.nji unit; n , On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. J. P. Shin del, Mr. floi.owo Kakkh of Augusta to Miss Eu tAnRTH DoRwsnif of Mahnnoy. On Monday evening last, by the Rev. J. Rliosds, Mr. Jons Grat of Liverpool, to Miss Ltuia Mi xhlt of this place. , TRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxllteimer. Whkat, PO Rtr, 50 UoRjr, 40 Oats, 25 PoBK, fi FLAXsr.cn, ..... 100 BuTTRR, ..... 14 PiFlwn, ...... 25 Tallow, 12$ Dniru Applkr, ..... 75 Piaciiks, - 200 Flat, ..8 HucKLin Flax, .... 10 " TlWTll WILL PREVAIL. Dr. Harlich's medicines are daily increasing in public fnvor, and want from any but a fair trial to establish their worth. We have communication in our columns to-day from a person long awicted, which is but one of many vouchers for this medi cine. Spirit of the Times. PENMANSHIP. Messrs. Siiiilli Ac lVolcolt, Professors and Teachers of Off Hand Pen manship, respectfully inform the citizens of Sunhu ry, that they will be in this place on or about the 15th of February, for the purpose of giving insti ac tion in the above system of writing. Previous lo the opening of the class, Mr. J. M. Wolcott will deliver a lecture, consi-ting of a brief account of the origin and progress of writing, and its application based on the principles of physiology and anatomy. Feb. 13. tf. ATTENTION SUN BURY GREYs! Yi 'Oil arc requested to meet for parade in Market-square, Sun- bury, at 9 o'cl. ck A. M. of Mon day the 22d day of February inst., in Winter uniform, each Member to be provided with 12 rounds of blank caitridge. By order of Cnptuin Dewart, J. H. ZIMMERMAN', Orderly Srrg'f. N. B. A court of appeal will be held on that day, all persons wishing to appeal will please attend. Feb. C, IS 11. iTTE TION M EliC 1 1 ANTS, &c. E. F.& J. K. PRICK, VHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWADING cV PROIH'CR COMMISSIOX MKRIIAXTS, V. 297, Market street, five doors above Seventh, PHILADELPHIA, "FFER for sale, at the lowest market prices, a ' geneial assortment of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, olnssrs, Wines, Lioaors, Sjrices, Tobacco, .yc. icstrt Phoui-ck received and sold on commb n. Merchants, Hotel keepers, and others, will id it to their advantage to cal! and examine our ck, before purchaMtig rUe where. Mi r. hauls shirg their goods collected in this city, by leaving order, will have them prompt'y forwarded, by i most expeditious line.". IDWIX F. FRICK, J OIIS II. TRICK. Ft -li.6, 184 1 . ly. A p p 1 i c a I i o 11 V FOR AN' INCORPORATION'. rj'HE members of the GOOD INTENT FIRE COMPANY" of Sunbury, in pursuance of an rdicr of the Coutt of Common Pleas of Norihum ici'land County, hereby give notice, that they have na.de application to the said court to be incorporated igrpeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly ipon the subject, having exhibiied to the said court in instrument of writing, siecifying the object, ar iclcs, conditions, name and style of the said associ ltion, which has been approved of by the said court, m J filed with the prolhonotary thereof; and that a -harter of incorporation will be granted to the said :omp.my, at the next term of said court, to be hoi len at Sunbury, on the first Monday of April next, Jiiless suHiciciit reason be shown lo tl.e contrary. WM. L. DEWART, Sunbury, Feb. fi, 1811. 3r. Prcx'l. ".oI M ill Fire Company' 'TMIE memliers of tho ' Good Will Fire Com--- pany" are requested to meet at the Court House, on Saturday Evening, February 13th, at C Vctock precisely, by request of many members. Punctual attendance is required, as business of im portance will be transacted. J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Director. Feb. C. T li o in ii n 11 ii k e 1 1 , No. 208, Baltimore Street, A few doors west if Howard st. BALTIMORE. WHOLESALE DEALER in Comls, But y f tons, German and Fancy Goods, and Im porter of Patent und Shoe Threads, Spool Cotton, Suspenders, Tapes, and almost every description of Mnull Articles, Country .Mcrchuuls and Dealers in geneial, are respectfully invited to call and exa :iiine for themselves. Jan. 30. ly ;ii.mgiiim w ji:ssoi. Importers and Dealers in Foreign Hardware, Corner of Pratt and Liht si,., BALTIMORE. COUNTRY MERCHANT, and others, aie respectfully invited to call and examine their Stock ol" Goods. Jan 30. I y VFEW Copios of "Ti I non Choral tiar mony," consisting of Sacr. d Muse, with Ger man and English