TEItMS OF TIIU "A!lllltlL4Av." HENRY B. MAS8ER,? IWtiwtits ah. JOSEPH EISELY. $ FaoraixToiis. H..B. .W.f .', tidttor, ortlCI Iff MaRKKT TMIT, KIAB. SEE. THE " AMERICAN" is published every Satur dav at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till all arrearage are .paid. No subscriptions receirelHeir a (cm perioJ thin six months. All communication w tetlcra on buaincai relating to the ollice, to insure attention, mual be POST PAID. Q-The following poem, written bjr young En glish poetess, is taken from the Lady' Book for Septe.nbcr s WASIIIXGTOS. BT MISS ELI I A COOK. Land of the W'el ! though pawing brief The record of thine ago. Thou hast a name lhat darken all rtn history's wide pige ; Let all the bias' of Fame ring out Thine shall be loudest far, Let others boost their satellite Thou hast the plnnet rtt', Thou hast a name who e characters, Of high shall ne'er depart, Tisatxmpod upon the dullest brain, And warms the elou.le-t heart ; A war-cry fit for any land Whoie freedom's to be won Land of the Wert, it at inds alone It is thy Washington. Rome had its Csnar, groal and brave-; But stain was on hi width He lived the heartless conqueror, And died the tyrant' death l France had its Eagle, but his wings, Though lofty they mit;ht soar, Were spread in false emhiliou' fl'glit, And dripped in murder's gore. Those hero gods, whose mighty away Would fain have cha:ned the wave. Who flashed their blades with tiger zeal To make a work! of slave Who, though their kindied barred the path, Slill fire ly waded on, Oh ! wh re shall le thi ir glory by The aide of Washing! -n. He fought, but not wilh love of strife He struck but to defend ; Ard ere he turned a people' foe. He sought to he a friend ; He strove to keep his country's right By reason's gentle word, And sighed when fell i justice threw The challenge sword to sword. He stood tho firm, the calm, the wie, The pa' ri t and s.tge ; He showed no deep avenging halo, No burst of despot rage ; He stood for L'beity and Truth, And dauntlesaly led on. Till shouts of victory camo firth The name of Washington. No car of triumph bo'e him through . A city filled with grief. No groaning captives at the wheels Proclaimed him vicior chit f; He broke the gyves of slavery With strong and high disdain, And cast no sceptre from the link When he had broke the chain. He saved his land, but did not lay His soldier tr ippings down, To chango them f.tr a regit v. st. And d -n a kingly crown ; Fame was too earnest in hr j y Too proud of such a son To let a robe and title nin-k Hor noble Washmgton. England, my heart is truly thine My loved my native e.tith ; The land that holds a mother's grave And gave that mother birth. Oh! keenly sad would ba the fate That thrust me fiom thy shore, Ard f.iltiring my breath, that tithed, Farewell for ever more V Dut did I meet such adverse lot, I would not seek to dwell, Where olden hero wrought the d.cdi For Home.' song to tel1; Away thou gallant ship! I'dc y, And bear me swift 'y on, Bui hear me from my own fair IjnJ To that of Washington ! Losuo.x, 183'J. The Blind Harper Ho stood beside hi silent harp, Thai poor and ghtless mm ; And muleleM o'er the slumbering chords, His wa-led fi -g-t ran, There Was tear upon his rhfeck, Fall's) from his mindless eye Th Quenching ot the visual ray, Leaves not that fountain diy. r-ome by-gone sorrow stirr'd the fount, Some 1110111' ry of the dead : Home flitting harmony which spoke Of days of promise) II d. That chord has touched an answering chutd, And niimory'a hand portrays; U on the mental retina, "The light of other days, Alas for thee ! has all been dark, In this fair world of ourat It hills, its dales, it wooda and wild lis sunshine and it flowers. It hi ids and butte fli a that flit, With bright and beauteous wings, The broad blue vault, the depth 'ess sea, With it thousand living thing. The many fuir young forms which pass. Where'er the eye can roam, Whieh shed surh love and loveliness, On rainy a j yous