TERMS OF THE " AMERICAS." UNBUMY AM1KIGAN. li:iES OF AnVEllTlSlXQ. I square 1 Insertion, f0 AO 1 do . do . . 0 75 I do 8 dj a 1 0(1 Every subsequent in erti n, 0 85 Yearly Adveitisemeuta, f with the privilege of) alteration) one eolutnn 25 half column, $18, three auan, $12 1 Iwo squares, f 8 one square, $5. Without the privilege of alle.atioa llboral , discount will be inado. Advtitisemenls left without directions as to the length of time tbea are to be published, will ha continued until ordered out, and chargad ooord ingly. (Sixteen iines make a sqdare. Paixcs Luc is ad His Fihawcxs. The trial of this unfortunate yotiug man, will koep Parisian curiosity alive for the next three months, and will assuredly present a singular prologue to the cert monies thai are to t .ke place in the same capital in honor of the remains of hia illustrious uncle. Il aeeras tbat the Fiench Government was well swats) of ihe projects of Louis Bonaparto, and for long HENHV II. MASSKR, JOSEPH ElsEI.Y. Pl'BU'lUKH AMD Paorsnroaa. It. JT. YM, Editor. orrlct tn makkkt stskbt, iha tan. THE AMERICAN" in publiahed every Satur day at TWO DOLLARS per annum 10 be p ii l half yenrly in advance. No paper discon'iu ueil ti I Ait arrcsrsgcs sie paid. No subscription receiveil for a less period thun hit moitm. All communication or letters on bnsin-s relating tn thn office, lo imure attention, mnai lie POST PAID. AND SHAItfOKlN JOURNAL. Absolute acquiescence in ihe decisl m of the maj .ri y, the vital principle of Republics, from which there U no appeal but lo force, the vital principle and immediate parent of deep itism. Jxrrsaso. Itf Masscr & Elnclj. Sunburj, Northumberland Co. Ptu Saturday, October lO, ISIO. Vol. I--o. t. tho tuiipiht'i pmtsu' Ji'sT ri'aLiaaan, JEKIS Ala EM. JtRt'ftALK. Jem h-m. How g'adsh uld I l) . been, Could I, in nty lone wandering. Thine ngil walla have e in I Could I h ve gazed up hi the dome A hove ihy lowirslh t well, Ami heard, t.a cveniim' ml went down, Thy p utiug camel.' le Is : Co lil t hiVe sbVd on O'ivet, Where onee it.e aviotn r l. Ad. fr 'in Hh hi ight, lo ked iIiiWii upon The City of our U l I tor ii mil, liuigvy O d, Thy Holy Ciiy still Though heie thv Prophets walk no more That crowna Motiah's bill 1 Thy Prophets walk no more, inde'd, Tim elreet of Salem now, Nor aie their voice Iftcd up On Ziou'a saJdcne.l brow ; Nor are their g r n-hid sSjiulchrea Wuh p'OU rrow k pi. Where uneethe same Jerusalem Thai killed ilui'i cailie and wept. Out anil the me! nf Ahf.il.ttni With jo, up.ni a lo k. And lay their ushea at its feet. Thai Kedrou's fi-ei le brook Slit I washes, as ila w.itera creep Along I heir rocky lie I, And lara.l'e God ia womhipped yet Whtrc Zion lifts her head. Yea every morning, aa the day Break over Olivet. The holy n mo of Allah cornea From every mmar.i ; At every eve ihe mellow call Floaia on the quiet air Lo God ia OikI ! before him Come, Befoie b in c ime, for pray, i I" I know, when at that anlemn call The City liolda her breath, That Oinar'a mo.-qne hears not the n title Of Htm of N'.zarelh; Hut Abraham'a God ia worshipped I!. ere Alke bv Age and Yom'i, Ami worshipped hopt th Charity "In spirit ai d in truth." Yea. from that day when S.dem knelt And bent her queenly neck To him who wax, at once, her Prieat And King Melchiaea'ek, To this when Egypt's Abiabam The Kceptre and the aword Shakea o'er bet head, her holy men Have bowed before the L.'rJ.' Jerusalem, I would have area Thy precipices sleep The tree .it palm ih it overhang Thy gorges dark and deep The gists thai chug along ihy cliffs, An.i hnwi-e upon thy ro k, Beneath h .f shade lie down, alike, Tty al.ej lu nU an l their flock-. I would have inus d, w l.iln Nighl hung out Id r a ler I. imp no pale, Beneath those aneient oliv. -trees Thut crow in K' don'n vale. Whose foil ig.' Ii in t ie pilgmn hijta ThcCily'a walla Kob ime, M'hose twiMid arm' and gnarled trunkal Defy the arythe o( l ime. The Garden of Gethaemaue Tho-e aired obve'tre- a Ar alluding yet. and In thtir hde I would have souuhl ihebre. ze Tbat, like an i.ngel, bathed t-.e brow, And boro to heaven th frnyer, OfJiaiiH, when inauony He aougbt ti e Fath i there, I would have gone lo Calvary, And, wh -re ihe Mary toud Uew.iiling I u I the Cruetfied, A m at him a they could. I would have B ond, till Night o'er earth II. r heavy pall hud thrown, Ai d thought upon my Saviour' croea, And learned lo bear my own. Jerua dem, Jeruadem, Thy croi-a thou bear, at now I An irnn yoke ia on thy nick. And blood ia on thv brow Thy g r'den ri iwn, the crown of Truth, Thou did I teject tad'oas And ii. iw thy cro-a ia on thee laid, Tho Creactml ia tby croaa ! It waa not mine, nor will it l a. To nee the blihidv rod That acoU'teth lhe-, and long ha'h aCoUrged, Thou City of our God I Dui round thy bill the pint throng Of all th murdeied aeera. And V 'ieea that eni up from it Ate ringing in uiy eaia Went up that di, when d .ikucaa f. U Fr ru ..II fi inaine .'. And .hrou l d I ee a noon i and w! en Thy teuipe'a veil w.ta lent, A id Kraia of b. ly men, t at touched Thy feet gave up their dead: Jeruaaem, tby pt.yer ia heard, Hi a toon is os Tm uo ! Vttoai TUI V. a.e4BaTTK. I cll corn umiricia. fur iud iiiifiuiiniiuu 01 iviirign MAllcable Iron from Anthracite, metal will tie mote effectually prohibited by iuch a Theal haturai reources which I'uiiiHylvania icduetion, than by the highest taiifl. And the a.me poaaea.es in h.r in xhaustible min. e of inn and of greet lw of trade which have colleclod all the vast coal, rend, r any discoveries which may tend to in. eaUhlishmcnU which supply Great Britain with her ere. e the pioduciluit of the olu iud the cc nuinp- iron, imo her thtte coal dUtricta, must produce ai lion of the other, of importance mt only to peraoua milar i fleets With u directly int. rested in iboe article, but to her citi- notorious, that tho factories now in operation tens generally. The public mind ha, therefore, with chaicoal and bitumi .ou coal barely re.uuneM tu rn much ocenpied wilb the aucccsa wl.lth has re te their propiie.ots, at tho present market value of cently attended the '.tempts made to employ an- their products and the change in price to which II rai lie coal in the manufacture if pig metall yet wo bavo alluded, will gradua ly, but certainly, com' as nearly seven ten: bs of ihe iron conauihed in this pel by far the greater proportion of them to icniove Country is Uaed In a wrought state, it has still re ihilr establishments inlo Pennsylvania. . mained a FDljct of inteieating inquiry, whethit 'The convention Which met in New Yoik in 1831, ib it fuel could ho employed on a large scale, and reported the amount of iron then made and import with cci nomy, in the processes neceeary to con I ej annually mtd this Countiy, to be two huhdrcd vert east into malleable ifotu I end twenty.flve thoussnd tons, at present, it Cnn- U..til lately, the experiments which have been I not be teas than three htlndied thousand Ion. But mad.' with this object have been attended with but the reduction in the Cost of Ihe raw material. Which pnrltal and imperfect success. During the lam the use of anthracite will elToct, must vaily increase mouth, ho-veNer, the New Jersey Iron Company the consumption of the metal. Iron is employed have atiecee Jed in overcoming all difficulties and in England for the pillars, rafters, and roof, of hou lie li nen , and are now daily manufacturing sta and mills; for building shis and stearuboata of every variety of finished wrought iron, maderurn I the largest site; for the construction of bridges and ih ore exelwiiwly with anthracite .'. I viaducts, and for thousand other purpjes for Having lately visited tho Company s extensive whith we have been compelled, by He high coat establishment, ai Boonton, New Jersey, and hav- here, to resort to other materials and it is on y trio ing been politely furniihed b II. Drcvoort, Esq., great exjiem-e ol the raw maierial which baa so far A Mr. McCarty, under whoe aupeiintendcnce and prevent. d our American mechanics from entering direction the furnaces were ronatrui U)J, with every i,,to competition with foreigners in the manufacture facility to inspect their works, and to asceitain the of ai cltorn, cables cutlery, hardware, and many o- cunaunipliou of material, it may not heunint. rc-t- (her article eoin oed mainly of iron. pugnac ty itself would be overawed at such certain Kulogy OU Cold Water 'aughter. The joy of battle wuuld be gone the On the occasion of an excursion to the greatdam pomp and citcumstance of gloiious war would be and basin of Ihe Cioton Water Wotks, near New no more, and Ibcte wi til J be little of the romance York, Mr. Stevens, the President of the Board with wh ch the trade uf human butchery is rtiangc of Commixsijners, gave the follow! g eulogy On ly invested, if battalions were to be blown to fiag Cold Water. The sentiment which concludes it, menu by the npouing of a steam valve) and if in how ever, according to the Express, was waahrd place of glittering wairiurs, and plumed iroopa, and down by the juice of tho grape. munic, feathers and g ild lace, the fate uf nations i Prtt WaTta, The Deity, the manufacturer t time pat a very strict turveilunce has been kept was to be di elded by s few swarthy firemen iu red flannel shirts, sweating with blackened brows over iy the cartload from biasing pipes, and poking tho . and dens, li .ely attenuntcd as to be respired through re to keep up the necessary heat, iustoad of ha the pores of the most delicate plants, Rivirs and ing recourse lo pealing trumpets and rattling drum ; Lakes, so abunJontty diktiibuted aa to auppoit not to blow thn anarka of military ardir ln'o a flame. ' only the vvhoio animal creation. It clucks and This would be reducing war to its eaenliuU ii diaiinguihcs the moat destructive element, an I finds woulJ be getting rid uf all its fascinating decep ing lo many of your readers to Ica.n the results of 1 their operation. The alterations which have been made in the conMrucli in of the puddling and heating furuacea Much of Ihe one million lona of iron annually produced m Great lliitain is consumed in articlea of this description. In icw of these facta, it d. ea not seem doubtful, the Ocean, the raw material ; Ihe Han, the genera' up all along the coast, as it was uncertain where ti e tor of the vapor ; the Skies, the condenser j Flee landing would take place. It would appear, like the hot and greasy engine, aborting ctnnon balls ! tricity and Attraction, the distributors, in showers wise, that Louis Bonaparte had plenty of money. When his father ic g .eJ in Holland, the frugul king had economised on It s civil list a sum of 3,000.000 of francs, which he had laid out in put thaaing diamonds, but when he resigned his crown , with scrupulous honesty, he declined taking iwnr its level between the tops uf mountains and the t,e di.monde, that had been, after all, purchased lions at once t it would be such an application of t lol'8 of loueu It wauls neither steamboats nor with the publlo money, and, in spite of the oppo-i-the labor saving principle to the business of thin- j locom. .tivsa to be transported. It clesnsea snd tion of his Queen Uoriense, the conscientious Kin j ning populstlott, and of muking Widows snd or- j beautifies all nature, and is so salubrious to man, pen ated in leaving the diamonds behind hm at tint ihans, that ne ther nations nor individuals would thai it neither disordeia the stomach, excites the I Hagce. Al a later peiiod, the ex-king atill dec!.. lightly go in search of aiuh ghastly honor. fenn. passions, or maddens the brain so necessary to I ned lo solicit any compensation from the king of II 1 fe, that the huinbleat insect exUts not without the Netherlands for the 3,000,000 of jewels wh c i it. 1 be Ltttest tree; monarch of the forest, and 1 had become the property of that monarch. Bui' man, monarch of all, in ita absence, alike droop j Hortene and her son Louis, (the hero of Boulogne ) their heads on the pnrehed earth and diet I not being so tender on this point, proffered to Ki' For a community like New Yoik where, by the William of the Netherlands divers claims, whlcli, impurities of water, and still more the deleterious I it is said, have not proved unsuccessful, and l! beverage of man, life ia ahortencd and our world's I 1,000,000 of francs of indemnity given by lit go. ds profusely given to tho flames, I may be just- Dutch sovereign is the fund that hus rnabied this iGcd in the sentiment; .-h ..reiendef to the crown of Frsnnt. lo undatt.'ku "Iho pure, wholesome, and abundant water of) bis insane enterprise. the Oiol.m, cheap at any price. are light. By means of a change in the buNa'ory that when a sulfirienl numlx-r of manufactories are of the furnaces, a contraction of the grate, and the in operation, to effect a reduction in prices, which introduction of a strom: blast directly underneath we contemplate, there will be a maikel for at least it, pig iron is puddled, and piles of the largest siie two hundred thousand Ions of Pennsylvania iron brought to welding heat with the greatest faclity, I annually. The production of such an amount of with anthracite con I. No stronger proof of ihe j metal would yield the state an income of ten mil complete success of the new process need I e ad-1 liona of dollar per annum, all given in exchange duced, than Ihe fact that the workmen, who are al I for the productions of her soil, and the industry of wave strongly prejudiced in favor of their old tncih-1 her sons. It would employ vest amounts cf cspi od, prefer working wilh anthracite and the in-1 tal, give occupation to thousanda of woikingmen created cleanliness consequent upon the absence uf I and mechanics, require many miles of can da and the clouda of coal amoke and dual, would be alone railruada for its transportation, and send forth fl eta a sufficient recommendation for ita use. But the new ol vessels; eniich tho farmer and huabandman, by fuel i.u. "TT wtbb, wJ 0iiw( I mmuii ,. ' f. ih nrmbfraa caaions less wear and lear to the furnaces, the coat of their labor, an add immeasurably to the wealth of keeping them in repair being ihua much dtmin and importance of Ibis city, eud of the whole, coin- ished. The waste of the iron in ttiB proCesa of Convert sion is also much less than by the old methndi With bituminous coal, 22 1-1 cwt, uf pig iron waa necessary to produce a ton of puddled bus. With anthracite, 21 1-4 cwt. has been found to be the larg. ct quantity r quired. In the subsequent pro cesses of reheating and rolling, the waste foi ruerly ten or twelve per cent It now doe not ex ceed five per cent. The amotin' of anthracite re quired to puddle a Inn (2340 cwt.) uf pig iron, has been found to be 1 6 or 13 cwt and to reheat, toll, and finish, for small ail. a, 3 or flewt. for large merchant iron, atles, etc , 8 or 10 cwt. The qu .1 ily of the iron t' u produced ia quite as g Hid as that manufactured with bituminous coal There uionwcal'.h. Such a prospect, gratifying and pleasing as it ia, is neither idle nor visionary and such, lowly but smely, by the regular effect ol Gxed causes, must be the result of the final success now altaiutd in manufacturing iron with authiacite Coal. T, T. Icrkln9 Stcum Ciuu. An exhibition ia now open at the Assembly Build Og, coiner of lOlh aud ChesnUt streiU, of that wonderful iiiatruin.nl of warfare, the Steam Gun," invented by Perkins. Having seen it in op eration, we must say thai the accounU heretofore given of its d-ntiUctive csbilities, are not at all exaggerated; showers of bullets are often sp.iken I . r. .t,. :.i. remains, therefore, no longer any doubt, that ami,. oul l ,eH'" Su" - Hie uiOJel now siiown, icrow ias nans a minuie, taciteCoal call lu employed, Wilh entire suCrens, in the mauufucturo ofir.n in all ita branches, and in every variety. To those who are unacqua'nted with the details of iron maklug, it msy sppeur to be a matter of lit aud wilh auch tiemendotla force, thai without re sorting to anything like ila possible power, sad at d ounce of over 100 feet, the leaden bills are flattened lo tho thinness of the wafer against the iron target, tome of them passing completely thro' lie moment, whether one apecies of fuel or another heel nTha barrel ued in this model is be employed in it-i production yet this s.m le sub siiialinn promises to exert a uiigbiy induenee upon the trade and commerce of Peiinaylv ,n'u. Any one al all converrant with the expense of a rolling mill, will perceive, fiom the data abave given, that if we aseume the cost of making pi iron wilh anthracite, in the tallica of the Schuylkill and Lehigh, and I our other coal districts, lo be even s high ss f tO ier ton, (a rate which the daily experience of the furnaces now in blast proves to Ui above me correct mark) railroad bo is and merchant Iron can be rolled fiom it and delivered in Philadelphia at an tpeu-e about ihe size of an ordinary rifle, but the princi, le is applic ible to pieces uf any dimensions, and the one employed in experiment before ihe Duke uf Wellington and ut'ier distinguished offiora, drove ounce bullet at distance of 33 yards Ihroog'i an iron plate one-fourth of an Inch in thickness and likewise through eleven bard deal platika one inch thick arid placed un inch apa.t Con'intlJussh iWers of balls were also projee ed with such rapidity, that when the barrel of the gun was lowly swept round in borixjiital direelioe., plank, twelve feel in length, was so completely Df PORTA S'T R.1ILWA YIXVEXTtOS. Mr. Henry M. Naglce, a young but ing. nious and accompli h d engin. er of this city, has just in vented a mode of constructing the raila for curvis in rnllro'ids, which, we think, is of a very impor tant character. It attains the great desideratum in civil engineering of enabling cars to turn upon the ihortet necessary curves without difficulty or duns gr thou.-uil inconveniences are escaped fic tion is diminished, and the axles are exempt bum injury, while the wheels of ihe car reguiat them. seltea to the :urn, avoiding the danger ef running ff. The invention timple and upon the comb.- nation of two established mechanical principles. The coinniittco uf the Franklin Ius.itute, have, as we understand, awarded Mr. Naglee the Scott's Legacy premium, for bis important snd useful im provement. Stcum. Lieutenant Janvier, of the Fiench Navy, is said to h.ve discovered tho means of getting up the steam ol engines with much rapidity, that in ten minutes from the first lighting of the fire, and al though the water in the boiler may be qui:e cold, a Viast-I may be set in motion. This is it is added, (o be added, to be accomplished without any addi- Mormoni. HiioKT. Tat Kmo. A letter fiom Dresden of the 13th instant, narrates the following ititen '.. 'ng anecdote: "A parly of foreign boUnia'.s, vcl,i; lately making their rwoarvhes iu the ReiscuLe Were joined by person who wes stranger u If we may credit the statements recently pul lish' ed, ihe sect of "Mormons" is rapidly on the increase. In England the society nu nbers two or three thou sand .nemlers, mostly in Lancashire. They have llom. wno nnnor donotid him to be ol regularly organized churches in Edinl urg, Bir- "mo dw.mcUon, and who w.a attended by tw . ui.tighum, An In the United Stales tho growth of oluer gentlemen. He showed great knowledge i f the sect is ati 1 larger. In Illinois state and Iowa tho natuttl sciences in general, and of botany i i teriitory, the number of members is about five thou- particular, and the party were so much dtliglid d with his conversation, that at Lis request they so I conpanicd him to his residence in the mountain". and passed Ihe evening. Next day the pjrty came I to thank him for bis politeness, and requested to bd sand. They have several churches built in Spring' 6 Id, Jacksonville, and other parts of Illinois, Pre parations were making to build a church in Cincin nati. In cv ry stale of the Union, excepting Mis. suuri, Georgia, Louisiana, and Alabama, they have 1 informed who it waa to whom they were undei ul oiganixed societies. Thus do we ace exemplified, j ligation for his h.spitulity. Their host replied w;ti, (ft tinlh nf the saviriv. ibsl tbi igiuu too absurd to be tel:cvcd. frtk ia nntbina in iiw Mall I'tttkrts bctirecn Trance and America. The French Chambeis bavo promulgated a law regulating the cs al'lishmeul of steam packets to convey the mails b twce.i Harvie and New Yoik. Two principle lines of communication are to be established ty the Govermeitt, and served by s .a n packets ol 450 horse p wer, one stalling fiom Bordeaux every "0 day a, and one from Marseilles very month, in order to arrive at Martinique, and continuing by Guadiloffjtc, St, Thomas, Poitj Kico, Ca,e Hayti, St; Jago, lo Havana. The other starting fiom Nazuire every month to Rio Janeiro, pas.-ing by Lisbon, Goice, Pernamhuco, and Baliia. The secondary linos, served by steamers of 220 horse power, will be eel .blishsd in order to continue the principal line, the first to Mexico, touching si Vera Cius, Tampico, Gil veslon snd New Orleans; the second to Central America, touching st Chsgres, Caihagenaj Santa Mar ha, snd La Uuayrs the third to Montevideo and Buenos Ay res. To effect this, special credit has been opened lo ihe Minister of tho Navy, to the mount of 28,400,000 francs, 10 be devoted to the construc tion, arming, and Ailing up of 14 steam packets uf 4.0 ho se p'iw. r, aud 4 steam packets of 220 hcte power, and which ia to be eppropiiatod to the ex pend!. urcs of 1840, 1841, 1842, and 1843; not rlceeuing $45 to $5ll r ton, aud other dewrip- rorated that the line of ehot holes nearly re sera lions of irou in Ihe aauie piopuruon. INow the price beJ ,cul frolI, neof jlt ends to the other. of these sitiel.s, of ordinary qualitns, in Liverpool, 'pllt.ie u uite , Mwy invented steam gene, h a a.erag. d 9 10. for the last live years. So that tlltot BlUcrlej .hi, gu, lo invented by Peikins, iu the very infancy of the trade here, we succeed in wbich t jral)inct . A 0f ,i,ni.licity, safely m.kii.g ir .n aa lo as it can be sold iu Ll vssroot, ,nJ t0 , j,.gfe ne,er Mftn .tiainod, without lakiog freig.il, inu sue, duties, etc.. inlo . , , h , we, worth ,ho B,toll,jon ,hB 'This nsme, now generally writu-n Ibrahim, i entific. The exhibition is theiefo.e a very interest ing one in several respects, and will djubtlrss at tract crowds of visitors. No one can witness the operation of the st. am gun without being satisfied tbat it is destined in i the calculation at all. And upon finer diacriiilious I of irou, the discrepancy would be s ill greater in la- vol of ihuj country. Besides, we luUsl lemcniber, thsl in suy process, perfection ia not sltaiued al once ; and it would be unreasonable lo suppose tbat name, now enneri it wnmn n'r.i i gun wunuui uuhik muwiou iuji ii ia ue b J I sir't.N U WI IIOl Slluuit Mll.-li fililKnr llnlil.s. the same aa thai uf "the father or tue faitbrul, Uie ,.n . i , .u Importait respeeU, to change the aspect of war, and I mrn i aa will maleriul V reduce in. tiuuib'. uf tha I cotemporary of Ms'ehisedek. t f I I par.leuisriy as a Uelcnsive weapon, it cannot easily be overrated, while leirifio combination can te formed of steam vessels of war with this tr menJous ioveiilion. The only objeclioa urged agauisi It la, that it is loo murderous, and that il wuld uuihilale fleets and armies coming w thin , iu rsngs, in the twinkling uf sn eye. Such doubt. U....I.I i.. :. I ... i. .. . . ... banks discount nearly all the good paper that la r nnon the fiuM jcpuoin of loos, banda, . . , r r.a-l r !m ikj.ltwiil thai ihev will resume sirscie , i i... . . " t '' .. - - i nuons. eir wmcu aie now inoictiou hi u'smr ... manufacture. Tats Biaaa or BatTivaoss. We learn that The limits of newspaper forbid a more detailed Ihe bankaof B d i nors have a circulation of fl I calculation; but it ia evident, that the use uf an- 600 000, and sboul $1,000 in specie iu their vaults. I thiacitc coal will enable Peunsylvaniana lo uiauu- Philadelphia is indebted to Baltimore about $700,- I f4( lUie iron piufi ably, at a leduciion uf at least 000, and Bullimors owes other rasUrn cit es sb.iui I ienly-fivs per cent, upon the preaenl market rales $300,0(10. Money is conndereJ es.y lUeie, snd Ihs u( rsdroad and br iron, and of from forty to fifty paymto'a immediately after lbs bsuks uf Pl ilade1- . i iwuaati. I The cflVt of such s reduction mut necessarily I'm ... f .. .a lbs loafer said veil he was ' concenirale the wauufaclurs of nearly all the c - - 9 . i stealing lard. pac.Qctor th'tn ss s destroyer uf the human isce. To Uiiiig dean u. lion thus to its maximum aud lo effect in a few mloulea, rcauba which usua'ly re quire whole canipsigus to accomplish, would I s by A NEW WAY TO CHEAT THE DEVIL, The Paris Sketch Book recently publ shed presents variety of anecdote, sketches, cVc, to suit almost every luaie. Among ihe Dgliu-r si tides, is one entitled the Painter's Bargain, which states that one Mr. Gambouge, a poor painter, with a scolJing, drunken wife, and not sous in his pock' et, sells the "remainder" of himself, at the end of seven years, to the devil, on condition thut in tha interim the lat er is to do his bidding in every thing. when ihe last year of the seven of feasiiug snd wealth ia half expired, Mr. Gamhouge, feeling ex quiaits qualms as to Ihe fate which awaits htm, snd hiving tiled rvery manner and moans, even to ths Pope's shsolu ion, to gel rid ol ths contract, but in vain hits u,-o.i the following ingenious exdient. He gives a great feast lo all his friends; calls up the devil at dissert time; snd, hsiiding over to him his red faced spoase, Griskiuissa, commands him to live wilh her for the next six months! This i bio snuch, even for the devil ; snd in gnsshing his teeth bitterly, be tears up aud snuuls the Lite ful cotUisct, and leaves Uaiitbouge to go lo Ihe his own way." Tits xoniaw least's. A msn, carrying a large bundle, applied soma days since, to the keeper of the column in the Place Yer.dome, for permission to g i up to the top of the column. He was request ed to tears his bundle with the keeper, but thia re- qu at so disconcerted him that he retired in disgunt the Pantheon, where the e..rrie lequest waa pro fencd, aud the same conditions met with the same ebullition of anger. Upon this the man returned h .me, took out hia large greatcoat, under which be com rive J to conceal hia bundle, and demanded ad mission to the tower of Notre Dame. The keeper sccordingly sccompsuied him to the top of the ca thedral towers, and as soon as he arrived there he asked in which direction lay Montmartre, The keeper piinled it out lo him, and the man sudden ly pulling ssido the lappets of his Coat, levealej the bundle, and, tapping It mysteriously, he said, "should you be surprised if I were to alight on the lop heights of Montmartre within ten minutes! The keeper replied In the affirmative, "Say not a word," continued the Intrepid aeronaut, "and I will I 'ke you with me;" The keeper, however, respect fully, but firmly, declined the invita'ion, and ex hauated all his persuasive powers in attempting to indace the maniaoto abandon hia aerial expedition, but all to no purpose. At length the keeper ex claimed, "well, then, since you will go, take me w th you." The maniac immediately took out i f hia bundle some large straps and feathers, and coin Tux Nkstob or ths Clkmsv is so moms. The venerable Dr. Nathaniel Emmons died at Franklin ou Wednesday last being the oldest clergyman prob ably in tbe United Si ales, aud pieviuua to hia death bs was the oldest surviving graduate uf Yale College- He was settled in 1779, ss past, r of ths church in Frsuklin, in which office bs remained SI yesrs, snd theu resigned his storl cherge, but coiiiiuurd lo reside iu Ibal town till tl.e time uf iron used east of the AllegbeiiU, into the anthra- no uieaiu likely to incm e thv Ullit7rnt abit his death Bxttw ZraAxriff, a ro'Je. I am, a minerologial and botanist, aud a. a called King uf . .7 Ksxr Ma ssox mt rniaxo. Mr. J. J. hi h s juven ia, went to club, and as his appearance w,i anything but respectable, he borrowed pair . f bie. che-s of s friend. In ths course of the eveni.i x the leader cslb d out to him. J , don't til down in the damp there iu my breeches." A friond wlu condoled with the embryo critic upon this cxjm.-o, offered to lend him s pair of unmentionables for I a next meeting he did so, vnd J had hardly entered, when his benefactor exclaimed aloud, kJ you may sit down wh-.'roveryou like in n y breeches." Joan Rtxra, Mosalmiso. -John Kcsve was accosted in the Kensington rosd by sn elderly f. -male, with s small bottle of gin in her band. "Pi jr. sir, I beg your pardon, is this the way to the wo l- house 1" John gsvs her look of clerical dignity. snd pointing to the bottle, gravely skid, "No ma'am ; but that is." CmcMSATi. It is stslod ihst more thsn one- fourth of the en; ire population of Cincinnati coa sists of Germ ins. Srscis. Ths ship Natcber, from Valparaiso, h s on boaid wo hundred and tcventy-lwo fAou- land and forty dollar in specie. A Cincinnati psper says that four hundred miles of hoes were kilted in that city to last year. Tbat meneed with great gravity lo strap them on his seems lo be new way uf counting sw ine. shoulders like t an uf wings. He then seized the keeper round tho waist, but the keeper returned the compliment, snd succeeded in bringing down hia bird, nrd detaining him un'il sssis'snce wss procu- n d. The man proved to be eupenter, who ha I frequently given indications of mental abberrau. n, I Tha Methu. n Gasctte propounds the following but. being gei.tlo and harmlcsa, had been allowed I mathematical question "If man is too poor to ' Golp. .Ti e Greet Western brings 100,000 in Gold, to the sdd ess of Mr. Jau Jon, agent of the V. S. Bank, who is himself s passenger. to remain at Urge Ti'ssisu Witxs. There is general idea pre vulent iu Ibis country, that the Turks have a plus rainy uf wives, but such custom has no existence in leabiy. It is due that the Koran allows the Bui tan seven wives, and eiy other Mussleman four; but there sis few in-tances in Turkey al ibe pre sent day, ol Turks having more than one wife, and I w as assured by U-y.lbat, with the exception of threj or four of tbe wealthiest pachas, there were not five Tuiks in Constantinople who had mors than one wile. On one occaaiou I asked an old pay for newspaper, how many dogs can be afford lo keep. Hallo, atranger! What time is it! How high's the creek ! What's the price of bu ter !" "Psst eleven si most twelve -wai.t deep, sn J eleven pence. Win it II so An olJ lady in the western country, seriously ssked her hubsnd, if Harrison should be elected whether ths ft ver and ague would long prevail. Wsat's is a. mams! The bris TtmtKrane. . . . ... - ii i elTendl bow msny wives ne nso. -ue is au i csn from r.j,,,., b ,,r(ugr U0 pipe4 gin , c. afford." I s .u it woutu i aimos. .. cneaP ,o ieeP CMfl fi lmmJtulhn rw. four wives in S nouae sa our, arm uis answer was, i - Probsbly four Lnglisn wives miglil live eest.ly ,hM d M , of Jo ou Mon3 in one house, but Turkish wives must have sepi- ,0 th uot;t uri , country man of wis of our rale houaes ; snd msn must hsve ss many stab- ja1lj 0for,t .ho wai wslkiog up Beacon street hahioeuu ss he baa wives, for if tluy were to live j,h , c)Ul,B of mfli Uhind him, the othet in ibe same bouse, they would scratch one ano- t Jjy.50Jo, pMt, tber s eyes ou. I wss, bowevsr, acquainted with one efl'eneii, who, galling tired of h s wife, solJ her, I Pastiis. A yeung Lady waa asked, which par uud b-'Ught two b ack ones with lbs money bs got I ty shs wss moat In favoi of, rej lied tbat hs f lefur. S'ji htr Rc'fo TUrk.y a.iJ f.W TUrht. red a wvdJuig pjrty,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers