Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 19, 1840, Image 4

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An extract from Mr. leer't laughable Irish
St'jrieg, called radily and the Fox,
They my, at latt afther many year uf ptospei.
ity, Ihnt the oulJ colonel got stricken In years, an J
he begun to have roisgivin's in his conscience (or
his wicked doin's, and hit heart was heavy a the
few of death kem upon htm and, sure enough.
while he had such murnful thought, ihu DiviJ kem
to him, and towld him, he should go with him.
" Wei', to be sure, the ould man was fickencn'-d,
lilt he plucked up his courage and his cuenrs
and towld the Divil, in a bnnthcriu' way, j iking
like, that he had parlic'Iar busiueas thin, that he
was going to a party, and hoped an ould friend
would'nt inconvaynience him that ivway."
" Well," said I, laughing at the put off of going
to a party, " the Divil, of course, would take no
excuse, and caniod him off In a fl h of fire I"
' Oh no, sir," answered the old man, in some
thing of a reproving, or, at least, l (Tended tone,
" that's the finish, I know very well, of many a
story, such as we're talkin' ol, but that's not the
way of this, tvhich is truth etery wrd what I tell
"I keg your pnidon fir tho interruption,'"'
said T.
"No oflince in lie, sir," said the venerable
chronicler, who was now deep in his study and
woulJ nut be stopped.
" Well, sir," continued he, t'.ie Divil said he'd
cull tho next day, and that he must be road, and
sure enough, in the eveniu' he kem to him, and
when the colonel seen him he rcmiuded him of his
bargain, that as long as he could give him some
work he could'nt do, he waa'iit obi. aged to go.
That's lluue,' says the Divil,
" 'I'm glad to see you'ie as good as your word,
any how,' says tho colonel.
" I never bruk lay word yet, says the owld
chap, cocking up his horns consai'.edly, honn
bright,' says he. '
" Well, then, says the coloi el, 1 build me a mill
down there by the river,' says be, and let me have
it finished by to-morrow morniu'.'
" Your will is my pleasure,' fsys tho ould
chap, and awny he wir.t, and the Colonel ihu't he
bad nick'd Ould Niok at laf and went to bed
quite oi(-y in his mind.
" But, jewel maehree, sure the ftrt thing he
heerd. tho next raoinin was thai the whole couri'
thry round was runniu to see a fine bran uiw m il
that was an the liver side where, tho evening Ic
fore, not a thing at all, at all, I ut ruahos was
standin,' and all, of coorse, wonderiu' what broug
it there, and same sayin 'twas not lucky, and
many more throubled in mind, but one and all
agreein' it was not eoodt and that s the very tu II
forninst you, that you were lukiu' afT, and tho stone
that I noticed is a remarkable one a big coig
atone that they say the Divil hinisalf laid fii.
and has the mark of four fingers and a thumb an
to this day.
" But when the colonel heerd it, he was more
throubled than any, of coorse, and began to on-
thriio what else he could think W, to keep himself
out of tho claws of the ould one. Wed, he often
heerd tell that there was one thing the Divil never
could do. and I dare eav vou heerd it too, sirs that
is, that he could'nt mako a rope out of the sand
of the sac ; and so, when tho wild one kem to him
the next day, and said his job was done, and t!at
now the mill was built, hi mutt either tell him
somi thin' else he wanted built, or come uway wii
So the Colonel said it was all over wid
him ; ' but,' says he, I would'nt like to go wi
vou alive ; arid sure it's all the same to you, alive
or dead V
Oh, thnt won't do,' says his fiiond ; I can'
wait no more,' says be.
I don't want you to wait, my dear friend,'
says the colonel; 'all I want is, that you'll be
pleased to kill me before you take mo away.
' With pleasure,' says Ould Nick.
But will you promise me my choice of ilyiu'
one particular way V say the Colonel.
" ' Half a doecn way, if it phae you,' says
" You're mighty obler gin',' says the Colonel ;
and so,' says he, ' I'd rather d e by to in' hanged
with a rope made out of the sands of the sae,' says
he, lookin' mighty knowiu' at the Ould Fellow.
" ' I'vo always one about me,' aiys the Divil,
to obleege my frinds,' says he; and, wi h that ho
pulls out a rope of sand, sure enough.
" Oh, it's game you're mikin',' says the Cole
nol, growin, as white as a sheet.
" The game it mine, sure enough,' says the
ould fellow, grinnin', with a lerrib'e laugh.
" That's not a sand rope at all,' says the
" Isu't it 1' iy the Divil, hitting him arrois the
face with the ind of the rope, and tho sand (fur it
was made of sand sure enough) wim into one i f
his eyes, and made the tears come wiih the pain.
u ' That bates all I ever seen or hef id,' gays the
Colonel, sthrivin' to rally snd make another offer ;
is there any tiling you can't do V
" Nothin' you can tell me,' aays the Divil, so
you may as well lave off puluvcrin', and come
along at wsnst.
" Will you give me one more off r," says the
" You d n't deaarve it,' says the Divil ; ' l u'
I dont care il I do;' for you sen, tir, he was
only play in' wid bint, and tantalum' the oulJ
All fair,' says the colonel, and with that he
sx'd him could he stop a woman's tongue 1"
u Thry ne,' says Ould Niels.
' Well, then,' snys tbe colonel, make my lady's
tongue be quiet for the next month, and I'll thank
She'll never throuble you again,' says Ould
Nick) and wiih that, the Colonel heeid rosriu' ami
cry in", and the door of his room was thrown open,
and in ran bis daughter, ai.d fell down at his
feet, telling bin) her mother had just dropped
The minil the door opened the Divil runs and
ides himself behind a big elbow chair, and the
Colonel was freuked almost out of his siven einscs,
by raison of the sudd, n death of hi poor Inly, let
alone the jeopard he was in himself, sceiu' h w
the Divil had forest alf d him every way l and after I
rnigin bis hell and Collin in hi servants, and rc
. , i , i . ... ..1
lo,Br"1 i'nier out or tier mini, ne wa goin'
awjiy wi n nor oul oi tne room, when the Uivil
caught howld of him by the skirt of the coat, and
the colonel was oMtvged to 1 t his danghtei be
carried out by the servants, aid shut the door
" Well,' sav a the Divil, and lie grinned and
wagged his tail all as oue as a dog when he is
nl.ised what do you sav now 1' rays he.
i nt, .... ik .i..n..i i !.. i . .!.. I
C 9 I. It'll
ii uu.jr uijr Jiuo! nu, BBjr. lie, aiiu I u 8u
with you then, you villain,' says he.
" Don't call names,' says the Divil you hnd
better keep a civil tongue in your head, says he ;
' and it doesn't become a gimlcmcn to forgit good
" V ell, sir, to m.ike a long slory short, the Divil
purtended to let him off. out of kfnJne-s, for three
days, until his wife was buried ; but the raison of il
was t'tis, that when the lady, hi daughter, fainted,
he loosened the clo ties about her throat, snd, in
puling some i f her dhresa awny, he tuk off a goold
chain that was an her neck, and put it in h's poc
ket, and the ch.iin had a diamond crass at it, (the
Loid be praised !) and the Divil daren't touch him
while he had the sign of the crius about him
" Well, the poor colonel, God forgive him, was
grieved for tho loss of his lady, and she bad an id-
gant tVmn, ojtd they say to a when tlae praye s
was reading over the dead, tbe ould colonel took it I
to heo.t liU in. thins-, and the word o' Qok kem
L ." . J . r. , .. .
nome ro ni poor siniui sowi ai i
" ell, sir, to make a long story mori, me n.u
iv it was, that for threo days o' grace that was I
given to htm, the p.ior deluded ould sinner did
nothin' at all but read the Biblo f m morning till 1
nighl, and bit or sup didn't pass bis tips ail ti e
time, he was so intuit upon the book, but sat up in
so ould loom in the far ind of the huus', and bid
no one disturb hun on no account, and struv to
m ike his heart bould with tho words iv l.fe ; and
sure il was s imuhiug slringlhoncd him at Ian', tho'
a the time drew nigh that theirwmjr was to come,
he didn't feel aisy, aud no worldlier I and by dad,
the three was part aud gone in no time, and the
a ry goes, that ut the, dead hour o' the night,
when the poor sinner was roailin' away a last as he
coulJ, my jew'l, his heart jumped up Ij his mouth
at g. tlin' a tap on the shouldlier,
" Ob, tnuriher !' says he, who's there V for he
was afraid to look up.
" ' It's me,' says the ould one, and he stood right
forninst him, anj his eyes like coals o' lire,
lonkiii' him through, and he sa'd, with a voice
thht a'mcat split his ould heart, ' Come,' says
" ' Another day,' cried the poor color.ol.
" ' Not another hour,' said Sat'n.
" 'Half an hour V
" Not a quaither,' says'lhe Divil. grim. In' with
a bitter laugh give over your read in', I bid you,'
says he, ' and come away wid me.'
" Only gi' mo a few minute,' says he.
" Lave off your palaverin', you aneakin' ould
sinner,' says Sat'n ; you know you'ie bought anJ
sowld to me, and a purty be' gain I have t you,
you ould ba te,' say he, ' so come along at wanst,'
and he put out hi claw to kttch hiiu ; but th
Colonel tuk a fast hcul o' the Bible, snd Im gged
hard that he'd let him alone, and wouldu't harm
him anlil tho bit o' candle that w. a just bliiikiu' iu I
the s.icket U fore him, waa burned oul.
" Well have it so, you dirty coward,' said Ould
Nick, and with that he spit an him.
