Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 13, 1841, Image 4

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Vf the rfitaey of Dr. Harlich't CehbraUJ Mcdi
t The following certificate wa sent Iry Mr. E. B.
flinmnn, agent nt Cincinnati, OKio. Theteean be
fio nvatake in it, at (he paittes are well known.
Mr. Fn kiel R gdon, of Anderson lonhip,
Itnmi!ton,muitv, Ohio, wmsevetal day troubled
vvi;h lullu affections, acidity of (lie stomach, at
Omled with the uausl symptoms of dyspepsia, and
-having made trial nf various medicine without
(finding relief, was cured by the above medicines,
A tint, E. RIG DON.
'Cincinnati. June SOlh, 1840.
VET LATER. Mr. Vanre. of Washington
iiuiiiv, wri:ci a follows Dear Sir Dr. Hnrhch's
.fiil s are perfoiminst some of the most wonderful
cure in th a vicinitv ever heard of. The were
in'roUuccd here about aix month ago, by one of
my neighbor, who boughl half d len package
'from the Piltshung office. I om aware of f.iur casce
in this plsce where complete cure "have been per
.formed, one of severe rheumatism, two of elyspepsia,
ad one of a most shocking arid aggravated lici
vous roniplait , of ten or twelve years standing. I
end yuu enclosed five dollars ; p'rare I forward
riills for that amount by the bejrrr, WiMinm Ward,
July 27. 1840.
IS. IS. The above certificates, comparrd with the
very many .iheady rreci'ed, ceitumly muil con
vince ihnse similarly afilieled, (lint thiy can yet be
ti.rv-d by tl.c u?c of these medicine.
Irinri;.il i llice, No. 19, North Eighth atrcel
i'luladclphia. t r tle bv
October 24, 1310. Agent.
ThM ir.-.ul.'enunH mid pcacc-destmying disease.
Thousands nnd tens of thousands suffer from
tlmt coniiiion di-trcssing complaint. Ditptpsia ia
fcrijjj.'ii.'v causul by overloading or distending the
uoinui h bv fjw.w tilting or drinking itnlijts:-jt-:e
miJ nriil ttken into the ftomacli.
or fmrii lone coniinucd eonaiijintion of the buwl., a
suib'iitiry life, feat, gpcf, cnxiety, a copious draft
ofcM watr:, Crustic purgi.tivc meilicintg, ilysi n
Iviy, miM-aniuge-, ii t run If nt and tiasn. di: ar
f cu.iiis ol i lie s.oinach und bowls, iirevuliir meals,
.itc I.uum, and too fiCiuent use of apiiituous
'I'lie symptom of d'nprpsia may be dcsrrilicd aa
a want o2 uoprMc, or un mooiturjl or voracious
one, naMM ami homt'iim litmus tomitini, and
din and ir. i iiriit ili irii-ioi.i of lite lonluch aftr
e;:!ir.( acid and putKsei.t em. tulioi a, water brash,
jvi-.- in tlie region of the hloniach. ei aiivi i.f, pal
w ' . ilic heuit, dizziiHs and dimness of the
witlii, !r'uibed icst, tremors, t!i j omb ney,
..a'uli'i cy, ki.i.-in, neivous irrititulily, i lulii e s,
sa !owio-s (,f cjii: loiion, great ifpres:ii afn-r
c.iMig, Ungnor and gcmral dvt ility, sick liuid at he,
CL-RI'At the her.d of a'l remm'ira atnmta Dii.
JldM n il's C'oMPiii'xn S i ii kxutiikm sn 'J'omc
i (it.n-MAx Apri.m t?ST 1'ill, whieli ort great
ly up u il.e eiit dtic motion of tho iiiteaiines,
then I y p'odiicing regul inly ol the bowls, at li e
si!ic utie improving the functions of ihe jlebililnu
eii o 'bus in v goruting und restoiiii the di-ue.-iue
itivns to t healthy action, 'i'lus iiodic nc
c d r.i I iln in iclitf.
roll ami ixp'ici'e di-cctions aceemranv the
ai'oir Miiikiniv j.ikcnibc u paniphUl v.bich dc
si r b i i!iense. the inniiner of treating, A e.
I'lii.cpV iflico fr ihe L'nitid Sii.ics, No. 19,
-Wr'h i;iC:uTH isTIJKET, I'bilodtlph a.
O .r 24, is4o. ei.
VI! a'e tronl.lril n i h sit k hendnche, pain in
the --.! , 1-rea-o, mi l i m-k, loss of apietite, (latulen
iv, loni e t -p ii . j r.,.:i .it ,i ,.1 ibp liiait, fiillil
iii s it i. c"-. -rckne-s at the sl.miach, liibons
1.11, vC'-i.s, t: .trees a cln-si, n.iusea, vomiting,
rt . . i. liic rtnt.iti i, flushi, gs ol Unit, m.d il.ilii
ii. .. ili-f st s ,,f -.J,,. ,c, nd , :13.1ns nf dij;elion,
Ac. Il: si who iiiiiv be iililcin', bllOlllJ
11 t.'aicllii ft rij.o Dr. Hurich's Compound
iit-.tiewng lur..f. unit urriuan Aptntnt I'llts.
vim li w w.irjuiiil to give Hou.11l1.1le rebel.
