Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 23, 1841, Image 4

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Vftht ejicact of Dr. Itarlieh't Celebrated Medi'
Tl' mowing cert 'ficat wss sent by Mr. E B.
Iliniiiiii, n,Ttit atCinciiinolli, Ohio. 'Theiccnn le
no m stal-e In it, as Ilia paities sr wi II known.
Mr. laklel K gdon, of A mlrrsoti town-hip,
Hum !n county, Ohio, wssacveial days troubled
wi'ti I ill-u iirei'tion. acidity oftl si.m.uch, fit
i tided w Ih llio usual symptoms of flyspei sin, and
f ivieg made (tint of various medicine without
finding relief, a cured by the above mod cines.
At est, 13.RIGDON.
ficiniisli. JuneSOili, 1810.
Yi:T LATER. Mr. Yame. of Wa-liii.R o.i
county, wri'rs a4 follows Dear Sir Dr. '
plsare peiloiming rume of the Hint wonderful
stns in th a vicinity ever heard of. They were
i I'ro.'uo d here about six month ago, by o ir i f
my ll.'g' 1'ort, who bought :i hall'd z:n picknpes
tram tin- PiUshiing office. I oin awa'C of f ur rases
in this pi ire whore eomp'et;. cirn li ive been per
formed, uiie of severe iheun ati- in, two of dyspepsia,
i. nne of n most Blicckir. n and si jrayiitrd nei-sou--
rnmphiiit, of ten pr tno ve y, ns standing I
ml you enclosed five dollar ; p. tare t.i I'oivv rd
pills for tlint nrnount by the be ..r,-r, Williim Ward.
Attist JOHN VA.M'C.
Ju'v 57. 18K).
N. II. The above rnrlific p, compi'i d w ith tho
ry m.iiiy nlreudy n reived, c it.iiri'y must con
vince ihose siuiilaily afflicted, I hut tliey ran yet bo
trl r.vid by the Use of these invito lo in dictm.
1'iiniipjl office, No, la, North Eighth strict
VU l-d'lh a. l'ors.lohv
HENRY yoxtdeimi;.?.
". OctoLei S4, 1810. Agent.
Thai Iron! lesoino anJ peacc-di n'mving disease.
I'll ms iiiils and ten of thousand mlier from
tiial common distressing coinpla nt. Diipcpsia is
f'fijui.'ijiiy caused by overloading or distending ih.'
ttoinach by cjctnsive tilting or drinking iiidijm-.
i e and aeriJ substance t iketi into the stomach.
r liom tone continued constipation of the bow ls, a
j.leiit ,ry hi'e, fear, urief, onxiety, d c ipinua draft
f cold water, tiuatic pwgutive iniJieines, dysen
tery. Miscarriages, interim. lent mid spasmodic uf
1 i iiniis of th,1 a omach and bowls, irregulir rn -uls,
I .le bourn, and loo fiequetil use of j irhuous
liiju irs.
Tim Gvmiitoim vt diipepsid m.iv he described as
waul of nppet.te, or uu unnutnrul or voracious i
o;ic, njiim'ii and tometim fl hiltim vum'tting, auj
Jiii and Irtinsieiit diiteiiMons of the Moinjiti a! er i
utig. an id and putreaent eriu tatioi .a, w ater brai-h, I
pain in the region of the stomach, c. slivi in f, p il- (
) it ili. n u die bcurt, dizzinwa and dimness of the
ii;ht, disturbed root, trcuiors, mental desjiomii nry, i
fululei cy, p.ti!m, ncivoua irrilioility, t lnl i .e-t, I
tallownfiis of complexion, pre .t i ppre:on afier !
i uliiig, languor and general debility, tick Ueud a he,
CUUC At the be:id of a'l lemai'irs ttaiids D.i.
lliiiMcn's UoMPni Nn S i iikno riu:i ki Tunic
ami (Jehmi ArrmiKST Tills, whicli ai l j rt-al-Iv
uiun the iteiUt.iltic inntinii if the i .utimv,
ill 'u by producing regulirity of the bowls, at tie'
r iiuie improving the fuiii'tions of ,lif ilebihla'.- i
I o e.uis, hu im goiatnig and real.irinj tlic a.-
fcv.-tue orjtis to u hea thy action
Th a illeuic 111-
e d 111 I..1U 111 producing relit t.
l ull and t xplicitu di eclioiis aenmpany
ii'-nve rntdicine. Likewise a pamphlet wliieU
mil liioeises, the mminer of trc.ting, Ae.
I'linciplo nilice for the L'mtid Sii-ies, io,
iNonh 13 IU ill 11 TUKi:r, flnla lelpti a.
Or ohir 21, 1810. Agent.
WHO are troubled with aick headache, piin in
the mJi , breast, and lack, loss of appetite, flatulen
cy, loivnu.-s ol spirits, palpitation of die heart, faint
in is Or giddinc, sickne-a at tho stomach, bihous
U'.'rti.iris, lightness ut the cheat, nsusea, vomiting,
ri nse in the Klomtich, ftushuigi of heal, arid chilli
lifts, i.f die nerves, mid oigansof digestinn,
V.C Ac, Ihosi- who may be thus atlicu-d, should
nol in g'ect to pr cure Dr. Ilurlitlii Compound
kircr.gthiixing Tunie and German Aperient I'i Us,
which ore w.iiranted to give immediate relief.
Thou-unds lo we almost dully behold, who.1 coun
tenances and pile emaciated rltteka bear occulir
vvitne. to sickness mid offli.'tion. Could tho c
persons be pi rsuadi d to use Ibis invaluablv medi
eiu., lluy would soon find their weak and i' ili'a
lid frames streughteneu, their minds mmp s.-.l.
und all pain, and distress driven from the t-yt'.rm,
Uicu the tody will u.iuin r. ne.v its lost viur, end
I ul eu a new life," and death fill while l di
I lived of its prey. W but fids el nl !
tieliou'. t eir near relativi a and dear friends, si a'ehed
as if by inug'C from lint tot .1 dest oyer Dix'th
ye who are laboiing undet dis. ase lei not un.itUr
day or iiiijhl pass without procuring this ninlieiiu ,
a il will it a i.iujoritv of cases ilfi it a icrm .11 n.t
cure. Kememitr ure dangerous and it
U-.easo is jiolec'.ed, its r..vaj a will tloulily in
croi4. (X j J'riuciiJe OiTiie for the United f tatia, No.
19, M)KTH EIUHTH street, where riccoiun cti
Jaiiors nl htiiidiei's of persons may be seen, ull of
which have Wen cu.cj or bem filled by the
October 24, 1840. Agmt.
THERE are many that we daily In hold, '
whote counti nances a d frail iimba denote illl.e-i
tun' which wc find has ptinripslly oiiginitid In. in t
lieplect of pioper icriiuutes ul the commencement uf .
itkuess. Al I11M ihe alii lit romj boiu of bile 011 I
the stomach ai:i ndej 1 cknas.cvttivcnrts, Sc,
he tit'glicls I 1 roi ur. proper medicine ; at h u h 1 1 :
coiiiplaiiia of 1 i:n in the side and s omticli wih!
1.111 irurtjti lis; his nppitite becomes impaiud, j
bis icsl in ubh-'O.-i r, Ins mind harassed, and ail :
things a oui.d uppei r nut ill their pioper stuiinu.
llu ti. i ch cts buns. If, when in all probability
the dueuso may .it le .111 bead fast scaled, that no I
medical aid wid n place him again. At the ns
attack of mki o?s there should be no time lo-t"
111 pt curu g Dr llarl cli s voxrovti stuxxotii-
KMNb AIt.l.L.NT l ilts, winch lliliiiedutely 10 i "' ", " I r 1 1 "-conies HCK ai u
bUe from the btaii.a h. obviate coslivcncss. ' " v"""t 1 - 0 tongue iKc .uiea iou,h
icmove disorder, in the head' invigorate the inihd
strength, n Ihe body, improve the 1111 mory, und en
liven ihe imagii a' ion ; ihut restoring the body
again to i s j u pi-r Iuhciioih.
