Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 24, 1841, Image 3
"3 - x II 1 U II, On Saturday morning lust, CHARLES LEI SENRING, son of Mr. Gideon Lelsenring, of Au gusta, aged 5 years, 1 month and 1 1 days. Trice CURRENT. ' Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer Wheat. . . j0 Kra, 60 40 25 6 100 12J 25 12J 75 200 8 10 8 Corjt, Oats, Pork, Flaxskkd, Buttkh, DxF.SWAX, Tahow, Uiueu Apples, Do. PlACHKS,. Fla. ' Heckled Flax, Eoas, ' FEMALES. WHO are troubled with sick headache, pain In tho tide, breast, and hack, loss of appetite, ftatulen- ' ry, lowncss of spirits, palpitation of the heart, faint ing or giddiness, sickness at the stomach, bilious Blluclions, tightness at the chest, nausea, vomiting, Hoiee in the stomach, flushings of hent, and chilli ness, diseases of the nerves, and organs of digestion, &.C &c, those who may be thus affected, shonld not nrglect to procure Dr. HarlicJt's Compound Strengthening Tonie and German Aperient l'ills, ivhicU are warranted to give immediate relief. Thousands do we almost daily behold, whose coun enanccg and pile emaciated cheeks bear occular vitness to sickness and aJtliction. Could those persons be persuaded to use this invDlunbl medi cine, they would soon find their weak and dcbililn rd frames strcnghtened, their minds composed, ind all pain, and distress driven from the system, vhen tho body will again renew its lost vigor, aud ut on a '' new life," end death for a while be de rived of ils prey. What heart but feels, glad to 'i hoUl their near relatives and dear friends, snatched a if by magic from thut fatal destioyer Teuth c who are laboring under disease let not another ay or night pass without procuring this medicine, s it will in a majority of eases effect a pcrmannnt tire, Remember delays are dangerous, and if ijease is neglected, ils ravages will doubly in rcasc. (jTrincip!e OfTire for the United States, No. 9, NORTH EIGHTH street, where reccommen alions of hundreds of persona may be seen, all of hich have been cured of benefitted by tho iedieiiie. HENRY YOXTH ELMER. IlEGIIENTAIi rPHK First Bittallion of 'the 'For--- ty-fifth Regiment of Pennsyl vania Militia, is requested to meet at Sunhury on Monday the 10th day of May next, at ten o'clock of said day, for the purpose of train ing. The Second Baftallion of the For-ty-Cflh Regiment, to meet at the house of George Smith, in Jackson township, on Tuesday the 11th day of May licit, at 10 o'clock' of said day. Hucksters not to intrude, un der the penally of the law in such r"J cuscs made and provided. -i r!irn-!i7 wrrcro afc??5? Col. of the Regiment. April 17, 1811. 3t Hester llockafelloiv's Kstntr. eTOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of f Northumbrrland'Cotinly has this day granted :vrs of administration upon the estatt of Hester it i ckafe-llow, lato of Rush township, dec' J., to the ,u . iscribcr, residing in Augusta township. All pcr ,oi I is having dt mauds against said estate, are reques ts to present tho same, properly atlebtcd, and those iiluo aie indebted to nuke immediate pavment. I JAMES FORRESTER. April 24, 1S41. Ct Adm'r. FOR SALE. FHESII MILCH COW AND CALF. Inquire of the Printer. A f-unbury, Apiil 24, 1841. tf. in Apprentice J. W AIVTED. AN apprentice will betaken to the Printing Business, a lad of from 14 to 10 years of age, with a good Eng lish Education, will hear of an excellent siiuation by applying at this office soon. -April 17. 1811. s In flic Common Pleas of Northum berland C ti nl 3 riemtning and Thomas l'ollock,) vs. J, Hule or Court. James Tliarp. J IULE on the the Judgment Creditors of defend ant, and all others interested, to show cause by the first day of August term, 1841, w hy the pro ceeds of the ale of defcudaud's real estate should not be applied to they payment of the judgments of Flciutuing and Thomas Pollock. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Trothonotary's Office,? I'rolh'y. funbuiy, April 16, 1841. J Dt SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. 13. K I II K P A T 11 1 C K & S O X, No. 21, Xjrth Third street, (BETWXSsr A UK IT iKD CHESKCT STftEKTS,) nilLADELPIIIA. HAVE for sale large and excellent assortment of Spanish Hides, J'atna Kip, Tanner' Oil, 4r at the lowest maiket prices, either fur cash, in exchange for Leather, or Uon credit. Consignments of Leather received for sale, or purchased at the highest maiket prices. (Tj- Lcstlicr stoied free of cha'ge, April 17, 1841. ly. Oscc IIuU'h IMatc. "TrVfOTICE is hurtbv given, that the Register of I i toe county of Northumlierland, has this dy cranled letters teslainentary to the subscribe!, unon the ofctuUJ of Oxee HufT, of Rukh township, in the said county. All lionr having demands or claims Hi! iint the said dereJcnt, are requested to make known U 'omo to bim wiUiout delay. HENKY HUFF. April 17 Bt Adnt'r, "IlEKSONS knowing themselves to b indebted to the sul'scrd'ers, for coal or otnerwiw, win piraw call and acUle ll tame without delay, if thry with 0 4V COSt. J. II. I UllCl tV- V, Sunbury, Aj'ril 10th, 1641.-1 1 II as-." .lOUX Sl iAAWX cV SO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No, SO, LtauT Street VViunr, 1) A L T I M O R E . nAVlNO n spacious warehouse, near the Rail road, and ample wharf and pnvement room for landing and receiving produce,- respectfully solicit convientnentA of flour, grain, whiskey, tobacco, oVe. With much experience in the COMMISSION BUSINESS, to which they are promptly and ex clusively devoted, they are induced to believe they can pivo satisfaction to all who may employ them. Litieral advances made on Consignments, aud information as to markets freely communicated when required. Refer to HUGH M-KDHRKV. Baltimore. KEARNEY WHARTON, Reading, Pa. JOHN DOUGHERTY, Jlollidsysburg.P. WALLINGFORD & TAYLOR, Pittsburg, Pa. April 10 1841. Liook Here. THIS MACHINE AGAINST THE WOULD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. A YEN PORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Hirse Power, which threshes nml elesns at the same time an invention for which Farmers have long looked in vain, aud which renders tho above machine perfect and pal further improvement. Those who have been wailing for something better than heretofore ofTi red for sale, will find thistolictho article. Come see it aud judje for yourselves. The subscribers have purchased the risht of the above Machine and Horse Power, for the coun ties of NoRTHUMBERVAXn, LtCOMIMO, ClUTOJT, and Unios and also, the privileges of vending them in any other plnces for w hich tho right has not been previously sold. The advantages which this Machine lias over all others invented are many and obvious. One bny and three men can do nil the threshing -and cleaning of 150 bushels of wheat in one day and ibis usually takes seven hands one day and three the next. For field threshing it takes the lead of any thing in this world no grain is scattered or lost. furh is the superiority ef the Horse Power, that three horses can thresh as much with it as four can with any other. The Machines and Horso Power will h sold together or srprrate, to suit purUtascrf. Made and sold in Milton, by tho subscribers. VM. VELCH. VM. H. POMP. HENRY FRICK. Milton, April 17, 1811. It E CO.W.H tWDA ro.v. THRESHING & WINNOWING MACHINE Having had in use, one of Davenport's Patent Threshing and Winnowing Machines, and leing repeatedly called upon for our opinion in regard to their value, durability and advantages, we muke, free to state, that they exceed in our opinion, any Threshing Machine we ever before witnessed in use. They will thresh and clean, fit for market i!00 bushels of Wheal ier day, and this with the aid of three hands besides the driver. The Straw is passed off from the grain on au incline plane, ex tending about 13 feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lost. W hat is of some importance and greatly so, is the fact that no dust passes from the Machine to the man w ho feeds it. The Horse power seems to be perfection itself three horses may woik it with ease and their fastest gait need only be the ordinary plough g,it.' We must cheerfully recommend the Machine to Farmers they are manufactured in Millon by Messrs. Welch Pomn and Fiick. PHILIP HI I. CERT. JOHN 11 HELLER- Chilisquaque tshp., NorlVd co, March SO, 1S41. To Tailors. CLXTEF'S SHOULHEIi MEA.SU HE SYSTEM 'TMIE Subseiibcr has been appointed Agent for the above System, for Northumberland County, which he offers for tale to Tailors, who inny de sire to possess the Usl and latest improvement in the ait of cutting garments.- The following two certificates aie from a committee cf Merchant Tai lors in Paris, who have examined tho System, and highly approve tf the same. 1'aris, l ib. Stb, I Sit). We, the undrrygned, riemlera of tho committee appointed by the members composing the "Philan Ihrophic Society" 6f Merchant Tailors of Paris, cer tify that the System of rutting, taught by Thomas Oliver of New York, United States, has been sub mitted to our examination, which system we recom mend as the best that has been submitted to us, in fuhh of Mhich we have given him this certificate. M. FKOGE. President, M. LAFITTE, V President. I subjoin a certificate from Mr. (-utter of Paiis, formerly of Boston, v.liose reputation is well ctu blishcd both in Europe and in America : Mr. Oliver, Diar Sir, the recommendation you have obtained from the Society of Master Tailors, is trom the highest in this city, and I fully agree in the opinion, that your system is the best that Las cvci been publuhcJ. Yours truly. V. CUTTER. Th aubscrilcr continues the business of TA I- l.OUINli at his old stand, adjoining Rhawn's store, in bunhury, where he will accommodate all who may call upon him in his line of business. Ha will regularly receive lue fashions from Mr. Oliver of IVew Yolk, as soon as issued. The spring Fashions Lavs been rt reived, and are now forssle. Wll.MAM DLK3 4'. Sunbury, April 10, 1841. ly LIST OF LETTEKS, REMAINING In the Post Office at fcfha mokin, on the 1st day of April, 1841. ftaiiMitl Thornton, Dudly Andreng, Juhn Poyd, Jacob Smith, Nitbola Kramer, Samuel M. Card ner, George Slappig, Jercmi.h Wet tel. Thomas Morrow, Daniel I.alor, Peter IVrsinne, Samuel R. Wood, 5. WILLIAM FAGELY, P. M. t! It c a i T iu-ivarc. ANUFACTURED and aold by thesubscri ber in Hunbuiy, of the best Tin, aud the vkuilt wairanted, which he oilers for sale at reduced cash nrices, now as low at retail as formerly sold by wholesale. Good Watering Pols, formerly sold at 67, now at 75 cents; Large Duckets, foruieily sold at 75 and H'i, now at ti- and 60 1 Gallon Colli Pots, formerly aold at 60, and thiee iiuarl al 60, now at 45 and 3d cents, and other article of Tin-Ware in proportion. Stove pipe and stoves uada and aoki cheap fur cash, cVe, N. D. All persona indebted to the auWiilier, and who wish to save costs, aie requested to call aud make satisfaction, without delay, either with cash or by giving their notes. Suubui. Ajuil JO. HENRY MASTER. BRADY'S HOTEL. DAJVVIL.LE, COM IU HI A OLAT, l'('UUS) lTKIliU. THE SURSCRIBER lospectfully informs the public, that he has removed from the town of Vultuwista to Danville, and that he h purchased in that place, the Large and Commodiout UHICK UOllK, at ths consr.n oy Mtit An market streets, fOppuitc the Court-House, J W Inch he has titled up by the erection of ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS, and extensive STABLING, for the Enter tainment of Traveller and Visitors. Ho is now prepared to accommodate til who may favor him with a call, and lie would aate that no thing in his power shall be left t-ndone.lo render his customers comfortable and happy whle under his care. His accommodations are ample, end his rooms furnished in modern style, and the proprietor is de termined that his establishment shall sustain and keep up with the growing reputation aid impoitance of the town in which it is located. i Ilia Tasls wiil be supplied with evry luxury of the season, and the best and choicest taricty the market am afford. His Bar will be stored wilh alt the best articles that can be furnished bu our cities, and the whole will be such aa to give satis faction to every one. Well knowing that an enlightened public will always jmlge for themselves, he feels confident that they will favor him with their pntronage. SAMUEL A. BRADY'. Danville, Jan. 30. SELF-ADJUSTING LOG BRACE FOR SAW-MILLS. Ut Besjaxih N. Ccshwa. THE Subscribers having purchased the right for vending and using the above valuable inven tion, for Northumberland County, offer to dispose of the same to persons who may desire to purchase. The above invention is now in operation at the saw mill of Mr. M'Caity, near Sunbuiy, where it con be inspected by owners of saw mills and all others interested. E. GO BIN, March 27. If. SAMUEL GOB1N. The IaxsI Chance. IF persons who are indebted to the subscriber en Bonk account, will call and settle the same le fore the lOih of April next, thry can save some si erest as well as costs, as the books after that t lire will be placed in the hands of a magistrate for col lection. If. B. MASSER. March 20, 1941. WARRANTED Brass Clocks For HI llollnr?, Ql'AL fir time to any sold by Clock Tci lars for f 2o, for sslo by March 13. II. B. MASSER. George Mlombtrger' Estate. TOTICE is hereby given, t!iat the Register of JJ the county of Northumberland, his this d.ry granted letters testamentary to the suliscribers, epon the estate of George Hntnbcrger, of Coal township, in the slid county. All persons having demands or claims against tho said decedent, are requested to make known the isms to them without delay. G'EOKGE LONG. THOMAS HENSEVGER, TVb. 53 Br. Adm's. Daniel liac'tt estate. "jV'OTICE is hereby given, that letters of admir ' istratiun on (he estate of Daniel Kae, la'e cf Rush township Northumberland ounty, dee'd., have been granted by the liegister of snid coumy In the subscriber. All those indebted to the alove ee- late will make payment, and those having c'aims will present their accounts on the 30th and 31st March, 1841, at the latti residence ot deceased. PETER KASE. Jm. 23. 23. Adm'r. SU X II U 11 Y GEORGE ROHRBACH & BROTHERS "7ISII to Inform their Customer and the pub- lie generally, that they have erected au En gine, and arc enabled to do a more extensive I usi i.ess than heretofore, and are ready to make all kinds of cu.lings commonly cast at Foundry's, viz: STOVES, HOLLOW-WARE, PLOUGHS and PLOUGH CASTINGS of nil descriptions, which they will dispose ofBS cheap ss they can be bought elsewhere. Old Iron and Country produce will be taken in exchange for castings. GEORGE ROHKUAC1I, JACOB R0IIK8ACH, Feb.27.-3m. WILLIAM KOIIRBACII. X h o in n h It ii h s c 1 1 , - No. 263, Baltimore Street, .4 ft'w docr$ west of Howard ti. BALTIMORE. THOLESALE DEALER in Comba. But- tons, German and r ancy Goods, and Im porter of Patent and Mhoe Threads, Mpool Cotton, Suspenders, Tapes, and almost every description of Small Articles. Country Merchants and Dealers in general, are respectfully invited to call and exa mine for themselves. . Jan. 30. ly NOTICX3 IS hereby given, that interest will be charged by the siibseriU'r, on all accounta for lime, that have Wen standing longer tl an six months, and that hcnul'ter this rulo will be stiiclly adhered to. All persons indebted, are requested to cull and settle their accounts. SEASHOLTZ &, BERGSTRESSEK. Punbury, Jan. 23, 1841. if. ITIrrciiaiit'si IVolioe. AT a meeting of the Merchants of the borough of Sunbury, on the Gilt inst., the following w as uiKrnlmously sJopted t Whereas no uniform rule exists among tie mer chants of this pi ice, in regaid to the charge of inte rest on hook accounts, therefore Kcioh td, That interest will be charged on all accounts that have been standing longer thin six months, and that hereafter all accounts in our books will be lalaiiced every year, and thut interest will be charged on all balance that average moio than six mouths slsiuliiig. ltcsohcd, Thut the aubscriliera will strictly ad hris to the above lule, and that notice of the same U) given in iho uewsptper of Ibis place. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, . , JOHN YOU.NG, JOHN BOG A It, )(. B. MAssER, HEN J. HKNDiilCKS, Jan. 23, Cm. JACOB RUAWN. A FEW Copiea ofr I nion Choral Harm unity." consisting of Sacnd Muse, wilh Gnr man and English lines to each tune. By H. C, l-yer, ror sale uy Jotioary 3d. H. u. MASSER, SHAItSOSIJW coal. OF very superior quality, can le had at any linie, by application to the su.Vcril.eri, in tuts to suit purchascm. They keep large, eg, broken, and tine coal, lit for burning lime. J. II. PURDY & Co. Knnhury, Sept. 20. tf. inoCi:illES. fresh supply of Grocciics just received and lor site ly HENRY YOXTHIMER. Prpt, 12. 1840. tf. I,lqV01tS. fresh supply of Brandy, Gin, Port, Lisbon, Tei eriff,-, Madeira and Sherry Wines, just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12. 1P40. If. sWf.VS. A new assortment of 7-4, 7-8 and 3-4 yard wide Muslin, fust received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1S40 tf. CfLlt'OES.A new assoitmeirt of Calicoes just received aud for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840 tf. I ittt.V. A good assortment of Bar L'on, just received and for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 110. tf. S.1i,T. 250 barrels and satka of Suit, jubt received and for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1S40. tf. CLiiTIiS.A general assortment of Cloths and Cassiuicics, Constant y on hand nt the Mure ol HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840 If. 11 ;.? J', iH-K, Cit.V and all other kinds of Gtaiu and Seeds will be tnken at the high est prices in exchange for goods at the store of HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept112, 1810 tf. MACKEREL A few barrels of M-ckcrel for sa'e at a low pnec by Sept. 12. 1810. H. B, MASTER, IRISH SALMON. Ol the lest qual.ty. stantly on hand and for aalc by Sept. 12, 1640. 11. B. MASSER. MADEIRA WINE. Wine, fir silc low by Sept. 12, 1840. -Fiict quality Max'ieia H. B. MASSER, FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A genuine articlo always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. It. H. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Ol the best quality always on hand and for sale by ep?. 2. ISjft H. B. M AeSER. L0AFAND LUMP sYGAU. Always on hand snd for sale by Kept. 12. 1M0. MASSER. BOSTolNYitUl MOLASSES. Of a supe rior uuahly, for sale by Sept- 12. 1S40. II. BLMASSER, N E W 0 1 J LEA N S stiiAR HOUSE MO LASSES. Of the best equality always on hand ai.d for si le by Scpt. 12.J1840. JLB. MASSER, BRONV.S SUGAR. Of a gootTquiditv, for low by Septal 21 840 ll.JU M AMEIL " LlQlToiiS. OTalTkinds and ofthe Le.t quali ties, always on hand and for salo by Sept. 12, 1840. 11. B. MASSER. GREEN AND BLACK TEAh. Of tii beat quality alwavson hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1810;. H. B. MASSER. "COFFKE. Java, liio and Lagutra Cuttle, con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. 12. 1840. II. B. MASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Sperm Oil, of l0 lest quality, always on hand and for sale by Sept 12, 1910 LLR'A,f!y'R: STEELCast and Bli-ter Steel, for sale" hy Sept. 12. 1810. H.M. MASSER. SPRING STEEL. Of vaiious izca fur Eliptic Siirings, for sale by Scft. I'J.l?! IIB.MA?5r!L LARGE (jtlAlt'l'O very reduced prices by Sept. 12, 1840. BIBLES. For tale al II. B. MASSER. BLAN K BOOKS. Of all for sale by Sept. 12.J840. !JB.MA!sElt. BLANK DEEDS. Bonds, Mortgage's, A:e. for sale by Sept. 12, 1810. H. B. MASER. JUSTICES' BLANKS. for s Sept. 12. 1840. II. B. le by MASTER. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Jnvu,.blo Green, &c, for side by Septal 2, 1840. V. n.tASSER, CAsblMERLS AND SAT'i INETTS. For sale very low by Sept. 12. 1S40. H. B. MASSER, ""CAR PETINtJ. For sale c heap bv Sept. 12. 1840. H. B. MASSER. BLANKETS For sale cheap by Sept. 12, J 840. H. B. MASSER. UN iTlTBACTlED MUsT-INS.-For sMe'by Sept. 12.J840. . B. MASSER. COTTON YAH AND COTToNXAPS For sale by Sept. 12, 1810. II. B- MASSER. " H E MP A N D" Ct )T TON T W'l N E. For sale by Kept, 12, 1840 H. B. MASSER. I'ONnTncT LINES, CORDS AND ROPES. For sale by Sept. 12, 16 10. II. B. MASSER. (iUM ELASTIC Shoes, large assou W ment. frpcrm Oil, best quality Books, of all dcM-np'ion. Sils, black and coloured. Stair Carpeting. Cotton Carpet, Carpet Ch-iii, of all colors. SaddWry, a geneiul osiorlinent. Eliptic Springs. Couch Lamps. Cirri igA Bauds, Brass Joints, Brass Dasher. Putenl Leather. Just received and for s'lle at the store of It. MAUSER, November 14,1 84 iJ.lTlTUAL3. IOR Christmas snd New V'eai's Gifts, UuU'aloe Robes. Zinc in sheets. For tale by II. B. MASSER. December St, 1840. FRESH Ciauberries, nisi received and for sslo by H. U. MABSER. Navemlwr 14, 1840. tf ' lTEV" GOODS. 5UST Received Merino, Broche, and Chenille Shawl. Sa Otter, Seal and Sesh tte Caps, A large assortment of Dark Chintzes. 1'itnrh and Euulibh Mcrinoes, e. Tm sslo at t he koi e of . 0. MA SZEH, November 7, 1840, ATTENTION MERCHANTS, &c. E. P. fit J. II. micsi, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOR WADING & rilUlirCE COMMIAMflW MERCHANTS, . tfu. 297, .lfure street, fee dmirs above Seventh, f'JULA tiELl'lllA, OFFER for iile, at the lowest mnikot prices, a geileial asortnient of Tens, Cvjfrrs, Hugnre, Molasffs, UV'iMi .L'awirs, Spices, Tobacco, i(C. CocKTMr Pnouici! r"eived and sold on commis sinn. Merchants, IloIe4 ki'f.nera, and others, will find it to their advantage to cull and examine our tHk, hi fore purchasing i lsewlitre. Mr-reliant" wishing their goods collected in this city, by leaving an order, will have them promptly forwarded, by the most expeditious lines. renwinr r. rRiCK, iou U. frick. Feb. 0, 1841. ly. Importers nnd Dealers in Foreign Ilnrthvare, Corner of rratt and Light tl,., BALTIMORE. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and others, are respectfully invited to call and examine their Stock of Goods. Jan 30. ly TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. fTUIE Subscrilier Anent of Lyon & Harris, Hat - Manufacturers, for New York, Philmlelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, whose Hits are highly commended for good colut and durability, ha on hand a firt rale assoitmeiit of HATS and CAPS, uitalde for Spring s de-, wh eh will be aold very low, for cash or approved credit, at Iho noted cheap store, 7ia, 40, North '1 hird slxCit, opposite the City Hotel, Philadelphia. OLIVER N. THAC1IER, Agent. "N. B. Orders fur Hats in the lough, piomplly attended to, Tho highest price in cdih or trade given for Fur tkiis. Phila.lelphia, Apiil 10, 1841. ly OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 North Water Street, Tliila. MANUFACTURERS snd dealers in Oils of every description both for burning ami manutiicturing purposes, which will be sold much lower thnn they can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the cKy. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may be returned without any expense to the pur ih ier, and the money will be refunded. Their stock now iu stuio consists of the fallowing oils, viz : 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Spciru 9 cr Oil, cooo do do do do do do do CoIorles Oil, Fall snd Spring Scrm Oil, Winter Sea Eli'pbant, do Prevscd Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 15,000 10,000 20,000 0000 15,000 200 Barrels suiH tiorStiaits Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 50 dd Nea's Fool Od, 75 Cos Olive Oil, Tanner's Oils. 3 tTj-This Company has t nutnlior of Vessels en gaged in the GoJ r isticry, and J ariuers may tmy upon petting al all times Uil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1S40. ly. ATTEITTIOIT. rrIIC special attention of buyers fiom the south A. and west, and for the stale trade, is rcf-pcc Dul ly invited to the following assortment of GOODS, which tho subscril er will dispose of at smh prices aa will amply epay his friends for calling and ex amining his stock. To CASH purchasers, at the present lime, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. COO pieces heavy varirstcd Spanish matting. " 500 pieces Canton mailing, a- sorted 4-4, 5-4 a:id G-l white, checked and flowered. 1000 hearth rug", a lieautilul assortment of Wil ton, Brussel?, Tufted, Turkey, and Hctnp rujs. 200 pieces woolen, worsted, cotton, heinp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpelings. An etegsnt variety of Wilton, Brussels, Sco'.cU and English, Venetian, Damusk, Ac. &c. 1000 dozen men and Imvs csps, comprising a gieat variety of Fur, Seal, Nutria, MuuLrat, ruid Coney, Hair.Scaletto ond Cloth Caps. 100 dozen Allicanl Mats, a.-sortcd sixes. 100 do Manilla do do do to do Sheep-skin do do do GO bales French Baskets, comprising every de scription. M)0 pair Venetian El Ir. is, ass'd figuios and colors. 3000 patent do do do 10(H) nests Cabas or Satchels, assM, embossed leather, straw and uil cloth. 6000 dozen Combs, assorted tortoise shell, Bra lilllun Johorn, ivory, lirass aud weod, comprising large assoriment of every variety. 3000 dozen Whips assorted wagon, gig, car riage, sulky, planters, drovers or tiding, of gut, lea ther and thread, with German silver, gilt, ivory and biMie mountings. 1000 dozon painted pails, Wilson's brand. 1000 tresis Tubs and Buckets; also, Chums, Piggins, Water Cans, &c The above together with an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Briltania and German silver ware, feather and I listlo Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ma hogany and Gill Flames, of every size and descrip tion, are manufactured, imported, and selected ex pressly (oi the souther.), western and stale nade. J. SIDNEY JONES, No If North Ud street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. 5. V. & L. 3. TATLCB.. FFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor uer of Fifth und Marlitt Streets, FhiLdcl- pitta Mr ns' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do yged do do do do water pi oof, double soles and double Uppers, do Culf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leitber Boots, do do Nrats do do. do High quarter Shoes, Call-skill, do do do Crockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoes do Fine do do do do do do do do Kip do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps. do List Socks with and without soles. do Carp-t do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladiec' -do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoes. ( femlcmena' do Over shoes. Wilh every other desciplion of boots and ahooe. Fur Cape cf every deaerniioii. Travelling Tiunks of every description. Yflieli.iii Travelling Bags. Patent Com Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds, Palm Leaf Hals. I'lithdclptia.No amber 7, IS40. ly. CZTZZ AUCTZOH " AZVD COTXlXlSZl'iZI Z70PV. Kumler 29 North Third JStreel, l'MLi'jc.'ph ! IfJUULIO SALES nf Dry Gjnd, Har.lwai.i U and Cutlery, Book", Stuinnary, Clothing, lioots, Shoes and Hals, nnd In short elmnst, eveiy description nfgnoits, are held at this i stubliiihtr.ri.t every evening. Goods am a ho aoid u piivse mI during the rlsy at the avpragn auction prieiw. Hiorr . keepers and traders wiU find it to their advantot'o by attending the soles. CO. MACKEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, r 7, 18 !0. TUEOl'lLUS GULP. Manufacturer nnd Imporler of Sad fllcry, Hardware, &c. Ao. 6 South Third street, four door lelow I'iiladelnbiw TfZ" constantly on hand a large and penenl essortmrnt Conch Lamps, Carriage Ban' . Axle Arms, Eliptie Springs, Patent Leather. . Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied t nil times on the most reasonable terms, 'i'l.ey v : I find it to their advantage to call and examine 1. 1 assortment before purchasing elsewhere. i liilarlelphia. IVovemher 7, 1810. ly. I?J ic liatl Weaver & Son, sops rriAirERs & srap cixanslci?.. . No. 1 3 AorrVi Water Street. Philadelphia. HAVE constantly on hand, a general ass '. ment of Cnrdnge, Seine Twines, &.C., i : '1 ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Mi." la Ropes, 'J'ow Lines for Canal Boats. Al..-. , complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. sue,' .. Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent V ' Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Sb'-n Threads, &c. Aie. Also, Bed Cords, Plough, H alter, Trices, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chai, v cVc all of which they will difpoae of on icasoiia.. . teims. Philadelphia, November 7, 1S40. HE V NO LI TsIo F A 1 i ttKlT&Tii k Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Eriti.-'L and American Dry Goods. Ao. 105 Market street, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchant", and others can be sup plied at all times wilh an extensive in, ment ofthe best and most fashionable Gooda up e the most resHonable term'. l'nil.idclpliia, Novemlier 7, 1840. ly. Wholesale Variety and Trimming otv No. 44, North Fourth near Arch it., Fftiludc! I : "WHERE Country Merchants and o!l :cr r- ' eiippi-H, at all times, with a lar;e assrrv of Hosiery, Glove, Merino, Cotton, ond Wo,! Shiita and Drawers, Spool Cotton, Patent 'i 'In. Cotton Cords, Buttons, Tapes, Bindings, '. : snd Eyes, Pins, Ac. And a ectii raHatii ly of i ful articles, which he olllrs for sale at tho Lv.e rices. Philadelphia, November 7, T S 40. ly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOK-::' LEKS AND STATIONERS, No. liiJ Clipsmit .Street, below 1'hiladelpltia. "IJT'EEP constantly on bond a general -! H ment of Books end Stationary ; eoir pris Theological, Law, Mcdicol, Classical. Mic! ous and School Books, Day Books, all i.?.p. i . irers, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Btb:r, .', Papers, Wrapping Papers, &c. Ac., which lb . fer at the lowent p;ice to Country Merch.ip'.' I'' fesdioiial Gentlemen, Teschors, ei.d all ct'.,e: tu-c may favor them with the.r cusioiu. Philadilphia, November 7. 1810. ly. ESllEMCK, 1IANSELL & Ct. . V7K0LESAL2 DRY CCCUS ZZCIVJ. No. ICG 1-2 Market Street, l hiiu. , (liiluw Fifth South side ) A LWAYS Lorpca h-d a full and eenrrul . kl scrtment of Hosiery. Lace, and Fauci- (io a Country Merchants are tepcctfulty reijue.-ted u i give uiem a can ami examine lor iiiemst-tves. Philadelphia. Novemlier 7, 1S40. ly. SPEIIING, GOOD CO. No. 12S JMarket Street, Philadci . TTNVITE the attention of Country Mer. l-.n i to their extensive assortment of Briti.h I r. c i and American Dry Goods, w hich they offci irt ,j on the most reasonable terms. Phibrdelphia, Novenitwr 7, 1840. ly. PETE It DEWEES, LAST MASEF,. No. 74 Callowhill Street, Philad'ilj i!. C Three doors abort Second. J OJHOE Findings always kept on hand, u huh I.. offers for sale on the lowest terms. C-m-t! Merchants are particularly to call anJji:dtc r ihemselves. Philadeli hia. Nnvrmlier 7, 1840. 1 v. low i:ResriJAiiitoN." Importers and Dealers in Foreign a; l Domestic llaidwaie, No. 174 Nortu Third, PuriAnrt m4. Al rilERE Iheir fiicnds and t ustomers will l. av . ' find a large and general assortment oi h, t, , and Domestic Hatdwuie, y.hiclitbey wills.ll.t t.., lowest prices. Philcdelphia, November 7, 1S10. l y. J. W. SWAIN, Umbrella and Parasol Manufaeinr-v- No. 37 Nooth Third street, two doors lt!,w i' City Holt I, Philadi lphia. COUNTRY Merchants and others are .!.'! to examine his assoituient before urcluiiij, els where. Philadelphia, November 7. 1S40. ly Ja olT"ri IwiTuiJir&TSct:. ESPECTFULLY inlorms their Im.i -r JCQ. acrpjaintances generally that lhev t r i tiuue to keep at the old stand. No. S1G Nor.h o street, Philadelphia, all kinds of TOBACCO SSVFF AND SEC A nr. Which they will sell oa the niufct accoa.u.i-i ii . and reasonable terms. N. B. All goods sold will be guarantee', .... 1 . orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia. Novemler 7, IS 10. 1 v. FETES. C01TOVES7 Wholcsalo nnd Retail Shoe, INui-.e' nnd Palm Leaf Hat Warden.-!-. No. CO North id street, a few duors aliie ThiluilelpLU A LSO Trunks. Cai pet Ua;sn.I V :..-.'. -ery dcsciipliou, all of which he .!.:is i ssle on tl most ress inablo terms. Philadelphia. Novetnl-er7, 1810. 1 ? P. & A. IlOVOUDTr: Cliina, Glass and Liverpool Warchoi- No 164 North Vtird strict, third door l;!t.:i- v., street, l'ltibiitelphia. "I rilERE they eoiisiantly keep on hsr. ' i lJIk MSfcOilinenl of China, Glas and l... Ware, w hich they will dUpose of on the it: oiiahh lenna. . Philadelphia, November 7, 1840.