Vliil artaarv wm m a ay a ar-v at a HENRY B. MA88ER, JOSEPH EISELY. orflCI 1 XARKIT STKKIT, If 11 -.. THE - AMERICAN" it published every 8elur day at TWO DOLLARS per imnum Id I paw nail yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till ail arrearage ate naid. No eubmription received for leaa period thin bit mouth. All communication or letters on buaineat relating to the ollice, to inaure attention, muat be POST PAID. tub voi'jra widow. Sorrow hath laid in hand on thee, Lone mourner of the dead I And blench'd the glow upon thy cheek, Aad bo tv 'J thy stricken head : There ia a wildon in Ihy glance, A look of mute despair, Thai lelloih m.ire than word or nigh, What .cause for griuf lies there. Widow i thine is no enmman oe, That briefly dolh aub luo The young soel's bouyant happiness, With though: uf sadtTning iiue. No transient pains that hef to heal The anguish they impart, Dut one that gather alrength with tbin, The crushing if a heart. Oh, what a world of hope lie hearsM Within that queit grave; That woko, to sleep for ever, like The ebbing of ihe wavet No ooner forin'd than wither'd by The lightning glance of death, In all the sweetness uf their birth, Ere yet bey scarce had breath, Paleaournerncri it ia ad t think Thet thou should' t bear alone The burden of that a ern regret, Fin him whose apirit 'a flown ; Dat who could weep for him lika thee Whose interchange of love Wu moulded, not for earthly bliss, Dut ho.icr joys above! o ynunfr, loo, ad o beautiful, '1'hus flow to pine iwij ! A atar o'crsh idow'd by a cloud, A lily in decay. It seems a thoug'i some hand had loosed The bird and act it f.ee, Well knowing to the Mine far home The mate would t ro long fl.-e! DerenvM one! thou hist ne red that bourne Where hope bee m a divine: Eanh cliiin-i those snhle weeds, but Hcav'n That broken heart of thine, W hose lender choid have given way, Yet tremulous cling on, To brealho it aoirowa u'er the iipot From whenc; tl.e loved ha h gone ! llonapartc's Wound. Napoleon showed me the marks of two wounds, one a very deep cicatrice lbove the left knee, winch he said lie !iad received in his first campaign of Italy, and it was of so serious a nature hat the surgeons were in doubt wheth sr it might be ultimately necessary to imputate. He observed that when he .vas wounded, it was always kept a sc ;rct in order not to discourage his sol lifcrs. The other was on the toe, and lad been received at, Eckmuhl. " At he seige of Acre," continued he, " a ihcll thrown by Sydney Smyth fell at ny feet. Two soldiers who were close y, seized and closely embraced me, ne in front and the other at my side, md made a rampart of their bodies for ne against the eliccts of the shell, which :xploded and overwhelmed us with and. We sunk into the hole formed y its bursting, and one of them was vounded. I made them both ollicers. 3ne has since lost a leg at Moscow, .nd commanded at Vinceanes when 1 eft Paris. When summoned by the tussians, he replied, that as soon as hey sent him the leg he had lost at Moscow, he would surrender the for ress. Many times in my life," con inued he, "have I been saved by my oldiers and ollicers throwing thcmsel es before me when I was in the most mmincnt danger. At Arcala, when 1 vas advancing, Col. Mcuran, my aid-le-camp, threw himself before me, co cicd me with his body, and received he wound that was destined for me. le fell at my feet, and the blood spout d up in my face. lie gave his life to reserve mine. Never yet, I believe, tas there been such devotion shovn by oldiers as mine manifested for me. Ju .11 my misfortunes, never has the sol !ier, even when expiring, been want ig to me; never has man been served iiore faithfullv bv his troons. Willi he last drop of blood gushing out of heir veins, they exclaimed, Vive 'Empereur.' " " Voice from St. Helena." IIixts to Tailors. It is computed hat during the past year there have ;ecn cabbaged by the tailors of this me. rooolis, nine thousand four hundred tnd seven yards of cloth, eighteen pecks )f buttons, two miles of tape, and four teres of buckram, exclusive of allowa bles, cabbage, and small fingering's ; to say the New York Mercury, and as Mercury is the patron of thieves his 'ascally god-ship ought to know. Saturday Evening l'ost. . More iet.-Ihcre are sixty-two lainols in iew iork, eacn burning with the laudable ambition of serving ns country as lobacco Inspector! The number of aspirants will probably jo doubled boforo an apointmont is liaqc, : Absolute acquiescence in the decisis of the lly Manser & Eixrly. Hints to Farmers. It is much to be wished that our far mers were more desirous to possess good, fertile, produelive farms, than large farms. If farmers in our coun try, instead of increasing the number of their acres, would bestow more care and extcnse in the best possible man ner, on every acre they already possess, they would live easier, and become richer and happier. It has often been remarked especially by those who have travelled abroad, that the great fault of our American farmers lies in their eager desire to add field to field, which often impoverishes them, keeps them in debt, and renders them unable to bring any ol their land into the highest and most profitable state of cultivation. lhe advice of Dean owift should be treasured up by every good farmer. lhis distinguished man said, "Y hocver can make two cars of corn or two blades of grass grow upon a spot of ground where only one crew before, docs more essential service to his coun try than the whole race of politicians ut together. ,uer. Jour. Keep Stock In tiood Condition. It is of crcat advantage to the farmer to keep his stock in good condition, not only in the first of the w inter, but thro' the season of feeding, till they can sub sist well abroad. An animal may be kept short of food in the latter part of the fall or first of winter, at a very small saving in food, but at a great loss in the condition of the animal. It is like salting a hog with a pound of salt a saving of salt but a loss of Bacon. One dollar saved by short keeping of animals, w ill be a loss of five dollars. It will cost more to keep the animals through the whole winter, and the profit from the animals, cither in growth or milk will be lost. Yankee Farmer. CKIMM. The peculiarly rich cream of Devon shire, England, called clouted cream, is obtained by using zinc pans of a pecu liar construction, consisting of an upper and lower apartment. The milk is put into the upper apartment ; and after it has stood twelve hours, an equal cjuanti ty of boiling water is introduced into the lower one. At the end of another twelve hours, the cream is taken ofl" much more easily and perfectly than in the common way, and is also more abundant and richer. The result of twelve experiments carefully made were as follows: Jour gallons of milk treated as above, gave iu twenty-four hours, lour and a half pints of cream, which yielded, after churning fifteen minutes, forty ounces of butter; four gallons treated in the usual way, gave in forty-eight hours, four pints of cream, which yielded, after churning ninety minutes, thirty-six ounces of butter. The increase in the quantity of cream is 12 1-2 per cent. The same principles may be applied in the use of common pans. It would be very easy, for instance, to prepare some kind of trough, or tin, perhaps, or even wood, into which the pans could be set, and hot water afterwards intro duced. As a close trough would be much better than an open one, you may have a cover in which to set the pans. An ingenious Yankee tinman would soon make a range in this way, sullicient for a common dairv, at no very great ex pense. It would last indefinitely. If it is true, that you would thus get some two pounds more butter a week from each cow, the apparatus and the trou ble would soon be paid for ; to say no thing of the time saved in churning. We do not sec why zinc pans, which are said to be decidedly prefernbl to anv other for the dairy, with the tin range as above, would not be quite as good as the complicated and expensive Devon hire pans. And it would be easy lor l dairy woman to satisfy herself re specting the principle, without cither. Uy using cold water instead ol hot, tho range would serve to keep milk sweet in warm weather. Vermont. Farmer. Oxalic Acid. It may be important to mention, especially in this suicide lo ving age, that two ounces ol magnesia, mixed with about a quart of water, or the same quantity of common w hiting, thrown into tho stomach by any means, (the wtomaoh pump being readiest and most pre fcrabloon such tx-casions,) will effectually neutralize and render incit this most active poon. AND SHAMOKIN JOUKNAL. major.,, ,h. vi. principle of Republic., from which Sunbury, IVortlitimlK-rland Co. A Wonder fix Grain or Wheat. One grain the first year produced a stem containing 11 ears, each ear aver aging Hb grains ; the second year pro duced halt a bushel: the third year 20 bushels ; the fourth year 708 bushels, or 27 quarters 1 This morceau is mak ing, with great industry, the circuit of the papers. A Mr. Labor, of Essex, the grower of the corn : and a Mr, Smilhof Mark Lane, are vouchers of the fact. English Taper. A Valuable Recii-e. At a mcctinsr of the London Medical Society, Dr. Wake stated that he was able to cure the most desperate cases of tooth-ache (unless the disease was connected wilh rheumatism) by the application of the following remedy to the decayed tooth : Alum reduced to an impalpable pow der, 2 drachms ; nitrous spirit of eatlier, 7 drachms. Mix and apply them to the tooth. London Atlas. An Economical Substitute For Co- rviNo Machines. In the common ink used for writing dissolve with it one drachm of loaf sugar to each ounce of ink, moisten a sheet ol unsized paper to copy with, and put it between two sheets of the same paper to absorb the superfluous moisture; then put the moistened paper on the writing, when y passing a ruler once or twice over its surface, you will have a perfect fac simile struck through the copy paper w iinoui injuring me original in the least. Daily Adv. Most Mklamholv. We have been informed, says the Baltimore Sun, that on Tuesday night last, Mrs. Worthiiv- ton, the accomplished lady ol the Hon. lohn 1. 11. vorthington, member of Congress from Baltimore county dis trict, was so severely burnt, during the brief absence of the nurse from her room, that she died yesterday morning. The melancholy occurrence took place by the doubtless accidental contact of her clothes with the fire. Saturday Evening l'ost. The Wife. That woman deserves not a husband's generous love w ho w ill not greet him with smiles as he returns from the labors of the day; who will not try to chain him to his home by the sweet enchantment of a cheerful heart. rherc is not one in a thousand that is so unfeeling as to withstand such a home. Commendable if Trie. It is cur rently reported in several exchange pa- crs, that Mr. an lturen has tendered the hospitalities of the white house to the 1 resident elect, who, it is said, con templates visiting lhe city of Washing ton some time in the month of February preparatory to the inauguration on the 1th ol March. Saturday Evening Post. Georgian Beautv. The good points of a Georgian girl, says Morier, arc a rosy or carnation tint on her cheek, which they call numuck, " salt of beau ty ;" dark hair ; large, black, antelope eyes, and arched eye-brows; a small nose or mouth, w hite teeth, long neck, delicate limbs, and small joints. They arc extremely beautiful, lull ol anima tion, grace and eloquence. Ship Buii.di.vu in New York. The The ship yards of New York present a more than usually animated ap pearance at the present time. There are now on the stocks two immense ships; two steam ships intended for the Spanish Governments, and prepay fill. .112 fl I'O lll.lLlhfT f. !...' llm till-'.. - jj I'JI HI iihj Hl.-';S of four large atlantic steamers, t:nd a large scventv-four. Saturday Evening Post. Openino a 1at Mine. While a carpenter wis boring a large augur hole it tiie side of a Philadelphia ship, a large rat wound out of the hollow of I IiC augur, followed by six or eight others, m such rapid succession that the atlrighted carpenter began to conclude that ho had bored into the nest ol some strange species of snake w ith 7 heads and as many tails. He of course fell back a couple. Tattler. Oitice Skekers There are over three hundred applicant from the city of Newark, N. J. for situations in the New York Custom House. 1 he population of New Hampshire, according in the recent census, is AMBMCAN. .here i, no appeal but ,o force, ,he vila. p,ielp,c Iu Saturday, December 19, 18 lo. How Smart! A young lady, rather given to gossiping, was in the habit of lumpiainitig ol a bad taste in her mouth every morning. She consulted a physician tijion the matter. He told her it was because she went to bed ev ery night with so much scandal in her mouth. Well then, doctor," said she, ' if that is the case, I will bo sure to let it all out before night, hereafter." Repealers' Uniform. The Repeal ers throughout Ireland arc to be known by their dress, a pepper and salt coat, velvet collar, and repeal buttons : which garb Mr. O'Connell has already adopt ed. fTinnerarv Free Press. Both Kin no a Steamboat. An old woman on the batiks of the Mississippi, hailed one of the lamest steamboats passing up the river, which rounded to, supposing she w anted to take passage. She stepped on board, sought out the captain, aad told him she wanted to sell him a dozen of eggs. She 4 ad'nt but eleven by her, but said one of the old hens was on the nest, and if he would only wait a few minutes, she could make out a full dozen ! Resourera uf our C'ouulry. The Agricultural and Doim-Mic Keaurce of our country ore inimen.-ely greater than the mass of brr people have aupposid. The Cincinnati Chronicle give u lhe agricultural return of nino tonshi a of Monroe county, N. V containing over 22,001) people. The result is astonishing. It is proof con clusive of the immrnt-e and almost illimitable re. ourres of thrse t'nitrd Statm. Tbece town pro. duce in gross as full ms : Wheat, 658,000 bushels. O.itn, 245,000 " Com, 1S1.0U0 Potatnei, 320,0(10 Wugar, 1 10.000 iSjtiriiuous L'qnnrs, " 2,200 11.. bbls. The above ia only a pwt ! (Such trifling uffiiis horsra, hmy, dir,a, manufaclur. a. &e. Va.. m hate not added up. But look at the result. Eve ry living soul, man, tvuman and child, haa in the ali ilment, as its sharer in the production, 25 bu sbclaof whe.tt, 12 bushels of oats, 9 bushrla of coin, 4 bushels of potatoes, 5 lbs. ofsugar, etc. Or any head of m family has ISO bushel of wheat, 82 if oats, Si of corn, M of potatoes, and 30 Ibe. of sugar. TAen a a whl", thrse townships rui.-e at least four lime as much bre.id rtuIT as are iiectsajry lor their consumption, sml other things in proportion! But if the re.idcr be a little surprised at this, he will he more so when lie learn tuat tlKse aame towns made $105,000 worth of butter arid choi.-, raised $32 000 north i f fruit : msdc f 10,000 wnitli of home cloth ; am) productd $150,000 of manu factured anirles; or $30 a piece fur each liii g soul. This altirds matter f.T comment not on y on the phyxicul, I ut the moral condition if the county. None but a country in the highest inoial condition can roduce turh a renulL Tin so jeoj le are not only well i IT, independent, but they are the richest in the world. Nor i Ibis an isolated example. Hcside ihete wheal fields ri-e the village church and the village school. There are happy fucea. young and old, around them. I. .ng may thiy en joy the jieareful fruits of hoppy, indcjiendiMit Uw ! By thu report of the M.irhil of the WYatern dis trict of Peni'S) Ivjiiii, it apHr thut the number uf furnace, rolling mill, &c, in Piltsbutgh nJ A' login ny county is 40 ; the value of the articles manufaciu.ed about $5,000,000, and the capi al in. vested $1,931,000. Number of ghs houses, 16 value iniiiufactu ed, $520 000; capital $580,000- C. ttou niJiiufit-toTics, 5; spindles, 17,570; vjue mauufacturid, $571,000 cap tal, $500,000. Tan neiie, 30; ulc leather tanned, 0,580; side up er, $57,880, Bushels raised, ll,535,556k Wholesale and retail mcnautile bou.es, 590 ; copi tal $5,762. P'jO. Flouring mill, 3JI ; gristmills, 69; -w mills, 78. Barrel flour manufactured, 43 ,u-' fuinilure m;inuflictu,cj, f55o I Wy ?143 6ot, llBrawre.,u.b,y,&c? 1 r 000; $350,. 