Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 12, 1840, Image 1

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    terms or Tin: "American."
$ PnoraitToaa.
. It. .11.1 USE Kf Editor.
THE AMERICAN" is published every Satur
day it TWO DOLLARS por annum to be
paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till all arrearage are paid.
No subscription reccired for a lent period thin
ant months. All coinmunicaliona or letter on
business relating to the office, to insure attention,
inuat be POST PAID.
From the Baltimore Ocean.
A Chance for Chips.
Vt II, Mr. Clipper, 'ere I hum,
Jul from acrosi the vnrter,
To aee the land of Huncle S im,
And brought my wife and dorter.
I've got mohin a soiry fix,
They tell me 'lis the fashion
To talk hof nought but politics,
Aud put vuii in a passion.
Now he cant be Democrat,
And sing hout "clear tin- diggins,"
No, I must he a v'g, that's fl it,
Decs use my namo is Viggin.
Now Mr. Vugns, she' a vig,
A vig hof the first vorter,
And says that I must show hout big,
To marry huff my doi ter.
My dorter' name is Hadalin",
Mile's now and then romantic,
Dot vn she hia'ul, then sh .-'a fin",
So proud, hirit-t 'cratie.
She struts ju'st like a turkey rock,
The vay they strut is allocking,
Yen they si ea another Cock,
lted petticoat, or stocking.
And ven she valks she's tike a quern,
Like niulitingiili! she finga,
I b'lieve she vould a hang I been,
Ad she been b.irn villi vjngs.
I want to marry her but mum:
Hit mu -it not pa s your lip",
I unto that p t hut be i!um
Your comspoi dont, "Cmn."
From the Boston Post.
I A t'l.lOKRER.
Wh t number aha I t' is be !"
Four!" "I'm dished !"
Election times are over now,
And sober times aic ceiniri ;,
No more our ri ming ears will crack
With th it infernal drumming;
No m re th.; fife, inciting fears
Of murd'rous mid. light si lujhtcrs,
Will fhriik upon t'ie MnriLd r. s
Of anxious wiv?s nn.l d iu -.liters ;
Gml blesa'm! they can i-niig;lo n iw
Beneath the sheet and blanket.
Or, if thi! baby need a sp ink,
Why, venture out and , auk it !
Once more at welcome hreakf ist time,
While moping oVr my coffee,
We hail the smoking nowspipor,
Spreid out to dry by S.-p'iy,
And hoiie to find s.i:ne pi as or j-st
To drive away the vapors.
Not yard by yard, consecutive.
Of stupid "Ulenlworih papere;'
The 'claret-colored coat" once gave
Me fits of epilepsy, or
The cramp, I have fo gofen which,
And the dy-peps'.a!
No m ire bunting, spreid by wngs
Who know not what t m i.c is,
Will fly lo tukle id:e h lys
And frighten ki tsh horses;
No more the victor,.' I.ings will swell
Like forty ih.usuid Srurroiis;
No in.T' the stout i lection lie
Return to plagie th'inventois ;"
And when we meet hereafter, let
No politics be brought on,
I3ut Hick take snull with JossrtT,
Uiikisi niggercc with llitouros !
As eve after thund r -qu ills
The utm ispl'cre is urer ;
As ever hfter lover's spats,
I'. iir passion is I he aun-r;
As th us of 'geiiteiutn in black"
Keel better uf er aching,
So may we all the belli i ba
For this tremendous shaking ;
Then vic.ims iony up your bets,
Remember, luck's a rover ;
And Doctor luke thosj bouts, and tic
Right g'ad election's over,
'Greene, the Colonel X'ggeree, aynonimou
wi b liquor or liquorisc Auglice, take drink
Haughton, ihe M ijor, aliut the Alias; liroeu's
ntipodea in pulitics.
Signs of a I'ar runner.
He grazes h4is mowing land late in
the Sprir,. Some of his cows are
much past their prime. He neglects to
ivccp the dung and ground from the sills
of his buildings, lie sows and plants
his land till it is exhausted before ho
thinks of manuring. He keeps too
much stock, and many of them are un
ruly. He has a place for nothing and
nothing in its place. If he wants a gim
blet, a chisel or a hammer, he cannot
find it. He seldom does any thing in
stormy weather, or in an evening. You
w ill often perhaps hear of his being in
the bar room talking of hard times.
Although he has been on a piece of
land twenty years, ask him for grafted
apples, aud lie will tell you that he
could not raise them for he never had
any luck. His indolence and careless
ness subject him to many accidents.
He loses cider for want of a hoop ; his
plough breaks in his hurry to get
in his seed in season because it
was not housed, and in harvest
time, when he is at work on a distant
part of his farm, the hogs break into
his garden, for want of a small repair
in his fence. He always feels in a hur
ry, yet in his busiest day he will stop
and talk till ho has wearied your pa
tience He is seldom neat in his per
son, and generally late at public wor-
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the
lly Masscr & IMsrlj.
shin. His children nre lile at schorfl,
ami their books are torn and dirty. lie
lias no enterprise, and 'is sure to have
no money, or if he must have it, makes
great sacrifice to get it; and as he is
slack in his payments, and buys alto
gether on credit, he purchases n;very
thing at a dear rate. You will see the
smoke come out of his chimney long
after daylight in winter. His horse
stable is not daily cleansed, nor his
horse curried. Boards, shingles, and
clapboards are to be seen oil his build
ings, month after month without being
replaced, and his windows are full of
rags. He feeds his hogs and his hor
ses with whole grain. If his lambs die,
or the wool comes oil his sheep, he
does not think it is for want of care or
food. He is generally a great borrow
er, and seldom returns the thing bor
rowed. He is a poor husband, a poor
father, a poor neighbor, a poor citizen,
and a poor christian.
Salt Tor Animal.
The importance of furnishing salt to
domestic animals, does not appear to
be sufficiently understood. Though all
are aware of the avidity with which
animals cat it when given them : Of its
value for animals in a medicinal point
of view, the following fact, stated by
the celebrated Curwcn, must be deem
cd decisive:
Before I commenced giving my cat
tle salt, my farrier's bill averaged 58
pounds per annum, (or more than "250
dollars,) and since 1 have used salt, 1
have never paid in any one year over
live shillings.'
Where cattle have access to sheds,
troughs with a constant supply of salt
in them, should be kept for their use.
Where they must be salted in the fields
troughs should be placed, and salt sup
plied frequently. There w ill, in exposed
troughs always be more or less from
rain, but that should not prevent a sup
ply. It has been found an excellent
practice where sheep alone come to the
troughs, to put a little tar on the bottom
and sprinkle the salt upon it. In this
way a small portion of the tar is taken
with the salt, and is not only found con
ducive to health, but rubbed in this way
over the nose serve to prevent the at
tacks of the Estrusovis or sheep-fly.
Albany Cultivator.
The Maine Cultivator, an excellent
agricultural paper, published at Hal
lowcll, Maine, a short time since gave
an account of the recent discovery re
specting the transmutation of the Ciili
flower tubers into potatoes. Mr. Cole
man, the agricultural commissioner of
Massachusetts, having expressed some
doubts in relation to the facts, the edi
tor of the Cultivator, in his reply, from
which the following is extracted, says :
"The facts in relation to this singular
production are those. Mr. Smiley, a
farmer of Augusta, and known to be an
honest and worthy man, gathered half
a dozen of the lateral tubers that pro
jected from the stem of the Gillitlowcr,
which was cultivated by the females of
his. family, and prcservod them over
Mnter. Iho noxt spring he prepared
a bed and planted them out in a single
drill, the location of each seed being in
dicated by a small stick thrust into the
earth by tho sido of each tuber, lie
watched for their germination by dig
ging down to them. In due time he saw
sprouted. These sprouts he watched
from time to time till thoy broke ground;
after which he cultivated them careful
ly. On pulling them up in autumn, he
lound half a peck of good sized pota
toes attached to the roots. He says
there can be " no mistake" of the fact
Every liability to mistake, he can satis
factorily obviate. The lady from whom
the seeds were obtained had noticed
the same results under her culture. A
neighboring farmer had tried the same
experiment, with the same results. All
these are responsible and very credible
witnesses. Aow what shall we say
that they were all mistaken? This
they will not believe. They know bet
ter. Such a denial, indeed, might be an
easy way to dispose of the subject ; but
it will not satisfy a reasonable demand
in the case. We know nature plays
strange freaks sometimes. rew sjhj
cies sometimes start out from strange
To FARMERsi Where polatoes arc
boiled for hogs, tho water in which
they are boiled should never bo given
to them, but thrown entirely away, be
cause it contains deleterious or poison
ous properties, a furl which is not gen
erally known.
imjoriy, the vital principle of Republic, from which
Sunbnry, Xoiihumberland Co.