I'rinciple tMike, No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH
street, rhilaJelphi.
October J4 , 18 JO. A"ii,t.
THOSE who are sufT rirg from various dicatua
incident lo (tie I unvoi fmnly, would do well 1,1
procure 7h litrticlt'i I'tmpound Stringihening
and Ctrmun Aperient Pilh. which i.te o pu
1 iniiicnlly ri ceomiiieiidid for l)i sp si.v, Lm r
t 'oinplaints 1 nil s in the side, baik and breast,
Ncrvioua Affciioua, Ilea '-Ache, aid all llie dis
1 ai s ol tl.e St. much and lln wis. rn.phli ts may
be obtained ,rit:s, whii h conta'ii full a d ciplintc
dneclidt s for using. 'J'he render ia ufi rird lo scl
eral very intf res ing rirt firales of curia in tin.
Pl r, whii h may hi n Led upon, aa Ihey ar. t k 11
lr. ni ihs orlifiiiul. Fur Bile al No, 10, NORI H
EIGHTH stttel, riuladelphia.
Celobei S4, U4V. Agent.
Transportation Line
T U A !, T I M O it E .
Wurehmtse foot if Chrtmit Street on (he Penn
gyhunia CVnuA
A BOAT l auatlKitvharfef the mln tiliereve.
ry mori irg ,,t H o'clock, running through to Un'ti
imiro in linen day. Coitaignmi nla nl proilino,
iron, fee, will i?i eive ricp itch by ihialin , which
lias nol hitherto Inert rquallcd by any other. Kato
of freiuht aa low a by any o IkT ngular hue.
Ucti roiK ra :
joii.v v. nnowx,
f XT - IJ t -II I
MX li W O I lilllltVlii i
J.&, A. II. IIIMtK.
(.ilhU inn tided lor l'it'sl)iirt, or any ooint on
tin- IVnn.'ivIv mill Canul-s wiil lealiippid wiihuul
del ij on iheir ariivul ut 1 1 ut rixl u.r , tbit ron
neel w ii'i the N'.iiih Anieriia-i line of l'oitublr
Bouts In I'ittsl.urj d ,iK, and with the Suiqili haiu
i ni l'.ii ket I.ii:e to Northumberland, W liliainspon,
iikisbane, and nil inti nneilia'e 1 1 iciv.
Hiini-IU (j pt. 9, IHID.
Worlis ol'.latiuT.
IN i tt te ol InnUli the intetin il cairil "may he
eoinpure I ,i u rivr w hine w,.teia llow ovi r tlte ad
j i li.ti;! l.iii.l. tllmncli the (hiriliCls n. tire or i.rl
ha.-, in ule, nnd impioies the'r iju iblie-; mid I p
up f'f roinprriMiii if the r.v, i, ho Imij an il iiihk
Il an lldy the rliaiilii'N are kept pure .ii.d health, ;
but if by mm dUo. the course of t'le lixei i- n -pe:1,
ihe.'i the w ater III llie ia.uil i 114 l'ing rpuie.
t'Ot o;n hiveiiieii tunMit. Tln ie is I til one laiv
f cirrululi n in Haiti e. Win 11 tlnr- is a aupi 1
nl'llii'l iirv i f UuiJ (sir ici'y) in thaimc!
t na! tub a, and cotivei eas takes pi eo, il fl w
h ick into the b'uo I rs els, and inlii rjlts il-clf in
to the circul.uioii. 'I'd est.ihli.4i tha Ire,' curse of
the river, we most remove ll.o ot rtiui tinns which
stop iisfic cour-i'. nnd tho o of its Ir but ny stieatn.
Willi the In dy, Inllow the simo n pniicipul;
r m.ive, ly that talnaUe ; ur;it!ve ni. d cine Drun
dttt!i.K Vii.-ve cul Vtgctalk Pith, which nro an of
ficinal asii t lice of iialuie, the suj criburi.lunce i f
humors in tile intestine rnnal. Ily per cvering m
this practice, llie ways ol th ciiculation will lin n
be lestorcd lo lheful exercise ol their n ituril I'une
tioiu, and a t-tit" of health will be firmly est.iblUh
id Kiiiii'mSiT, never sulV r a drop oi ll . o I I 1 1
taken from you- laruate the humor as 0I1-1,
und ai Inn? ad ;I.ey a,o degenrruled, Oi
V011 are ei k.
Dr. Dr indrelh'i OlTice in Thilaih Iphia. i :,i ,i. !
8, .NOltril VAUll 1 11 street, whtichU pills cun be I
had ut '.'5 ecu s per box, with foil iliuvii.ins. I
d j-( 'lily Bueiu in Sunhury, is 11. U. Knjr.
bunbuiv, Sejit, J, 1840.
Ci'i'tificntcM !" .zviwy.
Til 13 following are the duly upiniiitnl aei Is in
their respective Counties, f ir the sale of liruiidn.h'i
Ytettdde Vnivtrml l'iHn.
-Nonhumbeilai d cotintv : Milton M.n krv v'
I'll inheilin. Sunhury II M. M.iser. M'Krens
vi'le (uddrp. Green A Wo!:, (ico.yituwn i'.
.liilliiig.'r a. lo.
Union county j Lcw ishtiri; W !s V Cdle-i.
M iTliiibiirg l'cllm ii' & Ui-rUv. New licilin
John M. Bun fer. IS, liiisgrove--'l3yie oi Co. Mid
dleburg Isuac Smith.
Lycoming rntiuty : Willi.misp r' John Smith
Newberry M. & j. C. Tun-t in. Mtlncy W. A.
Petrican. Jerny ! Janus II. II. 1 hum.
Columbia roumy t Umville T. tt 13. U. Kev
nolds. Cait iwinea C. A. Brobts. ll.rwiik Shu
man & K.t'cir!i..uc. Blo. insburg-John K. Mi-ver.
Suilhury, .epl. l-i'J,
Of the ejjkaey if Dr. Ilarlieh's cehbruhd Medi
cine. Dr.xn Sm: I was afflicted with a bilious and
nervi us disease to a ve'y ul irmtt'g h gri p, wiih
oil the syrup'' me which s. frequently 1 fleets a re
laxed condition, viz: ciildincss in ti e In-ad, viol nl
tremors chillineM, wiih a fixed nin in Ihe tig'it
side, coitiplexion lud, and 1 o-eiviuts-; indeed I
was i 1 a 111 1st miserable c n dittrn. 1 had tried
mmy remedies, but f mud no permnneiit tel. el un
til I had pu iha ed Dr. Jl:r.e'i's rovipunnd
ttreiiglhrning und Grrmun apirirnl Pills, wlech
fr ni their .np-iior vi.tues, I wnc coirp'e 1 ly cuieJ.
.nn.l am a le 10 puisun lily employment, trie from
pain a'li! dis, ase. v-in."il) JDIIN BOIES.
Han d -i nin. Oiiio June 7 , ItvlO.
I'nic pie (llii.e for the United States, No. lit,
NVnh 13 G1ITII STIIKKT, I'I ib.d. I, hi 1.
Oct ler SI, Is 10. Ag nt
.1. ().'.' PvslFlX i: PROOF
Of the rjiirrry if Dr. Jhrl'di's Camp -und
Strtngtiii uii'g nnd Arritn! P. lis.
Alli.i-.iilt Jan. 8, l,4
To l)r II rlieh's Auent ir: I wiih 1 1 statr fir
the bein fi of llio 1- who may be 1 fli rted, that 1)-.
Haulicii's I ills have ni'i eli enud me ul 1 ly s
prpsiu, of wii.i li 1 have bun 1 111 c". e.l for 111,11. y
vi nrs. I us, d V...1I1 kniils, the Apt iiei.l and Sticngih
li.iinr, and I urn consiuine l 10 siv, ili.l liny a e a
valuable di e .wry, an I act upon tin- s&lein mild y,
I ui ' 'li'c uniy. I b und the Tonic il: in
quick 11 tin- rneu it'.ion and cause a d.iriinii.uti.m
I 1 Ihe s .ti ne, tad to stietiAtheil the we k -1 jiii c U
a id im re i.-e 1 s p .wi-rs. '1 ho Aperient p. I a . re ihe
b, a cath.iriie I ml uhJ, I am coi.fuloit all Ly
I ej net wnolil d 1 tic I to in. kc imiiii diale ti ul and
li, 1 line. I. Any one cm call ul my house aisd be
sni 11 mi ! .: c at'ove ut plei.fure.
D.vvm R. roi'E.
N. !'. The nr'sil al certificate luav be sicn ar I'm
1 H'uc ol the ' Spir.t of it c Tint- a.'' I'.r sale ut
No. I'J, N. nh llitr'ith strut.
J 1 13.X j: V" YOXrilELMER.
Oelnbei 21, Ibl'.t, ER COMPI..U. T.
THIS tljseiis i, discovered by a fixid iib ue
I aiu in tin ro;tit si e timler ihu rms, aUcndtd
with hi a', mi. a 1. ,iis abniil the pil of the;
J " " " ,v " p
ih- re is in 1I1. 1 vlit si le also a
I ut.n 1' ! 100 i-niiui 11 inn ci. allies 10 u all 01
j cKiou Col o. 1 r 1 1 ih.w hi c tho e ; lili. ted j Ui.
i ilife, dillii O'iy ol b-i ilhing, diiluh d ml, nllei.di e
...ii,..., . 1 . .
with a tliy iti ''t, ilill.euiiy ol laving un ihe h it
; ui.le, ihe b dj 1 ee ui.e. w. uk, uu J li ,u ly the diseu-e
ie niinnl. s 11 t 1 110 I.i r nl a 111. ne sir,,. us 11. line.
whiih In idi piob ibih'y isfar leyoud the p.mer it
hum in skill. Ilarl eh $ I tii,u ,Uhl Slrrnaih-
', eninir 'Jmiir t ;td O-imaii A;iertfitl I'tltn, 11 t
1 ki II at the e mm iireuient of this dis. nse, will
1 he. k It, in I 1 e 11 in ,iig the use of ihe mi dicii.e
a few wuks, a p.lnl etire will be perf. Hind.
Tiiousan t- l.slify 11 ih s fact.
t'litili .lis I mn.) pe. tons 11 ay daily le se, n
ulthveli.c r l hi . uu ilua'.ilc ine, by apply-'I'-'
at tho -,i,di. il Ollice. N '. 10, NOR 1 11
LIG11I H .1 ,. 1, p, , bin.
O'tdei II is.- m. a int
Dr. 1I.ii 1,1,'. 1: in,, ur.. daily iucicis'ng 1
pubic l.vor, .,1 d want ir nu any i,m a .ir nut to
..tit'hh lii 1, v. 1.I1. We have a comuiuiii. uiun
in nut colu not -sliy fioin a p isin loi.g awicud,
which is I u . in- ol nnov vucln-ia fui this medi
HUt. ipirmJ C, T.'r.ti,
I.a!!"' nnd Gciillemrn'n lVi Id of
IJIcralure and rnsdluii.
The Ctukct and the Gentleman's Viii'tid.)
A NKW Vii'iime, under ihe above title, of the
well e-lub'i-h d and fa-.hin.iblo Mugai ,
'I I10 i'liil iile I'bia Casket in roi jiinc mn Willi the
Gen lein iti's Miiiaz'iie, which ha. b. en every where
pronounced the moil lendible and popular of the
d iv, will bo o'iii'd 011 the i'irit tf J .mutv, ISll,
wi h pii i.rriv i f Coiiriibutors aei uied by tho union
if and fame, which no peiioihral 111 I hi' coun
try i nn boii or pietend lo riva1. 'l'he Decemln r
number will, lio-.vrver, lie a 1 of the m w
viihtm . 'ph.. V. Iiitfie will be op ned with a n. w
a id I'l'.uit fJ type, tj- fine-it wl.iia paper, nml with
tin fi.'.-l 1. 1 a horii s lYrurV:! a .im iiU uu-iop s-i-d
ly any which hue Vl ripuirid in in y la z ne.
Tin' Hl)le if il guice, iliTli-auty iui.l linili ol i!u'
i l.itir iiio is, ai d Ih'- cxn 11-ive imp oven ems uli ch
will be iniiilu in its typographic up lar.mce, und
hbovc all, tho tore of its litera y depurtnu-i.t, by li e
bri! taut air iy 1 f contribut es,' :ii h .ik i ic
1 in i In d 1'ic p ii!i s of oath ni'iiilier, w.:l 1 ie il ch 11
uc er, re Mild to 110 Mng z lie in Hit? I'.iii'ii. 'I he
c ar,c:or ol ihrt art cles w i i h 1-I1 ili up; ear in :
p n; wid bo iqiiully rem vc 1 f.i'in 11 suk y s 11. i
nir.ii l.ty, und from an ill'itaii 01 it ti.ura it v. bu
wh !e .1 truo dclimuti m of I111111.n1 rum e til eiiy
vii ii ly of pai 'ti is uiuk-.I ti. no li.u klu.ll be
fo.n.d in i a p grs to can.' bluoh upo:i ;ho ih.ik
0! the most pu' .
'J'he I. te.'ity character will be u:Vi iiklly ,ar
.litcid ly tie i p.itntnii f hi h Mnr 7.1.1s thus
un'tcd, for years p st. Wiiteta .1 ilu iii.-.! rank
have brut 1. Coiit'i!nitors 1 1 th ir ag- s, Ml I
the tab a and i-kcb lies puli.isiied in ih m l,ai- I cen
wid ly co,.i.d nnd, mid tho fi 111 a d indi -pen-
ihllt tone I the i'.i ins uu, 1111011 ihe cunenl llti-tuy
lureo' the day. bus b. eu tv.iy who ea.jn.v. J uiid'l
1 on m 'itii d the M nl c in iiliui. r, in bricts the
mimes ef 1110 t of ihe primipil wii in in Amerjc
witli a icspeit!.;.- immiier -f KiigWi nn gfe
Tlie r-eiiis of wed l.i..,wn nau.n al u,Cis. cfti
t ed ' Ci 0 ing 111 Ihe lu-t v a , h .ve had a uu,
uni ipjalU'O by any m ri s uhl;s!i- d i:i any Magnxiue
tor c .is. Tl e nii'h r pr nn cs 10 open l!io tii-l of
a new si 11 s 1 1 '1'ab a nl tl.e a, atid 11 nn I.i I.iioaii
abihiiis a. u drpieter cf eu eet:c.i nrd li.".', n,u h
may he rel e.l upon from him in in .i t.n..i..g ihe
popularity of the Magaz 110 l';s?rs ui.r. I c ixp, c
11! uiirtn tl.o Vilelll.-, ;.l o f., rn tin- ntiili r of ihe
IV I! n How II tilli.i.s, Mi l'e.l"TiH' I. ig l.l II, J leiili
,lili '' The until .r nl "I-i ri:i 1 l.e U'i," w.h ..Is.
lei d his poweiiul and pra;( ful 1 1 1,, t mis', nn u:i 1
itn ieasi ihe r ut.ilmn nf llie wor i. l'lie vnluabb'
aid 1 f ll.c au hot if "Leave- f mn i 1, wvi I'mt
r. iin," bus . h i In en ficu e.l, a d we may rxprci
snmelhing sti I ino.e ll.riilini; liom the cap. icons
t re win. h a long !ile in the p.nfe-sio.i h s en:.-
I him 1 1 tiiiia-s. An occ s o ml t.'!iil-l'' wi h
J, in iy S.,oil," nnd '( ivir Oldie liw," is i.l.m
I ron i-i .' ; n i h a arb ty 1 f choice atlicb s in pr se
a d ver.-.e, Ir an us w nti rs of leli tu ty,u, con
Mibu'ors li ihe prOiiiinent Mil 1 in a of tli i eu -tiy.
J'he el t us .1 I oh M j;i.iue rm.liiiii t'ie:i
iiv.os uidir the 1 e.v urr n bi uni 1. ,iii mi.ii
an army nf ta e t a Miig.ixi: e of uu i.i.!ed a l ac
t.oti., may sali-iy be d the coining vo a ..1.
In comp'i.irce with the n'mosl utiuiiuMUs w sh
of our luiiy s.ibseii', us, we ball the insini g vo
unie furnish limn with a l.eautilul ami count pi.i e
of rushions M .iil'dy, 1 feature, it i- lei ev,d, t'i..t
w II 111 nl. ci l e iiiiwclenme nor unp.'i ul ir. Tin
K t!ii. 111 pat s shall beitrawu tr.un origimd do i'.s
from I'.ois and l.nnd 11, mid m y ulw.its lo ih
pen li d Uion as the pieta ling stsk in l'hil ,detphi J
and New York, for ihe m-.ti h in which ihey i.c ia.
'J'ime of publicitlun. The . ik will ha ubllsh
ed on the first of the mouth in cv ry quamr of the
Union. 'I he most dnt ml aubserdicr w.ll ro.oc
queully receive il on thut day, ai well as lln se who
res dj in I'l ilod Iphi. In all the principal c tics,
asm a h ive been es al hsln d, lo whom the Jljj;..
line is forvaidid, prim 10 the lime of is u iij it, so
that t ey miv be del.vered to rciiJci.t .ub.-crlUr.
l y the first of the month.
Ti.HMs : Tlrce lhllirs prr anntirn. Or two
cojm s ear! f r live do laia, 111var1a. l v 111 adva. ci ,
post paid. No 1 ewr s. h-cnlici nctiid wi 11 ul the
ui'iiicy, or the nunc of a r ; tnstlile nj'enl. I'm
ihe iccoiiiniod.ition 1 1 thoie wiio iiwv wi-b loml--1
r.lie lor either ot ll.c t ill., wing I'll l.'.d. Ij hia perio
dicals, 11. is III crul pmjios.,1 1 made: I'ne doll rs
rurruil 11101. 1 y, free of po.t ige, we will f iwad
(ii ihain's Mu 1 ur, and ti d, y' Lady's Bo ik, loi
one ve;.r. A.Idriss, p,,sl pal l,
gi:i. R. (; i:ii.M,
.Vo ::.'i : corner ( CUsuttt . Tiu (.-.. I'h It
TIu Urotltir .loii:it!ian.
'11 1 13 brers! and itiiiii beiiitilul newspapei 111 llit
i r.d I ti by filly spiiie ii,cl,cs than any
0M11 r itewspa. er 111 llie United Sta e... I'ub'i-h.'d
Si u'divs, al ICS Nas-iiil tlriel, Ne.v 1
I'i ice ihrc dollars a ytai twj copies for fi.edul
las. fjj The pmpiirto'R nf this inimmoth r!.irt
lhe Great W stern" ,.ni ..g llie nrwsp.prr
have the pb'.istne of , rra ling llie uadi'g
punl.c a wc k y pi nodical cooiniuing a greater u
111 mil mid varii iv of uu f.d and oti r s'iug mis-
i ll 1 1 v , tl.un is in be louud in any .i,i,i.,r l.u'.dna-
tiou in the v. 0 Id.
E .ch iiuml'i r of the paj rr contains na Lrg. ait
..111. nn. t 1, flea. Hug m.itkr is is found in v hum-.-of
, rdni-iy 1 u d. citn.i, w in. h cost and nmie
hiu is rotitaiuid in a vnliiuie ot 1 v ug's i'l lutu.
bus rr Baudot, 's 1 1 istory of A mci ica, w hich c t
fl) -1 volume and ll I-r 1! ri e lo'l is For
).') Iw o c.' ies will le foi vatded one y car, or one
copy two e rs.
tiuei the pui lli utio i of 0111 oiiiTin .1 losncrlus,
th.' Ur ti er J ni ithan has been 1 1 N I . A III . K 1 ) ai d
its ii.', iiiii ly l ifoie, has l ei 11 ao mu.h in.ii .i.-id
i'i .I much 111 ire t' tin the frtrer ipi unity nf ihe
111 i-t inteii'si'.ng ho ta ure of the d y is cmlnm-i d in
Us 111 in n.e c.( ly. S. Icel nils fr 111 ul! ll.e m "-I
I r 'iiiiiiri.t mid Ci . hi:, I d w r tt rs of i!:t dav ns-
111 nirl in; ilu c nrciit ; and nil ileiei is in w , . i. h,
or 1 it, is im, t! ut, ly tr ins), lied to t-. ci I. .run-. A I
the coiitiiholi"li In p rioJicals if American iwiieis
if ri pulo U pr.n in us pi;' ; lheistns nl to"
foieigu 1 r. e, me laid ui iKr e ioi.s, us s..u
as ree. it J in this country, 'lot.e misc. 11 niious
Ui d Lileraiy 1) pirluulU, .he eh scst st.iiitn ii i
p iiit; and 111 all tin sei ctioi and nr 'r.iua eo 1. 1. u
Ho s, siri.t cu e is ih volnl to iito d all th it mi iy
iiniih ujinii ihe cipmiuus ol any aiiy in itlj 01101
p .In, rs.
Ex. inner having taught u lint we hud milk
ed oul a pi h fir otir-elve., in u 1 snris ol
people ihli'l ti 10 I.iiIoa, li e Br lln r Jomilh.iii
I shall n ull nn , as it begun, 1 1 bi a bold, g.-nl e,
wi h'v, lihl, grave, mer.v, serlot s, wi'ty, sumo h,
dishing, uitrrisii!, ii.sptrtd, aid u.c onp a jl.,
newspaper. Iisln I le a slup, minus minor whcic
In ah the w rl I w.ll statin r 11 did. Il shall con
tain tli'i 111 si Inn u it ul of Novel', Koiiiii.c'. and
Sionea lor both sexes Fairy T
the inariill'iis Leg. ml. t(Jr aul ipiar es Paiqili-lisde-
for wit inong is-. Nil's am! run-ins fir sum I
w ind d n a h 1 1-S1 ri s f .r niu-nul low r Son
1. cts I'u Ladii s Srn'.iment for old bac'it I ns st ..
listics for i ilitii'Miis and Le, lur. , Smnoiin, t 'nu
cisins, Epigr mi &.C. eVc, &c , fur ul, ll.e world.
Letters should beudd.iSMd to
Publ t'.ert f the " U.-utfur Ju:tul!uin," .V V.
A Consolidation of Durl't Cultivator and the 6'e-
iidce 1'armtr,.
S'i uspct Ins or Vol. S, lor 111.
rPlli Cultivator Wns established to inipiove and
elevate Ihe Agriculture of the country lo give
propei tone to tho ihoikIh and ui.n l of the Fur
nier; lo show him llie ihgi.ity and iin,io laneo of
hi 1 rulesioii ; to store his mind wiih uselul kn iw
ledge, and convince him th..t v hilo all 1 la -sis aie
and mii t be innie or I ss dep. i.d.iut on each other,
be alone of the who'e cm in ike any near approacn
10 iuib'peiid nee. Il tin re is 0110 thing "iii. ie tlimi
mint her, wbc.i in this country gives a mm supen
orny ovci his fel.o.v in 11, it i know ledge ; nn.l this
k owlede, U11 wle.lge which is as esii ntitil lo the
111, cie ol tho r.i'iner as to oihr luen, il ia tho
de ign of Ihe Cul' to aid in iuip .riiiii'.
(J j-'J'he volume lor'lS4.t, U tilled eiitiiely wiih
Ui-igiuul Communicutiuim, enih.aiing articb a from
iili'.ut 300 Co.rcs-pniiiUiit-, from aim : eveiy tlutu
in llie '
It 1111 increase i f snlccriptioii bi vond any
denl i.i llio I ist ry of, tithe
.1 trust tiii.iiniii u, voice nl llie ul'l c pic i.i our
I'.iv.n, il the mu t.tude of puvatu y I ll .t'eilti te
t1moni.1l.: wc have rcct ivcJ, ml. I, d t a 1 in ula Ion
uini.iniiiiig the yjt.l yar to Tw am rt-rw o Tiinf
six 11, may le uiliiiiilid anetideme, wo hac
ci Hail ly nl lit ..biim'ui.l iu .miii Ij be ral li' .) Willi
11 c su. ci.s wla.c'.i h is iibe.ii'id tl.o I 'nion ol Uic
t'ul.i.'t.r mid the i-c I'm 111 r. No ixjiii c
It s . re. 1 r u II be .-p in .1 lo render the Cultivator
word y of the pattoiiago it bus r ei ive t. In the
iiunibi r, v. iicu mid Aielbl.ce nl i.s l!lu!r;l.oiis,
il is iMlln nt a livul si home 01 ul.r.'.i.l, t'.iu l i-l v .'
ume being c nbell shed wnhi.euily U.ii llui.d cd
lingutviiigx, tllu -Hating ti.e m. 1.1111I bretila 01 11 1-
six, Ual li, L,i ei, nil! ,1', Lull dn.ys, lmpiernci.
"t. kn g the Cultivamr, ull 1 I.i gs c nsi.'i'ic.l,
it li I'Cl.i c.l, tli.i C;ie.iiie.-t Agncu.luiai 1 ati.r cc.-
, ru"8 id in this or any
fX'ty D.i.'Lr
- Vr' - ih.' m;uicy lo le u
ulins td in this or any otlor lountiy.
1 1 r ani.uni ."-nx 10; i s for
on t il 111 a., ir e nl
pi r ag '. A c ol iiU per cent, vi.l le lo Ag nls wiu ublJin -o or nine sub.icri
ters. ami o per ej .t. to those who 0U1111 1UU o
111. 'if. AU suuscript ens lo loiumenc-- with u vl-
(a 111 .
I'na'.ui if ten nt.d griillemt n did;- o ed 1 1 h 11 I tin ir
inlhienio to u:d t iu rati o ul Agi.ul uie, aiu le
sj'ec lulu r (ju.'.-tid 10 act Rai-ni.i. Au l,is
J K.S -13 BUKI. l
l'ull slier if tlte Vuliivutw, Aiba.
the LAUi;i;.yiiM) cheapest al'uw-
rpillK -pirit i f ihe age H uli.'i' iii ill. Improve-
&. mi 1 t is stjii'iied ui.oii llie lace nl every tiling
Ail the useful arts are piorrr ssi. witli imp .na.h l-
nl rap iluy, uml the An i.t 1 null g is coming n,
I r ili lul klimc if the comma 1 iiupmv, iini.l.
1) 'Irnu e l n, t to bt oiil.'o le in any Ihtu liial per
tains to !.n 1 r- I siimi, win re lint.' i a lair cl.uiue
for eve. '.tun i.inl enlcrpr ie, ihe uiu'eiaini'd ha-, de
leriiiiued up 11 i fining u slue twice llie six : of the
Boslnii Wei-kly 'l iui s, ( ind is lo take the place
nf that paper,) and w II contain e ght columns
more miller th in tho Brn.her J ..iiotlr.i 11. Th s
she t wi l be call. U tho BOSTON NtlTlON, and
. is d lern.ii. ed that it s iall suit ,in a 1 i.',;i.oiiii 11 a 1
foil of meaning, and so mt.rwov, 11 wn!i the esiab
lirhol 1 liar. n it r of our Yunkrc city. It wi I be ti.e
I. a hi; 1 s r Nkwsi'Aikli 1.1 nit We 11 1.11 with no
exicption and will he piiuted 011 a shei t thii y
sveu by fifty-two iiichrs. Il will be filled entirely
With r-'aihiig 111, Iter, and will iotit,iiu Thrro Thou
sand Bii;'..l IiotnlriJ and lli.ii V Eight Kjii.'.rc
11c hi s, nt Tweiry-Sevi 11 square ne' of print 111 li..e
type! and a single number wi.l ront on more r.d
lug than an o.diu.iry book of Threo Hundred
pages. These dimensions w .ll iit.d.lelho pulili.-hcr
lo d :.w lurgily iipnn the 1110 t popular periodira s
ol the day, both American nt.d l ureigii ; ui.d a- the
sehciioi.a wih be mm'e with great c ire, 11 is biliiv
e.l this papt r w.ll be u wchonit; N. lion to cv, ry
I nni'y. Bi sl.h s a lull synopsis ol ll.e t urn ut t,, w..
of the d.y.) as published in the 11 si n ll.dly
Tinns,) it w.ll c .muni I'ottry, I'opnUr '1'ahs,
Th.uirical Cr.ticisms, Police and it lul Couil Report-,
lluinorui.-) Ait . I. s, eVc. Ac.
'J'he wh le wo. id of Li 11a ure will 1 ran-rcked
lo fill t. Fiom the s inly nf the pluloi.q hn down
lo 11, e polite courts, liirong'i ull ii gi. ins ol rius. n,
pociry, roui.ii.i e, wit, un.l the am;l' 1ero.1l offJIy.
we siiall glean fi.iiu the p i.-t ti. d ll.e piesent und
r... ... .... . . 1 . . 1
uu ...-, w I'lian.i us j ll-.l!!,,, 1.1 ltlll u j
Combination if ricurdtd tin Uglit Hid cu. nut hl- I
tniy, us ilu orlJ csn mj py o' iiiuusiiy p.uduce.
1 I.t, is our "Boston Noi io.n."
'1 his glial umouiil nl wicji.ui anJ fun of wi
nnd phiiosophy of iiuU'llii . und ui'iiijiniii s we
aie able to oiler, wei kly lor siv uvis ur ro!i,
1. idv i.x cenur! and we can d ) it laeausiol the j ehi rnii'iil ot Pt clual t-tinigth. 1 he re-ent
lai li i sol our ptisa alal 1 face, ai d ihe connection I " l''.v "f inteies ing laha, original, from foreign
nf daily and wnkly oiis. For Ttihiii. liui.- j and d.'iuest.c l.iag.izine.-i, tog, tlxor wiih the valua
LAiis e.c cm sell aeui's 'time, 14,1 .1 ni qu.nt.ty I hie c uilr bu inn. of mr own circle i f iilerary
nl tiiiill. r. with ceiy arii ty a so, to I if.y-iwo Vol- j fnei.db v. 1 1 lonttnue lo g.vo in'rust to dm piper,
time 1 f NoveN, mc'ii ns are issued from" ihe pr. ss ! whi'c evcryihing imp.irlai t and worthy i.fnn'.e th il
ifthsdiv. Fllt-:wo l.iiue ouilu s fir '1 !i re i nnppi 11. i.i ti.e O.d World or the New. stilt', le
Do 1.1.-! l-ilectrd uil by lou rovcd 111 clou. iv. nnd
by a de'nu. i.nuioii that wc Mill 1.01 U ,uia, ne ix
enlcipr X ;i ml utfu
i'l.iv.Ms: I'u n ik Doi t.Aiis a yrnr, nlwnys in
adva' co no miles, 110 null, rlrom what "t ree,
will be u'.t 1. did ti unle.-s aie lii ai.ied wah li.e
CASH. Single cO i a ix cenrs
J'o-t Mj-teia or olhrrs remittii g Twi n'.y Do'
lars shi I have Eight Copies seni lo such persons
und pleas ai thev in .y utignate,
iccssc W. Birtj np:,
Cu- it f'Tiur. r Win it r, Hah rr i-ini no,
IS prepared lo rr -five (I o.!s and l'li'durc r l ihe
new wi, chouse, whie'i li s iirrjogeiiienis wi1! rn
I ', hinl lo I'm ward w illi d. spi ell lo l'lii'a.h Ipil a,
IVtslmg,, Wi kish.rr, Cd itshia.
Lii'-a-'er, r any o hi r p 111 t 111 the I', nnsy.v ni,
nml 1'ui ni ( 'ai ul , .11,1 ilio I", 1 u-y vaiila an I liar
nsbuio nod l.i'.e .-I r mil roads.
(i. o l.i fr..!ii I'bi'iith l I114 f .r Harris' ti g, Curbs!,,
I!i r.-l uii, !;.. eVc, I iiWuiJed Willi taio ui.d
tX cililii 11
t'oAL, 1'LAi'n.a, Sai.v mil Fisu, eoii-lantly fir
sale. Si 1 I. 0.
B O O Iv - II I N D E R Y.
TIIE und, r'ig'ie.l b ive ll.e graiinciti n of n -f
irmii g the public, Ihut notwilbstniniii g tl ev w. ir
o U'lloiiuiuite us In have their bind. iy burnt duw 11,
in .M uch la', they have pen -d u very extensive
one, in Loi list slieel, in the new bail, ling directly
npp 'site li. 1 ini' Hotel, Mid me piep ind to t Xecu e
all woik in their lins with d spate. 1, and in a mi
leiior style. Titer III. ING AI'PA R A'l I s
....I ..;l., M . I,i...,.u ....I .1 .1.. ...... ... !
...... .....v. ...... 1 1 j - . , unu 01 ii.e nisi ori i-r
and latest i 1 provi uu tits ; and they felaroifi. in llnir facilities f.r giving peril e1 siti fn.
lion to ull who uny l.n. ihein will tin ir o ,h ,t.
R inks. CuU 'ly olllri-. fdi .r'.iai.ts M.el anie.
and oil ers, ran I e .in p'n d w I illl.ANTv BOOKS
of 1 very discripiinn, wh 1 h fir iieitins- und dms
bility, will be 1. ..i v mul, 1 v ii,, U,,i ,d
"-t'"- 1IM K4 "rC At CAN MNE.
HARRISIJl'RG, Sejn. 0.
, Tils tlltAPKsr AMI hkst
I" A 51 I Ij Y 3V 13 W S V A 1 i: 11
no rcai.isni 11.
Only 91 50 per Annum t '
one of the t est and cheapest newspapers in
this country, containing all the h"ice Keeling
Matter of the six daily p iprrs, including the "CLII
PER'S LOG," is published every Sulurdsy, at
$1 60 per annum.
Xj Thl)CEAN" (sender the editorial charge
of Jon's II. Hewitt ami Jons Wills, Esqrs., ihe
former Well known as editor, proprietor, or princi
pal contributor to every litetury public itlon issuid
in this city for ihe last lifieen y, ais; and tho latter,
long n c.'iilri nil.K u various, but mote
pulilirly known sinea his rouni'ct'nrt with ihe "15 al
ti moiis C'LiffrLB." Tho extranrdinaiy success
whii h has atteii'led the establishment of the Haiti
1110 e C iie-, n w iiiimh. ring a laiger list of ul
scrdien than any o her newspaper vef publi-hed
in Msri land -J e dat'y upplicutioiiB f..r a weekly
I np' r, m tend, by in nl, in roonliy suhen!ii rs
und fie 111 iiy faei'itie-, po-sestid ly the iimbr
stgricd. for this un lcrtil.ii g. have indue d ilicin lo
spare 1 o xp. -iin i 1 uetl ng up a p.i,nr which c in
in I f .11 to be a iiclconu vto.lor into cery man's
I i-i 1 1 in',-.! on outir neA type and fine whi'e
pip' r, toil will eoinpire, lor beiiuty of wo kman
sh p und ex ulli i ce of reading mailer, with uny
pi no.. i-tl 11 iw UWsh'd III the tnnted Mite--.
'I sums: I', r Mail Solnc.ilers, Jjl SO per uu
mini, in cu rent nouey, forwa.Uid (ficeof'Xp' i:sc)
to t 0 Pl.t 111, Il l.-l.
(Tj J'os m ist, rs oied ti net ns Agents for
the Ocean, e il n c. ic live eo i. a weekly, per an
num, f .r live dollars. I'livm -i.t always to be innde
i.iuivance. Add. ..a BULL .V TUTTl.E,
Printers, Ba t mo e, Mil.
t S 1 ) I S 1 1 E i I t li 13 AS 13.
IN i WO MtlN I MS! !!
Wni: we li st purclm.f J da uli uni well
kr.ovA'Ii e-t il l s'linriil of t o
Saturiltiy 53vcniti!?,
we e'.ii e.i tl nt llio tiir cutulai d so w iih 'y n
uiong ti e t edy, re.d.lg pnriioii of ihe I 'uiinl
States, that We e t red upon nor I. b rs w ith lull
coiifi.l ncv of ti e I'u'.Uic. Our S'.teies.i has sime
been l ou.' most s 'licuine exped ition, a- oui
wnkly re ip a over! ula ic those of any coien po
tary up. r. Ihii I -t has c n liiun d 10 sneil up,
with d nip ditv, and v.e have the cinli
ib nee, t .ul ul tin' 1 rrsi tit rale o! iiiereas, we shall
be tiniliicd 11 n lew months I 1 bo.isl of inme thin
y.'.linO sulisi r.l eis ! When we c nmiK'nei d our 1
lull rs, w ritinotini i-d distine ly, Ihut he ti.lie ot ihe
piper should I e dcci 'e.lly moral, nml that n.iihin
shoti d be ni'm lie. I into m.r enhi'iius, whirh the j
most f.s i.lious fa th, r Cnuld d.s ipprove of. nt d i!e- !
term 11 d that nu ull npiirovnl I'.uni V I' pi r, it
siioiild not cont tin a paiagraph, w ith .he spirit ol
w hich a pan lit would not w ish 1 1 l av.- a daughter
hum, I ir, und we il en-lore, with tins view, announ
ced thai no th, ntiieil not ces sin uld .ippear in our
Cnhtmtis, a d tiiat wc shou! J be 1 p,iosrd lo ihe lies
as thing. C'lleulu'.cd to injure tho healthy notion of
au hi liest mint!, as creative ol exhibitions di ui-s
r.uiiini! in tendency, and le.irtullv pi r nu in
fact. Tin re were not wanting bluslerirs, who
made a threat parxde of o, p., si 10:1. nn I Cro.'kirs,
w ho predn led our aperdy downfa I, but we threw
1 ur. elvcK ui'on the sober, rritio'i.. and evp- r ehc d
po It n of the pe. pie of tiie Uoittd lor sup
poll, und we have been nobly sus ained.
We t'louht and Xrn-ed llio 1 p 11 ion , that
howivcr c.rilcss n.-ni.- in ght be upon ,-ul'jecl,
thai few, 1 ven ii ti ey did nol ei tiiely disapprove
nf such eiitcilainments, cirrd about having the
gross details forever paraded hcl ue llie eyes of
their children, and the sii kening and nuuseatiiig
eulogy 1 f all of cliarai lers made familiar to
their inil.ds.
We d.-terminrj alno. ihat while the paper con
tin uid under our cmlril, il should be.-lrrtly neu
tral in polities, unit that as neus uu. I li entry jour
niihsts we had in ih ug lo do wiih ihe 111 titer ; this
deb rmi mi. 01 has h eu stiicily arid ligiilly adhered
to, nnd while we shal; continue to put' our re id. rs
such public docunn'iil us luuy he deemed of inte
r. st to ull, and such a I isiory of tin progress of
I o. it ed rvitits, as ure stiictly 111 kr iug with our
duly, and the chnrai trr of the p ipir, we shad Uu
tiiously und ihnroughly uvoid any contuiiiinatiou of
par ix 11 p. 1 ti. i.
The paper ii now f rioted in a niw ar.d be iu1;
lul ty 1 e, h is ie.eiid the praise nf many idiinrs ot
I isle, asMtie li:ilnl-iiiiifl fatnilv sheet ill ill- Unnii.'
I lur elf nts h ive he. 11 ilirected to the combining
of beauiy in d sin.p'ir ty wito uu'ity and la-lr.
The 1'ost is 1 limed 1 11 a sl nil wh.te pupi r, ret.
deling it m at 'Hid di.r.bie foi lihi g.
lil id 111. 11 to illLrt. t .wi.r I erl'ect'oii in
the iiKchauicul di p.iriu cut, mi l cl,ri .i ol our 1..1-
pi r, 11, 1 lal'ui, und no cost I. n u spared 111 the do-
1 '" ' -'tied -I Cv..u'.ca lor lue table cl oul ica
! d.i..
'The I.udliV Dep .ttnii nt shall uiway be choice
atid s, I, el an I si a. I receive strict attention, whi e
tu.h ihii gs as may iiiteiesl our juvenile n u.lus
1 ud that iiiipoitiml mid Iuii,r cla.-s , 1 our readers,
the Fa 111 r w illiintbo overlook, d. In older to
gr lily, us much us os.ii! h, Ihe laudible dciie of
ut r country s, a p. rl.ou oi our attention will
I e di'Voti d to ll.e C Uecli 11 and iJ.lVitsioii of s icli
Niws, da. Tulles, Fae s, Units, as
m il s em ini) iiit.n t 1 1 aricullu. ists, and the p p
ul. tion r. 'si. lent witlmut tho conliuei of our gnat
cities '1 he slate i f the m uke.s mid the flu.' oa
tints in 'he I roe-, be rtulaiiy und w hulls if
more 11101,1 nt, e gncn.
V.e li.ov ivir lei ii 1 n 1 se.l to the roiiitnil
bliis'i r and p ir .df nude by some editors, about
the 1 1 I tin tr 1 aneia, and have n solved
tlial the Saiuivl y Ennii g Pes', shall Le conduct
id, us lo spiah f'T it. 1 if.
Out ten eis v. ill at way a fl 1 in its rulumns the
rail est auJ mc-t in. then ic inf. rn.atioti, r. well ai
tin' 1110.1I ch'iiee and rutt 1(111111114 litmary nutter.
We hive I. tally d .carded ll.e .ytem ot filling the
p pi r v i It .plica a.. 1. 1l1.-en.e1t-, but rifer giving
011 re d. is trout week to wick, iiilciluiii ug ri a.l
ii g mail. r.
And we f e' as uie l we sh ill be 11 1 lowers
th. ii by, ns but lew render, c 111' about liav'n g a p i er
li ed w ith dcsiriptioii uf liiise uau-eat nj conn
p U'.ds.
'I be S'alurd iy I venicg Pes', will be furnished
for J'. per in, 1. mu in ,lv me. or one cy thrff
years t, r t. To those who wis 1 10 suh.irili.' I ,r
a I 'Lt adelplu.1 MugiaLlu , we will luiniih u copy
of the I'lnla.'.e phi 1 Ca k. I, ai d l.vo rojits of the
1'osl for one veal fji ftea uf p isa,e and dis
count. N i Nrw Sbicri'H'r ruelvcd without the
To ibo-e wh 1 i h t .uh-cr.he. we wou'd say,
ihit ihe saie-l pi 111 is to nirh aii the inoney bi a
letter and dm el 10 us. Most po.tmastrrs will
trunk their I. l i ra if relating lo Inching lint the
bus hiss of the nlliee, and all p.nmolers who will
bo kind rnou-h aa In do, we shall be pleased to ae
ktiovvli'dsjo us agenia.
Adlr. at
I No ho Cafe's Alley, Thiladili hi.v,
toiTtn ar rxttic bxijamik akd i.fes sxnoaaT.
ITH multiplied res urrea for rendering tha
Ni w Would more valua'.lc than ever as
a compendious newspapei nnd repository of ehgint
lilcri'ur. we enter upon the sreond volame (lulm)
on the Slth . f October, dicsscd in a beautiful garb
uf nc 10 tt;pe, cast epre-sly f. r Ihe purpose. It
will tin n loie be a filling time to cunuience new
Miiiscrjptioiis, a- well as lur llio rucwuI uf those
which uny then expire.
During th fust year of the rxis'ance i f the
Ni. w Wo ni. ii, it h ,s arquiicd a r j.ut.i'ion and
circulation snpi rior to any weekly piper in the
count!, ; and lias furuishej toils subscri'ji rs.duiinj
Ihut pen d. (lesides u 1 Ihe current news of 1 he day,
doinciiic uml foieigti) new mi l va'uahlo works by
I'alf.iunl, L) I-11 a. il, Thi iuis Moore, Mai M.lford,
Mr. Jameson, C. 1'iikens, Ain-woith, KiioaIis,
BuKvi r, Mairyat, and others woiks, which in Lon
d 11 cm I I not he purchased for fifty tiinvs tho
amount of ti e subscnplioti pre e of t .0 Niw
W01I I. In ad htion to wor!s of interesl by ill. so
rinini rit authors, it has contained the cri am of llio
p.'ri iilicul li'crauieot the d .y, i s well as origiuul
nilii'lcs from the pe'us of soinr of the ill 1st popular
writer, of America, a.i.oog whom tvj may luention
Mi s Sedwiik, Uriih llewey, 1'iofessor Lnnf,-!-lnv,
the author ut "V'aukce Notions," Sinims,
Mne I, fi-: &c.
In poil.csswR s'. all, as hitherto, maintain an
arn.e I imutr ility. Our columns as heretolore will
le tinol jt clionaUhi in a moral point of view. In
cinieism vie shall, iojiialico to the public, munlain
a peif ct indi'peii ei ce, 1 veil lln.U jli we i icur t1 e
veiigtuc ol ull the dunces We s'.ail, in conclu
sion, cariic.tly st. ive ti n nder our sheet not cn'y
worthy of the ulipuralh t d aiour it bus expcriniiCi d.
but of a rontiiiu ihy extend iii( circulation. h,!e
we cull luce to liiroi-h w.lh ah posil.le prom iludo
the most ultiaclive iinr turocf ihe day, we sha l,
n nor iin'.itis en'uig , ulbir.l that c inpcinalion lo
11 n iie ant'i 'is, whtcti may ind icu them to 111 ka
the New Worl I ihe mediu n f r pr, senling to the.
public then ti l is. Oui excellent Lon
don, ondeiil w.ll I e continued, and due ut
li'nu.'ii w II he paid lo the comerciul, agricullura
ui.l news ch' anmetils of our p . per.
Oi's vlcen taig png. s was commenced , n the s'x'l
nf June list, 111 oil -r to licet ll.c wishes of l.irci
mi'i.l'.'r nl siinsci iheis, ! y giving tin in its lic'i on 3
vuriel co .tents in a suitable form for I i ding. Thi
w c have done w ilhotii h icing enhanced he
so that 11. w si.h criln rs, and 1 the s 011 tl.e ri m w a
of pn vioU'i ni'.'stri t oll", eii i Hike their choice he
Iwci 11 the l 1 1 t 1 ami Folio form. (Jjf But a f. v
sets of the Qonto, foil No I, liow Ii Ul lin or
h uid in the noi i', and we bh.dl then lore, imt b
a: le lor g I., si;; p y '.h rn.
'I'EUM.: l utii.i. l),A.Ltns a year in .iili'. im
f t eil! er ri'.uioii ; 01 Fiv a 1) ill 1 us for two c. p 1 :
In c.i-ci leiteis must bo tee, or t osl U, e
they will r, nriin .le .d i.i t!n ps -oiru e.
Qjf All I'o 1'iiaste s who will act f r ui nro 01
nut .otiz d Agen s, and 10 ,y Main 25 pe cent u
tha siib-ciij tion piici, (:t ) for cmiiu ssions. if r
milted in Ne.v-York or lh,steni - oiiey ; ur 6ll cu
on each, if in in lei of 1 thcr solvent bu ks, whii
may I e al a discount her .
(Xj E li'ors mid l'ul li.hi is who d. s're the c .
lii.ujiiee ol an exc.idi ge, uid picas,1 1 npy the ah,,'
three. it 111 oe limes, or otherwise r.oti.e tlicconii 1.
and rend us a inarh.d paper.
Li-t cis rein ie lo ihe editorial depirl i ent nn
lu? a.ld.e.ssi d lo Pah k liicj ami n &. I'ki S a hols
Editors: tho.-c il lative to the I ui-ness dep 1
mcnt, to J. WINCHESTER, Publisher,
No. 30 Ann s rect.
II A 'A A II li .S
STMISI ICAL REGISTER. Containing d ...
Uineul.i, facts ui d other Ux fill II. f llllalloii. il.usra
live ol the un I resources of ihe Auuricai
Union, und ol c ell Slate ; emhiaci g cominerc.
iii.iuul.ieiu.e-, ujiiiu'luie, Intirnal improvement.
banks, currei cv, li times, tduca'.iun, Jcc. EJi
ted by Samuel 11. a d.
I'ub'.l lied iviry Wed irnli.y, at 7J Dark street
'The pti e to suh-etilK is is prr biiiiiiiii, p,y.ih,
on tin- ti si ol J iti'i i y of each yea-. No suliscri,
lli.ii received l,.r lesi tlin a year. SulscnUrs ou
i f the citits lo pay in
V O S i e: V T Y s
or the
t tl 1 11 II II V 01 II LON U. SV.II U.
THIS was 1 stiihlished by the Americi
Silk Socrty, for the purpose uf d.liu-ing rariin
iniorm itioii 0:1 lln cci.ttiik nr silk in the Unite
'Slu es. It h.t hei 11 published one yiar.uu
may be consult nd a worit of siinUrd character.
The lhst year's j ubl caiii'ii, compiisiiig the 15 rr
vo'unn', emit lines a in is i of v. dual. If inloiin.lioi
and it will I c tl.e o j et of the e liter to mt'k
ihe w coed eq 1 .1 in ull re-p. t-i, if not stiprnoi, t
the fust. Tin 1111; oitatll fid is now esta' llslu d hi
yond any qitcsii.ui, lint t ie pcop'e ol the Unite
Si itc.i can ti. ii.e silk cukAPbti and Bi-TTI tt ll.a
any o In r nation upon earth. Il hii been piovi
by uni hi le.t nnniv, that tie miner.!
1 1 1 roJucini st.k ready f.r ma kit, does not cc e
1111-mi, atid il. lowest Vuluo is roua iiullahs iv
Iikii cunts; a!-, 1, tint oc ai'uk of ground plan
ed to nn .til inti', will produce the fust vr.i
the trees aie pointed, rot'H rT-. leu r roi uJs o
silk, leaving a c car profit 10 the roducer of os ami lldilT tlliLLARs!,
proved thai t ie rhiUli. 11 and I males, f any I .run r'
f iinlv ran, w ith the t;r. a'e t po.d l case, produ
from fitly lo a d p u nls of si'.k tverv vco
wilhoul any cost whaliver to the ix.e.,s,-s nl th
firm nl er ihu tnei are phmied; nd Ih.r for., th ,
the wiio'ir umount of silk will I so much clear g 11
s y Ir. m f iij to lotl. Willi these facts we s .l
in t lo 1111 in'ell gem people we her 11 is not a j.r, k
and import nit object for tin in to introduce the i u
lure ol s ik in enry farmer's family in ilu U1110.
To uiable all our 1 11 me(s t i make s. k. iLuuJova
sal . i' 'rn x Ami 1111 am Si ik Sociit r' was . si 1
l.aiie.i; ii c 'iiMms lain p u Meal d.reclio, a f. r tt L
T IV A T I ( IHI. THI LS. fl l.lil.MO , ,d UXAUINA, SIL,
WOHMS, MkLLIMl lUL SILK, aud piepar l.g It I..
uiaikei, A.. Uki'lesall olln r iiif ruiiiiion 1 hat ca.
t r qu.ted I.i enable any piraoll lo ei ler upon ,,
business, iiiher on a lurgo or small sc ile. Eic,
tneiiil of his c u-.lry, i. lo alt e Lam's ibis pjj.,
m.y lad, will be d iug a pa'r ot and plulaii hr .jn.-i'
wwk ly imlucii'g I. t Iriendsai.d uuglihnui. ta n "
ler 1 hen names i oil tl.e hst of a ibscnhris.
'1 l.e J aiu I it. I if die Allieiiiau 1-Jociely is publish
month . 111 pa npbbl f .nn j 1 ac 1 nui'iilef coii'uiu
thinj two .Hi.ivo p.'cos, piiuted 011 iKvvlvpeai..
hand. 0.1 e p.rpi 1, wi h a pr.nt. d c .lured cov'rr.
'Tttivis : 'Two d o: lis a yar, ur II copies fo
till do a a, a way. to be p nd bef 1.1 the wmk 1
sent. All sub-cripii it s lo he.; in with the first innr,
her 1 fill. ) en, and in 1,0 case will ll.e
to auv, lei longer than it shall have le.i
I'-siJ for. ,
C. ;-Nxw si b rtiiai as, wh I i'.c the frsl sr.
si rood v.iluruoi, vr.ll lie chai d only 'I'ltuix- l'"'
LAMS foi taC tWU V I nts,