' But the poor ould Cnlonel didn't lose a minit,
(for he was cunnin' to the ind,) but snatched the
t.tle tasle o' candle that was forninst him, out o'
I ho candlestick, and, puttiu' it an the holy book be
foie bim, he i-hut down the cover au it, and
quinched the light. Wid tlxt tbe Divil gave a
roar like a bull, and vanished like a flash of fire,
and the poor colonel fainted away iu hi chair ; but
the servant heerd the noise, (for the Divil tore aif
the roof o' the house when he he left it) and run
into the room, and brought their master to himself
agin. And from that diy out he wa an allhernd
man, and u-mj ! to have the Bible read to him every
day, for lie c-u.d nt read lumstii any more, by rai-
son of losin' bur eyesight, when the Divil hit bim
with the inpe of sail J in the face, and sfiher spit an
him; for the sand wiut iulo one eye, and he lost
tho other that a-way, avin' your presence.
So you sec, sir, ad her all, the Colonel, under
Heavon, was too able far the Divil, and by rcadiu'
the good book, bis son 1 wa saved, and (glory be to
God !) it't luU mighty improvin f"
ui(r,unui l Aivr. aui itt, mat we nave
applied to tbo Court of Common Pleas of North
umberland county tor the beueGt of thelsw made
for the relief of insolvent deMor; and that the
Judges of the said Court have appointed tbe first
Monday of November next, to bear us ai d our
creditors at the Court House in Sunbury, when
and where you may attend if yoo think oer.
Sunbuiy, September 12, 1840.
THE undersigned have the gratification of in
forming the public, that notwithstanding tliey were
so unfortunate as to have their bindery burnt down,
in March last, they have opened a very extensive
one, ui Locust street, in the new building directly
opposite Gleim's Hotel, snd are prepari d lo execute
all work in their line with di spatcli, and in a su
peiior style. Their RULINO APPARATUS
and other Machinery are new, and of the Srst on!r
and latest improvi meiit : slid they feel a confi
dence in their facilities for giving iierfect satbfac-
tion tu all ho mty isvor them with their orders.
Bank, County offices, Merchant, Mechanic
and otters, can be aupplted with BLNNK BOOKS
of every description, which for neatness and dura
bility, will be equal to any made by the United
H.WUtJBUKfi, Kejr..
f.av m...m. u..! l .j i . ..
ALL ACCOUNTS remaining In my booka
previous to the first of Aptil 1840, will be left in
the hands of a Justice of the Peace for eo lection.
N. B. Grain of all kinds will be taken on old
Be pi. 18, IR40. tr.
'" 1
UHOCKniES.k frosh f Croceiies
just rec. ived and lor site ly
8ept 12, 1840. tf.
r,MqVOItS.. fresh sui ply of Brandy, Gin,
Port, l.i-bon, Tot eiiff', Madeira and Phcrry Wines,
just received and for sale by
Sept. 12. 1840. if.
I-.VJ,-A new artoriment ot 7-8
.i Q . .... ;. .: .:.,! ,.i r...
laiiu u-y jaiu muu iviumiiit J v' siis'u nuv4 ivi
Popf. 12, 1810 tf.
CILtCOES. -A new afsoitmcnt of Calicoes
just received and for sale by
Sept. 13, 1840 If.
1IIO.V A good assortment of Bar Iron. lul
rrceivru ami ror sale iy
Sep'. 12, 1810. tf.
WAT.-850 barrels and sacks of Bait, just
received sn.i lor sale by
Sep'. 12, 1840. If.
Ct,HtiV. General assortment of Cloths
and Cassiineie, constant y on hnnd nt the-tre of
Sept. 13, 1810. if.
l UVB. VOU.V and all other
k'nds of (iuiin and Seed will be t'ikcu at the high
4 F'0- ' ntbangc for g io ta m Uie store ol
j lg-l0j-f
MACKEREL- A few h.vrets ofM ckerol for
s' at ,,,w Pr re hJ
IRISH SALMON. Of the best outlay, con.
aiauily on band aud lor sale by
11. B. MASSE K,
Sept. 12, 1840.
MADEIRA WINE. Ftist quality Ma.'icrs
W me, tot solo low ly
II. U. .MASJiLlt,
Sept. 12, 180.
geUU Uf
article always on baud and for sale by
II. a. MASstlv
Sept. 12, 1840"
HOLLAND GIN, Of the best quality ulw
on hand and fur sale by
Sept. 12, 1S10.
SUGAR. Always on
hand and for sale by
apt. 12, 1640.
rior quality, for sale by
Sept. 12, 18 in.
LASSES. Ol the tl quality alwsys on hand
ai.d for sale by -,
il. U. M ASSEKK,
Sept. 12, 1810.
BROWN SUGAR. Of a go l qu ditv. for
low by H. B. MASSE K.
Sept 12, 1840.
LIQUORS Of all kin I and of the bl quali
ties, always ou baud aud for Mile by
S-pt. 12, 1840.
quality always on baud aud for sale by
Sept. 12, 1840.
COFFLE. Java, Hio and Laauira Cotf e, con-
staut'y on hand and for sule by
11. B. MASSEK.
Sept. 12, 1840.
SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained
H(rm Oil, of the lest quality, always onharij ai,d
fur sale by H. U, MAssEK.
Sept 12, 1840.
STEEL. Cast aud Uli lei Steel, f.r sale by
Sept. 12, 1840.
SPRING STEEL. Of vadou ue for Elii-lie
Springs fur sale by
11. 11. MASSEK.
Sept. 12,1810.
I very reduced prices by
Sept. 12, 1840.
BLANK BOOKS. Of all kin.!, f.r sale by
11. If. MASSER.
Sept. 12, 1840.
BLANK DEEDS. Bonds, MortKnw, &c. for
-elely H. B. MAdSER,
Sept. 12. 1840.
JUSTICES' BLANKS for s.le by
Sept. 12, 1840.
CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green. Azc.
for sule by U. B. M SSER,
Sept 12, 1840.
sal very low by 11. B. MASSER.
S.ri. U. M40.
CARPETING. Eor .ale cheap by
11. B. MASSER.
Sept. 12, 1840.
BLANKETS For sale cheap by
H. B. MA84ER,
Sept. 12, 1840.
September It, 4810.
For uto by H. B- MAssEK.
September 12, 1840.
by H. B. MASSER.
Scp'ember 12, 1810
For aale by II. B. MASSER.
Septewber 12,1810.
Works of Aaliirc.
IN a stite of health the intestinal cantl may
compareil to a river whose w.itc.a flow over tho ad
orning land, throitcli the clnnncls nature or art
has made, and improves their qualities and to kei p
up tne comparison ol the river, so long ss it tuns
on smo itlily the channels are kept puro and healthy;
but if by some caue the courxe of the river is stop.
pei', tiien tlie water in theeatinlsis ne Inngirpure,
lut toon becomes Megnnnt. I here is hut one law
f circulation in nam e. hi n thero is a surier-
aliuuduiicc of luimurial fluid (strocily) in tho inte
tinal tuhis, and takee place, il 0 ws
back into the blool tesi-els, and infiliratcs itself in
to the circulation. To establish the free course of
tho river, we must remove the ol slrurtions which
stop its free coure, snd tho e of its tributary stream.
vvun the body, follow the same natural principal
remove, by thnt valunble purgative medicine Jiran
diet ft j Univertal Vegetable 1'ilU, which are an ef
fiCtual assist nice of nature, the superabundance of
humors in tbe intestine runal. II y per cvering in
this practice, the ways of the circulation will then
be lo.-lorrd to the full exercise of their natural func
tions, and a stato of health wi l be fiimly eatnblish
cd Remember, never tuller a drop of LlooJ to be
taken from you Evaruate tho humors ts often
snd as long as they are degenerated, or as locg ss
you are sick.
Dr. Ilramlreth's Office in Philadelphia, is at No.
8, NOKI'ii EIGHTH street, where his pills can bo
liau at vo cents per box, wiih full directions.
tXJH inly ajcnl in Sunbury, is H. U. Manser Esqr.
duntiuty, Sept, V, 181U.
C'crl 2(1 cafes of Agency.
THE following; are the duly appointed airenls in
their rcsportivo counties, for the sale of BrandrtihU
I egttutile universal I'lllt.
Norihumbeilai.d county : Milton Mackey &
Clnmlieilip. Sun'.iury H. B. Masner. M'Eweus-
ville Gedib s, Green fc Wsl!. Georgotown F.
MiUlmg.-r Ol Uo.
tJnion county : Lowisburg W .lls A Gedde.
MifHinburg Pellinan & Beckly. New Berlin
John M. Benfer. Seliuae;rove Eyie 4. Co. Mid-
dlebuig Isaac Sruiih,
Lycoming county : Williamsport John Smith
Newb. rry M. Sc J. C. Funxton. Muncy W. A.
Peiriean. Jersey hore James H. H 'i burn.
tolumliis county : Dunvllle T. A E. B. Rey
nolds, uauawuwa VJ. A. llrobts. Uirwick Hhu-
man St R.tteuhouse. Blooinsburg- John R. Meyer.
ounuury, oept. v, IMO,
CJcorffc XV. LiAjiiff,
Chfssct 9-raKiT Wntxr, IlAanrsacao,
IS prrpared to receive G.khIs and Piculuee at the
new wmeh use, which his arrangements will ena
ble hinl to forward with d.-apa'ch to Philadelphia
Piltitiurg, Witliamsport, Wiikcsbirre. Columbia
Lanrai-ter. i.r any oiher point on the Pennaylvinis
and Union ianal', and tbe rennylvarua and Hap
rtshurg and Lancaster tail roail.
G od from Philadelphia fo. Harrisbu'ir. Carlisle,
t hambirsburg, kc. Vc, forwarded wiih care aud
Coil, Piastxb, Salt and Pun, constantly for
eala. Sejit 9.