000. The nunilier of printing ollices is 18 ; daily papers, 4t weekly, II ; peilodicals 10. The total amount of capital employed in manufacturing is $5,Ms,472. Fort uuatr Escape. The Honorable Waddy Thompson made a most lucky esie with hi hfo Sund.iy evening on the railroad, between Richmond and Petersburg. The Compiler says: To telieve the cars and le ter ena ble the engine lo iu-ke headway, the pa.-scngs rs all gut out snd were walking on the track she.id of lhe engine, which after a while, iucreabing iu iui petua, CJtne rushing Upon them, and tbey all, with the exception of Mr. Thompson, left the track, lie, wilh his clouk wrapd about his ears, did not bear ibe engine, and was knocked down and run over by it, but we are happy lo say sustained no serious, and we believe haul y any injury. It waa a most foitunate ece. The new of bis iaiminent dan ger will excite a shudder, but his mirsculous es cape will be a source of gratification to hi many friends snd tdrnirer. Mr. T. was on his way to Washington to attend te hi duties as K-p'enta live in Congress (rom f'onth Ciiulm". and immediate parent of dcspolisn,- -J urn a VOl. ImmXO. XIV. The Washington Monument, This aulijecl,. which ha lately been revived, i not, we trust, again to drop. The state of the cae cem to be thu: Thefttate 8oriely of Cincinn ti are in poosi n of near $16,000, a large part of which sum h.aa from limo to time been made up of the voluntary contribution of our citizens, and by them haa been invested. The society are merely trustees. Ano her fund of about $5,000 ia the in vestment of committee appo:nted by the citizen in 1824. A committee in 1832 was again ap pointed, and ono during the present year, under whose auspices about $6,000 have been aubacribeJ, and model of an equeatrian statue rocureJ. But $50,000 are required to construct a statue of iron, bi autiful in design and worthy of the subject, the ma'etial (ihe iron) having been tendered by a Pcnn sylvanian, one of our Congressmen. The amount of obout $30,000 remains to be raited, but our ri liz. ns dicline paying until they are assured the work will immediately proceed. This being cer tain, there is no difficulty in raising the amount in month. The Cincinnati, however, seem to en tertain diubt whe-ther their committee should not have the exclusive direction of tho work, and fur ther that the money muil all be raised before a commi nce.nent. As lo lhe first p int, they are mere trustees for the contributors, who are clamo rous to proceed, and there can be no objection to the blending of lhe committee of lhe ci'izens and the society. The public tvill not wait longer, and these who have contributed and wish to contribute, have a right to demand action forthwith. It is a disgrace to our city that thix mailer should stand as it doea. We undcrstan I, however, plan is con templated, which, if cariied out, will put an end to further delay. A ' -Washington Monument Asso ciation" is to be formed in each ward and township in the city a..d county. On the approaching birth day of Washington, a public meeting is to be held, vihich ought lo be one uf the most numerous ever held in this city, when the people will lako it into th- ir nwn hands. Success must and ought to be the reiull. American Sentinel A Glorious Record. At New-London, Connecticut, ibe following in scription is found on a grave atone. The records of aneiam Kuim and Greece do not exhibit nobl I instance of patriotic heroism : "On the 20th Octo ber, 1781, 4000 English fell upon the town with Gre and swor.l 700 Americans defended the fort for whole djy ; but in Ihe evening, about 4 o' clock, it was luken. The commander of the besei ged delivered up hi sword to an Englishman, who immediately atal bi-d him ; ail hie comrades were put to lhe sword. A line of p wder was then laid fiom the magazine uf the Fort to the sea, there to