Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 06, 1841, Image 4

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Of the efficacy of Dr. Jlarliih's CtlibraltJ M.di
cine. , ,
Th t illowing certificate nni enl by Mr. E B.
I human, ngeut l Cincinnati!, Ohio. There ran la
no mistake in it, the patties are will known.
Mr. Kzekiel Rigdon, of Anderson township,
Hnmiltun county, Ohio, was several day troubled
with hillus affections, acidity of the stomach, at
ii n.led with the usual symptoms ol tly sjP(nio, and
having made trial of various mcjicine without
ii.idmg relief, was cuied by the above medicinrs.
Atteit,i E.RIGDON.
Cii cinnnli, June 30th, 1840.
YET LATER. Mr. Vance, of W.shing'nn
county, writes at follow Dcor Sir Dr. Harlich'
I il l are performing ome of the most wonderful
luiesiuttvs vicinity ever heard of. They were
introduced here about six month ago, by one of
ioy neighbor, who bought a halfdnzen packages
from the Piitsbimg oflice. I om aware of four case
in this place where complete curoa Iiavc been per
foimed, one of severe rheumatism, two of dyspepsia,
nnd one of a most shocking and aggravated ner
vous complaint, often or twelve yenrs standing. I
send you enclosed five dollars; plrare to forward
ills for that amount by the bearer, William Ward,
July 37, 1810.
N. 11. The above certificates, compand with the
very many olreudy received, certainly munt con
vince ihoso similarly afflicted, that they can yet be
relieved by the UBe c-f these Inv.dua le'mcdictncs.
Principal office, No. 19, North Eighth street
l'uiWdrlphia. For sale by
October 31, 1810. Atnt.
That troublesome and peace-destroying d.seaso.
l'lious.tuds and Uns of thousands suffer from
that common distressing complaint. Dispepsia is
frequently caused by overlording or distending the
:oniach by excessive eating or drinking indijrsl
ib'c ond acrid substances taken into the stomach,
or from Ion 4 continued constipation of the bowls, a
sjdeiit.ry life, fear, grief, anxiety, a copious draft
f cold water, drastic purgative Medicines, dysen
tery, miscarriages, lnt:rruitlenl and spasmodic af
1 clions of the stomach ond bowl, ii regular meals,
(to hours, and too ficipucnt uso of spirituous
The symptom of disprpsla may be deserlbcj as
a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious
v,e, nausea and sometimes bilious vomiting, sud
den und transient distensions of the stomach sf er
eating, acid and putrcsent eructations, water brash,
pain in the region of the stomach, costivem ss, pal
4il ition of the heart, dizziness and dimness of the
sight, disturbed rest, tremors, mental despondency,
.flatulency, spasms, nervous irritibility, ehil ii,e.-s,
jlnvne.-s of complexion, great 1 ppression after
it ins, languor and general debility, sick head a. he,
CURE At the hci:d of nil temadir stands
Ifiaiica's Compound S i utMiriitvi su Tonic
ami Ukiimam ArrtHiENT Pilli, which act great
ly upon the peristaltic motion of the intestines,
thereby producing regularity of tho bowls, at tbc
nine time improving the functions of iln- di bil.ta'-
I o gans, thus invigorating und rentoriii the di
gestive organs to a healthy cction. Th.s mc.ic lie
lom fuiU in producing relief.
Full and ixplicito diiections acn nij.nny the
Ji'iove medicine. Likewise a pamphlet which di
ser.b s diseases, the manner of treating, &e.
Principle oliice for the United Slates, No. 19,
North EIGHTH STREET, Philadelphia.
October 21, 1340. Agent.
WHO are troubled with sick headache, pain in
ho side, breast, and back, loss of appetite, flatulen
cy, lowncss ol spirits, palpitation of the heart, faint
ing or giddiness, sickness at the stomach, bil ons
.ilectinns, tightness at the chest, nausea, v. m, jimp,
noise in the stomach, flushings of heat, mil chilli
ness, diseases of the nerves, und organs of digeMion,
V:. cVc, those who may be thus ull'cc'i d, shonid
not nrg'cct to procure Dr. liar lick's Compound
Strengthening Tonic and German Aperient Pills,
'vhich ore warranted to give immediate relief.
ThousanJs do we almost daily behold, w lio.-c count-nances
and pile emaciated checks bear occular
w BicKiiess anu amtciion. uout.l ttu c ;
persons be ptfsuadcd to use this invsluhbls medi- I
cine, they would soon find their wcuk und iV.nliia- j
i.u innia Biicngiiieucu, ine;r niiiius eonqi scil.
and all pain, and distress driven from the system,
when tho body will again rtnew i s lost vigor, ami
jut cn a "new life," und death f.r a wl.iV be dt- !
I rived of its prey. What hiait but to. tfA tj
behold their near relatives and dear fiiei.dn, snuirhed ;
as it' by magic from that fatnl drsti yer lh,;th '
Te ho are laboring under dis. bm- lei'imt uiintlier :
day r.r night pass without procuriiig thi- ne dieine, i
asit will in a majority of eases illVi t a ernvin int i
cure, Eemember dt la us ure d'jnireriiun . hm.I if
disease is neglected, its r. vag a w.ll i;i
Principle Office for the V llilt'ii Statu, No.
19, NORTH EIGHTH street, where rcccoinii en
dutiora of hundieds of persons msy be seen, all of
which have bten cured or Uncfiiud by the
October 21, 1H10,
THERE are many persmis that we d ily behold,
whoe counti nances ai.d frail I'enote 1 lllic
tidii which we find has principally orig.mtrd from
neglect ot proper reinadies ot the conuiienecmpui i,f
Alfirtlheia'icntcompl,iuHof on
the stomach attendej with sickness, eottirenrts. &i
lie nejhcts to procure proper medicine ; at truth be
complains of pain in the side and a oinach wbli
sour cructali. ru; his appetite impuir, d.
Lis real trotilleroine, bis mind hurasstd, and all
things around him appear not in their proper suiiou.
lie still neglects hiumlf, when in all probability
the disease mry at tenth l es i f.iot seated ilut no
medical aid will replace him again. At the tirst
attack of siikness there should l " 110 time io.i"
in procuring Dr llarlich's com roc mi sthkmitii
mvu APtKikNT v ills, which immediUt !y ic
u.oves bile from the stouiaeh, obviat cliwnin.
remove disorders in the head' invigorate the mil.d,
trengihc4i Ihe body, improve the liuinory.siid er
livcn (he imaginanon j thus restoring the body
tgain to its proper functions.
Principle Otiiea, No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH
street, Philadelphia.
Octobtr 24, 1810. I "nl.
THOSE who are suffering from various diseases
incident lo ihe I unmn family, imdd do well 10
procura Dr. llarlich's Cumn uuil Sir ngihenitig
and Oerniuii Aperiuit Pills, which re so pre.
eminently rcccoinniend.d for Dy-p isia, Liter
CompUints. 1 uiua 111 the side, Imk and bnasl,
Nerviout Alltctions, He.i.i-Aehe, a; d all ihe dis
eases ol the StoiiiHch and Ii, wis. P..mj,lili u mny
be obtained gntic, which coniain full ai d eij lute
dirrctiens for u.-inii. The read, r is ri f. rud to se -erat
very inteies i'ig certificates of cures in t:ii
Paper, which may he rthed upon, as ihey ure t
from tha original. Fofade at No. 19, XOUJ1I
EIGHTH sireel, Philadelphia.
OatoW U, Uio. Agtut,
Trans ortu lion Line
(via nine wmn caial )
Warehouse foul of Clusnut Street on tht Penn
sylvania CutiaL
A BOAT h at-es the wharf of the subs, rilirr eve
ry morning at 8 o'clock, running through to Haiti
more in three dnys. Consignini nts ot produce,
iron, Sr.c , will irreivo a despatch by this line, whic h
has not hitherto been iqunlled by any other. Hale
of freight as lo as by any other regular line.
Iteierenres i
imrK .r ui-iMf
'KRIIViv x, htIi 1 irrr?nr Ballimore.
J. Ai A. II. HERR.
Goods intt tided for Pittsburg, rr any (joint on
the Pennsylvania Canals, will le shipped wi hout
delay on their arrival at Hnrrisbnrg, na this con.
nects with the North American lino of Poitnble
Boat to Pittsburg daily, and with the Susquthan.
na Packet Line to Northumberland, Willuinsport,
Wilkesbane, and nil intermediate Ijcc.
Harrisburg, Sept. 9, IS 10.
WorUs of A a lure.
IN a stite ol health the intestinal canal may be
compared to a river whose wstei flow over the ad
joining land, through the channel nature or srt
has mule, and improve (heir qualities; and to kei p
up tli o comparison of tho river, so long ns it runs
on smo ,thly tho channels are kept pure und healthy ;
hut if by soma cause the course of the river i flop
ped, then the w. I. r in the canals i na long, r pure,
but soon becomes stagnant. There is I ut one law
of circulation in nature. Whi n ihrrj is a super
abundance of humorinl fluid (serocily) in the intes
tinal tubes, and coslivencss takes pi ire, it A w.s
back into the bloo I t es.-els, and infil rites itself in
to the circulation. To establish tho free coU'sb of
the river, wo must remove the o' slruitious which
stop its fiee coure. mid tho c of its tributary stream.
With tho body, follow the same natural principal ;
rintove, by (hut tolunblc purgative imdicine limn
drethj Universal Vegetable Pills, w hich ore sn ef
fectual assist ince of nature, the supcrihundatice of
humors in the intestine canal, By per -eve-ring in
this practice, the w ays of the circulation will then
be I 'stored to the full exercise of their natural func
tions, and a ststo of health will be firmly establish
ed Kemembcr, never suff. r a drop oi bluoJ to le
taken from you- Evacuate the humors ss often
and as long as they are degenerated, or as lorg as
you are sick.
Dr. Brnndreth'a Office in Philadelphia, is at No.
8, NORTH EIGHTH street, where hi pills can be
had ut 85 cents per box, wiih full directions.
fXj"l,"ly Rrnt in Sunbury, is H. 13. Masser Esqr.
Sunbury, Sept, 9, 1810.
Cei'lincalcs ol Agency.
THE following ore the duly appointed agei;tn in
their respertive counties, fir the sale of llntndreJi's
Vegetable Universal Pills.
Northumberland county : Milton Mickey oV
Chambeilin. Sun'mry H. U. Masser. M'Ewei.s
ville Gedib s, Gicen 5t Wulls. Georgetown F.
Midlmger A. Co.
I'nion county : I.cwisburc W.dls & Grdde.
Mifflinburg Pellman ct Ucckly. New Uerlin
John M. Dunfer. Sclinsgrove Eyre lk Co. Mid
dleburg Ii-aac Smith.
Lycoming county : Williamsport John Smith
Newberry M. cfc J. C. Fuiuton. Munev W. A.
Pelrican. Jersey Shore James H. H-' burn.
Columbia county : Dmville T. & E. B. Rey
nolds. Cattaw issa C. A. Brobts. Iltrwick Shu
inan & Ritlenhouae. Blournsburg-John R. Meyer.
Sunbury, Sept. 9, 1610.
Of the efficacy of Dr. Harlch's Compound
Strengtuning und Herman Aperient Pills.
Allkiiiikmi, Jdii.8, 184 J.
To Dr H.irlich's Agent Sir: I wiih to state for
the benefit of tho e who may be idllieted, that Dr.
Hahlich Puts have emi.elv ctind me of Dys
pepsia, of which 1 have been i.fll cted for many
years. ( used both kinds, the Aperient and Strength
ening, and I am constrained to say, ihnt thiy a:e a
valuable disc. very, and act upon the system mildly,
but very 1 Ifeclually. ( found the Tonic nills to
quicken the circulation and cause a determination
to the surface, aed to ftienglhen the we. k ftonuch
and iucrcie ns powers. I he Aperieni pdls s,re the
best calhariiu I ever ucd. am confident all Dv
(replies would d i we 1 to make immeuiste Ir.ul and
be ri lieve.l. Any one can call at my house uil be
s ili-li.ij of the aliove at pleasure.
N. I). The original certificate may be seen ur the
(.iTu-e of the ' Spirit of thoTiuve." For sule at
No. 19, .Ni rth Eighth street.
October 21, 1810. ,1'enl.
THIS dis. ase is discovered by a fixed nh!usc
pain in ihe right side inn er the shmi ribs, attended
with heat, uma.-incss ubout the pit of the stomach;
there is in the right siJe ulso a dislt niion ; the p.i
lii nt losi his ri petiie, and become rick ai d troubl
ed wiih vomit ng. The tongue berimes iouIi
and black, tho countenance clauses to a 1 aid or
Aget.t. . citron rid , or yellow like tho-e i.lllirted wiih jiur.
. 1 dice, difficulty of bi entiling, distuibed rest, attendee
with a dry rotigi, dilhruliy of laying on the left
aide, ihe n dy l ec Hues weak, end tina ly Ihe disease
ie ininiti s ii.t i no her of a more irrioua nature,
w hich in Ml probability is far l-eyond the power of
hum in skill. Ur. llarlch ( ompnuiid Strcneih-
1 i i j 1 . 1 ......
f" "7 V ' " W' "
riieik it, ard by c. n inuing Ihe use of the medicine
a few ivii ks, a peifect cure Mill be perfoiwcd.
Tliousan .'s can testify to this fact.
Cirtifira'rs . f many persons 11 ay daily I e se n
of the vlWc. cy of 'his invaluable mcdirine, by apply
nj ai tho M.dii al Office. No. 19, NOR I H
EIGHTH slieot, Philadelphia.
O.tohci 21, 1840. Ajent
Of the efficacy if Dr. llarlich's celebrated Medi
I cinet.
J D.n Sia : I was afflicted with a I ilious and
nrrvii us ih-wasc to a er alarmina detrree. wi:h
ult the sympl. me which so frequently i fleets a re-
; 1 xeu conuinon, v z: gicuiness in ilia head, viol lit
1 tremors iliillim ss, wi h a fixed pain in the tight
side, complexion lad, and ros'ivenrss; indeed I
was i 1 ,1 111 st miserable condition. 1 had tried
many remedies, but found no permanent lebrf un
til I had pu cba-ed Dr. llarlich's compound
sireng., a iling nun ,erman utHricnt l ilts, u;c!i
fr in tlteir snpi imr vi.tues, I vvue coinple t ly cured.
and am u! I" 'o pursue my employ menl, free from
pmu a .d dis ( JOHN U01.ES.
I) e.d Xi-in-.. Ohio June 7 , 1840.
I'ru.eiple li:i. e br the Uniled State, No, 19,
; nil 1-. li.U ll fi VK UK I ,
" ' " .I, IK40. Agent.
V a . a
ur. i...r,i.ii . are daily increasing in
.stabh.h lb. ,, w nib. We have a communi. alum
in ourei.hi 1,. t ,-d ly a Hnn long .wicled,
"""" " ' "' "'-"J voucocrs lot this me.h
Cine. tyirW of tht Timet,
CilKAIIAitl'S illAOAXlAl',
L,udloM and Ucntleiiien'ii World of
.ltvruture und Fashion.
(7'ie Cachet and tht Gentleman's United.)
A NEW Volume, Under tho above title, of the
-Y v.c I eMablishid and fashl .imble Magazine,
The Philndolphiii Casket in conjuuc ion with ti e
Gen (email's M igtin'ne, which ha-, b.-en every where
pronounced ihe most tead.ibln und popular of the
day, will be Oj iid on the First of J inuary, 1841,
wiih nn nrr.iy uf Con lilmlors se uicd by Ihe union
of talent nnd fame, which no peiiodical in the coun
try tan boast or piclend to rtva'. Tho December
number will, however, be a r-pic me 1 of I lie new
volume. The V.lume will be opened wiih a new
and beautiful type, the finest while paper, and with
the firnl of n series of t nil'eilis ,m -nts unsurpised
by any which hive yet npiMBnd io any Magnz ne.
The style of el g.mce, the beauty nnd finish ol ihctc
illustr.itioiis, and the extensive imp ovcinents wli ch
will be inn le in Its ly nogrnphic .1 apiearance, und
above all, ilia tone of its liters y department, by ti e
bril innt sir.iy i f contributors, whose articles have
rnr cheil the pages of cuch number, will ti.e it rhar
aeier, second to no Magaz no in the Union. The
c'. aracter of the orfc'rs which shill appear in iln
pnges, will be iqnally removed from a mtk y s -sir i ly, and liom tin 1 IV itation 1 f nicrahty,
wh le n true delineation of human natu.o in every
vari. ty of passion is uirncd at noihing s'.i.ill be
foui d in i a p ges to causo a blush upon '.hu clink
of ihe most pure.
The L teiary charjrt.-r will be nlly guar
. ntenl l y the n potation of bo h Mag zuts thu'
united, fr years p:.s. Writeis of ihe first rmk
have been reguhr Contributors t th ir pni !, mi I
Ihe tales and sketches published in ih m I ceo
wid. ly ropitd and read, and the li'in a ,d in.!, pui.
driu tone of the criticis'iis, upon the current litera
ture of tho day. has been every whe c approved und
toonni tided. The list of contribute rj en. braces the
names of most of the principil wii ers in Anivrici,
wiih a respectable nuinbrr ol Enlisli au'h ns.
The reries of wc'l known nuu:ical papers, enti
tled ' Ct tiizing in tho la.-t Wa'," have hud a 1U 1,
urv quailed by any nri s published in uny Magazine
for yens. The auih r pr 'ini cs to open the lir.-l of
a new seri s of Tab s of the Sea, and fro;n bi- kinwn
abihliis ai a depicter of ca scenes und life, rnu.'li
may be relied upon from him in maintaining the
popularity of the Magaz'ne Papers may be c xprc'.
cd during the Volume, 1.I 0 fioni t'le auth -r ot the
w. II known artirles, rnMle.l "The Log of Oel In 11
sidc''' The author of '-Syrian Letters," will els.
lei.d his powerlul and grateful pen, 1 1 sus'j'm and
increase ihe reput iti m of the work. The vnlusble
aid if the uu hor of "Leaves f.oiu Liwyei's Port
Folio," has . Is.i bien tci' cd, ai.d we may expect
something sti I moie thrilling Irom the c ipac:out
st. .res whii Ii a long life in the prufe-si jn h s ena
bled him to hii-.s. An orr is Chit-Chut wi h
Jem ny S.ioil," und "O.iver Oidfedjw,'' is ulJO
promised; wi h a variily f choice articles in pr so
a;.d verse, fro n van. u writers ol eclcbr ty , as. con
tnbu:or4 to ihe prominent M igizines of tlm cout.
tiy. The cd.lois of I o.h M igaincs continue their
rt'ivicia ui d. r the i;e.v arriigemci.t. With such
an array of la'ent a Magazi. e of un i-alled a tme
t on, may safely lie promis.d the coming voiu tie.
In compliance with the almost unanimous wish
of our tatty, we shall the ensuing vol
ume furnish them with a beautiful and correct plate
of Fashions Monthly, a feature, it is bel.cvcd, that
w.ll neither be unwelcome nor unpopular. The
Fashion plat.s shall lie drawn from original designs
from I'uris and London, and ni .y slwsta h de
fended upon as the prevailing style in Philadelphia
and New Yoik, for ihe nun h in which they aic is.
Yime of publication. The woik w II be publish
ed on the firs', of the month in cv. ry quarur of the
Union. '1 he most distant subscriber will conse
quently receive it on that day, a well us tin ae who
reside in Philod Iphi. In all the principal c ties,
sgen a h ive been establish. d, to whom the Msgu
zine is forwarded, prior to the time of is-uing it, so
that t'.ey may be delivered to r. riJent tubcnbirs
by ihe first of the month.
Tkiims :Th-ee DolLirs per annum. Or tw.)
copies early f.r live ilo l.irj, invariably in,
post paid. No new subscriber itccieid wi ll ut the
money, or the name tif a r. sponsible agent. For
the accommodation of those who may wi-h to sub
scrdie for either of the i illowing Ph. lad. Iphia perio
dicals, this liberal proposal is made : Five dollars
curtint money, tree of postage, we will f.iwj. d
Gr. 'ham's Mhr z ne, nnd G. nicy's Lady's Hot k, foi
one )clt. Address, post paid,
corner of Chcsnut V 'Vhv'd st., 1'h l.t-
Tlie llrollicr Jonathan.
THE Inr-tst and ino-,1 beautiful newspaper in the
World larger by fitly squire inihcs than any
oltit r ucwspaj er in the I nitej Sia'.ei. Published
Saturdays, ni 1GJ Nassau stieet, New York.
Piice three dollars a year two epics for fne dol
lars. CTj' The propiieto-s of this mammotli sheet
the "Great Western" am mg tho newspapers
have the pleasure of s, reading before the rea.lii g
public a wei kly periodical containing a greater e
mount and variety of useful and inter sting mis
cell .ny, than is 10 lie found in any similar publics,
lion in ll.e woild.
Each number of the paier contains aa largo an
amount uf leading matter ss is found in volumes
of 1 rdinsry i'u d. ciino, which cost 2 and more
than is contained in s volume ot living's Colum
bus or Uancrof,'s History of America, which co.t
f:i a volume and all for Three Do' a vear. For
f 5 two copies will be forwaided one year, or one
copy two years.
Since Ihe publication of out niigiiml 1 rosnrctus.
thu Brother Jonathan has been ENLAR(iEI) and
its ze, umply I ifore, has lreeu so much iinreastd.
that much more the f irmer qu irmly of the
most interesting lueiature ol the d. y is embraced in
its .mini rise capas ly. Selections from all ihe most
I r niiiient and rt lcbrated wr ters of the day nas al
in swi I'ing its con'entr; and whatever is new, lieh,
or rue, is iinediately transferred to its columns. A I
the contiihutiens to ptriodit als of American writeis
nf repute appear in its pages; and the issues; of th"
foreign pnss are la d under coiitiibu ious, as soon
as receive I in this country, 'lol'ue miscellunrous
ai d Literary D, pirlment, the closest attention is
paid; and in ull the selections and origin! contribu
tions, siri.t caie is devoted to ato d all ih ilmay
touch upon the opinions uf any party in rel onor
Ex. eii ince hating;Ut u. ih .t v.e had ni.nk
ed out a pvh f u ourrclve-, in wh'cli ail sorts of
people di lijlila 10 tollow, ihe Duller Jonathan
shad continue, as it begun, to be a bold, gei.t'e,
wei hty, light, iriuve, meriy, serious, witty, smoo h,
dashing, iiilcn s ng. ii spired, ai.d iucomp.rable
newspaper. It shall l-e a s:uptndous minor wlieie
In all the w. rid w.ll ttanii r. fl.-elid. It shall con.
tain the m si beautiful uf Novels, Romances and
Siories for both sexes Fairy Tales for lot era nl
the marvt II us Legends for antiquaries Pasqui
nades for wit mongers Nui and raisins for short
winded re aders-Si renudes for musical lovt rs Son
1 ets for Ladii Srntimenl for old bacU lors Mi
tisties for politicians and Leclures, Sermons, Criti
cisms, Epigr nn, Ac, etc., Ac ,for all tha world.
Letters should beaddiesscd to
Publ.ih. rs f tht " Urothtr Jonathan," S. V.
A Consolidation of Bud's Cultivator and tht Ge
nesee Farmer,
wii.Lia OAtLonn tut luiiixb tuck in, kditors.
lropettu9 or Vol. H, Tor 1811.
THE Cultivator was established to Improve and
elevate Ihe Agriculture of the country to give
proper tone to the morals and mind of the Far
mer ; to show him the dignity and importance of
his profession ; to store his mind with useful kn w
bdge, and convinco him that while all tla-scs are
and mu'l be mote or 1st dependant on each other,
he alone of the who'e can nuke any near approach
to indcpeiidiiico. If there is one thing mote than
another, whicli in this country gives a man superi
ority ovei his fellow is knowledge; and ibis
kt.owlcdge, kn. wledgc which is as essential lo ll.e.
suecees ol the fanner as to otlur men, it ia the
de ign of Ihe Cul ivutor to uid in imparling.
(jJ'The volume for 1840, is filled entirely with
Original Communications, cnibiucing articles from
about 300 Coircspondciit, from uhn st every state
in the Union.
If nn iucrenie of subscription beyond arey prece
dent in the hist-ry of Agiicu'Juinl Journals, il lhc
almost unanim ius voice ot the pitas in our
favor, if the multitude of piivaie yit flat irlng te.
limotiials v.n havu received, added to a ciiculaiioii
amounting the fir.t ytar to Twhtt-two Thul
sami, mny be athnitud as evidenrc, then wa have
certainly mast abundant reason 1 1 be gratified with
the success which has attended the Union of the
Culmator and the lienc so Farnnr. Notxptnc
h s lec.i 1 r wdl be spared lo render the Cultivator
worthy of the patronage it has receive I, In the
number, variety und excellence of its Illustrations,
it is without a rival at home or abroad, the last Vol
ume being crnbcll.shed with nearly Hundred
Engravings, illustrating the unprovid breeds ol H i
si s, Cat, le, Slurp. Swine, Buildings, Implements,
& making the Cultivator, ull c msideicd,
it is believed, the Cheapest Agricultural Pu r ever
pubtts ed in this or any otlnr country.
TfcKMi One Dollar per annum Six coj i. s for
f 5 th-.- money to le leini t -d in advance, Ir.e of
pi s'.og -. A commission of 20 per cent, w ill be al
lowed to Agents who obtain 25 or in ne suhscri
I ers, nnd 25 per cent, to thosi: who obtain 100 or
more. All subscript. ons to commence Willi a v. I
unie. Poslm elerjaiid guntlemrn dis; o ed to lend thiii
influenco lo aid ti:e cau.-e of Agiimhure, are ro r jue ted to act iisagi'ins. Address
Publithirs of the Cul ivutor, Albany, Y. Y.
fSnn spirit of the age i utilitarian. Impr.iv,-.
H mi i.t is slarrpeJ upon the face of everv thing.
All the useful arts nre progressing wiih unp.irrallel
ed rapidity, and the Art of Prititii g is coming iu
for Us lull share if the commo.i improvement.
Dctcimied not to he outdone in arty thing that per
tain, to his profession, where ihere is a fair c'lauer
for xertiori and enterprise, the undersigned has de
termined upon i.-sning a shtet twice the sii.- of the
Boston Weekly Tim. s, (and u lo take the place
of that J a per,) and w ll contain eight columns
more matter than the Brother Jonathun. Tins
sheet wiil be calhd the BOSTON NOTION, ond
it is determined thai it shall sustain a cognomen sa
full uf meaning, and so interwoven with the ebtub
lulled character of our Yankee city. It w ill be the
La no 1st Newspaper i tiie Would with no
exception und will be printed on a sheet lliir'y
scven by fifty-two inches. It will be filled entirely
with reading matter, and will contain Three Thou
sand Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight square
inches, 01 Tw en'y-Seveli square fret of print in lir.o
type! and a single number will contain more read
ing than an ordinary book of Three Hundred
pages. These dimensions will enable the publisher
to diatv largely upon t'.ie niost popular periodical
of the day, both American and Foreign ; and as the
selections w ill be made with great care, it is b. Iit v
eJ this paper will lie a welcome Notion to every
family. Bcsldts a full synopsis of the current news
of the diy.j as published in the Boston D .ily
Times,) it will c.nluin Poetry, Popular Tales,
Theatrical Criticisms, Police and other Court El
ports'. Humorous Articles, Ac. Ac.
The whole woild of Li.rra'.ure will -c ran-acked
to fill it. From the study of the philosopher down
to the police courts, through all regions of reason,
poetry, romance, wit, und the ample record of folly,
we shall glean from the past and the present and
from ull naiions, to present as pleasing und useful a
combination of recorded thought und current hu
toiy, ns tho woild ran supp'y o' industiy produce.
I bis is our "Uostox Notion."
This great amount of wisdom and fun of wit
nnd philosophy of novelties and antiquities we
arc able to oiler, weekly for six cknts per copy,
rdy six cents! and we can doit because of the i s of our press and office, and the connection
of daily and weekly publications. For tiiuei dol
lar we can sell a year's volume, tqu .l in quantity
i f matter, with every variety a'so, to Fifty-two Vol
ume 1 f Novels, such as are issued from the press
ef tit s day. Fifty-two large Volumes for Three
Djlars! Effected all by improved m chinny, and
by a determination thai ill not be outdone iu
cutei prize and usefu'ness.
TERMS: Turik Dollars a year, always in
advance no ordeis, no matter from what source,
will be kit ndid to unless accompanied with the
CASH. Single co tea six cents each.
Post Matera or others remitting Twrnty Dol
lars sha I have Eight copies sent to such persons
and pieces as they may designate.
iaeorife XV. Layiig
CHANT, Cui:sxi-t SriiKKT Wharf, II Anmsoi-iio,
IS pn pared to re eive Goods and Produce ut the
new wan-house, which his arrangements will en
bio him lo forward w iih despa'ch to 1'hiladclphin,
Pittsburg, Williamsport, Wilkesbirie, Colursbia,
Lancaster, or any other point on ihe Pi nnsylv mi 1
and Union Canals, and the Pennsylvania and liar
lisburg and Lancaster tail roods.
GooJs from Philadelphia for Harris! U'g,,
I'hambtrshurg, Ac. Ac., forwarded with care and
Coal, Plastkr, Salt und Fish, constantly for
sale. Sept. 0.
THE under-igned have the gratification of in
forming the public, that notwithstanding tl.ey w re
so unfortunate as lo have their bindriy burnt dow n,
in larch lat, they hnte 1 pened a very extensive
our, in Locust street, in the new building directly
opposite Glenn's Hotel, und ate prep.ind 10 execute
ull woik in their line with d.spsicli, nnd in a su
petior style. Thnr RULING APPARATUS
and other Machinery are new, and uf the first order
and latest improv. mints ; and they fiel a cntifi.
pence in thrir facilities for giving perficl ati fac
turn to all who uny lavor I loin wiih their orders.
Banks, County oMiers. Merchants, Mechanics
and others, can be s;ipliidw:tli BLANK BOOKS
of every description, wh ih for neatness and dura
bility, will be equal .my made bv li e United
Sum. -HU Kok A ('AMINE.
H ARRIMIURG, rnpi. 9.
tub caxAi-isr ao ar.s-r
now piBLisnsD.
Only $1 50 par Annum I
- one of the best and cheapest newspapers iu
this country, conlaiiiing all tha choice Reading
Matter of the six daily papers, including the "CLIP
PER'S LOO," is published every Saturday, at
$ 50 per annum.
QCj- The "OCEAN" H under the editorial charge
of Jon II. HtwiTT and Jons Wills, Esqrs., the
former well known as editor, proprietor, or princi
pal contributor to every literary publication issued
in this city for the last fifteen years; and the latter.
Inn? contributor to various periodicals, bul more
publicly known sinre his connection with the "Dal
timohk Ci.ippm." The extrsordinary success
whiih lias attended the establishment of the Balti
more Clipper, now numbering a larger list of sub
scribers than any other newspaper tver published
in Maryland the dat'y application for a weekly
japrr, to send, by mail, to country subscribers
and the many facilities, possessed ly the under
signed, for this undertaking, have indue d them to
spare 1,0 expense in getting up a paper which can
not fail lo boa welcome visitor into every man's
Ii is printed on entire new type and fine white
piper, and will compare, for beauty of wo kman-
sli p and excellence of reading mailer, with any
. : . 1: 1 . , 1 . t it. ... . .
jn iiooieui now puoi sueu in ine iinitca ?Mn!c.
Term: For Mail Bubsciibers, $1 50 per an
num, in current money, forwarded (free of xpense)
to the publishers.
(Xj- Postmnstirs disposed t i act as Agents for
the Ocean, will ncii.e five copi.a weekly, per an
num, for five dollars. Puvmrnt always lo be made
in advance. Addret "BULL A TUTTLE,
Printers, Baltimore, Md.
W h k is we first purchased the old snj well
known cstabl shmi nt of t e
Sulurday Llvriiiu l'ost,
we Nta cd tbiit the p er so widely a
niong the rtii.dy, loading portion of ihe United
Stales, that we e:. t. red upon our I, bors with full
confid-nc of the future. Our succes has since
been bcyotij our most sanguine expectation, asour
weekly r. c.ipts overbalance those of any cotenqio
r.iry aper. Our lot has continued 10 swell up,
with unexampled rapidity, and we have the confi
dence, that ot the present rate of inereas.', we shall
be enabled 111 a few months to boast of more th-m
3;,0tiO subscribe!! When we commenced our
lahars, we announced distinctly, that the time of the
paper should lie decidedly moral, anil that nothing
shuu'd le ndnntted into our columns, which the
most facidious falhcr 0 uld disapprove of. and de
term ned that as nn approved Family P..ner, it
should not contain a paiagraph, with the spirit uf
which a patent wouIJ not wish to have a daughter
familiir, und we therefore, with this view, announ
ced that no theatrical nutters should appear in our
CelumtiH, at d that wr should be ppt.sed to I I1e.1t. 1 s
as tliingi calculated to injure: Ihe healthy action of
an hulicst mind, as creative of exhibitions demo
ralizing in tendency, and fearfully pernicious in
fact. There were not wanting blusterers, who
made a great parade of opposition, and Croakers,
who predicted our apeedy downlull, bul we threw
ourselves upon Ihe sober, rutioiiul and experienced
poitinn of the people of the United States for sup
port, and we have been nobly sustained.
We thought and expressed the opinion, that
howtver careless many might bo upon this subject,
that few, even if they did not entirely disapprove
of such entertainments, cared a! out having the
gross details forever paraded before the eye of
their children, and tl.o sickening and nauseating
eulogy of all kinds of characters made familiar to
their minds.
e drtermintd also, thst white the paper con
tinued under our contri 1, it should be str.etly neu
tral in politics, and that as news and Ii cra y jour
nalists we had nothing to do with the m alter ; this
dctirmh ation has been strictly and rigidly adhered
to, nnd whilo we shall continue U give our reiders
such public document as may be deemed of inte
rest to ull, and auch a history of the progress of
political events, as are strictly in keeiiug with our
duly, und the character of the paper, we shall stu
diously and thoroughly avoid auy contamination of
partiz n politics.
The paper is now printed in a new and beauti
ful type, has received the praise of muny editors of
I iste, as 'the handsomest family sheet in the Union.'
Our efforts have I cell directed to ihe combining
of beauty and :mphc.ty with utility and late.
The Post is printed oil a stout while paper, ren
dering it neat and durable for filing.
Li i.d.lition lo ilnse itforts totvnr l perfect'on in
the mechanical department, ond ext. nor ol our pa
per, no labor, and no cost been spared in ihe de
vtlopcment of intellectual stringth. The present
variety of interes'ing tales, original, from foreign
and domestic magazines, together with the valua
ble contrdiuiious of our own circle of literary
friends w ill continue lo give interest to the paper,
while everything important and worthy of note thai
Happens in the Old World or the New, shall be
cod.-cted and collated for the taste of out rea
ders. The Ladies' Department shall always be choice
and select, and shall receive strict attention, while
such things as may interest our juvenile leaders,
and that itnpoitant and lurge class of our readers,
the Faimer will not be overlooked. In order lo
grntify, as much as possible, the laudible desiie of
our country readers, a portion of our ultuniion will
be devoted to the collection und diffusion of such
News, Memoranda, Tables, Facts, Hints, Ae. as
may seem important to agriculturists, and the pop
ulation resident without the confines of our great
cities The state of the markets and the fluctua
lious in the prices will be regularly and what is of
more moment, Correctly given.
We have ever been opposed to the constant
bluster and parade made by some editors, about
Ihe eicellcnce of their papers, and hate resolved
that the Suturd .y Evening Post, shall be conduct
ed, as to stxak for itself.
Our readers will always fn d in its columns the
tuihest and uici-l aulhen ic information, es well as
the most choice and tnteitaining literary matter.
We tuve totally discarded the system ol filling ihe
p ptr wiih quack advcrlUeinents, but prefer giving
our re. dels from week to week, eiiteituinmg read
ing matter.
And we f. el assured that we shall be no losers
thereby, as bul few readers cue about having a pi er
filled with description of lluse nauseating coui-
1 pi'lllllN.
( The Saturday Ffening Post, will be furnished
I for 2 per annum in adv ,nce. or one copy ibree
years I. r f 5. 1 o those who wish lo subscribe for
a Philadelphia Magazine, we will furnish a copy
nf the Philade'phia Ca k.t, and two copi. s of the
Foal for one year for $5 free uf p 'stage and dis
count. No New Subscriber received without the
To lhoe who i-h to sub eribr. we would say,
that llie safe-l plan ia to enclose ihe money in a
letter nnd direct to us. Most postmasters will
frank their letters if relating lo nothing but the
bus. 111 ss ot ihe office, and all postmasters who will
he kind enough so to do, we shall be pleased to ac
knowledge a agent.
I No 36 letters Alley, Phlladrlphi).
WITH multiplied resource, for rendering the
Niw Would more valuable than ever a
a comiendious newspaper nnd repository of elegsnt
literature, we enter upon ihe second volume (folio)
0:1 Ihe 24 th . f October, dicssed in a beautiful garb
of new type, cast expressly for the purpose. It
will tht refute be a fitting time to commence new
subscriptions, as well as for the renewal of thoso
whieh may then expire.
Duiing the first year of the existancc of th
Ni:vr WoRLn, it Ins acquired a reputation and
circulation superior to any weekly piper irj th
country; ; and has furnished toil subscrits rs, during
that peri, d, (liesides a I Ihe current news of the day,
d rioesiir nnd foreign) new and valuable works by
Talfoutd, D'Israell, Th-ma Moore, Mis Mttford,
Mrs. Jameson, C. Dickens, Ainswiith, Kuowle,
Bulwer, Matryat, and others works, which in Lon
don could nut Le purchased for fifty time tha
amount of the subscription price of the NtW
WmlJ. In addition to works of interest by theso
eminent authors, it has contained th cream of th
periodical Itterntureof the day, r.s well as originul
atlicles from the pons of some of the m jst popular
writers of America, among whom we may mention
Mi.- Sedgwick, Orville Dewey, Professor Longf. t
low, ihe uthor of "Vatikc Notions," Simins,
Street, Ae. Ac.
In po iticks we shall, as hitherto, maintain an
armel neulr ility. Our columns as heretofore will
be unot jcetiniiahle in a moral point of view. In
criticism we shall, in justice to the public, mantaiit
a perf, ct indepen, even though we incur Ilia
veiigcnce of all tho dunces- We shall, in conclu
sion, earnestly stiive I render our sheet not only
worthy of the unparalleled lavour it has ex penanced,
but of a continually extending circulation. While
we coiiiinue to liirni-h with nil posilde prunviliide
the most uttrr-ctite liter lure of tho day, we shall,
as our means enlarge, ufford that Compensation n
native ant'iors, which mny induce lliem to in ke
the New World the medium for presenting to tlis
public their best produ tious. Our excellent Lon
don correspondent w.ll be continued, and due ot
lentioii wdl be paid to the, agricultural
and news department of out paper.
Of s'xtren la:ge pagi was Commenced en llio sixll
of June last, in ordvr to meet the wishes of large
number of subscribe!, by giving tin m its lic'i nn I
taiie 1 content in a suitible form for I i ding. Tfiis
wc have done without h iving euliuured the pr;ce
so that niw suh-crihi rs, and other on the renew,,
of pn villus subscriptions, ran lake their choice be
twe. n the (Ju nto and Folio form. Qj-- But u Aw
sets of the Quarto, foil No I, now lem tin 01
baud in the oilier, and wc shall therefore, not I.,
nl'le' long to supp'y iln m.
TERMS: Tun. . DoLitn a year in advtnco
for either ediiion ; 01 l'i ri: Doll a us for two copie
In all cases le'.tera must be lee, or ; . .at jai.', c
they will r.-intiin detd in the p. si-olHce.
(Tj" All Po Imiotc.s who willuct for u nre ot
nutliorized Agents, and may rutain 25 per cent 0
tho subscription price, (J:l,) for cjinrn ssiorn, if r.
iniit-'d in New-Vork or Ksstern " oney ; or 00 cent
on each, if in notes of other solvent bai.ks, whic
may be at a discount here.
fIj'Editorj nnd Pul lisheis who dea're the col
linuance of an exchange, will please copy the alo
ihtce or more limes, or otherwise notice itie content
and rend us a marked paper.
Letters rela ive to the editorial depirtn ent mu
be addressed to Paiik Bixjamix A Fpts Saiioe
Editors: those relative to the buisness depsi
ment, lo J. WINCHESTER, Publisher,
No. 30 Ann street.
IS A Z A K I) ' S
uuiciits f,cie ard oth. r useful information ilium
live of the history and resources of the Amine
inion, anu 01 ncti Mate; embracn g comtner
manufacturer nnrii n'ture inii rnl iiit,..
. . . I
uaiiks, currency, lioances, education, etc. Ac. Edi
ted by Samuel Hazard.
Publi-hed every Wednesday, at 79 Dock street
The prieo lo subscribers is fo per annum, p .yablu
on the first of January of each yea'. No subscrip
tion received for less lln.n a yeur. Subscribers out
of the principal citUs to pay in advance.
r n o i i-: ens
mnni it oiiikox a. smith.
THIS Journal was established bv the Americsr.
Silk Society, for the purpose of ddTusing practical
information on the ci'ltvrk or silk 111 the Ututec
States. It has now brin published one, and
may be considered a work of standard character.
The first year's publication, comptising the firs
volume, containes a mas. of valuatde inloinislion
and it will be the o! j cl of the editor to make
the second equal in ull respets, if not superior, tc
the first. The important fact is now esta' lished be
yond any question, that the people ot the UniteJ
Slates can make silk chxapkii and batti ii than
any other nation upon earth. It ha been proved
by unimpeachable te.t mony, that the entire est
of producing siik ready for niaiket, does not exceed
rot sp, and its lowest value is roin hollars A.vt
riprr cknts; also, that oxa acdk of ground plant
ed in morus multicaulis, will produce the fusty eat
the trees are planted, ioi rti-ugut poi nds 01
silk, leaving a clear prulit to the producer ol
Ki'Minso and Litiiir DOLLAiis! It has also been
proved that the childi.n and f. males, funy firmer',
f.nnlv can, with the greate t possdde ease, j.roducc
from fifty to a hundred p. umls uf silk evety ycir,
without any cost whanver to the i xpeuse ol the
firm after the aie planted; snd tlnr. fore, thul
ihe whole amount of silk will le so much clear g. in,
s .y fr. m Vf 2 ii lo $ 150. Willi tliesc facts we sul
111 t lo an intell gent people wether it is not a pr- a',
nnd important object for them lo introduce Ihe cul
ture of silk in every fanner's family in the Unio..
To enable all our lain, era to make si k, tlwJuvH
sal op th b Amibicai Silk Societx' waaistib
hshrd; it coniutns lain piactical dtivsion for ci-l-
wo i ms, umlivo Tuzsim.and prep&r r g it fi
matkrt, Ar. besides all oth. 1 int.rmutiou that can
be r quired to enable auy pi atou lo tuUst upon ike
business, euhir oa a large or smU scsle. Etry
Mend of his c unlry, into. w!ve Ju nd 1 hi paper
may fall, -R hr doing a patriot aii J pbiiau;ht..pii ,
work ly inducing his friends and 11. ighbouis to en
ter ibeir name uj on ih list of aubscriJier.
'I he Jouin.l of the Auieitcaii Scicly iapubhJied
montU'y. iu pamphlet turn j each nutulw contain
ll.iity -two octavo paces, punil Pn in w ty pe and
handsome paper, wi h a printed colored enter.
1 m ms : Two dollars a year, or six copies for
ti n do'la a, a ways lobe paid before the work is
sent. All aubcriUiot:s to bein with the fi'sl num.
U-r of the year, aud in no esse will th wmk be sent
to any ubcr.ber longer than it shall have teen
paid for.
G3'Nxw i rscribkns, who tak the first and
second volumes, will he chrg. d only Taan DoL
tAka forth two start.