IMPORTANT PROOFS. 9 the efficacy of Dr. Harlich't Celebrated Mdi' cine. Tht following certificate wn sent hy Mr. E. B. Hinman, agent at Cincinnati!, Ohi.. Thcieesn la no nvstshe in it, as the parties are will known. Mr. Exekiel Rigdon, of Andcr-on towmdVp, Hamilton county, Ohio, was seveisl dsye trou'oleJ with hill, as affections, acidity of the stomach, at trndej with the usual symptom of dytpci sis, and having mada tiial of Tirinua mejicine without fi .ding relief, was cured by the above medicines. At est, " E.RIUDON. Cincinnati. June 30ih, 1840. YET LATE K. Mf. Vane, of Wanhing-on county, wriiea as followa Dear Sir Dr. Hatluh's pile are performing tome of the moat wondeiful cure in thia vicinity ever heard of. They were Introduced here about six months ago, by one of my neighbors, who bought a half dozen packages from the Pittsbung office. I om aware of four casta in thU place where eomplcto cures hive been pi'r formed, one of aevere rheumatism, two of dyspe pain, "d one of a moat ahecking and aggravated ner vous complaint, of ten nr twelve yeara standing I end you enclosed five dollar; plcare to forward pills for that amount by the bearer, William Ward, Attest JOHN VANCE. July 87. 1840. N. IS. The above certificates, compared with the very many already received, certainly must con vines ihose similarly afflicted, that they can yet bo relieved by the use of theae invdlua'le mediants. Prinripal office, No. 19, North Eighth stnet Philadelphia. For ai.l bv HENRY YOXTHEIMER. October 24, 1840. Agent. DYSPEPSIA.' DYSPEPSIA That troublesome end peace-destroying disease. Thousands and tens of thousand tuffer from that common distressing complaint. Diipepsia is frcqU'tn Iy eaus.d by ovcrloid'ng or distending the stomach by excessive eating or drinking imliji ible and scrij substances taken into the atomach. or from long continued constipation of the bowls, a esdeitt.iry life, fear, grief, anxiety, a c "pious draft of cold water, drastic purg stivc medicines, dysen tery, miscarriage, intcrtnr.u nl ond annndio af fections of the s.omach and bowis, irregular meala, lata hours, and too ficquent use of spiutuoua liquors. The symptoms of ditpeptia may be described as t want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious one, nausea and tometim s biLous vomiting, sud den and transient di-tenciuns of the titomacli nftr eating, acrid and putresent eruetntiot s, water biush, pain in the region of the stomach, c suveii , pal pitation of the heart, dizzinens and dimners of the -fght, disturbed rest, tremors, rncutul despondency, fj.tulcncy, spasms, nervous irrilibilty, ehili .e s. tllowness of complexion, ppics'on sfier ting, languor and general debility, sick h.'ud u. he, CURE At the of all reroadies stands Dn. lliRLica'e CoMrocsD Si rerotrrxiko Tomc i'o German ArrsmssT Pills, whicli art great ' upon the peristaltic motion of the intestines, ( reby producing regularity of the bowls, at the ma time improving the functions of the dchihtat " i organs, thus invigorating and restoring tho di tive organs to a healthy action. Th.s medic. ne M- dom fails in producing relief. Full and npiicitu directions accompany the v Mive medicine. Likewise a pamphlet which di rt c be.e discuses, the manner of treating, cVe. Principle office for the United Sluice, No. 19, .North EIGHTH STREET, Philadelph a. HENKR YOXIHEIMEIl. October 24, 1840. Agent. . FEMALES. WHO are troubled with sick headache, pain in 'Ha aide, breast, and back, loas of appetite, flatulen cy, lownees of spirits, palpitation of the heart, faint- i s or giddiness, sickness at the stomach, bilious factions, tightness at the chest, nausea, vomiting, ii le in the stomach, flushings ofhent, ai.d chilli , diseases of the nerves, and organs of digeMi n, f:c. cVc, those who may be thus atfec'id, ahonlJ not nrg'ect to pr cure Dr. Ilarlich's Compound rlrenglhening lome and ucrman Apevtnl filts, which are warranted to give immediate relief. Thousands do we almost daily behold, who e coun tenances and pale emaciated check bear nccular witness to sickness and ofllietion. CouU tho. e persons bo ptnuadtd to use this invr.luublc medi cine, they would soon find their weak an J Je' i'in- ted frames strenghteneu, their minds comp sed and all piin, and diKtreos driven from tho system. when the liody will again renew ia lost vigor, aud jut on a ' new life," and death for a while bo de prived of its prey. What h a t but fie clad ti bohol'' their near relatives and dear friends, sna'ched as if by magic from that fatal dest oyer Death ye who are laoonng under dis. ane lot not another day or night pass without procuring this msdicine, as it will in a majority of eases i fleet a pcrnianant cure. Remember delays are dangerous; and if disease is neglected, ua r-ivsg s will doubly in Ciease. (J-j-Principle Office for the United States, No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH street, where reccomn en dsiions of hundise's of persons may bu seen, all of which have been cuiej or benefitted by the medicine. HENRY YOXrHLIMER. October 24, 1840. Agent. SICKNESS. THERE are many persons thst we d lily behold, whose countt nances ai d frail limbs c'ei.o e i ffl.c tion which we find has principally originated from neglect of proper lemadies at the commencement of aickuess. At first the patient rnmrJl;iin of bite on the stomach attended w ith sickness, cot! i tenets, dfc, ha neglicls to procure proper m dn ine; at len.h he complaina of pain in the aids snd s omnch with s ur tructationa; his eppctite beroiites itnpsirtd, bis rest lroubleoms, his mind hursssed, and all things aiound him appear not in their proper aluliixi. 1I still neglects himself, when in all probability the diseane mxy at lentl) baso fat.l seated, thit no medical uid will replace him attuin. Al the first attack of siikneea there should be no timo lot" in pr jcur ng Dr- Hirl ch's coMrocnn sTaKsoni xbisb Araaii.vT riLLS, which immediulcty ic inoea bits liou tho stomach, obviato costivencss. remove Uiaurders in ihe head' invigorate the milid, strnrigiht n the body, improve t..e memory, and en liveii the imsgina ion ; thus restoiii'g the body again to its propur tui.ctioiia. Principle Otfice, No. 9, NORTH EIOUTH street, Philadelphia. HENRY VOX niEIMF.R. October 84, 1840. AnL TO THE AFFLICTED. THOSE who are suff. ring from various diivaaM incident lo the human faintly, would do well to procure Dr. Harlich't Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pitts, which i re so pre. eminently reccommonded for Dysprpsis, Liver Complaint. I sir. iu the side, back and breast. Nsrvious Affctions, Hea'-Ache, and all the dis eases ol the Btouiscti si.d Dowla. Pamphlxta mar be obtained gratis, which contain full si d eiplictle directions for using. The render is ref. ried to ssv aral very interrs'ing certificates of cures in this paper, which may be relied upon, as they are l iken J "final. rot aals at o. 19, NOatl H wunin atnet, Philadelphia. ' . HEMltY YOXTHEIMER Ostooes 4 , l44. Agtnt. MORE POSITIVE PROOF Of the efficacy if Dr. Harlich't Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills. AlLtoHtKT, Jan. 8, 1840. ToDr Harwell's Agent Sir: t wish tosta'efnr the benefit of ilm c who may be afflicted, that Dr. HAnticn's ( ills have entirely cored me of Dys pepsia, of veil i ll 1 have been sfll cted for many years, I used 'a. ah kinds, the Aperient snd Strength ening, and I am constrained to say, thst tiny ae a Valuable discovery, an. I act upon the system mildly, but very i ffeciu illy. I found the Tonic pills U quicken tho rircu'ation and cause a d termination to tho surface, xcd to stiengtben the We.ik tom.ich and increase t' powers. Tho Atierioi.i pdls Hre tho best cathartic 1 ciet ucd. I am confident all Dye peptics would f we. I to make immediate tr al and be. n lieved. Any one can call at my houso and bu satibfijd wf the above at pleasure. DAVID R. POPE. N. IS. Tho original certificate may be seen ar the i ffice of the Spirit of iheTitu.s." For sale ut No. 19, North Lighth street. IIE.NKi- YOXIIIEI.MER, October 24, 1840. Jigent. LIVER COMPLMNT. THIS diseasj is discovered by a fixed cb use pain in tho riglit sii'o under tho short nhs, attended with heat, uneasiness about the pit of the stomach; there is in ihe rihl side Uo s di-tcniion ; the pi tient loses his appetite, and becomes t-ick and troubl ed with vomit ng. Toe tongue bi comes lough and bluck, tho countenance chanties to a palu or citron c l ir. nr cll.uv like tho-e nfjlu ted with j iui. dice, dilficulty of breathing, dUtuib d ret, attendee w,th a dry cough, difficulty of laying on the left aide, tho U..dy oecorne weak, and fi ia ly tho dnejso teiminates into ino her of a mme ft nous nituie, which In all probability is far beyond the power ef htinnn skill. Dr. llarlchs ' ompouud Strength' ening Tonic and German Aperient Pdl, II ta ken at the commencement of ih s d is use, will chci k it, nr. I by con'inuiiig the use of the medicine a few weiks, a peifect cure mil be perfoiuud. ThousanJseau testify to ihis fact. (Jertifn a es . f many persons n ay daily I e se n oftheeffic cy of 'hit invaluable medi tne, by apply ing at the Meduul Otlice. No. 19, NOU1H EiUH I'H street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Octobei 24, 1840. A;en! i niSCIPAL REASOXS Why Dr HARI.ICH'S Compound Strengther ing and German Aperient Pill lire used by all clas ses tf p:ople, in preference to other M.-dicims, le caue ihey a e prepireJ from a pure eztract of herbs, a whoh aome medicine, rnil.l in its nper.ition and j te nant in its effect the inot certain picke.vtr of health, a sate and cftcc:ual cure of Dsiepsi.i or Indigestion, nnJ all tmach complaints, a res.-rver and puiifiei of the whole system. because t1 ry a mthe the nerves ofscnsih'lity a d foitify the nerves of motion, imparting to their in si subtle fluid its pristine tone, thus giving strength and clciri ei of m nd. because they never destroy the coats of the sto mach and bowels, aa all strong purgatives di . lie. suae science and experience teach us that no mere portative alone will cure 'he disease of the ttomsch and nervia. Weakness is the primnry cause of a host of d'srases, and, by continudly ie soitii g to Drattic purgatives, you make ihe disease much worte, inr-tead of fetti r. Because Dr. Ilarlich's Med cine are put up up on the com lion aense prinei.l, to "clm and strengthen," which ia the only course to pursue to effect a cure. Lastly, llecauae these Medicines really d cure the dir eae for which they arc r.comaictidcd. I'rinci(.al Offi e for the United b'tites, is at No. I'J Noitli Eighth street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, October 24, 1840. Agent. TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. Dr. Ilarlich's medicines are daily increns'ng in pub ic fivor, and waul Iroin any lul a far trial to establish their won h. We have a communication in our columns to-day from a p rson long awicled. which is but one of many Vouchers foi tins ineJi cine. Spirit of the Times. BOSTON NOTION, THE LARGEST. 1XD CHEAPEST NEWS PAPER IN THE WORLD. fllHE spirit of Ihe ace is utilitarian. Improve' JL nit nt is stumped upon the face of every thing. All the useful arts are progressing will) ui.p.rcalel- ed rapidity, and the Art of Prtntl: g M Coming l for iu lull ahaie i f the conimo i improvement, Detcrm ed not to be outdone in any thin that per tains to hw profession, where there is a fair clianco for exertion und enterprize, the undc-signed ha de termined upon issuing a shiet twice the siz of tho Dosti n Weekly Times, (and is totskethe place of that paper.) and w ll en. tain o ght columns more miner than the Bro her Join.tlieii. '1'h s sheet will be cdb d the BOSTON NOTION, sud it is determined thst it s'mH sustain s cognomen s full of mesnina, and ao interwoven with tho estub lithrd charorttrof our Yankee city. Itwillbetl.e La no 1st Niwsrar-ia is Tin Wobiu with no exception md will be piiuted on a sheet j- aevcu by fifty-two inches, it will te filled entirely with resiling in it er, and will contain 1 hrce I tiou aand Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight square inches, ni Twenty-Seven r-qe.are fi e' of print in fi' e type! and a sinule number will mors reud ins than an ordinary book of Three Hundred pagea. These dimensions w 11 enable the publi.-her to d:aw lurgely upon the mo t popular periodi a s of the day. both Ainer.can and Foreign ; and at the selections will be made with great care, it is behev od this pnjier w.ll te a welcome Notion to every family. Uesldi s s full synopsis of the current news of the diy,) as published in the B stn D.Hy limes,) it w.ll C'lHain Poetry, Poptltr lul.s. Theatn. al Criticisms, Police and other Court lie- port.. Humorous Articles, Ac. 4c. 1 he wliolo woild ol M eisture will ra run'scke.l to fill it. From the study of the philosopher down to tho police courts, through sll regions of reason, postiy, romance, wit, and the ampla lecord of folly, we hall gluun from the pattsnd ti e present and from sll na inns, to present as pleasuiR and useful a combination of recorded thought snd current hit' t.iiy, as the world can tuppy or industiy produce. ibis is our "Boa-row IMOTioa. This great amount of wisdom and fun of wit and philosophy of novelties and antiquities we are sble to offer, weekly for six cksts per copy, i-nly six cents! and we can d i it because of ttie faeili i s of our press and i, and the connection of daily snd weekly publications. For mass Dot- labs w csn sell s ear volume, in quantity of matter, with every vanity a'so, t.t r ifiy-two Vol' ume of Novel, such as are issued from the press of this day. Fifty-two large Vo'umea for Three Uolart! Effected all by improved m chiniry, snd by a deteimiimio,, ln we will not be outdone in enterprise and uifuine. i C.1CMS; 1 uass Dollabs a year, always in ... . , no ntatirr rrmn wtist source, r. i au J 'i "' M ,e '"'P"'J with the .. .. tur"" nn ect. rot .Matters orotraers remitting T..nt. nt. lars she I have Eight conies tent to uch persuns snd places a ihry may dsvignsti-. fJLOsir.C RObERfH, Tubliaher GODET'S LADY'S BOOK I Volumes 2-2 & 33, 1$ 11. sditio at aias. savah - nil sun MB a. troii a. MOOCBStT. THE only Moltsxine in this country intended for tho perusal of Ftmsles, that is idned by their own sex. This is asi important mu tei, an. I should be hoiiie in mind l y th.ise motheis who in tend catering for their os,ir their daughters' in struction and Miss E. Leslib will have a coiitrilmtiou in ecty number. General Contents. "no original large s't d Steel Engraving, by A. L. Dick, in each number ( a Fashion Plate, c ilored, (mark that,) every month ; two pnges Music, (generally original ) iu euch num ber; fort -eight pnRC4 Rea-.tiC Matter. The Pitt Jiinl Department. The same at emi n to Ibis dojiailment will be cisphiyed. The splendid Steel Eng.avingj, by A. L. Dick, Esq., that gave so much tatisfictioii la-t volume, will bo continual. Throughout ihis year thi- pistes will be vaiied, and embrace se.ioua und pleasing subjects, and others that will contain a'.i of humor. All taste ahull le consulted. In speaking of our, vre beg leave lo cntl attention to the f. tt.iwing publiahcd iu List vol ume, v tr Vi.w nf Conttnt ii'iple, Schuylkill Wa ter Werki, I'll i Maul, The Pilg nn, II .ppy as a King, The Daih of 1 uith. With euc'.i of these we published a Fashion pi te, containing c i her three nr four figure-, bcautifolly unj tastclully colo.eJ, Univers.lly p'ououticed supsiior to any other Mag x ne illuslrslionS ir. tins or any other country. as they undoubtedly sie, we pronounce, without hesitation, thut those f.r this yeir shall be superior. The engraving s!.s I ul wnys be worth more than tho prieo of sub cription. We do not as m iny of our cotemporaiiei do, who woulii scorn to tell a vcr'.'a! fjlsehood, pos-i off se cond h md phtes as oiigmsl. Ours are unduulited ly so, si d the dengue aelertcd by ourselves, sud they w.ll be continued throughout the year. It will b seen ly this advertisement, every eff rt has been maJe by ihe pro) n tors i f this woik. to mike it sup nor to any other in America; Riid as a New Ykau's Girr, ihe Lidy's Uok i pro I aYy tho m. si proper that could ho debited for La dies edited I f llieir nwu sex, and Ksaated as the E'litotiul Deiaitmentis, by the I'icloiiul Embi Ihsh inenis, it is poi iely the 1'abluuh CoxrA.vioH. The Literary Department is placed under tho anpeiinlendi nc of Mus. Sauau J. HiLC snd Mus LrotA II. Sioouihit, two ladies s well known to the wo Id, that t.i mention their names in con nection with uny publication, is at once a guirm te.i of Its ui .rulity, v rtue and uiihty. Of their ci pab lity to cotiduct the 1. art's Boob., it ii pie.u mcd no petson wi.l doubt, snd the proprietor men tions wi h pi Siurr, thai no English or Ann r can M g line cm publ sh in connectn n its litera ry di par mint, two names so celib ated in the uorl I of leacrs. It will be remo nlered that Miss Lis lis contributes to each number. The Mus'c.l Department is ui der the supi rin- leiid"nce of J.U. lIsannsB, than whom no person is more capable of doing it ju t co. Gen rcl Features. Lderature. Tal.s, Et-a, Legend-, Romantn' Incident' in Hist ry, Extracts from the Old Poets, Reviews, I'ottry, Female E 'u- i n' on, Emoelliihm n', Fasl.i .r.s Culoied, Late, Embroidcrv, Fac S m le. Music, &C &c. A g'oit deal ofcuriwity is often expie a d to tee fie Chi r 'gr.iphy of celebrated persona. Ws shall endta- or so far a lies in our oer to grstily tins tevlin, by Hiving from time lo time, correct im tations of the most celcbratrd r enisle wr.tera 1 1 tne day. 7Viiniits oi bu Mail One advantuse he sub- rcrlber or this woik. wilt tiavr, is lis early recep tion. It will be rmeived at the reniuttst cities of ho Union, by the first day of the mouth of pullxa- turn. Business Department. Th pr'ce of the publi cation N thhii noLLias ier aiiuum the mom j to be P"i ivily rece.ved before a numler is tent. Ao letters will betaken hum itie I'o-t Utlu-v, un- lets the por.taso on them is pal.i. Unless pin ive orde.s sie given at ihe time of, the wi rk is continued after Ihe fut year, and It not paid du ring the year, the pi ice will be it. create! to rova B llAUS. We stdl continoe to furnish Waitik Scoti'. Notcls compl te and tho L .' Boos, one year, for Tit dollahs. For the convenierci of persons wishing t sub scribe fjr uny of the ft lowing publications lira- ham s Mas I ne a.luuliy Uouncr SJaturd iy Chronicle Alexander's Weekly Meaauigir, or S.turdny Evenina P.ifct they wi.l le furnished with ihe Lady s Book, and any one ol mete pub- licaiious one yter, upon the leceipt of fits bji labs, postage paid. AdJrits Li A- u.iua,, 811, Chesnul SrUet, Philadtlph a. The Brother Jonathan. THE lart-est and n o,t l eaiiltful newspaper in tht w. rid larger ry fnty s in ire inches than any othi r i.ev soa, er in the Uu'teJ S:a n. Published Saturdavs. at 16i Nassau fctitet, iNew 1 ork. Price three d dlars a year two copies for lite dol las. (TV The propiicto s of this msmmoth shret the Grest Western among tho newspapers hsvoiha pl.tasu'C of s, reading before the resiling pubi c a we kly peiiodical cdiitkiuiiig a greater a m unt mid variety of useful and inter sung mis cell iny, than ia to be found in any similar publica tion m the woild. E ich'M r of the pst er contains aa arg an amount of tsadiug matter as is found in v . lumet of ordinary du d- cimo, which erst ?2 and more hsn is cnntsined in a volume of 1' s Colum bus or Bancrofts History of A meiies, whicli c-t f 3 a volume and all for Three Dollars a year. For 5 tno c.i ics will la forwatdsj one year, or one copy two ye irs. Since the publication ofotii oilctml f ros;ectus, the Br. 'tier Jonathan baa besn L NLA KG ED and its s x, srnply l efore, has been aa muih inreasi d that much more t an the f.ntner ou unity of the mott inteiesiing liieialureof the d y ia em!" seed in its immense cspaa ly. 8. lections from all the m.t rominent snd celebrsted writers ol Hie day set si in swelling its con'ent-t and whatever U new, rich, or rare, is itnedtalely transf. rrcu to its columns. All the contiibutions to periodicals of American writers of repute appear in its page?; and the issues of th foreign it. s are laid under conn iUU1 ions, ss soon as receive I in this country. Tot'.e miscellaneous and Literary Department, ihe ct sest allention is paid; and HI all tlis sstectioris unu original cjnun u- HO . strict csie IS devoted to avo.a an inn may touch upon Ihe opinions of any party in region or politics. Ex, eriance having taught us ihit we had maik ed out a ns'h for ourselvea. in wh;ch all eoris of people delights to iollow, the Ur,.lhiT Jousihuii shall continue, as it begun, to be a bold, gent e, wet jhiy, light, grave, meny, serious, witty, smooth, dashing, interesing, inspired, si.d incompirable newspaper. It shall bo a stupendous minor wheie- In all the world will stann nflocled. It shall con' lain the m at beautiful of Novel, Romances snd Stories for both sexesFairy Tules for lovers of the marvellous Legends for antiquaries Pasqui nades for wit mongersNuts aud raisins fr stioiW winded readers-Serenades for inumcal lovers Son nets for Ladies Sentiment for old bachelors bit- tistics for politicians and Lectures, Sermons, Crilt . . . . ... i eisms. Euicrams. etc.. Ace. &o .lor all ilia worm. Leltvs ahould be add i eased to WILB )N At COMPANY. Publ she's of tht ." Brother Jonathan,'' S. Y. SOMETHINa NE Wll rut tHKASlSr AMD BEST V A JI 1 1- Y K 12 W S I A P 12 It HOW rCHLtkMID. Only 91 SO per Aaanrnt rpHB OCEAN AND WEEKLY CLIPPER, L one of the l est and cheapest newspapers in this country, containing sll the rhnlr.e Reading Matter of tho sit daily pipers, including the "CLIP PER'S LOG," is published every (Saturday, at ft 60 per annum. rr The OCEAN" is under the edilorial choree of Jou II. Iltwtrr and Jouir Wills, Esqm., tho former well kn iwn at editor, proprietor, nr princi pal ontritiutor to every literary publication issued in this city for the last fifteen years ; and tho latter, 1 ing a contributor to various periodicals, but more politicly known since hti connection with ihe "JJil- TiMotit fjLtreXR. 1 lie exlraordinary rucccss whtih lias attended the eslablishmeiit of tho Haiti moic Clipper, n.iw numbering a larger libt of sut- cribers than any oihcr newnpaper iver published in Maryland -the daily applications fir a weekly i spir, 10 tend, by m ill, to country subscribe r and the in. my facilities, possessed I y the under signed, for this undertaking, have indue d them to rpars no expanse in up a paper which can not fill to be a welcome visitor into every man's family. Ii is riintetl on entire? new type snd fine white paper, and will compare, for beauty of wo'kmsn- sh p sud excellence of reading matter, with any pi nodical now pul l stvd in the United State. Trans: For Msil Subsciil.en, $1 60 per an num, in cutrent money, forwarded (free oft xpeiisc) to tl.e publishers. (T I os' masters disposed to set ss Agents for the Ocean, will rccihe five copbs weekly, per an num, for five dollars. Payment always to be made in advance. Addrtia BULL & TUTTLE, Printers, Bait mote, Md. ASTOXISIIIXG lchi:asi:. FOUR THOUSAND NEW (SUBSCRIBERS IN TWO MONIMIS! I! Win we fi st purchased the old an I well knuwu e-t.ilil'S'unerit of t o Haiiirtlar 12rcntntr Iosl. we sta eJ that tho paper cnculaied so wido'y a mong the it ndy, reading portion of ihe United Mates, that we entered upon our l..bors witli lull contid tic' of the future. Our auccesj has t.ime been beyond our most sanguine expectation, as our weekly reenpts overbalance tho-o of any co'.empo lary sper. t)ur lt bns continued to swell up, with unexampled rapidity, and we have the confi dence, fial at the present rate of iiicrens , we tdrdl be enabled m few months to boast of more til in 35,000 aubsenbera ! When we commenced our lab. rt, w onnounceJ distinctly , that the tone of the paper should be decidedly moral, and that nothing shou'd bo ui'm tied into m:r columns, which the most fus iJiotis father could disapprove of, and iK term ned that as an approved Family Paper, it should not contain a paisgraph, with the spirit of which a parent would not wish t hsve s daughter fain Ii ir, and we therefore, with thia view, announ ced that no theat icil notices should appear in our c .litmus, ai d that we should be opposed to the .trea ss ihing- c.ilculaied to injure the hcnlihy aclion of an he nest mind, ss creative of exhibitions demo ralising in tendency, and fearfully pernicious in fact. There were not wanting bluaterers, who made a great parade of opposition, and Croakers, who predicted our speedy down fa'!, but we threw ourselves upon the i-oher, rotioiial and experienced poitmn of the pe pie of tho United State, for sup- poit, and we have been nol ly aiis'ttinexi. Wm thought and espremed the opinion, that howrver careless manv might he upon this subject, that few, even if tl.ey did not entirely disapprove of nch rntc.taiiimenls, care. about having Ihe grots detaiU forever paioded before the eyes of their childien, snd the hiikeiiing end nauscaimg eolocy i f nil kinds of characters trade familiar to their mind.'. We determined also, while the paper con tinued under our coiitrd, it should be ttr.ctly neu tral in politics, and that as news and liteiury jour n ihata we had nth ng to do with iho milter ; thia dct rmi ation husbern atrictly and rigidly adhered to, and while we shall continue to give our reuh rs such public document as may be deemed of mie ns! to all, and such a history of th progress nf I oiit cj! events, as are stiicily in keeping with our duty, and the character of the paper, we shall stu diously and thoroughly avoid any coutsiniuution of par iz n pol.tics. Ihe paper I' now printed in a nrw and beaule t'ul type, has received tho praise of many editors of tuste, as 'the handsomest laindy heet in In. Union, Our efforts have been niiected to the combining of beau'y and smiplic ty with utility and taste. 1 he Cost is pnntcJ on a et .nt wh te paper, ren dering It neat and durjb.e tor tiling. In addition to these i fforts toward rerfect on in the mechanical department, nnd exltrmr ol our pa per, no labor, and no cost been spared in tho do velopemeiil of sttuigtli. The pre.ent va lety of iiiteiea ing tales, original, from fore. go and domestic magazines, together with the vulua ble eontril'U iona of our own circle of literary friends will routinue to give intereat to the paper, while every thing important and worthy of note thai nappens in the U.d World or ihe isw, shall te co I ctcd aud collated for the taste of out rca di rs. The Lsdirs' Department shall always be choice and sihct, and shall receive strict attention, while u. h things aa may inteiest our juveuilt leaders, i.nJ thst impoitant aud large clans of our readers, the Faim. r will not be overlooked. In order to gratify, as much as possible, the laudiblo deans of our country reaJers, a portion ol our attention win I e dev. .ted lo the Cullecli -n and diffusion of such News, Memorands, Tables, Fac s, Hints, Jcr. as may Mm important to sgncultunsti, and the pop ulution resident without the conliues ol our great cnies The state ol the ro niseis and Hie uucius tinus in the price', will bo regulatly and what is of more moment, Correctly given. We hae tver been opposed to the constsnt bluster and parudu mtde by some editors, about the ricellence of their pspeis, aud have resolved that the tialurd iy Lvtnii g Past, ahull be conduct cd, as to sneak for lUclf. Our roideis will lwas fn.d in its columns the earliest and mot authentic information, rs well as the mo. I choice snd tuteruining literary mutter. We hrve totally diacsrded the syi-lem ol filling (be piper wi h quack advertisements, but prefer giving oui re .deia irom weex to wtrk. eiueiisino n icau ing matter. And we feel swareJ Ihst we shall he no losers thereby, as but few resderseire about haii g apier filled with descriptions of theso nauveaung com nounds. ' - . . .1, t . ei T lieSaturJsv t.frnine roar, win pe lurmsueo. for per annum in advnre, or one copy threo vrars f.r $5. To Ihnee who wiah to aubucribe for a PbilodelDhia Macaaine, we will furnish a copy nf the Pbilade'phia Cs ket, and two copiea of the rest for one year lor fa tree ol pistage and on count. No New Subscriber received without the Money. To those who wish lo subscribe, we would say, that the safest plan is lo enclose the money in a loiter and direct 10 us. Most postmasters will frank their letters if relating to nothing but the business of the office, and sll pnstmssters who will ho kind enough so lo do, we shall he pleased to ac knowledge sa agents. Addrras GEORGE R. GRAHAM it CO, No 86 ('site's Alley, Philadelphia, PROSPECTUS or ths JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SILK 80 CIErV, AND RURAL ECONOMIST. bditeb at oinxoaj a. suits.. THIS Journal was established by tho American Silk Society, for tho purpose of d.ffusiug practical information on the cuLTrsx or mi in the United Sta'es. It 1ms now been published one year, nud mi'.y be considered a work of standard character. The first year's publication, compiisins the first volume, containes a mas i of valuable inlotmslion, and it will be the olj. et of Ihe editor to make ihe sreopd eqoal in all reapcM, if not supenot, to Ihe first. The important fact is now csta1 hailed be yond any question, that the people ol the United State can make silk ihiapeu and bsttkr than any other nation upon earth. It has been proved by uiiiiripeacluibla teat mony, thai the entiie cost of producing silk ready for ma ket, does not exceed two nomas Awn TWKNTr-riva cksts Ptn poinn, and its lowest vulua is roc a hollars asd rirrr ckmtr; alao, that ojrs Acs it of ground plant ed in motu' mullicauli', will produce the fiist year tho trees nro planted, rornTT-t.iouT rocnils op silk, lesvitlg a clear profit to the producer ofosa nosnnxo ako eight dollaiis! It has also been proved that the childien and females of any farmer's f .mil v can, with the greato t possible ease, produce from fifty to a hundred p. uuds of silk every year, without any cost whatever to the expenses ol the farm the trees are planted; and therefore, that the whole amount of silk will 1 so much clear g tin, siy from ('225 to f 150. With these facts wc sub mit to an intcll gent peoplo weiher it is not a great and import int object for them to introduce the cul ture of silk in every farmer's family in the Unioa. To enable sll our farmer.' to make si k, the 'Joi h- Kili.r tbs Amubica.v Silk Socisit' was est. b list.e.l; it contains lain pisclical directions fi r ci l- TIVATI0 TUS TRI.ES, FHP1SO , lid HEAUI5B SILK worms, RtEiiKO rax silk, snd prepinr g it for market, fee. best. Ics all other information that can be r quired to enable any pi rson to enter up n ihe busineas, either on a large or small scale. Exciy liicml of his country, into wh se hands this paper may fad, will be n patriot and plnlan.hropisi s work t y inducing his friends aud ucighhouta to en ter their names upon the lift of suhi-crihers. '1 be Journal of ihe American society is published month'v, in pamphlet form ; tsch number contsins thiitj two octavo pages, printed on new type and hsndsoir.e paper, wi b a printed Colored coter. Perms : I wo dollars a year, or a x copies for ten dolla s, aw ay a to be paid bef .re the work is sent. All subscriptions to beiu with the first num ber of the year, and in no cuse w ill the woik hi tent to snv subscriber longer than it (halt have le. n paid for. rl'N'r at'BcRiBr.Rs, who take ttie fiist and second ml on ics, will be chaigd only Tuiin. Dol lars for the two years. The Philadelphia Casket. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS! ROSPECTUS op a hew The increase in the subscription list of tho Casket since the first of the year, warrants the most extensive improvements on the first of July next at which time a. new volume will be com menced w'nh increased vigor. Nothing need be said of the firm basis on which the Casket stands, j! being aheidy the oldest magazine in the country. TYPE EMBELLISHMENTS'. The Ca ket is printed with a char and silvery type, upon the finest white paper. The illuj.tiati.ina are not surpassed by those of any periodical at home or abroad ; and beside the monthly steel en gravings, a quanerly p ale of colored fishiona has lately been added. 1 he style if theso embillish ments is unequalled, and ih y are always accom panied with an appropriate sketch. No wood cuts diiigrace ihe wot k. Whatever appears iu the casket is of tlie first older of the sit. LITLRARY CHARACTER. The literary chs-ncter of the ("a ket is well known. It ia wholly oris'm . I, cf the b ehest oider. und sustained by WRITERS OF THE FIRST RANK. Essay. Tales, Sketches, and Tr.vel, conip.i-e iu prominent pnxe biIiiIit; while the poetiy ia equalb d ly that of no other magazine if like ch'iraeier. I he variety for which the l a ket i celebrated, ahull no diminution; but on the contrary, every exertion shall be made to i.i- en-ase its u.terctt. SEVERAL ROMANCES op tux REVOLU TION have already sppea ed, nnd others shall follow in the couise of the volume, presenting when finish ed, a complete picture of the manner", and a h s- lortcul account ol the great battles at that time. Thus, the Caket, instead of being filed w.lh id. kly sentimentalities, aims at a true do mea'.lon of human nature in eery variety of pa-sion. TIME OF PUBLICATION. The Cisket is published i n the firat of the month in eveiy quarter of the Ui.i na The most distant suhsiihcis conseqnenlly receive it c u ti at day, as well ss thoe who reside in 1'hil.idelphis. In all the principal cities agents have been estab lished, by which rnesns rubsribers can obtain their Copies fiec of portage. FASHIONS. The f lih'ons are pub ihrd in the C.k. t quar- ti rly, or a' as any really mw styles arrive from Pans. 1 he engravings are coloied, and executed from original designs. No old, worn out plates sre retouched and then published as ihe latest fashions. The truth i f our designs may be tested by compa ing them wi h the latest deciip'.ion of dress s from L,ond n and ran?. TCRMS: Trbke Doli ass per annum, ortwo copies far i'lTt Dollars. Published by tit.ll. II. UK A. 11 AM. 30 Csrter's Alley, I'hitad. II A ZAUU'S UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AND STVlIsJI lCAL REGISTER. Containing doc- ume nl, facts and other ustful iiif .rmalmn, illustrs' tive of the histoiy an I resources of the American Union, and of each btale ; embracii g commerce, manufactures, eiiiiiu luie, internal improvements, banks, currency, fi iances, education, etc. etc. tdl ted by Samuel Hazard. Publt-hcd every v ednenlay, at 79 Dmk street. The price lo subscribers ia $5 per annum, payable on the fiist of Jauuaiy of each year. No subscrip tion received for leas than a year, bubaenbers out of the principol cities to pay iu advance. MORE CONCLUSIVE PROOFS, Of the efficacy of Dr. Harlich't eeLbraled Medi cine: Dear Si a: I waa afflicted with a bilious and nervious disease to a very elarmina: degree, with all tho symptoms which so frequently rtfecta a re laxed condition, via; giddiness in the neau, violent tremors, chilliness, with a fixed pain in Ihe light side, complexion bad, and eostiveness; indeed I was in a most nnserahie conoiuoo. i uau irieu many remedies, but found no permanent relief un til I had purchaaed Dr, Ilarlich's compound strengthening und German aperient Pills, which from their aupeiior viituee, I wac completely cured. and am side to pursue iny employment, free from pin and disease, (signed) JOHN BOLES. Dated Xenia. Ohio June 7 , 1610. Principle Office for the United States, No. 10, Noith EIGHTH STREET, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER October S4, 1840. Agent, THE AE1V WORLD. THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST, HANDSOM EST, .1ND MOST COMPREHENSIVE NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. EDITED IT PARK BENJAMin ASS EPES lAtORST. WITH multiplied rea iurcra for rendering the New Would more valuable than ever aa a compendious newapaper and repository of elegmt literature, we enter upon the ar cond volume (folio) on tho 24th cf October, dressed in a beautiful garb of new type, cast riprosly for the purpose. It will therefore be a filling time to commence new subscriptions, as well as for the icuvwal of those which may then expire. During Ihe first year of the cxistance of the New World, it has acquired a reputation and circulation superior to any weekly piper in the country ; and has furnished to its subscript ra, during l ot peri, d, (besides a I the current news ol the day, domestic and foreign) new and valuable works by Talfoutd, DTsraell, Thomas Moore, MifS Milford, Mm. Jameson, C. Diikeus, Ainsworth, Knowles, Bulwcr, Mairyat, and others works, whicli in Lon don coi.l l not be purchased for fifty timet the amount of the subscription price of the New Wot Id. In adJiiion lo works of interest by theso emiiii'iit authors, it has contained the cream of the periodical literature of the day, ns well ss original ai tides from the pens of some of the most popular writers of America, among whom we may mention Miss Sedgwick, Orville Dewey, Professor Longfel low, the author of "Yankee Notions," Siaams, Street, Ac. &c. In politicks we shall, ss hitherto, maintain art armed neutrality. Our columns as heretofore will be uno! ji'clionable in a moral point of view. In criiictsm we shall, in justice to tho public, montain a pcif.ct independence, even though wo incur the vengence of all the dunces- We shall, in conclu sion, earnestly strive to render our ahcet not only worthy of ihe unparalleled favour it has experisnci'd, but of a continually extending circulation. Whilo we con'inue to furni-h with ail possible prumtitude tho most attractive liter aura of the day, we shall, as our means enlarge, afford that compensation lo na.ivo authors, which may induco llicm to in ke the New World the medium for presenting to the public their beat produ lions. Our excellent Lon don correspondent w.ll he continued, and due at tention will be paid to the comerciul, agricultural nI neu a departments of our paper, ' A QUARTO EDITION Ofaixteen lag pagi s was commenced on the sixth of June last, in oider to meet Ihe wishes of Isrge number of subscribers, by giving them its lich snJ varied contents in a auitablo form for binding. This wc have done without hjvim; enhanced (he price, so that new sub-cribers, and others on the renewal of previous subscriptions, can take their choice be tween the Qu nlo and Folio form. CJC" But a few rets of the Quarto, No 1, now icmain on hand in the otfi :e, and wc shall therefore, not bo aide loriR to supp'y them. TERMS: Tubes Dollars a year in advance, for either eduion; oi Five Dollars fortwo copies. In alt cases letters muat be tiee, or post paid, or they will remain dead in the pos'.-otl'ice. fjj All Po.-tmartera who will act for us are our aut .oriz d Agents, and may retain 25 per cent on the siib?cii tion price, ( f .i ) for commissions, if re mitted in New-York or Eastern " oncy ; or 50 cents on each, if iu notes of other solvent banks, which may be at a discount here. (j"Edilirs and Pul lishi rs who des're the con tinuance of an excliange, will please copy the above inrea or rn ire limes, or otherw ie notice lue contents. and tend us a marked paper. Lot'crs rela ive to iho editorial department mti-l be addressed to Pahk Bssjami x ct Her Sauoeht, L,.ltora: ihote relative to the Iuimicss depot mint, to J. WINCHES! ER, Publisher, No. 30 Ann a: reel. THE MOST POPULAR .1SD READABLE PElilODWAL OF THE DAY.' IlurfoiVs Magazine, (THE GENTLEMAN'S,) AND AMERICAN MO.VPMLY REVIEW, ILL present its ixth sud Sevci.t'i Vol umes to the public during the c .ure of the year 1S10. Terms, $3 per annum, in advance, or f5 for two years, or two separate Subsc.ipiioin-, or ien copies for $iU, cat.1'. Printed in Ure octavo, while thick paper, go id type, etc Each numbe r c mlainaas much main r as a volume of a novel; he il titrations sre of the fi st quality. During the last ye.r nearly tart v of the most superior Engravings, including thice of arl:iiii's splendid Mezzotints, were engraved expicsa y for this woik. Each number contains two or moro Engraving. New Design, exicuted on s'cel, bv the fitai AnUts, are in progiesa for the coming vo'ume. 1 he list ol contributors embraces ihe names of most of ihe principal wiiters in Amer cs, wi h s te s,ectah!e spriukling of Engl;h authors. Original articles hsve appeared during the list ysr fr in the pen a of the following Professor Ingraham, author of La Elite; Pro. John Frost, Philadelphia ; l'r. .'M.tJ. II rooks, Baltimore; Pro. I . i . Wines, Philadt Ipbis, Author of Two Yesra in tne Navy ; Captain M irry alt. Author of Peer simple, etc. ; General O. P. Morris, New York ; Le ch Hunt England; Mis. Fanny Kemble Bulb r, Phil.; Pik lierii.iinin. New York ; D ugl .s Jerr dd, England Joaph C. Neat, (Cha c al sketches,) The Ameii can Uoz; Jimea r . tins, ISew York ; K f. t,:liott Editor of Hsrrisburg Inielligvncer, Pa ; Da vie1 Hoffman, Baltimore; Chailea Weal Thorns. m. adelphia ; Judee Trein r Dresdm, New Yoik John Du Holle, Editor of Halur.lay Evening po.t Grenville Mellen, New York; P. B. Elder. Editoi of Columlia Spy, Pa; The Author of "Stanly." M,s. L. S goiiruev, Hartford; Misa Cather ne H Walermin, Philadelphia ; Mrs, Ann Steohens New York ; Uen-on Hill, England, Editor of th. Ne Monthly Magi sine; Dr. J. K. Mitchell, Phil ndelph a ; James Moii'gotnf ry, England; A M'M .kin, and E.Holden, Editors of Katurd iy Cou rler, Philadelphia; J. Btauchamp Jones, Bal.iuiore J. E. Dow, Wssbington Coy ; Mr. E, F, Ellet Boston; Dr Thomas Dunn Euluh, I hiladelphu The Steel Plates resdy for the present Voluim are Five Ebbing by the celebrated Ciuikshank A Portrait of Mr. Vandenhoff, ihe tragedian, in th character of Adraslus. A Likeness of Miss Vsr denhoff, sa Juliet. The Gem of Hudson, one c the choicest specimens of American fcenery. ; Po.lrait of William C'ullen Bryant, the America Poet. Another of Sartam'a eiqui-ile Mixzotint of equal beauty lo his plate of "tbs pets," give in the Msy number nf Burton's Magazine a knowledgrd to be superior to any other illusUi lion ever civen in a periodical work. Cher E) gravincs of le a value accompany every number. QThe public is requested to observe that ll articles appearing in Burton's Magazine are writti expressly for thst work, snd sre unt ecUvted fro daily or weekly papeis. The Plates are also t ptcially engraved, and are not the worn-out tefu of Annuals, either English i r American. All leltera sent, pni paid to W. E. Burton, Do street, opposite Ihe Exchange, Philadelphia. .'To accommodate our country fi lends. Tt may wish to subscribe for our work snd any ott Philadelphia periodical, we will receive a Fiva 11 lar Bill, postage free, for one year'a subscript ioa Burton's Magazine and Godey's Lady'a Book (a three dollar a year) or the Saturday Courier, tho Saturday Chronicle, pi Alexander's YYi M Merger, V ILLIAM E, BURTON. Publisher and Proprietor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers