Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 10, 1840, Image 4

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    to tiik rrnijc, i
In submitting to the public the firt nrJnVors of I
the "American," it may be deemed iiicuinli t on j
uk a- tier rsiar jr an J proper lo make few observe- i
timi in relation in the etablihment of thia,
Hid ll, course which its conductors inti nd to pur
sue in its publication. Tie age in which we live
hue been truly styled the age of improvement,
whkh no power on earth can arret in in progress.
I'he Application of ateam to the various purposes
of at i, and the more recent discovery of melt
ing iron with anthracite coal, promisee to Pennsyl
vania result that cannot be too highly osti
mated. The great valley of the Susquehanna I noon dee
lined to Income the tlx Aire oft now c ne of en
terprize Mid industry, which may well excite the
astonishment of thoae who are unacquainted with
Li t inexhaustible df posile of Co I and iron. ,
Her rugged hill and solitary wastes, heretofore
deemed worthies, are now eagerly sought after for
the coal ai.d iron which they contain, the most
valuable minerals in nnturr. It has been said that
England owes her present power and wealth more
to her coal and iron than to all other -cause, com
bined. If so, then Penneylvunia has within her
own border internal resource and powers of wealth
unsurpassed by the whulo Union.
The Shamokin coal region, connected with this
place by a rulioad 20 milt-e in length, which a few
year unco was a eolit ry w ild, untrodden bv the
foot of man savu the solitary huiilct in pursuit of
game, ia now trrming with a nusy and industrious
population. The town of Wham. Win tot aled in the
coal legion, a new vi lago cant iiniog about one
' hundred bouses, bas sprung up aa if by magic,
aince that period,
Theae improvements which i re but a commence
ment til a series of woika upon a large scale now
in progress, recent as they are, have already gien
a new life and impetus to this svcliou of our coun-
With these views and under these considera
tions, we, in common with miry of our moat es
. teemed fellow citizens, coricoivod that will con
ducted journal, if propeily encouraged, could be
rendered highly serviceable to the communis. The
progress of improvement and th rapid increase of
population, mdted require that Hie preea should not
oidy keep pace with the spirit of enterprise and in-
dustiy, but aa a pioneer lead the way and ai iraulaie
to exertion the enterprising and wealthy capitalist.
Tho establishment of a new prce in thia place
tiaa frequently been spoken of, und wa. long since
in contemplation whencvei a f.vorablo opportunity
should occur. YVc believe that criod ba now ar-
rivcd. Our design la to make the American a per
manent and useful jourual, conveying useful and
mtcn sting information to all classes of reader
Conducted with the utmost decorum, its lone and
sentiments shall at all limes be auch, thai ti e most
scrupulous parent mny place it in the htmls of any
member of his family with prrf.ct in. purity. I,ow
ecurtility and violent personal abuse. ltail bo-care
fully txcludcd from its column?. And while we
ahull always be ready and prompt in the expression
of our opinions upon matters of ptiM.c policy, we
ah ill always endeavor to prrarrc that decorum
and extend that courtesy towards our roteinpor.trics
nd others, that one gentlemen has a iij;hi to expect
fiuin another.
To the interests of tho farmers t,nd cultivators of
the soil, the bone and sinew of cur country, who,
in an agricultural point of view, form the bais of
II trade, commerce and manufactures, we shall de
vote a portion of our columns, and spread before j
them such matter aa ahall be both useful and en- j
To the mechanic and oil other, we t'ust we
ehall be able to make the American an interesting
and instructive journal.
In politics we shall, as we h ive already an
nounced, support the general and eta'u hilmiiiistr,.
tions. In advocating the re-election nf Miitii
Vik Dcatit and Richard M, Juiivso to the
high stations which they now occupy, and which
they have filled with such distinguished abUilics,
we shall coufine ourselves to me.iure and the
principles upon which ihey are grounded. Recrim
ination and low personal abuse which the rancor
of political warfaie never fails lo produce, and
which we regret lo say is indulged in t.i an almost
unlimited extent, by the partizan pnss of richer
aide, we ahull cairlully avoid, deeming it not only
demoralizing lo the community and derogatory to
the high character of the pic, but unwise, iin-.
politic and unjust.
To our fearless and patriotic Governor David R.
Porter, who haa thus far iilci.tili.d himself with
the true interests of the stale, an.i whoa- wise and
salu'aiy measures have received the appro' atioo of
every honest a'.d liberal mind, we shall exieud our
most cordial support. We huvo tin rt fore placed
his name at the head of our column, lully confi
dent that the honest yeumamy of Pennsylvania
w ill always be found sustaining honesty of purpose
and integrity of conduct in a justly valu 1 public
Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1810.
TfTlOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of
Northuinhciland County, to be held at Sun
Wy, on the first Monday ol November next, being
the 2d.
va Marti A. Pluck,
vs Thnnus Allen,
v Jackson,
v- K. II. Hammond,
vs Willi.m MCarty,
va Solomon Dui klebrrger
vs Solomon Mcngat,
vs G. Ltiu'iiriiig,
-'.-.!l?'JJJ-J."LL.i J". 1 '.,,!. J j -L . 1
rill IE spirit of tho age U utilitarian, tmprove
JL mint is stamped upon the fuee of every thins.
All the useful aria are progressing with unp irrallcl-
cd rapidity, and the Art of Print!, g is coming in
lor it lu i share of the comino i improvement.
Uetenn ed not In be outdone in toy thing that per
tains In his profession, where there is fair chance
for exertion and enterprize, the undersigned has de
termined upon loin;j sheet twice the silt of tho
Ll.Mi.n Weekly Time, (and is lo lake the place
of that paper,) and w ll contain e grit columns
more m.itlcr thin the Brother Jonathan. Th s
(.hoot will be c.dl, d the BOSTON NOTION, and
it la ditermined that it shall sustiin a cognomen si
fall of meaning, and so interwoven wiih the estub
li.hcd ehararti r of our Yankee city. It will tie the
Laromt NtwarA?tR m ths Would with no
exception and will be printed on sheet thiriy-Si-ven
by fifty-two inchee. It will l filled entirely
w th r-sadiug matter, and will contain Three Tnou
sand Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight square
inches, or Twenty-Seven fqoore fee' of print in fi.-e
type! and a single number will eoi tiin more re .d
ing tljan an o dinsry book of 1'hrce Hundred
pages. These dlinens oas w.ll en ible the publisher
lo draw lurgely upon the mot popular periodica. s
of the day, both American and r'oreigti and tho
selections will be made wiih great' cure, it ia bvliev
o l thia pairer will be a welcome Notion to every
family. fJcsl.h a a full synopsis of the current news
ol the diy.Jas publihcJ in the B aitiii l).,ily
Times,) it will cntain Poetry, Populir 'Pales,
Theatrical Criticisms, Police and other Court Rt-
poiK lluiiiorous Articlus, eVc. &r.
The wh le world of Li rrature will le ran acked
lo fill it From the study nf the philosopher down
to the police courts, through ah regions of r ason,
poetiy, ro;naiice, wit, and ihn ampin record of folly,
ne she I gloan iiom Hie pil and t'.e present and
from all na ions, to present aa pleasing and useful a
combination of recorded thought and current hiu-
tory, aa the world can nippy o' industry p wduce
This isour"BosTox Norios."
This gieot amount of wisdom and fun of wit
nnel ptniosnpny ol novc ti, s and nniiuumes we
a.e able lo offer, weekly for aix cksits er copy,
only six cents ! anil wet can d t it because of t!.c
faeili i a of our press and i.flice, and t'le connection
of daily snd wet kly publications. Forms as hol
la as we can sell a year's volume, qu-, in qu uitily
of matter, with every vari ty a'so, Ij Fify-two Vol
ume f Novels, anch aa are issued from the press
of this day. Fifly-:wo lare Voumis f tA 'I'hne
Do lar, ! EfTeclcd all by improved m chin, ry, and
by de erminsiion that we will t.ot be outd, lie iu
enteipni.' and uncfu'nem.
TbKMS: Tiirkk Dollars a year, always in no orduia, no m .tier from what source,
will beattndtd to Ui.Ies arc mpanied with the
CASH, single coj ies six cens evcli.
Pout Masters or others remitting Tw nty Dol
lars aha.l have Eight cpies 4-ni to auch persona
ai.d placea as they m iy de igmtir.
(JEOIiGE I.OBEUT8, Publ sher.
applied to tho Court of Common Pleas of North
umberland county for ihe benefit of tho laws mule
for the rel.ef of insolvent debtors ; and that the
Judges of the aaid Court have appointed the Gist
Monday of November next, to hear ua ai d our
creditors nl the Court House in Hunbury, vihen
and where you may at'end if you think proper.
8uubuiy, September 12, 1640.
1 Joseph Trego
2 Oenrge Welshsiise
a Christ ot Nekbit
4 George Lawrence
5 Henry W. Snyder
6 Adam Hii-ler
7 Hanu-r for Roust)
8 Kirkpaliiek & Son
9 Dr. Wm. Henderson vs Henry Hr wn.
10 Same
U Wm. P. Brady
12 Chrislain Heckert
13 E. Y. Bright
14 Hugh Be las
15 Joseph tios
10 James Hilbourue
17 Peter KifTer
13 Michael M'Csha
10 Wm. A. Lloyd
SO John A. Llojd
8 1 FiU)rt's adm'r.
33 Win. A. Lloyd for
John A. Lloyd
23 Henry Fiick
21 Coni'th U'Penn's
vs Chipinuu c (iroenough
vs Thomas ( "Va ill's adm's.
va Frederick lltckert,
vs J. C. U Nourse,
vs Wm. M (-'any rt si.,
vs Dr. RoU rt Phillips,
vs Dennis Water-,
va H.i.ry Bardkher,
s J.J. Caul et si.,
vs Wm. Forsy.hc,
vs Jain s Lre,
vs Job n Filbert,
SS John Dunkle
34 Milton Boiough
vs Wm WiUon, jr.
vs II. L. Dicileniucli,
vs Veavcr, Lloyd and Ro
bins, va Robert Mack,
vs Jaco'i Whcelai.d,
37 Groves for Hart V Co vs John Leifc nrn g,
ii Joseph Marp'c's ex'r vs John KtT.r it a I.,
S'i Porter for Yoxtheimer vs Thomas Cow an,
UO Petei Wary vs John II. I' Jc Co.
Piolbouotary's Cilice,
Sunbury, Sept. 17, 1810.5
The I'hilndrlpliia Cnmket.
PROSPECTUS or a kkw V..tvMr.Tbe increase in the u!criptin list of the
Casket since Ihe first of the year, warranta the
most extensive improvements on the first of July
next at which time new volume will bo c Mil
menced with Increased vigor. Nothing n -rd be
said of the firm basis on which the Casket stands.
t being abeady the oldest magazine in the country,
The Ca kot ia printed with a cl or and ailvrry
type, upon the finest white paper, Tho illiiHtrhtiuns
are not surpassed ny those or any periodical at
home or abroad ; and heide tho monthly steel en
gravings, a qiinrorly p ate of colore I fistilons ha
lately len added. The style if thine embellish
ments is unequalled, and ill y are always accom
panied with an appropriate rketrh. No wood cuts
disgrace the work. Whitever sppcnra in the casket
is of the first order of the ait.
The literary eha'ncler of the Ca-kel is well known.
It i wholly oria-'m l. nf ihn tig heat md. r. and
RANK. Efsiy. Talea, Sketchea, and Travels,
Comp.we its pr iminent pro artii Ies f while the
poetry is equall d I y that of no other migszine of
like chnrncii-r. The variety for which Ihe Ca kel
U celebrut.t, shell huffr no climinution; but on
the contrary, every exeition shall be made to in
crease its iutereiit.
TION hnv ' already appealed, and o'hera shall f How
in the coute of th volume, presenting h ri finish
ed, a comp'ete pic u re of the mancr, and a h s
torieal account of tho gn at battle, at ihit time.
Thus, the Ca-ket, iusieiel of hi ing filled with MikJy
senlimiMitalllieM, aima at a trim dc inea ion of
human liatinein every v-ri ty of .i, m
Th Casket is published on the firs' of the
month in eveiy quarter of the Ui.ion The most
distant suli-iil'is conseqneu'ly receive it i n t'at
day, as well aa thoe who reside in I'hil-idelphia.
In all the prii cipul cit'es agents have been estuh-lii-ho.l,
by which moans subsritiers can villain their
copies fiee of poalnge.
The fn-h'ons are pub ishrd in thf ('aket quir
Irrly, or a of en a any really n w t let arrive, from
Paris. The engravings sr colored, und eiecutcd
from original deigns No old, Worn out pUles
are retouched and then puMixlud aa tho latest
fashions. The truth of our designs msy be tested
bv compving them i h the latest deciip'iun of
Urera s troin l.onu n and l'urir.
TERMS; Thbis Dolians per rmnurn, or two
copies for rirk Dollars. Publistied bv
GEO. K. (i RAH AM,
3C Carter's Alley, I'hdad.
ALL ACCOUNTS remaining in my bnoke
previous lo Ihe first of Apiil 1810, will lie left in
the hands of Justice of the Peace for collection.
N. B. Grain of all kinds will be lukcii on olJ
Sept. 12, 1840. If.
ALL those iidebu-d to ihe lata firm of Thatch
er and Thompson, are her. ty not.fied to ca I
uU aetlle their aecounti, aa th.y wit. be left iu t'le
hauids of Justice for colleciion, without rect to
() The bo .ks will remain in my hands unul
the 31st of October next.
Sunbury, Sept. 19. 5w
Public Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court
of Norihumbi rlsnd County, will be expo ed lo sale
by public vr ii.l ue r.routcrv, on
Mot day. Vie 19A .ir of Octiiltr ntxl.
at tho Court !iou-e in the B rough of Suiibury, a
certain Lh.nd in the River Sj.quelmuni, in Augus
ta Towmdiip, Northumlx rlsnd county, c m'aiou g
ten aer.-a iu re or leas, late the estate of Jacob
Seash il'r. dee'd.
Sule to commence at 10 o'clock nf said day,
when the conditions will le made known by Fr -d
r ck L Xciua, Admio;s'r .tor, de bonit nan fee. of
said d. cedent. JOHN G. YOUNG MAN,
Sunbury, Aug. 23. Cl'k. O. C.
Transportation Isinc
Warehouse fuot of Chttnut Strut on the Perm
rylvania CunuL
A BOAT leaves the wharf of the subs rilier eve
ry inori.ii g t 8 o'clock, running through to Ba't
more in three days. Consigmmiits ol proilu e,
iron, etc-, will receive despatch by this line, which
has not hitherto been equalled by any other. Rale
ol frciiiht ua low aa by any oilier regular line
ICel. renres:
J. fi A. II. HEKR.
Goods intended for Pittsburg, or any twinl on
the Pennsylvania Canals, will le shipped wi bout
del y on their arrival at Harruburi;, as Ihi. cou
nects itfTihe N 'lth Amerirsn line nf Portable
Bosts lo Piitgl.ura daily, and with the Su-queban.
na Pat kel Line to Northumberland, Wiluamsport,
WiiWesLi .r.e, and all intermediato pLces.
HarrUbu g, Sejit. 9, 1840.
THE uuderMjned have the gratifieitlon of in
formi g the public, that notwithstanding Ihey w, re
so uui iituunte m to have their biudeiy burnt doan,
in Mstefi U-,t, ihey have o'ned very extenKive
one, in l.. ul lreet, in t' j new building directly
npp ite li eiiu's Hotel, slid aie prep in d to rxecu e
all work in their line with d.apatc',1, and in a an
H,,ior styls. Their RULING APPARATUS
and other Ma hinery are new, and of the first order
ai.d latent improv, ments i and they feel
dciice in lln ir facilities for giving ierfi ct ssli-fac-lion
lo ull who nny favor them with their ordeia.
Banks County olfices, MeichenU, Mechanics
nd oilers, can be supplied with BLANK BOOKS
of every description, which for neutness and dura.
bility, still be equal In any matte by Ihe United
JIARmhiBURO, 8p:.9.
P It O S 1 Ii V T V S
or Til
KiUTtn ar oiUloh a. aniTit.
THIS Journal was established by Ihe American
Silk S.iciety, for the purpose of d. (Turing practical
information on the cvltcnx or silk iu the United
States. It has now been published one ytar, nn.l
nay be c risul. red work of standard eti iraeter.
The first year's nubl cation, c.imiuiMi.a ths firs
vo'um", contaiiies a mast of valualilu inloiuuiion,
and it will be the o'j cl of ihe editor to make
the second equal in ull respel. if not superior, lo
the first. 1 he imi ortnnl fuel is now etu' lo-hdl I
yond any question, that the Oji'e ol the United
State can make i-ilk 1'iikafkh and bkttlr than
any other nation 0mn e. rih. It lies been proved
by unimpeachable testimony, thai, the entice cost
of producing silk ready fr ma kel, docs not exceed
roi-su, and its lowest value is roua hollars axu
nrri ckta; also, thai oia ai as ofgiouud plant
ed in morus niulticanlis will pl.Mluee ihe year
tho trees aid planted, roi'U rr- ioiit rocn.U vr
silk, leaving a clear pr. fit to the producer nfoax
ui'sohku asu sight dullabs! It hss also been
proved that the n and ft males if any f iriin r's
f.mily can, with the greate t po-sillj ease, produie
from fifty to a hundred p'unda of .ilk every )e.r,
without any cost whatever to the ii.s- s ol Ihe
farm af er the tree are planted; nd ihtr fore, that
the whole amount of i-ilk wdl I ao inurli clear g in,
a iy fr. m $225 lo f 480. With these facts we sub
m t to an inlell genl people weiher ii is not g'cut
and iinport int object for ili. ni to intio luee the i ul
ture ol silk iu every fanner's family in the Uuioj.
To insble all our fanner to make si k. the 'Joi-R-k
a L or tub Amibica Silk Smcikti' wasiat.b
lislie.l; it contains lain p a-tkal directioi a f-rci-L-
worms, rekliks) thx silk, and prep.m.g it f r
maikel, &e. brsi.'rs all otlnrinf.nni.tion thai can
be r quired to enuble any person to enter upon the
business, either on a large or small scale Eveiy
friend nf his, u'llry, b to wh e lunils this psjier
may fall, will be d ing a patriot and philan br ipfcuV
work l y inducing his Iri.'i.dsand m iglitiouis to en
ter their names upon the lit-t of a alicriliers.
'I he Journal of the American Society is pub:t.h. d
month y, in pa i, pi. li t firm ; tocti iiumtr Contains
lliiilj two octavo pages, pi iuted on new lyite and
handsome pniei, wi h prmt.-d Colored cover.
Tkrmb : Two dollirs a y. sr. or i i c.ipies for
ten do'la a, a'ways to be paid bef r the w. rk is
sent. All subscriptions to lieiu with the fint num
ber of the year, end in no case il!il,e woikberent
to anyvsnibscribcr longer than it ahall have be, a
paid fr.
(j"Niw arsscRiacRs, who take the first and
second volumes, will be cbarjtd only Thbkk Dol
lams for the iwo years.
Wnajr we fi st purchased the old an I well
known establishment of t'
Kiilurriny lvriiJnx Post,
we sta e.l that the par circulated so widely a
mong the, reading poriiou of ihe Unit, d
Slates, thai we entered upon our li bnrs with full
confid no? nf the future. Our success has since
been beyo'i.l onr most annguine expectation, nsoiu
weekly rrc lpts nverbahince those of any coten.po-
ary apnr, Our i. t has continued to swell up,
with unexampled rapidity, and we have the confi
d.nce, fiol at the present rate of increase, wo shall
be enabled in a few months to boaal of more tlnn
3-r),0(l0 suhscrilvers ! When we commenced our
lab .rs, w,- announced distinctly, that ihe time of the
paiter shoul I be decidedly moral, and that not bin it
ahou'd be adm ttod Into otir columns, which the
tnosl fas'ldtoiis father Could disapprove of. and dv
term m-d that as an approved Family Paper, it
should not contain a paragraph, with the spirit of
wtiic.n a parent would not wiah t have, a dnugbter
familiar, and we therefore, with this view, announ
ced that no theatrical notices should appear in our
e lumns, and that we should lie npiavsed to the t't s
as thing-, calculated to injure the healthy action of
an ht.nes' nilntl. as creative ol exnihiuona dem.t
ralizing in tendency, nnd fearfulHr pernicious in
fact. There were not wanting blusterers, who
made a great parade of opposition, and Crotkers.
who pretlieted our a-eetly downfall, but we threw
our elves neon the sober, rational and experienced
pmli n of the people of the United States for sui-
port, and we have been noMy aus'ained.
We t'.oujht and expressed Ihe opinion, that
howt ver c .relens many might he upon this subject,
thai few, even if tl ey did not cr.liiely disapprove
nf such entertainments, ctred alout having the
gr.Ms details forever paraded before the eyes of
tlicr rlniilren. and Iho sn kening end nauseating
c-ilosy t.r all kinds of characters made f . miliar to
their mind.4.
We d'termineel olso. th.nt while ibe paper con
tinued under our control, it should he strictly neu
tral in polities, and that as netvs mi l li'erury jour
nnlists we had nnth ng to do with ihe m tiler t thia
det'Tmi "lion hnsb. en strictly and rigidly adhered
to, nnd while ue ahall continue to give our roul, rs
such public document as may br deemed of into
rest to all, and auch a I tttory of Ihe progress of
I o'lt cl events, are strictly in keeping with our
duly, and the character of the paper, we rhall stu
diously and horoughly avoid any contamination of
panizn politics.
The paper is now printed in new and beauti
ful type, haa received Ihe praise nf many editors of
ImsIo, as 'the handsomest Ismilv sheet in Ihr In ion.
Our efforts have been directed to tho combining
of beauty ar.d stmplirty with Utility and ta-le.
Tho Post is printed on stout vh le paper, ren
dering it neat and d r.ble for filing.
In sd 'ition to these i Iforts towsrd perfection in
the mich inteal department, and exterior of our pa
per, no la'.Kir. and no cost been spared in the de
velopenient of int. II. ctusl strength. The present'y of inletcs'trig tales, original, from foieign
and domes'ic magazines, together with the valua
ble coi.tnbu ions of our own circle of hlerary
friends will continue to give interest to ihe paper,
while everything important and worthy of note that
nappena in the Old World or the New shrill be
collected and collated for the taste of oui res
dt rs.
The Ladies Department shall always be choice
and at bet, and shall receive etrict attention, while
su.-h things aa may intciest our juvenile readers.
hnd thai impoitanl and large class of our readers,
the Fa. mi r will not be overlooked. In order to
gr tify, as much aa possilde, the (audible desiie of
oi-r country reodeis, a portion of our attention will
l e devoted to the c .lleeti- n and dilTosion of auch
.ews, Jlomorau0a, 1 allies, r acts, Hints, vV". aa
may seem important lo agriculturists, and the pop
ululion resident without tho confines of our great
cities 1 he state of the mnkcls and the fluclua
lious in ihe price-., will be regularly ami what ia of
more moment, correctly given.
Y e have ever been opposed to the constant
bluater and made by some editors, shout
the excellence of th. ir speis, and have resolved
that the alurd y Eveiiir-g Post, shall be deduct
ed, aa to speak for itself.
Our renters Mill always find in Us columns the
earliest and met authentic well
the most choice and rnleitaining literary matter.
We hrve totully discarded the n ot filling ihe
paper vi h quack adveilinCinentK, but prefer giving
nut re d. is from wetk to week, eiiiertsining read
ing matter.
And we f el ss-urel thst we shall be no losers
thereby, as but few readers care about having a pn er
Gded with descriptions of these nauseating com
pound,". The Saturday Etening Post, will be furnished
for $2 per annum in adv,,nre. or one copy three
years f r $5. To those who wish lo subscribe for
Philadelphia Msg nine, we will furnish copy
of the i'hilade'pbia Ca ki t, and two cor, ies of the
IN st for one year for $5 fica) of postage anj dis
count. No New Subscriber received without the
To those who v i-h to sub-cribe. we Would aay,
that the au-l plan ia to encloso ihe money in a
letter and direct to us. Most postmasters will
frank their lettora if relating lo nothing but the
buaintss of the office, mid all postmasters who will
bo kind enough so lodo, we shall be pleased to ao
knowledge aa agents.
Adiln si
No 3G Caiter's Alley, Philadelphia,
AVorks olWature.
IN a st ite of hea th the intotinnl c .nil may be
compared lo river whose wate a flow over the sd
jo ning land, thruugti Ihe channel ntii s or nri
has made, and improves ll.e.r qu .blie-j nnd 1 1 ke p
up ti e comparison ol the liv. r, so long as it runs
i n smo 'thly the cliannt Is are kepi pure and health) ;
but if by sum-! cnuae the course nf the river isstoji
pe.l, then the vn.ta-r in iho ea sli ne long, r pure,
I'Ut soon becomes alagni.ul. There is but one law
i f circulation in tatu e. Wh. n tin n is a sum r-ubuiidance-
t.f bumoriul fluid (s rocity) in the inies
t lial tubes, and eo.-livei es- lakes plete, it fl ws
back into the bloo 1 ves els, und infibrstt-s it-elf in
to the circulation. To esubbsh the free c-.urse of
the river, we must remove the o' slru. lions which
stop its fioe course, and tho e of its tr butsry stream.
With the body, follow the same: natural principal;
r- ni ve, ly thai tsluable purgative medicine Bran
d tllis Uii.'vertal Vegetable Villi, which are un ef
f dual as int .ine of nature, tl.e sur ibumlance of
humors iu the intestine tanal. By per cering in
this, the ways ol the c reulat.on will llien
be is-lored to lite full exereiMi of their natural func
tions, sud a state ol health will he fi.inly establish
ed Itcini inlier, never sull' r drop ol blooJ to I
taken fior.) you' Eaeu. Is ihe humors aa ofl -n
and as long as they tie degenerated, or ss lorg ss
you aie sick.
Dr. Brandreih's Olhee in Philadclpbia, ia it No.
8, NORTH KRi II 1 11 si. en, where bis pills cau be
had at 25 cents per box, wiih full directions.
C Inly scent in Sunbury, is II. B. Masecr Eep.
Suubuiy, Sept, 'J, la 10.
IIiirtoiVH ITlairazinc,
WILL pr.aent iu Sixth and 8eventh Vol
umes to the t.uWin tlurini the Course of
the year 1840. Terms, $3 per annum, in advance,
or 1 5 fr two years, tr Iwo sepsrnte Subaciipttons,
or en copies lor J.S0, cas'.. Printed in larne octavo,
wliite ihuk paper, ro id type, etc Each number
c.Mitain as much matttr as a volume of a novels
me il ttstrations are of the fl st qualitv. During
the past ye.r nearly fifty of ihe most superior
engravings, including three t.f Sartnln S splendid
Mezzotints, were enoraved
Each ni ml-r cont-dns two or m r Einriavinns.
New De-inn., ex-cuted on alee), by the fust Artists,
sro in prog ess for the coming vo'ume.
1 he list of contributors embraces Ibe names of
most of the principal writers in Amerca. wi h re
Sieclable sprinkling of Engl h authors, Oiigiua.
arlii Ies have sppeated during th" I si year fr m
ine pen. uf th following IV feasor Initta' am.
outhor of La Fi te: I'm. J ilm Fr.wt. I'hila. elnl.ia '.
Pr-. N.C. Brooks, Bnltbunre; Pro. C. F. Wince, hihia. Author nf Two Years in the Navy i
Captain M iry at. Author of Peer Nimple, etc. ;
General G. P. Morris, New York ( Le gh Hum
England; Mis. Fam y Kemble Butl r. Phil.; Pink
B. niitniii, New York : D nol .s Jerr .Id, Unaland ;
Jos ,h C. Neal. (Cha coal sk- telies,) 'i'he Aineii
csn Uox Junes F. Otis, New York; It K. rlmtt,
Editor f HarriRl'U' Intelligencer, Pa; D v d
Hoffinnn, Baltimore; Chailes West Thomson, Piiil
adelphia ; .lu.lge Tremr Dresden, Nw Yoik ;
J hn Dn Snlle, Editor of Saturday Evening po-t ;
Grenville Mellen, New York ; P. B Elder. Editor
of Columl ia Spy, Ps ; 'I'he Author nf "Stanly,"
M s. L. Sig .urney, Unrifo.d ; Miss Catherine H.
Waterman, Philadelphia; Mrs. Ann Sic,,hens,
N. w Yo k; Brn-on Hill, Enland, Editor of Ihe
New Mouihly Mag.zine; Dr. J. K. Mitchell, Phil
adelpb a ; James Men g un. ry, Englan.l; A.
M'.M..kiu, an.l E. Holden, E.'.i ors ol'Saturd ) Cou
rier, I'bilndelphia ; J. Beauebamp Jones. B..I in. ore;
I. E Dow, Washington Ciiy; Mrs. E. F. Ell. t,
Boaton; Dr Thomas Dunn English, I'hiludelphi ..
The Steel Platis restly for the resent volume,
are Five Et. hings by the celelnaled Cu kshank.
A Portrait of Mr. VaudenhofT, il.o trueilinn, in the
characlei of Atlraslus. A Likeness nf M ss Van-
iliiiholl'. hs Juli t. The Gen, of Hu.l-.on, one of
the choicest specimen of Ame.icau See, cry. A
Poitiail of William Cullen Bryan', ihe American
Poet. Another of Sartam's exipji-ite M. zzo il ls,
of equal hcuuty to hit plate of "tub mrs," given
in the May number ol Button's Magazin. a pi i e
a kn..wledt(i'd in bo superior lo any other illu-tra
t.on ever utven in a ieiio.iical work, w n -r ,n-
gravincs of le s value accompany every nusii 't r.
rjj The public is r.-qtirs'.cd to obscrvo that ' ill
an idea appearing in Burton's Magazine are wri'ten
expressly f. r thst work, sn.l are not a. le led ftom
daily .r weekly papeis. The Plates ore also e-pe-'ia'ly
engraved, nd arc nbl the worn-out refuse
of Annuals, either ho glish or Amcrie.n.
All b-tters sent, post pait) to W. E. Burton, Dock
street, opposite the Exchange, I'hilad Iplna.
To a. comino Iste eiur country f.iends who
mav wish to auhscribe for our w-nk and any oilier
Phil lib India iieriisbcnl, we will rcrcive a t ive Hol
lar Bill, postage Iree.f r one year's ealMcrip'ion 'o
Burton's M g iz'ne and Godey's L .dy's Book (also
three dol are a year) or the S ilurd .y Courier, nr
the Saturday Chronicle, oi Alexanders Weekly
Publisher and Proprietor.
Certificates ot Agency.
I'HE following are the duly appointed agents in
Ibeii respe. live counties, for the sale of Drandreth't
Vegetable Unirtrtul PilU.
Norihumbeilai d county : Milton M ickey eV.
ChdnbeMlin. Suuhury II B. Masser. M'Ewens
ville Gedil- s. Giecn & Walls. Georgetown F.
M idling -r &. Co.
Union county : Lewiahurg W lis eV Ged ie-.
Mifilinburg Pellmin 6c Beckly. New Berlin
J bn M. Beiifer. Selinsgrove Eyie St Co. Mid
dlebutg l-aac Smith.
Lycoming county : Williamsp-irt John Smith.
Newberry M. Sc J. O. Fun-t n. Munry W. A.
Peiriran. Jersry hore Janus H. H (burn.
Columbia county j Danville T. fc E. B. Rey
nolds. Cattawissa C. A. Brobts. Brwek Shu
man &. R.tirnhouse. Blonmsburg-John R. M.-yer.
Sunbury, Sept. 9, 1840.
fseorge XV. I.ayn?,
CHANT, Cur.ssi.-T Stbaxt WuAar, Harbishlbo,
IS prepared to re.eive and Produce at Ihe
new wa-i-house, which his arrangements will en
Lie him lo forward with despa'ch to pi.iUdclphia,
Piiuburg, illiaiiisxirl, Wilkeab.r.e, C .luihbia,
Laiiea-ier, nr any oiher point on the IVnnsy ly mis
and Union Canah,and ihe Pennsylvania and Har
risburg and Laneiister tail roads.
Goo Is from Philadelphia for Harris' u g, Carl sle,
t'bamb, rsburg, eVc. &r forwarded with care and
Coal, Plastee, Salt unj Fish, constantly fir
sale. 6c pL '9.
tniTXD nr park rkjami and r.rcs sarubt,
WITH multiplied resources for rendering the
Saw Woiilh more valua' le than ever aa
coin jM-ndious newspaper and refsitory of e'. g n'
literature, we enter upon the second vnlaine (l .lio)
on the 24th of O. tolx r, d eased in ahe.-utiful g .r'
of new type, cast expressly f.r Ihe purpose, Il
will thi let'oio be a filUng time to Citiimt lire new
subscriptions, a wi ll as for the icncwal of those
hi. h m iy then expire,
Dutiug the first year of the distance of t' e
New VVohlii, it has actpai.ed a r-'puit'iou an I
circulation superior to any weekly paper iu ihe
counlr) ; and has furnished to ita sulmenU rs. during
that period. (Iiexides a I thecur.ent news oftheday,
d m.estic and foreigiO new an I va'Uable w rks by
TalfoU'd, D'Israeli, Thomas M.ieire, Mui
Mis. James.-n, C. Dickens, Aiuswoiln. Knooles.
Bulwer. Many at, end others woiks. which in Lon
d, n con Id not be purchased for fifty titns the
amount of the snbsciiption price of the New
Woild. In addition lo works of interest by these
eminent authors, il haa contained the cream of the
peri.Hlieal liteiarureof the day, aa well as original
aiti.-lrs from th - peus of soul, of the m -t popular
writer-, of America, among whom we may mention
Miss Sed.witk, Orvilb- Dewey, Professor Lonfel
low, the author of "Vankee Notioits," Sim.i a,
Sireel. Ac eVc.
In politicks we shall, as hitheito. maintain an
armed neutrality. Our columns as heretofore will
tie uno' joctionahle in a moral Kiul of view. In
criticism we ahall, in justice to the public, mantain
a iH-rfiCt indept n lence, e ven though We incur I .
vengence of all the dunces We s all, in rone-lu-sion,
earnestly strive to r nder our sheet not only
worthy i f the unparalleled lavour it has eiiienancel,
but of continually extend iu circulation. While
we coiriuue lo furni-h with all pexsible promtilude
the most attractive liter lure of the day, we shall,
as our means enlarge, afford that Compensation ro
na'ie authoia, which may ind ce tl etn to m Le
the New World the modiu n for preeiniiug to ths
public their Ih-sI liona. Our excellent Loi.
il .n cories,on lent w.ll be continued, and tlue at
tention w.ll be paid to the coinercml, agricultural
an J new a departments of our par.
Of sixteen laige pages was commenced em the sixth
of June last, iu order to meet the wishes of large
number of subscribers, by giving Ih iu its lie i and
varie I contents in s suit able form for I i ding. This
we have done without hiving enhanced t tie price,
so that new sub crilurs, an.l t .then on tho n new si
of previous subae r ptions, can lake their c ioice lie
Iween the lju oto and Folio ( rin. Q3 But a ft w
seta of the Quarto, f o n No I, now it mam on
hand in the nlli e. and we ahull therefore, not be
al le long lo auppy iheui
TERVlSi luRkt Dollars year i-i advance,
for either edhion ui Fiy k Dollars for two oopns.
In all cases letters must he fire, or i-oal paid, oi
ihey will remain .lead in the pott-olfice,
fXj All I'o linasle'B who will act lr u are our
authorized Agents, nd nny relain 85 pe, ceni em
Ihe subsciij Uon plice, ($!,) for omul salons, if re
millet' in New-Y"rk or Ksstern oney ; or BO eems
on each, if in iioIm of other suivent ba. ks, whi. h
may l al discouut here,
(Jj-E.litesra and Pul eisHcte who deaire the Con
tinuance at an eachangn, will please ihe slmve
three or nvire liim a. or otherw ie notii the contents,
and tend ua a laafktd psper.
Lft'eia rela ive to ih eJilorial tleptrt i eut inu.l
lieaddiesaed to Pass. Bssamis eV Err.s Sasslst,
Edilorsi thus relative to Ihe buisne-a
menl, to J. WINCHES I'EK, Publisher,
No. 30 Ann sirccl.
The Itrotlier Jonatlian.
I Ilia ieat Mini i,,o I la.iitol i.t-ws ,., , ,, iba
wrd lirger by fi ty so lot- fn. be. tl an st.v
other newspa;-er m ihe United Siaiea. published
Mlurdays, ai 163 Nassau street, New York.
j-nce tnrce miliars a year two copiea for five d.d-lats.
cry The pmprietoia nf this mammnth .hrei
Ihe - Great Wi stern" nmons ths
have ihe pl.-nsu e of s reading Iwfore the readia s;
puhl c we kly rio.hcal conlaining a greater s
rnount and variety of usef ul and inter atina rrsw.
cell ny, than is io be found iu any similar publioa-
ti on m i ee wo iu.
Each nnmh.-r of the narier contains as I .tbt" err
amount of leading m tiler .s Is found in Volumes'
nf . rdinnry t'u J. cim , which eest f 2 nnd more
han is confined in Volume ofl-vinn's Colum
busnr Bancrof's History of America, which
$3 i volume and all for Three Dollars a year. For
Jf two c -i io-t will I forwaided one year, or one
c .pv Iwo ve ra
!"iin,-e l'ie puhlteitin . ofom oiiirn .1 t roam-etna.
th Hr- !,er J ,arh.i has i-een ENLARGED ami
its s:ze, nint ly 1 1 fore, has len so mm h in. ressed,
thtt much more t an ihe f.rner ipi irility t.f Iho
m..t I' teustu.u Iin isiote oi the .1 y is eml. raced in
lis mmerise eapas ty S. lecl'm,. fr.m ah ibe m at
prominent and c. b-hri.t- 1 wr ters of the dav as st
in swi Hinit itseoioent-; and whatever is new, rich.
or rare, is im, iiiat. ly tr uisl. ncd to iU columns. All
the ennt. ihotiona In rioili.ali nf American writers
tf r pute appear in its pmc-: and ibe issues of 111
loreign i.r. ss . re la.d Under c-.iiti bu ions, ss soon
as rectivel in this country, 'lott.e miact'llnneous
a.-d Literary D.-pirtment, ihe d siest it't rti. n is
p. Id; and m all the seleciions and , riginal contrit.U
lio , siri t care ia devoteil to nvdd ab ih it may
touih upon the opinions of any party in relg.onor
Ex eriance havimr taught us that we had mark
ed out paih fir our-lve-. in which all aorta of
people th Iishts io Inflow, the Brother Jonathan .
shall continue, as it begun, to be a bold, gent!e,
wei hiy, light, tfrave, merry, serious, witty, smoo'h.
dashing, interesing, inspired, and incomparable
newspaper. It shall I a stupendous minor where
in all lheworllw.ll stann r. fl ctrd. It ahall con
tain th m at beauitful of Novel, Romances and
Xloriee for both sexes Fai y Tales for lovera of
the marvell ua Legends for ant quar es Pasquinade-,
for wit motig.-rs Nuia and rai-ina f.r short
wind d reatlers-S. renades for musical lovers Son
ret for Ladi S. nttmeot for old lmcleor Stj.
tisties for pobtieiiins and Lertur. a, St-rmons, Criti
cisms, Epigr .ma &c. Ac., etc ,f, r sll ihe world.
Letters should he ml, I essetl to
PubPuhm nf the Brother Jonathan," N Y.
tiimVS Is.lDY'S ROOK.
NINETV-SIX paues of leading mioer, by au.
ih..ra whose name, stand among the foremost in
the bterarv ranks nf f.llows:
EtMiixt. Miss Miry W. Hale, Professor
Walter, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Sigourney, Mis. Hale,
Mrs. E. F. EII.U
Port. Miss Mary R. Mitford Mi-sC. If. W
tormun, Eliza Far e. Miss H F. i..uld, Mrs. Si-gou-ney,
Mrs. F. S. Mrs. C B iron Wil
son, Wm. Cutter, Jame- T. FieUl, 'saae t Rsy.
J. S. Dusolla. James Montuo.nerv, Miss fu-'iet H,
Lewi.. Mi-M A. D Woodmidge.
Kovelifh. H. W. Her ert Professor Ingrahnm,
Rirhsrd Pet.n Smith, W. Landor.
Writers of Tulex. Mrs. Sehi Smith, Mrs. Em
ma C. Emhury, Mrs. Ca'nlinaL. Hentz, Mrs. Ma
ry H. Pars ms. Mis A. M. F. Buchanan, Mrs. H.
Iteet her Slowe, Mrs. M. St. Leon Loud. Scba
Cm th.
Of the ahove eminent writer', celebrated in our
own, and most of them well known in other coun
tries, e .ch have hail an articl either in the J inwnry
or February number of the B- k. It is unneces
sary for us to say that no such anay of names can
! e shown by any other magazine in thia country,
of any puice.
We give three times ss many emla II shmenls as
any other mag zuie, ami each plate ia equal, if not
eupetinr to the one of any cotem; onry, and yet the
price of the m-gazine ia not increased Our eJt
lion i imuien-e, th- refore we ore enabled to go to
a gr a'er expanse than any other puhlisher. A
better return may therefore be expected for the p. ice
paid for subscription.
In the two numbers just puhli-hetl we have gi
ven four Plates of Fa hions, containing eleven Fi
gures One beautiful .pecimen of Lace work,
line spl. ndid S-eel Plate b.-yond compare, the best
line encravmg ever published in an American Ma
g.zine. new eml lematical cover.
In ad btion to our usual well arranged embellish-m-nts,
we always pui-lish steel title pages twice
The whole amount of eng-svings and embellish
ments of viti-iua k nils thai the book contains, or
will contain this y ar, may be estimated at ahrul
A new series of papers of gieat value has been
I tely commenced by ''rs Hale. "The Domestic
Department." This during ihe year will compote
a great amount ol Usual matter.
For enterprize at lea-.!, we think we deserve some
cre.'it ( we have been the firsi lo uive to an A me.
rican public original articles fr vm the peris of Maiy
Uus.el Vbfnrd auth r of "Our Vill.g "Mrs. C.
Bar at WiUmi editor of Lon. 'on La B.-fle Assem
blee, Mr--. Ht'filand, au'hor nf several useful and
valuible works; James Mon'gomerv, auihnr of
Omnipiciice of the Deity," &c ; Thomas Miller,
author of Fair Rosaoiond and R-.yston G ,wer ;
EIkmkvx r El'iotl, au'h r of Corn Law Rhymes.
We .lo nol p .rti- u'ailv mention these na nee be
cause th y ail data from L ndon our ol.jtcl only
i to show that whe-e there sre g uaj ar icles lo be
bad, there wi I we a;-ply No author nf any r- pu
lalion in our own c untry hat ever so ghl uduii.
aion to "The B-'tik" in am.
Godey's Lady's Book is furniahed at 3 per an
num, ibe money invariably to lie re.-eived before a
single number ia senr. The fill wi g sy. m of
clubbing msy answer the purpose of many wishing
to subscribe.
Walter Scott's N vels anJ Lady's Book, ono
year, .... fl 10
M iry tit's Novels, and Lady's Book, one
year, 5
Mi s Au.tii-'s Novels, and Lady's Book, one
yesr, - 5
Lady B essii gloli's Novels, and Lady's Book,
one ear. . A
Tick wick Papeis, dec, dec, and Lady's Book,
one yeer, .... 5
Miss I-eshe's Ces.ktry, aud Lady's Bo..k, one
year, 5
To copiei Lady1 Di. k, one year, 6
All oiderg io be addressed lo
211 Chesnut -trea't Philadelphia.
N. B.- The puhi'ic will plea-e I ca.eful of Ira.
v. I mg imp-u-tera.
II A K A K 1 ' K
uments, facts and oth r uw ful o f rmali-m illustra
tive of the history an-l msaircesetf ibe American
Uuion, and of ecb Stale; emhraci g coinin.rc--,
manufacture.', agiieu'ture, inlt nisi impro-euienu,
banks, rurre -cy, finances, education, etc. Edi
ted hy Samuel Haza.d.
Publi hed evry NVe-duesday, at 79 Vk sireel.
The price lo subscribers is f3 per annum p yehln
on the Hist of January of e ch yea-. .Nosurwrri,'
lioo received for less th .n a year. Sutcribcra oaa(
uf the principal e.ties to pay in advance.