Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 09, 1841, Image 2

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    We putili h the following linen, on occorrt of
their originality and simplicity.
. aKitcTri. ron th imehu h.
Melancholy Attliieiif,
W hirh look plor on Ihe 3nJ day f June, in the
yrai nf our Lord, 1VSC, in (5 tt.iwivsi t. wnshi;.,
Columbia rotn.1v, which fi:l. J the t.itot
with stir..w.
White mm hti1 colour'd ton,
Jive tat lo mt while I d.i read to you
tlf two young mm ofeltlnr kind,
Mho disagreed while in Ihcir prime,
Soon after this thry did pgrec,
And from the world thry wrro set free,
And in one well, they did unite
And in their giavcs they lay aright.
Hymnn Cleavet deicrnded into the well;
It was not long until he fi ll;
Tie damp and sulphrr strong was there,
Which to.k from them the lovirg air.
This noblo Samuel with apd-d went down
1'or to raise Hyman above the grout d.
But death laid hold of him likewise,
And took him to the othci world.
Their kind did thrn their bodice take,
And laid them out in beauties shapr;
Their fiends were wit for all around,
i'o come and lay them underground.
c;ovi:itxoirs Mis4;u,
To the Senate and llmnt of if the
Commontveulh if l'eiinnitrania.
Fir.tow Crnzi.vs- Amoig the vaiioua duties
s-njoincd by the Constitution on the Executive ma
gistrate, none is more important and more frequent
ly perplexing, than that of "giving to ti e Gencrol
Asscmby iiifoimaiion of the stac ofthe Common
wraith, and recommending to their conrdr"iilion,
aueh measures as he should judge expedient." On
thiaoccasi. n tam happily relieved from much of the
anxiety oud rmbairassmcnt attendant up .11 the dis
charge of this du'y, by referring your i.tlrntion to
the unnuul message which I had the honor to trans
mit to the Legislature on the 8th day ol Januaiy
l ist. In thjt nre.-s.igc, I f It it to be n-y ini ; ie
duly, to enter into a full and elaborate etrVti. n of
my views on teveial deeply ii.terestirg .u'je. ts con
nected with the pub ic welfaie, and cMcially on
tho rubjots uf the internal impiovementa of the
Commonwealth, the public debt, and the reforma
tion tf the banking system. In regnd to
le-iding questions of vital inteiest, end the numerous
M.h.mliiiate metiers Jnlimalely associated ai d bli 11
d d wills them, I e..n idJ very little to the rpini. n
I espre set!, and the recommendations I ma le in the
ims igo to which I have just referred yoo. The
vxper cnee of the past year has not only conli.mi d,
Jmt s.rcngll ened my conviction of the justice and
propriety of tl.o.-e opinions and r. commend iti ms;
tho p ople at largo with unexampled unanimity
hate approved them, Bill I carina ly invite) our
careful deliberation, nsl d d that tif the last f.egi
l.ituir, upon these portions of the messt.g-, to which
you will find convenient access upon your j ur11.1l .
So fir as res; eels the reform of the banking sys'im.
I pircrivc no ncceis'ty for changing r modifying, 1
in any essential particular, tho recommendations
therein contained; and I now here risqieclfully, but
c rueelly recommend the adoption of the rceo n
rnonda'ions I then made on this subject, and trust
itiat the ptesent I.cgi-larure will not separ.rc, until
Miry shall have made a tcarchin an I thorough re
foiiu of tho iiiipi rf.ct ons and manifold al u-cs ol
the pre mt system. To me il has been a sul j.-ct of
deep regret, that my recommendations on that sub
ject, did not meet the approbation of the last I.cgis
Ittuie, eru..dcd as I am, that the most lm ficial
influ. nces would have resulted from tin ir adoption.
It is not, however, too late to apply the remedy still,
mid I auiii recommend, with anxii us earne tm ss,
tlioio measures for lufuiiuiiig the nbues of the ban
kitig sytdn, lo your eatly a'tcniion.
'1 lie resumption of spree payments on the part
rf tho bat.k, which constitute. a year ago t.uch n
lurm dablo ottion of the d.liulty in tho way of
eflicicnt Kgtlution, it tiLoul to becont.uni.tted, with
out your active inti ife.em e at all. I'mler tho reso
lution passd on the 3rd Jay ofApril la t, those it.
ktitutions aie reipjiied on and after the 1 5th d iy of
J inuiiry iiint., to pay on demand all their notes, bilN,
depos tes and other liabilities, in gold or silver coin,
on penalty of tho forfeiture of their char'.em, upon
certain conditions tct forth in aid resolution. It
ailbrd me ereal p!ejhUte to a'r, that altl.ot'gh the
day fiieJ for the r sumption was mote rmioiethun
I wikhei at the time, jst the period if iudulgi nee
hus r.eaily piJ away, snd there is now god
grae nd to btlcive, that lite bji k of th s I'oininon
wealth will, us tin y arc required lo do, be n p. r.d
sgain lodlechaigo iheir l aLilaties in specie. Nil uld
they do so, tiy cotiuuing stiictly to observe the law,
and by feilfi.liii the ju.t xpecUtions of the pul lie,
they limy ng.iin ll.o corfiJnico which they hjve
hithe rto h st, and more p-rtii ularly may they tlo litis,
it pofr nicatuics be adopted fi r the be't'er regula
tion and contn I of their epeia ions. One f the
111 j a imme'diute advantagi s resubing lo the commu
nity, from the resumpiiuu of speeiir psymcnts, will
l e the entire x ul.ion from circulation of the dle
gil mule brood of small notes thai have been poured
in upon us, from th nrighbt ring at itcs on all sides,
in' defiance of law, and of the moat active end. avers
M lupprec them. I Ciiinol, however, conclude
tins patt of my sulject, without it commending
that no incn s?e ol our I si king capital I e made un
der any circumstances, and that rflertual piotii-ion
be made by law, that if any bank shall at any lime
hereafter, suspend specie payments, il shall be ipiiu
facto a forfeiture of its charter. Nothing thori of
an absolute and ut condi ionul piovi.ion of this kind,
ran aires! the fiefjucnl ovor issues ly the bank',
induced ly ihe Hiordinate cup'd ty of those under
whute directions ihty hi'y be conducted. Let thrl
g'i al principal I s dis'inetly announced, as (he foun
dslion ou wbiiU our tai1fla4 insiituliom rest ilia'
In u at r, th. ra e ,t e no more u-p t.ion ol
sjerie s)miiiis in rcnaUuui. '
The e'midilioiis of the public imptovrmcnts du
ring the piM year, bus bet n attended t i by the offi-cenjntat-li
d w th th. i management, with untiling
assiduity. Tin y arc in a much belter stale of re
pir than they 1 v. r l ave ! n tinee lhc cotrstiuc
Moti, and but l.l lo 1I1 1 iy 01 iuleirnption in In ioc-s
ban oxn.rred. 1 lie Mtiinuut ot biisinesii done on tho
main line, it is tin.', I.m been less th .n l ist year,
but it ha Ifen ow iug to eatiscs in no d. gn e connect
ed with the 111 Jt oomiiit of the public improic
nients. I refe yim to dio Repott of the Unnal
(Jommisiitner?, 'for a detailed and accurate state
ment of the presi nt condKioti of the improvements,
(he turn required to complete. lh e liti s in a stile
of forwardness, and tho amount needed for repairs
on the cana's and nil roads now in opera ion, as
well as tho am.. unl due for repairs heretofore don..
I feel it to be my ditty again lo tato I ) the l.c-giid-ilur-,
that as fin as iho x portions 1 f the ui fi
nished lima of in pr Ten, cut, now almost enmpf ted,
ate fii.ished, and upon which, if the w.nk had been
u jend d, 1110, c w. u'd have Ucn lort to the Com
monweal h than by hnatcnii g their cotnpl tio.i, 1
think it full tin e fur Pennsylvania 1 1 pau c in her
cms. r of int. rnal improvemiiit, and tctt for a time
the ustfuhic.-s tmd value ef the stupendous achieve
incuts she has a!n ady m.idc. I have bem fioni
tlic brginiiii g the fii nd and advocate of tho inter
nal impnivcinriit Kjstem eT this Commonwealth,
and shall continue to be, so long as th it ryslem 'a
confined to the m .in lines and their immrJiu'c tri
tiuiatii s : but our i 11111 nse ul.l c debt, and the s
Ciifnc.e which the pro, lo ure calhd uj on to make in
consequence of it, for the payment of iho inti rcul,
and of the piine:pal as it falls due, f rcib'y admonish
us lo consult piu. li nen and icono ny U fore wc in
cur nc!d lionil rispousib.iitiis, without a correspon
ding increase of means to meet them. A revival f
bnsinos, and the niignu lit ition of our popu
lat'tcn and icsjuici , vi , in a sliori period of time,
enable us to re:il 7.e fr. m our imp.ovemcnts, mm y
of the advantnges i f which th y are msei ptdile, a.i.l
as I confidently tiust. cnmijih, and mote than e
nongh to demoiihtra'c the wifdom of their pr j.-c-tors,
and the soundness of tho policy, wl.ic'i I. d to
the iovi stment of initt.l in their con
struction. hen that dny a rivis, let canals and
rail roads be constructed wl.etever they promise to
be useful through ut the wide extent of the Com
inoiiweallli ; but uuiil it docs arrive, li t us hus'.ijml
our icsmnces, and .1 nruish as mm h ; s pta
the burthens now iinjo'ed up.m the peojile of the
The am. unl neresaiy lo comple'e the main l ncs,
and lo pnl the ittij rovemctits now in in a th.i
rough sta'e of r. p jou will bo fully inf):i.ioJ of
by the Canal ('.m missionc rs ; whiih a:nount ol
money I would r sp.cifully ruggesl, sh, uld be in-
meat .li ly npprop latnl, so ae lo enable the
Coinnii sii ners lo ninke pr per arrangements loap
p'y it with most advantage lo the public
Ureal and iinm di.ite ropaira to 1 ur iniprovrn.cnis
are indis ensili'e, if we hope to maintain the char
ncti r of those improvements, and to prevent our
immediate Xorthoin and Southern rii-fchli us
diverting from tin m a larj,c share of the busimss
of the West and South. The r of FeimpyKa
nia is loo dtcplj involved in this miasure, to admit
of apathy or delay. Feeling as cit lens of tl,i
Couituouwcuhh should feel on this tul j et, I am
suic no s ronger motive lo action could be rtven
ted lo y3u, than lhat of enlightened a el manly state
pr'de, add essing itBilf t i you th ough lite medium
ofollicial duly.
rrm.K; DKITP.
The present amounl of the publ r. dvlit i ,
rcrmatieiit loars al 5 e r rvi.t., f :l.),IIStj,0 13 32
" " al 4 1 h r ce I , SdO.UOO 00
Ten porary loans tl 1 per cu.l., 15 000 00
f3J,a0l,0J3 33
Due Uni'id Sires, on account
of de osite surplus re venue,
Unpaid ap ropriations-,
(;23,!M7 50
30,?!J0(ro C'J
Upon an ixatnin .rion of ihe debts . nd
of the Commonwral h, on the 15lh of January,
1839, and ll.e sub.-equent laws pis-ed, uuthoi ling
louiis and making ons, it will he f. und,
that ncar'y the whole cum birrowed since il at ju
ried, baa been appl ed lo di bis and li biliti.-s
due and falling due, on acc uut of the public work
finished and in progies to ihe payment of tempo
re y and stock loans f..r ii teret on ihe public
de! t, and f. r the tepaiis of the cjiiJs and rail ways
of ihe Commonwealth.
TI.e on'y sums aj prop. i;. ted 1 ut of ihe loans au
thorized lo be made n e I into 1 lir e, which
were not 1 ppliid lo ti j! diiiis duj and gnwin.j
out of con racts, wl ich xi tej ut lhat .ini-, a e the
follow ing
'I'o the suivey of a rail road from liar-
li.-burg lo I'.t burg, $ 13,000 00
To ttock in the l'liinnylvania and
Ohio canal, PO.000 00
To stock in the Franklin rail-road, 100,000 00
To stock in ihe Mcnongahil.i Navig 1.
lion company, 100.000 00
f-jtiAOoo 00
Bank aiock,
Turnpike and Uridge sW ck,
Canal and Navigation stock,
Itail-ioad slock,
Money due on land, estimati d.
t 3,108 700 00
2.830,349 60
G15.26U 00
S35.51G 00
1,000.000 00
Pubi c works, canals, ays, &e., 20,573,500 17
?3Mys.370 'JO
Thus it appears thai (he lesoursrs of the Com
uionwtalih ate abundant, but not a
vailallu fir the purp. ae ol paying either the princi
pal or iho' of the pul he debt.
It i proper her t rentaik, lhat it has not been
the un form practice of the Lrgi.lature, lo provide
aujTi. lent tevi rue lo meet the current demands up
on the Trcasuiy. ' b a,iUU) approjoiaiions
of the public treasu e hivo exceeded tlie pul jc in
come. Out ul this stale of llanos, a ut Iks
grown up al the Tirasury il seiuis, lo py tl.t Jt.
msnds upon il, ai Ihry are from lime lo time pre
armed, without reference V Ihe sprrific nppropria
tion of part otthe monies therein, to the payment of
the interest upon the public debt, which falls due
semi snnaxfly, on tire I A of February and I t of
Angus'. Under (Via custom, it has happened, lhat
from a di fieiency id 01 her means, the monies ari -ing
from tolls, auction duties, lax on col ateral iuheii
lances, dividends on turnpike, Inldgs and naviga
tion slocks, and escheats, which hud bem wt apart
by law, towards the p.ivnient of the interest on iho
public deb', h iveo been paid out iin1i.scrimin.ilely 1 1
meet oilier ehtmatnls upon the Treasury. There
wilt, therefore, be a dcfrcicircy in the fund for the
payment of interest on ih public ilcbt, upon the
Ut of Fiibniarv next, of ncrhans rSOO.000. Tbis.
as wi N as every oth r subject relating to the reven
ue, belongs so exclusively lo tile sl.itivc branch
of Iho govcrincnt, th at no rccommoi d.ition of ihu
Kxecuiive can bo required, lo bespeak for il iho ne
cessity fir some Fpecial lig'sl ition in relation to its
futu e disbursen.ent.
("To be cunchntcd nejrt wttfe.JI
.SVlfmerrj, .eiiiirrrri ), 1841,
itrmicrattc Caiuttttatr for Uovcrm r,
ti o 11. I A V 1 I It. i o n t 1: It.
On Friday moro'n.', the 1st day of January, it
cominmced mi.nviog and coirinued unl I niyh.
The depth oflhcsn.iw that fell that day, was about
I -) inches. Sloshing is uiiu.imIIv line. The river
at this pi jets was fr. ran over about two wn k
tlnce. the above was in type, we rigret o aiy,
Ihe snow has almost rnllr ly di-appeared, and the
ice on the Susqui I11111111, for the n cond limo (his
winter, was 1 r. kcn up ye. terday ut .ruing.
.... .. 1
1 le weathir .n M.Mi.liiy and lue!tl iy list, was
..v.. 1; , , ,, .... ... . , . ,
t-xeei-diiiciy cold. Iho I In momoh r at lh:a 1 I ice
1 . .
on Monday mnrn ng stood at IG degrees Lelow
rrro. At Milton, 1) ...villa and .Nc U.rl n, we
understand il stood ul 'ii below sen .
The Judg s of the Court of ljua:ter Sessions on
.MiMid iy last g ivc notiec that the ni.mlier of T-vern
..C.-..C. ... poieo, A,.r. ler.n n. x-,
w hen licences are grant, d, he reduced to four. The j
..umber now arantej is seven. !
' I
Our Coutt commenced on Monday List, nod'
what is mil l singular in our criminal ju isp ud. nee,
not a single reeogniE inee was lelurued to the eoitil.
The (i.and Jury, tlierel'.,re. al'r. r remttu ug speda-
lois for the first day, hand, d in their u.ual present
uient and were discharged.
Qj" Tho li litim .re American states lhat the
Fluur Inspection for the pa,t year 1 xeei ds ihul of
any forimr petioi', which, in round numbers, a-
mounts tj seven hundred and lighry tii.usat.d
ba rels.
The Hon. Fiilix Car.Mir, one of l c most ts
lent. J iiiembcis of the L'niled Stat, s Si nai.', and a
warm p. r o, al and po'.l cal fr en I of Oen. Jackson
lately d.ed at his icsidi ncc in Teni e-cc. The I'.
S, Senate paid the usual r.scte tolas memoiy,
by weaiing cishj for thirty dsys.
Governor's inrswicf.
We have the- (J .ve.ito.'s Message, bm j July. Can any thing be m are unj i-l t The edi
oo late to publish more II a a part this week. Il ( tl, f l)le (;Jie tl. msV( l0Wt.v,.ri ilwgi , , ,r.
is an ..hie document and fully suita ns his farmer iff uld be an ami dem.ieralie m.-ao e. W-
views and opinion .
SiniLiiry Littrury Nociily,
Mr. Uavts, the ag. nt of the National Soei. ty of
I. ill r.iture, &e was at this place a few days since,
and formed a socie'y, lo bo calhd the Sunl ury
I. lerary S.K-i.t.v." One Inn dr d and live do lais
weie iaisid in a .hml lime, for tho purchise of A
11 eric. 11 und l'nglith pcii, dn als and r.- riots. The
S .c ety has I een orauiiv-d by appointing ('hsrlea
(J. 1). 1111. II, F.i Prisident, Dr. John Peal and
Hon. (ieorge Wcise r V ce Presidents, Kev. W. It
Sin th Sec.e ary, Jacob Pailtl.r, ai d I
(ieotgo Maitiu, Ksq. I. l r. r an.
Thr .Muruions. i
The Mormons havo 1 r.iken ground in a neigh
boring lowmthip ill lh:x.-uuiiy, and baie, I
we unl. island, made -ome coitveils to lluir leliti.m
or mod.) of wort-h p. Tl ere uro now two o.d. in. d
pn achera in ibis lie'gltborho'Hl from lite r new set-
ilcment ai d lowu in Il.inuis culled .auv,. t)i.e I
of the preachers was in lown a few d .ye ainre, er.
deavoring lo procure a room for the purpoae of
holding their meetings, and has since favored us w ith
several sermons. Their peculiar point of do. trine
se ems to be, the bed if in the jH if iriuanee of miia
cles, and say all th. t is warning to perform ihem is
a sulhcieut degree of faith.
Notes of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co.,
of one dollar altered lo five, are in circulation.
Counterfeit Notes of the Dink of Wilmington
and llraiuly wine, are rather freely ri.rulaled 111 ibis
neighborhood. They are principally one dollar
Tie Franklin Dank of lUlllinoie has s'ojpeJ
pay mini.
Salem Uanknj Co. N. J. Is r B pavalls- lo
'. Ward, dated 1st of January 18:10. Juo. F.lntll
("sshhr, Cuhin Ueldeli, Piesiderit. Paj er dark and
Nothing f lmp.Ht.inee has b en done In (his
body yet. On the .1.1 I allot Mr. CraUh of rhil.idel
plii.i was t-leeied Speaker, by a vulo of 5;) to 4 1 ovor
Mr. The first ballot was a tin lie.
Vwcen Messrs. Uroadhead and Middlcswnrih, The
second was a lie between Mi'sms. Flenuikeu and
M iildliswsrth
Mr. Criibb, though a young man, is a gentleman
of some talents and experience, will wo think give
gem r..l satisfation.
The Tariff.
Our neighbors of the Sunbury Caazette reem to
1 ''"k that our oplnioi s in relation to a Protective
r-,ri" meorre( U
As we freely exptess our opinions, whatever they
my be, so we are always ready to defend them
and we think in this instance we can show the (.Sa
file, ih t its conclusions are as eironeous as its
premises ato unsound. While the elceion was
pending, il was will enough to assert lint ' l.og
I Cabii.s," ' Ward C der," Kin Skin," were ihe
j p.incipal aigum.nts used by eur opponents, in de
fence of ihcir candidate, and while we frroly admit
; that such was the fci, yit, we am unwilling lo of
j fi r s g.oss an insult to the understanding and
1 ings of some UOO.OOO demociats, to assert that in
j voiing f. r Uon. Harri-on, Ihey were actuated by
: motives 10 degrading lo their character, and so un-
woiiny mo r.omo of firemen. We have befom
si red lhat the I mes the exlrnordinary trvulsions
in the mum t try world. s-o.!ueed those r. subs. The
1 people f it the edi cts of litis pressure, and were
will ng to try the cll'i-els of a charge, without ho any irrors lo the mhiiinislrjiion of Martin
Van Uuren. And now what was ihe nvtst efficient
caus,- in producing ill. sc tin es ! We answei u. .lie
silaliogly the exees-ive importa'i.ins that fo lowed
tho reduction of ihe tatiP.'. In 1830, directly afcr
this ridu' look place, eur imports exceeded ihu
1 xports by sixty-one milliii or in o her words, we
tan in di bl to f, reign countries that urn milt, be-
cause many foreign goods were impoiled 1 heaper
llnnu-u L
The editor of ihr (.'nr.oltn aks us how we un
ilcTMaud iho voice of the Southern Stoles, which
aie opposed to a lar IT, and w ent as un in moitsly in
lavor ol llanrsi n s d.d ihe Northern Sm, ," We
deny this In ing a fact, und if I s world refresh his
; memory ly nlernng to Ihe elecliou returns, he
I would find that Mr. Van Uuren rcerind but srven
, ,. , , ....
soli a y e.ic iiral eolcs in the ortliern Stales an I
'hat his wh de support, wilh the excet tion of Ihese
1 ' '
I "' 'wn vo,M "f Nt W nH'"'. ie from ihe
j 'SlK-,h "ml s""' isti rn late 5 nrd if ihese stales.
: tls be olerves, are opposed lo a tarilT, it only s. rvei
to si our arguments, that ihe pro. t rom
nnrciiil und mat 11 ra taring ttates were in favor of a
I r IT. The editor of the C;.7.ctie furlhi r slate- tliat
U.h UtitTit nol , rn,.ury ,Cfaul(p ,lC 11VS
lo Tr, wun.t rrp , gl()W, a , u(, - ,he
Buty ,,ete HRsi wfJ ., ak c (o
Id" memory, by teferiiiig 1 1 the dctlm-ns.
TI.e icpoit of lite S. cretary 1 f lire Ticasury stat-s
lhat the government was obliged 1 1 is ue upwards
of f o.OOO.OOO in irensury note-, insliad of others
lediemed. Does this show a surplus ! Mr. W00J-
bury I'u lher advises (.'onurc-s lo adopt somo niea
j suris lo muke up the d ficnitey of tho icvci.ite, in
r consequence of the te.Vetion of duties, and slat, s
thai by July. 1813. a further reduction of al out
f 5,000,000 will take plsee, wl.ic'i mu.-t lie ( rovi-
eied f r. So much for thi- f..e'.
I The (!arelle further studs lhat a higher larill'
I woiihl hi! "a tax upon the many far Ihe lKneftt of
I H e few," er in other words, f,,r the benefit of the
, rich. Let us se how lhat f.el is 1 staid shod. For
: Ihe last few yeu:s wc lave impottid our silks,
chanipaignc and o her win. s, amounting t,i aH,u.
ihiity ml ions per annum, f cc of duty. Now, w,.
w.ll leate il f ir the ( .zeile to deiide, wh. ther these
anieles of luxury are for the poon r tho ircb. On the
oliti r hand, ti c arliclo of salt, w h ch entrrs into tho
eonsumntlon ofevcrv Dior 111 111 V f .mili- is-n' l.u. 1..
assure him, li .w ever, tl at some nf the strongest dein
ocrals in the Union are, and alw .ys h ive been, in
f.vor of a tariir. We In c heard Mr. Ucnt n hint
sell in the Sente, der.oui. ii g ihe pr sent laiilf as
unjusi in lis i) eri.lioii-, 111 lep'y to tl;e vieeeh of
M-. l)..vls. f Massachusetts, u,.ou ll.e salt and bouti
y qui v. ion.
Till.- l atrr Camil.
L f rd's Haltiniore C.mine.eial Journal, s;ieiikiug
of the measures taki 11 1 y the lit a us 1 f laSH more,
'o s.cure ihe if the Susquehanna aud Tide
'a er Cui.a1, si y :
'It has bien resolved, thai ihe canal boats do-
j sen dilij the Mi-.ii. haiin 1 and Tide Water Can .1,
I must come direct lo llaltimore, wi.hout Ire. king
j l u k,by oi.e way il tin y cannot ly anoth.-j; and lo
j rarry this resolution intocllict, a canal is to be cut
from a p-hit 011 Peir cnek, Connecting with the
In ad w.teia at Uick, Mi.'dle, (Juip.iwder, and liv. rs, and the iuierveuii'g estuaries; and a
glance at I.ucan's map (of the Chesapeake bay is
the best) will demonstrate the fia-ibi'ily of i'. A
ifconnoisince wss made tonic years since, w a are
iiiforiut J, by a coinjelent Engineer, who repotted
lhat ihe whole expense would notrxcreJ 000,000
which is a mi re particle of dust in (he balance, a
gainst the millions of dollars in its lavot. The cs
nailing from the alluvial deposit. s, would ho light;
and as tho distances f.otn one point to anothir
would be ihorl, lite whole hue might be cul in IS II.
It only requires a U ginning, and a determination
to accomp'i-h. There is no si. ck w hich bids faiier
to be moie productive, and none in whi h invest
ment would be nf, r."
Hoi'TH Csmoli.os, The Legislature of ih e j
slate leriiiuat.'d ils annual srsaisn on the 10th ulti
mo, after hiving pissed only Iwenty-seien ads,
I cing ll.e only slat Legislatu e which put so com
mendable a restraint upon its legi lain propeuaj.
lie. One ef the acts, weob rve, is "An act In
0 " I "Ul l-ie I'syuieni. ;
l) l!ti bunks if (he at tin." I po
The (iiroliiic.
Mr. Fox the ttrjtfsh Mrnisur has written a Hbr
to Mr. Forsyth Secretary of tite, di manriiog the
l. Iteration of Mr. McLcod, who was si rested and
cm, fund in the I.oikport Jail a short lime since, as
one of the persons engaged In tn. ties' ruction of tho
Slram-Uoat Caroline. The British Minister says,
lhat the de trudi.m of ihe Caio'ine was in obedience
to the orders of the Driliah Oovetment, and that the
set must, then fore, be setil.d by the two National
lov Tmen's.
Mr. Forsyth in reply i.yn:
"Il is with unfeigned regret that the lW.h-nt
finds himself unable to recognize the vubdi y of a
demand, a compliance with which you deem so ma
terial to the preservation of the good understanding
which has been hitherto manifested between thu
two countries
The jurisdiction of Ihe sevend St iles which cin
stitute the Union is, wi hio its appropriate sphere,
pcifeclly independent of tho Federal (Joverment.
The offence wilh which Mr. McT.eod is charged was
committed within the territory, and ng .inst the laws
and citir. ns of the State New York, and is one that
comes clearly within the competency of her iribti
nals. It d.ies not, therefore, present an occasion
where, under the Constitution and laws of the
Union, the interposition called for would be proper,
or for which a warrant can bo found In the piwers
with which the Federal Kxecutive is invested. Nor
! wou,,, ,f,e i'r",'sianees to which you have referr
eil, or the tenons you hive urged, ju-tlfy the exer
tion of such a pjwer, if it existed. The transaction
out of which ihe question arises, presents the
ease of a most unjustifi iblo inva-im. in time of
petice. of a portion of the territory of the United a bandof armed men from ihe adj iccnt t.-rri
lory of Can. d ., the f .rciblec ip'lKe by them within
our ow n wi teis, and the tulwcquont destruction of a
slrnnilnvat.the property of a cit n of the U.State",
and tho murdi r of one or mnTC American cil'tens.
If snesle.l at the lime, the 1 ffenders might urqn.-s-
lonably have been brought 'oju-tiec by the judicial
ani.ioioi. s o. me .-iate, wtnin wnose acknonli-ilgei
territory thisic crimes were convnittc.l ; and ihe'r
subsequent vol m'ary entr inee within lhat territory,
plaies tin in in the same si u ition. The Prc.-ideiit
is nut aware of any principle of int. rtvilional law, or
indei-d ufreas n or ju-tice, whic h en I ties suc'i off i
dcrs lo impuniiy I eVore ihe leg. 1 t i'.unals, when
coming vn'uutirily within their independent and
undoubted jurisdicti .n, because liny acted in o! edi
eiico 10 their superior authorities, or becaosc their
ncls have ln-come the subject of .idiomatic tliscus
siutl belwe-eu the two Gov. run n's.
These meiho 's of redress, the leg d pr.1snrati.1n of
tho 1 11" odors, iiml the application of tie r H.ivcr
ment for s itUfactlon, are ind - ein'ent of each oth.r.
and may be tepiMte'y und rimultatieoi sly pursued.
The avowal er jus: ific ition of the oulrago by the
U.itisii until, rllics, m'ght 1 a ground of complain!
wiih the (lovennent of ihe Unit.d States, distinct
from ihe violation of the tenitoiy and laws if the
Slate of Niw York. The application of the Cover. .
rn- nt of the Uni n to that of Great Uiilaio, for Ihe
redre.-s of an authorise I outr.igo of the eace, J gui
y, and rights of the United States, c innot d. pri.e
the State of New York of her undoubfed right i f
vindicating, through tho exeiciso of her judicial
power, the roper'y and lives of her c t ens. You
have very p op. rly tegarJ.-d the alleged absrence of
Mr. Mcl.eod from the scene of the offence at the
time w h. n it was c .inmitted, as not materia! lo ily
decisl. n of Ihe pr.senl question. That it is a mat
ter to be decided by legal evidence; and the deshc
' of ihe President is. that it miy b. sit sfai t irily e.
tablishe.l. tf ihe destruction ol the Caroline was a
public ac.l of p. .sons In hi r M je-ly'.s. riiee, obey
ing the order of their B tjerior authoril es, this fact
has not been before comtnutiical. d to the (lover-
ment of the Unitid Slut a by a person a. thoiixnd
to riitik.- the ndmi.-sion ; and it wi I I fir the court
which has t.krn cogm'Rince of the oiT.-nre wiih
which Mr. Mcl.eod is charged, t decide up.n its
v.-Ldi-y when I. gaily istabhshed bef .re it
The Piesi.l. nt deems this to be a pr. p.-r ocrasi 111
to le mil. il the Ciovcrmeut of Iter liiitannic .Maj.-sty
that iho case of the ' Caroiine" has len .m since
brought to the a leiition i f lice M.j-sy'j
S.c'y of Stj cfor Foreign All'.irs,h ),up to this day,
has not Commuiiical. d its decision iheieupop. It is
hoped ill .t ll.e Oovtrment of her Majesty w ill p. r-
cetve lite iinpo.taiice of ro longer leaving the (jov-
erii.eiil 1 f llie Uuiiod States uninformed of its views
anJ intentions upon a eul jeet which has naturally
produced much exasperation, and which bas led to
such grave cotisequ nees.
I avail my .-elf of this occasion to rem w to you ihe
as-urance of my dis:inguiahed C llsi leiati m.
II. s. Fox C?q Jtc. cV . Ac."
Al a tin ul. g 1 f the tin rchants of tho botou-li of
Sunbuiy, on ih O.h inst , the following was unani
mously Ul J :
Whereas no uniform rule exi-ts among the mer
chants of this, in ngaid U Ihe chaigo of iute
re st on book eccouots, ther. f .re,
lletultidt That interest will I e charged on -II
recount, thai have been stand ng longer than six
months, and that l.eieafter all accounts in our looks
will be balanced every )e,r, and lhat interest will
be charged on all balances that average moie than
six months standing.
Ktiolnd, Thai thesuldcril'ers will .tiictly adhere
lo the above rule, and thai notice 1 f ihei eunie be
given in the newspapers of this pi ce,
I'" Y0Y.TII El V EM, II U. M.(B,
Johs Yoixo, Bm j. Ilksonit as,
Johs Boosa, Jecoa Kiuws.
Sunbuty, January 6, IKJtt.
Application will be an I lo ihe L gas'a'ure of
New Jersey, al ll.e January aession, for a ("orjKirv
lion, wi;h a e4tl I'ftirn milKvHt anil power .
eons ruel a Rail Roael from the city of New Brui a
wiek I the liver Did a ware at Kasron, with powej to
e nsliort as many branches to d tr.'ient points on
ihe as may be dirined de-iral.'e, wiih sot h
.,er ., , ruas as in hr f ...l ..-
c. .i ntrieun. ' '
Fatal Leoiont. An actor in France- was not
long since -paisomd fatally, by drinking colored
liquid which thi minager had provided to be used
in a play where wine wat lu be dtank on tho
Ccaiou niSTontcit -act There have been
five queens regnanl of England, Victoria making
the fifth. Vic'oria Is the first who his brought an
heir to the throne ; and yel Elizabeth wis the only
unm.inied queen regnant who p needed her.
Pnoicmf riot. Our friend of tho Phil. Npj, it
of ihe Times declines in futuie receiving any nrifr't-
mil poetry whatever. We recommend some of our
corn spondents to him, they never being able to send
in an original piece.
Of the fifteen monarchs who were upon the
thrones of Europe in 1783 five were, two
died of insanity, teo poisoned, one murdeied, one
assassinate.!, one driven fnm his country, one died
if sudden visitation, and only one of natural death.
It is stated in an Upper Canada paper, that with
in the last four years, mote than 12 000 runaway
slaves have m-t.le their eseapo into Cansdi from
the United Stale, and ihnt schools have beer
maintained among them during that time by th.
American Abolitionists,
Ths Wioowsor Ituourioxtnt
It is mentioned in the report of the Secretary 0
War, that 'he act of July, 1933, granting rnaion
to widows, expires on the 4 h of March next -Tiie
num'ier of this cl iss of pensioners is five thou
stud five hundred and eighty-six.
An explosion of lire damp I ok place a shoit liu
s nee, in aoalmiuo at liive de-Uier ; thiity mine
are said to have been deslroyel. E ght both
were lakou out the next day, and workmen ha
since been actively engaged in searching for t'
The Oswfgo Commerfial lt ra'd stales, it
since September 1st, more th.n 100.000 bbls.
Ilour were manufaetured at the mills at that pli
500,000 bushels of wheat w ro received, a
$ 10,000 piid far baircls since the lime mention
It seems lhat the fate of tho mistad nCr.M's, n.
depends upon a traiisl 11i.11 from a Spanish do.
ment, made w the la-t session of Congr. as. M-.
d .ins decl oes that the translation iserron-ous, a
has asked for a committee of investigation.
Gen. Jack in came to Nashv lie on Monday, s
the Union of the 17th ull , and slopped t the N
ville Inn, whcie mnny of his i-iends called to pay 1
their respects. He vis ted Judge Grundy on Ti
day mornipg. and In the evening returned to
Hermitage. Hishc Ilh is good his spirits cheet
The Stcatnhip P e'sidi nt will n il leave Enal
until tho ISih of Felruary m xl, as she is about
be ove hauled.
I.RTTKiis. The Acad a br mght out upward
twenty ifmiismid letters, lieing ihe latgest tium
is is believed, ever brought by one ship.
Star vi 11. In tho paiicrs brought ly rlu Ac
wc find three cases of death by tt.rv.tkn, in
Englirh work house'.
A I- opar 1, 1. s,! nbl ng ihe African, and ten
long Ihe tip of the no-e to the end of the
was recentfy killed near Bexar. Great numlie
them are found in iho ueighhorhoad of tho Ne
and Kio Grande.
A ViLaKoi.i r.. A black rascal in New-Orl
sneaked up behinJ a lady wlu was returning V
mnkct, snitched Irr purse, coulaining nii.eti
dollats, and run oil' wilh i',
At; .nrs.
We yestr'd iy saw a n ile of the issue of the I)
limorc and Ohio Kail Road Company, of the.
uoiiiiiia'iou of dul'ai altered to five. The w,
"one" in tho body of the note was neatly covci
by the wo.d "livu'' eut from a nolo of that ilci
initiation. The "one" in the I. ft hand lower c
ner had b en totn i II", and ihe large figure "I"
the right hand corner was clumsily mide 10 resei
bio a five. They will be easily delected by perso
on their guard, Halt, Amer,
Hoarlug ( rrrk Furnace.
We learn lhal Ur. Steinberger, the cnterpr'zt
ropiietor of the Koailug Creek Iron worka h
c. ntracud wiih Mr. S .mue Ollis, Steam E.igi
Builder of this piece for the re building of the M
chinery of the Furnace, 10 be i.i full blast sg,i;i
the first of February next. Danville Ltltll gene.
Imparl suit Kmii-Is.
The rx ports from the U. Staes have rimed
ihe imports on'y in seven years out of iho I.,
filly, viz:
In 1811 excess of eipotts,
3.U73 .V
f."l, 931,31
lt3 1
The aggre;a'e excess of iinpmts in the other 1
years of the 50, reaches the enormous amount of
Deduct excess of exports as
bovo 51,831 30
Net! excess of imporfs in 50
years f 75 1,507,21
I.a.r.t From Trisi.
The Steam pulet New Yo k, Cap. Wrier,,
arivdu N. w Orletns froen (sulves'ofi on th
16eh ull, I ringing dates lo Ihe I lih ull. 'Fli
nt ws is 1 f but tittle impo. tame.
A resolution has I en passed by llie House of Me
pre -Mat; seat Austin, directing Ihe .Military Com
mittee to enquire into the expediency of authori-j nt
ihe Piesidrnt lo aoejit of the sets ces of 5.0HK
.n n, for the invasion of .Mexico aM. w-Ing tl em
lo have what Ihey ran lake Iron the enemy, and
a league af land oert of Mty Ihey rany canquei.
MELstrncLtT. Iawia T. Kirk, (he Recorder
of Otlowa County, anJ a Mr. Steele and the fcthrt
and brother ot Mr. Kirk were opset in ranost in
allempting lo cross the Portage river, ask! Mr. h
plunged in lo their rescue. The tnhsr and brother
er saved, but the nol lu fellow who pcnlcl
hla life to avc tLrin was last. - Bull. I ncr.