1 TERMS or TIIR " AMKKICAX.' HENRY 0. MASSER, JOSEPH EISELY. ? Piraiifuixas asn $ pHOrBIBTOHS. . It. JMSSEIt, Editor. orriCI IH MARKET STBBBT, SI1R ntKH.) THE ' AMERICAN" It published every Satur day at TWO DOLLARS per mnum to e paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till all arrearages are paid. No subscription receive J for a less perioj thin "II xoiiTii. Alt communicationa or letters on business relating to the office, lo insure attention, inuat be POST PAID. The following new translation of the celebrated "Marseilles Hymn," is the beat we have yet met with : TIic Marseilles Hymn, t. 0, countrymen, on, for the dry The proud day of gVy is come! 8ee, the Tyrant' red hanne.a in ba ll? array ' Are rained, and he dares lo eirike home ! Jlirk! will you not can yon not heir Tho fie' fiat approaching a'arms 1 They come ! Mia to wrrst from us all we hold dour, And slaughter our anna in our anna ! ,i j (inomr ) To arms, gallant Frenchmen! toarm ! 'Tis the hour Of freedom ; march on In the pri.le of your power, And fight, 'till the fuo lo your fury shall yield. And his life-blood dye deeply hill, valley and lielJ. II. .who msdo.the.se .traitors opnosc i I'heae Kinga league I t 'Cflhir for i l 1 ' ' Who f it years have o 'i rwhclmed us with Ty-niii ny'a woes, A ill are forging fresh chains for us still ! Tis Franco thoy h ive dared to en hr.il 'Tia France they have d ired to disgace! Oh ! shime on us, countrymen, ahame on us all, If we cringe to ao das'.aid a rue. ! To arms ! &c. nr. Tremble, ye Initnrs, whose schemes Are alike by all panics ubhoncd, Tremble! f.ir roused from your par.ieide dreams, Ye shrill aoo i meel your fi ;iing row ird ! We are al licra nay, conqu'tora til J Past dishonor we're sworn lo rflVe, And, re'y on it, fist as one hero rdia 1 fill, Another shall rise tn his place, i'o arms ! fee. IV. Ye Frenchman the noble the brave Who can weep, e'en in war's Mem nl inns, .-' iSp ire. spare the poor, hi Ip'es. nd penitent slave, Who is mnra!allcd ngiinst you in aims! B.it nn pity for Uouille' stern bard, Vho, with recMi as and tiger-like force, Would fain tc.ir to at 'ins ihe.r own native land, With, ut eVn a p ing ofreiaoise. To arms ! &c. v. We will speed oti out glmiou carrer. When our vet rare are low in the tom Hut their patriot deed., when they fought with us here, . In our memory forever shall b'oom Twa'g their jus, their m ignaniinoua b a-t, That for us they lived, battled, and died ; And we'll eiihei avenge them on Tyranny 'a host, Or be laid, lo a man, by their aide. To arms ! &.c. vr. Freedom ! dear freedom, sustain Our hopee of revenge for the pvt. , , . And grant td H-nr. 'er all and o er plain, In triumph may fi .at to the I ist ! Grant, too, that out f.ice may b hold, Eic death I iy hi s.-al on their eyes, Our succesi in the pariot cause wo uphold, And which dearer titan ever we pr.ze. 'I'o arm-! etc. F.O'H tftt Cm feet. The Secret Agent. a sronr or tux rns:en nts rou vtios. Tub friends of ihc' Restoration were beginning to recover from the alarm of the hundred days, .niid a numerous so ciety, composed of discontented Impe rialists was assembled at the Hotel of the Due dell . The conversation turned on the eclipsed glories of the Tuilleries, and the difficulty of effecting a junction between the old and new no bility. On a sudden the folding doors were thrown open, and an attendant, in a loud voice, announced a messen ger from the King. At these words every one arose, for they considered that a message brought by an officer of the household must bean advance to ward reconciliation. The gentleman approached the master of the house, and bowing, placed a billet sealed with the royal arms', in Ins band. The Duke brojvc the seal, and read, thp contents to his gVics'ts." ' There were hut two lines : "The King will receive the Due do 11- to-morrow after mass. Signed Louis XVIII." After the departure of the messenger, various conjectures were formed re specting this first overture from the rourt, and it was late before tho party generated, having first agreed to meet on the following evening, to learn the result of the important interview. The l)u!ie. on risin-i next morning, took up the Odes of Horace, and read over some of the most remarkable passages the flatterer; and when dressing, desired his valet to take more than usual pains ... . -,f i ... i,.. witu ins couture. Arrivcu m uiu leries, this favorite minister of the hm ncror. who was accustomed to the horn age of an obsequious crowd, had now to elbow his way as he best might, in order to arrive at the door of the sane turn sanctorum. He was announced, and the Kina waved his hand to Messrs, Ulacas, Lachatrc.and Ambrogcax.who retired smiling. The door closed after them, and the greaJ, subject of the em pire found hirnsell tete-a-tete with the King of r ranee. - He seated. M. le Due. Sire, it is my duty to stand in your Majesty's presence ! Sit down, I tell you, for I have much tn sav. and the Duke obrved with an SUNBUmY Absolute acquiescence in the declaim of the Hy JIasscr & I.licly. expression of respect, and placed him self in an attitude to listen with attention to the monarch. You were a long time Minister of Police to Bonaparte, M. le Due t Sire, his Majesty, the Emperor, hon ored me by naming me of his coun cil i Far be it from me to blame j our de votion ; I honor faithful servants. But France has recovered her legitimate prince, and you are now my subject, Due dc U , in that character, I ask of you a piece of service, which is to me of some importance. Will your Majesty put my zeal to the proof T 1 he question I am about to ask of you, must be answered with sincerity. The Duke bowed. It is the misfortune of princes to he surrounded by traitors; not only in prosperity, but in adversity. I am in doubt on a point which you alone can relieve, and again I appeal to your sin cerity. I shall obey your Majesty ! Well, then, it is my pleasure that you do not quit my presence until you have told me the name of the wretch who betrayed his unfortunate master at llariwell, and corresponded with vou! I did not expect this question, mutter ed the ex minister of Police, turning pale. Sir, I wait your answer ! I am profoundly grieved that I can not obey your majesty in this particular honor condemns me to be silent. Darkness brings counsel, Due de II therefore, I will give you till to morrow, when I hope, for'your interest as well s mine, that you will be more conformable ! The Duke, on regaining his hotel, shut himself in his cabinet, and refused to see any of the numerous visitors, whom curiosity had brought to his door. The following day, he again present ed himself before the King. Well, M. induced a resolve to oblige me. I have spent the niglit, Sire, in re gretting that your Majesty had not tried my devotion by requiring a possi bility. Then you persist in your refusal ? Irrevocably, Sire. Perhaps we may have the means of rendering you more accommodating. Do you know this writing ? continued the monarch, taking from his bureau a packet of letters. That writing is mine ! And this ? It is also mine ; vour Majesty greatly surprizes me f hxaminc those papers, Monsieur, it you please; you will find that I have in my hand Hie whole ol your correspond ence with your agent at llartwell. Vou perceive that I am very near the truth ; but 1 would have it Irom your lips, m v a - x .l so M. lo Uuc, i asK aain tne mans name ? Will your majesty be pleased to pity mv embarrassment. Instead of convicting and punishing one unworthy person, would you rather that my suspicions should attach to all the companions of my exile. The Duke lamented the awkward situation, ho was placed in. lo relieve your scruples, shall 1 tell you tho amount of the sums which you transmitted to your emissary was it not 4.:8- 000 francs ( Good heaven ! exclaimed the Duke, who can have informed your Majes Have I been rightly informed ? 