'J'l.ot.i-no is 10 wealiuosi daily I t houl, whose coun-'-
11 itcen nnd ( ,le emaciated cheeks bear oceular
iv.imssto .iiknu ,md hlMuiion. I'oiild thti.e
i!miiis be piruuibd to use l!i:s invuiuublc liu-ili-cne,
1I1, would toon find their wti.k und dcbili'a
11 A f r .iiin stienglilerieu, their minds conipi sed.
0 1 a!i pain, and iltiei-s driven f:oin llio i-yncio,
Mhen il e lody will ntain r. new i s lost vigor, aud
I ill ,.n n new :fe," ,.nd death fur o while be dc-
.'..ed of Us prty. Whallna t but ficla glad t .
tu lioi.. t tir 111 nr relalivi and di nr friei.ds, sna'-hcd
as il by ning e ft,,m that dei-t oyer Death
ye nlio me Uboring uiidei dist ne let not another
li.y or Might ius will. out procuiing this medicine,
as it will i;i a majority of can effect a p( imniinl
cure. lUuitmUr tleluyt urt duniicruui ; and if
'umse is ncglecicd, na r-xugis will doubly in
cro;se. Tj i'rineii le f illire for the I'nited -States, No.
;Oiilll EIGHTH sl.ret, wl cie r.ccomn en
datiors of ln;r!iei'e of ih-ioiis may be -een, all ol
vtLidl hirto Ueii cuicj cr UneiUttd ly the
Octcbcr S4, 1810. Atnt.
'I HERE are many persons that we d.,ily L, hold,
-whom- coiiiiii iinnces a. U I'ml inn Ii
Il.e I'tsea-e may ul lei III be so fast siuied. ihal no
uWiral aid u ill n place bun sgain. Al the first
nt.ain ol m knits ihere should be " no lime lo-i"
in pr. curing Dr- 'llarlch's ruvroiMi sthknotu Ai'mtsT pills, which immediately )r.
inuves U:lc I10111 the stomach, obviate cotivctea.
lemuve ui.,r.Jci in the head' invigorate the inibd,
tlrcngihui ilie Imdy, iuiprove I; e iiiiinory.ui.d en
Iiveii Ihe nuagina ion ; thus resloruig the UaJy
Msinto i-s pu per functions.
Principle Olliec, No. 1J, NORTH EIGHTH
sire, t, Tlnlade'plii 1.
October 24, 1810. AtllL
THOSE who are tuffering fn.m various diwases
incidti.t lo the I umnn family, would do t 10
pnruieiJr.'s Compound Strttigthenitig
and Oeriuun A triint Pills, v. bah tru so pu
en.iiifiilly rtuiniin, ended for D)cppia, l.Jver
Cnpipluila, 1 aii.s iu liie si.le, back and breast,
Ndvinua Afb clioiis, Head-Ache, aid all the ihs
lniS ol il.e MeniHch and liowls. Pamj'hlets may
I e o! uined gritis, wbU h coi.ti n full ai d exlicue
d r. nn i t for uing. The re.uli r is it fern d lo se
rrsl v, iv iiiuris i'ig ei rl fiialea ot curia in this
HI er. width 11 ay le ril td upon, as ihey are taken
t'.'i' "' 0, a" l- F"' ' A''. 19, NORTH
LIGU1 ii 1M;t( pbiladelpUa.
.......hi,...., f I. . . ,' o proouonny ihiar levmnl l.p pwer 1;
.... wh, -h we fn,d ,a. punnpally ongmaud !,,., ; human skill. Dr. llinlch s t Lnouml String.
I' u; 2 W'."!' ad,tr0,,,''''''"'''f Tunic and A,,,rLl V,. .
t s. , "ul'". .it con.1l.n.ol41Ve on k. n at the commencement J , v, I
, .....a .-. a, ended wh .,cA.eoW,rer,;t 4f., . ,lwk . ,r, , c..lilluil.R ,hl. Uke of .he ,u hci I
l..Mev ci. ..procor. proper miduuie: at len hhe a I. w w, eks, a , ,ect curt will l e 1 erh . , d
co,.,!..,.,, pu,:, tho side .nd sumach wi,, Thousands can t.'sl.fy ,o lui. fa 'lr'"""d-
lis ..' mV mUU i'T0"1'4 .i",1",i,,d' "'' f Uiauy persons 11 iav daily be se.
..s UsltroulleMime, l. iniud tn.rass.,1, ,,d all of the ellie cy ,.f this medic, e I v am ly.
I ing. a eu. dh.m appear no ,u, he,, proper sn.tiou. ,g a, tl.e '.Medual O.r.ce. No. 9 No 'i ll
He s i l 1. eh tts Iiiuiki II, wl.en in ull iTohal.iliiv I 1'lCli l'ii i.,.;i..i. 1 . . ' -u"l
Transportation Line
(Ti TIM watch ctnii.)
"Warehouse, foot if Chesnut Strtel on tht Pen
syvania Canal.
A BOAT haves the whnrfof the uharriber eve
ry morning t 8 o clock, -running ihrotmh to Dull
more in Ih'ee day. Consignment ot produce,
Iron, Ac, will receive a despatch by this line, which
ha not hitherto been equalled by any ether. Rate
of freight at lew a by any oitier regular line.
Reference I
john w. nrioWiV,
DUCK & II Kit ft. I . .
i. & A. II. II EUR. J
Good intended for I'ittaburg, nr any point on
the Pennsylvania Canals, will le chipped "wi hout
debiy on their nrrivnl at Harrisburs;, aa this con
nect with the North Ameriran line nf Tollable
Uosls to Piiichurti daily, and with tho Su.qurhnn.
na Packet Line to Northumberland, Williamspor.
ti : ii . I ill. .
vi lueese.-irir, ami en linennriiiate- loco.
Hariisburg, .Sept. D, 1840.
Works oiWaturc.
IX a at itc of health the inir-tinil canil mav be
compared to a river xvho.-e w .te flow over the ad
joining; fund, through the channels n.iln c or urt
has made, and iuipiovps ll.eir quahtic.-; and to kep
up the comparison of the rivir, o long ns it runs
on smootlily dc channels tire kept pure and henlihv;
but if by some caue the rouri-p of the -river in slop-
peo, ineiiiuo w.i. rui ine ramls is lie Inngirpurc.
but foon becomes stagnant. There is but one law
ot circulation in :atu c. Whin there is a suoei
abundance of humorin! fluid (srrociiy ) in the intes
tinal tuhis, nnd takes place, il fl ws
back into the blooJ es,c!a, nnd infihratts iell in-
to the circulation. To eslabli-h tho free course of
me river, we must remove the o' atructinna which
slop ita fue rour-e. nnd tho e of its tributary slieam.
Willi the body, follow the same naturil principal ;
r tnovc. ry nun taiualile purgative medicine limn
dvtthjt Vnivtrmil Vrtsctablc l'ills. which are nn el.
f. ciubI assist ,nre of nuluie, the super il umlance of
nui,i,M 10 me. ojicMine raual. IJy per evprir.g in
this prac tice, the ways of the cireul ition will iheii
lie H-lored to the full exercise of their niluril fiine.
tiona, ind a state ot health will be fiinilv eslabli..h
ed Remember, never mfl r a drop ol blood to be
taken from you Evacuate the humors aa often
and as long as they are degenerated, or aa long us
juu air sick.
Dr. IJrandrelh'sOiTice in Philadelohia. is al No
8, NOR TH EIGHTH street, where bis pill-can be
had at 25 cenia H-r box, with full dircclious.
fjj t 'lily ag-eiit in Sunlmry, is 11. U. Maser Efqr.
ouuouiy, cM-pr, , IB-Jli.
C'crliJicaU's of Agency.
THE following are the duly apj oinled agents in
their respective comities, for the tale of llnmdrcili's
Vrcctublr Vnirrrsoi Pills.
ftorthumbeilni d countv : Milton Mickey A
Ch.imheilm. fi.n'.ury H. U. Masser. M'Ewei
ville (a'rddis. Green St Walls. -Gcoigetown F.
Miilbnger &. Co.
Union : Lewiidiurg Walls & Geddc.
Mifflinburg IVIImar. & Uiekly. New Berlin
John M. lK-nfer. i linsgiovc Eyic & Co. Mid
dleburg l-niir mith.
Lycoming c.uniy t Williamspor' Jolin Smith
N'pwIm ny M. & J. C. Fum-tun. Money W. A.
IVirican. Jerwy Shine Janus H. H-'burn.
Colombia couniy : Uanvillc T. cV E. IJ. Rey
nolds. Cnttawissa C. A. Urobts. II, rw ek Miu-
innii vV H tienliooe. Ulin.insliurg-John It. Meyer.
Kunbnre, Sept. 9, 1840.
Of the rfficacy if Dr. llarlch's Compound
Sirengl tuning and Ctrmuti Aperient '.lis.
AiLEt.iir.ST. Jan. 8, lsl:.
To Dr llarlicli's Agent ir: I wish to stale for
the benefit of tho e who may l e nillicied, that l)r.
IUiilicu's Tills have eniiirlv rund me of l)ys
pipsia, uf w Ji eh 1 have been nfll cud for maiiy
veins, 1 used koth kinds, the Aperiei.t .m l Mrei gili
ening, and I am constrained to soy, thai tiny aie a
valuable dicuvtry, aul act upon the system mild'y,
I nt vrry 1 llcciually. I found the Tonic pills "to
quicken tho ciicu:ation und caute a di termination
to the surface, to ttieiigtheri the we. k itomach
and incicje lis powers. 'J lie Ajerieni pil.'s ilie
In si calUariic I et r umi). I .on coiitident all l)yr
peptics would d.i we I to make immeuiate trial and
tie r. lieve.l. Any one can call at my house und be
salieiljd of the above at pletoure.
N. B. The or'ginal certificate muv W mcii ar tlo
flice ol the " S..r;i of the Turn a." For sale at
No. 19, Ni rtU Eighth
October ?1, 1S10. .Ii'rnt
THIS disease is discovered by a fixed i h!ue
pin in the right si.'o nm'er the liou nb. attend, d
with heat, uiuaiiicss ubm.t the pit f the atouidch;
illi re is in die right sii'c ..Iso a ili.-l. mion ; the p 1
lii i;t o s hi ap eiile, at.d I rem ,es rick ai d hous
ed with vomit 1, g. Ti e tongue Ik c. nits muh
and l,, tho comiti uanee chuiifes lo 11 pale 01
cilron color, or ji How like tlio e iiilliiled i:h j mi.,
dice, dilliculiy vf bunlliiiv, di-tu.Ud rei-t, i.ilendee
Willi a dry riAr,, dimeuliy of laying 011 the I. Il
aide, the lit dy Incomes i;k, and ii. a ly Ihe diseire
ii 'iiinmm ouo miu in r 1 1 a untie xnous iialuie
EIGHTH street, Pliila.h Ii hia.
October 21. 1810. A:;fHl
Of the rjicary if Dr. Uarlidt' ethbraled Mcdi.
Df.aii Rm: I was nlllicted with a I ilioua nnd
ncrvioua disease to a very ularmii g degree, wiih
nil the syinpl. inn which so frequently Meets a re
I ned condition, v:: gbldiness 1,1 tl e head, viol m
tremors rtiinini'si, wi h a fixed pain in Hie light
side, complexion lad, and rosiiveness; indeed I
was in n most miseiabte condition. 1 had tried
many remedies, but found no permanent icI ef un
til I hail puiiha.ed Dr. Jlarlich's eompound
strengthening nnd Herman operant Pills, whxh
fr 111 their supnior vi.tues, I wuc compleiely curej.
and am al le to pulsus my employment, free from
pain and disease, (i-igiiid) JOHN UOl.Es.
Dated Xenia, Ohio June 7 , 1840.
Principle Office for Ihe United Slates No. 19,
NoitU EIGHTH KTREEC, Phikid.l, hi,.
Oeto1, 84, 1640. Agent.
Dr. Harlich,a medicines are daily increasing in
public for, and want i,oq, ly i,u, , f , lrutl t0
establish Ihe.rworit,. We Lav, .communication
in our columns loSy f,om . pe,u .g ,wiclrd,
which is but una of in .ny voutkvra for this BMkli.
liWC Mr ef JA TiiHt,
ileimtn i.ltl,..- i ..l.l.l. ... ..n l .i.k... .... .
L.ntllrn' and Cirnllemrn't M'orld of
Literature una FanhJou.
(77i Casket and the Gentleman's United.)
ANEW Volume, under the above tide, of the
well estortilUhi d and fa-bi nabla Magaxine,
The Philadelphia Casket in canjunciion with Ihe
uen leman s Magaiine, winch been every where
pronounced the most tendsble and popular uf the
diy, will le osened on ibe First of January, 4841,
wiih an array of Conmbutors aei uied by the union
of talent and fame, which no peiiodical in the coun
try can boast or picteud lo rive'. Tho December
number will, however, be a apicimen of the new
volume. The Volume will be opened with a new
aud beautiful type, the f.nest white paper, and with
Ihe first of a aeries of cr.ihellis.ilnenU unsurpassed
by any which have yet appeared in ory Magazine.
I he style nf eh gance, Uie beauty and finish of these
illustrations, and the cxtrrniveimpiovcuicnle which
will be made in its tyiMigraphicai appearance, and
above all, Ihe tone of its literary depuTtinenl, by the
bril iant army of contributors, whoso articles have
enriched the pages of each numcr, will give it char
acter, second lo no Magazine in the Union. '1 he
cl ar.icler of the art cles which avail appear in its
pages, will be equally removed from a auk v si mi-
, . .1 ... .
iicinanir, unu iroin an an nation tl morality, but
wi, ic a troo delineation ol Human naiuie in every
vanity of passion is aimed at. noihing shall be
found 111 i s p gee to cause 4 b.ubli upon the chick
01 me most pure.
J he J. teiaiy character will be iufhvicKtlv cnar
.irite. d l y the tepulation of bo h Mag x iifs thus
united, lor years past. Vriteis or ilit first rank
have been jegular Contiiliulors to thi ir pages, and
the laics and tketthca published in then, Lave I ecu
wiu v coimd und read, and the firm aid indi nci,-
oeni lone ol llio ciilteiaiiis, UM,n the cu'ieut hteia-
lure el tint day. has been tveiy whe e ai'inoved and
( Oinnn tided. 'The li.-t of coioribui. rs embraces the
names of most of the principal w, iters, in America,
wiih a respcctabb imml er of English ouihors.
'The fcries of well known nautical papers, enti
t'ed Ciuizing in the last W at," have hud a iuii,
uncqualliM by any m ri. a 1 ubbsh. d in any Maeazine
fin ye.ns. "1 he auih. r pr. ini e 10 niicii the first of
a new sen. a 01 1 alts 01 the Oca, and lion, hi- known
ubilitiis a a depictcr of tea scenes and life, much
may be relied UMm from him in maintaining the
popularity of the Magazine Papers mav 1 exnect-
ed during the volume, ubo from the author of the
wi II known articles, entitled "'The Locof O.d Iron-
side-" 'The author of Syrian Leilers." will lu.,
lend his powctlul and graicful pen, t. sustain aud
increase ihe ri pulation of the work. 'The valuable
aid 1 f tl.e nu hor of "Leaves fioni a I.awyei'e Porl
Folio," has ..Uo Inch stcu ed, and we may expect
someihing sli I more thrilling Irom ihe capacious
o res vvrn.ii a tong uie 11, me lroles,oll h..s ena
led him to amass. An occaa oucl Chil-Chal wuh
Jemmy .SI101I." and "O.iver Oldlellnw." is also
promised; wi'li a variety 1 f choice articles in pr..e
ai d verte, from varo us writers of cclcln cou
tribuiors to ihe proniiiiein Magi.zima of the coun-
tiy. 'The editois of I oih M.igiines continue their
e, vices under the new arrangement. With such
an array of la'cnt a Magazine of umivalled aitrac-
tons, may safely be proiiiiwd ihe coming volume.
In compliance with the almost unanimous wish
f our lailv aubsciilicrs, we shall the ensuing vol
ume furnish them wuh a beautiful and correct plate
ol Fashions Monthly, a feature, it H bcl eved, that
will neither 1-e unwelcome nor unp.irular. The
F. shion nlatis shall be drawn from oncuial deii:ns
from Paris and l.ondun. anil m-.v (wt li tls-
cniltd upon as the prevailing style in Philadelphia
and New Yoik, for the men h in which they ate is.
7Vie of vtihlieiition. The woik will 1 publish
ed on the lirs of ihe month in cv.ry quarnr of the
union, ibe most uii-laut subscriber will conse
quently receive it cu that day, ai well as these who
reside in I'l ilad Iphni. In all the principal cities,
agen'a have been cstablishi d, to whom the Maga
zine is fur aided, prior 10 the lime of is.-uing it, so
that tl cy may be delivered to ritldent tubjcubtr
by the iir.t ol the month.
'Tin ms -. Three Dollars per annum. Or two
copies 1 early f, r live do lara, invariably in advance,
I s.i-1 paid. No new subscnticr leceivid w ithout Ihe
money, or Ihe name of a rsoukilile agent. For
the aceominodaiion ot those who miy wish to sub
scribe lor either ot the following Phdudilphia crio
dicals, this lilieral proposal is made: Pnedollirs money, Iree of postage, we will fi.iwa d
Graham's Mag zine, and Godey'a Lady's llook, foi
one year. Address, pott paid.
South West corner nf Chesnut 4' Third st.. Ph. la.
The Hi-older Jonathan.
THE Inmost and most Iteaulilnl newspaper in the
Wor d larger by flliy squire inches than any
01I0 r ncwspii) cr in the United SSla:es. Published
S.iuhiI.ivs, ai Iti'J Nassau street, .New York.
Pi ice three dollars a year two copies fur five dub
la s.
(Tj The prnpiiptms of this niammoih sheet
the "(Jreat Wtslern" mnniig the newspfiper
havp ij.e pl.-asuie of s, reading bifoie the reading
public a wd kly periodical containing a crcater a
on unl and variety of useful and iiiler cling mis-
cell. ny, Iban ia 10 be found in any similar publics-
011 ,11 1 tie woilJ.
Each ituitilier of thn r.aper contains as large an
amount of leading matter as is found in vnluutes
f ordiueiy i'U'kIi ciiiij, which enH fi and more
bin is contained in n volume of living's Colum
bus or llauciofi's History of America, which cu t
3 a volume and all for 'Three Doll .rs a ear. Foi
H two copies will le fur w aided one year, or one
copy two ye irs.
fiiice the publication of 0111 01ic11.1l 1 rnsneclus.
the lliotber Jonathan has been ENLARGED and
Its size, amply I efore, has been so lliui h inireasrd,
ihul much morn tl an the firmer quiiiniy of ihe
m.ift inieiistiug lileialurc oftke day is embiaevd in
lis immense capas ly. K leei ons fr. 111 all ibe unl
I T'lininent and celebrated writers uf the day ass st
11, swelling ilscontent-; and whatever is new, licli,
or rue, is imediatily irainfi rred lo its columns. Ad
ihe coiitiibutions to H-riodicaU of American writers
of relate itpier in its ages and the issues of th
foieigi, 1 r ss are laid i-mler Cniiliibo ions, as soon
as reci ive.l in this country. 'I'otbe miscellaneous
aid Literary Di p irlsieui, the closest uluniinu is
paid; and in all the seteclions aud original eontm u.
tions, strut erne is devoted to avo d all tint may
touch upuu the opinions of any parly in lel-ionor
l.'il eri.inro having taught as that we had maik
cd out a path for our-elvcs, in which all sorts of
people d lights 10 lollow, il.e Ur. ther Jonathan
shall continue, as it begun, to be a Is.ld. geni e,
wei-hiy, lighi, grave, merry, serious, willy, smoo h,
dashing, intensiig, inspired, aid Incomparable
newspaper. Ii shall be a alup ndnus minor wheie
In all Ihe world will stann r. fleet, iL II shall con
tain Ihe beautiful of Novel-, Romances, and
fcioriee Utr loth seies Fairy Tales far lovers of
ihe ninrvtlfius Legends tar antiquaries Pasqui
nades for wit rnoiigeis Nuia and raiiui f..r short
winded readers-Serenades for musical lo'rrs Son
1. els for Ladies Sentiment for old bacUlors Sta
tistics for politicians and Lectures, S, rmons, Criti
cisma, Epigr una. &c. &e, Ac , fi 1 (ne worlJ.
Letters should be sddressed to
Publishers if tht - brotktr Jvnatkmn." .V, Y.
A Consolidation of Duels Cultivator and tht Gc
netet Farmir.
willu oitLono aud turuxa tocbcb, tDiTona.
Prospectus orrol. S, Tor is 11.
THE Cultivator was established to Impiovo and
elevate the Agriculture of the country t to give
a propct lone to ihe nionds and tnind of ihe Far
mer; to show him the dignity and impoitance of
hia profession 4 to store his mind with useful know
ledge, and convince bun that while all classes aro
ami mutt be mote or less dependant nn each other,
he alone of llio whole can make any near approach
lo independi noo. If Ihere is one thing more than
another, which in thia country gives a man superi
ority ovei bis fellow men, it is knowledge; and thi
knowledge, knowledge which ia as essential lo Ihe
suecees of the farmer aa to olhtr men, it ia the
de ign of the Cultivator In aid in imparting.
(Jj'Tlie volume for 1840, ia filled entirely with
Original Communications, eiiih.aciug articbsfrnin
about 300 Coircspuiidcnts, from almost every slate
in the Union.
If an increase of subscription beyond any prece
dent in the history of Agricultuial Journals, if the
almost unanimous voice of the public pi ess in our
fuvor, il ihe multitude of puvale yet flaticrlng tes
timonials we have received, added to a circulation
amounting the first year ioTweitmwu Thou
hash, may be ndniiiud as evidence, then we have
certainly most abundant reason to lie gratified with
the success w hich h is attended the Union of the
Cultivator and the Genesee Farmir. No expense
has I een or will be spared lo render the Cultivator
won by uf the patronage it has received. In the
immlier, variety and excellence nfits Illustrations,
it is without a rival al home or abroad, the last vol
ume being embellished with nearly One Hundred
Ijiigi-avings, illustrating the unproved breeds oil! i-
sts, Cutih, Shtcp, Swine, Duiidings, Implements,
xc., making the Cultivator, all things CKisidered,
it is believed, the Cheapest Agricultural Paptr ever
published in this nr any ollur country.
Ttaxs One Dollar prr annum Six conies for
?5 the money lo be lemi ted in advance, free uf
postage, A commission of 20 per cent, will lie al
lowed to Agents who obtain 25 or more subscri
bers, and 23 per cent, to those who obtain 100 or
more. All subscript. una lo commence with a vol
Postmarters and gentlemen disposed 0 lend their
influence to aid the cau-e of Agiiculiure, are re
spectfully r. quettcd to act ss agetns. Address
Publishers of the Cultivator, Albany, X'. Y.
rilHE spirit of the age is utilitarian. Improve
JL mint is stamped upon the face of every thing.
All the useful arts are progressing with uiiparrallel-
ed rapidity, and Ihe Art of Prinlii g is comir g iu
for iu lull share of the common improvement.
