Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 05, 1840, Image 1

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Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the mujori y, the vital principle of Republics, from which there i. no app al but to force, the vital prin. iple and immeilia'e parent of dcp jtitm. Jtr tat o.
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U. It. .Tt.iSSElt, Editor,
THE " AMERICAN" it published every Satur
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By niasscr & FIscly.
Sudbury, Northumberland Co. Pa. Saturday, December 0, 1810.
Vol. I Xo. XII.
(TPiiteen lines mako t square.
Tbe Prisoner fur Debt.
bt t. e. whittieb.
Lxk on him through his dungeon grate,
Feebly and cold, llio inorn n liht
Cornea ttoahng round h in, dim and late
Aa if il loathed llio siyht.
Reclining on l is strawy bed,
His h nd U hold- hit drooping head
His bloodless check is i-camcd and hard, t
Unshorn his grey, neglected leard;
And o'er his bonny lingers flow
lilt lone dishevel id ticks of snow.
No grateful fue him glows.
And ynt the wiotoi's brca h is chit' ;
And o'er his hulf dad puisou govt
The frequent ague ilirili !
Sil nt save ever and anon,
A sound, half murmur and half groan,
ForCi s apart the painful grip
Of the ol.l sufferer's beardej lip,
0 ! sad and crushing U the fate
Of old age ctialiiid and dctoLte !
Just God, why lives that old man there)
A murderer shurea his piis .n bed,
W'hu-e eye bills ihrough his horrid hair,
iileira on him fierce and led :
And the rude oa'.h and heartless jeer
Fall ever on h n loathing ear,
And, or in wakefuincsi or eleep,
Nerve, flesh and fitirr, thrill and creep,
Where'er that rull'mi's loosing limb,
Crimson wi ll murder, touches u w!
What hat the grey hailed prisoner donel
Has mu'der flamed his luiiili" with gur j ?
Not so ; his cime's a fouler one !
For this he shares a felon's cell
The fiiti st ea;thly type ol h. II!
Fortius the boon for which he poured
His young blood on th'inva !cr' sword,
And counted light the fciful c. at
Ilia lljid-giined libehtt is lost!
On f o, for such a plnce of r st,
Old prisoner, poured thy blood aa rain
On Concord's fi. Id, and Uunke.'e ires',
And Sjratoga'a plain !
Look forth, thou man of many aca-a.
Through thy dim dungeon's iron bara ;
It must be joy, in sooth tis e
Yon monument upreared to theo ;
Piled (t anile and a prison cell
The laud rcp:iyslby service well!
Go, ring the bells and fire the guns,
And fbng the starry banner out;
Shout Freedom !" till your lisping once
Hive back their ciadle shouts;
Lot blasted eloquence declaim
Of honor, libeity and fame;
Hull let the. p: let's ttr.tin be he ml.
With "g!ory" for each second word,
And every thing with breath asroe
To praise "our gl oiious liberty !"
But when the patriot's cannon jire
The prison's colJ and bloomy wall.
And throngh its grates the stripe and stars
Rise on the wind and fill
Think ye thit prisoner's age.l car
Rejoices in the uericrat cheer t
Think ye Ids dim and fu ling eye
Is kin'! led at your pageantry 1
Sorrowing of soul and chained of limb,
What i your can ival to hinit
Dovn with the law that binds him thus!
Unworhy freemen, let tfi id
No refuge from the withering cu sj
Of G k1 and human kind t
Open the prisoner's living t mb.
And u-her from i's brooding l Hm
The victim of i.ur aivge code.
To the free tun and heir of God!
Nor longer d .re a crime to br.nd,
Tne chusieiiing of the .Vnrghty'e hand.
him, with an order on the Virginia offi- in their houses under penalty of being they might go to church if they wished, i Uc-Intcrmcnt of Gen. Mercer,
cer at Fort Pitt, for ammunition, boats, shot down in the streets. In about two but on no account must a single person An int. liigent and di criminating fiend furm.hi
and all nccssary equipments. Recruit- hours after the surprise of the town, leave the town, All further converse ' th following additi. nil account!
ing officers were then sent forth. The the inhabitants had all surrendered and tion was repelled, and they were sent j lha dark and hcny cloude af the preceding
western parts of Pennsylvania and Vir- delivered up their arms to the conquer away, rather abruptly, that the- alarm eentig hiving r dl d tide g.,th.rrd themselves up
ginia, and the new settlements of Ken- er. Not a drop of blood had been might be raised to the highest pitch. ! fo- a little white, as if t. let ihe gl.i us ki g of
tucky furnished recruits of a hardy, da- shed, though the victory was complete. The whole population assembled in doy ree up i t l is chariot of light to witr.ess the re
rine and enterprising character. Alter The whole management displayed in a the church us for the last time, mourii quired menvnt n if the honored doad, ihc bjnes
cncounteringlifHculties of no ordinary most admirable manner, what the fully chaunted their prayers, and bid of the illustrious pan'ot and soUicr were e nveyrd
kind, and much delay in procuring sup- I renen style ruse de guerre, the poll- each other rarewell never expecting at the appointed hour and by the eppomted .t o t,
plies, Clark arrived at the falls of the cyof war. M. Rocheblave, the gov- to meet in this world 1 But so much to the ai.le of the First Prethyter an Church on
Ohio in June, and encamped and threw ernor, was taken in his chamber; but did they regard this as a favor, that the Wrt ington 9qtnre. Ihe galleres of th church
up a slight fortification on Corn Island, his public papers and documents were priest and deputation returned Irom the wcresi.on filled to overflowing with those whole
opposite Louisville, where he was admirably concealed or destroyed by church to the lodgings of Col. Clark, tender sympathies are aiwsys touched with the ta'e
ioined by Cant Bowman, and one his wife. and in the name ot the people express- of t .rrow, and whoae minis'crlng chanties prompt
J ' f 1 ir . i i -.l .. T7 ,i; :u. J-.-.l- :J. Ij.i -i i i .
company irom iveniucKy unaer iapi. "i iiiiii tins iiigm we uaie ine inue- ea uiurihs ior me inauigence tney nau them to go to the houe or mourning; and tom nr
Dillard. His principal men were Capts. pendence of Illinois. Throughout the received. They then begged leave to !
ter th body i f the c' urch l.iw was ocrupi d hv
Bowman, Helm, Ilarrod, lIontgomery, night the Virginia troops were ordered address their conquerer upon their sep the invited mourners th- St. Andrew's Sorbcy a ,d
and Dillard, and he daily expected a to patrol the streets, with yells and eration and their lives. They claimed (h -S ot- Ths lo Sociey. thfCu.cnna i s ciey.
reinforcementof four companies, raised whoopings after the Indian fashion, not to know the origin or nature of ihe offL-rri f the Am.y and N y of the U itid state.,
in the Holston country bv Maj. Smith, which though alarming to the conquer- contest between Great Britain and the d t muiii udenf tit tvnt wh cr wded t.gnher
w-ar mae s a. " I ttfi . .1 tit I I
lie now disclosed to his troops that their eu lnnaouanis, was a siraiagem oi colonies. v nat they had done nad , pay ,iKir i,lt rejects to the rema ne of Gei.era'
point of destination Kaskaskia, in the Clark to accomplish his purposes. been in subjection to the British com neon Mmcis.
Illinois country. The plan met the en- One of the richest and most distin- manders, w hom they were constrained j Th(S rc:jaj,,UB errviee were tppropri tely com
thusiastic approbation of his men, ex- guished citizens of Kaskaskia at that to obey. They were willing to submit ! ,,,..,1, Uv R. v. Dr . Carnahsn . P.esi'it or .h
cept the company from Kentucky, un- period was Cerre, said by Col. to the loss of their property as the fate , c,lc;e at Princeton, with the raiding of the 2ii
der lapt. Uillard ; a large part ol MiarK xo nave ocen a most oiucr enemy ot war, Dut they begged they might not i p, jm j. M. tf thecolKctl n by theGe.
which, with the lieutenant, on the mor- to the Americans, lie had long oeen be seperated Irom their lamiues, and ; trj AMemt ly. Thire w a a fi ncta in the ecl.c
ping appointed for starting, the worthy a successful trader, but had left the that clothes and provisions might be tin -,)ie prc,ij, nt f the ('ullrgo at frinceton
captain had the mortihcation to hnd, place oelore the arrival ot the Amen- allowed them barely sulhcient lor their . tie e lhe u.itim were station d the n ght b.f r.
had waded the river and deserted, cans, and was then at ot. Louis on his present necessities,
They were pursued in the morning, way to Quebec. " Col. Clark had now gained the ob-
overtaken in the woods about twenty " The commander, at once, deter- ject of his artful manoeuvre. He saw
miies from the falls, and eight taken mined to bring him and all his influence their fears were raised to the highest
back, the rest afterwards wandered in to the side of the American interest, pitch, and he abruptly thus addressed
the woods for some weeks, where they Accordingly he took possession of his them:
suffered greater privation and hard- house and extensive merchandize and " ' Who do you take u-1 bel Do you tMi.k
ships than their comrades who had placed a guard over the property. Ano- we are eavag t thai we intend to mjt .crc jou
gone on the expedition, before they thcr stratagem was to prevent all inter - ' Do you ihiuk Americma will strip women
could get into a fort. course between his men and the citi- and children, and tike the breat out of their
" On the 2Sth of June, 1778, and du- zcns ant to admit none of the latter to mouth-! My countrymen,' raid the gallv.t Colo
ring a total eclipse of the sun, Colonel his presence except by positive com- rul, 'nevvr mike war upon tho innocent ! It was
Clark, with four companies, command- "nd for them to appear before him ; to protect our own w cs and children that we hae
ed by Captains Montgomery, Helm, or apparently in great condescension penetrated this wildemesi, to subdue thee British
Bowman, and Ilarrod, left the Falls of when urgently solicited to grant an au- post, from whence tho sivagca are aupliel with
the Ohio, on their forlorn enterprise, d'616 to some humble petitioner. By arma ar.d ammunition to murder us. We do i.ot
Near the mouth of the Tennessee river, tnis course of policy he contrived at war agiut Fienchmen. Tho King if France,
he found Jonn DulT, with a party of fi' S1 to cor,firni aH the worst SUspi- your former rn-ater, is our a'.ly. Hit ehipa and sol
hunters who had recently come from cions the British hud instilled into the di"' fi.biir e for the Am. ric.-no. The French
Kaskaskia, and who could give impor- '"ind? of the simple villagers, of the ur firm Wends, Go, and j,., your religion
tant information. They reported that fcroc,,y of, the ' Long-knives,' and and wo,. ,,P when you pice. R,ta, you. ,ro-
M. Rocheblave still commanded; that then, by undeceiving them, produce a P"ty-.nd how ,h,..e to i.,fo,.n .11 your cuaen.
the militia were kept in good discipline; revulsion of feelings, and gain their f.o.n n.e(thct they .re quite at hben, to co, duct
tint enirx wrr t:itinnpd nlinrr tho Mis- Unlimited confidence. In this lie was the nsrlves as u,ul, and dismiss sll apprehensions
sissippi; that a rumor had reached completely successful. The town was
there that the Long-knives' had pro- in possession of an enemy the inhabi-
jectcd an attack, and that the hunters ,an,s had bcen tauSn wero he most
and Indians had received orders to keep ferocious and brutal of all men ; and of
watch, and report if any American whom they entertained the most horri-
troops were coming that way. Thev ble apprehensions, and all intercourse
also reported that the fort was kept in was strictly prohibited between each
rrr.nd order, as a nhioe of retreat, but other and the conquerors. After five
was without a regular garrison. These days the troops were removed to the
hunters offered to return wiih the inva- outskirts of the town, and the citizens
ders. The party landed near Fort were permitted to walk in the streets.
Massac, and secured their boats in a 5llt finding them engaged in conversa-
smnll rrpl tion, one with another. Colonel Clark
"Whoever has travelled by land ordered some t the othcers to be put mounted on Fiei.cii ponies wn.otJeisJ to surprise
from Fort Massac to Kaskaskia, in the n irons without assigning a single ih.tpot 9 vcr.l Ka,ka-ku gen Lmm offiud
early settlement of that district, can reason, or permitting a word of defence, their eivue to pro.e.d ahead, not fy the Caho-
understand the diiTicukies to be encoun- This singular display of despotic pow- kinsoftho chuge of government, and piepare
tered, and the hardships to be endured cr m the conqueror, did not spring from the,,, p, Biv the Ameucans a cordial reception
by ihe gallant band. The whole dis- n cruel disposition, or a disregard to Tne plan was entiuly successful, and the post wis
tance was a wilderness without a path. imcii.ei oi tiuuuy, dui u was tne
of alarro. Wo are your fr.euJt and rome to de
liver you from tho LintUh.'
'Thit spetc'i ptoducud a revulsi n cf feeling. I
bct:er imagiii' d lha i d s ri cJ. The news tuuo
spread throug inut llio v lbja, lhe bell ra g a m
r; pto!, the ,eoplo vith the pries', ng on ss.omdi.d
in the church, Tt dturn was louJly song aril tho
moot uproarious joy provmltd IhruUj.'iout iheruh'.
Thu peop'e now enjoyed all t:.e liherty they could
Jes ra. All now ch' ir U ly cknowled e 1 Clo ll
CI irk as the com o.i o'sul vi ihe co .n.rv.
"An expvJitiou was now plinnoJ against Ci
b ikia, and M i r Bo.njii with hi de schmei.t
sul j igateil without thu d. .aster of a little. In
deed thee wra not a dz ii Hi s'i uUiets in Him
In j.l heir intcco'juo wit!) t!io cit's-ns, L..U
CNrk irt ructed hit men t ) sk of a lare army
riKumrsl.t thn falU of tho Ohio, which wiulJ
Comment of Illinois.
Ik October, 1777, he again visited Ponds, swamps, and water courses had course he had marked out to gain his
Virginia, to divulge his plan of the con- to be waded. Clark, w ho acted under object. ..
quest of Illinois Xo the governor and a colonel's commission, had left all his " Of all commanders, perhaps, Col.
council of that commonwealth, and ob- baggage and provisions at Corn Island. Clark had the readiest and clearest in-
tain am-k tiA ne 1 1 1" Vf fWL A lifxitnur. ITo excc'Dt such as were absolutely neces- Sli?n mlu human nature, lhe eflect
first onpned the nrotect to Patrick Hen- sary, and such as his men could carry of ,his sli":tch of military power, at first emn and aubju e di ih B,i h p-m in
ry. the Governor, on the lOih day of on foot. wa? e inhabitants with conster-
December. At first, the governor was Under these circumstances, Colonel nation and dismay,
captivated by the brilliant project of Clark took up the line of march across .After some time M. Gibault, the
striking such a blow against the enemy, the intervening wilderness. Let us parish priest, got permission to wait on
and the savage allies; but it was haz- pause a moment, and calculate the Col. Clark, with five or six elderly gen-
ardous, and success depended mainly cnances oi a discovery oy mo inaians
the vtftt.anJ that Post Vincei t wou'd la ! v.nJe 1
by a dit.ic' m nt f om thia array. II soon Icrned
from tho Fr. neh thst givemor Abbot w.s g .iih to
the b ttle of l'liiicc.un, and .herd the U.te ao.dier
lost his I fo.
A'er ti e perfoirtitncj by ;he choir, pss-
' t ges of the 8crip:urit, apprupri oeK select, d, ve c
r' ad by the Kev. A berl lis lies, snJ followed by a
pruier ly the sarne gentleman, in which he tec m-
tng 'y divilt on our on Jehovah, and i ll1
o'lig -uons to him a a piople, an I reminded ut o
ihe b'essingi uf pence in cuiilrast with the ajverei
ii, i,f wir, wh lo be prsid that "no more dis in
ui.bed men of our 1 iiid might ever tall i i bs tie."
He wis succeeded by William B. Reed, Esq
who, in l.s h ppiest manner, and in beautiful style,
led ut hick and far away to Scotia healtny bill.,
wl eie he introdu cd u to the youthful Mtauta
I) ing ly night a ongsi .' the watch fi ct of lha li
bel army. Hence, like many otlur. for liberty e
suko, ho ventured on the ocean's dread billows, to
find a home In the Wcriein world. Ha IsnJeJ at
Philadelphia, and a.ttlcd on the from er near Mer
cc,bu ir, in thia at. te. Wiih VVashijoto be
was engaged in the wart with tho Indiana and
French, and afwr iit capture waa ala'ioned at Fo
Du Quetnc f. r i t defence. At the close of tbe
ware, ha settled in F ederiikburg, Virginia, where
be re-iJtd U':lil the rivulutiona y atruggle cal ed
him foith. Piohablv at the aouention of Wash
ington, he waa appoii ltd a Briund er Ceneral, an
in this capacity de ted himself to bit country'
we d, and uohly fought her battht, until al length
in the batre of Prmce tn, he w.s cruelly le.ten
down by tho butt ends of the muskets of hi enemy
and b rbirou ly i-tebt-ed with thrir b yonttt tfirr
hi. fill. He wai burne twjy, raoitjlly woun cd
in 0 a a tn of Major Atrnttroi g, to a naiRliboring
farm ' oose, here the stct ch. ritirt of woman'i
lea a m i.istend lo h m, u;i il be died acme
diys af er rece.vii g ihe fj al wounds.
Ii is pie i-sri.t st d p' fi a' la thus to lef. r to th
a enes it that jiieat .truggle b cu brought liber y
nd i'i.t to tt.i, h ippy land. Tlw solemn tie of
yestcrdiy weia a fit occasion for reminding ut of
tho bl iod-b. ujht trea u'ca e i oi-iti, nd the !o-
qjrn; oral r I tied uot lo n ake u t ol it
Afto, the tt ic a in the church, tho precession
wis forme I, fir convening thu cofai and ita ci
te.,l to the pi ce of he a Kit dejj in l..iU el ft I al
'1'i.tia w.!l Mtncaa's du t repose until the Arch
an.p l's tia np thai! bur.t the myr ad t imbs uf a iitli.
Then may it be our happy lot to see liim nao, clo.
tbed in ihe I gM i f a g'o iGt J un noit-l ty, iHSiin
1 in bis lands palms that ahil! ne-cr f ile, -nil weir
It will bo eeen from the enpy of the letter pub
thed b low, received by lha Secretary of War
un t'-e Generul commanding the army in Florida,
hat the recent itTirtt of the Goverment to lerrrrl
na'o the war with the Seminole Indiana by negotia-
on, thruigh the intervention of tme of the most
nfl .enlial of the chiefi of that tribe who had IsMtt .
removed We.t, has fail d in conteqjrnce of tbe tie chery of the Indians. Globe,
Uiad Qcarters, Aater or Ftoaro.
F hit Knit, Not. IS, 1810.
Situ-Eirly this mornini, I wst informed by
the delegation, that tome of tbe pr fnere
in c.itnp hd d'Hipifeared during the niht. On
riding out t the Indi n en-amptnent, it wat dit-
verrd that all the Indiant bad gone.
Thus hat ended a 1 our well grounded hopa of
rii ging tho war to a close by pacific measure.;
c 'i.fidcnt in the resources of the country, the ene
my will hold out to the las;, and csu never be in
doced to tome in aain.
But thed.y before y.eierJay the cbielt nut only
t-xp'tctd a willingness 1 ut a detiie to emignte to
he Witt. Acting up in full faith to tbe promise
hd niade to them, tbeir conduct it only to be
annbuteJ to the faithless disposition which ha aver
ch rict r led ih m. .
The psrtial delay caused by tho armistice hut not
tended to the injury of the operjliona in Florida,
inasmuch as it hjs been conducive (o the three re-
giiuentt which hive tuffored so severely; they will
now be enabled to lake the field in firmer force.
Imtnediute'y upon the withd awnl i f the Indiant,
ordert were trensmitted to commande.a of regimentt
to put their troopt in motion, and befoie thit com
munication leachee you they will be scouting tn
every direction.
IIav:n left nothing onattemptcd with themeana
my power, I shall now preat the war with in-
erased energy, and hope toon appnie tbe Depart
ment of tbe cap ure cr deUu:tion of torat of tbe
I have the honor to enclose you a copy of the
older issuid on tbe renewal of ho-tihtiea.
I have the honor to be, air, very leapeclfully,
your obedient servant,
Brig, fltncr! Com. Army of Florida.
lion. i. R. Poibset, Secretary of War,
Washington, D. C.
S.nsnt It it common to be taJ, nor it it leas
common tben panuui. uuring auctl noura oi
gloom, agony it upon the mind ; the propect of
beauty adda but keener toiture ; l.fe it a luathtome
bur ben, ai d death, were it not for the pain of dis
a lu i m, and fear of ihe futuie, would aeem a wel
come voiianl. But, in the darkest momenta, there
's hihisophy enough in tho human mind to per
ceive the f jolishness of giving way to unnatuial
f. elings. Gloom and despjudency are. consequent
upon the absence of proper mental x- flection, and
nothing else. The following pretty anlimenta,
which we extract from on exchange, are worthy of
a peru-al: "There ie a mysterious feeling that fre
quently pastes like a clou I over the spirit. It
comet upon the aoul in the busy bustle of life, in
the social circle, snd in the cilm nnd silent retreat
of tolituJe. In powers are alike supreme over tbe
wesk a' d the iron-hearted. At one time, it is csu
rel by the flitting uf a aingle thought acroa tbe
m nd. Again a sound wilt come booming serosa
h- ocean i f memory, gloomy and aolemn at tbe
di a h-knell, overahadowtng all the bright bopet and
tunny feetii gs of the he ut, Wno rsn e'etcribe it,
nnd yet wh haa n t felt it bewildering influence t
S I , it is a delicious fort of sorrow; and, like a
cl 'ud 'firming the aupshine of, lhe river, although
enus ng s mvifcniaiy ahade of gloom, it eohsnce
the henu'y of retu-ning br'.ghtneas." BMi. Ocean.
" If the inhabitants of the town were
filled with astonishment at the sudden
ness of their captivity, these men were
D troit, and (hat the dsn ncu was left with the eiii
l 'n, whi weio m 'tl French. M. Gtbauh, the
pris', reality unJcrtvk an emhis y to t ie post,
and lo b'ing nva the p'l.fle to ihe Ameriein in
te e's wiih ut 'be tr iubl anl m . f an inv
. . j : l .U- .l
on secrecy, several conterences were ana spies wno were on mo which y
held with the governor and council, to a consequent ambuscade, and by find
whom Clark divulged all his plans, and ing the forts he intended lo conquer,
answered all objections. To bring the prepared to give his troops a warm re
subject before the legislature would de- ception, and dictate terms of capitula
rnt ihonhiiri f,f tVm'ir ntniiHiiinn tho tion. Fnr the most nart of their route.
success of which depended so much on they found the game upon which they torn, (for they had no change of appar- ,ni.
secrecy. depended for subsistence and the water -muir ucarui oi in ree ana tour attwk m Mu-Tht Nt Orkm pi-
" The result of these conferences was scarce. On the third day, John Saun- 8 growth, and, as Clark states in eiyurie of the 8t t, ,te, Atl , man nirn, j
full approbation of the project; and ders, their principal guide, got so be- his journal, they looked more frightful Edatd irginsrr.vd there in U.aship Echo, and
Patrick Henry, George Wythe, George wildered that he could not direct their and disgusting than savages. a. ma on ihe L.v.e by two n e-young men."
Mason and Thomas Jefierson, like true course. Suspicion of a design to be " Some minutes passed before the They achanned the usual compl mrnis of aaluta
patriots and worthy sons of the Old Do- tray them instantly arose among the deputation could speak, and then they tion with the tuanger asked if i.e dul not Uh
minion, pledged themselves in a written rnen. and they earnestly demanded that felt at a loss whom they should address to be ahown a iW. nt boardi g boos- said they
obligation, that, should the expedition fie snuuia be put to death. Alter wan- as commanaani, ior mey saw no diner- weio ve y c ntfortubly oituat.d, and the e !
prove successful, their whole influence dering over the prairies for a few hours ence in the personal appearance be atiiii room f .r one more in ti e h u T;.y !
should be employed with the legislature he recollected the course, and on the tween the chieftain and his men. cpull introduce Mr. H.Raina. and after a. emg the
to obtain a bounty of three hundred fourth of July, 1778, they arrived with Finally, the priest, in the most sub- bousehe might th.njudg- for himself. Heagreed;
acres of land for every person who in a snort uisidnm ot iv.tsKasKia, ana missive tone and posture, remarked and thev ld him on down to the lower end f Gi
. . ' .1 I .A iti.mco I'M ! n l I ....... . .
cuutcareu v.i.....,v.. . vi, , ,u wuuuj that the inhabitants expected to be rodeireet. Here the Pro r atanl ren eu e.ugnuue
until night, when they again marched, separated, perhaps never to meet again, .tra .ger'a eye they dilated on ihe oven." and
" Colonel Clark now divided his and they begged through him, as a many other of its piculiariiiea, and delt at aom
force into three parties. Two of these great favor from their conqueror, to be length on the rphbpb ol one who died young,
crossed the river and repaired to differ- permitted lo assemble in tho church, lovely, and a airangerl At their solicit. non Hig-
, lie, and directing Clark to raise troops ent parts of the town, while the third offer up their prayers to God for their gim went to see it, and while stoop.d dou decy
and proceed to the defence of Kentucky took possession of the fort. Kaskaskia souls, and tuke leave of each other, ph ring it, the viihans attempted t wurdei him ty
the other private and confidential, di- then contained about 250 houses. Per- "The commander observed, with sinking him on the head with biukr..u. Wbili-
recting him as a mode of defending sons w ho could speak the French lan- apparent carelessness, that the Amcri- insensible they robbed bim of bis pocket-book, bjt
Kentucky to attack tne urmsn posts at i guage were ordered to pass through cans did not trouble themselves about I we obliged to fle eie they bad tiwe to aesp.wn
tvasKasKia. i weive nunareu pounas the streets and make proclamation, ine religion of others, but left every I him. I he rascals were ownakan and brought to
in depreciated currency, was advanced I that all the inhabitants mu-t koop with-1 man to worship God as he pleased, that juture.
ing a crowu of jo we lei brilliants t' a' wil iiovs.
loose ttieir lus r. 1 Amerie in Scut ittL
Excellent Hints to Mechanics.
There is so much truth, wholes ine sdviee nn l
gnod s n e in the following, whuh we extrc frim
an exc-tanae, that we c.n ot atoid g vtn ii a
place in oute i omn-t "Av id giving l nje'edis.
A ni'.n who en py
vrn.vour le t c letomer.
would volunteer and serve in the expedition.
"On the 2d of January, 17 78, two
sets of instructions were made out by
the governor and council the one pub-
n. This was aUo ful. a .d in a tew d ivt
far more astonished at the personal it, American fl.g was dupiajel .n h for, and
appearance of Col. Clark and his sol- Captun Helm app. int-d to the command, much to
dlCrS. ih'Jir Clothes WCre dirtV and IK. .i:rilu .,..1 r ,n. rrn-tio i . f lh i,ai:.L.orir. i I , ntth.nlt vou for thadl.V t nd tluclt.
' - . . - ,
doubtful pavniter ia not too valua' le lo a CU t
m r to dtt thzrply and ttesonubly . A fl h may
as w II ait-mpt to live wit out water, or a rn-ti
without air, as a nvchstiie without punrt inl y al
promptness in eolleriinii and pving hla d-b't. It
it a mi isken and rui'ious policy t sttempl to keep
on ai d get but n-asby I'eVmg coll. cions. hen
ou lo s a si ck pamst r I . in our 0.1. ymi
only lot ihe c'.ianco if lot ng y ur mom y and
the e is no mm wb pit i. Tj r on y lo lawr
man ho who I- least pioiopt .0 colhci g fo. h in
. If." flu... Octt.
Cltawg ersd tug, the Stameee Twins.
A coiiespondeiil of lha "I'snne-sew Mirr..r es-tt
In a 1..W txur.iou in Noith (Jar-1 nj. be t
vit lo Cbsng and Eng. 'heir ret dence in
Wilk county, 1H " ilea ejst i f Willi -borough. He
say- they speak their opinions on all ul j.-cts fiee y.
though in moderation, olid in ol ui t Hie decid dy
Wh g. 'hey hate t.k.n neefary s ep to tcoipa
liaiualsed, toat they m ght trijoy the riitht of suf
frage and ci'tten.hip which light of sutTrr.g they
for lite first time exercised in lha contest f'l Got.
rnor -ecb one easiing hU vr.U for Moiebsad, tba
Whig ctiidiiiiH for Gosmrt
arit Taiiiso. Some people have an idea that
earlv lin nj a be ter thin la'e rising. It is a Cilae
i.'e ther irly riair.g puts color in'o the
rh k t be su-e, eb st'e ty i' to he step. But what
of t at! It ii akre ou strung, beaut ful, and rosy
e' eeke.l, snd giv.t y a msnv lo.g er to live.
But for nil thit, -s'ly li-tng i ileeidedly vulgt-
mire'y roe-Vin:ry eiJ nn'y uitl to 'he omroon
propli1, wl.obave tn es'n their m-'als 'ef re they
eil ihem. We like lo sre ee' le 'ie a d I'll ten
o'.lxk. a' lesst trpte aVy the women. Wi ad
mire a woman who a'ee a lill Un so I then g'ta op
wi h a p le face and fer.r d pulse IT LOOS!
SO CENTE El.! Cultivator.
DisiriTs o A"vtaiTt K arniothtea ntv
made a sk Iful mariner, NritUer do uninterrupted
pri peii'y and suceeas qn dify a ram Ax ufoliiea
or ha, p i ess 'Ihesto m ot aJver.i y, like tbe
at im. if ih ocean, aroi se the facubie and excite
I'.e i: "en.i oi. i r J eo -e. skil . and fort lu-a of lha
v .jagtr. I be maritit .nd conftort of entieol
tiuns, in britci g ibeii nunit lo oaiwtrJ ealemit. a lo linee of porpoae, a noil beruitrn.
lbs: waa worih a life of aofineaa and eecurity-.
Chrittain Enquirer,
I wonder wht mikes ay iye so weak I" ii4
a tonp-lock to a gentleman. ibi otb day, Why,
th j are in' a weak pi see," reph.d the gentU
A f iend aaid be saw a f.nce madt of auct.
ei coked rails, that every time a pig crawU4
throug, h eaaae eut c tho tirat fide.