IMPORTANT PROOFS, ' Of the efficacy of Dr. Hartich't Vtkbratcd Mil!- v -' einei. ." . The following ctrtiflcate win urn I by Mr. F.. B. Ilinman, agent at Cincinnati!, Ohio. There can le no. mistake in it, at (hp pailiea are will known. ' Mr. Eackiel Rigdou, of Ander.rm town-hip, Hamilton county, Ohio, wbscvcibI days troubled with hill. us affections, acidity of ihe stomach, at tended with the usual symptoms of dyspepsia, ami having madn Hint of various medicine without , ti tiling relief, wa cu-ed by tliu above med citu s. , Attn, E.RIGDON. ' Cii ciniisti.Jnne !iOth, 1810. , YET I. ATE 15. Mr. Vance, of Washing'nn eoitfi'y, wri es s fid'ows Deur Sir Dr. Huilich's fnV art pe'lorming some of tliu moat wondeiful cutcsitfths vicinity ever heard of. They wero i.ilroduocd hoie all ut six months ago, by one i f hit neiglibots, who bought it half diy.:Mi packages tram the Pittshiing ollice. I om owaie of f.iur ciscs ti.lhis ptaee where complete lnvu been per f irmoJ, i. iip of severe ihcuinalMti, two of e!yp-psia, "U one of a moal shecking and aggravated nee vou complai..t, often rr live ve yeurH utan.linn I mih! fin enclosed five dollars; pit are tifow.rd .pills for that amount by the bearer, William Ward, A Meet JOHN VANCE. Ju'v 27. 1840. N. 11. The above corlific ites, compan-d with the vrtf in.nv t..ta.lii ftpnivnit it :,i,itit ti.iidt fil.i. -J J - .' " - J ....... ...... einee ihose similarly afll clod, that thry can yet he rchcvid by ti t" (in' i f these liiv.dua' le medicines. Priinip.d iliiee, No. 19, North Eijhlh atncl Philadelphia. F, r le bv HKJXKY YOXITIEIMER. Or-tolier 24, 1840. Agent. D YSPEPSJA ! D YSl'E P. Si A ! That irouhlotomo and ieoce-ih'siroying (license .l b tusaiu's and tens of thousand Miffer from that comm m distressing complaint. Disprpsia in frequently cuusid ly overloading or distending the stomach by excessive eating or elrii.king -initios'. itue and acrid substances t. ken into the, or from long continued constipation of I lie bowls, a sedentary life, fear, grief, anxiety, copious draft of cold water, drastic purgative medicines, dyscn tery, miscarriages, intermittent und apasinndirj of fcclions of the stomach and bowls, iircgular meals, late hours, and too frequent uso of spirituous liquors. The symptom of dispepsia may lie described aa wnnt of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious one, nausea and eometinvs bihnus vomiting, sud den dnd transient distensions uf the slomacn ufer eating, acrid and putresent eructations, water blush, pain in the region of the stomach, c s.iveti tr, p.d jiitntion of tho beHit, dizziuta and diuinea uf the iitut, duturbed rest, tremura, mental ilmj.omli nry, l',, apjms, nervous irrililiility, ili.l ii c-s, it'.ownrsa of complexion, grejt i pprcsniou allot i ting, languor and general debility, sick heud ahc, CURE At the head of all remadics tunda Dn. l!ULicu'a Com nil' mi Si iiksu i tirsisci Tunic ...) Uckmax Apfeiiikkt I'illi, which act great i, ii pin the . eiint. .Hie motion of the iiitcsliuea, i.i M by producing reguljrity of tho bowls, at ti e .no lime improving the luiulioiu of the liebihtal- ' o gans, iliua inv'g'trating und,ig the di-;T-'.ive mgHiia to a healthy action. Tun nicJic ne .1 m f iln in producing relit f. i'ull and ixpicite dhections acrrmjinny the ' vemeditiur. l.ikewitu a pamphlet which di i Ii ilieisei. the in inner of treating, fee. i Hue pie I'llica fur Ihe Uniud Slates, No. 19, EIGHTH ST..UET, rinla.lelph a. HENKR YOX 1'HEIMER. October 21, 1840. Agent. WHO are troubled wiih sick headache, pain in i -ide, breast, and back, loss of appetite, lUiulen- !uwnera of spirits, palpitation of llie heait, fuiiit i i or giuliiic:M, sickne-s at the nl nn.ich, bil.ous lions, tigiitucss at the chest, n-aisi a, vnmititu, n e in the fctoimich, flushings ofhenl, hi d child i i. diseases uf die nerves, and org ins i f iligo.-li.'n, etc., thcai! who may be tbua alii c. id, slionld . I neg ect to pr cure Dr.'t Cumpoutid Strengthening Tunic and Oeriuun Aperient ', .'inch hro vv ..i ran It'll to give iinni' d.ati! relief. Tiiou.-andM i'o weulmost ihulj behold, wlm.-e nun lenance and pile eimui.iteil cheeks bear i ocular witness to sr. hue s ,uid nfllulion. Cuul 1 tho c pertoiib bo pertuadi d to use ibis invuliiublv medi cine, tl.ty would roon find their weiik iiinl tie' ill a led fr. lines niei.fjlili iieij, the r minds ennip sed, and all p iiii, unJ ib.-in'!. i!nen troiu tliu t);rin, when I. e i o ly vm!I ani.i r. iie.v i s 1 -l vinr, und ; ut L.ii u im.v hie," . n.l de.ith f ir u while be de 1 liv. 1 of iu pn y. Whit hat te i;l id t' lie..., .i t eir '.'--'r nlutivis lii. ..ds iia ched us i: by inag t Irmu ih.t fil.d dentoyci Death yi' v l.o me ui.d. r uis . ue nut uiiniiiei i'.:y i r iiibi ps witi.uui ii g 'hi- luwiiicine, uM ii. i ; a I'.nj ii ty nl iu. 1 11 1 1 a pi mi. in ii. t e.i.e. At d.l ure dinirous ; and il ch.iu.e ,i nejieu cJ, us i. va s u.ll doubly lu cre. S'. (Xj 'i'r'i'i t Ot'i, e the United St ites, No. 19, AGKTil EKillTH a ree-, wheie rrrconin en i.d ii.i s ..I iiiiiiibe. of pirs'iis rn iy be. ne.i, ull ol which luvo bten cuic.l .r U'lnTiiied by the in il:cne HENRY YOXrUH.MKIJ. Oder 21, 1310. Agent. SICK.iESS. i II THE m .t.y permiiis llint we d lily la hold, w! .i e e. anil, naiieis a. u I'.iil luni k I'ti.oie i Iil.i It'll.' wl.ic . we fi. J bin. piini ipaliy orig iiiltd f. inn tii'thel of p .mt te!iadiu ut the coniliieiicviiient i f sickness. . Al liist inc pu'ii nt cnui I.iiik of title on the loin.-,ch ulieiidej w.tli,custirufi3, r., ho negiicl 1 1 procure proper lu Ju ine ; at leu h he compUina of pain in the side end s oiiuch wiih aour cruet ii inns; his appitite leronis i.npaiitd, bis rest troublerouie, his iminl harassed, und ail things around bun appe ,r not in their proper stntion. He still neglects himself, when in nil probubihty the disease tuuy at leuth be so fast s. atnl ilut t,o medical aid will replace him again. Al the fust attack of sickness there should be u no lime lost" in procuring Dr Harlieh's rovroi.sD stkkutii io ArEMiKST f ills, which inline Jialely tc moves bile troiu the stomach, obvtuto coi-tiveness. remove disorders in the Lead' invigoralo the mibd, tareiigun n tua Imtly, tnipiove the uieuiory, and en liveti Uie inia8ii. i0Q ; thus rtsloui.g lliu body again to Us proper functions. Principle (Vtioe, No. la, NORTH EKiHTH street, ruiiaueipiua. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Oct-Ur 84, 1640. Agfnli TO THE .1FPLICTED. THOE who are sulT ring from various dilates incident lo Ihe I union family, would do well to procure Dr. llarlich'e Compound Slringthening and German Aperient Pille. which irs so me. eminently reccommenJed for Dyipepsia, I.tver Complaints, sins in the side, buck and bressl, JNervious Arl' clions, Hea.UAehe, and all the die ee a ol the Stomach and Uowls. - Pamphlets may be obt .ined grstts, which contain full and explicite -directions for uing. The render is referred to se crai very interesting cirtillcales of cures in this paper, which may be relied upon, as they arc taken from lbs original. For sale al No. 19, NOR I'll EIGHTH street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, October 24, 1810. Agent, -MORN POSITIVE PliOOF ' Of the efficacy uf Dr. llarlich'e Cnmpntnt Strengthening and Uermcn Aperient I'dlt. AiLttoHiat, Jan. 8, 1840. To Tr Hnrllrh's Aaent Sir: I wish lo slate for tho benefit of ilm r who may be afllicted, that Dr. II aii Lieu I'ills have emiirly curtd me of Dys pepsia, of whieh 1 have been afll clcd for many years. I tnteil Itnih kin.'s, the Aeiieiit and Slrenglh eninir, and I urn innatr linej to rtay, that tiny a'e v.iludhie ili-e ivery, an. I act upon the system mildly, btit very i Ihciu iliy. I found the Tonic pill to quicken the circu ution and cause dvtermination tn the, aed to Ktiengthen the we k ttomach and increase im power.. Tho Aperlci.l p.l's . ro tho lust calhuriie I etrr usnl. t am confident all l)yf IK-ptics would d i we I to make immediate Ir al and lie r lit-veil. Any one cm ca!l at my house and be s.iti.-Gjd of the above ut pleasure. DAVID R. POPE. N. H. The original certificate may be seen ar t!ie i lliee of the " f pir.l of the Tinns." For sale ut No. 11, North liig ilh street. HENRY YOXriIEIMER, " October 31, 1840. .Igcnt. LIVER COMPL.11ST. - THIS diseam is discovered by fixed ohtue pain in the riht side under the short rib, attended with heat, uneasiness ftliuiit the pit of the slouideli; ih. ro is in the rilil side ulso a ili.nlriiilon ; the p i tient loses his appetite, mid becomes i-iek and troubl ed ni:h vomit ng. The tongue becomes rough and bbick, tint countenance chances to a pale ot citron ei.b r. or yellow like tho. e uflliclcd lib j iUu dice, ilillieully of b-eiilhing, diturb-d rc-t, ulieudei w.lh a dry cough, dilliculiy of laying on the left aide, iho Ii dy l ecnnes weak, and li ia ly the disease le'iniii iti s int i i.iio ber of a mote (.rrious n .hue, tthii h In all prolmbiliiy is far beyond the power of hum tn skill. Dr. IhtrVch s ( onip tinid Strength ening Tonic and (Jciman Aperient Pifls, ii U k. n at tho commeiiceinei.t uf ill s dis use, will chei k it, at:. I by continuing the use ol the iiu itirii.e a few weeks, a peifeet cure will bo pcrfoiined, can li rtify to this fact. CerlilUans i f many perrons n ay daily be an n oftheellic cy uf this invaluable mciiieuic, by apply inir at the Medical OHiee. No. 19, NOHl'lI EIGHTH st.cet, 1'h ' lplna. HbNKY YOXniEIMEIt. O.tcher 24, 1310. A-cnt PRIXCII'AL UEASOSS Why Dr H AHl.ICirs Compound Strengthen ing and CJertnan Aperient Pills i.reu-K il by till elnt ces of people, in pnference to oilier Mediciuis, l e caufe they a.e prep.ired from a pure tztracl if hcrtu, a wholesome medicine, nnhl in its operation and pleasant in its cflVct the mof-t certain pieteivcr of health, a safe and eflcfi ual cure of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, an I all stomach comphinls, a resrrver on.) puiiliei of ll'.o whole system. Ueeause f ey s iodic the nerves of sensibility n. d foitify th': nerves of motion, imparting lo their ue si subtle lluid its prit-tine tone, thus (jiving sirength and clearness of in lid. Because they never det.oy the coals of the sto mach and bowels, as all strong purgutives dr. liorause science and experience teach us that no mere purgative alone will cure tho disease of the rtomach and nerves. Weakness is the primary ciusc of a host ol d'seases, and, by contiuuilly it-, sorting to Drastic purgutives, you make the disease much worse, instead of letter. liccause Dr. Harlieh's Med'cines are put up up on the common sens riiiciila, to "ela ,n sirengtbcn," which is the only course to pursue to effect a cure. Lastly, Ueeause these Medicines really d i cure the dis ease (or which thry are n commended. Principal I till e for the United States, is at No. 19 Noith Eighth street, Philadelphia. HE.NKY YOXIIIEIMER. October 24, 1840. .4''c;i. TJiUTJl WILL PREVAIL. Dr. Harlieh's medicines are daily iucrcis'ng in pub ic favor, and want Iroin any but a trial to tstublidi their won Ii. We hive a communieatiou in our colu mis to-diy from a p. rson long awicted, which is but one of m my vouchers fur tins medi cine. Sj,irit of the 'ft met. BOSTON NOTION, THE LAROEST.1XD CHEAPEST KL PAPER IS THE W ORLD. fllHE spirit of the age is utilitniin. Improve R. im nt is st nppeJ upon the lace of every thing. Ail the useful arts are pror iMmj with unp .riuilel eil rapidity, and the Art of Prititi. g is coming i:, for its lull Miare i f the cotiuno i improvement. Detenu ed not to be outdone in any linn thai pei t iina to hi. pr. fission, where there is a hi r cnam e for cxeilton and cnterprne, the uuderiiiiied has de termined up in isi inij a hiei twice the sin of the Uoli.n Weekly Tun s, (and is to lake tho pi ice of that paper,) and w II c ii.lain e ghl columns more matter than the Uio her J.iin.ttiun. 'l bs hbei t wi. be cull d the UOSTON NOTION, ami it is il. that it sli.ill sost .in a eognomen s foil of meaning, and so interwoven with the esiah lull, it i har.ii t. r ut our l ai.Kee cnv. ll will t e l .e Laiiglst Niiwspacih m THK WotlLII with no excrpl o'i oid will be printed on a sheet ihir v s. en bv fifty-two inches. It will le ti led eminlv r "a.lii.g in .Her, and will roiilaiu Tlnee 'i'bou- sun I r.iuhl lluiiilreil ami l.Uli'y r.itil Kpi n'e inches, m 1 wen'y-Si veil npiure fie' ol print in Ii e type! and a s' number will more read ina than uu onliimry book uf Thicu Hundred pages, 'j'hese dimensions w ill t naldu Ihe publi-her lo diaw largely upon the mo.-.t popiiUt iH'riodiea s i.f the dav.bolh American and 1 oreigu ; und a- Ihe selections will be made wiih urea' care, il is b. licv ed t'nis paper w.ll bo a welcome Notion to evrry family, lieiddis a full synopsis of the rurirnt new. uf tho diy.) us published in the LI fct u D.ily Tunes,) il w.ll c n'uin Poetry, Populir Tabs, Theairii ul Criticisms, Police ami oilier Courl IU-port-. Humorous Articles, Ac. c. The wh ile uo.U of Li era' ure will le run-acked lo lill it. l iom the study of the pbilosophct dowu to the police courts, through all r gious of reason, poeuy, romance, wit, and the umplo record of folly, we shall (jlean fiuin the p nt and the present sn.l from all nations, to present as pleasing and Ustiul a combination of recorded thoitght and current hie t.ny, as ihe world cm Uip'y or inJustiy pioduce. This is our "UiisTos NoruiM." This great amount of srisdoni and fun of wil and philosophy ol novelties ami umiquiiies we are able to oiler, weekly lor six cknts er copy, only six cents! and we can da it because of the facili i of our press and (.ftice, and the connection of daily and weekly publications. For thuss uol- lss we can sell a ear's volume, i qu .1 iu uu intity "f matter, with every vuriity a'sn, lo Fifiy-iwo Vol ume or pjoveTs, such as are Issued from the press I this day. Fifti-iwo largo Vo'umra f.r Three Uolurs! Efloeteil all liv i:ioirovtil iii rhmcrv. miu! by ade. sriiiiumion that we will not be outdone iu eiueiprizn and Usefulneas 'I'k'OUs:. . .'... I ( llama, . altanvs in advance no oideia, no ii.atu rfrom what source, rs wii U" . . u u"lo,i Mcmpauied wiih the "' t-uiiiio t-t.ira six reins euch. Post Ma-lers or others remitting Twenty Do! lars shall have Eight copies sent to turn person, and places as they may tie ignalr. OEOKGE liOUEKTS, Publisher. GODE7'3 LACT'G BOOK Volunicff .aa K 3r tnlTID T MRS. tAMAIt I. HAt-K iXB MHfl It I) I A B. t ' t sinocasst. . THE only Mnp.nxhie In this country intended for the perusal of Female, that is idiicd by tin ir own sex. This la an important matter, and should bo boine i't mfnd l y thofe muher who in tond catering for their own, or their daughters' in struction and Miss E, Lkilis will have a contribution In rety number. fteneral Contents. "ne original largo slml Siecl Engraving, by A. T. Dick, in c.ich number; a Fashion Plate, c ilnred, (murk that,) every month , two pug s Music, (get cr.illy original ) In etch num ber; forti -eight pages Reading Mattif.' The Pictnriiil Department. 'The snmo attention lo thisdepaitment will be displayed. The splendid Steel Engravings, by A. I.. Dick, Esq., that gave so much satisfaction lat olnme, will be continued. Throughout this year Iha plates wilt he varied, ami embrace seiious nntl pleasing subjects, and olhers that will contain a dash uf humor. All tastes shall Is? consulted. In speaking of onr Enravir.p. we beg leave to call attention, the following published in List vol ume, via: Ww oTCon-ti. t n.iple. Schuylkill Wa ter Works, Tho Indian Maid, The Pdg'im, H ippv as a Kin;, The D. alh of I u itll. With ench of these we piildiheil a Fashion plite, containing ei ihet three or four figures beautifully and tatfliilly colo ed. Uiiiversdly n onouticed suneiior lo any other Mag a tie illustrations in this or any othtr country, lleautiful as they undoubtedly arc, we pronounce, without hesitation, that thoso for this year shall be supeiior. Tho engraving s!ia I al ways bd worth mori than iho price of sub cription W e d a not as m my of our cotcmpotaiiei do. who would scorn lo tell a verbal falsehood, poss olF se cond It md pi ites as oiiginal. Ours are undoubted ly so, aid the designs stlrrted by ourselves, and they w.ll be continued throughout the year. It will be seen l y tills advertisement, ih t every tlftrl lias been in u!e by the pro ii tors i f this iv.nk, 10 make it sup nor to uiiy olocr in America; and as u Nkw Yiaii'k Oirr, the I.sdy's 15o .k is pro I a'i'y the most pr tpcr thai could In; de.-iicd for In dies, edited by their own vex, and ass'sted us Ihe E.litorl.d Department is, ly the Pictorial Embellish luviils, it is po.-i'ively the I'aui.oimi Co.MrAMo.y. The Litcrar; D partiitciU is placed under tha supe. intend nee of Mils. S,iiu J, Hilk and Mil a. l.rniA H. Sinoi'iiMT, two lathes so well known to the wo Id, that t.) inent on their nanus in con iu'; tio:i with any publication, is at once a su inn tee of its morality, v.rtuc mid trility. Of their ca pdi lity to conduct tho 1. ami's Uook, it is presu med no prison wi l doubt, and the proprietor men tions wi h pi a-ure, that m E iglish or Ani rcan M .i; zinc cm pi. hi s'.i in count cti.-n w i h its litera ry d p:tr in. nt, two iiaims so celebiatnl in the world of le tcrs. It will be cred Ihat Miss I.isi.ik contributes ti each number. The Mus'rol Di prtrlmrnt is u: tier the supt rin- 11 ml Mice of J, (i. Ositouh, lli iu wiijin no persjn is more cpahle of doing it ju t ec. (en nil Ventures. Literature, Tab a, Es.ivs, I .emends, Romantic Incidents in Hist ry, Extracts !r m the Did Poets, Reviews, Pot try, I'liinle Elu l atmn, Embellishmt nts, Fashions Colored, Lace, Embroidcrv, Fuc les, Music, cVc, Ac A grcil deal of curiisity is eficn cxpte a d to ce tiie Chi rogr. phy of celebrated persons. We shall enJ.a tor so fir a lies in our oaer to gratify this feeling, by giving from lime to time, correct im Uiions of the most celebrated Female w nlcrs i f the day. 'IVatitniim on by Mail One advanlsgt, the sub rentiers ot tsii Wwh win hrt' it rsily recep tion. It will be ri icived at the remotest cities ol ihe Union, by thefirtt day of the mouth i f pul lica tion. Business D-.'parlment. The price of the ubli ca'ion is tii u 1 1 nui.LFus per annum the money tube psitivily reec ved belore a number is icnl. No lel'ers will bu tnkeu from ihe Po-t Ollice, un less I lie postage on them is paid. Unless pisiiive orders ure given at iho lime of t-tbscr.b ng, tlie wirk is continued after Ihe liist year, and if not paid du- ritt?- the year, the puce will be Ii creased lo Koch II.LHIIS. We si. II continue to furnish Waitf.ii Pchtt's Novlls c.impl to und the L ni's D..ox one ycur, for TLN IIOLLAHS. For the of persons wishing ta sub scribe for uiiy of the fo lowing publication (.ita- h.iins Muj z no !i .tuuliy louncr rs.iuinl.iv (.'hro. i 'le Ali'Xinibr's Weekly Mt ss.-ni r, or tS .luulay Evening Post they wi l be f inished Willi the 1,4111 s LiOjK, and any one ol llK.-e pub- lira ions one yisr, ipon iho iicciplif live uoL- laiis, pa. U io paid. L A OODEY. 211, Cht nut &Wte, PhiLdttph'a. The ISrothrr .lonathaii. THE largest and ino,l leautiful newspaper in the wi r.d larger by tiny aipAue inches tl.un any other new spa, er hi the I'tuieJ S a es. Published Saturday, al I fit .ass.iu stieet. New York. Price three dollars ycai two copies for five dol lata. The propiit tots of this mammnih sheet ihe (Jreut Western" the newspspers have the pleastiic of a, reading la-fore the leading pubt c a we kly periodical containing a greater u in unt and variety of useful and inter sling mis cell liv, than is to be found iu any similar publica tion in the woild. Kadi number of tho pu;er contains as I rge an, unit i.f leading m a'.ter as is found in v, .tomes i.f. rdinsry i!u d.eiuio, which e st $1 and inoie b in is eon'aiin d in ti volume ol I vnig's Colum. bus i r Dantrofi's History of Ameiiea, which co l f'.i a volume rnd all for i'lir'-e Do l.irs a year. Fot i'i two copies will be forwaidcd one ycur, oi one cony two ers. ' Since the publication oloui oiie; n .1 rrnsprctns, the ISr'dtaii has been I..M.A Ht LU ami Us s re, amply I tfore, has been sa much int reusid. ih, a much m ire t an ihe I inner nil n.nty ol the most inteit stiiig liieiatutc of ihe d. y is eiubiuced iu aa immense ly. H. Iit l oils from all the in l iToimnei.t und celebrated wr.ler ot Iho Jay aavei in swelling ituconients and whairvei is new, iich, r raie. is imediaiely iratisf, lied lo iu ci luiniis. A.I lint ct'iiliibulioiis lo ptriudicals i.f American writers i.f repute appear iu its pier; and ihe issues of tti" foteigti are laid UinUr c inli.l)U ions, as soon as reci ive I in this caiuliy. 't o itie uiscelluiicous and Literary Di parlinint, the cb test niientioii i. Paid; and in ull llie selections unu urminui eoniut u lio s, striit caie ia devoted to avo.d all ihil may touch upon the opinion of any purty iu region or politics. Lx. eriunce having taught us tii't we nail maik td out a path f ji our.-elve, in h eh ail sorts of people deliihti to tolbiw, ihe Uri.ther Jonathan shull continue, a it begun, t be a Imltl, gent e wei hly, light, giave, menv, serious, witty, smooth dat.hiug, inuri sua, inspired, aid incomp irable newspaper. It shall be a stupendous minor whaie- In all thd world will stann r. tl, cuil. ll snail con tain the lil.sil beautiful of Novels, Komalices and Siories for bolh sexes Fairy Tules for lovers of Ihe marvell .us Legends for aiitiuuaries f annul nudes for wit niong. rs Nuts and raisins for short winded readers-Serenades for inu.ical lovers bon nets for Ladies eiiliment for olj bachelors tSU lislics for politicians and Lectures, Kermons, I'rin cisiua, Epigrams, &c, eve, dec , for all ihe world Lelier should In addressed to WII.H .N c COMPANY, Publshat f Ihe " brother Jonathan" -V. V astoyisiiiau icni:im:. FOUR THOUSAND NEW RUnsCKIBERS IN TWO MONTHS 1 tl Wukst wr first purchased the old anl well known establishment of hi Sal urday I cnliirT Post, we sta'Ctl that the paper circulated so widely a. niong the Mrady, rending portion of ihe United Whites, that we entered upon our It bors with full confidinc' of iho futuie. Our success has siure been beyond our most sanguine expectation, nsour weekly rictipts overbalance those of any colenipo tary aper. Our lift has continued to swell up, with unexampled rapidity, and we have the confi dence, thai at the present rate of increas", we shall be enabled in a few month to boast of more than 35,000 subscribers ! When we commenced our lub rs, wv announced distinctly, thai the tone of the paper should be decidedly moral, and that nothing shou'd be adm tied into our columns, which the most f is i lious father could disapprove of, and dr. term ned that aa an approved Family Paper, it should not contain a paiagruph, with the spirit of which a parent would not wish to have a daughter familiar, and we therefore, with this view, announ ced that no tlii notices should appear in our Columns, and that we should lie opposed to theatres as things calculated to injure the healthy action of an hi nest mind, as creative of exhibitions demo ralizing in tendency, and fearfully pernicious in fact. There were not wanting blusterers, who madt! a great parade of opposition, an l Croakers, who predicted our speedy downfall, but we threw nuriclves upon the sober, rational and cxpericnci-fl poition of tho pe.tplo of the United Stale for sup pint, and wc have been nobly sus'aine l. Wo thought and expressed the opinion, thai howt ver creless many nvght be upon this subject, thai few, even if they did not entirely disapprove of such cnteitaiiiinenU, cared about having the grots details forever paraded before the eyes of their children, and tho sickening and nauseating e .loey of all kinds of characters made familiar to their mindt. We d. teriniiicd also, lint while the paper con tiiimd under our Contri 1, it should he str etly neu tral in polities, and that as news and li'eiury jour n li sts we had milh ng to do with the in illcr ; this dett'rmi' ation has In en strictly and rigidly adhered lo, and while we shall continue to give our reid rs such pul, he document as may be deemed of inte ristto nil, und such a I istory of the progress of polil cd events, as ore strictly in keeping with our duly, und the character of the paper, we shall slu di uis'y and thoroughly avoid any contamination of pap ti n pol.tics. The paper it now printed in a n w and beauti ful type, h is received Ihe praise uf many editors of t ,Mc, us 'the hand.-oinc.-l family sheet in ih Union.' Our elfirls h ive I een directed to the combining of beauty and simplic ly w ith utility und lu te. The Post ia printed oil a i-tout pnpir, ren dering it neat and durable for filing. In addition to ih'se cITi.rts toward perfection in the mechanical department, and extirior of our pa per, no lubor. and no cost been spared in the do velopement of inlelbctual strength. The present variety of inteics'ing tales, original, from fore:gn and domestic magazines, together with the valua ble eotitr.bu ions of our own circle of literary friends w ill continue to give inteiest to ihe paper, while everything important and worthy of note i nuppens in the O.d World or the Ne'v, ahull be co h ctt d and collated for the taste of oui rca dirs. I.n.litV r.ftsrlment aliall alwH be choice and st bet, and shull receive strict attention, while tuch tilings as may iuU'tcst our juvcuilo leaders, t,ud thai iiupoitiinl nud large class of our reailtrs, the Fa, m. r will not be overlooke d. In order to gratify, as much as possible, the laudiblc dt'Mie of our country reade.s, a portion of our attention will l e dev. 'ted lo the collect! n and dilTusion of such News, Memoranda, Tables, Fac's, Ilin's, iVe. us may seem iini'ottant to agriculturists, and the pop uh lion resident without ihe conlines of our great cities 'i he state nf the m iikeis ami the lluciua lious in Ihe prices will be reguloily and whul is of more moment, c. rrcclly gien. We have i'Vt r been opposed to tho constant hlus'.t-r and parade made by somo editors, about Ihe excellence of their laneis, and have n solved that the Satutd y Evening Post, shall be conduct ed, us to speak fir ile'f. Our reidets will ulways fi it in its columns the earliest and mc?t authentic information, rs well as the most eboico and iileitaining liteiary muter. We hrve I -tally d sordid the syrtein ol li'ling the p-ier wi h quack advertisemei ts, but pnfer giving u re d, is Iroiu week to witk, enteituitriiu ri u.l- g matter. And we f el as-ure.l lhat we shall be no losers th, reby, as but few readers cue shout having a pa; er ti led with descriptions of these nauseating com pound:-'. 1 he Saturday I' ventng Post, will be furnished for J3 per annum in adv nee, or one copy three ears f, r $."), To those who wish lo sub.-tribe for a Philadelphia Magaxine, we will furnish a copy of the Phil.ide'pbi i Ci kit, and two copies of the si for one year tor j free ol pastage ami dis count. N i New Subscriber received without the Money. To iho-e who wi-h to subcrilie. we would say, h it the safe-t pi in is to enclose the money in a Iter and direct lo us. Most iiostmaslers will frank their Utters if relutlng lo nothing but the busintss of the ollice, and all postmai-ters who will ha kind enouiih so lodo, we shall be pleased to uc- know.cutie as agen'a. Adtln ss 'JEOKGE R. On All AM .t CO. No 3G Guild's Alley, Philadelphia, HAZARD'S UNITED STATES CO.MMERCIU. AND STVIISI ICAL RKGISI EK. Cotiiuiuing doc- uuieiits, ficts und otlur u-eful ii.f I illation, ihustru tive of the bisloiy mi l resources of iho American Union, and of e .ch Suie ; embrueii g commerce, in iiiufactu-e, aiii uUu:e, inti ruul iinproveinenU, banks, currency, ll .ami's, education, Ac. &.C. Edi ted by Samuel Hazard. Publi lied eeery Wi duenlay, at 7!) D ck street, he price lo sub.-crihcis is f 5 per annum, p yable on the ti i-t of J .iniaiy of each year. No subscrip tion received for less than" a year. Subscribers out of I hi) principal cilit a lo pay in advance. MURE CU.XCLUXIVE PROOFS, Of the efficacy if Dr. Ilarlich't celebrated Midi cine. Dkiii Sin : I was stll'Ctcl with a I ilious and nervious disease to a very alarming degree, with all the symptom which so frequently i fleets a re- I .....1 .,.1 ii. , ii vi , ii i.lilinpss ill IliA bcnil. vinl nl tremors, chilliness, with a fixed pain in the light side, comnlexion bail, and rosuvenies; indeed wssll most miserntila eanuitinli. I nad triexl many remedies, but found no permanent telief un til I had putchased Dr. llarlich'e compound ttrengthening ami Herman aperient Piils, which from their supeiior vutues, 1 wac completely cured, and am aide to pursue my employment, free from pain and disease, (signed) JOHN LiULES. Dated Xeuiu, Ohio June 7 , IHIO. Principle Oil'ice for Iho United Stales, No. 19, North EIGHTH STREET, Pbiltd.lphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER October SI, 1810. Ag nt. The riiilnih lpliia Casket. UNPARALLELED &UVCESS! i 1n0SPECTUS or a itaw VoirMit. The great increase in the subscription lisl of the Gasket sincn the first of the year, warrants the most extensive improvements on the first of July next at which lime a new volume will be com menced wiih increased vigor. Nothing need be aaid of tho firm basis on which the Casket stands, jt being already the oldest magazine in the country. TYPE E M II E LLI 3 II M E N TS. The Ca lent is printed with a cbar and silvery lype, upon the finest white paper. The illustrations uro not sui pushed by those of any periodical at homo or abroad ; and beside the monthly sleet en gravings, a quuncrly p ate of colored fashions has lately been added. The style jf these embellish ments is unequalled, and they are alwaya accom panied with an appropria'o sketch. No wood ruts tli.-gracc the woik. Whntever appears in ihe casket is uf the first order of the art. LITERARY CHARACTER. The literary cha'nctrr of tho Ca-kel ia well known. Il is wholly origin il. uf the highest Older, and sustaincl by WRITERS OF THE FIRST RANK. Essay, Tales, Sketches, and Trivets, compose its prominent prose articles; while ihe poetry is equalled l y that of no other magazine of like chainx-lcr. The variety for which the Ca ket is celel rated, shall sutler no diminution ; but on tho contrary, every exertion shull be made to in crease its interest. SEVERAL ROMANCES op Tim REVOLU TION have already appeated, and others shall follow in the con mi- of the volume, presenting when finish ed, a complete picture of the manner', and a his torical account of the great battles at lhat time. Thus, the Ga-ket, instead ofhting tilled with sickly sentimentalities, aims at a true d,t, mention of human natnicin every variety of pa-sion TIME OF PUBLICATION. Th'i Ciskct is published ell tho frit of the month in every quartei of iho Union- The mo.-t distjiit subsiilieis consequently receive it i n that day, as well as tho-e who reside in Philadelphia. In all the principal cit es agents have been cstab lbhc.1, by which means fubsriher can ubtuin their epics lice of postage, FASHION. The fishions oro pub ishid in the Casket qnar- ltrly,or as ofenatuny really nt w styles arrive from Paris. The engravings col, ned, i.iul executed from original designs No old, wwn out 1 1 ites aro retouched ami then puhli.-hid us the latest fisbions. The truth nf our designs may be tested by cempi ing theiii wi Ii the latrsl dcciip ion ol dress s from Loiitb.u und Parb. TERMS: Thkfk 1)oi.i.aiis per annum, orlwo copies fot Five Dou.ius. Published bv GEO. R. GRAHAM. 3ti Curler's Alley, I'hil.d. I' It o w V 12 c t i: UP TIIR JOURNAL OF TIIE AMERICAN SILK KO ClEl'Y, AND RURAL ECONOMIST. iniTF.n at oinKOx n. shith. THIS Journal was established by the American Silk Society, for the purpose of d.ll'u.-ing practical information on the cultcbe op silk in the United Slates. Il has now bein published one ytar.nml may lie consideted a woik of siaiidsrd character. Tho first year's publication, c unpiisiiig Ihe first volume, eontaines a mass of valuable inloiiii-tion, ami it will be tho olj et of the editor to make the second equal in ull rept ts, if not supenoi, lo Ihe first. Tue important fact is now eats' 1 is-1 x t d be yond any question, thai the people ol tliu United States can uiuko tilk cuXAPbu and uktti.h ihan any other nution upon earth. Il lies been provtd by uuinipcachabla testimony, th it the entire cost i if producing silk ready for ma ket, does not exceed TWO HULL ins AMI TWKXTI-l'IVE Ch.NTS PK1I em mi, and its lowest vidua is roi u hollahs and i n i r tt.s rs; ulso, that oxi aciik of ground plant rd ill mtirut muliicaulis, will produce the first )var tliii trees uie planted, nil icrr-i.n.ii e nil ud m silk, leuving a cicar profit lo the producer ol onk iii ami i n. ill DoLLAiis ! ll bus al.-o been proved tbal the ehildli ll and f, males i tuny farmer's f.inily can, with the gnate t possibb- euse, produce from lilty to u liuudrcd p unds uf nlk every je .r, wit'.iiiul uiiy cost whatever lo the expenses ot the farm uf er the are planted; "lid thir.fore, that the whole ot silk w ,11 1 e so much clear g .III, ,y from iH lo fli'O. With ihesj facts we sub mil to an iiiteil gi III people wedier it is not a grial and import oil object for tlu m to introduce the iul ture ol silk in eu ty farmer's family in the Uiiio.i. To i liable all our lariiier to make si k, the 'Joi n iHALoP Tin; Ami mica Silk Soiitn1 wasistih lisiied; it contains lain praclicul directions f. rti L TIVATIkU Ills THI ts, ri.llillli ulld HKAIIl V SILK woiiMs, HKi Li.Mi thk silk, and preparing il for maiket, cVc. besides ull ulhi r iliforiiiHliun ihulcan be r. quired to enable any pi rson lo enter up an the business, t i. lit r oil a large or small scale. Every Irieiul of his country, into wh se hands this paper may fa I, will be doing a patriot and philun.hropisi's work ly inducing his friends und inighhnuis to en ter their nanus upon the list ol subcn!)crS. 'I he J.iurnal of the Ameiiran Society is published moiiih v, in pa-i pblet form ; each numlcr c arums thitty-two octavo pages, printed on lo w lype and handsome paper, wnu a printed Colored cover. Truvs : Two dollirs a y. ar, or six copies for ten do'la s, a'ways to lie piid lie foro the work is sent. All subscriptions lo lieiu wiih the fitst num ber of theyeir, and immense will the wmkbesent to any subscriber longer lhan it thall have teen paid for. (Tj Nr. w- si' Bsc ii t at. its, who take the first and i i - :il 1.. l a .. I.. T .... II... second volumes, will be chatgi d only Tun it Dol- Ltns for the two years, lVorltN oi" A a lure. IX a stile of health thu intestinal csml may be computed l. a river whose W ate.s flow over the ad joining laud, through the chinncls nature or art has made, and impioves their qu .Iitics; and to keep up the comparison of the river, so lung as it runs on smoothly the channels are kepi pure und heallhy; but if by soma cause tho cour-e of the river is slop ped, then the water in thccannlsis lis long, r pure, but toon becomes stagnsnt. There is but cue law i f circulation in :atu e. When tin ra is a super, abundance i,f humorist fluid (sorority) in ihe intes t'tiul tubes, und coMivcness takes plsce, il ll ws back into the blool es-els, and infiltrates itself in to ihe circulation. To establish the free course of the river, we must remove the o' sliuctioiis w hich stop its fiee course, nntl tho e of its tr butary stream. Willi the body, follow the same natural principal ; fi move, I y lhat valuable purgative medicine lirun ditthj Universal Vegetable Pills, which are an ef- fi ctual assist nice of nature, the superabundance of I I Humors In the inlctine canal, uy per eering in this practice, tho w ays of the circulation will then be lestored to llie full exercise of their natural func tions, and a stats of health will I firmly establish ed Remember, never suffer a drop of blood to be taken from you- Evacuate the humors aa often and as long as they are degenerated, or aa long aa you are sick. Dr. Ursndreth's Office in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, NORTH EKiHTH stieet, w here his pill can bu had ut cents per box, with full dueclions. (Jj-Only agent in H. I). M 4ser Esqr. tuubuiy, Sept, 9, 1810, THE MOST POPULAR .1XD READABLE PEIllODWAL OF THE DAY I Itiirfoii1 Magazine, (THE GENTLEMAN'S,) AND AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW, "trMfll-L present its Sixth ami Seventh Vol Y v wn" 10 t,,e I'U'Tic during the course of . the year 1810. Terms, f 3 per annum, in advance, or f 5 for two years, or two separate Subsciiptions-, or ten copies for ?20, cosh. Printed in larjje octavo, ' white thick paper, good type, etc. Each number ontains as much matter as a volume of a novel; iho il ustrations are of llie fi si quality. During Ihe past yeir nearly fifty of the most superior Engravings, including three of Sartnin'a splendid Mezzotints, were engraved exptess j for this work. t Each number contains two or mora Engravings. New Designs, executed on steel, by the firal Artists, ' ure in progress for the coming vo'ume. The list of contributors embraces the names of most of the principal writers in America, wi-h a re avertable sprinkling c.f English authors. Oiigtnat articles have appeared during the l ist year fr ant tho pens nf the following Professor Ingrabam, author ol La Fiite; Pro. John Frost, Philadelphia ; Pro. N. C. lirooks, Baltimore; Pro. ('. F. Wines, Phtladi Iphia, Author of Two Years in the Navy; Captain Mirrymt, Author of Pe'er Simple, etc. ; fteneral O. P. Morris, New York; Le gh Hunt, England; Mis. Fam.y Kemblc Llutb r, Phil.; Psik lieniarniii. New York : l),.ul is Jermld. Encland : Jos-ph C. Neul, (Cha coal skelchcs,) The Ameri can Uo7.; Junes F. Otis, New York; R 8. Elliott, Editor of Harrisburg Inlelligimcer, Pa ; David Hofi'man, Ualiiinore ; Cnuiles Vesl Thomson, Phil adelphia ; Judge Tremper Dresden, iew Yoik ; John D.l Solle, Editor of Saturday Evening' post; Gtcnvil'e Mellen, New York; P. 13. Elder. Editor i f Columbia Spy, Pa ; The Author of "Slauly,'' M s. L. Sigourney, Hartfoid ; Miss Catherine If. Walernnn, Philadelphia; Mrs. Ann Sleohens, New Yoik; Ben--ori Hill, England, Editor of thj Neiy Monthly Mngi-xine; Dr. J. K. Mitchell, Phil adt'Iph'a ; James Moii'gomr ry, England; A. M'Mtikin, and E. Holdeii, Editors of Saturd ty Cou rier, Philadelphia ; .1. Ueaut-hamp Jones, It d imoie; I.E.Dow, Washington Ciiy; Mrs. E. F, Ellet, BoK'nti; Dr Thomas Dunn English, Philadelphia. The Steel Plaits ready for the present volume, arc Five Etchings by Ihe celebrated Ciuikshank. A Portrait of Mr. Vandciihulf, the trigcdinn, in the character of AdrasUjs. A Likeness of Miss an- dtiiholt, as Juii.t. The fJetr. of Hudson, one of the choicest specimens of American Scenery. A Potttiiil of William Cullcn Uryant, the American Poel. Another of Sartain's cxqtii-ite Mezzo'ints, of equal beauty to his plate of "thf. pf.ts,'' given in the May numbir of Burton's Magazine a pla'e a kn iwledgi d lo be superior lo any other illustra tion ever L,iveu in a peiiodical work. O her En gravincs of le s value accompany every number. tf j The public is requested I o observe that the ariiclcs appearing in burton's Magazine are written expre-sly for ihul work, nnd ure not scle.ted fiom daily or weekly popeis. The Plates ore also es pecially engraved, und arc; nol the worn-out refuse of Annuals, either English or A merle in. All I Iters sent, post paid to W. E. Uurton, Dock street, o p'tsile Ihe Exchange, Philadelphia. .To accommoJato our country fiends who may wish tn subscri!c fir our woik und any other Phil i, h Iphia periodical, we will receive a Pile Dol lar Uil1, postage one year's subscrip'ion 'o Uurton's M giizine and Goiley's L dy's Uook (also three dol ars a year) or the Saturd ty Courier, or the Saturday Chronicle, oi Alexander's Weekly Misseiiger. WILLIAM E. BUKTON. Publisher and Proprittnr, Tin: avoici,i. THE LARGEST. CHEAPEST, HAXDSO.V. EST. .1XD MOST COMPREHENSIVE NEWSPAPER. IS THE UNITED STATES. Ill IT til nr I'AUK. BENJAMIN AND LILS SAI1U t.T. 7ITH multiplied res urcts for r. ndcring tho al oiilii more valuahle than ever us a compendious newspaper and repository ol et. g .nt lilt-mure, we enter upon the sicond volume (toito) on the S-llh if October, d essed in a beautiful garb id Willi ttijie, cast expressly f r llie purpose. It will there-line be u lining lime to commence new subscriptions, as wi 11 as for the renewal of those hii h may then expire. During the first year nf the exis'ance of the Ni.w- WoiiLii, it has acquired a reputation and circulation supi rior to ony weekly piper in iho country ; and lias furnished to its subseritu rs, duiing I1 at peri d. (besides a I the current new s of the day, d ui'cstie am! loieigu) new an I va'u.ihle w. rks by Tnlfou-d, D'lsraell, Theiins Moure, Miss Mitfoij, Mis. James. ,n, C. Diikens, Ainsivorth, Knowles, Uul .ver, Mjiryat, and others woiks. which in L m el.'ii could not be purchased for fifty times the itmount uf the subsciiption price of the New W01I. I. In addition to works of interest by these eminent authors, it has contained ihe cream of the petiodical lileratuie of the day, us well as original ai lieles from the pens of some of the mst popular writers of America, among whom we may mention Miss Sedgwick, Orville Dewev, Professor Loncfi l- Ijw, the author uf "Yankee Notions," Sirnn.s, Strict, ifcc. cc. In po'ilicks we shall, as hitherto, maintain an armej neutrality. Our columns as heretofore will he unol jeclioiiahlo in a moral point of view. In ciiucism we shatl, in justice to the public, matitain a perf, ct indepen, e ven though we incur the vengf nee of ull the dunces- Wc s'.ialt, in conclu sion, earnestly st. ive to render our sheet not enly worthy uf ihe unparalleled lavour it has extierianc.-il, but of a conliuualiy extending circulation. W hile wc coin nun- lo fjini-h with all possible promtitudu the must uttractise liter lure of the day, we shall, us our means enlarge, afford that compensation lo na ive autnors, which may ind ice them to in ko the New World the medium for presenting lo the public their lust produ tions. Our excellent Lon don cor espondent will tie continued, and due at tention will t paid lo the comerc al, rgricullural hiiJ news departments ofoui paer. A QUARTO EDITION Of sixteen laign pages was commenced en llie sixth of June lust, in oider to meet the wishes of largo number of subscribers, by giving them its lieh su, vane I contents 111 a suitable form for 1 11 ding. This we have done without hiving enhanced ihe price, so lhat new sub-cribcrs, and utheis 011 llie renewal of previous subscriptions, ran lake their choice be Iwein the (junto and Folio form. Qj" JJut a few sets of the (jiiarto, from No 1, now lein nil 01) hand iu the otlire, and we shall therefore, not be al le long to supp'y them. TERMS: I'hiiek Dollims a year in advance, for either edition ; 01 Fivs Dollars for two copies. In st cases letters must be lie-e, or post paid, or they will remain dead in the post-office. (Xj- All Po tmsrteis who will act for us are our authorized Agents, und may retain 25 per cent on the subset iption pi ice, ($:),) for commissions, if re. milled in New-York or Eastern u nney ; or 60 cents on each, if in notes of other solvent banks, which may be at a discount here. j'EJilors and Pul lisheis who desire the con tinuance of an exchange, will please ropy the above thrue or more times, or otherwise notice the contents, and send us a marked paper. Letters rela ive to the editorial depirtirent mui beaddiexsstdU) Pask Uaiiiahisj & Erna Saboekt Editors; those relative to the huiness depait, to J. WINCHESTER, Puhli.hcr, No. UO Ann street.