be lightei', thus to b!ow lhe foit into the Mr. Wil liam II ol man, who lay nt far distant, wounded by three stroke of the Is joint in his body, Iclicl I it, and aid to one of hi woui.dcd fiiends, who wis also s:il ulive, W'e will endeavor to Ciawl lo this line; we will completely wet the owdcr with our blood ; thu will we, with the little life that remains lo us, save the f rt ai.d magazine, and perhaps a few i f our comrades who are only wounded.' lie idotie lud alrength to acc mplish this noble design. In b i thirtieth year he died on the powder which he overflowed with hi blood. Hi fiiends and se ven of hi wounded companions by that meana had their bv. preserved," After tbi simple narrative are Ihe following woids, iu Urge characters: "Hub EkT William Mothm." Hartford Cuumnt. Horrible Hulclde. Wo have just heard of one of the most melan choly suicide within our memoiy, continued on FiiJay last, near Chester, in thi Hiaie. Thd vic tim waa a young and beautiful girl about 18 or l'J yeara old ; she had been for some time afflicted with a religious monomania, and about two month dnce Ql'empUd for the first time to destroy her elf by taking Uudanumi but some membeisof the fam ily perceiving the phial, labelled, lying on a table near her, mtilicul id was immediitely uuim ined, and the liquid exti acted, a slioil time after she made a second attempt by taking arsenic, but was again l'rustruted. Her parent then act a wa'ch up on her, and had every possible mean, such as knives ru us, cVc, pljcrd beyond her reich; but o determined was she lo hulH off thi mortal coil," that alie by so.ne stratagem obtained au old razor, which bad been used in the stable for r. pail ing harness, cutting leather, Su, and wilh it die committed the lash act, while in the silting room of the house, and when there were none uf the fautily ptrsenL The first intimation her fiiends had of the melancholy event, wat by a girl employed lo woik about tho house, who, when about pieparing dinner, went to the store room, which waa immedi ately under lhe sitting room, for the purpose of la king eonie meat frou a barrel where it bad been packed, when to her great horror and atonihroit.t she beheld the top of lhe barrel clotted wilh Woo l, and a trickling stream falling from Ihe ceiling. I he arTii.hled girl immediately communicated th bet of lhe appearance to lhe family, when the repaired to tie loom and found lbs aukide lyiii on the floor, with the carpet upturned, weltering in her blood and life almost rxiinct. She eiislej about s quarter of an hour afterwards wheq the vital spark of one bebved by all who knew her, ft i. Thu mot singular part of the whole liaiinscUoii is jhe fact that nothing ave the Ct i f nionouua a could have lawipied her lo ecmniil ih lash act. Hhe waa about to be untried to a young gentleman i f tba1 PRICKS OF APVERTISISO. I square I insertion, $0 60 1 do 3 do . . o 71 I do 3 dj - . . 1 00 Kvery subsequent Itnerlii n, 0 35 Yesrly Advertisements, (wilh Ihe privilege r altsrstion) ons column $25 hslf column, $18, three squares, $12; two square, $9 ; one squaie, $5. Without the privilege of alteration liberal discount will be made. Advertisements lett without directions ss to the length of lime the are to be published, will he continued until ordered out, and charged accord ingly. Ct7Sixtecn lines make square. vicinity, upon whom she doated. and when one of her Cm was on would rave and call for htm Daily Chronicle. Resurrectionists. On Tuesday afternoon, as Mr. Samuel Young, city missionary, of No. 123 Spring nlreot, New York, was passing along the warf at the foot of Courlland atreet, hi attention was arreited by beer barrel on the warf, around which number of persons were assembled, and on exsmining which he discovered the head out, snd the bodies of an old man and a young woman, partly protruding therefrom. After examining and finding them to be fresh subjects, covered ovor with hops and the dregs of b.er, he headed the barrel up again, and hastened to lhe Coroner's office, but the Coroner was not there to attend to Ihe inquest on the bodies. The barrel was directed to a Mr. S:illman, at Al bany, and there is no dubt that the bjdica had been disinterred by ome resurrectionists, for the purpose of being lent to Albany, to some anatomist for dis section. A crowd continued about the barrel up to the hour of nightfall, and considerable excitement was caused on account of Ibe diicovery of these bjdits picked in the buret. Express. Hrurocephsdus. Mr. Woodward, U. S. Mar-hal for taking the ceiuu of Clinton county N. Y. reports the case of iulia lluuuah Knight, daughter of Elija Knight, of Ellenburgh. This child was six yeais old on the 22 of August 1 .st. Its height is three feci ; around the wrist three and a half inches. ; from the top of ear to ear over the head, twenty and one-fourth in ches; and around the head, which is partly trans parent, twenty-seven and a half inches. The child is sprightly, though in f ebie health, and drliiate as an infant. Its body haa giown very little of lata but its bead constantly enlarges. The Dance of Life. Mirth and motion prolong life." Aberntthy. Human life i a mere dance the nursery the bawl-toom ! Old miids and bachelor, for want of partaera are compelled to exhibit in a passeuL Knaveiy practicea the shuffle, while pride, prudence and experience ae professors ia the art of cutting. Courage leaches the " en evant," and discretion (M the better part of valor") the "en arriere." Hjinai happy in their choice of M partners;" while many are doomed to go through the whole " dance" with the powerless and disagreeable .Vn Fortunes and JlVe-Chancr. The ambitioua would-be-great are continually tiuggling to (how off in a particular "set;" but notwithstanding the pain ibey take in their "step," frequently experience the mortification of a "doa-a dus," when they are anxiously exerting all their etT'tls for a smiling vis-a-vis," These are the " ups and down" of the dance. The lord of the creation," (with few exceptions) i.ri very awkward, and ungainly ; while " love ly woman" i most generally peifcct ia tbo " fijjure." Love i g nera ly - master of ceremonies," but being rather purblind, make the most ridicukm m stakes in introducing - partnera ;" mud although Avarice (who officiate in the higher circle) ia lynx-eyed, he commit a many eirors iu "coop ling" the company a hi coadjutor. Hopo illuminate the festive aceoe," and away they bound on the light fantahlac," .hand across-down the middle up again till Tirao leps in and throw a damp uj their merriment the piper stop for - want of breath," and lb dance ende. D.acair-rios or a Goon Wirt. She bad'nt no ear far music, 8am, but she had a capital eye for dirt, and for poor folk thai' much better No ono ever seen as much dirt ia my house as a fly could'nl brush elT with his wings, lioalon gals may boast uf thi ir apinnets, and theii g yUrs, and their eye tulian airs, snJ their ears for music, but give ma the gal, 1 say, that has an eye for (, for she's the gal for my money. Tut rowtt or coxsciisct. A few weeks ago, James Johnson, Esq. of York, Pa. receivej ihiough the IV l clTw an anonymous note, of which the following with ocne orthographical col lections ia a copy, in whi-h was enclosed the uut of twenty dollars : " Mr. Johnson I got from you some tooney few yesrs ago in a wrong way, not by cheating, but il was wrong. 1 gi it back agiin with intei- est." Conscience will make cowarJa of u all. Y.xitl Sice:. A cunning chap waa ta ken bi fore the police of Philadelphia and fined five dollar for off ring for aale (auages which he hail made out of red Jlannel and minced turnips. The PiiiLosoruiH says thai smaU man will never slaud in i.evd of a great coat tux tcquiia a long Dup. -A1. 1'. Ik: aid. A Lor ta, say the Uoatun Post, i a ia "bo in hi anxiety lo obuia piiasein of another, be lost poion of himself. Pieuy good Colonel. " lY'l. are) o into lhm aweelmeal again T -No uiarui, kUsiiu sweuluwaU are into me." $120,000 in sfcie arrivsd at New York CJfc 1buida Ur, fom Veil Litu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers