' JRICE CURRENT. Correttcd Weekly by Henry Yoxtieiiner. Wheat, 80 Rra, 4 . -60 Con.y, ... . . . 40 Oath, . 85 Pome, 5 FLAXsrin, . . 100 Ut'TTun, ' 12J Durswix, 25 Tailow, lJ 1)hi Kb Arrna, M Do. Piachm, .... 200 FlA, 8 Heckled Fiai, .... 10 Eons, 8 TO THE JFPL1CTED. THOSE who are suffering from virions diseases Incident lo Ihe human family, would dn well lo procure Dr. Harlich't Cornptrttnd 'Strengthening avil'Om-man Aperient Villa, which are to pre eminently eoccnmmcnded for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Bins in ihe side, bark ahd breast, .TVcrvious Aff citons, Head-Ache, anil all tire dia tun ol the Stomach nd Bowls. Pamphlets may tttoht lined gratia, whteffe contain full and eplicite alirccxionVfur' using. The Tender is referred lo ecri eral very hT.ereetitj; f Mlificatce of cure in this -paper, which may'De'rclied upon, as ihey are taken ' .i ' t,. iv.' in Krtll'1'11 irnm inn original, i nr Tiaic- nih iv, EIGHTH atreet, Philadelphia. henry YtrSreraMUR. SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. T. K I R Jt P A T R I C K & S O N, Tfo. il, North Third street, (nKTwrKir sAiiK-iT ixn cnxnnvT ithkm-b,) PHILADELPHIA. HA Vn for file large end excellent assortment ot Spanish .Hides, Ttttna Kips, Humeri' Oil, Jre., at the -lowest market prices, either for cash, in exchange for leather, or upon credit, i Consignment of leather received "for side, or purchased rt the .highest naiket -prices. I. rather toied free of charge. April 17, 1841 ly Oscc Iluir-s Estate. "RVTOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of the coun'y of Northumberland, lias this day granted Ictlera testamentary to the subscriber, upon the estate of Owe Huff, of Kush township, m the aid county. All persons having demands nr claims g.iinst the aaii dece5nt, are requested to make known the saaa 4 feiaa without delay. HENKV HUFF, Apt3 17 6t Adm. ATTENTION SUNBURY GREYS. YOU are rrrpjeMcd 'to me rt for pamdein Maiket-square.'Sun-Ivury, at 10 o'clock A. M.of Satur day, the 17th day of April, inst., in Summer uniform, each Member to be provided with 12 rounda of blank caitriJge. By order of Captain Dewart, J. II ZIMMERMAN, Orderlt Serg't. April 10, 1S41, To Tailors. LITER'S fcVHOULDER MEASURE SYSTEM IPHE Suhsciiler has lieen appoinfed Afent for the above System, for Northumberland County, iv'hich he olfera for rale to Tailors, who may de eiVe to possess the beat and la'et improvement in the ait of cultins carmetits. The following two certificates ate from a committee of Merchant Tai lora in Paris, who have examined ihe System, and -iig!ly ajiprove of the same. Pabis. Fch. SSlh, We, the-tmderHgned, mcmbera of the committee (pointed hy the inemhera coinoing the "Philan thruplrle S.xicty"" of Merchant Tailors of Patis, cer tify that the SjRtem of cutiinc, taught by Thomas Oliver of New York, United SiaH-s, has len sub mitted to our examination, which system we recom mend as the trst that has been submitted to us, in faith of which we have eiven hi-n this certiorate. M. FKOUE. President, M. LA FMTE, V President. I subjoin a certiorate Trout Mr. Cutter of Paris, formerly of Bost'Hi, whose reputation is well e.ta tilishcd loth in Europe and in America : Mr. Oliver, Dear Sir, the rioimmrud ition 'yrm liave obt dried from the Society of Master Tailors, ia from the highest in this city, and I fully agree in "tiro opinion, that your system is the bet that lias ever been published. Yours truly. U. CUTTER. The subscriber continues ihe taofnets of TAI I.OIMNG afbia rltil itiiid, adjoining Khawn's store. In Sunbury, where he will accommodate all who uay call upon him in his line of business. He will regularly recfive the Fashions from Mr. Oliver of Ttw Yoik, aa soon as rtsQed. The Spring Fashions have 'been received, and are now for lc WILLIAM UL KSP. Sunbury, April 10, 181 L ly LIST OF LETTERS, KEMAIMNC in the Post Office at Sha tnokin, on the 1st day of Apr. 1, 1841. fnitmrl Thornton, Dudly Andrrug, John ttoyd, Jacob Smift, Nicholas Kra'zer, Sun kit I M. (lard tier, (ieorge Slappig. Jerrmi ih Wetzel, 'llionins Morrow, Daniel Lalur, Peter Persinne, iSamuel li. Wood, fl. WILLI A M f AO ELY, P. M. Ghci p T i ii -w are. MANUFACTURED and sold by the aumer ber in Sunbuiy, of the best Tin. and the wui k wsiranted, which he otTors for sale at reduced jsh (trices, now as tow at retail asTormerly sold by vio!eslv.-0wd WaK-ring I'otn, forniwjy told at 67, now at to ccnla; Lai Re Bucket, formerly .,',t t 76 and M, now at 0- and 50 J.Ji.in Colli e IVts, formerly sold at 66, and MXte quart at 50, now 1 4$ and 3 eenla. other articles of Tin-Warp in proporrliij. Stove plpa and etoves 'tna!!e and l.. cheap Inr 'cash, 'fee. N. B-. All persona indebted le the subscriber, and who wish to save costs, are requested to call nJ m .ke satisfaction, without delay, cither with Caah or by f ivmg iheit nottrM, fctuiibury, Apiil 10. HENRY MASSRR. PfcRM.YS knowing themselves to he indebted to the subscribers, for coal or otherwise, will please rail and aeule the aama without delay, if they wUh lo save coat. J. H. Pl'KDY A CO. buabury, April lOili, Ull. if. 'Jf1" JOIIIV SlXIalVAIV Ac so;v, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8tt, Lieut Stakst Wsuitr, IJAIriMORE, HAViNO a spacious warehouse, near the Rail roail, atid ample wharf arid pavement room for landing and receiving produce, respectfully solicit consignments of flour, grain, whiskey, tobacco, Ac. With much experience in the COMMISSION BUSINESS, to Which ihey are promptly and ex clusively devoted, they arc induced to believe they CAn give ealiafaclion to all who may employ them. Liberal advances made on Consignments, and information a to markets freely coinftrtuMcated when required. . . , Refer lo IV. LORUANT A SON, ,limn HUGH M EDERRY. J Baltimot. KEARNEY WII AKTON, Keiding. Pa. JOHN DOUtJIiKKTVr.Horlidaynlnrr;, Pa. WALLINGFORD ATA YLOR Pittsburg, Fa. April 10 1641. Self-adjusting log brack FOR SAW-MILLS. Bt Utxtivi N. CuanwA. THE Subscribers having putc4iiied the right for vending tnd using the above valuable inven tion, for Northumberland County, oO'cr to dispose of the aame to persona who may dttme to purchase, The above invention is now in operation at tke ntv mill of Mr. M'Caitv, rrear Sunbuiy, where it can he inaprctcd by owners of saw mills and alt others tnierrsteri. t.. atijih, March 2L if. SAMUEL COBIN. The iMsi tliaiiffr. If pontons who, are indebted to tlm subscriber on Book account, will call and settle llio same I e forc the KMh of April next, they can aave aome in erest as well as co.ts, as the books alter th.it t into will be placed in ihe hands of niagiatrale fK col lection. H. 1. MASTER. Mirch 30, 18 U. WARRANTEE "aTTA , fi 1 t. . I'm i:t Dollar, EQUAL1 for time to any by Otitic Ved hri fur $05,' ft. .ue by March' -IS. H. B. MASSKR. In 4he 'irtcliolson Court 'f IJlr fur rMnt of I'rnniylT.nlt. STATE" OT PENNSYLVANIA : Jj. -S. DAtfrHtS Cocstt, s. the The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. VP. The persona claiming ti tle to, or interest in the sc- -Bill hi pr"rpctuo1e lea- yeral tracts of laml srt t timony. forth in tho Bill, whereof the 'following is an ab strict. A T a'term of the""'Niclio!fon Cotirt of TTeas for 'he tState of PvTrrrrylvarria," eonvfi;e4 in the Borough ofHarrisburg, Pa., Jan. 20, A. D. 184 1, in pursuance of an art entitled An act to aeitlo the estates of John Nicholson and Peter Baynton," parsed April 16th, A. D. IS10. Upon the petition presented and filed in our courl by Robert Orr, John Dungan mil WdKam Primrose Esq , Com missiot crs appointed as providc.l in the act afore said Tepresetitinj "that whereas it appears from the records in theofliceof the JSccretary t.l'ttie Land Oil-rein Pennfrylvanin, that W-ll" ' Brady ap plied for, and look out of lbs Land Ollire aforesaid, fifteen warr.irrts, nil benririg date Nov. IS, 4783. in the nairra iff John Bready, Thorms HamiKon, Wil liam P. Breardjs John Hoyd, Wilbam WiU, Brn jflmm F. Ycur.fj, Wfiliani 'Cray, WilK.un Caok, Esu . John C'rtwden, Bernard Hubtev, Thomas (Jiant, Alexander blunter, Samuel 'cott. James Hepburn, John Carson; and a!so ihe -five 4nllow ing warrant, all I eaiing d ite March 14, 1794, in ihe names of Thomas Keese, Thomas (Irani, Sam n4 Scott, Thomas Hamilton, Jeremiah Jackon, fur four handled acres each, a-vining csch other in their programme order, returned in Northutnlierlaiid County, as described and ct forth in the eeitificates annexed to said petition, numbered 1 2,"; 8 1 ; and whereas it apt ears by a receipt in the oflire of the Secretary of the Land Ollice, aforesaid, dated June 2, 1 794, a certificate whereof H erso w sad peiiiion annexed, that William 1. Brady paidriito the Land Office aforesaid 200 in specre. r sa d twenty tracts, amounting in a'R to POW acres, together with 10 ofiiT fees; end whereas it also appears by The Certificates of the raid William P. Uiady, legally executed and acknowlcd?itl-, bearing dute August 13, 183S. the aame whtreof is annexed lo the itetirfon, that the twenty warrants above men tinned were all paid by the said William P. Brady, as the agent of, and for tho use and benefit of John Nicholson, Eq., for the aole use and benefit of said Nicholson, and was paid for nith money placed in hm harrt frr that pBtposv, although from Ihe books rnsaid Land Oliice, iteppears that said rl iam P. Brady received credit for the purchase money of Said warrants The etiltoners ftirflier reprieent, that the said William P. Bradv, the witness which the I pctitionerawave fr proof of Ihe f.irts tatel in the j above bill, is new yery aged ami hifirm,the petition- ; crstheretora pray the Court lhat a rule may be; grinted before aaid Court to tuko the testimony cf the sai I William P. Uia.lv. now of the county of Indiana, and state of Pennsylvania, touchtng the: aforesaid twenty tracts uf land, eni dco notice there- of to aM peruona intrtrstrd, Miat Ihe Mine w.ll be . .....! ...... I i r..,. I ! II. ....I..... -...! erpelualed agreeably to ihe direction of the Con- stilution of this Commonwealth, and the ecu of Asenily in such case made and provided, and o make such further ruh-a aird orders her.in as to rlie Court shall Seem just and firOer, vVe. Whereupon, January 20, 1841, the foretJring pe- ution l-eiiig read in oja-n Coi.it, atfi toe r-nilei,ve oi ine cisons imen-sicu in i''.e lands tne;, m men- j trorrcd not taeing xnow, the Coil- order and diiect that a rule be cn'trrd lo nil partus or persons inte- j retfd m said lands, ',0 kUCw cause uto this court I to re held - jairisuuig 0 ie MCotd Monday of ; ........ . ,-il next, why the listimuny bu I Yioi Iben and there be peipetuutcd as spplirj for in ttiid petition, ' and the com I further ot'.er lhat a ropy of llm said rule and ot JcYjp p'jlilibhcd in one daily newspaT in the tlly ol rhllsd.-lptua, one day lit each week, for six weeks succe.siiely, ard once a weiti for the same period in a wrtkly newspaper printed n Nor ihumbirland County, (where the Kind Mrs,) J.rior to the said second Monday in April next Witness ir.e Hon. 5..seh ft, Aiihony, Judge of our slid Court at the borough of Harrilurg, this twentieth dayol January, A. D. one thou sand eight huudred and forty-one. Jon. 30-Cw Jl. C. H1CKOIC. Clerk. A FEW Copies of T Mas Choral liar omwi," roitsisiirrw'o'l fcacr d Muac with Ger man and Enulish lines lo each tune. By H. C, F.yer. For 'aaU by Janna-V 3t. II. V. M ASSET, BRAD Y'S HOTEL. AIVVIL1,E, COlX'.milA c:oixty, Peaai) lvnl. THE SUBSCRIBER JespcctfuTly infiirma the public, that he has removed from the town of Cntlmcitsa lo Danville, and that he has purohssed m that place, Vh.e Large and Commodiou BHICK HDIilBi AT tsk cotima or mill inw .t sTatKTs, C Oftpttite the CiurUHouie, J W'hieh he hs fitted np by the erection iP.lfiijt of ADDITION Air BUILWNCH. and j jjijp extensive ST ABU NO. forfhe Dnlrr. f -iTir '" """' ff Travellers end VLiilnri, He is now prepared lo accommodate oil who may favnr him with a call, and he woulJ mete thut no thing in his power shall be left v.ndonc, to render his customers comfortable and happy while under his rare. His accommodations are ample, and his room furnished in modern style, and thn proprietor is de termined that his trstahfahmrnt Aan raatain and keep Bp with the frrcrtvrtiq snemtstTon and importance of the town in which it is local, d. II sTaar. wirl he supplied wtrti-rvery turnrv of ihe season, and the .. and thuient tnritty the market enn a'Jftnd. His Ban will be stored villi the bent article thut can be fnrniihd4n mir ttlm, ami the wtiolo will re such oato give satis faction to every one. Wvll knowing that an enlightened public ill always fn.ilgef.ir them-elvrs, he feels confident that they will favor him with thnir pitronage. SAMUEL A. URAOV. Danville, Jan. DO. Utarge Mlombtrgr' MJtttit llTtCK is hereby given, that the Register of Ihe coonty of NotihumberlSTifT; visat!iia day granted lefter testamentary to tho subscribers, tipon Ihe estate of George Hombergcr, of ('oal township, in the iid county. All persons having demands nr claims aaainst the said decedent, aro requested to make known lire tame tn them without delay. KEOKUK LONW, THOMAS HENNINUER, Feb. ?3 t. ' Adm's. Ianlrl liases lsKtie. "Vf OTICE is hereby given, that letters of udmin--v istration on the estate of Daniel Kane, late of Rush township, Northumlrland tounly, dee'd., have been granted by the Register tf sitd county to the subscriber. AW those hidthtcd To the tlbove es tate will make payment, anil those hevtiMj c'aitns will present their arcoXniTa oil the fifth and Ulct March, 1311, at the late residence of deceased. PETER KASE. Jan. 2;V fiw 33. Atlm'r. IMmsoIiiUoii or l'artncislilp. rPHE undersigmd liaving dissolved pfrtnership, -1- wish to give notice to those indebtvd in the old books to make payment soou. as no longer indul gence vi id lie gien. For silllewH-nt, cull at the Foundry, its the books will remam yi4 atvb'letn the hands of ths late firm for settlement, GEOKUE KOHKU.VCH, JACOB ItOllKBACH, Feb. 27. 31 DANIEL KOHRBACH. S U N I) U R Y GEORGE ROHKBACH & BROTHERS "yiriSH to 'inform tlrcir Customers end the pub- lie fxnoriillv, that they hav rectcd an En gine, and ere enabled to do a mure extensive lusi iicss than herctotore, and are ready to m ike all kind of catlings commonly cast at Foundry, viz.: STOVES, HOLLOW-WARE, PLOUGHS and PLOUGH CASTINGS of all descriptions, which they wiM ispae of a cheap aa they vn be Imught rlscwhere. Old Iron and Contry produce will he taken in evrhano. f- ,..tir.g.. tiKORGB KOHKUACiI, JACOB KOHRBACH, Feb. t7. 3in. WILLIAM KOHRBACH. ATTENTION MERCHANTS, &c. S. P. & J. H. TRICK, "WHOLESALE GROCERS, FO R WADING A raoMCE rnMMiHsio.y xmunY, No. 237, Market ttrerl,Jire tixirt alioveii'eeiith, MILADELMIA, fVFY.fl fot sale, at the lowrtt muket prices, a geneial assortment of 7irrr, Cfffif, Sugurs, Mufaim, Wnet, Mquart, Spieei, Tolaeco, 4 c. Chcstiit Piioiu-cr received and sold on commis sion. Merchants. Hotel keepers, and others, will find it to their advantage to rafl aird vxamine our tok, heforo p'ureha-ing elsewhiTe. MiT. haiit" wishirg their goods C"refted in this cily, by l evinc an or.'er, tv'ill have them promptly lorwardfd, by tile most rxpcditioirs lines. xnWi r. rnicK, joiix n. rtncit. Feb. 6. 1841. ly. T h o iti a s IS x h a c 1 1 , No. 568, EALtiMotiK SrnttT, A few dr uwt of Howard tt. UAlvTlMORE. THOLES.M.K DEALER in Comla, But- tons, German and Fancy toods. and Im porter Tf Putent snJ Shoe Threads, h'pool 4'otton, SuspcTtileta, Ta, and 4mo!.t every dercription of Small Artirles, CoontTy Mrtrhanta and Dealt rs in geneial, are teapectfutly invited to call and xa- Tnine Tor theniseU'ca. Juti. SO. ly ;il.l.lillll &. JIS Importer's and Dealers 1n Foreign llnrdwarc, Corner nf trafl and L' ., BALTIMORE. e : m i it i i.i r. uv i, .a .v i r, ano oit'ers, aie JpiOUNTHY MER'CHAN'I". and olbr-rs, 1 IflV respectfully Invited to cuil and yxainiue their Hock of (io-ils. Jan 30. ly j IV W i X C 4 IS hrrthy given, that interest will be charged ley , ihe sulifctliKr, on ail aecounta for luie, thai j he U-en stamling longer than six m'run. and i lhat he riaflor ibis rule will ba strictly ailiie'red to. . I All crons indebted, are requested to call and , notllo Ihfir accounts. SEASHOLTZ A BERGSTKESSER. Sunhurv, Jan. 53. 1841. if. VT a meeling of ihe Merchants of ihe borough id Nui.bury, on the Clh hut., llie fulluMuig was unanimously adopted: When as nu uniform rule rxists among the reer rhaiita of ll la plice.Th regatd lo the charge 'of inte rest on book accounts, iheirfnre Keintvi J, 'i'hnt inforcbt will be chkrged on all nrroi.nls lhat have been stinding longer than six months', and that hereafter all aecounta in our books will lie l.ulaneed every year, and thut interest will l charged on all balances that average more than six mouths standing. Htiuhed, That the sulwcrilier will strictly ad heia to the above tule, end lhat notice of the same be imicu in Ihe newspiiiers of this i.lare. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, JOHN YOUNG, JOHN BOG A It, II. B. MASsKK. PEN J. HENDRICKS, Jan. 2V-flm. JAI OU KHA VX'N. SHAItXOKZN coal. OF very superior quality, t.tn Ihb had at any time, by application to the subscribers, in lots to suit ptirehitsers. They keep largo, cgg, broken, and fine coal, fit for burning lima. J. 1L PURDY & Co. Sunbury, 8opl. tC tf. OnOCKHteti.M!Ceh supply of Grotciics itisl rectived and for a-ite by HENRY VOYTHIMER. " Srpt. 18. 1840. If. i.lqt OllS.A fresh rutiply-of Brandy, Uin, Port, Lisbon, Tei erflT', Madeira and Shcriy Wines, just received and for sale by . HENRY, "YOXTrfiMER. Sept. 12. 1810. lf. 1iVtrl,l,''S. A niw amiirtmrnt of T4, 7.t ai.d 3-4 yard wide Muslin, jtrst rereived and for salcbv 1IENKY YOXTHIMKIt. fept. It, U40--tf. 1..4t,tCfH'S.K new o?aortnn'i,l of Caheovn just leccived and for seteby HENKV YOXT1IIMER. Sipt. 2, 18-10 tf. I It eXVA goo-.l assortment of Bur Lon.Junt received and lor mV Inr HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 1?, IPAQ. tf. K4I.T. 2"t) barrels and aatka ol Malt, jusl reoeived ami tor sale by HENRY YOXTIIIMER. Sept. 12, I 40. tf. Cl,0 ?. A p r.rral assortment of Clmhs and Cassimeie, cr.rslant y on hand ot lhesore of HENKV voxthimek. Sept. 15, niO. If. WftK.1T, r, COINS' Mid a other kinds or Giaiu und Seed will be taken at tho high-e-ljiric.s in exchanffi for goo.ls at the store of HENRY YoXTHIMER. MACKEREL- A few Wrcls of Mackerel for sa'e at low Tir:r? hy Sept. 15. 1840. H. T1. M ASSE R. Ili-ISH hALMON. H) the best ijMably. con stantly on haml and for sale by tept. 1 8, 1640. n B. .M.VSSjjW. MADEIRA WINE. Virst iroality MaiHera Wne, f.r sale low by Sept. 15, ISI'0 II. B. MASSES, FOURTH V ROOF BRA N I ) Y A genu in.- article alwava on hund and lor sale by Sept. 10. 184a H. U. MASSKR. HOLLAND gTn, (3f the hcbt c1oality always on hand and for sale by Sept. IS, 19-10. TV. B. MANSER. "I.l A?NTr"l.VVlP "SVGA K. MvTaja oii hand nd for w ilehy S.pt. 1S,140. n. ILJUASSER. " BOS1 ) N isY K lTlT M O L A S !. i I supe riorouuhrv, for sile by S.Tv 18, l?l(. IK D. MASSER. n EW"iJ it i ."Bans' "St g it iio iTh5' mo. LASSES. Of the best oialily always on hand ard for sale bv Sept. 13, l4. H. B. MASSER. BKOWN M l. A lt."-Of a good quality, lor sale b.wby Sept. IS, 1840. H. B.MAS.'ER. "l.Tvl'ORS.wOi fl "kind and of tiro U-rt ipauh tics, alwava on hand and for sale by Sept. 13, 1840. JLIUMASSER. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. "Of tire bo.t quality arwavs en Inmd and for sate by Sept. 12. 1840. il. D. MASSER. LvrFTTK 5ava, Iho andl.aguira CofTee, cou stsntly on hand and for sale bv Sei t. 15. 1840. 11. B. MASSEF. SPERM ilL. Winter und Summer strained 3 pei hi xik, of ih Ist quality, always on hand and for sale by Sept 15, 1840. II. B. MASTER. "s'l'EEir. Casl and filitei Steel. I..r sale by Sept. 12, 1810. H. B. MASSE It. M'KING S I KLlT -Of vsmuis sties lor Eliptic Springs, for sale by ,. 13. 1S40. II. B.MASSER. "i.A k'GE" tL' Alfitl til Bt.ES." For sate at very rauitccil piices by JSepO 21840. lLn.LSSTR-. "TlL.ANK bTloTvS. Til sil 'kin.U. for s a U; by S.-pt. 15, 1840. II. B. MA SIS El, is LANK DEElVsT iSaiiii. Mortises Ac. for salo by - Sept. 15. 1810. H.JL M ssER. " Jl ri l UJES' BLNKSior ssiei bv Sept. 13, I i 10. H. B. MASSftlJ. "XT.I )THS7 Blife, Black. Invisible G rivn,Ac., for side lv Sej.t.4'5, I-T. B. MSSt:R. TrA1MKi"EsXNir "SATl'lNLTl'si. Ti7f ta.e very low by Senl.'l5. ISI'0. H. B. MASSFR. CARPETING. Sept. 15, 1840. -Foi salv cheap by 11. B. MASTER. BLANKETS a-Fcr sulo e'.uap bv Sept. IS, 1840. II. B-. MASSEH. " UN BLEACIIEl) M USLINS. l'or "a'-il. by" Sept. I. I84l. II. B. MASS Bit. C()T IX) N Y A KN XN D CI) I'ToN LA PS For sale by Sept. 12, 1810. IF. ft' M.XSSSR. "i'lEMP'AN'l) t'oTl ON "TW INE. F. r aale bv Kei. , lS4lr 11. B. M.SSKR. To I.G LINES, CO'RD'a A N D K0 1 ' E'S.--For t-ale bv Npi. 15, 1810. II. B. MASSER. fiL'M ELASTIC Shoet., a laigu essml LJ1" ment. Sjierm Od, bet eualiiy BiHiks, ft( ail dest rii'ion. Silks, black and coloured. Sar Carpeting. ('niton (!aVjit. Carps-t Chain, of all 'colors. SadJIery, a geneia! a.eorlinrnt. K 1 1 1 ! ic .tt r mg. Coach Lsm, Carii ige Banjc, Brass Joints, firftsi Dashers. J'atent Leather. Just received and for sale at the store of Jl. H. MASTER. November 14,1810. tf iATiftri.LS. I'OR ('hrislmas slid New Veui's Gift. BulViloe Kohea. Zinc in sheets. Forsule by H. B. MASSKR. Heeember 34, 1840. fREslI Ciaubiirie, just i by 11 REsll Ciaubiirie, just received and for sale U. MASSlili. Noeii.her 11. 1340. tf 1TEV" GCOED. UST KecvlwoJ Meiino, Brotbe, and Chendre fji Shawls. Sea Otter, Seal and Seali tte Capr. A large korlinrnl of Dark Chintzes. French and English Merinoe. Arc. Par sa'e at ihem.ie.if II. li. MASEt, November 7, 1810. J J.. i ... .)",. " . "j. ii ii I'Alsts NEW GOODS. SUST RECEIVED a new and splendid aw.trt ment tt Calicoes. Muslins. Ae. For sale -at the store of HENRY VOXTHIMER, Oetol ier:U, 4 840. tf. , "livcMi )IJik miliar"" OF the latssfmanutarture, consisting in tart of a great variety of Cloths, Cassimercs, Ssttr mtls, Mciinoes, Flannels Mousrlin da Laiues, Ac, Jilst rcccired and fot sate at the store of ' 1 HENRY YOXTHEIMER.- Ootobr-aT. 1850. if. TTUST RECEIVED lurge and ceneral as-orl- ment o UiOcCiiea "riquora Ac. For aile at the store r.f , HENRY YOXTHEIMER. October 31, 1840. fl- Rtrns. :HAINTS. imii Irye olull's, a fresh aupply just .. rcenveu anil mr snie si iiih store rt HENRY YOXTHEIMER. O. totr 31. 184A If. A MILLBR fil PARMER I IfiAl hear ot a good situation, fifiy miles fro-.o iV E t'Tjubnry, in a new ncillement, where lie would obtain h long bnpvif a nninll (iiist Milt, and have a Fiitm .ldjoinh.g.Vy irqtil-ing of THE PRINTER. Oetohcr 1 fltli, loin, Ct " TO COUKTRV WERClANT& rPHE Niitiscrder, Anent nl I .von & Harris, Hm X Miinntarlorers, for New York, Philntelphvi, Unit smote atid other lfe ritit, 'vthese Hull nte ' highly rnmrnerrdrd for givd cnlr vrm7 durability, ! has en hand a fir-f. rate nssoitment of HATS ni.d C A !', suitable for Springs le, vrh'rk will be f?1f very low, fit rash nrnjmroved rreilik, at the iwhd r.hrap rttirr, Nt. 40, Noith 'I'hird street, opposito the City IL. Tel, Philadelphia. OLIVER N. THACIIER, Agent. N. B. Orders Tot lints in the faugh, promptly attended lo. The highest piico in -catM m trade given for t'nr xriin.. Pliilaih lphia, April fO, I64LIy OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW fiXCiLAND OIL COMPANY No. 21) North Water Street, Vhite. MANUFA'CTUREKS and dealeraiu Ofls or every 'description hoth for burning and iiiHiiulacturhig purposes, whirh will lie s dd much lower than tbey cn l prorund e!nohrre, and WHrranted in Quality to equal fKiy in the city. Any oil soli by the company not proving as rcj resented, may lie returned without any expense to the or chaser, and the money will le refunded. Tin if stock now in store consists of the following oils, visl 30.00W srtlois Winter Bleachted Speim" Oil, 00O SS do I'.florlew Oil, 15,000 io fall and SpTtng Serm Oil, 10,000 do WinrerSea Elephant, 20.000 do do Pressed Whale Oil, 60X10 do Summer do do do 1 5,000 do Common Whale Oil, . 300 Barrels superior Straits Oil, 300 do CoJ Bank Oil, 50 d. Nra s Fool Oil, 75 Cask Olive Oil, Tanner's 1,U. (Xj'Thts Company lia a number of Ves-I eti gugcJ in the ('od Fishery, and Tanner may rely upon petting at all tines Oil as puro as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 7. 140. ly. .TTEITTIOIT. rrtHE special aileiiiion of buyei fiom the eourti JL and wel,nrrd for the state trade, is resperli'ul ly invited to the following assortment of f? OODS, Which the fcul'seril-cr windinpose of al suih prices as wiR amply ifpay his fiiends for calling and ex uniining hi rtock. To C.4.S7 puichasers, at the lre.eiit time, txtraordinary inducements will be of fered. CK f.lece heavy vat"rev;ir;ed Spanish matlirt?. .r00 piecrsCantou m.illnig, ass.r, ted 4-1, 0-i und C-4 white, checkej and flowered. 1001 hrvi'th rug. a I cauliltd assortment of Wil ton, Brussels', Tutted, Turkey, and Keipp rugs. !ft)H piices W-oitIiti, worsted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian mid block Csqieling". An elegant vur.Ttv of U ilton, llrusselr, Sio;cll Bud English, Venetian, Damask, Ac. Ac. 100 doten men und bovs cap?, comprising a i gient variety of Far, Seal, Nutria. Muskral, nd Coney, Hair. Senletle and Cloth dps. ldil (ioZi n Allieant Mats, assioitcel size. 100 do Manilla do i'i do 6(1 do Shrep-skin do do iIj SO hah s French Bjukcts, coinprisiiiR evcVy de- srrlpii.n. lit)0 puir Yeuc'ian Blinds, ass'd frsuic and rolors. j SOoO at nl do do til j IdlrtJ rests C.it-as or Satchels, ass'd, embossed j leather, wriw and ill cfill.. fiODO h i 'ii Combs, a-soit'd tortoise she?!, Bra z.Liuti do hum, ivrry, brass and wood, compibiii a lariio asbornnent ofeiery variety. 3000 dozen Whips assorted wagon, giir. car riage, sulky, planters, drovera or tiding, of gu lea ther und it; r. 'i.l, witli German tilvcr, yiit, ivcry au J bone niiuntiTi-n. KHIO dozen paintel pai'.s, Wils ii.'a hnnJ. 1000 nes'1 ceil r I ubs ai d Uuckels ; aisc, i Churns, I'iguiiiF, Water Cans, Ac. The abo together with an extensive assoitment of f iniy goo.ls, liriltaun and Gcunai) silver ware, feather end I riMle Bru.Ues. Looking til.is-ef, .M.t hissariy and Gilt Flames, uf every nn J di'srripi hull, are manufactured, imported, and selected ex pressly foi the southern, western an. I rtnto IriJe. J. SIDNEY JUNES, No IS Noitli 24 sheet, PiiiiaJelphia, Philadelphia. Novimler 7. Is40. ly. OFFEit FOR SALE, at the S,.utli tast t-Mr-ner of Fiftft and Market Hfrttts, fhiadtt. yAitt . Mens' Calf-skin Cools, atitc'icJ warranted, do do do peuged d. do do do water proof, double soles and double uppers, do ('all-skin do do do 'nailed and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boolf. do do Neat do do. do High Quarter Shoes, Culf-skiif. ilj do do Crocker do do Fine Monroe warranted do Kip do do do Cdf do d do Coarse do do do do Shoe do do Fine i!u do do Kip 06 do Jo Calf and Seal Skin Pump. . do bist Sinks with and without sofa. do t.'arpet . do J do do Patent WartsWfeJ WaUr-prooJ Moccasins. Ladies' 'cTo da do do 1. ailus' tsnneel India Rubber shoes. Gentlemen.' do Over shoe. iih every other dese iron of boot and shoes. Fur Csp i.f every decrtplion. Travelling Trunks of every Uicr'plion. Venetian Travelling Bas. Patent Gum Elasiiu Shoe Black'nr. lb nnets .f all kinds, t'ahn Leal llsis. Philadelphia, Nittciuhc 7, If4i. ly. mm y O'TV AUCTION A COMMISSION STORU. Ntrmbcr S. ' Third iUreef, I'v'Wr.V'a y U..'lH? JVardivare nun v. oiallunary, CK hing, Bui U(,. iShoe.s "aia, ami in hIioti almorfl. erv flescrip. irn P.rl''. held at this estaMiahmw t every t.')in(?..--GiXHls Ire also .,M ,,l priva-, iltfting Ihi' tlay at Iheatersge auction prices. Hurra. keepers and traders: will find It Ki tlieir dvantag by attending tha safes. C, '. MACrCEV, Anctroncer. ITdMflelphi. JNoveiab-r 7, 1840. lichact TVaviT JL Won, ROPE MAKCR. & S.tllP CHANCtEnS, Av. 151 North W'utcr Slrrrl. Philadelphia. f WAVli Mniitilly on hand, a general aRaort Jjjj ment of Cordage, Seino Twines, Ac viz : J ar'd Ropeii, Fishing Hopes. Whilo Ropes, Manil la Rnpcs, 'J'os Lines for Canal Boat. Also, a Cimplele? assortinei,t of Siino Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Simd nnil ILring 'J'wine, Rett Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and II errinn Twine, Slvie Tlrreadf, Ac. A. A'P, Bed Coid. Plncgh Lines, Hdltcra, Traces, Cotton mid Lilian Carpet Cluins, eVc. nil of which they will dlsprse of on rcanoriiible teimp. Philndelphin. Novrmlrr 7, 1840. Vlnilchnlc Donlcrs in Foreign Rritisli Vinci Arj-.ericnn Drv Crxids. Ao' Jfifi Mtu't, t tfrret, t'hiladtdpkin. .t40CN IRV" -Mcicnmt, nird other enn tic sup j J-d et all tiiiTea w illi mi extensive a-sort- I incut i. litv in ..t end rr.ost faoliion.ible G'joda upon , l hi tr,n-t rca.rK(i)afib'',.crii -. lliil ido'phia, NiAVml cr 7, 1940. ly. hoicsalo anelyar.d I rir Ao. 44, North Fourth i:car A-J. rt niiiy iStor-? VIHERE Co'tntry Merriianls mid others cm supplied, at all Miikf, with a larc assor' netit of HoMiry. Groves, Merino, Collen, arv! V i-ol. n ShnTs and Drawer.-, Spool Cotton. Patent Tb-ead. Cotton Cords, lhillons, Tupis. Tiir.Jings, kHook: and Eyes, Pins. &c. And a coiicral variety of um-. ful articles, which he ortl-rs lot tale at the iuv. c .t riees. lhi1'.lclpVi;r, Novemher 7, 1840.- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKLET.' LERS AND STATtuNER-, No. l'2'i Clicsmtt ftrecf, below Hi), lliilndelpliia. fT"EEP constantly on hand a freneral wsoit- ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising Theological, Law. Medical, t'lassical, ?.t:.-oe!lene-ous and 8ehool Books. Day Books. aB aites l.crN eers, do.. FsTnity Bibles, PiKket Bibles, Wirtin Pai,eT. Wfapprng Papers, Ac. Ac, which Ihey oi ler at the lowest p ices to Country Merchants Pt. frssional Gentlemen, Teachers, ttnH sM others thai may Yavor them with their custom. Iliilailelpliis, Novemlier 7, 184P.. ly. ESHEKICK, HAlT& COs7 , WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STOKC. ? No. KiC 1-2 Mnrkct Street, Phil.v Delate Fifth 0(iiUbidc ) A LWAYS keipon hand a full and V.rn', ai ft m.rtnienl of llo.K'ry, Lace, -and F'ncy 0 s, Country Merehnnla are resjieitfuli-y rtque.ititl tj give rhnn a call and examine 'Jnemselvi s. Philadelphia. November V, ly, sr e "ii i ng , "o'oD iT i o. No. 138 Market Street, lMiiladclj Iiia. SNMTE tho attention of Coui.trv M.rc'osnM lo the if ntensiic assorlment of B':i'ih I'r r rt and Arwcrlcau Dry Goods, which they oiler lor s lo on thj liinst reasonable terms. rtiilndelphia. Novembi-r 7, 1S40. ly. ruTi-:u I)i:vees, LAST 1YIAH:a2IJ.. No. 7-1 ("allowhil! Street, liLUJeli; C Three door ubove Kecvnd. ) 4 HOE Findings always kept on l.aiiTl, ul.iel, fJJ9 e'f er for sale .n the lowvrt tenii. C. i:..: .aiercn mis arc particularly to call an.;j' i;iemseivcs. Philadelphia. November 7, 1810. le, " uAveU ' aThahuun; Importer;? nr.i T)ealers in Foreign and Doir.cslii; Ilanlwaro, No. 174 North Tiiikii Siur.ET, PiiitAnrt et; i v. "7"IiEKE tlieir friends and cutlorners will i.hv- t ' find a larce and geneial assortment of . r, i.i and Dji.t-f.tic Hardware, which they wiilu'.l.u i!.o lowest ptu". Philedel.hia, November 7. IP'O. Ic. I'tnorella nnd Parasol Manr.faefnrrr. ,V. 3T Noth Thiril street, itro (' cs hi 'an- t.'e. Cihi lUil, VhilitdJpiia. J0UNTKY Men hams ond others arc solii ilel to examine Li J assortii.wiit before u.-i ( rUowhrro. Pbi!a.lphi.i. Novrm'.wr 7. '.'-IO. ly' .!;tol) Ki txiuittli i Soci. EsPEC I KCLLY informs their In - di eti.l ar.piaintanecs gi'iirrully lint Ihey sii I e i'- liiiuo to keen at t'-.o old st.iuJ. No. S13 Nordi Hi strett, Pliiliiilelpbia, fill kinds of TOH.ircO S.WfF AND SECARr. Which luey. w.ll (it'll on tho mi si uc'cjtnuu.ila''.-'. und leas, ii tt Jv tein.s. , N. B. All C0ids sold will be rtrirjtitociVV;'.l ,1 orders Tironrjitly atlenilej to. Phtl ul. Iphia, November 7, 1 S-10. 1 Wlrolesnlu und Jvctaii Mire, linuntt and l'alnl Leaf Hat V,"a;e!:o'..f. .V b North 2d ttreet, a fftr. Juon tioit ..'-r-VhihilJ'nia. A LSO Trenks, CaijiC. Bags nd Valice., ,.f i , jSL e'ry fiecil-iloiH il of chich U i4;li lo Mle oh the tiio'sl reasonable Icrir.s. PTliladeWs, Noveu1;er7, IS10.-ly V. Sc A. lUfv o'lTl) T 's " China, Ci lass airvl Liverpool Varc!iot:.. No 164 North Third trret. t.'iird dr fVi: I',-,. itreet, I'hiluJi'phia. ITfHERli ihey constantly k.ep on hand a 'n'e ' aasor'meiit of China, Glass and Liverpo. Ware, w hich they will dispoce of on lbetnit ict aouable lei ma. Itiiladelphia, Novemlier 7, 1840. f i Eon i;tTs"ctTK Manufacturer and Importer of Sitd dlerv, Ilardwar, kc. No. & Smith Tiird itmt.fmrdoiwi below Mart; ihiladrtpht Trf EEP constantly on hand larya and p-ne' M. Mjrtmeut Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands AilnArtn. Elintie Spriua. Pau nt Lealher. Ar Country Merchant and .addlars will be supplied all tiiiu-s vn the mo reasonable terms. Tbey i ! find it to their ailvaiitane to call and eiaraiue bn aastMtrueiit before purebasing elsewhere. Ptiilsdelphia, Novemlier 7, 1840, ly, A