Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 27, 1841, Image 4

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Of Hit tjfitacy of Dr. Itartich't CtkhratiJ Medi
7 .Tne f"llown certiGcite waanent by Mr. E. B.
Ilinman, agent at Cincinnati!, Ohio. Therocan le
no m.sisito inn, as the nattica aw well known,
Mt. F.ackiel Rifrdon, of Anderson township,
Jlatnilton county, Ohio, waseevernl day troubled
"wiin mil. ua etlcctions, acidity 01 me siomatn, at
'Undeil willi the usual symptoms of ilvspei sis, and
having made trial of varimia medicine without
'finding relief, was curcJ by the above medicine.
Attest, E. RIG DON.
Cincinnati. June 30ih, 1840.
YET LATER. Mr. Vance, cf Washino.'on
county, writes at follows Dcor Sir Dr. ILiihch's
I'll are perfoiming some of the most wonderful
cuica in tna ticinitv ever heard of. TIil-v were
'introduced here about nix monlii ego, by one of
Tny netgimora, who bought a halfdicrn pucknges
irom tnc i'liisimng ollice. I om aware or four cmca
in thii place where complete cures have been per
formed, one of aevero rheumatism, two of dyspepsia,
-ft'J one of a most shaking and aggravated ner
vuua coni-aiiit, of ten or twelve year standing. I
Mend you enclosed five dollar ; plrnre Ui forward
li!l.for that amount by the bearer, William Ward,
July 27. 1340.
X. U. The above certificates, compared with the
very m..ny already received, certainly must con
vince ihoso similarly ufilictcd, that they can yet be
. re! cvtd by the use of these Invaluable medicines.
Prinripal rfficc, No. 19, Xorth Eighth street
Philadelphia. For sale bv
October S4, 1840. Agenl.
dyspepsia ; dyspepsia
That troublesome and peace-destroying disease.
Thousands and tens of thousands fuller from
tlit comm. n distressing complaint. Vhpepsia is
lnqu, n, ly caused by overloading or ilUtcndnijr, the
stomach by excessive luting or drinking imlijisr-
iblc and acri 1 substances taken into the stomach.
it lioiii Ion:; continued constipation of llio bowls, a
sadentiry life, fear, grief, anxiety, a copious draft
of ca!d watijr, drastic purgative medicines, dysen
tery, miscarriage.-, intrrnnitent and spasmodic aT
f ciions of the s omach and bowls, irregular meals,
Into hours, and too ficqucut uso of spirituous
The aymplom of dispepsia may be described as
a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious
one, nausea and toineliui, s bilious vomiting, sud
den '.in J transient dimensions of the stomach af rr
eating, aciid and putrcsent eructations, water brush,
pain in the region of the stomach, oisiivcn, ts, pat
pit ilion of the heart, dizziness and dimne.-s of the
ighl, disluibed rest, tremors, mental despondency,
Si itolency, spasms, nervous irritibilily, ehil inc.-,
sallowness of complexion, great oppression after
mating, languor and general debility, sick head aihe,
CURE At the head cf all remadies st-inds Dit.
and Guimax Arrf.iilENT Pills, which art great
ly upon ihe pciistultic motion of the intestines,
thereby producing rcguljrity of tlio bonis, at the
v-ainc liiiie improving me functions of ihu ilchihlal-
J o gaps, thus invigorating and restoring the di
gc live organs to a healthy action. This medicine
se d mi fails in producing relief,
Full and rxplicitc di eclions accompany
above medicine- Liken ise a pamphlet which
serins diseases, the manner of Ire:. ling, &e.
Principle cilice the United Slotes, No,
Xorth EIGHTH STREET, Ph.lndelphn.
October 24 , 1S40. Agent.
WHO are troubled wi'.h sick headache, pain in
iho ride, brea-ii, and back, loss of appetite, lUtulen
cy, lo.vncs o( spirits, paliiiai:on of the heart, faint
rnas or (.idoincss, sicknos at the stomach, bilious
jiltections, lightness at tho chest, nausea, vomiting,
njire in the stomach, flushings of heal, ntid chilli
ries, nf t!.e nerves, i nd oigans of digcrtion,
ill'C At., llirs who may bo thus ifii cUc', should
nut iitg'rct to pn eure Dr. UurlicWs Compound
Strengthening Tonic and German Aperient J'li.'s,
v hi ell uro wairdi.ied to givo imniidiulo relief.
'Thousands i!a we almost daily behold, whme coun
l.'mtnce and pile emaciated cheeks bear occulur
wilncrt to siekne.-i anil sllliction. (!oul.l tho c
firrsons be prruadid to use this invaluable meiU
cino, liny would toon find their weak and dcl'ilita
id frimes strcnghtencd, their minds compesed.
and all pain, and lilres ilrivcn from the cyttrm,
when the tody will again renew iis lost vigor, aud
j ut on a " new life," and death for a while be dc
1 lived of its prey. WUitluat but fiols glad t"
behold ttieir near relatives and dear fi lends, snatched
as if by magic from that fatal dest oyer Death
ye who aro Uboiing under disiase let not another
day or night pass without procuring this medicine,
os it will i.i a majority ot eases effect a pormaiiatit
cure, liemember delays ore dangerous , end if
disease is iieglccied, its rdvages will doubly in--cro-pp.
Cj"Piinri, le Oilleo for the United States, Xo.
49, XOP.TH EIGHTH street, where
daiioi'g of hnndieds of persons msy be seen, all of
which have been cuied or beuif.licd by the
October 24, 1S10. Agent.
THERE are many persons that we daily bilmld,
whose eounb nances and frail limbs denote i tllic
ti on which we find has principally originated from
rre Vet of proper reina lies at the commencement of l
sickness. Al first the patient complains of bile, on
the stomach atttndcj with liekiu-gs.tosliveittts, Je.,
lie r.rglt cts to procure proper meJieine ; at li n'h be
'tou p! .ins rf psm in tho ante and s'on.seh ni h
srlir cruclslions; his appetite ,erorres impuirul, I
in rest trnuhk'fomc, bis n.ind b:ir.i.'?i'd, and all
t'nrja b,mi( him npppiir nut in their proper station.
He null iiehu.tts himself, when in all probability
the discat-e nny at lentlj be so fast sealed, that no
.medical aid vill replace hii.i again. At the first
attaek of Mcknt ts there should ha " no time Joxt"
iu procuring Dr llaibcli's coMrorsn (trkngtii
iniso AptitiiNT tills, which iinmediulely re
moves bite fiom the stomach, obviate coniventss.
remove disorders in ilw heaj' invigorate the mihd,
strengthen the body, improve the memy,eiid en
liven the imagiiio ion ; thus toring the Uxly
Jigain to i s pr per fiinciiuni'.
Principle (iHicu, No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH
street, Philadelphia.
October 24, 1610. AgenL
THOSE who are suffering from various diseases
Incident la Ihu human family, would do well tn
procure Vr, llartich's Vinujiuund Hlmigiliening
iud Cermun Aperient Fills, which uio ao pre.
iniiueiitly recctimmendej for liytptpsh, Liter
Couiplainla. sirs in Ihe i,le, back and breast,
Xcivic-us AlUctions, Head-Ache, and all I bo i!is-4-asis
ol the tt 'Uiach and Bowls. I'mnphlets may
be ubluiued griitis, which coiita a full and expbcile
l;reeiioi, for tiring. The reader is ufi nt d to act-
iy inlercsii'.j; ceitificatea of cure in this
paper, which may t relied upun, as they arr taken
Irom lha original. J'or sale at Xo. 19, NORTH
EIGH i'H ,ireet, Philadelphia.
0acr l, 1640 jget.
Trnimpor lafion Line
Wartltouse foot of Chesnut Street on the Fen
tufvnnia Vtinril.
A DVT b vc tim wharf of the subscriber eve
ry moridng nt 8 o'clock, running through to Haiti-
mora in three i!a). Consignments of produce,
iron, &c, will teceivo a dcxpatch by this line, which
has not hitherto been equalled by any other. Rate
of frciiihl a low as by any other regular I, ne.
jmh w. drown, -j
BUCK & II ERR. I n ... .
Goods intinded lor I'itisbi'rg, cr any point on
thf Pennsvlvatiia Uannls, will leshimitd wiihoul
del ly on iheir ariival at Ilarrisburg, us thin con
nccu vtitli the Xorth American line of Po:t:ihlu
ItoAls to Piltsburii d iilv, and with the HiiMitirhun.
na Piirket Line to Xortliumberland, Williamsport,
iniMKuarir, biiu Oil rMeruiroiiKC pi.icei.
Harrisbu-g. Sept. 0, 1810.
WsIis ofl'IValsivc.
IX a slite otlim'lli the inlestinsl canil may be
coinpare, to a river whose wateia flow over the sd-
joining land, throocli the clianneij natn:e or art
has made, and impiovcs their qunlniet; and to keep
up ti e comparison of the riv. r, no long as it mi.s
on Hinoi.tldy tho channels are kept pure utid healihv;
but if by some csu-e the course of the river is Mop
ped, then the water in the ca:n.lsi longer pure,
uoi toon ni'comes fiagnnnt. i Here is hut enc law
f circulation in nature. When there is a suner-
nbundance of humorial flaid rsrrocitv, in the imen.
timil tulns, Mid eo.-tiver.ess takes phec, it fl ws
badi into the bloo.l vrs.e's. and infilirat.s i(elf in.
to the circulalion. J o establifh the free course of
the river, we must remove tho l striutions which
atop itsfice rour-e.nnd tho e of its tpbulaiy slie.ui!.
U iih the bedy, fullow the same nalural principal ;
r. ninvc, ly that valuable pmpaiivo inediciiie limn
ilnth,s Vnivtrml Vegetable l'ih: which arc an if.
Actual aa.' .iicc of nature, the superabundance of
nuniorn in tftc intcvtinc canal. Ily per evering in
this practice, the wajs of the circulation will then
be lestored to the full ixcrciso oftheir natural func
tions, and a state of health will be firmly establish,
cd Remember, never suffer a drop o! blooj to be
taken from you- Evacuate the humors as often
and as long as they are degenerated, or as long as
you are sick.
Dr. Brandreth', Oificc in Philadelphia, is at Xo.
8, XORTH EUUITH street, where his pills can be
had nt 25 cenis per box, with full directions.
(C; )nly agent in II. U. MasscrEeqr.
Kunbuiy, Sept, 9, 1840.
Oi'tificnfrs of Agency.
THE following are the duly appointed agents in
their rtppec live counties, fur the sale of lirandrcth's
Vegetable Universal Fills.
Xorthuiiibeilai d county : Milton Mackcy A
Chauibcilin. Suiiluirv H. B. Masser. M'Ewcna
villc Ged.l.s, Giecn'A Wulls. Georgetown F.
Midbnger A Co.
Union county : Lcwibiirg Walls A Ged,!e
Mifiiinbiirg Pcllman A Beckly. New Beilin
John M. Bt-iifer. Selinsgiove Ey ic A Co. Mid
dlebutc Uaac Smith.
Lycoming enmity : Williamspnrt John Smith
Ncwbirry M. & J. C. Funt,n. Muncv W. A.
Pelrican. Jersiy Slime Jinn II. H 'iburn.
Columbia couiHy : Danville T. A E. B. Rey
nolds. Catlawibsa C. A. Brobts. Shu
man A R.ttriihnufc. Blooinsburg-John It. Mi yer.
SSunbury, Sept. U, 1840.
Of the rffienry nf Dr. llarlieh's Compound
Strengthening end German Aperient Fills.
Allegheny, Jan. 8, IS40.
To Dr llarlieh's Agent Sir: I wUh to stale for
the benefit of ibo e th j may be i f.lietcd, that lr.
Haiilicu's Pills have uniielv cund me of Dys
pepsia, of which I have been ufll cted for many
years. 1 used both kinds, the Apeiient and Strcngih
eninrr, and I am Cdinlr jineJ to say, that tin y aie a
valuable di.-euvcry, anil act upon the system mildly,
l ut very llectually. I found tho Tjnic pills to
quicken the circulation and cause a d termination
to the surface, aed to strengthen the we; k rtomach
and increase its powers. The Afcriei.i pills r,re ihe
beat cathsnii: I etci und. I nin confident all Dys
peptics would dj we I to make immediate tr al and
be n lieve.l. Any one can call at my house and be
satb-iijd cf the above ut pleasure.
X. B. The crlginnl certificate may 1 seen ar the
tfficc of the " Spirit of the Tunis." Fur salts at
No. 19, North Eighth strict.
October 24, 1810. .?c)i.
THIS disease is discovered lya lixid nblue
pain in the rie,l t si.'u ntn'er the shori ribs, attend, d
with hi at, uiita.ine. s libunt the pit of the stomach;
there is in the riht side also a uil niion ; the p;.
lirnt b.-cs his appetite, and becomes sick and troubl
ed with vomiting. The tongue biennis louah
and black, tho countenance changes to a ale or
citron coler, or yellow like tho.-e efiiii ted iih j iiir.
di'S difficulty of breathing, distinb-d ret, allendee
with a diy emigh, ditliculiy of laying on the bit
aide, the b.uly becomes weak, and linn ly the disease
te:niiii'itis int.) imo he r of a srnoua n .iuie,
which in all probability is far leyoml tbe power i f
human skill. Dr. s vmpuiiiul Strength
ening Tonic u.tJ German A, (ricnt Vith, II ti
ki li nt tho Commencement of this disease, . ill
rbcik it, rin. I by cetuitiiiing the os-e of .be medicine
a fiw wnk-', a prtfect eure n ill le perl, iiiml.
Thousan 's can lestily to ilns f.ut.
t.'iitilieitu i f piany neixii'a i,,av dalvlo se, -i
of the ctlie cy of ihi-i mvaliabl.- medn n.c, bv appl.
"';T Hi iIjm Mutual oitire. N.. 10, NOiJllI
EIGHTH titcrt, l'hiladib.hia.
October 34, 1610. Aent.
Of tbe efficucj of Dr. UarVelts celebrated Medi
cines. Deah Sir: I rvas aiiliclej willi a I ilious and
nirvinus disease to a te-y ularming degree, wiih
all the sympt. niH which so ficquently ifiVcta a re.
1 xed condition, viz t gii'diness in ll,e head, viol, nt
tremors, chilliness, wiih a fixed pain in Hie light
side, complexion bad, and rostiveness; indeed I
was in a most iniseiabbi condition, 1 had tried
many remedies, but found no permanent tel ef un
til I had purchased Dr. Ilmlieh's compound
ttnnglhening und German ajuritul J'ills, which
fr. in their su lienor vi tues, I wac completely cured.
and am able lo puuun my cuiploymenl, free from
pain ml disease, (signed) JOHN BOLES.
Dated Xenia. Ohio June 7 , 1810.
Prii ciple Olliie for Ibe Slutes No. 19,
Noith LiunTH bTREET, I'bilad, .
Ocb.ler 54, lg4u. 4fn,
Dr. Ilnrlich'a medicines ,ro daily increasing in
rstabluh lheirwo,, .. W, ,. , communication
... oureoluuin. to-d,y f.ora a , ,.o ,lg ,WI,leJ
which i- bul.neof many vouclitra for thia m,d,.
tin. Spirit nf t,( Tims.
ah Airs ii ac; aziai:,
AMD Tfll
UidicH and CJonlloiiirn's World of
Lilei-ature aim I amiion.
( Hit Casket and the Gentleman's United.)
ANEW Volume, under the above title, of Ihe
well established and fa-hi. liable Mngaxini',
The Philadolphia Casket in conjiinc ion with tho
Gen leimm's Magazine, which ha been every where
pronounced the most tendabln ami popular of the
div, will be oacned oil the First of imuary, l4l,
wi;h an array of Contibutors aei uied by the union
of talent and fame, which no periodical iu the coun
try can boast or pietend to rivn'. The December
number will, however, be a spiclmeii of the new
volume. The Volume will be opened with a new
and beautiful type, the finest white paper, and with
tho first of n series of cmhcllis.imciiU unsurpassed
by any which have yet appeared In nny Magazine,
The style cf cb'gance, the beauty und finish of these
illustrations, and the extensive improvements winch
will bo made in its typographic il appearance, and
above all, tho tone of its literary depart mcnl, bv the
bril iaut array of contributors, whose articles have
enriched the pages of each number, w ill give it char
acter, second to no Magazine iu Ihe Union. The
character of tho nrt.cles which shall appear in its
pages, will tic equally removed Irom a auk y smti
mentality, und Irom an UV elation of morality, but
wh lo it true delineation of human nature in every
vaiLly of passion i-i aimed ot, nothing shall be
found in i s ppges to cause a blush upon the chuk
of the most pure.
The Itenry character will be ritfTiciciUty guar
anteed by the uputatioii cf bo li Mag. ziiua thus
united, for years pnst. Writeia of I ho first rank
have been ngular Contributors to their pages, and
the tales and l.thhcs published iu tin in have Lcen
w id, ly copied h II J read, and tho firm and indepen
dent tone i f the riilieisms, upon the current liteia
ture of tho day. has been evciy who c apptoved und
loninitnded. Tho list i f cmiiiihulnrs ndmcis the
names of most of the principal wii ers in Americj,
niih a respectubk- number of English authoiF.
The herics of well known nautical papers, cnti
t'cd ' in the last War," have had a tun,
unequalled by any ftri. s publish d in any Magazine
for jc.iis. The author promirc lo open the first of
a new seiit a of Tab s ol ihcSea, and Irom hi. known
abilities as a depicter of sc.i scenes and life, much
may be relied upon from him in maintaining the
popularity of the Magazine Papers niny be expect
ed during (ho volume, uho from tho author of the
wi.ll known articles, entitled "The Log of Oid Ironside-"
The author of "Syrian Letters," will nlsj
lend his powciful and giateful pen, to sustain and
increase the reputation of the work. The valuable
aid of tho ou hor of "Leaves fiom a L iwyei's Port
Folio," has i Iso txen sccuied, and we may expect
something sti 1 moic thrilling Irom ihe capacious
stores which a long life in the profession has ena
bled him to amass. An occis onsl Chit-Chat with
Jemmy Short." and "O.ivcr Oldfeilow," is ulso
promised; wiih a variety if choice articles in pr.ise
and verse, from various writers of, as con
liibutors lo the prominent M igi zims of llio couu
tiy. The editois of I oih M. g iines continue their
seivicc ui der the new arrangement. itli such
an array of lalcnt a Magazine of uiiiivulied aitiuc
tions, may safely be promisd the coming volume.
In compliance w ith tho almost unanimous wish
of our lady subscribers, we shall tho ensuing vo'
time furnish them wiih a beaulilul end correct plate
of Fashions Monthly, feature, it is bel.cved, that
w II neither I o unwelcome nor unpof ular. The
F. shiou plates shall be drawn from oiigmul designs
from Paiis and l.ond.n, and nny alwata l de
I ended upon as the prevailing si) le in Philadelphia
and New Yoik, for tho mun h in which they ate is.
Time of publication. The woik will be publish
ed on the first of the month in cv.ry quar.irofthe
Union. 'J he most distant subscriber will conse
quently receive it on that day, as well as these who
reside in Pi ilad, Iphia. In all the principal c.ties,
ngen's have been established, to whom the Maga
zine ia forwarded, prior lo iho time of issuing it, so
that t ey may le delivered to resident tubecribtr
by the lirut of the month.
Tr.nMs : 77i.-cr Dollars prr annum. Or two
copies early f . r live do lara, invariably in advai ce,
post paid. No new subcrilei rtceiti d tviihuul the
money, or the name of a responsible agent. For
the accommodation i f those who nuy wish lo sut
scribe for e.tlicr of the following Ph.ladelphiu perio
dicals', Ibis lili-riil proposal is made: Fite dollars
rum lit money, fiee of postsge, wo will f iwa,d
Graham's Mag., and Goib j'a Lady's Book, fj
one tear. Addriss, post paid,
South West corner nf Chesnut 4' Third st.. Fhda
The Sro(I:er .lonalhau.
THE largest and most beautiful newspaper in the
world larger by filly squire iiiihcs than any
ollu r i.enspa cr in the United Sta es. Published
Saturdays, at 162 Nassau slreel, New York.
Pi ice three dollars a year two copies for five dob
la n.
Qjf Tho proprietors of this nummolli sheet
the "Greut Western" umnng the newspapers
have the pi -asuie of a, reading heforo tho reading
puhl.c a woi kly periodical roniainiiig a greater s
iiiounl und variety of useful and inter, sung mis
cell in v, than is to be found iu any similar publica
tion in tl e win Id.
Each numbi r of the paper contains as large an
amount of leading matter as is found in volumes
of ordioery ilundecimo, which cost f2 and more
ilnn is contained in n volume of living's Colum
bus or Dancroti's II nlorv ofAmeiiea, which cot
i'.i it volume and all for Three Dollars a year. For
1?3 tkV.i copies will le fornaided Oi;e year, or one
copy t'to ye cs.
Since the publication of oui oiigiin.I rasiertus,
the l,r,.t,,er Jonathan has been L.NLAIUiED and
its, amply I tfoie, has been so much in, nasi d.
that much more than iho former qu mlily of the
mo.-t iiitcirsting hteialuic of the thy is embraced in
its immense capisity. St lections from all ihe most
prominent and celebrated writers of the day nsi st
in swelling iiscontent , and whatever is new, lieh,
or ut, is imediiilely tr.msfi ned lo its columns. All
the contiibutions to periodicals of American writers
of repute appear in its pages; and Iho issues of lh
foieigu press arc laid under couliihuiioua, as soon
as rec ive.l in this country. To tbe miscellaneous
and Literary Depart mi ni, ihe closest attention is
p-iid; and iu all the selections and original contiiou
tioiiH, rtrii t euo is devoted to avoid all may
louch upon tho opinions of any party in region or
Exieiianee having taught us lint wo liuJ mark
ed out n paih for our.-elve, in which all sort of
people d. lights io follow, the Brother Jonathan
shall continue, as it begun, In be a bold, gent'e,
wci.hly, light, grave, merry, serious, w itiy, smooih,
dashing, inlirtsiig, inspired, and iucompirable
iiewspaper. Il shall be a slupuidnus minor whe.e
In ull Ihu world will stann n fleeted. It shall con
tain the most beautiful of Novel-, Romances and
Siories for both sexes Fui'y Tales for lovers of
llio marvtll ius Legends fur antiquaries Pasqui
nades for wit mongi rs Nun and raisins for short
winded readcrs-S renades fur musical lovers Sou
I. els for Ladies Sentiment for old bad-dors Sti
lilies for politicians and Lectures, S. rmons, Crili
lisms, Epigrams. Ac, Ac., Ac , fur all tho woild.
Letters should be add, esse d to
rublishrvs tht Ui-vthtr Jonathan," S. Y.
A Coiinlidution ofUurrs Cultivator and the Ge
nesee Farmer,
I'l-onpcrturi or Vol. H, for m il.
nHE Cultivator Waft established to Improve and
elevate Die Agriculture of the country ( to give
propel tone lo tho moral and mind of the Far
met; lo show him the dignity and impoitanco of
his rofession to store his mind with useful kn jw
ledge, and convince him that while all clases arc
and nitit be more or less dependant on each other,
It's alone of the whole can make any near approacn
lo independence. If Ihero is one thing more than
another, which in this country gives a man superi
ority ovni his fellow men, it is knowledge ; and this
knowledge, knowledge which is as essential to tho
succccs of tho fanner na lo olhir men, it ia the
dotign of iho Cubivntor to aid in imparling.
Qjr Tho totumc for 1S40, ia filled entirely with
Original Commun'uations, emlnacing artich s from
about 300 Coi respondent', from uhnost ovcry state
in the jtim.
If an increase of subscription beyond nny prece
dent iu the history of Agricultural Journals, il the
nlmnst liiianimoiH voice of the public press in our
favor, if Iho mullitudo of piivaie yet flattering tei
limoiiiaU wc have received, added to a circulation
amounting the .first year lo Twsntt-two Tit iu
sand, may be admittid as evidence, then wo havo
certainly most abundant reason to he gratified with
the success which his attended iho Union of the
Cultivator and the Genesse Farmer. No expense
h is I ceii or will be spared to render tho Cultivator
worthy, of the patronago it has received. In the
number, variety and excellence of its Illustrations,
it is without a rival at home or abroad, the last vol
ume being embellished wiih nearly One Hundred
Engravings, illustrating the improved brerdsol Hor
ses, Catib, Sheep, Swine, Buildings, Implements,
A''., making Ihe Cultivator, all things c insidcrcd,
it is believed, tho Cheapest Agricultural Papir ever
pubhs'icd in this or any olher country.
Tkbms Cbre Dollar per annum Six copies for
f 5 the money to be lemi ted in advance, free of
postage. A commission of 20 per cent, will be al
lowed to Agents who obtain 25 or mnro subscri
bers, and 25 per cent, to those who obtain 100 or
moie. All subscriptions to commenco with a vol
ume. Postmasters and gentlemen disposed to lend their
influence to aid the cau-e of Agiiculture, are re
spectfully r-quested to act us agenis. Address
Publishers of the Culiii utor, Albany, A'. Y.
rilllE spirit of the age is utililanan. Improvr
.1. mint is stamped upon the face of every thing.
All the useful arts arc progr, ssing with unpirrallcl-
ed rapidity, und Ihe Art of Printii g is coming io
for iti full shaie of the common improvement. not to be outdone in any thing that per
tiius to his profession, where there is a lair chance
for exertion und euterprize, the undersigned has de
termined upon issuing a sheet twice the size of the
Itoston Weekly Jimis, (and is to lake tho place
of that paper,) and w ll contain eight columns
more mailer tlmn the Droilicr Jonathan. 1 his
sheet will be call.d the BOSTON NOTION, and
il is determined that it shall sustain a cognomen so
full of meaning, and so interwoven with the estab
lished character of our ankce city. Il will be tho
Laiiolst Ni.wsnrkn is the Woiilii with no
exception and will be punted on a sheet thirty
seven by fifty-two inches. It will be filled entirely
with r-admg matter, and will contain 1 hreo 1 hou-
sand Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight equare
inches, ot 1 wenly-Scvrn rqnare feet ol print in fine
type! and single tiumlier will contain more read
nig than an ontinnry book of i hiee Hundred
pages. These dimensions Will enable the publisher
lo diatv largily upon the most popular periodical
of the day, both American and Foreign ; and as tho
selections will be made wiih great care, it is believ.
eJ this paper w.ll bo a welcome N'otion to eviry
family. Beshha a full synopsis of the current news
of ihe day,) as published in the Boston Daily
Tunes,) it will cnlain Poetry, Popular 'Pahs,
Theatrical Criticisms, Police and othei Court Re
ports, Humorous Articles, &c. Ac.
The whole wo: Id of Literature will Ic ransacked
to fill it. From the study of the philosopher down
to the police courts, through all regions of resson,
poetiy, romance, wil, and the ampin record of folly,
we shall glean from the past and the present aud
fiom all nations, to present as pleasing and useful a
combination of recorded thought and current his
buy, as iho worlJ can supply or indusliy produce.
This is our 'Bostox Noriojr."
This great amount of wisdom and fun of wit
and philosophy of novelties and antiquities we
are able lo oiler, weekly for six cknts pr copy,
nly six -cents! and we can dj it because of ihe i sol our press and office, and llio connection
of daily and weekly publications. For tiiiii: dol
lars we can sell a teat's volume, equal in quantity
of matter, with every variity a'so, to Fifty-two Vol
ume of Novels such as are issued from the press
of this day. Fifty-two huge Volumes for Three
Do lars ! Effected all by improved machinery, and
by a determination thai we will iiol be outdone iu
euterprize und usefu'iit s.-.
TERMS: Thiick Dollars a year, always in
advaere no ordeis, no matter from what source,
will be utti'iidi d to unlcfs accompanied with the
CASH. Single copies six cenis each.
Post Masters or others remitting Twrnty Dol
lars shall have Eight copies sent lo such persons
ai.d pieces as they may designate.
fcieor&e W LajiAr,
CHANT, CiirsNCT Stiult Whaiif, lUnmsncnn,
IS prepared to rereive Gcods and Pioduce ut the
new wan house, w hich his arrangements will em
tie him to forward with thspa'ch lo Philadelphia,
Pillsbuig, Williamsporl, Wiikctbarre, Columbia,
Lancaster, or any other point on iho Pennsylvania
and Union Canals, and ihe Pennsylvania aiid Har
risbuig and Lancaster i ail roads.
Goods from Philadelphia for Harris). uig, Carlisle,
C'hamb. rsliuig, &c. Ac, forwarded wiih care and
Coal, Plaster, Salt and Fisn, constantly for
"le. tept. 0.
11 O O K - B I N D E R Y.
THE underoigneJ havo tho gratification of in
forming the public, lhat notwithstanding they wire
so unfortunate as to have their bindery burnt duw n,
in March last, they bate opened a tcry extensive
one, in Locust slreel, ia the new building directly
opposite Gieim's Hotel, snd are picpan d to c xecuto
all tto.k in their lino with dcspntcii, aud in a su
peiior stylo. Their RULING APPARATUS
and oilier Machinery are new, and of ihe first order
and latest improvements ; and they feci a confi.
pence in tht ir facilities for giving erficl satisfac
tion to all who nny favor lliein with their ordeis.
Banks, County offices, MeiehunU, Mechanics
nd others, can be supplied with BL ANK BOOKS
of every description, which for neatness and dura
bility, will be equal to any made by the United
Tin caiiriitr Ann ist
family m:wspapi:r
Only 91 50 per Annum t
one of the best end cheapest newspapers In
this country, containing all the choice Reading
Mailer of the six daily papers, including the "CLIP
PER'S LOO," is publisheJ every Saturday, at
1 1 fiO per annum.
Cjf" Ihe "OCEAN" is under the editorial charge
of Jon H. HtwiTT ami Jouw Wills, Esqrs., the
former well known as editor, proprietor, or princi
pal contributor to every literary publication issued
in this city for the last fifteen years; and the latter,
long n contributor to various periodicals, but more
publicly known since bis connection with the "Bal
TiMotia Currm," The extraordinary bucccss
whitli has attended the establishment of the Bulti
moio Clipper, now numbering a larger list of sub
rcribcrs than any other newspaper tver published
in Marylandthe daily applications fir a weekly
paper, to send, by mail, to country subscribers
and the many facilities possessed ly the under
signed, for this undertaking, have induced them to
spare no expense in getting up a paper which can
not fiil to be a welcome visitor into every man's
It is printed on entiro new type and fine white
paper, anil will compare, for beauty of workman
ship aud excellence of reading matter, with any
periodical now published in the United States.
'J'siims : For Mail Subsciibers, $1 50 per an
num, in cuirent money, forwarded (free of expense)
to the publishers.
Postmasters disposed to act m Agents for
tho Ocean, will receive five copies weekly, per an
num, for five dollars. Payment always to be made
in advance. Address BULL A TUTTLE,
Printers, Bait, more, Md.
Win: sr we first purchased the old and well
known establishment of too
Saturday livening I'osl,
wo slo'cil that tho paper ciiculated so widely -mong
the steady, reading portion of ihe United
Slates, that wc entered upon our li bors with full
confidence of the future. Our success has since
been beyond our most sanguine expectation, as our
weekly receipts overbalance those of any cotcmpo
rary paper. Our list has continued lo swell up,
with unexampled rapidity, and we have the confi
dence, that nt the present rate of increase, we shall
be enabled m a few months to boast of more than
35,000 subscribers ! When we commenced our
labors, we announced distinctly, thai the tone of llic
paper should be decidedly moral, and that nothing
shou'd be admitted into our columns, which the
most fas.idious father could disapprove of, and dc
term ned that ns an approved Family Paper, it
should not contuin a paragraph, with the spirit of
which a parent would not wish to have a daughter
familiar, and we therefore, with this view, announ
ced that no theatrical notices should appear in our
Columns, and that we siiould be opposed to theatres
as things calculated to injure tho healthy action of
an holiest mind, as crenlivo of exhibitions demo
ralizing in tendency, and fearfully pernicious in
fact. There were not wanting blusterers, who
made a great parade of opposition. anJ Croakers,
who predicted our speedy downfall, but we threw
ourselves upon the sober, rntionul and exprriCHced
poilion of the people of the United State for aup
pnit, and wc have teen nobly sus'aincil.
Wc thought aud expressed the opinion, (hat
however careless many might be upon this subject,
that few, even if they did not entirely disapprove
of such entertainments, cared about having the
gross details forever paraded before the eyea of
iheir children, and the sickening and nauseating
eulogy of all kinds of characters made familiar to
their minds.
We drterminee also, that while the paper con
tinued under our control, it ehoulJ be str.ctly neu
tral in politics, and t hut as news and literary jour
nalists we had nothing to do with the matter; this
determination has been strictly and rigidly adhered
to, and while we shall continue to give our readers
such public document ns may be deemed of inte
rest to all, and such history of the progress of
political events, n. are strictly in keeping with our
duty, and the character of the paper, we shall stu
diously and thoroughly avoid any contamination of
panizm politics.
The paper is now prinlcd in a new and beauti
ful type, has received the praise of many editors of
taste, as 'the handsomest family sheet in the Union.'
Our efforts have been diiected to the combining
of beauty aud simplicity with utility and taste.
The Post is printed on a stout white paper, ren
dering it neat ond durable for filing.
In uddilion to these efforts toward perfection in
the mechanical department, and exterior of our pa
per, no labor, and no cost been spared in the ilo
velopement of intellectual strengtiv. The present
variety of intcisting talcs, original, from foreign
and domestic magazines, together with the valua
ble contributions of cur own circle cf literary
friends will continue to give interest to the paper,
while everything important and worthy of note that
nappens in the Old World or the New, shall lie
collected and collated for the taslo of oui rea
ders. The Ladies' Depaitment shall alwuy be choice
and select, and shall receive strict attention, while
such things as may interest our juvenile leaders,
Mid that impoitant and large class of our readers,
the Fa i m r will not be overlooked. In order to
gr itify, as much as possible, the laudible desire of
our ciuntry readers, a portion of our attention will
le devoted to the collection and diffusion of auch
News, Memoranda, Tables, Facs, Hints, Ac. as
may seem important to agriculturists, and the pop.
ulalion resident without the confines of our great
cities The state of the m nkets and the fluciua
lious in Ihe price, will be regularly and what is of
more moment, correctly given.
W e hate ever been opposed to the constant
blustir and parade made by some editors, o'oout
the excellence of their opera, and have resolved
that the Saturdiy Evening Post, shall bo conduct
cd, as to eak for iudf.
Our readeia will always find in its columns the
earliest and mcst authentic information, rs well as
Ihe most choice and cntcitaining literary matter.
Wc hive tolully discarded the system ol filling Ihe
piper with quack adveilieinrnU, but prefer giving
our re.ide.s from week lo week, cnlcituining read
ing matter.
And we feel assureJ that we shall bo no losers
thereby, as but few readers care about having a pa( er
filled wiih descriptions of ibise nauseating com.
The Saturday Evening Post, will be furnished
for $2 per annum in advance, or one copy three
years for f 3. To those tvho wish lo subscribe for
Philadelphia Magazine, wo will furnish copy
of the Philadelphia Ca ket, and two copies of the
Post for one year for f 5 free of pistage and dis
count. No New Subscriber rcceiveJ without the
To those who wish to subscribe, we would say,
that the sufest plan ia to enclose the money in
letter and direct lo us. Most postmasters will
frank their letters if relating lo nothing but Ihe
business of ihe office, und all postmasters who will
bo kind enough ao lodo, we shall be pleased to ac
knowlcdbiaa agent.
No 3fl Caller's Alley, Philadelphia
F.DITI1) FATtK HrtJil!r asD i-.pes IHCItlT.
WITH multiplicJ resources for rendering the
Ns w Would more valuable than ever
compendious newspaper and repository of cleg int
literature, we enter upon the second volume (folio)
on the 24th of October, dressed in a beautiful gam
of new type, cast expressly for the purpose. It
will therefore be a fitting time to commence new
subscriptions, as well as fur the renewal of those
which may then expire.
During the first year of the distance of the
Xtw World, it lias acquired reputation and
circulalion superior to any weekly paper in Ihe
country; and tins furnished toils subscribers, during
lhat period, (besides a 1 the current news of the day,
domestic and foreign) new and valuable works by
Talfourd, D'Israell, Thomas Moore, Miss Mitford,
Mrs. Jameson, C. Dickens, Ainsworth, Knowles,
Bulwer,, and others woiks, which in Lon
don could not be purchased for fifty times tho
amount of the subscription price of the New
World. In addition to works of interest by theso
eminent authors, it has contained the cream of tho
periodical literature of the day, na well as original
ailiclcs from the pens of some of the mist popular
writers of-Ameriea, among whom we may mention
Miss Sedgwick, Orville Dewey, Professor Longfel
low, tho author of "Yankee Notions," Siuims,
Street, Ac. Ac.
In po:iticks we shall, as hitherto, maintain an
armed neutrality. Our columns as heretofore will
be unobjectionable in a moral point of view. In
criticism wc shall, in justice to the public, mantain
a perfect independence, even though we incur the
vengence of all the dunces Wo shall, in conclu
sion, earnestly stiivc to render our sheet cot only
worthy of the unparalleled favour it has experiunccd,
but of continually extending circulation. While
we continue to furnish with all possible promtitude
the most attractive literature of the day, we shall,
as our means enlarge, afford that compensation lo
native authors, which may induce them to in ke
the New World tbe medium for presenting to the
public their best productions. Our excellent Lon
don correspondent will be continuej, and due at
tention will be paid to the comerciul, agricultural
and news departments of out paper.
Of sixteen large pages was commenced on the sixth
of June last, in oider to meet the wishes of large
number of subscribers, by giving them its lich and
varieJ contents in a suitable form for binding. This
we have done without having enhanced the price,
so that new subscribers, and others on the renewal
of previous subscriptions, can lake their choice be
tween the Qunto and Folio form. But a few
sets of the Quarto, fiom No 1, now itmain or
hand in the ollice, and we shall therefore, not li
able long to supp'y ihem.
TERMS: TuiiKE DoLTtiis a year in advance
for either edition; or Fivk Dollars for two copies
In nil cases letters must be free, or post paid, o
they will remain dead in the post-office.
(XjT AH Po-tmurtcis who will oct for us are ou
authorized Agents, and may retain 25 per cent oi
the subset ip.tion price, ($3,) for commissions, if re
milted ill New-York or llnstcrn n oney ; or 50 cent
on each, if in notes of other solvent banks, whiel
may be at a discount here.
dj Editors ami Pul ushers who desire the enr
tinuancc of an exchange, will please copy the abot
three or more limes, or otherwise notice the content
and rend us a marked paper.
Letters rela ive to the editorial department mu
be addressed to Pahk Bekjamis A Errs Sarge.i
Editors: those relative to the buisncss dep.u
ment, to J. WINCHESTER, Publiher,
No. 30 Ann street.
II A Z A It I) ' S t
. . iv.iu jiuuio i toniitiriing k .
umcnts, facts arid other useful information, illusti
live of the history and resources of the Ameriel,,!
Union, and of each State ; embracing cornmerTo,
manufacture?, agrieultuie, intirual improtemc Jts,
banks, currency, finances, education, Ac. Ac. Edi
ted by Samuel Hazard.
Publi-hed every Wednesday, at 79 Dock street.
The price to auhscribcrs is f 5 per annum, payable
on the first of January of each year. No subscrip
tion received for less than a year. Subscribers out
of the principal cities to pay in advance.
r i: o i"iTc iT s
or the
sniTrn bt Ginr.ox a. smith,
THIS Journal was established by tho American
Silk Society, for the purposo of diffusing practical
information on the culture or silk iu Ihe United
Slates. It has now been published one jiar, nnd
may bo considered a w ork of standard character.
The first year's publication, compiling iho first
volume, eontaines a mass of valuable in loimslion,
and it will be the ol ject of the editor to make
tho second equal in ull respets, if not supcrioi, ic,
the first, l'lie important fact is now csta' lishrd be
yond any question, that the people of the Unite,-'
Stales cun make silk iiikapkii and bi'.tter thai
any other nation upon earth. It ha been proved
by unimpeachable testimony, that the enliio cost
of producing silk ready fur maiket, does not exceed
two dollars and rivE certs nt,
ruu?D, aud its lowest vulue ia rova DoLLint At)
nrrr cents; also, tliat osi itttR f . ,
cd in morus niuliicai.iU , , . ' ?. i
., , u produce the first yea?
tho tree, arn ,orllTT.i;IUUT rol.8 0I
SILK, icavieg a cfar pro(;, , ll)e projueo. of M
"INinr.n ami eight dollahs t li has also beer
i.roved that the childien and females ol anv fanner'
fimily can, with the grealo t possible ease, produn
from fifty to a hundred pound of silk every year
without any cost whatever to the expenses ol Hit
farm after the trees are planted; nnd linn fore, thai
the whole amount of silk will he ao much clear g .in
y from f 225 to J.J50. With theso facts we sul -m.t
to an intell gent people wether il i not a great
and impoilint object for them to introduce Ihe cub '
lure ot silk in every farmer's family in the Unioa.
To livable all our farmers to make si k, Ihe 'Jovk
Salop the Amsricax Silk Sucitrr' waaistib
fished; il contains plain practical direction for cul
tivating the thus, rE:i)ixdnd rkauino kilr
worms, reelino the silk, and preparing it fbi
market, &c. beside all other information lhat can
be r-quired to enable any person toentor upon the
business, e ilher on a large or small ecsle. Every
friend of hi country, into wh iae hand this papei
may fall, will be doing a patriot and philanthropist'
work ly inducing hi friend and ncighboui to en
ter their name upon ihe list of subscriber.
'J he Journal of the Amciicun Society i published
monthly, in pamphlet form ; each number contains
Ihinj two octavo page, piinteJ en new type auo
handsome paper, wiih a printed colored cover.
TiRti i-'fwo dollars a year, or six copies foi
ten dollai. a'ways to he paid bef r the work is
sent. All subscription tobeuiii with the first
her oftheyear, aud in no esse will the woikbesent
to any subscriber longer than it shall have beeu
paid for.
CTNiw Subscribers, who take Iho r,,.t mnA
econd volume, will be charged only Three Dol-
nil ice me ivo years.