Mr. SpaaksnasVa HnU Dill. The Harritburg Intelligencer, gives the following synopsis of the bill reported to the Senate by Mr. Spackman, from the rommitle on Dinks. Sic. 1. All provision for the forfeiture of char ters, In casei of suspension, repealed. 2. Laws prohibiting the issue of small note, repealed for five years. 3. rrohibila oil loins, to caahicrs, clerks, tellers r other persons, in the employment of the Banks cnpeclivcly. 4. All directors, officers, Ac. to be sworn before m alderman, or justice of the peaco, beforo enter ig upon their duties. 6. Dividends allowed duiing suspension. 0. Quarterly statements of the condition of the a riles, required to be made under oath. 7. Penalties required against officers who neg ct their duly. 8. False entries, issues, etc. to be punished by no and imprisonment. A Wahsiho I Uriah Glcason left Buffalo on c Cth inst., partially intoxicated, to go to his home, out fivo miles up the Lake, and on Sunday morn- was found dead a short distance from the light use. It was snowing when he left, and blinied by 0 storm and obfuscated with liquor he drove so ar an air hole thut his horse bioke through and isheJ, and himself sunk down in the snow and 1 slept to wake no more. .714 It IS I EI?, On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. R. A. Fish Mr. Soi.omo Brosius to Miss SniH Ann mix, both of this place. On Monday evening Inst, bythesame, Mr. Abdi m Far, son of Mr. J. G. Fry ef this place, to ss Mart Asx Bisuor, founcrly of Chambers- 'Jn the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. P. Shindcl, Mr. JAIlt KoMBKHOKB tO MlSS AnrLlA FiSUER, h of Lykensvalley. .IW W PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer. '.Vkat, 80 tk, - - - . . .60 'dux, ------ 40 )ats, 25 '0B(, 5 'laxseid, - 100 tcTTETl, ..... 12: 'rkswax, - - - 23 'allow, ..... 12: 'hiku ArrLES, - 75 Do. Pkaciies, - 2(10 LAX, ...... 8 ikckled Flax, 10 ocs, - 8 TO THE AFFLICTED. 'HOSE who are cuff-ring from various diseases dent lo the human family, would do well to ;ure Dr. Harlich't Compound Strengthening German Aperient Vills. which ore so pre lently reccommended for Dyspepsia, Liver iplaints. j ains in the side, back and breast, vious AfT. ctions, Head-Ache, and all the dis I ol the Stomach and Bowls. Pamphlets may iit.iined gratis, which contain full and rxplicite '.lions for using. The reader is referred to sev. very interesting certificates of cures in this r, which may be relied upon, as they are taken i ha original. For sale at No. 19, NORTH i I '111 street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, 1 V ;lf-adjusting log brace FOR SAW-MILLS. Bt Bejamiw N. CrsiiWA. M IE Subscribers bavin? purchased the rishl for tending and using tho above valuable inven n, W Northumberland County, oiler to dispose h4 same to persons who m:ry desire to purchase, he above invention is now in operation at the saw tit of Mr. M'Carty, near Sunbury, where it can inspected by owners of saw mills and all others teres ed. E. GDBI.N, March 27. tf. .SAMUEL GOBI.V. The Lust Cliancc. F persons wlio are ii dehled lo the subscriber on Boik account, will call and settle tho same I c r the 10th of April next, they c m save some in. Mt as well us costs, as the looks after that t into II be placed in the hands of a magistrate for cl .lion. II. B. MASSER. M .rdi 20, 1811. S hereby given to the judgment mid lien credi tors of Thomas Cowan, that they be and sp ar on the first day of next term, in the Court of immnn Pleas of the County of Northumberland, d show cause why the money raised from the le of the real property of the said Thomas, by the .eriff of said county, hhoiild not be appropriated the judgment in favor of Henry Yoxtheinii r. By thcCouit, SAMUEL D.JORDAN. March CO. Vroth'y. 8 hereby given to the judgment and lien creditors of Matthew Branagan. that they be and nppfaar l the first day of next term, in the Coi'tt (it Corn on Pleas of the county of Noil'-umberland, and ow cause why the monJ rai.-cd from the sale of c real property of raid Matthow, by the Sheriff of id counlyv Coo-old not he appropriated lo thejudg cut r, favor of Henry Yoxtheimer. By the court, SAMUEL D. JORDAN. March SO. Vroth'y. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, For 1 Dollars EQUAL for time in any told by Clock red larsfur $25, for sale by March 13. H. B. MASSE R. titortt Ilornbtrrcr'a Ktlatf. kTOTlCE i l erel-y given, thut the Register of the county ot JVirtliuml erlanu, nss tins uuy ranted letters testamentary to the subscribers, Uoii lie estate of George Hoiuberger, of Coal townhip, o the iid county. All perrons having demands or laii again! the said decedent, are requested to uke known the smiio to them without delay, GEORGE LONG, THOMAS HENNINGER. Feb. 22 6. Adm'i Uaiiicl liusc'tJ r.btuto. IVTOTICE it hereby given, that Inters of admin- L isiration on tho estate of Dauul Kse, late of tush township, Northumberland county, deed., tave been granted by the Register of said county te be subscrilier. All those indebted to ihe ebovs e- t will make payment, and those having ic'aims v i II present their accounts on Ine joto anu oisi tlarcb. I V 1 1 , at me ute iebiuenw ui urcciipcu. lCTER KASE Jm. 83. w 33 AJm'r, CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE, That we have applied to the Court of Common Picas of Nor thumberland County, for the benefit of the laws made for the relief of the insolvent debtors t and (hat the Judges of the said Court have appointed the first Monday of April next to hear us and our creditor at the Court House in Sunbury, when nd where you may attend if you think proper. JOSEPH MURPHY, JOHN P. RAY, March 13. DAVID MILLER. rQaTffTr,JCaCSJca IS hereby given to the cteditors of Albert Am merman, to appear in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, on the first day of next term, and show cause, if any they have, why the proceeds of the sale of his real estate, sold by Henry Gossler, Esq., shciifi of Norhumberland county, should not be applied to the payment of the judgment of Mary Dunham. March 2 J, 1811. I'rolh'y. LIST OF CAUSES IOK trial in the Court of Common Picas of Northumberland County, to be held at Sun bury, the first Monday of Apiil, 1641, being the 5lh. Joseph Trcjp (Christ & Nesbit George Laurance Hamrr for Roush Wm. Henderson Same Nagle, ad'm of Filbert Com'th cf Penn'a. Borough of Milton Badger for Badger Hugh Bellas Andrew Tinbrook, John Hagenturn ct al. Slitzel A Rtler Thorn Perry vs. Martin A. Stork, vs. Jackson Nesbit, vs. R. H. Hammond, vs. Salomon Mcngas, vs. Henry Blown, vs. Sliipman &Grcciiough vs. John Filbett, vs. Martin Wearer, ct ol., vs. Jacob Whcclund, vs. Hugh Bella", vs. L?wis Dcwart, vs. Daniel Fry mire et al vs. Alexander EUten ulal., vs. John Vincent, vs. Frederick Baiichman, vs. Byeilv & Haas, Mary W ceks Solomon Dunklclcrger vs. Piter A. Wetzel, Henry Maimer vs. Jacob Scosholtz, vs. John Yotingman, vs. John B. Boyd, vs. John Pitzpatritk, vs, John Meckley, vs. Hugh Bellas, vs. George Oyhter, vs. John D. Cowdcn, vs Gustavus Ro.-s et ul., vs. Richard Iionshaw et al. va, John Smith, Wm. A. Lloyd Henry H. Burr Anthony M'Donough W. C. Liv'mcstou A. Lyon & Co. Solomon Mcngas Charles W. Richards Wm. Shipmnn A. W. Johnson Ellmakei, Dunn A Co. Conrad Raver Jonathan Purse) Michael Fullmer John D. Cowden Charles L. Burnc Jacob Dteti Jacob House! vs. David Nice, vs. Coss A. Hilt-man, vs. William Haas, vs. Richards it lv lichen, vs. John Caul, vs. Patrick Hampsiy, vs. John Giav. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Prothonotary's Office, Vrutliy, ounhuiy, March I, 1S4I ltbsl t TBr la the Nicholson C ourt of Pirns tltate of Hriiiisy I vanla. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA! L. S. DAVFUIIf Cocxti, ss. for the The Commonwealth of") Pennsylvania. vs. The persons claiming ti tle In, or interest in the se veral tracts of land set forth in the Bill, whereof the following is an so nnet. V-Bill to perpetuato te- tiinony. AT a term of the 'Nicholson Court of Pleas for the State of Pennsylvania," convened in the Borough of Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 20, A. D. ISll, in pursuance of on net entitled "An act to seitle the estates of Joli Nicholson and Peter Baynton," passed April 16th, A. D. 1840. Upon Ihe petition presented and filed ill our court by Robert Orr, John Dungan und William Primrose L'sqs , Coin inissbi era appointed aa provided in the act afurc fa id rcpieecnting "that whetea it appears from the records in the office of the Secretary i f the Land Office in Pennsylvania, thnt William I". Btady ap plied for, and look out of the Land Office aforesa:d, fiftien wnnnts, all beating date Nov. 18, 1793 in the name of John Bready. Thonins Hamilton, Wil liam P. B.ieady, John Bujd, Will am Wilson, Ben jamin F. Young, William Gray, William OooU, Esq, John Cowden, Bernard Hubby, Tbmai Gant, Alexander Hunter, Samuil Sell. Jan.e Hepburn, John Cars, in ; and also the five bdlow ing wairants, all I earii g d itc March 14, 1794, in the namt a of Thomas Reese, Thoma (irant, Sam uil Scott, Thomas Hamilton. Jeremiidi Jack-on, for four bundled acres tach, ndj.iiiiiini rnch other ii: their programme ordiT, n turned in Northumberland County, as descrilied ni:d Mt forth in the ccitificatcs unnei.d to said peiiiioti, niwubered 12,181 ; and whereas itapiearsby a receij t in the office i ftlit Secretary of the Land Oflice, uforefaid, dated June 2, I794,accilificale whereof is ulsj to said petition annexed, that William P. Biady paid into the Laud Office aforesuid J.V0U in specie, for ha.d twenty tracts, amounting in ull to t'OCO acre, together with XI0 office fees; and V.'nereas it a!o appears by the certificates of l!,e, said William P. B.ady, legally exerut-d tod a know ledgtd, bearing dute August 13, l8.)8, the same whereof is annexed to the i',iiion, that ihe twenty warrants nb ve men tiulied were all paid by the said William V. Brady, . the agent of, and for the use and benefit of John Nicholson, Em)., for the sole use and uei.itit ol said Nicholson, and paid lor with money placed in his band for lhat purpose, although from the books in said Land Office, it appeals that said Wd iain P. Brady received credit for the purchaso money ot s.od warrants. The petitioners tunher represent, in it Ihe said William P. Brady, Ihe witness which the n.iii;mi.r. ti-ivn nr.uif of ihe fads rtnled ill the above bill, is now veiy aged and infirm, Ihe j era therefore pray the Couit that a rulo may bd I granted before skid Court lo take the testimony of the saij William P. Biady, now of ihe county of I In. liana, and s ate of 1' Ivaiua, touching Ihe ufure.aid twenty tracts of land, on due notice there of lo all peisoim interested, that II. e samo will lie entered of record in said court at Harrisbuig, and perpetuated ugieeahly to thu Jiuction of the Con stitution of Hits Commonwealth, and the acts of Assemly in such Case made and provided, and to make such further rules and orders her. in ss to the Court shall seem just and uroner. &c. Whereupon, January 20, 1H4 I, the foregoing pe tition being lead in open, and the rtidvuee ol Ihe peisous interested lit the l.n ils therein men tioi.ed not being known, the Couit order and dirvct that a iule be chitted to all panda oi pirsons iule letted in taid lands, to luw cause before ihii court to bo bC;!d al llairisbuig on the second Mondjy of April next, why ihe testimony shall not then and there bo pei luatfd as applied for in taid peluion, and the court further older lhat a copy of the said rule and order be published in one daily newspaper in the city if I'liiiud.-lphia, one day in tach vvitk, for six Weeks successively, and Uiicv a wetk for the sirrre period in a weikly new .paper printed in Nor. ttiumhtrland County, (wheie the laud lies,) piior to the said second Monday in April i.ext. Witness ihe Hon, Joseph B, Anthony, Judge of our sid Couit at the borough of HanUburg, this tweutieihday of January, A. D. one thou ivJ 8bl hundied and forty-one. JU. ao 0v U. C. HICKOK, Clerk. BKADY'S HOTEL. DANVILLE, COM'MltIA :Ol'.T, Pennsylvania. HE SUBRCRfBER respectfully informs the purine, that he has removed from the town ol Cuta 'utiawissa to Danville, and that he has purchased in that place, the Large and Commodious BRICK MOV8K, at mi conwr.n or suit Attn market trts, ("Opposite the Court-House, J jffrK. Which he has fitted tip by the erection tfijllfif of ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS, nivl Mwcxtenslve STABLING, for the Enter C3&s&tainmeitt rf Travelerg and Visitors. kio I now prepared to accommodate hII who mny favor him with a call, and he would state that no thing in his power shnll bo left r.ndone, to render hi customers comfortable and happy while tinder his care. His nccommodation arc ample, and his rooms furnished in modern style, nnd the proprietor is de termined that his ctaMishmrnt rhall mstnin ond keep up with the growing reputation and impoitance of the town in which it is located. v His Tarlr will be supplied wiih every luxury of the season, and the be f and efiniccst variety the markrt can afford. His Baii will be sirred a Hi alt the best urtie'es that can be furnished by nnr cities, and the wholo will bo such as to give satis faction to every one. Well knowing that an en'hjhtened public will alwavs juitge f.'r them elves, ho feels confident ilia they will favor him with thrir pitronage. SAMUEL A. BRADY. D.nivill.', Jun. 30. sun U R Y GEORGE ROHRBACII fe. BROTHERS "1T1S1I to Inf irm their Customers ond the pub ' lie generally, that they have ceded an En gine, anil are en ihhd lo do a more extensive I usi licss than herctolorc, and arc ready to m kc all kinJ-i of ca .tings commonly cast at Foundry s, viz: STOVES, HOLLOW-WARE, PLOUGHS ond PLOUGH CASTINGS of all descriptions, which they wiT di?poo of a. cheap as they can be bought elsewhere. Old Iron nnd Country produce will he taken in ixchangn fir castings. GEORGE ROIIRi) Al ii, JACOB ROHRUACH, Feb. 27. 3m. WILLIAM ROHRBAl'H. ATTENTION MERCHANTS, &c. n. p. Sl j. h. trick, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOR WADING & rHonitK commissiox mi.huats, .Vo. 297, Market stiert.Jive ihmrs above Sruiith, riULADFAA'mA, OFFER for sale, at tho low st mvkct prices, a geneisl assortment of Teas, CiJTiff. Sugars, Mv!nsrt, Whim, Jjqaors, Spices, Tobacco, c. Cotntut Piioiivck received and sold on commis sion. Meichaiits, Hotel keepers, ai d o. hers, w ill find it tit their ndvantagc to call and cxamii.e our tock, bifore purcha-ins t lsewhere. Mi r, wishing their goods collected in this city, by I aving on order, will have ihem promptly forwarded, by the most expeditious lines. tnwi T. rnicK, ion n. rates. Feb. 6, 1841. ly. Application FOR AN INCORPORATION. T'HE memlH-rs of the " GOOD INTENT KIKE COMPANY" cf Sunbury, in pursuance of an older of ihe t'.mit of Common Pleas of Northum berland County, hereby give notice, lhat liny h.ive made application to the said conn lo he incorporated ngteeably lo the piovi,ions of the act of Assembly upon the subject, having cxhihi'fd to the said court an instrument ul wriiiug, apecilymg tho oh;ect, ar ticles, conditions, name und b vie of the said associ ntion, which has been approved ofby ihe taid court, and filtd uilii Hie piolhoiiolHry tlnreolj and that charter of incorjioratton will be granted lo the mi, I compiny, at the next term of raid court, to be hoi- den at Sunbuiy,on the first Monday of April ixxt, unless sufficient reason be shown lo ihe contrary, WM. L. LEW ART. Smiburv. Feb. C, 1841. 3 . JVf. A FEW Copies of "'Vie t'nion Chorul r mony," consisting of Sacr d Muse, with Ger man ami English lines to each tune. By II. C, Ever. For sa'e ly January 30. II. B. MAS.SER. T !i o r.i a s 11 u s c 1 1 , No. 2Gd, Baltimore Srin tT, A few doors west rf 1 1 ward it. BALTIMORE TllCTnOI.ESAl.E DEALER in Comls. But- W j tons'. Germ. n nnd Fancy Good, nnd Ini poller of Patent imd Shoe Threads, Sp-nd l-'ottuii. Sos ndeis, Tapes, and ulinor-t every tlescrip.tion of Small Articles. Country Vcrchanis and lleulirs in gereinl, are re cctfiilly invited lo call and exa mine for themselves. Jan. di). ly Importois and Dealers in ljidgii Hardware, Corner tf Pratt end L:ght its., BALTIMORE. JTIOUNTRY MEKCHA.N I S, mid others, are J re-ipiellully invited to call and examine their Stuck of Good. Jan 30. lv NOTICE! "IS Inrtby given, that interest wi I lie charged by A- the subsenhcr, on all accoun'a for li-nc, that have been startling longer tl an six monili. ami that ben after this iule wdl be lnctlv adheied in. All er?ons indebted, aro !ucted to call ar.d setllo tin ir account. M1ASIIOI.TZ & BEKCSrUESSER. Sunbury, Jan. 23, 1841. if. .llcrclianl'H .otico. A T a nieeling of Ihe Merchants of llic borou -iA- of Sunbury, on the Cih inst., the following was unanimously aJopled: Whereas no un forni rule exists among the nier chants of ibis pi ice, in tegaid to the charga of intc- rest on book accounts, theielore Resolved, Thai inieres-t will bo charged on a accounts lint have been st'ii bng lunger lhan six mouths, and that hereafter all accounts in our books will be laliiiccil everv year, and that interest will be charged on ull balances that average moio than six month M m. linn. lltsolvrd, That tho subscribers will strictly ad brie to the sl ave i ul-, and lhat notice of the same I te ulven in llib nvivsp ipf r-i nf this idace. lii-vDv vi iv rttniMPr? ii ii i .-., JOHN YOUNG, JOHN BOG A II, H. B. MASTER, BENJ. HKNUHICKS, Jan. 23, Cm. JACOB Ell AWN. S hereliy given to ull whom it may concern lhat I navt purcbcsud hi Constables Sale, In All gnsta lownsliio, Noithuiiil erland county, Oi Mantle Cluck, which was sol J as tho property of James r arnswoiih. and thai I have loaned the same to the said James during my pleasure. FI-KMAN FARNSWORTH Augusta, Dec. S3, 1640. SHA1MOKIN COAL. OF. very superior quality, can bo hal at any timo, by application lo the subscribers, in lots to suit purchsseis. Thev keen larao. ectt. bruken. and fine coal, fit for burning lime. J. II. PL RDY A Co. Sunbury, Sept. SC. tf. OnoCKftlf;S. ficrh supply of Gioceiies ust reciivcd and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1S40. tf. 1.IQUOIIS. A fiesh mi nlv of Brandy. Gin. Poil, l.i-hon, Tei eiiff , Madeira and Mieny Wines, just received and f.T sale by IIENKY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12. 1 S40. ir. Mf.'SsV.VA'. A new avsor'rnrnt i.f 7-4, 7-S at.d H-4 yaid wide Muvlin, v received nnd for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12. IfilO If. tl i'lt'OES. A new n-sottmci l of Calicoes just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12. 18-10- tf. I It OA' A good assortment of Bur l.'oti,int received und for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIWER. Sept. 1 2, 1910. 1 1'. .'. 1. T. 2 30 born Is Mini suiks of Soil, just received uud for sale hv IIENKY Sept. 12, IS10. if. YOXTHIMER. VLOHSS.X general assortment of Cloihs und Casahncics, coiiMnnt y on hand ot thn More of HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12. HI0.--tf. ii ; IT. 11' K, C.-Mif.V nnd nil other kinds of tiiain nt:d Seeds will be taken ol the liiah- et pric s in exchange for g.m ls at the store of HENRY laVIIHUUli. Sept. 12. 1840 tf. MA('KEREL---A few birrels of Mackerel for sa'c al n low pr t c bv Sept. 12, 1S40. II. B, MASSER, ICISII ALMO.'. Of ti.n Ust quaidv con fitantly on hand nnd for sab' by Sept. 12, H 40. ii Lll1- MADEIRA WINE. First quality Madiera Wine, for sale low by Sept. 12, I6I0. II. B. MASSER. FOURTH PROfF BRANDY. A genunc nilicle alwnvs on band and for sale by Sept. 12. IS 10. II. B. MASSEK. HOLLAND GIN', Of the bcht ipnlity always on hand and fir sale by Sept. 12, 1!10. II. 15. V v-M'-li. L UFA N O J ."0 ii7 "VUG' A if. A i w"o s u 1 1 hand and fir s ilc ly Sept. 12, isio. u. . masm:i;. IU)STo'n"sYKUP MOLASSES. di a supe rior quality, for s ilo by Srpf 12, 1841'. II. II. M:vdur.EANs fcitiAit iiuFFe m o- LASSES. Oi the best quality uhvavs on hand ar.d for sale by Sept. 12, 1810. 11. B. MASsER. BROWN SUG AR. Of a good quahly'.lor s de low by Sept. 12, 1840. H. I). M AS.-ER. LliJUOKS. Ol all kiii ls and oT tho Lest quali ties, alnavaouhand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER. GKE EN AN D B LACK TEAS. Of the" best quality alwivs nu hand and for sale by Sept. 12, IS10. II. 1. t'OFFI E. Javs, fill) nn.l I. abulia Cufice, Con- slaiit'y on band and lor sale by Sepl. 12. IH40. II. II. JIAWliK. M i;ii.vl OIL. Winter and Summer strauitd Sjwim O.I, uf the lest quality, always unhand and for sale bv Sept 1 2J S40. lLnj' ASSrR- b'i'EEL. Cut and B;i-.ter Steil, I. r ale by Sent. I i, 1SI0. il. B. MAsEIJ. Spring si ei.l til vain. us ,izcs li,r Elq-lic S ring-i, fur sale by Se,.i. 12, 1S10. l7Rt:V: "quarto II. B. MASSER. "BIULES. For "sale st very reduced iicts by Se. 12. IS-lll. H. B. M-F'K. TTlTil kill. Is. for sale I V II. B.MASSEU. BLANK IfOOKS. S. pt. 12, 1840. BLANK DEED. Lam!. Mo'i'4 'C's Vc. for sale by Sept. 12, 1S10. II. I!. M M.II, J Us riTTf-.s' 1J I. A N KS. fo'rTn e by Sept. 12. IK40. II. II. MASTER. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Grton, etc., for self bv Sept. 13. 1M0. IS. B. M XSER t :.SI Ml; l i S AND SAT 1 T.NET TsTFtTr sub very low by Sept. 12, lSlO JL B. MASSER. ""CAE Ivk1'I .N't J- ror sale e'he.ipT.v Sept. 12. 164t). 11. B. MASSER. BLANKETS Sept. 13, 1610. 1'i-r sale fin U bv II. P. MANSER. ' UN ULEAt-H ED"M i:sL"l.S. For sale by Sept. 12. lf4l. . II. B MASER. Ct )TTt )N Y A KNA N b Ct )TTtN LA PS For sale by Sept 12, IStX II. B- MASSER. ' 11 E M 1 ' . N I i T ) 1 "f O N TW INE. F..r sale by Sept. 12. I8III- ILB. MASER. HJT)VI.G Ll.NUsTcORDSliN lTLoT'Es. For sale by Srpi. 12. 1810. II. V. MASSER. (zD JlZksS il'M ELASTIC Shoes, a laie stsoil Jf ilieut. cperin Oil, !cst qualitj- Books, of i.ll docrip ion. Silks, black and coloured. Sta r Carpet i;rg. Cuttaii Carpet. Carpet Ch iiu, of ail colors. Sadoleiy, a grueial a tollmen!. F.bptic Springs, Cu.ieh Lamps, Caniigc B iiids, Brass Joints, Bras Dashere, Putei.t Leather. Just rueiveJ and far sjle nt ihe stoie of . B. MASS i: Ii, November 14, H10. tf AITITXTjLLS IOR ('hrislinas und New Ytui's Gif s, Bull'iioe Role. Ziic in sheets. For sale by II. II. MAS:-ER. December 21, IS40. f THRESH Cianburies, jii!.t rtci ived and for sale bv ILU. MASsER. November 1 1, 1810. tf 1TEV" GOCSS. UST Received Meiino, Broche, and Chen.l'e bhawls. hea Oiler, Seal and Seali t'e Cap. A large assortment of I'sik Chintzes. Fiench and English Merinoes, Ac. For sale st Ihe store of . II. MASSE ft, November T, 1810, U' 1 -LiiJlLi'"' Jtto NEW GOODS. UST RECEIVED a new and splendid assort ment of Calicoes. Muslins, eVe. For sale at the store of HENRY YOXTHIMER, October 31, 1840. tf. MOOI.F.A (.MO lis. F the latest luaniiliii ture, cons. sling in part of a greut variety of (Moths, Cin-simercs. Satii- netls, Merinoes Flannels Mouselin de Laincs, .c. Just received and fot sale nt the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Oct .her 31, lgfiO. tf. trJroctiit'N. TTUST RECEIVED a lirgenud ceneral -assorf-9jf ment of Groceries liquors fee. For silo at the Kioto f IIENKY YOXTHEIMER. October 31. 18-10. tl- E'JAINTS, nd DjoStuils, a fnsh supply just received mid lor sab- nt the store of IIENKY YOXTHEIMER. October 31. tfilO. If. M 'B AY hear of a good situation, fifty miles from J .iA Sunbury, in a new seltlemrnt, where he would obtain a long lea'c of n small Giisl Mill, and have a Futm adjoinmp, by ir.qninig of THE PRINTER. October 10!h, 1810, Gt OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND Oil. COMPANY. No. 29 North Water Street, I'hila. MANUFACTURERS nnd dealers in Oils of every de.eripiion boih for bmiimg and maiiutaniiirint! purposes, whicn will bo sold much lower thnn they can Le procured clscwhrre, nnd wurinnteil in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving ns lepresi litcd, mny bo returned without any expense to the pur vb:er, nnd Ihe money will be refunded. Tlnir stock now in sturc consists of the following oils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Speim" 5 Oil. rf COCO do do do do do do C lo'lcss Oil, Fall and Soring Sperm Od, Winter N;a Elephant, do Pre.sed Whulo Oil, Summer ds do do Common Whale Oil, 15.IIU0 20.000 oooo 15,000 do Oil Barrels superior Strait Oi', UU0 do Cod tlai.k till, ) do Nca s Foot O.I, ; 5 CasU Oiivt Oil, Tanner's Ills rr'This Coiiipauv l a- n number of Vcesels en gil'cl in tl.e Col Fis'irrv, nnd Tanner may rely upon rot'iog nt nil times Oil as pure as imported rinlailelphl.l, .'Nov. 7. It-i ) IT. i-TT-ElTTIOlT. rSHE rpicial attention of buyeis from the south fl. and west, and for the state trade, is respectful ly invited to ihe following asortm- r.t of GOODS', which the subscriber will dispose of at suth prices as will amply repay his friends for calling and ex. mining his stock. To CASH purchasers, at the pre-ent time, extraordinary inducements wilt bo of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish matting. 000 pircca Canton inattina, assorted -1-4, 5-1 and 6-1 white, checked and flowered. 10UU health rug', a l eaiilitul assortment of Wil ton, Brussels, Tufted, Turkey, and Hemp rugs. 200 pieces woolen, worsted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Ycnclian and block CarpeliriRs. An rlcgont variety of W ilton, llruss. N, ticotch and English, Venetian, Damask, &c. &' 1000 dozen men i.nd loys caps, comprising 8 great variety of Fur, Seal. Nutiia, Muskral, and Coney, Hair, Senlolto nnd Cbith Caps. 100 do?.in Allicant Mats, assorted sizes. 100 do Manilla do do do fiO d Shiep-skiil do do do SO baits French Baskcs, computing every dc s-ripiion. fittO pair Venc'ian Blind.s oss'd flames and colors. 3)00 pat. nl do do do I (100 nests Caha or Satchel , ass'd, leather, straw ami I'll el ll. fiOl'O d- ?.en Combs, aoitcd loitoise shell, lira zil. i .n do Iwru, itoiy, I ra-s nnd wojd. cmpriaiug a large n isorimeiit nf every variety. UOOO tloicti Whips assorted wagon, g'?, car riage, sulky, planters, drovers or lidinu, of gut, le.-.-lb. i Mill thread, willi Geiuian silver, gilt, ivory and bone iiionii ii:i-h. K't-0 dozen piiil'ed paiD, Wilson's brand. 1U00 nchts ee.l -r Tubs a d Buckets; also, Churns, Piggius, Witter Cans, ckc. The aliote toeetiier with un extensive nksoitment of fiiicy g io.Is, Brdtanii and (iermrin silver ware, f uthcr and I ristle Brushes, Looking, Ma hogany and Gill Fi.imes, of evety s.zo and des;rip In. n, are niainil.ii turcd, import. J, and schctcd rx pretsly foi tho s. ut'.icui. western and slate trade. .1. SIDNEY JONES, No IS North 2.1 Mrcct, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. FFER FOR SALE, at the South Eist Cor ner of Fifth and M.irlul Stints, Fhiludtl- phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do dj t'o pei;g'J do da ! ' do water proof, dou'.ilo soles and il.iuli e up ers. do Cill-rkiil do do do nailed ami uppers, do Heavy Water Lc-t'.hcr Boot, do do Neat do do. do Hir;li quarter Shoes, (a!t"-Uin. c'o do do dll ilo t'o do ilo Fine i larjfKera tlo r.roes arrantc J M Kip ! Clf do I'oarso to do tjbota Fine t'.o do J., d d. tlo dj Ki ilo d) Ca.f and Seal Sk;n Pum;9. ilj L st Seeks with ard vviihoot sides, do Carpet do tlo do do Patent Warranted Wutrr-proof Moccasin. Ladies' tlo do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoes. Gentle mei s' tlo Over shoes. Wi'h every other dcac ipliou of boots and shoes. Fi?r Caps i f every description. T ravelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Traveliinj HaRS. Patent Gum Elastic; Shoe Elackini. B omets of all k'mJ, Pulm Leaf Hats. l'hd.delphia, November 7, H10 ly. " .7S it ! 1:1c I va v' V Sony ROrE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. No. 13 Surth W .der Street. Fhiladi lphia. "ETTTAVE constantly on band, a general assort fl mint of t.'ordage, Seine Twines, &c, viz: luiu Lopes, Fishing Hopes, White llores, Manil la Hopes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a rompleto soitment of Seine Twines, Ac, such ai Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Bevt Puter.t Cm ill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Honing Twine, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac Also, Bed Cords, PI ujh Lines, Ushers, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, Ac. all of which they will d spone of on reasonable letms. Philadelphia, NovcmVi 7, HlOj - I 111 Bill M Ul J J CITV AUCTION AND COMiVIISSION STCHH. Kumbtr 20 S'urth Third Slrset, Vhila'dclphia. PUITLKJ SALES of Dry "Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Books, Stationary, Clothing, Hoots, Shoes and Hats, and in short almost evmy description of goods, are held at this establishment every evening. Goods are also sold ut private sal a during the day at ihe avenge auction prices. Store, keepers and traders will find it lo their advantage by attending the sales. C. C. MACI'EY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ESMEIUCK, 1IANSKU, & CO'S. WHOLESALE CRY GOODS STORB. No.. 100 1-2 Market Street, Phila. (fit low Fifth South side LWAYS keep on li..nd a fuli and ge.iernl as sr rtmentof Ho-icry, Lace, and Fancy Goods. Country Mi ri bon's ore rc.-pcctfuUy requested lo give the in a c.ll and examine for ihcin elvts. Philadelphia, November 7, pvsr '' mniLNuillooj) & co. No. 138 Market Street, riirladeljiliia. NVITE tho ottention of Country Mcrrhaiils to their exlenive afortment of ILitith French ond American Dry Goad, which ihcy ofl'cr for s do on the ma t re asivniiLl.t It rnn. Pliiladeh hia, November 7, ISIO. ly. PETE 11 DEW EES, LAST XVIAKISR., No. 74 Cnllow l.yi Street, Pliil.idelhia, C Three above Second. J SHOE Finding always kept on hand, which ho off. rs for sale rn the lotvct terms. Country MerchmH are particuhily to call and jud(;e for them-elves. Philadelphia, November V, 1 C 10. ly. OLIVER N. TNACIIEll, Agt. MANUFACTURER QT HATS, CAPS, &C. No: 40 Nortli Third Street, Phila. ("Opposite the City Hotel. J MATS, Cops and Ladies' Flint, of every do scription, manufactured et very low prices, am! Country Merchants supplied at shott notice. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. LOWER- & UAllRON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and. Domestic I lai d ware, No. 174 Noktii Tiunn SrnrET, Puri.inri.riii a. " "IfHERE tilt ir fi lends and customers will always find a largo and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which thoy will sell at the lowet pi ices, Philede'q hi, Novcmlrer 7, 1810. ly. J. V. SWAIN, Umbrella mid Parasol Manufacturer. So. 37 .Voi Th ril stm t, two doors Acolt' the Ctty llohl, Fhiluddp'-.a. GENTRY Men hauls and others are solicited to examine his assoitincut bcfoic puxhtsinir i Isrwhcre. PhilaJelphia, November 7, 1810. ly Jacob Fi i.iiscith cv Soir ESPECTFULLY informs their friends and acquaintances peneraiiy Shit ll r-y sti i con- lurue to keep at the oid stand, No. Si(i North 3d street. Pbiiailelpbia, bit kinds of TOHACCtt S.WFF ASD SECARS. Which they will sell on the most uecou.iiiojatilio; and reiscnable terms. N. B. A A coods sold will be tuarai.tced, and ull orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, November 7, IS10. ly. r FETS?k C01TOTErj Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Romief, and Paltn Leaf Hat Warehotif-e. So. 6(5 Surth 2i street, a frir doors above .Irch, 'hi!,uh')ihic A LSO Trunki', Cot pet Baes ar,d Vn!iee, of ev JL er" description, all of which he offers tot sale on lite most reas nahio terms. Philadelphia, Novetinrr 7, 181?. lv P. 5c A. liOVOUUT'S China, Class ami Livcrjiool Warehouse. .Va 1C4 Sort ft Third street, third dour beluw Vine trcit, I'hilttdt tph'.a. TrilEKfl ihey constantly kep cn band a larpr asso'itment of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispoio ofon the vr.osl iei snii'.hlo terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1310. TIIEUPILI'.S CULP. IManufactutcr and Importer of .Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. No. 6 South 'Iltird four doors U:oii Market VhifttdrlphU IS EEP conMantly on h md a larc and general MHk. assortment t'oiicli Lhitiim, larriagi Bands, A. vie Arms, Lliplie Sprinas Patent Leather. .Vc. Country Merchants a': I s:,d .llor.i t ill be supplied at ill timej t.n tl.e most le laoiia'ai.' (eiiuj. They will find il to ihehr t.) c.dl and examine bia assoitrnent b. lore purcha.-inj elsewhere. Piiiladclpiiia, Noveinltr 7, ISIO. ly. RE Y N O Ll )s7Tl c I' A I i LAN D 5c LO. Wholesale Dealers in Fot 'oijn British nnd Aii'.oriean Drv Cootls. So. Iti i Muik.t ' tf, VhiLdc.'i hia. Ol'NTLY Mcrchal.ts, und others can be sup- al ail times with on extensive assur u.cit ol the lust and mosi fashionable Gjod "P01 loe most reasonable term-'. Pud tile'ptiia, Njvrnibcr 7. IS ID. ly. sv kj j Wholesale Variety unti Trimming Storo So, 4 1, JVurA Fourth fits- Arch St., Philadelphia' AVHEHE Country Merchants and others can ha ' sui'pi.. J, at all times, with a largo assortment of IIoiery, Glovt.. Merino, Cotton, and VVoobu Shins and lirawer-, Spo.l Cotton, Patent Thiead, Cotton Coids, Bu ton.i, Tapes, llindin;s, Hook and Eyes, Pins, Ac. Ami a general vaii.ty of use-, ful articles, which he cflcrs for sale at the lowest prices. Philade'phia, November 7, 1810. ly. & SHCTHSSl, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL BOOKsEL- I.EKS AND STATIONERS, No. Chosnut Street, below 4tli, riiil.idclphin. KEEP eonstart'v . band a sjent-fal sss-yt-. ment of Books and Stationary ; coiopnshig 1 ueol.rgical. Law. Medical. Class: al. Mucel'n&. ous and School B.roks Day B.wk. 'l ' K errs, do.. Familv liit.les, Pocket UA-'r; W itin Wrapping Papers. Ac. Ac. which they of fer at the lowett p ices la Country Merchant's Pro frsaiousl Gntleiuen, Teachers, and all otim tht. ruV fitvor Ihem with iheir rustoiu. J'UilaWtdidia, Noveojuet 7, 10, lj.