homo. The bright and deep tinged eye of jet, The blue's more melting ray ; The wreath of cutis about the biow, Where mind and music play. The stui'e upon the lip, the glance Which kindest thought bespeak ; The lilies of the forehead fair, The row a of the cbetk. A blank to thee ! poor sightless man Then aurely those who see 1 (Should spare thee something fiom the store Of gifts, denied to lb.ee. SUN Alx-olute acquiescence In the decerns of the fly Manser & Elsely. Frvin the Correspondent of the Button Daily, Paris, Oct 1, 1840. M. THIERS, M. Thiers is a small mm, wi'h rather an iffomi nate voice and look, but n.itwilht-tand ng he is a man of great rapacity. He is whM we cM a self m ide man. He ha written the best work on the French revolution, be baa been tho most powerful writer for the press in France, he hi made capital and effective speeches in the chamber of Deputies, he is now prime minister ; and lore than 20 years ago he waa poor and unknown, inheriting nothing but po verty and disgrace, living in otxure lodging", and not knowing from day to day when or how he was to gi t a dinner. In April next M. Thiers will be forty four years of age, and in lees than h df that number of year he has built himself a naie, and developed a character that may be envied by many an older and bolter man. His father woe lock smith, and at eighteen (he son wa entered as a law student, and applied himself with alacii'y and perseverance to the study of literatute, philosophy and history, identifying himself with the party of the peiple, and enlisting himself on the a'de of the revolutionists His talents were great, his writing forcible. He wtole a theme for the prizi of the Academy of Air, which, al hough acknowledged the bent, was in consequence of coming frm him rejected, and the decision of the prize was postpo ned to another year. In the meantime a new com petitor for the prize appeared, who sent his manu script from Paris. The production ecl'psrd all o thera, and was pronounced successful, when lo I on opening the sealed a.ket containi-g the author's name, who should it be but tho lit1 Ic jacobin Thiers. He had written an entire new treat so, and having got a friend to copy it nd put it into the post ollice at Paris it had unexpected by the learned members of the Aeadamy, gained lor him the prize. Having been admitted to the bar of Alt he did n t succeed, because he was known as the po r son of a oor man, and he concluded to come to Paris to seek his fortune. He was tich in hope, in am bition and in talents, but even here he was for some t:me in obscurity and poverty. But he knew that fortune waa a fickle goddess, and be wa'ched her with a keen rye to tike advantage of the R a chance abe ahould give him, to ii- to the station he cove ted. In 1820 he made the acquaintance of Manuel the great orutor, and Lafitte, and became one of the writera fur the Constitu'ionnel, one of the best pa p r in Pari. Hera he shone pre-eminent for the nerve, the richness and the beauty of hia contribu tions, and soon he became person .liy acquainted with great men of the day. He wa a frequent u sitor at Talleyrand's, and he is frequently called in deriion by the opposition, tho "would lie Talley rand" of the day. He i a man of great judgment and of much olwervalion, and rarely allowa any thing to escape hia memory. From a mere writer in the Consiilutior nel, he a -on became a proprietor, and, foitune hivinj gone will with him, he awu med the dsn.ly, and was to 1 e found every d ey at Tort mi', and kept hi horse to ride in the Doi de Cologne. The Conmitutionnel did not suit his purpose afier a while. It via too old fashioned, uud he wanted something frerhir. Accordingly in 1828 he founded a new paper called the Nati mat. which took a stand more Jem cratie, and was the, mouth piece of the revolutionary parly. In the Nationut M. Thiera showed his ii.uuslry and hi v gor. He attacked the gov,.rnment of Charles X, and goaded on Polinac lo the utmost. He kept his pvt when o'her j lurn d sl were afraid to speak, and va only d ien from it at last by force. M. Thiers took an act'.ve part in the rcv.du'ion of July, 1830, and it was he with Lafirte thai induced the Uuke or Orleans to accept tho crown. He ma le part of the Knit cabinet of Ivi PfAillipj, a under secretary to the minister of finance. He was soon after ilected deputy for Aix, and made his fir ft ap pearance in the Chambers; Tho Lafitte ministry having been obliged to resign, Casaitnir I'errior be came prime minister, and the opposition counted upon M. Thiers as their loader, but he disappointed them, and came out with an eloquent and able speech againut all their proposition On the sub ject of the Hereditary p er ige, democrat and j ico- bin as he always had txten, he proved himself even more minintrtial than tho mtnistiy themselves. His speech on the occasion is said lo have been moi-t masterly. The hereditary plan fell to the ground, but from this moment M. Thiers was atamped a one of tlte first orators of the Chaml-er, and he le- taiu his rank to thia day. It la useless to fo'l iw him through all the politic of France to th a lime. He has, I btlieve, either diieetly or indirectly been a put of every cabinet since l30 until 1838, when he wa found on the opposition benches. In March, 1840, M. 'i hieis became Prime nvn- is er, and whatever may be said of his acts, he has khown bimaelf so far an able one. There are many who doubt whether be will be able to sunUiu him self through the coming session of the Chamber, and ihe opposition are making vigorou elf iris to oust bim if possible, 80 much for M. Thiers a a publie man. In priva'e be i alfibU to thote he meets, and a companion whose society is to be co veted, but beyond this we are permitted to know nothing. It is saij that ha has uut always dune what he ahould, and that he was indiiectly coucei ed in the speculations and the Euhang about the firt of August; that matters of private ncauilal however, are whtl you iti America hae nothing lo do witlf BUM Y AMERICAN. AND SIIAMOKIN; JOURNAL. - maj y, the vital principle of Republics, from which SUnbiffya tforlhunibrrlnml Co. Ia. Employment of Royalty It will, no doubt, be interesting to your readers lo tend, as it was lo me lo hear) tho routine of her Majesty'a daily occupation whilst ahe is in London. They are mutafit miitandit.the same when she ii at Windsor or at Brighton. The Queen is, as is generally known, an h irly riser, seldom being in bed later than half-past seven, xcept on the morn ings after her atate balls, or on those few occasions when she honor the parties of the nobility w ith her presence Hor bell is rung about eight o'clock for her dressers," and 'by nino her majesty, hir royal c mtort, and her housch Id aro at breakfast. The time occupied by this meal is about half an hour, when her majesty, if the weather permiic, en joys the air in the p'easurc-garJens attached to Bue kingham Palace: this garden covers a space of for ty acres. Hero thi Queen fiequently remains an hour, and is accomp anied by some of the household or by the Prince. When sho is accompanied by the latter, etiquette preKcribca that except by invi tation, the ladies and gentlemen in attendance should walk at a respectful distance. Upon her Majesty's return lo the pal ice, she is attended by hi r secret try, when she affixes her signature to the various documents which acquire their valid ly by it Thexe comprise lieasury and other warran s, the commissions of military officers, states paper, .Vc. ; and they are frequently so numeiou, that it ba leforo now required more than two hours to get through thi businese. The Queen passes the lime let ween one and three, either in conver ation, reading, pa n'ing, or mucin. In these two accomplishments her Majesty is eminently pro ficient ; her drawings are much admired, and hei love for mui-ic i well known ; she U excellent both as an instrumental and vocal perform r. There are three piano-foite in the sui'e of three drawing room usually inhabited, but that which is rspecia! her M ijesty's, and which is only touched by her fingers, i magnificent; it is rosewood, inlaid with gold and vignclte pictures, and coat 1,600 guineas. Luncheon is served at throe, afier which the Queen receives the Cabinet Ministers and such other person whom it is usual to honor with au diences. At five the royal cortege leaves the pal ace, and proceed through the parks, Ac, and gen erally returns about Mven or a quarter after. Din ner is generally served about seven or a quarter before eight, except on opera nighta when it is a little earlier. The usual nuinler of persona who dine at the royal table is about thiity. The Queen never fails to be present, except upon the nights of a ball, either at the palace or elsewhere. On those occasions, her Majesty dines in her own ui o of apartineiiK Tho Queen, who occupies the centre cat of the dinner table, remains f.om an hour nod five minutes to an hour and a quarter. Hr rising i the Mgnal for the ladies to move after her, and in a very short lime ru!s qumit lo thi move the gen tlemen follow. During dinner t'me tho band of one of the legiments of Guards generally attend The mu-icians are placed in a situation above the ceiling of tho apaitinent They aro soparated fiom ihj loyal party by large pine of ground gl is, which mellow the sound, and prevent tho mus'ciaus seeing Into tho apirtment. Tea and coffee are wrviu unmciiiatciy alter dinner, in amall room leading fiom one of the Jt awing room-. Tho re nt inder of Ihe evening is passed wilh mu io and conver-at 1 on, in bom of wbuh Ihe Queen and Prince A'bcrl take a part ; and about half past elev en h r Mai My ntires to her apulmcnts, which are in the immediate vicinity of the drawing rooms, ni wi'h which there is a communication by means of a door tint is ordimrily concealed by a Cabinet. Thi cabinet is on roller 1 and it i when her Majuty exprraw a deire to retire inrnediito ly rolled sulfi iently fir away to enable the door to be 0iene.l, and is replaced again a s jou a she has quitted the apartment AiOTSts, Revolutionary Patriot Govt, Died, in this city, on Saturday morning lim', Mr. William Pierce, aged 90 year. Mr, P. wis cue of the fw remaining survivor of the celebratod Boston Tes Parly, and waa a revolutionary pen sioner, lie was rrei-ettt al the loctuie given by the lamented B. U, Thatcher, on the sulj'-il of throw ing the tea ove boa d, a fi w year a nee, at ihe M 1 souic Ts nplc. He d ed of old age, under the in. firmilies of which, he wa supported by the (J j l he had publicly pr.ifimej. B aton Transcript. Akrivs Fiaxta. The Farmers of the Upper Alps, th .ugh by no means wealthy, Jive like lords in their houses; while tho heaviest portion of agri cu'lutal labor devolves on the wife. It is no un common ihing to see a wouiotoked to tho plough wall an a, while the huband guidea it. A far mer of the Upper Alp account it an art of olite neu to lend his wife to I tboui for n ighlor who is too much nppreaed wi'h wcrk, and the neighbor in hi turn lends his wife for a few day' work, whenever the favor i requested. I.vfaht House. Ann, third daughter of t hailes I did in hd infancy , when not fall four year old. Being minded by lboe about her to call upon God, even when the pang of death were uihii ber, ! am not able," sai h sSe, "to aay my long pryei, meaning the Lord's prayer, "but 1 will uy my khort one: 'Ijgbten mine eyrt O Lord, lest I deep ihe lcep cf death.' " Thi done, lie little lanin gate up the ghol. there i no appr.l but 10 force, the vital principle Sahn l;ty, November T, lsio. F rom the Snt thern Literary1 tftxsenger. Harriet Llverinore Thoe of ihe readers of the Mesveng. r, and other whi listened some years since 1 1 tho puhlic . c tuic F Mis Harriet Livermore, iti Which she en larged upon tho wrongs of the - poor Indian," mid dwelt much upon ihe near approach of tho Mille nium, wiil doubtless lie gratified to learn her whereabout. Eight years ago rhe lectured in cmr Own city of Richmond, since which lime she has visited many of Ihe triln-a of our Western Indians, and at one lime proposed to end Ihe remainder of her dnya with Ihe red people in iho viHnily of Foil Lravcns worlh, but her intentions were frustrated, she savs. by tho machination i'f the commander a-id the In dian agent, who" wished lo dislodge her. Perplexed and dbwippointcd, sho was (hen led to exclaim " What nhall I do!" and a still ma!l voice seemed 10 vj,y pcacc !, unt0 ,hce thoo shall gn lo Jeniaalcm." Accordingly we have ln-fore us a let ter from her, da ed in the confines of Judea. Yea, twice ha-t ihis, in many roxpecla, rx'raordin ary wo rn in visited ihe s"puhhres of the prophets, and now h- says, ' it is to die there." Believe what we may, there is something timpto. bcau iful and affecting in all this: ihU unlnsita ing faith, thi self-KRcr ficing obedience to (ho dictates of duty. It is a spirit akin to the primitive Ch t. tian's; a spir t, whieh the selfishness, lln-expe lien cy. the greediness of gain, and the matter-of-fact character of the age in which we live, arc fistcx tinguUhing from amid us. It is akin to that w hich swayed the good, ay, even the great Oh, rlin. great with small means, and the pastor and leg si. 1 tor of the seclu led Bati do la Roc' e. Mim Liv. r more may accomplish nothing to be hereafter hia saned on the roll of fame; but the tmphi love of truth and duty paramount in her own mind will bring to her it " own excreding gre it reward." at the date of her letter she had scarcely reached her place of dentinal on, an 1 il is accordingly filled wilh details gruifying to her private fricr.ds, I ut of hardly sufficient interest for the public eye, li abounds with sentiment of the mosl anient piety, and faith in Him who has hilln r o protected her in her solitary pilgrimage, and wh-a has promised to u temper the wind to the shorn lamb." It inutl be borne in mind that she travel alone, apparently un patronized by any of our mii-sionary board. At Glbr.dtar she wa hospitably entertained by our worth f consul, Mr. Sprague, who seems not unmindlul of the apostolical injunction to " cntcr lain strangors." With a pleaaure highly cred table to her heait, she dwell upon ihe many proeft of kindness and benevolence al.e expciiencad in hia amiable family, and the null t ovial c utif rt-i liny prov de.l for her long and perilous j ii.rney. Whi'e entering the liny of Malta t-he wa sabited wilh the familiur air of II ul Columbia," played by a Maltrsr, who catna along side, and thu did honor to her c lUtitry. SShe threw him some coin, while hrr thought were tar away wi'h ihe homo nnd country she should tee 110 m r We trust to hear ag tin from her, with pa t'.cular of the city made ho'y by ihe f ioltep of the Sa viour, and tho witne.-s of hi death and rerurrecti in. The rema k ib'o asp ct of the time, the rhange of the at at of war between civillted comi. unities, from Eur. .pa o the ancient Aceldama of Asia, and ih- concurrent testimony of prophecy, whether to be understOiid li erally or otherwise, seem to ptiint out this portiou of the eailh ss a theat e on which great event are yet l. 1 c revealed. I be circumstance of the RotliH-bilds hddiug a mortgage of the Holy City, which act-in- to l well sulhei.t;ealed, add not a lit lo to the peculiar lnteiet with which all eyes regard this interesting portion of ihe World Translated from the French. The lteul' Man. A young Parixian, who went with a numerous parly lo I .yon to enjoy the pleuure of seeing the second city of Ihe kingdom, thus relaUs an advent lure which he had: We wore lodged at the he! inn, found excellent company there. The evening before our departure, I w is in Ihe court yard almut five u 'clock, when a man enter, d, leading his horse by the bri.lle. " Take care of my hor-e," siid he to tho ser vant. " W have not any room f r your hor.e," iepli ed the servant, "tk another stable." That is light.' said the man, - I hall think of you to-morrow. ' 1 told you," ald the servant, thai we had no room; our stuble is full." " Very Well," replied the roan, you Imik like go.xl boy ; la" e care of my beast." 1 ueueve nit man 1 a loot, said the hoy, see ing Ihe stranger wslk lo (he kilehen ; what can he wish me lo do wilh hi horse 1" "I think he i deaf," said I to him "lake rare of Ihe horse; you will tie responsible for him.' I followed Ihe man to the kitchen. The hostess made him the same compliment as her servant ; he ifpbed he was milch ob'iged to her, end b ggr her not to (atiguo her.-clf by making him compli ments, for he was so deaf, that he could not hear l , .... . .. cannon snor. no immediately took a Chair sn seated himsilf near the (lie, a if ho wa at home, The hostess saw there wano mean of getting rij of this man, who wa d U'rmiued to lake a slumber in hia chair. I went into the parlor, where I told the company of ihe ho. te.' embarramcnt. Tbt liughril hI ii, and I. aboe all, who did not believe and immediate srcnt of depi.m.-Jr.r Tol. I VIII. thai I ahotlld ba the dupe of tho adventure. Sup per wa served, and our gentleman camo nnd seat ed himwlf by tho door; we aked hit.i to come to the table, and not make himself a stranger) ho ap parently thought we wirhed to put him in Ihe mosl islwguiished place, for he repl ed that he wa too polite to put him-elf at the head of the table. Seeing it wa imporaihle lo make him hear us, it wa necessary to take patience; he eat as much a four otheT, and when the bill was presented to him, he drew thirty cent from bis pocket and threw it on the table. The expense of each one of us was much more; this they tried to make hiro under stand, but he always replied thai he was not a man to suffer other to pay his debts, and that he was much obliged to us for wishing to defray it ; and al though he was full of money, which he doubtless said because they g've him back his money in order hat he might give more. In the mean time, ho made a bow and went nut, leaving us bursting with laughtei. A minute after the servant came in and uld me to go and defend my lied, of which this mm had taken possession. V c all went up but he had barricaded the door, and we knew it would bo useless to knock al it. As he spoko to himself wo tenrd. "How miserablo is my condition said he, they try to force my door open, and I shall not be ahlu to hear them ; I have no other resource but to walch all night wi'.h candles bun, ing so as to lie able lo ue my pi,4oIs if they undertako to rob me." " He hid not the trouble ; I passed the night near the fire and willingly pardoned the man, who pieared to me so much to be pitied. He arose early ihe next morning, gave thirty cents for the xpenso df his horse, and, having mounted him, he ldresd met " I auk your pardon," said he, for having t ken our bed. Ono t f my friend, who had been refus ed lodging here, bet me twenty louis d'ors that I tuld not get accommodated ; this sum is worth be ing deaf for. A lo the rest, fir. I understand by your conversation that you are going to bike the steamlioiit ; I shall meet you there, and shall beg ou lo accept a good brcokfit to repair tho bad g'.t which you have paufd. lie hastily departed after these words, and led us much astonished at Ihe sang ftM with which he had played his part. tnttx th a . o. rieattMK. ;rci: noon ihiom.vkies. The pby was the Lady of the Lake, and a mas- wve gold chain was wanted for K'ng James to put around Kllen'a neek, in the la-t nceno. The property book diiection was briefly ".1 chain fur t'i.'z-Jamet" Whether someliody had been hoaxing the pro perty man, or whether the thing arose purely out of is own stupidity, we never d;ncovercd, but when Fi't'Jsmea walked into the green-room at night, in his royal silk and velvet robes, nnd snow-white gauntlet, ready (or the last seeno, el ,i,k, we herd a most ex r otdinary clatter in the vicinity of the property ro m, and in came poor "Fly," (the pro- irrty man) dragging, for be couldn't carry it, an enot moo rusty iron tchain, sui h as is used in trans porting bl.xk of granite through the street! Mr. Fi z-Jamts, here's your chain sir," said oor Fly. What .' almott shucked the royal Saxon, while the whole company, then present in the green' room, went cfl'it.to convulsions of laugter. "Ladies ond gentlemen,' exclaimed ihe stage munig r, ruthing up from the prompt place, "you're ditu:bii2 tho audience for 11 aveu's sake atop thi laughing. "uaughing, sir, laughing," ta d indignant F.lz- James, "they would laugh, sir, if the thunder o doormday was now crocking over the house I Will you be so kind, sir, a to look at the chain t'tat this man has brought me to put around the neck of Ellen Dou jla. !" The office of stage minagei is a moot n apons'Me one to fi li gravity of couutenuncn is utmost in. lis lienstl le. Our Worthy stage director bad, unfortu nately for the dignity of his position, a tet of riri. b!e that alway went off like powder al the fi st sp -rk of fun. He look one glance at the enor moos chain c.il'l , grasped his side suddenly, and then, seeing ihe sofis engaged, and it not being p- lite to roll on the flor before ladies, he bounced out of the green-room, and flung hiuifelf down behind the wing, rolling and cboliug wilh laughter. This was throwing brimstone into the fire. Every body jumped np lo see the manager roll, and the lad-e gave themselves up lo downright and uncontrolla ble ccstaeies. Tie people iu front locked at one another in consternation at healing fcniale scream proceeding from behind the scene, and tho Actor on the stsge forgot their parts, and said to each other, (-idi,) '-What under Heaven is going on in the green-room !" My royal liego said Ellen Douglas, (s. very charming young lady played her part,) addressing Viu James, "if you put thai chain around my nexk, you will orerpiiUHT mo, indeed you will." Poor Fly stood in the centre of the group wi'h an end of Ihe chain in one hnd, and bis property b.xik in Ihet other, looking now at Ihe book and then at the chain, and iben at lbs facetious crew around him, most irrt'iiililu picture of ludicrous won der. "Why, lady," said the gall-tnl King Jain','jou need n't feat il; a chain ii-ed to tn inre a f'y. cannot 1-e tvo heavy foi a lady." prices or AnvruTisiyOa 1 square I insertion, f 0 ofl 1 do 3 do . 0 7!i 1 di 3 di . .1 no Rvry subsequent iii-ertii n, 0 35 Yearly Adveilisemenis, (with the privilege nf alteration) one column $45; half column, $13, three square, $13 ; two rquares, f 8 ; one square, $. Without the privilege of alteration a liberal di.-counl will lie made. Advcitisemeuts led without direction aa to the lenifth of limo they aro to be publinbed, will be continued until ordered out, and chcrged accord ingly. Cj'Sixleen lines make a squaro. - j. tjtxmmmm "Still I do not wish to be undei such 1 weight of even royal bounty," relurneJ the lady. "Well, the devil fly away with this man-Fly," said ihe manager, picking hiinclf up. "Drag out that chain cal.lo, sir, and ladica and gentlemen, please straighten your face for the last scene," Bo ihe lady Ellen lent King James a chain of her own to use, and the play went on. An Orator done up. We have plenty of such cattle as are below da t-enbed in New Yoik( and shall see enough of them between this day and Novemher 15,h. After thai elate, they will go into retiracy until the Spring Election. The sketch is frorn the Clipper t-8tv ther Jonathan. "Feller citisens," exclaimed an independent ortC' tor on Tuesday night, about 13 o'clock, while be held on to a lamp-post with one aim, and lashed the ail with the other. "Feller citizen 1 I'm the man-what stands up (when Tin not drunk) for in diwidual rights! Hurra for our siJe ! it's no uso of arguing the question, friends and feller cititen- I'm as dry aa blazes, and Itavn't taken a horn for the last five minute. Down with ab-b-bolitionism and temperance socictirs ! them's my sentiment, ond Fin likewise friendly to universal mjfaingi. Go it, roarer and buster V Hereupon the tremendous outpouring of elo quence became so overpowering, that he forsook hi best friend, the !amp-pot, and mad a lurch into the gutter. "I'm in for it,"' continuej he, "to your lents, oh ! Israel 1 the last link is broken, and I'm a gone sucker. Friends and feller-citizen, d'ye sea ihcm stars wot blinks in the blue heavans Soo ner shall they fiy from their e ethereal peart than I from the position I have taken in this affair I I'm for a freo expression of sentiments, and no gag law hurra for me ! them' my mliments !" "Look hi re, mUter," said the Watch, interrupting; the strain of pure and unadulterated patriotism, "though you have no audience but myself, you ap pear to be well backed and speak in gutter-l tone. by, man, you can t tland up for yeur cause. Do you nvan to doubt my p p patriotism, m'sterl" asked the orator, making a motion to tako the il mr erect "Do you moan to insiuerwate thai I can't support my aigumeut nor myself cither t Friend and feller citizens I guv in my wole like) a man I wentthe whole figure. Listen to the woice of tho patriot who fought, bled and died for look here, mister is ihero any liquor shop any where- within a reasonable distance!" "Yes, there' one a very short distance off, whet you will be provided for" Wh wh what' the name 1" Tho Pilgrim' Uelreat" Ii i hirJIy necessary lo add, that th orate was bodied off to quod. A Obakck Hir.-A Rev. gentlemen wasiidl.ig along ihe road one day, and had on a cloak, whfli he wore w hen tho elements without seemed to wag.v war and dispute their claim to sujicrionty.of rathAr an extraordinary make and pattern, cape upon rape like the outworks in a regular fortification; so th t when the rain had got po.-es-iion of one fold, it ba.l a fresh one lo encounter. The wind were trying their full power lo turn this Uiloi's barricade into ridicule, and were assailing tho shoulder turrets in all directions, wheu an Er.g!ih gentleman time op, mounted on a very spirited horse, which had never been trained to such sight, and took alarm, and al iiust threw hi rider. Why, man," (aid John Bull, "that cloak o' yours would frighten lbs devil." Well," replied Ihe minister," thai' )us my trade." Laird of Logan. A humane chimney sweeper told a dislinguisheJ lady that he had superseded the use ef climbing boy, upon the humano principle, "What doyou do," s.itd her ladyship to the humane man, kisttael t-f using the boysl" fcVy," said ihe eweep, instead of sending a b'y up the chimney, I g to the top of the pot my si If, and having tied a string to tho t til of a goose, I let bim elown with a string ; an J then, 11. y lady, he flap, and he flaps awty hi ving', vch. entirely clean th sut out of the chirn ney altogether." Dear me," says the sensitive ('ourucss, "but (hat niOt le exceedingly painful te the goose." "Yy, said ihe amisMe sweep, "so il ia. my lady, vithout no manner of douM ba if your' lid) ship is partikle r lo a goose a couple of dmL vill J.i just as Veil." A good wife ahould be Ilka three things, which three thing she should not be like. She should be like town's clock, keep lima and regularity she should not be like- town's) rkaek, speak so loud, that all ihe low mayhear. fetie should be I ke an echo, speak when she i spoken to; she should not he like an echo, always to have Ihe last word, She should lie like a swa l, keep within her own houe ; she should ne4 be like a snail, carry all ah has upon ber back. Not to ai Dovt" Twit. A vagrant, wha fleeted deafness, being brought Ixforo a bench of magistrates, resolutely ri'fused to hear the question) that were put to him. At length one of the jueti. . , to lest Ihe suvpwted prisoner, aaid to bim, " You are discharged." " No, no ! cried the cun ning vagabonJ, " I have been taken in that way be loie " Al 1 Uhniail being upUaidcd with MiirJicet ai.l, be hd - brave a h'r.rl as any luun in the) mmy,l ut h.s .0 vr liy -- lw .j-f tuarvay with if.