-' aTtwt te mom run about the wide, after all. On k banner in It whig convention, teM mmwImii "at west," 4tm the following t IC IC R ft K Xinderhook Kandidate Kant Kome it Kwite. ()7 Wftuff behave wry well about their ie lory tbey were m polite end good-nstured ysst. day m gentlemen need be, end the democrats evinced that cheerfutiKM which evef accompanies a coneeientious discharge ot doty 0W wonder if Mr. Davie will make Colo nel of the Major t Men wlib. spectacle, have, riien to that dignity. All ia, Haugbtoti, if you ihoultl ever wear spur, be careful how y. u atep, or yon will tear your pantaloon to a dead certainly it lequiroe aome practice 10 place "da right iol fus." in true military atyle. Oberrve ua in our teat gtanJ march in January next. We had two whiga washed' yesterday, and put a new auit of clothe on each oflhem, and hop the rascals will go to meeting nett Sunday and ak forgiveness fir tuning bet. We ahail have to clothe about a doien f the scamps far a year to come, en J some of them la pretty cotly atyle too. EttcTTen RtTuairs, It ien't worth white to fill. our columna with indefinite returna from vrf one quarter. If ' we ehould hear ef a elate going for ue any where ofFSjuth or Wet, we will men tion in : Thoae ' who' think they can aid eua by gnawing crab applee anJ apittiiig vinegar fiom one year'e end to another, are welcome to their " cxper iment.N. AH we have to aay is " heaven aave ua from auch friends." Faith produce cheerful near. Dr. Ujott. Efforts are atill in progress to obtain a pardon for this notorious hat eg. 4 criminal. We last week aaw a (tetition to the Governor with a num ber of -ignsturea studied lo it. BiekneWt Reporter, Geographical Enigma. I am composed of 29 Ictt.r; My 17, 6, 22, 15, 20 and 3; i a large town on the Delaware. My 7, 25, 1 1 and 3, is a river in France. My 13, 23 end 13 ia a lake in the United State. My 21,3. 14, 25 and 18 is a county in Georgia. My 1, 17, 3, 20 and 9 i a town in Italy. My 8, 28,22, 18 and 8 is a river in Russia. My 29, 19, 20, 8, 3 and 22 is an island in the Mediterranean. My 6, 16, 7, 9 and 22 is a mountain in Africa. My 10, U, 22, 27, lit, 7 and 8, ia a river in Eu rope. My 24, 20, 16, 27, 17 and 29 is a county in Pennaylvania. My whole is a distinguished citizen of Pennsyl vania. An answer is tequeted. C. G. 8. Caul Trade. The amount of coal carried on the Danville and Pottsville Kail Road to Sunbury for shipping, du ring the week ending on Nov. 20, ia 73U Tons. Per last report, 14,013 Tntil. 14.743 JOHN BUUD, W. N. " Ciood Intent Fire Company.' A REGULAR MEETING of the Company will t h Ul at the Court House, on Thursday evening next, December 3, 1340. Punctual atten dance i requested a business of importance will be laij before the Company. T. N. M'MICHAEL, November 28. 1810. Secretary. SICKNESS. THERE are many peraona that we daily behold, whose counti nance ai d frail limit denote vfflic lien' which we find ha principally orig n itid from neglect of proper remadic at the commencement of sickness. At first the patient complain, of bile an the stomseh at'ended with lieknrtt, rottieenru, 4-e., he neglicta to procure proper m Jicine ; at lenih he complains of pain in the side end s'oraach with eour eructationa; hi appetite become impaired, his reat troublesome, his miud haraaaed, and all thing around him appear not in their proper atalion. He still neglect himself, when in all probability the disease may at tenth be so fist seated that no medical aid will replace him again. At .the firat attack of sick nets there should be " no lime Ion" in procuring Dr Harlich's carovv itaiatTi salsa arianxT rim, which immediately le moes67e from the stomach, obviate coelivcness. remove disorder in the bead' invigorate the mihd, strengthen the body, improve the memory, snd en liven the imagine ion ; ihu restoring the body asjsin to its proper function. Principle Office, No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH street, Philadelphia. HENRY VOXTHEIMER. OctoUr 24, 1840. Agent. Jonathan It. Water.' Estate, NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin istration de bonii nan upon the estate of Jo nathan R. Water, late of Shamokin township, Nor thuratierland cou ly, dee'd., have Ibis dsy been granted by the Rgi.lrr of said county to the sub acrihera. All per.on having claim or demand a gainst the a .id decedent, are requested to make known the him to them, without telay. VALENTINE KLASE. ELEANOR WATERS, Hhamokin, Nov. 7. 61. Adm't. ke. PUBLIC SALE. ' IN purauanca ol an order of the Orphan' Court ot Northumberland County, will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry, on Saturday the 26:h day of December next, at the public bouae of William Farrow, in Snyderetown, a certhain tract of HILL LAND, situate in .tush township. Nor thumb, rland co adjoining land of Godfrey Rock efeller ami other, and containing thirty-five acres, mora or less. Also, a certain lot or piece of CLEA RED LAND, near Sr.ydewtown. in Shamokin township, adjo ning land of John Bougbnti, Win. Waters, snd others, containing seven acie and one hundred and twelve peiches, late the estate of Jona than Waters, dee'd. The last mentioned lot will be sold either in lots or together, ae may suit purcha sers. A draft of the lots will be exhibited, and tbe eoodiUone of the sale will be made known on the day of sale, b le le commence at 10 o'clock. VALENTINE KLA&E, ELEANOR WAT EH 8, -Sbamr-km, Nov. 31. 6-. Adm'. 4. S STATS Or BL1AS BKafJWXB, SBO'D. TrVTOTlCE ia hereby given that letter of admin 11 iatration Upon the eatate of said dec aed have been granted to the subscribers, by the Register of Northumberland county. All p ron having demands againat said e,late, wiil present thtm, pro perly authenticated to either of the suUcnbers at their residence in Augusta lownehip. ABRAHAM BREWER, $Adraml Novsmler It, 1840. 6 1 its. G UM ELASTIC bhoe, a large astoil- ment. ttperm Oil, beat quality Books, of all description. Silks, black and coloured. 8tair Carpeting. Cotton Carpet. Carpet Ch iin, of all colore. 8addlery, a general a.Horluu-nt. Eliptic Spring, t'ooch Lamps. Crri;ige B mds, Br Joints, Brass Dashers, Patent Leather. Just received and for asle at the store of H. D. MASSE R, November 14, 1840. tf CRANBERRIES. kljlREsH Cranbrrriea, just reci-ived and for sale JT by H. B. MASSE R. November 14, 1840. if INFORMATION WANTED. A NV person having any information concerning --Brysn Sheehy, a native of Ireland, aged from 19 to 22. of fine eomnlexinn. will confer a favor hv Informing hia brother, Rodger thoehy, by letter uirecteti to llarriauurg. I'a. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 89 North Water Street, Phila. M VANUFACTURERS and dealcra in Oila of IT every description both fr burning an I mariut'acturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they csn be procured e'sewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the citr. Anv oil aold by :he. company not proving as re, resented, may lie returned without any expense to the pur ih iser, and the money will l-e refunded Their slock now in store consists of the following oils, vii : 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached peim Ull, 6000 do do C. lo le- Oil, do Fall snd Spring iSperm Oil, do Winter rea Eb'pbant, do do Pre.sed Whale O.I, do Summer do ih do do Common Whale Oil, 15.000 10.000 20.000 6000 15,000 3 2 c I m 9 a. sr 200 Barrel superior Strait. Oil, 3l)0 do Cod Bank Oil, 60 do Nee' a Foot O I, 75 Cake OUv Oil, Tanner's f Ills tr (TThis Company has a number of Vessels en gageJ in the Cod Fishery, and Tanner may rely upon getting at all times utl aa pure aa imported, Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1840. ly. W. & L. B. TATIaOR. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor. ner of Fifth and Market Streett, Fhiladel phut Mena' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, duuble aolea anil douu e uppers. do Calf.rkin do do do miled and upper. do Heavy Water Leather Bool. dj do Neats do do. do High quarter Shoe. Cslf-skin. do do do Crocker do do Fine Mnroes warranted. do K'p do do do C If do do do Coa ee do do do do Shoes do do Fine do do do Kip do do do t'alf and Seal Sk'n Pump. do L et Socks with and without aolea. do Carpet d i d i do do Patent WarranteJ Water-proof Morcsain. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tsnned India Rulber ehot. Geiit'emena' do Over shoe. With every nlher dec iption of boot and shoes. Fur Caps of ev ry description. Travel! ng Trunk of every descr'ption. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacklnv. B nncla of all kinds, Palm Leaf Hat. Phil idelphia, No ember 7, 1640. ly. ATTEITTIOIT. THE special attention of buyers fiom the south and weal, and for the slate tru'e, is respectful ly invited to the lollowing assortment of GOODS, which the suhscriltr will dispose of at auh prices as will amply icpsy hia fiiend for calling an J ex amining hi stock. To CASH purchsaers, at the I recent time, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish matting. 500 p ices Canton matting, asited4-4, 54 and 6-1 white, cheeked snd flowered. 1000 hearth mg, a I eautilul assortment f Wil ton, Brucsels, Tufted, Turkey, and Hemp ruga. 200 piece woolen, w iisteJ, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpeii igs. An elegant variety of V ilton, Uiusels, ftcoich ai d Englwh, Vene ian, Damask, etc. dec 100Q doien men and boys caps, comprising a gtettt rtety of Fur, Seal, Null ia, Muskral, and Coney, Hair. Se.lclls and Cloth Caps. 100 dozen Allicant Mats, asaoitej a oa. 100 do Manilla do do do 50 d Sheep-skin do do do 30 bales FrencU Uake a, comprutng every df acyipii .n. 600 pair Venetian Blinds, a-a'd 6 jute and color. 3000 pat. nt do do do 1000 riesta Caha or Satchel, aaa'd, an.Uo.sed leather, straw and oil el iir, 6000 doien Combs, a.svrled tortoiss rhell. Bra ul i.n do horn, ivory, I ras and wood, cnipriaing a large aMiorinx.nl of every variety. 3000 doxen Whips a.sorird wagon, gig, car riage, sulky, planters, drovers or riding, of gut, lea ther and thread, with German silver, gill, iry and bone mountings. 1000 doseo pointed pails, Wilson's brand. 1000 neau edr Tube and Buckets; also, Churne, I'iggins, Water Can, eke, Tbe above together wi'.b an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Brittania said German stlvii wsie, feather and t ristle Brashes, looking Glaanee, Ma hogany and Gik Pi since, of every ix9 anddeacrip lion, are nsaaufactared, imported, and eeieeted ex pressly foi the soutbem. western and stsie liado. J. SIDNEY JONES. No 1 8 North SJ street. Philadelphia. rikiladelrhie, November 7, tlfiO. I y. OZTV AUCTION JLNS COMMISSION STORB. Number 39 North Third Street Philiutetphla. EUBLIO SALES of Dry Goods Hardware and Cutlery, Book, Stationary, Clothing, , Shoes and Hats, and in short almost every description of goods, are held at this eetsblishment every evening. Good are also aold at private sale during the day at ths average auction price. Store keepers and traders will find it lo their advantage by attending tbe sales. C.C. MACKET, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, Novemb.r 7, 1840. ESHERICK, HANSELL & CO'S WgOLBSALB DBT GOODS STOBB. No. 100 1-2 Market Street, Phila. (Below Fifth South tide ) A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general a- IvL sc.rttnentof Ho.iery, Lace, and Fancy Goals, Country Merchants are respec-fully requested to gtve them a Call and examine for them elves. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. SPERING, GOOD & CO. No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia. TNVITE the attention nf Country Merchant H to their extensive assortment of Dritnh rrei.ch and American Dry Good, which they tflVr fors.le on the most reasonable term. PhiLdelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. PETER DEWEES, LAST MAKER, No. 74 Callowhili Street, Philadelphia, ("Three doort above Second. J SHOE Finding always kept on hand, which he offers for sale on the lowe-t terms. Country .Merchants are psrticutarly lo call and judge for tncimeivre. Philadel, hia, November 7, 1840. lr. OLIVER N. .THACIIER, Agt. MANUFACTURER OT BATS, CAPS, eVC. No. 40 North Third Street, Phila. fOfiposite the City Hotel. J U ATS, Cape and Ladies' Fur, of every de scription. manufactured at very low prices, and Country Merchant up lied at abort nouc; Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. LOWER & BARRON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and uomcsuc Hardware, No. 174 Noam Tnian SraatT, I'HiLintLrHia TiniERE thi ir friend and customers will always Gnd a large and general asaoriment of Foreign and Domratic Hardware, which they will sell at the iowi-i puces. Philadelphia, Novemler7, 1840. ly. J. W. SWAIN, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer JVb. 37 Nooth Thinl ttrret. (too duori below the City Hotel. Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants and others are solicited to exsinine his aasorlmenl before puichaaing eisesvnere. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly PETEB. COITOTER, Wholes.-tle and Retail Shoe, Bonnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. .Vo. 66 North id ttrret, a few dtiort above .Irch Philadelphia, A I.SO Trunk, Ca-pet Bne and V slice., f ev. il cry desci iption, all of which he iflets foi aate on the moat reaa nable tenna. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly P. tc A. ROVOUDT'S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse No 164 North Third ttrret , third door below Vine ttreet, Philadelphia. YlfHERB they eonatantly k.ep on hand a large ' ' assortment of Chins, (ilsss and LiverMMl Ware, which they will dispose of on the most rei- ona:o term. I'hiUdrlphia, November 7, 1840. TIIEOPILUS GULP. Manufacturer rind Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, 6cc. No. 5 South Third ttrret, four duori be.'ow Market Philadelphia- KEEP constantly on hand a large and general assortment I oech Lamps, Csrrhge Bands, Axlu Arms, Eliplie Sprina. Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchant and ddlers will be supplied ai all timea on the moat te i.oi aliln leima. 'I !. I find it to their adva'itaga to call and examine his aaaorimeni n, lore purcna.in elsewhere. Philadelphia, Novemher 7, lb40. ly. TUJT & BB.OTSEB.S, No. 122 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. MO constantly keep on hand a lirge aaaort ' merit of Law, Meilical. Theol-.gxal, Si ho d. and Mncellineou Books, Blank Books, and all kinds of stationary Country customers snd others supplied on the most reasonable term. Philadtlph a, November 7, 1840. ty. J. 3. 1EDARA, Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store North Fourth near Arch ttreet, Philadelphia. WHERE Country Merchants and others csn be supplied, at .11 times, with a large aesortmt nt of Hosiiry, Gloves, Merino, Cotton, and Woolen Shiit snd Drawers, Siiool C Hon, Patent Thread. Cl'fMI f!.irila HatlAn. Ttintin. U..lr. and Eyes, Pins, eke. And a general vaii ty of u-e-ful articles, which he off ra for sale at the lowet prices. Philadetprna, November 7, 1640. ly. REYNOLDS, McFARLAND & CO. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British and American Dry Goods. No 105 Murktt ttreet, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchant, and others can be sup. J Dlisd at all limn, siih mm vtk.i.,. eaanit of ihe beet and most fa.hion.bl Goods epos) the meat reaaoeatbla Urm'. ratUoeipbi. Nevember 7, 1 . ly. Illichael Wearer Sc Son. BOP MAXBBS a SBXP OUANOLBBS, No. 1 3 North Water Street, Philadelphia. HAVE eonatantly on band, a general assort ment of Cordsge, Seine Tv ines, 6ie., vit t i ai d Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal D ata. Also, a complete assortment nf S. ine Twines, dec, such as Hemp Mtad and liming Twine, Dest Patent Gill Net. Twine,, Cotton Shad and 1 1 err ion Twine, Shoe Thread, etc. die. Alio, Dull Cotda. PI ugh Lines, llaltera,Tr Ces. Cotton snd Linen Carpet Chnina, fkc all of which they will d spos of on tee enable 11 ms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. Jacob Frlstnutli V Son. RESPECTFULLY informs their friends snd acquaintances generally thit they sti I con tinue to keep al Ihe old tUnd. No. StO North 8d street, Phita.lt Iphia, all kind of TOBACCO SNUFF AND SEOARS. Which tbey will aell on Ihe ri at accommodating and ieii,n.ble let in. N. U AH eood rold wi!i be gu iranteed, and all orders prompl'y atlendnd lo. ..Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. Te R E M I A II V AST I NES Estate. "TOTICE is hereby given th .t the Reg'ster of J" ine t.ounty ol INorthumtierlacd, ha ihi day gianled letter trstanien sry to the Subscribers upon the estate of Jeremiah Vas.ine, of Rush t wnhip, in the arid county. All persons tmvpig demands or claim agiin.t the said decedent are' requested lo make known the aame to (hem without delay. ELIZABETH VASI'INE.) . THOM AS R. VAST1NU. 'UA WILLIAM LECHOU, Point. Novembers, 1810. 6. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER. SHIP. kTOTICE is hereby given that the partnership Jl heret.ifore existing under Ihe firm nf H. B. Matter A Co., ia this day dissolved by mutual conai-nt. The hooks, nou s, dtc, will be left f r a shirt lime in the hand of H. U. Master, foi collec tion and settlement; after which, if unatlenhd lo, they will be placed in the hand of a proper officer for ihe above purpose, November 1, 1840. H. B. MASSER, Will continue in husinea at tlm old aland, and respectfully inviti a his fiiend and customers to a large assortment of New Goods, just lecrived. Novctnlter 7, 1840. 1TEW GOODS. "BUST Received Merino, Broche, and Chenille fB ShawN. iSea Otter, Seal and Seal, tte Cap. A large ass rtment of Dark Chintxes. French and English Merinoes, See, For site at the -lore . f H. B. MASSE II, November 7, 1840. NSW GOODS. JUST RECEIVED a new and splendid aesort ment of Calicoes, Muslins, Ac. For sale at tt.esto.eof HENRY YOXTHIMER, October 31. 1840 tf. WOOIalalK taiWU!. VF the latest manufacture, conaiating in part of Vd W great variety of t-1 it ha, Caasimerea, Satti i.i its, Merinoes, Flannels Mouselin de Lsines, dec Just received and for sale at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Oct ber31, 1850. if. Groceries. JUST RECEIVED a l.rge and ceneral ort ment of liiocuiie liquor for. For isle at tlie i r . f HKNRY YOXI HEIMER. Oc olier 31, 1840. If- DRUGS, PMNTS, and Dye SlulT. a fresh supply just rectiv. d snd lor s.ite at ihe t re ol HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Oclolr3l. 1840. if. A MILLER. Sc FARIVIER 111 AY bear of a good situation, fifty miles from IT Sunbury, in a new aeltlcnii-i.t, whire he wonki ohtain a long lease, of a e-nall (itiat Mill, and have a Furra adjoining, by ii.qui'it g of IHE PRINTER. October 10th, 1810, 6t I" A.TI PII fa CT LAWS, THE Pamphlet Laws, for the s -sion 1639-40, have been rece.ved at ihie oilier, and are now reoly for di.uibutiou to lliose entitled lo receive them. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Prothonotarj "a ofTicc. Pruth'y. Sunbury, Sept. 22, 1840. $ IVotice. ALL ACCOUNTS remain'n g in my books previous to ihe first of April 1840, will be left in the hanJs of a Justice of the Peace for eo'leeiion. HENRY YnXl'HtvlER- N. B. Grain of all kinds will be lukon on old account. Sept. 15, 1840. tf. George W. Layug-, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Ciuict SrtiiT Wutir, Haaaisaoae, IS prepared o te. eive G.iods and Pioduce at the new wirehoue, which hia arrangements will em- Me him le forward with ih spa eh In rinliiilelpti a, Plllsnurg, W ilhamspnrt, W ilxeab.rre, U.Miiixliia, Lim-aier. or any other point on lha Pennsylv mia and Union f'anals,and ihe Pennsylvania and Har. riaburg snd Lancaster tail roada. Goo la from Philadelphia for Harrial'U'ff, Carlisle, t 'hamb. rsburg, dtc Vc, to warded with care and expedition Coat, Plait r.a, 8 it and F, constantly for sale. Sept. 0. Ilenioval. BOOK BINDERY. THE uiidersigned have ihe gratification of in forming th public, that nolwiihaianding they were so unf. utunate aa to have iheir bmilciy burnt down, in March last, they have opened a very extensive one, in Locust etraet, in the new building diiecily opp t.it Uiejm e II til el, and are prepari d l execoae all woik in their line with d. fmieli, snd m e o peiinr Style. Their RULING APPARATUS snd other Machinery are new, and of lha first order and latest improvement; and they leel a confi dence m their feteilitiea for giving perf. l satisfac tion to aH bo in.y favor them with their orders. Banks. Countv otfrees. Merchant. Mechankn and others, can be.uppticd with iM.ANH B()OKS of every deacripiiori, which fur neatness and dura bility, wall be equal lo eny made by the United Sisiee. HICKOK dt CANHNE. IIARRISBtfRG, eVepr. . SnAtlOIXIN COAL. OP a very superior quality, in be had at tny time, by application to the subscribers, in lot to suit purchasers. They keep-Urge, egg, broken, and fine ceal, fit for burning lime. "' t J. H. PURDY At Co. Sunbury, Sept. SO. tf. SnoCBHMBH. frerh supply of Groceries just received snd f. r sale r HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sepu 12, 1840. tf. Liquet it 9. A fresh su ply of Brandy. Gin, Pott, l.lrbon, Tci eriff , Madeira and Sherry Wines, just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept 13. 1840. if. Wt7.HXF.VA, A new assortment nf 7-4. 7-8 ai d 3-4 ysrd wide Melin, jut receiveil nnd for !ebv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. H, 1840 tf. fit LMCOEH. -A new a-soitmeiit of Calicoes just received and for rale hy HEN KY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840 tf. IHO.Y A good aesortment of Bar Iron, iu.l recciveu anu lor ssie nv HENRY YOXTHIMER. 8ept. 12, 1840. If. SJLT. 550 barrels and saiks of Salt, Just received ana lor aale hv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840. if. CLOTHS. k general assortment of Clmhs and Cassiiiieie., constant y on h nd at the More of HE.VHt VOX IHIMEK. Sept. 12, 1840 if. nVK. COIijyr and all nther kinds of Uiuiu and Seeds will be liken at the high e.-t pric s in exchange for g in s at the store of HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840 MACKEREL- A few barrels of M ekercl for aa'e at low p- re by II. B, MASSER, Sept. 12, 1640. IRISH SALMON. Ot the beat qual ty. con atantly on hand and for sale by H U. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1840. MADEIRA WINE. First quality Msdieta Wine, for sale low by II. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. FOURTH PROOF BRANDY A getiunr article always ou hand aud for sale by H. B. MASSER Sept. 12, 1840- HOLLAND (JIN, Of the beat quality always on hand and for aale by H. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1840. LOAF AND LUMP SUGAIL Always on hand aud for ssle by H. B. MASSER. 8rpt. 12, 1840. BOSTON SYRUP MOLASbES. Of a aupe rior quality, for sale by II. B. MASSER, 8epl- 12, 1840. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR HOUSE MO LASSES. Ot' the beat quality always on band ar.d for sale by H. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1840. BROWN SUGAR. Of a go.l quality, for sale lowhy H.B. MASTER. Sept. 12, 1840. LIQUORS. Of all kin I snd of the be, I quali ties, always on hand and for sale bv H. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1840. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the quality always on baud aud f -r sale by II. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1810. best COFFl E. Javs, Rio and Laguira Coffee, cop stantly on hind and for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1840. rll'EKM OIL. Winter and Summer atraiuid Speim Oil, of the lest quality, alwaya on hand and for aale br H. B, MASSER. Sept I J, 1840. ST E EL. Cast and DiUt-r Steel, for .ale by H. B. MASSE It. Sept. 12, 1840. SPRING STEEL, -Of vatinua sites for Eliptic H. B. MASSER. Springs for sale by Scrt. 12,1810. LARGE QUARTO BIBLES. For eels at II. B. MASSER. very reduced prices by 8epl. 12, 1840. BL ANK BOOKS. Of all kin I, for asle l y H. B. MASTER. 8ept. 12, 1810. BLANK DEEDS. Uon.'e. Mortce., Ac. for sale hy 11. B. MAt-SER, Sept. 12, 1810. JUSTICES' BLANKS. f.r .ale by H. B. MASSES. Sept 12, 1840. CMTTH8, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, Ac for sule bv H. U. MASSER, Sept 12. 1640. CAfSIMEKE8 AAD HATTINETTH. For .ae very tow by II. B. MASSER. Sept. IS. 1840. CARPETING EeraiarhKKy II. I. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1840. BLANKETS For sale ch.a,. by H. B. MASSE It, Sept. 13, 1840. UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. For rle 6y H. II- MASSER, September 18. 1840. COTTON YARN ANUCOTf' S LAPS For ssle by H. B- MANSER. Bspuotber 12, 1S40. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. Fo aale ly H. Bv MASSER. rVptember 13, 1840 TOWLNO LINES, CCRDS AND KOPES. For by H. B. MASSER. hejpHKtet. 11,1110. Transportation Iliie TO BALTIMORE, (rta tint wt curat) rTorenmiee foot u Chrtnui Street on tkt Ptnm ' tyhania CanaL. A BOAT l restSt whtrfof the svjbarrifase avs. ry morni g t 8 o'clock, rurm.ng through to Belli more In three day. Conegormme ul prudext, Iron, dec, will receive a sJe-pntcli by 'his line, which ha not hitherto been qn tiled b any other. Kale of freisht as to a by any othet ri ular line, Refrrenres I , , -. JOHN W. BROWN, BUCK dt HERK. KEIIN AN dt STII.LNIGER, , BallimefW. J J. at A. II. HEHR. G.mkI intended for Pittubutt. or an rmlnt on the Pennsvlviiiiin Canal., will he (flipped wi hout del iy on their ariivnl at HarriMMiri, a thin rnn necU with the North Amerirsn line nf Po table Boats to I'llishurt daily, and with the Suequi linn. n P.icket Lit- U Northumberland, WilllaiuspoTt, Wilktshnne, and nil iitterniei'iAte ptaer. GKiiROU W. LAY.NO. Harrlsbil'g, Sept. 9, 1840. AVorks of IVattire. IN et ilc ot h.a th th- in'r-tin d drill may la" compare I to a river wboe Wnteia How1 over the ad joining land, through the tbmi.cU ntrj:e an has m ole, and imp oves tiieit qu niet nnd to kn p up the coiuporison of the riv. r, no lonrj as it .on on arno tidy tbe chnnn t are kept pure ;irl henlihv but if by mm t cu-e the co tr-e of the river t- Mop. peil, then the water in tbecitntilai-i lie longr f Ore, (ul orn becomes Mriinnt. 'l'here is hut eBe law if circulatio n in vmIU e. Vhn ther' is a super ahumhincf i f humorial fluid ( r-icity) i r ihe inie t nal tubt, and Cotivei ess takes pi ice, it 11 Ws back into the bloo I t.(i, and itifil ra:.s il-lt in to the circulation. To estuHi-h the free cu e of the river, we must remove the o structions h th stop i'a free coure. snd tho e of its tr bulxty at resin. With the h.dy. follow ihe same ii.'urnl pr.i.eipal r m ive, ly thut alttable purv -ve medicine Bran deth.t Umvertul Vegetable Pillt, which -ire an efa f cnal aa-ist mce of natun, the i-nper il nn. lance of humors in the intetine eauaL By er eering in thi prsctic , the wiya of tin circulitinn will then be e tored to the full exercise if their naturtl fonc linns, and a r-t-Ue of health will le firmly ct ililii.h. ed I'einemtier, never suft i a drop ol blot to he taken from you--Evacuate ine ntiniwra a and as long aa they are degenerated, or as lorg as you are sick. Dr. Brandrcth'a Office in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, NORTH Lllili I H ht-eet, where his pill-can te had tit S3 cen s per hot, with full ilirevijons. Xj" 'nly asent in 'Snn' ur-, ii II. B. Masser Esqr. SunhU'y, Sept, 9. iSlO. C ertificates of Agency. THE follow ne; are th- duly Sptoinle I a -er I in their respective counties. fr the sale of BranJreih'l Vegetable Unitcrtal Pillt. Northumbeilai d countv t Milton Mickey & Chinibeilin. Sunhury H. B. Masser. M'Ewen ville Gedde, Green dr. Walls. Georget iwn F. MiJI ng. r Sl Co. . Union county i Lewisburg W. ll & Gedi'es. M fflinburg Pcllman k Beckly. New f3erlin J. hn M. Beiifer. Selinsgrove Eyie dr. Co. Mid dleburg Laac Seiith. Lycoming county :-"Willimp.-r? John Smith. Newlierry M. dc J. C. Fun-ton. Miincy W. A. Petrican. Jersey She James H. H i burn. Columbia county i Dinvflle T. de E. B. Key. nolds. Cailawiasa C. A. Brobts. B rw ck Shu man St Rittenhnuse. Blonnaburgv Juhn R. Mi yer, Sunhury, Sept. 9, 1840, THE CAl'Si: OF DISEASE. Nearly all classes of diecse, are caused hy acme obstruction in ihe v.l m, which prevent the reeu lar and wholes me oer.itiori cflhe animal furvc. ti me. Th:s state of ihe systerq, is disease, which i manifested in a variety of forma, more or lee mat gnant In their character. To restore tbe system to a slate of heal h, then, it I only nece-aary to re move ihe cause of diea.-e, and the end iaiccom. p'iahed. The muse is oh ruction somewhere. Thia can he removed by purgation, which 1 the only means that h. u'd be resor'ed to. because, soggeavd! by reason, and hy nature.- Dr. Hidtch's Stjcrigth. ening and German Aperient Pin, are allowej by llu t!ii uanda v. ho have ucd them, to be the best purgative medicine in existence. Because, they not only remove all obstructions, and purge ll:e sys tern i fits impurities, but, tiecausr, and which ai ex ttemely importan, atrencthen andgive proper tnnw to the atomarh, and produce a be .lthy arfioir of all ihe parts. Besides, they are so mild anJ gentle in their operation, as to iend r them at nl! times a per fectly safe and desirable remedy. Ttie afU de l would do well, then, to purchase (box or lvrf th; invalu-ahle medieine, and a;vr t a f-.rr :ria1, li st, ad of disiroxiiig ihe'r sy. terns with eft-re, rvtrd dose of calomel, and other drugs, so ii'un jus lo human life and happmcsH. Tec above m. dneine f-r ante at the Drug store of HENRY YoXl HCl.MKn, Oct. 31,1840. .1stnt. TO THE COMMUNITY. THEauvce.- which h'.a atien rd il.c d nf ,r. Harleh't (itrm-m Aperient v' ttreitgilii rtf jf Joriic i iU, l tru y ; sii j-iun",. .t ia no v.i n l a: to .ay this n.cuu-.iie ha- j r veU y ita bap; y i ft" clj ;i. :i.e i ure 1 n Vj-ii tv f di to h'l h i- horn j frams lia", to Ik as l t-.-per.or lo the .ni:iy j.re.'irj ion b foie ii.it pui-I ; Maviy t-f three -in ration ue c n'-p 'J ided ty : v tlivi.lual e. ho ur j ui i'ivi'j h-noraiit of tut rsy.v resi'ftbe lain st.teiii, nr. I mero priteridiia :3 inedtrel kn h d-.;e. l)r. H.-iie'i, h .we v. , is ce's-b-a eJ .i mi -n j the tiermaii fu ul'y u a in:ic ir.e nig' est re ri l tic r.ltaiitrner.t-', and i qually dist.a. guiaii'd il.reBhrx't Ei lope, ua a su-.-i es.'al n e.' --i! I rae-ui. m r, i-r r.t :n 'St ?l itio y rt of a ulul lit- in the aqu aitr n of such k-nov 1. Ji" n..(,h! p bem fieial to h e fellow eiearor s. i: tbe j-il s be anv- ms I, ai:d wnirti U-.r .h n i)Tj. i.ie p-ji ie ars ajarid of an irliele Ih it potssc r m-.e i!i:. n dmarv tlrlura. Fiom the ac' owl. deed la entj of tlHa invert i r, n ti.ing iewjhirti a food .:.vlc could be xocited t and the .'aVe-ie.ie nf :nany year h affiled demon' ra-io'- of toe v.r'oi r hi. mi diet e. In Germany and ether pri of 17j ro) e, it r potation ie e.-l M shed, tar ih s e tml-y M'l-iwhiibit has but len re aiiiK intrsneU, is) spidry usuimgiii nio-l ul stantnt Kpa luenu TLar t urn ioa e.rt fctrs of surisot it e mc-t ofi-mover dt-e s ffrted by the ne of Ifarlidi's PiXa, wl iss ine propri r is . onxtaniiy rec eiving, ie proof of ita fact. l)y after day herteetves new te.ti non:.fs ul' the r i6-..cy, aud week after week incresssM BVsr denuiid frw tlit eav. Tots ie tl insre aasoriioaj-r hi liuuieiahle et reiltcate as open for th Insp-i Heat ad pu he, and vfKr -ubiaufan) who erv k B4l eaii I isio-ived b cxaoHi.mij thtm at lha ivfla aeJ tbe pr prietix. Wa take the UWrlv, ih n, oftuecewinf lo eT fcrnaly, iht they make use ot Dr. Haiti b' Pt Lei mint keep a supply tetantlv on head, to as td when oeeavitso uVm.nJa and Kiev "ill "rsw the moat- ixu ovaivoentl peoolit ot uliiiiy. alfesf Omt Dfiitr. Piiueipal nffi-efo. the Faateat States, iew if NorWi fcighths eh PhitaiW rphaa. Western Depot. Nevl. St. daaretwjel. P tw burgh. HENRY YOiiUWMtK. October 11, laHO. . -5P i