line to each tune. By 11. C. Eyer. For sa!e by January 30. II. B. MASSER, .D?c.XFT A CLOSE DECKED TEAT, about 47 feet long, and 1 1 feet wide, wiili an iron pin in the stern block, went adrift from the premises of tlte subscriber, near Sunbury. A reasona ble reward will be given to any, one taking it up, and notifying the subscri ber at Sunburv. "IIENUY MASSER, Jan. 3,1810. NOTICE T8 hereby given, that interest will be charged by -- the subscriber, on all accounts fur lime, that have been standing longer than six ninnihs, and that hereafter this rule vtdl be strictly adhered 10. All persons indebted, are requested to eall and sclllo their accounts. SEASHOLTZ fi BERGSTRESSER. Suiibury, Jan. 23, 1 H 1 1 . if. CiUM ELASTIC Shoes, -1 large assoil H" mont. Sperm Oil, best quality . . Books, of all description. Silks, black and coloured. Stair Carpeting. - Cotton CarpcU Carpet Chain, of all colors. Saddlery, a geneial assortment. Fliptic Springs. Couch Lamps, Carriage Bands, Brass Joints, Brass Dashers, Patent Leather. Just received and for sale at the store of . H. MASSER, November 14, 1840. tf i-Vtrjcii vraiiurrncB, ruse rreeiveo nun im mir 1 k, H It MAttMF.tt. Drutt !.. I I 1 f 1 ovembcr 14, 1840. tf INFORMATION WANTED. A NY person having any information concerning --Bryan Shcehy, a native of Ireland, aged from 10 to 22, of fine complexion, will confer a favor by informing his brother, Rodger Shoehy, by letter directed to Harrisburg. Pa. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 20 North Water Street, Phila. MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, whien will lie sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. J heir stock now 111 store consists of the following oils, viz: n: A(W 11' 1... 11 1 t. - 1 - gallons lllier uieutucu ricnn a Oil. B- 0000 do do ColoiIcfB Oil, 15.U00 do Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, 10,000 do Winter Sea Elephant, 20.000 do do Pressed Whule Oil, 0000 do Summer do do do 15,000 do Common Whale Oil, 200 Barrels superior Straits Oi!, 300 do Cod Dank Oil, 50 do Nea's Foot Od, 75 Ca-ks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oil. (TThis Company ha a number of Vessels" en- giged ill the Cod Fishery, and Tanner may rely upon getting at all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 7, IS 10. ly. rjHE special attention of buyers fioin the south JL and west, and for the state trade, is respectful ly invitod to the following assortment of G OODS, which the sul scril er will dispose of at suth pricts as will amply repay his friends for calling und ex amining bis stock. To CASH purchasers, at tli.' pre.-ent lime, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish matting. 500 pieces Canton matting, assorted 4-1, 5-1 and 6-1 white, cheeked and (lowered. l(.t)0 hearth rngJ, a lautilul assortment of Wil ton, tl-u..!. Ti'tted, Turkey, and Hemp rugs. 20U prcc.es woolen, worsted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian und block Carpeiiuiis. An elegant variety of Wilton, Brussels, Scotch and English, Venetian, Damask, &c. &c. 1000 dozen men ond boys caps, comprising a great variety of Fur, Seal, Nutria, Muskrat, and Coney, Hair, Senlette nnd Cloth Caps. 100 donii Allicaait Mats, assorted size. 100 do Manilla do do do 50 do Sheep-skin do do do 30 bales French Bjskets, comprhiiig every de scription. 500 pair Venetian Blinds, a-s'd fiutca and colors. 3000 patent do do do 1000 nests Cabas or Satchel., ass'd, embossed leather, straw and oil cloth. 5000 dozen Combs, assorted tortoise shell, Bra zilian do horn, ivory, rrass and wood, cmprising a large assortment of every variety. 3000 dozen Whips assorted wagon, gig, car riage, sulky, planters, drovers or riding, of gut, lea ther ond thread, with German silver, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. 1000 dozen painted pails, Wilson's brand. 1000 nests ceil ir Tubs aid Buckets', also, Churns, Piggins, Water Cans, itc. The above together with an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Uritiania and German silvr ware, feather and I ristle Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ma hogany and Gilt Flames, of every size and descrip tion, are manufactured, imported, and sel. c ed ex pressly foi the. southern, western and stale trade. J. SIDNEV JONES. No 18 North 2d street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth und Market Streets, I'hiladtl phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do wuter proof, duuUo soles and doub'e upcrs. do Culf-skin do do do nailed and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neats do do. do Hi!;h quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crockers do do Fine Monroes warranted. do Kip do do C. If do do Coarso do do do Shoes do Fine do dj Kip do do do do do d.i do do I'ulf and Seal Sk'ii Pumps, do I. st Socks with and without soles, do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins, Ludies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shois. Gentlemen.' do Over shoes. Willi every other description of boots and shoes. r ur i-aps o! every description. Travelling Trunks of every dei eseription. t elietl.in I ravening Dan. Patent Gum Elastic Shoo Blacking. Bonnets of nil kinds. Palm Leaf Hats. Phil idelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. .Ylit liacl Wtaici' .V Son, ROrE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS, A'o. 13 Surth Water Slrtel, Philadelphia. "BITAVE constantly 011 hand, a general assort fiH incut of Cordage, Seine Twines, etc., viz : lard Ropes, Fishing Ropes. While Ropes, Manil la Rojies, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Siiue Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe Threads, &c. &.c. Also, Bed Coids. Pb ugh Lines, 1 1 alter. Traces, Cott n ami Linen Carpel t 'hsins, rVc. ull of whltb they will d.ss se of on it tiiuhle ttinis. Philadelphia, November 7, t n 10. CITV AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. Xumher 29 North Third Street, Philadelphia. B3UBLIO 8 ALES of Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Books, Stationary, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Hats, and in short almost every description of goods, are held at this establishment every evening. (roods are also sold at private sale during the day at the average auction prices. Store keepers and traders will find it to their advantage by attending the sales. C. C. MACICEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. LOWER & RAllUON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign ana Domestic Hardware, No. 174 North Third Street, 1'nrt nrLniiA. "II rHERE their friends and customers will always find a large and general asortment of Foriign and Domestic Hardware, w hich they will sell at the lowest prices. Philedelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. J. W. SWAIN, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. Kb. 37 Kooth Third street, two doors below the City Hotel, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants and others arc solicited to examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly Ju ol l'i Isiiiulli & son. BT ESPECTFULLY informs their friends and JU1L acquaintances generally that they sti: con tinue to keep at tho old Mond, No. 216 North 3d street, Philadelphia, all kinds of TOBACCO SKVFF AKD SECARS. Which they will sell on tho most accommodating and reasonable terms. N. B. All goods sold will be guaranteed, und ull orders prompt'y attended to. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. rPETE?. COITCTE?., Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. .Vy. CG North "d street, a fern doors abox e .lreh, Philadelphia. A LSO Trunk, Carpet Bags and Ynliccs, of ev J,SL cry desenption, ull of which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly P . & A . Pi O V O U D T ' S China, CI lass and Liverpool Warehouse. Ku 1C1 North Third street, third door below Vine street. Philadelnhin. "IT J'HERE they constantly k-ep on hand a large HHnrtmpnt nf flu'im f.lna fr.t l.iirnmil W-are, which they will dispose of on the most lei- sonsble terms. Philadelphia. November 7, 1S10. THEOPH.U.S CULP. Manufacturer and Importer of .Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. No. 5 South Third street, four doors below Market Philudelpliiw KEEP constantly 011 hand a large and general assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, LHptic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country MerchauU anil suddlers will 1 supplied at nil times on tho most reasonable terms. They will find it to their advantage to call and cxamiuo his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. 1 U J Y N O L D s7m c F A U L A N 1 & VO. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British and American Dry Goods. A'o 105 Market street, Philadelphia. CIOUNTRY Merchant'', and others can be sup ) plied at all times with an extensive assort ment of the best und most faahionublc Goods upon the most reasonable term-'. PUilulelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store No. 44, North Fourth near Arch St., Philadelphia. TTTHERE Country Men hauls and others can be ' ' supplied, at limes, Willi a largo assortment of Hosiery, Gloves, Merino, Cotton, and Woolen Shuts and Drawers, Spool Cotton, Patent Thread. Cotton Curds, Buttons, Tapes, Bindings, Hooks and Eyes, Pins, Ac. And a general vari ty of use ful articles, which he offers lor sale at the lowest prices. Philvlelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. & SS.CTZE2.S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. Vi'i Clifsnut Street, below 1th, Philadelphia. KEEP constantly on hand a general ossoit ment of Bonks and Stationary ; comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane ous and School Books, Day Burks, all sizes. Led gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket B.bles, Wminu Pajiers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac, which they of fer at the lowest p ices to Country Merchant's Pri fesiona I Gentlemen, Teachers, and all cthcra that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. ThTuIICK, 1IANSELL SZCy's' WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. 10(5 l-'J Market Street. Phila. ((..( Fifth South side ) tl.WAYS keep on hand a full ami general as sortment of llo-iery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchants are iejec-fully reipje.-led to give them a call und examine for them elvi s. Philadelphia. November 7, 1810. ly. speuTng, cooiTeu No. IMS Market Street, Philadelphia. fNVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive a-orlmcnl ol ltiitnli French and American Dry Goods, which they oiler foisile on the mist reasonublu terms. Philadelphia, November 7, IS10. ly. "pKTEiri JEWELS, LAST IYIAKEU, No. 71 Callow hill Street, Philadelphia, ( Three dutirs abort St cond.J 4lIOE Findings always kepi on hand, which he oilers lor sale on Hie lowe t terms. Country Merch 111U are particu'uily lo cull and jude for tin' m-elves. Pl.iladcli, hia, November 7, 1810. ly. OLI V Ell n7tH ACHEk", At7" mANUTACTunrn or hats, caps. &.c. No. 10 North Third Street, Phila. C ".)(!, flu CHu Haiti.) ATS, Caps and LnditV Furs, of every de- 1 H s. riplion. ni.inufarluied si very low pricra, i t.'ountry Merrhants uupphej at short notice. J Iilli lrl lu, .-oveaibn 7, UtO, ly. SIIAIOKIN COAL. OF a very superior quality, can be had at any time, by application to the subscribers, in lots to suit purchasers. They keep large, egg, broken, and fine coal, (it for burning lime. J. H. PL'RDY A Co. Sunbury, Sept. 8G. tf. tiHOCHMi:s. A fresh supply of Cror.ctics juit received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12. 1810. If. Liqi OHS.X fiesh supply of Brandy, Gin, Port, Lhon, Tci erilTo, Madeira and Sherry Wines, just received and for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12. 1S40. tf. WI AMA'S, A new assortment of 7-4, 7-8 and 3-4 yard wide Muslin, just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, IS 10 tf. t. II. HOES. A new aesortmciit ofCulicoes just received and for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12. IS 10- tf. 1 rtO.V A good assortment of Bur Iron, just received and for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1810. If. Kll.T. 250 bam Is and sacks of Salt, just received uno for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1 sin. tf. Cl.1t'IIiS. general assortment of Cloths and Cassimeie., constant y on hand ot the store el HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1810. if. II T, ttl'K, COU.V and all oihcr kinds of Grain arid Seeds will be tkcn at the liih ct pri& s in exchange for g o 's at the store of HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12. IS 10 If. MACKEREL- A few bum-Is or Mackerel for sa'c at i low p( ce by Sept. 12, IS 40. II. B, MASSER. IKISH SALMON'. OI the best quality, con stantlv on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 110. II B. MASSER. MADEIRA WINE. First quality Madiera Wine, f ir sale low by Sept. 12, 1810. II. B. MASSER, "FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A genu iT article alwavs on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12,'lSM. II. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN', Of the best quality always on h ind and for sale bv Sept. 12, 110. " 1!. B. MASSER. l.OA F AN U L I J A 1 1 '' a I . ' G A R . A 1 vVi 1 j a" oi 1 hand ond for sale by -S.pt. 12, 140. II. U. MASSER. lft7sfo "sRUPMOLASEs7 ()t iTsupe rior qualitv, for s lie by S, pt- 12, INK'. H. B. MASSER. Ni : v "" 01:1.1 :". n s it; ii 1 1 o t e m i - LASSES. Of the best quality ulvvavs on hand or d for sale bv Sept. 12, 1810. II. I). MASSER, BROWN M GA RT-T)i a '"co'ud'qua'lit'y.'ior sale low by Sept. 12, 18-10. H. B. MASS Eli. LlW.UOKS. Ol all kiii U and ol the Lest quali ties, uhvavs on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12. 1810. H. B. MASSER. GREEN AND UL'Aijk in as. of vt.o'bVit qutlity alwavs on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12, 1810. U.K. MASSER. COFFI.E. Java, U10 and Laguiid ColVee, con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept.. 12. ISitr. L'-H'1 -' xi'UR.M OIL. Winter and Sunimer slr.nmd Sperm Oil, of llic I est quality, ulvvuys on hand ui.d for sale by Sept 12. 1810. H. 15. MASSER. "M'EEL. Cast'and Bli.-tei Skil. for sale by Sept. 12. 1810. it. 1). MASSER. SPRING'S I ELLTltf viiVmis tiics K'r ElipiK Si rings, for sale by sv,.i. 12.1S10. 11. b. masse::. ""LARGE QUARTO BIBLES. For saic at very reduced prices by Sept. 121810. H. B. MASSER. BLAN lTlitlOKsr Of'uli "kinds, for sale by Sept. 12, 1 10. II. B. MASSER. U LA N K hi: E I )s "l!uii Jsi M."Mig:ice, iVc.'for sale by Sept. 12, IK10. II. B. M ASSER, ' JI'SI ICES' BLANKS; for fale'bv Sept. 12, 1810. II. B. MASSER. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible linen, for side by Sept. 12. 18K. II. B. M ASSER. T A s"s LM ER 1 ;s S DS A T 11 N LT t ST'or sale very low by Sept." 1 2. 1KI. H. B. MASSER. CA RPE TI S'"(T.Fot mle'cheapTiV ' Sept. 12. 1810. H. B. MASSER. BLANKETS l or sale cheap bv Sept. 12. 140. II. L. MASSER. UN BLEACH ELTMI'SLINS. For sale try Sept. 12, IS 10. 11. B. MASSER. " COT PON YARN AND COTToN LAPS For sale by Sept. 12. I40. II. B- MASSER. "HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For il.. by Sept. 12, 18 Id- II. 11. MASSER. "WW ING LINES, CORDS AND KOPES.-I For sale I y Sept. 12. 1SIG IJ.MASSER. ESTATE OT ELIAS CHEVEn, DEC'S. "MvTO l ll'i: is beret y given that letters of admin-' JNsJ Utrutioil 11 pan the estate nf sod eleee ,cd have I cen (-ittiiteii o ihe su! scrihers, by the Kepis er of Noiitiiiinle.land county. All p. rsuns 'luving demands against sairl e-taie, wi I piescnt lliem. pro perly authenticated to either of the subscriber at their residence in Aucuta township. HENlvV BREWER. J . . . , ABRAHAM BREW ER, Novemler It, 1810. til .loiiathati EC. 'a(t i' ilatc. 'V (ITICE is heiel y given, that letltrs of admin. a-v Islr.iti on de boms o upon tl.e tsta ce.f Jo nathan It. liters, Inte of Shamokiii township, N"r ibuml erliuid colt ly, dee'd.. h.ive this day Is-en granted by tl.e Register nf said county to llie sub .criliers. All per oris lav 112 claims or dim. lids a eaiusl the Slid elecedeut, are UipifKled to make known ihe same to Ihem, without delav. VALENTINE KLAsE, ELEANOR WATERS, Shamokin, N',.v. 7. lit. Adm's, e. Tifu 1: m i a 11 v ast i m: 's" I St a to. TrOTICH is here by given lint ihe R. g'ster of Ihe County of Northumberland, has ibis day liiaiited letters tei-tann n ary to the subscribers upon the estate of Jeremiah Yua'iue, of Rush township, in ihe siid county. All persons having demands or claims again, t the ra d decedent are 11-questrd to make known the same to ibrm without delay. LLIZVBETII VASIINE.? .. . THOM AS K. YAsTINE, W ILLIAM LEGHOt .roint Norinber 2, ltsio. 6r, - II...- JJ. ...... ..1 .t M. , J LM. In the Mclidl.nn t'nnil of I'lras lor llie Mtnle tif IVninjl vnnln. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA: . Durnrt Coijvtt, ss. I he Cominonvvtalth of " I cnnylvania. vs. The persona claiming ti tie to, or interest in these Bill 1 1 pr-rietunte te- virni linns ni lann set I limoiiy. lorili 111 lire Hill, whereof the following is an ab stract. A T a term of the "Nicholson Coutt of Pleis for the State of Pennsv lvonia," convened in the Borough of Harrisburg, Pa,, Jan. 20, A. D. 1811, in pursuance, of an net enlithd "An i.et lo setle ihc estates of John Nichl.-on and Peter Daynt.in," parsed April Ifilh, A. D. 1810. Upon tho "peliti ni iresentid and filed in our court by Robert Oir, John Dungnn and William Primrose Esqs , (W missiot'crs appointed as provided in tho act :if. rr said representing "that wheieas it apieirs trorn Ihp records in the ollico of the Secretary of the Land OlKce in Pennsjlvonia, that W illiain P. Braily ap plied for, and look out of the Lund Olliee oforesaid, lillien wair.mts, nil bearing date Nov. 18, 1703. in the name of .lolsn Bieady. 'l'liotnas Hamilton, Wil liam P. Bready, John Boyd, 'Will am Wilson, Ben jamin F. Young, William Gray, William Coo', Esq, John Cowden, Bernard Hubby, Th .mas G lint, Alexander Hiin'cr, S imm I Si-ott J une llephurn, John Carsen i and o'so the five ( dlovv ing warrmts, n! learii r J. ,lc March 11, 1701, in the nanu s of Thomas Ree.-e, Thomas Grant, bam in I Scott, Thomas Hamilton, Jeremiah Jackson, for four bundled acres each, ndjoinini; each ether in their programme order, returned in Northmnbeilaud County, as described and tt for h in I he ceitilicates annexed to said peii ion, numbered 1 S.j f I ; and whereas it apjears by a reieijt in the tdlice ef the Secretary of llie Land Olliee, nf. resaid, dated Juno 2, I '(') 1, a ceilrl'icate whire.if is alsi to sa'd pe'i ioii nuiiexeil, that William P. Riady paid into the Land Office aforesaid X200 in specie, (or an d twenty tiucts, amounting in nil to HOOO acre, together with JC10 ( ITice fees; rmd whereas it o!o appears by the cerlificatrs of the said AVdliam P. Brady, legally cxeeut' d and aeknovv ledged, bearing dale August 13, 1838, the same whcicnf is annexed to the (elition, that the twenty warrants ub ve m r tieiied were nil paid by the said William P. Brady, as the ngent of, eitd for the use and benefit of John Nichols, n, Esq., fur the so'e ie and benefit f s.dd Nichols, n, bihI was pod lor with money placed in his l ands for thai purpose, nlthough from the hoos in said Land ttll'u-e. ii nj p. ais thai said Wd ia n P. B.ady received r redit for llie purchase rroney of s dd i warrants. The petitioners funhrr rej resent, lli.t ihe sairl William P. Brady, the wiiness tthic'i t'le petitioners have for proof of the firU stated in t'le above bill, is now very aged and infirm, Ihe per tioi en therelorc rrav the C urt that n rule ir.uv be j rallied Im lore said Court lo take ihe testimony of I the sai.l William P. Biady, now of the county d I Indiana, ai.d slate of Pennsylvania, touching the afore-aid twen'y tracts of laud, on due notice there I of lo nil persons iritercs'ed, that the same w II be entered of record in said curt at Iluriisiiiirg, and j rpeluati d agreeably lo the direction cf the Con ; slitiition of this ('ominonvvealt!i, un I the nets of A-semly in snch c ite made ar d provided, and to mi ike such fori her rules and orders her in as to the Court s 1) 11 1 1 seem jost and proper, Wl.creup n, January 20, 18 1 1, the foregoing pe tition being read in open C01.1t, and the r.-Mdence ol the persons interested in the lands therein men tioned nol being known, the Couit order and direct tlmt 4 lute le en rtil to ull parti, s or person, inte re tid in sard lauds, to thevv cause before tlibi court to bo held ol Hatr.s'ourg on the second Monday of April next, why the testimony shall nut then and tin re be peip' United os applied foi in mid petition, and ihe Coint further older llint a Co; y of the saal r.ilo and order be publ shed in one daily i.cwspa; r j 111 llie city l J liilaa.'ipnia, one d.iy m n,-!i w. ek, 1 I, i six wevl.s tuo'f ssively, ni d once a wci k lor the j same period in a weekly liC.vspapir printed in Nor- t.ieiintt. rl.iii.l l.ounty, (vvlieic ihe land lies, prior to the sai I sccund Monday ill Apiil 1 ext. Witness the 11 11. J. seph B. Anthony, Judge of our siid Court at tl.e b.. rough of H.-rrUourg, this tvv n'leth day 01 J muarv, A. D. one lliou sand eig'it hundred anJ r'rtv or:e. Jan. 30-(nv II. C. HICKOK. Cl-.rk. oticr. T a n.ee'ling of llie Merchants of ihe borough of Sunbury, 011 tl.e 0,h inst., the fallowing was unanimously uJopted : Whereas no uniform rule exi-ts among the iner r!:.in;i of tl is pi i,v, in leuid to the churgc of iiiIl icst on book nccounis, tlieicl'ore litiolnd, Tir.et interest will he charged on a ! accounts tli.rt have been standing Icmier than siv moiiih.s, and that hereafter u'l i.ccounts in our books will bo t.idanced e vi ry year, and th.:t n ;esl w ill be charged on ail I al nces that avcruge niuie ihari six inoiittis nt.in.lioij. Hcfolrfil, That ihn nibsciihcrs vt i'l strictly o here lo the above iuh, ami that noti.-c of tho same; be given lit lae: tic nap ipers of this place. HENRY VOX I HEIMER, JOHN YOUNG. JOHN BOGAR, H. B. MASTER. BEN J. HENDRICKS, Jan. 23. fun. JACOB RHAWN. P PtiiVw ...1.1...: r 1 r i 1 . 1 iiiue-'oieo 1.1 net; i.ne linn UI II. V. Masser eSr Co , are ..e.lin 11 iiue-slod t ) call and si tile, before their accounts arc placed in the bunds of a Miagts ra'c for collet Hon. 11. B. MASSER, Jan. 10. IS 11. 11. MASsER. S hereby given to all whom it may concern that I have- pute hised at Constat le's Sale, in All- uo-t.i tovvnsiiip,. Noilburnl erl.n.d county. One Mantle Clock, which was sold as the pr, perty ol" James Furnsn onh. ai d that 1 have loan, d tl.e same to the raid James ilurir'i; inv pleaMire. FIRMAN FARNs W O R T H . Auein-ta. Ihe. 21), lsio. IO It ChiistmjB slid New Vias Build. K'R.ibfs. Gifts. Zinc in shel l. For sale by H. B. M ASsER. December 21. IMO. NEW GOOUL-. JUsT KEt' LIVED a new mid splendid assort ment of Calicoes, Mcixlii)., eVc. For sale ul tuesio.e.if HENRY YOXTHIMER, Detour Ul, Hit'. tl. F the latest nianuluc tine, cons. sling in part of a creol vatie'V ol Cloths, Cassimere-s, S.itli- i.iils, Meiimves, Kiiir.neU Mou.elni de Lames, iVc. Jusl received and lot silo al the lore e-t HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Ocl.iUr 3 1 . 1830. if. (i'oi't'rie. BUST RECEIVED a I .'ge and general as.ort liielil of Gioceries liiUors Ac. For sale l the uieif HENKV YOXIHEIMER. October 31, 1S I0. tl- DRUGS. AINTS, nnd Dye Mull's, a fresh supply jusl rece ived and lor side at rl r store ol HENRY YOVTIIEfMER. Octoln 31, IP 10. -if. 13.RADYS HOTEL. D.IWILLR, IOM MKC1 C:OtXTV, Jeini) lritnlsi. rgllin SUBRCRIBER respectfully informs th. Mi public, that he has removed from ihe town of Cutteiwitta in Dnnrili, and that he h purclutej in that place, the Large and Commodious BUI V. li. U O V S K , at tks ronxrii or Mitt ami Mnxr.T stiukts, (Opp.it tc the Cnurt-Houif.J y-Tr-jk Which he his fit'e.l tip ty the erection f&4$t of A DDI FIONA T. BUILDINGS, and liJWrxlensive STABLING, Tor lh Enter Jr"'"j tain went ef TrareUe'S end VX'.jr.-. lie is now prepared to acrommoJ.t'c nil w.'io tn:.y f ivor him with a call, ami l.e would riat,. (t.t tn thing in hi power 1 di all bp l ft i tnlone, n, render hi 1 customers comf j r " 1 1 1 . nnd lm py while und r h -a rare. ll:s nccominodntinni are nn.p'e, and hi roo 1: turn shed in modern s'yle, nnd Ihe proprietor ib terinined that hi etil,lis!imint shall ms'nin a'l keep up with the growing reputation nnd impoitan- e of 'he to'.vn i:i which it is loe.t d. His 'I'snte. wi I he supplied with evrre loTiirv f the season, and lb'' li" t roil choicest t' .'i V;'y ' murk I can rf'urd. II,-; Em ".ii; ho st-rcl vi h fill the bxitt fir'c'cs h"t can be Oirn't c'l l-tr our ei'iif, and t',e w'.iol - wi! be s .ell us ti g;vo taii--fai-lion to every cne. Well knuvviiis that n!i cn'i.. e! d pn'ipe ni'l alwavs judge f r iheui-rlves. he lie's ernfeleu' th t they will f.ivor Inn w th lln-ir .tronare. SAMUEL A. BRAEY. D.nvill,-. Jan. 30. Tf US V Receive J Miuno, Biocliu, and Clicnil.e S!-awN. Sea Otter, Se.d ami Snaii tie O.ipa, A laiic ass tinient of I'aik (.'hiiilzf?. French end English .MeuiMes, etc. Fot sa'e at lie sioic of H. li. MASSER, Novemlier 7. 1810. MAY hear of a good situation, fifty miles from Sunbury, in a now settlement, where Iim vvoidJ obtain a long leasu of a small Gii.st Mill, nnd h tve a Farm ndj lining, bv ii.ijtiiiing of THE PiUN'TER. October lOlh, 1810, Ct TO THE COMMUNITY. THE success vlieh bus attended the ll-e at Dr. H-trM'i Herman Aperient and Comiow-d strenrlnni'ig Taf'r Pills, 1 truly ns'oni hing. It is to vain l,n-.t to say this medicine ha proved bv its hap: y efl'cts in the cure of n variitv of e'iscai'es to wl; eh the htiiinn frame is li i' le. to bo v is Iv su perior to the tinny ; reo ri ions la f.jre the pird c. .Many (it tliese. prep ,ralior.s are cnip- uinled by ii . e'ivi,! mils who ur potitivr'y iunorant i t'tl.e niyi-ti-ries of ihe l,u tail svstnn, en I mere pr: ton I, is i me'dicnl knowledge. Dr. Mnriieh, IuiWt vc, i c ! ba-ed unions tho German foul y as a nun of I highest scieirt t'.c otiir.m nt--, ;,nd 1 qn dlv di? i . guished throughout E'.rope, as a su cc sfnl r.v I practitiom r. spent rn si ot tl.e- y.Hrs ot a usc:'; l P o in ihe aijiiisiti in of such knoaledji- a i n i.'iit pi t o hcnelieinl to his ft liovv crc.ituf, s. In the pil s ! i ij he inv. nted, arid which bear hi-i name, li e p'V' . are acsureel of an article that posses-es m re t).j 1 ordinary thtuts. From the acknowledged tale- eif this inventor, nothing less than a good nr'i .0 could bo expee'ed; and tho experience of i s v years has afforded demons;rai,)ri of tho virtu, s .' his medicine. In Germany nnd other parts if i -rope, it r putation is est .Id shed. In this c im' into which it has hut bee n recently introduced, i' , i rapidly gaining the mo-l substantial reputation. T. i nunv ions c. rt.iic.itcs nfcuit s of ti e nio-t oli-li n due s si fleeted ly Ihe use of Harlich's I .lis, wide 1 t'.e piopri. t,.r is ronstaiu'y receiving. H proof ol lii fnt. D ,v niter day let. n-ivcs i.cvv ltii:i,!i;..is t f tin- r riHc-cy, and wee k i:f;er week iucrcises ti derr-.and f x tin 111. Tl,i is r. ,t ircro a.-si r:ion; i -i.uniei..'..lc c.-rt-ficiiles ure open f.r th.- I-ct.on i f (:. pul lie, und the d uiis ofuliv who are r-kcppcil, ca.i le trm .wd l, i-xatiiiiiing l!icui at tie cilice en llie pr,,; rictor. We tal.e t!ie li! crty, then, cf siuses ing jo eve-v family, tint they make ue of Dr. llarlu li. P,U. l et tin in ke p 1 nip; ly coii-tautlv 011 baud, to ! c .:s d when oec. -ion dem md a:id tliev will rece, . the most Uocq.ivoe.il projfs e futility. Mu'ie . Df.or. fihicip.J . fi'e for the United States, No. 1 J .oit r.ioii'ii. ici t. Plain le-I:ihis. V. Otern Dep t. No. .'. 1, l. w'air s'reef, P t.s. I Ul'-ll. HENRY Yi'.XT HEIMER IV oler Ml. lilit. ,iref i'J. C 1 1' A L hEASO.W Why Dr HARLICH'S Compoutui tr.jig.n.. ina nn 1 Germ hi Aj" ricnl PilU tre ... .: i , all cl..--scs of p ,v, !e, in pr. I". r. ti n t j o'htfr M .ii- :i, s, I ... nil e tin v ii e l.-eo ptn-t est: w "(. Wi.ii'. si -.ii.- nn in inc. nul l in its or.. r, and pleavjni i . its 1 ii' ( r ,.. iuu-t ci lia 11 ; nrf... . el l ea th, a sale an.! cil. c u .1 t .;r.- eif V s, 1 psi.i ,., Itiiligi'itioii, 1111 1 r, i.mch eoMipLiii-.s.'a irr-s.-rnr un.l pn iiiei .1 'he imii' svtt,"ii. L. -au.w t 1 y s i.: fo ti th. n. rv. s of tin- 11 -rves ,vf si r;..:i.'y a d ...i.-n, ;nij .eitiin lo il-ei.- m SU.-'lC l.l.l t and cioir. lis 1 r-eii- e t. no - of !- I it. l'i cu-e I i .--y 1.. V. Ill .ch al..i '..o .M i-, Be iltle sr -ei,!-, ine-e j i.raiiv .' !.-;. t 11m, h un,! i.erv. s str.iv llic c-.a'S it.- V ; .''l' 1.1V I'-; 11., i:,! -. iii I Ole li- : ..,. ' . Yi'ivku. is llie i.ri:'M-, CiUmi ni a host o! ibse a.', and. ly e nttr u i'.- . soitii g to Dra. lic Lrg.iiives, y 011 nuke 'he dinw; much worse, in-tead ol 1 ft t. r. Because Dr. Ila.ln'i's Me I cines n-e put o . on the coliiiuoii ense pru.ci ,e, 1,1 "etc .!,.-- : strenlhen," hich ! the only fuuirf lo j 0: 1. ., elleet a Cute. Ln-llv, ltoeniise these Medicine really el 1 r:ti f io- ' -. ea.e tor w inch tl ey ure conirneoded. t r.- .-1 .' Olh.-e for iim United StVes, is at No. 1 'J N-oti Eighth klre-el, PI. dad. Iphia. ! HENRY YOXTHEIMER, I Octedier 21, l-l.l. Acnt. ' " rut: CAl si: OF DISEASE. I Nenily all cl n-ses 1. fills- a-e, are cau-iil ly som j oI'Mriieliori i 1 the sy. m, which prevent the re 11. I lar und wholes nn- oper ilr.m of the animal fun. . I.. S. I his s'a'e (, the sys'eni, is disease, Ii'. 1 ia maim". sled in a v.irety if f,ir:ns, i.nie or le m ! gni'iil in their cluiricter. To restore the bv st, ., to a slate ol heal h, then, it is only nece-ary to -move the rau.se. 1 1' ilie'a-i', and tho end is iccoo -pi.-he.l. The cause is ols ruc:i. n nomei. h'i o. Ti. 4 can tm reinoeJ l.y pur.?i'.i,.n, w.'iich is the 01. , means ti.at .-h u d 1 e res i i-! t.v, iucuus:, sugars ,4 l.y reason, ai.d ty 1 atoie. Dr. II irh.-h's StVogf . -ruing an I lie, 111 in Aerienl I'i!!, are allowed lv th.' thousand, v-liu huve u-ed ihcin, to 1 the: . .. pu-gnim iiiediirio in cxirtrncc. Iv.m,e, ili.v not i i.ly f move ull oi.-tructi.ms, and purje the v ." teni i fits impurities, but, I c.ac.-o, arid w.nch is e t eniely iiuporiaiit, s'lenntl nj s::dgivtj pi.ir lou t to ihe sto nach, and produce a hr. hliy a. non e.f's I iho part-. Efa drs, ihi-y are t.i nu.'J tn I gi mju tu Un I. opers inii, as to re.ide r lliem at ull limes a pi fcctlj Hle an J desirable re,nejy. The affl ctrJ would do well, then, 10 pu'cli.c-e a box ur two i f ih-s invaluable umli ir.e, si. J mve it a fair trial, 11.. 1. ad nf di straw. ig l.'ie.r sy.lems ivilii oft repealed dose-e ( f r.iloiiii I, an I other drus, so injurious 10 human lite and happoies, Ve alsive mide.-ii.e 1 .r sale at tho Drug storo cf HENRY YOY1 HEIMER.- Off. 31. 1610. "