Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 30, 1841, Image 1

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    . IXRMS OF TIII3 AMl:illCA."
HENRY rCMASSER, rimusaaiia ao
JOSEPH EISELY. $ Piopiktok.
II. It. .W.f: SSKH, Editor.
omen is mwkkt ithut, wia- nr.nn.
THE" AMERICAN" in published cery 8a(ur
day nl TWO DOLLARS per annum to be
p.iiJ half yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued ti l kLi arrearages are paid.
No suh'criptiniM received for a lea period thin
ait moxtii. All communication or letters on
husing4 relitin; to tho oHtcc, to insuro attention,
ninat be POST PAID.
From the Danville Democrat.
'Tia Ihtc tb:it meni'ry w.ikc her fondest thouglila.
And pure air ction kindles np h r fire; - ,
Where fiien l-hip tear a irituiVe. sheds her tears ;
And ii'in-t t-la tune to m urnful aruina the Ivre.
St mil tiut alone, and view the num'rou p tea
Which indicve where ca b poor mortal lay :
Here waves the gra a theic bloom tbo op'uing
Which atr. v the m.uiid whcic reals ilio lump of
"I he raging tempest, swpcp'nn o'er tlic earth,
1 )i -turb ' no sleeper ri bis dusiy b. d i
'Mid tailh's commotion, and the d n of,
still re t ai-rcne tin tnyri u!a of the dead.
J'he opening spring, cl.i'he I with thousand smi'es;
The warbling liir ! the Irigr.inct! of ihe roc
I'lin grateful aiitii'iin helping eifn on mm
Ml ak in vain to bnok Ilia deep rcpoec.
Dr s'lonld ihc a irrowing y ut .ful widow go,
I'o bathe with tears an humble aHit a dear,
njtrll liuw w.i'inaiill hums her early love,
lio spiaks in vjin in viiin ahe drop the
I'here heslhc infant, cill'd away ere crime
I;iil left its imj res slutiiheiing in the grave
Jesuit) tlii! m nach, who now findi in death
V tyrant arm, from which tin can save,
'hern end nur lo Is md fia a i tr ct no inure;
Ycre hatted ccas 'lis ihc ol re-t ;
'lu re foes nniy hlinn'icr Kiu ly, .Lie by hide,
'or waving pa-i his there isturlt mi hrcas'.
: at then the thought of b ing food for woiius,
Jul spend. ng ag a in the lonely tomb :
'o think, to loo I, t lo.e, to art n i more,
ut dwell 'mid silent uui cn.l doom !
'ho thoughts were and, did we n t hear one a y,
'here conieaa bright, nor v ry d.xliii.t dcy,
hen all the tie d shall hear n tiumpet voice,
lid Walking millions tit i'a sound nj ii'C.
hen seas shall roll tl.eir myriads to the a'inre,
nd ear h shall give liir tens i f thoua mils o'er ;
ml tin n a youth i in id irlal bom the skies
hall clothe our firm, a voice shall bid us r'a ',
r'hcie wasting sickness lingers no', nor deaih
lull In cat lio on in n .igaii tits chilling breath,
or il a:li shall yi. I.I to Chri t his sovereign away,
l d like a .me c nqueicd monster led away,
ill cic li nn If while man li ill v. r le-t.
t here nil .a pence, and pious souls are blcs'd.
Suubnrv, VoUImt.ilM i laiul . Punimdaj, January ilO, lll.
is nil the time becoming fillcJ with dust,
which adds to its impurity. If water is
used irpon a stove, tu preserve or pro
duce moisture In a room, the use of two
or three quarts of dry sand in nn iron
vessel will he found the best means of
heating it." In this case, place in the
sand a glass or earthen vessel, contain
ing clear water, and let it be . changed
every day, and the vessel wasltcd as or
ten as the water is chanroi?. A valve
at top (if a window to a room, is lar pre
ferable to water, lo preserve the quality
of the atmosphere of the room or apart
ment. The use of water in the public streets
in the heat of summer, has but one good
effect, viz: that of laying the dust and
preventing it from injuring merchandize
in stores, and the furniture in houses
where the doors and windows are kept
open in heat of summer. I5ut the at
mosphere is rendered very impure by
such means, and the gutters more ofi'cn
sivc. It is the water in the gutters that
causes the unpleasant ellluvias to arise,
and not the dryness of them. A dry
atmosphere is always healthy, although
the heat may bo great; but a hot and
moist atmosphere is invariably unheal
thy. Heat and moisture produce ani
mal and vegetable putrefaction and de
composition: Take, for instance, the
grass cut down by the farmer for the
purpose of making hay if it be put into
the harn moist, or wet, it
and rot. So it is with berries, cherries,
has recovered her health, has given
birth to uTme calf, and yields her milk
as usual. '
ilotv to boil Ii-lSIi Potatoes.
vcrv inueh upon the manner in w hich
they are prepared for the table. Some
cooks always have heavy, hard, wate
ry potatoes ; .w hile others, for the most
part, have them dry. mealy, and excel
lent. This diilerenec dejiends, gener
ally 'upon the difference of cooking.
The first cook puis the potatoes into
cold water, warms them through by a
slow fire, and cools thein as slowly;
while Ihc other puts them into boiling
water, stirs the fire till they arc ji'.st
nix, takes them out immediately,
throws a wet cloth around them, and
gently squeezes each with the hand till
il cracks open, for the watery particles
to escape in the form of steam, the
peals litem, anil they arc exactly right.
Hv this plan almost any pot a too will
cat well. Nashville Agriculturist.
."iulionul Vanity.
Among the anecdotes in point and
in illustration of ihc different phases of
vanity Morton M'Michacl l'.sq., in
his la!c lecture, related one of M. I.e
Sac, a famous French dancing master
in (neeii Anne's reign, who when he
, . ! I,.. , .1 1 l, .t 1 1,., iiui I,. ;..;. . t.. i....
Wl il IllOUll I '" (null wiilii,lil?llil?Millln-
man ami lover ol Literature ..Mr. liar
'!l t II I. 1, ,
apples and peaehes if these arc dried 10.v? "ccn raiseu to an r,arin.m. ex
i i.niiiuii ii tu, i wound wiiiii ine
Queen could see in him. 1 taught him
in clear weather, and kept dry, they
may be thus preserved for almost any
length ol tune. I lie same w ilhjerkei
beef, sausages, &e.
t eat Mm arc generally Farmers.
GfcoiuiE Wasiiincito.v, the father of
dependence, and great benefactor of
s race, when public duty permitted,
voted all the energies of his well bai
led mind to the improvements of a
iculture at Mount Vernon, Virginia,
lcre he died. lie corresponded with
r John Sinclair, and other distinguish
husbandmen of the age, upon various
provements indispensable to good
ming. Some of his agricultural e
stlcs have been preserved as cverlas
ig; monuments of his goodness and
oiix Adams the second President,
in the language of Mr. Jctferson,
llje great pillar and support in the Do
arntion of Independence, and its ablest
dvocate and champion on the floor of
he house," was a farmer in Quiiicy,
Thomas Jk.jtkusox, the third Prcsi
lent, died a farmer at Monticcllo, Va.
Jamks Madisox, the fourth President,
vas a great admirer of agriculture.
Jamks Moxuok, the lifih President,
.vas a good farmer, and a very correct
usticc of the peace in the county of
London, after his retirement from the
.Tonx Q." Adams the sixth President
:f the United States, was and is a far
mer at Quiucy, near IJoston.
Andrew Jacksox, the seventh Presi
dent, is a farmer in our immediate
neighborhood. His Hermitage" plan
tation is one of tho most beautiful situ
ations in tho Tinted States, and were
he to quit cotton, read agricultural pa
pers a little more, and study carefully
the improvements nature suggests in
this country, his indefatigable exertions
even in his old ago, would make him a
first rate farmer,
Mmitix Van IJl'rkx, the eighth Pre
sident, is a farmer at Kinderhook; an
excellent judge of sheep, and successful
wool grower.
William Hexiiv I Iakkisox, the ninth
President elect, of the Union, is a far
mer, and a first rate w heat grower, at
North liend, Ohio. An overwhelming
inaioritv of the voters of the United
Status are nraetieal farmers, and it is
out of the quostion to think of any other
man boing President but a larmer.
Ileal ami Moisture.
correspondent of the New York
Journal of Commerce, thus discourses
lilt idesn subjects :
The 'lacing of water in iron vessels
nnon stoves, in close rooms is of very
doubtful utility. 1 frequently notice a
vcrv unpleasant smell arising Irom wa
ler which lias been suffered to remain
vrweel on stoves, until it is nearly c-,.,l in rooms and stores. This
healthv. Watcrinaves
J WV-i ...... . ..
Ktove. unless it Immis, wi
soon Ikjcoiiic ofVonsivc, and is injurious
it becomes impure and putrid from
being kept warm, and add;u io mis,
Slccl Ore.
We have just seen various instru
ments, knives, shears, plane irons, &c,
cast from Steel Ore, as taken from a
bed in the town of Duanc, Franklin
In the course of last year, 15. S. Ro
berts, Ivsq., who was employed as Civil
Hngineer, to survey a route for the
Ogdensburgh and Champlain Railroad,
and to make a geological and minerolo
gical examination of a portion of Clin
ton and Franklin, struck upon a vien of
magnetic oxide of iron, which, accord
ing to the report, is "distinguished from
the other minerals of the region by its
capacity of yielding directly from a
process of smelting a substance posses
ing nil the physical and chemical pro
perties of muntifactured steel." The
analysis of this ore has been effected by
Thomas l Clemson, an eminent Ame
rican chemist in Paris, and has been
found to be composed as follows :
Iron and scoria, l- tv!
Iron alone, l'i 'JO
The parts possessing the pro-
pert ics of steel,
ked ' t'ancc fr two years, and never
Knew a more stupid fellow. AKiu to
this species of vanity, was that of a
chimney-sweep in London, who in J
looking at Oarrick with a sooty friend,
said "Dont point at him, Hill. You
don't know what you may come lo
yourself." Thus one ( Juoon lmd Lccn
"praised for her golden tresses, who had
not a hair on her bead ; and while a,
venal poet w as ollering incense lo the
majestic mien and lofty statue of ano
ther, a friend said to him "be careful,
lest by your flattery, you tempt her to
rise and show how short she is." Ku
can, in bis Pharsalia, implored Nero,
when he ascended to heaven, be careful
on which side he sat, and not by sitting
too much on one side, to overbalance
the Universe. All had heard of a dedi
cation to "thunder and the First Con
sul" and praises had been given to
Louis XIV. to "him and the Deitv"
The flatterer evidently and impiously
giving the monarch the preference.
Such was personal vanity and some of
its effects. I low much nobler w as the
conduct of Alexander, w ho when Aris
tobulus, the (I reek historian who ac
companied the Macedonian conqueror
in his expeditions recited this mon
arch's victories over Porus to himself,
Alexander upbraided him for thus
be a w itch in ihc estimation of certain
folks, and of course she becomes respon
sible for all the unaccountable mischief
which is done in .the neighborhood.
Think of all this to happen in Philadel
phia in IS 11. Ledger.
Ax IIoxokahi.e Example. The fol
lowing we find in the Mavsv ille Fagle.
It is related of Mr. ( 'raddock a member
of the Kentucky Senate from the coun
ties of Hardin and Meade :
"Sir," said Mr. C. "What 1 have
said here to-day w as said in a rough
w ay, tind if it has wounded a Senator.
I hope he will attribute it to no unkind
feelings, but to my want of the polish of
education, fsir, your Superintendent
of Common Schools has said, that there
are many men of family in this Com
monwealth, who can neither read nor
w rite, and it is but true, niv ow x mar
riage bond has my mark to it, and mv
son, wim now sits in the other House,
wfls a stout boy when 1 learned to
Mr. C. is now not only a respectable
Senator, but a good lawyer. What
more need be said in his praise ?
Uxiommox Cam-. We saw yester
day, at "Head Quarters," a calf, seven
teen months old. which weighed !."
lbs. It was raised by Mr. Joseph
Smith, of Springfield township. New
Jersey, and we have never seen one at
that age which would compare with it
in beauty, size and weight. Philadel
phia Cluonicle.
Vol. I o. XX,
"Th City of Cairo.
The Sangamon (I I.) Journal sai:
"A allip ia now contracted to l e built at Cairo
the eiiauing eurmnrr, designed for a regular traJer
between that city and Liverpool! Stall not reader!
This ia moit ceituinly true; and Un yeata will hard
ly paaa before ahipa fro n the ore. in will unloul
iluir cargoes at Cairo city, which will then b a port
of entry, and will take that rank among the ciiies
of the Wcol to which her unrivalled po-ition un-
italk'd in uiiy portion of the world will cniiile
We will iuld Li this article the f.iet thai (tie em
bankment, which will ciicIoho JUOJ acres, will 1
compte'ed in June; alter which an nveifl w uf the
city will no longer lie upp'chend' d."
'J'hi.i cmbriy cny we believe it a'rendy ha a
charier ia aitu.ited at the extreme KOU'hern point
ol lilinoi-i, nn the pen: inula formed by the junction
of the Ohi i and MiaM-'aippi livers.
i'uicf.s or 4mxRrisi.?u.
I a;naro 1 inacrtion, . ft) M)
1 do S do . . 0 75
I do 3 di - - . . 1 (H)
Hvnry aubtenuen' Inerlii n, 0 25
Yiar'y Advctliiements, (with the privilege ol
alieration) one column f 20 ; half column, (19,
three aipmres, 12; two atjuarra, f$ ; one t-ji'.are,
$3. Without the privilege of alteration a liberal
discount will be made. -
Advcrtiaerncnla clt wiilior.t direction! a to th
leiiitth of time the ore to bo publihco, will ba
c.mtinuoj until ordered out, and charged accord
Cj'Sixtcen line make a square
A dandy ia a chap that WO'UJ
He a young lady if he could,
But as be can't, dot j all bo can
To show that I e is not a man.
CA .Ml
From this analysis it appears that the
MUUI 'II' 'tlllLAUl llll ?llliltl II. I- I 1..11IIV- , . . . I t
.1 i.- r .i i t endeavoring to excite Ins vanity, snatcli-
mg from the smelting of this mineral ... . ... ....
are inherent, and nof the result of any j cd ,lic J ' ,llc ' 'ver.
new or peculiar process of assay. 1 low- , w,,,.,,,.,.,. uc7l wl.
ever little the world maybe prepared j
to give credit to the existence of such a For several days past some excite
m moral in the state of an oxide, the fact mcnt has prevailed in the neighborhood
is now loo well established to admit I f Charlotte street, Northern Liberties,
even of scepticism, and no one who will i relative to certain enchantments sunno
examine the edged tools and cutlery of j sed to be practised on the persons of se
al! Kinds that have during the past sea
son been cast from this mineral, and
cut out into most of the cities for sarn
ies, can do so great violence to his own
senses as to doubt any longer the cxis.
t . I I... ......a..... I . .: - l I
fence of a "natural steel, irom w men. oum pnii.iiu w
iv the simple process of moulding and
casting razor blades, penknives, shears,
lane irons, gouges, axes of all sizes ami
escriptions, and every variety of tools
of the machinist and carpenter's shop,
are at once produced, having all the
. . i ... i
import ics ami best qualities 01 mo pu
rest stee
verai cniiurcn. i ne symptoms oi su
pernatural influence are discovered in
an astoniidiing degree of crossness in
the incessant scream
ing and kicking, which is said to be
stowed on tho ilolicato hides ol tin
young sullercrs. One child is reported
to be pinched all over as blue as an in
diiro bar. and to be in perpetual danger
i .r i", it:.... 1..:....., a
Ol l.llllll Hll lllH MI3. Jl J'llni-
cian, (not of the regular school we pre
sume,) pronounces tho casus to bo evi
dent witchcraft, and has commenced
The great advantages of this steel j the process of exorcism. Hitherto his
are, thai it can be shaped to the puriHise
required by casting, instead 01 the ex
pensive process of hammering, and that
the tool made is wholly of steel, and
not, as in ordinary cases, the edge
The discovery of this mine appears
to us of great importance.
A. l . American.
A Vow with rt Wooden 1ak.
A foreign journal mentions that n
valuable cow, in consequence of a mis
step, or some other unknown accident,
fell und broke her leg. The best sur
gical aid was immediately called for,
but on examination u was found neces-
labors have been unsuccessful, because,
he says the parents have not sufficient
faith ni the undertaking. The mother
of the children believes devoutly, but
the father as yet proves himself an ob
stinate infidel as far as witchcraft is
concerned. It is the opinion of some of
the neighbors that nothing can be done
for the poor little creatures until their
papa will candidly acknowledge himself
a jackass for denying the reality of the
necromancy. In the meanw hile, many
speculations are alloat concerning the
personal identity of the witch; a very
ancient lady living in the neighborhood
is chiefly suspected. One account says
that a man perceived a beautiful white
The Poor IikIIiiii.
the B lemliil region of ttio "Fur Went" which
l;e bitwcrn Mbanuri and the IlorVy .Nfounlaina,
there are livjitt at lhi moment on the prairie, vari
ou tribi a, who, if left to themcelv. a, would continue
for ae a to live on the DuiTilo which rrwr the plains.
The akina of those animal', however, have become to tho whiten, and accordingly this hcauii
fill crnl verdant country, and these brave and inde
pendent people have lieen inviuhd by the white
tradi-M, who, by piying them a pint of whbk'y for
each akin, (or'rodc' a thiy are termed in America.)
which sct'a at New York for ten or twelve doltir,
induce them to slaughter Ihese animaU in immense
numbeia leavinR their flesh, the fond of the Indi mt
to rot and putrify in tie ground. No admonition
or cau'ion can air ft for a m intent the propelling
power of the whiskey. Accordingly in all diiec lions
these poor thouphiless hcinc are neen ri
ding under iu iiiduince in pur.Miii of their gime, or
in other words, in the filal exchnrige of f od for
poison. Il lius been very allenlivrly calculated by
the Irnd rs who m mage to collect per urntim, fiom
l.r)(l,(l00 to 200,(100 I iitT.l i akina, at the rule which
llicae an inula lire diapoat d nf, in tell years lli y will
be killed i IV. Whenever that event happens Mr.
Catliri very justly piojihecies that UoO.OOO Iniliaiia
now living in a pi iin of nearl ill roc thouau d inilci
in extent, nmat die f.r s'arv.ition, and Income a pa y
to 'he wolves, or tint they must nt k d the pow
eifjl neigliho in? liiU's of the Uocky Mouniaini!, or
in ullcr phrei 7.y of dispatr mi!i '.ijion the white pop
ulation in the f ularu hope nf liiolo.lyiiig il. In the
twoaberiiu ive. there exist" nochanie ; mid we have
therefore t'ie appullii'g rc!l ctiou I efnre u, ill it 350,.
000 l.idiili li.usl a mil be a ided lo the dismal lii-t
of iho.c wh i hive abeady withered un I l isjppiaud
leuvinir their country to bluom and tUmrUU in the
p.sesion nl the pi.geny of another w o, I.!. V '""
It rlil .Vr.'in.
Tliu rhiUdrlphM t'. S. (J .i ite pu h Ins the
f,.llowiii! auecdote respectint; llie htio jiiiuiI Wd
lian s, K.ii. fi rmerlv a dintiiinui-lnd Imiker in I. on
don, w ho d e l t.ikt weik in 13 on uui :
One li nk t-tnrmv instil while ut sen, Mr. Wil
liams left the deck below with an inteiili hi of re-
paliinn m ilic ilei k of Ihe vi sa I. lie ascended ihe
companion way, (lace ot entrance lo, and egress
from, Ihe ship's c.tbin ) feeiing his w;iy along in ut
tcr 'I'be storm as how hnj, iiuj every
rope above Inn seemed s:ruug to some sirange inel
inly, wh.le t e i-pray wis ilashing wil l'y o n llie
bows uf the hi'. Jut as Mr. W. leached the J. ck
the darkness mi one ride seemed lo thiikeu, and the
noiso of the water locomu in moie iiregulol . ; sud
denly top 's p s ed over his head and along the
I re. ml of the nslniiii'.ie.l nun. He seized Ihem al
most il y, Mid held ihem with a convulnivc
gra-p. An awful crai-h lit, lowed, and he w a born
uuwaid by the rigging on whiih he had seized,
while the deck winch bud suitiiiud his feet had
umk lenealh bun.
A larger vesot'l had run d wu his own, and he
and perhaps unoiher who saved us by inira. le, to
tell ihe siory nf di's'ruction, lor the Ijrer ship weni
booming ouwiid in her couisc, unj not a try was
beaid from the jieiiHtiing men, nor wjs a iciinuiil
fuuml of Ihe shattered bark. All weie
In lue deep bosom if ihe oceau buried."
Snnie of ihe lending DrilL-h journals notv prop 'an ttie .lews ah iuld le allowed to purchase
the land of Palratine. Aa Tyrkey is in want of
money, llii cou'd bo easily i fleeted and Great Bril
Hin would,have a mo'ive fur jirottcting Iticm in th it
former conntry. For this purpo-e she would tie o
tiliged to hold Acic and one or two other strong
poin s on the cnnht of yrin, and thus her d irl ng
pol cy wi ul. I be inaint. lined with the show uf public
exie,lie-ny. l-nl s her present government Lreak
iih wiih IheirTory ndvis rs, snmo very sound rea-
miii will le found for holding 8t. Jean de Acre, or
I e liibniiti r and Mutla furnish no historical ptec-
leir. ll iplitl Adioeate.
The following extract if a letter from a tenth -
man in Ireland to his friend in this city has bicn
handed to ii fur j ubl cation :
" lomu, Nov. 10, 140.
"Vou have d.iu'illcM tioliced in the puldic p ints
the great progrcfa which Tenmnee it makiiig in
this couo'rv under tlie au-pirea nf the illu-tiious
i.clate Father Maitbow, nf llie Catholic ('hunh.
I'hey indeed give you but a very imperfect idea nf
ihe great revolution that has taken place in (be hah-
its of people. It is now a late sight to see a drunk
en man in our streets eicn on a market day. In
tiuth, the greatest drunkards have become iho most
roVr men. More than one third of the inkeepera
have declined renewing ttieir licenses, and hive a
bandomd ite business. The distillers have turned
their attention to other pursuits ; and it is a remark
able f icl that none of the members of our seciety
h ue as yet broken their pledge." Unit. Amtr.
9am Slick titters some queer sayings. Ha ba
more truth than poefy in many of his hits, such, for
i nut ance, as thcfollowing, touching feKala curiosity;
"Nothin, squire, ever stops a woman when her curi-
onily is oneo up, especially if she be cutinuS to know
something about herself. Only hold a scret In your
hand lo her, and it's 14a a bunch of catnip; aho'It
jump and fri-k, and frolic round like every thing,
and riever give over puiriti' and coaxiu' of you U.l
she go's il."
A VatuanLK IUid of II us. The Mon'reol
papers sjy that a hundred thousand American lives
will p iy for every hair of Mcl.cod's head which
may 1 Snju'od. Wc do beseech Mr. McLeod, says
the N. V. Ta'tler, lo take precious care of his pre
cious hair ; and be extremely careful what barber he
emp oys lor a great ileal depends upon It.
Si icinr. The eloquent Dow, Jr. eayt a man
who hangs himself because he can't catch Gsh ex
hibi s the moral of ruicide. He says you all cast
your hope-baited hook into tho troubled wator of
tho world; and if you dju't catch something more
than a gudgeon, inslotitcr if your anticipations
arc not fully realized forthwith yuu go and maka
J ud.Mes of yourselves f What folly ! what stupidi
ty ! I tcil yuu, my brethren, lo keep on bobbing
the fish will bite by and by !
VfcRT Uoor. Tlio U.iBlon Post lolls a slory uf
a down-cast miliia captain who, on receiving a note
from a lady requesting " the pleasure ol his com
pany, understood it as a compliment to those un
der bis command, and marihod the wholo uf ihem
to the lady's house.
How Natural! Tho Bay SStato Democrat
tells Ibis anecdote of a Duston Physician of tho old
en timo. Win n a young man, he occupied a cham
ber cepcrate from that of a married couple by a thin
partition ; ono cold night he h-ard the rough voico
of the husband grumble out, ' ttJtt away your cold
hijckt .'" to which his wife replied, in a querulous
tone. "Ah ! you did not speak lo me so when Wi
were fust married then you used to say to me,
" take away your little footty tootsys .'" How very
sary lo amputute the limb. The ope- rabbit playing in the yard, and chased it
ration took place, and ihe operator sue- j into an out house, when it was sudilen
ceeded in replacing the leg w ill) one of ly transmogrified into the old lady just
wood. Since the operation, the cw referred to.' This story show her to
Put. Mr.KTtJio or Trta 1'olTs. In the city, well
known lo every bedy, if ihey ran find out the name
a poetical genius was hauld up beforo a poetical
- . !: - .1 .
magistrate lor kn-sing a girl anu KicKing ii a uusi,
mid the following interesting dialogue ensued :
Magistrate. Is your name John Jay t
Prisoner. Yes, your honor, so tho people say.
M..i. Was it you thai kissed ihe girl, and raised
ihe alarm
pri, Yea, your honor, but I thought it was no
Mg. Vou uscal ! did you come heie to muke
rlivniL'.- !
No, our honor, hut il will happen some s.
M.ig. He off, you so imp, get out of n,y sigh',
pris. Thank'ee, your honor, then I'll bid yuu
good icgh'.
Fi x all to a lOi'BTsiiir "Flora, ah! dear
est F lor .iI am emne ah ! Flora I come to oh ! 1
you can decide mv fate I come, my Flora ah !"
I se jou, Malcolm, erfectly. You are come;
you tell me inn resting inU lligence cciluuily. Well
what next 1"
Oh Flori ! I am come to lo "
"To offer me your hcait and hand, I supp'J V
"We'l, do it like a man then, and not like u mon
key." "Pluitue take your relf-posaession," exclaimed I,
fuddenly stalling up from my knee, upon which I
had fallen in an uttitude that might have won the
approval of Madam de Maillaite Fraise, "you make
me aiiham'd of niyelf."
"Proceed, ir," auid Flora.
"You bieviiy, il would seem."
"Yes," lepl'ud Flora.
'Then will you marry m 1"
"Will you give me a kiss I"
"You may take one."
I look the pioflVred Wis.
"Now this is going to work rationally," sa d
Flora ; "when a thing is lo be naid. why may it not
1h said in two secends instead of slultering and
siaiumerii g two hour about ill 'h! hiw cordi
ally do I hate all iiaiscnca!" exclaim, d the merry
maiden, clasping my hand energetically.
"We I then,'' said I, "humbuic "part, what day
shall we fix on for our marriage I"
An Ohio editor, in recording the career of a ma 1
dog, siys : " We are grieved to say that tha rabid
animal, before it could be killed, seriously bit Dr.
Hoag, and several oier dogs."
There is something of novelty, it is true, but not
less of reason, in the proceeding of a late esteemed
n iniNtcr of New England, who, at the close of a
very Indly sung psalm, read another to the choir.
I aaing "You mut tiy again; it is impossible to
. resell such singing : Bos. Jour.
liohts." A few evenings iiince, in West Folicia
na, Louisiana, a Mr. Tomb, about 25 years of age,
espoused a Mrs. Duller, who had arrived at the ma
tronly ae ol 05. It is quite naiural that Mr. Uut
b r, at her age, should think of has.tining to the
A Hsiiisl.urg pnpei gives a case of absence of
mind in tho following way : UA girl who was ono
of our first loves, was one night lighting us out, af
ter having passed a delightful evening, and in bash
ful trej iJuiion she blew us out of the door, and
drew tho candlestick ln-hind the door, and kissed it I"
A pohtieul orulor, who wished to gammon some
Germans jut previous Ij an election, in unlet to ub
lam ibeir vole, observed, that he wus not a lieonan
himself, bul he had a biuiln r who was reufa.ha' ly
fnul nf tlrrnwn km '''
A Dxak Wirs. W r was U'k'n
verv sour and blue at a long bill fioin Madame C'a
radau Carsuu'a enUrged, not cnlri.cieJ by her la
dyship. "W , my love," said htr ladyship in
a tone of U witching aniinnsu, ara you angry wiih
uie, lhl y.m look so very cio. !" "Far fioui il,
my deai." icph.d hi 1 ndidiip, "1 f' l at th.s mo
meiii v u aie rocrr ! me ih.m f.i,"
Kmokixo them oi t. The three persons arrea
ted bul recently in Ohio, for killing and robbing
numlier of Indians, attempted to break out a fovr
days since, by firing the jail. All that they ac
complished was to kill their companions, lb fits,
and nearly sufloca'e thems Ives.
A correspondent of the London Morning Tost
gravely s iys ' Hy the explosion at Acre 2000 souIm
were shaitered into I0,0H0 atorni'm an instant!"
Five atoms are therefoie equal to one soul.
Pheciskli to. "Mv dear," said a hunband to
his auction jte le'ter half, after matiimonial
squ ilble, " ju nexer will be permitted to goto
"Why not !"
"lteciuse jou will be wanted ait torment down
Ucluw." Crcsctnt City.
"Do you like novels ' sold a Miss Languish t.1
her up country lover. I cuu't say," answered he
"for I uevtr ale any, bul I'll tell you what, I'm deal!
ou a young ponaum."
"Do you know Mr. !"uktdone friend o
an oilier, releiing to an old ycniU-uian, who wa
fuinuus fir his fondness of ihe extiact of hops,
"Ye, sir, I know him well." "What kind ot i
man is Le V " Why, in the morning w hen he get
ut, be is a beer barrel, and in the evoning when h
goes to IkaI, ho is a barrel oi'bccr."
" Neighbor Towle, will yoc.r Patent Mediciu
cure a cold ?"
"('eilainly, sir; they are an infalliblo remedy.'
- You will old go me then, if you will give tin
weather a dose."
"tiet cut, you impertinent."
" My fiieuds," said a minister, ihe Sunday aft
a monstrous smsll conliibudon, "when I said th
chariiy was the love cf our fxeiit, I fear jou ui
sloid me to say I liun-t on thia occaie
you will not labs. unJei ti e sime nvttal.."