A ISitlllaiit Stucco Whitewash.
Many have probably often heard of
the brilliant and lasting whitewash up
on the East end of the President's
House at Washington city. The fol
lowing is a correct recipe for making
it :
Take clean lumps of well burnt lime,
(say five or six quarts,) slack the same
with hot water in a tub, (covered, to
keep in the steam,) pass it in the fluid
form through a fine scive ; add one
fourth of a pound of whiting or burnt
alum, pulverized; one pound of good
sugar; three pints of rice flour, made
into a thin and well boiled paste, and
one pound of clean glue, dissolved by
first soaking it well, and then putting it
into a small kettle, which should again
be put into a larger one filled with wa
ter, and placed over a slow fire. Add
five gallons of hot water to the whole
This wash is applied, where particu
lar neatness is required, with a pain
ter's brush. It must be put on while
warm, if upon the outside of the build
ing if w ithin doors cold. It will rc
tain its brilliancy for many years.
There is nothing of the kind that will
compare with it. About one pint of
this mixture will cover a square yard
upon the outside of a house, if properly
adplied. If a larger quantity than five
gallons is wanted, ihe same proportions
must be observed in preparing. Color
ing matter may be added, to give it any
required shade.
Will some one try it, and communi
cate the result.
Genesee Partner.
Hoot Tor Cuttle
Have you a good stock of mangel
wurtscls and carrots in your cellar, for
your milk cows the coining winter? If
you have you arc a wise and a luckv
man. If you have not, it is too late
now to provide them, but make your
calculations to sow the seeds of them
iberally next spring. You will never
complain that you have too many of
such roots for your stock. Cows, oxen,
liorscs and sheep actually need green
food in winter as much as in summer ;
nit, brought to this climate, this neces
sity cannot be provided for unless you
seasonably supply their natural wants
witn a liberal supply id nutricious
roots. It is an absolute cruelty to keep
stock on dry hay six months in a
year. LMaine Cultivator.
P.mxt J'or Blildixgs. Mcchanii s
all have their own wavs of doing mat
ters, and too often try to make work
look well without much durability.
Spirits of turpentine is used most pro'
fuscly in paints, when there exists the
following serious objections to it : 1st
It is an extra cost, and sdly, It decom
poses and drives the oil into the wood,
so that the paint on a little exposure to
the weather cracks and falls off. The
only apparent advantage in it is, that it
dries the paint sooner than w hen it is
put on without turpentine. Some of the
most experienced men of the country,
now have paint put on with oil alone,
without even boiling, and find that it
adheres well and remains a sound coat
much longer than when put on in anv
other way. French brandy, dissolv
cd w ild sulphate of copper (says a New
i ork paper) applied once a day, wil
make the hair grow. To this we may
add, that if the hair grows too ubun
danlly, take a quart of brand v a dav
with a little sugar aud nutmeg, aud it
will come oil' again.
Tub Lovksuf Kovaltv. It is a lit.
tic singular that the King of Holland
and tho Queen llegent of Spain, have
both abdicated their thrones on account
oi marrying beneath their rank. Thev
have, however, shown good sense in
the movement, as thev both retire from
the cares of royalty with large fortunes
According la the Paris National the
King of Holland has about 33 millions
id' dollars in the funds. He has been
king 25 years, so that he has savei
more man a million ot dollars a year.
The same paper savs it is not known
what amount Queen Christina has
saved, but is reported to be large.
M on n.i;. One hundred and nine new
buildings exclusive of out-houses have
been erected in Mobile within the last
twelve months.
Early lettuce may be obtained next
spring by mowing the seed this fall.
there i- no nppial but to force, the vital principle
Pa. Saturday, Ucccitiucr 17, IS 10.
Political Abolition. It is calcn-
ated that James G. Birney, the Aboli
tion candidate for the Presidency, re
ceived about 400 votes in Ohio, and
.lOO in Pennsylvania. In this
city he received 10, and in the State :
at large, including the city, perhaps
iouu. i c t'jitik it noftsihle lie ma v ;
i j i
iavc received in tha whole country an
tiie ,j ouuii vines.
N. 'Y. Journal of Com.
The Maine Cultvator savs: When
Governor Porter, of Pennsylvania,
and his Secretary counted the voles of
that State for Presidential Electors, he
invited four gentlemen two of each
pohtical party, to be present nnd wit- ,
ness the counting a pretty fair and im- I
laiiiai as well as polite conduct, we
should say.
IIeavv Voting. Massachusetts has
given a total poll of not less than 120,.
000 votes which is an increase of near-
y 20,000 over any previous ballot.
New ork has given at least 410,000
milieu is an increase oi ro,uuu over
any former vote. Pennsylvania has
given 200,000, which is more by 40,-
000 than she ever gave before. The
other states hatio mostly increased in
ike proportion.
In Michigan there are 109,800 hogs,
62,781 sheep, and 1 '75,000 people.
Each human being can almost " go the
whole hog," and make out the balance
with mutton.
Temperance Convention. A State
Temperance Convention is to be held
at Harrisburg, on the second Tusday
of January next.
The Nantucket Inquirer gives the
last case absent mindedness. A lod
ger in a hotel after washing himself in
the morning, wiped his face with the
newspaper, uml ont down to porune llio
napkin: he did not discover his error
till he attempted to tear off tho corner
to light his cigar.
Win. L .M'Kt-iulc.
The U.ichestir Daily Advertiser contnins a long
icport of an examinvion lu lJ bi fore Jiniice Whee
ler, on the complaint of William I.. M'Kentie that
several eranns now or late of KocUiM r, had cm.
r-p.ied and ngreid up n apian, in ciiinexinn with
I lie pt rami in charge of the Can .ill in tteamboat
d'orc, to carry him by f rce to Tor. into, in oul.i
to claim tl e reward of X1000 nil", rod tor hiin by
ti.o Uiiti-h (ovcrnment. Mr. Cameron l.itu of Ihe
Commcrciul Bank, Toro:itn, was represented to be
a prime mover in the i; and in ihe c ufbc of
the cmmindlion, it brinj aic jisimj thai he was
dill nt the Rochialcr Ib'tii-e, a warrant was Usui-d
foi his arrest, and ho w is accordingly br ti;lil be
fore the court, uonipaiiie.l by c.mnfccl. and gave
bail fir Mi apearauce at Iri .1. Th i Daily Adri
liscr cau'i ins the public lo suspend their judgment
until that In il''.
A Ckhbint. A man naimd fainter, roidii g
in Philadelphia counlv, say he has tmake.l ten ci
gun per d iy for the l ist sixty )ean, m.ikiiiu in all,
a cen-umption of two bundnd and f rl-f.iur thou
sand and five cig irs, which, nt a cent a-pi- ce, would
amount to f 2, 4 1(1 05. Dut if we pu! the ci jatsal
three cents a-pitce, which is a fuir.averugu fur good
oner--, the umount will he only siren thousand llirio
hundrul and twenty J.dl.r and fifteen ccule !
Wiiut a lcson upon luxuiies!
iince.4ii Oiuuim or l'mii. An hrac ie coal
should be well broken. Cavities in it con'sin gases
staled up, the rxpWon from which may be most
disastrous. The cotton mill of Mr. H. Holl.iook.
of JS'or hbridfic, Mit., which was burned on the
13. h ult., involving loss of f 50,000, to, k fire in
wnkiiig hour, from a slight explo.iou. A :ove
wi opened to rei leni'h the fire tho ixpliou
took place a prU was llirown umong tho cot on,
and the luilJiiitf bumeJ dovtu.
Asotmxk Misui rnoniot. A boy named
Anton Hubeiibti in, ha sit all i'uiis on the q-n v!vt
with hi wonderful command on the piano. He i
only nine yta of ae, and el 1'alb. rge, Liu, and
all other pianii-ts before him hide iheii dtmioikhed
heads. He is Herman, but beyond all compari
son iho cl vere.-t iiirumeiitalil (i f hi ar) in the
world. 1 ho charm of Kubciis'.ciit' -rf irinsnce is
thi the feeling aud inlellig nee which he I lends
with the eitraordin-ry facility which make ihe
marvel of the execution. Nj d fll u!iy daunt, him,
aud he play uy piece at sight.
A Hi jsisi Mo.vsria. A mm in Philnlelphia,
given to intemperance, lately took the cradle, cra
d. .bed, Ac, in which his had he.-n sleeping,
and oM them foi liquor. He was seen staggering
through th street, in the lain, with the cradle on
hi back. May he be brought lo see the eiror ol
his way. Such man (and there are too many l.k
Uui) should hav ie.1 net her day nor night Is il
Missible that human nature ran bi corns so lost to
H piiiiiiltve iiubleuets'
and immediate parent ol despoti.m.-J ei
Vol. I--.o. XIII.
Mr. Rhode the American Architect at Con
St uil tnnplr.
Ve spent the evening with our kind, agreeable
COIH'innion. Mr. lihodp-. As a irwx-lmrn nf m,.
every a merion who visits cWantinoid.-. iru
r.m.lo man ; and though now ba-king in the
.n.t.: ,. i t , .....
vi Tr.iiui uiiii royai lavnr, reiains a or
iicb.i,,i ... d..e.P.i .:mi;t .i.:..k ..-....t.
U4 so much of home, that il it a pleasure to be with
hiin. It i B-iigutjT how much ijirrty of mind will
'ccomr'i'b. Mr. Rhode was horn and lived in
Ilnd until he w,ia fourteen years of ce,
Hnu on'y tiieadvnitajn of country due mon,
u'"'"" the s ime vi,i).e school
f,r tweniy eiht yenra iih ml adding to or chamz-
ng "y of hin id.-as ; hut hi pupil had natunl
",ste math. nmies and imxliniics, and ovirra-nc
oil ohst.icles. He i n,iw tint nvx-t re-pd table vt
I ei a sc'enlific mechanic. Mr. Rhodes aeenm
pinicd M'. Eckfoid from New York to (Jonaian'i
noplo. and enijuir H with him in the ervice of tho Uui Mr. Ei kford hid riot eompl. ted one
vessel when he middeidy died, nd the whole busi-
..... .I..,l.,.1 f, I.M. ...!.. ...I A ..
:C08W.V ,,,, ,Ue9,e w fin,e. hul'hp
received such oilers as induced linn to le nain.
The fir-t ship launched by the Amer dau arclii
tret pro rnt, d a scene of general inten at. The
Su tan, who t k s partii u'ar pride in h, a iiivy.camc
down to ll o .-hip yurd and h d his s Ikeu I, lit
spread ; uhde the cap'a n. ai ha, attended by two
or time hundred men provided with ropes, midc
ready to draw the vessel la Turk, into the wa
ter. "What are ynu coing to do !" siid Mr. Rhode.
"To help you," answtred ihe Tu,k.
" Uut I do not want any help," t-aid Mr. Rhodes,
with surprise. " I have five or six men.",
The Turk Mailed Mr, Rhodes gave his ordt rs
the supporters were cut away, and in an instant
the noble vessel trscked the waves with fire, . The
Bullan sprang up, c'apped hi hands and cried,
Ma hallah, wondeit'ul ! Il was a miracle. Such
a thing was never before seen in Turkey. This
will give some idea of bow litile the Turk know
of the reduction uf manual labor. The next day,
Mr. lthIca wu vry busy in Ihe boat yard; he
had off hi coat, his tleevee were rolled up, and his
dies all le-niearod with paint ; a man came to hi u
in a gieat hurry. Ho immediately atepped into a
boat and w as rem ed off to the palace.
The pacha mtt him, saying: the Sultan wishes
t'j see you."
" But I havo no coit on," aid Mr. Rhodes.
"1 diiiiui help dial; hia sublime highness waits"
icplied the nrha.
So p ,or Mr. Rhodes was udiered into the royal
presence in ihe most tinrou t'y array. His first
silam was accompanied by mi apology for his
ilrtss. "I do not want your clothes, lul you,"
Mid die Stiliau. t-'iom that day lamrs have fallen
thick uikiii our couutiymaii. The Suhaii onco
j pro, dm d to make him, inMc id ol ina.-t, r of the a:
venal, eouMructor genual of ihu euipiie iho high,
j est dli.ity he could bestow upon him in his fine
bus neis. A pichii Was sent to ii.f.nw liitn of the
honor Intended him.
' 1 cannot accept uf it," was Rhode. reply.
Uut li e Suit in wislirs to honor you."
I know thai," continued Mr. Rhodes ; but now
I i.m a private man, and can mind my own bus).
nces withaut any body's me ; and if you
g.ic in- this i-plcudid decoration, you make me
murk for the klulti uf envy, and I am now more
" It will cist me my life lo tell the -Sultan you
refuse this honor," s.uj the poor pacha, turning
They consulted ahiut and discu.-sed the sulj ct
for three days, at length, a Ihe pacha could not
prevail, he eiuured lo lell hi d spolic h ghnesa
whiit Mi. RlioJe. aid. Tho only reply was, "very
wo T," and ihe tut jeel was diopped lut not the
Sultan's re (ubilaiitial favors. Mr. Rhodes
showed me some rich siuwls and splendid jewels
which hod It-en sent us piesnts to him; and ho is
proxidrd with a princely , eU I sviii lit. His lux
Uiient i a ti rn ha I sro ever open to tho many
Aii.eri,'an travcihrs who visit the iit, j and to nil
he showi (ho kind, st al emi us. I eiaina uiiud
m ny of liis drawings and models f,r ship buddii'g,
au I became quite iiiterc.ten in the Bcut.c;. South
ern Literary Messenger.
"Ali roa Gioai. Since theinvaon of Algiers
by tho French, about ten year airo, tipw.od. nf
50 0(10 French s. bli. rs have been slain, 'J'heie a e
about 70,000 soldier in that co untry, 10,000 of
whom are in hospitals. It rnjiiiies the sum of
1 00,000 per week to pay and support them.
A DLoouixsa Dili. The Do-ton Mercantile
Juum 1 givt the particulars of a dual which re
cenily eime off at Lncater, Mus. The cba lin
ger was a young gen lemao belonging to New
York, a student at th Li'rrary Institution in Lan
caster, Mas. The challenged was a resident of ihe
village. The villager having a right to the choice
of weapon, telectcd cowhides, l which tl chal
lenge r demurred. Pistols were at length fixed
upon, and at ihe fi.osl firo the villager f. II. The
challenger bado him a long goo I night, and with all
propel and usual marks of con rilioii, made tracks
for New Vok. Th desd man got up and woi.t lo
! breakfast, having made picvu ui anungn-itni. with J
prices or Aovrmisixo.
I square I insertion, . fO 51
1 do do . . 0 74
I " do 3 d. - . . 1 00
Evry uheiuent imerlit n, 0 M
Yearly Advertisements, (will) the jrivilege ni
alteration)' one column (35$ half column, (18,
three snnnns, $12 two squares, f 8 ; one square,
95. Wilhout.the privilege of alteration liberal
difciwril will he mule.
Advertisements led without direction a to the
length of time they are to he published, will lis
continued until ordered out, and charged accord
ingly. Cfixleen lines make squire.
: - - . i i n
the srcomla that the expense of bullets thould hn
""veil in u! arging the pistols. Probably the runa
way Will fell small when he hear of it if he
should ever Mop running long enough for the new
to oviriuke him.
"The Man vt Ith at Pokerv"
The horrible disease called mania apotu, caitsej
by a too free use of anient spirits, ia thus jocosely
corrupted by the bloods about town, and whenever
I"!,, miserable wretch is seen w iih g'azed eye
and shivering limbs, Mang ring a ong talking wild
ly on every thing that C ,im uppf mnsi in his ima
gination, it ia raid that the "man a poet" is
af er him.
A few ni oh'n since an uufo tnntitff victim ti this
in-uilliil complaint slaygeicd from a low t ppling
hop, where he had in v. on emleav. red lo crM ad
the bir-kerpi r to give him a gla.g ofiu-vrum, in
order that Ilia svstem might l restored, ,is h. aiJ,
to it natural equilibrium," ai.d pluced htuiM-lf a
gainst a lamp-post, the only friend be could claim
at that lent hour of Ihe night. Here he stood cry
ing piteously, his half-dcstr iclcd imagination co.
juiing up a thousand sir ing fantasicaswhich sotni d
lo beckon him to the charnel h use.
"Thrrv'a two of uf," a d he, "the cat and me
the cat's a black aa hell, mid she keeps her claw
f'a iejnd in my neck. Ha! ha! it makes van
laugh j that fellow jid just n w the man with n
p okei wa after m,e and if he'd on y give me ot s
gt n-s. ii w. uld have driven him away. He didn't
soy any thing alioul the black Cat it's been follow
ing me ever since six o'clock II i" morning, and
its got hold of me. There ucd lo be two cats, but
one ki led the other, and if I only had a gun, I think
I c u!d kill the black era'. I mean to go into ti n
Texan aervire, they are all honest men there but
here tho st reels are filled with thieve and mur !e
crs i there are 1 zard and scorpions crawling cp
my pantaloon now burnt bruiitly won't save n. ,
for there's that tall dark man w ith a Spanish knifo
ng iin ; he' going lo stick me, a 'J ihere are no po
lice officers near." Watch ! watch !"
The ciy of the mi era! 1 heinj brought the wate' -
man lo his aide, and poinlin; to a pump on l! a
opposite side, he continued
"Do yon see, watch 1 that man has been lo-
sin; my s'eps for a week past, he is determined l,
have my b'.ooJ can't you ancsl biail 1 will oj
p sr against him.
Pshaw !" ai 1 the watchman, 'lhat' the mai
with a jwker. There ia only one peison that can
arrest him, and that is"
"How savage he looks! and his lor.g black nun,
with hi clenched fUl at the end of it."
'(Jo over to him, fihnd," said the watch, "msk
fiiunds with lit in it is true homiy throw cold wa
ter on your hopes, but he is bclovej by tho tempe
rate and shunned by suckers."
"lie will murder me!" '
"I'c.hap not. He is one of nature' doctors ;
ile perale cases he treats wiih severity,"
"Will he t-ko ulT tho cat, the lizards and the scoi
pions !'
Ves he will drive them all away."
-If I knew that I would go and shake ham'
with him. I wonder if he'll treat mo to a glass tf
whirkey V
"Not exactly. Have you any homel"
"None but the market house, and thero aio
snukea theie with two heads."
"Well you bad better go with mo; you shall
have good warm lodgings."
Here the humane guardisn of the night took thi
poor fellow by tho arm, and by occasionally bunic
rii g hi concern, gut him lo the watch hou.',
wheie he was takeu care of for the night. Haiti'
more Ocean.
(JuiMxit Swxrf Wit. "Don't you want f r
l,i employ m 'l" aked a chimney sweep of a we!
dressed g.-ntleman y, i-toiday, in Royal street.
"Employ the dev.l !"uid ti.a man,' I'm o stran
ger h-rc." '
"No matter for thai," replied the sweep, "I think
may be you may need my .ervice?."
"What do you fellow," iiirpiircd the man.
"Sweeping chimuej ."
"Out I've miiher house nor chimney ," caid the
"Well," ti t! the boy, I thought may be you'J
like lo have your throat swept, I so your mouth
is smoking."
"Get out, you rascal," replied the cud, ho,
flu g swuy a irpi Havana. .V. O. Crescent.
Fact Tkads to im A man front
ihe country a; p'i, d lately to a r, sp cta' le .I citor
i,i ibis town for legal advice. Att r delai iiig lh
circuniatince uf ll, e c-e, lie ws a k d if he l.aj
ta;ed the facts ei icily as they acourr.bV sye.
sir," lejuined the apihcant, 'I thought it best to lell
you the. plain truth ; you rail put lh lies U) it
Hogs were onc-j sold by th bushel out treat
but as they become plenty they wera sold by th
ba rel; thi year they will be soil by th hogshcud.
Rich. Star.
A mistake. Thia year they will b sold by lhj
rod aud p rob, according to Grunter.BuU. Ocewi.
Vou arj fishing ft complimttiil," salj a
young buck to a Udy, day ago. If I
were," aid the Uly, "I would fih in dee