' DYSPEPSIA. .DYSPEPSIA f That troitrenm,ami pence-destroying disease. - lioiisitndn and trni of thousands suffer Irom 4bt common distressing complil'itt. Hupcpiin l lirquciidy noted by overloaded or distending the toriiHcli liy r.Pfttiri' Calif ol drirking imlije' . li'e and i-rid auhslanem-tnfcpn into th atnnwch, , Mif fmni long continued constipation !' h bowls, a adenl .ry lilp, frar, grtdf, anxiety, a copious 'Omit il Cold waler, .traffic pnrgatife tiif Heine; ilyacn '"rv. iuinrnrri,ipo, Intermittent nnd Hpasmodtc Rr. f -it in of die stomach nnd how is iircciilnr meals, I .o hour., and loo Sequent use of apliituous -liquor. ' The j mptoms of dUpepsit mny be described na n wont of" appetite, or an unnnlural or voracious oik, nausea and sometime bilimm tnmiling, and ti n nnd trsimient di-tensions of llio stomach xt,vr eating, an id nnd putrcsent eructations, wiMer brush, ,lain in the region of llin stomach, eoslivcnrss, pul pit (linn of llie heart, dizziness and dimness of the nqhl, di-tutbed rest, tremors, luonliil despondency, flatulency, spasms, nervoua irritihility, chil inc-s Mllownr? of complexion, great 1 1 ijuespiiiii aftn ttuig, languor and general debility, tick hcud ache, V e. CI'IIH At the head of all remai!ics ntunda l)u. ilARiien'a Corou.sn tSTHKtoTHiiM Toivic n t.' t.ii mam ArrmiKNT 1'n.i.a, which art Rrcni. Iv i.i ri i lie peritttidtic niotiou of the internine, thercl-y producinf; K'iihrity of the bow ls, nt tl e unno lin.e iniproviriR the fuiutions of ihe iloliilii.T. .l RuiiM, ihua invino.a'ino and rentoriinr the di- K'-'itf nii'iiiia io a nr&ui.y eclion. i'lua nit'dicine I w ii .m I .Hi in pr.iJuenij; leliif. Ti ll ond explicito tlirecliuiis accompany the almvi! i.ii'diiiiie- Likewise a inniplilet wliicH de-K'r.bi-s ilisc.iioa, iho m.inncr of (renting, Ae. l'lincipln oiiice fur the I'uited Sli.tea, IV o. 1 0, IVorih EIGHTH STRRKT, I'hiln.lelj.hia. HE.MtK YOATJIUI.MER. Oetobrr 24, 1810. Agent. IMPORTANT PHOOFt the er. ivc must reinovn l!m ol ftrU( tiona which f.,., I bt,1l,il8f,!''rourr.i,tid tho cofila trd.utaty atieam. Of the eftczcy of Dr. Karhth CeUrvfrd .,V,Vm j V, ,,U tin, body, f..w iho ,allie natural principal ; f""fv ' ' m.ixc, I y that nliiable purgative mcdkific Brun- The f,.lV.vIn ceit'ficnto wan sent bv Mr. E. B. I drtih I'niversul Vegetable I'illa, which are nn cf Hiiiimn, npent at C'intinr i.tti, Ohio. Them can l o j f'ftiml assist uue cf nature, the aupernbundance of no mistake in it, n the parties are wd! known. j hiiniura in the intotine rntial. Hr pr-everiiirr in Air. Rz.kiel R jr.lon, of Ai deron township, j hi 1'iaclicrt, the ways f.l the rirnilition will Iben Tlftniitton county, Ohio, was scveial days troubled I l itorcd to the fi lU-Xfreisc ofthrir haturai fune with biii-ua affections, acidity of the btomach, at- j liona, and a ftat; ol health will bo fnnily emablih iniile.J with the usual tymptoms of dyfpepsiii, and j l'J Kemember, nocr tulltr a drop ol bluod lo ba having nd trial of vurioua mrdicine wiih.mt i lif n fioiu ynir Kva; u ile the hum.irs aa oft-n tii.dir.g relief, wm cured lij- the above in-dii im s, "'"I as long as il.ey aro degenerated, or us Iopb b Atiest, K.KIUDOX. youaroi.uk. i-inriiinati. June nOlh, 1840. I 1 JM' I.ATEH. Mr. Vance, of- Vahing'on , rniiiuy, writes a lollows Uenr S-ir Dr. 1 1 i lie li u pii.aart ieijiiiiina mi vI the m.wt wotidnfn! uic in ih's vicinity cvci heard of. Tboy were Mtroitiiccd here about aix months ago by one of iny iieifhbora, who bought a lialfd.zen packasef mmi tho I'iitsbuiiK office. 1 cm aware of fmr caws in thu place where complete cures have been per- J one of a most shocking and aggravated nn- ! vnu" complaint, of ten or twelve years slurxlii.2. 1 1 " end you enclosed five dollars ; pieare to foiwrd 'i!U for that amount by the bearer, Willinm VV'oid, ) Attest JOHN VAXCE. July 27, 1840. , . . . y X. 13. The above ccrtii'catcs, compurfd wilh the very many already received, rciliiinly mur.t eon m:.. i'.ose similarly afdieted, that they can yet be rcl.tAid by l!.e use of ti.ese Invalun'. le'medicini s. riiiM-.l ell'icn, No. 19, North Eighlh btnei l'lui.Uili hia. For siile bv HENRY YOXTKEIMER. Oetobc 21, 18 1(1. Agent. FEMALES. WUO arc troubled wilh sick headache, pnin in the side, breas', nnd back, loss of app.ititc, llalnlen- ' e,1o(viie.s ot spiriis, palpitation of ihe heart, fatul- iius or p:Ji!ii:ess, si; ki:c-s nt the stomach, bilious .tli'clious, lightness at the chest, mtusea, voniilinp, j ivise in the stomach, fls,liipjra of hi nt, ni d chilli- ! ''f'-, diseases i f the nerves, nnd organs of dige-li.e.i, ' te. &c, tlvise wiio may bo il.us nil. cud, thonl.1 not nrgVct to procure Dr. llurlich's Cimij'ouml MrtngUnMiiig Tonic and German Aperient 1'illr, . which ure warranted to give imnudiite relief. Thousands i!o we alaiort d.iil behold, wlnitc conn- ' lennnces and p-do emaciated checks bear ncrular v.-itii;-- to sickness and ullliction. Could tho e j persons be pi rsnadid to use this inVuIunble mcdi- I -itie, u.iy wou'd toon find their v?ak and debiliia- I lid frsinea rtrrnahirnru, lhc:r n iuds competed. I nnd al! pain, and iiii-l.c,.s diiven from the yiriii, j uhen inv body will again renew i s loM vigor, nud ut on n neu life," nnd death f..r a while be de- 1 I lived of its prey. What Inn I but fci glad t ; tiebo! Vtlieir near rehtivra and dear trici ds, srn'ehej j s if by n.nt-ic liciii ihut fatal det oyer ltutli- ye who me laboun under dis. asc let not onother day or nielli pasa willsout procuring this medicine, j Heit will in a ii.Hhriiv of eates i il'cct n liermanart i cure. Uti.itmLer a'eluyt lire dangerous f cud if iluiasc is iie6lec'ed, iia r-vujis wdl dwuldy iu cretac. Principle OfT.re for the United Ptalca, No. 19, NORTH KU;H'1'H street, whcie nccomn cn dalioi s of huinliei's of ertioiis may be seen, nil ol men nave ueu cuied or bMietilted by mid.cino. the j I HENRY YOXTHEIMER. I October 54, IS 10 Agiut. j SICKS ESS. 5 THERE nre many persons that we d..ily Ik hold, n l.o: j counti iiaiiees in d frail liuds i!eitoie i tllic lini' wbicii we find has principally oiiln.iiid from neglect of pioper ieinbd.es at the con.mc'ici ment of aiikness. Al lirst tha patient comi buns of Idle on 'be stomuch atteiidcj with kickntms,ci:irn?M,$e., Tie neglicls to procure propel inediciue; ut lemh be comidaina of pain in thu side end s crnsrh wiili sour irucliiions; big rppetite I ecorriea iinpaiud, i his ret trouble.ome, l.ja luird htirassij, a:id ail ' lUinga around him nppe.ir not in their prowr stall, u. Hi) btill negl. cts himself, when in till reliability 'ihe dis,iite may al lenth be ao Lst acattd. that no medical uid win irj lucu him ugain. At iho fust attack i-f iiil.i.t.-s tl'crn should li) " no tirfte I'M" in r .curii g Dr Hul cli's nurotMi stklxuth apkuikkt pilis, which immediilcly ie inovcs bite from the stoinacb, obvi.itn cot'tvenrsa. icmoveoiMirdrra in ihe head invigorate thu mihd, treig;htn th body, improve t: o uu uiory, und i u liveii Uie iningiua ion ; lima naloiiog' the body 8in tj i s proper loneiions. Principle Oiiice, No. 1, NORTH EIOH'l 11 lret, Pluludvlphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. OctoUrSl, 1811). A;,,,. . TO THE .IH- LK-IEU. THOSE who are suffcrii g from vaiioua distas incident lo tha human fuiidy, would do well lu jms-ura Dr. lUtrlich't Compound Slnnhtnin unit frrmun Ai tricnt Pi Is. wl.iih urn m pre' inUier.tly receommendtd for Dyspepsia, .ner f'oinplauiis, f aiua in tha side, l.atk and breast, ISirvioue AlUi-tions, Heud-Ache, and all ihe dis casca ol the Klomuch and Howls. I'ainj.Ulct- nmy ba obtained gratis, wh'n h contain full and explicit ducuon for using. The lender i it lured to suv etal very intercsung reriiliralca of cores in this paper, v. huh iney be n bed up. n, aa lliey are t..k n fiom lha origiusU For aie at No. 19, NOK'lll EIGHTH g,wl I'biladclpbia. , , HK.MvV YOXTIIEIMtR. Transportation I,inc TO BALTIMORE. I (MUllll W4TIB ClJAl) Warehouse foot if Chnnut Street or, the Pcnn . fpvutiia Cimol. A IJOAT 1. men l he wharf of tbn subscriber evc iy morning at 8 n'cWk, running through to Delti nioro in tlifeo days, Consignments l produce, iron, Ac., wiH receive a despatch by this line, which lias nol hithirto been i quailed by any othrr. Halo ol 'freight as low as'hy any other regular lim. References: .HI I I.N V. nttowx, ' " ;mi;ok v hkkr. . i I , .r KKIiXAN A KTll.LNttlER, l"",mo'e- '' s.& Au..nr:rR. ; J i . Good inicndi d lor PitiKlmrp, it onv point on lh- IViiiisvlvuiiiii Canals, will In shipped without delay on their nrrivnl at llnrrisbur ;, un this con- liecls with (he IS. nth American lino of Poitabl I Hosts to I'llislmrj dailv, nnd With tin ttiitoucliun. lis i Tniket Line to JWlliuiiibrrlnml, VV'illiuiiisporl, i iikneiiiir, niiJ ell IntermiMiale (drr. (ilit.RUi: V. LAYXO HamMiU'ir. Sept. 0, 1840. - Work ol" 7alurr. IX a si ilc ol hiaitli ihe inlelin:d cnnil may c rimipmed to n river w huce w.itera How ovvr tiiead juiniiiir li. ii tl. tliimia'i tb rh nii.rla njlu e or art l:aa nude, and iinpiofa Ibrir iinlilic-; mid to kei p ' cotnparnon oi ine rfvrr, o ionfi as ii i tins mi timootmy luo t nainiei" tc itrjn purv ai.u Jieaurv; but if by f omo cnue flic court-o nt Uie river is i.tiij ped, lin n llio water in the raiiala ia n lunger pure, but Mon becomea rtagm.nt. '1'lirrn ia but olio lnw of circulation in nalu n. 'hen l hi re ia a aupcr l.uii(lnnce (.fliumuri.il iluid (arrnrity) in Ihe inle tinnl tubts, and co-livei esi Inltca place, it II wi back intu tho blooJ egfel, and iirf:lralcs itself in to Ibe cireuialioti. To raUblih tho freo cnur of IV. nrandir!ir Onire in riiilajelpl.is, is at No. NOli TIi LIGIITH btuet, wheie hi, i.discan be . ...... v vv 1 1 . r. i;i a inii, llll IU I till t'I'l lllllfl. 1 1 ikT i.t 9. i..r.i. r.... I....- r..il i: : 'iiiy usriii in r-uni'inv, is II. U. X.uitet Utor. S.....I fc.' . . i , i i l -on! uiy, Sej t, 'J, 161'). I'crfific nfes -ol Aftcncy. THE follnniui; are the duly appointed asenis in Y(ttfltilfe Jhrirrruil Pi!!.". Aonhunihcilm d countv Milton M.-.tkry A: unambcili'i. thl urv M. 11. Masser. M'Kmpi ville Ceddcs, Greeu'i. Wi.lls. Ueotgetonn F. Midlin?.'r A. Co. I'nion roui.ty : I.e !hburg AT.dls t fi.dlf,. MiOlinburg rellman & ISickly. New Ucrlin John M. Hi ufer. St:ii;sgrove Eyic &. Co. .Mid dbbiirg I-uae Kinith, Lycoming comity : Williamsp r! John Smith Newberry V. Il J. C Funston. Muncy V. A. Peirii-an. Jersiy Mioic James II. Un burn. Columbia coun'y : Danville T. ft E. 11. Rey nolds. Coltawissa 'C. A. llrobts. Tlcrwick S?liu man A. Kiltcnboute. Uloomsburg-John It. Mover. iSutlbury, iHcpt. 9, 1840. MOKE POSITIVE PltOOF Of the efficacy ,f Dr. UatlUh'i Compound Strengthening and German Aperient J'.Ut. Allf.oiiist, Jan. 8, I S 10. ToPr Hnrlieh'a Agent S'ir: I wish tosta'efor the Wi.t-fn of ibo e who may be itfllielcd, that Dr. Iliniirn's 1'iLts have entiielv ciind me of Ihs pepsia, of which 1 have been nfll cted for many yt ars. I used both kinds, the Apeiiei.t nnd tSlrengih eniiifr, and I am constrained lo ray, that tluy aie u valuable d:-overy, and act upon the vsrnvmil'!!y, j em very iiiccruniiv. i louiiu tr.o i onie -pills to quicken the circulation and muse a diteimioation tu the surface, aed to Mieomhen the wpk toinach nnd inere-ise lis powers. 'J'be Aprriei.i pil's rrc the lust calhanic I nei used. I am coi.l'n'.cot all ly- ejilies would do we I tu make imnuiiiate tr al and be ri lieved. Any one can call al my house auJ be Kiirlud of tle above ul pleaKurp. DAVID R. porn. N. U. The nr'ginnl ceitilicate may be sien r the i.llice of the " spirit of tie 'J'iniia." For sale at No. 19, North l.iyliili stru t. HENRY YOXTIIEJMF.R. October 24, isll). .4gi.nl. l.lYF.ii CUMl'J..iJ.T. THIS disease is discovered lya fixed rbtuse pain in ihe riujil n.le umier ihe short rilis, attended wiih hrat, ni)cniiieis about the pit of the stomach; i hi re is in the riht side also a distention : Ihe iu- lient lor-ea his appetite, and I ecomcs hick ar.dlroubl- ed wiili vomil.i.g. Ibe tongue Incomes louh and bb.ek, tho tounU-nance cbunues lo a i ale ui cilron color, or yellow like thoe i.tiluti ,) wiih j.iuo dice, ddliruliy of breathing, dn-tiubi-il ret, i,tteiidee wiih n dry eongh, ddlieuhy of bivmi; Un the h it I aide, ibo body becomes weak, and liua Iv the diM-a-e ! lerminatea into i.noibir of a more u rious natuic, j whiih In all pnihubiliiy is Tar beyond ll.e power ol I huiuau fkill. Dr. Darl chi I mnpuund Strength , cning 'ionic -and fittiuun Aperient Pil.', u ta ken at llio commencement- ot Una disease, will i beck it, and I y continuing the use ot the uu dieioc a few weeks, a jxifect cure will be perfoiimd. Tboiisnnils can ti stify In th.s fart. Ccriificau s of many persons n.ay daily be seen of the tllic cy of ibis urvaluuble medieir.e, by applv ing at tbe Mtdiral Oiiice. No. 19, NOKIi! ElOHTH alicft, I'biladili hia. HLNUV YOXTHEI.MKR. October 24, lull). Aztnt. MOHE CONCLlJE I'JtOOfS, Of the iff.euey if Dr. Ilarlich't eilebruled Medi cine: Drm Srn : I wns atilirtej with a 1 ilious and nervioiis disease to. a ve.y alurniing degne, wiih all the bvmptoine which ao frequently i li'ects a re. I x.d eondfion, vir. : cii'diness in the head, viol, nt tremors, chilliness, with a fixed pain in the lij-ht side, complexion bad, and rosiivencss; indeed I was in a most ti,icruble condition. I ha I tried many remedii s, but found no pcimancut iel el un til I had purchand -. Ilnrlith't ct.mponnd firt.igUiniiif' nnd (irrmnn aperient i'in. whie'i IV ni iheir supriior vi.tues, I wur coinp!elely cured. unu am ante lo purue my employ ineni. tr.e from pain and disease, (sitiedl JOHN UOl.Est. Dated Venia, Ohio June 7 , Isltl. P'locii.le Oil'.ra Tor ilir ITiok-.I si, .. v hi. North EiUHTH hTREET, I'bibid, Iphi ,. . i '1. HENKV YOXTHEIMER OeloUr S4, IS4U. 'i'KV'iil WILL I'liLYAlL. .,: fJUlU' ,Le,,ic"' H.Hy increasing in in our column. I(H1 V?, mnt.rijnrttajtl.t lun4t inn tu Ludlow' nnd Gonllomrn'ii 11 orld of Uf rratuic nnd I uxlilon. The Caihct and the Gentle man'i United.) A NEW Volume, under tho above title, of the well established anil fbsbiunahla Magazine, I he Philadelphia Onakt in conjunc ion with the 'Gen lemau'a Magazine, which has been every w here pronounced the mot lend .bio and popular of the iliy, Will be opened on tho First of Jsnuary," 184 1, wiih an array of ContiftSnlors seraied by the union of (ulcnt and fame, which no periodirnl in thccotin. try con boait or pictetid to riva', . Tho December number will, however, be a rpicirticn of the new volume. Tbo Volume will be opencJ with a new and braulifut type, the fiueat white paper, and with the first of a eerie of .emltollH.imeni unsurpassed by any which have yet appeared in any Magszine, The style of elegnneo, the beauty and finish of thie illustration, and the cuirnHvc improvrnicnta which will be made in its tyoogriiphir.il appearance, and i. tunc all, the lone of its I teraiy departincut, by the bribiaut army of coutributom, whose nriicles have enriched ihe pages of each number, will (ie it clur neter, second lo no Magazine in the Union. The character cf the articles which shall cur in its pages, will be equally removed from a sick y senti mentality, and trotn nn all', rtation of morality, but wh le a tine delineation of human nature in every vaiicly of passion is aimed at, nothing ahnll he found in its p igr to cause a biu.ih upon the clink of the most imn. The loleiaiy character will be aufiii ionly, guar anteed by the iiputatinu of Wh Mag. inns thus united, for years past. . Writeia of ihe lirst rank have lcen regubir Contributors to their pages, and the tales and fketchea rtubbsbed in limn bave leen wid. ly rnpinJ and read, and the firm and inch pen dent tone of the eiitieisma, upon the current liteia ture of llin day, has bren every whe e approved and commendi d. The li-t of-eonlnbutors embraces the names of most of the principal wipers in America, nidi ins-cUi!.b: iuinlr of English aulhora. 'J'be series of well known nautical papers, enti tled -"Ciuizing in tho last War," have had a run, unequalled by any ri. s publishrd in any Magazine for yenra. -The author promi ea lo open the nrl of a new seriis of Tabs of the Sea, and Irom hi known uhihliea as a depicter of ea scenes and life, nmeh may lie relied upon from Lim in uwii.tainiiig the popularity of the Magozine Papers may be expect ed during the volume, td.-o fiom the author of the well known atlieles, entitled "The Log of O.d Iron, side-" The author of "Svrian Letters." will ! . lend his powerful and pratolul pen, t.i sustain and iocreass the n puution of ihe work. The valuable uid i f ti e au hor of 'uves f,om a I.awyei Port Folio," has i-lso bien Mcuied, and we may rxpicl something slid moie thrilling Irom the capacious stores whuh long life in the profe-sion has ena bled him l ninn-a. An occ.s oi.cl Chit-Chat with ' Jcmu.y bboit." anJ "O.iwr O.'dfcllow," is nlsa promised; with a variety if choice hrticles in prose and vrrfe, from various writers of celebiitv.as con tubu'.ors to ibe prominei.t Magsr.inea of the eooi. tiy. Thethloia of loih M..ga.ines continue their wivicrs ur.dcr -ihe new airuigrmei.t. With sucti an airay of la'eut a Magazine of uuiivulled attrac tions, may safely be promixd the coming volume. FASHIONS AND KXGRA VINUS. In compliance w ith the almo-t unanim.tus wish of our lady aubsc-rii ers, we shall (he ensuing vo' time furnish them wiih a beautitul and correct pla'e of Fashiona Monthly, a feature, it is bel.eved, that will neither le unwelcome nor unpopular. The F. sbion plain shall be drawn from original designs from I'ar.e and London, and m.y alwaa be ili--peuded upon as the prevailing style in Philadelphia and New Yoik, fur Ihe uioii h in which they are is sued. Time of publication. The woik witTl publish ed on the lirst of the month in cv. ry quam r of the Union. '1 he most clii-taut subserdr will conr quenlly receive it on i' will asttn sfiwho reside in I'l ibtdi Iphi . In all the principal cities, agen'a have len established, to whom the Maga zine is forwarded, prior lo ihe lime of is.u'lig it, so that t! cy may be delivered to resident cbbtcnbcr by the first of the month. Trnms : Thee Dollars per annum. Or two copies f arly for live do lara, invariably in advai.ee, post uid. No new si.bcrilcr leceiwd wi.houl Ihe money, or the name of a n sponsible ugent. For the aceommodatinn ol those who may wih lo sub scribe for eitl.tr of the f illowing Phdadi Iphia periodical!-, this liberal pnpos.l is made: Five doll us current money, free of postxge, we will f nwa d Graham's Mag- fine, and ti.Ml.-y's Euds Uook, foi one) car. Address, post paid, GEO. R. GRAHAM, South Wat corner of Chrtnut V Third Fhila. 'I lie Iti'ollu i' .lonallian. THE largest and most beautiful newspaper in the world larger by fifty squ ire indies than any other newspaper in the UniteJ States. Published Saturdays, at Id'i Nassau street, New York. Pi ice three dollars a ycai two copies for five dob lata. cry- The propiietora of this mammoth ahret the " Great Western" emnng tho newspapers have the pliHsurc of a, reading before the tending public a wei kly m nodical eoiiisming a greater a niount und variety of useful and inter, sling mis cell. my, tbnn is to be found in any similar publica tion in the world. F.ach numlier of the paper contains aa large an amount id leading matter as is f..und in v. Ionics of ordinary duodecimo, which cost 2 and more than is contuinH in a volume -uf Irving' Colum bus or llancioli's History of Ameiiea, which co-t f8 n volume nnd all for Tl. ree lKilb.rs a vear. For i't two co ies will Le loiwuidcd ouo year, or one copy two yc irs. rineethe publication ofoui orialnal rosprctus, the Urotber Jonathan has been EM.AKIiED Olid its size, amply 1 1 fore, has been ao much iniTeastd, llmt mueli more tl.an the former quantity of the most inteiestiiig lileiature of Uie d y is embraced in its immense capas ty. Si lections from all ibe most roiniuent sn-l ci IcluuVd wr.ters of Uie dsv nssst in swelling its coii'eiit; and whatevor is new, lith, or iaie, is imcdintcly rraiiHfrrred lo itsetJtmins. All the foiitiihutions to pi riodicals of American writers of repute appear in lis pages and the issue of th foreign pn ss are laid umlir contnbuiioiia, aa aoou as receive I in this country. To the miscellaneous und Literary Dcp-,rlmiin, ihe closest attention is paid; and in all the selections und original contribu tions, strict care is devoted lo avoid all lint may louih upon Iho opinions of any party in region or publics. Eiriunc having taught 1m that we had mark ed out a paid for unlive, in which ad sorts of poople di lights to lollow, it e lln.lher Jonnthaii shall continue, as it begun, to be a bold, geut'e, wei.hiy, lit! lit, grave, invrry, serious, willy, sinoo h, dashing, interrsng, ii.srrjrrd, and Incomparable newspaper. It shall lie a stupendous minor wheu In all thu world will claim r. flocud. lialiall con tain the most leautil'ul of Novels, Romancea and Sioriea for both sexes Fairy Tales lor lover of the niarvtlloua Legends for antiquaries Pasqui nades fir wit monger Nuia and rai-ir.s for ahou. winded teaders-eierenades for musical lovers Son i.eta for Ladies Sentiment fr j hacUlora eil. tislies for politicians ond Lectures, Sermons, t iti cisnis. Epigrams, Ac. Ac, Ac, for all ihe world. Letters should be addressed to WILSON A COMPANY, Fubl.ihtrt f thu Utol'nr Jonathan," .V. .V. THE CULTIVATOR, A Contolidaiien eif Ruer$ Cultivator and the O't- tinee Farmer. Willis oatLono lvinb tuckkii, tbiTena. lroprclii orTol. H, for IS II. PltE Cultivator was established to linpiove and elevate Ihe Agriculture of the country ; to give a propel tone to the moral ami mind of the 'Far mer; I o show him the dignity and importance of his rofesvion ;' to store his mind with useful kn jw kdge, and convince him that while all elates are and mu't be more or lea urpendaht on each other, he alone ef the who1 can make any near approach to indcpendimre. If there 4s one thing moie than another, which m this country give a man superi ority ovrt his Yellow men.it ia knowledge; and this knowledge, 'knowledge which ia a essential to Ihe succres of the farmer as to othi r men, it i tho design of the Cubrvetor lo aid in imparling. crj-The volume for I840,ia filled entirely with Original CommunicmtimH, cnibiucing artieliafrom about 300 Correspondents from almost every atate in the Union. - If n inrrease of subscription beyond nny prcco j dent in the history of Agricultural journals, if the almost unanimous Toir of the public press in our I. ivor, it ihe multitude of pnvale yit flattering lot timouials we have received, added to a circulation amounting the first yrar IoTwiti-two Thou a sun, -may be admitted aa evidenre, ihen we have certainly most abundant reason to I gratified with II. e sueceia which his attended the Union of tho Cultivator and the Gof.esse Farmer. No expense hia Iccn tr will be spared to render the Cultivator worthy of llie patronage it has received. ;In the number, variety and excellence of ita llunrationa, it is w about a nval at home or abroad, the Inst vol ume being embellished with neatly Une Hundred Engruviitg, illusl rating tho improved brecdaol II. ir a. Cattle, tflnep, Swine, Uuildinga, Implcinents, & making the Cultivator, all thinga ensidcred, it is believed, the Cheapest Agricultural Paptr ever puiitistied in tins or any oih,r country. 'I'naMs trr Dollar per iimim Six ropies for tr, ii. i ;.. i t- ,.i - ...t .H...11J ... ,v nn ,ii uu.unec, itiv in postage. A commission ol .0 per cent, will be al lowed to Agents who obtain 25 or more subscri-l-crs, and 25 per cent, to those who obtain 100 or more. AH ubscript,ona lo commence with a vol- Postmat lera and gentlemen disposed to lend their influence to aid the coue of Agriculture, are re spccifully n quct led to act ssagrnis. Address JESSE DUEL &. CO. Publishers of the Cultivator, Albany, X. Y. BOSTON NOTION, THE LARGEST .1 SD CHEAPEST SEW S P APE It IS THE WORLD. FffHE spirit of the age is utilitarian. Improve JL mint ia etarrpd UKn the face of every thing. All the useful arts are progrersing with unparrailcl ed rapidity, and the Art of l'rintii g is coming in for its lull share of the common improvement. De'cm ed not In be outdone in any thing that per tains to his profession, where there is a lair chance for exertion and enterprise, the undersigned has de termined upon issuing sheet twice -the size of the Boston Weekly Times, (and is to takethe place of that paper,) and w II contain e gbt columns more matter than the llrnther Jonathan. This shctt will be calhd the LiOSTON NOTION, and it is determined that it ahull sustain a cognomen so full of meaning, and ao interwoven with the estab lished character of our Yankee city. It will be tho LaMor.sr -Nswsrsr-RR in tub W'obld wiih no exception and will 'be printed on a sheet thirty seven by 'fifty-two inches, di will be rilled entirely with reading nutter, and will contain Three Thou sand Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight square inches, oi Twenty-Seven square bet of print in line type! and a single number will contain more read ing than nn ordinary book of Three Hundred I Tb.i dimensions will enable the publisher to draw largely upon the most populai riodin! of the day, both American and Foreign ; and as ihe selcctioi will lie made wilh great care, it ia believ ed Ibis poperw .ll be a welcome Notion to enry family, licsldia a full synopsis of the current news of the d iy,) as published in the liostou D .ily Times,) it will c main Poetry, Popular Talcs, Theatrical Criticisms, Police and tthci Court Report-:, Huirorous Articles, -Ac. Ac. The wh.lc woild of Li nature will le ran-ackrd to fill it. From the study of the philosopher dow n to the police courts, through all regions of reason, pocliy, romance, wit, und the ample iceord of folly, we shall glean from the past and the present oiid fiom all naiions, to present as pleasing and useful a combination of recoided thought and current hU tiny, as the world can supp'y or indusliy produce. This is our "Uostom Norion." This great amount of wisdom and fun of wii and philosophy of noveliiisand antiquities we are able to oiler, weekly for six cestb jcr copy, only six cents! and we can doit lieeause of ihe facili i. a of our press and oll'ice, and the connection of dm'y and weekly publications. For tiikxc hol lahs we can sell a year's volume, equal in quantity of matter, with every variety also, to Fifiy-two Vol ume of Novels, such as are issued from the press of this day. FiAy-two large Volume for Three Du'laie! Effected all by improved machinery, und by a determination thai we will not be outdone iu eulei prize and usefu'nes-i. TbRMS: Tunc Doliabs a year, always in advj. ee no ordeia, no uiallcr from what source, will liealterdid to unlet acccnipunied with the CASH. Single copica six cents eauh. Post Masters or others remitting Twenty Dol lars shad have Eight copies tent lo such person and pieces as they rosy designate. GEORGE I.OHERTS, Publisher. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, ClIKSSl'T StBIFT WhaBT, IlABBISGCnO, IS prepared lo receive Goods and V.r..U, .i t', new waiehmiso, which his arrangements will ens- I 1,16 ""'New f I heir papers, and have resolved l ie him to forward with despatch lo Philadelphia ' llle Sl,lu,d'y Evening Post, shall be coilducl Pillsburg, Williamspnn, itkesbur.e, Columbia! . a lo speak for ilsclC Lancaster, or any other point on the Pennsylvania ur ,fl"f" '" alway find in its columns the and Union Canals, nnd the Pennsylvania atid liar- eo,1,t't "J l,lcl authentic information, fa well as tishrjig and Lancaster sittl roads. tl'f "lost choice and ciileilatiiing liteiary mailer. (ioods from Philadelphia for Harrisl urg, Carlisle, t NV ,),Ve lly discarded the sy.lem ol tilling the Cuambersburij. Ac. An.. forw,.,r.l.l -i.K r,n n,,.l l P'P" i.h quack advertisements, but prefer eivina exi!ition. Coai, Pi-astxb, Salt and Fisn, conMsiiilv for sale. Sept. 9. ISrmoval. B O O K - U I N D H R Y. THE undersigned have the gratification ef in forming the public, that notwithstanding tl ey wi re so uiitoi lunate as to have their bindery burnt down, in Match Ut, they have epenod a very extensive one, in LocUbt street, iu the new building ilueeily opposite Gleim'a Hotel, slid aie prepared lo execute all woik in their line wiih despatch, and in a su peiior style. Their RULING APPARATUS and other Machinery tie new, and of the first order and latest improvimrnts; and they fiel coi.fi. pence in ihtir facilities for giving perfect sati-faction to all who nny favor them with their orj.rs. Ranks, County ollicrs. Merchant, Mechanics and oilier, caul supplied with 1SLANK HOOKS of every description, which for neatness and dura, bililv, will be equal to any made by the United ti- HICKOK Jv CAN i INE. HAIiKISliUnG, spi. t, SOIQBTniNO KBW1I1 thi catsrr.sT sso axiT FAMILY SKWSPAPKR MOW ri'BLISHKD. Only l so pr Annum t 'THE OCEAN AND WEEKLY CLIPPER, one of the nH and cheapest newspsera in this country, containing all Ilia choice Reading Matter of the six daily psprrs, including the "CLIP PER'S LOG," ia published cvciy Saturday, at $1 SO per annum. - ' ' K3 The "OCEAN" la nndcr thf editorial eharije or Joitjr TL IIiwitt ami Jotit Witts, Esqrs., the former Well known as idilor, proprietot, or princi pal 'contributor to every literary publicslion Issued m thru rily for tho last fifteen ycats; and the latter, long n contributor lo aioua periodicals, but more publicly known sinee his connection with the "Ut ti mob k Cupith." The extraordinary sucress whiih has ritletnled the establishment of the Haiti moie Clipper,' now numbering a larger list of sub renders llian any other newspaper iver published in Maryland iho daily application fit a weekly paper, to tend, by mail, lo country subscribers nd' the mnny facilities, possessed ly the under signed, for this undfertiiktng, have induced them to spare no expense in getting up a paper which can not f til to be a welcome visitor into every man's family. It is printed nn entire new typo and fine while paper, nnd will compare, for beauty of wo kman ship and excellence of reading matter, wilh any periodical now published in the United Slates; Tinas: For Mail Subsciibers, $1 00 per an num, in current money, foi warded (free of i xpense) to Ibo publishers. CCj" Postmastrra disposed to act at Agents for the Ocean, will noeiie five copica weekly, per an num, for live dollar. Payment alwavs to be made in advance. Addrcs DULL A. TUTTLE, Printers, Halt maie, Mil. tvro.MsinxG iciii:si FOUR THOUSAND NEW SUIJSCRIBERS IN TWO MON I'HS ! !! Wwrs we first purchased the old and well known estubl sliment of t' e Salui -day Evening, Post, we sta'ed that the pa er circulated so widely a mong the sti ady, reading portion of ihe United Slates, that we entered upon our h burs with full confidence of the future. Our auccess has since been beyond our most sanguine expectation, as our weekly TrceijiH overbalance those of any Cotcil'po tary japtr. Our Tist has continued to well up, with unexampled rapidity, end wo have the confi dtnee, thai al the present rate of increase, we shall be en aMed tn a few months to boast of more than 85,000 subscribers I When we commenced our labors, we announced distinctly, that the tone of ihe paper should be decidedly moral, and that nothing shou'd be admitted into our columns, which the most f.is.idious falluir Could disapprove of, and de term'ned that as an approved Family Paper, it should not contain a potarrapri. whri ihe-apirK of which a parent woulJ not wish to have a daughter familiar, and we ihciefore, wilh this view, announ ced thnt no theatrical noticea should appear in our Columns, ai.d that we should bo opposed to theatres as thing calculated to injure the healthy action of an honest mind, as creative of exhibitions demo ralizing in tendency, slid fearfully pernicious in fact. Thcro were not wanting blusterers, who made a great parade of opposition, and Croakers, who predicted our speedy downfall, but we threw ourselves upon Ihe sober, rational and experienced poition of the people of the United Stales for aup poit, and we have been nobly sus'aincil. We thought and expressed Iho opinion, that however esreless msny 'might be upon this subject, thai few, even if tl.cy did nol entirely disapprove of such entertainments, cared alout having the grosa deluila forever paraded before the eyca of their children, and Ibe sickening and nauseating eulogy of all kind of characters tuado funiiliar lo their minds. We determined also, that wiile the papeT con tinued under our control, it should beitr.ctly neu tral in politics and that aa new and liteiary jour nalists we had nothing ia da wnb the matter-; this determination has been strictly and rigidly adhered to, and while we shall continue lo give our re idem auch public document as may be deemed of inte rest to all, and such a' history of the progress of political events, as are strictly in keeping with our duty, and the charaetet of the paper, we shall stu diously end 'horoughly avoid any contaoiuiaUon of partizm politics. The paper is now printed in a new and beauti ful type, has received tho praise of many iditors ot taste, as lhc handsomest family sheet in the Union.' Our efforts have been directed to llie combining of beauty and aimplic ty wilh utility and taste. The i'ost ia printed on a stout white paper, ren dering it neat and durable for filing. In addition lo iheso i Hurts toward perfection in the mechanical department, and cxtirior ol our pa. per, no labor, and no cost been spared in the de velopemcnl of intellectual strmgth. The present variety of interesting lulos, original, from loicign and domestic magazines, logethor with tho valua ble contributions of our own circle of literary friends will continue lo give inteiest to ihe paper, while everything important and worthy ofuolelhat nappens in the Old World or the New, shall be collected and collated for the taste of oui rea ders. The Ladies' Department shall always be choice and aelect, and shall receive stiicl attention, while such things aa may inteiest our juvenile leaders, slid that iinpoitant and large class of our readers, theFaimir will not be overlooked. In order to gratify, aa much as possible, the laudible desire of our country readeis, a portion of our atteulion will I e devoted to the Collection and diffusion of such News, Memoranda, Tables, Facta, Hints, Ar, ea may seem iinpoitant to agriculturists, and the pop ulation resident without the confines of our great ( cities. J he state ol the miikots and the fluclua j tiou in ihe prices, will be regularly and what is of j more mwment, correctly given, l We have ever been onnosed to l'ie ennsi.mt I ,,,ustt r ""J Id mJe by some editor, about I ou' r deis from week to week, ciUeilaiiiiiig read' ; m"lt- , , . Anii we fiel ""urJ that we shall be no losera i thereby, as but few readers cue aboui bavin a- a o., ..r tilled wilh description of these naueaiin8 coin, j pounds. The Saturday Ercning Post, will be furnished lor f per annum in advance, or one copy three years f . r $3. To those who wish lo subscribe lor a Philadelphia Magazine, we will furnish a copy of the Philadelphia Co. ki t, and two copies of the 1'ost for one year for ? b free of postage and dis count. No) New Subset iber received without the Money. To those who wish to subscribe, we would say, that the safest plan is to enclose the money in a letter and dinct lo us. Most postmasters -will frank their biter if relating to nothing but the busitus of ihe oiiice, and all post matters who will lie kind enough ao lo do, we shall be pleased to ac knowledge a agents. Address . GEORGE R. GRAHAM A CO. Nd 80 Caitei , Alb, I'hiluJslj hi. TIII2 'EW WOIIs. THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST; HANDSOM EST, .4SD MOST COMPREHENSIVE NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. ' . biiitxii bt rariK -rtrwAMix and trti unetBT. WITH multiplied resource for rendoring Ihe Nxw Wontn more valuablo than ever a a compendious newspaper and reposiiory of elcgint literature, we enter upon tho second volame (folio) on the 21th of October, dressed in a beautiful garb of ncfo type, cast expressly for the purpose. It will therefoie be a fitting time to commence new subscriptions,' as well as for the renewal of those which may then expire, Duiing the first year of Ihe cxialance of tha Ntw Wobld, it ho acquired a reputation anJ circulation auprrior to any weekly paper in the country; and has furnished toil Rubscribcrs,duiing that period, (beside a 1 the current news of the day, domestic and foreign) new auJ valuable worka by TfjU'ouid, DTsraell, Thomas Moore, Misa Milford M. Jameson, C. Dickens, Ainsworth, Knowlc Dulwer, Mairyal, and others woik, which in Lon don could not be purchased for fifty time tin amount of tho subscription price of the Nev Woild. in addition to worka of interest by the eminent authors, ilhaa contained the cream of tlx peii.Hlical hleratuie of tha day, as well as oiigino articles from the pens of some of the most popula writers of America, aoiong whom we may mentloi Mis Scdjwick, Orville Dewey, Professor Lnngfe low, the author of "Yankee Notions," Sum mi S'reet, 4o, Ac. Ia po'iticks we s'oall, as liithcrto, maintain a arineJ neutrality. Our columns as heretofore wi be unobjectionable in a moral point of view. I criiie.'ism we shall, in justice to Ihe public, manlai a perfect independence, even though we incur th vengence of all the dunces- We ahnll, in conch sion. earnestly sliivc to render our sheet not onl worthy of the unparalleled favour it has experinncc but of a continually extending circulation. Whi we continue lo furnish with all possible promtitui ihe most attractive liter. -turo of the day, we aha as our means-enlarge, afford that compensation native authors, which may induce them to in .1 the New World the medium for presenting to li public their best productions. Our excellent Lo don correspondent will be continucJ, and due i tcntion will be paid to the comcrcial, agricultui and new department of our paper. A QUARTO EDITION Of s'xteen latge pnge w as commenced on the six of June last, in order to meet tl; wishes of lar number of subscribers, by giving them its lich ni varied content in a suitable form for binding. Tl we have done without having enhanced the pr'n so that new subscribers, and othcra on the renew of previous subscriptions, can take their choice I tween the Quarto and Folio form. rj- But a f sets of the Quarto, fiom No 1, now temain hand in the office, and we shall therefore, not able long to supp'y them. TERMS: Tmu.K DoLitrt year in advan for either edition ; ot Frv Dollars for two copi In nil cases letters must lie tree, or post paid, they will remain desd in the post-office. GjF All Po.itmusteis who will act for us are i authorized Agents, and may retain S5 per cent the subsciiption price, ($3.) for commissions, if mittcd in New-York or Eastern n oney ; or 50 ce on each, if in notes of other aolvent banks, wh may be at a discount here. j Editors and Pul lishri who desire the c tinuaiice of an exchange, will please copy the ah three or more times, or othcrw isc notice the conle nnd rend us a marked paper. Letters rcla ivc to the editorial department n be addressed lo Park Ui.ua mix A. Ens Sannr Editors: thoiw relative to the buisnes dep mtnt, to J. WINCHESTER, Publube. No. 30 Ann creel. II A Z A II I ' S UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL I i llul aerl,, I m lr ;mrn STATISTICAL REGISTER Contain! umeuts, facts and other useful information, illu IT live of the history and resource of the Ame 1-- . . ICS union, anu oi each state; embracing comm manufactures, agricuituie, inti rual iuiprovem re nt norms, currency, nuances, education, Ac. &c EJ leu ny Samuel Hazard. Publi bed every Weiinrsdoy, at 79 Dock atree The iriec to subscribers is $5 per annum, payabl on the first of January of each year. No suhscri) lion received for less than a year. Subscribers oc of the principal cities to pay in advance. 1 ll O S 1 12 C T V S or TRX JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SILK SC CiETY, AND RURAL ECONOMIST. roiTrn bt oinxos b. smith. THIS Journal was established bv the America Silk Society, for the purpose of diffusing practicr information on the rvmsi or silk in the Unite States. It h ns now been published one year, nn may be considered a w ork of standard character. The first year's publication, composing the fir volume, coot, dues a masiof Valuable infoimslioi and it will be the ol j. ct of the editor to mak the second equal in all rcspct, if not sujierioi, t tho first. The important fact is now esta1 lished b yond any question, thai the people ot the Unite States can make silk cHiAriu. and bktti.ii lha any other nation Uion earth. Il ha been piovt by unimfieachaMo lest'mouy, that Ihe entire c of producing silk ready for maiket, does not txeev TWO HOLLARS AHD TWCXTI-riVS CHT ft roi xn, and its lowest vidua is roc dollars a urn cents; also, that oxx irti of ground plan ed in moras muliicaulis, will produce the first yet the tret aie planted, ror iitv-i.ioht rovnds o silk, leaving a clear profit lo Ihe producer of o m urium An light iiollaiis! Il has also bee proved that the childieii and ft males of any farmer fiinily can, w ith Ihe grcale t possible ease, produi from fifty to a hundred pounds of silk every yea without any cost whatever to the expenses of tl farm after the tri es are planted; and then fore, ill the w hole amount of silk will be so much clear g.m iy from f'Uj to 1 4 SO. With these fuels we ut nut lo an intelligent people wether il is not a grer. and important object for them to introduce the cu lure of tilk inevery farmer's family in the Uaioi 1 0 enable all our farmers to make si k, tit 'Jot v mil or the Amkuica Silk. Societx was rati! lished; il contains lain piactical directions form TIVATiaa THE T lilts, rtl IlIMB and rxaiiiks sii. woums, KLi.Lia the silk, and prepuriiig it I, maiket, ic, besides all othtr iiiformslion that ra be r. quired to enable any pirson to enter upon 1 1, business, either on a Urge oi small scale. Evi friend of his counity, into wh se hands ibis pais may fall, will be doing a patriot and philanthropi.il woik ly inducing his friends and ncighhoun loci ter their names upon the list of subscriber, 'I he Journal of the American Society is publishi monthly, in pamphlet form; each number contaii thiitj two octavo pages, printed on new tyie at handsome paper, wiih a printed colored coer. Tebms : Two dollars a year, or '' . ,n,,,oA;. "'w,v,oi-,'",,i-f..re.h.eow':,v sent. All ...hscnptior;. , her oftheye.r..llJ ir.nocase will the wo.kb.e to any eo.u., longer than it ahall bave be, ,,ui tor. CJ'New i asr ri be Ra, Kri0 take the first ai second o ume. w ill he charged only Thru Du labs for Ihe tw o car ,