Trnntiportation Line
WttrehuuK fu4 of Chrtnut Street on the Ftnm
nyhania CunaL
A BOAT leave the wharf of the subscriber eve
ry moinieg at 8 o clock, running through In Balti
more in thru days. Consignments ol produce.
iron, ckc, will receive a despatch by this line, which
has not hitherto been quailed by any other. Rale
of freight as low as by auy other regular lino.
Kef retires :
.jj Baltimore.
G.kxI intended for Pittsburg, or any noint on
the Pennsylvania Canals, will be shipind without
del iy on their arrival at Ilarrisburu, us this con-
lulls Willi the North American line of Poitablo
Boats to I'illshurj daily, and wiih the Suqu ban.
na Packet Line to Northumberland, W illiamsport,
Wilktsbarie, aud all inti-roie.listn places.
Harrinburg, S. pt. 0, 1840.
or TRS
tsiTKD at eii'ao a. skith.
THIS Journal was estahliahetl hv the American
Silk Society, for the purpose of dilTuring pruciical
information on the ci ltcbi er silk in 'he United
States. It has now been published one year, and
may be considered a work of standard chsracier.
Tho first year's publication, c.mipiinng the first
volume, conlaines a m-is.of valuable inloimsiion,
and it will tie the ol j. cl of the editor lo make
the second equal in all respets, if not superior, lo
the first. The imjiortanl fuel is now eta' lishrd be
yond any question, that the people ol the United
St ates can make silk rattrsa and aiTTte than
any other nation Uxn earth. It has been proved
by unimpeachable, test mony, thai the entire cost
nf producing silk ready far ma ket, doe not exceed
rou.iD, and its lowest value is roc a dollabs asb
rirrr cists; slao, that oai acbk of ground plant
ed in mora tnulticanlH, will ptinfuce the fi st year
the trees are planted, rorar i-trnu r rnriids or
silk, leaving a clear profit lo the producer of ox a
Mi'NiiMr.n akii kioht diillaks ! Il has also licen
proved that the ehihlfn ami femalei nf any faring'
f milv can, with the greate t poisiUi- eae, produee
fr-iui fitly to a hundred p uuds uf silk every vo ir,
without any cost whatever to the expenses of the
farm af'cr iho tree are rented; and then fore, that
the wbo'e amount of silk will be so much clear g .in,
siy from $225 lo $4M). With these fact we sub
ra t to an itilell gent people wether it i not a gr at
and iinportnnt object lor ttieni to introduce the cu!
lure of ilk iu every farmer' family in the Union.
To i nable all our farmers t-t make si k. the 'Jut-a-
i er Tea AnkaiCAa Silk Sacixyi' wasistib.
lislie.l; it e 'Plains j lain piactical diructioua for f i l
tivtii run tbiis, ni.iinu snd iabivu silk
wobws, aitLMo Tis silk, ajiu prep in rg il for
runiKni, cvc. laesiiies all o.iKr ml irumtiou that can
be r qu'red to euable any person lo enter upon 'he
business, either on a laruu or small scale Eerv
Irieiid i'f his country, i' lo wh 'se hand this paper
may tall, mil be b lug a patriot and phlbin;hr ipisl
work t y inducing hi In nils and neiglilKiurs to en
ter their names upon Ihe ltl of suhcrihcrs.
'1 he Journal ef ihe Amencaii SiK'iety i published
mantVy, in pa npblel form ; each uuiiibor contains
thii'y two octavo ages, punted ou n w type sud
nauusome patier, wi ta apriuted colored Cover.
'l'ia : Two dollars a year, or six copies fir
tn iloila's, a' ways to be paid before the work is
sent. All subscrHitioi-a te l tu with tbe fust num
ber of theyear, and in no case will the work be sent
lo any subscriber longer than it thull have Urn
pud I r
(T7Nxw si'ssraiBKh. who take the fust and
second volumes, will be churgid only Tuhli Dol-
Li a fortM rwo jTcm,
Whsii we fust purchased the old an well
known cstohhshment of t e
Salurtlay IH cuIn? Post,
we sla edlhat the paier circulated so widely
mong the tudy, reading portion of ihe United
ith full
KlillPS. thnt WA ulprn.l lllinn amp li.l. ir. vilS T..II
a , , .. : ; . ' " "
confid. nc? of tho future. Our euccrss has since
aeon beyond our most sanguine expectation, as our
weekly receipts overbalance those of any cotcnipo.
rary aprr. uur list has continued to swell up,
wnn unexampled rapidity, and we have Ihe eonfi.
denco, that at Ihe present rate of increase, we shall
S nVm . I ,-i i tU b0J,t rf mo,e ,h ,n
35,000 sulriber.l When we commenced our
lab ,rs, we announced distinctly, that the tone of the
paH-r should be dec.dc.lly moral, and that nothing
shou .d be sdai lled into our columns, which the
mosi las muous lamer couiu eisapprove ol. and d-
term ned that as an approved Family Paper, it
should not contain a paragraph, with ihe'.pir.l of
....... . ,,..,. wu.u i no. wi... o uauguier
familiar, and we therefore, wRh this view, aunoun-
ceil mat no tneotrical notices should appear in our
"-v ' l'l"'"u. ,w
as mings caicu.aicu to injure tue Ueullliy action of
an honest mind. ss rrcnliHA nf ihiliii..n. I
.. . . . , ; , , " 1
ralian.g m tendency, and foarfully pernicious in
su, m vs. uvs nMiuiia ut 1431FII. 1 1. WOO I
a v ...' I
g.riT'JP" . ! 01 ?IVMT '.nJ. UrtJOer. u. uow,,,. ., uUl we mrew
pott, and we have been nobly sustained.
... , . .. . 1U1 ,ur
notiiy su. a.nea.
rpressid the opinion, that
lU'ght lie upon this subject,
Wo thought and expr
however careless many ium
Ihnl l.r .n If II, .W il,. I t,..l A..lw..l.. . i
...... v.-.. .. .... ..... u..(T,u.r
... ,vu ... ...uui. U..HIK me
7i 7 Z n. . i v "".T , "
"",:. ", " '
euloHy all kind of eli-racter. made to
w , ii .i, . v , .
. w.,..r ,ue p.prr con-
ko..Mo., o.iou.u ue Mricny neu-
tra n poiincss anu m.t a. new. ami lite.a.y jour-
......... whu me miner; mis
ucu-mi. ... ... u... ru ....coy ana rigiuiy aunered
in, aud wraite . snail continue to give our reiders
uiu puui.t uoloui. ... u na.y m ueemeo 01 inie-
resi io an, auu sucn a ni-tory oi ine proKreas ol
poiiuc.i evenw. a are strictly in seeping wun our
duty, and the character of the pnix r, we shall slu
diously and 'hroughly avoid any contaiuiualiou of
parnt n politic
The p iper i now printed in a new and beauti
ful type, has received the praise nf many rdilorsof
tuste, as 'the nandHOiue-t taindy sheet in th Union.
Our ctfirts have lin directed to the combining
ut beauty and simplicity Willi utility and la-te.
The Post ia printed on a stout wh le paper, rele
dering it neat and durable lor tiling.
In addition to tfl"urts toward perfection in
ine mecnanicai uepartnieni, anu exienor ol our pa-
per, no labor, and no cost been spared in the de-
velopement ol intellectual strength. The present
vaiiety ol lutein nig tales, original, from foreign
and douiesiic rasgsxines, tog. ther with the v.dua-
ble contributions of our own circle of literary
friends win ...:;. UI '. ZlVt Vl'-QZiii tue paper,
while tverytbiug imporlaut aud worthy ol uole that
napni'ns in tbe U.d World or tne Xew, shall b
caillected snd cel!ated for the taste of our rea-
The Ladies UepHrtment shall always be choice
and slecl, and shall receive strict attention, while
such thins; as may interest our juvenile readers,
snd that irapoitant and large rlaa uf our readers,
the Fanner will not be overlooked. In order to
gratify, as much us possible, the Isudible desire of
our coumry rcwics, a pomon or our aticnilon win
be devoted to t. s cullecii. n and diffusion of such
News, Memoranda, Tables, Facts, Hint, dee. as
may seem iraiioriaiii io agncuiiurists, and tne pop-
ulslion resident without ihe confine of our great
cities J he state ol tbe niirkets and the nuctua-
tious in the price', will bo regularly aud what is of
more moment, correctly given.
We have evrr been opposed to the conctant
bluster and parade made by some editors, about
the excellence of their papera, and havo resolved
mat tne -aiu'u y evening rosi, ahati ue conduct-
ed, as to speak f.r il.elf.
Our re ultra Mill always fi d in its columns tbe
earliest aad mcl authen ie information, r well as
the most choice aud entertaining literary m uter.
We hrve totally discarded the system ol filling the
pnper ph quack adverln-emeut-i, but prefer ating
our re , den from week to week, eutertuining read
ing matter.
And we f el asi-ured that we shsll be no losers
thereby, as but few reader care ubout having a pi, er
filled with descriptions oi the nauseating com
The Salunlay Keening Pus, will be furnished
for $2 per annum in ad nee, or one copy three
year for $5. To those who wish to subscribe for
a rnnaiieipnia Magazine, we win turnisli a copy
of the Philadelphia Ca ket. and two conies of the
I ism lor one year ior pa iree oi pastage and dis-
r - ' ...
No New Subscriber received without the
To lhoo who wish to subsenbe. we would say,
that the safest plan is to enclose the money in a
letter and direct io us. Most postmasters will
frsnk their letters if relating to nothing but the
business of the office, and all poatmisters who will
be kind enough so to do, we shall be pleased to ac-
knowledge ss agen'a.
No 38 Caiier' galley, Philadelphia,
THE largest handsonvat and cheeriest ne vsps
per tn the United States. Ed led by Pttrk Benin-
min. Kjrs Surgrnt and John Srnl, and publi-bed
in .New ork every falurdsy, by J. VV nil liesler
No. 23 Annstieet; three dollrss a yesr in ad
The New Wor'd was commenced in Oclolier
1839, and ha. obtained s circulation of 20,0011. It
contains the be-1 specimen of 'ui literal ire of
Eurqie and America, having bilhrrto given the fir t
editions of Ihe wo; of distinguished Eni;l ah
writers such a Bulwer, Box, Knowtes, Moore,
TslfoutJ, Mis Milfird, Nr., M.rryuli,
U Ureali, Amsworth, Ac, ami original communi
rati ns fr. in the best Native Writers, among which
are th 'ae of Dewey, Biyanl, Loncf' llow, Holmes,
Ac, all of which ha been done without infringing
upon us charac'ot as a complete auu compruhen
sive newspaper.
'Tub Niw Woai.n is stieriallv valuihle in the
country from its affording to intellgent readers the
lieat anJ newtut woik at the lowest p aibie price.
A woik whith co-l in England a Guinea and
here more than One Dollar in book form is given
in a number ofth.' New World fir six cents.
For Titaii dollars ca h subscriber is sure to ob
tain reading which in England Three Hun
died Dollars, b-io Amer.ean piJctioni, News,
and a great amount ol Editorial matter.
Qlj' All Postmasters, who will d l so, are request
ed to act as agent for the Nt w Wo Lit, and re
lain a commission of 50 cent on each subscriber,
foi their services.
Club of Enviw pucors, who at
one lime, in current money, $23, free of postage,
will nceiveesch a copy one year.
Letter mu-l be aJdrtsred la the publisher, and,
on h's jxtetpai, will not be tajfen ban) the office.
The-Ili-olhrr .lAn.tfh,..
THE largist and mou beautiful newspaper in the
wo. larger by niiy squire inches thsn any
other newspaper in the United Stain. Published
Saturdays, at 1G2 Nassau street. Nw V.,,1.
i rice mrce uoiiars a year two copies for five dol-
fTj The prnprietois of this msmmmb
the "Great Western" amona the,i.r
have the phiasuie of s.reaJing In-fore the reading
public a we kly periodical containing a greater a
.uoiiii T.onijr prriuoicai coniaining a greule
mount and varietv of useful .! .:..T1
celh.iiy, than is to be found in ar.v.imil.r mild,
mg mis-
tion in tbe world.
Each numl;r of the r.aner contsin. .. l -
mmmt ..r .A.,lin ,.nr . r.....i .
of ordinary duodecimo, which cost 2.n.l n..
,hn contained in a volume of Irving's Colum-
bus or Bancroft History of America, which ci It
f3 a volume-and all for Thre Ilil . . ..... rI
f 6 two coi-io will he forwaided one year, or one
copy two year.
since the publication of out original broapecfus
ihn Hr..n..r i.ih.r, k.. i mi a I
iu site, amply before, has been so much inrre.,t
mat much more than the former qtunlity of the
most iiiie .t,nK literature of the d..v is en.brnrp.t in
it. immense cepasity. Selections from all the m ist
prominent and celebrated writers of the dav assist
in awcllina its contents: and h.i..., i. .:u
i , . - . . " i.u,
ur raie, rs lmeuiaieiy irausierreu to Its Columns. All
tho contributions lo periodical, of American writea
til fl'DlltA antuiat in llsl n.itfA m - .1 .L.-.! a-..
"r" "IT"" xr-RWa, nmu lIlBIMtUPS lil lilfl
foreign pres. are laid under contnbutions. as soon
received in this country. T0 the miscellaneous
paiu; and in all the selections and original eontrih,.
lio .lrit t.i6 ig Jl;vol(.j t0 Mi)jJ h
touck upon the opinion of any party in relgion or
phlirs. 'fa- 8..or
Lxriance naving taught us that we had mark-
- . ...
ed oul a pam for ourselves, in which all s..ris of
l-eopie delists to k.llow, the Brother Jonathan
sliall continue, a it begun, to be a bold, gentlo.
w.Lh.y, light,, merry, serious, witty, smooth,
dashing, interesng, inspired, and incomparable
ewsH,,r. It shall be a stupendous minor whet
. ihe world Will stnnn rvfiVctcd. It shs.ll eon.
uin ihr m,, teMiM of Novels, Romance, and
Stones for both sexes Fairy Tales for lover of
ihe marveU Us Leaends for Pssoul.
nados for wit mong. r-Nurs and raisins for short-
winded readcre-Serenailes for musical lovers Son.
,., for Ladius Sentiment for rid bachelor Sta- for pl,ticians and Lectures. S.rmons. tlrii
cisms, epigr ,rai. &c.. &c cVc , fr all the world.
Letter should lie add.esaed to
Publithert of the " Brother Jonathan," N. Y.
NINETY-SIX panes of leading rnrter. bv au.
mors wnose name aimid among the foremost in
thebiersry ranks of our country, a follow:
htamxt. Miss Mary W. Hale. Pr.ifeasnr
Waller, Mrs. Holland, Mr. Sigournev. Mrs. Hsla.
I '". r. CIUL,
Potts. Miss Mary R. Mitford, Miis C. H. Wa-
t. rmun, Eliza Katie, Miss H. F. Gould. Mrs. Si-
gouMiey. Mrs. t. S. OsroikI, Mrs, C. Baron Wil-
eon. Win. Cutter, Jame T, Field, Isaac C. Rsy,
I J. SJDuaolle, James Montgomery, Miss Juliet H.
I Lewis. Miss A. U. W oiMiliridge.
I novelists. M. . Her: ert, f rolessor Ingraham,
Kichard I'enn Smith, vv. Landor.
Writers of Tulra. Mrs. Seha Smith, Mrs. Em-
ma C. Embury, Mrs. Caroline L. Hentx, Mrs. Ma-
I ry H. Parsons. Miss A. M. r. Buchanan, Mrs. H.
I Beecher Stowo, Mr. M. Si. Leon Loud, Seba
I Smith.
I Of the above eminent writers, celebrated in our
own, and moat of them well known in other coun-
tries, each have had an article either in the January
I or renruary numocr oi me u.hik. it is unneees-
I ary for us to say that no such array of names can
I be shown by any oilier magaxine in this country,
I oi any paice.
We give three times as many emlt llishmcnts as
any other mag .zuie, and each plate is eooal. if not
I surior to the one of sny coternporary, and yet the
I price of the m igazine i not increased. Our edi
I linn is immense, therefore we are enabled to go to
I a greater expmse than any other publisher. A
I belter return may therefore be expected for the pi ice
I poiu ior sunscr p'lon.
I In the two numbers just published we have gi-
I veil four l ines of t a-lilons, coi.taining eleven Fi-
I gu'es. One beautiful pecimen of Lace work.
I one spt, nd.d Steel Plaie Ixyond compare, the best
I In e engraving ever published in an American Ma-
I gazine. A new embleuiattcal cover.
In addition to our usual well arranged embellish
ment, wc always put lish steel title page twice a
The whole amount of eng'avings and emhcllish-
ments of various k'nds that the book contains, or
will contain this year, niy be estimated at'abcut
A new acnes of papera nf great value has been
lately commenced by Mr Hate. "The Domestic
Department." 'This during the year will compote
Rr'' amount of usual matter
I L' . . : . . I . I : .. L. 1
I ru n'!"1' "l i1""'. yw" iihr c uuwrve some
I cre.iit; we nave been the nrsi to tivo to an Ame.
rican public oiiginal articli s from the pens of Mary
Kussel Mitrord, author of "Uur lllag. " Mr. C.
waron v non. euuor oi i.on ion i,a utile Assem-
''lee, Mr. Hiflland, author ol several useful aud
valuable works; James Mon'gomery, euthor of
'Oainip'eeiice of Ihe Deity," cVc ; Thomas Mihor,
author of r uir Rosa nond and R tyston G wcr ;
Ebeneez r Elliott, auth r of Corn Law Rhyme,
NN'e do not ptrtieu'srly mention these names be-
cause tney a.l date Horn London oar object only
" t'l wheie there sro good sniclo to be
had, there wil we apply. No author of any repu-
lation in
in our owu country nas ever sought admis--The
B.iok" in an.
sion to '
Godey'a La '.v's Book i furnished at f3 per an
num, l U.0 money invariably to be received be fore a
eiojr'e number i sent. 'Tho f. It iwiog sy.t'm of
clubbing may answer ihe purpoie of many wishing
to subsciibe,
Walter Scott'a N ivel and Lady's Book, ona
7ear, .... 10
Maryatt's Novels, and I.ady'a Book, ona
year, &
Mia Austin's Novels, and Lady's Book, cne
year, - . - - 5
Lady B easington' Novels, snd Lady's Book,
one ) ear. . 5
Pickwick Papera, dec, and LaJs Book,
one ye ir, . . . J
Mies Leslie's Coekt ry, and Laily's Book, one
year, - - - S
To copies Lady's Book, one year, 5
All oijctt io be addressed lo
211 Chentit i-treet, Philadelphia.
N. B. Tbe public will leae becaieful of tra.
veiling imp iter.
uments fact and other us. ful inf il ustra
live nt the history an I resource of the American
Union, and of each Stale ; embracing commerce,
msuufaetuie', agriculture, inti rnal iinprovemenU,
banks, currency, fi lanrea, (ddca'.iou, A. -. Ac. Edi
ted by S amuel 1 1 tan!.
Pubii hed every Wednesday, at 79 D.k k afreet.
The price lo subscriber is if 5 per annum, payable
on the first of J ito uv nf eicb year. No suWrip.
lion roceived for less th.n a year. Suhecvibera out
of the jarinejpal ctira lo pey ia advance.