Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 09, 1841, Image 3
V COVJfTIXOI IIOV.1K CAliH.-VDAU. IS 11. a a X 2 9 16 S3 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 2t I 8 15 22 29 ft 12 19 es 3 10 17 21 31 7 14 21 28 4 II 18 25 2 1 23 30 6 13 20 2 J 4 I I IS S3 K S? js fS ?i i & 6 7 8 10 11 12 IS i-i K 17 1 19 70 SI 22 St 23 80 27 23 29 31 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 it 10 11 12 It 15 16 17 IS 19 31 24 23 21 2." 26 as 1 2 3 4ft 7 8 9 19 It 13 It IA 10 17 1 19 21 24 21 21 25 20 24 29 3.) 31 1 2 4 5 0 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 20 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 10 II 13 II It 16 17 t l 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 SO 31 15 3 4 V. 7 8 9 10 11 13 It 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 21 25 87 25 89 89 1 2 4 ft '6 7 R 9 11 12 13 t 15 16 13 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 13 15 1-6 17 18 19 20 22 21 21 25 26 27 29 30 31 12 3 5 6 7 8 9 lo 12 13 11 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 S3 21 20 27 28 2'J 3d 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 1:1 M 15 17 IS 19 20 21 23 21 25 26 27 23 29 31 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 23 24 23 26 '8 29 30 t t 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 It 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 23 21 26 27 28 29 30 31 January, Felrurv, March, Apiil, May, lane, July, August, September, Oclo! e, jvtnr.x r, DcccmW r, PRICE cmiHKNT. 'orrrctti weekly by Henry YoxUuimcr, VhkaT, 80 Rye, 50 Coax, - . - - - 40 Out, ...... 25 rH&, . o FmiKtn, 100 Hl'TTKIl, - - . It Bki.kwai, . - 2, Tanevv, . . . 13 J luii.n A pen:, .... 75 1'lachk, ..... 3tio Ptx, - "8 HkCKLEll Ful, - - v 0 a I THUTll WILL F UFA AIL. , lVr. HarUch's medicines are daily increasing in tpuh re f..Vor, want trom any hut a fir trial In establish iheir won h. We have a communication in nurcolun ii lo-d iy from n n mm Innj; axvicted, wliicli in hut one of m my Vouchers fit this medi co itre. Spirit iff the Time. We hive Invn requested lo publish the Mlowii g Notia. County lectins. MEET1NO of the Dem. Whij ofNorti.d. - County i I do lii'l.l at the cc tin house in Sun biirv, on Tue day next, lor (lie purpose, of upmir. 1114 delegates 1 1 a convention ti be held at Harris lurg, lo rut in nomination a cand date fur Wovernor. dan. el deuckemiller, Jan. 9, 1811. StoniL'ng Committee. CAME lo the premium of the auliarrther, about ten day ainre, live gee-e, vizi Three whi'e mu lt, commoiily Called tai di rs, and two prey ft mait, kiin a n aiinply by the name of-g.ew." '1'be owner in hen by notified lo rotne futwafd, proe property, pay chtrge, and uke ihem mw, JOHN UANUELS. Sunbury, Dec. 22, 1610. irttOTn n ecu as IS hen by givm to all ivfiom it may c.inci ril that I have purclitai! at ('miaul r't Xil, in Au guta tonnaliip, NoilKuinl erl.iiid county, Oi.e Mantle Clm k, which wan mil I a the pr jierty of J.. iur Farninoith. and thai 1 hava oaiud tue aiiie to die aid Jjiixa duiing niV pltuie. ri RM AN KAUNti WORTH. Aujusta, Dc. 23, 181J. AITITTJALS. IfOtt C.iritina miiJ Niw Y.a.'a t:fia. Bull'doe R be. Z ne in heet. For a. le by H. B. MANSER, l)e:eniber 24. IS 10. County '!tctiii. AMEEI'INU of the Demorrita of N'ortlium iHrland county, will be I eld at the Court House, in Sjiilniry, on Monday the 1 1th day of Junuvy n. it, f r ihe purpose of cho king one Hi. triul and one Kepr MSiitaiive delegate to theron veniion lo Im held in Hairiburgli, on the 4th ol March next, to n minate a randiilaie for (ioverror, to be mmofUd at the n x (tub. in Ooriil Klerlinu filUEON I.EISENKINO, WM. KK.MiLY, A. JORUAN, Dee. 19, 1810. Stitit'linq Committer. Jonallian It. Wafer' IMafc. N f O TICE ia hereby given, that letters of adruiii. iatrati n de bnnit nan upon the rata' of Jo. Iiathaii R. Wawrs, late of Soainokin township. Net-ihumt-erlaud eou ly, dee'd., taU day .-. n granted by the RrgUter of aaid cmniy lo the aub ,enbera. All roiia having c Liim-i or demauils a. gainst the add decedent, at iequeted to mala known lheau lo iham, without delay. V A I.F.N TIN F. KLASti, El EVNOR WATERS, Kiaiu- k'ti, Nov t. hi. A l n'i, (. II U DDM. GUM ELASTIC Shucs, a largo os-oii. mrnr. ' Sperm Oil, best iiintil' B.toka, of all descrip ion. Silk, black and coloured, Sta;r Carpeting. Cotton Carpet. Cnrprt Chain, of a'I colors'. Saddlery, a gcncial a.KTtiui'iit. Ehptic Spring. "ch Limp. Cirii ig' B inrf, Joint, Urn- Da-ihrr. Patent Leather. Just received and for j1c al the More of . . MAsaiu:, November 14, 1810. tf CRA1TSSRRIS3. F 71REsH Ctanbi rriea, iot received and for aale ; by H. B. MASSER. JNovember M, 1810. tf ESTATE OP ELtAS BREWER, DEC'D. NOTICB i hereby given that letter of admin intralion upon the rstate of said dire ed Iirvb been granted o the aul acribem, by the Id gia'er of Norihuml eilnnd county. All p tn 'laving demand! ngiinst s-jid e-lato, wi I puaont peily uutlenlirated to either of the euUeiiberj at iheir residence in Auuuoti township. HENRY HHEWER. ) . . . ,,. ABRAHAM BREWER, 5 AU,n'" Novemr 11, 1840. 6t I X FOR MAT! OX W A XT FI ). A NV peraon having any information coni-cniiig Bryan Sheehy, a n ilivc of Ireland, aged from 19 to 22, of Aim complexion, will inter a favor by reforming hit brdthiT, KudhTT MiCt'liy, by letter directed to Harrinburg. Ta. O' EVERY DESCRIPTION. NTAV FXtU.AXDOII. COMIWXW Xo. 2t) N'ortlt Water Stnict, Pliila. MANUFACTURERS and dealer, ill Oil of everv detcriplinft loth f r liiiihin and nianiilaciurinn purposes, which viH be nM murh lower than they can 1 procured ts'nevthere, ni:,l warianled in quality to equal any in the city. Any nd sold by ho coinpit y not proving a le, rewiteil, may be returned without any expeimc to the pur ihwr, and the money will le refunded Thnr toi k now m alore consists of the following uiln, v'i, s 30.000 gallons Wititvt Bleached f'poin. t)il. 6000 do do do do do do t'o C. lo le a Oi', Fall and S, rinj Sperm Od, Whiter tS-a Ul Thant, do Tiu-sed Wlurle Oil, Summet drt do do Cointnon Whale Oil, 15.000 10.1100 30.(rnt) 6000 15,000 200 Baric'. aupeiioi !Sinil Or, 3t 0 do CoJ llnnk O I, 50 do Nea s Foot O I, 75 CVki Olive Od, Taiiiier'a ib J I- TjM lliiit Compinv ha a numVr of Vecln li- gigej in the Col Fiahiry) nnd Tanner may rely u, on get'iog al nil tune Oil pum as inqKiru J. J'hiladulphia, Nov. 7, 1S4J. ly. ATTE1TTI01T. f 1HE apicial attention of buyer fiom the cou'li II aod went, and for the atate trai'e, ia re. pe Hol ly invited to the following asuoitnu nt of UVftitS, which ihe kubaeril t r will dispme of al tin li prio n a ill unply iepay hi T'iend for railing tmd x amining hi flock. To CASH piiichader. at the pre-cnt lime, extraordinary SiiJuteineiila will ho vf IV red. 200 piece heavy variegated Spiuiinh nuil ii. 500 p:rce Canton m itniii, asoited 1-1, .VI and 6-4 while, chokeJ and flowered. 1000 In Mill rug-, a I e mtilul uotun nt f V i! on, llruaeK Tu'tid, Turkey. And Hemp ruy. 2'I0 I'Socr wo den. v it!-l, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block I'.irpe i .. An i hy int var.elv of V ilioo, IIiusm .co ill ai.d iiiigliili, Veoe iao, Dauiark, cVe. ;e. 1000 doz li inen en I bov cape, eoinpriiiig a gic.l var ety of Far, tial. Nudia, Munkral, anil Coney, Hair Sealelle mid Cloth Cap. 100 dozin Allicanl MaU, af-i U-.l tr, 100 do Manilla do do do 50 d Nhcep-nkin do do do 30 tub a French B Ve a, CJinpr'oing every dt a.riptioh. hlA) pir Velio i,in Ulitidr) a-b'd liuici and inloir. 3010 pat lit do do . do 1000 iisn C.tba or fatiliel., aM( m.lio aid leather, airaw and oil rl.itl ; .r(M'0 di I' tl CoMllif, a-orted tortoi lira z.l.i.iii do h tm, ivory, bras and 0od. cinpriaing a larie a-or in. lit i f eiery variety. 3000 doteli Whips a--foiied wagon, gif, car riage, aulky, planter, droterior iblliy. of gut, le.-.-lliri i.nd thread, with Ociuian ivr, gill, ioiy and hone mounting. 1000 doReii pjintrd pa.U, WiU. n'a br ind. 1000 neu ced r TiiIm aid ButkeU; uUn, Churn, I'igginn, Water Can, .c. The alioe together w ith an exteni e aiworlihriit of fniry g 6.U, Brit'auia and (iermaii biIvi r ware, feather and 1 lislle Bruahev, UiHiking tila-o-e", Ma hogany and (J ill Fiamea, of eveiy . ami iLx ri lion, are ilianuf.ii lured, inipi, and a be ed ei pretilly foi ihe kuuti.c.u. wrti rn nnd Ma e lujj, J. MUNEV JONi:, No 18 Narth 2 I atrevl, I'h'1 c'pW FhiUJelpUiB, November 7, 16 t'.--iy. G. V". & 7. 3.T.7LC?.. OFFEK Volt SALE, nt the .s0tli K ' er of Fifth uuJ Murket Wcc, i'hiUkt- Men' Calf-Viu Boo', utitche l warranted. d do do eugel d dt do do water inix f, d Ubte aoe and doub'e uptit'r. do Culf-kiii do do and up em. do He.vy Water Leather Uooik. do do Neat do do. do High quarter Hi,.. t'a!f-kin. do do do Crorkcia d d 1 mi led do Fine M. nr.x' Marraniud. do K 11 do da do C If do do Coarse du do Jo Shu da F11 do do Jo A dr. d. do Kip tJi d.i t 'all anl Seal Sk'l I'uwrq . do I, at Mocks wish asul without sole. ,lo Caip-t di rl d4 do I'alenl Wai ranted Wul r-proef Miveasius. Ladies'' do, du do do I.adua tanned liulia Rul brr sIwms. (ntlaaii' do t'vi? ibue. Wiib every other iVm- iiiou vt boots auJ shoe . Fur Cap i f rv, ry decrittaii. Travelling Trunks ut every ikfvTi lioa. Vcnriian J'lavillui'i llas. I'ateut (fiim LUsIk- Siioe L'lai k'inr. II 11 net. i f U kind., I'shii lal lLit.. Ih .'l.dvlibu, No euibei 7, I -10.- ly. CITV-AUCTION AND COIWMISSION STORE. Xumur 29 AWA 7iVrf Street, rhiludefjfhin. PUDLtO SALES of Dry tJooda, Hor.ltrare and Cutlery, Book, Nttionry, Clothing, ll.iot, Hhora and lla:a, nnd in ahort almost every decriplion of gol, are held ol thi (atahlishinent every evening Oood are nl-o aold nt piiva'e dale during the day at the average auction price. Hmrc keeper and tradeis will find it lo their advaii'age by attending the nh . CO. MACKEY, Auctioneer, riiiladetphia, Novemb. r 7, 1840. TIIFOPII.US fULP. Manufacturer nnd Imporicr of Sad dlery, Hardware, fcc. A't. 6 South Third tr?t, fiur donrt be 'on' Market I'hiludtlphiw KEEP const uitly on hand a l.-ugr1 and erneral nanirtment ( oaeh I.anlpi", t'urii.ig" Band, Axlu Anna, Eltptlc Vpriim, Fnlrnt I, ember. cVe. Com, try Merchauta unl stddlei will beupplied al nil time on the most reasonable temi. Tl fy wi I find it to their advantage to call and examine hi asnrtmeiit l fore purehaina: elsewhere. 1'luladilphia, Noemlier7, 1S40. ly. RFVXOLDS, McFAllLAXI) co. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British itinl American Dry Goods. Xi 105 Market ttrcct, Vhitadctphia. COUNTRY Merchant, and other can bi Klip plied at nil time with an extt nxive .n. nionl of ihe heat nnd moat fashionable Coo J a up. n the ino-t reasonable term-', I'uil nle'phia, November 7, 1810. lv. Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store Xr. 44, Xtrth Fourth near Arch VhiUidtlphia. XHEKE Ci untry Mere ham anil other can be ' ' mi pli'd, at ll time, with a large i.Biortnn nt of Htei. rv, (J.ove, Merino. Cotton, and Woo n Shirt and Driwrr, Spool C Hon. Patent Thifml. Ci foil C. rl. lliiMon, Tapi a, liii.d n-, Hoik" I Eve. Pina, Ae. And a general vaii ty ol n-c-tul arurh'H, which he oll' rs l r sale at the lowo-t piieea. PlHIidclphia, November 7, 1810. ly. KjLV2T Zz, SPaCTHEPaO, Xo. li Chosnut Street, I'liihulelphia, conlan'tly kifp rn hind a lirae aoil- " mei t of I,3iv, Moiiicnl. TheobigVal, S. ho. I. bil l Mocell 1'ieou Books, Blank Bjok. und all kind of Klaiioiiary Count y custoinei an.) oilicrs supplied on the mot re. soi aleterni". 1'bi'adclphia, Novemlirr T, 1 P 10. ly. liSlIKHICK, n.xsi:i.!, ctrs. WHOLESALE DRY GOOS3 STORE. Xo. 1C.0 l-'i Market St reel, l'liila. (tit-low Fifth South hitk ) A LWAVS kee)iou h:.nd a full aliil temral a firtmentof llo-iery, l.ace, a d Fancy (ioii.ln, Coui try M. lehan'a are rei-ec-fuly reque-led lo give lh m a till nnd examine for them clvi . Philadelphia, November T, ! 840. ly. SPFUIXC, GOOD -At CO. Xt4. l:JS Market Street, Philadelphia. NVITE the ntlei lion nf Country Merchant to iheir c'cii.i e a Kortmenl ol Bijibli French a. d A'.Hiriean DiV (in til, which tbev ill. I lor a .le on tin m t' terni!'. d.lpii a, N.Aemb r 7, I M0. ly. pj:ti:ii dhwffs. LAST MAKER, Xo. 71 Callow hill Street, Philadelphia, ('Three doors u'mrt St cand. J (i HOE Finding nlway kept on hand, which he oir r for .de on the lowe t term, ('.uiutrv NlVieh ,ot are ..nli ul uly lo call ami judge f r Ihrm clve. Pbiladel.hia, November 7, 1810. 1 , OMVFll X. TIIAC1IF11, A-jt. MANUTACTCRER OP ILfi.TS, CAPS. -IC, Xo. -10 Xorth Third Street, Phila. ('(7''Vf tin City Hotel. ) HATS, Ca andLtdiea Fur, of cveiy de- -ription. mauiif C'U'Cil at vry low pi in, ami Country M, n-hai'ti nipiln j at ithoit notii'e, lelphhi. Novemb. r 7, I MO. lv. I.OWFIl A: UAP.PvOX, Importer, and IbaL-rsiii Foreign and IVitnestic Hardware No. l;t Nuuru Tuir.H, rHiLvi'tLFiiii ' T 1 1 ERE th' ir fiiend and cusl. n,er will alwav ' tin J a lare and geneial assorimeill of Foreign and Doiixulte Haidware, v hith they m ill 11 at the loe-t ("ice. I'hdi drlj hi.,, Noveml r 7, IS 10. ly. ' J . v ruihrella and S V A I X , Parasol Mantdaettircr. A'o. 3i AW Tlnr-t ftrrft, luii doors Itluw tht fit if llotil. FhiknUlpJtia. 10UNTRY Men hams and mhe-s are solic'led lo exaiiiiuc his iiwoi liiu-ut Is fore pui chasing , laewherr. Fiiila elphii, Novemb. r 7, ISI0. ly PETZP. CClTCTEPs, V I tote-sale ami Kulail Shoe, Boniift, and Palm' Hat Warcliousc. A'o. fi6 Xorth Zii street, 0 few ihers uhvvt .treh, Fhikiilelphia. 4 !o ili. try !0 T11 nk-', Caipet Hags anJ Valiec., f ev. dimpiiM'( all of which be itkri lor Mir on the ii'oal ira uab'e trim. I'hila.1. Ij hia, Nvemlr 7, 1610. Iy P. Sc A. KOVOUDT'S ('tiiua.Cb&s aidf Liverptxi! Warehouse. A'o It.l Xirth Hurd street, third dour Ulvw Vine strut, I'hiirultlpAia. VITHKRE they constantly kfep 00 hand a large assortment of I 'bins, (ilam and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on ih nn-st isi oinlile teriiu,. rhd. dilpliH, Neuud er t S 10 illicharl lVcarT V Moil, ROPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. A'o. 1 3 North Water Street. Philadelphia. i -XT i AVE cona'antly on hand, a geneml BMirt- mi ht of Cordmre, Seine 1 winea, etc., viz ! I ai 0 Rone, Fiabinrx Ripe, VVhito Roiiea, MjioI. la Kopra, '1'orv Line for CinalBont AIo, a comjilete HKnitinei t ofHiine Twine, Ac. oeh n Hemp Nhad nnd Herring Twine, Bet Patent (Jill Net Twine, Cotton Slm.l mid llening Twine, Sh.ic Thread, eVe. Vc. Alen, Bed Coid, I'l ugh Line, llalteN, Tr cm, Cotton and Linen (3 -rpet Chain. iVc. all of whlih they will d.p so of on ic nn.iMc tetm. Philndctpliln, Novrrtibei 7, I S 10, Jacob FrlMiimfli & Noil 11 ESpUU'l'FM.I.V iofnrni tin ir friet i's and aeouniiilanee eelierallv th it tllev .li I con tinue to keep at the old Mnnd. No. 216 .North 3.J I aire, 1, 1'hiladi Iphia, hll ktml or TOHACCO S.WFF A XI) sua A Its. Which they will acil on the m at uccoimnodaliiig and iciscn ibla leini. N. B All eooiU o'd will hn it ir.uiti ed, Mid tdl order prompt y attended to. 1'htlad, Iphia, November 7, I & 10.- I y. J F U F yi I A II V A S T I X ' S IXnlr. JOTH'E i hrieby given ih it the Rigis'er ol the County ol Norlbuiii' eilnL'd, In lluiliy iiiiintrJ biter li flaini n'nry to the u' M-riberit upon the ei-iate nf Jeiemiah V,.a in'', of RimIi towuhip, in the mid County. All crxon having di mnnds or e'aiin ngiin t ihe tad deeideul are mpn medio muke known Die ime to tl em without delay. F.LI?. I1K I'll VAS IINE. I ... THOMAS R. VATINE.S ' WILLIAM LEOllOi;. l'onii. November 2, 1810. 6 v. DISSSOI.UTIOX OF iWUTXFIi- SII11 N' 'OTICE i hiTfby given that the partner -hip lieie'.'fiire i xitinB in ilei the linn nt . (. Mimtr A- Co., in ilii dnv diMlveil ly mutual coi,' iit. 'I'hc book'', note. A:e., will be b ft f r a In it limo in the band of II, B. Maimer, li i eolln lii.n and Kiitlemeiit afcr v hii h, if uiiati'ii 'id to, diey wi I le pined in iho hand of a prnp, r i Hiver lor i tn above purpose, November 1, IS 10. II. 15. MASSI.IJ, Will eontiiiiie in buine-a rt tin o'd , tan 1. Mid repiTtfiiIly inviti hi fii' i.d and cin'oiner lo a larne nsnortnunl of New OooJa, juil ivciived. N ivimlier 7, 1810. t'.sr Received Moiino, Broclie, and Chen, I e SlinwU. Sc 1 Oiler, Sei.l and Seal, ttc Caps, A lime us' Itmeiit of t'urk ('hiu'.e'i French nnd Englm'.i Meniioe, cVi . Forai'o al he Mote t It. li MASKlt, Nov. iiiIht 7, H10. NEW GOODS. ,'ST RECEIVED , n.v nd aplendnl ,iort ment of Calicrw. Mnsliiw, Ac. For nlo at .1' the Moie ot lili.MU i I IA I III VI 1, H. OitoUr III. I MO. If. F the latet nnnulai tine, couit'iing in pirl of nreat v.,nt"y of I lulh, Cniiiieres, Satli- in IU. Merinoe, Fl.inllel Mouelin de Laincft, ,Vc. Juki rei-eived and forVe at 'be tre of HENRY VOX I'll El M I'l'. Oel ilier.1l, 18.0. tf. "n US T RECEIVED a l.rnc ami. a-t-ort. tJP mi nt ol (iioceiie liquor A: Foi deBl Ihe sin, . I HENRY VOX UIEIMt.i,'. Ociober III, IS 10. tl Ruas, M.N'TS, nnd Dye SiulV, a fresh up ly ju-t rcvTiVeU ami lot' ni 11 e st 're nt HENRY Yt. I'll f.'IM ER. October 31, 1S0 if. A IVIILLEU Sc. FAIlIttSR AY hear of a roi d situation, fifty mile'' from Sunbury, in a new aelllemei.t, white he win 10 olttaiu n I01.1; liam'Ol a no nil ti'it . 1 1 1 1 . n t, . I have a Faim ml). lining, by ir qui i" of THE FRINTCR. OelolH-r l0;h, IMO, ( t I'Aiii'iiLBrr iiAw. fWlHK I'ampbletLiw. for t! e-ion IMf-D. bave l-een nce:ed al thia oll'ce, nd luei uiv ifijy diatrihution to ih.iM, einiib.1 n n reive Ihem. SAMUFI. D. JOIIIIW. 1'rothon. t ir,' ollieo. I'n th'y. Sunl ilry, Sept. 'li, IS 10. AI L ACC'H'N'I'S reiojiiiirq In my bonk pretioii-ito the firM of Apiil HIO, will l lifi in l!le hands uf a Jiviiirr of tin- Vre fr eol loci ion. HENRY YO.VTIIIMER- N. B. ('ruin of all kiuJ will lie taken on old Ht-munl--). Kept, l i, LIS T O V V 1 I' S i: S , Oil tii.'l in th.' Court of t,' . 01:1, m I'lea 1 f NoilliuinU rl o.d t"oun4y. lo U- held al Sui.- Iiiiy. on the lirl M nday ul J nanny ikii, I nop tl e lih : Joe I, Tn R I 'K'ist A N M Oeon;e La w t ik e II niw r I isr K u-li Kirk pa, 1 ii k A. S.111 Df Wrn. llioibrx ik S .me Wm. P. Brady Chiisliaii Hckiit Huh Ue!U, Jvk-rpb lio Jairus Ili.lxHirn John A L'ovd Fet, r Fibieil' adni'i Henry Fmk Comui'ibol I'etiu'a John Dunklo Millon Hor.'UKh A:c. (irovrs for Hart Ac Co. Illjei bw B,.dj;. 1 Hugh BiUj SalUU Andrew Tinbr.s k John Hi4 nlom r ul. Sillier tn Ribei J. L. & M. N..WI Henry Fihk Thinw Ferry Mary Weeka Fau Solomeu Du.kf lb tg 1 s Manin A. S ink, Jacks in Nenlui, is K. II. II ninnoii l, vs Solomon MenuiH. s ('dioi, 1 is. iiiuii;. v Hoi iy Brown, vs Sliipm in .V li n uouch vs Thi ll, is (r:irit's adiu's, v Fi dcriek Heikerl, m Win. M'Cur y el ul., v. It .U rt IMoHip-, Wales, vs Jarni s la e, s John F.ib. v, v II, 1, iKelli nlMch, v, W, avrr Lloyd ft Robiiu v Roleri Mack, vs Ja-oh Whe Uud, v J. hn 1 wuriU), s Hurfh Bell s. vs ( 'hi isl tin llouls, v lwss Dewari, v Da ni. I FiyoiOft l 1. 's Aletk'i Elsirli ,1 al., s John Vmreul, &r. vs Aimer Colmcs 1 1 sL, vs D. Hooset'r Coinnntire s Fr demk Bauihiuan, vs Bverly ft lia is, v Joarph Nuyde-, vs T'fe A We t'l SAMt'Ll D li'KD.N. I r iinoneiai t i 'iner, j -unl ury, D r. .:, 110 S SIXAXtXOKXN COAI4. OF a very mperior quality, em be lud at miy time, by applieution to Hie aubaeriU'r', in bit to niiit purehaei. They keep large, eg, broken, and line coal, tit for burning lime. J. H. I'URDY V Co. flinlntty. Sept 2rt. if. aitOCi;itlf:s.. fich supply of ( just recived and f r ado by HK.NRV VOXI'HIMER. s. pt. 12. tsto. tr. I.lqt OltS.. fiei.b u) ply of (im, Foil, I, i boil, Tel erilV , ,M and huriy W un n, just rect i, vd and f .r ale bv II K.N It Y VOXrillMER. Sept. 13. 40. if. f f 'Avf.VW, A new nnrtmrtit of V-l, 7-8 ai.d 0 1 yHid Wide Mu.lm, jn-t received and for n'eby HENRY YOXTHl.M ER. Sept. 12, 1840 tf. 1.1 l.lf'OKS. A new aisoitnici t of Culicoc just tt ceived and for Mile bv HENRY YOXTH1MEH. Sipt. 12, 1810 -f. W.V A good annulment of Lon.jit neiivid and for sale bv HENRY YOXTIIIMEK. Sep'. 12, 1810. If. I,T. Sf0 barn Is and nk of Kali, just ' received ail'! for aale bv HENRY YO.VTIIIMER. j Sept. 12, I K10. tf. I CI,1tlIS. grneml aworlment of Cloth ' and C48siineu", conlant v on li mil ot the store of i HENRY YOXTIllMEK. I Sept. 12, 1 10. j . . . .. . . . .. j U'HF.IT, HVH, COlt.V ntid nil other I k'lld of til. .ill and Seeil wi'l be t .ken al the high- cl pne a ai exilian tor goo hi inr mim o. HENRY YOXTHIMER. 12 HI0- f. MACKEREL A sa'e at 1 low p' e bv few biirel of M ekerel fr II. B, MASSE R, S I. 12, I MO. Ililsil SALMON. Ol the Ik-m quality, eon -lantly n h ind and lor fale by It H. MAssER. Sept. IS, IM0. MADEIRA WINE. Wine, fir s-ile low I y -l'lit quality Mn'ieia II. B. MASSE It, Sept. 12, I MO. FOURTH PROOF BRANUY. A nil n; I . 1 t - 1. . . I .... I 1 . I... 1 an. etc aiwuv 011 nana aim 101 nmi- y II. B. MASSER Sept. 12, I MO- HOI. LAND (UN. Of the t quality Uvav . 011 h and au.l for t:'c I y II. B. MAs.-ER. Sept. 12, IS 10. "loaf and I.I h ind mid lor aalc by MP M'UAR. Alwavn en II. B. MANSER. li, IMO. BOSTON sYRl'l MUbASfE. Ol a supe rior quality, lor a ile by 11. B. MASKER, S,pf IS. IM". NEW ORLEANS M tiAR HOUSE MO LNSES. Oi the hot qiiilily ulav on hand ai d lor sale by II. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, IMO. BROWN Sl O AR. low hy Sept. 12, 1810. -Of a en.'. II. H. qil dilv. lor .,le MAS LI,'. LHil'Oi;s.--Ol all kin I and of the let qu-1.-lie-, iiKvavaou hand and b-r ale bv I!. 11. MAS -LR. Sept. 13, 1HI0. (IKE EN AND Dt.A'K TE S. Ot the b,-l 1 1 ilnv I w .v on liutiii and f r t de bv H. B. MAssER. Scj I. 12. I -MO. COFFI V. Javi, Rio and Lnuira (.'orfce, eon et J nil v on htnd ai:d lor bjle I v li. B. MASS EE. S. pt. 12. H-ltt. ; SPERM Oil Winter and Summer strain, d ' SHim O.l, the let qua! IV. alwuvs on blind al I for sale by H. B, M ASSER. I Sept 12, ISlO. S TEEI.. Cal and lV.i, 1 Stc-I. for by H. B. MASSE K. S. J t. 12. It? 10. SI'RLNi; SI'EI.I Of aiiou,itea fit Eli li l nog'', lor sale by II. B. MASSEIL BII1LES IVr veil; ut II. B. MASSER.. Se,.. 12, KU. 1. n;: uartm very railuced K s by Sepl. 12, 110. BLNNK LOOKS. rt" all kin Is. fir sale by II. B. M ASSER. Set. 12. 1K ltI.NK IrFKUS. L'imm'm. Morleirre. Ac for sulebv II. B. M.VSER. Sr. IC. mill. JUSTICES' BLANKS. fr -sV by 11. B. .MAS.-ER. Sept. 12, II0. CLOTHS, Blue, Bl.vk. Invisible O-iei,, v for aclr bv H, pt. 12, I S 10. '"cAssl.M E R ES) rab very low by U. II. MSSER, For and srnNEri's- 11. B. MAssER. Sipl. 12, l"-l. CAKFETINlL Eoi sale cheap by 11. B. MASSER. .-vpr. IS, 110. II LAN KETS - For sU cheap b H. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, IS 10. - L'NULKACIIED MUSLINS For sib, by H. B. MASSER. September IJ Ii l. CO II ON YARN AND COT FUN LA Pi K0,H,y II. B- MAssER. Sepleiulwi 12; 1810. HEMP AND COTTON l WINE. F. r til by H. 15. MASSER. Seimber 12, 1810 . " TOMTNIi IINF.S. COIil WDM'I ES.- m sale by M B MA- -LR' i rntirr l'.',Tt. . T r .'i n h p o r I n t i o n la i n c TO BALTIMORE, (ri 4 ilr. win ctniL ) B',.r.'(oir'' f:( if Qht'mit Stmt on tht Term aylvania VuttaL A IIOT l.-i'ea the whirl of the m'-a ril-er ev. ry 111 uni'n it H o'cloik, running throuijh to lia t. niori in lloue dav. Cona'gnm' tits ot proiline, iron, fee , wi'l irveive a despilch by ihisliio', 1m not liillnrU) been , quailed by any other. JCalo of freiijht a i lo in by any other ngulat line, Reti remc : JOHN W. BROWN, 't BUCK HI'.RR. I , , KERN AN A sT1U.Nkji1v fU MiU0"' J.oV A. II. II ERR. J (i.i.iiU intt ruled for Pittahurg, or any nolnt oh the Pcmiiii Ivuiiirt CauaN, will be ahipiied wphouC del iy on iheir nnival at Harrisburu', aa thia eon neclr wilh the Noiih Amrriran linn of Foitubb, Bout lo rills! urj d,.ilv, nml with tin' Huqijibaii. na l'aiket Lire to Norlhumberlainl, W illiamrpor , W 'ilkisbarie, and all iuti pUce. (iEORUE W. LAYNO. llaninburg. Si pt. 9, 1810. WorliH of Aalurr. IN a stile olhea'th tin, inictiiiil canil may hr, compared to a river whose wntom flow ovtf the ji! joinun; land, through the chim.el nature or or: hn m ide, and impinves their qualities and to kei p up the eiunpari.on of the river, eo lo:ii as it run on mno.'tlily the rhnutiels lire kept pure and healthy ; but if by oine enn-o ihe course uf tho river i slop pe1, then the water in the 1 anal i lit longirpure, hut -non become Urtijii .nt. There i but one law if ciieulaii'iti in miiu'C. When thi ro i a supn nliuiiitani'O Lf hiitnorinl fluid (iri icily) in the intek t nal lulu , ami co.-tivot:es.t tuke pi ire, it 11 w 1 back into the bloo I, and tnfil ralts il.'olf in to the circulation. To calabli-li the free course of the river, ne mufet leinove the oletruitioiu nb r:, top i' fee coiH-e.nml Iho e ol it tr butary s'.icam. With the body, follow the aame natural principal , r ui ive, I y that inluable purittive medicine Hi yii dnih, Universal Vegrlalile I'ilh, which are an el f. ciuiil ns-ist.inie nf nature, the super ibuudauco o humor in the intestine ranal. By jtr. iwerinp; in thi prai t c.i', the ways of tho circulition will then he tenured to the full exeriixo of their natural fuiu lious, tin.l a st ite ol health will be fninly etal'li?!i id Ki'iuemiier, never nifl. f a drop of blooJ lo ho taken from you Evacu.tethe humorH a often ninl n lou us liiey ure degeneraled, or u luL'g t, ) 011 aie k. Dr. Btaud'elliV Office in 1'iiila.h lphia, ia at No. n. A OR I'H EKiHTH stiert, where hi pilhrun bo had nt X'5 ici: s per box, with full diieiMioti. Q j l 'uly ugeoi in Sunbury , is 11. B. Masser Emji . Sunbuiy, Sepl, 'J, 1810. t'ci-lific.jU'j o!" Agency. THE follow ine; ari, ihe duly appointed aiei.t i-, tbrir rereittve c-oinlie, f r the sale ot' Vt Xt ltilile Universal Fill. iN'orthi'iiibe.lrti d countv 1 Milton M-ickry f.. I 'h 'inbeilin. Sunbuiy If. II. M iser. M'Ewei -ville (.'idiba, (tiei'ii ot Wall, (icoigetnwu I . Miilbng.'r A C'o. Union county : Lcwishiin; -Wulls & Cd !e-. M Hlnibur Fcllm m iSr, Bet kly. New Ucilia .1 .hn M. Bi nfer. Si liu.igrovc Eyre &. Co. Mil' -dbliLt I-aac Smith. Lyc. tniiiR county : Williarr.i'port John Smith. Newbrny M. Ar .1. ('. Fun-ton. Munry W. A I't-iru-an. Jersiy Sh. e .la-nea H. II born. I Columhia eouioy -. D invillc T. A; E. B. Re--; nol.U. Cj'tiiwisaa C. A. lit. vi ta. I),rwick Shu ' nun A Rit'eiil'.nu-e. Bio iiusburjj-John 11. Mrve. ! Sunbury, S, pt. 9, 110. vv;: caisi: of dheasi:. Nearly all clasex if I'iwa'e, are caused by om j obstruction in Ihe sysli in, which prevent the leijti lar and wholes me operation r.f the animal fuin I tiona. Thi sia'c of the yirm, is diutMe, whicH ! i-i iiinuift sted in a variety of forma, moto or le 111.1I gnanl in the.r chancier. To restore Ihe systen. to a stale of heal h, then, ii H only ntco-sary to it iinivo die. of di-e.i-e, n I iho end ia acron : p'ishi d. I'lu cau-e i otis1 ruction somewhere. Th : 1 an 1 ninoicd by purij.ttion. Which is the on!.' iman that sh u'd be eil to, b, ciuae, ug; s .i by 1. is.111, and ly nalure. Dr. II 11 hch's StieugtK , , ning nml (ieimni Aperient fills, are allowed tlu 1 11 ii-uud. who have ued Ihem, to be the best I pU'it I'lve n.ediiine in eiislence. Because-, ihe. not only r, move all obstruction, and puro the m -' tern uf its impuri'.if s, but, bec-iu:, and w'lich ist i t.einely important, aliennihen and fie proper ton 10 .hi sto.nnrli, and pri due e a healthy action of al the pail-. lieside, tliey nre so nilld Mad gentlo in ) llu ir operi'iou, us to remli r ihem at all time a pet -' feclly snfo and disirahlo remedy. The affiicti.'. . woul.1 do well, thi is, to purchase a boi or two ft : th invaluable ntt'dicioe, and give it a fair trial, ir 1 st ad if .1, si r j ing their vy.Pnn with oft-iepeaicl - doM-4 , 1 calomel, an I other drua, so l-jurK UJ n hiimuii life and happines. I leo above 1111 decirra fo alent the Drue; (nre o. ! HENRY VOX I'll ELM ER. .. Oct. 31, l.-('i. .isent. TO THE CVMMVMTW THE sneer which liaa attend, d Ihe 11-e of li lt tilth's Crronm Aperient end C'umpounti xtrenstluninff Tolie I'.il.i, is truly r.s'oiiidiiu. L is no vain lut 10 say thi medicine hn f r ved t . us hup; y ff. eta in Ihe 1 u'e of a v.oitlv cf disease! to uhich the hum 111 frnriie is liable, to bo vasdy sti penoi lo the many preonra'tonv Ix tore thsi pubic Many of then piep .rations aie C"rni.onded by in i!ivi,luat who at Mi-ilivc'y inrranl of the mystr r e of ihe 1 u an sysiem, un l ns-ru prvlendi is . medical k n b oVe. Dr. Harlicli, how, ver, is eirc b 'el amoiii; ihe t.irimn f.icul y rs a minof thr hifihest sen 1 1 lie sit ,11m. M-, -,nd equally di;ii; Kuislnd throughout Ei rope, a a successful me.lion I laciili .111 r. sp. nt in si ot liie yrars of a usetnl III in 1 lie aquisiil 'ii of such knonbdjl ui nujhl pro Is m licidl to li li lloiv cieatiirr. In Ihe whici he iuveuied, :n.d which bear hta 11 aine, lt' pi.b'u ! me s-und ul n ui iicb- that e more th . ! 0 iliimrv viitues. 1 -ruin ib ackiiowlt iiged talem j of ihw inveutor, u tbinf lei than'a good situ I 1 "hJ I' pecti-d ; and the rxpertenra cf man i ye.ioi has nllir.led ileinoiistmion of the virtues 1 1 : i,i- no Jin e. in tii imsny and ether part of Fi : ro, e, its r put ition is e t lil slicd. In ihia o uiiL. . i int., m hit h it hs but n reeenlly ii.tri!ttceJ. if 1 j rapidly uainiiiu Ihe nm-l u!.tai.tial lej ut uiuii. Tl, ; nuuii'iom ci rl tie.ii, of cures of Ibe nil obstM:a. doe a s. Heeled by the us- of Hnilith's Fills, vthicl the propri. .r is 1011-t inl y rei eivuig, is roof ol its it. Diy after t'.ny I sr. rene now Wstni'-iu.' of the r iMi-xcy, ami week after week inn-esaes tin demand 11 1 In rn. Tiim ij not mere asarriMa ; ir nanieiitble culifK-alesareoprii for I Ik Inspection ' Ihe pu' be, and Ilie d 'libui of an vh I in kelical rati le ir n. vej U, ejiiui.iig theid it the t tike u. the pr prieior. We 1 ike the li-crty, then, of lUices'intr JI eety family, that d.ey u.ak," use of Dr. Il.trliih'a Fdi Let Hu n, a supply coioianil ou hand, to b u. d Un occtv-Kiu demanJs and they will rreeiti lis mot nncJuivocal vovils i-f talilny. JsVot'c,.. ll fat r. ViliuipsJ niTtt tf the I'oiteA Ststes, No-t-" ; Nortn t.'Khih s'leit, flilia.leipriis. " ' I Wi'-u-rn lp-No. 41, St. I 'lai, aireet. P tiaV t urcW. m;h Yl'MHEIMfcri, 1, uio.