Detenu ed not lo be outdone in any thing that per
tains to his profession, where ihere is a lair chance
for exertion und enterprizc, the undersigned has de
termined upon issuing a sheet twice the size of the
Llostnn cekly 1 lint s, (and is lo lake the place
of that paper,) and w.ll contain eight columns
more matter limn the lirother Jonathan. 'This
sheet will be called the UOS'TON NOTION, and
it is determined that it shall sustain a cognomen sj
full nf meaning, and so interwoven with the estab
lished character of our i ankee city. It will be the
La at; i st N'xwsi'aplh is the Won Li with no
iveplin nttil will lt piinted nn a atif! thirty
seven by fifiy-iwo inches. It will 1 filled entirely
with reading matter, and will contain Three 'Thou
sand Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight square
inches, o, I wenty-evei, square leel ol print in tine
type! and a single number will contain more read
nig than an ordinary book of Threo Hundred
pages. These dimensions wdl enable the publisher
lo diaw largely upon the mot popular iieriodica'a
of the day.bnlh American and Foreign ; and as the
selections will be made with great care, it is bilii v
c.l Ibis pr w.ll le a welcome Notion to every
family. Dcsldi s a full synopsis of the current news
of the diy,; as publitlxd in the Dot-tun D.ily
-,: v ,1 - . .
1 ones,; ,1 win ci main roctrv, J'opulir l abs,
Theatrical Criticisms, Police and othei Court Rt-
Kirls-. Humorous Articles, Ac. Ac.
1 he woild of Li crature will be ranracked
lo fill it, Fiom Ihe aludy of the philosopher down
lo the police courts, through all regions of rruson,
pocliy, romance, wit, and the ample tecord of folly,
we shad glean fiutn ihe past and the present and
fiom all riaiohs, to present as pleasing and useful a
combination of recorded thought aud current his-
tmy, as Ihe world C9n nipp y O' indusliy produce.
1 ins is our "uobtus .votios.
'This great amount of wisdom and fun of wit
and philosophy of novelties and Obliquities we
a, e able to oiler, weekly for six ctvrs per copy,
only six cenlsl and we can do it because of the
faeili ii sof our press i.nd cilice, and the connection
of daily und weekly publications. For tiihi t hol
la 11 a we can sell a year s volume, equal in quantity
of mailer, w ith every variity also, lo Fifiy-iwo Vol
ume of Novels, such aa are issued fiom the press
of this day. Flfly-lwo large Vo'umes for Three
Dolar-! EITecli-d all by improved nuchin. ry, and
by a determination that we will not be outdone iu
enteiprize aisd Usefulness.
I tl..Mf: lining Dollar a veer, always in
advance no mders, no matter from what source,
will beattii.dtd lu unless accompanied with the
CAMI. Single copies six cents each.
Post Ma-teis or others returning Twenty Dol
lar sha l have Eight Copies sent lo such persons
and pbces as they may designate.
(.forge W. Lay 11 r,
IS prepared lo rereivp Goods and Pioduee st the
new wmehouse, which his arrangements will ena
ble him lo forward with despa'ch lo Philadelphia,
Pittsburg, Williamsporl, Wilkcshane, Columbia,
Lancaster, i t any oilier point on the Pennsylvania
and Union Canals, and the P. imsylvauia aiid Har-
risnuig ami Lancaster tail roads.
Goods from Philadelphia for Harrisl ug. Carlisle,
I'hamb. rsburg, cVc. &c, forwarded wiih care and
Coal, Plastic, Salt and Fish, conMantly for
'' Sept. 9.
H O O K - U I N D E tt Y,
THE undersigned have ihe gratification of in
forming ibe public, that notwithstanding II. ey were
so unfortunate as lo have their bindery but 111 down,
in Mr.rch last, they have oMied a very extensive
one, in Locust street, in Ibe new building directly
opposite G lei m's Hotel, and are piepared lo execute
all woik in Iheir line with despatch, and in a so
peiior style. Their RULING APPARATUS
and other Machinery are new, and of ihe first order
aud latest improvements; end they feel a confi.
pence in tin ir facilities for giving iierfccl satisfac
tion lo all who mvy favor Ihem with iheir orders.
lianka, Couniy offices, Merchants, Mechanic
and others, can be supplied with ULAN'K LiOOKS
of every description, which for neatness and dura
bility, will be equal lo any made by live United
fciatce. HICKOK 61 CANTING.
r A 31 1 la Y IV E W S I' A P E H
Onljr $1 50 per Annntn 1
one of the best and cheapest newspsiwr in
this country, containing all the choice Reading
Matter of the six daily papers, including Ihe "CLIP
PER'S LOG," i published every Saturday, at
tl 60 per annum.
G3" The"OCEANn is under the editorial charge
of Johis H. Hcwitt ami Jon Will, Esqr., the
former well known as editor, proprietor, or princi
pal contributor to every literary publication issued
in thi city for the last fifteen years ; and the latter,
long a contributor lo various periodicals, but more
publicly known since his connection with the "Dal
TiMoax Cuppra." The extraordinary success
which ha attended the establishment of the Haiti
moie Clipper, now numbering a larger list nf sub
scriber llnin any other newspaper ever published
in Maryland the daily applications for a weekly
paper, to send, by mail, lo country subscribers
and the many facilities, possessed ly the under
signed, for this undertaking, have induced Ihem lo
spare nn expense in gelling up a paper which can
not fail !o be a welcome visitor into every man'
It is printed on entire new type and fine white
paper, and will compare, for beauty of workman
ship and excellence of reading matter, with any
periodical now publ'shed in tho United States.
TxAMtt: For Mail Suliscribers, 1 50 per an
num, in current money, forwarded (free of expense)
to the publishers.
djf Postmaster disposed to act a Agent for
the Ocean, will rcctive five copies weekly, per an
num, fur five dollars. Payment always lo be made
iu advance. Addreta DULL cV TUTTLE,
Printers, Daltimore, Md.
. s t o x i s 1 1 1 x 1 x c u 1: i s rc.
IN TWO MONTHS !!! we first purchased the old and well
known establishment of I e
Sutiii'day JCieiiiiiff Post,
we ata'ed that the paper ciiculaled so widely a
mong Ihe rtindy, reading portion of ihe United
Slates, that we entered upon our Ii bors with lull
confidence of the future. Our success has since
been beyond our most sanguine expectation, as our
weekly receipts overbalance thofo of any cotcmpo
lary aper. Our list has continued to swell up,
with unexampled rapidity, and we have Ihe confi
dence, thai al the present rate of increase, we shall
be enabled 111 a few months to boast of more than
35,000 subscribers ! When we commenced our
labors, we announced distinctly, that the lone of the
paper should be decidedly moral, and that nothing
sliou'd be admitted into our columns, which Ihe
most fasiidious father could disapprove of, and de
term ned that aa an approved Family Paper, it
should not contain a paragraph, with ihe spirit of
which a parent would not wish to have a daughter
familiar, and we therefore, with this view, announ
ced that no theatrical notices should appear iu our
columns, and that we should be opposed to theatres
as things calculated to injure the healthy action of
an honest mind, as creative of exhibitions demo
ralizing in tendency, and fearfully pernicious in
fact. There were not wauling blusterers, who
made a great parade of opposition, and Croakers,
who predicted our speedy downfall, but we threw
ourselves upon the sober, rational and experienced
portion of the people of the United States for sup
poit, and we have been nobly sustained.
We thought aud expressed the opinion, that
however esrslpsa msny might lie upon Ibis subject,
tli at few, even if Ihey did not entirely disapprove
of such entertainments, cared about having the
gross details forever paraded before Ihe eye of
iheir children, and the sickening and nauseating
eulogy of all kinds of characters made familiar lo
their minds.
We determined also, lhat while Ihe paper con
tinued under our control, it should be str.clly neu
tral in politics, and that as news and literary jour
nalists we had nothing to do with the nutter; this
dettrminalion has been strictly and rigidly adhered
to, and while we shall continue lo give our reiders
such public document as may be deemed of inte
rest to all, and such a history of the progress of
political events, as are strictly in keeping with our
duty, and the character of the paper, we shall stu
diously and thoroughly avoid any contamination of
pariizm publics.
The paper is now printed in a new and beauti
ful type, has received the praise of many editors of
taste, as 'the handsomest tamily sheet in the Union.
Our efforts hive been directed to the combining
of beaulv and aimplic ty with utility and taste.
The Post is printed on a stout white paper, rc ti
llering it neat and durable lor tiling.
In addition to these efforts toward perfection in
the mechanical department, and cxti rior ol our pa
per, no labor, and no cost been spared in the de
vchiiiemenl of intellectual strength. The present
variety ol interesting tales, original, from foreign
and domestic magazines, together with the valua
ble contributions of our own circle of literary
friends will continue lo give interest to the paper,
while everything important and worthy of note that
happens in the Old World or the New, shall be
co iictcu auu couateu lor uie taste 01 out rea
The Ladies' Department shall always be choice
and select, and shall receive alrict attention, while
such things as may iuteiest our iuvenile readers.
i.nd that impoitant end large class of our readers,
the I" aimer will not be overlook d. In order to
grutify, as much ss possible, the laudible desiie of
our country readers, a portion of our attention will
l devoted to the Ci llecii. n and diffusion of such
News, Memoranda, Tables, Focts, Hints, &c. as
may seem important to agriculturists, and the pii
ulatioti resident without the confines of our great
cities 'The state uf the miikels and the fluciua
tious in the prices, will be regulatly aud what is of
more moment, correctly given.
We have ever been opiiosed to the constant
bluster and parade made by some editors, about
tho excellence of their papers, and have resolved
that the Saluid iy Evening Post, shall be conduct
ed, as lo s?ak lor itself.
Our readers will always find in its columns the
earl.esl and mot authentic information, p well as
the most choice and ciiteitaiuuig literary matter.
We hrve totally discarded the system ol filling the
paper with quack advertisements, but prefer giving
eiur re.idei from week to week, enteitaining read
ing matter.
And we f el assured lhat we shall be no losers
thereby, as but few readers care about having a p, er
filled with description of these nauseating com.
T he Saturday F. fening Post, will be furnished
for $" per annum in sJv.,tue, or one copy thre-e
years f, r $5. To those who wish lo subscribe for
a Philadelphia Magazine, we will furnish a copy
of the Philadelphia Ca. kit, and two copies uf the
Foal for one year for fo free of p stage and dis
count. No New Subscriber received without the
To those who wish to subscribes we would say,
lhat ihe safest plan is to enclose ihe money in
letter and direct to us. Moat postmasters will
frank their letters if relating lo nothing but the
business of the office, and all postmasters who will
lie kind enough so 10 do, we shall be pleased to ac
knowledge as agent.
No 3 Caiur' Alloy, Philadelphia.
WITH multiplied resource for rendering th
New Wohld more valuable than ever a
a compendious newspaiier and repository of elegin
literature, we enter upon the second volume (folio
on Ihe 24th ef October, dressed in a beautiful gar
ofrtfto type, cast expressly for the purpose. )
will thercfote be a fitting time to commence net
subscriptions, as well a fur the renewal of tho
which may then expire.
During tho first year of the existence of tr
New Woblh, il hss acquired a reputation an
circulation superior to any weekly paper in th
country; and lias furnished toils subscribe rs, durir
that peritxl, (besides a I the current news of the da;
domestic am! foreign) new and valuable works I
Talfourd, D'Israell, Themis Mnore, Miss Milfor
Mrs. Jameson, C. Diiken, Ainsworth, Knowlc
liulwer, Marry at, aud others woik, which in Lo
doti could not be purchased for fifty times tl
amount of Ihe subscription pr'ue of the Nt
Woild. In addition lo works of interest by the
eminent authors, it has contained the cream of t
periodical literature of the day, a well a origi,
at tides from the pens of some of the most popu
writers of America, among whom we may mentt
Mis Sedgwick, Orville Dewey, Professor Longl
low, the author uf "Yankee Notions," Siuit
Street, ic &c.
In po'iticks we shall, as hitherto, maintain
armed neutrality. Our column as heretofore v
be unobjectionable in a moral point of view,
criticism we shall, in justice to the public, mant
a perfect indeiicn lence, even though we incur ;
vengence of all tint dunces We shall, iu cone
sion, earnestly stiive to render our sheet not o
worthy of ihe unparalleled lavour il haseiperiani
but of a continually extending circulation. WI
we continue to furnish with all possible promtiu
the most attractive liter, lure of the day, we sh
as our means enlarge, afford that compensation
native authors, which may induce them t
the New World the medium for presenting lo
public their best produ lions. Our excellent I.
don correspondent will lie continued, and due
tcntion wdl be paid lo the comerciul, agriculP
and new s departments of our paper.
Of s'xtcen latgc pages was commenced on the ai
uf June last, in order to meet the wishes of I:
number of subscribers, by giving them its licli
varied contents in a suitable form for binding. 'I
we have done without having enhanced the pi
so lhat new subscribers, and others on the rent
of previous subscriptions, can take their ihoicc
tween Ihe (junto and Folio form. Q- Dut a
sets of the Quarto, f.otn No 1, how lennin
hand in Ihe ollice, and wo shall therefore, nut
able long to supp'y them.
TERMsS; I hui.f. DuLLAiis a year in adv
for either edition; ot Five Dollars for two co
In all cases letters must be Itee, or post paid
they will remain dead in the post-office.
(Xj All PostmaMeis who will act for us are
authorized Agenis, and may retain 25 per cent
the subsciiption ptice, (3,) for commissions, i
mbtcd in New-York or Eastern n oney ; or 50 1
on each, if in notes of other solvent banks, w
may lie at a discount here.
(Xj'EJitors nnd Pul lishris who desire the
tinuancc of an exchange, will please copy the s
three or more limes, or otherwise notice tlicconi
and send us a marked paper.
Letters rela ive to the editorial department
beaddtessedto Pahk Ukkjami & Errs Sari
Editors: those relative to the buisness di
went, 10 J. WINCHESTER, Publish
No. 30 Ann street.
sr a rm m a . '
M . Mt Its. JU ' 3
uments, facts and othrr useful information, ill
live of the history and resources of the Am.
Union, and of each Stale ; embracii g comuf er
maiiutactures, agiicultute, internal iinproveniei,
iiatiKs, currency, finances, education, ic. exc'L'
ted by Samuel Hazard.
Publi-hcd every Wednesday, at 79 Dock stre
The price to subscribers is $5 per annum, p.iyal
on the first of January of each year. No subscn
lion received for less than a year. Subscribers e
of the principal cities to pay in advance.
i' n o i 1: t: t x
or THE
THIS Journal was established by the Americ
Silk Society, for the purposo of diffusing pracii.
information on the i ittihi or silk, in the Unit
States. It has now bee n published one year, a
may be considered work ofsiandard characier.
The first year's publication, coropiisiug the fi
volume, conlaines a massof valuable inlotmstii
ond it will be the ol jeel of the editor lo ma
the second equal in all reepcts, if not supenoi,
the first. The important feet is now esta1 lished I
yond any question, that the people ol the I'uil
States can make silk itixaplm and clttcb th.
any other nation uon earth. It has been prov
by utiimpeaehabla testimony, thai ihe enliie ci
i f producing silk ready for uia.ket, does not exce
two dollars and twextt-i-ivc ctxrs r,
pol vo, and its lowest value is roi a hollacs a
nr ri cists; also, that one Acier. of ground p.i,
ed in nioruj tnuhicaulis, will produce the first ye
the trees aie planted, roi it tt-aicht poinds 1
silk, leaving a clear profit lu the protlucer of o
Ill'MDHKO AMD Ale. HT HOLLARS ! Il has dsO hei
proved that thechildien end females of any farmer
f.mily can, with the greate I possibk- ease, produ.
from fifty to a hundred pjunds of silk every yea
without any cost whatever to the expenses ot tl
farm after the trees are planted; and therefore, th
Ihe whole amount of silk will he so much clear g ,i.
say from 225 to 150. With these fscts we sul
nut loan iulell gent people welher it is not a gr.i
and important object for them to introduce the cu
lure of silk in every farmer's family in the Unio.
'To enable all our farmers to make silk, the 'Joi t
walot thi Amimicas Sua; SociATt' was est il
lished; it contain plain practical direction for ci i
worms, ciKiixo THcaiLB, and preparing it fc
rnaikel, cVc besides all other information lhatca
be n quired to enable any crson lo enter uihmi h
business, cither
lileml of his country, into wh se hands this psix
msw l:,ll u;n k... .1 : . . . . . r 1
Is. r B " Tlr-" and
work by inducing his Iriendsand ne ighliouis toer
ler their names upon the list of sul-nbers.
J he Journal of ihe Ameiicau Society is publish
monthly, in tiamnl.l.i f. ,r,i, . .. a a W ....... I -
, . - 1 , vta huiuict contain
twittj two octavo pages, punted on new lype an
o.uusome paper, win printed Colored cover.
'Tamos : Two d.ilUr. a ,
ten dollars, always to be paid before the work i
sent. All subscriptions to begin with the fiisi num
tier of the y ear, and in no esse w ill the wo, k be sen
lo any subscriber longer than it shall hav beei
paid for.
fVNKW ll'lirilBtti l.C .e - r.
- - Hh, IUC ,1 1 l mil
aecoud volumes, will be cbsrgel only Tunc D01
hm ior en iwg years.