Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 02, 1841, Image 1
r Ti:ims oi tiii: "amekecan. HENRY B. MA88ER.5 Poilimhi JOSEPH EISELY. $ Paoraixxoa. Mi. B. JHJISSER, EdUer. orriCB I! XllKtT tTRKBT, fttlft Dill. THE - AMERICAN" is published every I day at TWO DOLLARS per annum r Batur- l Dcr annum to he paid half yearly in advance. No papor discontin ueu 11,1 all arrearage are paid. No subscription received fur a leaa period than mx months. All communication or letters on business relating to the office, to insure attention, must be PU3T PAIU. A BALLAD After Hood. BT ITICtl Tom Buckram waa a tailora lad, And one of Nature' treasures, A moral youth who squared hia life By Virtue' rulea and measures. Each Sabbath mnm he went to church, Attentive he waa rated But then, of lata, hi eye had got To be quite eyes-o-ltUcd.' 'Twas Sally Wynn that can so J thia thing, The Squire' only daughter, Whose swimming eye, of liquid blue, Had made Tom' mouth to water. Now Tom a nimble workman waa, And well he drew hi stitchc; But bvp, alas, in his poor heart Had now made breaches. And, aa he sat upon his board, He was so sore Hi mind, . His woik, which went on last before, Now went aa fust behind. His muster, having tried in vain The cause of this to scan, baid, as Tom a peck of trouble had, He should be Bushel-mats. But this promotion proved te be No measure of relief; Instead of soothing bis disease, It but enlarged bis grief. In short, by S illy's aid alone, Could Buckram's cure be dune, l)ut Sally Wynn, the cruel girl. Would not be Sally won. For when he asked f r S idy Wynn, Poor Tom she roundly rated, S.i he got bilious, then got sick, Thin got sallivatcd. The doctor ahook hit he.iil and said I fear it i no use His thread at life is drawing nut, I think Tom' 'a gone goose." Arid ure enough the uuih it proved, Thit veiy nigljt Tom died And when they opened him they found A ttith waa in liia aide. Now all ye tailor Lids be sure, In love and buincs both. My moral 1410 "cu your coat According to yeur cloth." 'Probably isolated. Arrival or llic Acadia. Twenty-one days later from England. mbnrdiuriit and Capture of St. Jean de Acre. The following details were published the Malta Times of the 15th ult : ,thc most brilliant on record, and rWes that British genius and British ...... i... i,.,, ....J-,i. 3,dcred them, in days gone by, the .,jf!i,.i..mi....,j.i,..L;. ,i. 1.1 UII Ul UIU HUI IN. The result of this glorious affair is le reduction of a fortress, declared bv i.v.i. .ar.u.ra . i... able, to a heap of ruins, with a loss To r 1., .xwwi l.:il.,i nnn n,;lnrc L,l n inrrr- nmur .stM thls tremendous fortress, which ha wounded, the precise amount of which as not yet been ascertained; besides a ...To.,.: ...;iu ,nj ; ,J ..r o., ioi .:,.., r,au ori;ii J fonn turn i.n..;... i.nn .1.. .i i. .t aA F ri.v,; 4 1: 'Pk .. oc c ... i... dc. '.A ,.;..;oii r iiiiut ti nM 'i, 1 lie attack commenced a few min- tn i . , i i ,i ... ites before two o clock on the Jd rp, , i , , The carnage appears to have dread- i u . .u i ' .i ii t- u r. 111, UUl IIIG UJ5S Ul IHIMSII tCUIIICII j . . uj md marines was, as we nave already ., , ' J "Ibrahim Pasha was at llehle, with rom 15,000 to '20,000; but it is expec- ed he will retire immediately, without jo much as attempting to stand against he allied forces. The oasc lies circulated bv the Paris aPcrsof the betrayal of St. Jean d' cre into tho hands of the 'ocscigers for Uritish gold, received from the above account abundant refutation One of the letters describes the state of the town thus : On landing, the place known to be strong was found even still more so than was conceived, and thanks rnav be returned to the Al rv.;,t... 1. ,11 r u my hi. not cost the "allies a greater loss of life. The town is one mass of ,, . ,1 1 ,. . , e ,, r nt 1hr lnMnrira sml mncl rtf llm r. n 1 m i 11 . houses are literally riddled all over ; the killed and wounded lying about in all directions, lifeless trunks cut asunder, some without heads others without legs and arms. Hundreds dvins from the Hundreds dying from the blood flowing from their wounds, and no oris near to help them. The scene il truly awful !" A loncf account of the bombardment concludes in these words "Such is serving, they f,iould bo gently moved, the account of the account of the ta- that all the Lorries may have the benefit king of Acre, written twenty-four hours of the lemon juico and sugar. Good, after the attack began, a city which oaten in any wny ; when prepared, bafilcd Bonaparte and a French armj,th.U fruit j? trulv delicious. Ab!!'",l"C!!iC,CCnC" in ,eCi"i0n' f and has undergone, both in nncient and modern historv, more numerous and desperate seigcs than any other city in - ... the world." Triestk, Nov. 22. The news of the taking of St. Jean d'Acrc has caused a ercat sensation here. The allied troops found immense quantities of ammunition and nrovisions in the fortress. It is surprising that the Egyptian troops, who might have cm ployed the night of the third in saving the public treasure neglected to do so. There was at Acre a sum of two mil lions (query, piastres or Uorins?) which belonged to the Egyptian Government. The news of the taking of Damascus has come bv way of Athens ; but many persons doubt it, though it is said to come from good authority. The following graphic and spirited sketch of the attack upon St. Jean d' Acre is given by the Davenport Ha- Kite from the letter of an officer of her Majesty's steam frigate Gorgon : On the last day of September we were despatched from Beyrout, with three steamers under our command, to bombard this devoted place for three days before the general attack was made, which we commenced on the first of October, by standing in within range, and firing shells as fast as we could pelt, and they returning two for one. They fell around us like hail, but strange to say, not a shot struck us; our bombardment was not very suc cessful, as more than half the shells burst before they reached the shore, owing to the fuses being badly bored ; all the shells from the steamers failed , alike, a circumstance not very credita ble to those who made them, and sadly disappointing to us. It is not likely they were ever tried at such a ditrfanoe before, 4000 yards. At half past four o'clock, (how shall I describe this,) as if by one consent, all firing ceased, and oh," Heavens ! what a sight ! The whole town appeared as if it was in the air; so awfully grand a sight no one can describe. We saw no thing but one devilish cloud extending thousands of yards into the air and on all sides, and then we felt an awful shock which gave the line of battle liP a heelof two degrcs, o that you .-JUUSr ,ru.,n "ie nomcm 01 me ex plosion, all firing from the town ceased 1 he 1 urkish admiral alkcr Bey was boarded at one o clock in the morning by an Igyptian colonel, who informed I . 1 . um ''at they were evacuating the town as fast as possible. "Walker Bey immediately landed "llht 300 men. and took possession of hc town, making 3000 prisoners. I bus not been overrated by report, fur I !ea V '"f ' 19 !,c ,8,ron?t rh.ce (next to Gibraltar) in the world, and 1 think we should never have taken it but ,or the explosion, which was caused by one of our shells bursting in the main magazine of powder, by which, to sneak w'thin bounds, 2000 souls were blown to atoms, besides beasts of burden of every description. In al the loss of the . , 1 -n i hgvptiansis computed at 3000 killed Y 1 , , . , ,. , , . . . . . and wounded. At daylight what a sight was exposed to our view! The stu- , ' e ..e . ... , 4 . pendous fortification, that only twelve i ' I f I I L . C I .1 hours before could boast of being the , , . .7,. . strongest 111 the world, was so ridd ed c could not find a square foot that had noJ a fcl,l- . "0 Trmn?, fJthc 1 NVC.nt ashore to witness the devastation; the sight beggared all description. The bastions were irewed with dead, the . ,1: . . 1 1 n . . . r 1 oc. Ihen came to the spot where the cx- ''7," ,OUh ",,aL 5 'l ,Kls " T 1 ,1 1 i VI 1 l V ' - v7 J U 1 1 via v-1 oviiv n w v it out as if a quarry had been worked there for years. And oh heavens, what a sight! It makes mv blood run cold to w rite of it. Mangled human bodies of both sexes, strewed in all directions, women searching fop their husbands , 'fi.If; . A J!'" brnc,asts' "ndf w,'n5 crying most pitcously ; God forbid I . .V ... J . . shou d ever see the like again." Italiax Modk or Prevarixg Straw. I bkkriks. Place as many berries as will form one layer at the bottom of M I dish, and sift no wdered loaf susTir r-.. dish, and sift powdered loaf suyr o-..r thern ; then place another b.'yer ?.nd sift sugar again. When there vtrc five or six layers prepare!, cu4. a fresh lemon and squeeze all .ivpr thorn. Before AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. n,Sj,l'y' iU' ,rinC'r,e f RepubliC' f'm Wl'ich Suiibiiry, 2Vorlhutnbcrlund Co. Transmutation or Plants Into others. Wo know there appears something aitogctner conirary to the common laws of propagation, in the supposition that one plant may, under any circum stances, give birth to another of an en tirely different species. We have never said they covld; but in view of certain facts that have been credibly stated, we have raised the question for considera tion. This is the extent of our uvouch ment of the facts stated by Mr. Smiley, in relation to the transmutation of gilli flower tubers into potatoes. The facts, too, stated by Dr. Parker of Billerica, in relation to the product of tiger lilies from an aquatic plant, and of yellow lillies from the peony, we have present ed for solution. 1 hat wheat in wes tern New York has oftentimes turned into chess, is a fact which manv intelli gent men in that region have testified to. N e have once mentioned the al leged fact, that barley has been known to produce oafs. Mr. Brcck, in accor dance with his usual self-complacency, ridicules the statement, and says we must have a difiercnt soil in Maine from that in any other part of the world. This may, ox may not be true. But a few weeks ago we were in Mt. Vernon, and on inquiry of a respectable gentle man of that tow n, relative to tho crops there, he remarked to us that somehow or other, he did not know why, the far mers in that town could not raise bar lev with success. " We sow barlcv," said he, "and it comes up oats." lie gave us several facts in verification of his remark. We could not deny or ac count for such a singularity. Since that time one of the most respectable physicians in this state, who is himself a skilful cultivator of the soil, has stated to us a fact within his own knowledge and of which be avers he cannot be mistaken. Some years ago whilst at tending medical lecture at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N. II., he resided in Haverhill in that state. He had oc casion to sow a patch of barley. It came up, developed the barley leaf, stalk and heads. Whilst the heads were in their infancy, some breach cat tle broke into the plat, and in various places cat down the barley stalks, heads and all. That which was not thus in jured ricned bailey ; but in every case the stalks that had been cropped sent up new stalks in due time, and these stalks, proceeding from the same roots, yield edaoats ! He says he knows this to be a fact, for it was one within his own personal knowledge, and engaged many of his own and other people's spec ulations at the time. So that Mr. Breck need not presume that the soil of Maine is altogether peculiar. He will rind Mime such no farther off than Haver hill, New Hampshire. Maine Cultivator. Cooking Bkkts. Take beets of mid dle size, and after removing the tops and dirt, roast them in a fire as potatoes are roasted. When done, they are peeled and served up in the usual man ner. One who has tried them cooked in this way, says they are much sweet er and richer than when boiled ; as by roasting none of the saccharine matter is lost. It is a singular fact, that roast ed potatoes are one of the most efficient remedies or preventatives of the scur vy, a property wholly lost wlen boil ed. OvstKn Cork Cakks. Take one quart of green corn, rasjicd from the ear with a coarse grater, two tea cups full of new milk, one tea cup full of flours- mix them together and add two eggs well beaten, season the batter with salt and jiepjier, and bake upon a griddle. 1 he corn should bo in a state most suitable for roasting or boiling. This preparation makes a capital dish Prkskhyixu Fresh Friit. Currants, cherries, and damson plums r;,ay be preserved in a fine and re..'n state, by gathering the bcrriei or Truits when er. fectly dry, !c,Jvii tho stem on each placing U'.cin ','ightly in stone jars, or bottles, wiVnout bruising or causing the rorV ad rosm go as to exclude all air 1 0...1 nnJii.,,., k,,. um ;n UIIM WIVtOI til Ull'4 Wll'll UUI 111 IIIVUl III a trench in a garden, neck downw urds. . a r ruit so preserved, lor some uses is preferable to dried fruits. Berkshire Pu.s. Mr. C. Bullard of Framingham, killed two of his Berk h ires last week one weighed 40-1 lbs. and the other 13', These are hcavv enough for anv bad v. Mr. B. is miuh AM11ICAK ,here ' no Tr1 ' o " principle la. Saturday, January '2, 18-11. in favor of this kind of'pigs, and says they are easily lattend. Maine Cultivator. From the U. S. Cutdtt 'nrt Galaca'a Plan of Defence. We have had for smno dava in our hjesession pafnjilitpt cnntuinitig "A Memorial of Edmund Pen dleton Gainea to the Senate aril Hou e vt Itrpre- aentativcsoflhe United States," sitting f rih a sjrr- trm of national t!ef nre, which he has jirqiarud seventeen year dulibrr.ition. The firat part is a recommendation of Immense II ating halleiie, from 200 to 300 f el long ly 90 to 160 frit wi 'e, to lie moved y stejn) ships; each battery to have acci-mmoJaiio -s for 600 or 1000 men, wi h looms for muni ions ; and the batteries may be uted in lime of esce to clear out rivera and harbor. Gi-nrral Gainea thinks that these bat'eries are rendered nrerssary by the recent inventions in the art of war, and had Denmaik posacsaed them, she would nut have suflVr. d al Copenhagen, The memorial pr, cceda to point out the numerous advantages to be derived in various way a from then b.itteries, in both war and peace. Secondly The mi inorial proposes the immediate ronstiuction of erven railroads, each from 600 to 700 nibs in length, costing about f 65 000 000, which in a state of war will enable the goverment to transport troops with great facility. The pi in of operationa for the constucton of these works is then hid down, and the adtantagea to result from the operation are set forth. The memoiial proceeds to discuss various sub jects connected will' the great propositions, and to point out their applicability, their constitutionality, and tht'ii prsclirahility. The plan also includes of emir.ripnli i, which in the next country mny be promoted by about two hundred millions of white inhabitants, which out nation will possess, who can supply an army of protection and instiuction for the blaik', first here anil then in Africa. He sya: This navy and army of protection and instruction may lie accompanied and followed hy aueh dctailel corpa of the instructed Black cf our as may be qualified to avis! in the great work. These detailed corps to continue with the consent of their owners until every Black in America ahsdl find a comfortable safe home in the land of hia Fathers. Any other system of aboliiion would inevitably de lay, though it might not defeat th accomplishment of the great work of giving civil tat ion and erlrgov ermcnt toAfiica, and of giving to the United Stales litpublit the glory of the achievcm nr, Uul if we negl cl it until the crowded heads of Europe ahall huve h'iiure to prepaie another holy alliance; with fifty to one hundred firt rate ahipa of war ad.ipted to the action of aleani power, we may, p(ilily in the next ten years roe our foreign commerce under the controle of mat holy al'anct, and if we reit and who will have the hadilmod tossy toe will not its we may be told by the vain diplomatists of that Imperial cumb,ntliM of I'irutes "Yan kees! ibe h -ly alli.ime is giacinuly ploued to per mil you, wiih your wife and children; to sek an asylum beyond the K.xky Mrjiitaiiis." Otherwise we must submit to the degredation of seeing all our sea ports in the poeion of the invading foe, oi, of ecing our Commercial citie battered down with out the possibility of our bringing to their succor aullicicnt force in lime for their protection. The memorial thus closes : Your mrmorialit having at different times dur ing the last .eventecn jcars, submitted to the piop- et aulhoiiiies of the War Department ntot of liU views contained in the f.regoing 30 sections, at will mote fully appear his official rep. rl( w hich he prays may he called for and taken as a part of this his memorial) he ha thu repeatedly appealed to the War Deparmeut, but ho deeply regret to say that his apeala have been wholly unavailing. He uow respectfully ealles on every mem' er of the National Legislature who lovei hi country and In r institutions, to sut'ain his efforts in preparing for her a syi-k'm of defence wcrty of their Fa'.hera o the Revolution, worty of the Uio and or tlie I'oaaTiTfTioi which we all aland p ijged to support. Your memorialist did D''t e-.,ter the ser vice of his country nor the mf i-lfuh ehjnyrrtcnl of the pomp and tphtiitfal honors of the fiehl of battle, (though h wo'id not shrink fniin a com parison of hit sei,tes in batth with ihote of any oilier Unied Stales cotnmanuVr how living) his an ticipated )or ,j grejt object have been to em I 'rtv ner niean of defence, ample aa they must ever be, so (ffectnally a to convince liri neighbors that honesty is the best policy , and that dtfeat mt!f attend their ti'ery act of invasion? and thus to di rect the elements f war to the attuinmrnt nf,peaee on earth, and good will toward men." With these impresaioiu he deem it to be an act of common justice to himself, hi wife, children and friends. that ho about J aolicit the only relief to which a I'. b. tieneral officer, bonolud as ha has lung been with oue ol the highest commands in the army, and who best i iTorla aie ever Cue to hi country' set vice can with propriety claim he claime to be th author and inventor of the system of national de fence beicin el forth and explained! he therefore prav Congress to conGnu his claim by such an act or joint r solution a in their wisdom shall seem just and right. And your memorialist us in duly bouud "'""l-PMi'M) rCNPI-ETON GAINE. Nasnviua, Tim. Vtc. 3t.i, t:9 and Immediate parent of desp i.i.m.. Jirrtasov. Vol. I.-Xo. XTI. Wright of Military Men. The following memorandum w found a num ber of year ago, in the pocket book of an cflioer of the Massachusetts line: ArotsT 19. 1783. Weighed t the scale at Weal Point General Washington, 209 lb. General Lincoln, 23 1 - General Knox, S80 " General Huntingdon, 132 H General Greaton, 168 - Colonel Swift, 19 " Colonel Michael Jackson 252 " Colonel Henry Jackson, 238 - Lt. Colonel Huntington, 232 " Lt. Colonel Cobb, 180 Lt. Colonel Humphrey, 221 It oppeara from the above, that the average weight of these eleven distinguished Revolutionary officers, waa 214 pound. The beiviest weight having been General Knox, who weighed 280 pounds, and the lightest General Huntington, who weighed 132 pound. It is somewhat singular that the biogra phers of eminent men, never, unless under circum stances of peculiar character, record the weight or dimensions of the clay tenements, which were the abode of their immoiul spirits. A Puxsler. The following from the North American has completely set as:de our claims as malliainaticians, and we perceive that our friends of the Spirit of the Time also spent an hour without success. We would thank aome rf our crilici-iing reader for a solution : J'oltsville Emporium. ''A had a certain number of apple. He gave to H the half of what he had and half an apple ; to C llic half of what remained ai.d half an apple; and to D the half of what atill remained and half an apple. No apple or apple were left, and none were cut in making, the distribution. Required the whi le number of apple und lie number given to each." A NiiW Lit. It Is stated that tying a piece of twine tiijhtly around a horse's car. cloae to hi head, will make him go, however disposed he may be t act obstinately, and to refuse to draw a vehicle. It is a strange remedy, but the Standard aa; it wae aatisf.ictorily tried on Thursday in Chesnut street, and acted like a charm. Qcick Worn. Mr. Billings, blacksmith, of Leicester, on Saturday, 12th in.t., foiged 150 Horse Shoe in nine hour in succession, and they are pronounced, by good judges, to be made in a work mini ke manner.- Worcester .Egis. Colt's HirLis. -The Houston Telegraph says, lhat in late Indian fight. C ipt. Andrews used one of Coll' a patent lides, which he could discharge ten times whilo a comrade could discharge hia nil only twice. Printer Gratuities. No cla of mechanics, perhaps, suffer m ire from the redatory and begging habits of individual! than printers. 1 hey wmk so hard, invest so much, and furnish their paper so low, that people leally seem to think they actually art worth nothii g but to be g ven away, nr liken without leave. Accordingly, n. aliing is more common than for pcopte, who have the curb siiy to read something that happena to be particularly interesting, or who wi.-h to send a pa per to a fiiend as a token of remembrance, to rua) into a printing office, and ask for, or take, a paper just out from the press and if the printer ahould think of taxing hiin anything for it, the customer would think hiiuke'f quite, in.ulleJ by the uiggardfti lies of the stingy priivei ! With what other me chanics or business men would people think of taw king the aame libcrtiiat Go into a grocery and ask the retailer to give you a fjur-penre-ha'-pciiny' worth ol tea, coffee or uugar, and unless you vreie really an object oi charity he would probably think kinsclf the one imposed upon. Or vUil a booksUaret and make off with half a doten sheet of Welling paper, and most likely the proprietor would puuue hia customer wilh a writ of pcut larceny Go into a joinei's shop and aek him to giva you six cent v oith of hia w -, and you would feel as If yoU were engaged in a cheap business. And yet people will enter a printing office and toko six cub worth of a pi inter labor, and really think it one of that soil of things Which should be given away becau-e the paper is printed. A clean while sheet he would think too valuable to abstract without pay, and yet it cost printer twenty Ave dollar- veiy week to set up the type that are impresaed upon the sheet to make k worthless. No no thia i not the way to do bu-im-. If joa want a paper and will tint tubsrrrl for it aa alt honora ble men do just etip into the oifke, and laying down a eilver bit, say "Sir, if you pWase, let me have one of yocrr papers, and take that in pay for it." You will be readily accommodated, and then be seated, (not looking over the shoulder of th comosilor to read hia menuacriiit,) or rtlir and read your awn paper like a mam of good conscience and of honorable principles. Maine Cultivator. W'Hiat'a thb SciiooiaiiTii t Th drotl edi tor of the Richmond Star says, "the following sign is hung out we don't know where, and by we don't know whom: ''Malvma Mug taix boreJira when ahe kan git them chepe for ka.h anJ no lik kers is suffered in (he hows. A ply down slaird by the fWh bunt." I'KICES OF AIVrilTISI.Xt. I square 1 insertion, . . . f() r,0 1 do 3 do - . 0 75 1 do 3 dj - I 00 Every mbucqucnt in crib n, 0 W Yearly Advertisements, (with th privilege ol alteration) one column $ 25 ; half column, $18, three aqua res, $12; two square, f 8 t one squire, $5. Without th privilege of alteration liberal dircount will be made. Advertisements left without direction at to the length of time the f are to be published, will ! continued until ordered out, and charged accord ingly. CPixtoen line make a squara. Bplnologty. In these days, when boarding schools for young Ladies, ere devoted to the fashionable ologiea oftha day such as conchology, ornithology, ichthyology, toology, and the like, we propose an additional eienee, a a fmi hing touch to young Ladiea edu cation, vix: Spinology. Our grandmother of olden time, who madii good wive for patriotic men that achieved our independence, knew how to spin. They were too, expert at weave-ology ; and a to cook-ology none of the learned ancient could go ahead of thorn. A a consequence of all this, they enj yed good health, and such thing a dyspepiia and consumption weie seldom known. But in modern limes, those science, so honorable to ih matron of the Revolution, have gone out of date. A lamentable degeneracy, both physical and mo ral, he fo lowed. Then the country had vomen, a w we have none. FemaU Lava all lumod La. dies. It our fashionable chools could not be induced to establish department in spinology, wcaveology end the like, we would suggest that aome worthy matron if number qualified foi the businesi tan be found, should go into our citie and town and set up spinning schools to teach young ladiea not how to spin street yarn ; this art they have gener ally achieved already ; but good substantial wool and linen in a work woman-like manner. This ahould be preparatory to a High School for teach ing the hialthy nnd ingenious art of Weaving j and when they have become proficient at both, a good knowledge of cookology should entitle them to a n gular diploma wilh the honorary degree of F. W. Fit for Wive. Maine Cultivator. Loremo Dow, Jr. A pupular lay preacher in New York, who call himself Lorenxo Dow, jr., Fpcaks of himself in this wue : What a precious piece of goods I am! hardly fit for a mock-auction shop; a damaged remnant of youthful ambition, moth ratcn by lime, grown flimsy by age, and scratched to pieces by the care, disappointments and trials of a vexatious world. I feci myself to be nothing more than a soap bubble, blown into existence by the breath of Omnipotence ; and expect to be blown out of it by a puff from tho iima source. When my old coat give evidence of decay, I can get it scoured anil mended ; a aueranuated pair of boote can find renovnt'on in ihe lap of a cobbler ( but when the body grow the worse for wear, no mortal hand can rtay the de struction. Time has used me pretty well, however. cnmdJeiinz the liberties I have sometimei taken with it It ha gently brought me to the calm even ing of my diys, where life's second twilight gather round, as it deepens, discloses the hand-writing upon the golden wall of the West: 'A fair ts-morro-at for the weary pilgrim.' I have not descended, my friends, into a gloomy vale. Not a bit of it ! I buvj reached the summit of a glorious hill, where the i- ternal sun nf Hope shines down and warm n r ick, a an offset to the chill winds that whistle i'l my boaom. Here I cm mount a stump, and look over the whole landscape of past existence. I cnu point to the dim blue honion, and say .There, behind that mity viel, lies the region of infiucy, where I first picked the khell, und came squallipg: into lb world wiih an eloquence that foretold my future culling) a little thia side, I behold ihebkora Hff g'den of childhood, in all it pristine loveliness, where I plucked the rose or joy, sucked all the sweet cider of life, mocked at care, and drove away cor row with a (ingle bco-hoo : this side of lhat are tho green pasture of youth, over which I bounded with the blood of .young ambition boiline; rrt my vein?. striving to imitate and emulate: nearer still, estenJ the broad plain--, fertilu valleys, rugged hill ami Wooden lawna of manhood; with an eitensive vari ty of prospect -, here a gleam of sunshine, and there t gloomy shadow.' " DsLicara niTiaoo-or oaramiao 8ait. Th Arab in Egy pt open tha mummies, take out Ihe nward part, and obtain from them excellent salt. Well might ibskapeura say, Tu what base uo may we return," though this Arab way of treating a poor fellow after he bo been quietly buried three or four thousand j ears, beaU AWxamW bung hole bttmc al) to tplintereens. Maxim's. Ike are a few offhand maxims They mey do for this season of lire year. Wbea) a lady tes ever a gutter, she shooIJ g fa nee round to see if any one is looking at her.' Never put the lighted end of your cigar in your raoulh yoe) may get honied if you do. When at the theatre be am to atari up before people, il show your conaequei;cr. Don't pay your debia, it' vulgar. Mind every body' business bui your own. You're sure to make friends. If you hov an anthracite fire, keep poking ft, am) you'll soon get warn. Hawk and spit during church service, il' agree able to the congregation, S.nok cigar in the street, it's so genteel. Alwaya be aura to leave the door opea, it givs.t th inmate air and. cxeicise. When in company with Udieschew tobacco it's manly and refined. Of a cold day bold your fiiend by the. button while in the street it shows your attachment. Denounce religion and its advocates, il how your iudeprnduftc. Eat auJ Jj-uik on Chiatrnaa dsy until you frit your-elf, faxbioil taiutivilk II.