Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 02, 1841, Image 2

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    . From the V. 8. Gazette.
Tlil Wate Canal.
At preliminary meeting f citizens, held T)r
tembet 23, in the room of "The Board of Trade,
t the exchange, GIDEON SCUM, wio caMr,l to
The tharr, and John M. Kennedy app IntcJ Secretary.
' BunVrr If 111 Monnment,
We learn from the Boston Morning Post the fol
lowing particular reporting iho cost of Ihe Bun
ker Hill Monument. The original coat, foi the en
lire height of two hundred fort, as estimated by
Mr. WillarJ, tint architect, was $07,000. The
work, ao far us luiil, hud not rxc-relcd this estimate
The chairman elated the object of the m eting to j The receipt of the Association aiuce Its or m i -
le to take measures for ascertaining wliethcr the I l,or h ive bi-en aa follow:
vreat hulk of the trade (lowing through the Tide
Water Cannl to Havre de Grace, could not he re
cured to Philadelphia, by the co-opcalion of nur
citi'ena with the Chesapeake and Deleware Canal
Company, in procuring steam tow boats to tow the
boate and merrhandite to and from Philad Ip'iia
tid Havre de Grace.
Af er full consultatw aa to how f..r the me t
itig rsjght at that time to proceed, and manifesto
lion of unmVmity of sentiment, that it ought to con
tine itself to gathering full information for future
consideration on the following point viz :
1st. How much money can be obtained to pro
cure tow bonis.
2d. How far will the Chesspeak and Deleware
Canal act to secure with certainty ihe tradr.
3d. What boats cau be procured, their character,
cost, etc., anil what description of boats ia neces
sary, j
Whereupon Ihe fallowing resolutions wire ado; t
d: 1st. That committee of seven, wi.h authority
to their Dumber, be appoinlad, to obtain subs rip
lions and ceirtiibu.ions to a fund, fir providing
mean to tow bjats with merchandize to and from
Philadelphia and Havre de Grace; and th t the
said commit 'ee le directed, as aoon as practicable, to
convene those subscribing and contributing to said
fund in general meeting, for coneidi ring and deter
mining the best plan of pursuing men. towage,
when Messrs. G dron Scull, David 8. Brown, Wm.
Reynolds, Allen R. Keeves, Henry Budd, Win V.
Anderson, J.S. Newbold, Isaac S. Waterman, Niw
trry Smith, Jr., J. W. Kelly, William B. Hart,
ttatikl Udd, ck, Solomon Alter, and John M. Ken
nedy were appointed aaid committee.
Sd. That a committee of three be appointed to
confer with the Chesapeake and Deleware Cinal
Company on the subject of their co-op. rs b n in
establishing sufficiently low toll, aiding in main
taining steam tow boats, etc., when Messrs Snmuel
C. Morton, Jamrs M, Bolton, and Archibald Wright
were a p ii'tej said commiitee.
3d. That a committee of three he appoint' d to
ascertain whit steam'oats sutiihte for tewing boats
to and from Havre de Grace and Philadelphia can
be procured; their character, cost, etc., and report
the same, Hh any other facts pertinent in their
judgment to the subject when Mews. Joseph
Hand, N. B. Thompson, and James Barret were
J pointed said committee
On motion, adjourned.
John M. Kennedy, Secretary,
First subsrribiion of mcmbrrs, (54,010
Legislative don iti oi, 10,000
Ladies', 2,600
Raised on m rtgaie of land and monnment, 23,100
Subtciiplion through Mechanics Society, 21,000
Lease of land, 1,330
Tax for ascending monument, about 2,000
Donations of two citizens, 20 000
Proceeds of Se, tenibrr Fuir, 1840, 32,000
Mscready. Many of the American and European
star" demand as much for a night's performance
as good mechanic cau ain In tit montk'i time
by hard labor.
Saturday, January 2, 1841,
$166 26!)
The mortgaged land was sold in October, 1831,
for $25,000, whit li paid that d. b'. Tho actual
riceipti, then fire, have been over $106,000,
which is mu h mote than duutda tho original esti
mates i f the cost.
These fnca arc not stated to censure ony one
hut simply to justify the peopln of New England
who have been mus unjustly chargi d with want of
generosity and parioti-m, in not Completing the
Monument- It will le seen that, at the firwt, a sum
wai promptly raised within thiee thousand dollars
of the whole estimated cost. Having done that it
wi difficult to raise add tionol Fuhscnplions after
it was supposrd the tequisite um had once been
provided, and but for Ihe ladies, it never cnu d have
been done. To them belongs the crowning honor
of the achievement, and the lofy column, when
completed, will be no In s a monument of tl.rlr
perseverance and p trioti.-m, than of thu deeds of
our fathers NurJi Amer.'enn.
Democratic Candidate for Governor,
Coal direct to Xfw York.
During the lecenl season upwaids of 69,000 tons
of Coal were carried from our landing direct to N. Y.
in boats, and neit year the quan'ity will probably
l increased to 80 or 100,000 tons. But thre
years ago, the experimental trip of carrying Cod to
New Yoik diicc, waa made by our enter) r sing
fellow-cit'izen, Mr. John M, Crosland, and like
many other p iio;j, who can see a lit le rttn ad of
their neghbnr, ho waa pronounced by some sk
crazy f r embarking in this, as was then tuj posul,
peril us underlnking. Our boatmen have rofl'i d
considerably by his en orprsc, and in investing the
rewards of thrir hoie t indurtiy they oujlit not to
forgcl those who c .nriliutcd to their prcpeiity.
Miter's Journal.
(jj- We have rccelvid a sprcimcn number of Ihe
D.iily Pennsylvania Inleli'g-ncer, published at Har-
riburg by Messr. Elliott & M'Curdy. It is a very
neatly executed sheet, and will lie published daily
during the tesion fir three dol'ars. Our Whig
friends and ntheis, who desire a daily from Harris
burg could nol do better than to suuscrbc for the
Columbia County.
We have receied ihe proceedings nf the Columbia
cotiniy dele,ttc convention. John M'Reynold an
0en D. Leib were appointed delegate in the 4th
of March couvintion, and were instrui ted lo o
port ti e re nomination of David R. Porter.
A Dear Child.
By tl.c late arrivals fiom England, it will be seen
that Queen Vic oiia ha presented her good natu
red sal jecls with a new heir to the thone, in the
shspo of a flabby dabby baby. Il is said lo be a
very dear chill, il having cosi t!.e B itUh Govern
menl $20,000, being a fee of a thousand pound-
fur eich of the four medical guulcincu that waited
upon her mnjLty.
The statement lately ublbed by Mr. J..uJ n in
London, of the co- dill.ii of the U. S. Bank, stem
to hsvejnvcd very unsnl'sf ictory. The Loud hi
Tunes as that a ey d.fl'jicnl uic unt must be
piepar, l, bifore iln d 'putution fiom I hiladtlplna
can In pe to vucctid in negotiating a loan, whuh U
aid to have biuughl them to Eng and.
' Tide AVatrr Canal.
A meeting, it will be seen in another co'utnn, has
been held in Philadelphia, f.r the purpose of adopt
ing measures to secure the trade that descends the
Thle Water Canst. Steam Tow Boata are to be
procured to tow boats to and fiom Philadelphia and
Havre de Grace.
The trade of the Tido Wter Canal will be im
mense in the course of a fow vear. It will tin a
pi z well worth contend ng for, by the rival citizens
of Babimoie and Philadelphia.
The coal trade of the Susquehanna, however,
which in a few years will reach seteal hundred
thousand tons, will naturally seek the Baltimore
Tho Baltimore American in commenting on the
above meeting sny:
The experience of the past season, notwith-
standing that ihe trade of Ihe Canal has a arcely
begun lo move, comparatively speaking, has been
uflieit-M to piove how very closely and intimately
the businees relations of Baltimore snd the great
Surquehanni Valley are destined lo be united ; and
while ritif ci'y will never object to a fair competi
tion for Ihe trade of that immense region, she will
not be backward in putting forth all proper eff its
to obtain and secure its possessi n. A generous
rivalry on the part of (he two cities cannot but
g estly facilitate the development of the resources
of one of the richest mineral and ngricultural rs
gions in the world, and thus, whilst the interior is
greatly l enrfited, the cities themstlves will be en
riched by new sources of prosperity.
Rail Hoad Accident.
The New York Courier and Enquirer of Mon
day s.-.ys! On Friday afternoon, aa a new and
powerful locom tive to which heavy freight cat a
were alt. chid, was approaching the depot a
ttpr'mjrUld, Mass., the engineer found il impossible
to stop hi r, and she was driven with full steam into
the depot. Another locomotive was on the track
imide, and the concus-ion was so that boib
engine and considerable portion of t'.e
ixiiMings were destroyed; four men were kill, d
and soma others tnoeh hurt; two men emp'oyad
in the depot wete killed by the failing of the timbers
upon them, besides the engineer and fireman of 'he
locomotive which caused the mischitf.
A Kttei to the editors of the Journal of Commerce
furnishes the following particulars :
The freight tiain, consisting of thirty-three
loaded cars, attiched to the new and power
ful engine, M Massachusetts," in descending the
inclined plane, became unmanageable, abb ugh
thu engine was reversed and the break men were
t thtir pobts. It anived at the dejtot with great
velocity, and passed through iho passenger bouse ;
the switch rail being changed, the train then took
ihe direction i f the engine house, in which were
lb milkier-mechanic and Iwo or tree others, expect,
ing the arrival of the locomotive, one nf whom, on
beaiing its approach, was in the vet of owning the
do..r, unconscious of danger, wheu it burst in u,ion
hits, dcMoliahiag the dojr and a large poriion of
the brick wall ; then rushed to the opposite side of
the bouse, wliere it come in csntact with another
engine "tho Hampden, " which waa shoved abetd
with tremerklou force through the solid brick will
sixteen or eighteen inches thick ; tire Massachusetts
following. Somo five or ix roils outside of the
builJtng, it came in contact wi h the wo 4 pil
which arres'ed its progress, the Usinp'rn having
clambered up the wood pile six or eight feel from
the ground, where she now lies comp'ete wrick.
The Masaachunetls is also entire'y broken to pieces.
Four dead bodies have been taken from under
the ruins, which prove to be those of tha men who
were in the bui'ding, and one breakmait. The
Engineer, Conductor, and one or Iwo others, ties red
themselves from the train t few feet from lbs engine
bouse, and arc said lo be unhurt.
To the Edit'im of the Rational Gusette.
Dsab Sias:
Since I wrote In you on the subject of the pro
cess for rock blasting by galvanic ignition, it has
occurred lo me th.t it mlglit poasdi'y be beneficial
to the commerce of my native city to sugg' st the
employment of that process in aid of our ico boats
in the highly important object of breaking up the
ice by which Iho navigation of the Delaware is lia
ble at times to be obstructed.
I presume thitifacs-k replete with gunpow
der were lowered ibrougti a hole in the ice by
means of a competent rope, it might be drifted un
der the ice by t!:e current. By means of cords
formed of fine copper wire, nuJ secured by binding
them with twine along the roie, igni ion might lie
communicated to the gunpowder sgteeahly lo the
process already bcsciibed by me in tlics tide which
you republished on the 2 1st int It remains to be
ascertained wh thcr it would be prcferablo to em
ploy smaller number of large ck-ks or a larger
number of small oner. It occurs In me th t if a
quantity of gunpowder sufficiently large were ex
ploded at the bottom of the river in deep water, it
would raise a wave which would shatu r ihe t uper
incumbenl ice to a vast distance, so that the current
might carry it away.
I am, gentlemen,
yours iruly,
The Msirtkrcr of Ellen Jewttl.
Robinson, the murderer of Ellen Jewett, whose
trial and acquiu. I kfl a stain upon the Irihunnl b
fore which he was aria;gned, went to Trias, where
be has rince lost his lighl arm that arm wish wl.ich
he planted a hatchet into the f rehead of fr . j, hut
lo him an unt (Tend Dg girl, and wi'h w hich he then
applied an incendiary torch lo the bed where she
Isy weltering in Mood, thus sllcinpling to conceal
the murder l y commuting ars n that right arm,
we say, hrs been cbfl fawn his ehuuldi, in fijbl
with the Mexican!
Nor is ibis the only letiibution that hss vi-iled
the guilty. It will be recollected that Fulong, the
infatuated Giocer, who went into couit and com
mitted voluni.ry p'jjry by swearing thai Robin
ion was in hi atore on Ihe evening i4 ibe muider,
became a maniac and diow ned h uwelf. .4 Jour.
To Apiireullres.
The only way for a young man lo prep ire him
self for usefulness, is to devote bimse f to study,
during the leisure hours. Fiisi be induatii us in
your businese. Mover eomp'a.n that you are
oMiged lo work ; go to It with a'acriiy and die. r
fulness, and il will become a habit that will muk
you resjc'ed ly your emyloyeraud the communi
ty. Make it your business to see and promote his
interest ; by t ikiug caie of his you will learn to lake
care ef y. r enn. Second, attend lo yourttudies.
Ft w apprentice s can cnmpl in if a harder master
than hid lY.nkliu ) et Franklin Lid the founda
tion fir gretuieas an apprentice, ttuccuas
depends not upon tho s mount of leisuie you have,
but upon the manner in which it is improved.
,'. Change f Vsrtauc.
A young womsn who had been sentenced to
Blackwell's I land for petty are ny for three months,
was yasterdsy discharged, her time having expired,
while m -king p'eparalion lo leave, a gentleman
who bad bul just heaid of her whereabouts, came
on the Island with a trunk full of elegant clothing ;
and what waa letter, the ii.fiTinali n that one of
ber relatives in Iieland had died, and bequeathed
her the sum of twenty thousand dol'ars. S'le left
the prison elvgsnlly dusked and a well
filled with cah. Xw Era.
The Rev. Wurca Cultos, Chsp'ain in theU.
U. Navy, and author of several charming worka of
foreign travel, h is hi-coma ediior of the Philadel
phia X7th American. Weil, misery loves com
pany, and tuck company , could we have enough nf
it, would enaldc u lo l-at light') the priik of the
ihorus that strew the path iditmial.
.V. 1". Cum. Adv.
Till -iHrusa or ti 1)sj." 1 he Prt.i
dent ef Ilia United !S ste ii iIOi l9 highly pud as
Mis. Ellen Tiee.aud Ihs Premier of t.i..i R ,i.,n
has not sj J..rg a salny s. is dema-ided by Mr j pica in
Niw Cubimt.
It currci.l'y lepoiled, that Daniel Webster will
be appointed Mcc.e'ary i f Slue, Mr. Crittenden f
Kentucky, A'torney Gei.cral, Mi. Ewing of Ohio,
Postmaster General, J. hn Sergeant of Pcnntylvaiiia,
Secretary of the Treasury.
Coal Trade.
The Pennsylvania Report, r, ji short time aincc,
published an account of the aggregate coal trade of
I'ennfylvHiiia. We were surpr.sid to seu that our
neigMxir bad entirely ov. rbv.ked the oprrati iis of
the Shamnkiii region, d.cldelly ihe mo.-t extensive
coal n gion in Pennsylvania, fr m w! ence two 0 -er.itors
ad ne hh'pped about 1 5,000 tons of coal du
ring the part season, although they h ,d commenced
their operations lot-- in the season. PrepiraMons
are now making that will enable them to do a larger
amount of business next season than has been done
by thecembined operations Df the wh le villey of
the Suquchauna during the last year. It is not
generally known that the Hhamnkin coal region,
though large in ita extent, contains at lea-t 300 per
cent, in ire coal th in the PutuviPe region. 'I hi.t
remark ia not made as an invidious rompsrim,
but thai those who have some knowledge of that
fine coal region may form a proper estimate of our
The fi II iwing is the amount t,hipied fiom the
d fTereut regions in the stile:
From Potl.vilIe,&c. 431,952
Mauch Chunk, 224 CVi
Laektwanna, 147 232
fSwjtnra, Pineg-ovr, &.C. 30.630
Wic inisco, 1. 000
Khamokui, 15 809
The correspondent of the IScw York Evening
Signal rays: " Iinmidiately aftei the birth of the
princes', and lfo e it was drest, it was wrapped in
flannel snd laken into an adjoining room and lai.
mi a table bef lie the Archibishop of Cantnib'iry
the Bis'iop of Lon Ion, the Lord Chamberlain
Lord Melbourne, Lord Palinerston, Lord John
Rufsel, and other Privy Councillors, whose duty it
was to I e p e.ent on the occasion. The Duch ss
of Kent, Prince Albert end five rmdical attendants,
were among those who were in the room during ll
accouchmeiit of her Majo-ly.
The royal infant is a remarkably fine, plump
healthy child; and so well h.veboth been doing
since the event, that only one bulletin has bien U
siitd since Saturday last."
The Sixth Ci'iism.
Col. Samuel D. Patterson. Marxhnl nf the 111.
tern district nf Pehnsylvania, has published a lengthy
stati merit in the Pl.ilsdrlihia papirs, giving the
population and statistics of the counties which Con
stitute his ilii-trict. We sul j .in the fi.lljwii g ag
gregate of population.
Adm 23,007
Berks, Cir,72C
Barks. 43.GC4
Chester, 67 SI I
Cumberland, 40,937
Dauphin, 30 IIS
Delaware, 19,713
Franklin, 3.790
Lancaster, H.r,0l.r
Leb.non, 21,779
Lehigh, 25,889
Mon oe, 967
Mon'gomrry, 47,197
Northampton, 49.982
Pcry, 17.OH0
Phlladelphii City, 93,873
Philadelphia ( Jounty , 1 C5 0 1 9
Pike. 3,828
Schuylkill, 29,181
Wsyne, 11,843
Y.rk, 46,858
Tout, 910,715
ImjiorU and Exports.
One of most gratifying evidences of the increa
sing prosperity of our country, is the favorable con
dition which the lat treasurer's leport rxhiliiis of
the imports and exports.
The exports for the yesr ending S ptember 1840,
are computed at $131.571, 050, about $10,000,000
mora than in 139,
The imports du ing the same time amount to
$101 605,891, which Is lei iban ihe iinHrls id
1839, by alx.ut $57,000,000 Th a will account in
part for the diminution of the revenue of the cus
toms. The imports have usua'ly been greo'er than the
exports. In 1836 the imports were greater by about
$61,000,000, snd in 1839 by alwul $41,000,000.
The baUm e of trade in nur, it will lie seen,
amounU to nearly $27,000,000 for 1840. This re
sult, it is .aid, hss oi ly taken place aix liims siuee
1798, and then never exc eded in amount $8,000,
000. Thi is a most gratifying evidence of the in
exhaustible resources of our country.
The Pott-ville Emporium shaking of exchange
papers says: "It appears to us a paper with
out editorial matter, or one which when pi inn d,
cannot be read, is not under the jurist! rtion of a
regular bred pr fit. r, and that its management should
be placed ill betier hands.
Our next number may skip Ihe rat."
There ia no leu liuth lhan philosophy in the
alkr e icniark'. We received an exchange p iper
a f w days since, Ihe edi'or of which we eoncludej,
hsd joined the psrty called Bul Ender." and had,
in illustration of hi principles, reversed the position
of his lypa and girti his teadas a rWrsjiim-
We give Mow some ststistics, showing ihe pi p-
ula'ion end increase in several states and iu a num
bei of tha piincipal cities, which will le found val
uable f.r reference. Whin full r terms re received
from the wbole Union, we ih ill be careful to pre'
si nl our re.idus with a i factory synnp is.
Popuiiiiion and Inerew nf several $ta'e.
1640. 1830. Increase.
Massschusel's, 718,592 610,408 108,181
New Ham shire 284,481 269.328 15,153
Vermin', 291 848 280,657 11,191
Connecticut, 390 131 297.675 12,456
New Jersey. 373,272 320,823 52,449
Delaware, 78,107 76.748 1359
Ohio, 1,790,000 935.884 851,116
Michigan, 212 000 31,639 I80.3C1
Missouii,. 350 000 110,405 159 535
Aggregate, 4 358,431 2,964 617 1,394,814
F-.pnlutiuti and inertast of tame of the pnHe'pat
eitiet in the Vnitm.
1610. 1830. Inc-ease.
New York, 312 234 202 5S9 109.845
Philadc'pha, 258.992 168,797 70,125
Ha t more, 101,378 80C25 21,753
N.wO. leans, It 6,764 42 310 64 454
Boston, 93,452 61,392 33,060
BrookKn, 30.581 12.403 24 830
Cincinnati, 46.M82 24 831 21,551
8 Louis, 24 585 6,852 18,783
Whi gton, 22.777 18 826 3 950
Pittsburgh, 21,296 12,543 8,754
Richmond, 20,15i 16 069 4,072
Concord, 4,903 3 72T 1,176
S.ann;.h. 7,587 6 351 1,236
PoTsm.uth, 7,887 A082 dicrcase.
By tho foreg. ing, it will be perceived that ihe
slates of Michigan and Missouri have nvre than
d lubled in population within Ihe last ten years.
The same will, probably, be found to be the case in
seveisl of tha Western and South-Western Stales.
Baltimore has lost its rank aa the thiid city in the
Union, by the astonishing increase of population
in New Orleans, which has more than do .bled
since the last rentus. The increase in St. Louis,
Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, is also lemsikible, and
gives unerring indication of tha immenso rmpiie
which is fast being bu ll up in the "great west."
Mrs. Asalah Harrington, who died recently at
New Salem, N. IL, aged 86, waa the wife of three
revolutionary soldiera, successively.
Frisri.i. Wo see it stated that Sir John
Franklin, Governor of Van D. iman's Land, is the
grand son of D ctor Franklin, the offspring of the
Doctor's tory son who wu once Governor of New
Missouri. The whole population of this state
is 327,731. Freewtvto males 149,366, females
l27,99l,alaves4R,941. Fieecotored peraons 1433.
Hudson. Brtttoxar. A 'ady residing in Ss
lem, (Mass.) has bequeathed twenty-five thouaand
dollars lo the Essex County McLean Aseylum for
the support of the ina:.e.
The State Bank of Illinois, at Springfield, with
ts nine branches, resumed specie psyments on the
7th ultimo.
Wmnaor "Loo 8TASniso." There is a fam-
ly of six brothers in Indiana, all of whom voted for
Gen. Harrison. Their aggregate length is 43 fed,
being an average of 7 feet 2 inches each.
Dutt os Sins- The citizen of New Yoik
are citculating a petition in that city, addicsaed lo
Congress, to obtain protective duty on foreign
silk, both manufactured and unmanufactured, im
ported into the United States.
MvRDr.R. A man named Ben Ga-kell, pnisened
his wife, by administering to her laudanum in whis
key, under the pretence of curing her of the tooth
ache, at Hector, Thompson county, N. Y., a short
time since. He has been commiit d for trial.
Eastfiis Rul Road We !carn that all the
slock has been subscribed to in the Eastern railroad
necessary to secuie its continuali n to Portland.
An effort is now making to obtain tho means of
continuing Ihe road to Augusta, wi:h the ul imate
view of carrying it also to Bangor.
Rksumption. The Banks of Georgia were to re
aume specie payments on the 1st of January.
Primtiis i PniLADrtriiiA. The number of
punting offices in Philadelphia is 41 1; of daily news-
ps'ieis 8; of weekly newspajwra 15; of semi and tri
weekly 6; of periodicals 23; of men employed 346,
and capital inv a ed $212, 100.
A s ravenous birds are the quickest sight, d, so th1
worst men are the greatest fault finders.
If the men are intemperate in dri king, the ladies
are a 'so in tihl laiing. So, thcie now.
Slvciihtkn. They have already, this present
season, slain 41,000 hogs iu'.
A Goon Sevtimijit. A true gentleman can
never indulge resentment against a female.
Erat-sLiTT. AH men weie born lo be free and
equal, except ed or.
Accord ng to ihe St. Lcuis Gazette, the bun.css
ten' sncted U-twecn that city and Boston and Ni w
York this ye r, amoui.ts to about $6,000 000.
As Odhitx. A notice in a Western po
pels is addressed to Ihe heirs of the lute Mr. Early.
1'n k Bi.ooiiHou.vr. The name of the mun who
murdered the Scull family in Southampton is lirake.
A false friend is like a shadow on a dial, it ap
ears in clear weather, but vanishes as soon as it is
Business. The St. Louts Pennant i tales that
the legi-lators of Missouri are squ .bliling about no
thing. Who sutlers ?
Thx Seaso. By the latest accounts from
Charleston, f. C., tl.c Fig tiees, Cherry trees and
Grape Vines were ft II in full bloo.n.
Harrison's Coach Mr. Le tells us that the
subscriptions for this splendid coaih are almost
'St irk to it," as our foreman said to h's journey
men. Nobody but a piinter can see thr.t joke.
Th Fisst Pan tid Blair., nuimly, that of
Faust and Slur ft, i, the two fjill.less associates i f rg, is deposited in the Niimnhurg.
It was a rocket thrown from the Austrian fiigste
l a Gucriiere that bbw up the magazine at Si.
Jean d'Acre.
Ti.xak Loat. When the Acadia left, Gen
Humilton had not concluded his negotiations f r a
loan lo the young republic.
Tns Of star Tbaux. During the Iwo months
ending on the I6lh uli., 4,229 tons of Oyster pas
sed through the Chesapeake and Delaware to Phi
ladelphia. The I.oml n ladi ' are about to present to Prince
Albert a gld medal, as a token of the high estima
tion in which Ihey hold his natural abiliiita.
In diinkii g othrr people's health we should be
careful nol to lo.we our own. Cl.ampagne often
ptoducea real pain, and prepares the mind for ibe
notions of Tom Paine.
Philosophers agree upon one thiag thai the aun
never was known lo rise in the west.
An English paper ssys that right Peers of Eng
land, who were married lo divorced women, died
midJmly within the last three year. Take warn
ing !
A man in Silem hss made a bet of $100 that
there will be one thousand suicides committed in
tho United Stales, from the lime the first slate vo
ted for electors to the 4ih of March nrx.
Louis Phillippe has arranged a marriage between
his young. si son and Quean Isabella, of iSpiin.
"Good dsy, nnttnr of I '," cried out iwo im
pudent soldier lo an old woman who was leading
Iwo donkey-, "Good day, my children," replied
she, and passed on.
Cir rim ComrvLaiTX Fits. It may be in
teresiing, ssys the Philadelphia Chronicle, 10 those
who are afflicted with this distress ng malady, to be
informed that an individual in this town, who hs
been st'sikid as often, sometimes, as twice a wrtk,
has bt-co recently cured, by d, inking sslt and water
Iwo or thiee limes a dsy,
St a un a Oct There are spplanla enough for
ihe office of elect usl messenger at Hsn ford. Conn.,
lo pass bucket from thai cily to the capital.
The Troy Mail says thai one of the cil zens of
that place, has slaughtered upwards of 8000 cauls
this fall, whuh made more than 16,000 barrels 'of
lieef, when packed.
SiLii LoTTttT Tukirs. iul poisons
have laiely been laken up and fined in Philadelphia,
for selling lottery tiikets con ra'y lo law. i
I like to ace a young man put all his earnings
upon his back. It is an evident e that he ia a nice
young man, determined to be genteel. If he should
happen to run in debt for them, it will add alill more
to his gentility. Never paying for them al all will
entitle him to the character of a thorough bred gen
tleman, as it is decidedly vulgar to pay one's honest
I like to see young mnn insult or abuse a wo
man. It shows great moral courage and indi pen
th nee of mind ; and proves most conclu-ively that
he would make a kind and affectionate husband.
I like to sea t young man sport a gold watch and
chain, breastpin and a handsome cane, especially
when folks know that he cannot aflord to shine on
his own account. It ia a proof that be is a pronn-
ing young man, and wi I make one promise psy
another. CENSOR.
We have ha I for some days on our table s Map
of the section of the State examined during the ex
perimental surveys conducted by Edward Miller,
Esq., for the iSuubury and Erie Rail Road Co. It
ncludea nearly all the lines run by the dilTenn par
ties connected with the survey, together with the
location of the line of the road as far down as Lock
Haven, on the Susquehanna. The beautiful ex'
cu'ion of the map does great credit to Mr. M. H.
Stanshury, under whose care it was produced, snd
by whom the topographical drawings weic fin
ished. V. S. Gazette.
Statistics of Schuylkill Count.
We ate indebted to the Philadelphia North A-
meiican for thefo'lowing statistics of our county,
which no doubt will be read with interest. It will
be observed that the capital invested in the
Coal Trade is $530,862
Iron Trade, 152,000
Various Manufactures, 243 6C0
Invested in Merchandize, 352,700
Total capi ol, $1,279 222
Number of persons cngagt d in mining, 1015
sericulture, 2918; commerce, 82; manufacture
and trades, Il 12 ; navigation of Canals likes an
rivers, 103; learned pr .fes ors and engineers, 10.'
lit n. No. of Funaces 3 ; tons of cast iron pn
duced 2,109 ; BLomerics, Forges and Moiling Mil
H ; t ma of bar iron produced 1,475; tons of fu
consumed 8.078 ; men employed ine'din; minii
pera'ions 216 ; c. pital invisud $152,000.
Coal. Tons of Anthracite Coal raised (23 bu
eU each) 431,313; men ctnp I yed 1,663; capi
nested $530,802.
Washington CorrrioiifIenee.
Washictom Cn r,
Die. 26, IS 10. 5
DtAR Sir : As I am now in (be midst off;
and fair l. dics, lurkies and tarts, soups and saui
julips and two lips, your patrons, who, no doi
: re gentlemen of taste, and "all nature will
al ud" that in such an exquisite position 1 ir
feel as t nacious of it as the Frenchman, who
claimed, "I'lutot muurie que de changer?
Among the holiday amu-cri.ciits there is to 1
" Bear buit" near the Washington race coutst
the vicinity of the cily, on New Year's day. 1
expected that Bruin will give some of his cat
visitors a hug that will prove anything but fri
ship in it, and a tap with his huge paws that
feel like anything but a t, love tup." There
be un immense concourse of spectators in Vtlei
ance, and fine chances for " pick poke!," t-,
will stten 1 for the purpose of givit.g jou a deacr
lion of it.
The hacks in this city arc likely to b sup,iji
ed by the introdjetion of a new sort of vehic
called Cabs. A cab is simply two wheeled o
iiibus diawu I y one horse. They are painted bis
and highly polished outside, and carjieied insi
A number of them made their appearance at t
meeting of Congress. They do business at half I
prices charge J by tho hacks. The back diiv
look upon Ihe cab ilriv rs aa rather unwelcome
trudera ; and last evening fee ling more than usua
spirited, they raisidarow with them. What t
result hss been I have not learmd. The cab diiv
however, have net - absquatulated," for they i
still enga-ed in 'heir ordinary avacatton on Per
sylvania Avenue.
Madame Rumor now insists upon it that )
Welwler will be Premier in Gen. Hsrriaon's ca
net, Mr. Ewing, of Ohio, Secretary of the Trea
iy, Mr. Preston, of Sonth Carolina, Secretary
Wor, Mr. Rives, of Virginia, Secretary of the Na
Mr. Stevens of Pennsylvania, Post Master Gener
Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky, Attorney Gener
In this section all the factions composing the 11.
ri on party will l represented. Mr. Webster w
represent Ihe old Federal party ; Mr. Ewing t
Harrison pirty proper; Mr. Preston ihe Slave
par'y ; Mr. Rives the Conservs ive or S ste Ban
pattv ; Mr. Stevens the Anti-masonic and Abo
tion parties; Mr. Crittenden the old National li
publican or U. S. Bank party. But all of ihcm w
go in for a United Suses Bank, except perhaps
Kivts, aa all of them have advocated, in a public c
pacity, the establishment of such an institute
except him.
It is ssid that John Qdincy Adams and Gover
or Lincoln will be e. cted I y the Masaschuscl
Legislature to supply the places i f Mr Davis, wl
has be. n ehcud Governor, and Mr Webatej, wl
is to go into the Cabinet,
Mr. Cliy is g ne to New York. It is surmiss
ihsl bis object in going there is to settle the pielirr
naries nf a United States Bank, and to asccrtji
who of ihe applicants for the offices there will be
sustain the regular line of the tuecettorthip.
school Act.
The Hsrrisburg Keystone says, "An act wr
passed at the last session of the legislature, repar
of school directors which were heretofore made t
the superintendent ou Ihe first Monday in January
to be thereafter mads on the first Mon Jay in J unc
or as soon f:sr that day as practicable, and to in
dud Ihe proceeding of the yesr ending nn the firs
Moudsy of June,