1 cannot deny the exactitude of the statement ! And yet you hesitate ? Will your Majesty permit me to retire T Not vet. M. lc Due ; presently. I see that to triumph over unconquerable obstinacy, 1 must resort to other means: And tho monarch wrote the following question, and then placed it before the Duke : " The King of Franco desires tho Due de II to divulge the name of the traitor who sold his secrets at Hart- well." Tho character ol the writing caused the Duke to tremble, and return tho paper to Louis,',vho immediately added these words : "If the Due do II resists the orders of his King, he will, perhaps, yield to the entreaties of his bcit Iriend the Due de Blacas t" Gracious powers ! cried the ex-minis' tcr, his eyes fixed on the paper, I am AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL; maj vi y, the vital principle of Republics, from winch Sunbury, Northumberland Co. confounded that name of Blacas my correspondence in your hands, Sire; that writing is similar ; my ideas are wholly contused ; I know not And you would have the solution of the enigma from me. I will be more communicative than you, M. le Due Know then that the spy of Bonaparte, your correspondent at llartwell, was no other than Louis XVIII, King of France and Navarre. Necessity taught me to disguise my writing. The sums of money received from you were dis tributed in relieving the distresses of my poor emigrants, who were suffering from privations of all kinds; and thus vou contributed 'to a good work un knowingly. The secret was confided to only one friend, my faithful Blacas; and you evinced want of tact when you selected him, Monsieur lc Due. How could you think that a gentleman so nobly descended could sell his sove reign for gold, and become that hateful ihing a srv T The Due de R , completely abashed, bowed, and withdrew without reply ; and a smile of malicious triumph lighted up the features of the Monarch as the tallcn ex-minister left his pre- ence. J. B. From the fhiutitifrjon Advocate. i:erutioii or Kobert itrCoiiaghy. This w retched man, the murderer of Brown's family, suffered the awful pen alty of the law, on the Gth inst. He was executed in tho Jail Yard, a few min utes before three o'clock, P. M. Al though the execution could not be fully witnessed, by those curious to sec its no velty, and the unparallclled enormity of the crime which caused it, it attracted a very large crowd, which swarmed around the jail, until the wretched be ing atoned for the blood of his kindred with his own. The scene w ithout im pressed us firmly with ..the belief that the recent change in the law upon the subject, was a change for the worse. vfl5 fl3Q UCtti tipptrictl tu piium. ct-i:u tions, seeing and feeling that much of the awful solemnity and time of the scene was taken away by the change, and no alleged evil remedied, were rcadv to join us in our opinion. No one. in taci, we tieiicve, inouirni or leu otherwise, kxcei't tuk CULPRIT u ho, wo are credibly informed, rejoiced in the fact, that the walls had been raised so high as to s-hicld him in his ig nomy front the piercing gaze of tho multitude ! Down lo the hour of his execution. nay t the very moment the drop fell, he stubbornly persisted in asserting his innocence. All hopes of his making iny acknowledgment was entirely removed by his sullen and dogged conduct. He was taken upon the scaf fold ; every thing was adjusted ; the moment arrived ; the drop fell ! and not a word confessed. But the rope broke, and iHstead of hanging, very much to his -own astonishment, we suppose, he tound hansel! upon the ground under the gallows! He thought he was "clear;" but the illusion was present with him but a moment. He was im mediately taken upon the gallows again and every thing made, ready ; the drop about to fa'II ! when lie begged for time "to talk a, little," and proceeded to make a lull ami detailed conieisiou ot his crimes to the clergymen present, Mr. Brown and Peebles, who reduced it to writing in his own words, as he made it, and who will cause it to be published for the benefit of his wife and children. His confession, it is said, casts yet deeper and darker shades of cruelty over the bloody affair ! He had scarcely concluded his con fession, when the la it minute that the execution could bo delayed, arrived, and he w as again swung off and paid his life a forfeiture for his crimes ! Thames Tux jifl. The famous and justly celebrated Thames Tunnel, as is well known, is now near completion. The mode of egress is to be by n npirnl staircase, for foot passengers. The carriago way is to be also spiral, and two hundred feet in diameter. The gradients of the road will be about one in twenty-five, forming an inclination by no meant inconveniently steep, in deed less so than Borne of our streets. London Sun. A machine has been invented in Maryland, by which tho farmers there have husked and bhelled their corn at the rate of forty bushels per j nour. AMERICAN. there is no a ppal but to force, tho vital p.in i,,e Pa. Saturday, November ai, mo. tPOt Till POTTSVI LLl KMI-ulllr M. Anlliracite Coal Tor Iron. Our readi r particularly those of thia r g'on, will find in the au'jiinrd extract, matter of much value and peculiar inler a', and for which we arc indebted lo A. U. W hite, E-qr.of M unt Curb lu ll it evidently wri lcn by 0110 who it in imatcly ac quainted with the precetia of generating fti-am by means of Anihaciio Coal, and we only riRret ih. t the Ute hour at which it w u r. reived with want of room in our col um nr., preclude the porta. biliiy of not'eing it mere in detail at thia time. Extract from a ht tcr written by a d rtinfrw'sf td ncientifie gentleman in Edinburg, hit friend in rhiladtljhia, dated EnijraoRo' Oct, 15, I S 10. "I was yesterday invited lo witnem avnerxiori men a wiih A nlhinrite with t'ie view of determin ing its cvnporsting powc a iho combustion doing maintained by air hea ed to the temperature of about 220 Fah'i.by Bell' pa ent appar tua. Ii is will known tint Anthr.cV. though it cm be hiirni d in c,n r.rc-i j ,cc merely for the purr one of heating aparlm tita, y, t cannot b" u o 1 wi h fuel ity in common furnnre with I he view of raising strain, un'ea it l e prcvi -unly h. ated it undae it bo aup plied with tmt air. He. re ibe great valuo of the B.-ll patent npparat ia fore riaumi; g thia kud of roal. When Anthracite ia thrown on the fire of a common furmce there it immrdi ile'y a decrepi t uion, I ut when thrown on the Grei f the Bell nppa ratus there is no decrepitation com'ustion bi ii.p Ii. v. Iy with the flame, and i a i y m .in ained. The An thrariic used for tbrae ejper.inenta, was i fan n Te nor description; fiom analysis ii waa f,m:ul to con fiat, viz: Of moisture, 4,4 " Vulutile matter, 13.0 " Curlon, . 71,1 " Earthly and metallic incom bustible matter, J o.(5 too." From the an di of other kinds of Anthracite containing hraidi a volatile ingredients upward of 92 rrr cent of Carbon, and from the quantity of Oxy gen f.nind lo U necessiry for t!ie combination w ilh the inflamma! le ingredients, the evaporative piwer has brcn found to lie rqual lo that of pure Curdon ! Hence the anthracite nith nbirli it . I to 12.3, bting theictore deficient ly 12 per cent in cvnoialive power. These rxpir.men a nun con ducted by a vrry able chemist of litis c ty (Dr. Fyfe) uho.e character for accurscy in audi m ittna i w II known In the pudl c. I ahall therefore not cn'ei into nny further minuctta; respecting them, but just to ob-eive that while Anthracite evaji r ites npw.i d. of 10 1 outi'ls w.iter to the pound of fuel, the com- ! mon bituminous Sco'eh coal dura not evaporate reoro ih .11 G 2i pound to the pounJ of fa. I." I trolcum Oil Wt-11. Adout 10 yea a kince, wh'Ut (Hiring for axtt water, near Kukivilic, Ky., af er penetra iog through ant id ro. k upwards of 2U0 feet, a fountain of pure oil waa Ktruek which waa thrown up moie than 12 feet above the aurfire of the ear'h. Although in quantity soinewhut nquatid fer n discharge of a few minute'', during which it w .s auppowd to discharge 75 gallona a minute, it still continued lo flow for several (lavs successively. The well lu-ing on the margin at d the mouth of a small Crick emptying into Cum'erlund river, the oil hood found ita way thither, and for long time cuve-cd ita surfice. Some "gentlemen bebw ap, lied a torch when the surface of the river blaied, and the fl ones soon climcd the mo3t elevated cliffs, and scorched the aummit of tha loftiest ttces. It i-.il ilea freely a d produ e a fl inie as biilliant at gi. Iu quali ties were then unknown; hut a quantity wis bin relel, most of whieh soon le iktsl out. 1- u so pen eVating as lo be d ffi ult to confine in sj w-nrden vcfsil, und ha so much na at frequently tn hurt botilea when filled and tii;h ly coifc d. t'pon cj posure lo the air it assumes a gievr.ish hue. It is eitremely volatile ; hsi a pungent and indo-crdu-dle smell, and tattcs mu.'h like tho heart of pitch pine. For a -r.ort time after iho d:sNverv, a .mill! qumtity "f the oil would flow, whilst imping the kalt water, which led to the impression that i C u!d always he drawn hy pumping. But sutnc qtienl attempts to obtain it, etcept by a p ntatie ou ll w, h .ve entirely fuilod. There have be n lvo such t!wa within the two last years. Ti e las' commenced on the 4 h of July hat, and eon tinned about six weiks, duriug which time twenty b ineN of oil were obtained. Tha nil and st!t wa ter with which it is invariably combined, thc.e A iwa are f .iced up by the gas ttb.jve 2)0 feel in the pump, and thence throuo ton spout into ro e ed tr 'Uh, whi te the witer soon become dis n. g ijjed, und settles at tho bottom whiUl the oil is readily skimm. d fr m tho kurl'ne, A rumbling neise re-embling sIikUuI thunder un tormly at enda tl e flowing of the oil, whd-i the gas which is then vi.ilile every day at the top if the pump, lea.l. the paking Strang 'r tt enquire whether the well ia on fir.. A'. 0. Bulletin. Doling the Frsiuh Kevolution, it was related of Madame Uu The, th l she carried her extavsgance lo such a pitch, that the horet of her rams-a had sdver .Lota, anj immediate parent of deapiiism. Jr.rrxmov. Vol. I No. X. Extraordinary Surgical Operation. The French Physicians and Surgeons are admit ted as a body tn bs the meat daring and skilful in the wor J but w were not pr pared to hear of such a miracle in surgery aa the following ; which U giv, n in a late Paris pap r 1 A most extraordinary operation was e;f rnird ihs other d y by Dr. Jules (iuiriu, on a young gentleman twenty-two years of age, who ha I nil his muscles and tendons so dreadfully contracted. that his knees were drawn up to his chin, his arms contorted, and his body the ic ure of most hIJeous deformity. The doctor determined, after ttudv ins the case, to nitrate upon him by the subcutaneous section or his mucies 5 and a large pattyofthe most eminent medical men of the capital, as wa- Pas some from lius-i-i and Germany, wete invited to 1 re sent at the oprrati n. The patient, it msy be nt once premised, boie tho wh 1j with the greatest fortitude. The operation wn conducted throughout with the grentest sang froid and courage; nothing but thf eric erie of the h'stouri w is heard, or a faint sigh from the patient. When the pool fellow was thus untied, his limda were stretched out, nnd hia c urse of chliical trcitmcnt commenced. In thi' evi ning he al.-pt soundly, had no fever, anJ is now nearly recovered from his wounds.-"-Parit paper. Front Florida. The Apalaehxol.i U.iwtte of the 24th ult, ssysi A few d iys sii ce in Middle Floiids, three while men were taken on suspicion of niJ.ng the Indians in their ilej red it ions on the lives nnd properly of our c.tizens. It stems a company of men wore en a fc u: in he m h of Indians, sccompanied by several of the blocd hounds, and weie led l y several trails t the h' use of theae men, which at length indu xd the coinnmnding efficer to have them arrested, and 'tl examination, found they had scarcely feed them silves from the paint with which they had been painted to prcvi nt detection. Thry also found, on slid dog r cxamiiialinu, the proofs of their connex ion with the Indians, and will no doubt be dealt by ac. o ding y. Thia is, we believe, the first trrest r- ver mau'e 1 f whito nun for a connexion of the kind. and is a convincing proof of the utialy of the dogs." By tbe leuin'mal Louisa. Oapt. Smith, arrive,! this morning, we learn that a paity of Indians st- taikcd the plantation of Col. GHUihle, in I.Co 1 ...v..'..u .uiruojj a pany 01 WUilei, tbiy permitted her t j escape. Chandelier. This hondscirne piece of wo'kmanship by Mr. Hooper, of Uo;t n, whicli was oideied bv the II uc of Repiesentativia at ti e r last seion, for the use of their H ill, is 110 .v up, and shos Ue inginuity and taste of our own mechanics. The beuu'y of this piece of workm nhip, wc conceive, U 0 ly c quaiied by the taste and symbolical order with which it is coi s'ruc'id. Fr.nn its bate, the chan delier ri-es in thirteen rows, emdlemaiic of the thtr tern original State. At the top of tbe outer, is thirh en faces, each containing two Ismpi. A love thia is an thcr row vf lumps, making in all sevriif). six. Adove the lamps is the coal of arma of the twenty -six States, as they entered the Union) and the whole ia capped with the E ig'e. Thia ChsnJe. lier op roaches in splendor that of the famous chan delier in the S'. Charles Theatre, New Orleans j but it w not ao large by half, though exceeding in size that in 'he Si iiatc Chamdci. Mr. Hooer, the ma ker, kindly gave us the following par'iculsrs t There was used in ita construction about ten thousand pieces of glass. Its cost ia $4,500. Height 19 feet. Diameter 13. Weight, (including enuntetbalance.) about 7,600 chandelier alone 3 60. Aa an or. lament to toe H.xi-e, it is beautiful ) as an agent foi light it is uwful ; and. '-as a candle set u,xmi a huahcV' it may throw, occasional .gleain of brig li nes over the d irk lays f po itical wrath tUat-.ome. times itigriee that Hall. The chandelier waa I ght ej on V.a.1 m slay niglit la.t, ai.d made a most tl .ting appearance. We cannot diviue how uny Hon. member can n w be at a I m for I r:.t on any sodj el ; and we s.nceiely hope, tht ail good men und true, will ee at once through political intrigues and cut short all uuuecesary debute and harriers lo I.Umih si whether by the light of t o clwndv.iir 01 by the 1 glit of ieson, and the crying of juatice The woikmanship refl cia great credit on Mr. H ip per) aud ti an Ameii -an j At, wo thmk it wilt bear comparison wi h any thing loreign. Our owu nu 1 bauiea and mauulac'.ureis only want ncourac- ment, to rise abuve all cumpt tl ora. We will ado nn ution, thai the ro I by which it is suspended is :ni..'a hol.ow, to udmiluf the ue cf gas at any fu- tuie JjV. UtTi-i: or x Fatstu Puwonea raon 8ic a 1 4. The Coutnei do Lv una of Sptemlwr 30, has the fuliuwin ; "Fiom t we to time there arrives in Framv one of lb..' brave soldiers of the grand ar mce who were t eliev.d lo have duU io the iaii paign of 1812. but were detained piisooera by Ku . ia. Viate.diy one of the' old sold ers rewntt-d himself ut our Holed d Vi'le. coming from Bi'-erta, and being uUiul to fix hi- residence al Lyons." Ivcatist or ova Pori'Lanoa. The numV-r of persons who anited iu thii Coun ry from foreign port" iu 1 S.l'J, w as 70 (M)0. I II these, 70,000 weie for. ignt-rs: 44,li0 frnmUrrat Urilaiii and Ireland; 19.U00 from Germany, and 7,000 from France. Of th numher 47,000 arrived at New Vo k, 10,W0 j miens of AnvEuxisixo. I square 1 insertion, . fo CO 1 do 3 do . . 0 75 1 d 1 3 d . (,(( F.v.'ry subsequent inerti.n, - 0 2S Yearly Advertisements, (with the privilege alteration) one column f 25 l half Column, $18, threa squnr.a, $18) two squares, 58 t one squ ne, $". Without the privilege of alteration liberal di count wil be made. Adveitisements Irtt without di'ertiona as to th lentli of time thef are to he pubi-hed, will l continued until ordered out, and charged accord" inglv. Cii'toon lines make square. at New Orleans 0 000 at Baltimore, 4,000 at Phi ladulphia, and 3,000 at Do-ton. 143 wrie clergy men, and 154 phyaician. The numlicr which will be added to our population during the present year, will exceed 100,000. The emigration to this coun. try in the next ten years, w II amount each year lo a numb -r sufficient to coi.s'ituto a State. Sain Slick's otloni on Europe The f .llowinj are the opinions of iha Ulockma kcr Uon the s'ala of Earope!. The f xt ia, those Wiseacres on the other side hive enj yed peace so long, that the've grown tired ofit. Ii's a Keying that becomes cheap, and, like a glut .d henlr.gs, nobody will thank you for a dish of them tis a gift. It's always tbe way iheir legis lators at d po'iticiana have hid it down for gospel, tht peace cati'l be wholesome if it's kept beyond a ccrtiin ntiml er of je.irs; they think it like hung gim whii hat last breeds maggots. 8j each coun try, af.er a long feed, jumps up quite vicious, snar's and 1 o, ks round to see where ii can give its neigh Imr a snap. The driott bono ia rnotgh for thernlo q ta rel for. First they're ready to go to logger heads because a hot-headed skipper rincesout iho immoital tricolor flag with aea-water; then thry squab: lc over a lot of sulphur, till they're ready to t ike fne iustanlcr; and then comes this burning of their ni mine with another man's poiriilge. Fiva nations (day at puss in the corner, and ihe one tha 's left out grows crusty nnd shows fiht. In (he meinwhde each c Tries on a contraband bu4i in th1! small way abrond. The English t.ke a contract to shoot down Ca-. os' men, and b .Iter a dilapidated town in India. The French virtue is shocked at the wickednesa . f the Algerines, and bundle them out to make noin for a calony of ita own, where, for want of wat' r privileges, th hot a il must be irrigate 1 with s . dieis' blood nnd laborers' sweat. Then the Mu"c' vites must tike a turn in India just to warm th ir hands, till there "eeonn Ihing doing elsewhere. Novv what dnes all this blus cring ai d bullying Come to does it take eff a single tux! Not one, I'm darned. D iea it make the people contented and happy f Not so much aa you cou'd put in your eye. l)i pend upon il that peace is one of tl.e very g-ca'ett of national die sin is. Depend upon it ihut tho t who cry up war are those who find their account in find nation on the debit sido. Depend upon it, tho fro it you'll reap frcm a bio -dy pcdy lime in I'm :nt ending of arts and manuf ictures the dindei if of know led je from g ing ahead the leading of tin people into id. us f extravtga' ce and per I. his s.. culation the draining of thu Treasury and I'm bequeathing to yourch Id en enormous debt, whiiii their government b. ing raJdled wiih, it will, like ., ra overlo de I coacli thai cornea to a bit of lock, j. tit, wangle, and capsir.c, DiTisiTiosa.- While a philosophical lect; rr waa describing the nature of gas, a l.-dy inquired of a gentleman what he memt by Oxy-gin 11ml Hydro-gin ! or what was the dill", ro.ee in gin 1 My deur Madam," said he, "by oxygin w mean pure gin, and by hydro-gin, we mean g n and water." tiTKirriso to it. An Irishman from ihebos, having to put a letter 011 board a vraacl, arrived t -o late, (or the barge had put of! for the vessel wi h a full sail 1 the Irishui in ran along the shore at d kept up with iho boat.' Aa il was going to weather tha p Mnt. they lowered sail ; the Allow le ng neariy ex.uated, gave upthe chase, crying, aruh, hone) ! ifyvureguiiig to tirip to it, the devil himself can't euich you t" Attbitiom th r4ial The following tnn- was drunk atjhe. tjinner of the "Bachelor'! Club at the tT. Hotelj tbe 4lh of July, at Rochester. ' The iMitiea. Coutlanly invading our te ritory and inducing desertion from our ranks: May evciy memlrer of " our club" be on the alert Ij take the fair culprits and biing them to trial; anJ w hen they come to court may they join issue and never be uonsuiitd. ExcsrcnTixn. A working man recently fell from a bidding near Q eo Victoria, and waa crush ed lu death in her s ghu Tbe London Globe e ive of it" we ate happy to slate that though her tni-jo-ty waa much a'srniej and excited, no perrnane t injury to ber niajety'a health ia likely to ram i." This ia like ttie lady, whse lap-Jog bit a piece out of a visitor's leg" Poor dear little thing," said it mi.-tre-s, " I bo; it will not ra .ke it sick." A I.oso Dm. A traveller sloped at a certain inn 40 dine. When the bill waa presented (whicli .y ihe way waa lengthy) Mr. Host waa a-ked hia uainj. Partridge, sir, replied the landlord. In iWd, it ou;ht 10 hae been woodcock by the leog It of your I It. 1 A Eltsst-n SroT. The following 1 npudti-h! tr n Is ion hy Percy Uythe Shelley, of anepig am of Adulladhill, recorded n D'HiiU'lot, is fim ll I .st t.urliivr of the I.oi.dou Spoiling Kevie 1 Hamad 111 is my iitive place, Ami, I intM say, in pra.ssi ofit, Il merit", f r its ugly fue, Wliat etriy body saa of il. lis children eq'ial its oJ men In vice an.l avidity ; And Uf-y ifl -ct ibe Kibes again, la ex juirits stup.dil. . j , ... ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers