Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 03, 1840, Image 2

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rintiniLrin, August SOlh 1840.
To the Hon. M. Vw Burnt, of the
UnireJ State
TJsa ?m Tle utrdeT-igne.l, a porl'on of your
fellow citizens, rrnictt your answer to the follow
ing queries : ''
Are you in favor of IVtcctive Tsiifl'?
' TJid yoa ote for, or rapport property qunlifl
tion fat tut rs, m the convention of New York 1
Are you in favor of reducing the atandarJ of wa
ge t ;
Whr thcr you are in favor of the Socrcary of
War' plan for organizing the M litin 1
These questions aro not mod.' for the tun pose of
unfriendly criticism, but only from a sincere with
tj have your own view on these subjects.
Your f How citizens,
isaac lipitnoott,
wm. r.poits,
Dir.ct to Isaac Lippincott, No. 210 Callow hill
Washirotox, Sept 14, 1810.
G!Ttl!MK!t ,
1 have reci Wed your letter propounding to me
evrral questions upon publ c subject, and ensu
ring me that they are not put for the purp ee of
unfriendly otiticism, hut from aiucete dreire to
have rr.y own view on the ul j ct referred to.
In reply to your firtt and last question, I arnd
you a copy of a lcit r recently addressed to several
citizens of Elizabeth City County, Vs., in which
you will find the inf. irma ion you desire.
In answer to your second question, I send you a j
stalsmont of my entire course in the New York
Convention, upon the sul j.'d of the elective fran
chise. It was prepired by uiy friend at Albany,
having access to the best means of information, of
their own accord, without previous communication
with me, und published tin re under their own sig
natures. Upon a careful examination f ll.isdoctt
nient, I find it cent, ins a true and fair exposition of
my course in the convention, upon the subj ct re
ferred In, and I send it to you as such.
Your remaining question is, wh. I her I am in f i
Tor df reducing tho standard of wacs.
' Not comprehending precisely the you di siic
to ennv. y by the term ' the standard of wage," it
will be necessary, in order to meet your wishes ful
ly, thr.t I should give my general views on this
branch i f ycur inquiry.
The labor of an industrious man is in my judg
ment only adequately rewarded, when his wages,
together wi'.h the assistance of these members of his
family, from whom assignee may reasonably be
required, will enable him to provid.- comfortably for
himself and them, to educate his children, and lay
up sufficient for the casualties of l.fe, and the want
of advanced age.
To accomplish these objects, it is neees ry that
the pay of the laborer should bear a just proportion
to the prices of the nece sarirs and comforts of life ;
ml all attempts to depress them llow (li s equity
ble standard ; are in my opinion at war, as well with
the dictates of humanity, as wiih a sound und ra
tional policy. Left to itself, and to the blighting
influence of paitial legislation, monopolies enngres
gated wealth, and interested com'.inntions, the com
pensation of labor will always reserve this saluta
ry rel.ition. It is only when the nutu al order of
society is disturbed by one or nthcr of there causes,
that the wages of labor become ina. 'equate.
The people if the Uuitid S'ates may lie truly
d neminated a natien of labor, rs. A va t pr. por
tion of them live by the swtal of tl.eir brow, and
the continued exercise of a persevering indus'ry
It was with proper regard to this roi.d tion, that
the system uf governmr ut under whit h they live
was originally devised. It thould, therefore, in my
r pinion, be always so Bilininist red, as t ii sure to
them, as far as possible, a just and ailcqu ito reward
for their cxeitions, as a full ci j .ytnciit of tho fruits
of their industty.
In the distribution of wealth rerulting from t'.e
union of lubor and capital, it is too of en the ca e
that an undue proportion fills to the shire of the
latter. The discontinuance of par iat legislation,
which I have always advoc ted, wruld be an im
portont step It wards correcting this in' q'la'ity.
' It has been ever my design to keep these ol jects
constantly in view So far from Icing in fivor of
reducing the wages i f IaIk r, or atterop'in j to n nder
the tervieies required di proportinate tothen w ird.
reciivcd, it cannot be unknown to you t' at what
is called the ten hour system, origin .Ily dewscj by
the mechanies and laborers thcmstlvts, has by my
directions been adopted' and uniform'y currud out
I all the public establishments, and tliut this mil-
igation of l.bor has bren accompanied by no corres
ponding reduction of wages,
t also causrd it to be distinctly intimated in the
mon'h of March last, to the officers fuh of the
establishment, as might contempt e a reduc'ion
. of w.iges. that in my opinion the pre nt peculiarly
uncertain state of things, which it is belt ved rs-ull
from circumstances that cannot ba erm inent i.i
their opcia'i.m, d e not present a just and pr per
basis for a reduction of wages.
I am far from wishing to contribute in the slight
eat degree to the embarrassment and depression of
the luboritttf tlass. It is on the contrary, my most
earnest and Constant de-ire "but llnir industry
hould evry were, arid at all tini" le amply re
warded, and that the I Waitings should be li'-erul'y
dilTuaed among those who cutitnbul most to their
I tin, Gt.tlemi n. very irpretru'ly,
Your ol edien' arrva t,
Mrssrs. Isaac Li pinrolt, Wrn. I. I'o t, G.
Haines, N. D. Evans, A. S. Eorman, Joe. F raver.
It is sUteJ that tW.OOO.mnskeU have been man.
ufac ureJ at Spiintf.eM, Vass, within lha last fou
Schuylkill Bank.
We have published in another p ge a letter from
Mr. Newell, who charges the pro i'h lent and certain
directors of the Schuylkill bank with having refused
and neglected In arrest Mr. Levis, the Iste abscond
ing cashier of that bank, whom Mr. Newell had
Trought back to lhi county from Pails. The pres
ident and directors have since come out and denied
the truth of Mr. Newell'a statement. The follow
ing is the conclusion of their statement. -The
whole transaction, it seems, is at II involved in
mystery. Ed. .liner.
On Friday n'ght, (4lh Bcplcmlter) the ship Sco
tia arrived at' Baltimore. Mr. Newell says that her
arrival was known here in Philadelphia on Siitui
day afternoon. It follows that he nvght have com
muiiicated her arrival and his plans to us by the
morning ears from IlalllinoTo. This he wholly ne
Rleclcd In do, and wo severally declare that her ar
rival was not known to us on HjturJoy ode noon,
nor at any lime previous to the receipt of hi com
munication on Monday at noon, lie arrived hern
with Levis on Saturday night about half past eleven
oMcck. parted with him on h pledge that he would
meet him on Monday morning, and om'tted In
communicate tho fact of his arriv.d to u until Mnn- j
day altoul noon, more than thirty six hours after he
had let him go ; and, as ha since been ascertained,
many hours after Mr. Levis had oJl i made lii
escape. Ha then, that is on Mond .y, ai live mm-
U'es before noon, writes, mil, in person, dolirera a
note, i-lating the fact of his arrival in this ci'y widi
Mr. Levis, and add', "no olfieer licing in a tend
ance lo rvlicve me from duty, Mr. Ixvis was con-
consequrn ly undir no legal restraint, and is now in
this city." If Ito had informed us of Mr. I. vi ar-
rivsl at Baltimore, he might have anticipateJ th it ,
an olTic r would be in attendance ; but ho had not
done so in fact, be stntes explicitly, that I. Unreal
ambition (he acting as our ag n !) was to ob'ain n
triumph over us, by inlroilueing Mr. Ivis to us in
he bat k on Monday morning, to nur eoiiju-noH
ami di'tnny f an ambition wholly incouiKtcnt
with his more obvious and very apparent du y, lit if
of introducing h'm to a police ollWr on Saturday
night. He adds: "In this par iculor, Mr. Levis
thought proper nottocomp'y with the pledge given
at the moment of our separation on Saturday
night. We conclude fairly that it was not until
after this di-nppointrnent, that Mr. Ncwt.ll wrote
the note which he delivered in person about noon
on M tnday, informing in of his arrival, and sta ing
that he found t.o officer in attendance to relit vc
him from duty ; and we conrludi further, that when
to the natur.d question of tho president But,
Mr. Newell, where is he 1" he rt plied, " I snise
he is at home" ha h id very good reasjrn to sup
pose he was " not at home."
On receiving notice of the anivil of Mr. Levis
the Boird promptly communicated tho fact to tlio
Attorney General. So much, gentlemen, for the
cha-go which you have countenanced ofutlr having
ihitxirtrd our agent. We will now, in a lew word,
state the facts bearing on the question of nur own
peiformance of our duty to the public. On Wed
nesday, the 2J ol September, 1H40, Mr. Brooke,
the aa-isUnt Attorney General for this county, was
informed by the president of the bank of the da ly
expected anivsl at Baltimore of Mr Levis, in the
sh'p Scotia ; and, in reply, slated tint he would
t .ke prompt measures for his arrest. Our duty
was Inus performed. ou will ajrec that it was
no part of our du'y to proc'aira in tho a'reets that
the Attorney General was prepared for the enter,
gency. That active, intelligent, and e-tiraablv olli
err, rf..rmed It's duty. Bench were is
sued on the same day, and placed in the hands of
the police officers, with miuu'e instructions. Mr.
Brooke seems to have thought t that it Wat not his
duty to proclaim that fact in the t-tn etr The po
lice i hV'rr anticar to have dune ticir duty. As
Mr. Newell gave no intelligence of his expee'e I sr.
rivsl, an officer was in attendance at the arrival ol
the cars on Thurday and Friday night, and at the
steamboat on the afternoon of tho.-e days, Uu Kj
tU'dsy night, the fifth i.istu.l, bt the airival of the
cars, two officer were in attend .ne wi h the bench
wairait. The circumstances are fully J
the uflidavits annexed. On that li ght, according to
Mr. Newell'a statement, Messrs. Newell and Levi,
rrited here in the c it: The name of iie'tter ufas
on the way I ill. Two officers of justice, wi h a
bench warrant, were in waiting at the ear olli e.
Th re wero but tweuty-MX pos-engors altogether.
At that hour t f the night, therf was of course, no
crowd urconfu-ion from persons passing, the fire t
In ing empty. Messrs. Newell and Ivis separated
on Saturday night, it at ems, on an npp iutinetil to
meet on Monday morning. I'nx latteu has c-
We are, getitlemm, with r- sp't t, your mosi
obedient rervints and fellow citizens.
JOlt.V i. IVt'.THURIU.,
jacor ,. sii.iM'n.
ceo. nr. c.iRri:sTi:n.
11. C.iTllEHWOOH.
j). di:au
It. H. I.UY1CK.
Ti e men are determined to ta'k of nothing Lu
p li ics, and the women muxt join in, or teniuiu
ent r y si'inr. TI.ey could find no hearers now
tltd they nt aecomadate their e nvorsation to the
limes. Tiierr.f.HC, we say, are they wie cunn'n g
as se pents, the jadesharmlef at dovea the d a
rreaturej. Lks ilu Jy in re ,u, ibey "stoop to
c rq. er. lit Uie t lection turn out as it wdl, the
sow ii vill Im (I. K. Xlany an h. ue.-t democrat
who thinks be is only admiiirg some pre:ty wo
man's g. od silt e, as be bears bt r d to ilii g the
sub-treatu y, ia actually creating privs'a tub ties.
sury, putting his own heart into It and giving Hi
Jem cral in pituc-iats the kejt. Whether M
Van Buren is elected or not e ii sure to t
prosident of hous hold. , .
. On the other hand, the whig admirer of the f
main half of log cabin attdilorias don't know the Irsp
he is In. The Indies don't go to Mich convocations
for nothing not they. They are looking further
titan mxt November mothers looking for their
daughters, and daughters looking for thtmrlves.
Thst log cabin cut, got out by our neighbors of the
New Erijj would be well labelled "Trap to catch
Husbands." The matches made by there p. lit'cal
gathetings, are Innumerable; and the young men
who ft titer themselves thst they aro luboring for
the "liberties of the country," have sold th. ir own.
Give us the woman for manag menl. ye1.
' ' Brother iimalhun.
Saturday, Ottubtr 3, IS 10.
Jmks Ciuitr., of tr.di.ina, u .
. , , i enutnri,.l.
(Sko. tS. Lkipkh, of Delaware, J
1. (b'org. W. Sni.k I
2. lienjtmin Miltliti.l
12. Fredeiitk Sit ith
1.1. (Partes M'Clure.
14. J. M. (oinnielt,
15. (f. M.llolleri'a.k.
10. I.ponnrd PlV.u'z.
17. John Morton, J .
18. William on.
1 0. John Morrison,
20. Westly FiOs.
21. B"nj, Amleron.
22. William Wilkinr.
2 . A. K . Wrigl.L
24. J.din Findhy.
2.'. Stephen Barlow
rre.le.iek Sioi ver
X Win. II. Smith.
4. John r. l.uriui.m.
John lion tin,
Hcnrv Myers.
Daniel .lae.nby.
Jessi' Joh.isoil.
Jacob Aide.
Geo. Christmnn
Win. Shnener.
10. Ilt-nry DelinlT.
1 1' Henry Logan.
Una. J. C. ni enra.-'i
Ovid F. Jon vsuv, j
Ji I'stenes, I
Bkvjamiv Phkk, I
JoMt M. FonsTm, Dauphin.
E. W. HiTTtn,
MielMIL lll'IIKK,
Jieos It tis.
IUiiiav Alrkk.J
Pktkb IIt,
JllSKPH A'kaI.,
1viii I.rx ii, J n... .
II. II. Vav Aaitttm, P,Itah
I) li M O C 11 A TIC CA X I) IDA T E Si .
ron ras:iiiKVT,
Martin Van Itiirm.
ran tick earinr.vT,
ltl liartl 1. Joliitson.
rr oorERvoN,
r;cii. ia ia r. rorlci.
ron ioaoass,
' ton ASStMBLf,
CHAR I. E s Y . n E a I ss.
( Who had 14 volet in the Drtiweratic lieelation )
Who hud t.l rote in the Delegation.)
Neither candidate hating a mnjori y of the
whole, ihe Convention unanimously resolved they
would make no nomination but sufT. r each noe to
run on his own merits. C. W . Hegins having re
ceived the highesi number of voles should, accord
ing to democratic u.-ages lie considered the ch. ice
f the party.
ron coMMtssiovxns,
lo a co-ioaxss,
A C'liaatt'.
The friends of Ho ton, in i rdei to ileeo've t' e
people, have reported that ll.i p ess eftnr 'hu t lec
tion will come oni in f ivour of tl e Whtgs. Now
we state to all who snb-cribers to our paper, rr
nay hotse to subscribe, that they may withdraw
their fu'i'Criptionsaa soon a' we change our ics,
and ih it wo will not thirgethcni one cent for the
rubsciipiioii lo our paper, in that event.
rXj How comes it that there are not five demo
crats in tl e b rough of Sunhury who will vote
against C. W, Hegins. Accordir e to tho sta emenl
of Horton's friends, there will n..l he any demo ra's
left af er the tleelinn. And how eom.-s it th .t bll
the secret enemi. of Gov, Po ler are n favor of
Horton. The Mdt n Ledger has qu- led nuniber
of p.qrs oppos. d to ( hades W. Hegiim. It is
weil known fact that i very one of the-' papers
have len secretly opposed to (!.. l'oiter, and
luxe l cn forced lo c one bet to his u; p' .it by tho
voic of pu'il'C piui u in bis favor. hat Wrong
er ei can the pe .pie h .ve, that II. rtou is not
a true
Hw many thousand doll rs d.J Ho'tou get
for " Extra Pay" as mail cnutr ctor, for rrviot'e
never perfanned ! II hv many ihousmd do. s ho
expect for his job on the mi tl T Wa ay to our
farmers, if you do not want to pay heavy slate tax
es, ner Fend fp'cul.ilors pr contr.iet. rs lo tlio
legi lature. Let the contract, rs once g t in j rity
in the legi-lature, ai d yen will e lie ra'e d. In
inerea-a l eight or ten millions in a ftw je rs.
What do they care for a yearly a'aie lax uf twi n
ty or thirty dollars when they ran mike tl ousands
out i.f their cor trv t t
The Conl rnctor a wouUUhc far-
. i nur. .-
When did Jesse C. Horton become a democrnt !
is a question f-equently tsked, but not so easily an
swrred. It is but a few years since he was a citi
zen of the stale of New York, whirh can be s'lown
by the record of th OoU't, He en mo to thi
county as a mail & ntrartor, for which he received
Urge sums of money as " Extra Pay" for wo k
which be never done. Now he has suddenly be
come democrat, and e llshim-elfa farmer; be
cause he has been able lo get a farm nut of the
M xtba rAi" money Ire got from the governmr nt.
Would the per.plo like lo know what kind of a far
mrr he If ihey do just let them go lo the ca
nst above Nortlium' f rl.ind. They will fin 1 him there
farming " Locks" for wbl. h he Is to reap n
Am-ir.. of upwards ,.f TWF.XTY THOUSASD
DOLLARS. The next thing to I done is lo get
him into the Leelslature. 'The hall of the Hnua.t
of Re rwen'ativrs will be a moM glorious place to
tiiiasii oct tut caor. The few democratic friends
who ate now pushing him forward have also a
finger in the pie f Tl ry hsve a sh ire in the crop,
ninl Itnow very well when Fitrnur H..rton gets to;, the way thai he will thranh Ihe duMar
out of the treasury will I a caution lo the ftrnurs
who don't farm hichu on the cannl. " H.uton
must go there,-' say thespe.-ulot irs and contractors;
" We want more momy Bnd we want m re juh,
and as Horton will vote for money lo pay hiir self,
wc will romc In fin a tharo of the p'under." Thu
our demociatic fanners can see what kind of a de
mocrat and firmer Jeae C. liorton U Lewi
Dew art, who has lieen so grossly slandered and
tibused by Horton's friends, d.s more farming and
has done more woik wi h his own hands in one
week thin llo ton has done, or will do in six
months. We Fay I ew are of contractors who want
to ga tne leg'slntu e for the purpose of voting ihou
sa ds uf dollars into their ntn potkets.
The public generally a'e not sw.ire of Ihe con
temptible measures and misrt piesen'ationr. lo which
Jesse C. Ho t n descends, for the s. ke cf tr.i.lucii.g
h!s opponent and making votes for himst If.
The following dialogue look plare between Mr.
II. rton and a respectable man in Augmta :
Mr. llmlim. We, will you give us a lift nt the
olecti n !
Mr. .V I don't know. Who are you 1
Mr. Iliirt'iii My name is Horton. I 'spnse you
know my hu-ines! I'm running for tUn'Srmhti.
I II go for three dollars a da. Hegins got to
las! veir and wanted more.
Mr. .V I don't know how is; but I sup
pose if jou get in, you will Iske all yon can loo.
Mr. Horton. Oh ! no ; I'll only rhargc three.
Give us a lift, won't you! Exit Jew on the
paring f oiy.
Such a course i.f electioneering is extremely die
trr.tiiat.1rt ami ss Horton knows it is lole, he
is entirely u; justifialde in the assertion. It can le
d's-inrtly pr.-vnl that he did assort in plain terms,
Ibht Mr. Hegins received four dollars a day lust
wiriier. It can be as distinctly proved, nay, every
intelligent man already knows, that this allegation
is unqualifiedly fahe ! Con we expec' integrity
in a leprcs. ntotiv e who is guiby of suth peiver-
. 'oas of truth to obtain the office 1
An Honest t'oiifossloti.
Jesse C. Horton said the other day, in this
I lace, that he knew that he wa not regular
I ij ntminuttd, but that it was aa go d a no mi
nation as he wanted ! ! Any thing 'o deceive the
deniocra'a is good enough for him. But stop, Jes
se, tt e democrat on this side of Ihe river are not
as ignorant as you and friend DieiTenb .cher luke
them to be.
Will the democratic party of this county be ml- d
by a couple of beardfent boy like the editor of the
Milton Ledger and Sunhury Gazette, who d nounce
eve y democrat who will not vote aa they wish
them to vote 1 Governor Porter in his le ter to
the l i tsbutg committee, tays: "God forbid that
the day should ever arrive in this country, when
the most ixa led individual in (xtwei may say to
tho humblest : " I am the standard ofinfa libit y
agree with me in. all Iking, or lis branded a a
recreant und a knave rsland olT from the al ar i.fT
patriotism I am holier than thou." And yet
these boys s. t themselves up a the ttandard of dc
nroc aey, and say lo t o old democrata, who will
nal support such a man as Horton, "you ro re.
creunlsand kiniett "
How to gel a Aominalloii.
When the debate in the county ronventi n
will not nominate you, get iw.niy-fiv.- of your
friends together in one corner of the county get
the pretended friends of another candidate to de
ceive him irJ then hue a resolution pasaed in
your ftvor. Thi wa the way in which Je C.
Horton g it hirn unination thi i the way John
Mc Kinney was deceived, and lh:s is the pltn of
the would -lie democratic jinfo in It: Forks to de.
stroy the d uuoc raiic parly.
A Mean Trick.
Sheriff G isslcr, a fow dtys fiuco, went to Mr.
Dixon, a genrlcmau in Kuh t.wnship, and t nd. a
vt red 1 1 persuad. tin to vol.) for Horton. Mr. D x
on replied to the ah. riflf that he koe tmt much
about H ni'tn io vote for him. He t-ad he bad
known H rton fir inmv yi ar deaeiiltr d his cha
rae. er, and said be never could v. te f .r smjA a im hi
The sheriff then told him that Mr. Hegins GAM
BLED AND DISA-NK ut much at tlirtun- Gos
sler knew tuat thi was a lie-st foul and infamous
ful-uliood bu- fiudiog that Horton wou'd n-t he
supported where he was ktlowu, thus meaiily lan
dered Mr. IL gtus lo make out Li repi t tliou as
bad as H, no..' Every b.Jy that knows Mr. II
gnu know thai duller u'leicd a fo il.le d r, an.l
we do n. t notieti il f r ihe of contradicltn
it for il nee J-no contralieti n but to sh w th
p-ojIewhM nrsns ero uI l fircc a i'h-e tilting
contractor into office, Who hns received tlimttnndt
from the public treisdry as " EXTRA PA Y"
for csrrylng the mail, and now wants to go to the
legislature to vo' himself a few thousands . extra
pay for his contract on the canal.
Slianioklii Mrrtlii;.
rmi'i) Arm Aanrict Kxensin.
The me. ting held In Snuffiown, on the 12th ult.,
of which George Mrljer was i hsirm d at which
Jesse I. H. rton was recommended f r the Legisla
ture, wc convened upon the I'ollq ving no ice t
A Township meeting wdl l e held st the house
of Fi lix trrh, in the village nrSnulTown, on Sa
turday the 13ih day of Henlernls-r. 1840. for the
purine of taking into consideration whilh r it
woii'd be proptr f..r the ft mding committee lo ca'l
a new tl. legste meetintr. f..r the ptfp se of f. nning
a n. ner.d county l.tkot, a thedeegnta failed on
the 3d itist. to form one. Ad Ihosi liv. rai le. an.l
otheis. are invit.d lo attend. A CITIZEN.
Shatnnk n, Aiinust 3 1st, 184(1.
The vrry respectable names of Elitdi Barton, Smi h, Felix Lerch and Jonsthan Woolver
ton, appear in the p:oceed.ngs of this meeting to
sanction the recommendation of Jesse C. Horton.
We hav the authority of the three first named, for declaring that they entinly diap
firove.l i f t .o whole proceedings, and never autho
rised their names lo appear as officers, or in any
way connected with the meeting. Mr. Barton x
prcssly forbade the four friends of Mr. Horton, fiom
sffi.xir.g hia name lo any such recommendation.
Jonathan Woolverton, we are inform. d, is not in
favor i.f Mr. Horton, and never was.
Hogli Teats, Eq, who seems o hsve asi.umed
the direction of k s neighbor's consciences and c
pinions, without their cotifctit, was the master spi
rit on the occasion. He refused to ..l ow Mr. He
gins the opportunity of exhiliiting ihe j tuna s ot
that m-etir g, and proving that he ne tin r voted to
increase the salaries of Ihe judges, to raise the pay
of meinbeis to four doila s, or to i.llow the extra
pay. Hugii Tents, Esq , took this lilter'y of pi c ng
the nam of these g.-i.llt nien in connexion w ith
the proc etlings. Ver ly, we think the good people
of Sharnukin w.ll prsy to be defended from the r
I itrnry rule of one who has named himself dictator,
and acts as if ho were the centre of all authority.
The meeting was not o'cariized until aler 5 o'
clock, P. M., af'et Mr. Hr gins had left the place.
"Slalc C apitol Gaxrllc.''
The etlitors of th -Stite Capitol (!7."tte, an irre-
spot aiblu sheet i f more than I t li.iraeler.
printed at II rrii l'Urg. have thought proper to ob
trude ihenis Ives up m the people of this c tintv,
for r. ssons s obvious, that no one who is acquain
ted wi.h the peculiar cast nd character of these
uxirthie, can fail lo appreciate the purity of the r
motives, or the integrity of their conduct.
Hsvins already, for a brief peri, d, floundered in
a sphere in which they reajied nothing but dishon
or - nd oistrusl. ihey have resolve! to extend th
SM ner.ftheii inglorious Initios lo this couniy, and
for mean and paltry consideration, hae volun
teer! d their setvicea lo trtduee and vilhfy ihe t ha
rscter of C W . Hegins, our Iste inom'er. The'n's
must, indeed, tie a " forlorn hope," who for the re
mole eontir gency ef securing the v to of Jese C.
Horton in the r favor a public printers, can con
descend lo degrade their column to sucli vle pur
pose. Charily m'ght iu.luc us ti euppoe that it was
through ignorunce tht Jr e C. Horton i called by
them, the "regularly nominated cindid tc" No
honorable, irstelliitent democrat in the county pre
sumes to s ly so, even Horton himse f does noi
claun il. We know that '- Mr He.i..' did not act
in accrdsnee with the wislu-aof" these uinlhies
when he rel'u.-e.l to vote in their favor ss public
printers, but gave h vote for the " Keystone," the
firm and tried friends of Gov. Porrer and the demo
cratic p. rty. But the Stale Capitol Gszt'tte is not
altogether alone in the wo k. There aro a fow Lit -dretl
ruts in this and the m ighlv.ring counties,
who, lik themselves, have Itet-n secretly npio-ed to
Governor Porter, and these, lo a man, are nps sed
to Cbarbs W. Hegins, i.uJ ar in fiVi.r of Hor
ton. It was for the benefit of the Milton Ledger an.l
Sui.bury Gazette, wh i are to copy it in o their co
lumns, this cowardly attack has been made,
anil it whs for this reison thit we end cend to
notice i, as the State Capitol Gazette, we pre
sume, is riot read by fit persons in the county of
NoriliutnU rl md.
Tl eir happening lo knew something shout tho
getting up of this p er," is truly astonishing. In
th place, where the roprietor of tho "American"
are known, iho " gelling up" and conducting tiiis
paper hu never been lo. ked upon a a mystery,
rheg.-tliiig i p of the Americ m, however, we can
assuia them, has been very Jilfoient from th.- " get
tu g up" of, the "t'sto Capitol Gaz ite, as t ur
receipt will show. Thi thing ol " gating op."
c-pecia ly sfter " g tling U -Jr i," shoulj certainly
not be uch a terrible bug bear to certain eJilors.
A few wetkt inec wepubli-bcd an ex ract from
the, -hewing th t II. rt n and his fritnds
we e in favor of removing the com tv se.t from
-Sui.bury toNorhumberh.n l. Mr. YU'igrnin sa d
il was fube, aa ho had lead that paper and d .1 not
sec i'. Now we ak every I onest man t lot k ai
the Miltoniail pul lished in the Pilh SepiemlM-r
I at, and see w be her we have not staled the truth
and M . Youngrmn an untru h. The pap.'r can
lie seen at our office at any time.
.W.l It T.V VA . B V It E.y .
We publish in this week' paper, an exeellei.t
1. tier from Mr. Van Buren, in answer to a commit
tee of gentlemen of Philadelphia, res; ecti g I. is
opinion of the tariff, the wagra of lakir, cVe. Il will
be s-t n th tt Mr. Van Buren's views are those of a
sound democrat and true friend of hi country
Let every one who is desirou of knowing th
President' opini hi o t l-J important subject,
tcad .he lettc-.
ra!oiiool Etpoictl.
We publi-h below a refutation of one of the hnn
ilred falsehoods contained in th last Milton Ledger.
The Itdger first vo. bally rharged Mr. Donnell
with having made the assertion, then Mr. Hegins,
next in hi paper, nur.ef snd having Iteen ex
posed In thee tttempi at fa'sehood, he now fixes
the charge on Mr. Dew.rt, and givVs Mr. Ptter
Hsuglinwout, reipectaMe citizen of Ruh town
'iip, s the author. M'. Haunhawout rome nut
pu' licly, and ahowt that the Ledger ha uttered
another falsehood. The Ledger ssy :
"Some further evidence. Fi-r the i-specM ed
:fiction of the Siinlinry Lawyers, we stale that
Lewi D.-wart told Mr. Peter Horhwou, of
Rush t.-wn h p, that Gov, Porter hsd written to
Ctrarles W. Hegins urging hnn to become a ran
didate f..r re-election. Dewart also stated to Mr.
H. thst ne wished lo have Hegins returned to the
Legl-lRtiire, became he wanted Hie Union canal
w idened I '
'Rc.M TowvsHte, Sept. 2S, 1840.
-Ms -sns. Msssitn t5t Eisrit Iwi-h to let you
kn w ihal Mr. Die IT nhiich was wrong, in st. ting
in his Ins) Milton ledger, that I had said that Mr.
Dawatt told me that Govcinor Porter had wiitteu
to Mr. Hegins, urging him to become a randolate
f..r re-t lection. Mr. Dew .rt m ver told me any such
thing, and I never aid he hsd. He said thst ha
h.rd understood that the Governor had expressed a
wish thnt Mr. Hegins would eormi back again. Aa
to the Union canal, Mr. D. wait neve ssid anything
to me almul it, and 1 never told you, nor any one
else, that he hid.
C.Uiiht in a falsi hood again, Mr. Dietf.-nbaeh-e r !
Are you tint ashamed of yourself 1 If you are not,
th.tso who hire you ought to be.
The False CHargcs.
Among the many falsehoods that have been puh
li he.! re-pecting the votes of Mr. Hegins in tho
Legislature, are tbo-e in which it is stated that ho
voted for a ic solution to raise the pay of the mem
b. rs lo four dollars a day, and an act lo add to tha
s.laiies of the judge the sum of $100 per year.
To .how iho utter destitution of truth which char
ncteriz'S the rha g s, we publish to day the
secti ms offered on thte eu j. cts, wi;h the yeas
and ways tl ereon. . It will be perceived thai Mr.
Hegins was opprtse 1 to both these acts a id voted
sgainst thi m. His name is recorded among the
str on both questions, as m .y be seen by the, to the r. sp.cuve pnges of which we refer
those who wish tt pur-ne tho exam nation. The
whole list of r. a-ons why Mr. Hegins th utd not
be re electo ', which have been puMished in tho
'L deer" and ''Gazette," ate equally as destitute
if truth, as ill- prominent matters to which we
hsve referred. They are all false and cannot bo
Salaries of the Judges
The Ledger and Sunl.u y Gazette have respec
tively affirmed, that Mr. Hegi a voted to add
$400 to the salaries of the ju.lg . He votko
ao a i a st it, ss the following extract from the
Jou-nul of 18 vol. 1, page 1480, will prove.
The bi I from the Journal, entitled "an act to in
corporate the Easton Iron Company," I cing under
con iilc-ation, Mr. T. S Smith moved to amend
Ihe section by sibling the following words thereto:
"Thot from anil afttr the first day of January
one ibou:ind eight huu.'r. d sntl iliiru-nme, each
of the jutlgesol the Supiem- Court i f this corn
monwe .bh sh ill receive mi addrti n of four hun-d-e.l
dollars Hr annum lo his present a larv, each
of the judge teamed in I lie law of lbs several
eour a of ihe ciry of Philadelphia an increase of
six hundred dollars per annum; etch of Ihe judge
harmd in the law of the several courts in the
county of Allegheny, nn increase ol five hundred
.lollars p r annum, and each of ihe president judges
of the several courts i f comm. m idea wi'hin this
c immonwea'th and tl e president jnr'g. s of ihe dis
trict court composed of iho cnuulies ol Erie, Craw
ford, und enongo, an increase of four hundred dol
lars per annum to their present salaries; so. I
increase to he paid in the same manner iheii present
sul .lies are,
And on tlx question, w II the house agree to to
a men.: 1
The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Rev
nobis and Mr. Hiil of Berks, and aro as follows, viz:
Messrs. Besty, 11 road bend, Bruner, Caratber,
fast I, l'..x, Crahb, J. Cunningham, T. S. Cun
nirigliHin, D Her, Ehrmsn, Field, Funk, Gratz, Hnm
lin, Helll' n-lein, J. H. rr. Hutchin in, Hutcliins,
Kcrulig, Ket lewell, Km'zle, Konijm cher, Lsverty,
Long. M'D.i.vell, M Kinstry.N- ' itt, Peur-ise, Pisy
I'u via .ce, Ittcfitr Json, Kilter, K) an. Sheriff, Sm ill
ol Franklin. 11 It. Smith, T S. S. Siu h, Spatk
man, M' vens, Sturdevsnt, Wut', Way, V ileox,
Zet.m. 45
Messrs. Andi rsnn, Amir. w, Chandler, Colt,
CoolliHiigh, Crtsj iii, Dtre, D mgl is, Evan, Fer-ely,
Flenniken, Goritas. H KG IMS, Hill f Burks Hill,
West'd, Hog.-, Jones, Knrr, Love, Mouteltus, Morti
mer, Morion, Paik, Kamsay, Reynolds, Sclio. ncr.
Shearer, Spr.ilt. Stroht cker, Walhtvn, Woodouru,
Work, Yos', llo, kins, pesker. 3.1."
The name of Mr Hegins is among the nays, sml
thus the f .Isoliood of the charge is made apparent.
Mr. Hegins ha been charged by his opponents
with having voted to raise the wages of the mem
bers of the legislature to roi a dollars a day. Th
news; Bsrrs that pul. bshed tl.esl .n.'cr, Hieroty nrako
t'ie statement, and do not publi-h extracts from this
jou nuts of ihe house, ao it 'o sjiread li e whole pro
ciMiling before the people. The following ia the
b II rb it wa befor th house on the subject, and
Mr. Ilegir voted against it. The act of 1814 te
fetred lo, rai ed ihe wago to fmr dollar per day,
and ihe ret tl 1821 reduced them to three, which i
he price now paid Ut memUr. If lh set of 18il
had be. n resled, and that of 1814 revived, as pro
posed in the fo low ii.g section, the daily tay would
have been raised again lo four dollars. We make
these prt p ratory remarks, that all our readers msy
nnderstmid the quesii- n that was lefore th house.
The S h section of bill No. 338 being bef re the
h u-e, viz: V. I, term 183H-9, pige 848,
ItestJvid, Thai the firt section of an act, rn i sit act r.s'ucing the atlaiies of sundry pubJio
officer-, and ilady py of meni'tera of th
line pawetl January 18 b, A. D. 1821, be, and the
same is hereby repealed, siiJ the said act, to which
this is a supplement, en itbd an act protiJicg fcr