer pure, but eoon become stagnant. There is but one law of circulation in Datum. When there U a auper abundance ofhjmorul fluid (serocity) in the intes tinal lubes, and eotivnes take place, it flow back into the blood vessels, and infiltrate itself in to the circulation. To establinh the free course ef the river, we must remove the obstruction whicb top it free eourse. tnd thoe of it tributary stream. With the body, follow the same natural principal ; rrmove, by that valuable purgative medicine iiit dretAj Vnivertal Vegetable Pillt, which are an ef fectual assistance of nature, Ihe superabundance of humore in the intestine canal. By persevering in this practice, the way s of the circulation will then be restored to the full exercise of their natural func tion, and a stste of health will be firmly establish, ed Remember, never sutler a drop of blood to be taken from you- Evacuate ibe humor a often and a long a they are degenerated, or a locg a you are aick. Dr. Brnndreth' Office in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, NORTH EIGHTH street, where hia pills can be had at So cent per box, with full directions. (Cj'Only agent in Sunbury, i H. B. Master Erir. Sunbuiy, Sept, 9, 1840. Certificates of Agency. THE following are the duly appointed agents in their respective counties, for the sale of BrandreiK't Vegetable Univertal Pillt. Northumberland county: Milton Mackey it Chambeilin.. Hunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewens villc Geddf, Greca & Wall. Georgetown K. Midlinger & Co. Union county: LewUburg Walls &. GcdJe. Mifllioburg Pellman 4c Beckry. New Berlin John M. Benfer. Selinsgrove Eyte & Co. Mid dloburg Isaac Smith. Lycoming county : Williamaport John Smith. Newberry M. & J. U. Funston. Muncy W. A. Petrican. Jersey Shore Jame H. Hepburn. Columbia county : Danville T. At E. B. Rey nold. Cattawissa C. A. Brobts. Berwick Shu man & Kittenhouse. Bloomsburg- John K. Mover. Sunbury, Sept. S, 1840. MORE POSITIVE PROOF Of the tfieaty cf Dr. HarlUh't Compound Strtngiltening and German Aperient Pill. ALLieKiax, Jan. 8, 1840. To Dr. Harlich' Agent Sir: I wiah to Mate for the benefit of thoe who may be afllicted, that Dr. Hablicu' Pius have entirely cured me of Dys pepsia, of which I bave been afllicted for many year, (used both kinds, the Aperient and Strength ening, and I am constrained to aay, that they are a valuable discovery, and act upon th system mildly, but very rtTectuaJly. I found the Tonic pilla to quicken the circulation and cause a determination to the surface, aed to strengthen the weak stomach and increase its powers. The Aperieni pills are the best cathartic I ever used. I am confident all Dys peptics would do well to make immediate trial and be relieved. Any one can call at my bouse and be satin tud ef the above at pleasure. DAVID R. POPE. N. B. The original certificate may be seen ar the cflice of the " Spirit of the Time." For sale at No. 19, North Eighth street. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, October 21, 1840. Jlgent LIVER CO MPL.il NT. THI8 disease i discovered by a fixed obtnse pain in the right aid under the abort ribs, attended with beat, uneasiness about Ihe pit of the atomaeh; there w in the right aide also a detention ; the pa tient lose hia appetite, and become sick and troubl ed with vomiting. The tongue becomes rough and black, tho countenance change to a pale or citron color, or yellow lik thou sfflicted with jaun dice, difficulty of breathing, disturbed rest, attend with a dry eough, difficulty of laying on th left id, th body become weak, and finally the diseaa terminate into another of a more serious nature, which In all probability ia far beyond the power of human skill. Dr. Harliek'i I ompmnd Strength ening Tonit and German Aptrtent Pillt, if ta ken at the commencement of thie disease, will check it, and by continuing the use of the medicine a few week, a perfect eure will be performed. Thousand can testify to this fuel. Certificate of many persons may daily be een of th eflicicy of thi invaluable mdicine, by apply ing at the Medical Ofliw, No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH aUoet, Philadelphia, HENUV k'OXTHEIMER. October 24, 1840. MORE CONCLUSIVE PROOFS, Of the efficacy ef Dr. Harlieh'e ttkbraltd Medi cine. D Si a: I wa .mieted with a biliou and nervinus diae to a very alarming degree, with all the eymptome which o frequently effect a re laxed conJition, vix: giddines in th head, violent tremor, chilliness, with a fixed pain in the right side, complexion bad, and coativeness; indeed I was in a most miserable condition. 1 had tried many remedies, but found no permanent relief un til I bad purchased Dr. Jlurlieh'i compound ttrertgthening and German aperieni Pillt, which from their ropciior virtue, I wae completely cured, and m atIs to pursue my employment, frre from fain and disease, (signed) JOHN BOLES. Dated Xenia, Ohio June 7 , IH 10. Principle Ollice for Ihe United States, No. 19, Noilli EIUUTU STREET, Philadelphia. . HENKV YOXTHEIMER October 84, 1840. TRVTJl KJLL PREVAIL. Dr. Harlich'e medicine. . dily increasing In public favor, and waul from any but a fair trial to establish the,, worth. W. h.e ."JiSion in our eolumn to-day from a person long awicted. !,' II I I ft tm It i nA v4T . . m . . ' which iue ". " , " 1 oucuer joi tUt medi . tyirW if the Time, URAIIAJl'S ITIACJAZIA'C, aan ma Larilfft' and Renllcmcn's World of litrratiuro ana fasti Ion. Hi Ci.'.c and the Gcnllerrmt'e V.ultd.) ANEW Volume, wider the above title, of tho well established snd fnshinnabla Magazine, The Philadelphia Caiket in conjunction with the Genimana Ma;if inn, which has been ernry where pronounceil the tniK readable and popular of the day, will be opened on th First of Jaruary, 1841, with an array of Contributor secured by the union of lalont and fame,whici no periodical in the coun try ran boast or pretend tq rival. The December number will, however, be a spieimem ef the new volume. The Volume will be opened with a new and beautiful type, the finest white paper, and with the first of a eerie of embellishment unsurpassed by any which have yet appeared in any Magaaine, I he style or elegance, the beauty and finish of these illustration, and the extensive improvements which will be anatU in it typographical appearance, and above all, the tone of it literary department, by ihe brilliant array cf contributor, whose article have enriched the psgee of each n ember, will give it char acter, second to no Magaiine in the Union. The character of the article which shall appear La it page, will be equally removed from a sickly aenti mentality, and from an eilrctation of morality, but while a true delineation of human nature in every variety of passion U aimed at, nothing shall b found in iu pag:4 lo Cue blush upon the cheek of the most pure. The Literary character will ie auflicieally guar anteed by the reputation of both Magaiine thus united, for year paat. Writei of th first rank bav been regular Contributor lo their page, and the talea and sketches published in them bave been widily copied and read, and the firm and indepen dent tone of the criticisms, upon the current liters, lure of the day, hai been every where approved and commended. The XuA of contributor cubrtees th name of most of the principal writers in America, with a resectable number of Englijh author, The aerie of well known nautical paper, enti tled ' Ciuiaing in the last War," hav had a run, unequalled by any series published in any Magaiine for years. The author promir te open the first of a new eerie of Tale of the Sea, and from bi known abilities as a depicter of ta scenes and life, much may be relied upon from him in maintaining the popularity of the Magaiine Paper may be expect ed during the volume, also from the author of the well known article, entitled The Log of Old Iron-aide-" The author of "Syrian Letters," will also lend hia powerful and grateful pen, to sustain and increase the reputation of the work. The valuable aid of the auibor of "Leaves from a Lawyer's Port Folio," has also been secured, and w may expect something (till more thrilling from the capacious store which a long life in the profession ha ena Med him to amasa. An occasional Chit-Chat with "Jemmy Short," and "Oliver Oldfcllow," ia also promised ; with a vaiiety of choice articles in pro and verse, from variou writer of celebrity, a con tributors to the prominent Magaiine of th coun try. The editor of both Magazine continue their aeivicee under the new arrangement. With eucb n array of talent a Magaun of unrivalled attrac tion, may aafely be promised the coming volume. FASHIONS AND ENGRAVINGS. In compliance with the almost vjnanimou wish of our lady ubacriber, we shall the ensuing vol ume furnish tbetu with a beautiful and correct plate of Faahion Monthly, a feature, it ia believed, that will neither be unwelcome nor unpopular. The Fashion plates shall be drawn from original designs from Pari and London, and may a! way be de pended upon as the prevailing style in Philadelphia nd New York, for the month ia thku they are is. ued. 7'imc of publication. Tb work will be publish- ed on the first of the month in every quarter of the Union. The most distant aubacriber will conse quently receive it 'on that day, a well e those who reside in Philadelphia. In all the principal cities. grnt hav been established, to whom tb Mass- line is forwarded, prior to th tiui ol issuing it, so that they may be delivered Id resident subscribers by the firtt of the month. Txaws :Three Dollar per annum. Or two copies yearly for five dollars, invariably in advance, post paid. No new aubacriber received without the money, or the name of a responsible agent. For the accommodation of those who msy wish to sub scribe for either of tb following Philadelphia perio dical, this liberal proposal is madei Fi to dollars current money, tree of postage, we will forward Graham' Magaaine, and Godey' Lady' Book, for on year. Address, pol paid, GEO. R. GRAHAM. &,uth Wett corner cf Chrtnut 4 Third a.. Phila, The Ilrotlicr Jonathan. THE largest and most beautiful newspaper in the world larger by fifty aquar inches than any other nwsppr in the Lmted Stales. Published Saturday, at 163 Nassau atreet. New York. Price three dollar a year two copiee for dol lar. tr The proprietor of thi mammoth het th - Great Western" among the newsnspers have the pleaeure of apreading before, the reading puMie a weekly periodical containing a greater a mount and variety of useful and interesting mis. ccllany, than is lo be found in any similar publica tion in iue worm. Each number of the paper eonttim lares aa mount of reading matter a ia found in volume of ordinary duodecimo, which cost f J nd more than i contained in a volume ef Irvine Colunv busor Bancroft' History of America, which ent $3 a volume and all for Three Dollare a year. For 5 two copies will be forwaidcd one year, or one copy two year. Since the publication of our original pronpeettt, the Brother Jonathan ha been ENLARGED and tta sixe, amply before, ha been eo much increased, that much more than the former quantity of the moat interesting literature of the day i embraced in it immense rapaiily. Selections from all the most prominent and celebrated writer of the day enint in (welling its contents; and whatever is new, rich, or rare, is imediau-ly transferred to it column. All the contnbuUone to periodical of American writer of repute appear in -it pages; aad the iseuee of the foreign press are laid under eontnbiitiona, soon a received in thie country. To the miscellaneou and Literary Department, the closest attention is paid; and in all the (election od original contribu tions, strict car is devoted to avoid all that ma touch upon the cpinious of any party ia rclgion or politics. Lxperianee having taught ua that we had mark ed out a path for ourselves, in which all sorts of people delights lo follow, the Brother Jonathan shsll continue, as it begun, to be a bolJ, gentle, weighty, light, grave, merry , aetioue, willy, smooth, dashing, interesing, Inspired, and incomparable riewapaiier. It ahall be a stupendous minor where in all the world will itaun reflected. It shall eon tain the moat beautiful of Nov, Romance and Slorie for both seies Firy Tales for lover of the marvellous Legends fur antiquaries-Iasqui-nade for wit monger Nut and raisin for short winded readers-Serenade for musical lovers Son net for Ladies Sentiment for old bachelor Sta tistics for politicians and Lectures, Sermons, Criti cisms, Epigrams, &c eVc, Ac, for all the world. Letter should be addressed to WILSON & COMPANY, Publisher qfthe brother Jonathan," X, Y, axLLariuLi-i-iiaii jlluji .. uaj TXID CULTIVATOR, A Contolidalion of Ducf Culioalor and the Ge nesee Farmer. vriitr rtiTtoBD a iu fctTHTia tcckr, kvitor. Ircpectn of Vol. 8, for is II. rpHU Cultivator wa established to Improve end elevate the Agriculture of the country i to give a proper tone to tho moral and mind of the Far mer; to show him the d'nity and importance of hi profession ; to store his mind with useful know ledge, and convince bint that while all cIimm are ard must be more or lei dependant on esch other, he alone of the whole can make any near approach to independence. If there i one thing more than another, whith in this country givee man superi ority oet hij fcllow men, it is knowledge ; and thi knowledge, knowledge which i ae essential to th uccee of thi farmer aa to other men, il i the design of th Cultivator to aid in imparting. Op The vduroe for 1840, ia filKl entirety with tfriifinat Cimmunications, embracing articles from about 300 CoteepondcnU, from eJmoal every slat in the Union.. If en increase of subscription beyond any prece dent in tb hiftory of Agricultural Journals, if the almost uneninoua voic of the public press in our favor, if the multitude of private yet tiattertng tet timoniala we bav received, added to a circulation amounting th first year lo Twjui two Taou (a a, may be admitted aa evidence, then we bave certainly moat abundant reason to h prntiiiad with It lucces which he attended th Union of the Cultivator and th GDse Farmer. No expense bae been or will be spared to render the Cultivator worthy of the patronage il has received. In the number, variety and excellence of it V. 'Irztieni, it is without a rival at home er abroad, the last vol ume being embellished with nearly One Hundred Engraving, illustrating the improved breeds of Hor ses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Buildings, Implements, Ate, making the Cultivator, all thing considered, il is believed, the Cheapen! Agricultural Paper ever published in thi or any other country. Taans One Dollar per annum Six copies for f 5 the money to be tcmiited in advance, free of poatage. A commission of 20 per cent, will be al lowed to Agents who obtain So or mora aubacri ber, and 2d per cent, to those who obtain 100 or more. All aubscriptioua to commence with a vol ume. Poetrearter and gentlemen disposed to lend their influence to aid the cause of Agriculture, are re spectfully requested to act a agents. Address JESSE BUEL &. CO. PullUher of the Cullivaliir, Albany, A". Y. BOSTON NOTION1. THE LARGEST. 1SD CHEAPEST NEWS PAPER IN THE WORLD. THE spirit of the age ia utilitarian. Improve ment ia atamped upon the face of every thing. AR the useful art are progressing with unparrallcl ed rapidity, and the Art of Printirg is coming iu for its full share of the common improvement. Determied not to be outdone in any thing that per tain to his profession, where there ia a fair chance for exertion and coterprixe, the undersigned has de termined upon issuing a sheet twice th size of the Boston Weekly Timee, (and is lo take the place of that paper,) and will contain eight column more matter than the Brother Jonathan. This sheet will be called the BOSTON NOTION, and il is determined that it ahall euatain a cognomen eo full of meaning, and so interwoven with the estab lished character of our Yankee city. It will be the Laaeaar Nxwararxn ix iaa Wobid with no exception aud will be printed on a aheet thirty even by fifty-two inches. It will be filled entirely with reading matter, and will contain Three Thou sand Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight quare inches, or Twenty-Seven square feet of print in fine type! and a aiugle number will contain more read ing than an ordinary book of Three Hundred page. These dimenaione will enable the publisher to draw largely upon the most popular periodical of the day, both American and Foreign ; and a th aelection will be made with great care, it ia believ ed thi paper will be a welcome Notion to every family. Beside a full aynopai of the current news of th day,; a published in tb Boston Daily Times,) il will contain Poetry, Popular Tale, Theatrical Criticism, Police end other Court lit ports, Humorou Article, &c. Ac Th whole world of Literature will be ransacked to fill it From the atuily of the philosopher down to the police courts, through all region of reason, poetry, romance, wit, and th ainpto rsrord of folly, w ahall glean from the past and the prevent and from all nations, to present as pleasing and useful a combination of recorded thought and current his tory, th world can supply or industry produce. This i our "Bosroir Notios." This great amount of wisdom and fun of wit and philosophy of noveltiea and antiquities we are able to offer, weekly for six ciht per copy, only six cent! and we ean doit because of the faciliiieaof our presa snd office, and the connection of daily and weekly publication. For Tuaxi dol nai we can eell a year' volume, equal in quantity of matter, with every variety alao, to Fifty-two Vol ume of Novels, auch aa are issued from the press of thi day. Fifty-two large Volume for Three Dollars ! Effected all by improved machinery, and by a determination that we will not be outdone iu enterprise snd usefulness. TERMS: I bbss Domit rear, alwava in advene no order, no matter from what eource, will b attended lo unlet accompanied with the l. asm, Mngle copiee six cent earn. Poet Master or other remitlint Twrnr Dol lara shall have Eight copiee sent Iu euch person enu ptacea as iney may designate. GEORGE. ROBERTS, Publisher. George XV. I,a)ur, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HER CHANT, Chuuct 8tmxit Wauar, Hinaiaarita, 13 prepared to receive Goode and Pioduce et the new warehouse, which bis arrangements will ena ble him to forward with despatch to Philadelphia, Piltsbu'g, W illiamsport, Wilkrebarrf, Columbia, Lancaster, or any other point on the Pennsylvania na iiion nais,n(i in rennryivtma and Mar risbur and Lancaster rail roads. Gosds from Philadelphia for Hrrihurg, Carlisle, ibarrheraburg, ckc. Ac, forwarded with car and e i petition. Coax, PtiaT.va, 6it and Fiat, constantly for ale. Kept. 9. ltrnioial. BOOK.BINDERT. THE undersigned have Ihe gratification of in forming the public, that notwithstanding they were so unfortunate ea to have their bindery burnt down, in March last, they have opened a very extensive one, In Locust street, in the new building directly opposite Gleim's Hotel, and are prepared to execute ell work in their line with despatch, and in a au peiior atyle. Their RULING APPARATUS nd other Machinery are new, and of the first order aud Iatet improvement ; and they feel a eonfi ponce in their facilities for giving perfect satisfao lion to all who may favor them with their oidera. Bank, County office, Merchant, Mechanic and others, can be supplied with BLANK BOOKS of every description, which for neatness and dura bility, will be equal to any made by the United B'U1)BI611D HICKOK & CAN TINE. HARRISBURG, Sept. , SOMETHING NE WIM thi caxarxvT ana axat rAMlH NKWSPAPER trow rceusniB. tnly 91 SO p Annum t rpHE OCEAN AND WEEKLY CLIPPER, on of tho bent and cheapest newspaper in thi country, coD'aiuing all the choie Reading Mator of lboit dnily papers, including the "CLIP PER'S LOG," ia published every Saturday, at 51 50 per annnaa. QO The "OCEAN" is unuVr the editorinl charge of Jouiv II. Hatvirr and Joan W li t , Emirs., the former well known a editor, proprietor, or princi pal contributor to every literary publication issued in thii city for the bet fifteen years; aad the latter, long a contributor to variou periodicals, but moro publicly known air? re hi connection with the "Bi Tiaroaa Ciirna;' The extraordinary success which ha attended the establishment of the Balti more Clipper, now numbering a larger list of sub scriber than toy other newspaper ever pub'iehed in Maryland Ihe daily application for a weehly paper, to and, by mail, country subscribers and the many facilities, possessed by the under signed, for this undertaking, have induced them to spare no expense in gettiug up a paper which can not fail to be a welcome vhitor into every uan'e family. It is printed on entire new type and fine white paper, and will com p -it, for beauty of workman ship and excellence of reiding matter, with any periodical now published in the United Slates: Ti: For Mail Subscriber, $1 30 per an num, in current mousy, forwarded (free of txpeius) lo the publisher. QCy Polaaa-.ter d! -posed to act r. Agr.t for th Ocean, will receive five copies weekly, per en uuid, for five dollars. Payment always to b mad in advance. Addres BULL eV T LITTLE, Printers, Baltimore, Md. ASTO.MSIILVG lACflHASC FOUR THOUSAND NEW SUBSCRIBERS IN TWO MON THS 11! Wrtrw we first purchased th old and well known establishment of the Saturday livening' Post, we stated that tho par circulated so widely a morig the steady, reading portion of ihe United States, that we entered upon our labor with full conliilencv of the future. Our eucce ha since been beyond our moat sanguine expectation, as our weekly receipt overbalance those of any cotenipo rary paper. Our list hae continued to awell up, with unexampled rapidity, and we have th confi dence, that at the present rale of increase, we shaft be enabled in a few months to boast of more than 35,000 subscriber! When we commenced our labors, we announced distinctly, that the tone of the paper should be decidedly moral, and that nothing should be admitted into our columns, which the moat fastidious father could disapprove of, and de termined that a an approved Family Paper, it should not contain a paragraph, with th spirit of which a parent would not wish to hav daughter familiar, and we therefore, with this view, announ ced that no theatrical notice should appear in our columns and that we should be opposed to theatres a things calculated to injure the healthy action of an honest mind, ai creative of exhibitiona derao raKxing m tendency, and fearfully pernicious in fact. There were not wanting blusterers, who made a great parade of opposition, and Croaker, who predicted our speedy downfall, but we threw ourselves upon the sober, rational and experienced portion of the people of the United Slate for sup port, aud we hav bean nobly sustained. W thought and expressed th opinion, that however careless many might be upon this subject, that few, even if they did not entirely disapprove of auch entertainment, cared about having the gross detail forever paraded before the eye of their children, and the sickening and nauseating eulogy of all kind of character made familiar to their minds. We determined also, that while the paper con tinued under our control, it should be strictly neu tral in politics, and that as news and literary jour nalists we had nothing to do with the matter ; this determination has been strictly and rigidly adhered to, and while we shall continue to give our renders uch public document as may lie deemed of inte rest to all, and such a history of the progress of political events, as are strictly ia keeping with our duty, snd the character of the paper, we shall atu diously and thoroughly avoid any contamination of parlizan politics. The paper is now printed in new and beauti ful type, baa received the praise of many editors ot taste, as 'the handsomest family aheet in the Union.' Our efforts have been directed to the combining of beauty and simplicity with utility and taste. The Post is printed on a stout white paper, ren dering it neat and durable for filing. In addition to these efforts toward perfection in the mechanical department, and exterior of our pa per, no labor, and no coat been spared in Ihe de velopement of intellectual strength. The present variety of interesting tales, original, from foreign nd domestic magaxine, together with the valua ble contributiona of our own circle of literary friend will continue to give interest to the paper, while everything important and worthy of note that happene in the Old World or the New, ahall be collected and collated for the taste of out rea der. The Ladioa Department ahall always be choice and select, and ahall receiv strict attention, while such thing a may inwireat our juvenile reader, and that impoitar.t and larg class of our reader, th Farmer will not be overlooked. In order to gratify, a much possible, th (audible desire of our country reader, a portion of our attention will be devoted to Ihe collection end diffusion of euch New, Memoranda, Tables, Facta, Hinta, Ac. aa may eem important to agriculturist, and the pop ulation resident without the confine of our great citie. The state of the markets and th fluciti tiou in Ihe prices, will be regularly aud what is of more moment, correctly given. W have ever been opposed to the constant bluster end parade made by some editors, about the excellence of their paper, and hav resolved that th Saturday Evening Post, shall be conduct ed, a to apeak for itself. Our reader will lwy find in it eolumn th earliest and mct authentic information, es well as the most choie and entertaining literary matter. W hrv totally discarded th system Of filling th paper niih quack advertisements, bjul prefer giving our readers from week to week, entertaining read ing matter. And w feel assured that w ahall be no tosera thereby, aa but few reader care about having a paper nneu wtiu ucacripiion oi these nauseating com pounds. The 8aturdy Evening Port, will be furnished for $'i per annum in advance, or one copy three year for f 3. To thoae who wish to subscribe for a Philadelphia Magaiine, we will furnish a copy of the Philadelphia Ci ki t, end two copiee of the Poet for one year for $i Dee of poalag and dis count ' No New Subscriber received without Ihe Money, To thoae who wish to subscribe, we would eay, that the safest plan i to enclose the money in a letter and direct lo us. Moat postmaster will frank their letter if relating to nothing but th business of th office, end all postmaster who will be kind enough eo to do, w ahall be pleased lo ac knowledge agent. . Addres No 30 C'aitet'l Alley, Philadelphia. THE NEW WOIl LB. THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST, HANDSOM EST, .1ND MOST COMPREHENSIVE NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. BDHID If ADK aasjAMlK ASS IAK0I1TT. WITH multiplied resource for rendering th Ntvr World more valuable than ever ae a compendious newspaper and repository of elegant literature, we enter upon the second voUme (folio) on the 24Ui of October, dressed in a beautiful garb of nrnt typ, cast expressly for Ihe purpose. It will therefore be a filling time to commence new uhacriptiotis, n well a for the renewal of those which may then expire. During the first year of the existence of the New Woain, it hae acquired a reputation and circulation auperior to any weekly paper in the country; and ha furnished to it ubscribers,during thai period, (beside all the current new of (he day, domestic and foraign) new and valuable works by Talfourd, DTaraelt, Thomaa Moore, Mis Mitford, Mm. Jameson, C. Dickena, Ainsworth, Knowle, Bulwer, Marryat, and other work, which in Lon don could not b purchased for fifty times the mount of the subscription price of the New World. In addition lo work of interest by these eminent author, it ha contained the cream of the periodical literature of the day, a well original atlicl firom the pan of soma of th most popular writers of America, among whom wa may mention Mia Sedgwick, Orville Dewey, Profeasor Longfel low, th author of "Yankee Notion," Sirnm, Street, A e. Ae. In politick ere shall, as hitherto, maintain an armed neutrality. Our column as heretofore will be unobjectionable in a moral point of view. In criticism we shall, in justice to the public, mautaiit a perfect independence, even though we incur the vengence of all the dunce We shall, in conclu sion, earnestly atrive to render our sheet not only worthy of the unparalleled favour it ha axperianced. but of a continually extending circulation. While we continue lo furnUh with all possible promiitudc the most attractive literature of the day, we shall as our mean enlarge, afford that compensation U native authors, which may induce Ihem to uiiki the New World the medium for presenting to th public their best production. Our excellent Lou don correspondent will be continued, and due st tention will be paid to the comercial, agricullur nd new department of oui paper. A QUARTO EDITION Of sixteen large pagea was commenced on the sixt' of June last, in order to meet the wishes of larg number of subscriber, by giving them its rich an varied content in tuitabl form Tt hinding. Thi we hav don without having enhanced the prici eo that new subscriber, and other on the renewi of previous subscriptions, can take their choice Ix tween the Quarto and Folio form. But a fei sets of th Quarto, from No 1, now remain o band in tb ollice, and we shall therefore, not I able long to supply them. TERMS: Tuaxi Dollars a year in advanc for either edition; or Fit Dollar for two copie In all case letters must be free, or post paid, they will remain dead in the post-ofiice. $y All Postmasters who will act for u are o autborixed Agents, and may retain 25 per cent the ubsciiption price, ($3,) for commissions, if i milled in Nw-York or Eastern n oney ; or 50 cer. on each, if in note of other solvent bauVs, wbi may be at a discount here. (C"Editor and Pul lishers who desire the cr tinuance of an exchange, will please copy the abo three or more time, or otherwise notice the conten and send us marked piper. Letters relative to the editorial department m be addressed to Pars: Bxhjamir A Ens Saroe; Editors: those relative to the buisnes dcpi ment, to J. WINCHESTER, Publisher No. 30 Ann street. HAZARD'S UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL A4 ' STATISTICAL REGISTER. Containing .1 , u ment, fact and other useful information, illui 1 . tiv of the history and resource of the Amer;F.x Union, and of each State; embracing commrlve manufactures, agriculture, internal improveuaii.t.i banks, currency, finances, education, Ac Ac. EJi ted by Samuel Hazard. Publi-hed every Wednesday, at 79 Dock street Tb pric to aubscribere i f 5 per annum, payabU on the first of January of each year. No subscrip tion received for less than a year. Subscriber ou of the principal citie to pay in advance. r it o s r e c t v s or THI JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SILK SO CIETi', AND RURAL ECONOMIST. xditid ar sidio a. sxith. THIS Journal wa established by the America. Silk Society, for the purpose of diffusing practice information on the ccltcbi or silk in the Unite. State. It ha now been published one year, an may b considered a work of standard character. The first year's publication, comprising the fin volume, contain a mass of valuable infotnmtioi and it will be the object of the editor to mak the seeond equal in sllrespeta, if not supenoi, t the first. The important fact is now eatal lished U yond any question, that the people of the Unite States ean make silk catirtrt and bxttkb tba any ether nation upon earth. It baa been prove by unimpeachable testimony, that the entire cor of producing silk reedy for market, doe not excee two aoxtaae as TwawTv-riv csst ri rorna, and its lowest vatu ia vera dollars ar rirrt cirt; also, thai ok acbr of ground plant, ed in morua multieaulia, will produce the first yen the. treee ate planted, rnrRTT-tianT rounds o bilk, reaving a clear profit to the producer ofo BFRDBSD ARB XIOHT DOLLARS I It has also bee proved that the childien and females of any firmer f imily ean, with the greatest possible ease, produc from fifty to a hundred pounds of silk every yea without any cost whatever to the expense of tb farm fter the tries are planted; and therefore, th the whole amount of silk will be so much clear gaii ay from f.223 to 1 150. With these fact we aut mil to an intelligent people wether it t not a gror and important object for them to introduce the cul ture of ilk in every farmer', f,mjy in ,he juio To enable ell our farmer to mak silk, the Joph ax or tbb Axtrajea 8it SecixTr wasesUl lished; it contains plain practical directions for cut TiAr. ras Tail, ritniaa and bxabino sil, wbsaie, BttLia ths biie. and nreuarinir it market, Ac, beside all other informstion lhatca be required to enable any person to enter upon tb business, either on a large or email scale. Ev. friend of hi country, into whose hands this pap may fall, will be doing e patriot and philanthropist' work by inducing hi friend and neighbour lo ef ler their name upon the lint of subscribers. 'J h Journal of th American Society is publishe monthly, in pamphlet form ; each number contair thiitv-two octavo pagea, printed on new lype an handsome paper, wiih sprinted colored cover. Taatt : Two dollar a year, or ail copies f ten dollais, always to be paid before the work i sent. All subscriptions to Vegiu with the first uuu. ber of tbeyesr, end innocaa will the woikbesei lo any subscriber longer than it shall have bet paid for. fj-Nxw (VBscaiacm, who tak th first r Mcond volume, will be charged enly Txs Do. labs for the two yeara.