IMPORTANT r ROOFS. ' ;; fttt tjiwy of Dr. llarlich't Cckbralmi Midi' cincs. .. , The following certificate was sent hy Mr- E Ilinmiin, nr-cnt el Cincinnati!, (Wiio. Thciecan ha no mbitakc in it, as tho paitios nre tvclfanown. Tr. r.ziWel Rigdon, or Anderson township, Hamilton county, "Ohio, wsstcveinl day trniiblc.l vi'!i lil!,ui affections, acidity oflhe stomach, nt tcn.'el with the iipiiiI symptoms of i1y c sin, pud living timiM trial of various me.'ioiun willlout finding re-iief, was cured hy the above inr.l'ejn'cs. " Mint, l'.RI'JEON. ,.. Cincinnati, JnnnnOili, 13(0. YKT LATER. Mr. Yamc, e'.f W.i-long'nn county, writes as follow Pear Mi Dr. Itatlrcli'a Jill i arc performing wmo cf tiie-most wonderful cc-os in .!,;s viriui'y cvei licnr'd' of. --Titey wtic lruioduoed hern ahml six month Rgo.M.y oiu- ut " feiu'-hors, who bought a hiilf dozen Vmcliajca Irom tho Ptttsbung e.'lice. I om aware of i'i thin place where eompltto cures have been firmed, utic of severe rheumatism, two of dys-popsls, H"d on, of a most shirking and aggravated ner vous coinplnint, cf ten or twclveyears stamlinit. I Mi-nil you enclosed fivcdollsrs; pie-are U fen WW .' j IsilU for tliut amount by the be mr, William Warel,i MIM JOHN VANCE. '.Tii'v CT, 13 JO. M. U. Tho abevo certificates, compared witii the' v.-ty in.,uy uheady received, ccifaiuly must con vince ihoso similarly oiflictcd, thai they can yet be relieved hy the use (,f these invaluable me.dicine. ' Prbirio.l rflice, No. 19, North Eighth' street Philadelphia. For site hy HENRY YOXTIIEIMER. Ociobcr 24, 16-10. ' Agent. DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA ? That troublesome and peace-doslroying disease. Miousands oml lens of thousand!) sutler, fioin 'that common distressing complaint. Dinicpniit is JVcquentty can;d ly overloading-or disicndina; llio 'ic-mach by excessive .eating or drinking indiji-st-iUe and ocrij Mil-stance taken into the alonmcli. or l'iom long continued cpiisl,ariril cf tho bowls, a je'entry lite, fear, giief, anxiety, a copious' dm It if Coid wutc, drastic purgative medicines, dysen tery, tnisearriiigcs, iutcrniiileiit and spasmodic ai i cuuiis of the s'.omach and bowls, irre-etilar meals, lute hours, and loo frequent usu of spiiiluous liq'tOIS. The symptoms of dispepsla may be desrribed as n want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious ot;c, nausea end romutiiiK s bilious vomiting, sild lf 11 end transient dUtcm-ions of the ttoniwli i.f er paling, acrid and putreser.t eru;-?a!:Dus, w-jiter brash, n.iiu in the region of tho stomach, costivcm ts. pal-jitt-itio" of tho heart, dizziness and dimne.- of the nii'hl, diftuibej rest, tremors, meiitul despondency, ll.itulency, apasms, nervous irrilibihty, t-hil ii.e-, faMoMness of complexion, pic it i pprcs Inn alter o-iting, languor and general debility, siek licud a-, he, v e. CLRE At the head of all rcmadies stands Pi:. ?IaBIKIi's UllMPOVNn Si II EMil a km sc Tumi: and (JhiiMA.v Afprhient I'i lls, which atl greal ly upon the petirtaltic motion of the iuteatinca, tiiciehy producing regularity of tho bowls, at the same time improving the functions of the debilitat ed o gans, thus invigorating and restoring the di gestive organs to a healthy action. This medicine KcUlom f.iits in producing relief. l'uli end txplicito iliieclions occomj-cny tlio ubrive medicine- Likewise a pamphlet w-hieli de Kcrbis -lisea; .-!!, the mainier of treating, A c. I'ri.ncip! oll'ico for the United States, .o. 19, Konh EIGHTH ISTKEET, rhiladelph a. HEN Kit YOXTHEIMER. October 21, 1840. 'Agent. FEMALES. WHO are troubled with siek headache, pain in the side, breast, and back, loss of appetite, fl.ilulen cy, lownesa of ppir::a, palpitation of iImj lH-art, fiiinl ina or giddiness, sicknesu at the stomach, biboua nlieetions, tightness at the ibest, nausea, voiniline, iwistl i i tiio stomach, flushing of hi nt, i.i.d ebilii-ne.-f, disi'f-sra of ilic neives, mid oigans of digvi-tinn, tc, Ac, t?.!-: v!.o may be t'liis aPi cted, shonld i i -t !ier;'cct to Jir cure Dr. Jlnrlu.'.i t'ii:j,tituid Strengthening Tunic and German Aperitnt Fills, whieh lire wa-rantod to pive imimjiutc relief. Tl.ousauJs do we almost daily Uhoid, r. lioc ci.uii i' unices and pile emaciated cheeks bear eccular TvlttiotS to eickneis and affliction Could Iho-c per.ioiis be persuaded to t'co tliis invaluable niedi-ciiii-, tiny would toon find their weak and dcl-ilitn-iid frames strenlilened, their minds coirprscd. and all pain, and ibMress driven from thr system, when ll.c '. ody will i-nin nnew its lott vigor, aud j ut f-n n tiew liftf," r-nd death for a while be de- lived of Us prey. What hrnrt bet fiets glad to lit'hold t'l.tir in ..r relatives and desr friends, sna'ched as if by ningic from that fatal dtst oycr D.ath n who arc laboring under dis. ise k'l not another day ut night pasa without proeuiing fb.i mdiiino, as il will in a majority of eases e fleet a pcriuan'iiit ci.rc. LemcinLcr dilujs are dengtrtnts , and if disease is iiogleclod, its ravages wdl doubly in crear.?. Cj Principle Office for the United States, No. 19, NOKTH EK.'HTH alreet, wheiorei cominen ilaiiors of I.Liuliei's of persons may be seen, all of which have Leon cuicj or limfilkd by the tllt-dtcinJ. HENRY YOXTIIE1.MER. October 24, 1610. Agent. 'A ' ' sjcayEss. ( THERE are many persons tbnt we daily l-ibold, whoso counti nnnccs Hud fruil limbs i uo:c t-fllic-ti jii' which we find has irinciplly oiiginated from neglect of proper lemadies at the (uliiim iicement of siiknebs. At first the patient complain of rVe on the stomach ai:. udc J w ith tiJuitm, cutlktn , r., he l eg'icts to procure proper med'uiiic; at lenili he complains of pain in the side end t'oiiinch with ni'iir i rnctutb'i.s ; Us op)Mtile beeomes impaired, liis rest, 1..8 mind IiothmmiI, mid all things aroui-.d appear m-t in tin ir proper JK- nill'i els I.iinsilf, wi.e.i in probability tho dilate imv ui h-nth be so fift s ald. ibit po medical aid v. i!l replace him again. At tho first ullack of sii knir. there shoiild be " no lime lost" in procuring Vf lfuri ell's idxrotMi sr kino ru-M-u Aii.iiif. T fills, which immediately re. moves bile from the stomach, obviate coMivenefs. jt'iiiove di.oiders in ihc Lead' invigoiuta the niihJ, strengthen tho body, improve the mi mory , uid en iiveu the iinaiiina'iioii j tllUs reslorirg' the body again to i's proper lui.etions. Principle Otl'.ce, N0. m, NORTH EIGHTH street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMFK. uctou-r si, isu. Agtiit. TO THE .11FUCTED. THOSE who cre tuffrring from various diseases ineidei t !o the I um'nn family, would do wetl to pu ''ire Dr. Jlurl.'tA't Cvtnpi und tslritigthtning am! German Aperient I'iiln. which i i) so rc eminently rucwiin.cndi J fur Dyspepsia, l.iver Complaints. uii.s in the able, back ami breast, JVerv oCo Airctions, Head-Aibe, and ull the dis e asrs nl the r-m much and Iiuwls. Pitmphleis mny be obtained gruiis, whiih contain full, and rxpbcite direciiona fr u-uiy. 'J'be reinler is refined to sev eral very interesting certificates of cun i in this iaj er, which n,uy fie n l ed upen, as they arc t iki n from tba original. Tor Sale at No. IJ, NOR 111 tlOHTU sutet, Phila.lelphia. HENRY YOX1 HEI.MER. . S 't T r a ii 1 o i I n t i o n Ij I n e Til I;AJ T I M O R E . ; ' (vtA TIliK Vtttlt CSt.) ' "Varc7iou'e foot if Cfirsnul 'Street on the Pent- rilvmiM L amil. . . A llOAT-lea-i-p th wharf of the subsf rilter cvr IV tnoriiing st H o'elotk, rumiiiig through to Haiti more in lliteo ilnvs. (Jonsiiimii nl nl produce, iron, &C, will ten ive a ele-tp iich by this line, which has not liitln (to bi-en tqn tired by any oilier. Kato orfie'ijjlit a low J by any other re gular I lie. Ueli reliefs : . (I W. 1IROW.V. -v liUCK .V II liRW. ' '' KERN AN & STU.T.NinER, J.& a. ii. ii curt. Baltimore. floods intended lor Pifrdmrp, "rr any point on thn Pcnnsylv. ia CiiuiilK wll la shippid vvi bout del iy on their driivnl ut ilarrisbnr, es-lbis con nects wit'i tin. Noilh Aiiierimn line or Potable Until to Pinsf urt d-.ily. iintl with itir.tu'qiiiluitv tin Packet Line "to Norlhuuiberb'tiT, W llliaiiisilort, N iiktblrlC, and i-II ioii rmrdf.-fo i l.ce-. Ul'.i iRUU W. LAYNG. Mlarrisbti g.-Hept; V,- ft 0. - .-, - Woi'Jis ofi rValisre. IN a st -etc of hia'lll the intestiind caml may bo .compared to a river whose wuto.-a How over the ad joining laud, thtoiigh the channels nature fir art has made, and improves their qUal lie-; and to keep up the comparison of the river, so long as il tuns ' on smoothly llic channels, nrekcpl J.urc and hcaliliv ; but if by some cause the courVe nf the river is ttop ped, then the w U r in the canals is nw longer pure, imt toon Tneconies stngnnnt. There is I lit one law of circulation in uutu e. Whin there is a super nbutiii inetu i.f hiiinor'al fluid (si roeity) in llieintcs-. final tuh s, and cosliveness takes pbiext, it fl vvs back into t'.m bioo I vis e's, and inlil rales iiccll iii to the circulation. 'J'o Colablish tuo fou cours'o of the rivervvc must remove tho ol sliuttioiis which' flop its lice conrte.hiid tho e of its lrhuluiy sticam. .Willi tho h.-dy, follow iho same iiutu'ul principiif; r. move, I y liial vuluablo purgative uiedicme liran ditthj l iiivcmal YrgtluUe ,' which are an rf fi c'.i'al assist , nee of nature, the superabundance of humors in the intestine eaual. Hy per evering in this practice, tl.owijg cf the ciieiilition will thiii be icslored to the full ex.ciso e,f their natur al fune tions, uid a etala of health will bo firmly establish ed Remember, never tufii-r a drop ol blood to be taken from you- Evaluate the humors an often and as long as ihcy uru deyiijlialed, or us long ns you are sn k. Pr. llrnndrelh's Oliice in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, NORTH Eltiil I il sticet, whi te his pdUca'n be had at So ecu's per box, with full eliieelioiis. Gij'i idy useui in !iiu!-urv , is 11. li. Masser Esejr. bunbuiy, Pej-U l, 18-10.' THE following are the duly api oiiiled agents iii their respective counties, for the sale of llrtmdrcih'x Vegetable 1'nivcr.nt I Pills. , JN'orlhuiiilioilat J county : Millon Maikey ot Chaniheilin. Sunl.uiy if. 11. Massi-r. J.I Ewcr s ville Cedd.s, Oiccii A. Walls. Gco.-gclow ii F. Mitllinger V. Co. Union county : I.cwiliurr Wdlla ft Cieddc. Miillinburg Pcliman V Hiikly. New Iieiliii John M. lie -nfer. S. linsgrove Ey re & Co. iMid tlleburg Isaac Smith. Lycoming county : AYilliamsport John Smith Newberry M. & J. C, Fuiitton, Muncy W. A. Pclriean. Jersey fchmc Janus II. Hc'pbuiii. Coluinbia county : Danville T. iV. E. L5. Rey nolds. Callavvisau ('. A. lle rwiek Miu- msn ct Rittcnbouse. liloomsburg-John R. Meyer. Hunbury, Seit. 9, lt-40. MORE POSITIVE PROOF Of the tiican pf Dr. Hurlich's Cuinpr.und Mrtngthe'titig and Gtrmun Aperient 1'ills. Aii.M;i!ET, Jan. 8, 1840. To Pr Harlieh's Agent Sir: I wish to state for the bene fit of Iho c who may Lc afflicted, that Pr. If aiimcii's have emi ely rurid me of Pys pepsia, of vvbich 1 have been utll tied for many years. I used both kinds, the Aperiei t and Strength ening, and I u in i ousti uincd to say, that tiny ate a valuable disCbvtry, un.l act upon the system mildly, I ul very eli'cc'.ually. I found the Tonic pills to ijuicLcn the ciicidi.tion and cause a eli termination to the surfiire, rjed to fiengthcu the wc::k Momnch and incicase i's jieiwrrs. The Aperiei i pills i re the hist culhiirlic I evei me-d. lain lonlub-iit all pys pcplics would do well to make immediate trial and bn n lieved. Any one can call nt my house and be sati: -liad of the above at jdensure. PAVID R. POPE. Tv". D. The original certificate may be sicn or the cflice of the " JSjiirit of ll.c Tinns." Fur salu al No. 19, North Eighth stmt. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, October 21, 1610. .Igrr.t. UVERt ST. THIS discaso is discovered ly a fix eel obtuse pain in the right side under tho t-hoit nbs, attended with he at, um amines i.bunt the pit of the stomach; there is iii the ribt si.'.o hIso a distmiion ; the pa tient lows his appetite, and 1 1 emnes hick and troubl ed with vomit ug. Tho tongue Ucomes lough and black, tho cuuiilt iniiiee cbannes to a r.le or citron color, or yellow like those ted with jaun dice, difficulty ot breathing, dietu.bod ret, alteudee with a dry ttnigh, diflicubv of laying ,)n the b it uide, ihe In ely Incomes weak, end finally the disca-c lerminules into i no be r of a luoiu tcrious liatuie, which In all probability is far beyond Ihe power of human skill. Dr. llarlkli't I e, .p..unJ Strength ening Tunic and Git man Aptrunl Pills, il ta ken ut the! iH-emt-ot e-f ibis eli-rhsc, will clunk it, ai d by cniir.uii'g ihe ue of the medicine a few weeks, a pufcct cure will be perf,.imiiL Thousands, tan testify to ibis fjct. l-'eitilicauii i f many persons may daily be sc n oftheellic ey of ibis invaluable iiii'dicine. by apply m at the M.dicsl Ortice. Nj. 19 A'ORl'H EIGHTH itiert, Philadelphia. HENKV YOXTHLIMER. Octobei Ci, IS40. A:;ent. MORE CO.CLrsiE J'R(lnES, Of the ijjitaey tf Dr. Hurlich' eihbi al.d Mtdi tint: Pr.AH. Sm: I was alllicled wiili a I ilious and nenious disease o a veiy alarming ehgiec, wi h ail the eyniptcine which so freueutfy illecls s re laxed condition, vim : eiildines in Hie head, viol. m tu mors, chilline-ss, wiili a fixed pain in the light tide, complexion bad, and coslivencss; indeed I w as in a most miserable condition. 1 had tried many remedies, but found no permanent lei if un til I had pu'iha.ed Dr. ilurlich'i eniupounl ftreiiglheiiing and Geruum upiricnt 1'ilU, which fri m their supe-iior vntues, I vvac comjileuly cured, and am able to pursue my employment, free from (in and disease, (signed) JOHN BOLES. Paled Xcnia, Ohio June 7 , 1840. Principle Otliee for Ihe Uniied Mate. No. 19, Nouh F.lliHTH ibTK HE ', Phila.hlphia. , HENRY VOXTHEIMER J'it' ,fio. Agent. TRVTH WILL PREVAIL. Pr. llarlich. medbiftc Bre Juil :1)(.r,a8;ng j,, pub he favor, ,d want fro,,, 8, , .srablish ihc, worth. W.L.v, .communication in our columns lo-d .y fnfln . rr,.on ollR ,wk.P1, whltli is l.ul one of manv rmirhn. c... .i ... . . euiv.)pii i if the timet. AKD TUB . lAidlcN mid cnll'nit ii,.i 1U or ! ., Lltt ialurc and l-nslilon. , ..The Cuihct and the Gcn!kmfm" Viiitcd.) ANEW Volume, tinder tho above tide", of the wc'l Pstsb!i.-hid mid fasbi n ddo Magain, Tho Pbibiilelpbiii Casket -in cotijunrj ion with tho ticn lemaii's Mngri.ii.c, which hat.en every where pronounced the mot imid.iblo und i.ipulr of the diy, will be.ojened on ihe. First of Jjuuioj , IS41, wi ll an array i.f lon'ril-ulors r-ee-uieii ny ino union of talent rind fame, which no periodical in thecouli tjry c an boast or pietend to riva'. The Peccniln r (uimhcr 'will, however, lie a spicimon of the new volume-! The Vilome will-1 opened wiili anew and beautiful type, the finest white paper, nel with Ihe first of a eerie-a of eniliellie..m! lits nmsurpssed l y any which hao yet-npjieared -in any MiieT.izine, The stvle irf i b gance, the beauty and finish ol hce llhistialions, and tlic cxunsive improvciiieiils which will be made in Its appearance, and above alii the lono of its lite imy deparlftienl,' by ll;e hril lant array e,f contributor;!, whoso nrtitlcs have rntichrd the patres of each iitimlier, will tivc ir char acter, second to no Mngaino in tho Union. The character of vie articles which, shall appear in iis pages, will be ciiinlly removed from a siek'y si nti-im-nl.dity, und fiom an nil' elation of morality, but wli.Io u true ile!ii;eution of human nutuic in every varie ty of is uimeil t.t. shall be found in i s p iges to cuiise a blunli upon tho cluck of the most pure. . The Literiry cbnrncttr-will bo sufTi.Iei. tIy guar anteed by the reputation of bo h Mng.-ziin-s thus united, for years past. Writers cr ihe lust rank ha-vc beeit regular Contributor! to tin ir pnges, unj Iho liih s n:.d i l.i l-bos published in tin m have been un.l reuel, und the firm and indepen deul. louu, ef the ciilji ia i.H, upon the ( uncut litcia ture of Iho day. litis, bi en cveiy who e appiovcd and comini nded. The Jiit of coiilrihuiors i-inbraccs the names uf must of the princip d wiiie rs in Anurx.i, with n respe-ctablo nnmi er ol English authors. The r erics of well known niMiiii al partem, enti t!cd Ci uii'.'mg in the la.-t Win," have had a run. titirriuallfM by any siri s publish d in any Aaga.iuo for jears. The auth r prmni-cs to open the lir.-l of a new se in s eif Tab a ol the .'Sea, and fiom hi- known abilities -a a depicter of tea scenes and life-, mu' h may be relied upon from him in maintaining tho popirlnrity of the Magazine Pajiers may be expect ed during ll.c volume, ubo from tho author uf Ihe wi II known articles, entitled "The Log of O.d lron-side:-" The nuthor of Syrinii Letter.-will ulsj lend his powerful and pratefel pen, t sustain and iucrc.-.srv the reputation of Ihe work. The veluable aid e f tho mi h..r i f "Leiivrs f.oin a L itvvei'rf Pull Folio," bus . Isi been secu'P'l, and wo may trpect si'iueiliing sri I meuc thrilling from t!ic capacious stores whiih a long life in ti.e profession has ena bled him to .amass. A ir occ s emtl Chit-Chat with "Jcinay Short." and "Oliver Oidfcllovv," is ulso promised; widi s variety e-f choice articles in prose and V.rse, from varintis writers of celebrity, as con tributors to the prominent Magazines of tho eoui liy. The cehtoia uf loth M, guinea continue their se ivieia ui der (lie new arrangement. Wilu such an airay nf la'cnt a Magazine of uinivalli-d a'tiuc lion., may safely be promised the coining volume. PAsJilONS AND ENGRAVINGS. In compliance with iho almost unanimous wish of our holy subscii'jcrs, wo shall tho ensuing vol ume furnish them wiili a bcaulif- laud correct plate of Fiishioi-s Monthly, a feature, il is bebeved, that will neither l-e unwelcome nor uiipuj ubir. The F.ishion ploli s shall be drawn from nrlmhul ele'siuus fiinii 1'iiiia iJ l.ou.l, n, and m-.y always be de- eii !ed upon as the prevailing style in Phibidelphii and New Yoik, for the tuon h in which ihey are is. sued. Time of publication. The woik will bo publish ed on the firs' of ihe month in cv. ry ejiiariir of the Uiiiou. J he most distant subscriber will conse quently receive it on that day, as well as thoso who reside in PI-ibub Ipbia. In all the principal c. lies. Bum's have Icon established, to whom the Maga zine is for aided, prior to the lime of issuing it, so that t! cy may be delivered to resident tubscribirs by the first of the month. TrrtNS : Taee Dollars per annum. Or two topii-s j early f.r five do lara, invaiiably m advai ce, post paid. No new subscrdicr icceived widiout the money, er the name of a respemsiblo agent. For the aciimmod.ition of those who may wish lo sub scribe lor either ol the following iiulude Iphiu perio ehcils, this liberal pr. i-i made : Five dollars e urn nt money, free of jiost-.g!", we will f.rwa-d (ir..liam's Mag.izine, and God.-y's Lady's liouk, foi ono year. AdJrcr.s, jiust paid, GEO. n. GRAHAM, S,,uth Weal earner of Chcsnut V Third tt.. Ph la. The Ili ofhcr .9on:tthasi. THE laruesl and most beautiful newspaper in the w.,rld lirjer by filiy sijuire inches thnn any other new spaj er in tho I jilted Mules. Published Saturdays, at 152 Nassau ftreet, Kew York. Price three dollars a yrai twocojeica for livedul lais. . Qjf The propiielois of ibis mammoth sheet the "tlreat Wesleni" among the newspipers have the pba8ure of 8 reading U-foie the leading public a we. kly periodical containing a greater o inount and vniiety of useful aud interesting mis cell. my, than is to be found in any similar publica tion in the woild. Each number nf the pnrer contains es large an amount of leading matter ss is fnund in volumes f ordinary cimo, which cust f 2 and more ihsn is contain! d in n voluine uf living's C.lum busnr Hanrrof.'s History of America, which cost a volume and all for Three a year. For jf." two copies will be lorwaided one year, or one copy two ye irs. hince tlio publication of oui oiig'nal ro:pectus, Ihe lirotber J.inalhan has been ENI.AKIjIID and its ti.e, amply I el'ore, has been sj much iinre use d, that much more t1. an tho f .niier qu uitity of the most intciisling liteiature ol the day is einl'iaced in its immense capas ty, S! lections fr. ni all Iho m ist roioinent und ce wr.ters of the day as. st in sivclling its contenls; aud whatever is new, lich, or lire, is iineebately transferred lo UsciJumns. Ail the coiitiihiitions li p. riodieals nf American writers el" re pute appear in its pages and Ihe issues ol'tli" foieign press are laid uiuler coiiiubuiious, as soon ss ree-e ived in this country. Totlie liiiscellaucous and Literury Pepsrluietil, llio cl.-sest stiiniion i piid; and in all the selections ami original coutiiim lions, strict eaie is devoted to aroid all that may touch upon the opinions of any party in rel,jioiior polities. Exporiancs having taught us that we had maik cd out a pi.h for ourselves, iu which all sorts of people d. hgbis io l.dlow, iho Urolher Jonalhau shall continue, as it begun, to be a bold, gelil'e, weighty, light, giavc, Uitriy, si-rious, wilty.snioinh, dashing, interesisig, inspired,- and incomparable irewspaper. It shall be stupe tidous mirror wbeie Irf all tho World will staim reflected. Il shall con tain the most beautiful of Novels, Romances and Soriis for both sexes Fairy Tales for lovers of Ihe marvellous Legends fur antiquaries Pasqui nades for wit monger Nuts and isisins for short w ins'td readers-hiMiades for musical lovers Son nets for Ladies Sentiment for old bachelor Ms listie for politicians and Lecture s, S. rmoiis, Criii cisms, Ei.igr ims. cVc, Ac eStc .for all the world. Letter should be addressed to WILSON COMPANY, Publishers of ihe " brother Jmithan" -V. V. THE CUIil'SVA'TOSl, A Cviitolidation nf Until Cullit ttor and the Ge ' - nnee Farmrr, ; . , WILLIS OAT LOUD Alio LL' ill SII TUCKKIt, KDIT0II8. Irosic l'i'i of Vol. N, 'ior IS li. . rPHE Cultivator was established to linpiove and I'leviito Iho Agriculture of the country 5 lo give propel tone to the morals and mind ol the r ar mor; lo show him the dignity ouil itnpmtaucc of Ins 1 rofession J to store his mine! with uselul kn ivv bilue. and while till cla.-ses aic ami mu-t bfl more or less dependant on each other, he alone of iho who'e can make any near apprbacti lo independence. If there is one thing mote than another, which In this country gives a man superi orly -civet his fellow men, it is knowledge; and this knowledge, knowledge which is as essential lo the s ucce-cs of the farmer as lo other men, il is the de ign of ihe Cul'lvotor lo aid in imparting. fJjThe volume for 1810, is filled entirely with Original Cnnimtinieulinns, embiacing urticleafrom about not) Obircspiindcht, from almost every state in the Uniim. If mi increase of subscription beyonel any prece dent in the history of Agricultuial Journals,- if the almost unanimous voice nf the public press in our favor, if the multitude of piivatc yet flattering tei timotiials we have received, added to a circulation amounting Iho first ywiMo TwrsTt-Two'THoti fanh, may be admitted as evidence, then wo have certainly most alnindnnt reason to be gratified with the success which his attended the Union of the Cultivator and Ihe Gcncsso Farnipr. No expense has leen or will be Fpared lo render the Cultivator worthy of the pntionago it has received. In ihe number, variety and excellence of its Illustrations, il is without a rival al homo or abroad, the la.t Vul ume being 'embellished with .nearly One. Hundred Engravings, illu-t rating the improved breeds ol Hor-' si s, Cable, Sheep, Swine, lluildings, Implements, making the Cultivator, all things c mshiorcd, il is believed, iho.Cboepest Agricultural Pjpir ever piib'isl.ed in tin or any ollur country. TtHMs One. Dolhr per annum Six copies for 5 the money lo l o 11 mi ted in advance, tree of pi s.agc. A commission of 20 per cent, will be ab lowed lo A cents who obtain 5 or nine subscri bers, and So per cent, to those who obtain 100 or more. All subscriptions to commence with a vol ume. Post in of tcrs and gentlemen disrobed lo lend their inlluenco to nid the cause of Agriculture, are re spectfully r. quested to act s agents. Address JESSE UL'El. & CO. Publisher nf the L'ultivutnr, Albany, A. 1". BOSTOIJ NOTION, THE LARGEST .)D CIIFATEST NEWS PAPER .V THE WORLD. rjJIHE spirit of the oge is utilit ninn. Improvc- 1111 nt is stamped upon the face ol every thing. All the useful arts are progressing with unpanuiltl ed rapidity, and Ihe Art of Printir g is. coining in for it lull share cf tho common improvement. Do'c-in ed not lo be outdone in any thing that per t .ins to bis profession, where there is a fair chance for exertion und enterprise, the undersigned has de termined upon issuing a sheet twice the size of the liostf.n Weekly Times, (and is 10 tnke the place of that paper,) aud will contain e ght columns more matter than the Urol her Jonathan. This sheet will be called tho L'OSTON NOTION, and it is determined lhal it shall sustain a cognomen so full of meaning, and so interwoven with the estab lished character of our Yankee city. Il will be the Lsnurs-r NzwspAPr.a t tiik Wohui with 110 exccpilcn ami will h printed on a sheet lliirty seven by fitty-two iic-hes. It will be filled entirely with fading matter, and will contain Threo Thou sand Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight square inches, 01 Tw enty-Seven square feel of print in fine type! and a single number will contain more read ing than an oieliuary book of Thre-c Hundred pages. These dimensions will enable the publisher lo d'aw largely upon the most popular jicriodica's nf the day, both American and f oreign ; and us Ihe selections will 1m made with great can1, il i believ ed this paper will bo a welcuiiiu Notion to every family. Licsldisa full synopsis of the curieut news of the) day,; as published iu Ihe lleibtoii P.iily Tunes.) it will c. nlaiu Poetry, Populir Tabs, Theatrical Criticisms, Police and othci Court Re. ports. Humorous Article-, &c. cc. The whole woild of Li.crature will l ransacked lo fill iu F rum the study of the philosopher down to the police courts, through all regions of rense n, poetry, romance, wit, and the ainpla iceord of folly, we tha i glean from the past and the present and fiom ull na'ions, to piesent as pleating and useful a combination cf recoided thought und current his toty, ns the world can supply or iudustiy produce. This is our "Uostos Notio." This great amount of wisdom and fun of wit and philosophy of novelties and antiquities we .lie able lo oiler, weekly for six cents jer copy, only six cents! and we can doit because ef the s of our press and ollice, ami the connection of daily and weekly publications. For Tiiiitk hol lars we can sell a year's volume, equal iu quantity of matter, with every var'u-ty a'so, to Fifiy-two Vol ume of Novels, such as are issued fiom the press cf this day. Fifty-two largo Vo'mnes for Throe Polar! Effected all by improved machinery, and by a determination that we will not be uutduiieiK cntei prize and usefulness. 'PLUMS: Timm Dollars a yeor, always in advance no ordeis, no mailer from what source, will be attend d to unless accompanied with the CASH. Single copie s six cents each. Post Masters or eithers remitting Twenty Dob: bus shall have Eight copies sent to such persons and places os lltev may designate'. GEORGE l.OKERTS, Publisher. iiJeorpc XV. ftvn, FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Cokkki't Stuxet Wii a n f, HianiSBi no, 1-S prepared lo icceivp Goods and Pioduce at the new waieh.iuse, which his arrangements will enable- him to forward wilh de spatch to Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Williauisporl, Wilkeslune, Columbia, Lancaster, or any other point on tho Pennsylvania and Ijiion Canals, and ihe Pennsylvania and Har risburg and Lancaster tail roads. Goods from Philadelphia for Harrisbuig, Carlisle, Chumbersburg, eScc. Ac, for vv aided with care aud expedition. Coal, Plastsii, Sait and Fish, constantly for sale. m-j-U 9. Itriitoinl. DOOK-UINDERY, THE undersigned have the gratification of in forming the public, that notwiihstaiiding II ey were so unfortunate as to have their biudciy Lurul down, ill March last,-they have opened a very extensive one, in Loeusttreet, in the new building directly opposite Gleim's Hotel, and are prepared to execulo all work in their tins wilh despatcli, and in a su pe.ior style. Their RULING APPARATUS and other Machinery are new, and of the first oreler aud latest improve nirnts; and they feel a conti pence in their facilities for giving jwrfeot satisfac tion to all w ho msy fuvor them with Iheir orders. Hanks, County offices, Meiehants, Mechanic and other, can be supplied with IJLANK UOOIvS of every description, which for neatness and dura. Inlity, will be equal to any made by ihe. Unj,cj stst.-s. - HICKOK & CAN TINE. HAKnisUlRG,, .- jSOME-TZIINO NEW.!;! , tii cntAPxsr aud best ; FAMILY KKWSPAPEtt, now rrjuLisHv.n, . . Only 91 50 per Annnm.t 'THE OCEAN AND WEEKLY CLIPPER, A one of the best and chespest newspapers in this country, containing all the choice Reading Matter of thesix daily papers, including the "CLIIN PER'A LOG," is publisheJ every Saturday, at 1 50 per annum. Cj TheOCEAN" is under the editorial charge of J ohm H. I It witt and JoHtf Wills, Esqrs., the former well known as editor, proprietor, or princi pal contributor lo every literary publication Issued in this city for ihe last fifteen yenrs and the latter, long a contributor to various periodicals, but more publicly known since his connection with the "Bal Tinonn CLtppr.n." The extraordinary success which has attended the establishment of the Balti more Clipper, n:vy numbering larger list of sub scribers thon any- oilier newspaper ever published in Maryland ihe daily applications for a weekly poper, te tend, by mail, to country subscribers and tho many facilities, possessed by the under signed, for this undertaking, hrrvciiiduced them lo spare no expense 111 Retting up s naper which can not f-iil lo he welcome visitor: into every man's family. It is printed on entire new type and fine white paper, anil will compare, lor beauty of wo'kman sli p and excellence of reading mailer, with any periodical now published in the Lulled States. Tkrms : Fur Mail Subscribers, 41.50 per an num, in current money, forwarded (free ofcxpensc) lo tl.e publishers. . . . ft Postmusters disposed to act as Acents for the Ocean, will receive five copies weekly, per an num, lor live Collars, l ayment always to be made 1:1 advance. Address 13LLL i TL I TLE, Printers, lialt more, Mil A s rox 1 si 1 1 c i I vn 1: is i-:. FOUR THOUSAND NEW SUBSCRIBERS L TWO MON I PS ! !! Wiirvwe first purchased tho old and well known establishment of t o Saturday i:ii'iiiii;r losl, we sta'ed that. the. paper circulated so widoly a mong the steady, reading portion of ihe-United States, that we entered upon our l.-bers with full confidence of Iho future. Our success lias since been beyond our most sanguine expectation, as our weekly receipts overbalance those of any cotcnipo- tnry paper. Our list has continued to swell up with unexampled rapidity, and we have the con!'; donee, that al the present rale of increase, we shall be enabled 111 n few months to boast of more than 3'i,(H)0 subscribers! When we commenced our labors, we announced distinctly, that the tone of the paper should be decidedly moral, aud that nothing shoy'd be admitted into our columns, which the most fuHtidious lather could disopprove of, and de tenu nrd that as an approved Family Paper, it should not contain a puiagruph, wiili the spirit of which a parent would not wish to have a daughter familiar, and we therefore, with this view, announ ced that no theatrical notices should appear in our Columns, and that we should lie opposed to. theatres as things calculated to injure the lienllhy action of an honest mind, as creative of exhibitions demo ralizing in tendency, and fearfully pernicious in fact. There were not wanting blusterers, who made a great parade of opposition, and Croakers, w ho predicted our speedy downfall, but we threw ourselves upon the sober, rational and experienced portion of the people of the United State for sup pott, and we have beeu nobly sustained. Wo thought and expressed Iho opinion, (hat however careless many might lie upon this subject, lhal few, even if they did not entirely disapprove I.f such entertainments, cared about having the pro?s detail forever paraded before tho eyes of Iheir children, and the sickening and nauseating eulogy of all kind of characters made familiar to Iheir minds. Wo determined also, that while ihe paper con tinued under our control, it vhould be strictly neu tral in politics, and that as news and literary jour nalists w o had nothing to do w ith the matter j this de-termination hiisfct-eu strictly and rigidly adhered to, and while we shall continue to give our readers such public document as may lie deemed uf inte rest to all, and such history of the progress nf political events, a are strictly in keeping with our duty, and the character of the paper, we shall stu diously and thoroughly avoid any contamination of partiz in politics. Tho paper is now printed in a new and beauti ful ly , has received the praise of many editor of tuste, as the handsomest family sheet in lh Union.' Our efforts have been dire-cted to the combining of beauty and simplicity wilh utility and lusle. 1 he rost is printed on a stout white paper, ren dering il neat and durable lor tiling. In addition to ihesc efforts toward perfection in the mechanical department, and cxtirieir ol our pa per, 110 labor, and no cost been spared in Ihe de velopcmeni ol intellectual strengtii. The present variety of inteiesting tales, original, from foreign and domestic magazines, together with the valua ble contributions of our own circle of literary friends will continue to give interest lo the paper, while everything important and worthy of note lhal happens iu the Old World or tho New, shall be collected and collated for tho taste of oui rea ders. The Ladies' Department shall always be choice and select, and shall receive stiict attention, whilo such things as may iuteiesl our juvenile) readers, snd that iiiiHiilant end large class of our readers, the Fa 1 1111 r will not be overlooked. In order to gratify, as much as possible, the laudible desire of our country reudeis, a portion of our attention w ill be devoted to the culle-clion and diffusion of such -News, Memoranda, Tables, Facs, Hints, &,. as msy seem important to agriculturists, and the pop ulation resident without ihe con line-s of our gust cities 'I he state of the mirket and the Auctua lious in the prices, will be regularly and what is of more moment, correctly given. c have ever been opposed lo the constant bluster and parade made by some editors, about Ihe excellence of their papers, and have resolved that the Saturd iy Evening Post, shall be conduct ed, as to speak lor itself. Our readei will always find in its columns the earliest and mot authentic information, rs Well as the most choice and 1 nleitaiuing literary matter. I e hrve totally d scarded the system ot tilling the ! piper wiih quack advertisement, but prefer giving j our re-dcis Iroin week to week, eiileitainiug read ' iug matter. ' And we fee! assured that we shall be no lowers thereby, as but few readers csre about having a p iper j filled wilh descriptions of lliese) iiuuseuliug coui ! pounds. , The Saturday Efcning Post, will be furnished for $i jier annum iu adv,.iuef or one copy Ihreo . years f.-r S5. To ihnnc who wish lo subscribe) 'Jr . a Philadelphia Magazine, we will furnish h of the Philadelphia CVket, aud two r'.,,:... 0r ' Post for ona ver fur th free of f -1.,,. ,r" count, .' -J di- No New Subscriber . . Monet-. 'lhoul the ttiiV;a u-) r r ... . lhal ,!,. safest Vean U ; T''"' W0U,J "V. letter and .li,-. ' uw " 'n . Irsnk their 1,-.. Vr,0". l08t P'.master will ... of 1 ,p rt ,",n ""Ihing but (he .us, .,. of the and all postmaster who will be k.nd c0USl. ma tl) j nowicdbe a agents. r Address GEORGE It. GRAHAM A CO. No 30 Cane,' Alley, Philadilj-h ' Tni3 ivrnvwonw,. thf. Largest, cheapest, handsom est,- .its I) MOST COMPREHENSIVE NEWSPAPER IN THE VNPIED STATES. . ... B I SS M EDITED IT PARK. UL1WAM1X AMD tFES SATIGtSr. WITH multiplied resources'for rendering the New VVohlu more valuable than ever a a compendious newspaper and repository of elegant literature, we enter upon the second volume (folio) on the 24lh cf October, dressed in a beautiful garb of new type, cast expressly for the purpose. It will theretoie be filling lime to commence new subscriptions, as welt as for tho renewal of those. which mny then expire, During the first year of the existance of the New World, it has acquired a reputation ami circulation superior to any weekly paper in the country; and has furnished to its subscribers, during that period, (besides a 1 the current news of the day. uomest ic and foreign) new and valuable works by J nitoutel, JJ Israeli, I hotnas Moore, Miss M it lord, Mrs. Jameson, C. Pickens, Ainswoith, Knowles, Bulwer, Mairy at, and others wotks, which in Lon dim could not be purchased for fifty times tljiJ amount o( the subsciiption price of tho New Woild. In addition lo works of interest by theso eminent authors, it has contained Ihe cream of the periodical literature of the day, as well as original aiticles from the pens of some of the most popular writers of America, among whom we may mention Miss Sedgwick, Orville Dewey, Professor Longfel low, iho author of "Yankee Notions," Smrit Street, eScc. Stc. ... . In po'iticks wo shall, as hitherto, maintain on armed neutrality. Our columns as heretofore will be unobjectionable in a moral point of view. In criticism we shall, in justice to Ihe public, mantain a perfe'ct independence, even though we incur the vengence of all the dunces- We shall, In conclu sion, earnestly stiivc to render our sheet not only worthy of the unparalleled favour it has experianued, bulof a continually extending circulation. While we continue to furni-h with all possible promlitudc the most attractive liicr .turo of the day, we shall, as our means enlarge, afford that compensation tc native authors, which mny induce them to 111 ki the New World the medium for presenting lo thi public their best produ lions. Our excellent Lon don correspondent will be continued, and due at tention will be paid lo the comercial, agriculture and news departments of out paper. A QUARTO EDITION Of sixteen latge pages was commenced on the sixl of June last, in order to meet the wishes of larg number of subscriber, by giving them its licit an varied contents in a suitable form for I inding. Tb wo have done w ithout having enhanced ihe pric so that new subscribers, and' others on tho renew of previous subscriptions, can lake their choice b Iween the O,unrto and Folio form. (JC' Hut a fe sets of the Quarto, f om No 1, iiow teinain 1 hand in llio cilice, and wo shall therefore, tint 1 ' nblo long to supp'y them. TERMS: Tuble Dollars a year in advanr for either cdmon ; or I ivt Dollars for two copn In nil cases letters must be free, or post paid, they will remain dead in the posl-ollice. (Xj All lV-lmiistc;s who will act for u are c authorized Agenis, and may retain 25 per cent tho subsciiption price, (:),) for commissions, if mittcd in New-York or Eastern n nney ; or 50 cei on each, if in notes of other solvent banks, w h, may be at a discount here. Cj Editors and Pul lishers who desire the c linuunce of an exchange, will pleaso copy the ab three or more times, or otherwise notice tho conic and send us a marked paper. Letlcra rcla'ive to tho editorial department tr be addiessed to Park Benjamin': Ep es Sarce Editors: those relative to the buisness eK-n ment, lo J. WINCHESTER, Publishe. No. 30 Ann street. BI A Z A I5 1US UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL 4- 1:.$ r lerf mrc. STATISTICAL REGISTER Containing uments, 1 acts and other useful infjrmution, ilb live of the history and resources of ihe Ame Union, and of each Slate ; embracing coinm manufactures, agriculture, iuu rnul improvement, hanks, currency, finances, education, &c. eic. Ed ted by Samuel Hazard. Publi bed every Wednesday, at 79 Dock strce The price to subscribers is 5 per annum, p.iyabl on the first of Jamiaiy of each year. Nosuhscri; lion received for less "thau a year. Subscribers 01 of the principal cities to pay in advance. ! K O V E T 1' .S op Tn e JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SILK s( CIETY, AA'D RURAL ECONOMIST. AniTin bt e.intox u. smith. THIS Journal was established by the America Silk Society, for the purpose of ditl'uMng praetiet information on the ci-i.tcre op silk, iu the Unite States. It has now liern published one year, an may be considered a work of standard character. The first year's publication, compiisiug the fir volume, container a mass of valuable inloimsiioi and it will lie the obje ct of the editor to mat the second equal in ull respel-i, if not supcnoi, the 'first. 1 'he important fact is now esta' hshed b yond any question, thai the people of the Unib Slates can make silk iueaplh aud better thn, any other nation upon earth. It ha been provi by unimpeachable testimony, that the cnliie co of producing silk reaely for ma ket, does not excee TWO HOLLARS ARB TWEMTI-riVI CISTS PI poi-sn, and its lowest value is poi-r dollars an pi rrr cents; also, that os s ache of ground plan ed in morus uiulticaulis, will proeluce the first ye; tho tre'es aio planted, piii iitt-i ioiit poi nds ( silk, leaving a clear profit lo tho producer ofos 111 ynum and riiiUT hollars! It has also bee proved thut the childun and f. males Lf any f.riner fimily can, with the gre-ate t iossibls esse, proelu. from fifty to a hundred p. minis of silk eveiy yea without any cost whatever to the expeuse-s ol 111 farm afcr tho trees are planted; nd iher- fore, rli. the whole amount of silk w ill be so much clear g ,n say from $225 lo ?450. With these fact we sul m l lo an iiilell geut peoplu wether il is not a gru and important oljecl for them to introduce ihe eu lure of silk in eveiy farmer's family in the .'' To eiiuble all our farmers to make silk, l' nal or the Am LRU-ami Silk Sov.1 7;- lW jOL lisheJ; jt contains lain piact';r' wacst TIVATIEO THE TREES. - , " Uircctio.,8 for t :i WORMS, BEEU- T ,u,So -Uj tt maiE0i, ixe Uti. -siLKlond preparing it Iwe t.-eu.' . .a- ll .i. .- t- . .b '".'red I- -es all other information ihatc I,.- usiness . - -uiue any ptrson 0 cnUr no ,11 1 f'ie-' ' .r,lmr on '"file or small scahe. En n,"'r ?. -f, f'JU,i,rv. t'.lo wh se hands U,i. p. woik ,v i" d"tn f V" a"J '"'"'"hropi work by inducirg hi. friend and ne ighbors to . Kr Iheir name, upon the lis of subscriber. m ' f 8 J""'l uf the Amciicau S.K-iely i. publi.h mon.hly, ,n pamphlet for... ; numlecr' thiily-lwooctavo page. ,i,el on new type ., handsome paper, wi.h .printed colored cover. Un dollars, always lo be paid befora ih. i l sent. All ubscrintiort la tw.,.i.i .1 . r. g. . , -' inw ,irsi nun tHrollheyesr.andini.oce will the woikbesei loans subscriber loneer thin it -I...II k-..- paid for. . - -" "" (Tj'Ncw arc i'i '.. wl. .i . .l. ... rrd volume. w, ,.ch' glj Vu"; Y: . Do labs for the two years, '